The Kentucky High School Athlete, April 1949 Kentucky High School Athletic Association
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Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 4-1-1949 The Kentucky High School Athlete, April 1949 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, April 1949" (1949). The Athlete. Book 504. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ·: -~}--::tTr~.- ; ~/\H \\:mn; , \ r I 1 • . I (Left to Right) Front Row: Bristow, Peacock, Weller, Miller, Penrod. I Back Row: Cook, Wieting, Hagan, Corley, Bivins, Smith, McFadden. N r~ r Official Organ of the KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSN. ! APRIL - 1949 Lafayette - Runner-Up 1949 State Basketball Tournament (Left to Right) Front How: Rogers (Trainer), Davis (Assistant Mgr.), Pem . ber ton (A ~s i stan t MgT.). Second Row : Cundiff Cvl gr.), Mulcahy, Adams, Florence, Weiland, Hutchens. Back Rcw: Assistant Coach T10y Adams, Sharp, Osborne, Brooks, Hadden, Langston, Prin. H. L. Davis, Coach Ralph Carlisle. ' St. Xavier- Third Place Winner 1949 State Basketball Tournament (Left t o Right) · Front Row: Simms, Baird, Hedges, Fitzg·erald, 'Lege. Second Row: Schweitzer, Carney, Ingram, Schmitt, J. Brown (Capt.), Glasgow. Back Row: Coach Joe Hagan, Schaefer, C. Brown, King, O'Donnell, Toon, Adams (Mgr.) . The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the t Kentucky High School Athletic Association l VOL. XI- NO. 9 APRIL, 1949 $1.00 Per Year COACHING THE BASEBALL TEAM The K. H. S. A. A. 1has received from Mr. directions so that the player will come down Robert L. Finch, Director of Public Relations the runways and may slide, without injury., for the National Association of Professional to the base. Baseball Leagues, copies of the lectures which Have your field in good shape at the open were given at the baseball coaches clinics ing of your practice. held in February. As much of the material Practice Sessions Outside as space will permit is being reprinted in Open with short lecture on "hustle." Many the ATHLETE this month and in s ucceeding a player has ' 'r hustled" himself into a job. months. The lectures were prepared by Mr. What does "hustle" mean? It means that Finch in collaberation witJh forty of the everyone is busy all the time. In practice greatest living players. and in the game, he runs to do-everything! TRAINING YOUR CLUB Have Your Pitchers Run "A pitcher is as good as his legs." Legs Pre-Season Indoors weaken before the arm. If the legs are gone, Squad session on rules, squad session on a ll is gone. Have f ungo f li es hit to the theories, lectures on health, care of injuries pitchers. Do not use calisthenics for the - proper dressing of the f eet-two sweat pitchers' arms. Bod ies and legs, yes. shirts · for each player, easy gym workouts For The Balance Of Your Squad for pitchers, easy batting practice if you (1) Calisthenics (2) Run several times have nets, use of tees, make every session around the park. Business, think baseball, set date for first Departmental Procedure. Have batting 'Df outdoor practice. practice pitchers warmed up (never, at any Outdoors time, throw a pitcher into batting practice · Equipment. See that each hoy has proper or a game without ample "warm-up"). Anti shoes and glove. If possible, two sweat cipate this-get your pitchers ready before shirts (pitchers, three) and a jacket. Field asking them to wol"lc equipment in addition to playin'g field. Batting. Bunt one, hit three and run to Batting cage-two if possible. 2nd on the last batted ball. In batting prac Extra pitching mounds, pitching mbbers, tice, it is the hitting you want, not pikhing. home plates. Extra pitching spots to be away Just straight ball s, half speed-later on you from the playing field and to be exact rep will want batting sessions with curve balls licas in dist ance and general structure as the but, early, you want batters to .gain confi pitching mound on the field. dence in their ability to hit (watch the boys String. 