Bishop's Message

Dear Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, Greetings! I believe we are slowly getting used to a new normal way of living engendered by the pandemic. Even if the lockdown is lifted up step by step in most of the cities and states, I don't think the situation would return to 'normalcy' as before. There is a general opinion that Covid-19 is going to stay with us and we have to learn to live with it. So what will the 'neo-normal' way of living be like, for all of us, in the near future? We are not quite sure. However, the very first one will be that social distancing will become new normal and wearing masks, an essential accessory. Work from home may become a new trend. Handshakes and hugs will be things of the past, giving way to saying 'Vanakkam' at public places. Less number of participants will become a common practice in public functions and communal religious festivals. There will be a massive digitalization of commercial and financial transactions and activities such as shopping and entertainment. Online education will become norm of the day. And so on! We also know that the pandemic has significantly impacted the liturgical celebrations of the Catholic Church worldwide. All over the world, many churches have suspended the physical presence of the faithful in their holy masses, and resorted to virtual services for broadcasting the celebrations, such as live streaming or other ones, like television and radio. Congratulations to our priests who reach out to the parishioners through different means like YouTube, Face book and other social media during this time of Corona virus! Since the end of March, our diocesan Social Communication Centre has been also telecasting daily masses and other liturgical programmes via Nanjil Natham TV. It also engages itself in organizing Webinars on current topics related to the Church and society on every Sunday. Other pastoral commissions are also involved in reaching out to the people in their own but creative ways.

KOTTAR NEWSLETTER 2020 SEPTEMBER 1 Is that all worth talking about? Probably yes, but still we need to collectively think about the 'what' and 'how' of our life and ministry in post – Covid period. I believe most of us would have gone through the book 'Life after the Pandemic' by Pope Francis which is the compilation of his eight significant spoken and written texts from 27 March to 22 April. Michael Cardinal Czerny, SJ in his preface states: “This collection has two objectives. The first is to suggest direction, keys, and guidelines for rebuilding a better world that might be born from this crisis of humanity. The second objective is, in the midst of so much suffering and bewilderment, to sow hope.” For me, it calls all of us, as a diocese and people of God, for a collective homework to respond to the post- pandemic situation. I just recall the hope that our Holy Father expressed in the General Audience on April 22: “The post-pandemic world would be marked by more solidarity, concern for others, care for the environment, an appreciation of the church as a community and a sharpening of people's listening skills.” I am happy that our diocese has initiated the process of discernment in this line with the help of a team of around 30 members of lay men and women, religious and priests. Kindly go through the brief write-up about this in this KNL. Let me conclude with the words of our Holy Father in this book which are full of challenges and hopes. He says: “If we act as one people, even in the face of other epidemics that threaten us, we can make a real impact. […] May we find within us the necessary antibodies of justice, charity and solidarity. We must not be afraid to live the alternative – the civilization of love. […] In this time of tribulation and mourning, I hope that, where you are, you will be able to experience Jesus, who comes to you, greets you and says: “Rejoice” (cf. Mt 28:9). And may this greeting mobilize us to invoke and amplify the Good News of the Kingdom of God.” Stay safe and God bless! In the mind of Christ Sd/- + Nazarene Soosai Bishop of Kottar


No. C-23/2020 17.08.2020 md;G mUl;gzpahsh;fNs> gphpakhd ,iwkf;fNs! fpwp];J ,NaRtpd; ngauhy; vdJ tho;j;Jfis kdKte;J njhptpj;Jf;nfhs;fpd;Nwd;. ekJ kiwkhtl;lj;jpy; mUl;gzpahsh;fspd; gq;F kw;Wk; gzp khw;wq;fs; Ke;ija Mz;Lfistpl rw;W fhyk; jho;j;jp eilngwtpUf;fpd;wd. fhuzk; ehk; mwpahjjy;y. #oiyf; fUj;jpy; nfhz;L> khw;wq;fis eilKiwg; gLj;Jtjw;fhd rpy topKiwfs; vd;d vd;W 10.08.2020 md;W eilngw;w kiwkhtl;l MNyhrid kd;wj;jpy; (Consult) fye;Jiuahb vLf;fg;gl;l KbtpidAk; mjw;F Kd;G 10.12.2019 md;W eilngw;w mUl;gzpahsh;fs; kd;w (Senate of Priests) $l;lj;jpy; Vw;gl;l xj;jf; fUj;jpidAk; cq;fs; epidtpw;Fk; nray;gLj;JjYf;Fk; jUfpd;Nwd;. 1. mUl;gzpahsh;fs; khw;wyhfpr; nry;tjw;F Kd;G gq;fpd; tuT nryT fzf;Ffs;> nrhj;Jfs; - fld;fs; mlq;fpa gl;bay;fs;> kw;Wk; ,ju Mtzq;fs; jahh; epiyapy; itf;f Ntz;Lk;. mtw;iw kiwtl;l Kjd;ik mUl;gzpahsh; ghh;itapl;L ifnahg;gkpLthh;. 2. ,e;j Mz;bd; #oy; fUjp Gjpa mUl;gzpahsh;fspd; gzpNaw;G epfo;Tfs; Myaj;jpy; kf;fs; $l;lj;jpy; eilngwhJ. khwhf> mUl;gzpahsh; ,y;yj;jpy;> gq;F

