Planning Policy Framework
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Ashford Borough Council - Report of the Head of Development Management and Strategic Sites - Planning Committee ___________________________________________________________________ Application Number 18/00098/AS Location Waterbrook Park, Waterbrook Avenue, Sevington Grid Reference 03385/40119 Parish Council Mersham & Sevington Ward Weald East Application Hybrid planning application for mixed-use development Description comprising (1) Application for full planning permission for the construction and operation of a 600-space truck stop; a 2,162 sqm GIA service building providing 1,734 sqm GIA of ancillary truck stop service facilities and 878 sqm GIA of B1 offices; buildings providing 6,308 sqm GIA B1 (b and c only), B2 and B8 floorspace for small and medium enterprises; associated access, parking and landscaping, including highway infrastructure works to Waterbrook Avenue and (2) Application for outline planning permission (with all matters reserved) for 8.9ha of employment uses comprising uses falling within use classes B1, B2 and B8, a class A1 superstore of up to 2,323 sqm, drive-through restaurants (use classes A3/A5), a petrol filling station and ancillary convenience store, and car showrooms (sui generis); and up to 400 residential dwellings, with class A1, A3 and A5 neighbourhood retail uses, associated drainage, parking, landscaping and infrastructure Applicant GSE Waterbrook Ltd & Cedarvale and C.C. Projects (trading as Ashford Great Park) Agent DHA Planning Ltd, Eclipse House, Eclipse Park, Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 3EN Site Area 65.84ha (a) 541 / 10 X/S, 5 R (b) R (c) ABC (Cultural) X, ABC Env. Protection X, ABC P. Office (Drainage) X, ABC (Parking) X, SW X, EX Z, Pol X, KCC Ashford Borough Council - Report of the Head of Development Management and Strategic Sites - Planning Committee ___________________________________________________________________ Growth, Env & Tpt. R, KCC (Minerals & Waste) X, KCCom S, HSE X, KCC (Heritage) X, NE X, NR X, KWT X, NE X, CCG X, HE X, KCC Flooding X, Stagecoach X, SGN X, SW, X, River Stour IDB X, Amends (a) - (b) - (c) KH&T R Introduction & overview 1. This application is reported to the Planning Committee because it is classified as a “major” development and is of a scale that requires determination by the Planning Committee under the Council’s scheme of delegation. 2. The application comprises the relocation of the existing truck-stop on the site and a significant expansion in its capacity together with employment land closest to the northern boundary of the site with the A2070 Southern Orbital and, separated by a woodland linear park, land for residential development on the southern side of the site. The residential development would be linked by a new road connecting with the eastern end of the nearby Finberry development. It would not, however, connect to Cheeseman’s Green Lane. 3. The application is made as a ‘hybrid’, meaning that some elements are detailed and constitute an application for FULL planning permission whereas other elements are in principle and so form an application for OUTLINE planning permission. The Council cannot make a split decision on the application. 4. Waterbrook is being allocated by the Council for a mixed use development in the Ashford Local Plan 2030. Policy S16 requires that detailed proposals for the site shall be developed in accordance with an approved master plan. A master plan has been submitted: this plan is informed by various parameter plans. Given the hybrid nature of the application, the master plan cannot provide a fully detailed layout of those elements of the development applied for only in outline. However, the purpose of the master plan approach is to demonstrate how the quantum of development applied for could be accommodated on the site in a layout that would provide acceptable relationships between the proposed uses as well as provide acceptable relationships with the existing surroundings. Ashford Borough Council - Report of the Head of Development Management and Strategic Sites - Planning Committee ___________________________________________________________________ 5. In respect of the residential component of the application, ‘up to 400’ homes is applied for. Policy S16 suggests a lower indicative capacity of 350 homes. A detailed ‘proving layout’ developed from an identified housing typology mix has not been provided by the applicant: instead, the Design and Access Statement (D&A) identifies how the approach taken at the nearby Finberry development could be translated to the proposed residential areas at Waterbrook creating a variety of character areas in the process. 