George Gillow & Samuel Jones, organ

Graham Ross, conductor


St Mary’s Church, Hay-on-Wye Saturday 26 June 2021 A place where angels sing

The Choir of Clare College, Cambridge George Gillow & Samuel Jones, organ Graham Ross, conductor

Magnificat in A Charles Villiers Stanford (1852–1924) Daphne Pleming | soprano; Isabella Guillaume | mezzo-soprano; Dominic Wallis | tenor; Ashley Chow | bass; George Gillow | organ

Ne irascaris, Domine; Civitas sancti tui William Byrd (1539/40–1623)

Heyr, himna smiður Þorkell Sigurbjörnsson (1938–2013) Heyr Þú oss himnum á Anna Þorvaldsdóttir (b. 1977)

Lord, make my heart a place where angels sing Eric Thiman (1900–75) We shall walk through the valley in peace Trad. arr. Undine Smith Moore (1904–89) Abide with me William Henry Monk (1823–89) arr. Graham Ross (b. 1985)

Blessed be the God and Father Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810–76) Scarlet O’Shea | soprano; Samuel Jones | organ

The gallant weaver James MacMillan (b. 1959) Hjá lygnri móðu Jón Ásgeirsson (b. 1928) Shenandoah Trad. arr. James Erb (1926–2014)

Kvöldvers (Evening Prayers) Tryggvi M. Baldvinsson (b. 1965) Nunc dimittis in A Charles Villiers Stanford George Gillow | organ

Texts and translations

Magnificat (LUKE I: 46–55)

My soul doth magnify the Lord: and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded: the lowliness of his handmaiden. For behold, from henceforth: all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath magnified me: and holy is his Name. And his mercy is on them that fear him: throughout all generations. He hath showed strength with his arm: he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seat: and hath exalted the humble and meek. He hath filled the hungry with good things: and the rich he hath sent empty away. He remembering his mercy hath holpen his servant Israel: as he promised to our forefathers, Abraham and his seed, for ever. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Ne irascaris, Domine; Civitas sancti tui (ISAIAH 64: 9–10)

Ne irascaris, Domine, satis, Be not angry, O Lord, still, et ne ultra memineris iniquitatis nostrae: neither remember our iniquity for ever. Ecce, respice, populus tuus omnes nos. Behold, see, we beseech thee, we are all thy people.

Civitas sancti tui facta est deserta. The holy cities are a wilderness. Sion deserta facta est, Jerusalem desolata est. Zion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation.

Heyr, himna smiður (KOLBEINN TUMASON (c. 1173–1208))

Heyr himna smiður Hear, smith of the heavens, hvers skáldið biður. what the poet asks. Komi mjúk til mín May softly come unto me miskunnin þín. thy mercy. Því heit eg á þig, So I call on thee, þú hefur skaptan mig. for thou hast created me. Eg er þrællinn þinn, I am thy slave, þú ert Dróttinn minn. thou art my Lord.

Guð, heit eg á þig God, I call on thee að þú græðir mig, to heal me. minnst, mildingur mín, Remember me, mild one, mest þurfum þín. most we need thee. Ryð þú, röðla gramur, Drive out, O king of suns, ríklyndur og framur, generous and great, hölds hverri sorg human every sorrow úr hjarta borg. from the city of the heart.

Gæt, mildingur, mín Watch over me, mild one, mest þurfum þín most we need thee, helst hverja stund truly every moment á hölða grund. in the world of men. Set, meyjar mögur, Send us, son of the virgin, málsefni fögur, good causes, öll er hjálp af þér, all aid is from thee, í hjarta mér. in my heart.

Heyr Þú oss himnum á (ÓLAFUR Á SONDUM̈ (1560–1627))

Heyr þú oss himnum á, Hear us in heaven, hýr vor faðir, born̈ þín smá, loving Father, as we, your small children, lukku oss þar til ljá ask for the fortune líf eilíft þér erfum hjá, to receive eternal life. og að þé r aldrei flæmumst frá. We shall not stray from your path.

Þitt ríki þró ist hér, May we help your kingdom það þín stjó rn og kristni er, to grow here on earth. svo að vé r sem flestir, Following your guidance, Guð, til handa þér, we gather around in your name, fegin yfir því fognum̈ vér. and gladly celebrate.

Síst skarta songlisẗ má, We cannot make a joyful song sé þar ekki elskan hjá, unless we are moved by love. syngjum þvíþýtt lof þá, So let us sing our gentle praise Þér, Guð drottinn, himnum á, to you, Lord God, in heaven, Maður rétt kristinn mun þess gá . as the truly faithful have done.

En þegar aumir vér, When our poor souls ondumsẗ burt úr heimi hér, pass away from this world, oss tak þá , Guð, að þér, take us God to you, Í þá dýrð, sem aldrei þver. into your everlasting glory.

Amen, amen það eflaust sker. Amen, Amen, may this be done.

