Gazetteer of Scotland; Arranged Under the Various Descriptions of Counties
XM Zs 7 National Library of Scotland !< III I II II II II III I III I II *B000071022* &M&BTTEEU SCOTLAND ARRANGED Under the Various descriptions of COUNTIES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PARISHES, CIVIL GOVERNMENT, ISLANDS, CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS, CITIES, AND CHURCHES, TOWNS, MANUFACTURE & COMMERCE; VILLAGES, NAVIGATION AND CANALS, LAKES, MINERAL SPRINGS. RIVERS, SINGULAR CUSTOMS, MOUNTAINS, LITERARY CHARACTERS, VALUES, AMUSEMENTS, AND ,LOCAL SITUATION, POPULATION. AND WHATEVER IS WORTHY THE ATTENTION OF THE TRAVELLER, WHETHER REFERRING TO The Scenery of the Country, or the particular Places which have been distinguished by the Valour or the Genius of Scotsmen. % $efo (fftrttton, CAREFULLY REVISED AND CORRECTED. THOMAS TURNBULL AND SONS, EDINBURGH, THE GAZETTEER OF SCOTLAND ABE A BBAY, or ABBEY of St BATHANS ; ABBEY-GREEN, a village in Lanark- Berwickshire, situated a parish in in shire, in the parish of Lesmahagoe ; so ite- the midst of the Lammermuir hills, about med from being built along the remains of 6 miles in length, and three in breadth. a monastery, dependent on that of Kelso t The soil is light and dry, and, on the banks founded by King David I. in 1140, and de- of the Whittader, fertile and well culti- dicated to St Macule. All that remains of vated; but the hilly district is barren, the monastery is a square tower, with bat- and covered with heath. Here are the tlements, now converted into a steeple to remains of an ancient abbey of Bernar- the church of Lesmahagoe. The village dines, founded in 1170, for which Ada, lies 12 miles S. of Hamilton, and 4 from Countess of March swore fealty to Edward Lanark.
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