Storytelling with video Using video to enhance careers support

Trevor Bibic Amy Townsend Freelance Consultant & Careers Consultant 1 Ex Project Manager GGJH

Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Objectives • Understand current use of video amongst the group • Introduce the Great Grad Job Hunt • Create ideas to share with the community • Create some content 2

Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Current use of video - Have you seen/used any video content that you liked? - Where have you used video in your work? - What works and what doesn’t?

Respond at OR Text AT16 to 020 3322 5822 once to join, then text your message


Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Current use of video - Results


Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London The Great Grad Job Hunt


Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London The Great Grad Job Hunt

6 The Great Grad Job Hunt YouTube Channel

Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Why are real stories engaging? The theory bit - People learn through stories (Law, 2008) - Inkson, 2004 – “Career as story” is one of his 9 careers metaphors. There are multiple perspectives on the same career history. The way a story is told gives insights into how someone experiences their own reality. - The seven basic plots: overcoming the monster; rags to riches; the quest; voyage and return; comedy; tragedy; rebirth (Booker, 2004) - Careers practitioners can help reformulate clients 7 stories (Pryor and Bright, 2008)

Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Let’s get creative • Activity One • Come and film • “What I learnt from my first job…” • Here’s one we made earlier: • AGCAS Conference 2017: Careers Are Messy (edit)

& while others are filming…. Activity Two: • What are your ideas for telling stories using video or other media? Respond at OR Text AT16 to 020 3322 5822 once to join, then text your 8 message

Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Q&A - What software do you use to edit? - We used but see next slide for other options - Do you use separate mics or inbuilt on gear? - For use with SLR we used: and - With iPhone used: (with optional and - But any microphone is better than none. Our most popular video used a mono handheld microphone that I had lying around from 2005. Sounded great - I just turned the sound into stereo when editing. - Over how many months did you film the students? And what time of year was it? 9- Recruitment Oct 16, filming Oct 16 – Jul 17

Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Your story ideas (May 2018)

- Promoting events (e.g.webinars), careers tips, pre- Chat Live welcome video - We've just asked our team for their interview tips, to post on social media - but we could use this idea for video too. And also the question about first work experience and what you learned from it. 10

Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Your Story Ideas (poll results from Sep 17) Student journey case study for each year; placement journey from application to doing the placement; student blog for specific groups e.g. International students, mature students, blogging about what to wear to an interview. Using animations to create stories, more time consuming but not so reliant on human contributors. Create videos following one person as a long term series - finding the job and what happens when they have the job Day in the life of a recruiter Day in the life of someone doing a specific job Humanise the process of recruitment Failure and resilience Normalise failure Alumni and other 'successful'people talking about trials and tribulations Put career into context Address pressure that comes from peers/family Show to teaching staff so they understand the current career landscape Promote our volunteering and other services Interviewing students as case studies after their job hunt, Students writing/capturing reflective thoughts during placement year. Alumni team using mentors from within their age dynamic - video this interaction for reflection afterwards. Bring employers in and video "day in the life". Careers service to market our services. Careers - "how to". "Meet the team" talking heads. Career staff telling their own stories about our varied degrees and career paths and lessons we learned. Provocative11 questions such as "tell me about your biggest career failure" or "what's the worst job you've ever had and why?" as a catalyst for conversation on learning from failure and building resilience.  Supporting students applying for placements, supporting students who don't get a placement to explore other work experienceCopyright © The options, Careers Group, supporting University of London international students tyo look at getting work in the UK, highlighting non linear career journeys Video Editing Software

Simple Adobe Clip (iOS, android – free)

Easy Adobe Clip iMovie (mac, iOS – free) (video editing built in – – free) WeVideo (any web browser – free to start, then £) Elements (windows, mac - £) VideoPad Video Editor (windows, mac – free)

Advanced Final Cut Pro (mac - ££) (windows, mac - ££) (windows - ££) WeVideo Avid First (windows, mac – free or ££ for adv features) (windows, max – free) The video we created AGCAS Information Conference 2018: Careers Are Messy

AGCAS Conference 2017: Careers Are Messy (edit)

AGCAS Conference 2017: Careers Are Messy (extended edition) 13

Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Reflection


Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Thank you


Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London Why are real stories engaging? The theory bit References - Booker, C. (2004). The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories. London: Continuum. - Law, B. (2008) Storyboarding Handbook: Narratives for well-being. The Career-Learning Café. - Inkson, K. (2004) Images of career: nine key metaphors. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 65: 96 – 111. - Pryor, R.G.L. & Bright, J.E.H. (2008). Archetypal narratives in career counselling. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 8(2), 71-82. 16

Copyright © The Careers Group, University of London