Uardian Oswald 1Nnocentni Lawyer's Brief

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Uardian Oswald 1Nnocentni Lawyer's Brief OSWALD 1NNOCENTNI LAWYER'S BRIEF .4 report to the Warren Commission by film* Lane . Pages 5-9 NATIONAL 0 cents UARDIAN the progressive newsweekly VOL, 16, NO. 11 NEW YORK. DECEMBER 19, 1963 'KIDNAPING' STIRS FUROR Bolivia nears an explosion By Cedric REHM:tee turned last month after a Inns Euro- MEXICO CITY pean visit, undertaken "for health pre- OLIVIAN MINERS bladed their emie" but extended by his appointment WI hungry, desolate land onto U.S es President Poet embeessdor to Italy. front puree Dm. 0 by "kidnaping" GROWING CRISIS: The -kidnaping' four Ammetans at Gated,. the hernia- dramatised the maturing oriole of 13o- phere's begrime single sceree of tin are, ilvla's 11-yeat-old revolution. which 4.8, Together with Washington's smatterings dreasura bas dowdy and relentless, abort- about "the whole civilized werld's her- ed. The revolution expropriated the rim end imminence," the Cetera story mines from the tin berons. widely redis- almost out-headlined the one-day-toter tributed lend. and organized It militia Stnelra kidnaping. of worker. and peariento who had The _priete for reissue of the Cetarl smashed the. old army In le63. In Dieveli- 'iik.%YiT Ti ell: -ineluenini fe West suing. -9eale Ddr .Drareitherialf-eidifli4 of the Hadrian atate mine administra- ILK eyetematicrolly watered down along tion COMIBOLi was liberation of mine- with the militancy of the teeth:mai Revo- union leaders Pimentel and &oaten. who lutionary Meeditnent (UM which still hMi hat been eirested for 'promoting monopolises Bolivian politico. Land own- atrikes" end "eabotagIng predettlen." ership haled to benefit poverty-Wickert The U.S, pram reports (replete with the peasants, whose tools and techniques re- usual adjectives—"Communist." "Com- main medieval. Tin mining, pivot of the munist-led") dreaded the blearte poli- tountreb "eeraunny." slid further down- tical overtones of the althethin—a head- hill from its already wretched state when on challenge between Bolivian President It was nationalired Today's production Pen Estenssoro snd Vice President Jean Le 50% of what It was in the revolution Lecriln who, na head of the trade union yeas. WAS 1741S RILE THE KENNEDY ASSASSENA'rIoN WEAPON? federation, spike for the miners in ne- With no anther of Ito own—the get- The Della: police had a flexible story DeWitt on Pape 5 gotiate:me over the hoetage.s. lectrin re- ernment, kept afloet by U.B. handeuts, never dared accept MohoOnea offer of A FRENCH NEWSMAN'S INTERVIEWS WITH KENNEDY AND CASTRO smelter plus a shingles' $100,00.000 de- velopment loan—lend-locked Bolivia's tin coda more to produce and deliver then the foreign-controlled market The Cuba crisis, in retrospect price. While It piles up deficits with ev- ery pound of OTC it minea• profits flow Jelin Daniel, cm-reopen:dent al tier Purls weekly L'Express, spent what of ADZETVISEI'S REPORT: What etriststered to market-manipulators abroad, headed hietsesnfler in Cube. where he had severe[ interviews with Premier Fidel Castro, the whole situation," Caetth sale, was a by tin-beren Anterior Praino who, and- including One leterrupled by the rime of President Kennedy's esseursination. On copy of heels editor Alexel Adahubere thug by private let between his various Ore. 24, before leaping for Cuba, he interviewed Kennedy at the White Honer. official report to KhrtlahCher of his Jen. residences-ln-"exile." shows open con- Dante' agreed not to publish the interview until he met the President a mewled 3D lateiview with President Kennedy— tempt for hie "expropriator," President time eller hie Wait to fiseerne. Daniel tell, firereeer, that the President's death which reached him a week later in Ha- Pan. Recently the Mexican government, ✓ having invited Paz as a state miter., re- eleused him from that cammihnent and his paper publighad both the Kennedy vana. "What did Kennedy say to Addle- until Castro Interviews. The Interviews were also published in the New Republic bele Now listen to this carefully, for it :reread for him Mexico City's fincet ho- tel suite. Pas had to be hurriedly relo- (They appeared Dee. 7,14, 31, and are continuing) while aometehat earyinp Der- is very important he said that the new cated, because the sidle le privately own- Atone were ,published le the Now York Times (Dee. It). the London Observer situndon In Cuba was intrilamble for the ed, end its owner—Patine—nOtifled the 'Dee. 8) and other nmespepere. The report that follow. summarizes a learnt Die, that the Americen government lead hotel he would need it Jute at that time.) section of the Daniel Interviews, bored on the New Republic text, derided it would not tolerate K mix Roma, THE END of Pete um,. 1983, those fateful days. Specifically, Daniel longer: he had said that peaceful eoex- TERRIBLE CONDITIONS: The 7.000 A the Cuban and the Soviet govern- reports that Castro felt that at a time lelenee was serenade compromised by Bolivians who produce the tin have been ments had reached the definite convic- when "an attempt is being mettle to the fact that Boyle Influence' to lamtinned on Pope 10) Cuba altered Lira balance of streneth, tion Mat a 13.6.