Frogpond 37.1 • Winter 2014 (Pdf)
F ROGPOND T HE JOURNAL OF THE HAIKU SOCIETY OF AMERICA V OLUME 37:1 W INTER 2014 About HSA & Frogpond Subscription / HSA Membership: For adults in the USA, $35; in Canada/Mexico, $37; for seniors and students in North America, $30; for everyone elsewhere, $47. Pay by check on a USA bank or by International Postal Money Order. All subscriptions/memberships are annual, expiring on December 31, and include three issues of Frogpond as well as three newsletters, the members’ anthology, and voting rights. All correspondence regarding new and renewed memberships, changes of address, and requests for information should be directed to the HSA secretary (see the list of RI¿FHUVS). Make checks and money orders payable to Haiku Society of America, Inc. Single Copies of Back Issues: For USA & Canada, $14; for elsewhere, $15 by surface and $20 by airmail. Older issues might cost more, depending on how many are OHIW3OHDVHLQTXLUH¿UVW0DNHFKHFNVSD\DEOHWR+DLNX6RFLHW\RI America, Inc. Send single copy and back issue orders to the Frogpond editor (see p. 3). Contributor Copyright and Acknowledgments: All prior copyrights are retained by contributors. Full rights revert to contributors upon publication in Frogpond. Neither the Haiku 6RFLHW\RI$PHULFDLWVRI¿FHUVQRUWKHHGLWRUDVVXPHUHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRUYLHZVRIFRQWULEXWRUV LQFOXGLQJLWVRZQRI¿FHUV ZKRVHZRUNLV printed in Frogpond, research errors, infringement of copyrights, or failure to make proper acknowledgments. Frogpond Listing and Copyright Information: ISSN 8755-156X Listed in the MLA International Bibliography, Humanities Interna- tional Complete, Poets and Writers. © 2014 by the Haiku Society of America, Inc. Francine Banwarth, Editor Michele Root-Bernstein, Associate Editor Cover Design and Photos: Christopher Patchel.
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