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Contact details: Postal address: Department of Geology, University of the Free State, PO Box 339, Bloemfontein, 9300, SOUTH AFRICA Telephone: +27 (0)51 401 9001 e‐mail: [email protected]
Tertiary & professional education: Qualifications B.Sc (Earth Sciences) – University of Pretoria (1998‐2000) B.Sc (Hons) (Geology) – University of Pretoria (2001) B.Sc (Hons) (Metallurgy) (Cum Laude) – University of Pretoria (2002‐2003) B.Tech (Quality) – University of South Africa (2005‐2006) B.A (Cum Laude) – University of South Africa (2008‐2010) PhD (Geology) – University of the Witwatersrand (2006‐2010) B.A (Hons) (Archaeology) – University of South Africa (2011‐2015) National Certificate (Policing) – University of South Africa (2001‐2004) Certificate in Gemmology – Gemmological Association of Great Britain (2008‐2009) Diploma in Gemmology ‐ Gemmological Association of Great Britain (2013‐2014) Post‐Graduate Diploma in Business Administration – University of the Free State (2015‐2016)
Prizes & Awards JF Cilliers Bookprize: Best geology student – 1998 JF Cilliers Achievement Bursary: Best geology student – 2000 UP Undergraduate Achievement Bursary: 1998, 1999, 2000 UP Postgraduate Bursary: 2001, 2002 Mintek Academic Achievement Award: 1999, 2000, 2001 UP Honorary Academic Colors: 2004 Golden Key International Honour Society Membership: 2004, 2011 Business School Prize: Best PGDip student in Systems Thinking ‐ 2017
Work experience: Institution Council for Mineral Technology (Mintek) Department Metallurgical Thermochemistry Group Position held Student vacation worker Duration 1998‐2000
Institution Council for Mineral Technology (Mintek) Department High Temperature Technology Division Position held Scientist‐in‐training Duration 1 Feb 2002 – 31 Aug 2002
Institution Council for Mineral Technology (Mintek) Department High Temperature Technology Division Position held Scientist Duration 1 Sep 2002 – 30 Sep 2003
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Institution Council for Mineral Technology (Mintek) Department High Temperature Technology Division Position held Senior Scientist Duration 1 Oct 2003 – 31 Jan 2004
Institution Anglo Platinum Department Anglo Platinum Research Centre, Mineralogical Research Department Position held Process Mineralogist Duration 1 Feb 2004 – 30 Apr 2004
Institution Council for Geoscience Department Laboratory Unit Position held Petrologist & Section Head Duration Petrologist (1 May 2004 –13 September 2007) & Section Head (1 Aug 2005–31 Dec 2010)
Institution Council for Geoscience Department Laboratory Unit Position held Senior Petrologist & Section Head Duration Senior Petrologist (13 September 2007–31 Dec 2010) & Section Head (1 Aug 2005–31 Dec 2010)
Institution University of Pretoria Department Department of Geology Position held Temporary part‐time lecturer Duration 1 Jan 2008‐30 Jun 2008
Institution Die Witjassies cc. Department N/A Position held Scientific content advisor Duration 1 Jul 2010‐*
Institution University of the Free State Department Department of Geology Position held Senior Lecturer: Igneous & metamorphic petrology and Head of Department Duration Senior Lecturer (1 Jan 2011 – 31 Dec 2017) & Head of Department (1 Aug 2013‐*)
Institution University of the Free State Department Department of Geology Position held Associate Professor: Igneous & metamorphic petrology and Head of Department Duration Associate Professor (1 Jan 2018 – *) & Head of Department (1 Aug 2013‐ *)
Institution Carnegie Institution for Science Department Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Position held Visiting Investigator Duration 1 Oct 2014 – 31Dec 2018
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Institution XpeRDt Petrographic & Mineralogical Services Position held Co‐owner & founder Duration 16 Feb 2015 ‐ *
Analytical experience Petrography – Transmitted & reflected light X‐Ray Diffraction – Siemens D500, Bruker D8 Electron microscopy – Jeol JSM‐840A, Philips XL40 Environmental SEM, FEI Quanta 600, Leica 440i Stereoscan with Inca (Oxford) EDS system, Jeol JSM‐6610 with Thermo Scientific Ultradry EDS and Magnaray WDS spectrometers Electron microprobe – Jeol 733, Jeol JXA‐8800RL Image analysis – Optimas Ver 6.51 Chemical techniques –XRF, ICP‐MS, ICP‐OES etc. Radiogenic isotope analysis – Column chemistry, MC‐ICP‐MS Nuclear microprobe – Particle Induced X‐Ray Emission (PIXE) High Resolution X‐Ray Tomography (HRXCT) LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS
Lecturing experience: University of Pretoria Introductory Geology 151 / capita selecta from Earth Materials & Processes 210 (2008) University of the Free State Igneous rocks and magmatic processes 3714 (2011‐2018) Igneous Geology 6853 (honours course) (2011‐2013; 2018) Metamorphism, metamorphites & metamorphic complexes 3744 (2011‐ 2014) Metamorphic Geology 6843 (Honours course) (2013) Advanced Geochemistry 6846 (Honours course) (2015)
Grants / Awards: European Commission (2007) – Approx. €1950 towards attendance of EURISPET 1 Council for Geoscience (2008) – R15,000 scientific paper award Geological Society of South Africa, AG Bain Fund (2008) – R10,000 grant towards analytical expenses Council for Geoscience (2009) – R15,000 scientific paper award University of the Free State (2011) – R23,940 (staff development fund) Kumba Iron Ore (2012) – R25,000 (Funding for honours study) SASOL (2012) – R26,325 (Funding for honours study) University of the Free State (2012) – R75,000 (Research funding) University of the Free State Strategic Research Cluster (2013) – R84,000 (Research funding) Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung (2012) – Approx. €1950 towards attendance of 9th Annual Inkaba yeAfrica workshop Letseng Diamonds (2013) – R12,190 (Funding for honours study) National Research Foundation (2014) – R386,350 Thuthuka Funding Instrument (Mineral‐scale disequilibrium in the Bushveld Complex) National Research Foundation (2015) – R271,600 Thuthuka Funding Instrument (Mineral‐scale disequilibrium in the Bushveld Complex) National Research Foundation (2016) – R240,000 Thuthuka Funding Instrument (Mineral‐scale disequilibrium in the Bushveld Complex) Geological Society of South Africa (REI Fund) (2016) – R8,500 towards attendance of the 35th International Geological Congress
