The 1096-1099 Illustration of execution of Jews by Crusaders, made in 1250 Introduction What exactly was the situation at the time?

Rise of a reform movement within the papacyHigh Middle Ages 11th century

Confrontation of Christianity and Islam

Pope Urban II Actors Christendom Islam (Europe) v.s. (Middle East) ● Kingdom of France ● Seljuq Sultanate ● Holy Roman Empire ● Danishmends ● Kingdom of England ● Fatimids ● Duchy of Apulia ● Almoravids ● Roman (Byzantine) Empire ● Abbasids ● Armenian Principality of Cilicia → Christendom → Islam

Map of medieval Europe Issues religious political economical military moral

Affirmation of Restoration of Christian religion in Christian rule over Union of Europe. response to the massacre of pilgrims. Jerusalem.

→ Reconquest of Jerusalem Chronology Before: causes

1071: Byzantine army is destroyed by Turks.

The seizure of Edessa (1031) by the Byzantines under George Maniakes and the counterattack by the Seljuk Turks 1071 - 1085: Mercenary Seljuk Turks conquer Syria and Palestine. The City of Jerusalem is taken from the more civilised Saracen caliphs.

1085 - 1095: 3000 Christian Pilgrims were massacred in Jerusalem and the Christian churches were destroyed or used as stables. Councils

1095, Placentia, Italy

➔ Great council ➔ Decisions are deferred until the following year “People’s Crusade” 1096

1096, Clermont, France “God wills it!” - Peter the Hermit ➔ Clergy and nobles ➔ Decision took place "Christians, hasten to help your brothers in the East, for they are being attacked. Arm for the rescue of Jerusalem under your captain Christ. Wear his cross as your badge. If you are killed your sins will be pardoned." - Pope Urban II, 1096 crusade: Main Events

1096 ● Armed forces → Constantinople ● Embark on the first crusade under Emperor Alexius I ● Pass the Bosphorus but are annihilated by the Turks in Anatolia.

1097 ● Siege of ● Battle of Dorylaeum October 1097-1098 ● Arrival of Emir Kherboga of Mosul → Stephen of Blois and other frenchmen flee Antioch

● Capture of Antioch. → The Emir lays siege

● Battle of Orontes → Victory of the christians: they force the Emir to lift the siege of Antioch after 23 days of occupation.

The Crusaders and their siege weapons, Jerusalem, engraving 1099 ● June: The crusaders (led by Raymond of Toulouse): Antioch→ Jerusalem

● 13th June: First assault→ repulsed

● July: Capture of Jerusalem

● Europe success and end of the first crusade

Capture of Jerusalem, Manuscript illustration, anonymous

→ End of crusade


● Creation of the First Kingdom of Jerusalem, ruled by Godfrey of Bouillon → remained under Christian domination until 1187.

● Helped to strengthen the → unfortunately, newly conquered territories didn’t fall under the Empire and became independent territories → worsened relations between Byzantium and the Latin kingdoms again

● Increased the number of pilgrimages toward Palestine.

● The place gained a reputation as “land of opportunity” thanks to the success of the first crusade.

● Increased contact between western Europe and the Arab countries and increased influence of western Europe.

● Trade prospered.

Conclusion The 1st Crusade shows us...

● religion inseparable from political or military issues → the 1st crusade had impacts on all three ● much religious propaganda It caused...

● great moral and physical investment for the european population It led to...

● First step of a long history of Crusades, that goes from 1096 and lasts until 1291 Sources

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