Bringing the World to the City

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Bringing the World to the City 20th –22nd Se ptember 2010 • Th e Brewery, Chiswell Stree t, Londo n City & Finan cia l Co nferences Bri ngingTheWorld To The C it y .. Ab out City Wee k t a time of enormous change in the • A choice of 28 sector specific seminars that will focus on City Week is supported b y: A international financial markets, City Week the latest developments in individual markets. The City of London Corporation will bring together a personally invited audience • Targeted face-to-face meetings. The City of London Corporation provides local government of senior decision makers from both the • High profile social events – including several exclusive services for the financial and commercial ‘Square Mile’. providers and users of financial services receptions. It works to support and promote the City as the world worldwide to discuss the key challenges facing • Additional social events organised by City Week’s leader in international financial and business services. the future of the industry. sponsors, board of patrons, supporters and other UKTrade & Investment (UKTI) This invitation only event is set to become one of the stakeholders. These will be communicated by personal most exclusive and high-level events in the international invitation nearer the time. UKTI is an organisation that helps companies rise to the financial calendar. exciting opportunities and challenges that globalisation • Access to a major exhibition featuring financial services offers. UKTI works with UK-based businesses to ensure During the course of City Week, more than 100 expert industry stakeholders. speakers will address a wide range of themes that their success in international markets. They also encourage currently dominate the financial services industry, as well International delegates have been invited to attend City the best overseas companies to look to the UK as their as address in detail the latest developments in the main Week as guests of the patrons and sponsors. UK delegates global partner of choice. sectors of the international financial markets. are able to attend City Week on payment of the conference fee detailed on page 13. British Expertise The exceptional quality of the speakers presenting at British Expertise is the leading UK private sector City Week will ensure that delegates will come away City Week is organised in association wit h: from the event with insights that are simply not available organisation for British companies offering professional TheCityUK’s Overseas Promotion Committee elsewhere and that will be of real benefit to them and services internationally. Their members range from large their organisations. TheCityUK is the new, independent, practitioner-led general consultancies to specialist individuals. Delegates will also be able to network with their organisation that will bring together, co-ordinate and lead City Week is organised and managed by: distinguished peer group of fellow delegates from around the promotion of the financial and professional services the world and to organise face-to-face meetings with industry from all corners of the UK. City & Financial them . This will be facilitated through sophisticated web The Overseas Promotion Committee of TheCityUK will City & Financial is a reasearch-based conference organiser based networking technology. promote the UK overseas as a world-class centre for and publisher, with a particular specialism in the financial The programme of events detailed in this document include: financial and professional services and will work closely and corporate markets. It works with governments around • A one-day plenary session featuring a number of with business, governments and policy makers to ensure the world on the organisation of major international distinguished keynote speakers. the UK maintains its globally competitive position. conferences. 2 CityWeek Patrons Sir Win Bischoff Colin Grassie Ian Powell Chairman Chief Executive Officer Chairman and Senior Partner Lloyds Banking Group plc Richard Lambert Deutsche Bank SirThomas Harris PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Sir Win Bischoff is Chairman Director-General Colin Grassie is Chief Vice Chairman Ian Powell is the Chairman and Confederation of Standard Chartered of Lloyds Banking Group and Executive Officer of Deutsche Senior Partner of the UK firm of British Industry Capital Markets Limited was Chairman of Citigroup Inc. Bank in the United Kingdom. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. He was knighted in 2000 for Richard Lambert became Mr Grassie has responsibility Sir Thomas Harris is Vice Mr Powell is also a member services to the banking industry. Director-General of the CBI in for development of the Chairman of Standard Chartered of the five-man Network Sir Win was co-chairman, with July 2006. From 2003 until Bank’s UK franchise, including Capital Markets Ltd. Leadership team which leads the Chancellor of the Exchequer, spring 2006, he was a member management of relationships He is a Non-Executive Director the international network of of a Report on “UK International of the Bank of England’s with the government, regulators of Johnson Matthey, the SC First PwC firms. He joined the firm in Financial Services – the future” Monetary Policy Committee. and key clients. He also chairs Bank (Korea), and Biocompatibles 197 7, is a Qualified Chartered He is chairman of the Advisory In 2003 he was asked by the the Bank’s UK governance and plc. He is Chairman of the Accountant and formerly led Council of TheCityUK, the body Chancellor to write the Lambert executive management Pakistan Britain Trade and the UK firm’s advisory business. set up to promote the financial Review of Business-University committees. He was for four Investment Forum, the Taiwan and associated professional Collaboration. Mr Lambert was years Chief Executive Officer British Business Council and services industry of the UK Editor of the Financial Times of Deutsche Bank in Asia the Trade Policy Panel of the following that report. from 1991 until 2001, during Pacific (ex-Japan). British Bankers’ Association. He is a director of Eli Lilly and which time he launched the Mr Grassie is a Director of He also serves as a Director of Company and The McGraw-Hill US version of the newspaper. China’s Hua Xia Bank, in which Asia House and the UK India Companies Inc. He is Chairman Among a number of other Deutsche Bank holds a 13.7% Business Council. of Career Academies UK and a non-remunerated roles, Mr equity stake. He has held various appointments member of the International Lambert is also a Trustee of the in the Foreign and Common- Advisory Board of Akbank British Museum and became TAS, Turkey. wealth Office, the Cabinet Chancellor of the University of Office and the Department of Warwick in August 2008. Trade and Industry. 3 CityWeek Patrons continued Stuart Popham Lionel Barber Senior Partner Editor Xavier Rolet Clifford Chance Stuart Fraser Financial Times MarkTennant Chairman, TheCityUK Chief Executive Officer Chairman of Policy & Lionel Barber is the Editor of Chairman London Stock Exchange Resources Committee Scottish Financial Enterprise Stuart Popham has been the Financial Times. During Mr Senior Partner at Clifford The City of London Xavier Rolet joined the Board Corporation Barbe r’s tenure, the FT has won Mark Tennant is currently a Chance since 2003, and is also of the London Stock Exchange numerous global awards for its Senior Adviser to JPMorgan and the Chair of TheCityUK. as a Director in March 2009 and Stuart Fraser is the City of quality journalism, including three a member of the International took over as Chief Executive in He sits on the International London Corporation’s Policy newspaper of the year awards Advisory Board of T Rowe May 2009. Between 200 0– Advisory Board of the CBI Chairman, leading on strategy, (2008), which recognised the Price Global Investor Services. 2008, he was a Senior Executive London Council (as Vice Chair- resource allocation and FT’s role ‘as a 21st century news He is chairman of the manage- at Lehman Brothers and, most man); the Business Advisory engagement with legislators organisation’. As Editor, Mr ment consultancy, Bluerock, the recently, CEO of Lehman in Forum at Saïd Business School, and regulators in the UK, Barber has interviewed many of IFA Honister Capital, a director France. Prior to Lehman Brothers, Oxford University; the Advisory Europe and across the world the world’s leaders in business of F&C Private Equity Trust and he held senior positions at Board of the UK India Business on policy issues affecting and politics, including President Chairman of Scottish Financial Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, Council; the DTI Asia Task London as a key international Barack Obama, Premier Wen Enterprise, the financial services Credit Suisse First Boston and Force; the Council of the Royal financial centre. He has had a Jiabao of China and President trade body in Scotland. Institute of International Affairs long career in stockbroking and Thabo Mbeki of South Africa. Goldman Sachs. His early career in the City (Chatham House); and the investment management. was spent with Hambros, Hill Promote London Council. He Samuel and Fidelity. is also a trustee of the Tower Hamlets Business Education Partnership, and a Director of PlaNet Finance. 4 CityWeek Patrons continued AlanYarrow Anthony Sir Andrew Cahn Chairman Belchambers Chief Executive Officer Chartered Institute for Angela Knight Chief Executive Officer Roy Leighton UK Trade & Investment Securities and Investment Futures and Options Chief Executive Officer Chairman of UKTI’s Financial Association Sir Andrew Cahn has been Alan Yarrow left Dresdner British Bankers’ Association Services Champions UK Trade & Investment Chief Executive of UK Trade & Kleinwort in December 2009, Anthony Belchambers is a Angela Knight is the Investment (UKTI) since 2006. after 37 years with the group, Barrister and Chief Executive Chief Executive of the British Roy Leighton is Council He joined UKTI from British latterly as Global Head of of the Futures and Options Bankers’ Association and is a Chairman of British Expertise Airways, where he was Director Equities and Chairman of the Association.
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