Lord, make my heart a place where angels sing (JOHN KEBLE (1792–1866))

Lord, make my heart a place where angels sing! For surely thoughts low-breathed by Thee Are angels gliding near on noiseless wings; And where a home they see

Swept clean, and garnished with adoring joy, They enter in and dwell, And teach that heart to swell With heavenly melody, their own untired employ.

We shall walk through the valley in peace (TRADITIONAL SPIRITUAL)

We shall walk through the valley in peace, If Jesus Himself shall be our leader, We shall walk through the valley in peace.

There will be no trials there, If Jesus Himself shall be our leader, We shall walk through the valley in peace.

Abide with me (HENRY FRANCIS LYTE (1793–1847))

Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day; Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away; Change and decay in all around I see; O thou who changest not, abide with me.

I need thy presence every passing hour; What but thy grace can foil the tempter’s power? Who like thyself my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me.

I fear no foe with thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness. Where is death’s sting? where, grave, thy victory? I triumph still, if thou abide with me.

Blessed be the God and Father (I PETER I. 3–5, 15–17, 22–25)

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which, according to His abundant mercy, hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God; through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed at the last time. But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation. Pass the time of your sojourning here in fear. See that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently. Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. Amen.

The gallant weaver (ROBERT BURNS (1759–1796))

Where Cart rins rowin to the sea, By mony a flower and spreading tree, There lives a lad, the lad for me, He is a gallant Weaver.

Oh I had wooers aught or nine, They gied me rings and ribbans fine; And I was fear'd my heart wad tine And I gied it to the Weaver.

My daddie sign'd my tocher-band To gie the lad that has the land, But to my heart I'll add my hand And give it to the Weaver.

While birds rejoice in leafy bowers, While bees delight in opening flowers, While corn grows green in simmer showers, I love my gallant Weaver.

Hjá lygnri móðu (HALLDÓR LAXNESS (1902–1998))

Hjá lygnri móðu í geislaglóð An evening rare beyond compare, við græna kofann, the river glistened; hann sá hvar hún stóð hið fríða fljóð And standing there a maiden fair, fráhnept að ofan. her dress at the top unfastened, Mitt er þitt og hjá mér áttu heima, Let mine be thine, and live with me forever; víst skaltu öllum veraldarsorgum gleyma. mankind’s sorrows will afflict thee never.

Á hann leit hún æskuteitu Her fresh young gaze and winsome ways auga forðum, charmed each meeting; það var kvöld í sveit og hún kvaddi hann With kindly phrase to him she pays veit ég kærleiksorðum. a tender greeting. Mitt er þitt og hjá mér áttu heima, Let mine be thine, and live with me forever; víst skaltu öllum veraldarsorgum gleyma. Mankind’s sorrows shall afflict thee never.

Inst í hjarta augað bjarta Her shining eyes and fond replies og orðið góða will leave him never, hann geymir sem skart uns grafarhúm svart Until he dies and buried lies mun gestum bjóða. alone forever. Mitt er þitt og hjá mér áttu heima, Let mine be thine, and live with me forever; víst skaltu öllum veraldarsorgum gleyma. mankind’s sorrows shall afflict thee never.


Oh, Shenandoah, I long to see you And hear your rolling river Oh, Shenandoah, I long to see you way, we’re bound away Across the wide Missouri.

I long to see your smiling valley And hear your rolling river I long to see your smiling valley way, we’re bound away Across the wide Missouri.

’Tis seven long years since last I’ve seen you And hear your rolling river ’Tis seven long years since last I’ve seen you way, we’re bound away Across the wide Missouri.

Oh, Shenandoah, I long to see you And hear your rolling river Oh, Shenandoah, I long to see you way, we’re bound away Across the wide Missouri.

Kvöldvers (Evening Prayers) (HALLGRÍMUR PÉTURSSON (1614–1674))

Sólin til fjalla fljótt Sunset behind the hill fer að sjóndeildarhring Soon it will fade out of sight tekur að nálgast nótt, Gloom all about me still; neyðin er allt um kring. Now it will soon be night. Dimmt er í heimi hér, Darkness is all I meet, hættur er vegurinn, My way is fraught with strife; ljósið þitt lýsi mér, Thy radiance guides my feet, lifandi Jesú minn. Jesu, light of my life.

Nunc dimittis (LUKE 2: 29–32)

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace: according to thy word. For mine eyes have seen: thy salvation; Which thou hast prepared: before the face of all people; To be a light to lighten the Gentiles: and to be the glory of thy people Israel. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen.


Since the founding of a mixed voice choir in 1972, the Choir of Clare College, Cambridge has gained an international reputation as one of the world’s leading university choirs. In addition to its primary function of leading services three times a week in the College chapel, the Choir keeps an active schedule recording, broadcasting, and performing. Former directors have included and Timothy Brown. Under the direction of Graham Ross, Director of Music since 2010, it has been praised for its consistently ‘thrilling’ and ‘outstanding’ performances worldwide. Recent engagements include concerts with the Orchestra of the Age of the Enlightenment (OAE), London Philharmonic Orchestra, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra and Orquesta Sinfonia Nacional de Mexico, as well as recitals in Barcelona’s Palau de Musica, El Escorial Madrid, Palacio de Bellas Artes Mexico City, St John’s Smith Square London, and across the USA, Canada, south east Asia and Europe.

