Sixteen Personalities Are Selected 1964'S
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Boys' Club Serves OG&B Chooses As Laboratory For All-Conference Psychology Class nli) aub iBlark Football Team Page Seven Page Two * Pacemaker Award Winner 1963-64 * * * NUMBER 10 Wake Forest College, Winston-salem, North Carolina, 1\lol!ulay, November 23, 1964 VOLlJME L * * Advisors Appointed Tribble Sixteen Personalities Are Selected ·Board Of Visitors Outlines To Serve College 3 Needs 1964's 'Most Outstanding' Seniors By ALBERT HUNT Alp.pointment of a 16-man . visitors will act in an advisory ASSOCIATII' EDITOR been board of visitors of the Wake >Capacity as has the case ri1here are three ma:in areas Forest School of Arts andl with the me<Ia,oa;l sdl.ooll. The Howler Makes Major Change' which Wake Forest College Sciences and the election of board for the School of. .Arts needs to strengrthen in order to officers of ·a similar 12-man ·and Sciences will also worl!l achieve her academic goals, ac 'board for the Wake For~ with the graduate program and cording to Presirlen.t Harold W. In This Election's Philosophy School of Law was announced/ the School of Business Adminis- Tribble. Thursday tration. In an .interview with the Old of Irving E. Carlyle of Willlston- j When the plan was approved The Class 1965 recognized sixteen of its outstanding individuals in a popu· Gold and Black Friday, he listed lar vote last Thursday. Salem, president of the Col- in January, itt was noted that these areas as follows: lege's •boanli of trustees, said that 'boards of visitors might have The system, an overhauled version of the Howler staff's annual selection of Howard Holderness of Greens- members who are not Baptists -The lli:brary needs to be "Outstanding Seniors," allowed seniors to nominate their own classmates for boro, :presi.den,t of Jefferson or wbo live out of the state. adequately equipped for gradu this distinction. ate study. Standard Life Insuran.ce Com- Members of the ooa!I'd of trus~ The eleven men students and five coeds selected are: Jerry Attkisson of pany, has been elected -chairman •tees a,t Wake Forest must be (Presently the Wake Foresb Kinston, Jack Brown of Timonium, Md., Hap Bulger of London, England, Jo of the board of visitors for the North Carolina Bapti.s.ts. library has a ilittle over 230,00() DeYoung of Munich, Germany, Barry Dorsey of Shelby, Dana Hanna of Dunn. Schooil of Arts arui Sciences. volwnes which is considered Also Named Also, Carole Hendrix of Reidsville, Butch Lennon of Wilmington, Betty Robert 0. Huffman of Mor totally i.nladequate for gNduate Lewis of Madison, Cliff Lowery of Raleigh, John Mackovic of Barberton, ganton, president of Drexel En Other members of the boardl studies.) terprises, has been named vi-ce Ohio, Jim Mayo of Philadelphia, P.a., Ken Moser of Kannapolis, Brian Picco of visitors for the School of Arts Faculty cha.innan. Wom:h Copeland of land Sciences are Smith Bagley, .---------------lo of Fort Lauderdale, Winston-Salem, secretary and Royal Brown, Tully Blair, J. -The College must provide Fla., Ronnie Watts of treasurer of the Co!llege, will be Edwin Collette, Egber:t L· Davis, ·and support the means fo~ Baptist Editors Washington, D. C., Donia secretary for the board! of visi Jr., Mrs. Jane Lackey, C. W. maintaining an adequate :facul Whiteley of Bethesda, tors. The board illlciudes nine Reynolds, ThollllllS B. Rice, and ty. Criticize Acts residents of Winston-Salem. Md., were selected. Mead H. Willis, Jr., all of Tribble noted tha,t any edu Of Convention At a meeting after chapel last Law School Board Winston-Salem, Mrs. J. Spencer ·Catiooal institution must con Tuesday, seniors were urged to Love of ~eensboro, Lex Marsh. stantly strive to increase the By STEVE BURNS nominate five seniOI\S' deserv Leon L. Rice, Jr., Winston and Dwight, both of inducements neccessary to k~ ASSISTANT EDITOR ing of recognition~for indivi Salem a·ttomey, wa.s elected Charlotte? Dr. o. C. Crunnchacl highly qualified :facullty. duality aa!d uniqueness -of per chairman of the board of visi of Asheville, and! Gerald John The two official North Caro -More 5cholarships ~and fel sonality instead of merely for tors for the School of Law. son of Baltimore. lowships must be provided far lina Baptist publications criti· leadership qualities and service James F. Hoge, New York at~ Other members of the board students entering the college. cized the action taken by the to the school. torney, was elected vice of visitors for the Law ScbodL <Director of Admissi<>ns Win. Greensboro Convention on the maill and Marion J. Davis, Win lare Archie K. Davis, Henry H. liam G. Starling said tha.t