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Alpha & Omega Messiah Wonderful Counselor

Alpha & Omega Messiah Wonderful Counselor










10 11 SHIELD














November 29

ADVENT The Names of Jesus

Mark 1:3 Get the road ready for the Lord

How many of you have ever asked, “How many days until Christmas?” There is so much excitement, joy and anticipation, that it’s hard to hold it all together. Today we begin the season of Advent. Advent means, “it’s coming.” It is the time of waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas and it’s also reminder that Jesus will come again. Advent includes the 4 Sundays that are before Christmas. This may seem like a long time to wait, and for some of it is. But imagine how people like Adam and Eve, Moses, Noah, or Abraham felt. They had to wait thousands of years before that first Christmas. That time when God’s promise to send a Savior to take away the sins of the world would happen.

Today we fill our days of waiting with shopping, decorating, baking, and parties. Before Jesus was born, people remembered, waited, and wondered when the Savior would come. Their spiritual lives were focused on the arrival of the One that God would send. Finally, on the first Christmas night in Bethlehem, God’s plan was fulfilled. Everyone in the stable that night knew the waiting was over, so they shared the Good News with great joy.

So this Advent, with all the distractions that are thrown our way, let us set aside time to focus on the gift that was given to us so many years ago in that little town of Bethlehem, Jesus. We invite you to use the included strips of paper to create an Advent Paper Chain. Then, use that chain and these daily devotions to learn more about Jesus and count down to the birth of our Savior.

Starting December 1st, this daily Family Advent Activity will explore the different names of Jesus. Did you know that there are over 100 names, titles and descriptions that can help us better understand and get to know our amazing, awesome God? By knowing more about Jesus, it will help us to prepare our hearts to receive Him this Christmas, to look forward to Easter, and to prepare for when He comes again! Let us fill our hearts so that we are able to share His love and joy with those around us.

Dear Father- Please fill our hearts with the joy that only Jesus can give. Please help us prepare our hearts and homes as we keep our eyes on Jesus and help us to share that love and joy with others. AMEN!

Have you ever waited for something for a long time? Was it hard to be patient? December 1 ALPHA & OMEGA

Revelations 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

When the teacher says it is time to line up, there is always a hurried rush as everyone tries to be first. Very few people like to be last in line, or picked last for a team. There’s something about being first. Today we will see how Jesus makes being first AND last a great thing!

The was written in Greek. Alpha is the first letter of the . Omega is the 24th and last letter of the alphabet. So, Jesus is our first and our last.

Jesus was there at the beginning of time, during creation. He also promised to come back at the end of time so that we can live with Him in heaven. He died and rose. He is the answer to our eternal life. While Jesus is our first and last, He is also our everything in-between. We need to follow Jesus each and every day of our life from the time we are born, to the day we go to live with Him in heaven.

Dear God- Thank you for being our Alpha and Omega. For creating us and for dying on the cross and being our last! Help us to follow you each and every day of our life and to look to you for all that we need. AMEN!

What is your favorite thing in all of creation?

December 2 MESSIAH

Luke 2:11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.

Have you ever been chosen to be part of a group or team? It is such a good feeling to be picked. We feel important and special, but when we are picked last, or forgotten about, it hurts. In the we see many times where people were chosen, or anointed to do certain things. David was chosen to be king over his older brothers, Moses was chosen to lead the children of Israel out of slavery, and Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. These are big amazing jobs! Maybe we feel like we couldn’t even be considered for something so special. But, regardless of how you feel, Jesus has chosen you to be His child. When Jesus came to earth He was God’s chosen, or anointed one. That is what Messiah means. By being our Messiah He brings love, forgiveness, and life to all of us by His death and resurrection. He was chosen to free this world from the ugliness of sin, and He has already chosen us as His loved children.

Dear God- Thank you that Jesus is our Messiah. Thank you that He chose us to be His children and that we are loved and forgiven. AMEN!

How does it change your life to know that the Messiah has chosen you as His loved child? December 3 WONDERFUL COUNSELOR

Isaiah 9:6 For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor…

Have you ever needed advice from someone to help you solve a problem? We all need advice or council at various time of our life. We might have one or two special people that we trust and go to for help. Jesus is our counselor because we know that we can trust Him. He is filled with wisdom and understands what we are going through. He will never lead us in the wrong direction. So, take time to talk to Jesus through prayer and time with Him to hear what He has to say!