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National Research Foundation & University of the Free State (2017) – R90,000 Incentive Funding for Rated Researchers National Research Foundation (2017) – R57,652 Equipment Related Travel and Traning Grant International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (2018) – Approx. €1300 towards attendance of ICDP training workshop National Research Foundation & University of the Free State (2018) – R80,000 Incentive Funding for Rated Researchers DST‐NRF Centre of Excellence for Integrated Mineral and Energy Resource Analysis (2019) – R158,750 (Sr‐isotopic stratigraphy of the LCZ‐ UCZ transition in the western limb of the Bushveld Complex)
General: Society involvement Mineralogical Association of SA: Member& co‐opted committee member as from 2013 Geological Society of South Africa: Fellow, editorial assistant (Geobulletin) from 2003‐2005, Regional Council Member for the Free State from 2017 South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions: Professional Natural Scientist (Geological Science) South African Archaeological Society: Member Astronomical Society of Southern Africa: Member Royal Society of South Africa: Member Suid‐Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns: Member Geological Society of London: Fellow Gemmological Association of Great Britain: Fellow Golden Key International Honour Society: Member European Association of Geochemistry: Member
Professional affairs Secretary: South African Committee for Stratigraphy working group on the Bushveld Complex – 2009 to 2010 Reviewer: Journal of Petrology, Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie Abhandlungen, National Research Foundation, Journal of African Earth Sciences, Earthquake Science, Ore Geology Reviews, South African Journal of Geology, Elements, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Member of the editorial board: Suid‐Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie (2014‐*); South African Journal of Geology (2017‐2018) Member of the local organizing committee: ICDP workshop – Drilling the Bushveld Intrusion (7‐9 Sep 2014) Member of the ICDP Bushveld project steering committee Chairman: South African Committee for Stratigraphy Palaeoproterozoic Task Group (2014‐*) Elected member of the Senate of the University of the Free State (February 2018‐*)
Community service Free State Provincial Organizer: Minquiz National Science Competition
Awards & honours South African Police Service Ten Year Commemoration Medal Faculty Award: Research (2012) Vice‐Chancellor’s Prestige Scholar Programme (2013‐2014) Best Lecturer (Runner Up): Geology Student Association (UFS) (2014) National Research Foundation Y2 (Promising young researcher) rating (Nov 2016)
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Publication record: Theses & Dissertations: 1. Roelofse, F (2001) Major, Trace and Noble Element Geochemistry of Komatiites from the Spinifex Creek area, Komati Formation, Barberton Supergroup. Honors Dissertation, Unpublished, University of Pretoria. 2. Roelofse, F (2006) The Multidimensional Nature of Quality in Analytical Laboratories as exemplified by a modified Servqual Survey. B.Tech Dissertation, Unpublished, University of South Africa. 3. Roelofse, F (2010) Constraints on the magmatic evolution of the lower Main Zone and Platreef on the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex as inferred from the Moordkopje drill core. Ph.D Thesis, Unpublished, University of the Witwatersrand 4. Roelofse, F (2015) Phytoliths in a Crocuta crocuta coprolite from the Vet River drainage as palaeoenvironmental indicators for the Middle to Late Pleistocene in central South Africa: implications for Earlier Stone Age / Middle Stone Age populations. Honors Dissertation, Unpublished, University of South Africa
Books / chapters in books 1. Roelofse, F. (2012) Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic constraints on the evolution of the lower Main Zone and Platreef on the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. Bulletin 141, Council for Geoscience, Pretoria (ISBN 978‐1‐920226‐43‐5)
Submissions to peer‐reviewed journals 1. Maier, WD., Roelofse, F., Barnes, S.‐J. (2003) The concentration of the platinum‐group elements in South African komatiites: implications for mantle sources, melting regime and PGE fractionation during crystallization. Journal of Petrology 44 (10) 1787‐1804. 2. Roelofse, F., Horstmann, U.E. (2008) A case study on the application of isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) in determining the provenance of a rock used in an alleged nickel switching incident. Forensic Science International 174 63‐66. 3. Roelofse, F. (2007) An exploratory study into the multi‐dimensional nature of quality in analytical laboratories – managerial implications. Quality Management Journal 14(3) 7‐14. 4. Roelofse, F., Ashwal, LD. (2008) Symplectitic augite from the Platreef – textural evidence for fluid/rock interaction in the Northern Sector of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex? South African Journal of Geology 111 21‐26. 5. Roelofse, F., Ashwal, LD., Pineda‐Vargas, CA., Przybylowicz, WJ. (2009) Enigmatic textures developed along plagioclase‐augite grain boundaries at the base of the Main Zone, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex – evidence for late stage melt infiltration into a nearly solidified crystal mush. South African Journal of Geology 112 39‐46. 