IntroductionValues Threats June 2005 ’s largest forest Kenya’s largest forest Continuous destruction of Continuous destruction of UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME SERVICE KENYA WILDLIFE KENYA FORESTS WORKING GROUP A presentation by: MAU COMPLEX UNDER SIEGE MAU COMPLEX UNDER SIEGE IntroductionValues Threats The Mau Complex covers ha, as large some 400,000 and theas Mt. Kenya Aberdares combined. of forest It is the largest Kenya. As a montane it is forest, one of the five main “water with Mt. of Kenya, towers” the Aberdare Kenya, Range, Mt. Elgon and the Cherengani Hills.

The Mau Complex covers ha, as large some 400,000 and theas Mt. Kenya Aberdares combined. of forest It is the largest Kenya. As a montane it is forest, one of the five main “water with Mt. of Kenya, towers” the Aberdare Kenya, Range, Mt. Elgon and the Cherengani Hills.



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U g a n d a d n a g U S Location and extent of the Mau Complex IntroductionValues Threats ) Lake ) Lake Î Î ) Lake ) Lake Victoria) ) Lake Victoria) Lake Nakuru) Lake Nakuru) Lake Victoria) Lake Nakuru) ) Lake Victoria) Lake Nakuru) Lake Victoria) ) Î Lake Nakuru) Lake Victoria) Lake Victoria) Lake Nakuru) Lake Turkana) Î Lake Victoria) Lake Baringo) Î Î Î Lake Victoria) Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Naishi( River Njoro ( River Nderit River ( Makalia ( River Nzoia ( River Yala ( River Nyando River ( Î Sondu ( River ( Kerio ( River Molo ( River Ewaso Nyiro River ( Lake Victoria Lake Turkana Lake Baringo Lake Nakuru Lake Natron Basin)Lake Victoria (Nile River Lake Turkana (Kenya / Ethiopia) Lake Natron ( / Kenya) Naishi( River Njoro ( River Nderit River ( Makalia ( River Nzoia ( River Yala ( River Nyando River ( Î Sondu ( River Mara River ( Kerio ( River Molo ( River Ewaso Nyiro River ( Lake Victoria Lake Turkana Lake Baringo Lake Nakuru Lake Natron Basin)Lake Victoria (Nile River Lake Turkana (Kenya / Ethiopia) Lake Natron (Tanzania / Kenya) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Mau Complex forms the of all (but upper catchments of the Rift west one) main rivers including: Valley, including: , It feeds major of which three are cross- boundary: The Mau Complex forms the of all (but upper catchments of the Rift west one) main rivers including: Valley, including: lakes, It feeds major of which three are cross- boundary: Sondu-Miriu hydropower plant Mau Complex: a key catchment area IntroductionValues Threats Scenic landscape. Wildlife plentiful Wildlife landscape. Scenic Important Bird Area (over 470 species) 470 (over Area Bird Important Only remnant in Kenya of the Guineo- High biodiversity (birds, butterflies, plants…) Second most visitedprotected area Ramsar (1990) Site 450 species) (over Area Bird Important flamingoes the for area breeding Main game and big for famous World 450 species) (over Area Bird Important World Heritage Site game and big for famous World 540 species) (over Area Bird Important in the Rift Valley Congolian ecosystem forest great migration great migration Scenic landscape. Wildlife plentiful Wildlife landscape. Scenic Important Bird Area (over 470 species) 470 (over Area Bird Important • • • • • • • • • • • • • Only remnant in Kenya of the Guineo- High biodiversity (birds, butterflies, plants…) Second most visitedprotected area Ramsar (1990) Site 450 