6. The character areas have related density assumptions: the applicant considers that the ‘up to’ number of homes applied for would fall out of that place-making approach. The number of homes applied for does, however, have a bearing on the issue of development viability. The applicant has submitted a Viability Assessment with the application and has underwritten the cost of its independent expert review. The ‘maximum’ 400 home figure has been used in the Assessment and its review. I set out in the Assessment section of this report the policy compliant starting point, the outcome of the review, the s.106 package and level of affordable housing delivery that the development could sustain and still be a deliverable development and my opinion of the planning balance informing my Recommendation. 7. The applicant has provided a letter in support of the proposal outlining the importance of a decision related to the proposed delivery timeline for the truck-stop. This is attached as Annex 1. 8. Since the application was submitted, I have negotiated amendments with the applicant to deal with various matters of concern with the application as deposited. I summarise these below;- (i) The truck-stop – the applicant has committed to developing a truck-stop management plan to be agreed with the Council pursuant to a planning condition. The Plan would include;- (a) greater numbers of on-site recharging points to be provided from the outset in order reduce potential for disturbance from HGV motors having to run engines in order to power refrigeration units, (b) the design of the truck-stop to be developed from the outset with future proofing elements - such as ducting runs - so that anticipated future technological changes in the logistics industries by use of electric vehicles will be able to be easily accommodated, (c) further acoustic measures as part of the southern perimeter to the truck- stop in the form of a 7m high acoustic barrier (screened by an existing belt of trees) in order to mitigate potential noise impacts on the amenities of existing Ashford Borough Council - Report of the Head of Development Management and Strategic Sites - Planning Committee ___________________________________________________________________ residents living on Cheeseman’s Green Lane, (d) a reduction in the height of lighting columns within the truck-stop from 8m in height as initially identified down to 6m in order to help reduce light spillage, (e) parking areas that are not in use to have lights extinguished between 22:00-04:00 and those that are in use to have lights dimmed over the same period to the lowest safety level required for site users. (f) a commitment to direct trucks needing an overnight/early hours departure from the truck-stop to park in the northern half of the site closest to the boundary with the A2070 whenever that is operationally possible. (ii) Signage to the Truck-stop - agreement by the applicant to work closely with the strategic highway authority (Highways England) (HE) and the local highway authority (KCC) in order to provide advanced signage for truck-stop users to guide direction to the facility on the M20 in order to identify when the facility is full so as to help avoid local congestion and at the A2070 entrance into the site. Similar signage is not considered necessary on the local highway network leading to the site as the applicant states that very few HGVs already approach the existing facility from directions other than the M20. (iii) Parking for the detailed employment elements of the hybrid application - working with KH&T revisions to the quantum of parking in order to provide policy compliant levels of parking in acceptable locations relating to the units served by that parking resource. (iv) Shaping the detail of development – given the ‘hybrid’ nature of the application, commitment to working with the Council to agree a Development Brief to help shape the layout, design, identity and quality of future detailed (reserved matters) applications for the employment and residential parcels where this level of detail is not yet known. This has the ability to assist balancing the ‘up to’ number of homes being applied for with more detailed consideration of place-making and character area creation than is possible at outline stage. (v) ‘Green and blue grid’ as place-makers – given the site’s relationship to the nearby designated ‘Green Corridor’ and the East Stour river that runs through it as a designed Local Wildlife Site (LWS) a commitment to integrate ‘green grid’ (strong soft landscaping with visual amenity, character creation, well- being, identity, habitat and bio-diversity benefits) with ‘blue grid’ (SUDs approaches that actively contribute to identity, visual amenity and character area creation besides helping to manage run-off rates) into the layout of the outline employment and residential areas. These issues can also be taken Ashford Borough Council - Report of the Head of Development Management and Strategic Sites - Planning Committee ___________________________________________________________________ forward in the proposed Development Brief: whilst it is accepted by consultees that the truck-stop cannot sensibly contain SUDs elements, the remainder of the site will, consequently, need to work harder to accommodate more SUDs than is presently suggested in the supporting information. The Council’s adopted policy makes clear the importance of achieving strong surface level SUDs and this can inform the approach in the proposed Brief.