FRANK C. WORRELL 3278 Ramona Street School Psychology Program Pinole, CA 94564-1228 Graduate School of Education, MC 1670 Hm: (510) 223-5313 2121 Berkeley Way Wk: (510) 643-4891 4th Floor Admin: (510) 642-4202 The University of California Em:
[email protected] Berkeley, CA 94720 ORCID ID: DEGREES Ph.D., Education (Educational & School Psychology), University of California, Berkeley, 1994 M.A., Educational Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 1987 B.A. (Hons), Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 1985 CERTIFICATIONS California Pupil Personnel Services Credential, University of California, Berkeley, 1991 – present California School Psychology Credential, University of California, Berkeley, 1993 – present Pennsylvania School Psychology Certificate, The Pennsylvania State University, 1995 – 2003 Licensed Psychologist (PA Lic #PS-008390-L), 1996 – present CURRENT APPOINTMENTS Professor, School Psychology, Graduate School of Education, UC Berkeley, 2007 – present Director, School Psychology Program, UC Berkeley, 2004 – present Faculty Director, Academic Talent Development Program, UC Berkeley, 2004 – present Faculty Director, California College Preparatory Academy, 2007 – 2011, 2012 – 2021 Affiliate Professor, Social and Personality Program, Psychology Department, UC Berkeley, 2011 – RESEARCH INTERESTS Academic Talent Development African American Education Education in the English-Speaking Caribbean Education of At-Risk Youth Ethnic and Racial