Cosmological Perturbations and Dynamical Analysis for Interacting Quintessence
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Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) 79:889 Regular Article - Theoretical Physics Cosmological perturbations and dynamical analysis for interacting quintessence Ricardo G. Landima Physik Department T70, Technische Universität München, James-Franck-Strasse, 85748 Garching, Germany Received: 26 August 2019 / Accepted: 19 October 2019 / Published online: 5 November 2019 © The Author(s) 2019 Abstract We present the dynamical analysis for interact- interactions between the dark sector) has been investigated ing quintessence, considering linear cosmological perturba- in several works [85–96], whose aim is to constrain the free tions. Matter perturbations improve the background analy- parameters of the model using sets of observations. Results sis and viable critical points describing the transition of the from dynamical analysis are also usually employed in such three cosmological eras are found. The stability of those fixed works, as in [97], for instance. Therefore, it is interesting points are similar to previous studies in the literature, for both to improve the background analysis in order to understand coupled and uncoupled cases, leading to a late-time attractor. whether the fixed points are viable to describe each one of the cosmological eras of the Universe or not. This can be done if one takes cosmological perturbations into account. 1 Introduction In this paper we go in this direction, analysing interacting quintessence with cosmological perturbations, in the light of Observations of Type IA Supernova indicate that the Uni- dynamical systems theory. Our findings mostly agree with verse undergoes an accelerated expansion [1,2], which is previous results in the literature, where it was used only back- dominant today (∼ 68%) [3]. Ordinary matter represents only ground equations, for coupled (and uncoupled) quintessence, 5% of the energy content of the Universe, and the remaining including the stability of the fixed points. One of those criti- 27% is the still unknown dark matter (DM). The nature of cal points, however, no longer can describe a DE-dominated the dark sector is one of the biggest challenges in the mod- Universe, when one uses cosmological perturbations. ern cosmology, whose plethora of dark energy (DE) candi- The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 dates include scalar fields [4–14], vector fields [15–21], holo- we present the basics of the interacting DE and the dynam- graphic dark energy [22–38], models of false vacuum decay ical analysis theory. In Sect. 3 we present the dynamics [39–45], modifications of gravity and different kinds of cos- of the canonical scalar field, with the correspondent equa- mological fluids [46–48]. In addition, the two components of tions for the background and for linear perturbations. We use the dark sector may interact with each other [25–28,43,48– the dynamical system theory in Sect. 4 to study interacting 69], since their densities are comparable and the interaction quintessence at cosmological perturbation level, analysing can eventually alleviate the coincidence problem [70,71]. the critical points and their stabilities. Section 5 is reserved When a scalar field is in the presence of a barotropic fluid for conclusions. We use Planck units (h¯ = c = Mpl = 1) the relevant evolution equations can be converted into an throughout the text. autonomous system and the asymptotic states of the cos- mological models can be analysed. Such approach is well- known, at the background level, for uncoupled dark energy (quintessence, tachyon field and phantom field for instance 2 Interacting dark energy and dynamical analysis [72–76]) and coupled dark energy [21,50,55,61,77–82]. On the other hand, cosmological perturbations were only We will consider that DE is described by single real scalar ρ studied using dynamical analysis for Λ CDM [83,84] and field (quintessence) with energy density φ and pressure pφ, w = /ρ quintessence [84]. The role of cosmological perturbations in whose equation of state is φ pφ φ. DE is interacting uncoupled and coupled quintessence (with diverse forms of with DM through a transfer of energy-momentum between them, such that that total energy-momentum is conserved. a e-mail: [email protected] In the flat Friedmann–Lamaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) 123 889 Page 2 of 7 Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) 79 :889 background with a scale factor a, the continuity equations for with FLRW metric and scale factor a ≡ a(t), the equation both components and for radiation are of motion becomes ¨ ˙ ρ˙φ + 3H(ρφ + pφ) =−Q, φ + 3Hφ + V (φ) =−Qρm. (5) ρ˙ + ρ = Q, m 3H m In the presence of matter and radiation, the Friedmann equa- ρ˙r + 4Hρr = 0, (1) tions are φ˙2 respectively, where H =˙a/a is the Hubble rate, Q is the 2 1 H = + V (φ) + ρm + ρr , (6) coupling between DM and DE and the dot is a derivative 3 2 Q with respect to the cosmic time. A positive corresponds ˙ 1 ˙2 4 H =− φ + ρm + ρr , (7) to DE being transformed into DM, while negative Q means 2 3 the transformation in the opposite direction. In principle, the and the equation of state becomes coupling can depend upon several variables Q = Q(ρm,ρφ, φ,˙ , ,...) pφ φ˙2 − (φ) H t , thus we assume here the first form used in the w = = 2V . ˙ φ ˙ (8) literature Q = Qρmφ [49,50], where Q is a positive constant ρφ φ2 + 2V (φ) (a negative constant would give similar results). A coupling ˙ Cosmological perturbations are the roots of structure forma- of the form Qρφφ would have no cosmological perturbations, tion, and they are reached perturbing the energy-momentum because as we will point out later, DE is expected not to clus- tensor and the metric. It is convenient to work in the con- ter at sub-horizon scales [98]. On the other hand, a coupling ˙ formal (Newtonian) gauge, where the density perturbation Q(ρφ +ρ )φ was shown not to be viable to describe all three m δ ≡ δρ/ρ and the divergence of the velocity perturbation in cosmological eras [61]. −1 j Fourier space θ ≡ a ik δu j obey the following equations To deal with the dynamics of the system, we will define for a general interacting DE model [60] dimensionless variables. The new variables are going to char- δ˙ + ( 2 − w) − Q δ + ( + w)(θ − φ)˙ =−δQ , acterize a system of differential equations in the form 3H cs ρ 1 3 ρ = [ ], 2 X f X (2) θ˙ + ( − w) − Q + w˙ θ − 2φ − cs 2δ = , H 1 3 ρ 1+w k 1+w k 0 where X is a column vector of dimensionless variables and (9) the prime is the derivative with respect to log a, where we set φ the present scale factor a to be one. The critical points X where is the metric perturbation in Newtonian gauge, 0 c ≡ δ /δρ i are those ones that satisfy X = 0. In order to study stability cs p is the sound speed and k are the components of of the fixed points, we consider linear perturbations Y around the wave-vector in Fourier space. For radiation the density fluctuations do not cluster, and for quintessence cs = 1 and them, thus X = Xc +Y . At the critical point the perturbations Y satisfy the following equation DE perturbations are expected to be negligible at sub-horizon scales [98], thus they can be neglected. It is interesting, there- Y = J Y, (3) fore, to analyse only DM perturbations, and to do so it is more convenient to merge Eq. (9) into a second-order differential where J is the Jacobian matrix. The eigenvalues of J equation. This is done using the Poisson equation determine if the critical points are stable (if all eigenvalues are negative), unstable (if all eigenvalues are positive) or saddle 2 3 2 k φ =− H Ωmδm, (10) points (if at least one eigenvalue is positive and the others are 2 negative, or vice-versa). whose result gives ¨ ˙ ˙ 3 2 δm + (2H − Qφ)δm − H Ωmδm = 0. (11) 2 3 Quintessence field dynamics Now we may proceed to the dynamical analysis of the system. The real canonical scalar field φ is described by the Lagrangian 4 Autonomous system √ 1 μ L =− −g ∂ φ∂μφ + V (φ) , (4) 2 The new dimensionless variables are defined as √ √ −λφ ˙ where V (φ) = V e is the potential and V and λ>0are φ V (φ) ρr V 0 0 x ≡ √ , y ≡ √ , z ≡ √ ,λ≡− , constants. A negative λ is obtained if the field is replaced by 6H 3H 3H V φ →−φ, thus we may restrict our attention to a positive λ. VV δ Γ ≡ , U ≡ m , For a homogeneous field φ ≡ φ(t) in an expanding Universe 2 m (12) V δm 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) 79 :889 Page 3 of 7 889 Table 1 Critical points (x, yz, Um ) for quintessence field. Um was DE (15), the effective equation of state (16) and the density parameter found only for the viable points that may describe one of the three cos- for DE (13) mological eras. The table shows the correspondent equation of state for Point xy zUm wφ Ωφ wef f √ 2 2 − 6Q − 1 + 2 + 4 − 2 + 2Q 2Q (a1) 3 004 1 2Q 4Q 12Q 25 1 3 3 √ 2 2 − 6Q − 1 + 2 − 4 − 2 + 2Q 2Q (a2) 3 004 1 2Q 4Q 12Q 25 1 3 3 (b) 0 0 1 0 – 0 1 3 λ2+ 2+ λ − λ2+ 2+ λ − √ Q 2− 25 4Q 20 Q 72 −λ 1+ 25 4Q 20 Q 72 ( +λ)+ (λ+Q)2 (λ+Q)2 ( +λ) ( +λ)+ (c1) 6 2Q Q 3 0 − Q Q Q Q 3 − Q 2(λ+Q) 2(λ+Q)2 4(λ+Q) Q(Q+λ)+3 (λ+Q)2 λ+Q λ2+ 2+ λ − λ2+ 2+ λ − √ Q 2+ 25 4Q 20 Q 72 −λ 1− 25 4Q 20 Q 72 6 2Q(Q+λ)+3 (λ+Q)2 (λ+Q)2 − Q(Q+λ) Q(Q+λ)+3 − Q (c2) (λ+ ) (λ+ )2 0 (λ+ ) ( +λ)+ (λ+ )2 λ+ 2 Q 2 Q 4 Q Q Q 3 Q Q λ λ2 λ2 λ2 (d1) √ 1 − 00 −1 + 1 −1 + 6 6 3 3 λ λ2 λ2 λ2 (d2) √ 1 − 0 1 2λ2 + 4λQ − 8 −1 + 1 −1 + 6 6 4 3 3 √ where the prime is the derivative with respect to N ≡ ln a.