2199 PARLIAl\lENTARY DIRECTORY, 1910. PEERS Crested. Created. ·Created . .J:l rminghsmBishop of (consecrated Bishop of Worce,;ter Canterbury Archbishop of, G.c.v.o., P.C., D.D., LL.D., I Ui74. Colerid.ge Lord, a Justice of tlle King's Bench Division lUU:.l, tratbtlleLl l\Jr15 ), !)•,hop's Croft, Jlirrninglmm D.C.L. con~ecrated 1891, translated 19()3, Primate of 3 (~ orth) King's Bench walk, 'l.'emple EO· 1"; 1007. Blytlt L1r l, ,);; l'ortialld plac<" W; lJevuw;hire club all England & Metropolitan, one of the l'rincipaJ GJe11how gardeHs, South Kensington bW; A.thcna.·'um. t"l \\" : ' t: ~ thwO< d. t"lt nHt"rl. E"s(:X Trrultu~ of the British ~lUBeum, Lambeth palace National Liberal & Devom;llire clubs SW ; & The 1892. Blyth~wood Lord (in hol~· orrlcr;;), 2-."ational & Cilrlton SE; Athenreum club SW; & The Old Palace, Chantf,r';;house, Otter3 St. Mary, Devon clnb,; ~W; .:'\cw clnh (E

holl8e, K.rttcring; Drumlanrigcastlc, Thornhill, N.B.; l776. Clanwilliam .l<~arl of, in the Peerage of Ireland, silq as 5th Battn. Manchester Regiment (T•·rritorial Forcc)9 l:lowhlll, SelkirK, N. B. ; & Langholm lodge, N. B Baron Olanwilliam (1828) in that of the United 2 Cavend1sb. t~q W ; Carlton & Athena:um clubs SW ; 1746. Buckingtmrnshire Earl of, HrooKs·s & ~ational Liberal Kingdom, 3Ei I rmy~otL place, Crwl~ea SW : Carlton Haigh llall, Wigan; & Balcarre,;, Coliw;lmrgh, "Fife cluh,; -W; Hampdenhou:oe,Great.Missenden,Bucks; club SW; & Gill hall, Drornore, Down, Ireland 1892. Craw~hawLord,New uuiYerbity, Brooks'"& Wellington & I orrldl luvurrey Grove, Watford, Herts ::Ot"te for the Colonies, Colonial 011ice, 1 >o\vninJ- street 1903. Burub.arn I~ord,K.C.VrJ 20 Sorfolk street, Park lane 1781. Clifden Viscount, in the Peera~e of Ireland, sits as SW; Crew-ehouse,Curzon,tru;t,l\layfairW;Brookti's, W; & Hall Barn, Beaconsiield S.O. Bucks Baron 1\Iendip (1791) in that of the United Kingdom, Heform & llarlborough clubs SW; Turf club \\ ; & 1796. Bute ~Jarr~uess of, Hereditary Sherirt of But€ & Lord Lienkn mt of t amtJ i·lge«llire, 1 Greftt Stan· Crewe hall, Crewe, Cheshire ilered!tks's, New university, 1797. Crofton Lord, Irish Representative Peer, li Stanhope Li nt•nfJ.,,t c·oru,ty BntP, Bt. John's lodge, Hegent's Athenamm & Travellers' clubs S\V; \Virnpole hall, gar.lens, :,onth Kcnsiur;ton SW; Carlton club SW;.· park NW; Oardill castle, Glamorgansllire; Mount Il.oyston, Cambs; & Lanhydrock house, Bodmin, & Mote park. Ballyrnurry, H.o-cowmon Stuart, Isle of Bute; Dumfries house, Ournnock, Cornwall 1901. Cromer Earl of, G.C.I3., G.C.~'!.G., K.C.S.I., C. I.E., P.C .• Ayn.;hire; Old Place of llocllrum, Wigtonshire; & L67i. CliiTord of Chudleigh Lord, Aide-de-Camn to the King, 0.)1. 3ti Wimpole street W The J'riory, St. A ndrew's Brook:l's clubS \V; & UgtJrooke park,Chudleif?h, Devon 1886. CrO'itziolm's avenue SW; & Langford. 