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94 Immigration. The returns, the figures being taken from principally sent these immigrants to the the sam« source, for the first nlue mouths of United States :— 1875, show still further decline. Tbe de crease on the nine months of 1875. ending Males.' Females. | Total 30th Septemher. as compared with the simi England 24,497 15,63349,130 lar perio i of 1874 bein<» 26,303, and as com Ireland 18,029 19,928 37,957 pared with 1ST3, of 85,980. Gotland 4,473 2,837 7,310 Wales 270 179 449 The following statement shows tbe Im IsleofJMan 6 migrant arrivals In the UDited States for Guen esy the fiscal year ended June 30th, 1875 : — Channel Islands, n.s 7 Total British Isles 47,283 38,578 85,861 Germany 27,576 20 193 47,769 Males. Females Totals. Austria 8,6K 3,230 6,882 Hungary 477 299' —776 Sweden 3.274 2,299 5,573 Norway r.. 3.726 2.367 Professional Oc Denmark 1,563 1,093 2,656 cupations 2,147 279 2,426 Netherlands 750 487 1,237 Skilled occu pat's 32,014 1,789 33,803 Belgium 475 140 615 Miscellaneous oc Switzer and 1,127 687 1,814 cupations 73,732 10,814 84,546 France 5,578 2,943 8,321 Occuoations not Italy 2,775 795 3,570 tatea 255 1,038 1,291 Without occupa Th9 following statement shows a com- tion ... 31,802 73,830 105,487 pirlson of the immigrant arrivals in the United States for 3 years :— Aggregate 139,950 87,548 227,498 For the year ending Junr 30th, 1873.
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