The International Cricket Council Anti-Doping Code: Whereabouts Requirements for Out-of- Competition Testing Effective Date: 1 January 2021 For information regarding the ICC Whereabouts Requirements, please contact: The ICC’s Anti-Doping Manager International Cricket Council PO Box 500 070 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel (switchboard): +971 4 382 8800 Anti-doping mobile: +971 50 554 5891 Confidential anti-doping e-mail:
[email protected] ICC ANTI-DOPING CODE: WHEREABOUTS REQUIREMENTS FOR OUT-OF-COMPETITION TESTING ARTICLE 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The ICC is the international federation responsible for the global governance of the sport of cricket. The ICC Whereabouts Requirements for Out-of-Competition Testing (the ‘ICC Whereabouts Requirements’) have been adopted and implemented in support of the ICC’s continuing efforts to: (a) maintain the integrity of the sport of cricket; (b) to protect the health and rights of all participants in the sport of cricket; and (c) keep the sport of cricket free from doping. They will come into full force and effect on 1 January 2021 whereupon they will replace the predecessor version of the ICC Whereabouts Requirements. As from that date, they will be deemed incorporated into, and will form part of, the ICC Code, and so will be binding on Players and National Cricket Federations as if set out in full in the ICC Code itself. 1.2 The ICC and its Members are committed to the detection and deterrence of doping in the sport of cricket. It is recognised that to do this effectively, it is necessary to conduct Out-of-Competition Testing where the Player selected for Testing gets No Advance Notice of the test.