Two Security Scares for Nixon in Thailand M
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Av«ea«e Daily Net n w s Run *w The Week Boded fn oe <8, v m The Weather CHoudy, humid wMh showera and scattered/ thunderatonns - 15,459 through Tuesday. Gusty wUula, heavy downpoure may occur. Haneheuer— 4 City of ViUage Charm ' VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 253 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) BlANCniESTER, (X)NN., MONDAY. JULY 28, 1969 (Cleaatfled Advertlaliut no Bnce 16) PRICE TEN CENTS .Ji Two Security Scares For Nixon in Thailand M. BANGKOK (AP) — President Nixon’s visit to <0) loemcei <V> Thailand got o ff to an un ijifl easy start today with two Weatker — • (C> security scares after a Mme (0> leclal <C) rain-soaked arrival. the Kinir One man threw what ap peared to be an empty bottle at ( 0) Nixon and his King Bhumlbol. Police arrested him and said he B (C) B (C) was mentally disturbed, with a (C) PI previous record. ht Movie one” Story Another man was arrested I and in- nearby with a pistol In his belt. rt of Kins But he turned out to be an army Ighta of the lette ScoU, A officer on leave 'from southern laid How Thailand. He was released. ies Jane* (C) The bottle thrower was about ’69 B (C> so yards from Nixon and the artin Show >r» <C) king as they arrived at the lance man Phanfa Pavilion in downtown w / - comedian Bangkok for the PresMent to re hKs of ’29 finale. (C) ceive the keys to the city. Nei (C) ther Nixon nor tiw king seemed New* <0) hief aware of the incident. 'X \. iovie The army officer was arrest — Weaiher <0) ed across the street after Nixon e* and the king entered the pavi lent ce»" 'B7. n A. t-, Photodnai) lion. iOn Chaney SPACE HEROES WELCOMED — The Apollo 11 Wives, Pat Collins, Jan Armstrong and Joan Aldrin Nixon showed no sign of con in motion their isolation trailer, Neil Armstrong, Ed cern as he went through the cer ath. James after spacemen arrived at Ellington Air Force lalone, Jim win Aldrin and Michael Collins, are greeted by their emonies and extended to Thai Base near Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. land reassurance about his re-' Foetal y steals cent accent on''self-help as a ne : and finds cessity for Asian states. the police alley Gran- "The United States will stand ilK, Cathy proudly with ’Thailand against those who might threaten from Show John- Apollo 11 Moon Travelers abroad or within," Nloxn told (O) Show (C) nil of Com- his hosts. :* Rsoelvlng a warm but poHtely » — USAF restrainsd weicome, Nixon said d SIcn Off that some ireattes "oan be Ju^ Joke About Purple Rocks a sDiup at paper with no mean- i f « .'’ The United States and ’IhsHand are members of the SPACE CENTER, Hous engineer John Hirasakl also re- Hljaaakl said Oolllns, who or- ne£s, such as astronauLs experi Southeast Asia Theaty Organisa ported they and the astronauts blted the moon In the command ton (A P )— Apollo l l ’s as ence in orbit. tion—SElA'rO. made direct contact with black ship while Armstrong and Aid- "They reported they had a tronauts discussed the lu powdery moon dust that gath- rin walked the surface, asked ’ '66. Naala better sense of directloiv in one- (See Page Bight) er in order nar orbit phase of their ered on the spacemen’s suits. his companionb about the tex- slxth G. On the moon objects officer who Astronauts Neil A. Arm- ture of the surface and some of iformatlooa. historic moon landing mis would settle down and wouldn’t od Baylor, strong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and the things they aaw. sion during a second day float off as in zero G, so they Michael Oolllrjs reached Hous- Said OarpenUer: "They dia- Mablo” ’64. wouldn't have to look around for lean Cabot, of de-briefings today. ton early Simday and immedi- cussed the colors, materials. Income Surtax With tape recorders catching them." CarpenUer added. (C) ately transferred from the van and so forth. Their reaction to leather and every word, the spacemen re to quarailtine quarters at the lu working in the one-sixth lui»r Hirasakl said there was a lot May Die Unless (0) called for experts the Injection bmfort and nar receiving laboratory. gravity field was that it was of light-hearted talk about the Irtto moon orbit and the prepar They are being treated as purple rock Aldrin imported lire ations for the descent to the sur very comfortable. ’They found Senate Moves e Morning” though they wiere contaminated sighting on the moon. face on July 20 by Nell A. Arm they could get around more eas Item - ad- by moon oiganlams, although