6. Roelofse, T., Roelofse, F. (2011) On the occurrence of loughlinite (Na‐sepiolite) in pans of the Northern Cape Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology114 201‐206 7. Roelofse, F., Ashwal, L.D. (2012) The lower Main Zone in the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex – A >1.3 km thick sequence of intruded and variably contaminated crystal mushes. Journal of Petrology53: 1449‐1476 8. Zintwana, M.P., Cawthorn, R.G., Ashwal, L.D., Roelofse, F., Cronwright, H. (2012) Mercury in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, and the Skaergaard Intrusion, Greenland. Chemical Geology 320‐321: 147‐155 9. Roelofse, F, Saunders, I (2013) A first report on meteor generated seismic signals as detected by the SANSN. South African Journal of Science 109(5/6) Art#0022, 6 pages 10. Lehloenya, PB, Roelofse, F (2013) Mercury distribution amongst co‐existing silicates within the Bushveld Complex. Chemie der Erde (Geochemistry)73: 261‐266 11. Roelofse, F. (2013) Comments on the paper “Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of the healing elements in clayey soils from Isinuka traditional spa in Port St Johns, South Africa”. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 68(3): 175‐176 12. Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F, Shukolyukov, A (2014) A Cr isotopic study of the Bon Accord NiO body in the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa. Chemical Geology 390:182‐190 13. Roelofse, F, Mulder, K (2015) Die invloed van verpoeiering op die kwikinhoud van verskeie gesertifiseerde verwysingsmateriale. Suid‐Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie34(1) Art#1290, 4 pages
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14. Roelofse, F, Ashwal, LD, Romer, RL (2015) Multiple, isotopically heterogeneous plagioclase populations in the Bushveld Complex suggest mush intrusion. Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry75: 357‐364 15. Mangwegape, M., Roelofse, F., Mock, T., Carlson, R.W. (2016) The Sr‐isotopic stratigraphy of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 113: 95‐100 16. Kovaleva, E., Huber, M.S., Roelofse, F., Tredoux, M., Praekelt, H.E. (2018) Pseudotachylite vein hosted by a clast in the Vredefort Granophyre: characterization, origin and relevance. South African Journal of Geology 121: 51‐68 17. Magson, J., Tredoux, M., Roelofse, F. (2018) Association of platinum‐group elements with chromitite within the Merensky reef, Western Bushveld Complex: Results of a high resolution mineralogical and geochemical study. Journal of African Earth Sciences 144: 161‐175 18. Kovaleva, E., Huber, M.S., Roelofse, F., Tredoux, M., Praekelt, H. (in press) Reply to the comment made by W.U. Reimold on “Pseudotachylite vein hosted by a clast in the Vredefort granophyre: characterization, origin and relevance” by E. Kovaleva et al., South African Journal of Geology, 2018, 121, 51‐68. doi:10.25131/sajg.121.0002. South African Journal of Geology
Peer‐reviewed conference proceedings 1. Shaat, SKK., Roelofse, F., Swart, HC., Ntwaeaborwa, OM. (2011) Synthesis and photoluminescence 3+ properties of Tb ‐doped Sr0.5Zn0.5Al2O4 phosphor prepared via combustion process; in: Proceedings of SAIP2011, the 56th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics. Basson, I. & Botha, A.E. (eds.). University of South Africa, Pretoria: 285‐290 2. Coetzee, H, Kotoane, M, Atanasova, M, Roelofse, F (2013) Interactions between dolomite and acid mine drainage in the Witwatersrand basin – Results of field and laboratory studies and the implications for natural attenuation in the West Rand Goldfield; in: Reliable Mine Water Technology Volume 1. Brown, A, Figueroa, L, Wolkersdorfer, C (eds.) Publication Printers, Denver, Colorado: 307‐312
Conference contributions: 1. Roelofse, F, Maier, WD, Barnes, S.‐J. Platinum‐group elements in komatiites from the Komati Formation, Barberton Greenstone Belt. Poster presented at The 9th International Platinum Symposium, Billings, Montana, USA 21‐25 July 2002. 2. Roelofse, F, Maier, WD, Barnes, S.‐J. The Concentration of the PGE in South African komatiites: Implications for mantle sources and melting regime. Poster presented at Highly Siderophile Elements in Terrestrial and Meteorite Samples: implications for planetary differentiation and igneous processes. CRPG‐CNRS, Nancy, France. 26‐28 August 2002. 3. Roelofse,F. A case study on the application of isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) in determining the provenance of a rock used in an alleged nickel switching incident. Paper to be presented at The 3rd FIRMS Network Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand 26‐29 November 2007. 4. Roelofse, F. Magmatic stratigraphy of the lower Main Zone and Platreef on the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex as inferred from the Moordkopje drill core. Poster presented at The 1st European Intensive Seminar on Petrology, Paris, France 20‐28 October 2007. 5. Ashwal, LD, Roelofse, F, Webb, SJ. (2007) Cyclicity as revealed by stratigraphic mineralogy and geophysics in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V54A‐03. 6. Andreoli, MAG, Maier, WD, McDonald, I, Barnes, S‐J, Roelofse, F, Cloete, MC, Okujeni, C, Hart, RJ (2008) Siderophile minerals in the melt sheet of the Morokweng impact crater, South Africa: similarities and differences with the Sudbury deposits. In: Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV, pp 31‐32. LPI Contribution No. 1423, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. 7. Roelofse, F, Ashwal, LD (2011) The lower Main Zone, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex: product of mush emplacement? Proceedings of the 23rd Colloquium of African Geology (CAG23), University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 8‐14 January, p352 8. Ashwal, L.D., Roelofse, F., Webb, S.J. (2011) Construction of the Bushveld Complex by repeated intrusion of crystal‐rich magmas. Paper presented at: Geosynthesis 2011, Cape Town International Convention Centre, 28 August‐2 September 2011.
