B Rl ; .! . 'A I/N ; j i; VI-.AFt

Man Killed m Side walks For MrM Show For Doing*Of in* '" Alltr: Coj Rfiforcf S* Cripple} Ku'.f - Bank C HI*-

1 rank ,Sol»..ir the M«yt>i .! H-ieU- A

Greet Woman\ Club Presi{i«-n< The A<.-tivities Of I t ^'*'( Little Silver (>.«;«.„„!.. ,- Ii I t Vhv Woniai?'"- Chi)' hi>-i! ' roniti Mrs V f'/i-i..-

u ! : "'' son, Bft? k ! »-."•• * • >• •!:•

M 1 . ,.- • !• ! " U*' nil* f *. -'•'•• ' •"*. n (.• i if ,. 1 1 !J i-'i- 'i. W, f, . j t 1 p A M-i"' ,t > • M i- h \t i. v a n • • |.»< k 1, 1 ,-, 1 '• i •••?m.x, th- \ >i r \ His h, • 3$. Vi]. 1 •j 1, • w 11 r i hv the worn- fX< (•

)• : idfiy n TH hfr M ic H III! )•/. Of thf r i anil Ml* 1,«»p of in* \ Par! or (11 Ft road A ! nr*fi d 1 ,-:-, M the Th- in- r whi'h ' • i m i 1, Moil K'Mii. Wil in •ill r AM hii

, <• in' n it • 1 f tt 1 ' ', Hi il*' wan * t- ' 1- 1 1 in A .ii i;ir (1 'I !it 1 II 1 matter to ! } 1 ej 1 II A i I •'' ' poiire '•ommit- 1 1 II I 1 I I U hit. Ml- J J> "' '" ' ^ .»•«• «,• f ihnnk.*• Vvas a.c•UTi*»fl U> Prizes for Best ;;- III 1 f til lilt, s ( i II : iI 1 f od Ml !• luir-nrf K Kritiei " '" 1' I-I.-PV ( 'it < Witial VKfWPf and hfh Mi , t. , i 1 ni hn \' nK U-UK c.irnpletply IK it I askrd 1 h:it the in^ut a nee p»s M.-y ny f Hepmts W.-II made by Mis. human »- > i!| >s i\Mli h \VMI. I f incrpaseU to provlflc fm the diiv f Heed, the public welfare chairman, ) ' . ! V.U vf f t! t * t f nf Mi i-iin ! Sacks of fin of the new truck. THR comrnit- Memorial Sf rvn*t and Mrs K.liound D. Fraser, chair- W 'in ^t i 1 Iir i 1 i! li! Moniiiiiutli County Horticultural •1 w is damaged tcpiucn wnrp in doubt HH to wluHhei man of baby clinic work. Miss Ger- r t ihry <:onM dn this or not, hut i ht-y Society Kxtendt Date for C.los l-l -t.« -)y WJIS also trude Norman described the aclivi at Bapli.si Illll I 1 (If wire tak- s;u HppnipiiH- helpfulness extended by the Wontflpi's dud l.xcn isf? v t Inn nuiney had born expended f 1 i.-pai-.-d for club and by Mrs. Keussllie. Th<- Mcmbcih Win. !• ih,.I •1.1 in that Mr. KicilH.tt made, a complaint yearly report of Ui^ Junior Woman ^ jftb6ut this condition of WU g Pa«i Yen. 'street*^ Fort' MoBmo^|ir ^-Jff^ u fl H Voorhls and A memoT i-, | the atrAef h&d beefi ' '; .MWiJw riiember- of the Bapn-• Rotarv Club's iiip for concrftp paving and for »rai e WnmRn'fi club ip th dnrini; ilir |. • and gas that it w^s'impassable* He ! HH la.-' ve«r, with eiirhteen r II.,it .-l-.ii, Tenth Birthday .s;iMi lh;t! if i ti; r iii'nii i cd tin thh-i !»;•:' -.(' '"'>(• ':.^Mf|it.>d .^ti-.-e! n would 1 I II IN \ !l'l • !\ 'IMpM -MIIIF- fur 111,- Mir M 1 1 Red Bank ( hili In < ,l.l.i«l« An M -i i" : . • ' IM. lil:./.c II.- ;il.-h • -.' t mv! !«•»,. mi thi p.,- ' ,il the I Iks \u III II nun Tniiini >i •"• "•.•.) • .-I,- nijtiird by tin- ••'"n ill t tl 'i1 • •:< d! ! h> sti (*<•!. Tlie roKunir) <•<• direction of Mi row Niplit !):• !i -iui th'-y would invest i^ at e> ttie !• • M jjj;i in t {i jiil try to thui n. rrmr-dy. by Mrs WIIHHI II A ji'pnrt fri>m Charles E. Cole, the i.r Mi:- M. l'\ Young. 1(1 1 \ it -\\ nshiji auditor, an to township I 1 n p i In f. I itnMnce,", was filed, with the provislim I i I \ \ 1 \ tli.il it bn discussed at future'mect- Mlg I 1 1 I 1 I l ] I 1 lln f t I I li the I II \ v. 1 h litu,' l.i II 1 i l A complaint about the condition oft II II 1 • i. • r.icyiiei-n. I I 1 Alberta street at East Keansbur^ I il.. details of I MII Ih.- v lu i f i »li j was filed. | c i. •-, iipse all ratl i u | The Port Monmouth Civic as.sooia | !' • i I . inim-nts jiniil hi-i « I-.-., .up.I I'l in i hi.,I,i i ljjh II | tion sent a letter complaining nbont [ the use of excess earth taken from ! Mi . W w \p m .:i..in .li . n II,. , h;i nd from niiinl'.i:. ..I ill. I ,1.-. I-. !..• I'Hii; the Main street nnd Wilson avenue! , hi , h i,tli II I. .-nc.«i:i-il to concrete pavinp jobs. The assoda- I Tim III.1.1. I;, ..( lln. li.iMib. ill.' ill • • |1 in addition to t.on alleged that a great deal of the [liDsa \\ . 1. . X: 1. :. K. ,;)ii., 1 l.lni. . W W : A cii p.frii-lp.-e .f el,ii ell \y, I, l tininitti-e ha.-< excess earth had been Riven away to Mis. II l::iyii:,,inl l-:i:.ip.-i , M t •:. {• rank I ) II I will be hrl.l in tin- rliui <• ni>.:ht. HI ph-a:-inr; fea- private property owners. The asso-1 MrMiili.ui. Hi- liirlim.l K l-'ux. His which time piping for 111. annual IKKl'AHIM. I (III A 1 ••.Mil. elation claimed that a better policy j Si};mi.:iiil i'j:.ii.- , Mis h.ini; lllinre. 1 ( i MOVINti Til mi'etiriK will b<> ma.i... He I ladier.' night would be to fill in low streets with Mis ii..\\ai.l \\ hii li.lil Mi:. Horace I i 111 Ililnililr ( liib M. nil,, i^ Meet lit tl;. On Friday night the winn<-r» in tin 1 to l:< ,1 Hank thf excess earth. The petition was P. C'n.,k. Mi: Iliippi.-I ('. I'annon. .1 Fareuell I'aitv < llonii. uf Mro. .)..>. ph I. Danglii po-to-church contest <-oniliiet<-.l i- fiiond. cxcln- ordered filed. Miusi's I'.iilli, mill l.'hil-1-ni'n Kridd, reported t.hat. he Ilul.lui, cently by the World Wide ipild will I till I I i]ip:lif:; rlitcr- Ml.«. Hi.r.I.n 1, HIIIPI-I', -Mia. Lewis K I ice with engineer! The first reading of an ordinance be given a dinner by the losi-ra at tit A fiimwell Il 1 S t I I tn Kolailans H. Th imp.-.'ii. Mis Louis .! Siclinjc. \ project for the was passed whereby the road from home of Mrs. Eleanor Kenyon in Lit lay nielli h II I 11 I I I f I 1 I les lied Hank Headden's Corner, past Mount Olivet thn HIH pi.•( MrKaip- estRti-. Mrs. d iliRt he hopes to hi Ahram I. Kllui.-. Mia. Flank H. Cur» tie Silver. » hmlt -onii'thinK at the next fit her li l.iioiiii of II comet ery, Is to be designated as Mrs. < I M II I tis, Mis. lli-ni y Mnrford, Mrs. John h fur tin- council's ronsldt V WHIM FIIIIIWT" SAI.K. Chapel Hill road and whereby the

  • 1! t-rki •Mil inniind meeting Saturday afternoon I,. Mi:.. I;-...I... PH., rlnsi- uf tile he entitled Mountain Hill roari. Both Alien. Mm. Martin O. Nill, MIB. Han- >r< Flldily Kverdllg. Methodist Church Tomorrow. 1'r inn ill;! It } jpil tiw>uilf(l the rn»d contract, to Ml:. Int. .i • roads have been known an Chapel nah C. Williams, Mrs. Monroe Eisner, Mrs. Charles Lewis, Mm. Irving K. 'h" So?t enlist met Inn cornpany. the Ai..-n-'.tli .• Mrs Kliner The \\ in 1.1 Wi.l. KUlld of the Bap-Hill road and this caused much con- A supper conference of the Red Ml I I 1 k 1 l.nvett, Mrs. Thornton Ryder, Mrs. .torni sowr coiilraot to the Hilltop llollIU -. l lo wild, Mrp tut rlniich it.1.1 a white elephant fusion. Bank district of religious education Mi ii 1 M Kriink Manning. Mrs. Jacob Kridel, •instruction o.mipnry, th,- Ohur.-h l.-llH I-, AIIIIII Vpilleiiii, party I: t h ii,!a\- nii:ht al the home will be held tomorrow evening at the. M i t) f 1 it E rr-t sidewalks find curb :!*; con n. i! v 'y\i ! • • : Mi... Vi-innii of Mi il.,in.i .M.lliid. Kiiney ar- Tatrlotlc Society's Mwtlnit. Mrs. Robert C. Hance and Mrs. Jesse Methodist church at r.ix o'clock. The tract to I'cicr ill I'ollll nml 111.' i.rnl 1 ...lip;..!-,., t M. • i.i-i. Mis I ;.>..|,., ii, I, . .. i. ion•lioneil off by Mrs. Minot. women of the ohurch will serve tin' The Monmouth county chaptei of supper. Rev. W. C. Colby, pastor of I -.11 roiilnici to Kieil M.-lli.vv, 11. •• S,,|,|,. M, ' •"!) • h.cii and Mrs. Florence the Daughterg of the American Rev- Written reports auout the recent j Smo.-ll Hint ^•!: • • r the Rumson Presbyterian church, I • I -• r < •!. 1 iM.nii i ,'.\l- -:i,I aia.ut $.p0 was realized. olution will meet tomorrow after- convention of women's clubs at At- 1 will be the speaker. | A "OKSSEiiT" nuiiKii'; I-ARTY. | Mill H'll I" i" • Mi '.I, ••' t h<- coniinittee were Mrs. noon a.t the- Woman's clubluiusii at lantic City were rend from Mm Mrhnpi.l ! i.l. :,Mnii i^cison, Mrs. John Lawley, Red Bank Instead of al Matawan, as Thoman Voorhis, Mrs. William Wirth. Mrs. William Bennett I* chairman 1 1 Frlendu Dntertuliiiil hv Mrs ( lulu will K.-ul |..i . •i.ln : :, I'.-niv Conover and Mrs. Worth previously announced. Miss Margaret Mrs. Luman Reed, Mrs. Alan Frost of the supper committee, and she.\1 1 MHV Mull. • " :! will be assisted by Mrs. Alfonso tlnn llr-r«o Lust Week. iiiinuuliani Mrs Pierre Holmes re- 1J. Torhuno of Matuwan, will bs theand Mrs. Tony Hunting. Mrs. Isaac s 1 Miss ;'..'hn- i.:. i • . il.il that $Ti'l had been made, from hostess. H. Gllhuley, the newly elected third Dare, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, Mrs. tl HI Mrs. Christian Hri.qe ..f liimvn [•(.tlli.-l In' . iiiiiimiii;,' mile conducted reccnllv district vice president, gave a brief Mary Pharo, Mrs. Samuel Ho-wnrrl, 11 1 1 place entertained i IIIIIUIMM uf her Will Will : : : Card Tarty for Hospital. address. Mrs. Mlneretta DeMott, Mrs. Oporue friends at a "ilps.<-->rt." brhl;;.' pmty, The hostesses for the meeting were Bates, Mrs. Harry Hayes, Mrs. Jolm it lipr homr. li-il Thins,!;!-' MTIIM .Mrs. Jay J. Ballln of Fair Haven Chamberlain, Mrs. Cora Smith anil Drlvprm RHCHpe Injurlf>«. Mrs. Otto F. Beutell, Mrs. Alston noon. A rtPSNI'lt WIM SP'iy.'d llffnp' will open her home tomorrow after- Mrs. S. S. Thompson. Beekman and MrB. W. W. Watrous. 1 the games. 'tin -" pi.'-.ti! W.M.> Mi; Cars driven by Paul Mam of Bay-noon for a card party for the bene- head, l.otlK Inland, and Chailen W. fit of the women's auxiliary of Ann The new pewter teapots bought a Home] Mftlii.l. Sli I I ,i i i >i " n-l. , i I, I..I HlTe few days ago by the club were used Man Meeting Planned. Mi». Al Mini I: w s ..II \. i ,\i i. II : i .,1 ,li, ,u , Watiesn of Kllzabeth were badly May hospital. Mrs. George O. Hen- K drlckson is chairman of the party for the first time. Refreshments Professor Francis H. csreen of M i-iini. Ml- \Y II I. i| r'.i. I. • '•' ..i-...-i Infill- damaged Saturday morning when Pennlngton seminary will be the I K.,h :..• Mini l.,p,| they minded nt the corner of Maple committee. were served by Mrs. William Wirth I W : 111 • • in II- in:. M- .'.•.•• and Mrs. Christian Berge, co-chair- speaker at a mass meeting to be held i" I].-- .lll.l nil avenue ami HIM i;en place, though the Thursday, June 4th, in the Methodist AT U'lllllU.I!. When Health I* at Stake men of the hospitality committee. dilvers eficiip.'d in|ury. Mars WH, church by the Citizen's federation of •I l.lipphi-n dil\ilii; n.illb on Maple avenun Ht dniit experiment' There can be noThey were assisted ty Mrs. Mark < ornpiomlse when your family's Seott, Mrs O. Howard Lipplncott New Jersey for temperance and lnw II." HIM.' v.l.II., Waliess was piocce.l hofllth depends on a nafe and natural enforcement. ^ III. '.. ' -.11 II.-IK.MI plai r and Mrs. I.uman Repd buttle of milk. Ilemand Puritan 1011 After the meeting a past presi- per cent testoil (Im.ln A milk from dent's pin bought by the YounR | Temperance Union Meeting. ^\ III'IIM \V "^ Inulr H your grocer m older direct from H ) 1 ( nil .•olors dairy. Purltnn luiliy. Ked Bank L'O-'tO. Woman's club was sent to Mrs The Women's Christian T.•m|.i-i 1 I,..,,' ,1. I.I,lilt li. I r 11 ll fill . any Auvei tise.iiHMit Keussllle. ance union of Ked flank will ! -ild H 1 (1 1 1 1 h, innie.l mother's day meeting at. the II.IIP.' .f t mi hi ( II Hint $1 'HI 1 I H lid $1 For Afternoon Wedding*. For Glass Work Mrs. Anna Errlcktnn of Kim pirn-,- 1 1 \\ l.di th . Ill .1 Illllll I 1, frock aultB lot hiro; Tuxedoes also. call Morris Plate Glan.1 Company, for ttjpnorrow afternoopi at li 01 I.i. 1-. iliiim i i III nt ' I', T. Jlanniiu', *>< BroHd street. Red store fronts, auto glass nml house • o I , . > f i I Hank. Kor vmir convenlenoe open glazing. MirroiH resllveied nnd pic- Free Sample. % i-itl.i * hlM| 11- ture framing Autlim l/cil ileHlor tut \ 1 i I ' Wednesdiiy nml Saturday evenings.— Wrllo to Mayplnks Co., Avuitiy- ll H I < , 1 1 vlll make Adver tiflemeliL Triplex safetv RIMSM. HI Minimumh 1 t i t i the-3ea. N. J., fur <<*» nmnplii nf I i 'i > 1 \ . 1 11, I to (•OHIO ntreet, phoim Jll'i.l, Kfil Hunk- Ad Mayplnks for lndU:esii..n A!' M i I 1 1 ll l<- II. kcls, .Ml ccnls Aflvei HsiMnent. full drens suits tu hlie. Men's Shop, Hmad street. IIIMIHIII M.II n.ni \ 1 llil • lienl 2(1 Monmouth street. Keii Hank.—Ail- Advertlsempiit Mil hill in Ur. Dunn, Siirceou f'hlrnp»dl»t- vertisement. 1 .ili i .i,l un.l ot. |.hoii" Serum! National Hank building, "NulT Haiti. HrillU, I'l 1 1 1 ink Ail lilinne Itril Hunk .Mod - Advertise- r«tl«v's I'nr 1 vi»'ivrlleri Mood/s .Slum H. ond addliiK miicliln»s 17 Bron.l chanlo «treft. H«il •troet Ked Hipnk - AilverlNeraant. merit. I I I Hi a I I 1 il „ 4 1llo vide r. rliinni Mini Service - -«*^ • It 'Ml tl II I'll. 1 , i 1,11ii< h. 4 the IH'M. IMIIIHIIH 1'IHPIO Shop. Shllll" "T dlilirlliK Maliel Colo iiliil up n vv n ti I F k A.her- 1.. nun:,, :., (.luce, Red bonk. V3J.- linn. l'i II.'. I..I place, phl.no 21)11. Joaeuh <:. I'l. r- IVm Adveitumuicril. Ailvt'i tiat'inent. Fashions ^s';- Dairy Cows f ryU. Mil /*$ at 1-lij.rf, PIS CHER'S AT PUBLIC AUCTION ^*^V^V'^ Th« Parent I r*< *•- f f«-rhi>ld, N. J., on I t>pv naof • S! y U * •• • g IHil> U f Opposite C K \> by ROK Sh^-j- '•Chile Wednesday May 27th, 1931, Dance Numb*** (, Ad\hme sui!: ^ i ,- . L/ou played laol 1 '.. • • I t.es« rf>wi vs •1 I.I. the farms where they w«re fashion DK< » K . •• .• . ii- h ,^M' , M'>tj bij'i utherfc close epilnfera. con- Uait giMd Borne < ( on RiUH6 ?"•r l lit-.' *•> the jtii,,t,. > »• Th««« t rws « :ned. lulieiculin teated and blood toatad h*> ai t- nt' t-i" i' * having quality and quantity, art youn*. iL'ht Hit ar<'1 K'" ' ii juirebreda in thla lot with rcfiilerad r.j>t-1 s aiil lr»nM' Atlantic *-<*>• ^aardiiii-e find a full guarantaa for any reaped. A iubeiiMjiin i • .,- <. . • >e n- i tji I'M : 11 * d ur you don't have to take her home. t HiKprW then? cows or a«« th»m milked any day bcfor* j V*MJ BIT Invited t Wallnier &i,d .I.HNMI and Holataln atock bull" and htlfars, alao the hHlp Se\*ral iiLfrntcy Klciii-nii !'• «. arirm- K"'nl family .<•»•*. I-"ifty hfad fchiiHtl!.. *SCC harneaa and machinery to b« ufftrsd at thin pule for Hie high dollar •l K^mi-mlM-r th.. dul<>—Mednewla)', May ZTth, U31, at U:N F. M. Sharp, K«ln i.r Shine (D. S. T.) . tu i I; • •4 Id Minute* Service. £ If intrimtrd in om cow or aavaral, thia la your opportunity to buy I IM 3 imi n.i.'d dairy rows ai pricea made by yourael*. Mi.'s l.illmii t- '.!«* M" W VV >• hoot hlinitnlli ,\'i, ifwnft on any ««« and according to preaent condltiona, you Amistn.iiH. M).-.-, ln>> ifj.nf Kli.g lin is chan niii of Theodore's i • I • wri ino'it hv buylnjr the beat cowa that €v«r ram« into thU atate for Miss t'aUti'i nit- Hi!iit;hl<,n Mis* Ruh Ml 811(1 MlH nth B K^.- mi'iiey than ever before. erta Sroit, Miss It;an, Mis.1- open their h<>m WISE WOM:I:;N ]PI-:MVERY:— Auto trutka on (rouaWai to May place In country at Barbara Uavi«. Mus Eli/.ahtMh pow w»-ek Mi hd.t Mia Jtoil I 'n BLUE RIBBON i, , (iiHblc rates: and two railroads convanlMat ers, Mi«s INil! v If i u>ti t* arid Mib.- Lcri' for tht- Mimmei UK 'I IIUI I. CONDITIONS made known day nf aala. Kathrjn Hano )»i uiitt MIM i- J t f Mlt..s Ruth "it III ST. Leildy, physical ti tuning instrucloi '1 ho hi f men put out a grass lli*- ! I HOH. B. WARNER. Phon» Freehold UO. Ml inrl Fatuiday on Leoiund avenue and WINTER GARMENTS Auctioneer!. niufcirul stle« houtht I conflned to the house the pant week n Higbltndi at B«dl«'a ding ttor* and »t I with grip. • Kocco Karuolo has installpfi new The firemen completed arrange- ! machinery in his ehoi> repnii in^ ^h<-p Insured $100 ^^ merits for n card party and dance to ! Thft Methodist wuinen'^ nn>M«.iniv Buy the Best bp held Saturday night of this week 'society will hold an election ,t uf at Kruap's pavilion. This will be the . fleers at a covered diah hint heon i fitu first evrnt at the pavilion thla year I afternoon in the rhurrh basement Cloth Coats $2*o° and will mark the opening of theI The alumni asaorlattrm will iv<\fl place for the season. | its annual dinner danre June Inih A motion picture benefit will be i at the Hollywood ca.iino at Ked held tonight at the Hunting theater Bank. under the direction of the ladles' aid Nealc Shipman has returned from Insured $150 society of the Methodist church. The a two months' business trip in th« Glazed Quality Meats feature picture will be Will Rogers in South. "The Connecticut Yankee." Fur CoatsMinor Repairs A service in observance of Decora- tion day will be held next Sunday SeabrightNcw*. night at eight o'clock at th« Metho- A&P sells the choicest quality meats at lowest possible dist church. Fish Drom« Complt5t«d—I>odgr* Card Valuations Above $150.00 ... A rummage sale will be held Thurs- Party—C'hlldwn Bapti»d. prices. We are able to do this because of our tremendous day, May 28th, in the Methndls' (Tb» Red Bank RcglaUr c«n bt bought church basement. in Scabrifht at th* itorei of UorrU U«i> volume of business, rapid turnover, and the economy Mr and Mrs. E. Price Jones have man «nd H. Lafkawltx.) reopened their summer home at Mon- The new flih dix>mp and borougli PHONE R. B. 474 FOR MESSENGER. of buying in carload lots at lowest market prices. Ask at mouth Hills. garage have been completed and ac- The Republican club held a card cepted by the boroujfh. In the IUh j any A&P store for address of your nearest A&P market. party Monday night at the home of drome the fish are weighed, packed, Harry Toback on Bay avenue. and shipped to the New York mar-j Thirty-four women from this place ket. j attended a political meeting last Rftbekah lodge held a card I>H''V week at the home of Mrs. Geraldinc Friday niffht at Duwils hall. The OT'GEI/ SONS Sirloin Steak CHOICE O ib. 37c Thompson at Brookdale. j prise winners were Mr?, t'liaiiotte | Mrs. Walter 8. R. Powell has been Robertson, Mrs. Hlizibi-th i'eter^on, i Furriers} Si nee called to her parents' home In Penn- I Mrs. Helma Johnson, Mrs. O KM per, I •yl van la by the sickness of herI Mrs. Sidney Caddick, Mrs. Klizabeth ' BED BANK I.ONG BBANCH (^liuck Steak BEST CUTS . u>. 19c mother. Hoffman, Miss Si^rld Nelson, Mrs. E. U Broad St 176 Broadway The Whirlwind club has rented Lucassen, Mrs. Harold Doud, Mrs. Wniv and Navel Beef SS IK . 7c I-13U ioulder of Veal MUKFED IK 17C I in Veal Chops MILK FED . u>. 39c Kib Lamb Chops TENDER . ib. 33c Stewing Lambg JASBSL 3 ibt 25c AILMOUR'S STAR, SWDTS PREMIUM or WILSON'S CERTIFIED ' '"

    Smoked Hams HALFo r WHOLE U>. 25C

    STANDARD QUALITY CALIFORNIA PEACHES \Jn smooth IONA BRAND largest cans 25c steel rails foods slide in and out

    For Dessert BOUCLES • PANAMAS SPARKLE You can taste the EXTRA FLAVOR . 3 pkgs. 19c ^/Frigidaire! ^jr STITCHID CREPES* SHINY FELTS PUFFED RICE The Food Shot from Guns 2 pkg.. 25c Pu»h a hetry bowl of soup. Frigidaire Food Shelves ara stock into a Frigiil.uM- u mailc of smooth steel rails all doesn't stutter its WJV to the running one way—-from front ID PLFFED WHEAT 2 pkg.. 23c Blacks. Whila • Skip/xr Blue back of the shelf- slopping /tad. There are no crinkly Black and Whitt * Nary and orer as it goes. It doesn't ,iik !'n, . ' ' . :>r. (mill ihelvcj BEECH-NUT CREAM CRACKERS 2( kgi. 25c nrrml idtmngii of FrigiJ- P VER,y air* Advanced Rcfrigeracion. crett rnnJ! • •i it s> •!)•. . tint ihcy are BEAN HOLE BEANS v. Cam -. Tb«tc ar« many enhefs. It i& Arid >• ' 'lings tint go n P 29c IMPORTANT tbea« major improTeinent%. >! CAMAY SOAP . * . • . p d f i| l It <1 I Kr large «mlcal. W ii.-. . i In and IC*MI ^t* ,1' "floppy'I'lilurr ll»u i» here! IHE NEW All SOLD WfTH IJneeda Bakers OL.D DUTCH lAtl tkt Nr*. SOO\F.S FIGNEVTONS • f mwr&mt! mwmwmik NTH -< "IA1, TKAS I.ADY FINGERS CLEANSER ul In! siir DRissis »3" 2 lor ans 1OC M1AI1T I (I \ I :• TERMS Will 111" 1 (aO /T* W M V T H '"HP W^ W T V 7 W11^ IT if x ARKAN(;I;I) i<> si'ir Jersey Central Power & Light Co. THE Tin: <;RFAT ATLANTIC « PACIFIC TEA C.O. Si 111 ITr*! NITFH Ail. on K:KS K A S T i;j{ N DIVISION \K Ri.c.IST! I: M W L'n, 1931. Brotherhood The Best Pupils =' Stryi«r, A. L. Da vis on Ann al Of Middletown •I. H«l>QS fhr H« New Victor Records

    MI;IIIM-< h Me VI VII Tusting's 16 Monmoutli St.

    Radio Repairing Piano Toning ilif roart to bftter «nrt hi^^«-t hual neas leada thmujrh Thf Kn^iatt-j e ad >,< « Uhttt v«itls.:*.g oluniiia Advcitlticnient.

    IWO I ICJI OK IHll>x

    I intern round Htttf it I \ unit* J I,. "< tilting Muni t>< H. Imai .•,,{ H III! Ill , i h\ VVl! | Oiurity <1i'tt < I n [> ! nie'l *»< ' '"• Kiuiim! null **n • ,i,,k. W. II nl

    ; dit t i< h ' i L Juti^hann h* ii

    • if Ho \\ .ilf irf Kians i f ;» •, r'.« |?aH I hr.Mir-t'M. M]p[i|it- I.'if >' ,n,;.ri of I^iru»l Hirsch's Kiddie Shop • hii i i i | df-tct I i\ i'K *-st •- r NM.Or.l .if • Hi'll, tn^i-ther timlrs In Ihr iar M)K,O1 and 20 BROAD ST., RED BANK N J. in iinn i \ MI hoi>is at 1 if do follows. ,,( '.f '! ». Ifth UFJ,II<- M ]ntM\ M.ry *•!I '[h Ji! >f!n I ( '1 H lit t IMfi |ilt*l.) fi ' I if) IMH I rtlni . is. : (<.nfWrHW'l lii-j \HIIH-II Ht ut l.lovii, i'lfd "y i JJ fi.iMKi They KIII-HICII ,Snii;in I Mi i ( hHi- iHdfi H ml Ahi ilium i 1' w i > » > pro Anniversary Celebration li' Jark

    8 It 11 1 W*J Virflnta y H 'I ul Try a HeglsltT Want l\ 1 VPI t IB« 5H1 11 n and merit. It will pay vou.~ Advoi risnnent lti> 'I li.iIIIHB | \ I M'» l.r-im Sale Begins Tomorrow i. . i rii. f-'Ml'M l(. :. I.OBSTLK . • i Mi n nrt ••' III M> Continues Two Weeks, Ending Satim j HOUSK I :>: i I' A l .'. lncorlx»rat< (l y « 'ill O for $| .00 •••PWI | Chicken, Steak j eicd wilh fcood (junl i' f .-•'••.(! and I with sanitary filling. Yo. '• i •' ,' . JIHI k•*[! 1 doi. tn pkg» i "Hi 2 pkpn. to a customer. Shore Dinners {• ( llf'itp |)t 14 t H <{«>tl ! >!M i\ < H lltll Our Specialty you are buying. I h< s« i h li<*< lal ( »!. , but ,i Ingh-grade Sweater* Boys' Kaynee AQc \ Dinner Parties ) . ,1 < Imir that usually sells at a liii»lu i pr r< • Twenty-five dosen high grado W«- l.iiw (lullc <'V 'iiir 1 hud Anmv< i -.. • . : • M am! Mrs all-wool Sweaters. This la posi- Marfn (if flnp quality Prints In | by Appointment and piolitablc lor you. 1\, , •• •.:• -i-i.i MIH Arlhiii tively the (rrestest value ever broadcloth; Oliver Twist \ Orchestra and %!• .Ir-r-SC Mllldl, Mr. has been shopped, rherked .,, <•>, , X Dancing ; |>.ti ,-h Boys' Sun Suits, X Evenings. hull Hinlth, Mr. pnahle yon to shop com fort ably ;>n• --v- 94' t Every Night After W Wui.icn. Mr. and '.::.•[, Mi. Hrld MrH. Vanta VetU, 2(Kl Bnya' Tom Sawyer Sun Suit* May 31st. v •, MKI-HU'I ("las 84 mH'lr of Imported linen, hioa.t- Tel. Sea Ilrlclil 'Mi.. i • I .nit Hinh, Mr. • i ' Mntcdrlri, M:. Made of silk and wool; double- rluih?. in all the latest »nli>». -.-. . • • Mr mid Mis Values to $1.9S. Slles 2 to X OCEAN AVE., breasted or button. Sizes 2 to 6. I Mi' li« ' WIUi f>Mil rest, iiuR shown. In tancrrlnonr Dresses, to match Bteamrr chairs. Mad? of sheer dimity and French Vnile, also Silk Rayon and plain Plain Colors .... .00 Hand-made beautifully embroid- $4 colors. Sizes 2 to fi. ered; exceptionally good quali'y. S T E P S Figured Colors .50 6 mo., 1 and 2 years. 600 Girls' Wash Sealpax 3for $1 3 In the evolution of Baby for $| .00 Underwear Blankets DRESSES For boys and girls; bloomer or French bottoms; made of check LAUNDERING 36x50; part wool Blankets with These are Dresses that wo have selected for their ex- dimity. Sizes 2 to 12. satin borders; each one boxed. cellent tailoring, dainty styles, beautiful designs and Comes with white, pink and gorgeous colors. You must see them to appreciate With canopy. In blue borders. Boys' Shorts, enameled frames. them. 79" An shown, In atrlpes; in rnamelcd frames. Dainty Printed Printed Voile* Tom Sawyer brand Covert Cloth. Philippine O for $f.00 Batiste $5.00 X with solid color trim- Colors: Tan, gratn, blue anit Slip* * with flattering colors ming and clever but- ^ $2-50 and doubl e- tiered ton treatment; 7 to khaki. Sites 4 to 10. Hand-embroidered Pillow Slips; skirt; 7 to 14. 14. very fine quality. Flock Dot Voile Pique Sports Dreu Primitive .... maybe apparel of Bolero style, in strik- Attractive shades with Imported French $"• .98 ing color combina- contrasting trim- Voile Dresses •"• those days could stand the gaff. tions; 7 to 14. mings; 7 to 14. Mosquito 9 for $4 .00 200 Handmade Dressr** nf Im- M X Charming Trlnled Printed Batiste Jacket Netting • Volla Frock ported French Voile, In nil < nl- Very fine mesh in carriage size. with dainty sniockin;r, with white peasant ors; 12 styles to rhno.se fuim. 7 to 14. effect blouae; 7 to 14. Sizes 3 to li Values to JS.WI Smart Sports Drensfs Shantung; Model for Crepe O of excellent quality Beautifully styled with Pajamas Broadcloth; 7 to II. contrasting color and QQ 1-3 % OFF on all A$ Shown $4 .00 piping; 7 to 14. Made of very fine quality Crepe, Printed Voilpj with fashionable IVp Printed Batlit« Boys' and Girls' Spring With Foot $|.50 Ferneries •JlM.75 al»n Prints. Pink and blue. lum and (Inutile c;ip' with Shorts to match; Pre-Modern . . hard on theclothei; Sizes 2 to 8. foliar; 7 to 11. Coats "'nhuman on the housewife .... messy, steamy, often unskillful. Don't Fail to See An Exceptional Offering The New Chinese FRUIT OF THE LOOM IMPORTI !i CHAIRS Made of all I!-.., I V ,,.,, Caiir, they are built for BOYS' WASH SUITS hard wear and an-

    service iciult nil by ARM ROCKERS «t /» oo In p«nU 24" TABLES at /» 0() *nd coat. Bur Utckot j STOCK OF TIIKSE ARE LIMITED. NO MOKK TO 111 •t Urnlnlni |,oinl«. c:::::: Red Bank Steam Laundry HAD THIS VKAK. Peraplratlon and aun- proof; oprn Hy Ininl In win ii •;r KID RANK. N. .1. Furnishing Co. painta. Wldn hriu In Pimm- lti!)!t 22 E. FRONT S.TRF.ET I i ( I Ml ! M .IK, I )M> f I GLOBE RED BANK, N. J. Phone 1259. RED BANK ?-' Oc ea npori N «• *-• •

    QUALITY VV ••'• ' f. FRU il - Spring House I ftrge Golden Banana. do/ 1'1. 1 ..jf Juicy Grape Fruit ... 2 for 15c Cleaning Aids I.,,,,„ma Strawberries qU. 2I< f «n. v Fating Cherries tb. 23c Bag* Vale-ncia Orange* 59c Sit, ( rw,lln ..,,« to. I «rl,,,nd ... •pedal Mh Bl.vk rlitlntr. 1 )'' — VEGETABLES •ale of VS. Hv lui, pmi . 4«><; \ •»»>> ful A»p«ragu» bunch 29< I l*,, l,rvlr» tn ^lci I (tint; I W I ) m«n , &ti Florida'* Be»l Repack Tomatoea 2 tb«. 3Sc j til]. "I »r I.«O RaklMnal Stia >l> iS, I'rlcniiali » ' in. - t Bruah (,m,,ln. I.,, .• Tea Week in Our Stores Wee! •!•• Every\tru»h giiarintr? %*»€ A Bargain ihr rhoi'-pi't pi' klngh fioin the ftneit T#a (hardens of the Orient-~in dus'pp<"t illefi in 4 pdt ]• v° made «t ?' .7( Ansc* -P. [•arkagpe, thus utaining the garden freahntss until used. Try a packsgr— Cansere. . Khaki .1.I1.it.' I. IIIPII rnmpurp the finality for the price the, ••••! - Sale mt 101 P* , r't,^ •,nvlie was < iilniucted j r M it> 1 •• I'p^nrlti League nwiety in j , ttandatd Rcmedlea Teas f Urn IHSKVIB aJinlvpr»aM \' eiu : % «» ^ o . . , ••' ',./1 t \ I is I C I 1 I Fin*" NIO'j Haver A.plrin TibleU 740 Plain Black or Mixed Pkg *J Pkg I niiifi 44k I Gloria 2)C It, riagunie and flavor .r. pr.ferr»fl_by ro»°y particular people. I ' I 50c Phillip's • PUls U Tabt«ti>. Reg. Orange Pekoe ' "> * *" • « •* Milk of M.gne.U . . 31c 1.00 Nujol, f>int .... 59c 27 I, I 'l.l.lrl, 65c India Ceylon ^ 1OO CaMwrll'i who like t heavy-boal'd Tea. IN riimltidn Svrup Pepsin .... 71C V..u, ilutut "I • •• 75e Vicfi Vapo Huh . . 49c 7S. HrlUn'i SO. c Farmdale Peas Reg. 17a 1.00 Ovnferrin .... 44a t »!-, GILLETTE >> Har 70c Sltwi's Linimrni . can Hom-de-Lite 1.50 Fellow1! Syrup •ilV MiilnlT»bl«H . . ' JTfc or PROBAK or anil }lviphitri . ^O.: Milnr»la Wiftri . . Jfa AUTO-STROP Mayonnaise ' 111 E«kav'i Ncurophntphitcs SCK CsK-srotn .... BLADES Blue or Yellow Label Peaf 1.50 Cray's hOt" i/aitroeeii Tablcti . Olycerinc Tnnlr . Foods - Uic 1.00 Adlerik,i 71c MemtholateKf 1.no NuriiK liurlick'i MilitJ MI1W, I6nj. 'jar 10 7U Bon Salts Shaving Cream • i\tX) Green Label Peat Made U Our Own «<:hool are I )extrt Maliofte, fmunj • * 145 TanUc 77c 1 Value ..fK,||. -. Kitchens ? HIII.S for \ii* Mfllm . I,»-»!. [,ir W:«» <^r« Hennett was hoitlt on 1.5 84C n, I.I' -M..-.I r.t the nneet tn»T»«it™*-»» <*re«ally w Ui« b»t home-made. ., 1 in-lay siul Sunday Our bread U • faroHi* tn many homes. V,,ik wher». eha UaAhel - e!*.»*«3« "MM-