ily than in zero G ." "It’s become quite a Joke WASHINGTON (AP) — Dem obert Stack strong and Edwin E. Aldiin Jr. looking for scientists doubt that lunar ocratic Leader Mike Mansfield Michael Collins told of his Zero gravity is welghtless- (Bee Page Fifteen) I Raymond germs exist. of Montana suggested today lumine ad- lonely vigil In orbit whUe his With them are 14 other per that the 10 per cent Income sur companUms were on the surface s* VSAF sons—doctors, technical ex- d Sign Off for more than 21 hours. tax may die if the Senate falls lierts, etewards and a cook. Does Life Exist on Mars? to act by Thursday on a new ex n OH The emphasis was on systems iher — Mo- tension of the payroll withhold HxAtiWAVING WELCOMERi^—Youngsters on street In Bangkok wave Ameri n and Sign performance. They are scheduled for re can flags in welcoming I’resident Richard Nixon. Notice sign in iMtokground. / The 10-day de-briefIng period lease Aug. 11 if they develop r» ing to meet the levy on Individu is being ^ held simultaneously illness and if study of the rocks al taxpayers. / with the astronauts’ quarantine, they collected rhows nothing Century-Old Puzzle "If that happens, I suppose / cdalty scheduled to ,l^t two more harmful. I'll get the blame for It," Mans lOUS weeks. Oarpentier and Hlrasaki dis field said. He Indicated he Is Two men who rode in a quar cussed the van trip with news Answer Due Shortly willing to accept this os part of Kennedy Confining Ambitions •N antine van that transported the men., Sunday night from behind. his effort to force acUon on tax a fealed window. nates astronauts from the Pacific to PASADENA, Calif, (A P ,-S d e n ii,t . expect K, begin Houston reported that during "In their conversations." Hlr- it «a tlB ' 1 eceiving tonight their best data ever on a centuries-old through July si. mparahta those 2% days the spacemen aseJd said, "Collins was espe To U.S. Senate, Not Presidency Joked about purple rocks and cially impressed by the remark puzzle: Does life exist on Mars? The reform movement got a discussed the perfection of their able perfection of the whole Mariner 6, one of two space blow Sunday from Chairman HYANNIS I’OKT, Mass. ben*. Inundated by thouaarid* of The ennator pleaded guilty craft zooming toward the mys >ER mission and the ease of working mlBeion—how well the machines ture* Friday from 1.14 . million Ruseell B. Ixmg, D-I-a.. of the (AP) Sen. FMward M. telograme In mipunae ti* Friday last Friday to . chorga of liv IB L atar terious red planet after a five- In the lunar envlionmoit. worked, the time-line. All three mllea away and make a 2,000-' Senate Finance committee, Kennedy is confining his night'* dramatic teWvtalan-ia' month Journey, Is to begin when he predicted the Senate illo itpiwml, Kennedy la dt- ing the enane at a fatal ooddent Dr. William OarpenUer and were amazed at the perfection.” mile pass on Monday night, political ambitions to the and n>celv*d ei euapanM two- transmitting/televlsicin pteturee will not accept action by a •Tibed by IIkhw who haw eeon fE-IN Aug. 4. month ssnlence. He did not re from 771,&()fi miles away Just be House committee to reduce the U.S. Senate— not the presi him mi Irrltnlpd over proa* S4S-SSW The closest pictures will show port the accident until mora fore midnight. 27Vi per cent oil depiction allow dency—as he awaits what ■peculaUon aboul what the features as small as 900 feet Mars,/' is nearly 50 million ance to 20 per cent. is shaping up as a vote of death eg Mary Jor Kupechrw than nine hours after hie cor across. plungad off a bridge and Mtse Congress Needs Time miles from earth. Asked about Ixmg's suiii- confidence by the people of nnd hi* lirttone following U The Mars probes were sent off Knpeehne drowned em d By'the time Mariner 6 flies ment, Mansfield replied; MasHachiisetts, sources mean to hie pmildentlal proa- by the Jet Propulsion Laborato "I'd say the same thing If 1 to him Hay. AVE wl^l^tn 2,000 miles of Mars ry here for Uve National Aero (Bee Page Three) lyednesday, scientists hope H were In Long’s shoes." „ .. nautics aid Space Admlnlntra- HERE • To Get Out of Orbit will have sent up to 74 pictures, Reminded that Montana . 1*0 tlon. has oil production. Mansfield K ^ n cly put U SEE some detailed enough to pick out of hie tnlnti any ambitionM WASHINGTON (AP) — The been Introduced saying it should out possible ruins, canals or Dr. Robert B. l>elghton, Cali said It was "nothing like I>oul- H IS he migtit In vr tiartxiried tor the Apollo 11 moon travelers may be called Moon Day, Natloiihl geometric patterns.