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9. Legoale, T, Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F (2011) Degree of nickel weathering from Vredefort komatiites and possible influence on adjacent soils. Paper presented at: Inkaba Workshop, Geosynthesis 2011, Cape Town International Convention Centre, 28 August – 2 September 2011. 10. Wildman, M., Beucher, R., Brown, R., Persano, C., Stuart, F., Roelofse, F. (2012) The morphotectonic history of the Atlantic continental margin of South Africa: insights from combined (U‐Th)/He and fission track thermochronometry. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol 14, EGU2012‐11274, EGU General Assembly 2012 11. Beucher, R., Brown, R.W., Dobson, K., Persano, C., Stuart, F., Roelofse, F. (2012) Apatite Fission Track and (U‐Th)/He data from deep boreholes and regional transects in South Africa: implications for the exhumation pattern and uplift of the southern African plateau. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol 14, EGU2012‐12199, EGU General Assembly 2012 12. Bentile, A, Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F, van Huyssteen, C (2012) Geochemical analysis of soil in close proximity to two coal fired power stations and one nuclear power station in South Africa. 9th Annual Inkaba yeAfrica workshop, GFZ Potsdam, 26 November – 30 November 2012 13. Markram, J, Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F (2012) Mineralogical and geochemical interpretations on the pegmatoidal and non‐pegmatoidal Merensky Reef, Western Bushveld Complex. 9th Annual Inkaba yeAfrica workshop, GFZ Potsdam, 26 November – 30 November 2012 14. Roelofse, F, Ashwal, LD (2012) The lower Main Zone in the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex: a product of mush emplacement? 9th Annual Inkaba yeAfrica workshop, GFZ Potsdam, 26 November – 30 November 2012 15. Roelofse, F, Ashwal, LD (2013) The lower Main Zone in the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex: a product of mush emplacement. 6th Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting. Bloemfontein, 21‐ 23 January 2013. 16. Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F, Wildau, A, Chabangu, N, Shukolyukov, A (2013) The Jamestown archean ophiolite and the Bon Accord oxide body. 6th Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting. Bloemfontein, 21‐ 23 January 2013. 17. Markram, J, Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F, Cilliers, B (2013) Mineralogical and geochemical interpretations on the pegmatoidal and non‐pegmatoidal Merensky Reef, Western Bushveld Complex. 6th Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting. Bloemfontein, 21‐23 January 2013. 18. Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F, Shukolyukov, A (2013) Isotope characteristics of the Bon Accord oxide body, Barberton Greenstone belt, South Africa. Goldschmidt 2013 Conference Abstracts P 2351. Doi:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.20 19. Sun, C, Liang, Y, Ashwal, L, Van Tongeren, J, Roelofse, F (2013) Temperature variations along stratigraphic height across the Bushveld Complex with implications for magma chamber processes in layered intrusions. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado, 27‐30 October 2013 20. Magson, J, Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F, Cilliers, B (2014) Platinum Group Elements within the Merensky Reef: Preliminary results of a high resolution mineralogical and geochemical study.6th Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting, Grahamstown, 20‐22 January 2014. 21. Mulder, K, Roelofse, F (2014) Study of the effects of sample preparation on the mercury contents of various rock types – a geochemical and petrological investigation. 6th Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting, Grahamstown. 20‐22 January 2014 22. Roelofse, F, Romer, R, Ashwal, LD (2014) Isotopically heterogeneous plagioclase populations in the Main Zone of the Bushvled Complex suggest the intrusion of variably contaminated crystal mushes. 12th International Platinum Symposium, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 11‐14 August 2014 23. Magson, J, Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F (2014) Platinum‐group elements within the Merensky Reef, Western Limb, Bushveld Complex – results of a high resolution mineralogical and geochemical study. 12th International Platinum Symposium, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 11‐14 August 2014 24. Magson, J, Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F (2014) Platinum‐group elements within the Merensky Reef: preliminary results of a high‐resolution mineralogical and geochemical study. IMA2014, Sandton Convention Centre, 1‐ 5 September 2014. 25. Roelofse, F, Romer, R, Ashwal, LD (2014) Isotopically heterogeneous plagioclase populations in the Bushveld Complex suggest mush intrusion. IMA2014, Sandton Convention Centre, 1‐5 September 2014.