2' on each side of the front edge who are eager to hit, they are your future of one of the home plates, sink two 2x4's best hitters ). ·into the ground so that the posts will be 5' Batting outfield ers. When not at bat have high above the ground. Stretc;h two strings them catching flies. from one post to the other, one string letter Batting infielders. VVihen not at bat, have high, the other knee high, leaving the ends them fielding grounders. (Suggestion: To on on e side free so that if struck by a ball protect your lB during batting practice, they will give. Tie two shorter strings even erect a screen 7' high and 6' wide which may with the outside edges of the plate and loop be placed between the lB bag and the home them downward over the lower. string. Ob plate. This will enable your lB t o take viou sly, this creates a strike zone. Work your throws from other inf ield ers during batting pitchers for control, using the strings. This practice without fear of injury.) device will teach the pitchers the value of Finally, Your Infield Practice control. The professional routine for pre-game in- . Sliding pit. Excavate a square 16' in one fi eld practicing is id entical from Class D to corner of the f ield to a depth of 3' or 4', fill the major leagues. Why? Because it includes with fine sand and anchor a strap in the practice in execution of practically every exact center of t:Jhis pit which will come up play tJhat appears in the game. Adopt it and through the sand, and to which may be at do not deviate ftom it. tached a base. Create runways from two (Continued on Page Eleven) Page Two THE KEN1T C1\.Y HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR APRIL, 1949 APRIL, 1949 VOL. XI, NO. 9 PROPOSAL VI Published monthly, except June and July, by the Kentucky The Board of Control proposes that "ten" !Iigh School ..-\ thletic .\s !' ociation . be substituted .for "five" in the fi rst sen Office of Publication, Henderson, h:y. tence of By-Law 23, and that the following Entereti as second-class matter in the post ofllce at Henderson, be added: "It shall be the responsibility of Kentucky under the act of )larch 3, !Si9. the home school principal to instigate pro Editor ............ ................. .. .. ..... THEO. a. SANFORD Henderson, Ky. ceedings leading to the agreement on offi BOARD OF CONT R OL cials." President .... ...... ..... ...... .. ... Lyman V. Ginger, Lexington PROPOSAL VII Vice-President .... ... .. ............... Talton K. Stone, Carrollton Directors-San1 B. Pollock, Madisonville; J. Matt Sparkman, The Board of Control proposes that By Paintsville; n. G. Eversole, H azard; James L. Cobb, Newport; Law 29, Section 2, be amended to provide 1. B. Mansfield, Ca\'C City; Carlos Oakley, Morganfield. that the official's fee in each sport shall be Subscription Rates ............ $1.00 Per Year $3.00. PROPOSAL VIII T:he Board of Control proposes that the grom the Commissione'l 's tJ//ice following be added to By-Law 29, Section 2: "An official registered in a sport for the REPORTS PAST DUE first time shall be required to make an 1. 194R-49 Basketball Participation List acceptable grade, determined by the Board (Eligibility) of Control, on an examination in that sport." 2. School's Report on Basketball Officials PROPOSAL IX 3. Official's Report on Schools (Basket The Board of 'Control proposes that "shall ball) attend" be substituted for "is expected to attend" in By-Law 29, Section 3. To Members of the Kentucky Hi·gh School PROPOSAL X Athletic Association: The Board of Control proposes that, at As provided in Section 1 of Article IX of the end of the fifth line of Tournament Rule the K. H. S. A. A. Constitution, the follow I, the following be substituted for the re ing proposals for changes in tJhe Constitu mainder of the paragraph: "and a regional tion, By-Laws and Tournament Rules, to be t ournament in each region the following acted upon at the annual meeting, are hereby week, ending on Saturday night; and a State submitted to all members of the Association Tournament the following week." for their information. No amendments oth er than these may be considered at the an PROPOSAL XI nual meeting, except by the two-thirds vote The Board of Control proposes that the of the delegates. following be substituted for the se·cond sen tence of Tournament Rule IV-B: "At the PROPOSAL I meeting of district winners and runners The Board of Control proposes that "a up, ·which shall be held on Sunday afternoon, first team game in any sport" be substituted immediately following the district tourna for "an interschool contest" in By-Law 6, ment, at 2 :00 o'clock in the school designat Section 1. ed as the tournament site, the manager s1hall PROPOSAL II conduct the drawings, etc." The Board of Control proposes that the PROPOSAL XII By-Laws be amended to provide that no K. H. S. A. A. member school shall conduct The Board of Control proposes that the spring practice in football. following be added as Section C of Tourna ment Rule V: "No official may be used in a PROPOSAL III district, regional, or State Tournament, who The Board of Control proposes that "K.