    Bread Supreme Loaf t^'l !n' miiMU of Mill' i' ••• : I .-: .nli. was rtil-

    m an Ioaf ' u - • 1 i! •• ,i|" '••• r (| The 1 lembera ,*t todav Victor Bread % P 5c of it-- ,!i!;iii!n,v ilfjf-s will be en- .iuwi l>v ...I BHnk high school CI M.n ."tlh. T!i» fihjd^ of thla !• 0L °" Vinegar 2 « 25* I for hp impiU enlerinf th« aehosl tn ihr, fall to become acquainted with Libby'. Reg. 7n HIP teachen and ths working ef the can or pkg £•« school. Spices Th? members of the alsfoth fr*4* Rose Dale will also make a one-day trip t* West Paint. The. children wilt IM 2 ft. GUnwood accompanied by Mri. F. O. Lauarty, principal nf the school. During Ol« Peaches i ihcr<- was a dleruaalon rela- Strawberry EGGS tive to the newly-organized parent- taacher association and In till big cartan opinion of the heard It will be a de- Pmervei 33c rided advantage to the achoal. The can 15 TU Pick >l ta« lfeat». board haa betn invited to appoint a jar delegate In attend the State federa- FreshE|g» ...doz25c tion district board of education aae- sjon at Trenton. June 6Ul. Campbell'* Reg. 10c 4500 The senior choir recreation period will be held Wednesday evening at n 7:30 o'clock in the churob hall. It Beans with POrk " T Sour Krout 2 «'• 17° will be under the direction of Mri. Oeorge C. D. Hurley, Mlsa Ruth big Del Monte tan Sickle* and Rev. C, Mott Cramer. 23 A meeting of Oceanport Bey Boout or Libby'i Sliced Pineapple troop No. 49 was held recently at Large Lmalapa gllcaa—Rich Syrup. Fort Monmouth under the dlreotlon of Scoutma»t«r Jcfhn Morrow. The •HI lTKRT'S or PtlRITAH CSBEAI. »«V. 4 hots Me CAKES «nd CANDIES scouta received inttruotioni in tele- 4SCO filNGEB ALE J pt boti 24o Urn»Doon«, 1. graphy and were entertained with a KOB ROY PAIJ5 DRY 01N0BE ALE 1 beta JSo talk by Mr. Seiko. Preceding the •HOB ROV FAXJB BUT OINGIB ALE <|t bot 15c Fif N«wton», f J meeting they played base ball on the Fort diamond. >< il A OFFER'S CEREAL BEVERAGE _ • boU Me Social TwBUj tkerze w4uo On Sunday morning, May Mth. •Plus our ulual bottle deposit. N. B. C. AxerUd Rev. C. Mott Cramer will conduct a Sandwich White Sunday service. On Sunday dSCD <«BAPK JUICE __—. Pt *ot 17e ; qt not SM n evening the officers of the Epworth Orange Slices league society will be Inrtalled. The MKUHS GRAPE JUICE pt bot »»« : qt bot Mo ot installation will be made by Leiter «.*<-. IMPERIAL DRY GINGER ALE S bots Mo Dainty Mint )3' 10° Whit field of Eatontown, who will al- Bara so present the evening sermon. < AN AHA I>RV PALE GINGER ALE ..._bot «o : *» %IM k LuxjuurixriLS ( UCQtlOT CLUB GOLDEN GtNG. ALE bot lie : doi |1-W Creamy MinU 7"P «10c On Saturday Mri. Martin J. Con- nelly, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Huffman UlifM medi Golden Bantam and Samuel Stlttle took a number of cans hoys to Highlands where they visited omatoes 3 Sugar Corn 10 and Inspected the Twin Light*. They then vlnlted the Red Bank airport. W Maine (rushed e Fancy California Blf Ttin hoy.i who made the trip were 2 "" 25 can 19- Wnrrnn Theypahn, Edward Suflman. CORN APRICOTS Carl Larsen. Mervln Cohen, Anthony Buffet Z«ppl, Russell Voorhee*. Frederick 1FOKX BOW JW1 Ulay hrvr looknl at low rrn(f r of (jravifyj that visililr staunch- without consc imisnr« nf mcine effort. • .in. v I allf. Bartlelt All VsiieUe* Canned Droi-ka, Lcilie Rice, Thornaj Hull, etna Raymond .Johnson, and Martin and B Riotlettuly priced motnr ctrs von nrsB that denotes a car of fine quality. A vital factor nf this l.nue < ar's dr luxe PEARS 19" FRUITS Billy Tonnclly. thought were »dmir»brr »m«rt, but — Ink Inwardly, thr Chrysler l.ichtDe Luxe performance is tlie ( hi \>!ci Multi-Rang« A meeting: of the Occanport Boys m tkil uu, plmu. it lumptwouslv spared, upholstered, 4--spefd transmission \( ilh Dual High 4-H club wa.i held Saturday after- B«for* D«w you hi»c rfriver in moder- trimmrd and hxhired. gears. I wo high gears inMrad of one A 4SCO Meat Market Specials noon nt thp home of Marshall Wol* highgesrforcity driving and another for the cott. The member* reported the prc~ ately- priced can which termed to be very And it is i car of de luxe powfr, it luxe KIT.V. they have made on the prod rick and very comfnrablr, but «c ask spied,de luxepui-ufi and de luxe wmthmit, open road. Roth gears are of a patented Tender Cuts From the Finest Corn-Fed Beef urlx they will show at the fair to be yoa—riJt in thii mi as well as a car of de luxe style and internal-mrshdeRiBn.whu h mrans that you held in Freehold In August. A com' Before now you luvc driven aioder- appointments. cm shift from either high to the othrr in an BEHT inltte* was eppolnted to plan a pen- etely pricerl can JWI mir hjre ronsidertd instant, at any «peeil, uitlnmt clashing. Round Steak Rib Roatt Sirloin Steak ny social. Iu big, quirt rngine is insulated from the A meeting of the Oceanport aux- to b« bighJr capahlr m [wrfonnincti but frame byliverubber;hasaperfectlybalanced Drive thin Chrysler and "l,enn thr tt>. 29c tb. 25c tb. 31c iliary of the Rivurvlew heapital was again we ask ynu 1 ••* iku em. crankthaft, fully couotrrwei({hted—and Difference." I,earn in-w things about lii-ld Thursday afternoon at the home Tllit dr luir ,,i,(,,,,i <,f ihr Chrriirr generates with ease a food 95 horsepower. pick-up. Learn nnv things about speed. I H\-;SH F'ACK MUSHROOMS can 29c—AVc «t Mi. Edward Klmpson at Oooie- nerk Point. Mrs. Theodore Row«, ElJDt il (littrrm-.l iltri thr liujnifirtnt {•JKh"y miles an hour — if you want to Learn the different e in ease of handling I (,S (il.NUINE LAMB tb. 27C president of the auiillary, told the Chrysler Impend I- ifhi It has that imart travel at eighty miles an hour—and if you —due to pivotal steering and internal ineiTihem »boiil "Hospital Day" held deulaU win.l«hirl,l with Lux, Convtrllilt C««/» SJ.1SS • I'' I•»»• I '1970 F. 0. B. Faefr} "n the party wi . i* Apple Sauce can Glenwood Cranberry Jelly can 20c r.'?Mi 111 niv iv planning •••He t., l,» i,p]d in Red Smoked It). | Qc Small Smoked tfe. «Mfc Hi), vMih Mis. Georife S I INNFD HAMS ... . JL*' KiciMMirSKINNEDn IIAUHAMCS *uX iLiumaii. At thei rloi» i>f tur 1 efiestimrnti were ANDY'S GARAGE ill MM fl h 11,.- limlNi n, n,,t 11 lie li»l M.,k.i. It. Bank >n« Vlol»ltr. ,i) for Atlmrt Frank* 45-53 Broadway Tel. Long Branch 204 Yaarsetf- STOCK The (in*aU\st Value in Hosiery Today Smart Print Pajamas Quality Magnet Sheets IN ATTRACTUfATTRACTU . NhNhW MIIKInniin . M , , „ BP.MTirLOKit iI (j iI MM I 54x90 g 72W. 7 Genuine All-Silk Kayser Hose 94c fi."ix90 81x90 (IS COLORS: Values up to $2.00. Imported Hand M«rl«« i'HESH MIH ^ I MAI I V fSF.I.I. KOK MITH -for- HILHKH rltll'BS Sahafa Pillow Cases to Matll -.1 Mil Ml < i>\ I'.KIM.h Melody 74c these new AMI I Hi \ I'I - Values Up to /!>< in This Lot. Symphony Reinforced Heel and BLOUSES IMPORTF.I) A! I I iNEN Piccadilly Pair Toe. FOR THIS SAI.F Luncheon Cloths at 54x54 LADIES' and MISSES' NEAT ((II lllilli ISOKDI'RS Sport SPRING $1.79 Our Usual SI 00 Value*. OF (HKIT. 1)1' i HIM on t OTTONN AMP II -• • '. Dresses Coats and Summer I r * ks OF AND Silk Shantung, Linen and Plain Suits Porch Dresses Colors, as well as Flowered De- of fine Broadcloth and Lawnt. Greatly Reduced ! signs ... all at one Special They are tubfa*t at Price— A Special Group at $1.68 The kind that IIMIHIK M-11 at $2.(Ml JIIH) v^.r>o. $5.00 •13.50 A SPECIAL GROUP OF These are regular $18.00 values. House Dresses Summer Voile litys IMPORTED PURE LINEN A GROUP OF Made of Good Quality P.nalfs al Handkerchiefs Afternoon Silk Dresses Usually Sold at $l.oo $i 25 and Ba for to Close Out at fi»7 CA Kayser's Chamoisett* 6 50c AIL NEW STYLES AND COI.OIts «JJ I •O\J 35e 25c Values. Values up to "15.00. GLOVES LARGE VABIETY OF 1>! i. HOOSE FROM. P«u« MAKE YOUR ShMMll H DRESSES Children's SiP Dresses NEW SUMMER SHADES AT 65c Van Raalte to Close Out at '^9 r A SIZES 7 TO II. *';ljiilt>t9\f Fine Handkerchief Lawns Rayon, Run-proof Underwear, Values up to $H 00 v Bloomers and Panties at PURE DYE 25e ""' PINK, TEACH OK WHITE-ALL SIZES. THEV WEAK AM) V\ AMI I U((.f Sll.l.( IION Handy Blankets <»l' HI SII \'. Regular $1.00 Value. FOR THE SUMMER—BEACON rusr WOOL. PUNJAB AND PUEBl.O 1 AST COLOR SILK SI I« $3.00 Value at $9 45 Figured Percales LADIES' ALL SILK CREPE Value 25c Yard, Night Gowns LADIES' CHIFFON AND 18c Yard $2.45 Silk Scarfs $1.74 TAILORED STVI.FS OR I.ACE TRIMMED. Man Size Our $3.50 Quality. 94c They have that important ex* HEAVY tra two or three inches in the Turkish length. Towels COLORED NET CURTAINS The Silk is a fine heavy qual- C each FOR THE 18 ity trimmed with lovely laces. Colored Borders. Sun Parlor The Colors are white, Besh Made of sturdy net with neat designed borders; at $J.25pr. and tea rose. All Linen Dish Toweling full length. In Gold, Rust and Green. WIDE, BLOCK UESKiNS IN SOKI' SHADKS OF (iREEN. (ioi,n, OKCiiin. MAIZI;, PEACH AT Our Regular Price—$1.75 Pr. BOYS'

    MARQUISETTE BATH CURTAINS af IMPORTED IRISH LINEN Pastel Colored Plaids. WASH SUITS Dish Towels SIZE 16x30 FANCY ( ol.OKI I> HOHDMIS at J()C each RUN PROOF RAYON CHEMISE 94c Not Morn Than Oim lin/i-n I" it Customer. BLOOMERS AND PANTIES Sunsuits, sleevelets and with sleeves. FAMOUS FRUIT OF THE LOOM Lace Trimmed or Plain Tailored. Made of broadcloth, linen and dim- EXTRA 111 \\ V I|I1I.ITV f f ity combinations. SHEETS 2 » 1.00 Sizes 2 to 8. at lower prices. 54x90 $|.O5 Children's 63x90 $|.15 INC. 72x90 $-1.25 ANDLLS Wash Dresses 81x90 $|.35 Formerly All Silk Flat Crepe ADLEM & CO. 88e This is mir n\nt\t popular 30 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Of fine Voil<, Kayon Flat (Vopo ... lovely for Flat Crnpe HIHI Bioaci- linporic and frocks. cloth. 1 Fvfi'v drsirjilili shade. Yard THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Sizes 2 l<> B Year*. \1. • y BUM H. v

    DIRK r b, ! >c(- fORY -• PKA YtNC

    • tirT I'KKATMENI ¥. If ' ' Mil K «[ i I'RfNING

    « I,.-,. \ i)' , Mr H. l\ Gulden, Branch VIg I-,-T:MU(JI Paint and .(,. rtf hnnif when Kn; -• 11 " IS 1 . !\ J V nrnisfi Works Mr MHJulie «);•> .'<> IWwtk ZUC.l j.i i ;),< . 1 ... f-i *„! I...in M : 'iii mh Htni ruiniui i> a aland Hi i <>r-r It Pays to Advertise in The R< ., , . . , .., i H...... HIU Uu- way fiom his house, wan at NVw New Shrewsbury i \ >•< k HI t h<- 11 me Two of hi» tlau^h 11 i - wfii1 iti <.haige of the stand A nirtori?* pass ing; thf house noticed Store Building i ^rin,Ke issuing from the top roof and VHiTE BROS. notified the Bisters, who called then Edward Obre, Proprietor of 1 t>\ "t her, I-en McGun P Shrewsbury Market, u ti<-< t I Young McGuire. after finding that ...BUILDERS... 'he flames hart gained a jpood head ing Two-Story Structure »t INVEST WITH US | way. rarer! to the headquarters of the Broad Street and Obre Place MIL1AV0RK AND JOBBING ! Midrilfown fire rompany on ihf ! highway *»nd (rave (ho aluim. When Edw»r<1 Obi». i.ni • • •••• "f Shf€W«bury maiket >•! M ' • ** I'^iv Mll.l OFFICE: he. ivUuned he foumi that on? of hid U BROAD S'l. -isters. Miss Agnes Mcdulre. had en is erecting a s^inie i.uii'in . i Oo ,t_M KAI. »* tared the burning building in an at feet, at Broad *'!*>*•? atul ' n. • | AI.V The lot is 80xlM> ffft »[,•( M .i.l,|.'ins1 New Series of Stock Now Open |[,I. iM 1*1 BED BANK. , tempt to save nonie clothes in her mom on the second floor She fled the property on which Mi ies • frrun the building when a part of the store is locntpti I ; lunf over her room fell The buildms; will hp of linllnw tile »»»••»•••««»«.«»»»»«»»•»•*•»•*•»••••»•»»••»«•*•»•»; The flrenirn. with the aid of sever- and It will bp *tu*fo(>(i (Hi thp rxtcr-j Barrett* ApprOTMl Koofer al passing: motoriete, were successful lor. A cellai will be under the en- | in removing a large part of the fur-tue structure The ftm floor, which nil tire from the lower floor of the"will house the Shrewsbury market, house. Two streams of water were will be. one room. Two apartmenU, The MAINSTAY • played on the fire, the firemen pump- each having five rooms and a bath- I J. H. WHITE ing from hydrants that had been in- room, will be on the. second floor. Mailed orf tjie highway two weeks One of the apartments will he occu- i.tnrral Roohng and Sheet Metal Contractor previously, "frm pressure WM good pied by Mr. Obre. but the flames had gained too great The building will be modernly .»>kv lights Ventilating a headway. The tire waa prevented, equipped, having a steam heating j »,..., i.i M.ili.tnita Modern Equipment , ' however, from spreading to barns plant. It will be ready for occupancy •lock of material* ', and other buildings nearby. early In August. The present Shrews- Building & I oan Association The hose had tn be laid for a con- bury market building will be turned is WHITKST.. RED BANK. N. J. ;: siderable distance which at first ne- into a service utation. cessitated the rerouting of all traffic % passing over the highway between Want Ordinance Revoked. Headdcn'n Corner and the new cut- On June 1st Neptune City officials Assets Over One Million Dot' off at Middletown village. After i will appear before Supreme Court wMlo, however, planks were laid over Justice Joseph I,. Bodlne to show Quackenbush 6c Nevius, Inc. the ho.se and cars were allowed to cause why an ordinance creating the proceed. State Trooper William office of superintendent of licenses, Safety State .i *-.» trtl (*«»nt» actors »n(i I.HIHU* «{»«• Kngineors Millinpton took charge of the direct- streets and eewers should not be set We ing of traffic. aside. Edward McClellan, borough Early Withdrawal Large R i • . ; io -!f ji iri In ><>li CiiVcl!. !tit- i < 'irj it^l* hit lulling The McGuire house was one of theclerk, WJUJ named to the office at a * oldest buildings In that historic sec- salary or$l,300 a year. The Neptune Offer 1 ' .i'.i hinlflmn pioKiam, arc hiUich!! «i <1«sljjn», con tion of Middetown. It was built about City taxpayers' and citizens' protec- Privileges Libera lor Figuring 120 years ago. The loss is partly cov- tive association declare the, ordi- You dll.1 ,')•d ( -' ;i [I!P;J We solicit vour business nn any (if th*1 ered by insurance. nance is "illegal and unreasonable ' Good Earnings Divicf* Mr. McGuire was proprietor of the 1 Middletown dairy company, which To Pave Keyport Road. Shrewsbury, N. J. I el. Red Bank 1311 sometime ago sold out to the Puritan I dairy company. The Keyport commissioners lasi M30 week awarded a contract to the Jan- narone contracting company to pave Forty Years as Af ent. Lloyd road on a bid of $21,490.20 The W«»ley W. Crawford of Freehold, lection of the road to be paved ex- A Splendid Opportunity to Exp- nice has rounded out forty years as an tends from the corner of Broadway agent for the Prudential insurance and Maple place to the plant of the company. On Saturday of this week National lead company in Ma4awan a gold locket set with diamond! will township. The Joy and Pride of Home Ownership OFFICES FOR RENT be presented to him at the district office at Aabury Park. Afaliut Embalming. The Union of Orthodox Rabbis of Janitor Service the United Stales and Canada at a Number Game Operators Fined. convention last week at TSelmar William James and Sim Dukes adopted a resolution protesting CLASS A SHARES were fined $100 each and Salvatore against the growing practice of em- LAbondi was fined $50 by Judge Har- balming Jews, declaring it was "evil ry Truax for being implicaletl in a and contrary to all tends of the $ 1 per month returns in about 135 month* $ 200 number game, at Red Bank. Jewish faith." j H. L. Zobel Building 5 per month returns in about 135 months 1,000 \ COR. BROAD ST. AND HARDING ROAD, 10 per month returns in abtmi 135 months 2,000 : RED BANK, N. J , 25 per month returns in about 135 months 5,000 100 per month returns in about 135 months 20,000 **^Yy\AAAAAAAAAA/ Real Estate CLASS B SHARES Insurance % 2 per month returns in about 78 months $ 200 . v- 10 per month returns in about 78 months 1,000 Mortgage Loans 20 per month returns in about 78 months 2,000 For Purchase or Sale of Real Estate, 50 per month returns in about 78 months 5,000 For Insurance of All Kinds, 100 per month return* in about 78 months 10,000, For First Mortgage Loans, WHITE PINE WINDOW SCREENS ! 16-Mesh Genuine Bronze Wire CONSULT Flush Mold, Wire Crimped n Groove OFFICERS: Priced from 1.29 up President Fred D. Wikoff 1—6x3— l'j -'—6x3— Hi 3—11H 1 ' Vic«-Preiident Thomas Cook HAWKINS 8- 7', 3— 3 -. 4— m 3— 7'-. 4—3H Treasurer Ralph S. Pearce 3-11'. 4— 7',4 BROTHERS 2—0x3— l'j. 4— I'-; (Ground Floor) : 4—11H 10 Monmouth Street, 3— .", . 4- 3'i Secretary William V. Smith Telephone 352 3— 7' • 4— 7 u, 8-7% . Assistant Secretary George E. Winning Red Bank, N. J. 3—11 "j 4—ll'i 4- 1'/ 5— 3'i Solicitor Warren H. Smock 4- 3>3 4—8H 4- 7>- 4— 7H 2-7x3— 1% 4—UH 3- 7* > 3— 11H 6-7H DIRECTORS: 5—4x3— 1 > . 4- H4 Mr. .Home Hunter .\ . 3— 3'- 4— 3 "i / 3- 7-,. 4— 7'4 Harry G. Borden George C. Hopping William V. Smith 3-11'.. Victor Satfcr 4—ll'J 3—1H4 H. W. Young Clyde E. Swannell No. 123 Pinckney 4— l'j Thomas Cook A. T. Doremus 5— 3'2 4- 1H 4•- ."' J. H. Mount Ray H. Stillman Road S— 7H 4— 3 5— 3Vj Matthew W. Greig Warren H. Smock 3- 7V> 5— 7'i Newton Doremus W. A. Hopping P. S. Walton R. B. Wilson E. S. EW1NG No. 127 Pinckney COMBINATION SCREEN AND Fred D. Wikoff 112 Pinckney Rd., Poad STORM DOORS Red Bank. 7 Rooms, Sun Porch, Priced frojn O QM . Tel. 13(17. up Further information will be gladly furnished by any of the above Officers 1 Bath. 7xft—7—1<; 3— lxfi--!>-]i, 2-llx7-l-m 7x«— ft— Hi 2- 7x7-l-li, Cclntrx Insulation, quartered 2- 9x7-l-Pt and Directors or from the Secretary, William V. Smith. nak floors, hot water heat, I ! t-hestnut trim, panelled walla. WHITE PINE SCREEN DOORS I could «»y more but SMinj Wired 16-Me»h Antique Bronze Wire Open For Is believing. Com* and •«• Priced from ^ /Jg up. Inspection. Terms. # 7xf>—T— 3-- lxd0I 7xB-9— ( 2- 1U7-1-1H The Mainstay Building & Loan Association 2•- 7x7-1 . p. ."< - 1x7-1-H4 2 - 0x7- 1- p. T.*u u F op Ml I MKNT OF ACCOUNT i will he mad* for the nllnnanc» niialnni and eounaci fet- I Mar 11th. A. D. 19*!. Second National Bank and Trust Company FREDERICK A P M^Kl 3<>m«r\ illr. M • .- . • pmlwl rHLDERKh W HOPF. Monmouth Lumber Co. RED BANK tri* fip Kt'-J F*nk. N J \ ' j; 79 CENTRAL AVE.. RED BANK . hi. h l Page 3fYtn I he 1 jght*. On \

    ' ... t ,t ri, f -• 'I <1t< I I.,, h - fmm

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    .-f hiM-hoid Is A H Hut j»hin. • s !. J' -,tui«(i t-> nin-! imiragt ilnfs c- : " • '" ' HI, SHI ill vi.-ih-d Mr and ' t'i tlllfr v< r.rs !••• i. " •• " ; ' A,,-, i ••«- ) -I"*'" ••- ••»!•••' . ' 11 t.uiHhlf to ltu|M opei' j few weeks with hi JJ i itrnl])aient8, 1 ,• ,,iwl 1 v-mild ui gf both state! ihanilofsa pa!i'Hi <.i anv . ilm |>H'Mt m« '-f Mi and Mrs Addi^i _ SKIIIXP! II, Sr. • • >,n > JMI Mifni c rnu-nt aulhnt i- j I'aint V'IUI hi.ini- it's « *!•!<-«'I .n-. -tii.i-iH : William Pf.'tmfcalf is attending the j • , fiii 11 s H.cii attention to this ; national convfiitiuii of .-srhool inana-j Hut see us fust let us sliow von « liv vem»ni- Sers at Bultimoic, ac< impanicil by \ I 1 hi I'.H :.1 f I II C'i[| fririU'C (if mil- J William Hrim of Kcd Hanli. Mr. | is tlir ulilv .sound liasib cm w lm li I" l">y paint! vehicle rad mi nist r at ui ^, I JM o- Fctin«alf and Mr. Helm stopped at | if-ii t hal laws he <-naetrd in the Washington and visited Mr. Pel in- j t-i hi Mates ifjuii IMK eXti a light (gale's siiatcr. Miss Kannle Pctingale'. !l^- MHtabir for i cplai ernenl, a» over the wuek-end. j ti nf tli*- cfjulj»riuii! of ;i i'Hi, it be- Mtas Marip Caldwell and E. r;ra-i ham Caldwell spirit the wpek-pnd at BUILDING M IRS ; • Irti !h- V\ inll'f I '*• pi lliiK t Hi )f j llirii Buramci1 cottage at (Jrtley, Mahoney & Harvey, inc. i 11 • • ( i if : ( Lt . 11 1 1 • • ( ( IJ11111 V W 11 11 j Iipach. j Mn. Charles TnompBon was called] f .v,-T. ='. 'I.. ..p, .HK.I.H of (-HIM tci Uayonne last Friday by the sick-i AND M1LLWORK Plumbing, Heating and Electrical -I '.f ' ' .,!,'•, >A h« II t ht-v had ncN.i of her mother. | .11,1 I , I m» < it !,.(•( H hiilt; l«i < ur Contractors, Sheet Metal Work The 500 club will meet at the home of MrH. John Morrison tomorrow ai- to SPECIFICATIONS III. hl'.A IIKK.HI Z\ tt-inoon. The arts and crafts department of OCEAN AVE., SEA BRIGHT, N. J. the, Woman's club held its IOHI meet •j- Ji '. Klfit u!r, injf at the home of Miss lona Hrand. MODERNISTIC: MOULDINGS The firemen were called ouL last Friday by a fire on Trio ma a Me- FRENCH WINDOWS & DOORS \Ti • i ' .!•' •• U dnpftnr of luirn's farm near Hcrndden s C(n:ipr :•:•••• ••-.•!• 'U hill fAU for A special meeting of the woman's COLONIAL DOORWAYS : ' . f!l !-• IJI ! ( Ii hHK thlfi to lub will he held tomorrow at I he 1' • 't-i'-i ' nf glai ing head- hnnip nf Mrs. Frank H. Cm! is We AUo Stock i \ ph . i JIC( idf rit dup tn Klar- Thirty-five membeifl nf the Coin munity cluh attended the annual in- -nih^lr s is OIIP in which a AN UNUSUAI UNl'AINTKU IIKNITIIRE stallation of officers and banriurt last week. Kdwln H. Brasch, whfi v\; hi\ui.\ M^'htH hiM'ornpp vntnally lfJ DKE8SEKS. BltKAHKAST NOOKS, Etc. le elpt-iod pi esident, acted as niaatcr and i an we neither the I Mii I he nl(Jfcn Mck, i* now at the. home nf hei SCREEN DOOKS, WINIUIW SCREENS h in 1 I" VALUE AT (iHii^hter. Mrs. Allen Liming of High- GARDKN TOOLS (lo up Sh'-illy hf fiiiiis tilnisclf nnahir In wr whew lu- LAWN MOWERS I.AWN ROLLERS Harry Rudy has rrpnintcrl his in K<>inii. HIKI to t'Kcapf ini^hap must, POUCH ROCKKKS ANO BENCHES inly upon his IIHMIKHV of ooniiit ion* house on Applegate street. BEACH i:MBKKI.LAS along llip io.•: • i ii '!nl - "l lenses. We ap- - •'. \ i In-.- c li^ht inK devices • ': !' »'. r I ne eniloi 5 iiii f iDotui vohiclo inspector of >. Ji'^cy, and recognized as one Citizens Building ^ Loan Association the autom obile lighting experts of '. country, member of this RED BANK NEW JERSEY

    lh.> (uiforccment of headlight pro- \ ,MIIII^, ypar in nnd year out is su- ' p'i ioi, of course, to an occasional innipaiKii or raid, but there are : limes when il has hern thought nec- New Series Now Open for Investors i cssfiry I o have whttt is known a^ «r need in a tm»nn i n if;tit "hold-ups," conducted by in- •^' C Hpec.tors of this depai tinrnt, to direcf The best investment for monthly savings, earning over 8i'2%'. attention in a pai ictilar locality to at a ion? priee the nccesaiiv fot proprr Investment in shares of The Citizens Building and Loan Association should appeal especially to persons who desire to own their own homes. Beauty of linn and color River Plaza News. You may subscribe for as many shares, at a cost of $1 per share per month, as your Attractive upholstery I - ; monthly income will permit you to carry. 'A Baseball Team Organized by Ihe 55 to 65 miles an hour Quick acceleration ! M<»inbftr« of thf Fire Company. ; The nienibers of the fire company $ 1 per month returns $ 200.00 in about eleven years Fully enclosed four-wheel brakes ! have oi^Hiil/ed a baseball, team with ' * ;^i wood 1 )uhr us manager. The 5 per month returns 1000.00 in about eleven years Irani loM il:, first game In a cx>ntei>t Triplex ghatler-proof fjlaws windshield • with a Red Hank nine, last week. They are not discouraged by this de- \ 10 per month returns 2000.00 in about eleven years Four Houdaillc hydraulic shock absorbers ' • feat and Itiey hope for better fortune! • In their next ^amo. | 25 per month returns 5000.00 in about eleven years Rustless Steel MIPS Mtirian Coirs of Brooklyn vis-j SI a iled Mrs. 1,, P. Stout over the week- 100 per month returns 20000.00 in about eleven years More than twenty ball and roller bearings end. The Woman's club held a costume Under the supervision of the Banking Department of the State of New Jersey. Economy Reliability Long life tJanen at th« schoolhotiHR Saturday TOTAL RESOURCES OVER See your dealer for a demons! rn( ion MILLER'S .cll« the following Two Million, Sixty-five Thousand Dollars 1931 Mo

    .*,..„,(, in. tni Brunswn k < oloiiinJ OR ANY OFFICER OR DIRECTOR Phil* o Clnnoit 4 OFFICERS ^ Croslry Bosch • President FRANK McMAHON Vice-President - - - - LOUIS E. BROWN Ubnrnl AIIOWHIK^ on your • Secretary A. ALVIN WHITiNG old act. Ass't. Secretary - - - A. TRUMBULL SMITH Wm nliii sell r.ir l»h Treasurer - ' - - - - FRANK SHERWOOD Solicitors APPLEGATE, STEVENS, j MOUNT-ENGLISH CO. MILLER'S FOSTER, REUSSILLE 33 W. Front Street, DIRECTORS •\iilli.nl/,- April Twenty. I hu 'y «'nl Forty Year» Ago Operates the Only Cold Storage Vault in Red Bank a uuHlt>4M uf foot* U8EC

    »- -:n nut** I U Tile A!! B»nk ren Store Your Fur* Nra, l> \ illuiiii O'Brien

    where you are positive they are safe < H VV A V I l ink


    ii-s Ht-inv lvm« of Red Bsnk Here, in our modern, scientific storage 8300 • ]|HI h'*MJ »fl^[»V«nt JM n«cr u- M.,i in.'iilh i ounty l)> fiiini1- vault, the beauty of your furs is preserved. WHIPPF.T ie A MX'I ! ij .';.'!,IM k nt H^atontown be- A specially constructed ventilation system < •,,.. I. r-«t>- niiiip from that place /* ti.ii I'I.II.I ..|.|ml Eel want Kli»|.pthe 1KH.II>1 IH:M m a life and b• uty. Cedar closets veloped by fur experts in storing, cleaning million contp^l. (Juest:. were pres Thirty Yean Af o. do not JIKert you against Are board consisted of W. Tabor 11am H. Elliott, mayor of Seabncht. Expert Cleaning, Paiker. C»plain Charles B. Parsons John Gulre, director of the boai .1 nf and see for yourself you are welcome at freeholders; W. H. Denise, the budge. Remodeling and ' S275 engineer; Freeholder Celine H S113 Repairing all times. der, John Burke and his fa.mil), Mm Charlotte Cruier, Mrs Hrnjamin CHEVROLET VanBrunt, Mrs- Percy Sheiman imt •2» < ....>>' • "•'!•" •> 1 »h»|n-; I Mrs. William H. Sherman V»MP in a paint, -i I. II." 1:1 « Illl'H party that drove across the binl^e For as little as JLoU Immediately following the «.m. i&l 70-76 WHITE STREET, RED BANK opening. $375 ;hel and Edith Braun of P.as! PHONE Red Bank 2800 Red Bank had a May pai-ty in you can modernize your home Hance's woods. Maude Hooe. "f Kel CHKVKOLF.T ford was queen of the May ami .|..lm J Fix was king. Those at the imw"is*ine •;» ( .,„,..• M.-I-" ii' i-.i.it. 1 Monroe Eisner, Harry Asnv I-ii..'* Interior >i'r, ,i.,il rote, Willie Hunt, Mau.lr H«.|. nm t Barbara Brainer. Westinghouse Julia Sheehan, widow uf PHIIKI S175 Sheetian, of Newman Spii'iR" io»d| died of old age. She was a IB'IVP of | NASH REFItM.KRATOR Ireland' and hael lived in ihn inun-j '28 Adv. » Si'iliwi, in Hi. In at try more than half a centals' :^tie ; of nrdrr Will jil«'ii^" ^'1>| in had resided for nm' i' than Jnrty years in the house where stir died. looks, performance, ninl prli r. Daniel and John Kheohan of Red Bank we:p two of her right children. $350 A parish guild for social purposes was organized ny members of Uie Shrewsbury Kpiscopal church. Mr. Studebaker and Mrs. William R. Stevens, Dr. '2« Ntanrtunirtttnl Slvv <1 «..ii . n A and Mrs. Charles H. White, Mr. and KlTlK. Illli' "I""' Mrs. Arthur .Swift and Mrs. A. V. that villl (tlvn ^"" i Jennings were on the committee drawing up a constitution for the new society. $150 James Wolcott, a baker for J. W. Child of Red Bank, took a> his bride Miss Miry V. Monhyan of New York. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Robert MacKellar. The at- tendants were Miss Lavinia Pettit and William Malchow, both of Red Bank. $75 Liberty hose company of Red Rank formed a baseball team with DODGE jTnra Bolin as captain and Frank Bedrooms, too, diii). \ real rtf[>i Hodges manager. Other players were George Hawkins, Del Fisher, Kred Smock, Van Watts, Mart Havl- Isnd. James Chadwlck and Fred Grill. are more " $115 Wise Emma Swannell of Colts Neck and William Myers of Asbury im OMIIT easy to have when plenty of modem years .. . but, with it you can save, without need of service. day and many merchandise prem- Convenience Outlets, wisely located, allow the free use of comfort-givmg positively 6ave, many dollars. See it iums were put up by Red Bank bus- MKV.SMiK See the WESTINGHOUSE Dealer iness men. Fred Frlck was assisting electric appliances. and other WESTINGHOUSE models Mr. Storck with the arrangement!. I "'.I.'. Illl.I Mill* before you buy any refrigerator. Before you decide upon any re- Rev. Octave VonBeverhoudt ac- Better lighting, through lamps placed conveniently and tastefully; the -.IHJ||I|> IIMMl. cepted a call to the pastorate ol the : h. .... i t.l 1.1 frigerator, see the WESTINGHODSE Colt's Neck Reformed church. He easy use of electric heating pad, curling iron, hair dryer, portable electric You Can Save $50 to $150 Yearly dealer near you. Get the amazing facts. was a theological student at New Brunswick and was awaiting to be heater, vacuum cleaner, electric clock—these are but part of the added Read thaf again. Any TTESTIIVCHOI'SE Decide nothing; promise ordained In the ministry. nothing; 6ign nothing, Francis White. William B. Law- bedroom comforts provided conveniently by sufficient and properly Refrigerator will more than pay for rence and Peter T. Brady completed itself. It is truly a profitable, money- until you receive this im- their work of making assessments located Convenience Outlets. PON'I'IAC fcaving investment, not an expense. portant information. for the cost of installing sewers in , ( *, I .ml,'! promise with sound engineering ity. «6 practice nor have any of the. latest Strut AddrUL. Due to unfavorable weather the asparagus growers In the Colt's Neck $195 conveniences been omitted. Storage, section were not getting enough from their crop to pay for their fer- JERSEY CENTRAL POWER A.ND LIGHT CO. tlllier bills and cost of labor. R.d B.« wiiti the Knterprlse Ml» Pctr-r K Cn!l;er HMV -,f Trenton. This was Al|.h',n;... i;».,kiil of lied Bank was Convention Hall, Asbury Park, N. J., elntfir older ever given BecuiuiK inrmbei^ for a ramp of the in Red Hank up t'i lhat I'alnolic Sons uf Ainnua In be in- Binuied ai Rul Hank. SATURDAY, MAY 23d, at 8:30 P. M. 'lake Elliot t was elected Thf old <5heniK"il cn^ino owned by of 1 he rlr. 1 F- >' ui a I staff of Highlands bomufch wan hold at puiv 1 Ml lK- Huriinn and'was bought by Har- M' vi-li-iano K1H«W "•> ly Blown for $.">2.f>0. 500 Trained Male Voices ».,,:. r il.i Samuel T Waiirn H Smwk sold hl» home Wllllan M.i Hcil Bunk i wa mill lot on Ihp youth fide of Reck- ASSISTED BY iliiut J'tii I IH^B |ilaci. to William W. Taylor of peraons w Holmilrl for JO.MiO. winntiB we Danipl VV, Irwin of Chapel Hill cel- One so u of ebratpd th*1 fiftieth anniversary of NANETTE GUILFORD, Soprano. HlcUry. Mi I lie Branch M11-. })ifi work as a blacksmith. (METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY) Jflhn Biad.y, M; * ' d Mi«. Hairy Mias Maty L.onj,;strf'pt uf Holmdpl Ham Mslrhnw ho w*»re re- died as the rpsult of,a fall. She was in her ninetieth year. GENERAL ADMISSION, - - 50c and 75c. //> is Daniel Tuomf. » Mr Krldel was Edwaid BIMI 1 RESERVED SEATS, $1.00 and $1.50, at Convention Hall, from May - BM«'I, son of Captain The Red Bank Register Is tha rtc- Anna I .nylon -u »• ogntzed meeting place of buyer and 18Ui, or mail application with check ,to Manager A. G. C. A. Concert, Mm. AuguniuH I- jf., <(f Heiford, was four- (•Her. The Register hooks up busi- Electric igeration was given H jmi ' Mi.t Mnd his parent* Rave ness interests and horne life affairs Convention Hall, Asbury P^rk. her thud hwth'lt* » . , nlay p«i ty In ctlfbrat Ion with telling effect by way of its groat U)l« HPI.P, I>.....II n t circulation It pays to advertise In and Kdith 'I a. :• • • n wan installed in The Register.—Advertisement ifi>nili>lyii Si I.TI -• Of Ked Hank, i '•• " itut mmdn jo tUgntl. A* Bltt- Kthfl l*>inn ••' • • ' • trie Rr/ngrr*ior imium ibii In ElUHhplh .la 1 !•.•.' • your bmmi. lt% Itw cott msJui it and Eh/.«hi>ii: u ,. Thi- n, ,.«,,i. ti,. . .. ^tllkit ftT tOH 10 Wil »m* inti**! Bpei"ia I pM 1' ^ ^ 1 • - ' ' . k c

    ' I ••< I iafeg\urd ihc family healih you mutt AlbBl I J!'i. l>. A'I.. ' i .-.... l

    1 krep freib md wholesome luch foodi Emery, I 'ail 1 'Im I. /> :* .» . '• 1 Hlnj I »•> milk *nd creun, butter tod sggi, tnMts l.llllaii Wiium I-1. 1 >• .'••i.uii/. md I on! vtgrutiltt. You can do it eiidy, coo- Mm, .lose|.h HI-IIIII I' »tnicniiy, wuh an Electric Kefrigentor. 'I'hf jjniitiit- u( Hit- l>c«i ((men whrn rciu bi*t n lie Hihnols fi'Miir.l a muMcil HhMirla Bin trie N«i,ftr.mr Doimn Leftovers are safely kepi so tint they lion Tllrv »•«<• ('hailr.* SmrH'k, tm,delight(uI ditibti (in lit may appear later in new and savory difhei. »*»ilf IH«pircd- cvrrr un< .!nnirs I' l.nhliMl .-(-I. I' if.I 1'onk, liriaj in* i ciieei Cron tb« funilr A cooveuient iuppty of ice rubei n aiwayl llmiy 1,IIIIK»IIII I iM"1' I aItn Joitilne high «< hQtil, was 8l Chilled and froxrn •*.• ^,., served be- Mra. AHRUMIII' \^ n ilck- elieve it fore, are easily mt f «n Electric Uvr-il l,v 1 « daug?h- Icr, Miss Klii.iln.tli Hi nites, who th Refriftntor at oti< < Hut t -.mill amount lived at hum,- '• ft hieter of down will bting yi>« >Ur •• ..(<•! of your Philip Kuhl nf [:• It starts May 20 at 7:45 choice today, Prices me !o« rti « complete Sickles ami Mi.. H Shmv Mlli demons cntioa. Grace WiliiHii \ i xevretary »nd Arthur Johnson 1 Mrs. Wu.^ J»ri 1 rf, (1f Oreantc and Edward Swrrnev of Seatenght won A New Radio Pit.:am by ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION BUREAU the first prir.f* in a claiicinR conteit at tha Am Ve pucci ball at Long Branch. Tin1 Mamo. couple previotjfly won a pi-izp for dancing at a flra- men'.i hall at RM Bank. Cnment nldrwalks wi»rc in vofut

    Get the facts behind this 11

    GUARAN V •:

    X-,^.0ADCAST FR0M MID. MIG! Riphy has keen abroad... svn,;r»>g burn fie and Africa for material for ",i !,L "eW "Believe it or Not" series, lie will broadcast the first of this series, on the nc;;' /:i,n program from the Leviathan half way out on the Atlantic Ocean on May 20th.

    ^fUXTON <;KWER AL FJ.ECTRIC Refri<«ntort A t»To givru eiprn*r-frrn wrvice in a million homeit Now (irnfitl F.Ifftrir giunntcea— in writing—that yon, !"<>, wilt hive no irrvifxi crjttnto for At lcilt .1 lnnf( Yr«m SODD PR.LE And, nrw low pri

    The fattionn M'IIIIM-.I 'loy mfrinnlim- Here's a clinncv to ioinhnu luti aiul profit! All entries should be submitted hcrrnetir-allv dr«K eompletu need. Broom-hi^d \*K* ,:**l* *^rtrping r.»>. Inntnl- prizes and opportunities for everyone. instructions are available at all Standard latios ll an •imp!'- -^ -n^'iing sn rln trie fan. Turn your playtime into naytime! Oil service stations and ls,o dealers. Jolnutinth«<,nnm.uu !'r>•%'•>mjutuul, nutmvmrySaturtUtym^iUng,onamatUm-wifU W.B.C network. $2,000 for the lust "Believe it nr Not." Start now! Tune in on the hsin program $1,000 second prize. I-'our other cash May 20th at 7:45 P. M., |«. I) S. Time- prizes, from $500 to $5(1. 48 prizes of and every Friday and WHInesday night GENERAL ® ELECTRIC AtlasTircs. I In si-prizes will be awarded Iroin then on at the same hour.'These by the manufaetui-ITS of lisso. stations will carry this program: *••-«»•••• nilRM,IRATOR Everyone h;i<. an equal c-hancc. You COMK»TII*. AfA«Tmwr ij. •> M H 'fiTfjji 1. SKT «1 i"? S AToi>'»~irV7'T»tr. »ATJ> /6<1W1 W.I2 New York KDKA Pittsburgh don't have to he a user of Ksso, which is WBZA Boston WHAM Rochester more powerful ihun any gasoline and V\BZ Springfield Wl/SV Cincinnati H. HENDR1CKSON CO., Inc. costs no more hy the mile. You don't even WBAL Baltimore WRVA Richmond have to be a car owner. WPTF Ruldgh 8 Maple Avenue, Re.l Bank, N. J. H.M.IPI.U 4rra»g«l. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW IERSEY 'MI I t' M •- ; « W t Kth "> M i liar It.KMM « , I •-.>. Rl'bt IAI IS] ::$ Tne Btrun M VMbH BKAt I 1 * U ON M • will give -M.M \ ! he Ashui ^ J'" 1 11 beautiful, SUJ DimS'. > fr.u\ Ui t; w ii- '• rli %r«f« Oh.! IIKMA.NtM VIA\K will. • vs ' , , •},, hcilti hist i>e• »> ( ' 1 HOM « TO 8 MONTH.- • • ' 'i.~ i.*-. r, u>hrd (o .settle mu ) .I'll |H in' [. t » : ' ...;.- :.l,.r ;,-„., m ,i •( mid I;-..*.- !;!•> , II-.III,.II •••'!-•'• >Mt in New Jeisey or J >vin milguaidi »< >'r>ri Montu u .»' I U 'i. Inijnil «{ V. (1 J ( t AN WE DO SUCH WONDERFUL Auihfiiitifft, however, are j>ifpaM< IMHII I MIUIDI MMMIMMIIHIlMt. to enfoice Bn ai mistue i>emiiiiK t'u »*+* ifsutt v>( the »uii They f^ar the (>>•- k, USE THE BEST MACHINES AND teimrn may not wait to sptllt ihui diffeieiu-ea until the eupiemt <•• 'in ' f.RIALS, AND HAVE SUCH A REASON- arts Hhols h«vi» been ni«*ii m ttr past ')V*>i the light to jilarn tin- <•> K PRICE ? ter hedfi and ^ovpwmis of .Nru .1': »ey HI thfn anriUrtl nipwa>:r.> in Hu ifgiMa! ui e ha v f viewed the H! ii.v :< n l Visit U« And We Will Explain ! eu< It an- k.-.-pmi; %v mis witihkt- mlvann'^ -!)•'!»- Aiic.'-ts huvt- ... 'tu i.llrln[.( 1u pi t-tci \ c PUBLIC SALE A Real Castile Shampoo > i 1 hi- llvt-l 1 H\ in si yeai, authorities hopf th> -nail will he untangled ami with Finger Wave rijfhL of ong state or Ihc nlh.-: to We offer at this time a very unusual lot of tlieht- valuable Ijcds (ietennin.-ii I.. I •H.uit decision. Act I vily ci-nt ri. in I )• New Jeisry rown l>e;n 111^,' thr n.i: .< Hair Tinting, Bleaching, Facials, nl Bivalve. KDI-Keneratiun.s, ttuf. !1- thpre have depended on the

    mission of arbitration [ !,• Spanish Beauty Salon had failed to establish the boumlmy lines between the two states. .Ww > ,-t I'M.lit M, I'hone Red Bank Jersey contends the boundary line 111 1) IllVh 2S4S runs down the middle of the chan- nel, while Delaware cites hi.stork- documents to prove the line is UIOUK G. F. GRAMANN, Jr. the high*water jnark on the Jersey shore. The matter is now in the hands of a special master appointed 11 WHITE STREET RED BANK, N. J- by the court. So involved is the dis- pute that Duane E. Minard, assist- Beauty at low cost ant attorney general for New Jersey once recommended to the court that Used Furniture Bought and Sold "a man with the patience of Calvin Coolldge should be named to hear testimony.' New Jersey argues that the Invest- ment of several million dollars in tha oyster Industry at Bivalve warrants the placing of the disputed beds in her custody and maintains that sev- eral thousand citizens would be •••••••••••••••••••••ll» ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••MtlllllHHBi QUICK DRYING ENAMEL without means of earning a liveli- hood if the disputed lands were awarded to Delaware.