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26. Gauert, C, MacDonald, N, Roelofse, F (2014) Mineralogical and fluid inclusion characteristics of the spodumene‐bearing Noumas I pegmatite, Northern Cape, South Africa. IMA2014, Sandton Convention Centre, 1‐5 September 2014. 27. Roelofse, F (2014) Existing “academic” drill core material for the Rustenburg Layered Suite. ICDP Workshop on the Bushveld Complex, University of the Witwatersrand, 7‐9 September 2014. 28. Mangwegape, M, Roelofse, F, Mock, T, Carlson, RW (2015) The Sr‐isotopic stratigraphy of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Poster presented at the Layered Intrusions Research Group (LIRG) Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, 12‐14 August 2015. 29. Roelofse, F. Mangwegape, M. (2015) 87Sr/86Sr variations in plagioclase of the Main and Upper zones, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex. Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 16‐21 August 2015 30. Huber, M.S., Kovaleva, E., Tredoux, M., Roelofse, F. (2016) Revisiting Bon Accord: new field and petrographic data. 8th Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting, University of Cape Town, January 2016 31. Roelofse, F., Mangwegape, M., Lehloenya, P. (2016) Trace element and Sr‐isotopic variations in plagioclase of the Main and Upper zones, Northern and Western limbs, Bushveld Complex. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town International Convention Centre, 29 August – 2 September 2016 32. Huber, M.S., Kovaleva, E., Roelofse, F., Tredoux, M. (2016) Dynamics of Vredefort: Evidence for late emplacement of granophyre. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town International Convention Centre, 29 August – 2 September 2016 33. Magson, J., Tredoux, M., Roelofse, F. (2016) Results of a high resolution mineralogical and geochemical study within the Merensky Reef, Western Limb, Bushveld Complex. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town International Convention Centre, 29 August – 2 September 2016 34. Beukes, J.J., Roelofse, F., Gauert, C.D.K., Grobler, D.F., Brits, J.A.N. (2017) The petrogenesis of the Turfspruit Cyclic Unit and its hangingwall and footwall lithologies at Turfspruit, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Poster presented at the Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting hosted by the University of Johannesburg, January 2017 35. Huber, M.S., Roelofse, F., Wium, D. (2017) Where do we look? Eye tracking in petrology. Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting hosted by the University of Johannesburg, January 2017 36. Huber, M.S., Tredoux, M., Kovaleva, E., Roelofse, F. (2018) Revisiting Bon Accord: New field and petrographic data. UFS Geology Centenary Conference, 12‐13 April 2018 37. Beukes, J.J., Roelofse, F., Gauert, C.D.K., Grobler, D.F. (2018) Petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of the Flatreef and its hanging wall and footwall at Turfspruit and Macalakaskop, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex. 13th International Platinum Symposium, Polokwane, 30 June – 6 July 2018 38. Tredoux, M., Magson, J., Roelofse, F. (2018) The chromitite layers of the Merensky Reef, Bushveld Complex: The Devil is in the Detail. 13th International Platinum Symposium, Polokwane, 30 June – 6 July 2018 39. Beukes, J.J., Roelofse, F., Gauert, C.D.K., Grobler, D.F. (2018) Petrochemical investigation of the Flatreef of the Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex. 4th Iphakade Conference, Clarens, South Africa, 22‐25 October 2018 40. Nicholson, M., Roelofse, F., Magson, J. (2019) A geochemical and petrological investigation of bifurcating chromitite layers of the UG1 at the Impala Platinum Mine, Rustenburg. Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting, University of the Witwatersrand, January 2019 41. Du Plessis, P.G., Roelofse, F., Gauert, C.D.K., Giebel, R.J., Rentel, R. (2019) Sulphide mineral parageneses of Palabora Complex carbonatites, South Africa. Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting, University of the Witwatersrand, January 2019
Research Reports / Memoranda (Council for Mineral Technology): 1. Nell, J., Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3378M. 18 April 2002. (11pp) 2. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3371M. 26 April 2002. (19pp) 3. Nell, J., Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3397M. 29 August 2002. (29pp) 4. Nell, J., Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3495M. 15 November 2002. (10pp) 5. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3547M. 4 February 2003. (30pp ) 6. Roelofse, F., Nell, J. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3599M. 7 May 2003. (152pp)
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7. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3621M 22 May 2003. (13pp) 8. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3627M. 13 June 2003. (8pp) 9. Roelofse, F. Nell, J. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3634M. 25 June 2003. (28pp) 10. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3666M. 15 August 2003. (13pp) 11. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3749M. 14 January 2004. (27pp) 12. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3452M. 29 August 2002. (17pp) 13. Roelofse, F., Nell, J. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3568M. 26 February 2003. (14pp) 14. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3680M. 8 September 2003. (23pp) 15. Roelofse, F. High Temperature Technology Interdivisional Communication 224. 10 December 2003. (33pp) 16. