Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans, Leather, and Queer Community Seasonal • Winter 2018 free copy Community Heroes Then & Now In this issue we wrap up our look at some of our most respected Community Heroes, including DJ Blackcat, Salah Bachir, and Martha Chaves t: 905-886-5787 or t: 416-222-2424 A wide selection of natural stone and precast concrete products Main Office & Yard: 8081 Woodbine Ave. SE Corner Woodbine/407 We Follow us on Follow us on Office & Yard: 125 Langstaff Rd E., SE Corner Yonge/Hwy 7-407 Deliver! Manufacturing Plant: 12350 Keele St., Maple @BVSLimited beavervalleystone Date: Nov 13, 2018 Filename_ Version# 2474_BV_Inspire Media AD pink pages w5.25xh1.75_CLR_2 Client: BEAVER VALLEY Built By: Desc: Artist: MC Supplier: Acct. Mgr: 647-283-1093 Trim: 5.25"W x1.75"H # Colours: 4C Safety/Live: 0" x 0"
[email protected] File Built at: 100% (1:1) PMS PMS See us on FB, Twitter and Youtube 4 winterplay! 2018 Community Heroes From the Publisher I don’t know about you, but I’m always inspired I am proud of the work our writers, lead by our by others. The stories of people doing inspiring Editor-in-Chief, did over the four editions of your and important work, leading the charge for change, loved mag. We began with Rev. Brent Hawkes, or just living their authentic lives. This is what a spiritual and community leader whose courage brightens up my day, and lights some fire beneath has inspired the world. Our summer cover featured my butt to work on being the best version of me Krystin Wong-Tam, a politician who’s been that I can be.