The Trinity Review, May 1941
Trinity College Trinity College Digital Repository Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, Trinity Review (1939 - 1980) Catalogs, etc.) 5-1-1941 The Trinity Review, May 1941 Trinity College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Trinity College, "The Trinity Review, May 1941 " (1941). Trinity Review (1939 - 1980). 6. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, Catalogs, etc.) at Trinity College Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Trinity Review (1939 - 1980) by an authorized administrator of Trinity College Digital Repository. ~ I"'T CCL ,.; · r-: :!' • ..:..; t.:..: • v ~ o· I MAY 2 ·~ 1941 wrr l1l !l ~ riJ! w TRINITY COLLEGE HARTFORD MAY • 1941 VoL. III ---- No.2 Vinum Daemonum THE TRINITY REVIEW PuBLISHED TwicE A YEAR BY THE TRINITY LITERARY CLUB VoL. III MAY. 1941 No.2 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Marshall Nead, '41 AssociATE EmToR Charles B. Goodrich, '41 EDITORIAL BoARD Raymond Cunningham, Jr., '43 Roderick J. Murray, '42 William B. Dexter, '41 Ernest N. Dickinson, '41 John W. Harris, '41 George Tracy, '43 H. Stanley Knowles, '43 William B. VanWyck, '41 ELECTIONS The following members of the Board were recently elected to the offices designated: EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: H. STANLEY KNOWLES, '43 AssociATE EDITOR: RAYMOND CUNNINGHAM, JR., '43 -THE EDITOR [4] TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Frontispiece Elections 4 Preface- MoRsE ALLEN 6 Editorial 7 Initiation- ERNEST N. DicKINSON, '41 and PRoSPERO DEBONA, '41 8 Totalitarianism in the Cosmos- RAYMOND CuNNINGHAM, JR., '43 23 The Mongoose of Shalott- JoHN K.
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