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3746M. 7 January 2004. (13pp) 17. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C 3764M. 21 January 2004. (39pp) 18. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3464M. 30 August 2002. (14pp) 19. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3705M 30 October 2003. (19pp) 20. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3463M. 13 September 2002. (5pp) 21. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3470M. 3 October 2002. (44pp) 22. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3582M. 31 March 2003. (6pp) 23. Roelofse, F. Slabbert, D. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3667M. 13 August 2003. (55pp) 24. Roelofse. F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3753M. 15 January 2004 (18pp) 25. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3673M. 1 September 2003. (13pp) 26. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3681M. 8 September 2003. (41pp) 27. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3678M. 10 September 2003. (11pp) 28. Nell, J. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3711M. 14 November 2003. (59pp) 29. Roelofse, F. Mintek Confidential Communication. C3710M. 1 December 2003. (75pp)
Open‐file reports (Council for Geoscience) 1. Roelofse, F., Joubert, C., Van Tonder, D., Atanasova, M., Cloete, M. Petrography, major and trace element whole rock geochemistry and mineral chemistry of Bushveld cumulates north of Loskopdam. CGS Open File Report No. 2004‐0249. 19 November 2004. (295pp) 2. Roelofse, F., Joubert, C., Van Tonder, D. Petrographic services rendered for the 2004/2005 financial year. CGS Open File Report No. 2005‐0099. 8 April 2005. (276pp) 3. Roelofse, F. Characterisation of stratification in Impala Platinum’s slimes dam with special emphasis on hardened layers and aspects related to their formation. CGS Open File Report No. 2005‐0179. 8 July 2005 (31pp) 4. Joubert, C., Roelofse, F. Petrographic services rendered for the 2005/2006 financial year. CGS Open File Report No. 2006‐0052. 31 March 2006 (231pp) 5. Roelofse, F. The Moordkopje drill core, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex : Literature review, petrography, major and trace element whole rock geochemistry and density determinations of the lower Main Zone and Platreef. CGS Open File Report No. 2006‐0053. 31 March 2006 (106pp) 6. Roelofse, F. Forensic geological investigation for Anglo Platinum Process Investigations into the likely origin of a piece of rock involved in an alleged nickel switching incident. CGS Open File Report No. 2006‐0180. 19 May 2006 (20pp) 7. Roelofse, F. Characterization of corrosion in a condensate pipe at Nola (Randfontein) and suggestions for the abatement thereof. CGS Open File Report No. 2006‐0295. 6 October 2006 (11pp) 8. Roelofse, F. Characterization of terrazzo floor samples to determine the cause for differences in their appearances. CGS Open File Report No. 2007‐0112. 5 April 2007 (10pp) 9. Roelofse, F. Petrographic services rendered for the 2006/2007 financial year. CGS Open File Report No. 2007‐ 0058. 26 March 2007 (262pp) 10. Roelofse, F. The Moordkopje drill core, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex : Rare‐earth element geochemistry, mineral chemistry and geophysical properties. CGS Open File Report No. 2007‐0059. 31 March 2007 (69pp) 11. Roelofse, F. Symplectitic augite from the Platreef – textural evidence for fluid‐rock interaction on the Northern Sector of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. CGS Open File Report No. 2007‐0225. 14 August 2007(13pp)
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12. Roelofse, F. On the mechanical deterioration of ferrochrome from Assmang Machadodorp works during shipment. CGS Open‐file report No. 2007‐0240. 7 September 2007(17pp) 13. Roelofse, F. An exploratory study into the petrology and Ni‐Cu‐PGE potential of the ‘Kororo Layered Intrusion’, Guinea. CGS Open‐file report No. 2007‐0248. 27 September 2007 (18pp) 14. Roelofse, F. On the mechanical deterioration of ferrochrome from Assmang Machadodorp works during shipment – a comparative study. CGS Open‐file report No. 2007‐0287. 21 December 2007 (19pp) 15. Roelofse, F., Sithole, Z. Petrographic services rendered for the 2007/2008 financial year. CGS Open‐file report No. 2008‐0096. 1 April 2008 16. Roelofse, F. The Moordkopje drill core, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex : A collation of the available data. CGS Open‐file report No. 2008‐0143. 18 April 2008 17. Roelofse, F. Petrographic examination of a sample of impact melt from an offset dyke as sampled by the M3 borehole, Morokweng impact structure. CGS Open‐file report No. 2008‐0149. 18 April 2008 18. Roelofse, F., Sithole, Z. Petrographic services rendered for the 2008/2009 financial year. CGS Open‐file report No. 2009‐0092. 1 April 2009 19. Roelofse, F. Magmatic stratigraphy of the Main Zone and Platreef in the Northern Sector of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex as intersected by the Moordkopje (MO‐1) drillhole: Draft Results. CGS Open‐ file report No. 2009‐0132. 15 April 2009 20. Roelofse, F., Nxokwana, N. Petrographic services rendered for the 2009/2010 financial year. CGS Open‐file report No. 2010‐0078. 1 April 2010 21. Roelofse, F. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the lower Ecca Group as intersected by borehole HG1/84. CGS Open‐file report No. 2010‐0163. 31 May 2010 22. Coetzee, H, Wade, P, Kotoane, M, Atanasova, M, Roelofse, F (2011) Experimental investigation of the effects of influent acid mine drainage on dolomitic aquifers. CGS Open‐file report No. 2011‐0069.