    ^1 UNITED It Is Being Built on the V. rarker 1 HIS high-grade enamel is de» SERVICE Wilkinson E»Ute. II SERVICE-] Tsigned for home painters who Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward McClellun Trn want to do over furniture, book- are having a house built for their own occupajicy on the V. Parker cases, toys, or the wood mm of bed- PER QT. Wilkinson estate at Little Silver •*' •»' Point. Mrs. McClellan waa former- rooms, bathrooms or kmhen. ly Miss Barbara Wilkinson. The It is remarkably easy to apply, $1-70 contract for the building waa award- ed to Quackenbush A Nevius of dries quickly, thus avoiding the an- Shrewsbury. noyance of wet paint, arid gives a The residence will be a ColonlHl PER PINT frame building having six rooms, a Great Maine ba\ 27tli hard, durable finish with a perma- bathroom and an attached garage. C Ap open porch of strictly Colonial nent lustre. Its cost is low. 95 design will be on the river side. The building will be ready for occupancy BAKU early in August. NEW M £ mm m • »» FRANK M. CHAMBERS NEW PORT MONMOUTH HOUSES C Dwellings Going Up for Jersey City 26 West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. and Bajonne Folks. John tiannlgan of Jersey City Is no.2ilrg. can having a six-room bungalow, with PEARS modern Improvements, built on Mer- Potatoes ft 5 cer street at Port Monmouth. , W. H. Mallett of Port Monmouth Is the Flag Brand contractor. The coat will be about PAINTS • VARNISHES $2,100. Mr. Mallett la building a Jiouse Si PONJ DUCO with all Improvements on Hudson FlagBrand avenue at Port Monmouth for c Halves C : [CRISC 11k can 21 Peaches or Sliced no.Zjcan 16 NASH RITTER'S une C : course... I Tomato Soup no. Lm, lrg. can 29

    can get along without • Combination pneknge, Anglo Corned Beef no. 1 can Buckeye • or Hop floored

    Twin Ignition I LUX large pkg 21c Edelbi Brew i m a LUX PI .us .' in i.i-. • • • • but yon don't hour top speed and 2 extra miles small pkg, 9c • ...ml, no. / ran Jf jor get along so well ojtravel from a gallon of gasoline. My-T-Fine Chocolate Dessert Grape • 1 You could, if necessary, see with Of course, you can get along with- D. & C. Lemon Pie Filling Grape ' I'' "* Pt. bottle one eye. You can drive with one out Twin Ignition. But we say, and • . M < -itcle Brand • i hand. Two make a better job of it. these cars will prove it, that you Knox Gelatine Fancy • i! PACKAGES ^ Pkes- don't get along so well! m The same applies to Twin Ignition. • BeetS I'nnr\) Quality Sliced .< < IS (iieen Circle Brand lb. pkg. IOc m People who drive the Nash Twin Just compare the pep, power, ^ cans *TfC m Ignition Eight-80 or Eight-90 (16 smoothness and gasoline consump- Split Peas < ;.*„Circle Jfcfc. y>h- 1O< spark plugs, 16 firing points, in- tion of the Nash Eight-80 or Eight- Baking Soda G™ Brand v* ib. pkg. 5c stead of 8) hive a distinct advan- 90 with cars of the single ignition m tage over cars still using single Flag Salmon Fanc>> Chinook 2 lb. can m, type at the saifce price, and you'll Dill Pickles 8 oz. jar ignition. The gasoline mixture is agree with us, andwith Nash ou -nen, burned more quickly and more PeaS lender Sheets, Green Circle JJ cans completely. ^ that here is a most desirable im- Sweet Mixed Pickles 8 oz. jar provement. Q By engineering test, the same mo- ; 1 Sweet Com White Green Circle % Buy no car today until you have CatSUp I..... v IV, Brand Med. Size J$ btls. tor with Twin Ignition instead of made this interesting comparison. single ignition, produces 22% We will gladly arrange a demonstra- Campfire Marshmallows IK Pkg. Stringless Beans Green Circle £ more power, 5 more miles per tion. Just phone... we'll send a car. U.S. G (., «e li. tm 35c IVINS' SNEDEKER NASH CORP. Uneeda Bakers' Specials GreenCirclfi i23 First Ave., Atlantic Highlands, N. J. M,k^. 25c DAISY PUFFS ii, 25c AssortmentDeLuxe full I lk.pkg. 2 5c A delirious Marshmallov} cookie Leader C o f Ve e ..(,V & 21c A !<•« I" II- i' I Spf( in] |o»J pn,». Premium Sodas Ik vh- 14c topped With (ocoanut UB. a fid I hrrr IM riaw • In thr County TIMIH i wnxua a. » Iipr.lon, for • n1 William E Mowers »M; be married a. Hull' liaai Ca««t*. s« $16.00 <_UMaa fU.. Reid of Freehold in hn ankle last QUINN. PAK.i.1" t -< All . 18.00 Dollar OOUHtK ,A .• iirjwnMalrB In hei WkHftaU *i> »• nan . 20.00 bayn nn.r». in a IMerce- . . more Building ( "d. Adopted. I . 11.00 i ^[.riii: t.nW. H«i^htB has adopted .» I..ii.^.ii^ c.ii Edward Barkalow whe«>lbaH<'. more power, more «paploua- . 12.00 wn( Bjifi- :it...1 hulMinp inspector. i||,i|--:il>,|i:i:!p-',! .I1:' ••,.. ..il" ..'••:!yilll:l'!illl!!!'H:i!:i!:i" ne*», more richnesK, FHKF WIIKEI.I\«; . 12.00 ..1 to THE . . bcaidfK all lh«" beauIv and distinc- •1! . 14.00 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ,i. r I- H ^ •> i •*' •' ? si ..idle the Coldwell 21. 25 *,,••' A»bUT V MONITOR Z3d. The tion thai belong lo I'ior.r-Arrow alone. • Mowers. AH makes of H*-i will be rounded 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy Mowtsri Repaired atxi 4 > !h»ater part of An International Daily News- ito lire red at fftmr >!<,,,, i,,, paper.

    F. Polhemui and Published daily except Sun- Other Pierre-Arrow t,k s Bortina of days and holidays, by The Chris- •nudKlm up lo tl0,O00 I! >«i' of l*et week tian Science I'ublishinj; Society, PIEIU s: Fid- < •; 1.1 ih* Shenan- 107 Falmouth Street, Boston. '.( !.i. ii» v ( averna. Does any Club or li Mass. AltltOW ilar organization ..JI • .,* •)<*-. Catholic For Sale at i. }•-• ant h will be tire to ar jime r>r- •< > i .atf\f)<]-(irant TRUBIN'S J. F. & M. M. STEIN, -1 ^ iii't it, chair Red Bank erty in down J 58 Broad Street. Atbury ParU M Red Bank7

    >,, (,r,(iiriii al heat niter all is of primary M" "'•--; and Mlai * Mrtnas'iuan gradu- We have at-, t >>-. >.,,t«mr Anthrarite coal plui modern equip- i -•-.(' f!'-rn the nursing offer. 1 . Mfihgr- inetrioi ial hoa- THIS? or THIS? I ii-r-nt means haH the cost of oil and one-third vi'lil '. . ' sit* « ost of gas You may have the proof. . tn .lull fci. h..' . \biinff has been sentenced Riverside Mhi- » in > n in JRJ! fftr stealing iiaii b U. S. A. P.! ApplUd For. & Finance 'II...... i: of tin- l!.l ftmii thie Shrewsbury MAKES IRONING EASY he|..i. « •"• will be held lir has been In jail since ntti' on "f IHe takfl up sUck and keeps kinks out of all at Nail H-M week and xttatoi oonli. •X flunk li> Ml» KUMOn Air TI A. H, Thloscn of Fort Mon- circuiting of luokrn wins in extension cords on electric li.i.iliirT, ii funnel |UPBl- moutli will be meteorologiat on the ironB, lamps liiMtcis, toasters, etc. tour of tJie 1931 >lr corpi. Stopa N'o cliancr to diop an electric iron on your foot or ruin will he made In varlouj parts of the a liffht fixtuie if you coil up the loose cord with a (>II(K M^hl ui Allentown. count i y. NEVERKNOT. 1 .. All.nlown dramatic cluh will NEVERKNOT EQUIPPED CORDS LAST el,,-, i In- M'UBOM'I activities willi the Kdltor to Addrew Puptlt. Notir* to rmrhf-i- > 1'i.i.ti.ii ,iH\n night Thursday nlgTit, John B Kennedy, aaalatant editor LONGER Mi, .:vh. i,t the granga hall The of Collier's magaiine, will be the = SOLD BY : Pursuant tn Ww ••• COAL f)on»h«>. Sui i ••«»>• « iluti- la.-i H'HIW was given Friday • peakpr at the commencement exer Men mouth, made mi • iUK'ii iinil W.I.- Piititled "The yiicen ciaea uf the A«bury Park high school May. 1 931. on (i.« MI feed-Fuel Oil-Hay ,>1 I. in^'I'ini ('in iiei'K " Michael D. Riordan rirtnnivn. administr «i M To Improve- Brlelie Road. Patiick Dr«nt,;ui, a*.fK The Brlelie conimiaiioneri has ap by giv«n to th« citrtii-i (ah l»:Hii>. ANhessed. Salesroom: 10 E. Front St., Red Bank to exhibit to tri« mh-'i TMxlrrih ih HUB of this county who prnprlalrd J7.300 to widen and grade • S aforaiaH, their •!* we.'f |".i'\ holders In the Insolvent Hivpi drive. The state will pay 75 hi., iii;it.ni cH.saalty Insnrnnee jier cent of the colt. •iv monthf fn.m the MCv«i l.arrtd of ...i;|i,!:\ h;'\e hfen osseSBed In (.rmid Army Orator. their H'tionn thertfor against. lh« Ml4 heat. But why not make the t«st yourself ? :,:,,. iiiii .:HI,;IIIK from *200 to $60. I oilK'' (Ifllcers. day at Long Branch. 10R Main Stra«t. Eaton town, K. 94 /i i tin Mat*, fonventlon of Sons ,ii..| ii.iMchti'i.-) »>•«•»•••« STRANGLES FEED LINES

    why TTDOL 73 of Gasolines are 99t%% Gnm-Free America's leading 1. SBUICTBD CKCDES Crudes telectcd for Lbeircleanf lines* are "multi-fractionated" bj auper-rrliniiig equipment easting miUioim S. "OUM-TAPI'KD" have bought In towering frartionation Btilla of the moftl nflvunrrd type, the gum-carrying gaiwili off for re-distillation long be- 27,605 the v role Is fore the refining process is completed. 3. (.OI-FHCt BLEEDING Tide Water1* exeluaive, aeeret but TYDOL Gasolines it riMl, riUKK,»555 blend of gum-free gasoline* creates the luper-power, high- test, anti-lusock qualities of Hi- are 99 rfo% Cum free (MtTYDOU

    tto thoosanda of car* and tnieJis require only a minimum —MMITIt Oliag larg* flocU of ClinvrolrU of »ervic« attention THnt thfj givr *«tl>- . . Mack death to motors For Hi-teit TYUOI Catollne 11 n* mmar of tbe> leader* of Amnluu factory low-«o«t ntivicr over (txrrptionaily . . . rides in every gallon of im- luiattTJ. In fact. 7.1 otiftnntling I'*"g prriodaof titnr. busintt* firm* havm pur> hn*r,l <* ? >ru/ properly refined gapoline that This anti-knock, h i gh-test, »u per- t Naturally, a car with #m\\ a fine rrienrd Qf 17.60S Chtvr,,U,t ,•„,, ...,( r, „.!.•. you buy . . . Strangling feed of N'flimiiiv rrprmr.iits in extremely wiw power gasoline i» made uwlay SCIENTIFTC ri'sr • ( \cu The *on for thin JH«U f* Im lines. Fouling and sticking with finer equipment . . . with the unexcelled econom ,,i th, olet when you «iii*- «i uirtnv aHrantagea HH;II i,i: valves. Stealing [>o»er . . . I p- greater precision. eaxs and truck*, as p., ,1 l.r , that r.Krrr ..IM»V«S ntiri ln-yond aetting performance and invit- eoat record*. 1'liran r*« eeotioutit « i -ani>lin(k line* any time . . . and where 1 . . . And at n« price premium, "I. yon least expect them. Just he- why be without it? Kill up with asotine mean that it's also gum-free . • • Z." Make mire you're playing safe. .. ..„.. i™ HTI to MM. CWnlrt Mk l»*.,i,nre. of HI"M in I* • . f*" - T ni*. Al I p«M«igMr nar and track whaMU prUiaa Side step the danger* of gum. I. a. k. fllat. Mlrku. >.*> t~»lT |,H.^4 (. (I. h. lUiupdk. laalau. Sl l lOgallonn of Gasoline Useifi-UMtTYUOL. unee of GUM In Tide Water Oil Sale* Corporation 10 gallons of Gasoline 19th St. SL Cr«y> Avt., PUlMblpnia, Pa.

    your dealer below RED BANK MOTOR CO. TUNE IN ROY AUH.I.'MIIIEWmi! INN:.. CASOLfNlS Mechanic Strict and Globn Coiaf Red Rank 6l30Ul6:ir> I". M l».|. m llmliulit Sa\lnK Time, every Telephone \T/O Monday, Wnli»-' l.l.ln> «:<>lliinl>i

    »JSWH»». »» <

    5«t Of I.KFl^ h/»l

    r iff..: <<<•:, f

    IhJit (**«, Houir 1 hi H pjf u»' *« »(«,») weekly in tli* , wl ; ' Hi I' BA , T-r Hmni !• ^** *»f ^M J3% W Hiam b i Wen* M-irn.,1- .**!*

    adtii *»*

    Rra.ni h i•. * -• the Annie

    A. A Bn> ; . . • diction »t . •'• M, l.»w,, . chestia ... , ' '»!' d!.-1 Mn Art'.lib M •

    ..it- l.t.. *'. I., urn nix »' M;H,M. The At. • ' i " - Ladies' and Mists' Ready-to-Wear Apparel ate awat i- • • • T'.f Ka*' KfHiistiur^ K*'..! of the en 1 - '• i. -••• - 26 BROAD STRKi:"! RED BANK, N. J. Int. WHV entf rial tied V\Yi! -,, r.!« itiiiim l.y MIR K KiiKlt-niHt. ln|! an.I i,« ... -, , . . , ,, , „. I 'llHI Iff. 'luth ht I Ic ..ll.1r K hen i.t It.. ... •... y II . ta ' liitn' in t [if !,<*!!>; I'.i M j.. 1. H8l ClaSS H\\ h: i ^ . • ' ' ' I - f If hlu 1 M1- I..hn Healv lia> !.<-. t s Bradfot .1 „. I \1 - • • • '.> Mi <.i \ lining liet tnothei. Mi.' )•' M -.•in* Hi\'i Railroad The intt-i II.. .I]-.1. .. •-. •. l- «i'f witti liv or New Yoik by Misses :.!HII..I \\ . t.|> MI..! Mls.-i Mfix Wanpaiitin ftrctimjwji it *t Pre-Decoration Day Florence 1'h.i. I. I t,t ;'. A A HPIV prlie of $.M !..i 'lit (i«t!'i«'i«s mni" having 1 h*- hi^hrM IRIUI^ tn .ipprtit ing room if. hn'.jut v.m~ wi.n by Mfcei Ethelyn lin>;>!s —SALE— phlne (\ Bacalto. Alh e *' Hatl^'i Eleanor M, Hrailfortl. Kthelvn !• j\ ational Brigg". Yolnn-in V I -^ Kiiim Wood. WINDOW Regular f\ IE? *% rung. -i"s it It ii.,, " f r $ )o THE FAIR V1KW HONOR ROLL. MODS '• " n $10.00 £ ° irv PupU» With the Hlghrat Ratini, for the I'ast Month. The following pupils of the Fall PLUMI-iNG View sohool. In Mlridlelown timn We will also have a large assortment «hip, received the highest ratings fm the past month: FIXTl RES Fir»t Itr.ilc C'«thftin» r..rr..!an I > - •: 1 r- I of $5.98 and $6.98 Dresses at T TI KiHJirt |d*t around oi.,1 Turlito, ViiHr- Mnilh W' ! ThirJ Bt.df IL.n.M H-- ?!ir -»>M>K llsorough- Fouith Kiailc John VanKitl.. Ihnrlct Johnson. ChTintinr Unrip. Anna M »y Smith. Donald A«»v. ly lixiJw<; Fillb m».li Mnini^ -IUIJIB. 1-lnrmo* Hog&n. Joseph [tiBtitnim, Martha N»tale, Margaret Collinn If VOU ~>f* Sixtli Brailf- Herbert Srhumann, Klsie Brett. John Oli ins. Virginia Howfr. l.ury GAHB\( I SUvnla. A complete new line of Regular $3.00 Seventh gra.le - Charlta Lurom Pmi. Humt. Anna Shilcmii. Lillian De.rh. Ruth

    1,!,, t)( ,. Panamas will be on Sale Former Publtshe-r Dead. George D. Runyon of Asbury Park. ,< -. ..ii,n, a former publisher of ilie Perth Ain- boy Evening News, dird siniiipnly last Week as the result of a lieart at »ttack. He was 77 yoars olii. lie was -v 11 h also founder of tin- IVith Anit«.v dru^ company and fiunii.r ..wtici ot a lumber business »' lui ].in. ..

    Sale will begin FRIDAY, MAY 22d, 1931. Decllneii (iuld Mfdat.

    J. Wolcott Rrowti t.f Spilt,c !,,!,, Won the mrdfll in t lie iin:i 'tVn; round ol the Atlantu- full I'lamin n Plumbing, Heating, Roofing, ihip at Ocean City Ian week, l.ul h, declined the medal liei ;IUM !I- \\.II- Sheet Metal Work not able to continue m th- ti nr..<\ due to tausinenn yirrfi; in < . !il. n it wsj 76. 29 W. Front St., Ocean Ave., 89e Red Bank, N. J. Sea Bright, N. J. Keansburg News. PHONE 369. PHONF, 47.

    Now All Can Have Steamrr fity uy, HOI,I,AND MNIN (Th» Red B«nk Rejl.tfr on i.. bousnl WINDOW SHADES til K«»n»buiE «t th« itor.. til K. I,. Miller. Any one of SELECTIVE N. SknU Lucia, Philip Keller and Chtrlet Voetl.) ' *"* In the court of Justice of the peace three million numbers list week. Nathan Bergman, * deal- In vaiiuua building materials on the state highway, near the le HUDSON or ESSEX held Saturday night in the Hotel :-ach Vane tJyralor in the MaJller on Laurel avenue. The affair Kenmorr—thr-'/'wiHbr I one ol the most successful held 49c *wa8rr*Ml rleaii wit boat by this fast growing organization. mnrring a lhn-a<«1!n- An attractive electric sign has cn/v.rtii'/A'- mM""r: i«^V<-r,^ b««n installed on the building of Trenery Bros. "Will Ko> . ' The tmnrteus Beating ride—heretofore exdnaive in some of the eeettat; children a larger playground. most pretentious cars—is now available to alL Mrs. John S. Rossnagle was given HcJiahi. . . S'.ll pll.se ptrty i»t the home of her ntlir f' ' Except for the improved Selective feature it is the same in principle and son. William Rossnagle of Moris fully • v.. I • Plains last Tuesday night, in honor, your local "In manufacture as used on nearly all Free Wheeling cars—including tht of her 15th birthday. menu ' >i' costliest Because it is selective you free wheel when and as you desire. formation" operators are Nicholas Santa Lucia underwent S( b t K! frmer> rrmthrr, Mrs. Eljzabet h Mi:- < ",y. Mr*. Mart In Tirrnry liurt her lr£ to every lady purchasing a pair of, our Shoes. ! t'-t wrrk whrn i»hfi ffli down a few I rpv a1 'her hump, hut is doing j :M'-cly and 1a ahlr to be around Again. Mr. and Mrn Prler Hamm enter- The outstanding features of this important •• nr-i' Mi nhd Mr*. Squlhh of N»w- 'i chini1 of lira's Mitho- event are IIHII i-lmijj* of th« «VRn- -in Sunday. The IOIOB hy Ml«**pa Ida Johiuon, fn . Kdu-ard Fivgerson, i • !" i t !• fi yeyertsnr n and .tnanli* Nan- • . . Rus>f]f]»» VVftlln, leader of tha • IMI WHS t ht* rpadfi*. ' •> x K. A Writs i't Milltown *p«nl "•i•'!:'!•*y HI HIP homo nf nil ion on BETTER QUALITY i.i n.iw;iv. Mi ;nid Mr*. Harry Reiser and • h.ldifii limn and Harry tptnt Sun- • l« ' ;>' Prlaware Water Gap.' Mi. Adn Rarhor onfertained the ] r * I if ^" ;nd of (Irare Methodist church <>•] Mnnday nftfrnnnn. LOWER PRICES Mi Nora Rcumnn and family l>.i vc movrd from Fourth street to < 'lipsa priikn avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Btrhar are rntfihiininjf Mr. Barber's slater. Mrs. limn Bloodgood of South Amboy. Miss Ida Johnson has taken a po- GREATER VALUE sition in J. J. Newberry'a store at Keypon. niiarl«» SsmpBon, janitor r>f th» (VittHgp plarp schoool, who waa bit- ten hy his doR. is atill under the fair nf a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Pet*>r Hansen ind tlnl'ii rn Edith, Eleanor and Nor- Chromium-plau In:!ic.»tor man. vi«ifpd Npwark Suturday. Mrn. Jl'ihn t Fa -person And children Roli- '•r iiinl August and Miss Mmy I'pn- Never Befo* Low Price tun vi^ih-d in Newark Monday. Mi.- 1'hilip Boumrr was overrornc l>v K-is duo. fn a lr;ih in the. tank of 'he ! * 11 inrrat inB machine In lirr i f,; t tin •;< .-,tnrc j •BUY BUY NOW! PRICE RANGE MEN'S SHOES I ''MI i - Oioh.** of Ixtrillard a\r en UP j \\.i;-- Irt on tlie head by a. bafehali b«t I .'•> itni^v ;iltprnonn. Hr was niven | Mi t ,tn| hy Inrai first aid nquid and] Hii'ii ! then In Matawan hospital hy j ' XlU'cr 'I'iKtio. Two dlltfh^s wnifl ' i -(U fn. llf played with mun iprl nipn Noun Sold to Drhl -. $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 thru honir on (,'o|umhia avenue. J NiU »r«ft".

    I In' li..:ii.l i.f piluralii.ii |B, . ,. 1 1 made as they are of fine quality leathers and ni'-ti '! tin jmllin dcpfti tnictit. In ' . ii winning Hlunn rrrctcd on PIMII inn- ni.ii M'U niiiKPl'lp Hvrnuc. H« priced as they are at Samuels, will set the pace ...ui.lc I" iiuloiMiiliIlK dllv»M» Ihnl for value giving in Red Bank.

    'i.:l irll IIKS i.i.lricil lh» IIUIBI At This Low Price to Open 'A: A* 4 ount.s ii nl » viionl IIKIII HI Pm» anil • HI I - |. in,I :i'i..lh-r mi- :i! I ,f~t Notlllill; I «el«y You S«I i .'I • li "If mi.I ' li-i'iiil in.'iiui>- I " . ,.1 I hi- I IIIMSr-lil. :,| p| „,,,( '•"I mi '-IK. .*•:. .. |.»'i.- mi.) AMUEL •i"-" • i". ' ' ; 'i'.n.. ••!• I h f'.,,,l AND SMILE '' ' • I h I MI .1 GET INTO . !.. ;•.. I 1-. i , I • : •' • i t • . •, , i. i HOES AKTZ S Red Bank,N.J. 48 Broad St. JVEX7' TO W7II.I \\:> sSTORE , N. J, RED

    r HKMX.h (UH IAK1 \ KIMVi Morwnout

    I -n v it,t-R tit a Kit .•r»KU H *' «0DY IS EATING Hon.* 1 M*\ I* ll(l,i! ,' ' - \\ i -. 1',, • F , ' M ,

    • • >\ " '


    '• * . • ' * / '

    \! i.. ..ti : ',<> .'..i .«n(S Rolls. ARE YOU! If your (jiwtr or l)<-In rtl»-!>M-ll t rtllliot Supply

    YOU W| tr or call: BIER'S BAKERY 56 LEONARD ST. I'hone 1 133 Red Bank, N. J. and we will gladly deliver orders to your home every morning. HA HI Ha Ol'l N I > -X 11 \ 1 COM ii IKI x M m l? IMI r. M.

    ,|:>. I- ,,,.,.!, •••"! • !>«'(! l'a«» UK. lli,l»h ,,l ,,„,

    , .iilniii I,' 1,11 " |. ,|,I,,,!,.• 1 .,111 .111 Kl',1. 1-iK'ccn, n..» v mill l,l». 1. ,,,,,.. -lall | . .,, \\ llMlll If. Chill' IllHl I,Mill'. II • ii.i.Kl, lui'fiiicr urirt Jniimi . .r ,., ,, llii- ^,'iiini! The WM i .- rifp' most iwinitdry conditium Aiin.-i.i.. • i, • ,•: » »..-. I ' ' • 'un<;t ' n. i».|, In,in fallnn; A •hull inn" . , . supervised AI WAYS l!u- 1-l.f.if 11,.-i 1 ..r Mi,.- ' 1.1 ">• Hi" I. NOW- !,,!. , ai ..thi'i |H,lf on the SMIII- slice! PUR 11. by recognized authorities KIHIK ,,t !(••< l.rrlf : : • « V'lik »nil »a,rl B,u. M. VWI. l,i| l,y an autotnublki Hini It WH^ GOLDEN GUERNSEY ('liailr.s I'. MMII-UU. m.l. ./f Aim I. Oil liutmnti Hu',i, . Is The lime I o Human. I lai, I i,,,' KI-,1 mil of place. The iliivtiw of MILK Eliial.ell. Mull h, ,ih i (n 6 Rot away without being IVtiueaii of !•;... h.,1.1 ai:.| nil. :,a< M,(; 1 Vital, Brit , • ., ertltoi of Ihe Mluomtlelil Indeppndeiit and Pcttfeftion PURjiTAN it nature's perfect food Hl.nlllifd Prcpar* Your Sixth v,..lr I'l*'.™ Tlu- ioli(,ic met labl BUinmel at its b*st. The official Th,- wink of putting ronrrrte on on H lanch tn W yoloiitj; Oil Burning fymgf.s trademark on evtry bottle WilM.m avenue la progressing On h«rt i*.t I.'.-. is the identification mark i.ni' ?Mr of the lOBli rom-lele lm.s * W«!l,.| • j of clean, taft milk . . . liwm !(.. i ht'fii laid from the rounly i-on'iete Deer New*. ACMI Heating Plant a pledge of unselfuh limit as far north as the lailmail On a IM|, t,, CahadenH H few days •ervice . . a GUARAN- j • tn Mi Brnl Mia WllliHMi H Thomp Robert Hance TEE that Golden Guarn- FURNITURE CO. •• Ira. hn In older to enlarne theii giiiuiiiia. ' hon of Km inmyiale rounted M deei For Summer .Storage. •ey Milk comes ONLY ,,,,w,i It,,I- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winklemnmi ShtimHli KuMHcll and Krvie Thoini, 135 M.miM..utl( St. from Guernsey card* • ml Mi, „ i u,, Ii »K I . & Song have briufiht a lot from Wilitiini ' M-1 i son, alsij of I-arnilinfiiale, made a tilp J (Steam, Ho! Water, Hot Air . . . HEALTH INSUR- lo I'asadeiiH thf riciit day And coun! H,<\ Bniil. N ANCE! bans adjoining tholr icsidence j. Main Property nwnei s of the ISHIIH! Broad St., Red Bank .Siiu-la or Pipe less) fioldtn GuernMy Milk cocnai Beach unction are disHpiiolnieil l,> ONLY from GuttitHr «tti« l.emif • nd , im.. ft,, odcul • ailf Ma cause the Monmoutli Con.soltdMl.-'l A competent, uniformed service man will lracl.fi William Hnyi,, W»lt», Hiltbrun- Water Company has nol » xtinil. .1 it^ Uuernsev tradtm&rk. nrr. Waller KPII, (^uiiif IJIIIH, I,emu Mel- mains to provide scrvin- fi-i ti'">n show you how to prepare your heating plant to l«ci, l,f«t<*r I'erririf. Oil,, IVil. J,,hn R>Hn. John Sl'iium. .II.I.TI S«».I,H,I,I, l'«rmflla but they are hopeful th:,- H m prrvml destructive corrosion and depreciation. IVvitii, Maiy l-aiiiuii,' Klli,.| IlilMmm, pany will make the . sl.nu.i M •' Haw and Pasteurized Milk. Loula« Hiltlrumiri I.iHv I'Hiks. I),,na Hi- will also paint all exposed casting to prevent Fomphr^y of the r.urre.tt r.i-iicli n -i 1,1- '"• Ninth gradf, K.MIirr II l!»rnc« tpnohrr city folks who live hen- "iil\ ilinini; ! list. --William ralirky. K.ymi.nil Stevm.. the sunnner. NeniK n'l '' 'Inn, Waller Swen.on. Kva Human. Di.ruthy Sunnyside Farm Coinidon, Anna I.e., Allrf P«rk. have signed a petition Htiirriiii: " THIS WILL BE DONE WITHOUT COST OR Tenth «r«,le, lima von Clahn tparher pay for water all the Y»MI HI. MI,1 OBLIGATION TO YOU. Phone Bed Bank 1710. -•-John Csrtun, Atthur Herr, Jack ZIUKB despite the fact that Huv «,miJ if Eilith Harvey. Emily 1'ulleii. ceive water only for » few tnonthw A Telephone Call Will Bring This Service. The firemen met Monday night slid Manager Promoted. made further plans for their full. Harris P. Stephenson, whu hiswhich will be held July 1st, M, 3d Phonr Red Bank 2192. ( *GOLDEN hren manager of the Long Branch and 4th. office of the Jersey Central power Postmaster Walter B. Walling Is p.nii light company, has been pro-enlarging and improving his store. Holland Furnace Co. uuernsey moled fo manager of the combined George Meyers has gone buck to offices of the Jersey Central and PROVES work for the Central railroad com- s<> MI en \Nif d ICftstein New Jersey power compan- pany, after a lay-off of two months. MILK ies at Asbtiry Park. A. Cheater Con- The flrenien of the East Keans- n.w will succeed Mr. Stephenson at burg section have a new siren on i JOMK IJranch. their nrehouse. They bought it through Thomas Williams of Red >Sent to Reformatory. Bank. Mrs. Kenneth Collins has a new High-Power Adolph Pless was sent to the An- nandale reformatory last week. He electric refrigerator. bug four Attention 1 hail pleaded guilty to a charge of ar- son in connection with the burning New Monmouth News. nf a bungalow at Long Branch, but ilu complete satisfaction and economy ot Food hart turned state's evidence against ping «at Ixmis Flom of Hillside, owner of theA Strawtxrry KPHIIVIII to he Held hv bungalow, who has been sentenced the Baptists Tomorrow. to seven years In the state prison. The womrn of the Baptisl church WAGNER MARKETS will hold a strawbi'iiy frsph:il m Hit. It pays to advertise In The Register chapel tomorrow evpiiiii^. In cm We are coming back this week with still greater economies and of course, as ever < ials For the J ii. & Sat., 48 hour Special ::!, 22, 23. BEST WAGNER QUALITY ilib Roast best cuts 23* BLADE RIB ROAST 19c lb. TENDER PEAS 2 «*• 15c

    BUNCH CARROTS 2 bunches I ne I hi;/' I'nurr A TASTY COMBINATION ... ROAST BEEF, CREAMED CARROTS AND PEAS LONG ISLAND SPRING IRY this simple test DUCKLINGS ll-> on your oil stove . .. two quart* " ! i (• < ii.iii stoves are modern in SIRLOIN STEAK 35clb. 1 teakettle. I'l H ;• u n. with smooth porcelain burner. Note tl: >..i.l, lucjucr and baked enamel PORTERHOUSE STEAK 39clb. the burner. So .iiiislic. in lovely new color. Combi* FANCY FOWL, med. size 25clb. to boil the n.iiinnt id paslcl green and lustrous Perfection's • •' ••••n.i, ^Atin black, ivory and green, and SMALL PORK LOINS, whole or half 24c lb. does it in ten «n.l -•• -.\u-»i- . mm ivory with black. Many sizes, all with CHOPPED BEEF . 19clb. Utei .... boils if us It ri-i ill.in nine new High Power IWirners. minutes starling wuli n Itol tiuineit Pru ei sUnl at tlH.OO CHUCK ROAST 17clb. Act quickly tmi-.v (hit Will your stove i< tin- Hl^>-Power burners arc more thin of fuel. Mixlri" !•• •n.ifiip I coal oil) l» the ThU comp.rt.-ly < 50% filter .... economical of fuel. convenirnl, .!< pc n,l.ibir fuel. car i» •pe« , WJIIlt tO They adjust instantly, high or low, CROSS RIB ROAST 25clb. own it when you t-rt r tuiition High-Power i'rrfn iIon moves give all th« of H» Fisher ho.lv • ' oUtery. •od burn with • dean, steady heat cooklnR •pen! ..* ili» iniillrr fueil .... BREAST of VEAL 15clb. Come to our Sttsi t; ttxlay, that (trlkes the whole cooking tiling rcmminli "I ""Oitne. Similar rrii » mm in forface for uniform results without COTTAGE HAMS 29clb. OUT fttOCk. I «i*y trrm Sr« thrm at vmir ilf-iil»r'i inel rhoote OOS scorch spots or slow edges. for your kid \" n iliU wrpk. Fancy Milk-Fed Roasting Chickens 39c lb. nmlat $375. (4 to6'lt)8.) PERFECTION STOVE COMPANY . I M.

    lfl of |{a>|,fl Many other including :•»••. t, ,I,MI'.I.T.| i.II IH i r;. llii I'ONTIAI ItOADSIIU I«I-*K Ullllll I S|'|),\N IHIII.I ,.,,,,.., ,.,,„,„ i: <,i,l l,,,,k..i i.i,, new A '•• -' I' '. I'..i'.i I I" II In ,,( .l,,»f|. iidini: i|unli^ , •.,,. ,,1 and |i- i Market Co* "' "F h.,,,,,1,.,.. » t. ,,i. ,,| ||,,, (•,,„„, w .)>•>• , .-, at ti iiitiv.- mi- t hut. will ,> "I "•'„,. M ,,,|, „,„,( ,, I..IIIMIM.I-. I'llllll I;IM.I1 |,,n|ll,,. ,i|i|,,'nl tn young find old, IT, : :?() Chun h St.. Kf.uisl.iiM? .1 , i, i , MM,I (,...t.|i' I, . - II t I!.,,,, , A II,. loli I lii.luilKl.lv i.v.-i lixillcil ni,,| II,,,M)IM1 iiml ili'prniiatile to run •i,...I N,,ii..n,,l II,,, ,k ,,f 11..,| |! •'IM ..roadway, I «.»»); IU,,,,, i, ,,f I ll(, .,»l,,t.. i,! IM-.M ... M lUn.h I. iml own < "ut ,1,., -,( n,,ti> ,•. ft ISPI . t. . .1 ..-ii t I" -. •• I I I 'Oi^ffl t Cut lion , , ,.,|(l.)t „ ,,f « -I.I .U- .... - I • • .-.Int VI I. < >l."lil ! ')'•! l?i oailw.iy, I II; IL.nuli linn. J.I^S to 139 i!'< -.I..i .'-,n I i i Ii MT.O ;:'<». <,. Easy G. M. A. C. Terms (,,.!., -If- =1 C.uiipl.. Us l.-ii. li,,u, If, Hotel M.HII ,1K < t, Asliui y I'.uli JOSEPH RASSAS KMMONS STREF.T, l.()N(; IJKANfll. N. J. ( *! ijrt/K Sot if*! \ ,(li(r' • ' . ' • 1 TIMOTHY R. I Sul,. Tenth Ru^ Contractor and H- ENDURING- • i ; Mi. . HUM i P K C I A I I 7 I N d IN K.I.JI •' >'«

    Ml.r . -i-riifi - r,!... .1 .\ i inn M. \ i i viovrow N m « •• |.i , >, MI.I 1,11 hid . rei>i- l;/,| '..u tornhs rrulure .1 > |,i|,(i li-)-,'ii\ l:-,^f daughter of M:»- Ili-lrli -"(,,.|,. („ M,ir» Fins. I IMPORTANT SAL •••,!>M*:I'C cf their eons'* i ..lvmi'1 H ,.%'• ( f l.vi-i.-lt. pullvl the d-s a s>nc»nyni of ernj..r a . A^-i,n mi,- 'i,' I-MIIV I'.'ims Hi idRe WHS 111 **># \ ed •I'ln I.I', i -I.-!,- u II i,i- Mim Mnl'. ;,UCKIS wcic MI.-H Maiy Wnrnekf-r nf ;<'.(!( H n-i. - . i ii , I • Mi li, he, fill-! i.veiplt, Ml:> Anna Will^el'iilt of as af!';i>iui Kg* piiin kings. ( iv f 'f Miii ' in 7-ili i- <.f ' .<-wt, ,ii A V. • il J.incrofl, Mis .lohn K. Kolly nf 1 Ipad- Voile Bedroom Sets inn* hi ebW hie' ^ II (.< am veil at Denih-n'! p f'ortior, Mia .I.iiuf» Knilght nf .a. i^iilf * lu)> '! I.' ',i,;,li- will Itiave fjf. Knollwo<*i Park. MIK. firfpory (lu- Send for our booklet r nfi tic I .- ( i. i II •• l.i..ii-1.,.- . i . H wi-iirllnK ti ip ll, k nf Mldrili>town, Miss TChoda :-'(juth,-ill r,r I.cdiiai do II n-1 Mr?" James I' n< ju! nig I)own 1 hru i It ,: I I,. -. v. .ii W i-fi llamiiK.n -. I:..i. ), I.-.I.K l?;.ii,.i Killork nf Asl.uiy Pink. Ages." M I.-.1 i .ll - ii J. I in! 111) 1 l-rl I! Dill till • ,1^,1)^ Hiancb hifh HI liixil and ir(Jin i : NMIIOIIBI 1*111 k K. miiiiir y ui WaBhing- THBFF. DAYS AT NEW VORK. NORWALK VAULT COMPANY 1 i ', in, f' (' Mi 1 'i 11 *> gi ad i ia ted f rom OF NEW JERSEY . k( 1,1,1li|lhi- I,(,HK Himiili hi^h schiin! and Thn Annual Online or thf Cluh Roy- I Id IV II f i oiii <'i,luinlii,i mmi-iMii He IK cm- al I'liKxhln Club lJ»st Hwk. I'l AINFIKLD NEW JI-RSKY llx |,1.>V(-I »t WiilK-i l-»h\ s In ukei i.f- Th« members nf tho Cluh Royal (ice, ai Nt-w Y,,i U A .Vi^ii'.i/* Ctinattt fiu-'lal I a*tl may hi MCured from ytmr Jitntial dttitttw pinochle, club ' outing at it pay! tn *dvertl«o In Tha Kegisttr :\rw Ydik last, week. They attended l'a.-,chall Eamrfl and theatrical per- 1 fi,-runners and they "took In" other ;M 11 .-irtion.--. Thry stopped at the. Ho- 'el .Man^ir. The members of the • Hub are Mr, and Mrs. T. Lewis Cal- l.hnii. Mr. find Mrs. Joseph Cooper 4 Davidson Brothers ,| Mi. nnd Mrs. Harry 0. Drfien- Keyport New*. ^lrs. Hrnry F>. Ai'kerson, Jr., Enter- 4 tain* at Brldje Party. O 4- (The Red B&nk R*arliter can b« bonsht • SUNSHINE in Kryport Rt the ttorei cf Charl«s L#hn iiml J. 1). riufBky.) S pread — 2 Scarfs- 1 '5 *, i Mrs. Hpnry E. A'ckprson, Jr., of M;ip!i> ]i]aco entrrtainpil at a lunch- 45 BROAD ST. Free 1 RED BANK enn bnriRe at her home on Wednes- 9 pcs. 3pc. Vanity Sot—Nigh • i ilav. The color scheme was pink, and PHONI> X •tin- favuts wrre nut baskets and hanil iialnled hat Btands. The prizps Money tall j I This Uomnn'Anm writ- awarded to Mrs. Albert M. cash for fhe enfiti> hil -i) id. •< At- Huis-h. Mrs. Van B. Walker. Mrs. Thursday, FViday and Saturday Samuel D. Walker, Mra. John C. Os- buy them at td.- -.-..-,<• ",, , ,.,th bornp and Mra. Goorge H. Conover. wh»rs before yi Othpr Ruesla included Mra. Raymond r I.. WyeknfT, Mrs. Paul T. Ash, Mrs. to r«aliie wha- . l.loyd F. Armstrong, Mrs. Harry B. t We'tit. Mr::. John Harold Hendrlrk- Evaporated Milk .•.nn, Mrs. Hnnu-o, S. PurroweB, Mr». BUTTER I 'I'honiap 1/ Morrison, Mrs. Arthur S. You sav •• $3 on these »*vs]_ Vanlluskirk, Mrs. Harvpy W. Hart- Sheffielfl Brand Elmdale Brand 1 If. Count! y Rolls T m»n of Keyport and Mil. Charles You'll love ilm i,(••••.:•• i li »-n' -. Knlily T. Britton of Elizabeth 4 int en'i'i'tuincd Mr. and Mrs. Al- 4 i.m Tilnm of t'Hiiluwn last week, Mr:, Samu.l D. Walker and daugh- 4 •'1. liilry Ann. an'l Mary LiOU, and 4 Scot Tissue Mayonnaise her niothiM, Mrs. Mathilde Sohlegal 4 nf Atlantic street sailed Friday even- 28 Broad St., Red Bank 620 Cookman Avt., Asbury Park Reg. 25c—Maiestn Biand, 8-0z. niK on the Hamburg American line 4 ini a Hcvcnil months' trip to Europe. 4 Mrs. Call fiittor was hostess to the Thought club on Monday evening at 4 Special her home on Main Btreet. 4 ! Tin' reKular meeting of the Key- iiini Improvement association was 4 .iclil Monday afternoon at the public . luaiy. 2 Mi and Mri. Stinky Irwln Cun- iil..y of M«ple place are receiving mil- ,ituhitions on the birth of 'i.i;!.;);!!-!, Nancy Ann. who waa born Borden's Cheese UNEEDA BAKF.R'S I -POUND PACKAGE "t n tin' Loir.1 I'.ranch hospital Friday D 1 f f livening. Mrs Ctindey is the daugh- GrahaIraham CrCrackerr ' s Roya —-l Lunc h ^4 ; tir of Mr arid Mrs. Albert M. Hajgh Are Your Trees Healthy? V2-\h. Pk8. Mf Maplr pi::. Pkg. Campfire lantic i.tivpt wan 1 he Kue*t of Mr. Blackberry, Pearh, Apricot or " * ;nrl Mrp. Leon Brower of Red Bank When your trees need the Tree Surgeon cal' on Plum. Res. 39., last week. j Millnn MeCullouph has purchased special a Punt inn sport coupe from the Pil- the best" at Reasonable Rates. grim sales corporation. 25c Mr. nnd Mm. Joseph R. Oelger of Kllzabpth street entertained at i In Idfie an Friday evening at their Immediate Service. home. Arnoni; the Kfests were Mr. .mil Mrs. Daniel Hendrlckson, Mr. ind Mrs P. Holme*. Mr. and Mrs. NEW POTATOES OLD \Villia.ni f\ M. Anderson. Miss Ruth liUbrow, Mis:: Jonnle I,. Covert. Har- • \>y Hartman and William Lock- Telephone Red Bank 2S39. 'WHKI. Prices were awnrded to Mm. I'aniel Hendricksnn, Miss Jessie Cnv- 4 irl, Hnrvpy Hartman nnd William Anderson. Ilelicioua refreshments were served by thr hnslen.:. F\ Howard IJnyd, Midilletnwn township school superintendent, RADISHES " made the address at the meeting of 4 'he Mflsonlc order (in Monday even- 4 I air. Id,,,. Ii, . in i.'. Asplundh Tree Expert Co., Inc. 4 I'1. Palmer Armstrong, president, of fr the KpyixHt tnnliin^ i-'tiiipttny, ro- turned on Saturdny evening frrim thei 3 10c I New JorHey stidn li.inkei^ eonven- GLENSIDE, PA. lion at Atian'.in Cil v. JF.RSI Y 'r. and Mi.< 11 C.ipsidv of Os- EN BEANS Inn n street entei t ami' the Represented by J. YOST 4 mother, Mis. M,C:issi,|v of Hi ASPARAGUS ORANGES :: h n last week. «t Hunches Mm. (•„ I.eltov CIOM- will 1 124 Monmouth Street, .SUNKIST hi.Mesa at Ihr me it i ril- .if lln lbsfor I'l.tt liier«iy clul' 'ildity aftei- for M'MHi nt thn [Hililu ' i \ Red Bank, N. J. Tim ^i ami Ni . i. t v ..r the 2 19c 20c 15 25c ::Reformed church i MI|I|ICI- li' ru'iil I\H In tip him.-,.-, 'I'iie III.MIW of II i.me of thn new addition ' "ftlvnly May 21st to K>lh IncltiM 4. - of New Prices^The Lowest Sin e 1916! 61st Anniversary Sales FIRST FLOOR FOURTH FLOOR

    c iMcn'ti Shirts $|-35; 2 for *2'81 Tub Silk Dresses Corn Broom with Colored Handle 4f| Pound Box Caramels _ for Women & Misses Mixing Bowl Seta, 5 sizes $4.24 Pound Box Peppermint Wafers Metal Clothes Hampers '. $f .24 Women's Chamoisette Slip-On Gloves $9.61 All Metal Bath Stools Dinner Cloths with Napkins Set, $9.98 Copper-Bottomed Wash Boilers $O.19 Hand-Blocked India Print Bedspreads Single $j^.95 An Exceptional Price Made Possible By An Especially Advantageous Buy. 3 (jt. Wear Ever Aluminum Sauce Pot Hand-Blocked India Print Bedspreads ....Double $9-75 Floor Mop „ Hand-Made Filet Table Covers, 72x90 Inches .. $ J.95 An outstanding group of the season's advance styles... Beautiful little dresses for active and Tumblers, Sherberts, Goblets, Wine Glasses O|c Cannon Mills Turkish Towels, 9 for $J .00 spectator sports, for tea time, for bridge... so M very attractive that you will wish one in each of Double Weight the smart new colors. Green Glass Cups and Saucers doz. pair, $4 .20 39 Inch Flat Crepe Yard, QQc Flat crepe, shantung, chiffon, georgette and Green Glass Refrigerator Sets ../. ^tQc pair wash prints. In one and two-piece styles, with Men's Novelty Silk Hose g hand-drawn work, hand-embroidery, the new pleats, flares and cap sleeves. Also sleeveless Utility Combination of Dishes , $•! .69 Men's Silk Ties styles. White, eggshell, flesh, peach, blue, or- Men's Summer-Weight Union Suits chid, maize and prints. Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 32-Pc. Dinner Service for Six $O.61 to 46. Women's Hand-Turned Natural Linen Pumps .. STEINBACHS—Second Floor 42-Pc. American Porcelain Dinner Service $C.61