In addition to live performances, the Choir has produced an impressive discography of more than forty recordings. Their recordings under Graham Ross on the Harmonia Mundi label have been released to great critical acclaim, earning praise for ‘exceptional singing’ and ‘immaculate performances’, a Le Choix de France Musique and a Diapason d’Or award, and garnering a Gramophone Award nomination. The Choir’s nine-album series of Music for the Church Year received numerous 5 star reviews in the national and international press. Other acclaimed recordings include Remembrance (Classic FM’s Album of the Week), the first recording of choral works by , Reformation 1517–2017, STABAT featuring works by Arvo Pärt, Pēteris Vasks and James MacMillan, and Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols.

The Choir has toured widely, including in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Russia, the Middle East and mainland Europe. It has collaborated with the OAE in performances of Handel’s Jephtha under the direction of René Jacobs, with the Australian Chamber Orchestra in Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, with the LPO at the Royal Festival Hall conducted by Sir Mark Elder and Vladimir Jurowski, and with many other ensembles including the Academy of Ancient Music, European Union Baroque Orchestra, Freiburger Barockorchester, Israel Camerata, , the Schubert Ensemble and the Dmitri Ensemble. The Choir performs a wide range of repertoire throughout the year, and has commissioned and premièred works by many composers. The Choir’s Chapel services throughout the academic terms are now LiveStreamed on the Choir’s YouTube channel three times a week.

Graham Ross has established an exceptional reputation as a sought-after conductor and composer of a very broad range of repertoire. He is co-founder and Principal Conductor of The Dmitri Ensemble and Director of Music and Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, with whom his performances around the world and his extensive discography have earned consistently high praise. In demand as a regular guest conductor of other ensembles in the UK and abroad, recent collaborations have included London Philharmonic Orchestra, , BBC Singers, BBC Concert Orchestra, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, Aurora Orchestra, Australian Chamber Orchestra, Aalborg Symfoniorkester, DR Vokal Ensemblet, and Salomon Orchestra.

At the age of 25 he made his BBC Proms and Glyndebourne debuts, with other opera work taking him to Jerusalem, London, Aldeburgh and Provence. He has conducted and recorded more than one hundred world premières of a wide spectrum of composers, including James MacMillan, Judith Bingham, Giles Swayne, Vaughan Williams, Imogen Holst, Nico Muhly, Brett Dean, Lydia Kakabadse and Matthew Martin. He has conducted more than twenty albums and since 2011 he has recorded exclusively for Harmonia Mundi, including a highly-acclaimed series of music for the church year.

As a composer commissions have included BBC Concert Orchestra, , National Youth Choir of Great Britain, Covent Garden Chamber Orchestra, O Duo, Park Lane Group, Wigmore Hall and the Solstice Quartet. As an animateur and through outreach work he has conducted projects in Tower Hamlets, Wigmore Hall, English National Opera and Glyndebourne Festival Opera, and overseas in Nigeria, Palestine, across Europe and the USA. He is founder and Artistic Director of Singers Abroad, running annual courses for singers of all ages. He is a regular contibutor on BBC Radio, including as a recent guest presenter of Inside Music. In 2019 he was presented with a Half Moon award for the arts from the University of Macau. He studied music at Clare College, Cambridge and conducting at the Royal College of Music, London. He held a conducting scholarship with the London Symphony Chorus, has served as assistant conductor for Vladimir Juroswki, Diego Masson, Sir Roger Norrington and Nicholas Collon, and acted as Chorus Master for Sir , Sir Mark Elder, Ivor Bolton, Edward Gardner, and Lars Ulrik Mortensen.

The Choir of Clare College, Cambridge Graham Ross, conductor

Sopranos Hannah Ambrose (Choir Administrator) Emily Coatsworth (Modern and Medieval Languages) Hannah Dienes-Williams (Music) Ella Fraser (Music) Julia Morris (Modern and Medieval Languages) Scarlet O’Shea (Modern and Medieval Languages) Daphne Pleming (Modern and Medieval Languages) Holly Sewell (Mathematics) Emma Williams (Music)

Altos Rosina Griffiths (Classics) Isabella Guillaume (Music MPhil) Freddie Lindsey-Coombs (History) Theo Normanton (Modern and Medieval Languages) Caitlin Obee (Music)

Tenors William Harris (Music) Samuel Jones (Music) Alexander Porteous (alumnus) Samuel Porteous (Lay Clerk) Dominic Wallis (Building History, Lay Clerk)

Basses Alexander Carter (Modern and Medieval Languages) Ashley Chow (Natural Sciences) Conor Farrell-Foster (Modern and Medieval Languages) George Gillow (Music) Arthur Goggin (History) Robert Jones (Music) Julius Kiln (Mathematics) Oscar Simms (Music) Harry Swanson (Linguistics)

Sir William McKie Senior Organ Scholar George Gillow (Music)

Junior Organ Scholar Samuel Jones (Music)