Congressional Record-Senate
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2380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.. OCTOBER 11, manufactured glass bottles-to the Committee on Ways and Mr. QUAY. I present the petition of a very large number Means. of business men of the city of Wilkesbarre, Pa., not one of the By Mr. CLANCY: Resolutions adopted by the Scandinavian petitioners being a banker, praying for the repeal of the so Democratic Club, of Kings County, expressing their loyalty to called Sherman silver law. I move that the pet1tion lie on the the great and honorable principles of which the President of table. the United States is the standard-bearer-to the Committee on The motion was agreed to. Banking and Currency. Mr. HUNTON. I present a petition of business men of Nor By Mr. HITT: Petition of the Puget Sound Annual Confer folk, Va., praying for the prompt and unconditional repeal of the ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 7,000 members, of Seat. purchasing clause of the Sherman law. I would unroll the peti tle, Wash., for the repeal of the Geary anti-Chinese law-to the tion, but I fear there is not room enough in the Chamber. As Committee on Foreign Atl'airs. the bill to which the petition relates is now pending before the By Mr. HOOKER of New York: Petition of 34 citizens of Senate, I move that the petition lie on the table. Jamestown, N.Y., protesting against the official recognition of The motion was agreed to. Sig. Francisco Satolli as the official representative of the Papacy Mr. HUNTON presented petitions of the Chamber of Com in this country-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. merce, of Richmond, Va.; of the Chamber of Commerce, of Nor By Mr. McNAGNY: Petition of Susan Hemmick, for restora folk, Va.; of the Board of Trade and Exchange, of Portsmouth, tion to pension rolls-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Va.; of citizensofPittsylvaniaCounty, Va.,andof Danville, Va., By Mr. POST: Petition of 0. Latimer and 45 other citizens of and of merchants, business men, and citizens of Lynchburg, Va., Abingdon, Ill., for the repeal of the purchasing clause of the praying for the repeal of the silver-purchasing clause of the so Sherman silver law-to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, called Sherman law; which were ordered to lie on the table. and Measures. Mr. HAWLEY presented a petition of the Board of Trade of Also, two petitions of E. A. Mosher, M. Z. Clark, E. C. Zoll, Bridgeport, Conn., praying for the immediate repeal of the sil and 89 other citizens of Cuba, Til., in favor of the free and unlim ver-purchasing clause of the so-called Sherman law; which was ited coinage of silver-to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, ordered to lie on the table. and Measures. REPEAL OF THE SHERMAN LAW-PERSONAL EXPLANATION. Also, petition of John Meyer, Martin Kausen, and 50 other cit- . Mr. BATE. Mr. President, in view of the fact that a series izens of Peoria, Ill., against the purpose of the monopolists to of resolutions passed by two commercial organizations of Mem force a gold standard, and against a contraction of the currency phis, Tenn., were read and placed in the RECORD, and to be to the Committee on Banking and Currency. found in yesterday's RECORD, I ask that the resolution which I By Mr. CHARLES W. STONE: Petition of 69 citizens of send to the desk be likewise read, as part of my remarks. McKean County, Pa., in favor of the retention of the present tariff The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Secretary will read as indi on window glass-to the Committee on Ways and Means. catod. Also, resolutions of the Pennsylvania Legislature concerning The Secretary read as follows: service pensions-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. THE SILVER MEETTNG-CITIZENS MEET AND ADOPT RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. WEADOCK: Petition of Enos Marks for relief-to the According to a call for the meeting en masse of the people of Lincoln Committee on Invalid Pensions. County on the first Monday in October,irrespective of party amliations, for the purpose of discussing the silver question in general and adopting such resolu tions, after mature deliberation, as they deemed best, a large number of our citizens gathered at the court-house at 12m. • • ... A report was made by the committee on resolutions, which was adopted by the meeting, SENATE. and is as follows: "Whereas there is being made in the Congress of the United States an WEDNESDAY, alarming effort to demonetize silver, which ls recognized by our Federal October 111 1893. Constit ution as one of our money coins, and made by law one of the legal tenders in payment of all