    50-Pc. American Porcelain Dinner Service

    Hand-Decorated Bowl Seta ft 4 c SECOND FLOOR 61st Anniversary Sales Juice Extractors, Table-Clamp Style .. Offc

    French Finished Crepe Lingerie Men's Three and Food Chopper „ $

    Women's and Misses' White Coats.. Four Piece White Enamel Kitchen Chairs $| .95 Women's Wool Bathing Suits $33 61 19 Bird Cage, Complete with Standard i. SO- Women's Terry Cloth Beach Coats —SUITS— Full Size Glider *11 61 Golf Knickers ... $3.61 At One of Those Once-A-Year Prices i Celebration of an Important Event ! Women's $5.00 to $6.95 Millinery .. .. $3.61 7 to 14 Year Old Girls' Dresses $27.61 FIFTH FLOOR Cassimeres, worsteds, cheviots, tweeds and nov- elty mixtures in blues, light and dark grays, tans THIRD FLOOR and browns. Two and three-button sack styles 9x12 Axminster Rugs 61 with broad shoulders and semi-shaped backs. !24- Also more conservative styles. 8.3x10.6 Axminster Rugs •— »20S1 Inner Spring Mattress Some suits with one pair of trousers, others with' two, or with trousers and knickers. Sizes 35 to 24x48 Inch Chenille Rugs $•• .32 16... and matchless values, all of them ' $ 19.75 Kattan Summer Suite 39« STECNBACHS— Second Cretonnes _, - Y d C Table to Match Rattan Group Summer 2 " - 61 Furniture Window Shades _ 44C 3-Pc. Maple Bed Room Suite $CQ.61 Dotted Marquisette Curtains ...... C Box Springs to Match Inner Spring Mattress $4 O.61 79 STEINBAC STBNBACHft-rUit to Fifth Floor*

    Phone Asbury Park 4000 Mail and Phone Orders for Personal Shopper COMPANY filled while quantities last A S B U P A •IXii>ir ii • RED BANK REGISTER A I'll I. h. I . N K N $1.50 1'KK YKAR •\ k S*?« Scouts V"- **Y\ Plans f r M \sr,M( M r AJK MOSPAV I 'Mirth Aimu*U Itfiinlon to tm Hrld Results of the M hool f ior!H* ! at Fort llMm^M'k ation 1-Mt.na f"r thn fourth annual M» »*,ri)(^ r Mini on tn h« held next Mon- Prima ry Elect ion d»y flight at Ken Han«'wk nt pro- ".«•»«. Kir VI<---t<-

    1 Neat 'i, '-ttaiK' All niKiihpii (.f thf Ma Vs f f sp ! Hu ^?' -or. -' Werh . e B-M^I. oi-ifj lihvr brrii invltfd (o at Mr». Thompson, C. Aia Franti» «n v. i!' t>o ii-i irimitnlon ,-, >>• r, f.,. rnji h jfAivnll off i-ririK Will be *'.« ( K 'hM -••• M-t j.' •« -"•''« to t;<) tOWtli Winner*—Elmer C. Wamnyhl Hralrn df- A > *-'(•. (•:•:••»( 'rinse Hut t'ln. the. boy r «• • i' '-.-r, •,!.,- witli H public ad- Franklin C. Moyan Amonn Victors.

    » ,- )*•*«• |,«> • i..rtrpit by th« prxit Chief Interest in th* primary Mid. ..f . »...- < h- h M'.-> by Dl. J. M. Mc-tion In Monmouth county yerte i,. • n * •••' M e wtHt^ home for boy* at wan 1n the contest between * („ , f-'Y iK an'i ihf ahowlng of a Marie Llnburn of Long Branch Mm. Oeraltllnn Thompnon or rt.-.n' HuiiKc of Red Bank, a croft, for Republican executive .r•« 'i,Kiti!,ri tf th»* MaiHinlc lodxe, han mltlee/woman. Mr*. I.lnbuin running for re-elenlon. Ani.tlu > ,r ii.Mfit^'i the uao of i bug for those M. /"M K"l''*£ m privBt»> ram. The bu«puhlicnn (ontcft W.II» l.rlwi.n <' - IM • t w'! I I***1-1*' Brrmd and Wallar« atree^tg j, ,, »t irvMi u'fhK'k on the night of the

    I ear hers Master Masons' li'illllllflteil J,.lin -> •••' • wil; f- ,j n • «t t hp new II. \Vnl«,lt, , ect Officers !• i ' WsHM'i I i HJ «' B f t ••r •» Bh')I"t Night Observed on the 11. hf' nyti fh+- Inwn Kdwanl '""•illun H h.o : • . • •» - '^',ui[<1 <.r Heft Hank Order of Amaranth HJU Roll * - •' '! »i' ' «n Kr»nd marshal. Call of Matonic Lodges from lol the l»o in.. . \ff.r, . »i-"''«"l '*i»t K«d Hank lodge , i 'i nit :UKi or morp. for the Near and Far—Six New Mem- i iftt- «nl thcr« will probably be ber! Initiated. •i •>. thjm that number of visiting "I. •-,to. Charity court of the Order of Ama- I in in llrif. ranth celebrated Master Manonn' •'In- df-d |r*tt ion r.prernonieB, 1n night lant Filday at thn ,' . hm^fi of Uwr»>nc« H Rupp, Krand t lodge rooma In the Ei*inri ^r^ijj fXHltfd ruler, will takft place In the Bix mpmherfi wrre Initiated Into thn i llU) Biifiitorium of the hom«. In thelodge at the meeting, whirb V/HB pr« fVpnln Mow i K * banquet will be aervM In •lde.d over by Mm, Daley ><- < • 'imipfttn! I Addre-M* Friday Night fu! macter of M\Hti^ lii(>Mi» i "ITIPI , 'MIIH ti Mi1- Francis wns Chailff M. i lodge a ry vice, pi.-,-1.- 'Jt-iiiji* MAriin.i Mr«. Anna d« la ReuBBiile of Red for i f ftlrct ion. He l« (I^HK MMWJI I Tayi"!. s liank and Mrs. Tony Hunt Ing of Fair Several i>«Kt IIIBKIM « oT rh* A KtKIKMllK : Hcil HIT of t.hf Jtfjnibllcari county rxrrti Rutmon School Is Rank !..«!«*- an.! nn» fmni DJP t he nKf-ori.it i-'i. it'.nr" I*P*M IK* ! Hflvpii will hrnBdrHHt next Friday I'hll 11vn commiltee. ! !. .- ! '- • I>..n«!d i-vfimi).' lit bfllf pnHt nln** o'clock nvfi nif» MMKI. n> AinoriK tliR DPiTiocraUi there win | )< l-ive Years Old n •[)„• ,,• (•••lunwn st ul mn WJfil foi thn benefit of W'. ilti.lel only one rnnt«'st. This wan bctw K !>)Uf--f-» ' •! v ''''i»"r' Hi.' i«M'l'V f*'i!(- I" bp lifld in Kf<] liunk t-wiii k Jr>hn J. Qulnn of Rod Hank J •hll.looi Pageant \J/iU !>r Prr. th Til- . ''Hill 'Thomas H. Warren of Irtfi Inh !| v **rp«ti(.n Mr. Quinn, who wan formei ly pc FOUND OF.AI) ON JT.OOH Mih JIi |,. • I Atiiintln HiRh cutrjr of Monnimi'h count v, W.IM I .it. i' I!IH nrh nml nint( for rr pl"Hi IlrllevKd Have ton, Jrt •!. H ;HO Si. at tf rifl a ranfiidiitc fnr H^HtMiihly nu, n -it Wed Med by HilMnnl . bil.ige. Haturday Ii • tilt' cHl f nf d 1Hf» I )1**'! \ li. WHM j.i i.. i pil will h in n.n Itip- dlRcrn'pry wax mfid* : tlu'M rmulUt^ 'flit- tl- »-.. : were, nerved. j in I leil Hank wcic IMH-I* 'd'ih k (V.niKn .if Wall mifcl r '..• •<>• l/:lli;ipte ink ! Carnival in June llHll, u rifi J • rr-l !• ;.ini'Mft , hildrrr: li cit ll.-tl Wil I IniV "II,- t : .>t: I •.(•VI I V ('-!** l<-i4on (.f Mldrllptown Uiwrwhlp hlgli 1 tut , Kielct (hi v »M> in.-I fliDiL'litc! nf Mi. HII'I MlK (' Ii; j.Hclioo], 102 in niirnbp; , nvidft an ed;j- to Havc 1 .UK' • iii'i ho i' i. . lii.- •!. ! » May >!h, will. Kinrit'i i.f \W<\ I'.Hiik H-vi-i ly In * 111* • cational flight sceldK trip t*" Wanti- «>!'. •I Mi •'. M -it nine i.nn to (,nly junll)[; m(Mllhei- nf ,hp A.nnlran ' inKtoji last wci'i^ Tli^y ajtf nt t..i*>f frf hn.,U H it M n i •! \ : • find H hf Hi r house on IpKifn auxiliary. Mi iirernei IM Hiifjy« Hi I In- capital, accompanied by In tin' Ill • • H.Mllo, tr-fl t.-nUf vrtfinn ot the world war and Mmjl'nu. l I. Hcrlcay, principal nf ihc high 1. > • • •-..: ) • (i, 1 I ! I'.ipmpr in n member of th« auxiliary school, and »JVCTL! of the tuacheri. vl IV Hpventy-eight of thp pupils made trips in airplanes while at WaHhing- In- KUMSON TEACHER DEAD. ton. The connont of Lhn parents wan required for thes** tripB. Mfjflt of tin- fi thr MIM Mary Goodenoufh Died of pupils had never been In an airplane | ' '• i I" inept rpgu- Heart Attack. before and they thoroughly enjoyed Theip will be MiM Mary Ooodenougb, a teacher their experience. The trip was a .ii.'i .himiriK will be for lh« pa«t twelve yean In Rum-great tuccefls In every reap ret and 'i*bft com[>any ia (i •on, died ot a hsart attack Monday the airplane rides were among thr » i-MldentB for aa-at her home on Wallace itreet. She most appreciated features. iti.ms may be made Is survived by two attten, Mn. J. >ilKKlna, treaaurer. Brognard Wrig-ht and Mr«. A. P. Disposing of Radio Set ' vunl is chairman of theRutr. in r rge of the carnival MIM Ooodenouch, who wu 61 An electric radio set donated by j'l his a 1st a i are Donald Smith yean old. wu a native of Farmlni- Relseman's radio store on MonmouUi 1.1 l«. strset will be disposed of tonight at dale. She was an active member of JOHN J, QIIINN. th« Rumson parenMeaober associa- nine o'clock at the Carlton theater. fi yllillR.HMI! ' YACHT CLIIB OPENING. tion. For the past two weeks * coupons 3,224 for Mr. Qulnn and 7A2 for Mr. q ! IH1 1 '• 1 M • • ! i have been given to every person at- The funeral wlU be held Friday Warren. Mi Hie 3ftth SeaAon of R«d Bank Club tending either afternoon or evening ... lioul IH :(.- • afternoon at two o'clock at Farm- Both lr, Mnnmouth county and In ( lfl( shows. Ttie number will be drawn • " ' ' j bond, whh h t\ HtarU on Decoration Day, Ingdale. Burial In charge of Albert the state the primary campaign was = - iroj*M't. out of a box from the stage of the rflch rhlld •••!((- The 35th season of the Red Bank W. Warden will be at the Farming- the dullest that has occurred In a !i! In. held at theater tonight and the person hold- now bi-fii ••! i> I- yacht club will be, officially opened dale cemetery. _ number of yearn and the vote fell f-. \t Sunday and r a n K e f i (1111 'V< s .,-- .--rhoolhouar*, Ing the winning ticket must be pres- at half past two o'clock on Decora- far below thaf of most primary elec- Phry may be "in.. 2(\. at. five. ent to win the prlie. KIH(1R »nd H»M, tion (lay with n. flag raising and FIRESTONE'S SON ARRESTED. tions. Moat of the results were vir- •\- it rlip (inyt.m arid MflKTf1 bulld- ir •-. n Mjtprnpr iatlon those will tatei tit her appropriate ceremonies. Club tually known In advance, as none of • k H; HT.,;I1 stieet im pith I day preparation n%u • is i '-v t-riiftits at thf tiiembei H aie \n K^'I to have their Princeton Student Fail* to Stop Af- Hebrew Society Card Party. the candidates for state and county .<•*• '. c }\R]1 [wjst ninR o'rlrx'k. 1 The fficulf y n<. -I .M'1 idhiio. If at the community center building on inated David Balrd of Carnden and .im • --.I'•? - *t t)\f Kim. Following vey 8. Firestone of Akron, Ohio, was The Bi-IVHrl • I-*'! • '1" '^t ton In appi ovptl ii"v, r r,,. i,|,,i,!ti c<*i fMumiiefi there will b« Riverside avenue next Tuesday the Democrat* nominated A. Harry K | arrested between Keyport and South f Five Daughters of IJberty at Atlan- j t ri« morning i • Hi. juMritu wil h fit earn «ml unU night. Various games will be played Moore of Jeniey Cl y. Mr, Monre an informal reception. A formal Ardboy yesterday by the state police tic Oty 1A»I Wwli, i noon, riaphr , -i.Mi.pn n>*it''iii will bf plarr.) in and prizes will be awarded to high wan formerly governor of the utatr .Unrr tn open the season will fcfe ! on a charge of reckleas driving, ih- -wo H<-hoolh.)tis"H ni*-ntiniifd an«l scorers. Mn. Samuel BerkowlU Is For freeholder the Repuhiir;in* ti.-n Five menihei* ..f Piido i>f Moti , Ilft ^"<'l'H*k lif-t'l aboard the floating ctubhouae made by Gilbert DafclgTen of the IW H iifw fldnltary plunihlnff nyfitrrnanH chairman of the party committee, Inated Capt. .Stephen (.'. Thi.inp..on of rnoutJi rnuncii .f J >;( .i(;ht,>i * of !.ih L^'j ' f, * ' under the auspices of the entertain- j Red Bank police force. ft*\K »*r a^ff ayfltfrn will 1M- pu' in the which Is made up of Mrs. Morris rrty nf K,.,l Uf. n U JI-IMH!*'.! tlir ' "'" " •"••->•• ment committee Dancing will be Firestone, who is a student at , i- si MMdlftown buihiiiiK Becker, Mrs. Milton Slecfred. Mn. 'lty tw from half-past nine o'clock until half- Princeton university, failed to stop ot trit Samuel Oreenblatt, Mrs. Ramuel paat two o'clock. after driving his car over several v (..-I IN NK\y QIAKTEKh Swurtz and Mn. Leon Rueckhaus. lanterns, which had been placed on lci.h !•. Maple avenue by a s*r«et painter. He Ih« System Br»k^ (nmpany Now A COMING MAY PARTY. did not heed Danlgren's whistle. The Platers' Auxiliary. In thr (hrv«lfr Fliilldlnf. '.?. ^ An^ila I>*nil> <'rnwtitiiis Children of the HapplneM Club to Firestone waa arraigned before Re- At last night's meeting of the - H,w:f. rminn! ; AnjM MlM j. i. iK':t*>( nf Ktep- Th* Kyst^tn hi nkfl nervire COm- Have a Festival corder William J. Poulson and hisPlayers' auxiliary at Fair Haven niovf:! to n«w quarter! In hearing was set for Monday morn- Mis. Ivinn was a|»- _ i,on i^1!g ,,i I I,.-. «II. will tie The members of the WJB1 Happi- bridge prizea were won by Ml is .< :.u mbel nf thp utal" f • i owning Hi Stpar. t of th* iMtMiK'hryaler bulM- ling. :tiywn»f «* '*' ness club of R-M I'.ank will hav* a Marguerite Planlti. Mrs. Fred Hn- .tiiiiiilt't'o hy Ihf s'atp routi Iri* on Mnpl *THI^ at lUd Bank I • • » UHUV nlRht at May pHfty and fairy fentival In the Devolrt, Mrs. Worthley, Mrs. M iftvltr will lie - -,i - of th* moat Salvation Ai my rimpel on Linden SISTER ROBERT BETTER, Webber and Mrs. Jamei Balnrs. .•"Ion. in wtilrtl I Vatlons In th' pincp tiex! WVdneji,lH>. 'Iloila Maur- Mrs. Jack Sparling won the non- dnvfi a LsBrtiirn on llrlieH of Mil-. - - \:> «> *nd whe««l She la Steadily Recovering From a fil (jf ()< *>ani!oit will t>fi the May player's prixe. Next Monday after A pn-.-l ..r Hi- i =* mi- weironits and Relapse Suffered on Monday. Mi it Kllzahoth BanflHrt of New i]ueen .Sruall chii'li en ^ ill be noon the auxiliary will hold abridge lli tie it, i IM-^. i <'Kiii ilinjf iervico Votk *ity_ han been ftpendiriK «#»vrtH - Kmrn I-*- i ilrPHaM mi fall K'n AmonK the Sister Mary Robert of At. James's luncheon at Chestnut Grove manor i't*M HI I'll. Th« com- -lays with Mr* Jane Williams o *)i4<-|al foaturen will h« toe. and UpConvent, who wai seriously hurt on at Eatontowk. ! Mkf net vl(-ft gfationri IIIVM skin avenue. I*aiit evening »h»* x*"-iWvt "f darifIIIK by chlMren In fancy cos- I.Sunday. May 10th. In an automobile v Hlo'.rnn*1!'! iind H*vp •> lerturn (in duplicate rout racr j j j,,. :;t \ i •>< • tumes and an enter tainment In I accident at Middle-town, suffered a lYeabyterlsui Cburrh Herrlre*. h»M«<. to • n-mibr-r of Mm Wil s, .jan^* « . hu rhmrR*! of Miss Ma If how, who j ri-lap«« Monday nl(rht She Im- "Tour Church and You" la the «uti i:*nn •« fiiend* j,,fa WK. ,,f f. will represent I*mdy Munshtne. I proved yMterriny and wan resting ject of the sermon tn be. rleliveim .Now Slum Stnr*. easily this morning?. fthe took Sunday morning at the Presbyterian I h« openliiK of SaniuelY'Rho«*. nourishment last night of her ownchurch by the pastor, Rev. John A Frifaf emrnt Announred I [ up-iti' , V '•' ( *rd IVtU f.-t AuxliUr> Th* engagement haa been an | < fi«!-•«>«" 'r °-Toie at 4« Hroad fltrrflt In thn Itoje free will for the nrM lime since she Hayes. The ordination of the; eWer Th* M^irm of ['n!dn V>r*r«nn •uxil- nminred of Minn Catherine Warwick | Hi« '-*1"!-':' leirntly vaiate'l l>y the Adelr »hop was hurt. Her temperature, which slact, John B. Allen, will '.ok'- plore tary of Re "'I "f the «v«nt A (ianie* of domino#n were sltio plnyed Automobile on Fire. Over 120 WUH r^all/."! About thirty Hair < uttlnf by Appctlniment .;) ie« .11) feafuie of t*>.. o[.*tntik' dayn on Frt The Red Bank fire department was Sal* on m»hm. pert pi* wer* pr esenl \'.*f.\ *>sh merits N ^^' 181S <)V rhair reserved for la.'o.^ fu.RA fi^-, t.. "a. h Man «nrl woman were nerved ar. th' (lone <>t the even- afternoon to extinguish a small fire orstsn ' '.l'i'"-*iii »t of II Ing pIsUs, sl« srmll pU'cn, nlr r.n>in»al, ! l.oir.l I'- .loll-.I ai|d gents' hah cutting |,y flf.|...n.t f IlK In an automobile owned by Thomas ons pl«tl«r, lint a rew rtnvn Nriti mast. Thrfe fl|»ii timi,.!., ,» ,(i mil Hyan of I-ons; Hranch. uffri-« ..r hi»*t imMn'-r ^^'•1 «[.«. »'. Ktld I'HI.I For flalx. ^*m rnl>lyin«n thn Fti-pirhll no non ii tn i 11 maintain an up-UK1*[« ft< fory Work 11 : , : . i. |t , I.ii'heran Church 1M<1 elght-ryllnder Jordan, custom- llr«l»rl <'llnl.,ri H. l^iiin'ii of K«.'iri - wll^.J f-.i *inl M^Uvrr.l th" •till'- rUy Sofnatiilni; .Nnw fh«r« I :.r*.naii H|.IIIIK» built all-enfioseil iiihurban body. > • ml I r.,n • I'll-..:. I , r K. in Oil I'--1 Hnnk .i* ," 1 1,>i » i.-)" *>n<-nts. s.t ths *"'lv« Corners' I -a lu.orn. f.lrv I llll, . i Im, Vtn Joseph Wllilaniirr Co, Red Bank.— f wh'.r/r n r i' ri'.// 1 ! . . ' f ...i . 'to I,. H .ill | •t e .1 Wilson. *«tiih]|Mhe<] I!«)2. .19 Advertisement. croft, N. .J. Hur.h K Ixmioy |il«r«. Mr .1 Toil {r> thnrs lor n t.lt to #nt, «vnry- h»«i. iifflr:>i. 'I Mn I Ji-O.o- i -.' . rrori.l Broadway Sensation! thtng IM m*> rmy, you »lw.iy» rttjiy r lloli "r>re«n F'miturefl" rnU.riil baseball lon(«r Ui«n you lril'rir!«>t. -Ailvmtls*- S.I.I rtiul i|..w<|.| llxlKl f MHII team at Hunter'i Field, Sunday, 3 Vi ment. \ 1 '«-, Mort- F*. M Advertisement M I •*• I Fiank llromtu .lllo.l Teller's r«r TTpewrtlara and adding machines. 17 Droad IXI, «' II III' 1,. i ' Ik* SMaa«. Had HakvAdttooMat V, A*,**- Aiive, t RED BANK MAY

    full lerni at •! >• • a^k n'y ik.»i year the w* px-ch-r of r. i., Tfces Uau fsw Elwood Magee ts no- * The Results of the i« .* • Primary Election ed ef'-r full it- At rt tf • • < Will Probat* 5* 4

    lien inf 11.11,1 •

    KditJi ,n(1 Ha

    ••• I; • ,,i, f. »iiahi|i

    Mm 'Hi 'I,I,,.--n In, .. .. • . . 'MM 1 hnn naon Rp[i ibln-ai r. r.nmittiupi' wmnsi • . . • i . .I,- ii.ainiiiy I' i he: w«» I'i- «ii i for Mlf IJiihin .".» I-. .' , i i... .11*1,,, is the \ r,t P I ipm.ocreit n- e.la,tc nitwit 'if, *«n . i *t u'..irif.ii IP '1 hia v. ap |iViiliiii {."' 31 and War i en 1" ' i ., tit I f,r cgli' h, Ul , AueilMiils M. Mintfn mi'l Mini li-a'r.l ,,.,.., si • i-nor iiinii' I. The VI.IF Angelo wprp nnnilnatp'1 fm • .-win n - : iv f , Mis 'Dmm|iM>n inp-i hy L)ip Kepuoln anr* Tlioin..'. ' • i Mi.' l.ini'Uin Flank jM^lratJi was thp only r-oiin'-Hmanu- Mia I ,si,.', i "I WdStln Midnletown lown- ipandlds'e nominated hy ihe Demo with ftl-. I hrinipso

    ; l.i.iilif- 'i wan largely mstrumenl:ii and Vlra 1 owaid ; In the morning the votes were few 1 lleiglr • i- mn. u|, tht tilK vitp The flflh, land far between and the elpolion hhnd r,\f l.liii-iuf! il.alni't, where Mis. 1 hoard of the first district In Idle mo- 148 for t. *, n .« Ill in M«V 1- , In n|.Hon l'n'> Rave a vote of 1S2 jmeiits neuHed in Uie sun In front of Ha fai -tri ft t f-r i pi ami i* fni Mir Llnbuin. Mrs the polling place. Two »•• 111. .ri of 1 'h ' n,).-..•. iHrned rv.ry district. llf :g\,l ati '1 V'f S A: Mm.Uptown village Ihe, vote lpl[, I,arr« Vote at Katonlown >!<• *v ' in u Hf «.is *" in IP al Navtalnk P* to 30, The vole In yeiUrdiy's primary at n n r Mnnn,",. .--, i p. .f'ill 2.14 to 47, at Leonardo Eatontown did not fall far short of r.rofran aii'l •.:,:i n i'liu. at IVnt Monmoulh 69 lo last years record of 133. Yesterday I Jennis H> i II H. »r,d at F.ast Keflnshurg 1* to 7, | 31? votes were calt In district one ! i,p total M-ilr wa« l,"*3 to .13" Mr. j and 405 votes wlrs cast In district H»I,I" M.owpd iin IPI Mr. Viracola I two. Of these vot»S 719 were Rn- OtllPl I icinorinl. '•i Midiiir :•!!> II township Thp vote publican. t ... - ',, '.., •;:' T!IP nemoerats of Panlel Nanjrht. i, Mn|.i'pt'nMi tm\nahli> favored Mr Arthur Taylor, candidate for the , .' Ii i :n In* ("ntPMt f"i pXPrutlvp. Republican nominal Irs for a par council term, scored an over- 'or maym •• i i ,, i. vi. Hi1, l.,i Mi (iiiinn and whelming victory over ('nuncilnuin Ilobon V (ieorgc K. Winning, the fliml <-o\\'i. htlns 41B to 27«. Taylor beat Win- -,t ti,An«(iip ("'apt. At ning, S63 to 50, In district onp Win • Olfiinl. who Is nlng defeated Fiask KPnna In "> ,1 on Ifir flrpubl natirm for thp rnunlv ees'-utive 'nm n-.i, ttpptlian. Mfl initlep !f>2 t" Ifc.r- an-'l Mif A


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    I..I.V..I Kl Ilii yi it. K»-

    >!!-»llll 'K i->* n a tn * '•'• nde'l '•it- I'P nini'rt Ilii ba .'.ill.. •'inns of tf wnwhip "i • nf J'lMil'PS ..f l.hr Mtrhp.nl •f 1U w> . -if.-,:. n. - .-»,-• huslnpss »! '.'r « in •• ••-....- >nardi>. Marie S ,!ohn -1 | ago, i.*n, --• -. .i ' --- ,. ihahly Ih, hotteFt ny He- iipn pact jhedlth h" deci'tf. Monn loiith •vinnlv el 1 slele I i-^Minlr\'. \\>- *-- n»i A(idie»» onurdo . Ah ml Win I farm nl Ho!im'»i. , tlila bring nlir.nK- I lived. •- . ant at t hp la>' ittt'i Inunslttp. J Mi. Moi'«m|.|..-'- : I se in mti rim 1{(.pl.t.! Liberty gumui .•• i U\n iliihiMH nf Rarltan town- • e 1. , fV, n, ti', votrR for Mr Franclf, has hppn H-! i M,. Vliarnlx, 4» for Mrs. lions. H. iin-in -- ; . . • ^pn. '^ fnr Mra Ijlnburn, ISfi Holmdpl ili»|,e 1'--, • •> in.-, , tjulnn and 14 for Mr. W»r-VlneS of HIP best i»: :- lion I'. I -,- Iv man. .•ai'dldiitP t"|, HI [t.i he Is beet known v. n;p: fatllPi Ml (hi tP I ' Ii-.-, lii f|, M N oble plectpd the following as members Matawan, the Republican candidate In Monmnuth cniimy to « nnwi :IIP a • *i t H»H d, 1( • i n , li'.-llon hy Mrs. 1 I hi- enmity rommillrp; First diRti for freeholder, earned his title of warning that unjust taxahon nieam AI i i. i «if -y ! fur Mrs. Noble. BurlpU . second district, William Col- eral years he, was captain of a boat MoCampbeli has never held office William I'. I ii , ... n. mis elerted Roso A. lins and Christina Helfrlch; third whloh plied between the United nor has he been a candidate previous ll I •I I .-.Tiiiivc commltleewom- district. Fred J. Trenery and Mar-States and the West Indies and. later to this year. He has made addresses lives. After tl» .'.. •<< •• -. ,-, the refiliiup of ;'.. • n . i i< ini v I, Sheridan by a voto garet Opdyke. he was promoted to the position of at « number of farm and tax meet- •i . it Ihankli manager of the steamship company the board of 11 u-i • . i • • - i. A. hot fight was waged in all three ings, and be states that he will make ii I th*tr k nl man K il i ' i;i|i hptwpen the Republican which employed him. Hs waa in an active campaign for asssmbly- home at Bui 11n^. n i • . i .,,, tl a usr if i"l« nl" i ' •ii'Mcc aspirants was very In- districts for members of tht Demo- charge of several ooastwlie vessels with the Income. m cratic committee. In the first district ' If ll fl \vw M s nd tllPe»j»HPJ' f :••••• riilltiral picnics and partita and vessels whloh made trip! be- Care and nialnli n i. . i n i "t im ing rhr death * f n limit' le. George Worth with 10» defeated tween this country and the West In- at the home. Hi wn eh inu . . i,tit in thp Interest of various William Smith with 85, and for fe- WOAT. it slieel, iniiiiiif's and there were meetings dies. He gave up this work In 1>17. Miss Mary A. UP. In ,-• • •• i n Toapph H male member Elisabeth Callahan THURSDAY. Hejvld H II ! t.j'i'ri-lies galore. Mr. Mallen Capt. Thompson was born at Man- who left some imii-.-ii i ' "• 1. Urn with 183 defeated Blanehs Horvath. P. M. M. H. ifMtpii thp Republican voters of who polled 114. John Hllbert polled asquan In 1*62. He- waa elected a 5:00—Tin Sun? Uij. county, mado »fr . n n i IT.nni rln to t free moving picture 140 In the second district to defeat freeholder of Monmouth county In 6:JO— Btach trio. In a will whini In . • •• 192$ and he has held the position «Blk strollers. years ago laat )i- n i . • ; I artl of fhainlia • U ,,,If. -now nt Furt Hancock. The mem-Edward Herzog, who had 109. Mar- «:15—Lantren protnsa. Mr.. '. ^ of thp Colored Republican club continuously since that time, tiie York cemetery aHS i. n " IV* »lah tn thank ll one. wl Illl !!• garet Wood, with 147 waa victorious Sill—Barauel'a preweatatl«n. » tii^r *\ »ers Ilift } ft ) Mir gursts at political meetings at over Adelaide Porter, who polled 107. present campaign being the third IttH—Sunditil prolram. •ack was bpqm--'-n'. • " .•maps I^nnardo will not forget which he has encountered. For seven S:40^-Oeeeii dpray yroffram. care of her bin i?il nl. M ,\i idpn and all tl lit »1 In the third district Edward Ryan «:!»—Radio shop pretraa ^ i h RlvlnR aid dnrlr if thp I hi.« scrap for many a day. with S9 defeated Walter J. Bmtlh years he was one of the councUmen 11,000 each wem i of Matawan and ht resigned from 7:00—Frederick K. Ball. r i u fnlhei llem\ rijaitli •, with 40, and Sophie Miurer with 7a 7:a«—Kosse itists. bam, Bessie P. Hi In i MiV* UP II \ ( ontest at Belford. this poiltton when he waa elaoted T:81— Berkeley CarUret dinner aauile. ham and Abhie 1 il. was the victor over Catherine Hu- :0i>—Mescal Ulk. II *«ia v ii I I e n«.'l In the Belford district, or third freeholder. Be is one of the elders cash bequest a m ,- •lal) fui- ber, who polled R5. Mrs. Porter, 1:16—American lesion auxlllarr shorui. , m Haji In I district* nf Middletown township. of the Presbyterian church of Mata- $800, Jennie I'oM - ' who has long been active In politics, 1:45—Tlielme Mount, ylsaUt, Kt ^ 1\ el tiapnient ihim was a spirited contest be- wan and a director of the Matawan 9:0ft—Beach trio. Frultnlght Jl.diro. A, .,- i , • .. felt the defeat keenly and stated to 11 wirn Mr«, Jane Johnson and Mrs. national bank. He Is a member of »:»0—Hlchmsn't orelmtrs. $300, Myrlle 11 ;• In k • ; 'k I lard ol iliMiik niii i a Register representative last night 1 1 ura-trlcf. Hmith for the office of RJ- the Matawan lodge of Masons and of 10:00—Trtblnos baojo bora. ' I ' We, taWe thin in si i lii. 1 el- that she believed many of the votes lQ:so—G. Howird geott, orfaniit. Iftl D. Hftthhonc Ji'i" I m • n li If uiiiiiiin oxecutivp commltteewoman. several societies affiliated- with the 11:00—Casino 4sace taasls. H i k^he 'liemen if Mlddh > wi.hii i, ,, " cast were Illegal. L bone $150, Mra. Lii uu ii.ii-n >i."» * IM and Hail Hank nn ( l s I i « ar t M i ^ Johnson, who was running for lodga. 18:00—Frogrsm mias, I ..i en Mrs. Hary J. Elswoitl, $1"". J'miv il I il least | neighbors f i rhpii et>l I nt HI 1 , m -flection, was the winner by a vote 1 1 e !•!•- T. Edward Jeffries, (ha Democratic nmxr. Stewart Jinn and M.n Anm, i' I m II kjhiale work In fl li|in|r» th II \hl Ii i , r is; to 123. Contests sit Highlands. r. M. t William Fahrer and Jacob S. Hoff- candidate for freeholder, Is a busi- Schurinan $2Bn. ihp will nr>i><>ml'-'l i j n ]S, in inierl on i i, fatnl In I wepi , / i nessman of Freehold. He was born 5:00—R. Xowtrt SeetL Bessie B. HarlnK "»'' >'-:l" liunliam . Mi an 1 Mi. II r xn M • ilie < \i i i I Hlg Vote at Shrewsbury. man. Republicans, and, Fred Glerach 5:90—Btseh trio. A(l 1 1 1 ilfiii-ji' HiiRhes was nominated for and Edward Condlt, Democrat*, were at Howell Station in Hcmell town- H:00—Louie prof ram. executors. 1 till '"I" "" " ship and he has always lived In Mon- A: 10—Suniitl's praatatatiofl. . I, I.. liinr of the peace in Shrewsbury nominated for councUmen at High- Mrs. LIHIs E. Frost of I-OIIK 1 mouth county. Most of tils life has 6:15—A. J. Church federation. Rev I «' I | < Al I 1 W.iU I Hank. i .nigh f»n the Republican and Derci- lands. Thoss defeated were Henry Henn.l Branch executed her will two years It.! I ,, -n ; Him 1 n - Ji •« • in |),P. been spent at Freehold. He Is vice 'nun tickets over Elmer C. Waln- Quasi, Republican and George King 8:30—Lasirsn prewfDtstlon. ago last December and she pxeeut 1 id IN I K fcli lit m)| t president of the Sons of Howell so- «:40—Ofean Spray program. ed a codicil to the will * year axo :,cr>t. v.lio now holds office. Hughes and W. A. Romaln, Democrats. mllii i, I > -ll I • . ' I i I i | tm ciety, which was organized a num- 6:4ft—Radio thop proirtsa. • •.••ffinpil WninriiSht. by three votes Four committee fights added Inter- S :B0—Abraham's program. last November. She dlrectpd that her e\pjy j 1 I In k ber of years ago. executors divide her estate penally I I IM- I or thp Republican ticket, the Unal est to the election. In the second 7:00—Barkeley dinner vusle, ill 111 ll I T'.IO^Homs hlnu. among her three children, William i mint hplne 103 to 100. Hughes w*s district William Ahearn won the Mr. Jeffries was elected a member till IH \ I , II 7:31— Twilight Re«erlea. , B. Krrlckson. R. Clifford Enlckxm IN Ml Ml HI »IH MI."irioun nn the Democratio ticket Democratic committee berth, beating of the board of freeholders In 1B108:00-^Oevelno Dance muele. with Ii nil and Mrs. Sadie Slocum. Her two wins r -It ll I'V tin; count of 78 to 24. Matthew Horan by a vote of 74 to and he waa re-elected In 1917. At the 9:00^—Fiofrajn TMiimt. 1 W<(1 I | | ( II time he went out of office the county were named executors nf the, will. A le I » 'I I hi voic was the heaviest ever 6$, and Mrs. Margaret Spearing was asp-mi nl il i it Ii . >-.l •-.Hit The witnesses were Marie 1'otter anil M« Hi cv • ;tt H Shrewsbury primary, there had no bonded Indebtedness. Mr. A. M. I.e ni- victorious over Mrs. Goldle King by thp fa t i \ I t I In I r I. M Jeffries Is a member of a number of [i:00—Tutting Better ramie. Sarah J. VanGelder both to the will il While bfuiir --* Republican votes and 120 a majority of 30 votes. In the first I IP (1 k nl t I f 1 I I.I It fc I fraternal organizations and he has a 0:15—Ahrim« procrtn, and to the codicil. I ii-niocraN. Hughes, who la a Dem- dlatriot the Democratic fight was be- 9:30—ShopptnK with Fegcr tn Veil B&nlc. IliK DIP year 1 II - . 1. ,. , 1 H n:a:, i.>ui,1iictnd a stickpr campaign. largo number of friends and ac- 10:00000 I program. Mn. Jennie M. Bedell of Ocean \ I I e H .or « P I - I'leiMi. tween Mrs. Beatrice Horan and Miss «ell .1 10:10 > pesentation. H. ni'i d p a nouap to houso oanvtws quaintances In the county. Grove made several cash brquepts II VYIilla Amelia Weeker. Mrs. Homn won, —Rots* N«ry pr«t«nt»llcr,. of ilif i HIOURV,. Wainrijrht'a nanne 56 to 35. Mra. Annie Lawrence de- Clinton B. Lohsen of Xeansburg, 10:20—Standard program. to relatives in a will whiWi slip ( »n- Jariifh b IN Ml Ml III I «jf mi i IP Republican ballots and featsdMr,. Louise Adair for Repub-1 J™ of the Republican candidates 10:1)0—Monterey progiam. cuted four years ago last March 'Hie HNIIXK -I I la - I.I V.e UP oo'Htucipd A sticker campaign on f r lfl:3S—Queen vrosTftm, Waterford rural cemetery in .Sura Ian II 1 Jlalli I I i In I-..THK I mo lien comralt'eewoman In the first ? ««™blyman, j.111 run for re- , 1 fwltie 1 Jl . Ii i Den:oi ra.tic ticket. Hughet's Vic- 10:40—St. Moriti preienUtlon. toga county, New York, was Ipfl S.Vij I I Mil dlstriot, 70 to 4S. election next fall. He has served two lii:lr,—PaHiian program. I Ul 1 s I- :>• wa? iiiiiarkihle In view of the i 1 I in I 1 1 I •, Other results were Mrt, Thompeon terms in the legislature, the first one il>:."iO—Boolery pre»entatlon. for the care of Mrs. Hed.-ir-i hnml l> i « f-n • thai his :,ame was not on e-ilher being In 1921. : ' 'I'I—Horn* hintm. plot Other cash heqiiFV* wei.. ml I Hi KI lie Ii"-.. US and Mrs. Linburn 42, Francis 131 ( i:ip Icep ih'i.'ftn or Democratio ballot. Mr. Lohsen was born at Belford ! 1 :li',—Cherry's program. her sister, Anna B H«iurn Jl *> h.-i! i I I ik and Viracola 17, snd Qulnn ISO and 11:10—Beck presentation- on March 12th, ISM, on the night of dauftiter, Florem-p M <'•;«•- :-"»>. | ,FRiH I AMA II i . Ass ^'lt,nci^ nf Lonj Branch de- Warren 50. tills— Crjit«l preeentation. fp.«ipd Miciacl A. Viracola of that the famous blizzard. The doctor who I 1 :~'O—Setfrest preientatlon. her daughter, <^\ri:.:in. i- : .. n .; IWvlitev ft)**' I I I :3o—Radio presentation. of Newark, $300; hm „ „,. .\. •--. •• planp. Tor the nomination for the The Vote at Long: Branch. was In attendance had a strenuous "*" "• I Veek < f M«, I I le*. male nifnliri-ship nf the state execu- Mrs. Linburn lost her home town time in getting to the house In the II :15—Dance hits. 1509; her son, Hed Mil' ' I . 11 :.">i—The Ihest«rs. 'i«an Hi' Honk tive oninii'lep. 1*7 to 14. Mrs. of Long Branch to Mrs. Thompson. storm and the male member of the P. M. Oeorge S.. $ir>0 an.) i. •• I I 1 x Hi.iinltfll ,,M In 2:00—Better manic. M., $50. A piatin i -i : n « . I n,lil . i,eralili:ip L. Tri'iinp^on of Lincroft The vot« was Mrs. Thompson 1,164,1 Lohsen family and their friends had llin |,ait ..I H» > l l mond settlnn: nn i i n lir.\t Mrs. R. linburn rf Long Mrs. Linburn 1.007, Mr. Francis ' » strenuous time in breaking a way | '• i^ if•«*S?« m bo'r»Yr *ili^«! I til Ih»en, the par- »o—Bearh trio. law, Bessie Kedeli r IH r.4 in. John.T Qutnn, democratic ents of the present assemblyman, er of her jewplrv i I •• r , i, f for tJie rioniina.inn for LltUe Silver; Few Democrat*. considered naming their son Billiard -.oo—Beach trio. bequeathed to I-. 11 ,.,•-.. i. Mrs. Thompeon nosed out Mrs. Lohsen, on account of the unusual v.to—Dance hiu. ence and nhnsllim .1 i i- . •• • .-• Linburn at Little Silver by one vote. nci\eil S!i VOIPF and Thomr.s H. War- circumstances of his birth. They the esnate «« lii-ni.-.i ...M .u icn. his opponent got o voter, The former got M and the latter S3. finally decided not to do this but to among her six chiMi i-n I tm <>,'>uu II - le ill It was a, different story between name their son Clinton B. Lohsen ii.10—Orean eprar prograea. V. llli- "I U « »-, I. ... U linkup Hughes w»a horn in Qrove national hanV\ van immr.i H.^ In r l-li fi : 3 r. ^ Sundartl presentation. I.uili h Shrewsbury In 1805. UP altpndf.fl Francis and Viracola, the vote be- j for the late Clinton B. Flak or civil eiecutor of the will ing 86 to 10 In favor of Francis. '• I' A. P. Sports. I I I V II Spion Hall college and was employed I war fame. Many persons bpllevc . no —Herkfler dnil.4r aausle Eden H. Bonnpy nf Manu.*pil as a and his opponent, Warren, this Is not true. K. M. her death tin- rpnidur is to JJO to J on -,«« Mtxxls. Illrl I I ailioad ciiKinppr from 1922 to 1II2!5. republicans nominated for mun- Mr. Lohsen attended the Balfonl their daughter. Kliinhnth H. Kpllam ' 1"! C.lnn musle. J.liii *"• 'in 'I.- -.nivr'l in (hp Dnltsd rltatr-« aimy, lclpal officers were Ellas 8, Black , public school snil (he AUsntie. High in i ,—program rouma. The Asbury Park and Oep;in ilrnvp WANT ADVERTlSEMHi^ 1 i I I * in^ honorably discharged aftpr for mayor and Frank Dran a.nd Oli- lands high school. He hpld a position r M. j hank waa a|>ixiintrd execuiii, ,,r dm r>r ^« rei f itn*i i . ,n, ii, fc no Baptist chures lar'lea. I, • »I W seh i n > • in MfMnan campaign in l^lfi ver <;. P'rahe fnr rouncllmen. No with the. Atlantic llljhlands national will. 1 la Wim. i «>s nriAt « i II' llrw In France for fiflppn Democrats filed fnr these offices. bank from 1903 until 1013, whan hp Tha will of John Slelnbsrh. fonrnl n.'i.ih^ HmliiK HIP Wf>rld war aa a became rashier of tha nuwly organ I hargM With HfOnt Dog. Nmhrlgh.'e C'nnteata. •r of atalnhach'a dppaitinenl STOIC Hiiilliy Hull HIT ,., n 'n . of thn I'lillPd Rtates navy ir.ed Keaniebuix hanlt, v/hlch position A fine of JIOO was meted out lo at Aabury I*aik. whlrh WN< P*CI ,I Until Kepiiblieans and Democrats ,',',, II,. iv,ri ^-ouiiilpd and wa.<> hn continues tn hnl.l. In 1 J*^T hp was •lix IMIi'kneck of Leonardo Thurs Ipd e. year ftjio Id"* -Inly, w,,^ j.n, lia't local fights at Heahrlgrit. out- . ,, n.. i,,!,,]> in I'i run p llf m( appointed IIOIOII inanagpi iv ininiilliu of last week whpn Ii,. hated laat wpek lip l>» ;in-nt • n-.i nlsndlng amoiiK them helng tha d«- I.,. iK ami lu IIPIII thp , ~ Ul.rH l.nfoK, .Tll»n. Pi KllllPl l' J^.IKW> nnd n wa'i h 'wnl < Ii nn t.i \,\ . tpat of Mm. Charlotte Hnhfrtsnn by n Mir ••II.IPII in rnnti nll l»ly i-lnn l tlrnp. I in niiiilKht <,f Mlupwabiirv on « Mra Wesley (iarland fnr Democratlo bepn ti •rt.-iili-'l . iiitr of ln.:itlni( hla ilut Thp cnoi P«i ll lo hiri ol'.°.| (•, .ii-l' I In ,T, I I'll. i niiiily I'oininlttppwnninn Mra. Ger- :k All.. • litl i.. . : 'i.'i.. hy He; ,,,„,, W'pn'.'l ultPati. ! I „., Innd won l,v n vole ,,f KM to 73. Mrs. I M Keith JloliPitn.in IB prenldenl of Ihp Worn ol I I. •i p. of Uie ana l)piTii,,rat|n. r^uh of Moumuutll ft * B 1 L RED RANK PF.rjSTFR. M*.Y 20, 1931