-spennored ixontalisn of frighten all mankind by propagating the was destroying the espilharlual mimed Cuba "might take place from one mo- Idea that Cuba, and in particular 1, might upon and ter this point Castro ernPhe- ment to the next." The problem feeble provoke a nuclear war . , The world sized Ma statement by pronouncing each In this issue Pleat Catkin and Premier Ehruatichev should know the true story of the missile syllable separately) Kennedy reminders then was him to convince the U.S. that emplacement." Early to 1082, Castro re- the Reeelane that the 4.8, had net M. HONOR TO PAULINC such air tnvasion would be the "same ea lated. "we had received an Ireettnerletion imwelied In Hungary, which wag obvi- Report to Readers p. 2 an attack on the Soviet Union"—and et Informatics'', warning US that a new ously a way of demanding Rudders' non- the Deluded proposed by the USSR, wan Invasion of the Leland was being pre- intervention to the event of a possible PEACE CONFERENCE the tenslacement of Soviet IREAts in pared under the epanserehip of the CIA The TTP sessions Cuba. They arrived in the letter halt We also knew that the Pentagon [Vas Invasion. To be sure, the actual word p. 3 'invasion' was not mentioned and Ad- of July, were fleet officially reported by vesting- the CIA. preparations with the HIGH CONSPIRACY the U.S. gOverament In September. and mantle or Its authority. bet we had doubts zhilbel, at the time, lacking any back- a month later the U.S. responded by a Pa to the attitude of the President. There ground inferinstien, could not draw the Allen's book p. 10 some conclu.slons es we did. But when blockade at Cubs that brought the world were those amend olle infeeznanta who HOLIDAY NOTE to the Mink or war. even thought it would suffice to alert the we communicated to Khrushchev all our A year after this crisis, Fidel Castro President and dye him Cattle for concern peetenus inforillatiOn, the Russians. too. See the Gallery p. 12 told of the sequence of events that led to In order to arrest these preparations." (Crartieried Pew 41 4 NATIONAL GUARDIAN December 19, 1963 Grimm:tat brought up, and hr mired Kennedy Two interviews whether the ideas contained in his earl- ier expression of support the Algerian (Continued from Page 1.1 for revolution— made while he was a Sen- began to Interpret the Kennedy-Adehubel ator—had been efaIthfullY applied in IN THE SPIRIT conversetton as we now It and they went Saigon and Havana." Kennedy replied to the source of our Information. By the that they hadn't time to discuss Viet- end of a month, the Russian and Cesben nam, but "I'd like to talk with YOU about OF CHRISTMAS governments had reached the definite Cuba" and that their discussion could conviction that an invasion might take continue after Daniell return from Cuba. place from one moment to the next. Tills Kennedy began by noting that the Eur- . REMEMBER THE is the truth. opean press had aroused the U.S. of be- "What was to be done? How could we ing blind to the real situation in Cuba. Prevent the lnyasion? We found that Khrulthchey woe concerned about the Then he declared: "I tell you this— ARMS things that were worrying us. He we know perfectly well what happened HURRICANE DISASTER naked us what we wanted. We replied: in Cuba, to the misfortune of ell From Do whatever is needed to convince the the beginning I personally followed the U.S. that any attack on Cuba Is the same development of these events with mount- as an attack on the Soviet Utdon. And ing concern. IN CUBA how to realize this objective? All our "/ believe that that there is no coun- thinking and discussion revolved around try to the world. including all the Afri- URRICANE FLORA, which nmeettemly lathed the Isiond for flee consecutive this point. We thought of a proclamation, can regions. including any and all the H dare last November. left in its wake misery and suffering beyond human an Milani:re, conventional military aid. The countries under colonial domination. comprehension. Runlets explained to us that their con- where economic colonization, humilia- • earn wee two fold: first, they wanted to tion and exploitation were worse than nave .the Cuban revolution tin other N THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS let us extend a helping hand to oilevinte in Cuba, in pert owing to my country's I human pottering and stave off disease and starvation which titre:atm to words, their socialist honor in the eyes policies during the Batista regime.
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  • Oswald, David Ferrie and the Civil Air Patrol ------(457) Marguerite Oswald and Sam Termine------(491)
    IV. OSWALD'S EARLY LIFE : NEW ORLEANS AND ORGANIZED CRIME CONTENTS Residence in the French Quarter : 126 Exchange Alley------------------------- (428) Charles "Dutz" Murret and the New Orleans Underworld--------__---------__-- (431) Marguerite Oswald and Clem Sehrt----------------------------------------- (444) Oswald's Employment with Tuiague's---------------------------------------- (4501 Marguerite Oswald and Raoul Sere ------------------------------------------ (453 Oswald, David Ferrie and the Civil Air Patrol -------------------------------- (457) Marguerite Oswald and Sam Termine---------------------------------------- (491) RESIDENCE IN THE FRENCH QUARTER : 126 EXCHANGE ALLEY (428) During his early childhood and adolescence in New Orleans, Lee Oswald lived with his divorced mother at a number of different locations, usually in small rented houses or apartments in a moderate- to-lower-income section of the city. (1) While the record of residences is not complete, one address was 126 Exchange Alley. (2) During her testimony before the Warren Commission, Mrs. Marguerite Oswald indicated that she and her son lived there when Oswald was about 15 to 16 years old, roughly the years 1955-56.(3) They were "living at 126 Exchange Place, which is the Vieux Carre section of the French Quarter of New Orleans." (4) During hertestimony, Mrs. Oswald noted that "the papers said we lived over a saloon at that particular ad- dress * * * that is just the French part of town. It looks like the devil. Of course I didn't have a fabulous apartment. But very wealthy peo- ple and very fine citizens live in that part of town. * * *"(5) While Mrs. Oswald correctly noted that "wealthy" citizens resided in some sec- tions of the French Quarter, Exchange Alley was well known as the location of other elements ; it was an area notorious for illicit activities.
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