2199 PARLIAl\lENTARY DIRECTORY, 1910. PEERS Crested. Created. ·Created . .J:l rminghsmBishop of (consecrated Bishop of Worce,;ter Canterbury Archbishop of, G.c.v.o., P.C., D.D., LL.D., I Ui74. Colerid.ge Lord, a Justice of tlle King's Bench Division lUU:.l, tratbtlleLl l\Jr15 ), !)•,hop's Croft, Jlirrninglmm D.C.L. con~ecrated 1891, translated 19()3, Primate of 3 (~ orth) King's Bench walk, 'l.'emple EO· 1"; 1007. Blytlt L1r l, ,);; l'ortialld plac<" W; lJevuw;hire club all England & Metropolitan, one of the l'rincipaJ GJe11how gardeHs, South Kensington bW; A.thcna.·'um. t"l \\" : ' t: ~ thwO< d. t"lt nHt"rl. E"s(:X Trrultu~ of the British ~lUBeum, Lambeth palace National Liberal & Devom;llire clubs SW ; & The 1892. Blyth~wood Lord (in hol~· orrlcr;;), 2-."ational & Cilrlton SE; Athenreum club SW; & The Old Palace, Chantf,r';;house, Otter3 St. Mary, Devon clnb,; ~W; .:'\cw clnh (E<Lntmrgh); \Vestem club Canterbury · l!l07. Collins J.ortl, P.C. (a Peer for Lit~). a Lord of Appeal (\, l,\,gmr); ~ Jllythswood, near Henfrew, Scotland 1835. Canterbury Viscount, 13rooke house & Witchingham in Ordinary, a Trustee of t!Je Brit1,h Museum, 3 1797. Bolton Lord, Carlton & Junior Carlton clabs SW; hnll, Norfolk Bramham gardens, South Kensi1 gtou EW; & Bolton b.<l.ll, Leyburn, Yorkshire; & Hackwood park, 1834. Carew Lord, in the Peer!J€e of Ireland, sits as Baron A.tllen;r•nm .:\: :\ew liniver~ity clubs i:JW Ha.singstoke Care>< (1838) in thH.t of the United Kingdom, 28 1902. Colville of Cnlross Vi~count, Carlton & Guards' clubs 1452. Bortlt"ick Lorrl, Scotch Representative Peer, 2 Upper Belgrave square SW; Brooks's cluh t-OW; Bachelorn' SW; & 2\Iillmnger, 'l'llllrsley, Godalmirg Crosveuor street W; Carlton & Jlilarlllorough clubs club \V ; & Cast)(' Roro, Enniscorthy, Wexford 1826. Comberm0re Vi~c<>nnt, CilasrlPy hoa~e, TI.ngelP.y, Staffs SW; ::it. Jarneo' club W; & Havenstone castle, 1661. Carli~le Earl of, a Trustee ot' tile National Gallery, 1 1874. Connaught & Strathearn Field-Marshal H.R.H. The WhiEliurn, Aigtownohire, N.B Palace green, Ken~ington W; Brooks's cluh SW; Duke of, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.~I.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.Y.G., 1761. Boswn Lord, Hedsor, Lonrne B:nd, Bucks; & Lligwy, Castle Howard, York; & Naworth castle, CarliRle G.C.LR., o.c.v.o., P.C., V.D. :Personal Aide-de-Camp Moelfre, A.ngl~ey 1793. Carnarvon Earl of., 13 Berkeley 8quare \V ; llJgbclen to the King, Hanger of Epping Forest, a Bencher 1717. Boyne Viocount, in the Peerage of Ireland, sits as Baron castle, New bury; & Bretby park, Burton-on-'l'rent of Gray's Inn, an Elder l3rother of the Trinity Bmncepetb (UHi6) in that of the United Kingdom, 16 ', 1639. Carnwath Earl of, 8cotch Representative Peer,Carnwath Rouse, Colonel in chief of the 6th (Inniskilling) Grosvenor gdus SW; Carlton club tlW; Bram:epeth hou~e. Fulham SW; & Naval & Military club W Dragoons, the Rifle Brigade, the lligllland Light ca..-;tle, Ourllam; & Hartlwick, Sctlgcwick, co.Durllam 1895. Carrington Earl, K.G., O.C.M.G., P.C. Joint Hereditary Infantry, the Royal Dublin l<'usilicrs, & (Indian 1880. Brabourne J,ord, Brooks's & Heform clubs SW; & Lord Great Chamberlain of Rngland, Presirl~nt of Army) J:lth Duke of Connaught's Lancers (Watson's Hoattt cutta.!e, Smeetb, Kent the Board of Agricultur" & Fbheries. 