day of Birth in ______7.11.1878 finishes compulsory ______1892 school for girls finishes training as ______1895 ______Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen primary school teacher incidentally discovers X-rays in for French Würzburg 1896 ______Henri discovers radiation of in 1897 ______J.J. Thomson detects the as first elementary particle 1898 ______Marie and Pierre discover in Paris 1900 ______Max Planck introduces his concept of the Wirkungsquantum (quantum of action) successfully completes final ______1901 ______first of Physics to exams as an external; begins W.C. Röntgen studies of physics at the 1903 ______Ernest Rutherford classifies radiation as α-, β- and γ-rays 1905 ______Albert Einstein’s 3 essential papers published, among them the spezielle Relativitätstheorie (special theory of relativity) graduation in Vienna ______1906 moves to , begins advanced ______1907 studies at Planck’s institute; collaboration with begins discovery of the radioactive ______1909 recoil (radioaktiver Rückstoß) with Hahn 1911 ______First Solvay-conference in Brussels 1913 ______Ernest Rutherford and develop the „planetary model of “, having a heavy nucleus in its centre begins working in the ______1912 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute Berlin, at first as unpaid guest regular employment ______1913 1915 ______Einstein publishes the general theory of relativity takes part at WW I as nurse and ______1915/16 radiologist at the Austro-Russian eastern front head of radio-physical ______1917 Department at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute discovery of the element ______1918 (with Hahn) professor at the Institute ______1919 ______Rutherford succeeds in the first transformation of one element into another (nitrogen – oxygen) habilitation at the Friedrich- ______1922 ______Wolfgang Pauli detects Wilhelm- University, Berlin the electron spin external professorship ______1923 1926 ______establishment of wave-mechanics and quantum-mechanics by Erwin Schrödinger, and 1932 discovers the removal from University, ______1933 remains in the Institute begin of the experiments on the ______1934 ______Enrico Fermi succeeds in Transuranic elements with Hahn bombarding heavy nuclei with and hence establishes the Transuranium-Hypothesis due to the of , ______1938 ______Otto Hahn and Fritz Straßmann she loses Austrian citizenship; discover in Berlin escape to Netherlands, exile in Sweden, begins to work at the Nobel Institute in theoretical interpretation of ______1938/39 fission (with her nephew ) 1939 ______Hahn and Straßmann publish their experiments and results; ______Foundation of the Uranverein, Berlin ______Einstein’s letter to Roosevelt 1941 ______Fermi builds first Uranium reactor in ______Manhattan Project established travels to USA ______1946 teaching activity at the Catholic University, Washington Woman of the year 1946 professor at the Royal ______1947 Technical University, Stockholm Swedish citizenship ______1948 Medal Pour le Mérite ______1957 in opening of the Hahn-Meitner- ______1959 Institut in Berlin moves to Cambridge/UK ______1960 dies in Cambridge, shortly after ______27.10.1968 Otto Hahn 1997 ______Element 109 baptized