    BUSINL5S NOTICES. BUSl.NKVi l-MFLOYMENI ROOMS FOR RENT. j REAL ESTATE rOR RLNI ' HIM Ii!*!' 1 H ••'• B » .- .t .. ,. . », , , ., ! WANT ADVERTISEMENTS .».> ' • • -. -. i>n. i R6* StMt *i r« R...> . « ,.,i »i . «i> Ki u

    :'!'<:i |> »< )}* SA1J • lift • > .fc«e Kl.?»0

    Ai'Alfl MfcN'l1 f' i lent, rn h]y f.u j n,iih«d in Hed K-rili , thiea rtmmi | of aiynmii..!

    >// * •;; ;• ,-••• .-. r., '•;;'_ " I Hank !iOU sum mar to r* fined, raiafui en up la I fl'B HEN ' lefaiencet- Addieas Kiv«i Apartment r * > Mi. ««• drawer M. K«d Bark *

    ri **ir> rj sj • LODGE ROOM f >r rB it, d«ai • bl roum ri "el i» f •> X MI wi• h available for uae second aud fvurlh 1 i 1 i if "' t 1 • that ne Thursday nights of mmr i month m' titt'Ve' ' V*> '" <' * the office of Sigmi nd K Bliaj <;,, uld like a joh THREE ROoMs NFi.l »ntli [.,' -• 1 M«- ? Ii M 1 M .pert 1i all Unas Hi. ,. I:M v ••'). ... > *.'«•!• T lerriMti E. ta. .. i.m Rober two ' 1'i M..nin<- H-' Kr ...ii. N J 1 M"''1. 1 1 i ' >('!(( II " • I'l *llven If 1 If. ,M - > *7 KNO(,RATHER wants po sitlon •l"a •»!' 10 7 1 Mn> » 'if I,'""' Ka ii. i i.. ' HOTKI / HOiiMr. ' ' « ^ FftRF - r. r • V.'hHJ f K- -i ••• t' • •,i ,ie Addrtaa £ . M. Sd ra.tr M A I'All ! Ml' '•: t 1 , •• h«ek~ lied Bank. SIX HOfiW •!.- Honk r'«i>i*K eet, 1,1...... i • HAUFFJUR, single; long • Ill-JMll* H > . U'.», Bee. ! M.I« Tin vlng ; handy with t ™l aroi nd NHVI V (I 1' '. ' H M> fo lent. i i-liiit deauti alaady ti 'I.,. 2 48 h 11 Hi Biieal, haufTeu B *e. ' M . ! M 1.* }ft fc ^M^l1 „,.„. (mm lent, f "hed' or ., : f KNUlJKAl'HF.Ft «anta i OB II, i. af I1T1[I .'nr Whyte .1 1, TIC I h III. \1 h(ll« II pa 11 t 1 II* ii» MM) l( i i r ' i ' .ml 1 nil Haven, I'ho ne K«• 'A IU.I HHnk tUi.i. ) ' .fi M IlOl HI 1 ' <, 1- '. Y H A !. h<.i,n». v. i. • •I , | I,1(,HI any fnrn shed i oom f or tent" SO SHRKW: 1" ,;.',"\;,., ,,:;.;"i,, ".rnily "lie 1 r.i ii(Ma(.le avenue, Ked Bank. T.l.nhon. gairNe!" T , , ,, rdMIORTABLE nmtni with hoard slnjr M Its I ,-> 'JH f '' - double, almi Ka.ate. Vanderv.er' Sf. Walli Street, Red Hunk. . - '.i- H.,.| i. wen or li^it H- flues se- FOR RENT, two IRI ue fin ins lied i i»u with privilege of himaekeepinu renfi > ') i t-iff hli MwNKlf io i .i Uun- 1^ located. I'hona ited hunk ;.r I I f. ' mm i" It*" '• ei<-. Kot FPRNISIIED'HOOM for F«M,t. t,'t-i.i f*«< VIP t.. II 'I »..!, desired. Whyt*. Mm n,vrr . •,*.'! I IKK Hli.HRsI !,,.«• t «|.i f< rhlrk- Haven. N. J . phone Kr

    ,. k ht noiia fnurTutn; SIX-ROOM t.'.ilf-e f. • •»».1 nil M o.t#... >

    r, 1,4 h^<1 Hiti.k ... . f- • hi.*- i.lw.ne '•(*;• rt i; I'" N ': AH. .! U (i|( K v Kiilf.i M oiniig en |>Um Re wing to ! 1 i • Mn 'I-. KI hntof F'. l.in.ien I.IM. e>. Ite.1 Rank . |(IH Hh.,\ I I- ^ I M r (,i ,,hi,M» !,•'«•• j Hellrii..!.!. :^

    -.» I'nvilcicca of whole l!AN'in MAN vM.nte.l foi one week to' """• '' ' ' ' "" ...iii^ii PM. IIIHI t nili oail L.ut II;I nnf.rn. H.i,l rto odd )'iln, | ] ,', ' BI ' N'; A M ' A '" '• v I HICBU, 110 ;•_; pei «efk rh-iiie UHl. Re-1 Hank ' t'nH .-I. • • i. . I.uillnw. IK Waihinstun . N. J . ho* 22.V WANTKH. m»n, l-nva and jrirln for thr '^-y f [ ^'

    themi.e!ve* HiK m.inn ;.r Mi Hi-.MU.. MHM t< • --"I W IH 1 oi i«|] your furniture. Red If) Kant I' I Oil! RT.fl. !{#••( l(M,t |.|.»H|.. Vkil-r... I •>(.. K">,L. A>i.ti(.n Rooms, 33 East Front VOIINi; rn|.(*UKii wovU' -,..,,.-.. i <•'•••>• ' " • l'- p.i i.lx.ne 2IR.

    Red Hunk :, a flat-top offlr* deik; must be CALL Ked lUnt i ; •> •• • • ' •• • ' ,'•',',' 'i,' ',' ,', : n <)>•»)>. A'liliria Joaei'h Pollacek, Mat- jhiHI.V 1-ctlUlped rpMin]« r (inw. Ii nn ! • . ](. I) No. 2.__ _ _^ w"tH»'i''fii"''1'"" " •''" ' i - •""''' !vl''tl lils'"-' 1,1 nl,tm , _igh!*-er, ni<>nthi> <K *'»*'•"'< • ', ,., ..,..- ;h|; ,;•';;:;'• I'I,./!" in ' On nk Auction Room*. S3 Eaat Front ....._.,!,,., II I Red Bank-* n.k ; ••'.,.(. phone 2 18. I OS I ll#! . i\ ANIHI), '-00 fe«t of serond-hand n'Jieep "" U-n.v. m (tooH (orniition. AdJre»K P. O PORTABI.K KRIIHI for anl*. itii'.d fi*n« i I'.- ^7 Re.I Itank • * k. $lf. : AIK.. I'inno $41). (H^IK J4 HAM, I... 1 'In"I n ID Brlol • licet, f'li h.<1ye ita.Mf- ,u ttiueitBtn- jil«re Hntiijua net of haii dntli fui niMir_, '''"I V\ M,!, [maid MHlkiiiK rhiifl. ,hjl.ll«-ii • ••• TOR RF.N I I, fl., >r.| . , , I Bel II. . and othei- (iiiniiiiie, nni»l l>» * j • ± i • k nnl. illfc i I>1« i • ivnte home. Add s «*« H- - -l rtieiiu I.KU I>B tcited lv I lie yafti. nuinlh i huncul.n- S 1 Pinnn plu.-p Itp.l lUnt • ... •xnlim Al'l'ly K 1I»III-« 4 S.,m. 12 I iTRY OAK VMM.II 111 MUM) KM.I t'ntplH e 1 I NEll tjolf |.«ll- p-.i , I (M( M I Mill III N «i. i" h.ii.B., «ll hnjiinl- 1 Ivnk'tnN, i'«. all U I' A- i.enli-. J(. ' M <.i i ,ft ;l ^ lll.ili II h .,. i. II I rijn I * * K [i*«. ItitMi.h iienut lent $£>0. Phon* I N .1 , phone 1 .US •! si i -• ( Kc! Hunt- He. Ik III, Hel llui.l 1733 .1 atixt. Ke.l Haul. i I-MI I 'I ^. \li|',|l It, -U' U|«hr" IMX.it Kill HI EMPI.OVMKNI II>F.AI. My mum Ix.iiHB. laiue Kruuntis. in . - RFfj-ORn I ],lnl» SiU.r for lent; iplendid comli- I • !' in fliit ' i y (., im ulid imU T'I otem AIIRAC1 IV K aprtrimertt, fou immi an 1 t** *• hai-i futniahe.1 or unfniniahr i hea e I t * line ' .hin.hf an.| I" honl).. Owner, tl nith i.i! toiiiiei . i-

    1,,, I'll.,Me IV.'. I. Uitni .Lilv iMh IIICJ-III* M I Ml,

    i'KSH'KNI K i,n L«k« I/«lTeit» I -•'— i" "-' ll"""» -1"' V J \ V I ! I I.IMIR ;:\) 1 >iiuW I (IK IU ! i ' I: .V • • .'I*. Ic. k Hcieciie.l in i.oich, i,[,. lifj. ! r- I-1 .'I. • i • i i; . :• '- * "

    , |K I r-nt »lill. Telet.lii . , Hi, ' s >• . ! . ••! . • • • , I t r.'ll, or .nil «t 1 t'ounHiii i e, M» I11 ii ,. .-•'•• . '. ' H „ I" I I I t si'den. fi i ,M.L I '. r I M>K KKNI «l liumaon. inodei n five 101.01. ! <>H Alt- • en I i rl < vetii -loufid 1IUIIK«II»W; newly dec.Uled i. A I ( A i. } • • • - innide; full imp" ovtnieiiU mid gauige, near ).u» line; furnished or unfuinl.h.il l-.r onk wtiK'h run |.e (.11 1 I II M ii temi' it leftiilentinl hlock. Inc|une Itnnison _4jt7 like Ul'.'l nUo -,,! i " I Hi.nk * • I HOUSE'U, let, 6f> Wanhinuton atreet, eitfht }• Olt HI-.N I i •>.. : • 11)t», eiKht-min.iie >*• innmii. all lmi.ro vement *; in ftist rlan- station. Aiidieo* f<< I roiidilion ; laik'e )<>t. and uaiBge. Intuit* lo.mr.l' H* ••' < - • • • VI M *\N j. t R N. J,' j ,,f A. '1. Dniemua. or nwnu. Hank . i*nt l '••• , • « r < » fr I e 0 ftllk I 1 OkTtKNT. Imlf of double house, In good 1 nth c Hn.lli-. »i -.11 ' i HAITI-Ki"K VITI, tlit- I--- -f r*fe niuei 1 .11 condition; aeven room a. bath, gas and \(f,\ ibm , [ ia hidkinu f-.i fiiii I..-, nif lit Oifulft fr M.' Ked HNUV elec tii.ily ; Kxmiie. warden; SI Tin ton I OK ** ' K M • .: • He. Phonn Red Hunk 1 ii canh- AnunelH. L . J M •. -. * lt,-H ilM.k U ! •'• * ( ft\enue. K-Rtoritown. one minute from huti: SEVEN'-HO'IM !••.. - ' i r c\«\ K'»l 1.000 WATT l.nlh foi aiile, will fll WOKK i>n'ii»,l (•. •'•. ..' tn.nir . «1* mm [inre 12it per month. Inquire al 104 Main 11.is. 312, Rmnaim. (Unary mjcket, (.'all at ^4 Hionit utiee M I hi io Ir! M,. I ll'ilhi «!i. 2'j Weal atieet. Katnntnwn. N. J._ _ Dank, rhoiw U. i lillillll « ! a _.! « t R«rl Hank. utieet. Hpd KHU; * nUhe.i i>ionn>Ur- Wllllaix H.-MIV^EU HAI.t of house for rent, all improvementa. All, KINDS uHidrn to.iU. Invwi ,,,.•.•.,.- Ml,.'!, !><'.{ t^l I' ' coiner Oltnmmy avanu* and IU veinldd (iuiBue Kent $10. Apply at 68 Waah- dci e«n vlre. lit nek. tin! vnrii/ffi, roi'p# ~ REALESTAII i ililv#. Ka<1 Runk. or ph.um Eatonto*7H 4*4 REAL ESTATE WAN FED. inuton Htieet. lied Bank. and Iroine; flshinii rndu, tech, line*, hook FARM HOUSK K«R RENT, ai'x rooms, flreplare, KIVK to gut. ringed. Lauii mnweia i-Uaned am ill-' Vllll have «nv moving or tru.-UinK t., LAI l.Mln I..--.. iMslu •* I nn tut i v ui.ik i i> Ho oloatmo, 3U i do rail me. H. Vnlleau, 607-M, Red open ptHirway. «vei y convenience: ga- *hnr|i«n.d. <". W. l^vpipnt/,, ( huicl TOMAI'I I'l Af I at dome. ,-, \s\\\ t|i< »lay'» woik Apply N. J. ln- • trftt and Bumilnny, ReifoKl. N. J. I Punk ., tied lUnk mile *'hnt In* Hrenkei-, 607 Wcit Fronl aiiert. Hivei- Plaza.j|hnn«_1*07. _ _ l'» i l.r i. i S"AI,KSM KN \Minii-d ni nine foi V, ida v Hxvt GEItANIl-MS f(n mile. 20 centa each. i. • i. ».d UUSIKABLJS oiHicVtat r«nt ID tb« Kianer • JniiHIN'l in all Itn hianrhca; titl- i AH M:1 ! i:.!- :i. JKI-SKY II I 11. k (.M-.i 1 building. Apply *t tb« offlce of Stgmuno ]{anklnn. (t_9 Ri\er mad. Fnir 1U- { males matia. W. H. Marvin, con- Held Slioci.' i« H.i.»d hhrpl. UP.I Hunl- M ..im,•(..' Ii : . .till* fH< Ii. fi...i Eisner Co.. orielephoae U«d B^nk_U0O. van, telephune Red Bunk 2472-J.* I-ANItSfAriNi., ti.t.jiiik liivMiN unfit fin hen I thy hud... V.HIJ. Iractlnn rarpenter. SI Fincknej road. IIOUSK for rent ; i*ix room a and hath: I yyrxie H wit U I Ii,. hitr } , I1. Us • mn W. Holm>Iel. N .1. Phone .108. Red Bank. 1 modern Improvement* ; near Shadow H. Jacks. H I ,.,,; ! «t ifl.< Ke.l lin VKCK'I AHI.K PIAN r.ake. Reaaonahle. ient. Iiuiuhe Feter de- I on ;,,\1.P.. iii,,,|(..ii -i, .ot,m I,-.,,,* ont horn* to marage hmme and look after , f.. Midciwltr. Sr.. Hiver PlaT.a, Red Bank.* HOAT LOVKKS, M.-rk f.,.,u Hmad meet, in "A" rlaae twn tmnll rhlld>«l>: in,.-I I,* M_. lagoons. Raatrirtcd tha care of children. - lot al buainen* man or rnmmuler. Priee>d . tine framfi, aulo glann and window plan* tilllfi I I. ium, with tiath and *olr>nv. Sent, for photna. R«7 H. Still- «ltrartiv | fnr ,,,,1,-k ».l. Term*. C. ifply. I,. It. Monla. linx 101. Red Bank * I'm 1 «.| . Hu Sif.oi. N. J.. arata ent ran rt. Immediate tiossession. # y ; Mh rnra reallvared. Morris Plate GIHHH ed, or lisht hnuae- rran owner snd developer, State highway, U. Lippincott, 93 Moomouth it reel, phofl* PAIR~nf finest 'yuaiity I. Miller t\rn. never pl.,,u« K.-.1 C*ll #101-J. Red Bank* : Mn wfirn; annkn nkm, \silh him-1, i l..,i... 1 •!,,«• j Par.k. it,i SUMMER rentala. furnished; alao housea, Rueds trim; ana Hu-AA. I'hone -i'fif. Km! Ii lli.p,.»l- •torct, apartments; any locality; im- Bank.* • ' OK Hf N i. attiartivtty fJVniah«d two* proved. F. <'• Hartman. real «state, £0 ! !<• in npaitment, all conv«ni*nc«a. Hi- VlCTROLA ffti «H!O. wlih 4f. teronli. lri« -.<• in I .ii the Inside and otitnitle: lend and oil. Steeple Binad utreet. Red Bank-* •U work; floor. wa\*d and rleane-J. K. i -M II.•ima, ino Monmouth itreet, R«ri nonahle. IT l^onnid t.tie«t, Knd flflni. •.T.MII.I mnil mles free. I'n.il Thnmimnn, 2 CentP' HOitRFM>UAWN t>l«nt oetici f..i ^»1. HOUSE for rent In Fair Haven; tix iHiiret, Sealniuht. N. J, phone Seahiinhi i uu KKN1', double roomi and alr«l» C. 0. Cdiliftn, K«l'iiiti»M.n, N. -I * i.iimii, aitt.rilvely furnUhed ; all liffht roomi, bath: beautiful wood-burn- H1R SALK, iipiitht pinnn in ko.,,i , ..(ldi CUROillN'S for real art. Curchtn a barl^r nml aiiv. Maj«Rt)r HOUB«. 100 Monmouth ing fireplace; lurge bsdrooma, all mod- shop ta the place where art mean a some- tlon. veiy chenp. IMI.HIC Itr-d H;uil I i • M.tet. Kem.-. Ji „ • iime fmttrovamtnta; rtnt reduced. Ap- afi Pin t to ladles and children. Second National ply 77 Oakland Blr«*t,*Rtd Bank.* reasonable. Inquire of Owner, 12 Oak IKhiH, liedioom HUMH «O.| phm-.. f>-> •• i u Mi »-,..-h 2^^^li-J bank building. Red Rank. DpiUlrt. i;:.,. 'l-hbtlia. '1 he AlfuMl II l\.^ Oiunnw.a- place. Fair Havan, N. J., phone lUd Mr. Keonitli. at HI! li.o h-vi! ..):.-<•! . ;•, - ROOMS for rcntTr«aVon«bl«Tairt'mprov«- ; lilil tion, Inc. l>d Hank A-ifllon Hoorm. menti; nlr« location; on* block from Bank 1B3S. 4 !. w pVI !•• ml Kvin u«, I.OIH ORIENTAL and domrnti<- HIE* and f.XIlKItU.N(^F;i» tnnndifKa wldheh IHUIKIIV nation. S9 Oakland itre«L Red Rank.* !•<)!( HAI,K. Tom -Iniine, K»n M". . f.'in M. Get Out in the Open. ' fhai-lea W. Huin-, n".u <• .i i n il.n..«..i. fftipeta Khnmpooed and diy rleaned. to do al Ju.mn in im*. -r , 1.,,M:.-I: f. Phone' AtlantT 1 t OR RENT, furniihtd. during lumnir road and I'loxprci IUIMIU.', I,:M If Sihci 'j Old carpels made into ru£i. Rajr fiood refeience*. I In me lie.I HHIIW .1 i f>'i * FOR RENT, aDartmanti «7-69 Mon- ? 1 MIRHE will rare for run v B learent in months; very attractive bunsjtlow on N J • rues wnven. Telephona or a postal mouth street; thr*M Urge rooms, Rivax road, Fair Hivm, n«ar rlvar front, Art you lubject to apring f«v«rT Do you gat th< I,AU(iK SI / KI > 1>IITI..KH IMIIIKO- t..: M.lr country home. V.. CTH nirot. < 'rearent i'MihllS Tot xnle, the t.eit ptdigrec; <"»rrt will hi Ing our truck to your bathroom and attic; itum b|a\Ud; all flva roomi and bath; all improvements. MO ; a)*" Amn i. KM f1.lu ^ > I 1. -• .••>! ImUe, It IV No |. Kevpi.it, on* mile wuidarluat when tha traea and flowari begin ta door. Monmouth far pet Cleaning Pde« raaaonahl* to dwlrabla pirty. Phon* buntlne. IIP. Mi - .1 «' MIM . io. llml New Zealand Wh\{% and fhlnrhlllai; *-«»t nf ( heny Tree I aim* Improvejmsjnts; rent 140. Apply to R«d Bank <»-W. mad avBTui_. TleUm.! N -1 ' no fnnry juice*. Cnme and ••« thtm. Company, telephone Monmnuth BtarK ( HAUIKEUH. white, ase 2fi, aingU, "wiTh- Mn. Arthur F. Swift. 181 Hudson I bud and bloom? When the walla of home and ofllcj WOODEN I'UMI' f..i ,|,', f.i -I .!«»» r..n KTTRNISHED, for th« Miaoiti Arm month*, H1 Old Oaka Slork Farm. Riimaon. N. J. 2272. William Grnss, proprietor. ea poaitlon; Innit cx|ieii«nrt, cartful avenue, phon* 944.* ' dili.HK chrmi T r. i,.,, H,>^i, i.in.l, KHI. diiver, e\rellent i«fer*nrt. 80 4 Central four-room hunanlow in flrat dais n«iffh- ••cm to atlflt you. l««v« thtm behind and follow th« Haven. |.|,nn* He.I Hunk i.', ,1 * I". J. Clancy, -.Rent. »v»nue. phnna 3374-.). Aahnry Park* bnihood. In F»lr Hsvtn; «l«ctrlcity an* ROM, TO I' d«F>k, i<« Inn, i .ni tui t nli la, FLOOR RENOVATINIJ. aandlfi «nd WOMAN wanted for hmiaawork few hour* '1 WO or thrt* pleasant furnished rooms I untei; P>ic« 1200. Apply 2 Linden place. open road. B Keil Rank. wnlnot waidi ohp. walnut .Imp Ir-nf !H TOW foi naU. rdlihlng. Olil earh morning. Phon« JUd Hank for fight housekeeping, with all lin- Ma. ritm-Knt. I.t.dit*. it l» No. 1. Ke»- (toon in ml • new. F'.ntirtiatea rhe*rfnllv l>rnv«mentB; n«ar tallrnad station and bii* 11OLSE for rant at S3 Wall atrMt; »tx f re«h •itlv part of Auffiiit. Call nn Z.S7-W.» 1 pmt, Diif. mile v.ciii I'hcnv lioe I Him, on glvrn. I). V. SiiimneiN. Uutnuon n-a.l. Mt- line. Inquire at 1S» Bridge avanua. Re I rooms. all Imprnv.mMti; _ "- *** Dont try to go through another yeir without «n riiiimmi II. Kelley. Kemihuig. or phona Hank.' fihS. K«inihuiK. t leaker. N .1 plioim H«d Hank S41-W. menth. Apply 29 Wall ttrett. R«d Bank. COUri.E, French, first clan cook, 1 hone H»4. _ . automobile. Long drlvci In the beautiful country AN'flQUK " MIKHlUt, H|tti liand'^arv*'! T.INDKN ri.ACF. l.Hiliei ahi> i, hair ruftlnw FURNISHED room, with or without board. MAHY TIH1KKYH foi " -•!•: aUo"~a<»m_ t butler-chauffeur, tan yaert' refer* eaulo on t"i>. « v«, v unnH.ial plac«. Set Wliita IVkln l.ihv duckn. M. <;»*•!]•. a tpertaltv. ,-Unn Meivire and aailafar car space. 4 comer Spring and Me- rOR "PROMPT and aattsfactoi y rtsult.. will benefit you more than any tonlo you can take. C V. Cianiami. J... 11 Whit. ati««t. Rail Nut awnmp i nn'i, near ftlvet Plata ».-hool • lira. $ 1 M) ; German rnunle. houiework rhanlr at• •«!n. Red lUnk • liat you. homes for rtnl with 8. Burritt Rnnk. N J. and experienced jrardentr. $100; APARTMENT t.f .i« mnnn and~b7th7V.i llnynutn. 31 Monmouth str«t. Rtd Bank. A car la health-giving, pltaaure-givlnf and iervle«- 1!SF1> (ll'MK fuliil! lie of overv d«*a< i ip f,V KRNsfcV heifer- for •«!*., fl v# monlli. old. l«nl« (ni'iui), rhin.h a1i#«t, J-'nii !>»h.| . l-thr-i; mu-r Swediah girl, expeiienced cook and ' Impravamentii; l*b per month. Phone phone 9f>- ... \ .. glvlng. Hon. It^l Hunk A.,, lion H.M.MIM. .Tit Kaat (U> en. N. .1 • I. Knher, 204 hntiiaworkcr, IflO^ waltrcn, |50. 042. Rerl Bank. liARA «ri'*1*; l-'iont Khetl. phono '>IX •i Hank, rhont (i.iiie after 2 00 P. M. 106 Monmoula I tH1 I.Ol 'NF. ^"-liiikK f-.i HitUv M U r- Agency, «2f> (iaid«n atreet, Hnhnken, UlRNIrfHEI) ROOM; large, light. alr» yt)H SALK. an antniua inalmUany fimi innm loralad In the best residential Kt>eit. R«<1 Hank.' imiler hcd. liHtuUnm^lv mi veil pout*, '-In phone 11112. Call Rumaun TS1 3al- Tou can find juat the car you are looking far la *a.ti..n. Api.li.mnL muil have beat of home; four bedroom with I'luonppl* loj>. Snrn liy appoint fuent. \ OR :; uiday and Sunday* i e'#i«nres. <'omm tiler or I oral busines* rhoim it .-.I Mitok i s ir, • » tw<. batha. ideallv located in an •nrlul - The Rtglattr'a advertising columna. Investigate thtM man or woman pi sf erred. Had ley-Hall, s!ve raslitenilal aertion."a Burritt Boyn- IIMU'Il M, IIS II. nil i mifitlm . *MI«V In I.*, a. 80 Whll* 1M. M nn mouth Btte«t. Rsd Bank, phone lon. »l Monmoulh atreal, Red Bank, phona offerlnge. Make an early ael«ctlon and aaiure your- luiml ; M) re-ril* [>».,• t MM nn | ,,,, ANN(MJNi:EMENT~(JlrIa! " Glrlil Fai A'liiai iurn*. «M oii.c-; /...-,!, «-t . f-> ,.[, t>llt nuiney I^aam htautjr cultuie. *IS IOU RKNI', unfurnlahed two rooms, one aelf and family of a Joyoui apring and aummer. PHI I'niounl Ctfl Sho| pc K M.n.in I, full roili an. inrluillng the manttr auhj*< t BAR(.A1N -LeKoy place; fovit 1 "f peimanent wavinir anrt flni;«r wavini minute horn Broad ttreet bualnesa rtn- bedrooms, hot water heat, two-rar ga- -lire . It»d H«nk • 'ei : SI': per month, or three rooms $15. only t;r> to Ilia fli«( lan Kiil. emollin ,»„«. Insi.art thie house. S. Burrltt MIR SAI,K. i 111. kf nil. > iu unit -Mil i'l v this "r#k ni our dav and e^eninu rln.-.c •>1I Iteil Piuik t K Ifi-M Hointon. SI Monmouth alitet, phone Red mniiili Kock I-. Kh<< k l.mnt. II |<, ! . I WO adjoininu furnlahed n.oma. "wilh~o7 Bunk 9:~_ __„__ „ latul R«d>>, WliiU Flo, I, -. , ],,, i,. ,{.„'... «Ithont litt hi. hoimtkeanina; near »ta- anH t.r..o.l«i . *^*.i wh,.,_ - ..i,.,.t-ir. A.I A TAlt I'M KHI' i>" Hlv«rsi

    i|M [ii Ir. i-,n i i< ,.. th I .•Yrind •*'•»> k i -. P-l:' i .T !r< • hy b«yn| f.:\v f if AH *'*"-. s^ The (*lfl % <*u * **- f «l>1 ' .!'» '.# Pi"'"1 Tim* * * '";,:,...,. ,,,,*„..ixin • g

    . •«.'•( •!•-.' \r.« Hi-- i - .^.,.11. ..f t'p,«

    T!Tl.FrH> •">«!•«


    the township f.,1?. but. thfi need pocltlonB 1 api,^^ \ l-y fin nn (hf part | YfHI! f A Matter of Choice

    > o-o »i He il prcparrd t,, -iirplv (suitable ap- .ip, in.-, yfsterrtay »how»d that In * r»- and intereit which Ji-rl.v !••- ,,,,V*r i,l munlctpaliUw In thti part of rtld pare], and yet it m;* ! lie advisable. Mlridlr takft In their publlr ' Statfn . fi\, -u *h,i»e terms uplre «r« cer- to the outcome of the ... ,. i,\> tuning <3es.t.h or tccidert* <*]i#d by the township Our attitinlr >>- M.•- • a tn utter of 8J1P' 8 i ; .,,;,'..'el by memhers of thflr own lifs-isiv. .Juni* 2rt a: thi' ; choice—Boinrt hi'-. 'i - lamily alone ,. , n..» «nrt thfjr w|U h»v» TV can befit dersdr firr that our , >,, n,f rm*l>) miin M|<»!i"f- service may!"" ;••' ••• .-vf- us we can make it, we • •• •>»c>. a care- fully selected ;u. ; v irnen'i dresses and mo- I hrsc gar- Cherished ments bear 'HI! i.mir td the Ideals shrouds of i -n; - Indeed, t(< M*tho*5t»t the dresses ni.iv ': i srn by the that »h* i fridiiy. ! Thp. revei cii hr' n,«jf*>•. living, so well we ;'• tvled and so tnf.img will thr t-iwnnlvp of a family )];».» arc exquisitely arr t)r i ••• And they i'i gankiatlrm y.ii mrntsare host svinho'ii/cu HI H have this advatitin'. •\f «H'i ft run specially tailomi fiirv will fit fiUini.' ni> nmriiii, (le- the reclining fij;i" i.i«i!»ii and rendered In the selection • 111, u, we are 11 v understanding always gla 1 too^r. i K !p and ad- BlJill- M .I').• t • • ^ i.-. hands. vice as wt may i h/ •:!;.•! ilptision v i m ( (trifling Rood m«n tlnirru'lglng II <* f ! • !<.••-,;• -. "..- - "I i Mi- remains in other I III!! rMtjnin nwt with th#d« edur»tlon In Ilio I1 *M lli»l '[,. .1 •- . - ll * to run th*lr horn* town that 11 win rnntM ni * O f ,., ..|. l. ... . i • :,] vrnhfp lolm do BO (vrnr* HI 1 *\* <•;« 1 i. 1*>. I |i.-> . !ir .!;. ' il n \\ With these imprn i»m ,n'> and •• it>- n- : •,. * NI A SON Mm VV»i HIM » *iiir.-li< <• i mes. Mrs. Consult . R. R. MOU houses thd tow< n•1lip will h* *ri!il|ipr Hulse Fun«"l Olieiloii () Mrs R Althm Walkei M optional needs for a niimbfi «f yenr*. without ad William Stio(l». Mi mm I Charles Frederick K. Ad«mi, Ml'. Mnyor HrtruU and expense. son Vanderbeek, Mi HIM! P lie White. Thomas Minion & Son 115 W. Front St/nt, R«d B.nk, N. J. Hi» Tremendou* Victory. -o-o-c-o o -o————— Dorrlll and Mr A ml Mi * llsrd. lJluh scorns v.r Mir if | 10 DRUMMOND PL Teleph >n« S56 The r» flcrnon of i"larsnc« Eugene J"r».nei» and Mr. Walkpr, wl.-k UP. I >ii H*nu P-ii-nl > indgn «. mnyor of Asbmv Pnrk hy »n over*helmlng major- Give Generously and and Mr. Htrnrlc wif hH'i n raid i'«i i'. !KM « m Odd Phone 1652 Red Bank eolation prirffi w^-ni toMi !->!!o\VH' hflll i.p M..|... ptiari Wt burnish N a11 i o n a I Ca tkit $ ltv Uft wprU wa« an inriilpnt of much more thftn ln- Ungrudgingly on "Poppy Day." Eat UM if:P--.t 'n Api'HM I ^i h *lnne. Persons In "the know" and Mr Ilnirlll. Aiiiniifc * lie in ..'•• .-. "•'!».. • r Mrv ,,f jii.ii,,,,.,,!!, - ,,-• p.I,Hi's realize, that for «*v«r»l nurin* the wurld w«r there was a gieal deal of flag I'lank «'limf\ Mr- Little, <,,..,,, M>.,i ii-vi.v i,ii* i»™ the srrve under the colors. These Wnolley Ml.. ' .1 • ' Mrs. n,r.:.i.n, ...i .-oni•, .IN in Mntimoiith rnunty. His surrrfu i-..ient rhargpd with r-iii Hairy i • To in i Kuh!. . ,, '• •),. .. »k . ^nnnt but freatly Inn ease Ills PV'I).MI, ,'K ,/ (,,r,j,,i!«m Btr s necessary accompaniment n f which resulted In wier ns: of HIM. Kll . li«r.- ,•' na' ]• it •!.!•«» fine is neeii for patriotism of im another Car nnd th 'Iit'iti Fun, Mi :lt!.! ".'' iertrir light \*o\f .,n ttip l^ftt. , . ! , lark elertlon Mayor Hetrlrle -wtr fifn, Mis K:I:- • ' i)-.--. *.. Mrs. • I i.nj.jH j-ak fni (hfl maintenancft of theFreehold mail n I Hrohpyvil lact t.V ' <•' it,- I'litir.N of the admlnlBtration snd the Cllflllcs Hi-li'i.-i iUnday, William Morris of Colt's •is"•(• aiound whom rallied thoae who wanted disabled 3.-«' hum*, m Tunis ltivfr and for funds li. >i-.., Mrs. (I! 11 Neck was Riven R Misprnderl "en- nine nf the. present government. H« received to lend Av-f in iinforlunnif veterans snd their i !M.I, Adams. ence hy Rpconler Klmei ('. Wain lirai-f Kmj. M' • ' '• '•• families wl fa!^ I'lqrn Batui'lay. No more worthy ; rs thnn uny other candidate, and no unbiased right of Shrewsbury, ('hailea Rob- Mrs Annf\ l[\> .'! ! .u Murphy. ,,hsei,ei of the election can doubt that hli aueeesi h«d cause has |.\^: mptilc -n npppfll tti (he people of thlfl erta, colored, of Mechanic sheet, was Mrs. Hit a li/ivi .. 'si i <* t- InrpncR much to do with sweeping back Into office all of hli col- lucallly. Ev lynnr win. ran afford lo contribute should he complainant. UP. told thp. court Knight. Mls» .IIMMII. ii:a\ i^i.n. I>ud- ley Shaffer and \^ tiiini. H l'avison. If.igues who were up for re-elsction »J lili running be prepared to givft generously. he was driving toward Freehold There, la «n old axiom that republics are thft most when Morris droye suddenly out ot a itiate?. I.lons fo Sw C'-n.' Mayor Hetrlck won a signal iriumpH and there l» njrateful of all nullonn. This may or may not be true side road, causing him to swerve in* o the pels. The Lions .Int., >o a general belief among thoM who know how JUbury so far aa the government Itself Is concerned. Th* fBet meeting ypstcrrfii-, ..i« ,t ... «, t Park has grown and prospered under hl« rtil* IBat It that It li necessary to retort to tag; day Mies of arti- the Invitation of 'li. .1, in-.. Central wa> well deserved. In the opinion of many pertoni no ficial poppies and to other similar devices to raise Broke Two Ribs In Fall. power and lig-.it ...rni. m t.i visit Bingle Individual, except perhaps the lite JaJnil Brad- money for euch a needed Institution as the Torn* River Mrs. William Culllngton, who lives the company's power In. iM' st s,.nt)i ley, has done mote than Mayor H«trlck to make Aa- veterans' riom« lend* color to th« bellit that the axiom with her daughter. Miss Harriet Cul- y on the aftpinnoi nf '1 upson', Ington of South street. Bed Bank, bury Park a progreaaiva, outstanding eetnltluAity. tha IB founded on more of teas truth. There Is no rssuon June 2d. why the home »hould not be supported entirely by jov-brake two rlbe recently in s. tall. Plans were made for the -atotical vole of confidence received By hlfia ftotn nla Wrwiii- Mrs. Culllngton Is confined to bedcontest to be held hy thr Hub on people last week was not only a gre*t tribute to him•rnment funds. The veterans th-srs h«ve amply earned arid la steadily Improving. Hie will Thursday, May 28th. M. J. Moms but a itctor likely to have large effect In Monmouth thl« rtttirn tot their service for their country. be 77 years old in June. of Red Bank wan the. only visitor. county politics for year* to come. However, the national |rmrnment hat not done this ana It \a up to private clUiens to "carry on" the —O-O-O-O-O-O I ii • food work. BMJatne the national rovernment ha. fall- en a*wn •» (Jie Job of adequately carlnf for untor- The Annual Flower Show unate and disabled vtterattl and their families I* no taKui* why the clUMhry iheuKI do the same, Every and It» Importance. "popty day Bali" In this town, has Met with a liberal appointed The Monmouth county horticultural aoelMy BW UH-response anl there Is no reason to doubt thit trie tuii Geo. W. Elliott & Co. tin actl6n which will be generally applaudM la decid- will 6« true of th* 66«lnt event. Tn» *m*ll sacrloee HIT. uta. ing to hold Its annual flower show In the. Rivar atrMt required fr«n th* donors It u nolAlng; compared with for the sjchocl auditorium at Red Bank. In 4AM*. fpMiOut, that malt By tfce vsterans whoa* healUi It broken by modern Hurrounaings the show will be In t Iftcatloft to war-UM* strvle*. JOHN H. NAUGHTON, Prop. fourth time! correspond with Ite Importance. (Jive unrrudclnfly and fenerously on Saturday. An unusual feature of llie ehow will be the award- Past *xp*rltna* haa demonstrattd that every cent do- ing of three silver cups valued at $100 for Ul* beat nated will be usefully IptnL No one who la a real Ha- lR the tot three years, this firm haft 1 Coal Wood Red Shale gardens and lawns at Red Bank. The cups have bten rlot and Who Can afford to ilvs will overlook this op- be*n the local member of the Order donated by Alfred F. LlcMensteln. Red Bank hU r»a- portunlty to dlsohs.ro this war debt to tht veUrartcv, F »on lo rejoice over It* good fortune in Being chosen for which it virtually a debt Of honor. Make th* sal* a of the Golden Rule We have just beea the exhibition and to extend a. vote of thanks to Mr.record breaker, not merely for th« lake of letting a GENUINE Lichtenrtein and the horticultural society. new mark but for the reason that th* need for funds te*ppointed for aim i < The society has been holding annual flower shows has never been so great as it li now. fche past 35 years. These exhibitions have never been Tomkins Cove Blue Stone The no generally given for profit and even When most largely patronized they have not produced much more than enough In- MOXXT FOB ftOCKIWO CHAOM. known, is tn inn-••. mup of fune» come to mept expenses. Occasionally the metnbara of "Whejre One Good Ton Dewn-vM On the same day that further plan* to cut epcpenits rtl directors whft ; .uiod in their the society have had to dig down Into their pockeU of the army and ntvy were announced, torna «tvil bur- Another." creed the princip! injj finemod - to make up deflclta. eau In Washington sent out a bulletin on tht prop*r It ii to bo hoped thatfthlb wil! not occur this year. use of rocking chain. tni service at a s ..Hie. Mem* The society |a tntitled not only to the best wishes of It would seem advisable for the government, which TEL. SEA BRIGHT 14. OCEAN AVE. bers of the OnU i! v identified everyone In this locality for suoceis with ita show but haa an economy compltx at the rnomtnt, to tnlnk las* e.lio to every support and encouragement that It ti poi-about the cost of the army and navy and more afJout by their U6e of tli Mproduced aihle to giva. No annual attraction at Rid Bank li the Idlotlo expendlturt of publio money in its other de- here, and the moc • 'Irr: "Service more colorful, artitUo and »4uc*tlonU than this exhi- partments. ; bition and probably no single event has done ao much Measured not \<\ • Imt by the Th* mails are Jammed dally with publicity matter to encourage flower raining and other efforts to Increase emanating from every little tin-pot bureau in Washing- GOLDEN RULl ' cutdoor beauty. ton. These bulletin*, whloh cost money to prepare and distribute, cover svery conceivable subject of unim- We annoniK < tlii.s rc.iffiliationwlih portance from the rooking ohalrs aforesaid to the num- FRANK J. MULVIHILL ber of hunting dofs In Pos«y county, Arkansas. How • glow of satisfaction; we pledge ourselves A Public Spirited Gift many useless clerks and "expert*" are on the public Succettor to to a continuation of those principles for payroll thinking up nsw «tuplditl*s of this sort would and Deserved Good Fortune. be hard to estimate. which the Order stands. The firemen of Headdpn's Corner In Mlddletown A* long as the government throws awsy dollars HOWARD FREY township are to r>« congratulated upon receiving a a, I fton such trlvlalltiM, and th* numerous "fact finding" of a Htevens-Duryaa automobile from William H. Enj-commissions that have blossomed out sines 1929, the 74 MONMOUTH ST. TEL. RED BANK 609. Worden I inim«il Home llsb, a wealthy resident of Mlddlatown township. Th talk about economy IB Ule army and navy falls a little flr»men are Imvlni ctiemlrsl apparatus placed on th'flat. The army and navy have bt»n cut to the bone al- ALBERT W. WORDEN, Director automobile ami thi-v fipwi to have the machine in ready, and the pious official pronouncements that they readings for irrvirr soon. The value of the gift i can be reduced further without loas of efficiency are Hot Water and Steam , Tt>« Order "' tlio )>dlden Rule about Jin.Dim. l»rgfly poppycock. 60 E. Front St., Flvfivnni. whn IIMM xprn lh*» Hf»nddpn> ("orner fire- The taxpayer does not want his money watted. He men in seUou will ipali/.« tlmt they erft worthy of thf i» willing to fee obsolete army pott* abolished and obso- Heating. Red Bank munlrtrent and public wplrlt»d gift which hs« bsen znsdit I'tf. naval vfi-sela scrapped. But h» will respectfully 1t> 1h»•11^ 11 ifM lnst«nr« of their efneisney was «"ffS"t that an additional way to economlie Is to get ihown at III th M-lili-li occurred on Thojnis MrGulre'i rid of IOHW of the parasites in th* civilian departments Sanitary Plumbing A firm !«>.( W at "Wa*hlnf Mlddletown nation « life Inmranct premiums pejd up.—New York nimnoni*!* Li Itnl Rank snn othe Journal. Specialty. pl.r« lo nK s niefi tile lle«4l(Ien'n Dorner boyn «ir in.rlf or lh. ri(?ht utiiff T\r Bmik It. i. • t fivi.iK ir.(*lvrrl. r^jolcpn in th i;<->vemm*nt chemists have found a n«w way to Tin Roofing Sheet Metal Work F, . I. I li .ir1iii*n> f "'H n*i Aiwiuru and aj X •-• mak* alcohol unfit to drink, hut the bootleg««ra really of Mr. Eni"ll»b. didn't need a new way.—Publiahars gyndtyU*.