Public lectures 1. Roelofse, F. The Mw=9.0 Tohoku earthquake and the wrath of the giant wriggling catfish. Department of Geology, University of the Free State, 24 March 2011. 2. Roelofse, F. The Mw=9.0 Tohoku earthquake and the wrath of the giant wriggling catfish. Boyden Observatory, Bloemfontein, 6 May 2011. 3. Roelofse, F. The application of isotope ratio mass spectrometry in assigning guilt for a breach of the 8th Commandment: A case study on the forensic geo‐location of rocks used in an alleged nickel switching incident. Loock Talk Series, Bloemfontein, 28 March 2014.
Popular contributions 1. Roelofse, F. (2011) Buying gemstones online: A somewhat biased survey. South African Lapidary Magazine 43(2): 12‐16 2. Roelofse, F, Odendaal, AI (2012) Some comments on “A trip up Platberg – Harrismith’s landmark mountain”. Geobulletin 55(3): 12‐13 3. Roelofse, F, Gauert, C, Tredoux, M (2013) IMSG2013 – the conveners’ perspective. Geobulletin 56(1):22‐23 4. Roelofse, F (2014) All the news fit to print. Geobulletin 57(2):10‐13 5. Roelofse, F (2014) The Urals: A mineralogical wonderland. Southern African Gems and Minerals 46(3):18‐22 6. Roelofse, F (2014) International Scientific Continental Drilling programme workshop on the Bushveld Complex. Geobulletin 57(4): 17‐18 7. Roelofse, F (2014) 12th International Platinum Symposium. Geobulletin 57(4): 23‐24 8. Roelofse, F (2015) All the news fit to print. Geobulletin 58(2): 16‐17 9. Roelofse, F. (2016) All the news fit to print. Geobulletin 59(4): 19‐20 10. Roelofse, F. (2017) All the news fit to print. Geobulletin 60(3): 7‐8 11. Roelofse, F. (2017) Tredouxite: A new mineral from the Barberton Greenstone Belt. Geobulletin 60(4): 30 12. Roelofse, F. (2018) UFS Department of Geology Centenary Celebrations. Geobulletin 61(3): 10‐11
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Postgraduate supervision / co‐supervision 1. Legoale, T. (2011) (B.Sc Hons)Degree of nickel weathering from the Vredefort Greenland formation and influence on adjacent soils. 2. Lehloenya, PB (2012) (B.Sc Hons) Distribution of mercury between co‐existing minerals in the Bushveld Complex. 3. Gous, CC (2012) (B.Sc Hons) A petrological investigation of an igneous intrusive at Kolomela Mine. 4. Swart, JHS (2012) (B.Sc Hons) Petrology and geochemistry of dolerites in the Secunda Coalfield. 5. Bentile, A (2012) (B.Sc Hons) Geochemical analysis of soil in close proximity to two coal fired power stations and one nuclear power station in South Africa. 6. Markram, J (2012) (B.Sc Hons) Mineralogical and geochemical interpretations on the pegmatoidal and non‐ pegmatoidal Merensky Reef, Western Bushveld Complex. 7. Girmay, FM (2012) (B.Sc Hons) A geochemical comparison of two ancient porphyritic lavas from the Bivane Subgroup (Pongola Supergroup) and the Alberton Formation (Ventersdorp Supergroup) 8. Mangwegape, M (2013) (B.Sc Hons) A study of the chemical relationship between pseudotachylite and its host rocks. 9. Katz, TG (2013) (B.Sc Hons) Distribution of mercury between phenocrysts, amygdales and their volcanic matrixes in lavas of the Ventersdorp and Pongola Supergroups. 10. Mulder, K (2013) (B.Sc Hons) Study of the effects of sample preparation on the mercury content of various rock types. 11. Grobbelaar, CW (2013) (B.Sc Hons) Petrological characteristics of a kimberlite intersected at depth within the Letseng satellite pipe, Lesotho. 12. Mapholi, T (2013) (B.Sc Hons) A mineralogical and geochemical study of barite‐calcite concretions occurring in bentonite of the Blaauwboschpoort mine at Koppies. 13. McDonald, N (2014) (M.Sc) Mineralogical study and fluid evolution of the Noumas pegmatites, Northern Cape, South Africa. 14. Molokwe, T (2014) (B.Sc Hons) Variables influencing alumina content of orthopyroxene in basaltic melts. 15. Madzonga, M (2014) (B.Sc Hons) Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of pegmatoid pods and apparently hypermelanic segregations in the Lower Zone of the Kiglapait intrusion, Labrador, Canada. 16. Masunte, T (2014) (B.Sc Hons) Petrology and geochemistry of dolerites in the Secunda coalfields. 17. Khasu, M (2015) (B.Sc Hons) Petrography and geochemistry of the three phases in the Main Pipe at Letseng Diamond Mine, Lesotho. 18. Mangwegape, M. (2016) (M.Sc) Chemical and isotopic variations in plagioclase from the Upper and Main Zones, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex. 19. Magson, J. (2016) (M.Sc) Platinum‐group elements within the Merensky Reef, Western Limb, Bushveld Complex: results of a high resolution mineralogical and geochemical study. 20. Makahane, R.V. (2016) (B.Sc Hons) Petrological, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of the Bushveld Complex satellite intrusions on the Northern Limb – Bultongfontein, Rietfontein and Vaalkop bodies. 21. Mapiloko, M. (2016) (B.Sc Hons) Mineralogical and geochemical investigation of the Platreef offshoot complexes of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. 22. Ntsoane, R.N. (2016) (B.Sc Hons) Petrography and mineral chemistry of the mantle and crustal xenoliths of Roberts Victor Mine, Free State, South Africa. 23. Segopa, K.L. (2017) (B.Sc Hons) Geological study of the Haakdoorndrift Reef at Dishaba Platinum MIne, Amandelbult Section, Western Bushveld Complex. 24. Bouwer, M. (2017) (B.Sc Hons) A geochemical and mineralogical study of subvertical dykes in the Main Zone, close to the Pilanesberg, Bushveld Complex, South Africa. 25. Lehloenya, P.B. (2017) (M.Sc) Chemical and isotopic variations in plagioclase across the transition between the Main and Upper zones, Western Bushveld Complex. 26. Thwala, K. (2018) (B.Sc Hons) Petrology and geochemistry of the troctolite horizon in the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa.