KOTTAR NEWSLETTER 2020 SEPTEMBER 3 mUl;gzpg; Nguit eph;thfpfspd; Kd;dpiyapy; kiwtl;l Kjd;ik mUl;gzpahsh; gzpkhw;wk; kw;Wk; gzpNaw;G epfo;Tfis elj;Jthh;. fzf;Ffs; xg;gilf;fg;gl;L> gjpNtLfs; kw;Wk; Mtzq;fspy; ifnahg;gkpl;L Gjpa mUl;gzpahshplk; xg;gilf;fj; Jiz nra;thh;. 3. 10.12.2019 md;W eilngw;w mUl;gzpahsh;fs; Nguitf; $l;lj;jpy; vLf;fg;gl;l jPh;khdg;gb ,e;j Mz;L Kjy; mUl;gzpahsh;fs; gq;F khw;wk; ngw;Wr; nry;Yk;NghJ kf;fs; Gil#o mioj;Jr; nry;Yk; vOjg;glhj tof;fk; epWj;jg;gLfpwJ. kf;fs; kpfTk; tpUk;gpdhy; gq;fpy; topaDg;Gjy; $l;lk; xd;W elj;jpj; jq;fs; ed;wpAzh;it ntspg;gLj;jyhk;. njhw;Wg; guTk; #oypy; ,t;thz;L mijAk; jtph;j;jpl Ntz;Lk;. gzkhfNth> nghUshfNth md;gspg;G toq;FtijAk; kf;fs; jtph;j;jpl Ntz;Lk; (KNL No.359, January 2020, gf;.9). ekf;F mUl;gzp GhpAk; mUl;gzpahsh;fSf;fhf ,iwtid Ntz;LNthk;. khw;wyhfpr; nry;Yk; mUl;gzpahsh;fspd; gzp rpwf;f ,iwahrPUk; tho;j;JfSk; md;Gld; njhptpf;fpNwd;. fpwp];Jtpd; kdepiyapy; Sd/- + erNud; #ir Nfhl;lhW Mah;

4 2020 SEPTEMBER KOTTAR NEWSLETTER No. C-24/2020 28.08.2020 md;gpw;fpdpa mUl;je;ijah;fNs> mUl;rNfhjhpfNs> rNfhjuh;fNs> rNfhjhpfNs> ,iwad;gpd; tho;j;Jk; tzf;fKk;! cyfk; KOtJk; nfhNuhdhtpd; Nfhug;gpbapy; rpf;fpj; jtpf;Fk; Ntisapy; ekJ xd;wpa muR 29.07.2020 md;W 'Njrpa fy;tpf; nfhs;if 2020'-I ,Wjp nra;J> mij eilKiwg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd MNyhridfis 31.08.2020-f;Fs; toq;f miog;G tpLj;Js;sJ. Viofs; kw;Wk; rpWghd;ikapdh; eyd;fSf;F vjpuhfTk;> ,e;jpa murpay; mikg;Gr; rl;lj;jpd; cah; kjpg;gPLfisg; Gwe;js;StjhfTk;> $l;lhl;rpj; jj;Jtj;jpw;F vjpuhfTk; mike;Js;s ,f;nfhs;ifapidj; jkpofj;jpy; nray;gLj;jf; $lhJ vd khepy muRf;F ekJ vjph;g;igg; gjpT nra;tNj ,f;fhyj;jpy; ,iwtd; ekf;F tpLk; miog;ghFk;. ,t;tiog;ig czh;e;J jkpo;ehL fj;Njhypf;ff; fy;tpf; fofKk; (TANCEAN), fy;tpg; ghJfhg;G Njrpaf; $l;likg;Gk; ,ize;J tUfpw QhapW> 30.08.2020 md;W khngUk; KfE}y; (Facebook) gpur;rhuj;ij Nkw;nfhs;s cs;sdh;. vdNt vjph;tUk; QhapW fhiy 10:00 kzpf;F “jkpof muNr! 'Njrpa fy;tpf; nfhs;if 2020'-I jkpofj;jpy; eilKiwg;gLj;jhNj!” vd;w Kof;fj;ij ml;ilfspy; vOjp cq;fs; ,y;y Kw;wk; my;yJ nkhl;il khbapy; epd;Wnfhz;L cah;j;jpg; gpbj;J> mtw;iw cq;fsJ KfE}ypy; gjptpLkhW md;Gld; Ntz;Lfpd;Nwd;. (Qhapw;Wf; fpoik KO Culq;fhf filgpbf;fg; gLtjhy; nghJ ,lq;fspy; $Ltijj; jtph;f;fTk;)