    t RI :•• Vtvt,

    I *-m [>r i tui< B1I>9 VVAMLb Dorothy Ivins Bridge Pi i.e. e * F.' IB' H r I wo Days ( >' * to Marrv in June Yacht ( Friday and S«tui < 1 a y About !-• try 200 Straw ( me u I Whi. h •i Monday Monday I he Keitiater Hat. iv f AfTlUUt IXJM rt Repairing Our Keg,.!*. -' or Lucille Hat Sh WATCHES. CLOCKS Gems To Let and JEWELRY •'ucufacv. skill and experi- Parisian Diamond — Letty Lind — ••nee triable us to do the ROCK (,AKI)KN & •iiost delicate repairing. We Guarantee satisfaction (>ur CHESTNUT HORSE, 1924. vl f ' « ih! HI.-' i Hi e Al- i '. ires will '•\f.i\f vim m I'm,1* h i« imw in t.lfjfjm

    (•lit 1 ' •' K fimii^i, VIPHOIB Silverware Repaired f-|( nine PROPERTY OF U. S. REMOUNT SERVICE. and R«*pli»Ifil Iikr New (k Itoad, one mti« Will Make Season At II 11 \ MI I I V in Tlnttm Falls. »« B,.,..1 Si !»,,) Hank LOTT & COBB TEL. EAI0NIOWN 134 R 1 Woodland Farm NOIICE OF SEIlLLMtNl OY A( ( OUM Red Bank, New Jersey

    • n..,| Mih ••' '

    I ,'lt-oii 1 i.in **'" I, Hal , v M,., Fee &1O Caih Manlrv A II.• HMithelemv. ,".',' MI ; tl a i. -i Mies Mm i.l . and rounMl fe*s. Addre»» All Comimiiiu A IIBK.1 Ainil ?9th A II 1931 Ditad Ai.ril :'I. A II HI!. Sln.il, Mid M K ISA* Mi A A»- riANTEI. E. HANLON, FREDERICK 0. FISCHER, E»i.. . •• M- r II,' I,.-, ! W Hi Counaellor at Law. ,. • ' I , '-.- guinea has Woolworth Building, Naw York. 110 Broa'dw.jr, N.w York City. Proctor. 4 Proctor. . •- 11 - ...,>. I,".M the winter • ,. - i.ii, kimwii a« the u,n.< .lul,' hws developed, , I =.i V - • ,''i-, "f m^inhprfl who have 1 .HIM Ii >•'*)> "' ••"'• - ''I I- mnile K>>, >.ri XIHO,* Ht duplicate con- lltt Hrfi.tlnp thin is Cap- ,»,.!,,HI.- of the ,„!„ „,,,,M,.- li I Si'iilosuherg of

    .l.'inv ft I...nK i ,.,„, M.,i.-ii-'iiI h wit., tiiit and made Wedding*. II.M,.led Nolle | „ „,„„,! • I,,,,! ,,'.l,'i,t,l,.d Other MHHini'.ia «ii,I niejnheiK I,... M» Mane C'habert, MM" 1 "ptinxyl . MiBS A. i',i,--. ' ;i i I'.n Miss Jean ,,„ in.-l I'niiii h Koch. H N H \ 1 i- ,,is-- ,-,- I,'norary list of Hi I Bai If i ii ', 'I'heie fniiln— F.arle. wt", h,i'.- l,prn perfect in ,,i1 M n I itt,, . , lln H Hums sn,l \V . .• nn.l ti.-til H plus score. I,, ,f Mi mi 'Kill i f 1 on* Hian, h win I In,- In Mis J T Lnvett, Jr. «li I ' * , 1,,N «t St. Mx'h.er. ,•<"• ,„,,„„ „ \v lilHndin^, Mrs. MIM. Molly Steele I II,, i „ by Rev John J : ,.,,„„, A ,,

    'I, rttl.nrtnnt, were Miss Hnj MR|W »r,d H i -, ,, I .li.hn Smith. A I.II HI thp home of: " -• • •• 1 il H Ilitlenhciinf i IXIIK.F; HAS f'AHI) PARTY. •• i i 5 I i\-rrl hy the l.ong I ny . IIII|HIIV Seabrlght RWirlinli I .xig« Held Reg- ular M«w-tlii|i Monday Night. Hull Mix-l^xMl. " ."'• ' Nauvni. H.-I..I- lorine of Sea- M, I -oil. mm of Mis ' flight 1,».| n« •ii- , l iihii iiicptliiK Men

    '< in ,f Rplford. and Misfc ,iay utiri'i wii,li!. . Iii -A.i-< picdirlpd ovpi

    I ' I all,jr., IV-sr\^. wfi. ),y ^•l,|,i. ',t;..I;..,.i ! Mis J Morion M inv, Mfiv 4Ui. ft, Sun,!-. ..: -..il'i ... . . I >iiier which a ' -• I:' I'! i.! Ilfjr-r i hp OlrPC II,,,"I'i I ii,u.l Prizes .d t)u .1 I•. ' hr liiKh scorpra I -- n d,,H!!il ,IIIIIHIK II',- in 1i. I'"1 heinK ft houdolr I" 'me ' -ufhlon i|.,iinip,| hv Mrs Arthur fm II- ' KiH.limt^ .,f [jnycf. an.l a mj; i UK Monateil t,y Mrs. TIB! i"l> til: imvriMtv Eliiabpth llorfnmi, • takrK ii i •• AT L A N T The winni'iB WIMO Mrs Charlotte are fli ' I'-' :' no Robpr'smi. Mrs Klizahp'h Peterson, East P'ri.n- - Mrs. HplniH Johnson, Mis I*. Kuper Word wn1- Mrs. Sidney I'mldick. Ml." Klir.abpth <-I«MI at Meeting ! ternoon fi'.n Hoffliiari. Mrs Sid i,I NVIBOH, Mm. F. li In the ii»' 1 | l.urasspn Mis llai'.l.l I inuil, Mrs for thn Iwn- iloi woman's (iuerripr. Mis W'r^lrv iiH,!«ri(l. Mrs stood the 11 >; nf' IIIK , .f t hp ThelniH Mi.ii.ll. <',ul l.un.l. ^tniilfv tie RiiviT i., MM,..,, „, :i :iu IMI.n.ii. Mrs A>:i:e.- Lund 'mil Min ceedinKlv *'-. ill, i'li, I,.,i, Kl.-li' I'"'l,-| H> fl.'.-hii'i n's t'lH'iwp.i Ing noinmvhH !;,',- A:i ,-, HIP ^amrs. thry h,',n^ in .iiar^r of Ing alight Is h- ! ,-lc ,r-,-i M,v I.ollip l';n>;h(,lin am! hn commit- le recoveiim ness that h.i' the holiday .' i' ',,- h ; Plans were mndp for the lodge to •go. ii,i-ii,i \1..-.. (itteiiil H menmrlal service at the i- - !\i ,U. : Mpthodlst clnirch Sunday night, May William i' Rprlneo ma" ture depmi- r i 11 i ("on» nf Hi ->•• CHTLDBENS n"AY PLANS. return tn w. 1 <1 | WHITE Ing b#fin «fu i lie MerUng: of Baptist Church Worken a! <1ay« wlti Held lJUit Monday. Leon Kl,- Plans for the children's day enter- email ntni. tainment to be held Sunday night, building: ..i In id n May June 21st, at thp Baptist church were h»n min'ci ' dtsc.upned Mond/iv night at a work- corner or v. •• i.ii !• riday I ers' ronferpiiet. in tluit rhiirrh Mreet r^'i-ii' . . , I ! ' , , u II' At a iprent int'ttiiiK it was dpclded Mrs All..i .mini il Mi \\ -• ! :i • •• • h-" u,-, i '1 lio.^f, in elm i ^.p of to dlsi-ont Inilf tl". library nnd at this S. HlgRin...... In- Iti-il K«nk xi i aepsion n su^^is, I.II thnt the money In. who in. , lubs nt Hie . . in • i .i- in,- . 'in i mi-. Wrlsh. P'Pttv Pul- received for tin- M,|.poif of the li- MethodlF.1 .- brary he used t.. establish a building will attend tlu V\ liini ,unl I >iu in Hi-own. norlety, win Kll-ss In SniUpl'i fund was nr nn 1 ti om New Yoi U i niv.., -.11 -,- II,- Sunday iittpinooll at. four o'clock. Evelyn and Alma Harrison. N1.-<.. "IMi flundftv, Mnv t,iiii;ht in ronnpi'tlcut >• thinllRll 1 hi' .hoiiH of varloua Episcopal •» i a» Thfl Onldrn l.-.l 1- If v l.of.i:,. bn rflnie, ,., H (Ie s of the Ih* Spirit il*. yrnr« ago .-oimtirH will tako part In the serv- ATTENDANCE INCREASING. body, yr Html Mi.' . 1 ;.,|!i,,l IH ft 131. or summer ir... wliirh will be conducted by the Ani'iru' r 1'' • •-;:-',.-' wt llell mm- Up Ig the, rabbi In i (*' n;;i rj^rt t inn B'IIH i I l-ii.'l ."liioi I ic, tor, KPV. Morton A. Barnes. He Flayers' Boat Club Weekly Dances prlan Ih,. I ., .ill!',, i « 'he fol- i;.-'i Hank ; will ho assisted by Rev. John Mat- Growing In Popularity. scientifically developed to give you 0 ' .':. 1. rhr-ll unl'l tioiml (llrertui "f tin YoiuiR Mrn's and V"i thews. Je*u« nut., >' -,. 1' -tn\' mull Th© entertainment committee of vi«o, of tho ' The rholr of Chrlit church at • « will null" ',' , .1,-nv the Players' buat club Is sending i iinlor YounK M,>:i s and YmiiiK Shrewsbury will take part In the supreme warm-weather performance hininrir, «n-i .,,...,, mill out notices to the memhera to the ,,-lalion and set vice. The choir la made up of follow M.' il! f..i. •• \V',,i,'-ns Hebrew n."l effect that a surprising Increase in *<-;hn,il of thp Earl Broanwell, Arthur Hall, An- hll life »h;.|. l.;,'il,.l of the Hehrrw attendance has been noted at the • ,. -,i iKiPKiitl'ii! Runday w-]i»nspy of Newark, a nephew of Mr. good music. The put en i I 111.. 1'',1MII. and sevpral other nieces and in i>h,•»•> Three nieces and one recent .-iilir I,. |,h. w wetp nmiipri an heir* under Two Babies Baptized. T WILL give you truly remarkable mileage and Anna Marie Schumacrier, daughter Roche wan I, Hi- will Tin. ]pKatee» are Ml«s Ella Rev. II I Maloney of Kverett. Michael Mi- of Louis Schumacher of White street, Red Bank, and Robert ftlia- economy. will he e I111 • I, •,. ll in.-,, Mis WlgRans and Mrs. J. T. i right.I. mid I" I'. plro, son of Louis Shapiro of Long •• • • ' • i..-.- r ,ih,-i Branch, were baptized Sunday after- ni i cnmnniul ..,.",'•',.;, ""' ' - ""• " Three Births. noon at St. James's church by Rev. Mm Albfit n. I.amont of Peters James F. McQrath. Mr. and Mrv T HAS the same flashing pick-up and sensational Minti'ii ..,I.I t'lti *'. navn biilh to a daughter Sun- James Farre.ll of Riverside Heights I'l. I i I'-, I. , nf Illli -I I.I I ' I >ully day at the, Klverview hoepltal. On In Mlddletown township stood up for John W -.i Alia,,11, Mliib K. ,.-li!» i , I,,. ,,' ..'iiilnnt, the same day a daughter wan also the Schumacher baby. Miss Claire performance you have always associated with ,. ,i < hlfTon lands tins I.- .1 , i.i. I , lei I, "•"i •' ' I l,.il n to MM. FilU r.uslln of W««h- and Oeorge Martin of Long Brnncli In lli» o -ii in. c ,,i •'' •<:" •-- n'• " •'. • I lird liiKton etreet. Mrs William Russell were sponsors for Robert Shapiro. ATLANTIC WHITE FLASH. Freeh..Id I . U llll.o, ' I.'Ml,,11' I I" I- I..till of Keypnit gave blitli tn a dauKh- I • • ,,, II, W»H ' ' '"• ter Saturday at the hospital. I, I j,. i l!',o,i ! ''' '''* ' •'•'• EiperiencM In Africa. I ... .11-1,;, I | ^^ Annual Hospital Reception. Rev. William Calvin Colby, pastor nf the Rumson Presbyterian church, The annual reception of the Redwill tell of his pipeilenoe wlilln lost YOU CAN BUY IT AT ALL ATLANTIC PUMPS ' • lllM to Hank Hiixllliiiv of th,. Long Hi«nch j In the heart of Africa at thnHhiewn- iii,.-ldl«l will l,f hi-iii Thin nilav 'if luiy I'lMiliytm Inn i-lmr.-li Mundsy . ' .,li f., .1 ''•'"""ii. »mi.- -lili. «l tin,.,, ,, ,-|,,,n I IllKht under the auspices of (he HI Hi- In.mi. of M,,, iiol.eit lie,,,, ,,n | youiiK people* home missionary so- Vlnta lilace. i-lely. SATURDAY T 'A ') RED BANK RF.r,I?TF.R MAY 20. 1981.

    *•' P t A & FRAKE CO., Inc. [ Saturday afternoot K^r''•> •- *•• ; v at | it sp«n aui Belford Newt. ' ma Ku Sfiu •ijicii'i . 111..1 Mnrnauiwn Mn jonn Hema KID HA •> H T«l Rod Buil • Ml »l.d Hit !• i,. H«l:i, To A Gird Tvtj for St Mary'a •„ ., th« tUitm of Jutin Oh. uid mason building matertala. ,f all lumkr Plans ar« bm.n ",n •. •• • « » '••;•• • • I -rrfF


    . . . • 1 iv •»•, M IIKI r. - W iligjn Hut nn of He Hi I 1 IH' t - \) • • • '!P , ] \ M ma spent th« K>?«riK HI.- Ml,. I •,„!.. ,..',„,, i ,- t , liruke Service, Inc. lieB .. '' Mi ani Mil Samuel Mr» Mtil h WBS a x l °^ t^ lb<- M< K iirr 0 ( \W f n purafinn at »ta Mlt- VUlilni- ll.i'i .•!. t M ' a Jneeph Vogel entrr- tion WRAP Ntw Yoik Salurddy with hi, krlt ht f ' M'iiTf frnm Caldwell on (tenlng Mis ilni i it-' M'H.I «• «• • ,{B , j Jacob Schnr>or. aon of Mr and Mia of Hlfjhlai.'l I'm n t\n- >••;-. • Homing Is having his ! Charlta Schnuor, wae operated on foi MlS Mlllaid I1 ! Mil l-.e

    .'-•>>•' ?• I tonall troubla at Aabury Park lag Ml 6IK] M ' ?• V\'!-:,« •, ; ' r * " 1 Mrs William Tarnow and wcf k dfilljelllei ' il Mr t- t| , • • , •:.• BAKING f Sandy Hook spent Sunday Otto Schnoor, John Scfianck Union Behi I 1 4 and Mrs Herman Tarnow. Thomaa and Joaaph Dlnnen and Har MlM M»e Mm re Johntry li out after ha ry Branaon ap«nt Sunday at Toma with hei bn 'to »• - •• River. IS OUR JOB 1 -. Mck twn weeka. Mlfi l.ui V ' l» ' !• f ' ' • 0 Kaufman Is indoors with ilck- Blchard Luker and Rev. Ralph Iting tlfl M»'t ' Vir . • - • Carr sang a duat at the Central Bap- Mr an'! Mi- H,.- . «t.i Mrs Blair of Pennsylvania tist church of Atlantic Highlands family Mi M,.' !,i.» i "•••n spending several daya with Sunday evening. Mr and Mi.- I .».• *nn, ciay Blair. Mra Frank Andrewa and son Rob daujihtii riin Mt * ' - • vKirnen of th« Methodlat art, Mri. Amy Owens, Miss Mai VanRiiml h[>fi I Si I il ipnrrd $50 at their r»cent Lamb and Rev. David PoVey mo and Mis ! ,I.|IM- , f l, ,» ' > • nwlipp iy festival. torad to Philadelphia Sunday to at A laigc . IH»> .-• l , NOT YOURS Mi and Mre. Thomaa Adubato was tend a Baptiat service rCivpii rti HI i i.ii.mui,!' - „> ailed to Irvlngton on Monday to at- Mr. and Mra. W W Miller, Mrs rhuicri .Suiulm lln ••• «. > •• n 'MKI the funeral of their brothsr-ln- Lucy Anderaon, Miss f Brld|(<-tiin and Arthur Gl- A communion servii e wii! l>* i•. i prize. Other guests were spent Wednesday with liei hr.is • •• All Chocolate I,oaf , by today's higher standard of value. New Tork. G. F. Dietz of Church street Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Rose O'Flaherty, The Belford baseball team defeated Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A(hih»' . > Mrs. Loin* Buntrock, Mrs. O'Neill, i. • V! rWl j Beabrlght on Sunday by the score of as their guests aeveral IIUVH tip i 16 to 1. Mrs. Ciockn. Mra. Earl Yarnell, Mrs, t, 1.7 IMk j <'u(»( akcs with fresh Fruit Icings Seems hard to believe that such superb Gibson. Mia John VVermert and Mrs. ter, Mrs. H. Lubereo nf Inin^i ••: i ..... • _. •" Mr. and Mrs. Kebernlck and Mrs David Tfii now Mr. and Mrs. Chailt's 1 ' I'mi, ^ ; : • i • i • !. i j fabrics—such faultless tailoring—so many Hubert of Newark visited Mr. and having the inter^pr nf Ih.ii in, • Mra. Ernest Volkland Saturday. Miss Ftoae Savage of New York Is decorated with new jmint irM i •, ' visiting liei aunl, Mrs. John H. Wer- little luxurious touches can be sold for so A surprise party was given for Mr. and Mrs. Chaito* n Hir-. t Vra, Caleb Luker by her friends mert. Belford, Mr. and Mm. Wiliimn < •<•:-- ...i •v1AK« V (ARMS Mary's Bake Shop Thursday evening in celebration of George Donnelly and his ulster of Leonardo. Mr. nm} MIH A'h.M little. For Middishade measures up to $50 K 1 l> her birthday. The guests were John Grace of Maplewood spent Sunday Maxson. Elmer Maxson nml lii"n' *t AN, IN .1 standards in every way. Nevertheless— Whlppenhorsc, Mrs. Amy Owens, with Miss Patricia Gibson. Port Monmouth, attended Ihe St-i 1 Miss Mea Lamb, Rev. David PoVey, Mr. and Mrs Leon Howard and ners' banquet at Salaam triiipif n.t the price of the suit you've seen adver- Mrs. Frank Andrews and son Robert. family of Bavonne apent Sunday with Newark Saturday evening. Richard Luker and Caleb Luker. Captain and Mrs. H. Klwood Seeley. Mrs. J. Crawford ('oinpton 1* if Rev. Ralph Carr. pastor of Atlantic Mr. and Mis. Paul Mrrcler of Ruth- iverhiK fitim a bm] cfil4 .oo -$5.00 funds. Better put it in Trust now Chuck Roast Ib. 14c with this Bank as Trustee—and be Breast Wai Ib.l4c $JQ.OO each assured of safety and regular in- $g.00 each come for your heirs. Our Trust Officer will be glad to tell you more about it. SCHNE ERS RUGS 18x36 $2-50 Butter I OR YOUR offee • BATHROOM 2x3 $3.50 BROADSTREET NAUONALBANK RED BANK NEWJERSEY Ib i { «;; MARCUr. «> and Hollywood \\t ,* H [<('• . • :• S. «. If'.Ik S»t ' • - • •'•'-» i $42.50 to Sfi7 .">() b.': OSSlMiint Of - I .», imuxr lor Ail >l|r« '•..t ri»» i et Lit ned David riirnTtr.e i' . = . Jit 'ii eentiec farm [ Boat Wmltt i Hihdv and hit daughter, 1 CENTEH HI. »r • >•. i- i: '•-. • A\'< I'-i^dy, of Verons. were •Ifi •'.If. i,.i v .-11. • r H of Mre. Allcs L. Boats K4*i>uu..i i ^ ...Ii hrifl family. c Will am I'illis has bought » Chrys-

    Mi*.* Mary Kelly has returned to ial.i u{< New Yoik after spending a week at 'be hurrifi of her father, Bernard Kelly 17 Broad Sir. rt •'. • Hif r.nii Harolrl Potter is employed as care- I . f, hi...I of takei of the municipal tcnnla courti Red Bank N ! i • li. It. .,' ' at Heel Hank. l I „»• t = % i ' ;. Paul I>uBois of Ajtoria, Long Is- land, was a week-end guest of Mr. GOSSARI) and Mis Louis Walter!. Foundation Gar menu. :i SPK( "I AI - Miss Marion Taylor of Brooklyn OBAIUJAIK < OHM' I ! ir»li Kill'') •'-...'• • .,..-,. .,,>, ,,|«. e, upent the week-end with Mr. and Mm. Paul Reid. 111 Altrildari Hot Oil Shampoo \ 1 ! f -, „ C I Hi i'. n»'i B.,.1 i«N •, ,M.» Thi.mHs The Colt's Neck gun club waa de- Finger Wave iV 11 l( >T >1 J.M K. in wi» l".l. n i; nelly, MIM feated In three matches by a team, 25 Mmv IVmnk. Him K!)/.nl>cth Ha- representln)f this place. i.-v W;:itarn Winnkt-r Mint John William Wolzon of New Tork KHI) GirU, Do You Want I r. I *,,, H,k M „ , , spent Saturday and Sunday with his i flii.iy HawxhulM WHS Inn! up with parents here. ;s!'hi-l Mi it.,.i.. , tn,i. I..-.H. .,» w Chase & Sanborn's "Datc-nl" Coffee Lincroft News. from this place attended the com- Ing. mencement exercises. REGULAR TUITION $150 00 «j Colonel Thompson !• a Bearer For Joapph and James Hood of Rhode •THIS WEEK ONLY $"7C.OO 38c II.-« j Mrs. Whll-'law. Kellf. Ialand have returned home after at- I (Th» R«d Rink Regtater e»n b* bought tending the funeral of their father. M • DHvid Hood, Sr. ENROLL NOW and SAVE $75.00 in J,inr.roft at tb» Fiv. Corner*' T«« TOH ! ; Itoom ) The residences of Robert McClaln, DAY AND KVKNINft n.ASSKs. Royal Chocolate Flavor Pudding David Hood, George A. Mauser, Ber- EVEBI I'liliin. I i.rwis ^ Th'ir:ipson wfls fl FIGURE. Come in and scf us. BKATTY ADVK'K : nard Kelly and Martin J. Kelly-were and other flavors *> I>''4!« ^O tu ai.f Mnii'lHv til the funrral of Mrs. tviil.-lhw Hi-il, widow of a former B1IU.-U hy lightning last wrek. The cheerfully jjiven. A nil.;!^H<|... it. 'lieat. liritflln, which daniHKc was sllRht. Post Bran Flakes MAKKS Kf.VIIII.lt I h.I(II I I.Ol.IM.Ill'I !))s' Ml I1 KINS Carton 10c |.p Mt- Mftllbt'W Pabst-ett Pabst-ett Cheese 1'MKKIAIM.II AT HKIIXiK. Standard Pimento or Swiss Mrs An'hri Uns llnxloM U\ Mrll l>rr« of 11111 lifllH Society . 17 Tin. THII lii ihi si., ji lv of Hi

    Mil. M'lil-r.1 alf A i h,.r (if

    Swansdown Cake Flour i. • I. In 111 liy VOl K TIP TRUST l.lf.llll K V\ll I'l UUKIt Public Auction Carton

    Kraft French Dressing Wedne fhurday, Friday and Saturday il. His. Mi. K«l«t

    FROM md FARM May 27 Mn 28 May 29 May 30 •-^ .-hiii.-h will Loads 3 lfe 15c •IIIK'HI |. mukp Fane v it) 25c i •!•' it- \v::l 3 Sessions Daily, 11 A. M., 2 P. M. and 8 P. M. 2 for 29c

    IdllrtS ... do; 21c ..1 al Beans .2 It. 19. t I.PIl

    H « i I ( 1 « 'HI inl % * - <***> Household Goods arniture and Antiques Oriental Rugs, Pianos, Victrolas, Radios, Jewelry, Old Silv estries, Needlepoint and Aubusson Furniture, Objects of Art * .»• Marbles,, B.ron/,«\s, Genuine Rock Crystals,, Fm>r «"^ • - '•• ^ Furs F*m .• ' ] \ '••'"• -\\ IMI*S, Complete Living Rooi < lv* sit four furrier... sold you furs making certain claims. i'i : .• :i-.-jl Sun Parlor Suites, Relni?erai<^ -.-:N»< W HI In fairness to him keep them in cold storage. A dead ' t •. •: •• : "'"iate, Bohemian Glassware, Chime li-.. Uraiidtatlieo air, moth-proof? bag stored in a hot ' stuffy closet will destroy vail and Desk Clocks, Service Plates, Dinner Sets? Couches, and Ivory Miniatures, Floor, Bridge and Table Lamps and a The Natural Oik IMW* collection of very fine Books. making the skins and fur bridle . .

    Don't Blame Your Furrier

    Just another reason why fair-minded people bring their furs to our modern Cold Storage Vaults. Red Bank Furniture Exchange and Auction House 33-35 EAST STREET RED BANK, N. J. OPEN I i. .i TION SAMUEL VAN POZNAK, Daily Li u -Hi P.M. Au« flout . , it v-Four RED BANK RF.GJ.STER MAY T

    ( ONTBACT BRIDGE FABTT. a uaW» M r ;*• - fimr. ih« M»'| Gmrjm il Ua Rod BauiJs Yibcbt lend Uif Grand Opening CfcubbouM, , ,,, v, OF THF Highland House

    Old Fashioned B«-e( Steak Dinner Served nltl th« U.tig Branch

    8:00 P. M Price $2.00. ! i M • * >»- * - •• •' - * • '•' ' I h« Ruiiifmi < <>!Min!»si(>!in a ln»t I • Vi rr k awarded a rontmr? f^r p* v ?,* * ' \ n • .; w - j- (• HI .- y f Entertainment and Dancing. Mi* »pction of Knit Haven ma', hr i 'ween Ridge mad ami Hutu*"!. i<.»^ " Tolrnhonr Highland! 10M. Rumson News. Whsn thti part ii> corn pict *"i *'« • - 11»v«n road will he a [>«^i! •- *.' N :i I 'fiinr»,i*tt.,r, f ..ri.Mriow Art*rn«K»l Jrorn Rlvrr road to Huii>* r. i"»ii . ^ ^^.^^ .... fi «' H"l, ' -••*• « bun h. HazletNews. '.*• • , .• . ,...,„ . ,lu,, .nd Mri i It fly M . «-• • •• <* K«(i»i*t i» aluo told SurprU* Shower diver I**t M w»4< -^ for Mias Klttn A Watllng. flag. Flngt »ri l'»ii stefT from aunriae

    - ". - „ • ..• • !.(• aduiiniPtft ed A surprise lainhow j* h(> w r r was until noon and full »t»ff liuui mum to turuet on '-Ii ,. , „ . „ .. - • !r (> i • (i w a f t f r n oo n given Mis* Kime A Wainnn hv hn Memorial Day. „ • r • „ , „ • ii«,lv ( "rOM rhtirch. aunt, Mrs. UHir H WinieH'-n m the ,-->,, • • %!« •• . f 'I icntun will of- iatlfr'a home nn Thur.'-day rveti'-uv The affair proved « complete HUI : A • *• •* )*•• t»r.:nk at id *Mi- LAWN OUTFIT Mi - !*"•<• M . WHS ti'i.MrS* IO crepe paper dei 'iimrfi the tfihi* • r. .*,,!- !'h . f'M iJ"i« benefit of the • h. II;,.,! .<•!,- i* - iiai v »t her !|:,.,,,.,. Trhh-M-i club. Edward Col- which waft fllled witti Rift? fm i he 12' POLE and SOCKET fl »i'>irif OT' ' ' : • -finV » "•innnn After I rB «,;• I.*- Ki« Imut. Prliea will be bride-to-be Mise Wall nx was t n•• i i,,. iii' • . - v a fj •' ^H ; hour H nd i «•- with 4x6 FLAG ;HV.HI ir.j >»ini lefreshmenti will be recipient of ms n v ^an'if.i! mid net- f - t-.tl'nr.'H wi-'f * IH' \ed by all. Mia She'll kv\ like writing— ful gift* of ]|Mt"i ar.l «:»!"• wau- UflVKl < , !li errertain noxt ; Rufun i* inrh will be on* of the Thw evening wfi? pip*** n! • •, epen! "thank you" notes—often! '1 ', ,: | : • - t F • 1 W Mi ft John H ' pn.BfB m thf third annual hore* with piano uni^i urn! >i«n,i-- M^.i $3-35 lAnlil rnliuu' MlftM An tin CnwIeB, Mis ;.r-"w «> Miihurn nn Saturday of thli Wall ing's engHK<-int "1 ^«« nil, Tire Service Of ,:,,u\r -hf 1! iiiManily appreciate your \1NI \ A ('..VllfN, M:- Charles !ohn- announced hv l.n par !•'« Mi nnd widilinij |'I!I of silver - .. Rut as time goes on. f MMi Mi « 1: ulitT ,*H "V. Mm lames I HeriHTi Prpntlre is a member or a Mrs. H. Mvin WHihi^ :,, KU\<«K1 hrr gra'e/ulne&s will know no bounds. Every MOM fll. Mi.- S ppl f-n 1 .arnbfi «on Our Service iar is : - ib, wini h in known aa the most ex- Wilson nf Rfd Hat.K ih-»s(- ],jf>**iit Mis t'hHi IP* l^i ^>i MtK Mar Other Outfit! with Steel Pole, Ornament and time she entertains—every time she prepares rhisui* in New York. There ar« were Mr and Mi * Su ni. \ J.uirs. is < •iwii-j Mi.- c; •<• WHIIHI, Mis • meal or sets the table—shell feel like writing only eeven membera of the club, Mr. and Mr*. H Alvm Walling, Mr , Flag, from $6.00 up. always ready Ham WalllnR and M > Aionr>r Ijy you another little note of thanks . . . Silver which is located bn Mih Btreert. and Mm. r. Calvin Walling Mr end ton. Oupsh w 1 < r M" Vannie Mrs. Hairy Ma rsha 11. Mr and M i f- 1 Amiu!^ iis many featureo are an in- \ I.|,D r> f is the truly thoughtful wedding gift An.I 1 loin > I -< ••My ft B [JC rinur tennis court/ and swimming Robert T. W - windows. mnrniny. Policeman Edmund Des- iTArt iDAmAVL* Balloon and Truck mond waj sent to the place, but 3x5 .. $4.00 5x8 $8.75 found no on a around. However, he dijrovered thht two panes of a;Upfl 4x6 5.25 6x10 11.50 Tires in Stock had been broken and that an at- tempt had been ma rip to oppn the DEFIANCE HALF & HALF BUNTING window with a fc\cw duver or wimp 3x5 $2.50 5x8 $4.0C n! d»r Itif ' iiiuTil 1 v Tomkins Cove Bluestone \ N'av'* ' S »^a ii, P, hut ]er i>mployed 4x6 3.00 REUSSILLES' ••s ! •."• ' • ••Iri-.nn WHf lakfn IM We carry in stock the t, < iit niatciials for rlrsvr v*~r RELIANCE COTTON BUNTING 3x5 $1.00 5x8 $1.75 n.-^ Ml- > ..!1 Genuine Tomkins -rt'id M >-!>' ovc Bluestone 4x6 1.25 ,,f lMTt.^tMllg

    iiiif-h li.jt. 'I h. • • •• i ! . . given last w.pK I-\I.UIH • • •>!- -i:. praise from tin mulifw • »n 3-4" and ! ! 1" Dolomite Stone TETLEY'S i will probably tie ntnini MM i. • Cind« rs Dlxon and Mn l^.ul» Hr»* 17 Broat. Red In general chai *;• At the last imr-i mst f • > ; anth club a < ln-i K :n! i'1 • Collins Brothers sentcd to MIPJ il. !•-[: )•. • i , visiting nurse, to JKIV f.i .!•!>'• • MAY for ohjldren of Spain i^lil '•(! Clearance Plans have been started for a cir- cus to be ziven next fall by members of the Presbyterian church under the direction of tht lid us' aid society. Mrs. Louis Branln is In charge of the arrangement!. Sale Edward O'Brien, tenor, and his sister. Miss Katherine O'Brien, pianist, (save a fine program M the chapel exercises last week at. the hiyh school. Mr. O'Brien rendered ONT miss This Sale if you are a number of his favorite selections, SHOE;; ». looking for a Real Bargain. Many which were thoroughly enjoyed by Suites and Odd Pieces thruout our the pupils. Besides providing the ••ou\J§ D piano accompaniment Mist O'Brien Store have been drastically re- gavo several piano solos. Both Mr. duced in order to effect immediate O'Brien and Miss O'Brien are gradu- ates of the Rumson high school. t^, clearance. The listing below is The commencement exercises of but a small percentage of the items the Rumson high school will be. held June 11th. A musical festival will be we have reduced. held at Victory Park Tuesday night, June 9th, by the pupils. The pro- gram will consist of band music, i chorus singing, orchestra selections $249.00 5-Pc. Colonial Bed Room Q4 AO-OO and instrumental solos. roo|p Edward Cornell won fifth prize In an essay contest on civic Improve- %~ $175.00 2-Pc. Down Pillow Back §1 29 °° ment conducted by the Weekly Reader, a national school paper. His topic was "The New Borough Am- ,,.-,-< nil- <• >li'-> '•!(, ..,;•• ..i •.•••-• .1 If. •/ens $110.00 5-Pc. Colonial Bed Room CCQ.00 bulance." .... many |M>pu!ar maU- all Ixxly slyleR . . *M !I une ready Suite &O3J t, irjovide aatiifactory aervic* . . . every one offered at a drastic Fair Haven New*. reduction. Don't delsy! Make your selection today! $175.00 10-Pc. Walnut Dining Q-§ 4 7.00 Harold Boyd on TrUl—A Trip to Albert S. Miller Suite 9M.Lt Europ*—Clotlnc of SchooU. 192* P0NT1AC—2-Door 5en«n| hat he«n (Tka R«d Bank Bxlittr oan b< boughl Footwear and Hosiery That Satisfies. Impacted from «nd lo mid and l> 00 la Fiir H.rtn |o tht itom ol Harry Kurti. In Up-top condition. N«» black $85.00 Wilton Rug«, 9x12 S&4Q and Kobut Camaroa and at tb« Gold C«- Duco with r«d atrlplnf dan.) 18 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. The trial of Harold Boyd, charged ! IB» WHlffET COACH-Flnf.r- ffOCA $29.50 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets Q4 Q.75 with having knocked down Bueno« . naw. Five m> making are on display. Reed and Fibre Suites... Grass the trip chiefly for her health. Mr- ' Martin was Injured In an automobllr- and Fibre Rugs... Porch Gliders ... Porch accldent some time ago and h.-i^ IX policy of personal, cordial Small Down Payments—E«v G. M. A. C. Ter Suites ... PorrJh Rockers ... Bar Harbor Chairs never fully recovered. She will |,<. away three months. service has been an important and Rockers... Settees... Old Hickory Lawn The closing exercises of the Wil factor in the growth of this Ed. von low street school will be held J'rldny ' Sets ... Refrigerators... Beach Umbrellas... night, June l»th, In Mechanics' hall ' institution. Maple Ave. & Moiuiiiuiii There are fifteen pupils In the gradu ] Steamer and Folding Chairs. All are marked »ting class. The closing exercises of at now Low Prices. the Flsk street school will take plncc We believe that the bank that Thursday night, June 11th. Hszci' Uvlngutone is the only to graduate wants to gain success must first from thin school this year. The schools of the borough will close know how to gain friends. June 39lh. The firemen's auxiliary will hold a birthday sociable June 2Mh at the I West Furniture Co. flrehousr. Bagi hav« been at RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 20, 1Q,?1 POPPY REMEMBER THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES BY HELPING THOSE WHO STILL SUFFER

    • ' * 1 -

    A • A- -± *»•''<


    ATURDAY, May 23d, you will be of your boys returned, and were put away in hotpitalfc asked to buy a poppy, to wear it in And are still there. Some have lost their limbs. Some Syour buttonhole. You will be asked are blind. Some are making the best of one lung. Some to show; by this small sign, that you have not are gas-ridden ghosts. They want to forget, but they tl«» youth of can't. In their cots, in their wheel-chairs, they have families plenty of time for memories. V proud. Today, you who have your job and home and family, you When th«.-j v-- < «• • a smile, you thoiu; n May 23d, who have life, who are free to live, are asked to brighten you will«» your buttonhole with a little red poppy. You are asked to give, ever so slightly, so that those boys who suffer Yet all VK, nol dead hcror-s. Many more thousands may suffer less. You are asked to remember.

    This Page h Contributed by the following finus to the Ladies' Auxiliary of Shrewsbury Post, No. 168, American Legion, of Red Bank.


    -TheLadies' Auxiliary thanks the above Merchant* in < Dii!uS.r,ni.K this page for such a worthy cause and askg ihe people of Red Bank and Vicinity to support the»e Mm h«uu by patronilUt* thai* RED BANK-

    Mai.» uf R«d Bank »;;i On t <»,.« "Mossia Orchid" biding officer. Hentity Salon Trie Methodlat mlulonsr ! Takes the Prize * ii meet tbls arVinixjri ft! i The a - S : Ui i ST. ti^iry I>«nni8 • • 1 CUM- !, til *. Ne« Tueaday IM Wednesday Jtrnea C Auchim toM ol Hum»on in- il**nup daye r trie fKrr i H. jf ri Win* Monthly Award of Mon I'liumaa Zlr.Kttlt «.j.«; i. ? He v,t mouth County Mo'I" ultu/aJ • i 't at New YHIK Society • »•• ; •••••'V. ROSI- PLANTS

    SNM, MU8TOE. ii.t to bloom all summer. All Varieties.