species) (over Area Bird Important flamingoes the for area breeding Main game and big for famous World 450 species) (over Area Bird Important World Heritage Site game and big for famous World 540 species) (over Area Bird Important in the Rift Valley Congolian ecosystem forest great migration great migration • • • • • • • • • • • • • South Turkana National Reserve KerioReserve National Valley Kamnarok National Reserve Lake Baringo Lake NakuruPark National Lake Natron MaasaiReserve National Mara Kakamega Reserve Forest National Serengeti National Park Serengeti National South Turkana National Reserve KerioReserve National Valley Kamnarok National Reserve Lake Baringo Lake NakuruPark National Lake Natron MaasaiReserve National Mara Park Serengeti National Kakamega Reserve Forest National 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 4 23 1 6 7 8 Mau Complex: key to major conservation areas IntroductionValues Threats A large majority of Kenya’s of Kenya’s A large majority in Lake lives population Victoria basin. This region is flowing major rivers by crossed 3 Complex. Over from the Mau million people live in the sub- locations these crossed by rivers. In addition the Mau Complex provides environmental to crop essential services river (continuous production flow, favourable micro-climate many conditions) as well products (medicinal plants, firewood and grazing). A large majority of Kenya’s of Kenya’s A large majority in Lake lives population Victoria basin. This region is flowing major rivers by crossed 3 Complex. Over from the Mau million people live in the sub- locations these crossed by rivers. In addition the Mau Complex provides environmental to crop essential services river (continuous production flow, favourable micro-climate many conditions) as well products (medicinal plants, firewood and grazing). People’s dependence on the Mau Complex IntroductionValues Threats orests where conditionsorests for optimum tea near the Mau Complex, in particular South 2003 a, y ret Northern Tinderet and forests . ea Board of Ken T he T Constant moisture Soil temperature between 16 and 25 ºC Air temperature between 10 and 30 ºC , a y ● ● ● ea Map of Ken he T T Source: The largest tea growing are areas in Kenya Tinde (Kericho), West Tea growing areas are located near montane f production are met: Mau Complex: key micro-climate regulator for crops IntroductionValues Threats ent (Eastern Mau FR), ent (Eastern rton drying rivers University), Lake Lake Nakuru nable, as water are declining resources fast. very the top of Mau escarpm Mau FR Eastern Eastern resources: drying boreholes (Ege boreholes drying resources: Mau FR South West Forest boundaries 2001 excisions Lake Victoria Lake impacting tremendously on water impacting tremendously In 2001, the Government excised over 67,000 hectares of forest reserve land, mainly inIn 2001, the Government excised over 67,000 hectares the Mau Complex. The largest excised area extends over (Njoro). Settlements in such location are unsustai Forest excisions: a major threat in the Mau Complex IntroductionValues Threats Forest excisions: a major threat in the Mau Complex IntroductionValues Threats Location of major forest cover losses in the Mau Complex IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats t ion it en s m t mpo co r st Depar lou re Fo lse co t, a c F e j k o s. r r p t