KOTTAR NEWSLETTER 2020 SEPTEMBER 5 ,e;j KfE}y; gpur;rhu ,af;fj;jpy; gq;nfLf;Fk; ey;Ys;sq;fs; fPo;f;fz;l miyNgrp vz;fs; topahfj; jq;fsJ gq;nfLg;igg; gjpT nra;Jnfhs;s Nfl;Lf;nfhs;fpd;Nwd;. 99943 68571, 99943 68503, 94433 07681, 99943 68521, 94430 37968. jq;fsJ gq;Nfw;ig MtYld; vjph;Nehf;Fk;… fpwp];Jtpd; kdepiyapy; Sd/- + erNud; #ir Nfhl;lhW Mah;

,izg;G: Nguhah; [hh;[; me;Njhdprhkp mth;fspd; kly; (jiyth;> jkpo;ehL fj;Njhypf;f fofk;)

At the entrance gate of a university in South Africa, the following message was posted for contemplation. “Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long range missiles... It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the students...” Patients die at the hands of such doctors... Buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers... Money is lost at the hands of such economists & accountants... Humanity dies at the hands of such religious scholars... Justice is lost at the hands of such judges... “The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation”

6 2020 SEPTEMBER KOTTAR NEWSLETTER Ch-84 /20 11.08.2020 Dear Rev. Fathers, Greetings. I wish to express my appreciation and thanks for your valuable sharing during our interactions at vicariate level. In the light of the inputs received from you, and in consultation with the Vicars Forane, the following decisions have been made: 1. Marriage Mass can be celebrated in the Church by strictly following the guidelines mentioned below: Ÿ The number of participants should not exceed what is permitted by the District Administration. Ÿ Only one priest - the parish priest or a guest priest - can celebrate the Mass and conduct the rite of Marriage. Concelebration is not permitted. Ÿ Choir. distribution of books and use of musical instruments shall not be allowed. Ÿ Social Distancing should be ensured. All participants should wear masks. Ÿ It is mandatory that Holy Communion is distributed at hand and only in single species. The Priest has to wear mask during the distribution of Holy Communion. Ÿ The time for the liturgy should be restricted to forty minutes. Homily and processions are to be avoided. Ÿ Children, elderly people above 65 years and those with cough / cold / fever cannot participate. Ÿ People should leave the Church immediately after the Mass. 2. Children, with adequate preparation, shall be given first Holy Communion on any day during the Holy Mass. Only one child shall receive First Holy Communion on a day. Only the parents and two more family members will be permitted for the liturgy. 3. With regard to Baptism and funeral rite, the existing guidelines shall be followed. With kind wishes for a meaningful ministry, In the mind of Christ, Sd/- + Nazarene Soosai Bishop of Kottar

KOTTAR NEWSLETTER 2020 SEPTEMBER 7 Ch-88 /20 31.08.2020 Ü¡¹ G¬ø ܼ†ðEò£÷˜è«÷! Þ¬øñ‚è«÷! õ£›ˆ¶‚èœ! ïôñ£è Þ¼‚A¡l˜èœ âù A«ø¡. c‡ì è÷£è Þ¬øñ‚è÷£Aò  õNð£´è¬÷ e‡´‹ ï숶õ¶ °Pˆ¶ Ýõ™ ªè£‡®¼‰«î£‹. 𣶠õN𣆴ˆ îôƒè¬÷ˆ Fø‚èô£‹ â¡ø îIöè ÜóC¡ ÜPMŠ¹ ïñ‚° ñA›„C¬òˆ î¼Aø¶. Þ‰G¬ôJ™ ïñ¶ ÝôòƒèO™ F¼õNð£´èœ ï¬ìªðÁ‹«ð£¶ «ï£Œˆªî£ŸÁ ðóõ£ñ™ 裈F´‹ ªð£ÁŠ¬ð ãŸÁ‚ªè£œ÷¾‹  èì¬ñŠð†´œ«÷£‹. âù«õ ïñ¶ ñ¬øñ£õ†ìˆF™ H¡ðŸø «õ‡®ò Cô õN裆´î™è¬÷ Þƒ°‚ °PŠH´A¡«ø¡.

