The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus The Notre Dame ALUMNUS Vol. 24 APRIL. 1946 No. 2 Father O'Donnell Addresses Student Convocation, Navy Drill Hall, March 22,1946. (See Page 7) m^i .vm The Notre Dame Alumnus As He knelt there utterly and bitterly alone, He saw us individually down through, the centuries very clearly. He AUufuu Reli^ioiU BuUetin saw our infidelities and betrayals. =Br KET. JOUN F. I.TKCH, C.S.C., -U: But He also saw very clearly our fi delities and loyalties, our devotion and BADDTS CABIN restricted diet: no meat, fish, eggs: only reparation: our bearing of our cross for vegetables, barley coffee, black bread, Kentucky has given bourbon whiskey Him and with Him. soups, etc., and darn little of those. and fast horses to the world but to Notre Dame it gave Father Badin. Every one of us has some cross .we The guest-master converses freely must face which we fear or dislike as He It was he, a secular priest and the with guests. The others don't speak to did in Gethsemane. first priest or guests or to each other. They never dained in the speak, but you don't have to ask them It may be some denial or sacrifice to United States if they're happy. avoid sin; it may be our daily work; it (1793), who la may be the children or the boss or the bored throughout Their faces, eyes especially, almost wife; anjrthing that goes against our Kentucky, Ohio shout the answer.