Prophylactic Use of Antibiotics in Dentistry
VIDENSKAB OG KLINIK | Oversigtsartikel ABSTRACT Prophylactic use Antibiotic prophylaxis can prevent the develop- of antibiotics in ment of either systemic or local infectious dentistry complications Riina Richardson, lecturer in oral medicine and Senior Clinical Re- The indications for the use of antimicrobials in search Fellow and Honorary Consultant in Infectious Diseases, dentistry are (i) treatment of acute infection and Adjunct Professor, DDS, PhD, FRCPath, Institute of Dentistry, Univer- sity of Helsinki, Finland, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Disea- (ii) prophylaxis against infection (single-dose ses, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland, and Manchester Academic prophylaxis and perioperative prophylaxis). An- Health Science Centre, School of Translational Medicine, University of Manchester and University Hospital of South Manchester, United tibiotic prophylaxis refers to the administration Kingdom of antimicrobials in situations where there is no Elina Ketovainio, DDS, Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki, actual infection, but where the risk of infection Finland and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases, Helsinki is substantial, for example, in the case of inva- University Hospital, Finland sive procedures at contaminated sites. The Asko Järvinen, head of Department, adjunct Professor, MD, PhD, spe- aim of antibiotic prophylaxis is to prevent the cialist in internal medicine, infectious diseases and clinical pharma- development of either systemic or local infec- cology, Department of medicine, Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Hel- sinki University Hospital, Aurora Hospital, Helsinki, Finland tion complications. Severe underlying diseases including immunosuppressive illnesses and their treatment have been shown to predispose the patient to systemic odontogenic infections. he indications for antimicrobials in dentistry are treat- Manipulation of infected oral tissues, such as ment of acute infection and infection prophylaxis (sin- measurement of periodontal pockets, calculus T gle-dose prophylaxis and perioperative prophylaxis).
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