v F¼ñí‹ ñŸÁ‹ Üì‚èˆ F¼ŠðL¬òˆ îM˜ˆ¶ 裬ô Ü™ô¶ ñ£¬ô å¼ F¼ŠðL ñ†´«ñ ï¬ìªðøô£‹. ñ£¬ô F¼ŠðL, Üó² õN裆´îL¡ð® Þó¾ 8 ñE‚° º¡«ð G¬ø¾ ªðø «õ‡´‹.

v F¼ŠðLJ™ ðƒ«èŸ«ð£K¡ â‡E‚¬è ä‹ð¶ ñ†´«ñ. Üó² ÜÂñF‚A¡ø â‡E‚¬è «õÁ𮡠ܫî â‡E‚¬è¬ò‚ 輈F™ ªè£œ÷ «õ‡´‹.

v F¼õN𣆮¡ «ð£¶ êÍè Þ¬ìªõO»ì¡ ðƒ«èŸø™, ºè‚èõê‹ ÜEî™, ¹ˆîèƒèœ MG«ò£AŠð¬î»‹ F¼„²¼ðƒè¬÷ˆ ªî£´õ¬î»‹ îM˜ˆî™, ¬èè¬÷ ²ˆîñ£‚Aò H¡ ÝôòˆFŸ°œ õ¼î™, ðˆ¶ õò¶‚°†ð†ì °ö‰¬îèœ, ºF«ò£˜èœ ñŸÁ‹ «ï£ò£÷˜èœ F¼õN𣆮™ ðƒ«èŸð¬îˆ îM˜ˆî™ ÝAò ð£¶è£Š¹ ï¬ìº¬øè¬÷„ ªêò™ð´ˆ¶‹ ªð£ÁŠH¬ùŠ ðƒ° Ü¼†ðEŠ «ðó¬õ ãŸÁ‚ªè£œ÷ «õ‡´‹. Ü¡Hòƒèœ, F¼ˆÉ¶‚ èöèƒèœ, Þò‚èƒèO¡ àîM¬òŠ ªðŸÁ‚ ªè£œ÷ô£‹.

v 裬ô/ñ£¬ôJ™ ï¬ìªðÁ‹ FùêK F¼ŠðL¬òˆ îM˜ˆ¶ «õÁ G¬ù¾ˆ F¼ŠðL‚° ÜÂñF Þ™¬ô.

8 2020 SEPTEMBER KOTTAR NEWSLETTER v F¼ˆîôƒèO™ °PŠH†ì «ïóˆF™ å¼ F¼ŠðL ñ†´‹ ï¬ìªðÁ‹.

v õ£ó èO™ ï¬ìªðÁ‹ F¼ŠðLJ™ ñ†´«ñ F¼º¿‚° ܼ†ê£îù‹ ñŸÁ‹ ºî™ F¼M¼‰¶ õöƒèŠðìô£‹. Ü´ˆî ÜPMŠ¹ õ¬ó ë£JÁ F¼ŠðLJ¡ «ð£¶ ܬõ îM˜‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹.

v ðƒA½œ÷ ð£ìè˜ ñ†´«ñ F¼õN𣆮™ ÜÂñF‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹. ªõOΘ ð£ìè˜ °¿‚èÀ‚° ÜÂñF Þ™¬ô.

v Ýôòˆ F¼Mö£ CøŠH‚èŠð´‹ «ð£¶ ªè£®«òŸÁ‹  à†ðì Í¡Á ï£†èœ ñ†´«ñ CøŠH‚èŠðìô£‹. ð ƒ ° Ü ¼ † ð E ò £ ÷ ˜ à † ð ì º ¡ Á ܼ†ðEò£÷˜èœ ñ†´«ñ ðƒ«èŸèô£‹.

v °¼ê®èœ, CŸø£ôòƒèO™ F¼ŠðL ñŸÁ‹ F¼Mö£ ï¬ìªðø ÜÂñFJ™¬ô. “cƒèœ ÞŠ«ð£¶ ªêŒ¶ õ¼õ¶ «ð£ô å¼õ¼‚ªè£¼õ˜ á‚è͆´ƒèœ; å¼õ¬óªò£¼õ˜ õ÷˜„Cò¬ìò„ ªêŒ»ƒèœ” (1 ªîê 5:11) â¡Â‹ ð¾ô®ò£K¡ ÜP¾¬ó‚° ãŸð Þ¡¬øò ªï¼‚è®ò£ù ÅöL™ å¼õ¼‚ªè£¼õ˜ á‚è͆´‹ Þ¬ø„ êÍèñ£è õ£ö¾‹ õ ÷ ó ¾ ‹ õ £ › ˆ ¶ A ¡ « ø ¡ . Ü ¡ ¬ ù ñ K ò £ M ¡ ܼ†¶¬íJ½‹ ðK‰¶¬óJ½‹ àƒè¬÷ åŠð¬ìˆ¶ Þ¬øõ¬ù «õ‡´A«ø¡.

