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1963AJ. 646 OBSERVATORY REPORTS S UD KO 00 KO The UDs KO KO00 646 OBSERVATORY REPORTS The Observatories of the University of Michigan buildings and telescopes of the McMath-Hulbert Ob- servatory in the style that has been characteristic of PERSONNEL 1963AJ. this institution for many years. The observatory staff The following changes in personnel occurred dur- has made significant improvements in the funda- ing the report year: Dr. William P. Bidelman joined mental electrical distribution system that serves the the department as Professor of Astronomy at the McMath solar tower and the SECASI dome. The start of the fall semester; Dr. G. H. E. Elste was photographic darkrooms have been completely reno- appointed Assistant Professor, assigned to the Mc- vated. Improved storage has been provided for the Math-Hulbert Observatory ; Dr. D. E. Walsh became photographic records of the sun. A new system of Associate Professor and Dr. J. M. Malville was ap- intercommunication between the observing stations pointed Assistant Professor at the beginning of the and the offices of the observatory has been installed. spring semester. Frank F. Holden became Astrono- The buildings of The Observatory in Ann Arbor mer-in-Charge at the Lamont-Hussey Observatory, and the observatories in the Stinchfield Woods have Bloemfontein, South Africa. remained unchanged, but the repairs required by At the McMath-Hulbert Observatory, Clifford some of the telescopes in these observatories have Bennett was promoted to Supervisor. Miss Gladys been begun. Ballard replaced Mrs. Joan Koster as Secretary. Charles Martens, William Newbound, and Arthur INSTRUMENTAL Miller were appointed Research Assistants on an The telescopes, spectrographs, ionospheric and Office of Naval Research grant. Four graduate stu- magnetic recorders, measuring engines, and other dents and three undergraduates from four different auxiliary equipment have been maintained, in usable institutions worked as Summer Assistants. condition. In a few cases, funds have been available Eight members were added to the staff of the radio for repairing and modernizing the observing equip- astronomy group: Charles W. Jensen, Research As- ment so that it operates with increased efficiency. A sociate; John M. Klein, Assistant Research Engi- new double-pass system for use with the photoelec- neer; Charles E. Lindahl, Research Associate and tric detectors of the McGregor spectrograph has been head of the applied analysis group ; Donald D. designed and is now under construction. Numerous Majeske, Associate Research Engineer; Barbara K. instruments and items of equipment have been ac- Marblestone, Assistant Research Mathematician ; quired by purchase and by construction in the William H. Potter, Associate Research Engineer; observatory shops for direct use in astronomical ob- Craige E. Schensted, Research Engineer ; Ingrid servations and to assist in the analysis and preserva- Willeke, Assistant Research Mathematician. tion of the astronomical records. A fireproof safe, additional files, and refrigerated storage space have BUILDINGS been installed in the McMath-Hulbert Observatory With the moving of most office activities in the to preserve the observational documents. department of astronomy to the new Physics-As- A blink-comparator projector, intended for use in tronomy building, The Observatory and the depart- detailed comparison of small solar features, has been ment of astronomy staff are separated for the first designed and constructed in the McMath-Hulbert time in the 110-year history of the science at The Observatory shops. New film transports, timing, and University of Michigan. The transfer of office equip- transporting equipment have been built to make the ment from The Observatory to the Physics-Astron- operation of the McGregor vacuum spectrograph omy building began late in May. The main part of more nearly automatic. the move occurred during the week of 10 June. The With the cooperation of The University of Michi- telescopes, photographic darkrooms, and maintenance gan’s Space Physics Research Laboratory and the equipment continue in use at The Observatory. Naval Research Laboratory an x-ray detector has A major improvement in the physical facilities of been designed for inclusion in the payload of the the department of astronomy resulted from the gen- S 57 Orbiting Solar Observatory. The instrument erous grant of funds by the National Science Founda- will measure radiation between 8 and 14 Â wave- tion for the renovation of the Lamont-Hussey Ob- length in the range of energies from 0.0001 to 0.2 2 servatory in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The main erg/cm /sec. Dr. Teske is in charge of this develop- instrument of the observatory, the Lamont-Hussey ment. telescope, is the largest refractor in