Dear God- Thank you for sending Jesus to be our wonderful counselor that we can trust and come to with our problems and concerns. Thank you that He knows us, understands us and loves us. AMEN!

What is something that you need Jesus’ help with today?

SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Is there a family member, friend or classmate that needs your help or encouragement? Take some time today to send a card, text or letter to . Letting them know that you are here to help!

December 4 MIGHTY GOD

Isaiah 9:6 For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called… Mighty God

I think we have all seen the commercial with the Energizer Bunny. Did you know that the Energizer battery holds the Guinness Worlds Record for the “longest-lasting, most powerful AA battery?” Even with that record, we know that at some point the batteries are going to die and our toy will stop working. We are then left with sadness and a desperate search to find more batteries. When I think of power I am reminded of the children’s song that so many of us learn in Sunday school or preschool. “Our God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing our God can not do!” As we sing our hearts out and do the actions, we proclaim the power of God. We see His power in creation. We rely on His power to get us through tough times. His power never runs out. He has no limits to what He can do. He is our strength. Unlike the Energizer battery, God’s power will never run out or need replacing! He is our mighty God without any limitations. We should never put God in a box!

Dear God- Thank you for being strong and mighty. Help us to rely on you for everything that we need. AMEN!

How have you seen God’s mighty power in your life? December 5 EVERLASTING FATHER

Isaiah 9:6 For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called…Everlasting Father

How do you spend Father’s Day? Typically, Fathers Day is spent showing and telling our fathers how much we love them. Sometimes with a nice gift or a Father's Day card. It is our way of saying thanks for the love, care, support and encouragement that they give us during the year. Today we see that Jesus is called “Everlasting Father.” As our Father, Jesus is best able to convey the love that God the Father has for us because He is one with the father. He provides all that we need, loves and cares for us, and gives us eternal life with Him in heaven. Once we become a child of God, we are His forever. There are no goodbyes, no disappointments, and no broken promises. Nothing will ever separate us from His everlasting love.

Thank you Lord that you are our Father. Thank you for always providing and caring for us. Thank you that your love for us lasts forever and ever and will never run out! Please help me share that love with others. AMEN!

How can Jesus love you when you’re having a bad day?


Isaiah 9:6 God will give a son to us…His name will be…Prince of Peace

Have you ever had an argument with a friend, sibling, or parent? It doesn’t feel good and leaves us with such bad feelings. When there is fighting, there is not much peace or happiness. Sadly, there is fighting all around us because we live in an imperfect and sinful world. When Jesus created the world it was perfect, sinless and peace filled. But as soon as sin entered the world, that peace was destroyed. God knew that He was going to have to send Jesus to earth to be our Prince of Peace. Jesus was going to bring back what was destroyed. On the night that Jesus was born the angels sang out, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

So, that we have peace with God, we can also have the peace of God whenever we are feeling anxious or worried.

Dear God- Thank you for making a way for us to be filled with your peace. Thank you for sending Jesus to be our Prince of Peace. AMEN!

When are some times that you need God’s peace ? December 7 SON OF GOD

Luke 1:35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and God's power will rest upon you. For this reason the holy child will be called the Son of God.”

Has anyone ever told you that you have your father’s eyes, or maybe nose, hair, or even his toes? And maybe as you grow older someday you will want to follow in your father’s footsteps and become an engineer, policeman, or repairman, just like your dad. All children have characteristics, seen or unseen, of their earthly father.

When Jesus came to earth as that tiny baby born on Christmas day in that Bethlehem stable, he cried just like you did when you were born, but there was something much different about this baby. He was not just the earthly son of Mary and Joseph, but He was the Son of God. God Himself came down to earth. He was holy, just as God the Father is. Being the Son of God is what makes Jesus different from any other baby ever born and because of this we can worship and praise Him as our loving God.

Dear Father- Thank you for sending Jesus, your son to help us learn and know all about how much you love us. AMEN!

We know that Jesus did not sin. What do you think was the hardest thing for Him?

December 8 SON OF MAN

Matthew 8:20- Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

What is one word, or phrase to describe your mom and dad? We all have a mom and a dad, although we are not all the same. Nobody has the same relationship with their parents, as you do with yours. To be the son of your parents, may hold a special meaning, or place in life. It might entitle you to certain things that others don’t have.