    I' EARN ami !"• . labs l|.aiu::nn all t lie !,;«•!. .-;• • • $? 000 to SS.000 'I Uf 8- i • TTif n;iiiBtiel eh'* ^ ' ! . (i.f '(it- Ctini,. thp chief ]..H^i.'ii s |.i '•-• 'i i • M. • .>.lh Ii jNnfcw M' - naiircs and vnrol «|.i- i,i . - .- A. ' I, i .-« •! 1 Hi 1 MaTiK »:ll IX & D. Company I htn !• /.cit ID the well l.umi',.] ; ., , tnt)!t : .Mss. <*hailee 1'. cii.ii- » RABBIT MEAT and 7 a I.U •l»i«' • \>f M^t ii!'la< pii by John Sihumann su|»piin . . W-l-iali-d He 42d annlvfr»*ry Sun, winter at New YOIM u» . i. dMy nlKhi The service was con- j tn Uielr home on K..;in'« •• n- - Between Eatontown and Wrst Lung Brant h. tendent of Ihr Auchlni IMSS esiatf and ; secielaiv <">f the horticultural twi-letv dm-ted by Pusny Cramer. Mr. and Mrs. Ka|>tmt: Flank T EdingUm uf tli« A K The Pre«b>ierlan missionary BO- have been entertaining M- is-•> Phone Kalofiidwn 46 Briar of Lawrenceviiie riMUl \ p Hub «l K.;m»"ii • .. . li INC I.lrhttmfttt In estate on Riverside rlety will have lU final meeting of "F 1 HANK, f* J drive ri'fKffi S.*> liolnls for a vase the season on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. I'.iini M.K.tr. i. Mayor Van 11 H»i«. , ..«s it. uf "Kh-KaH' « ' ^ypsophila. An ex-June 10th. cently entertained \HIIF, M'Kien iihten next wt-ek aa i.-pn ii^W* hihl! i.f "A!ire Tlplady", gladiolus of Saranao lake. New Ywii Hesliieljts ai e je'iueBtc' ' > .-«.> I'lacicl )>v A'lam Moss of the Bert- Miss Edith Johns.iii win, is II then jnoi-ertlf s H .*>.i -i >-t Matawan Newt. branan of 1he Kei r\ si h.iol aj Mt. etc , left on the <• w ^ t * *-- ifeni 1! Rcrden plarfl at Rumson, ( »»n nwaidrd W points Charles W. Beriy, ia., dunn|< the winter rled away eveiy iif»v i . Ki i hank You Huf i.f The Henry K. Rutler estate With Annexed Territory Matawan months, has relumed to the JnhnBOn ployees and on PIH ..- - . * n> Khmson tecpived 75 points for Will B« as Large as Keypnrt. homestead on Main street. are large dei>u?M* 11., ... - .- , NO >• Y our l'...>t..ri Maikot" lettuce. (Th« Rad ]"!- Rtjliter c»n be bounht Members of the Young Men's quested to notif\ •• > . » . i »,i >us were Wellington W. in MatAwftn J. T Ulo»>i, 1:3 Main Christian association attended ser- and special 11 !|^ « \,> Muttv, Ni . Joseph (5. P. Kennedy, • trcet.) vices' in the lir»t Methodist church lt>ese placet .ninny Si humann and Percy E. Mr. and Mm. Stanley Stillwell and Sunday. Rev. E. J. Reed, pastor of if k^ TIIP aociety's home garden children of Everett, and Mrs. Nellie the church, preached an appropriate What'* the uae of i-Hnynt^ * ' bv c. I !. FNNiS *>.•] lawn • ri'f* of H«H1 liank and vicinity are day guests of Mrs. Lena Warwick of Mr. and Mrs. Athol C. Rses re- you've got? Ailveitlwe in Th« He Will Br ( „<•,(.,»:-,• :hr K.tdtC • . K e . ^ii.l» WHS diarusaed. Silver cups, Atlantic avenue. turned Friday from a visit with Mrs. ter and tell the entire, aum s ,,'1 «t $HKi, will he awarded for Mr. and Mrs. Lylc T Dnwc f Me-] Clyde Robinson of New York. about your merchandise Ao^eit ' • i Miut and third places. tuohen were the Sunday guests of The New York and Long Branch aunt Mr. Dawe'g mothpi, Mis. Alice Dawe Special 2WV Reduction of Ilavine drive. «»>»>•«•»«••>>»••#>•»•>»•»««««•••«••••••••< Eatontown News. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fischer and family of Cranford, were week-end Phone 2810 For Appointmrnt*. on all Trunks. H,^- uttl Suit Cases | 'huw lii MIIM Hot RnMt B««f guests st Malawan. ~-ii|'l«-r Friday Night. Members of the Eastern Star 1 fe < W«4*H Only! lt,rt H»!>k Kegiiter can b« bougbl lod£e attended Mother's day services ,»,: lKjm Noble Moibr Kt th«in the First Methodist church Sun- day night. Rev. E. J. ITeed pleached Permanent Wave Spatial ,Sai<- mi our entire stock ol Baseballs, . nt JoMt>h I appropriate sermon and there lit* Cuuiily v1 M'lh^diHt men's Bible claas waa special music. Rots Mitts, (ilovcn, Shoes and Caps. ll« 1 WPDt V • U ( - i •< h.it ifmst beef supper lit.' IM't'll Hi V Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and H»nk •' Ha i.ikhi al the church. The children and Mr and Mrs. Al De- K to f 6 f if t ,M i.wniinse fruit cup, tomato Blasio of Jersey City were the guests i">v More. Complete line of Fishing Tackle and Lawi 11,t Mvast beef with brown of Mr. and Mrs. George Loscoe Sun- iim.^hpd potatoes, string beans, day. nky to Pay • M Hini carrot salad, pie a te Tennis Rackets and Balls. . clfi i and cake. The supper Mr. and Mrt. Wlllard Vliet, and niiin. < onsists of Charles Fal- sons Allen and Warren were the Sat- un- Alln-i-t Smock, Cyril Brown, urday guests of Mrs. Vliet's parents, Special Offer ! Six M.. I iff Setting . I MiiMnian and Isaac B. Bur-Mr. and Mra. J. M. Emmons of With Every »*-• iSH'Ilt. ; 1 Hw mipper will be prepared Schenck avenue, .II.- 1' :\ I III- !• 1 .' A' st" vi.I hy members of the ladies' . Bernard Emmons was fined $10 C. H. ENNIS JIM.'k !>!• I1F.K MA •.ori.'ty The tables will be inWednesday night by Recorder Har- Shampoo and Finger Wav< I-.' i.r Mrs Arthur Taylor, Mrs. ry Bolts on a charge of driving with- —OR- 1.25 12 wnri i- sf KKI> it t i» i sinpalgn of vm i f k? I' iilkiMihuix Mm. Oeorgfi R. out a license. The charge was made \ k J'.^U'V Is », in I he ReKUter win tent n>im\ ' ' I M |>H11 S •HiM, Mis. John Bateman, Mrs. by Officer Bastedo. Shampoo and Marcel Wave- \ untHble property. Thirty WUIEI* Expert OiK-rnl m Ihi.^t M»l«rlaJ« i. .its i rank i\ lirniiis, Mrs. II. S. Crammer. The Rlvoll theater will be open on wenty five cent«.~-Adv«rtiaemeni Annlr Hfynolds, Mrs. Albert Friday and Saturday only. The ill, Miss Isabel Kenna and Miss showing of Sunday movies has been 1 discontinued. .. u at ion and car • • AllKoi. Henry S. Devlin ha* taken over Bob's Beauty Parlor .if nng. . - .I'.lin Hrnnett entertained at I'ii'ijiy i^rty Sunday In honor of the insurance business of William A, Shepherd. and SANI'IAKY BARBER SHOP n von do not own n fathpi, John Springsteen of Tin- 1'HII.H A.inon(c the guesta were When the property voted last week 6 MONMOI'TII STIii I r IIF.I> HANK, N ,1. Tusti l.-hn Springatppn and children, i ar ami want a to be annexed to Matawan is taken •••»»•»••••< Reconditioned ui.l Wilbur, John M and f H! anil Miss Gladys Springs- !"l'i; and JinoniR Drennan of Long I ..tiul ftcin recent visitora in town. Used Car tttomo has taken a temporary po- iJMnn Hr\(T,MENT. Is a member of the Bay Ridge chap- raws — ter. Mise Clara Breese spent the week- in the newest weaves and shapes Frank Van Syckle end at Paterson with Mr. and Mrs. George Rigg. Mr. and Mrs. Rigg ... self - conforming, which and Miss Breese on Sunday visited Dodge Brothers Mrs. George Bedford of Keyport, makes wearing one a pleasure. who is a medical patient at a Hack- Motor Cars and enaack hospital. Luen Aumack is quarantined with Trucks chicken pox. STETSONS AND OTHERS. Mrs. Arthur Taylor was appointed 14!) 1)3 VV. Front St., librarian at a meeting of the library R.-tl Bank, N. J. board Thursday night. The flrat quarterly conference of Phone 1296. 2-45 to (J.00 TiTTAVE yon nem tin inennt*, new flavor to the Methodist church will lip held fXl tiful new Ii. <> tnokly (rrr/.r ire | Monday night. Rev. Furman A. I'c ************************ in a special exIiililiMM "|oiir8tare? Ice O-M =• Tt • i.n-v brm today. See all. IJMW type ele< tiir •• in ! I • Williaiim advantages) |th«t C0«t»»O llttln (•• l-ii IIH IS rrasons whj Ioe* |it mare than rr-|»ay(i ii • > M.itu oflerx you lifctimo Reduced - Panamas - .erile prioe by saving >> i . !nf;i laiiou al lower cost. COAL PRICES '«ndke billet A shape for every face ... Popu- tic fin* !«•« n NOW IN EFFECT! prared by the (;


    wh.< h 18 a gift company will hold a ball at Com- v.i, ..f Fort H»n munity hall Mui'c will be. fumiahed Shot f I ... ?n, .,,1s. July t/y Sar,!*ngelto » lidio on hen ti a of H>-...-k Red Bank Mrs Mary Sheridan w\] b« ho»- Contractors Supplies t«ss Mt a **rd p«r'y whl' h wilt b« Bluestone Bluestone given hy the lartira' amui'sry of the Brevent Park and \.*r,i,* j io ilrp Tht htftd «1UJ lajtlAf quaUt^ an outot i •> '» .«.!• !>• 1 |.!»..-r «fr con-pany at the ft rehouse ' r: Friday and •i • i ii' 'i lhi» fvfi: ng May 2ft*h you ua tUlug up yum (Uiv*wai «od M.as Pa The dirt»f:tor» of the Leonardo • *;i 'he ' 'hi ;» bui!(linj( and l'j»n a?»oi lation will >m« it Lha Onaat lop toll v* ! ; UK '-' i:iday evcn- meet at the White HOUR* STM^ build- VRF ing lomorrnw eveninR Ctodora. lUc. pin'. &U dirt u>d 0»ld »u,o» III AV\ *'. it/i.r«n ciub will The Sunshine anoiety wisl hold. \\& f BEAAONAB1JB. i; 'f thf »ea*on next meeting « 'he hnm* nf Mi c |]Mii'ij»« Friday Luthrlngrr, Tues-iay »l\r.\uu. )nn*i 'I'hb rlub will 2d. Motor ' » H' tiip fliehouw! n nf 7 his week at Tha R»d Bark RcgHiter li (h« r»r Howard G. Rosevelt . I.K-h Tlu-re will be oinl»«d meat Ing place of buyer ini •aU«r. Th« ReglBter hooks uj- txini Rod Buili. K i J reaa lntar*aU and home hf« atimrt- •.lay tvfnniK the member! with telling effect hy way of its ^rta* x I'aik find Leonardo circulation. It (»ay» i<* in'U (i ? i.^e tr* \ S, Thompson Building i'l of C'lnirnunl'y fire Th« Register Adverttdfiii •<•? & Office. ! "f V . Red Bank

    Red BnnU

    • i an': *: r n ' ' (- ' '", •• •' ' .luff.

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    M11 \i a few w •• f lit v. I M! YVilkrnf :, t }•*•••

    Mi si .0 V • -

    i/. I 1. M • S ' A. SHO M • •••ng.

    • ' 1 ,

    ' v . . . 1 M<-M

    in Hii'l | c o M.i. I. !v Pr icea on < !>«i •'I'""" !" M .• *- 'vi .- •was if M Wood, Feed i flaf % Straw 1 Prim net I I,IMF nnci ? t .' K M U- .* l i *Vat MOD AH K i ultry Feed HI H Mm <'..»K.>«-> -' •• w Hi Htich ling iriK a wtfk wii h ) I , Ml » SI.. 1 'I b]f.;h'>st honor Baled ( tmitffr hpeff r : ' in ]JI i/c rnon^y. V% illiani Kri-d < n.i 'MJIHIHY with her Selling l.FHIGH « AMi.KKS-BARRE I ) «- IHl> Ml X I Hi * «.()Al. I llrirh j Pl.YMOl aft with a-pain- Pitt 1 'it «-ri i lay Hrr hand Mu I.IH . H in f\a i I a- wringer. Try a Tun «»?' f I,,.- <«) Aih Coal 1.11 I t with the ma- Mi II " I * Hviry for Mrs. f I 1 Ir- the wringer be- Little Silver iVfw Jersey | v\ iiiiHii u t't P *)<>ns« her n#w <)hinm I \ti* htnken, al Mm tti-adly bruised i<)sey ( H\ » ItU«t B fl^'CT nmriibfi 8 of the anrl Min Hi Men* rluh Bpent biooklwi v^t f\i Biimtnfr rot- M«\fi " I ' t eadinees for the THE CUSTOM SEDAN, $884* U'it fOlkH IHIM a ilpfllrAtlon *t thui - i ' «nd prnn^nta- Phill|> Kim SAI ii and Ml^ ( If you . . . like most people . . . prefer a car that is of Foiiihtn Mrs J * Ba\sldp tnitary of Suriiiner of Bn l neither the cheapest nor the most expensive, but Is* w ^

    l*r ml i Blr>omfl*i COSTUMi; JKWELRY and aonft ii- rather a happy medium, you will find the Pontiac ward H'a Mn (,ilt i and M i ' THIS WEEK ONLY and fanillv the kind of car you like at the price you want to pay WUllain ( urday Mi 14. sp« lallzr In MOST MA, AUTHI.I'1- tlrt>K GENUINE and *< n M HIU an 1 adirs' and STONES 81(11 AS (Alt*; CRYSTAL, Mis I U HIJACK ONYX, CAHNI-.I.IAN, AMETHYST A n h ft. M Children'! P(.n

    (iolil 1'Hii •! el^U and 98" t'::' #iuun*l«

    , «!.•>>», a Uttln mort

    it af*> 5 Htynitfh. Voti'll cxp^rinu v ea.Br- Spiings «ti t millions nj;i f"t-«l '• ting, of Coutsr ft important. I'tmti; • if Jade, OryiUl. C«rnfllaii, it cuatuotictJ with (L at more than 4fi p< •>.uirtx; sold pl»t prmnar Thf U-. Body vWKi-.l Htti:1! «. Ail itnirtion is ami*,! *fl.0O. 1 —j against *mtsi i>- anfl flaEnpn;''\s

    • i..,; i>% ,J«ul#, Green, K*d and MHL itoiA and Amettayit Quartz; ip HI i \ nhin (7.00 and MOO.


    (iii s.»( < llpn and l.MM-llxfl III •"<- Illl i \silh tral Mar- m the (i.u-l . ••• '3.38 lp«lhri!» \n tl.r oj.ri rilfr*. \nlu > II In all. AH atrnotphr f»( fi crifmmanihip pUl sing yout pt it!'- ROCK CRYSTALS Summing up, youil agree that Pontiar Sui it inde«i a happy ii«. ...i Hmk n(.r fwjun nt One Important atop In mluclng xmr coat of rar nwn PEARL NECKLACES prahip la (>aklnnf >'<|iilppin( )'» mi llnfly (ir*duat*« HI« tor l"> Slnjl. Strand, Oradu»tM. IN rcmomhrance ... of a loved^ one ... cars delivered and rr|(ilppfd In K^d Hank. Ih« pric^a 1.98 nr a supreme sacrifice ... flowers ... InclmlA frnitt anfl rrnr riiiniprrn, four hyiratilln ab :

    •*-.•;• x •',*» ' t! i ] '. *•• 'i-H' ; men's Am iin.i

    ' - *• e • • *f l-f < • ' <•' = ?'• >i' ' Uh!« fc'ii ; !,»• MID, • i

    *iV."'i!. ..I i Ituo, fi ,* . I'f.NNIS R$< l( ' P M t«n. U^ia 111.1*. lt«.' I, .i, $t(i(MJ | M !•«.•«'

    HKbii; i * lion t.i ii.* Aero W. S. CRAY ihui ,,! v


    i tftli * in of ! !,, }j I a j i«1 3 rj^j *- .A • AJI gave a niMiiiic HE, «(> j flc-,l i't th* MIH M 1. H." BOATS BOATS BOATS auxiliary, war - th© piogra.ii) *,- BURDGE & SON fair Haven hast Cruisers by Mi* Kihiih Reynolds, Mi ? Elizabeth HtH'w the .Ilie.l Mifnvl.nu ,N!'K Mm .: '*\i'l lnniiMin ,,f Shrewsbury. 't','1 v. M( , ] isi-i il*-i is conduct, was l-air Haven >;»«-ir Works, Inc. (ll'CH '•! i '• ••• • fir. -'x I i5H. •- Elmrr <". Wain HK II t ,, i . • , \ IM.Ih ll ' " ' ..? 'i,;ii lni.riugh Thursday ; | ' •* liiine" White, also of -••',•: 'iiji,IP the charge

    QWING to bad weather con- ( I \< • .\ H 1 «litir>ns of latt week i nni'iimi- i ":•' nf Jl.rifm.lion 'Ihpy hav*» niip year tn *er\p In hip i in tiiisf many nitnlrMi rnnvenipncps. ion I enlistment U|MIII coml'lctlnt; t)u this exceptional sale 1'ulliiwint; ihis, there will be built mui-set. HP niay be dlschai RPI! :.:n! 'lURiicrniaslors wBrehouses, repair le-enlisted to meet this requirement c' shese few remain- •hups, cifvatpil cnal .yards, etc. The after having been designated to |nn ^D\pitun^n! has bought a spur of the sue a course. He must be phyticallv in v used cars will be ' ' » ^ NM'l Ul>-tO- Jersey Central railroad which runs qualified for duty at the school. • "iitinurd till Satur- from Oceanport to Eatontown, arid Enlisted men, ^commended hy I ( ! .1 new work, thus, will have all permanent con- their immediate commanding officers, day pi"1 ix'matrly 55,- struction on the west side of the are given entrance examinations at i.5 [KIW in course Oceanport road. their home stations about June 1M rr:?iilp rfady for About $20,000 has be«n spent for for the -course beginning September if this year con- concrete roads and the contract has 15th or thereabouts. These exsmin ini; v *pai imenta, been let for additional roads to cost ations include a general educational amount ni officers' hulld- about $40,000. and eleclrical test. All papera are not «xi€'C'lit. ,- " pixtpen hachei- Fort Monmouth Is under the com- forwarded to the school, where they • •III »,,! ei • . are graded and the prospective Mu- .ir> • -' *pt and sixmand of Colonel Arthur S. Cowan. It uoniVllL" MiiniFPionpd of- is located on historic ground. It wag dents selected. ol N.w J^i • - from the mouth of the Shrewsbury Fort Monmouth is the only army tory Ihe ,,.„! within thirty days river, a branch of which bound! the post occupied exclusively hy the sig- • hall m -"ts nf company of- post, that the British army, under nal corps. It is garrisoned by the -ix 'Idiihlp sets of General Clinton, sailed to effect a First signal company, First division, Tha • l,(H >• olllicrs' quartprs; junction with General Gates after the which is the only combat signal unii a tr^i.u I In- i>t find one four- Battle of Monmouth, in which the at Fort Monmouth. This unit served ol Run.,, nil 1 > 11th, 1< WlnMl Ihpae bUilcl- British were defeated by the colonial throughout the world war in France f fii)lil" n, or hcfniB March troops under General Washington. with the First division. It was the] held ",) i ht- Ihf h'' ifc." program will be This British army on its march on?T signal corps that saw actual camped at what ifi now the borough Ri'maon. N . wilh thp pxrpptinn of two service. Instructors and Ihe enlisted 2Rlh. 1!) injr Tim t'. • P»r»ntu ,|i>i.i b« Khrni fi.!! M ••.

    CAR wes GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED Don «!,*»" *%;•.• .,

    clav t,f A t.'iit ! >

    Historv Th« lit Ma,: Str... li, S. ,.' B«nk. New •'<•- - Ut« of Hmeiii .- notlc* ji tin^liy 1 cud Roadster -••li' • aid d«rem>ml tn • Xtr.itnr ax >i !:, '»!• ^l.v. Kinait little roadster '- lilr .III d. ILaa. '•'• If live giMid tlre« and complete equip- ment. An extra special at thli •.•HiI.', the •• • quick-sale price Dated l'i*c!i.iii jr THK Bllmi '•; A • KIN 95 N, J* Pfl 0 n rn o ii t h 4 " < ttr * Off. \\,.f 1926 Buick Coupe In the matin •> ul Minn O'Brfen. <\c • n Think of It! A beautiful Buick Notice |u i > i; coupe offering speed, pick-up and • Biinut K-M'r power—don«l reliability and itam- Ina^—big car riding and driving eaae Donahay. S-!! i i-k -if ->f t)i« • 'niin' - o(f MiJIimuilih. n.d'i. -.j- HIP IIIM nf Mrtv, —at this reduced price. Act quickly 1931. on ihfl «j'i ln.-it: •« of ![«•[ • v S.h«Ml>, —today! Buy this special for aniaz- 1930 Ford Road.ter Ui» value! • Famous ipatd mad pick-up In a Ute t'. thiB nii ficers' set* vhirh it is thought will the present site of Fort Monmouth viding big car comfort and luxury that It look* and runs almost IIU t \\ p i * f i>: ni';i 1'i . • i | , 1 lit w ',!<», , 1 I.Jl signal corps company. 1 ! be included in r.pxt year's appropria- was used as a concentration camp —1» attractively finished in Duco new. A careful conditioning and J>Ht r.l I'.'".' i t-i . : 'IS i. At the post an extensive laboratory Inspection assure* saUnfuctor > •... lit. N K 1 IIKHH, tion. 'Die post has been advised by for New Jerspy troops. with mubalr upholstery to harmnu- 345 MM Ali (• *•::-. (''-• | ia maintained. In this are designed, Ice for mimlhs to o«m fun Congressman Frank W. James, chair- In 1871 the famous Monmouth Park developed and tested models built for lie, Ita valve-in-head engine has ?!,..>U.n Ml I.!,.'. . hi )•.;••!!• man nf thp military affairs commit- I 1 ' •. .' < -• ••'- V. >i k ' race track was built where [he post all signal communication equipment been reconditioned. induced $1-5 !'i ... tee <>f the house nf representatives now stands. In 1893, New Jersey used by the American army, includ- for eaie, only (hnt housing will be completed be- passed a law abolishing racing, and ing radio, telephone, telegraph and 195 1928 Buick M»»in Six 4-door Sedan foie, mhool, laboratory, administra- the grounds and track passed into meteorological instruments. tion Hint ijuai termafiters' buildings disuse. The place became overgrown At the present time there are ap- 1926 Buick 4-Pas«. Coupe now to own a HiiliU Huv Plans have been made for school and thin hrautiful four floor R<-(l,m r.,i|»y with blackberries and weeds, and proximately 900 soldiers, 110 officers Here's value for you! This beauti- ndniinisiral ion buildings of the co-many old residenters recall picnic lit a groat navlng. (IN I)U<-<. finmhrd e and 135 civilian employees at the ful Hulck four-passenger coup*—fin- Innial . 'yle <'f architecture, similar parties that were organized to go Ilnh#»r hody li* tliiwlrhw, \\H < hfiHf $ poBt. All civilians receive a mini- ished in lustrous Duco. Ita power- ! in ari'l shout three times the size of "berrying" at the race track. It re- mum of $30 per week. They are em Volrno niohuir u)>tio]Kt«M's K K "H1 ; ful *iihfvlii-head epgine Is recondi- SANIi IMil [ •> I. • t . . 1 -. ,r , • • • ,, the Molly Fitrher Hotel at Red mained a tract of wild, unused land ifw \alvfv|n head <>ngirw< t*. ju*i n\c^ ployed in various capacities, includ- tloiifvl and Ita tires are good for Bunk They will ropt approximately until the world war, when it was Iv hr.-Upii In Sulr pit*-, ing stenographers, engineers, ac- many mllen of service. Priced ox- 585 J7on,nr>o, leased by the War Department. Tem- countants, typists, storekeepers and ,.l,|.. A,- il i. .'• . > | ;.- !•} ^',.( trrmely low as a special 'lul. ,..,•• i • .1 - , •. .... I ,, H,, In addition there will be & labora- porary wooden buildings weve erect- clerk«. There are also 96 high- 195 ••ikf''l- .1 • • ' ' • - '-- >••> ^nft tory building fur scientific research ed, to be replaced by the present salaried civil service electrical and 1928 Hudson Brougham work of the signal corps. It will be handsome structures. The post at radio engineers. The monthly pay- 1929 Nath Coach | " lMr,.i .1.. ! i « this time was known as Camp Alfred big, i " ' I .' H M. hi "Mil] T", built about in the middle of the roll of the post is $100,000. II i» 1 Vail, and the name was retained f t«i b. reservation, far back from the road. Fo outstanding valu«s appearance It ! W \HM «• t. U l-'^ui i, , .\rformanr«—s«« this cm.r. Only drlvrn hy It* ,in *H ,i "ml * ing ili-llcatn scientific Instruments of ment designated it as a permanent MiRhtly nscvi, its motor IA In pprfrrt MB (op, |»ody HII<1 np.M.h. NO I K I ul •>» I II i Ml N I <)|< Ai ( Ol IN t by the public, either individually - i. n,,,t th- Ko.-.inrii Ihey cannot be replaced. They are lo have civilians come and see what liolnt^ry nro In g«iod cnmlltion. Spco- In our own NhopM ti<"t f >i; of (lie K,ll ••• ill.I" . H-llMjISC ! i,|!.,' f tti* •»- very sensitive to any jarring or vi- la) prfr« „ ._ frrt condition. S|i.- f»i KMKI •!*•< •• •".-.!. -Ml) ).*• jt .•iitf.f nn-i The major activity at Fort Mon- is being accomplished. The post will Rtntril hv tl.f I,.!!!..,;:!*.. .,f l ) , . ,,,, i v ^< 385 lf n bration, hence they are provided for 385 mouth Is the signal school. There furnlBh officers to speak at school or Meniiiuuih «nions of this, they civic organization meetings. th« (hi.li.ui- ) ..lit ..f ^i,j r-..,,,tv. on 1928 Buick Master Six 4-door Sedan 1928 HUM i !.!!*!»-, Sis. S|U»I ("oupe •MPI'C.NV. tl- -I.- .-i.rl, ,l.tv ..f .!•.:,•. A I>. This splendid Buick offers every- WON ATTENDANCE PRIZE. laid on Seven Bridge road and the Thin iHumtlfiii |.. III ,l...v Little Silver News. thing jou could deslre>—clean, un- I'-'rl Ai -ii ;>>th ^ I* KM i Atlantic Htghfanflft <'luh Receive* work of paving this road win be worn upholstery ... 5 good tires ... started soon. The gat mains ar« be- like lh«. .l.i v 11 in iii i ,, .,., , n, JIIIIN i'. rorr. <'up Ht IVmm.ilvanla Convention. Firemen Have a New Baieball Field matchless rldlnt; quail tif«... anil firm an,I .>,.I. f • , , . Hit [*!<•>', 1'ln.«. Hf,i lUriL. N. J., In* laid from the Little Silver Point ..,,, mi w<-ar Ailniinlitratori on Branch Avenue. rutfed. reliable Master 811 perform Ol Hi,I, I, < i : At a i .invention of Business and road to the Fiedler property. ance. Carefully reconditioned and n| luxury »( A I «s I U--J (IF }• K MA N. F:«,j.. ?'iof«-i^t.iorial u. tntni! cluhs at Buck (Th« Bad Bank BaeUter emu tM bouthl rtiuch I,.** ii. ,,. «.. ,, , , The Little Silver tennis and yacht ' In urellent shape. Marked down ,„! H,lv Het th. Union N.w. Stand ItiU Hui, j, 11, ,f i;. ,. ,(, at th« dtpot and at Cflorst Quaelttnbutb'i club will hold a tennln tournament for quick sale to ,, .,| <|,«| („, AeMt''M,! Ihe .ithnfijilice prize was Decoration day, 395 g-enaral »tor«) 645 I,I I ll!,, Mhuilir HluhlundS Club. Mrs. Sally Dutcher, proprietor nf Monmouth County 3u>rnV«t*'* Office. i j i i . II|', W;IH awarded to The fire-men's baseball team played Ihe Sally Ann Lee beauty «hop at J In the iiml ler of the eitate of Eram* a 3 to 3 tie with Avon Monday night, r>aug, dercintd. i !• .it>i ^ h, lru^e;t delegation, Red Bank, has rented W. K. Evel- Your Used Car Ac Ihe i.iutr (,f Jn»ph T,. T>nn- •hir. .Sunr)g«t* of the Onint/ »if Morw ,i .it w-it Mrs Florence Branch avenue, oppotile. Warkham agency. road. Vincent FjtBmauncp is mana- mouth, rtmrie on t h« tw«nhit h f ll>-t / ger of the team and Richard Morris J. Welilnet. «^mi>ir of die *«t*t» of ) i i ,.ill»Khei, Hrrnie lien Scoheyvills hav. moved Into then in coach. The team, wliioh is in the Ria Dauff. 'Uc*«"ft, w>n>m in heimiv V r i • i •. |i. Mel.HiiRhlin .-iii'i Hcl- new home, at Foxwood Park. L. ZOBEL county firemen's league, will play all : . • ' n.i Ann <;rehea. Ground wa« broken Saturday for h 1 h[t to '•• home game* on Mondays and out-of- BROAD STRF.I I •eld. th.ir -l». *••- - i lowrt j'!(:<• "f In ciiihl < VI..( li In I'm Ip No. 2 of Two catrh basins me being In i. ill. •" i'l tonight at the rn!ne and K*A ninind are being nue and Markham road. £nds Saturday 7 RF F\ v Pt-fr -TEP., MAY 20, 1931,

    Red Bank Wins •I.. >,>••, i. •-,, , Playeri*' Cui, - w wners of Commercial f .CM* in* k*-

    y V - » • •««•-! at '' « 'i [Jelul L'inf ^ *iM ( ity ,SJIrti .,,,>,.•.• « b i t: 4 to i Af)n V«ni)u.ih FIK Alpl |,K.H .. ei- v* ••• l«Uni)v K ,