APv¶M¡ ñùG¬ôJ™,

Sd/- + ïê«ó¡ Å¬ê «è£†ì£Á Ýò˜

KOTTAR NEWSLETTER 2020 SEPTEMBER 9 Sanghe Muzhangu Library

The Sanghe Muzhangu library of the diocese of Kottar, located at Bishop Arockiasamy Animation Center (BAAC), Bishop's House Campus, was blessed and opened by our Bishop Nazarene Soosai at 8.00 a.m. on 4th August, the feast of the patron saint of diocesan presbyters, St. John Mary Vianney. The presence of all the presbyters resident in the Bishop's House campus added luster to the function. Fr. D. Alphonse thanked the bishop and the members of the diocesan administration for their unstinted encouragement and support. He also specially thanked Fr. Aloysius, the Procurator, who always managed to find the needed furniture and Beril, Pregil, Agnes for their volunteer services and Ms. Rethna Selvam, the newly appointed full time librarian, for their work of computerizing all the books as well as many others who had gifted books or helped in one way or another. The library has already more than 5000 volumes, of which about 20% are newly purchased or gifted and the rest chosen from the remnants of the diocesan library, originally housed in the then Xavier Pastoral Centre (now Nanjil Natham) and later shifted to St. Aloysius Minor Seminary. Almost 75% of the books are on various Christian themes and the rest on diverse secular fields. Two noteworthy sections are those on Tamilology and Self Improvement. The library is open every day except Sundays, Thursdays and public holidays, from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with lunch break between 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. For the present the policy is not to lend books out. But the library has a convenient, though small, reading room facility. You are most welcome to use the library, gift books to it or suggest interesting books to add to its existing collection. Ms. Rethna Selvam (9629575742), the assistant librarian, is there to serve you. You may also contact Fr. Vincent Edwin or me for any special assistance. We hope to publish in the diocesan News Letter the list of the new books added to the library every month. Wish you all happy hours of cheers with books! Fr. D. Alphonse

10 2020 SEPTEMBER KOTTAR NEWSLETTER New Arrivals in Sanghe Muzhangu Library S.No. Name of the Book Author 1. Empowering Thoughts for Teachers (Poems, Quotes & Anecdotes) John, Anita (Compiled) 2. Heal Me my Lord Vella, Elias 3. Divine Renovation Mallon, James 4. Leads to Success (Communication Skills) Bakthavatchalu, p 5. Gospel Confronts Life DMello, John 6. The Art of Christian Leadership Byler, Jon 7. Holding On and Letting Go Leonard, Chris 8. A Skilled Teacher Kamath, Vijay. A 9. Redeeming Conflict (12 Habits for Christian Leaders) Garrido, Ann. M 10. St.Romero (Prophet and Martyr of El Salvador) Mendonca, Cliffton 11. Befriending your Emotions Gomes, Janina 12. Theology of the Body (In one Hour) Evert, Jason 13. Be Healed Schuchts, Bob 14. Hospitality (A Key to Eternity) Rodrigues, Shailendra 15. She is My Mother Awi Mello, Alexandre 16. md;gpd; kWngah; (fijfs;) gpuhd;]p];> nrgPwh 17. ahUila vypfs; ehk;? rk]; 18. Foe;ijfNshL NgRq;f fhh;ky; FUR 19. rpk;khrd rPf;nul; ,iwad;G nt 20. etPd ,e;jpahtpy; tFg;Gthjk; re;jpuh> gpgd;> ,uh.rpRghyd; 21. ehd; (tho;f;if cd; ifapy;) me;Njhdprhkp vg; 22. Rfp> rptk; tho;tpay; rpe;jidfs; mq;Frhkp> Jiu (njhFg;G) 23. kzy;ntspapy; rpy kapypwFfs; jpahU 24. gl;Lkzy; nkhl;Lfs; #irkpf;Nfy; njh 25. ,e;jpah ty;yurhFJ! vq;f CU fhypahFJ rz;Kfk; Jiu 26. ,l xJf;fPl;L chpik mRud;> mjp (njhFg;G) 27. ehk; fUg;gh; ekJ nkhop jkpo; ek; jhafk; Mg;gphpf;fh fiuaurd; 28. nfhhpahtpd; fij Nrhod;> MjD}h;