Jesus, even though He was God, was also born into a family with Mary, his mother and Joseph, as His earthly father. The family was poor but worked hard as carpenters. Jesus was born into a family, similar to ours so He can claim the title Son of Man. By doing this, Jesus can identify with us. He is able to understand when we are sad, hurt, lonely, afraid, happy excited, full of joy, etc.. because He humbled himself so that He could live His life as the Son of Man. Jesus left His throne in heaven to be born in a stable. His bed, a lowly manger, so that He could be like one of us!

Dear Father- Thank you for sending Jesus as that tiny babe, born on Christmas morn. Thank you that He knows how we feel and cares about us and loves us so much. AMEN!

How do you look or act like your parents? December 9 SERVANT

Philippians 2:7 Instead of this, of his own free will he gave up all he had, and took the nature of a servant.

We have all been to a restaurant and had a server bring us our food. That is their job, to serve us! As part of God’s family we have a job too. Our job is to serve God. The best way to serve God, is to serve others. Jesus’ entire ministry was spent serving. He fed the hungry, healed the , was a friend to those who had no friends, and gave His life for us by dying on the cross. Jesus did all of this because He loves us and cares for all people. No person was ever seen as unworthy of Jesus’ time or attention.

We too need to keep our eyes and heart open so we can follow where God leads us to serve, love and help others. We can’t do all things, but we sure can use the gifts that God has given us to be a good servant-to love, care and help others, just like Jesus. Find someone to serve today!

Dear God- Thank you that Jesus had a heart to serve and that He died and rose for us. Please help us to be good servants, just like Jesus. AMEN!

Do you think being a servant sounds like a good or a bad thing? December 10 JESUS

Luke 1:31 You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.

Having a baby is one of the most exciting times for a couple. There is a lot to get done before the baby is born. Choosing a name that the baby will have is a very important part of that preparation. I remember having books with thousands of names and their meanings in it. Today we have the internet and more names than ever to choose from. Some parents choose a name that is special to their family. Whatever the method or reason in the choosing, that name has a meaning!

During Biblical times, a lot of thought went into choosing a name. Names were chosen specifically for the meaning and what they wanted or knew about that child. When Mary and Joseph found out that they were going to have a baby they had some special help in choosing His name. An angel came to Mary and said, “You will have a son and you will give him the name Jesus" The name Jesus means "the Lord saves.” Jesus was the perfect name because He was the one that came to save us from our sins. No one else has that power!

Dear Father, thank you for sending Jesus, your Son. Help us to celebrate His birth, but also the life that we have in Him because of His death and resurrection. AMEN!

Find out what your name means and talk about if it “fits” who you are?

SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Share the good news of Jesus and the joy He brings with a Christmas card. Send it to one of our local senior living homes. A lot of people in these homes are feeling very lonely and sad during this pandemic and the Good News and love of Jesus is what they need to hear. December 11 SHIELD

Psalm 33:10 He is our help and our shield.

Have you ever been caught in a downpour of rain without an umbrella? You can feel very unprotected and get very wet! You to seek shelter and get out of the rain to protect yourself. In life, there are many things that we can compare to a rainstorm. Maybe it’s an illness of a loved one, or we are having some friend issues at school. Maybe we got cut from a team that was important to us. Maybe we are sick of dealing with COVID and living life socially distanced? Whatever it is, we often feel unprotected and we hurt, or are in pain. Jesus tells us that He is our shield. In Bible times soldiers would carry a shield into battle to protect them from the flying arrows and the swords. Jesus is there to protect us from harm. Each day we need to remember to keep Jesus close so that He can protect us from anything that is trying to hurt us.

Dear Father- Thank you for protecting us like a shield. Help us to always look to you to keep us safe. AMEN!

What are some things that you want Jesus to protect you from?

December 12 LORD

John 20:28 “My Lord and my God!”

Many people have official titles that give them a place of , respect, and authority. Military officers, The President of the United States, Judges, even your Parents, Coaches or Teachers have a special title that show the relationship they have with us. We are to listen and obey these people because they have been placed over us in certain areas of our life.

