Strife Journal, Issue 4 Michaelmas Term 2014 (November/December 2014) Managing Editor Nikolai Gourof
[email protected] Senior Editor Alister Wedderburn
[email protected] Editorial Assistant Tally de Orellana CC License , The Editors of Strife, ISSN 2052 3882 (04) Nikolai Gourof and Alister Wedderburn Department of War Studies King’s College London Strand, London, WC2R 2LS This publication is FREE and distributed under an Attribution Non-Commercial Creative Commons License (CC). You may redistribute, with attribution to this original publication, for non-commercial purposes only. Cite as Strife Journal , Michaelmas Term 2014. This publication has been edited with Open-source software OpenOffice and Gimp. We have used Garamond for our main-body text and titles and LHF New Trajan for the logo. Cover illustrations: Front cover: Bust of a Warrior (ca. 1475-80) by Leonardo Da Vinci Back cover: The Silver Heart Agreement , detail (2014) by Gaston Orellana (by permission of the artist.) Foreword The changes and adjustments implemented in the overall structure and workings of Strife over the past few months are not, perhaps, immediately apparent from the present Issue. These changes, however, have only improved Strife in general and Strife Journal in particular. In October of this year Strife formalised further and expanded its editorial structure, with newly appointed members of our editorial team eagerly contributing to the overall Strife experience. New people, new ideas, new directions within our beloved theme, that of conflict, ensure that Strife continues to move forward vigorously, to stably grow in a field of academic discourse which is as demanding as it is thrilling.