53 Prince's Horse), 3ht Duke of Cmumught's Own Lancers, 7th 1816. Bradford Earl of, 44 Lowndes square SW; Carlton, gate SW; Brooks's & National Libeml clubs SW; Duke of Connaught's Own B.ajput~ & l2'1th Ouke of Wellington & Travellers' clubs S \V; Turf club W; Gwydyr eastle, Llanrwst, North Wales; & Daws Hill Cor na1;ght's Own Balncl1is, Colonel of the Army Weston hall, Shifnal; & Clarendon hou~e, Newmarket: lc:iilge. lligh Wycombe Service Corps & of the Gren::~dier Guards, Hon. Ool. 1886. Brassey Lord, G.C.B. Lord Wan! en of the Cinqu~ •1812. Castlemaine Lord, Irish Representative Peer, Lord of the Soutil Irish Horse, Hoyal East Kent (The Dukll 1'urts, Hon. Col. :!ntl Home Count.i£:s Brigar1e Hoyal Lieutenant co. \Vestmeath, Carlton club SW; & of Connaught's Own) plonnted Ri!ies) Yeomanry, .Fiell .~rtiliery & iJth l.latt. (Ciuque l'orts), Ro_1al 1 Moydrum castle, Athlone, eo. Westmeath llrd Dattn. The Qneeu's Own (Ruyal \Vest Kent bussex Hegi!ltent (Terrirorictl Force), 24 l'ark lane 1869. Castletown of Upper Ossory Lord, K.l'., C.M.G., Pc. Regiment) & 3nl & 4th Battns. The Highland Light W; lteform, Brooks's & Athenamm ·clubs SW; City Chancellor Royal University of Ireland, 62 Green Iutamry '(Spedal lleserve), & of !8tl1 (County of Liberal dub BO; & Norman burnt court, Battle, Sussex street, Grosvenor square W; Granston manor, London) Battn. The Lollllon Hcgt. (London Irish 1788. Braybrooke Lord, ilereditary Visitor of Magdalene .A.bbeyleix, Ireland ; & Doneraile court, eo. Cork Rifles) & Uth (Duke of Counaught"s Owu) Battn_ OoliP.ge, Cambridge; Wellrngton club EW; Heydon 1814. Catllcart Earl, 4!JA, Pall mall SW; Carlton club SW; Hampshire Hegirnent (Territorial Force), Clarence rectory, Hoyston, llerts ; & .A.udley End, Safuon & 'l.'homton-le-Street, near Tb.ir:lk, Y ork:lhlre house, St. J ames' palace SW ; & Bagshot park, Surrey Walden 1827. Cawdor Earl, P.C. Lord Lieut. eo. Pembroke, Aide-de- L816. Conyngbam Marquess, in the Peerage of Ireland, sita 11\29. Braye Lord, TnlYellers' clLlb SW; & Stanford hall, Cftlllp to tlJe Kiug, a member of the I'rince of Wale.,' as 13aron Minster (1821) in that of the United King- Market ilarborough Council, an Ec:desiastical Commissioner, 7 Prince's dam, Carlton club SW; Shl!le castle, Meath; & l8S5. llre~~odfJ.ibane Marquess of, K.G., P.C. Keeper of the gardens SW; Carlron & Travel! em' clubs SW; Golden Mounkharles, Donegal Privy b<-al "f ::,cotlantl, Aide-de-Camp to the King, grove, Carmartb.en; Stackpole court, Pembroke; & 1620. Cork & Orrery Earl of, in the Peerage of Ireland, sits as 68 l':nniBmore gardens SW; Marlborough, Reform & Cawdor castle, Nairn Lord Boyle (1711) in that of Great Britain, 2 l'iatioll'll Lil>end clubs SW; '!.'ay mouth ca.