Reading the "Signs of the Times" amidst the Pandemic unparallel in the history of mankind - the COVID19, the Diocese of Kottar has come forward to respond with an open mind through the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Listening to the Voice of the People of God, through WhatsApp messages, phone calls, and personal sharing, a consultation was held on 13.05.2020, attended by representatives of the Laity, Religious and Diocesan Priests in the presence of our diocesan Bishop. They expressed their earnest desire to take stock of the present situation, reflect and give a reorientation to the Church of Kottar as we can't go back to the 'Old ways of being the Church'. Some experts' opinion and writings of theologians were consulted in the meeting held on 27.05.2020 and a Drafting Committee was constituted by the Bishop. Subsequently meetings were held on 30.05.2020,10.06.2020 and 24.07.2020 and submitted a Draft written by theologians, experts and Lay thinkers of the Drafting Committee. The Draft Document titled "Towards a New Normal Church of Kottar" has three parts. PART I The first part deals with a Social Analysis of COVID 19 Pandemic. It analyses and exposes the myths of World Capitalism and Globalization and the sharp economic, political and cultural divide they have created in recent times. In , the Central and the State Governments have failed miserably to contain the spread of corona virus, failed to protect the bottom 10% people while going ahead with their Hindutva agenda,

12 2020 SEPTEMBER KOTTAR NEWSLETTER destabilizing the elected governments, eroding the democratic institutions and destroying Nature and the public sectors while extending favours to the corporates at the expense of agriculture and small-scale industries. The unemployment rate is all time high with even the migrant workers left in the lurch. The document also presents a social analysis of the Church in general and the Church of Kottar in particular, in which it exposes how we have moved away from the basic principles of the Kingdom values giving too much importance to ritualistic, external, clerical and insignificant Christian practices. This COVID19 Pandemic is perhaps a God given opportunity to self-examine ourselves and reorient the life and ministry of the Church of Kottar along the path shown by Jesus. PART II The second part deals with some theological insights of what an Adult Church would be. The highlights are understanding the language of Pluralism, the Signs of the Times and God amidst us while underlining the facets of an Adult Faith and Adult Spirituality. It envisages a paradigm shift from the "Crowd to the Community", from "Mighty Church structures to Homes", from " Clergy Centeredness to People Centeredness" , from "Consumerism to Simplicity" and from "Centralized Power Structures to Grass Root Power Sharing". PART III The third part is a "Common Minimum Action Plan" having in mind the Pandemic situation and the post COVID scenario. It sketches the New Normal Spirituality and calls for more suggestions for implementing a meaningful Spiritual life

KOTTAR NEWSLETTER 2020 SEPTEMBER 13 in one's personal life, in the families, in communities and in the society at large. An important aspect of this part is the presentation of an alternate economic model of development for our District, in the Coastal region, in the Plains, and in the Hills. This will be pursued with the support of the Government agencies and other NGOs. There is an elaborate treatment on creating a New Normal Culture of hygiene and cleanliness in individuals, at homes, in the villages and in the environment as well. This document sends out a very strong message and call for turning to a life in consonance with Nature as the all- important lesson drawn from COVID19. This document ends with some suggestions for an ongoing Research and continued Formation of priests and the faithful. It strongly recommends a reorientation of seminary formation to suit to a New Normal Church of the future. This would entail a new perspective of pastoral ministry, new structures of formation, insertion programmes and contextualized trainings. Priests have to be guided with study, research, seminars, library work and webinars to be able to make an appropriate response to signs of the times. This document is a draft for further study and consultation. It will be dissected into 10 topics and distributed for creating awareness and drawing suggestions from the Anbiams, diocesan priests, the religious groups, the Vicariate Pastoral Councils and the Diocesan Pastoral Commissions etc. It will be also given to the theologians of our soil for final comments after which the Bishop will make the final call and endorse it as an Official Document of the Church of Kottar. Fr. Vincent B. Wilson

14 2020 SEPTEMBER KOTTAR NEWSLETTER APPOINTMENTS & TRANSFERS August, 2020 ASSISTANT PARISH PRIESTS: S.No. Name From To W.E.F. 01 Fr. Jacob Aslin A. New Priest Kurumpanai 17.08.2020 02 Fr. Antony Prabhu A. Kurumpanai Kovalam 18.08.2020 03 Fr. Maria Joseph Sibu Aral Kurusady Kadiapattanam 18.08.2020 04 Fr. Michael Newman A. Kadiapattanam Christu Nagar 19.08.2020 05 Fr. Gnana Roy N. New Priest Manakudy 17.08.2020 06 Fr. Kingsly Shaju S. Manakudy 18.08.2020 07 Fr. Saju A. Kodimunai Mathal 19.08.2020 08 Fr. Sahaya Wilson K. Sahayapuram 17.08.2020 09 Fr. Sahaya Sunil T. Sahayapuram 18.08.2020 10 Fr. Jeba Margin A. Colachel Rajavoor 19.08.2020 11 Fr. George Gabriel Kishore X. Carmel Nagar Kottar 17.08.2020 12 Fr. Dony Jerome A. Kottar Enayam 18.08.2020 13 Fr. Antony Berdic Bruno A. Enayam Muttom 19.08.2020 14 Fr. Sahaya Jerome A. Muttom Colachel 17.08.2020 15 Fr. Joseph Raj Lenin Colachel Kanyakumari 18.08.2020 16 Fr. Anbin Devasahayam S. Kanyakumari Ettamadai 17.08.2020 17 Fr. Wilson L. Ettamadai Periakadu 18.08.2020 18 Fr. Suresh S. Periakadu Kanyakumari 19.08.2020 19 Fr. Sahaya Antony L. Kanyakumari Secretary to the Bishop 25.08.2020 20 Fr. Sahaya Vinet Magson New Priest St. Aloysius Seminary 20.08.2020 21 Fr. John Britto S. S. Thamaraikulam S. Thamaraikulam