    S t" i '•< •"• I >' l«iilf *''.. "'['' \., Philip Ri» K>i.v Red Bank Track Team Defeated • g h High School Boys Trounced by t h f1 II. luh < Aibury Park Yesterday, 71 to On- 1 ..,r it Island P;*y wa.- hy far Die 28—Lakewood Victorious on hfai to have been |ila\ed on the loe,Elei , cuu((lin([ «." they might againni only i day afternoon by Ashury P»rk be- | be Held Monday a jhsdow of the To* m i s1 real team..! fore it had fully recovered from the, n iii^h. HI MfiON nr « H Robin* Victoiiout *>.»* • rould gtjnsi r>n:y if' iun find unr effects of a sound drubbing rei elvi^d , Pinup 1 1 noon on Allans hit. *hile th» Red Bankers Saturday afternoon at the hands nf 14 ' 1 Jimmy Don*to of Rtd B*nk to on*, of ihe. hot Ine Lakewood high school. Lake- )'hn 4 1 1 Diamond' by St>,- Meet Jo* Malo of Sut«n U- 4 1 1 »nd then to\ with hi* Thi : wood waB victorious by a score of 60 beaiu < Kei" Len Ha>ei f, . 4 1 1 to 1. I to 39. i^. TO PUy Eaton: — ! Und in Opening .^how at M*,'P nr thi.« ya^ atfl o I.mv H.mtint: and 4 0 II Mie I/>nK Inlanders, hilled as tne • Red Bank won four out of eleven j Al Ron* 1 1 The Fait Hen, ! Hunter i Field "Hit I 1 IT.IM Aaioiu Athleiicj hut who flis' places in each meet. Carl I The kmst .i hv th» Hlghlanot I« • i. • '•,••<•» m a m hits, -while the I ' •• (^liHiniary, and Ogden n *» am!i! ihe I put on nejil Mntina trim in nfj.-ty every gamf. Manage, in (he high jump Schwenktr cap-1 lauyhliT nf ltoUd ilxteer. • >••'. i'«.i of hnnfle nli ppe is from Ihey Newman Ppr < U-t, HuntPr had two new player* turwl the 220-yard dash yctter-lay ; winn made and lh. ili i ] ings of Lyont ha^ rnnipany, for two hlg"h- er*« flel't Marty Dwyrt, w^il-l* nnwn flu ht pi mntest. Russell Still-, and placed third in the 100-yard t r May. KnllovMng f u^ a Highland* - fi f- nquad. ia i 1 ntntor. in «pnn»nrtnjt i h^ i»h"«' vujfui) whn !a.»t yclr played ftnt forjevsnt. old-fanhioniil Maypf»l da opening inrlr-i Hnff rnmi, a ham from waf en i t »1 which hf sain wili hilrr '• IV \*.i,tit, WHS utaiirjiiori at the Initial] Harry G-age placed flrst In tha joyed, Jn the Mavp I 1 walks and • •!• »" • i ^ niMhrt. and Ralph 1,. t Rnnk nome nf th* hem tulm- m ih of Singleto who was half mile yeaterriay, Joe Ronati won Collina and Hairy i e « Th« Robins c »• • fount HIM pen from Klilin B, Chandler got i i 0 aprtlon to fleld. Bill Porter, an | the. discus event and Bill Garratti mixed up In t hf il i'r mnvemrnrs s 1 •tcond fiami «i • • • fiverfligps on the Klsner ,• . |,l*ih HVPli«gr£ i>n the Post- boy "wizard" Tn.»r,n hn.» ?«.'.-< k wiF among thp niiHging, jump, SackowiU in the, high jump William Wilbrd of .\.. York >I,I,, WillUm. ft nleh hA.il Fan Haver, *. ii < nmuniH . 1 •iitallre 2. Vila 4. large fnllowinK fH' hl" ' '•''' A'' Sterling: and Joe Stryker. and Frank M&zza in the discus soloists were n-companier! on the In Natnntnwn Aie.rl-' Sunday nfterr with HciiLiiung, a rug from the Ititiei, nn halls -Off tin work al flea dirt. «n<] »-h' i-i i • • tn, it was reported, has throw. piano by Mr. Roy. The costumes : Milk' mile— by Briii u 10, nn the Pan H»\en diamond. fur nWiiiiE In thi company. and ft tough oiiBtortl^r Tm !* . with Hunter arrt has tc- Schwenker won the 220-yard event worn hy the court flltendanta- were The Mint Haw kin*, ,a. hammer from h bf»i Lh with the Trenton Saturday and captured hi« third made by Mr". 1.00 Hcnne9n> . Ad- HlliHIANDS. •,„! I'A H p company for flghter. tn addition ihfif « i ' * ! ( place in the broad jump. Garratti ditional color was given the affair hy H T. RlRn Thr iHfrn M:I ]llvip (Comets. l\ 1 HiX-roundti »n d i »i' r * r •" • • • , K* MUK, Huntr r> short atop, had won the javelin throw, Zucco took the sunbnnnrts worn hy the women fOI' bH'Di'l ': Pi \o! an automobile IS Trounce 1 li cigar scraps The arhediHe-l «t» - • • •-* t in day Sunday. In the game with flrtt place in the «hot put and Blair and the vin-oolored hat* worn hv I 0. #nd I nMt!;i •- mm Kflly A Co , and1 Pat tied with Thompson of Lake wood for the mm. The hat* were pre^enlM 0 0 to will bft between -1 ; ' ,'.< K Iflnnd, he knocked a neat three ]OUH i tl til*- ;. n**fktli* fmni J. Kridel's, 1 first place in the broad jump. tn the EuenH as they entered th,. 1 0 ] the Red Bank 'hu7./ • hftRRi !, Biiriing into third base a frac- or! Monmouth 1 0 ver rtirHii flvriR^n? ( HI W'fishpra. ... i cat" Thoma* nf A MAHIM tion before the hall bounded into ihe Second places were won by Gage clubhouse. ... i 0 0 m«dal^ veil A.MH.. H pair of cuff links f ( L ! I) (1 who has defeated *<>m* " '^^ "" ' hand* of thr hong Inland third nack- in the hilf mil?, .Tnrian in the mile •«, N.nll Inning r!,,l,e|-tnm, If. . .' . .i » Clothict r* flf" i, ,| St r ,iiIM, find CharlPB 1 ... 2 0 0 1i)Chtw«lRhts and w^l "i *'i^hi * ••') • I Ih.i fielding was alao a feature of and Eoaati in the^ discus throw. <4J \\ (DMlp from th* WEW RKD IMKORMS. HA-I < mine for 0 0 medaln wn *• Etn- this sertlon 1 t lift nain*- Third places were, won by Rosatti in » 0 tion *t thr t SM!> f"i tii«li ftvpraRt:e on f 1 the javelin throw, Garratti in the .,.. W»>» 5 to The, preliminai \rt will tn ing t - Stlllwa^on displayed hia prowess ]>fion and Bugle (ntp» Raiting Mat Uir-iK 'If • wtih the ntick, getting threa hita in 100-yard dash, Cadman in the half . i sandwich dish Rether Waliei < Kid * Parkr? "f Uif Money to Pay for Them. HiRhlAtirif and .Ine HilU* of rerth 'thien trips to the plate. Dick New- mile, Jimmy Worden in the shot put ti'l; ir k>M 'ii * Applepate, and Aniboy, Mikr Saickas of Fi^ehoirt man gpt two hits as did "Red" and Geronl In the pola vault. The drum and bugle corps cf l-'.i.'MMtiK n pair of cuff ROBINS. ientattnn of i links «nd Bus Craig nf AtlftnMr Hi^hlanrts Smith, I he Towners' catcher. Lou Shrewsbury post of the American ilk HE •With Jokps mi- «! , R"MTl, for hlph avei ages Legion of Red Bank will hold a l() 2- hgtliml. If. and (leoise Walll ....ff MfttnA'fln and Mnlnnp i>laye i-t'-r)l<'>iir> ft Ktn npr) i ion. dance Saturday night of this week n I n! h Ib Sill f Awh v Pnik Kame. at third. , N,rrty nh Harry S itr. ! M- Kiiii;"hi, nn el't»cii ir MM Ella Ifrr to he Oueat o< Hon- at the clubhouse of the Monmouth Hrafl- .4110 ! r Mr Pwy In e*» v «1 * nnM r 1 r The. visitors made their lone tally II KiirlanH. rf. .SI I" Bftcrrtary an'] ! •<••. MiUt-i ' hfiiriwmr com or at Event S>xt Week. boat club. Music will be provided IIP<1 1 hree- at )H wi 'he sixth when Lee singled, w«nt Mitty. 2h lh»» IMI font by a ten-piece orchestra. The money .MI :, nit by Kleckner. r. • n second on Cohen'* sacrifice and Bruno. 19 ap^nt hi.1- i • ji . Uli* Ella Zager, rlct presld«n( if will be used to pay for new uni- Hr'1 In (hell 4 0 t 4 2 ing will be the last held during the Giroux, Daniel Fullerton and Thnm- Nordy, B. Er,«and. Baerlnc*—Ol«sry, I 0 1 I 0 as Brockhutst. Hid first of the season for Bennett, Mirty. nbuble piny- Ahpain 'o will hf Mtlnne, Jh. f summer at the ^community center N»«m«n, If 4 1 2 l 1 The corps h»iR befn enRHK**d f T Rray to HohJenhUBll. Bl»p« "11 t'tlle "fl F I v mnund RfidV till 4 2 t 1 building on Riverside avenue. l.yon» 2. off Jenihl f. Strike nil'" !" will h* the Elks' parade m Red Bunk nn •' ! ' ' ,.i''.wn will ..lay Fair Haven at l.yom 1, hy J.roni .'I, l>v 111"• fi h 11"- The association realized mnve than 1 Mijet'kl. rt...... a (1 1 ( Saturday, May Sfltli, and for th- .llHrf Sunday a/tcrnoor1. OlT Jeroni I In 1 ,nmn|. .,(1 (lnw, • •••• plai fii A! HUM' >\ t« n which i $300 at its recent upring: frolic at the Rlill««»i>n. lh. ... 3 0 1 n < Elks' ulate cnnwntinn at U-UK 1 " ( -> oie: i InniiiKf. Ml olrii IIHM-I- N'.i!'. '". lunli ami Mre. Jtiapph may hr ^JUMIV •,i! n; and 't\ken fio**n Sinslelon, cf 3 0 0 0 0 | Smoke Shop. Summer meetings will Smith. W hitmen. 1 Branch June 20th. and It will t«ke EATONTOWN. ^ Ilranrh won a bal- before and «f i Mi-* hnuts, has beefl White, P 3 s 0 3 be Held at the Surf bathing pavilion R H K part in a drum and hti^le crmtesf fo AB securctt The fciandntand will also ~ 1) 0 Tl ' t 11 Ti 10 at Seabrlght. be held by the Veterans of Fm-elcn .1. 4. be. userJ to PPflt spectator?. Wires 'A » tl ,,>., ,- 4 1 II l iflatcd thr h^tory of LONG ISLAND. grarid- Wars of Asbury Park nf. A dance „, 5 Red Bank Bows * Kamc, wfiich oriKinated have been slrung nlong the, AB R B PO A to Drtw Plans for Bridge Span. 1 (i May 2«th at the Ashury Fark casino M fliM>'\ ,f S a ^o. "i'hr llrst alleys, as stand to light up the place. MrNlllr. 11 4 1) 2 0 The highway commission yester- 1 2 0 I .• 1 • • , n 0 0 d.lay, wrir built at New York Bro^n, 2b. a 0 1 0 \ day authorized state engineers to ,r . .','.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'. Ii 2 (1 0 1 I Green and Wl , JUNO. ,ioe Falcar was re- Me Donald, rf. ... draw plans for the draw span In the TO OBTAIN th« b«.t held advai-Ua* In Ttl# 0 1 tJl Mattel, rf ...... 2 0 boftr in Red Bank and vkinitr raada Ta* Long Branch High %H, I til he ipfused to meet Joe Scribner School Girls to Murray. If 4 1 0 Shrewsbury river at Highlands. Rcrilter. MaateHon, cf- ... 4 0 u 18 t ~( 0 ball Nine Mete. • >„'. !"f Hptrnit In a return match thle VeDermott, Sb. ., 3 D 1 4 I 1 onT MONMdUTh. . Falcno defeated Scribner In a Play at Aibury \At e . .... 1 3 e • R H Defeat of SVRSO, h t. aml-hoir.c match last year but Ccheh, V ! 1) 1 0 1 1 ,:|. 1 r. See the '!:, .•;:.•;•.} 0 | and Gray \HH- . •» I'-"1 NefVhan, Belli, Smith, Majetkl. MliNilly. enhin t.i nmmn>Wf p*f I rado, is rated as the best woman [ training department will participate Left on hates—tied Bank 7. Long lsllnd " iv -i 1 brought dpfp.it v n » ten., with all •> Twrn^c*. inrlij'linsr liowler. She. has rolled three games this afternoon In the annual play ft. Double tJllT—McDermott to Relx tlJHt hits, hut K.-.I l!nnk> hit; - ! M.ul of 300 and has averaged over 200 in day activities of the nirls1 physical Strike out»—By White 0, by Cohen E. nk, I.ifkfr.-», «tr . an IIOBINS BEAT RUM80N. icattcivd. i i-P|Vi 'I §l!l> on Wlli—OtT WHIte 1, off Cohen :. cr>nif''! mure than 80° fames In exhibition training department of th» Asbury Hit hj »ltther—By White IRelss.l *il'l J hi Vaccarell" "f ilcl BnnK Mlr'i work this year. , I Park high school. Bafeball. volley. mirk -By White. Dmpirei—Lavela snd Hensler-Kofoed Co. 1 , mil,:, ]„ Mwark Boaeball Nine WUw by • a ainglf1 intn H II:I (iue !" 'ill ^ Davii. Mr Greijr read and explained sev- ball, tennis and track will be the er DIslribulors for Score at i to 5. by I/oriK (^irtn.M, ?u Marslentaa Cruleeri, Dee V.I te Runabnutt and Ciiii*rn ii nl cartoons, containing ideas based sports in which the girls will take Henny Tully, a former St. James' ATTKAC TIVK" I si i> By a score of 8 to 5 Lh« Rumson tnd thr tent :n ' h seventh. The K.yport Sei Skiff, nnd Umversat. Kirmalh A I nds- Mn en ijowlinR, supplied by John Hlx, part. InfMder, played part of the so-called BOAT BARGAINS "•^,-ithlrtic. club was defeated by the Red Bank ratch.T wi i-nlleii nut liy ophnnn i'nn!|' •!!•- i 'i' ,' '.IIHI' originator of "Strange. As It Seems*' Those Who -will play ba.eball are game with Lcng Branch. His single llillf..'ic Rnbinn n( N#wark Sunday the urnpli ^ toy not outMiinK first lllll> III thO r], ,1 ' • , I, Ii i The Rod Bank lr-nr-uc was orgnn- Eleanor Gould, Harriet Mann, JSlUa- in the first inning started the scor- 156 Front St., Keyport, N. J. Newnrk Hrnnrti iiflcrnnnn. The RobiM Rot busy In bftar. V'.i[' dF;, l»nK Blanch relief ned in 1924 by Maynard White. Eu-, heth Cagle, Eleanor Henry, Wiihtl- ing for Red Bank. Majeskl, the Phone K.ypnrt 490 IMS Broad St I ho first InnlnR and »cor«d four runt. fltclin. fcl k i>ut tlupe men in tho pitched bnlli. lied Haiik K, i i -;i' -. i, :l. :•.: i •„ «ene M Magee and Paul Stryker. | mlna Turner. Marlon Harm, Ctth- Towners' regular outfielder, was be- Opan Evening! and Su ndiyi br Appointment adding two morn In thi next frimt. flfth ininnR on lime hind the plate and Paul Bubier, a Umii.-ii niado thrrc In tlic a«cond Woody VRII Dyke of Long Branch linwlpr ha\ ,r,K • fir h h .i i. .-I n . , I'iigln minis jolneil the first ysar.: erlne Boyd, Edwa Merndofl, Myrva. for the •(«»>». M. ir • .i • 'rr .f othei.i hnsides Mr. McKnigrht, who \ rjhl, Ruth Adams, Margaret Ander- Port Monmouth youth, did the hurl- and two more In tho fifth. In thr I hit a home run in the third Inning, g lAj.40 topped Mini ,r :n :n ! in i. son and Jane Sheldon. lnr.' He allowed But one tilt. list K the Newark team talllrrt The score: held the presidency are George of thn KisniM tM!p,i.ii . i p!. Wright lUrt«iJ the game for- the *!'••> Kumunn mafln eight hits ti» RED BANK W. Hrn.v, Harry Guilmette and Alex The volleyball fllay«f« ire Ruth i-evivi for the Robins. Next Sunday AR R Oeurno Ilr-niii.i ,.f i-i, • • . . i iiichin. Mr. White was secretary Linderoth, Dorothy Woolley, Ella Kandy Kids but went out of the box 4 n two years. Mfteinnon Rumson will meet the eran of ninny ,ti.,iii ,.|( I (. UK: Clark, Phyllis MacKay, Ruth Man- at soon as the last half of the third \ieU\r. lib . 2 1 Holy Name M>rlety team from St. wa« thinl wiili MI 11'. .i. 1.1 !«.' HI son, Louise Parker, Anna Bottigaro, inning started. Captain Morrlsey ARCHITECTS Tuttlp rri'l-ivoil i i,i.i!. n. : ,n,l, ,ln WRESTLING AT RUMSON. pitched for the remainder _ of thi ] .ucy .., church at Newark. *r Amelrhinko, 2b Agnes Cotgrsav* and Mildred Caff. Tl'in ."H-orcs: L.diiy. rf nated hy Kobcn H;,ni •• \ rliinH, and Tennis players are Margaret Tull- flaieo. Aumirk. 1b D«nnl»> award ^n^ R iniMC-lianili^p Kafle Club to Hold BouU Tomorrow Arnbnr, of er, Mary Anne Selling, Lucy Aloe, The" Towners next Sunday will op- I.F.1DE RUBINS, order for $K.R(i, «jlvrn I'v Mm Jersey Night Amons; Members. Vattirelll, If Mildred Swift. Sara Tlvisaker. Clare I poS6 tho Green Pastures of Brooklyn, IN AWNINGS till HI Midr O«ntrsl power A llftiit ri,m|iiiny. I » 0 1 Loiltr. p The Eagle athletic club*of Rumson Davey, Florence MacDonald and who according to the announcement ft 2 'I 0 l*dfly. p Trod Morn.'-, of thr [mwer com- made at the Held Sunday, formerly . . .*> I rcolden. rf will hold wrestling bout3 tomorrow Edith Head. 1 0 pany, hold«r (i( hiRh Inilivuiusl score, \X7E have earned our It 0 .1 » Tlrrtr night at the home of William Luf- Those who will participate in thn played under the name of tho Royal > 1 (I 8 •l received a. ppt of Rnlil cuff links, do- burrow. The contestants In the main track event! ar» J*s»l« TBoBias, Es- Giants. It is said to,,be one of the reputation as cre- I 0 nated by Rpussillp'fc jewelry store. bout will be between John Rlocum, ter Dodge, Anna ShlpUin. EthM Ap- strongest colored cluhs in the past. 4 (I 1 Lou Slocum, pllnt of thn Clothiers « 0 LONG BRANCH. seventeen years old. weight 130 plegate. Ruth Mack, May Grlffltba, The score of the first gsmo Sun- ators of interesting awn- t 1 and Insursnc*; quintet, got s hat, do- pounds, and William Lufburrow, six- Olga Schwenker, MarJOfle Kastmond. day follows; F. Mini. Ik nated hy Thllip T. .llnnnine for the teen, weight 130 pounds. The other Marjorle Fritz and Violet Anderson. ings, because of our M i T RED BANK, Katlln. 3b I holder of second high ieore. Morris's bouts will be John CofTey, 17, weight. ] AB It H PO A I RUMSON Raff'rtj, i- •core was 250 and Slocurn'* was 257. I Tullr. :k. ... variety of styles... and AB R H W. V«r Dyke, ••. 120, vs. Strangler Sartlno. IR, weigh' BASEBALL AT LEONARDO. l.lll. .,1, ... . h 1 1 t1 Porter. 2b. . . I I \naiitaiU, rf AuRUstus ColrrKirpen, captain of 118; Theodore Stevens, 14, weight 93, glnflelon, cf. • I 0 1 0 T. M.i... lh the, Grocers and Bakers, received a vs. John ConnorB, 14, weight 105; and | Junior colors .. and the artis- ,1 er ii miin. . if...... '. '. '.. . 4 1 1 0 Bv«n«. If IMlMted CuM 8unHI. ,. II, ... t 1 0 1 Edwardl. p I morgen's total wan «40 Clifford son will referee. i The Junior Aces of Leonaro defeat- PUIIwatnn. 1 b. adapt the most appro- Illlnk.-i if 0 0 0 ed the Leonardo Cubs Sunday after- white, rf. . . . 2 l 0 1 II I 8 ( Traits of th» 8*cond National Bank, The winners of the. Lufburrow- linn ,.n. |i . . . J 0 (1 0 •Ratted for Aumaek In Kvcnth. holder of the spare record, received Slocum and the Coffey-Saitlno! noon by a ecore, of 2 to 1 In a ten- j Newm.n rf. . priate awning that can V ;< ii i- in * III. if ... 2 0 2 0 nu ••Batt«l for Aiatlt ill nv«nth. tlO In RTold. matches will wrestle for tho cham-j inning contest. The game was fea-1 '"• "• '' complement your home. 92 4 Sc-nrfl fcjr Innlngi: plonshlp of the club. The champion •tih-ed by two spectacular catches by j 1 1 Run Bank ft 0 30 90 0 — 5 A box of cigars, donated hy Cham- b»r's pharmsry, was Riven to the All- must defend his title three times a , Steve O'Sage, Cub outlelaer. LLONG BRANCH MUUl.lr [lol'lni . . 4 t O i t> nII 0 !—« Lorn Branah 40408(1 «—* Umplr*—Flynr, Albury Park. Mechanics, who rolled hlgll team month. , i The, winning battery was Francis AB ft Hum"..ti 0 J 0 l> 2 0 0 0 0—5 Our service is ^prompt, 'core of 1.044. lldux and "P«ew#e" Ne»amler. The ^ J^"o'r"' r, .;; T»i.-I .»•« hits— GUI. Slrufk out—hy Sam Coloslmo and Carl Yates. pro- j . . ^ >--. - loilnelnR bbatterll(!r y was DpDennin1s Sheehan C and our prices inex- V. l.y Allen «, I1.... e bell" Other prize wlnnera were: fesslonal wrestlers, are coaching the! K .» y .^" Ji ".?^*" ^!T: ,', Track Maet at Trenton. snd Anthony'OSage. The teams will Torrhia. If lv URII »"ii •''. hy Allen ». Umplrei —tub- Oiiy VsnN>»», captiin of th« All- hoyi. Wrestling Is growing In pop- ill :,n.| fl.eii r pensive. j The Trenton diocesan high m-honi Mectianmn, ei sweater donated hy ularity among tho members of the plsy again en Sunday afternoon, Kevii. 3b trick championship" are being hell I'luvton A Mafces for leonnd hljt^i club. May 31st. Coyne. 2b H!ver strwt School Track Meet. I today at. the, Trenton fair dimindf Morrlsey. lh. p, • 'ai for three fames. VaBNess's Haley. 11> Dip Klvrr ptrert junior high school !Amon|f those who will lepreajnt th II'HI was MS. Ht. June* Grammar School Wins. "LUTHERAN SUPPER FRIDAY. Wrilht, p will Knon hold an Inter-clasi track •Red Bank Calholli- sclmol inn hi.in 1 !• i M1 Straus of th* tlothisrs »nd A baseball tram representing Ht. • till fl"lil rnent at the high school {•In Cornell, l'"'il ' ""». till"'' ' iimuranrr, |r> donated by William A. Ladlea' Aid to Serve Clan Chowder ; Jamea's (r&mmar school, ilcfratcd a flaore by inninffi: w,- .s, i r f i ]. ; if - tl.'id nn Bergen place. !Mx Quinn, Jonnpli I'" -'Ii; V in. . nl Hi ,- , Sweeney for ner.orrL hljh spares at Oust Ornbcrg'i Cunp. ! Red Bank publlo sohnol team Fri- nni< ii-nir. will compete for the aehrKil Her, John Miih '"< ••. ii '"• •-• • >'ln,: Stians's total wan 37* day afternoon hy a BCOIC of R to 7. The ladles' aid society of the Holy J IWd Bank S 1 I h'iin|ii"n .hip In ten evenln. An tn- Mai'ild ll'iiliillriii. H' < ' io'idiniimh. .liisoph Mentr.opanB of the. Cloth- The SI. .Tunics buttery win Hill An- Trinity Lutheran church will hold a I • iron — Bubier. Mnrr h«o Ii ' <•' < i I'-H li.ii t);ill tnuitnunrnt U l>f Thiiniai. ; ;ilni"' "• • l''> Mnli' \. ins and Insurance, a wall light do- drewe. and KineM llatti. Stanley clam chowder supper Friday night | —flmith, Sairlfiee— I < *»»••,..•, 1 lienlKi i'""l- V'll-'int AmliiMV.,, l'*:i naterl iiy Donald A. Johnson for Ravage and Raymond Scoi t iai ed< at the the camp of Mr and Mrs. Gust l RavJi, CDvne. L«ft nn •<— Re Tlay. Win members of the church and each year Ftilblsr I In ft inninK*. ..If Hi thi '• I" Nstional Bank, a chicken donated by r Keabrlfht InnlnsS, n" MOrilnry O lo J ii'.iitiiB^. I ni »'. n pi 17" fm winning tlw Ihe H'inxlixlil Ki,;»ht« of CnllimbiiK extend the courtesy of their camp for . Al's While market for 4 high aver- plrei—LavoU snd Davia. 1 The Beabiight Unknowns defeated n • liou'iiiii; i niiieat el the R«H ^.apehHll tenoi v, ill |ils,\' nn aijrreirn age howler on the hank team. use by thn ladles' alrl In giving a the Olaen Star." of that plm-e Kntur- Next Sunday Ihe Tuwneri «ul r fi-rrn t inn IIHII Mlf>B Hump , ^t.uilev Veiiicli. fl pair of cuff • upper. The camp it In a choice lo- day afternoon, It tn 4. Thompson play the Green Pasturen, a ' in i 'ifijh >• nil a nun. or i.i3. hull*, il'itiitril Ir/ the fltrius dry cation nn lh« Shrewsbury river and llumhii. of Biii.l"l. IVnii'.vl'.niiia. lnd.Olf.en starred al hat for the Ol- composed of the aU-enloren*. ens' .>r ..i •••incn jutrtlripAted anil Mr*. i i-iinit., hi.iix (or a blRh «veran« howl- makes an Ideal place In which to .I A •nun. k uiiri ,,rr,iinl vsllli n den* with a home inn inn a double. "The Green Pastures,' Hie Piiltt/.i i- • -in tho tirtnU teniii WlnninR's av nine. ' Hie Lincoln rtieel fir-1.1 ill Mr,-hnl,| Smith of the Unknown.! hit two frlie play now showlntr on Broiil- ei»K-' wan 162 anil Venick'c avnragf hotnit IIIVIei nnd » elnftle- Arm Clul> Alrplans Sold. way. Molt of the actors haw Mime.- lime or other r>la\eil semi iuo I. HI Il(lil» I up 'Ii- I UplHllI Charles Moore snil hii brother of | 'biii-iir .fniirv s pn11- r>f shoes do «n(l form thr nucleus of a iinm,. Thn clMHfilfled mlvrrtHuinents In Millvlllei bounlil n Warn biplane from i;h K< hfiol Irn Hnnon S l'i n.tic,i l.y rimmiM li*iti>: Iliown of liin HeMiittor cdnUin worth while O|e- team | Atlantic (JltJ non ptnvlrig , i 1 I I lie rtc.l Hauk Iteunlei. ami I'llll the Red Bank aero club last week for imrluiilila* tor everybody.—Adver- Jimmy Fullir. ona tinis tafchtr' B14.U* 1>»M» .u Htllmn. • oill tola doatvlsi. by Trupta I RED T<

    1UMSON RESIDENT DKAD ?h Cornea to HIGHLANDS MAN I>EAI) Anthony Stmat, Ftagmaui ( om Joseph Strohmenfer, *"-. I»«d '*•' w -I he ot^rrvr.) h. K. A S. Clarke ed Twlcr for Bra*»Tj i Friday at HU Hume. thony Slmai fc I.W1.M • f Hljir, Joseph Stlohlnenger, .Sr a itpl ^iid* Ittt pant tpv Ltn-i, \»-oi? died dent of Rumson for (he the i>a*t 3.. *>it-t I Lxecutivt ..,,! ... «•...,* lit years, died suddenly last rn-lbj , „„> I «.i Wf-rk at Hnwas ?H jears *H<1 fa•.•1 i» M.,rv,veJ b> morning at his home ot a ct-t*-hm 1 . II..1..: Funeral Held Ins wife The !uf.>in! was lii-ld ITI ' hemorrhage He wa*. 6!r j^me v '! day riuji niiiK n! H t i hull h i,l Olll Mr. Strohmengei h\r<1 al'in*- a' inc Lady (if Pel pH ,al He j. and a re home on I^afayette fctitet ho,| 'n^ i he, qulem mash war : tiaiited by Hev his midday and evening i«t«i.- «' 'M Huriai ft as ai home of his son, I>H<> sn "jiMie^k. < Mount < >livet < finf across the Hirert At",,i ! <-"wn Mr. Kimat was tlH^man at th Mil- o'clock the son nullrnl itmt l.ir !•>'!> 1 i.f lx days !n street cn^Mn and was com- er had not been HUMIIHI the \*t : Hi- I JIM- 1, H..r.r* ' .-iiihHin,' a. : mended twice by the railroad for had been his custom anil in - *-fi i*;a' liitm M< Nulti Hml»! -i. - N u • v. ,- M.rrtary i»f the saving the lelivess of children. The ed. He enlcied hm fatln-r > d. .IIH- Ait,pit W. VVonleri >v«» »• Y • • n ... •:.: -••• »>1 mstitutt- and crossing is at tire bottom of a pteep , where he fourui him lymn " 'h*- I • . s it i.t (if the l.ack hill. On one occasion Ihree rxiy«! floor. lie lia-J Hjij'ar tlitiy been d»a(! . I.M nddled steel roni- were coming down the hilJ in an ex-1 about four hours Death of (diluted M»/i 1 **».» H number of the [ness cart aa a train was approach) Mr. Ktrohrnenger was born In Her Stephen C Alstip riiert I« \OMI I IIIS4. W i >.i v tinl ( >ntury and ing. Mr. Simat ran over the tracks rnany and came to the I'nlted States last Hatutday at tii« t^>m« • > -iii'i the Kumson and In Iront of xYin train and up»el the when a young man For many years niece. Mrs J B Hariwn, of l, •.nini y *rt*- r • - • }n .son of the late ler street was beinK paved, a steam He had been a member of the Na at tWO O'clock Wltb Hev !' i*ilr <•!•- and Susan Smith roller started rolling down the hill rumsunk tribe of Red Men of Rum Ne!sM a! Harvard college. Inski was in the path of the steam Besides his son, Otto, Mr Stroh of R R. Mount A Son, was roller and Mr. Simat pulled her out ,. i, -I v1 . a member of the var- menger is survived by another Bon Ridge cemetery. Mead I r h). ,of the «say In the nick of time. The . ,.. •- i iwo years. After serv- Joseph A. Strohmenger, Jr., also of V\e C l.enm f steam roller crashed Into the watch- ,.. ,,, • . i,,i»,ialiiiy T M) « • « . • * ..ni|>!iiiv at Sharpsburg, man's house at the croesing and de- menger, of Rumson, and anothei HOUSE TO COST *M,000 molished, it. a game of l,.,.~rl.- , . .it i Hubert Forpythe, he brother and sister living in Germany Dwelling O •, kn'iwn engineer and builder Brother of Bora Bus Head Paaaed Rev. John E. Murray, celebrated a costing J14.0CK) t» tifing I.uilt on thw • i,. 'htii:> from him. Ernest L. Russell of Jerafey City, Albert W. Worden wai at Fair Vitw entrance, to the ;unj*«Mts it* «»n Klvei cemetery. Mi i ']i' lie is survived by his wife, brother of William L. Russell, super- road. I he hous.>• will 1,f :>< >\'M) feet » , ^;t ii»il] Ward; two daughters. intendent of the Boro buses corpora- and will be ein I'.hVf v, bin ••,, ,,,,,,pe M. Bodman of River- On the flr.M fl<-•1 Wl 1! \'f H HviriK tion of Red Bank, died suddenly last IJNCROFT MAN DIES. I !UI « ,^;>h diive and Mrs Marion M. Saturday morning of an acute heart room, wit ii « r; t *j.ln i ( lining Ih. i i *n :--<-i man of Nyark, New York, attack while sitting in the office of David Hood, Sr., Died Friday Night room, kirchefi ;• ,.io *. ...III an ii but- ughl U ,,. ii » bister. Mrs. Creighton Withers the station master of the West In His 88th Year. ter'n jjiuit(v '••<'• > n u > • >) )if.i ve thiee • t 1'rji t llnpe. Canada. Twenty-third street station of the David Hood, 8r., who lived with his bedrooms HI-,-*. • (tH n 11 mil 118 The tic funeral was held Monday Central railroad at New York. He son David at Llncroft, died Friday ho lift f will I- -•(•li-'t- <\M J ul> \va mummy at St (ieorge'B churcjh at i waa 42 years old. The body was re- I.RIII H H4-i.il. " f ,'ai i >Iav en is the ! night from a complication of diseases f'liniKnn with Rev. Stanley Brown- moved to Albert W. Wordens funeral after having been confined to bed cont r in tct Sfimsu. his brother-in-law, In mtU»« (it ih% home on East Front street and pre-several weeks under the care of a at Mi'MI.'" . nai-gf Burial was at Nyack. pared for burial. registered nurse. He was in his 88th N(M K E Besides the brother mentioned, he year and was reiflarkably well until B DF.ATH OF MBS. VIEBING. and find len *\ u it>««tinu of th« Is survived by three other hrothers, year ago. lowiiMhili rniiimnte* .it the lownahlp '>' Ivine H. Russell of Westwood, Mar- Mr. Hood was born in Scotland anil Mifi^telown tiviit on ThutiiUy. May 11th, oiran (irnve Resident Was a Native cus H. Russell of Toms River and he and his wife, the late Susan Ster- )!131. ind WHH Hi'i'iow.l on that dHtfl. <>f Tort Monmouth. John RuBsell of Barnegat. He also iltlWAHI) W KOBKKIS. ling Hood, came to this country Towfinhlii OletV ; Mm Margaret DeGrote Viering, leaves two sisters, Mrs. Herbert about twenty years ago. They con- 26 Ft. Cruis* s ii $3,500 00 widow of Henry Vierlng, died at her i Cranford of Barnegat and Mrs. Alice ducted a farm In Rhode Island be- AN ORDINANCE 1'KOVlDINt; M)K lilt ] Sprague of Lakewood. CONSTRUCTION OK ( ON< I1KTK sll'h | inte imme at 24 Pitman avenue, fore they came to Llncroft in 1918 WALKS ON HOTH SIDKS UK I'HUHl H I HI- Also ic/iii < i \ a New 40 Ft. Twin Screw Cruisei. < >i <-Hn Hii'vp, Saturday from a com- The funeral was held yesterday af- Mrs. Hood died In October of 1923. STREET AT HKl.HlHn Htl.lNNlNi. t Ht-. 1'lirntHin "f diseases at the age of ternoon at th« home of his sister In Surviving Mr. Hood, besides his AT THK RAIt.HdAI' ItiAlhS ANI> WE HAVl iLOWING USED CRAFT FOR SALE: ( Barnegat. Ha was was a member of RUNNING NimillPn Hi ' nM r ti! vi^fiis She was born at Port Mon- son David, afe two other sons, Joseph TON'S CREEK nmuih en'1 phe continued to live the American legion and American and James Hood of Rhode Island. BE IT ORDAtNKI* I, '(r ^..ii.lni 45 Ft. Doubh- ( t • I liiafr 180 H. P. Wintun tht-w until about twenty years ago, Mechanics and members of these He also leaves two grandchildren. Commlttei of tlm l.,v. ,.ni . ' M.,I,II. 30 Ft. Single (<>f ISO H. P. SterliiiK v-licn hhe moved to Ocean Grove. organizations attended in a body. Miss Marlon and David Hood, chll lown: !h<- !» survived by three children. [Burial, in charge of Albert W. Wor- dren of David Hood. l. nil ••i.i" >n» .... • i •• • '• 26 Ft. Chris <>. •f Ian, 1929 225 H. P. Smith they bclrv>; Miss Evelyn Vierlng and den, was at Barnegat. Rev. John Alexander Hayes of the 1 26 Ft. ClinsC »F.r 200 H. P. Scripp. Henry I' Viennp of Ocean Grove and Red Bank Presbyterian church con- Krtwnnl o Vieriap of Neptune. Mrs DIED ON HIS BIRTHDAY. ducted the funeral Monday afternoon 26 Ft. Christ ti.ll I9Z8 150 H. P. Kermath \ luring also leaves two sisters. They at the late residence. Burial in 18 Ft. Rminhoiit, 1930 me MIF Louise Lehman of Port Mon- John McColgan, Retired Realtor, chaVge of Albert W. Worden was at 40 H. P. Van BUrck Passed Away Last Thursday. • mmtli ami Mrs. F:tta Morris of Red Fair View cemetery. The bearers ()n and after May 2(1, 1931, our plant will be open all day Saturday and John McColgan, a retired real es- were George A. Mauser, Bernard The funeral of Mre. Vierlng was j tate broker, died on his 67th birth- Kelly and Peter Thompson of IJn Sunday. Mechanics in attendance at all times for service and hauling out. tield nt her late home Monday after- croft, Charles Miller and William 11 I day last Thursday at his home on Morrell of Red Bank and William ""k. mul ivin- Outside work a specialty. iiiKin nnd the eervice was In charge Branch avenue. He was one of the •• " •' l HMI th« faim of Rev. Howard Shipp of Neptune oldest members of the Navesink Fahrer of Atlantic Highlands. • •••< •• -">' trie iiilrnm] City. Burial was at Fair View ceme- m * m> 1 Oidin.m-.. *<- J»'Bey Southern lodge of Odd Fellows, the presiding 4. Th« i-ii.li. »' • ' • n. *u RHM«[IV dj. PHONE RED BANK 840. tery. officer of the Neptune encampment DIED AT SISTER'S HOME. .Idew.lks ali«ll u ;,, • . •-• K Wnllinjj farm and a member of several other fra- .tcordina I.' vl-i.K » • •• • •it-l ilili K.'H.I. i,i»n- FAIR HAVEN WOMAN DEAD. ternal and social qrders. Mrs. Grace More Passed Away Last Todd. Towiifliii' >••>*•" •• ' H » • >v e, nliall here- Week at Shrewsbury. b. Th«t the mint •• ' ! • i* heiehy knn» n «• I Mr. McColgan had been 111 tor the dinrllon ot Ihi. irni.i I • • Red Bank Yacht Works Mrs. Catherine VanKeuren Passed p«rvl»or »i..l thr I • •• •• •••, • I paBt five weeks. He was born In Mrs. Grace M. More of Locust ave- "hall take Bffirt Im- Away iAst Monday. Hightstown and came to Ked Bank 6. That the •••! nue died suddenly of a stroke at the exi>«nii« "I lti« Ml.ittiMi. i - ! forty years ago. He had retired from Mrs Catherine VanKeuren, wife of home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas and If not done l.y i in- .!• •••• . f^iHham VanKeuren of River road, I active business last year. Wylie of Shrewsbury. She was theo»n«r« within Hii.lv ijm .•«.. -Ii.. •>•.- I Mr. McColgan is survived by his adoption «.f the Oi.tinHiK . t'-"i il;p I , ^ n lair Haven, died late Monday after- daughter of the late Thomas and Jane ship !>• «iithiiri»eit> ownem. • and Mrs. Annie Reynolds of Lum- 7. This Ordinance ahull take elTert im- 6* years old and was the daughter She was a membir of the Trinity mediately: of Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonough of i bertown, and a grandson, John Mor- Episcopal church. row. MONMOUTH COUNTY ORPHANS COURT Jersey City. In the malfter of the F.nlate of Robert Mrs. VanKeuren was born at Jer- The funeral was held at his late Marlboro Resident Dead. Letshtoff Crawford, deceased. home Saturday afternoon at two On accounting. Notice of settlement of sey City and came to Red Bank six Mrs. Eleanor S. Buck, wife of account. yt-ars «Kn. Her husband, a member o'clock. Burial In charge of R. R. Charles H. Buck of Marlboro, died NOTICE la hereby given that th. fli.t of several local organizations, was a Mount 4 Son was at Fair View cem- and final account of the subscriber, Com- Sunday of last week at the South mercial Trust Company of New Jerse> Annual Clearance Sale Ietery. cousin of the late Melvln R. Van- Amboy hosptal. She was 47 years tmaUe under the laat will and t|a/ame]i( Keuren, a well-known Eatontown old and besides her husband she and codicil thereto of Robert Lelghtun resident. TELEPHONE MAN DEAD. Ccfcwford, deceased, late of Rumno'i leaves her monther, Mrs. Robert Monmouth County. New Jersey. *• i Besides her husband, Mrs. Van- Father of George H. Merrill, Jr., Died Schenck, a sister, Rita Schenck, and b« audited and etat«d by the SurroKule . Keuren is mrrvived by two brothers, In Maplewood. a brother, Robert Schenck. »»ld County of Monmoulh nwl r«\..n u Stephen and Harry McDonough of for settlement to the Orphans Court •- George H. Merrill, general dial the County of Monmouth on Thuiuh. Jersey City. Died a( Welfare Home. Ihe lllh day of June. 1H1, at 10 -toft The funeral will be held tomorrow traffic engineer of the New Tork tel- o'clock in the forenoon or as soon theit ephone company and father of Mrs. Julia Clark McColm died last after aa the Court can attend to the ssme morning at eleven o'clock at St. at the Court House In Freehold. New Jei- JumeB's church with the rector, Kev. George H. Merrill, Jr., of Fair Ha- week at the welfare home at Free- sey. at which time application will IK John B. MrCloskey, in charge. Burial ven, formerly manager of the Redhold. She was born at Englishtown made for the allowance) of cemmiesiun.. will be at Fair Viewcemetery. Bank district, died last week at his and taught school there a few years. and coune«l fees. home in Maplewood of a heart at- Later she conducted a private scHo&> COMERCIAL TEUST COMPANY DIED ON VISIT HERE. tack. Funeral services were held at at Freehold. OF NSW JEBSEV East Orange and burial wae In Con- AMERICAN (Seal) ' R. S. CARHICHAEL. Augustus Bennett of New York necticut. Death of Young Dentist. Vloe Prtsldent. State Stricken at Fair Haven. Mr. Merrill had a long record of Dr. Elwood R. Vreeland. son of Mr. (Trust** nnd«r the last Will and Teets- service with the telephone company. m«nt and Codicil thereto of Robert Augustus Bennett of Harmond. and Mrs. A. J. Vreeland of Matawan. Lelsnton. Crawford, deceased.) He was born at Cambridge. Massa- died last week in his 29th year. He Daud Jersey City. N. J., May 19, 1»»1. New York, died sddenly early Satur- chusetts, and was a graduate of J. FISHER ANDERSON. day morning at the home of his was a dentist at Orange. Besides his Harvard university. He became con- parents he leaves two brothers, Mil- Pvr.ctor for Accounte-nt. brother, Arthur Bennett of Fair Ha- nected with the company In 1913. IK Exchanse Place, ven, whom he was visiting at the ton and Warren Vreeland. Jerter City. N. J. time. Death was attributed to heart trouble. Besides the brother he was visiting, NTAL he is survived by another brother, George Bennett of Bedford, Maine, and a sister, Mrs. Leo Telchard of I Canada. He was a mp.Bon by trade and was born in Canada. i The funeral was held at the funer- : Wymbs' Market al parlors of R. R. Mount A Son on Mitt West Front street Monday morning '• a\ nine o'clock and at ten o'clock at | Always for Quality and Service. $ St. James's church where a mass of ; Irregu \ar* requiem was celebrated by the rec- ] 38 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK, N. J. RUGS tor. Rev John B. McCloskey. Burial was at Mt. Olivet cemetery. ' Phone 3075. AL. WYMBS, Prop. Free Delivery. 9x12 Size FUNERAL OF H. 1. MATTHEWS. Regularly $125 Services Hehl Ij«.t Week for Late Midriletown Man. Specials for Thurs., Fri. and Sat., May 21st, 22d, 23d Funeral services for Harry J. Mat- 55 thews of Wiimort Park in Middle- town township, who died on Tuesday of last week at the Rlvervlew hos- TOP ROUND We cannot impress you too em- pital of a cerebral hemorrhage, were Fresh-Killed I ' Best Cuts held lust Friday morning at 8:30 SMALL ! CHUCK phatically with the importance o'coek nt Albert W. Worden'a funeral 1*1118 Store will b* 4"VN account o( the Ivjrnr- on F.ast Front Btreet and at STEAK of this offering! Lustrous, color- nine i) chu k Fit St. James's church. FOWL flloMd Saturday, extremely low price Hfv\ Jamr* F. McGrath, assistant ROAST DtcoraUon Dsjr, May ful domestic Oriental Rugs, with •t whlcb these rust Hitnr of thp cnurfh, celebrated a re- ROAST n'lieni mas.-' and Mrs. Marparet Phil lb 30th. Wa urfe your soft, deep pile, nationally fam- •ra offered, all aalet lips Wiis the organist. The bearers v.Pip. Roger Allison of Red Bank. (election this week. ous, at LESS than one-half their nut be final! No ex Charles Denniniicr of Middletown 29c 26C 16c change*, pleue. and James and John Bell of Jersey regular price! Certainly your City FSunal was at the Holy Name cemetery in Jersey City big opportunity! LEGS OF SHOULDERS OF DEATH OF TAIL J. BENTON. clb clb Fornier lied Bunk R^tildent Spring Lamb 26 Spring Lamb 16 Away at Brooklyn bnhirtlay. Vnu\ ,T. Ilmtnn, formerly nf H-d Punk, (In*!. H(. his hornft nt '2X1 DPJIII filn*f!, Hrn(jklyn, I-M .Snt an Jay aft'.-r FLAT BONE Fresh Chopped LEGS or RUMPS in id erg mi IK an "petal ion Mr. R*MI ton had » poHiiion with Hf-arn Brt)- SIRLOIN Beef . 22clb MILK-FED \ h'-i * 1"i nmny ypflvs H» retired f i «,rn in'i'.n \% r.i it Hhouf two yfftr? r Breast or Neck of S. McKELVEY ki^'i 11 LS- t ;• t '•!, Mii- K lea nor Hfu STEAK I'm v ::., h i ln-< i, in IMJI .;.r Ih- 1'H, t , i ^ H.ni,! h • i-. : - • in nir.; (in ' I.-* Lamb . 10c lb VEAL 21 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey \'| 'II' -t 'l I*' . V. hull I.T '111.' ' . i H I J !'• l f M'TIM I "'•'. -M I" 1 ir 1.1 'I, I'H'i fl lilt t, Smoked Cala Factory Dislriiiiitor lux Karagheusian's famous Wilton Rugs nuinhr-r at f Mends nn1 by mwny ri-.-.idt'ni.s of (i;i: Hams . 14c lb 26c RED BANK REGISTER

    r t FIRST In the United States In Total Advertising

    For the second consecutive year The Red Published During 1930 Bank Register has achieved supremacy in the field of weekly and semi-weekly newspapers published in tl»* United States. In 1930 as in 1929 Th«* i ore paid display 165,551 advertisi' t veekly or semi- weekly ii. . -, •••-.• tfonrts with The * Inches of Paid Display American IV'-.- >tn. ^ ^\ «* y^ariv publishes these record? it further proves the claim that Advertising The Register's field is a great market and that The Register covers this field as no other news- paper does.

    • , • • :•* »> . . t • v * Not only does The Register lead in display advertising but it publishes more Classified Ad- vertising than any other country weekly. The volume of this class of advertising is the acM test of a paper's reader interest.

    That The Register is a newspaper with a genuine reader interest is shown in its steadily increasing circulation. The Register now en- AVERAGE NET joys the greatest circulation in its history. This growth is a normal one as no premiums or other •i ... i. • r »•. • >. CIRCULATION inducements have ever been offered by The Register to secure subscriptions.

    The Register takes pride in these achieve- ments but better still it takes pride in the fact that it can offer its advertisers and readers Sworn Postoffice Statement such genuine value. April 1st, 1931t for previous six months RED BANK REGISTER RED BANK, NEW JERSEY i, IIMIIflflVVI STORE'S »NPf!VlB*AHT >t'.4 M'J-'« > »ii*':: •- OMIN Leon's FOX SCARFS Column 1 i $14 BRIGHTEN t Your HOME NOW it • Furrier A" with • •rr- ;-.%, •• REPAIRING* v\ - Shrewsbury News. HUN G CURTAINS t hrist Churrh W««> U< Hold a Card rarty Toiiliht. -IH HE- ud (Th« Bed Bank e»n b* bougbt Red ir Shop In Shr«w»bur» (torn KUbtrd B«*k.« it lb« DRAPES poitufflc*.) N. J. Nothing brightens w the 49 Monmoutt > 'ft4. The women s auxiliary and, g~uttd sun <>r Mi B'ld MIK Mfhr-t ^""'i f.f -'hriM < < halnrien are Mrs Edward MAY 24th i .^i hf jar and Mis Chtrlei A. We-A Dance Wa» Held Mi»iiit»> M«lit «l sr\i Koadaldr Hal: e rie? .•- tin'i Mia Lester McKnlgM will A d»n<-e w»» l.e-1 M •.-•«!• •.!*-•.» i • ... - 'ifianrv at their new liouie Ofantn? prolongs their . ;,t»( * pai t of the week. fcfc i :. ! ,nwrpnre. Whit's polo field >. ">f fulness i.. ii,t K'-.I fnt piaftir* games AND • . I^I ;^)\ei .si , i.*> at Rutland Had Sister" l hi/ Honlli J t fiur cleaning of them is the MI., t.hs hnught the J. Wiight willi very best beyond any ques- tion of doubt. . i1' i 'nv Hn*nl MfwJcty nf Mie LAST TIMf-S TODAY! • . i. - , Mur' Ii m«t at Mid Feature \! 11 i IS. »:M. k i!fij>p .i Monday aft«r ENTRUST your FURS i , -. ^ (.i r he young j>ef)j»Ie'H Conrad Nagle "BEHIND OFFICE DOORS" f • .p- (I'M .i;-; \ find .Inhn Kly and Kirh |..-.cl i>. * , • • • ^f Stin? t 1 Ull?! WM» Vfftfh • it GARMENTS MABY ASTOIt ItOIIKHT AMKS f 1 •.<- Jtloardo («rln xtliu. Dale Owen ,r old Nrviua and ;mm» -II.. Wllllail'n'i- I" >I!K>- TOMORROW »n-l FRIDAY r.ti .s' udi" «< "«(1 Kaii I't ip|.s . 1.,)!•..,I,., • « ;|"My K< Hd'nK i-lnli « l» W*T --. . n : 3 Feature At 3;15, *3:l.\ " n» • :-.--ui>i i-.«(. Vaudeville fnouKh Th.riltg To (•lie You The

    I' Shiver* S Ulatsky M »s A' Knoufh Bonujice I liiniil W utlii K.unlly" To Makn You IllKht Ht elfcht ..ilni'l! h-.heil Tl Envious ! Willlnm I (iieen, who h«» bftn .)• M'd'lK" y Community ppiiously pick, hrt* t^l^^ered anil l« Kast Front Street, ?hl« In hf* about Topic*. CHARLIE CHAN Mr. and Mi* TVioman Wvile liave CARRIES ON" retnined from Paylon. Ohio, where Red Bank, N. J. they attended the funeral of Mlsf with Hy VMIbnr Hytntntton, HA Warner Oland It Jt !« tiue tli«t the *ye* ar« .1(111 N (iMtHU'H I omorrow, f- SAJ'HIOW* c' ffiir uRtut?, (if the hu- i if mil 'mi » Friday. Specials at Cltarella*S Market •-•••• ''- i'lfr- ii r^fiiis « fair par- FEATURK AT * -'•••'!> --'• 1s ^ 'ionrn of thft Telephone Middletown 297. MIDDLETOWN YOrM, AI..SU I . •!•• > Andy • •'• i IllHlllllt.t Crosse & Blackwell's Imported Pure Orange Marmalade 3 jars for 95c

    Imported Style Frankfurters large jars 34c s 11 • u A Man To -i....." \ Man Also Full Line of Fresh Vegetables. •I tllnl • Inspect Our United Service Grocery Department. l'r..m Th* Stag* Hit Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 21st, 22d, 23d. "Pete & Repeal" H.v Klmer Harris. Sennett (omedy SATURDAY, MONDAY .... FEATIRETTES I Selected Comedy Kraiy Kai Kart»on, 'DiBanpament C'onlerrnrf.'' • •< -in i minding Paramount Sound Nova .•.. tnpir i«t.urns to s. imlever expendl- Sample Dress Shop for The Children ! Sat Marine* Start* YVlfll 1 P. M. THE TBAP THOMAS MI.H.HAN Bridge Pad* Part 6, HAKDIl; AI Sill!. ,11 1 58 Peters Place Red Bank Ingot Print*" to anyone call- IMIBOTIIV .IOI11IAN Corner Drummond Place. «t our plant TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Phone 392. CLEAN CLOTHES. Featur* at JD1, 7:37. »:4.i tin Hang III/. I'r FORMERLY THE ADELE SHOP. Anthofii, l.lvrnl AU>ng Th« IVi.rn lloail. ..Hut In 111* limit IV »• A Nonj Of Ladies, it will pay you to call at the above loca- Pbonc tion and see what lovely garments you can get for IAWRHNCF. such little money. Red Bank 2800 TIBBF.TT

    I li» iMlllUut Ktm In a We carry a full line of Vz sizes, W/t up to 44Vi'. mullein roinnnr^-. . We do alterations free of charge. IAI1H SA II fIDAV ONI/T! "THE No high Broad Street Rents. TOM I YI.KR m » Thriller ! PRODIGAL" "West of Cheyenne" Leon's No Expensive Sales Force, McNamee New* Talkomedy WHERE RUGS ANI> I-Wll IK KAI.NTON I ir I I No Elaborate Windows to Dress. STARTING WI.DNESDAY, MAY 27th HOUSEHOLD t.oOIKv "TEN NIGHTS IN HOI.ANK VODNO i All of which means a Saving we are pasting along to ARE BLAIJliliiJX. f.iqillnllx MIIHII HI HAI.»: In "TIIK RKAI. KSTATORS" Anily I hiln and Hun1 (irlhlon In ".HINT A HKAH" Coming CI.ORIA SWANSON in "Inditcreet" 7O-7ft White Street, MOV1KTONK NfHS Soon I.OI.S W!iS')N ,,t "SEED" llauk, New