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Post‐doctoral fellows supervised / co‐supervised 1. Dr Matthew S Huber (June 2015 –May 2017) 2. Dr Elizaveta Kovaleva (June 2015 ‐ *)
National Research Foundation Interns supervised / co‐supervised 1. Ms Susan Serfontein (2016/17)
Contract research reports of a substantial nature 1. Pretorius, H, Roelofse, F, Gauert, CDK (2012) Mineralogical, geochemical and textural characterization of drill core samples from the Rhovan Mine surface drilling of the Main Magnetite Layer unit, western Bushveld Complex. Confidential report for Xstrata Alloys (Pty) Ltd. 2. Tredoux, M, Magson, J, Purchase, M, Roelofse, F, Claassen, J (2014) A detailed investigation of chromium and platinum‐group element distribution in the Merensky and UG2 reefs of Impala mines in the Rustenburg area. Confidential report for Impala Platinum
Other: External examination duties (Taught courses) 1. North‐West University – Metamorphic petrology and geochemistry 311 (2013; 2015) 2. University of Limpopo – Ore, Economic, Engineering and Environmental Geology 302, Advanced Petrology and Petrography B071, Ore Mineralogy, Microscopy and Genesis B072 (2013, 2014) 3. University of Pretoria – Volcanology 702, Basin Analysis 703, Crustal Evolution 704, Mining Methods 706 (2013; 2014) 4. University of Johannesburg – B.Sc Honours Programme (2016; 2017)
External examination duties (Dissertations & Theses) 1. University of the Witwatersrand (PhD) Petrogenesis and mode of emplacement of the Doros Gabbroic Complex, Namibia (2013) 2. University of the Witwatersrand (MSc) The petrology and geochemistry of the Marginal and Lower zones in the Clapham trough, eastern Bushveld Complex (2015) 3. Rhodes University (MSc) Petrogenetic implications for the Merensky Reef: a platinum‐group element distribution study from wide‐reed facies in the western Bushveld Complex, RSA (2016) 4. Rhodes University (MSc) Characterization of Platinum Group Element (PGE) distribution in sulphide ores within the Merensky Reef at Modikwa and Two Rivers Platinum Mines, Eastern Bushveld Complex, South Africa (2016) 5. North‐West University (MSc) The petrogenesis of the Winddam, Koedoesfontein and Rietfontein intrusions, Vredefort Dome, South Africa (2017) 6. University of Pretoria (MSc) The occurrences of serpentinised pegmatoids at Dwarsrivier Mine, Lower Critical Zone, Eastern Bushveld Complex, South Africa (2017) 7. University of Johannesburg (MSc) Petrography and geochemistry of the pre‐Mapedi “bostonite” dykes and sills in the Kalahari Manganese Field, Northern Cape Province (2017) 8. University of the Witwatersrand (PhD) The Waterberg Platinum‐Group Element Deposit, South Africa (2018) 9. University of Johannesburg (MSc) The petrology and geochemistry of the layered Molopo Farms Complex, South Africa (2018)
Volumes edited 1. Kinnaird, J., Le Vaillant, M., Roelofse, F., Cawthorn, R.G., Latypov, R., Brand, J., Van Sheltema, J. (2018) 13th International Platinum Symposium Abstracts Volume (240 pp) 2. Roelofse, F., Schoch, A.E., Huber, M.S. (2018) Special Issue of the South African Journal of Geology in commemoration of the centenary of the Department of Geology at the University of the Free State. Volume 121(4)
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Conferences / scientific events organized 1. Member of organising committee: 6th Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Meeting, Bloemfontein, 21‐ 23 January 2013 2. Chairman of organising committee: UFS Department of Geology Centenary Conference, Bloemfontein, 12‐ 13 April 2018 3. Member of organising committee: 13th International Platinum Symposium, Polokwane, 2018
Ad‐hoc appointments 1. Knight Piesold Consulting (Pty) Ltd. Rendering of specialist geotechnical services: Construction of Neckartal Dam and Phase 1 Bulk Water Supply. November 2016
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