S.No. Name From To W.E.F. 01 Fr. Michael George Bright A. Kovalam Devasahayam Mount 19.08.2020 02 Fr. Stephen A. D.S. Mount Kurumpanai 20.08.2020 03 Fr. Gaspar A. Kurumpanai Vedhanagar 21.08.2020 04 Fr. Joseph E. Vedhanagar Assisi Press & Depot Res: Bishop's House 21.08.2020 05 Fr. Arockia Ramesh J. St.Aloysius Seminary Vadasery 21.08.2020 06 Fr. Sahaya Anand M. Vadasery Vaniyakudy 22.08.2020 07 Fr. Anto Vinoth Kumar S. Vaniyakudy Kottaram 24.08.2020 08 Fr. Sahaya Prabhu S. Kottaram Carmel Nagar 25.08.2020 09 Fr. Patrick Xavier JR Carmel Nagar Erachakulam 26.08.2020 10 Fr. Joseph Calins M. Erachakulam Konam 27.08.2020 11 Fr. Ravi Godson Kennedy S. Konam Midalam 28.08.2020 12 Fr. Goldridge Jim J. Midalam Simon Colony 29.08.2020 13 Fr. John Sibi F. Simon Colony Higher Studies 14 Fr. Gnana Sekaran J. Mela Ramanputhur Pozhikarai 20.08.2020 15 Fr. Nixson B. Pozhikarai Enayam 21.08.2020 16 Fr. Anbarasan A. Enayam Ramapuram 22.08.2020 17 Fr. Xavier Raja A. Ramapuram Keezhakattuvilai 24.08.2020 18 Fr. Devadhas P. Keezhakattuvilai P.N Colony 25.08.2020 19 Fr. Michael Angelus L. P.N. Colony V.F. Res: Kottar Cathedral 25.08.2020 20 Fr. Jose J. Besk Muttom Elankadai 22.08.2020 21 Fr. Joseph Raj A. Elankadai Higher Studies 22 Fr. Arockia Jenish A. Mathal Helen Nagar 20.08.2020 23 Fr. Crispin Boniface C. Helen Nagar Secretary, Vocation Commission, TNBC 24 Fr. Philip Arockia Thiviyan Secretary to the Bishop Mangalakuntu 26.08.2020

16 2020 SEPTEMBER KOTTAR NEWSLETTER 25 Fr. Francis M. Vincent Mangalakuntu Retired Res: Muttom 26.08.2020 26 Fr. Alphonse D. Director, PPB Anandan Nagar 24.08.2020 27 Fr. Brabu G. Anandan Nagar Karavilai 25.08.2020 28 Fr. Arockia Anto S. Karavilai Chekkady 26.08.2020 29 Fr. John Milton S. Chekkady Higher Studies 30 Fr. Stanly Sahaya Seelan M. Bishop Remigius CBSE Kottar 29.08.2020 31 Fr. Grace Gunabal Arachy J. Kottar Bishop Remigius CBSE 31.08.2020 32 Fr. Joseph Romald G. Kanyakumari V.F. Res: Periyar Nager 33 Fr. Vincent B. Wilson Pallavilai Christu Nagar 29.08.2020 34 Fr. Thomas Arulanandam J. Christu Nagar Relieved (Clergy Home) 29.08.2020

Note: Transfers scheduled for September, 2020 will be noted in the next KNL

Word Play Once I was travelling from Mumbai to Singapore. A woman sitting in the next seat continued looking at me. I understood that this lady had never seen a sardar before. Midway in the flight when the tea and snacks were served, I struck a conversation with the lady. Her name was Margarita and she belonged to Spain. During the conversation, she asked, “What are you?” I replied, “I am Sikh.” Said the young lady, “I am sorry. Hope you get well soon.” To this, I replied, “No dear, I am not sick as that of the body, I am Sikh as of religion.” The lady was very pleased and shook hands with me and said, “It is nice meeting you. I am also sick of religion.” - Khushwant Singh, Joke Book