Jesus was called Lord as a sign of respect by His disciples and followers because He was their teacher and leader. It wasn’t until Jesus rose that they fully understood that Jesus was also their God. That He was the one that was going to save them. Thomas declared, ““My Lord and my God!” If you believe that Jesus died and rose for you then you can also call Jesus your Lord and your God!

Dear Father, thank you for Jesus, our Lord. Please help us to listen and obey Him every day! When we struggle, please give us strength to do better. AMEN!

Name some of the people in your life that have authority over you. How can you show them respect? December 13 THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE

John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Have you ever gotten lost and had to ask for directions, only to get lost again? Maybe your GPS said “you have arrived at your destination” but when you looked around, your destination was nowhere to be found! There is a lot of misinformation in this world that can lead us in the wrong direction, or away from Jesus. There are many religions that believe in a god, but not THE God. There is only one true God and He is the God that created the heavens and the earth. The God that sent His one and only son Jesus, who said “I AM the way, the truth and the life.” Then He backed it up by dying on the cross for our sins, and three days later rising. Jesus is the only way that we will ever get to heaven. He is truth and He is our hope for eternal life.

Dear Father- Thank you for always being truthful in everything you have said and done. Thank you for sending Jesus to be our way to eternal life with you! AMEN!

Have you ever gotten lost? How did it feel to be found?

December 14 IMMANUAL

Matthew 1:23 See, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name him Immanuel, which is translated “God is with us.”

Have you ever had to wait for a special visitor to arrive? You knew the day and maybe even the time, but it was so hard to patiently wait for that special person to arrive and spend time with you.

When God decided that the time had finally come for Jesus to be born, the people had waited for thousands of years, not days or weeks, but many, many years. The people were eagerly awaiting their king. Jesus willingly left all the glories of heaven to be the baby born in a lowly stable, so that He could be our, “God with us.” He came to us, as one of us, so that He could show us God’s amazing love. He came for all of us as He died on the cross and rose to life again! Jesus lives forever and continues to be with us. That means that we are never alone. Even when we are feeling sad and lonely, Jesus is here with us.

Dear Father, thank you for sending Jesus to earth as that tiny baby to be with us. Thank you that He showed how much you love us through His death and resurrection. AMEN!

Name a time you felt all alone. Does it make you feel better to know that God is always with us? December 15 TEACHER

John 1:38 They replied, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?”

Reading and sharing stories is a bedtime favorite. Do you have a favorite person that you like to listen to as they tell stories? Maybe it’s one of your parents, or a grandparent. Maybe it’s your babysitter, or teacher in school, or the librarian. Whoever it is, you love to listen to their voice and hear what they have to say.

Jesus was that person for a lot of people. Wherever He went, crowds would gather around Him to hear what He had to say. They would sit and listen to Him for hours because there was something very special about Jesus and the way that He taught. During the Sermon on the Mount, He explained that we are to be lights that shine in a dark world so that others can see Jesus and follow Him too. Just like Jesus’ followers back then, we can be a light for Jesus too.

Dear Father, thank you for giving me Jesus to be our teacher. Help me to do what the Bible teaches us. AMEN!

What is one thing that Jesus has taught you that you want to shine to others?

December 16 FRIEND

Matthew 11: 19 When the Son of Man came, he ate and drank, and everyone said, “Look at this man!... He is a friend of tax collectors and other outcasts!”

Friends- we all have them and need them. Some of us have many of them while others of us have just one or two special friends. Regardless of how many we have, spending time talking, laughing, playing, and sharing with our friends is an important part in keeping our relationships going and growing. Sadly, there are times when our friends disappoint us and we feel all alone. The good news is that, with Jesus as our friend, we are never alone. He has promised to be with us in the good times and the bad. He is always here for us. He came to be friends with everyone and we can never do anything to change that, or make Him not love us. He wants you to talk to Him about everything. Talk to Him like you do your friends, because He is yours.

Dear Father, thank you for giving us Jesus to be our best friend. Help us to be a friend to others. AMEN!

What makes a good friend? December 17 SHEPHERD

Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

David was a shepherd before he became king, so he knew exactly what it took to care for sheep. His job was to find good grass to eat, a quiet stream of water, to find a shady place to rest, and to build a fire at night to scare off the wild animals. A shepherd also had to keep the sheep on the right path to keep them safe. When sheep would stray the shepherd did everything they could to get them back into the fold, even putting themselves in harms way to protect them. The sheep felt safe and protected with a good shepherd. They also knew his voice because he spent time caring for them. When David compared Jesus to a shepherd he knew exactly the comfort, care and love that a shepherd brings his sheep. Jesus is our shepherd. He loves, cares and provides for us. He protects and leads us. He knows us and we are part of His flock.

