

This Jewish storefront was vandalised during in , , -10, 1938. ( Collection)

1933 1935 1938 1939 1940 1941-1942

January 30, 1933 1935 , 1938 November 9-10, 1938 , 1939 May 20, 1940 June 1941 to is appointed The Law for the Protection of Nazis force to register Kristallnacht: A wave of Invasion of : Germany The Auschwitz concentration camp Following the German invasion of the of Germany. German Blood and Honour their assets, a first step toward state-organised attacks attacks Poland and World II opens in Poland. It will , four and the German total exclusion from the target Jewish businesses, begins. By the end of the month, eventually become a mixed camp (mobile killing units) 1 February 28, 1933 Law are passed. Known German economy. , Poland is divided between (concentration and camp) million Jews. Using the (German as the “ Laws”, across Germany and . Germany and the USSR. Jews where nearly 1 million Jews are parliament) as pretext, Hitler they prohibit and , 1938 Jews are forced to pay fines on the German side are almost murdered. issues emergency decrees sexual relationships between Jewish doctors are forbidden of over one billion German immediately subjected to anti- that mark the end of all basic and Jews and state to treat ‘’ patients marks. Jewish measures. freedoms, including freedom of that only persons of “German speech, press, assembly and or related blood” can be , 1938 , 1938 , 1939 citizens. protection from arbitrary arrest. Any Jew whose name does The German Ministry of The first Jewish in Poland not clearly identify him or her Education expels all Jewish is established in the town of March 23, 1933 as Jewish is required to add children from public schools. Piotrkow. The German parliament the name “” or “Sarah” to and identity papers. , 1938 passes the Enabling Act, which , 1939 empowers Hitler to establish a The Ministry of in Germany. October 5, 1938 Interior restricts the freedom In occupied Poland, Jews aged Following a request from of movement of Jews. ten and older are forced to , 1933 , passports of wear a yellow star or armband, identifying them as Jewish. One-day against Jewish German Jews are marked with businesses in Germany. “J” for Jude (Jew). Jews must surrender their old passports, April 7, 1933 which will become valid only The Law for the Restoration after the letter “J” has been of the Professional Service stamped on them excludes Jews and political opponents from university and government positions. Similar laws enacted in the following weeks affect Jewish lawyers, judges, doctors and teachers.

This identification card belonged to Else Eggers. Because she was Jewish, Nazi officials stamped her card with a “J” and added “Sara” to her name. (MHM Collection, donated by Edith Borenstein)

Between 1933 and 1945 establishes over 20,000 camps and sub-camps in order to imprison “enemies of the State”. Death, , starvation, overpopulation, , and unsanitary conditions are part of everyday life in the camps.