1299. Clinton Lord, Carlton club SW; lleanton-Satchville, SW; Carlton & A.themcum clubs SW; & Eccle grove. Maldon, .Essex N ortb Devon; & .l<'ettercairn, KincardineslJire, N .B Higb"S, nronghton-in-l•'urness, J,am;ashire 1800. Cdd0<.2:an ffia.rl K.G., P.C. a Family Trustee of the British 1790. Clonbrock Lord, K.l'., P.C. lrisn Jtepresentative Peer, 1799. Curnberland & Teviotdale ll.R.H. the Duke of, K.G .. Mnseum, Chel~ea hou~e, Cadog•w place 8 W; CarltQu Lord Lieutenant eo. Galway, Travellers' club SW; r G.C.H. a Geneml in the Britioh Army, Gmi.mden, club 8 \V ; C1ty Carlton club .I:.C; & Culford hall, & Olonbrock, Ahascragh, eo. Galway Au~tria Bury St. Edrnunds 1789. Cloncurry Lord, in the Peerage of Ireland, sits a.o; 18 .. 8. Curzou of Ketlle~ton Lonl, G.c.s.r., G.C.I E, P.c. Irish 1B78. Cairn~ Earl, ll Mount street 'V; Car! tun & Artlmr';; Baron Cloncurry (1831) in that of the United King- Hepre,eutatlvc Peer. 1 Oarlton house t ·rrace SW; dulls ,\\i; & l·airlci~ll hom,e, Ilath dom, l Deanery st. l'ark lane W; Carlton club 8\V C>u·lton & Attwmeurn c!Ltb,; t-OW; & H•wkwood park 1796. Caltr urpe Lord, 38 Grosvenor square W; Carlton club, & Lyoru:;-!Iazlehatch, Ireland BasirJgstoke ' t-.W; & ElvPtham park, Winchlield, IIants 1718. Cobham Viscount, a Trustee of the National Portrait 1633. Dalhousie E>lrl of, in the Peerage of Scotiand, sits as 1812. Cam(ien :\lan1llP-"'-~. Lord L1earenant of Kent, Hon. Gallery, Hun. CoL Worcestershire (The (,lnecn's Own llaron Ramsay (1K7,)) in that of tile United King· Col. -lth Home Counties (Howitzer) Brig~tle, Roy.tl \Yur~c:;ter~hire Hu-sars) Yeomanry & ltl1 Battn. dom, Ca··ltorr chl1 ~W & Bred:.lin ca~tle, HrPchin,N . .B l'ielll Ar ill cry (Territorial Force), Carltou & ;\Iarl- \Vorceotersh ire Ht'gt. ( Tcn-itori al Force) ; Brooks's 1723. Darnley Ear 1 of, I rich Represen ta 1ve .Peer, (}trltnn dub. bo·ou 11 dubs SW: JJaclldor:;' & Turf clubs W; & club SW; & llagley hall, Stourhridge S\\; Cobttam hall, Gravesend; & Clifton lodge, Bavtlam ·\lllley, Larnberrrurst, Kent 1817. Colchester Lord, Carltun & Atllcmeuru clubs S\V; Con- Atltbov. Meath 13~3. Ca' o s ,, rd, HH, All'e t arle ,tW; <11 Doo•'le's club SW stitutiowrl club WC; Forest Row, E!l.:lt Grinstcad; 11711. Dartrnouth E>ul of, P.C. Lord Lieutenant of eo. Stafford·. 1831. Camperdown Earl of, 39 Charles street, Rerkeley square & St. Rruno, Snnningdale, Berks , Hon. Col. 5tll l3att. ~on tiT St,lfiorrlshire RP-f(Jment W; Broohs's club 8\V; We~ton house. bhip~tun-un-ji 1906. Colelnouke Lorrl, c.v.o. a Lt;r] in ·waitirw to Ilisl (Territonal Force), 37 Cllarle:;stre<·t, Herkeleysqll,.re Sour. Camperdown house, Dundee, Forfan;hile; & Majesi.y; Brooks's & :'\[arlborongh cluba E\V; Turf] IV; Carlton & Travellers' c1,1t1s SW; & l'at.o;lmH Gleneagles, l'erth clL1b W ; & Abingi.on, Scotland ' house, Wolverhamvtou 139*