Dear God- Thank you that Jesus is our shepherd. That He loves, cares and provides for us. Thank you that He protects and leads us and laid down His life for us. Please help us to follow Him every day. AMEN!

How do you see Jesus caring for you today? SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Is there someone that needs your help today? A neighbor, teacher, your parents, siblings or a friend? Look for a way to help and care for others. Nothing is too small when done in love!


Ephesians 2:20 Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus himself as the cornerstone.

Have you ever built a tower with Legos or other building blocks? If so, you know that if you don’t have a solid base your tower will come crashing to the ground. It will not be able to withstand any amount of extraordinary fun. The same is true for any building that we see. The foundations must be solid so that the building can withstand strong winds, and heavy downpours of rain that can cause flooding. In Bible times the foundations were made of stones and the most important stone was the first one laid in the corner, or the cornerstone. Jesus is called our Cornerstone because He is our foundation. If we have Jesus as the base of all that we say and do, we will be able to stand strong and not fall apart when trouble comes our way.

Dear Father – Thank you for giving us Jesus to be our foundation. Please help us every day to continue to build our life on Him so our faith can be strong. AMEN!

How can you build your life on Jesus? December 19 CREATOR

Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary.

Did you know that there are 3 trillion trees on the planet? That is about 422 trees per person! Or did you know that the hottest temperature ever recorded was 136 degrees in Libya and the coldest was -128 degrees in Antarctica! Or did you know that the earth is traveling through space at 67,000 MPH! Our world is amazing and complex. It was created with such care and precision. It says in Genesis 1:1 (the very first Book, the very first chapter, and the very first verse of the Bible) “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” In only six days the earth and everything in it was created. With how amazing and complex our world is, it could not have just appeared on its own. Someone powerful and amazing had to create it. He had to create the beautiful colors of fall…had to create the delicate intricacies of a single snowflake… had to create a newborn with their tiny wrinkled fingers and toes… had to create the beautiful sunrises and sunsets…had to create us exactly how He wanted us to be so that we can live out the plans for our life.

Dear God- Thank you for being the amazing and wonderful creator. You created everything with such love and care. Thank you for loving us.

What is your favorite part of God’s creation?

December 20 KING OF KINGS

Revelations 19:16 On his robe and on his thigh was written the name: “King of kings and Lord of lords.”

Every country has a ruler. Some countries call their rulers Presidents (like we do in the United States), a King or Queen, or maybe a Prime Minister. Rulers are powerful and important. On Palm Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, the people cried, “Hosanna!” Which means save us. They were looking for an earthly king to sit on an earthly throne and save them. But Jesus had different plans. He knew what the week ahead held for Him. He would have to die and rise so that He could go to heaven to prepare a place for us. As the ruler of heaven, He is more important than any other ruler, ever! One day Jesus will return as our King of Kings for everyone that loves Him and believes in Him.

Dear God- Thank you for sending Jesus to be our King. Thank you that He died and rose so that we can live with Him in heaven. AMEN!

What kind of a leader do you think Jesus is? December 21 SAVIOR

Philippians 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ

Superheroes are all the rage today. Are you a Marvel fan, or do you prefer DC Comics? Have you ever needed someone to help rescue you from something or keep you safe? I think that we have all been in this situation and have benefited from someone stepping in to help us. Our parents, family, and friends are always happy to step in and help us because they love us. As hard as it is to believe, there is someone that loves us more than our family and friends. It’s true! We have a true superhero in God. He loves us so much that He sent Jesus to rescue us. He saved people from being tossed about during a storm, he saved people that were ill and paralyzed, he saved a lot of people in many different ways. We call Jesus our Savior because He conquered death when He rose on that first Easter morning. Now we get to live with Him in heaven forever!

Dear God- Thank you for sending Jesus to be our savior. Thank you that He died and rose so that we can live with Him in heaven. AMEN!

How is Jesus your superhero?


John 11:25 Jesus said to her, “ I am the resurrection and the life.”