the southern During 1962-63, the 85-ft radio telescope has been hemisphere and it will resume the work of measur- improved by the completion of an 800-Mc receiver, ing double stars. Frank Holden has supervised the the achievement of a reliable performance of the 8- reconditioning and renovation of the Lamont-Hussey kMc polarimeter, completion of the 16 kMc polar- Observatory with excellent results. imeter, completion of the first phase of an automatic Special efforts continue toward maintaining the data recording system that provides a printed record © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System UDs KO KO00 OBSERVATORY REPORTS 647 of the position of the observed object (to a second OBSERVING PROGRAMS of arc in declination and a tenth of a second of time The Observatory 1963AJ. in hour angle), the sidereal time, and receiver out- 371-inch Telescope, A total of 385 stellar spectro- put on a paper tape printer. A parallel record can grams were obtained from 1 May 1962 to 31 May be provided on IBM punched cards. A calibrator 1963 chiefly with the two-prism spectrograph using box was designed and built for installation near the cameras of 12- and 24-inches focal lengths. The ob- focus of the radio reflector. This makes possible the servations were distributed as follows: calibration of the polarimeter in terms of percentage linear polarization and position angle. It operates Stars of class Be 95 passively at all frequencies of interest. Additional in- Composite spectra 30 struments were supplied for an applied analysis VV Cephei 13 Peculiar bright-line stars 48 group that has been established to provide for ef- Long-period variables 16 ficient processing of the observations made with the Nova Herculis 1963 95 85-ft radio reflector and from the space radio as- Metallic-line A stars and other peculiar absorp- tronomy receivers. The use of digital computers for tion spectra 48 solving problems involving partial differential equa- Binaries and miscellaneous 40 tions, numerical analysis, mathematical approxima- The 48 plates of peculiar bright-line stars includes tions, data reduction and analysis, and electronic 38 spectrograms of AX Monocerotis taken by Dr. design problems is emphasized. For example, the Anne Cowley. The observing assistants during this radiation resistance and capacitance of a short elec- period were Michael Bozoian, summer 1963, Glenn tric dipole in a magneto-ionic plasma has been de- D. Sandlin, fall 1962, spring 1963. termined for a wide range of values of electron 12-inch Telescope. The 12-inch refractor, the orig- density, magnetic field intensity, and frequency. inal instrument of The Observatory in Ann Arbor, These computations played decisive roles in the has been used for instructional observation at both analysis of the radio rocket astronomy experiment the undergraduate and graduate level. Research ob- and the planning of the POGO satellite experiment. servations with the photoelectric photometer at- A space astronomy instrumental program devel- tached to this telescope have been made by Dr. Anne oped an experiment for mapping the cosmic back- Cowley in connection with her investigation of AX ground noise at 2.5 Me using radiowave focusing Monocerotis. Occasional observations of the sun, in the earth’s ionosphere. Also, an improved single- using biréfringent filters, have been made during frequency receiver operating at 200 kc was devel- tests of these devices. oped. A step-tuned receiver is under development for operation at several discrete frequencies from 50 The Students' Observatory in Angelí Hall to 2000 kc. The 10-inch refractor and 15-inch reflector in the A receiver sweeping over the range 2-4 Me every students’ observatory in Angelí Hall have been in two seconds has been developed for the first Eccen- almost continuous use for instructional observing in tric Orbiting Geophysical Observatory (EGO) satel- connection with the introductory courses in astron- lite, and the flight models delivered to the National omy. The 10-inch refractor is used both for day- Aeronautics and Space Administration. Using a 30- time observations of the sun and for nighttime ob- ft monopole operating against the spacecraft as an servations. It is undoubtedly used for more hours by unbalanced dipole antenna, it is planned to observe more students than any other telescope in the Uni- solar and perhaps Jovian burst activity in this fre- versity Observatories. quency range. Assistant Professor J. M. Malville is assisting in the scientific aspects of this experiment Telescopes in the Stinchfield Woods Area and Robert G. Peltzer is the project engineer. The Curtis Schmidt Telescope. Under the direc- A radiometer system is under development for tion of Professors Freeman D. Miller- and William the first Polar Orbiting Geophysical
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