obligations and debts, as provided by the existing The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. statutes passed by the Congress of the United States; and Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. "'Vhereas we r egard such unfriendly and hostile legislation against silver The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. as money as detrimental to t he best interests of the country, especially to all industry that provides wealth and gives prosperity and happiness to the PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON BONDS. coUlltry, and we regard such effects as being alone in the interest of the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica we:~.lthy and creditor class; and ''Whereas we are firmly and unalterably opposed to a single gold basis or tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in re standard, as contemplated by such legislation. and hereby declare our ad sponse to a resolution of September 28, 1893, a statement of the herence t<> silver money, and that it is one of the money metals of our annual interest on Government bonds on which interest has been country. made such ·oy the fathers and framers of our Federal Constitution, and as su ch it must remain, and its enemies are our enemies, and its friends anticipated by the Treasury Department; which, with the ac are our friends; and companying papers, was ordered to lie on the table, and be "Whereas we believe an unconditional repeal of what is knoWn. as the silver·purchasing clause of the Sherman bill means the demonetiza.tion of printed. silver and its ultimate extinction as money: Therefore 'l'REATIES WITH INDIAN TRIBES IN OREGON. Rewlvtd, That we indorse the action of our United States Senators, Hons. IsHAM G. HARRIS and WILLIAM B. BATE in their etrorts to defeat the repeal Mr. DOLPH. Mr. President, yesterday morning, when my of said act without provisions made for the free coinage of sflver and gold, attention was directed to something else, a report came in, in and we indorse the action of our member in the Lower House of Congress response to a resolution of my colleague, asking for information in voting as he did on the measure, and all the members who voted with in regard to Indian reservations in Oregon. At the suggestion him. R~ aolved, That we are in favor of the free coinage of both gold and silver of the Senator from Missouri [Mr. CoCKRELL] the maps accom as it stood up to the time of the fraudulent act of 1873, when silver was de panving the reports were not ordered printed, but were referred monetized, and we indignantly repel the etrorts of England to dictate to the American people the kind and character of their financial policy, and we call to the Committee on Indian Affairs to settle the question whether upon all true Americans to stand by the American people in this contest. they should be printed or not. Information now comes to me 'l'o tamely submit to the demands and aggressions of the money power now from the Commissioner of Indian Affairsthatthemapsareneces is only to invite further demands and aggressions, and we do here declare our determined purpose to stand up for our constitutional rights at all haz· sary to a proper understanding of the report. I therefore ask ards and all costs. that the order referring the maps to the Committee on Indian .TOE D. CARRIGAN. Affairs may be rescinded, and that the maps may be ordered A. E. SMITH. W. H. FOSTER. printed with the report. I ask unanimous consent thatthatmay E. N. CRAWFORD. be done. DR. W. C. GRISWELL. The VICE-PRESIDENT. If there be no objection it will be so ordered. The Chair hears none. Mr. BATE. I desire to state in this connection that the citi zens of other counti~s in Tennessee have taken similar action, PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. but no general action over the State has been taken up to this Mr. BUTLER presented a petition of the Chamber of Com time, because it was thought there was no cause for general ac merce of Charleston, S.C., praying for the speedy repeal of the tion touching this matter by way of instruction or recommenda so-called Sherman law; which was ordered to lie on the table. tion to their Senators, as their po~itions were understood and Mr. COKE. I present a telegram in the nature of a memorial, approved of. In the county of Maury, in my State, resolutions signed by J. W. Butler and H. J. Higgins, representing the work similar to those which have been read were passed, and in Gib ing people of San Antonio, Tex., remonstrating against there son County, in that part of the State near where Memphis is, peal of the silver-purchasing clause of the so-called Sherman they have likewise passed similar if not stronger resolutions law.