~tle, 1858. Chelmsford Lord, K.C.M.G. Governor of New South l\fandevi!le place W; White's & TraveUers' clubs Aberfeldy N.B.; Auchmore house, Killin, Pertllilb.ire, \Vftle~. State Uovernment bonsP, Sydney, N. S. SW; & Turf club \Y N.B.; Black Mount, Bridge of Orchy, Argylbb.ire; Wale"; & The Ya.rrell,;, Lytchett 1l.inster, Poole, 1850. Cottenham Earl of, Carlton club SW; & Elve.ndon & Ardmaddy, Oban Donet priory, Uoring, H,eadi1tg 1868. Bridport Viscount (Duke of Bronte in Sicily), O.B. Che:;ter Bishop of (consecrated 1889), .A.then~Eum club L874. Cottesloe Lord, 43 Eaton sq SW; Carlton & Travellers• Oarlton club SW; ]';aval & Military club W ; & SW ; & The Palace, Dcc "irlc, Chester clubs 8 W; & Swanbourne, near Winslow, Bucks Sudley lod"'e, Bognor, 8<1ssex 1628. Chesterfield Earl of, P.C. Brooks's elnb SW; & Turf LBOG. Conrrney Lord, P.C. lfl Lheyne walk, Lhelsea SW; & 1826. Brititol Mll.r4uess of, l\l.V.O., Hereditary Steward of the club W Reform & Atlueneum club' bW Liberty of St. Edmund, o St. James' square SW; 1887. Cheylesmore Lord, K.C.V.o. a Major-General, Hon. Col. 1762. Courtown Earl of, in the l'eerage of Ireland, sits as M>trlb<rrough club SW: ]';R.val & Military club 'N; & ~Jtll (Uounty of Loudon) Battn. The London Regt. Baron Saltersford (17!l6) in that of Great Britain, lckworth park, Bury St. Edrnunds (lJueen YicLoria's Hifles) (Territorial Force), 16 Courtown house, Gorey, Ireland Brmtol Bishop of (consecrated 1897), Athenooum Prince's gate SW; Carlton club SW; & Cheylesmore 1697. Coventry Earl of. P.C. Lord Lieutenant of Worcester- clnb S\\': & The Palaee, itf:tlhtnrl (ireen, Bristol lor!gP, North Berwick, 1\.B shire, llon. Col. 5th & 6th Battns. 1\ orcesten;hire 1860. Brou~bam & Va.ux: Lord, K.C.V.O. il6 Cllesham pl SW; 1801. Cbiche8ter Earl of, Brooks'~ club SW; Bat't club W; Rt gt.(Special Hescrvc), 1 Balfour place, I> ark lane W; .Ma.rlborougb., l.lrook,;'s & A rtlmr's clubs SW ; Stanmer, Lewes; & 7 Sussex square, Brighton Carlton club S\V ; 'l.'urf club W; & Croome court, Hrougbltm ball, l'enrith ; & Chateau Eleonore, 1815. Cholmondeley Marquess of, P.c ..Joint Herell itary Lord Worcestershire . c.. nn€<1, Alpea .Mariti rues, France Great Chamberlain of Engllmrl. 'l'urf club W; Carlton 1857. Cowley Earl, Carlton & Marlborougb clubs SW; Turf 1815. Bro1Ynlow B»rl, P.c. Lord Lieut. of Lincolnshire, Aide- club SW; Cholmondeley castle, Malpa.s, Cheshire; club W; Draycot house, Chippenharn, Wilts ; &- de-Camp to the King, H on.Ool. Lincolushire Yeomanry & Hougl1tr 11 hall, Kiug's Lynn, Norfolk Cold Overton, Oaklmm & ht H<~ttn. Hertfordshire Jlegt. ('l"erritoriftl Jcorce), 1902. Churchill Viscount, a.c.v.o. Carlton club S"\V; Turf 1892. Cra:J.brook Earl of, Hon. Ool. 5th Weald of Kent Tiattn~ an b;cclesi«Stical Commissioner & a Trustee of tt;e & Bachelors' clubs W; & Rolleston, 13illfsdon, J'a~t Kent H•·girnont ( Tetritorinl Force), Carlton & .National liallery, 8 Oarlwn house terrace SW ; Leicester Welliogton clubs SW ; & liemsted park, Cnmbrook, Car! ton & tlt. Stephen's clubs S \V; A.shridge park, 1858. Ohurston Lord, Guards' club SW; & Lapton, near Kent Berkluunpstead, ilerts; & Belton hou01e, Grantham, Brixham, Devonshire 1899. Cranworth Lord, Letton ball, Thetford, Norfolk; Lincoln~llire 1803. Olancarty Earl of, in the Peerage of Ireland, sits as Brantllarn eourt, .M anningtree, Essex ; & Grundis- 1663. Buccleucb. & Queensberry Duke of, in the Peerage of Viscount Clancarty (1823) in that of the United burgll, Woodbridge, Suffolk Seotl»nd, sits as ];jar! of Doncaster (1663) in the Kingdom, Garb ally park, Ballinasloe, Ireland 1801.
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