slight trustee proposal and Higher Who's Who Repetition ston-Salem Mtorney, secretary· Ramm, and John W. Whltaker. ly over 500 studetllts out of a Education-al Facilities Act in A plan providing the bo~ all of Winston-Salem; u. S. Rep. lrust week's publications. "In the paJSt," said editor total undergradluate em"'Ollment Donia Whiteley, "the list of of visitors was approved last Horace R. Kornegay, L. Ri-ch of 2372 are receiving assistance. The Biblical Recorder, the January by ·the trustees. They ·ardson. Preyer, ami Federal SENIOR JIM MAYO proves you don't need w be highfalutin Outstanding Seniors has been Over 20 per -cent of -these stu weekly magazine, and Charity largely a repetition of Who's are patterned after a plan whi~ Judge Edwm M. stanley, aE. of to be outstanding. and Children, the weekly news dents are on athletic scholar- Who. We hoped that by letting ha5 been used by the :Bo\YIIUU\ GreenSboro; Guy T. Carsweilll. of paper, voiced editorial dis· ships. , the .seniors select their own outr Gray School of Medicin-e of the Charlotte, A. Yates Dowell of appointment with the denomi Dr. Henry S. Stroupe, Direc standing classmates, we would College for a number of years. Washington, and Shearon Harris tor of Gradll'ate Si:uilies, said nation's defeat of both pro Carlyle &aid the boards of of Rlaileigh. be able to single out some in approximately two-thirds of the IFC Plans Deferred posals. dividuals who might otherwise OUTSTANDING S EN I 0 R flill.--tmne graduate studenlis all In his "Editor's Notebook," never be reeognized." Butdl Lenn0!11 - 'hoJIA)rable' lihe college are ctirrently receiv Marse Grant of the Biblical choice gets baptism from ing asS!i.SIIance of some kind. Recorder said he woo "pleased The IStaff feels this year that Students Pep-Up Spirits Rush For '65- '66 the list of "Soni:or Personali brothers. All of the students at the Bow that the discussion on the two ties'' represents a broader man Gray School of Medicine By BILL . JOYNER "Although an early rtliSh proposals remained ()(II. a very the true opilnion of the senior cross-section of campus life, think With Pre-Game Session are receiving some form of as- STA.FP"' WRITER would take the strain off the high level," but criticized the cl:ass. We of the5e sixteen ·sa.stance.) · messengers for not staying for ranging from athletics to LStu people not so much as the six initial classes, the freshman dent government and from By RALPH SIMPSON Tribble noted that Wake The Inter-Fraternity Council still the entire convention. teen most outstanding members rushee would have his !School spirit to publications. STAFF WRITER Forest ·already compilies with is plannilllg. to initiate a de pledge duties during the entire of the .senior class, but rather the minimum standards of the ferre-d fraternity rush program first semes.ter -and he is still Decision Made Early According to assistant editor as sixteen individual cont:-ibu At a pre-game pep rally behind Reynolda Hall Friday Southern Association of Colleges Fred Eaves, "The revised pro tions to the well-rounded! 'per in 1965-66. academically unproven," said The Recorder also pointed aftcrnoOI!l, Wake Forest students Ul1ged the Demon Deacons and Secondary Schools to be alll, cedure is the most democratic sonality' of ·the senior class as According to Clark Dillon, Dillon. out that it was perhaps "just to "rip the hell out" of the North Carolina State Wolfpack. accredited university, but added way we could think of to get a whole." vice-president of the I. F. C., "Al£0 :i'S well Fraternities got into the act early in the week by plastering "We don't want -to do lit on a one week not enough as that debate on federal this <:omes as a result of the time to choose a rushee or a aid didlll't take place. People -------------------------- eye-ca~ching siglllS, sueh as "Cream Moo U.," "Culture over minimum basis." realization that "we need to "When we do become a uni rushee to choose a fraternity," had already made up their 'No Time For Anger~ Agriculture," and "Tate over State," all over the campus. attempt to change the rush he added. minds and it is doubtful if _____________:;;_ __ By the time of the pep rally, however, everybody wa.s in vers~ty. we want to be a solid procedure." institUtion in all respects." A second plan would be a anything could have changed the act. The Council passed a pro mid-semester rush beginning their feelings;· in fact, many Led by the cheerleader.s and the Demoat Deacons Hap Bulger, , Undergraduate Program posal ·to have rush deferred the day af:ter mid-term grades of them had already marked students yelled for the team-and got it. by a 6-4 vote.. are issued.