Have you ever read the children’s story The Very Hungry Caterpillar? In the book a very fuzzy caterpillar eats his way through the story until he gets so full and tired that he spins a cocoon and stays inside for many weeks. When the cocoon finally opens out pops a butterfly, a completely changed creature! No longer a fuzzy, somewhat dull, worm, but a beautiful delicate creature. Winged with amazing designs and colors. The caterpillar was not dead, but it was given a new and amazing life. Just like that caterpillar, we are dead in our sins. But Jesus, who is our Resurrection and Life, came to earth, died, and rose to save us from our sins. Through this we are made new!

Dear Father- Thank you for sending Jesus to die and rise, so that we can have new life in Him. Thank you for making us a new creation. AMEN!

What are some ways that Jesus makes you new each day? December 23 LAMB OF GOD

John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward Him and said, “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”

If you have ever played or are a fan of baseball, you know that sometimes a batter will “sacrifice” his place on base to advance a runner into scoring position. They give of themselves for the team. In Bible times, before Jesus died and rose to take away our sins, lambs were sacrificed as an act of repentance. During that first Passover the Israelites took the blood of a lamb and spread it on the door post to mark them as saved. The angel would pass over their house and no one would die. The blood of the lamb was very significant. When Jesus is called the Lamb of God, it signifies the deep love that God had for us when He sent Jesus to be our sacrificial lamb. He gave Himself up by shedding His blood on that very first Good Friday. And yes, it was a good Friday because now all of us who believe in Him have eternal life in heaven!

Dear Father- Thank you for sending Jesus to be the lamb that takes away our sin. Help us to always remember the love and sacrifice that Jesus made. AMEN!

How can you show Jesus your thanks for His sacrifice? December 24 LIGHT OF THE WORLD

John 8:12 Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again. “I am the light of the world,” he said. “Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness.”

During this time of the year we see brightly colored Christmas lights everywhere we look. Homes are decked out with lights, trees are decorated with them, businesses and parks are all festive with lights. Your family might even enjoy driving around town to see all the beautiful lights of Christmas.

Lights at this time of year are a reminder to us that Jesus is the Light of the World. We talk about the world being dark. We are not talking about lack of sunlight, but rather dark in a spiritual way. The world is full of sin and things that distract us from following Jesus. But when Jesus came into the world, He conquered sin, death and the devil. He filled the world with all that was good and true. So, when we light the Advent candles in church each week we remember that Jesus brings hope, joy, love and peace into our world. He is our light in a dark world!

Dear Father- Thank you for giving us Jesus to be the light in a dark world. Thank you that He fills our life with hope, love, joy and peace. Please help us to share His light with others. AMEN!

Talk about what it feels like to be in the dark?

SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Make a family SHINE HIS LIGHT list because teaching our kids to shine God’s light is invaluable! It’s easy to talk about serving and another thing to do it. Make a list of ways that your family can shine God’s light to others during this pandemic. Everyone’s list will look different. This is your family’s personal attainable list. What gifts do you have? Can you sing, play an instrument? Do you like to draw, or write? Are you an artist? Maybe you are a worker bee, or a prayer warrior. Find ways to share His love and shine His light with others so that you can let them know about our amazing, awesome God and help us kick off 2021 by loving and serving God! December 25 INDESCRIBABLE GIFT

2 Corinthians 9:15 - Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Merry Christmas! You have probably already finished opening your Christmas gifts. What is the best gift you have ever received? Can you describe it? Do you remember who gave it to you? What makes it so special and memorable? Most of the gifts we receive, as wonderful as they may be, cannot compare to the amazing Christmas gift that we receive in Jesus. Jesus is an indescribable gift! The fact that Jesus is so awesome and amazing that we can’t even find words to describe Him is what’s so great! How can we even begin to understand or describe all that He is to us? It’s more than the emotions of receiving this gift, it’s the actual gift itself. When has anyone ever received such a gift? It’s not a gift that we can hold in our hands, rather it’s Jesus in the flesh come down from heaven born as a tiny baby. Knowing that He was going to die and rise for us because He loved us so much. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” So, this Christmas let us celebrate, and be overwhelmed by Jesus, our indescribable gift!

Dear Father- Thank you for loving me so much that you sent Jesus, the best gift ever. It is hard to describe just how grateful I am. Help me to celebrate you and share your love with others. AMEN!

What makes Jesus the best gift ever?