age N l Pa en O m im C h ona

i F M c t T es ca Nat : KI v s u u e i r and E

kur kur SS Na Na M ke ke bounda

s t sat La La Forest Reser s e c e r r o Land F Legend Sou - - the

2003 3 – over in s s re a t c hectares een 197 e hectares hectare h w

t e 60 820 9 ,780 , , 5 0 1 2 ion cover b he dense vegetation c : s of t

rve e % s re t reserves: of Lake Nakuru res o rest f e 36 d i ts representing 49 % of the dense vegetation cover in the in dense vegetation cover of the representing 49 % catchment of Lake Nakuru Loss of dense vegetation cover between 1973 – 1973 cover between Loss of dense vegetation 2003 reserves:Inside forest Outside forest reserves: 20,960 hectares 36,780 Total: hectares 15,820 Loss of dense vegetat Inside fo Ou Total: representing 49 catchment Eastern Mau Forest: impact of destruction on Lake Nakuru IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats has been clear cut and excised in 2001. However, of the upper catchments of the Molo catchments upper of the of one River, could with be replanted trees. Molo centre in the located is hectares) (902 Forest the two main tributaries of Lake Baringo. The forest settled sparsely it is only and Molo Forest IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats ne 2004 u 28 J n o 3 March 1989

none aken t h p a r g o t Transmara Forest Reserve o gazetted forest 937.7 hectares Ph Status: Kiptagich Tea Estate Location: Area: Notice: Gazette Excision Notice: Legal Excision Flight path PhotographsExcisions 2001 Transmara Forest Reserve: private tea estates IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats Landsat, 4 February 2003 Landsat, 4 February e the Estate in the neighbouringtted gaze forest indigenous Tea growing outsid Transmara Forest Reserve: private tea estates IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats Transmara Forest Reserve gazetted forest ~200 hectares Landsat, 4 February 2003 Landsat, 4 February Private Estate Location: Area: Status: Transmara Forest Reserve: private tea estates IntroductionValues Threats catchment of the Ewaso Nyiro River which rest. It is a critical of indigenous It is a critical fo xclusively rest. limate regulation, biological diversity and and diversity biological regulation, limate Wildlife and tourism development The southern forests of the Mau Complex are richbiological in diversity in termsfauna asand flora.ungulates such the Theyhost and the yellow-backedBongo Duiker; carnivores, includingGoldenand the Cat and the forest The Leopard; elephant. the forest of the Maasai Mau, in particular, comprises large stands of cedar and podocarpus forests with scattered natural glades. The Maasai Mau forest isa majorasset for tourism development. It could become a twin conservation areas with the Maasai Reserve Mara National r catchment, micro-c Water catchment value The Maasai Mau forest isthe mainupper waterprovidespastoralistneeded much to the communities. River The isalso the main tributaryLake Natron,of which isbreedingarea the for the flamingoesof the RiftValley. Tothewest, the Maasai Mau forest ispartuppercatchment of the of the Mara River. The Maasai Mau forest (46,278 hectares) is comprised e natural assets, in terms of wate tourism development. Maasai Mau: key values IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats

t n n o

. s d on the e ie r s compositi ba r felled outside , rest Departme o a 7 8 9 bounda cle lse colour t a s re y y we fore ON project, F ar t ar C n st upon in 1 und M images. F y the y d e de i e ries: KIF undar r nd ET of fore g a s M ins a k T e e rest-forest bound c r c o River boundar Ridge bo Straight line bo Main encroachme F we orest bounda pla ) Landsat F n s Legend Sources - - e e r k a t ta c n, large tra e v he 8 ha 7 neatio 2 ,

nts 6 d au (4 me t M h s 2003 c de an hectares oa hectares r nce the deli c u Fore n ,382 hectares Si . , e Ma 3 i een 1986 – a e forest inside and 16,948 hectares ntly s e forest insi e a 16,948 hectares c r between 1986 – 2003 e th mission Ma r r betw e aries of the Maasai ries: 3,382 hectares m e of es: h d o ri n C u Mor of t o 30 % . s g s e ie rest cove e b r ri tside th ss of fo tal: 20,330 outside the boundaries of the Maasai Mau Total: 20,330 of th representing 30 % Loss of forest cove Inside the bounda Outside the boundaries: u o o bounda bounda rk of the Ntutu L Inside the bounda Outside the boundaries: T representin o o The w the Maasai Mau: past forest destruction IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats 2005 to cover the entire western part of the l survey carried out in February 2005. 2005. out in February carried l survey 2005: main findings 578 heavily logged hectares Aerial survey, 16-21 February Main findings: West Maasai forest Mau Heavily impacted area: approx. 11,095 hectares East Maasaiforest Mau 550 huts / houses Settlements: 2,343 indigenous Logging: trees 1,055 head Livestock: Encroachments continued further between 2003 and Maasai Mau forest, as revealed by an aeria Maasai Mau: current forest destruction IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats 2005

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aken t h p a r g o t o Ph Flight pathFlight Photographs Maasai Mau: current forest destruction IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats 2005

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aken t h p a r g o t o Ph Flight pathFlight Photographs Maasai Mau: current forest destruction IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats 2005

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aken t h p a r g o t o Ph Flight pathFlight Photographs Maasai Mau: current forest destruction IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats 2005

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aken t h p a r g o t o Ph Flight pathFlight Photographs Maasai Mau: current forest destruction IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats il 2005 r p 21 A n o

aken t h p a r g o t o Ph Drive pathDrive Photographs Maasai Mau: current forest destruction IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats il 2005 r p 21 A n o

aken t h p a r g o t o Ph Drive pathDrive Photographs Maasai Mau: current forest destruction IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats il 2005 r p 21 A n o

aken t h p a r g o t o Ph Drive pathDrive Photographs Maasai Mau: encroachment on Ol Pusimoru FR IntroductionValues ThreatsThreats il 2005 r p 21 A n o

aken t h p a r g o t o Ph Drive pathDrive Photographs Maasai Mau: encroachment on Ol Pusimoru FR