GEOPHYSICAL AND HYDROGEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT St Peters Catholic Church- Upendo in Kangawa, P.O. Box 230, Molo. Through The Catholic Diocese of Nakuru, through the Nakuru Defluoridation Co. Ltd P.O. Box 2943 - 20100 Nakuru Plot LR No.; …………………… Kangawa-Upendo Village, Kangawa Sub-Location, Kuresoi North Location, Mau Summit Division, Molo Sub-County, Nakuru County. Topo Sheet No.; 118/2 CONSULTANT: Samuel Munyiri, BSc, MSc. (Hons) R. Geol. (Registered Hydrogeologist; Licence No. WD/WP/254) P.O. Box 798-10101, Karatina. Cell-phone: 0723 623 766 E-mail:
[email protected] Signed:_________________________________ Date:___________________________________ June, 2018 Hydrogeological and Geophysical Report St. Peters Upendo Catholic Church EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction This report presents the findings of a geophysical and hydro-geological assessment carried out for St Peters Upendo Catholic Church-Kangawa on their 2 Acre parcel of land located in Kangawa Village, Kangawa Sub-Location, Kuresoi North Location and Mau Summit Division in Molo Sub- County of Nakuru County. The farm is located off the Molo-Londiani tarmac road section – at a distance of about 8km from Molo Town on the right hand side of this main road. The land can be accessed at the Kangawa Primary School junction and is about 1.8km west of this junction along a dry weather road. Water Demand and Use Kangawa-Upendo community is not served by any source of portable piped water, which would imply a near absence water supply on the client’s land. Apart from private boreholes and shallow wells in the area, there is no other feasible water supply. The community therefore relies on shallow wells, which have contaminated water due to percolation of fecal material from pit latrines.