KOTTAR NEWSLETTER 2020 SEPTEMBER 17 August 2020 01 : Bishop along with the Curia conducts 2 sessions of Zoom meeting with Alenchy and Kanyakumari Vicariates Priests. 03 : Bishop along with the Curia conducts 2 sessions of Zoom meeting with Muttom and Devasahayam Mount Vicariates Priests. 04 : Bishop blesses and declares open the diocesan Library “Sanghe Muzhangu” in the presence of residential priests of Bishop's House. 05 : Bishop along with the Curia conducts two sessions of zoom meeting with Kottar and Colachel Vicariates priests. 10 : Bishop chaired the meeting of the College of Consultors. 13 & 17 : Bishop attends Zoom meeting with the Apostolic Visitation Team, regarding Martyr Devasahayam Medical College matter. 31 : Bishop visits and prays at the funeral rites of Mrs. Maria Pushpam, mother of Fr. G. Maria Soosai Vincent at Thomayarpuram.

18 2020 SEPTEMBER KOTTAR NEWSLETTER Diocesan Collections Mr. Joe Sundersingh, South Thamaraikulam 150,000 Prison Ministry Mrs. Charlet Mary, From July 21, 2020 to August 20, 2020 South Thamaraikulam 150,000 Carried Forward 549,134 Mr. Franklin Jenifer, S. Francis Xavier, Sarukkuvilai, Mela Asaripallam 1,000 5,000 Mr. Robert Sibudhas, Nagercoil Total 554,134 ( July 2019 to Aug.2020) 14,000 Mrs. S. Mary Siriyapushpam, Delhi Relief Kurusady 1,000 From July 21, 2020 to August 20, 2020 Mr. Benzigar Family, Carried Forward 275,682 Ponnappa Nadar Colony 10,000 Enayam 17,150 Ms. C. Alphonsal, Youtha Colony, Total 292,832 Simon Colony 5,000 Total 384,000 Seminary Fund From July 21, 2020 to August 20, 2020 Cumulated Masses Mrs. Manju, Vadasery 2,000 From July 21, 2020 to August 20, 2020 Mr. F. Joseph Jeyakumar, Fr. Thiviyan (June, July & Aug.) 20,000 N.G.O. Colony 10,000 Vethanagar ( June & July ) 1,700 Dr. Arun Varghees & N. G. O. Colony 2,700 Dr. Dolly Family, N.G.O. Colony 10,000 Fr. P. Vincent 3,100 Mr. C. Thanka Raman, Ramanathichanputhoor 1,000 N.G.O. Colony 1,000 Mr. Thomas Vaz, N. G. O. Colony 10,000 Karavilai (Oct. 2017 to July 2020) 28,700 D. M. James Martin, Kandervilagam 800 N. G. O. Colony 10,000 Kurusady 6,600 M. Augathammal, N. G. O. Colony 10,000 Total: 64,600

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks. - Winston Churchill

KOTTAR NEWSLETTER 2020 SEPTEMBER 19 Greetings and Prayers September 2020 Birth Days 28 : Fr. Devasahayam M. (1943) 01 : Fr. Solomon S. (1958) Fr. Maria Vincent Edwin R. (1980) 02 : Fr. George Vincent W. (1950) 29 : Fr. Amalraj V. (1980) Fr. Antony Jayakodi D. (1978) Fr. Kingsly Shaju S. (1987) Fr. Ravi Godson Kennedy S. (1976) PRIESTLY ORDINATION 07 : Fr. Francis Xavier Nelson J. (1962) ANNIVERSARY 10 : Fr. Arul Eugene Roy L. (1972) 06 : Fr. Joseph Angelo A. (1984) 11 : Fr. Jesudhasan M.(1955) : Fr. Benjamin L. (2014) 21 : Fr. Benjamin Ladislaus M. (1955) : Fr. John Benitto L. (2014) : Fr. Jelbarin M. (2014) 22 : Fr. Cruz M. Hieronymus (1943) : Fr. Joseph Zail Sing W. (2014) 25 : Fr. S. Anbin Deva Sahayam (1987) : Fr. Ravi Godson Kennedy S. (2014) 26 : Fr. Michael Raj A.S. (1947) : Fr. Simon R. (2014) Fr. Michael Angelus L. (1963) : Fr. Pravin D. (2014) Fr. Jacob Aslin A. (1991) : Fr. Sahaya Prabhu S. (2014)

LET US REMEMBER OUR DECEASED PRIESTS R.I.P. 03 : Fr. George V.M. (2004) 20 : Fr. Antony Muthu M. (1997) 04 : Fr. Gabriel A. (2014) 21 : Fr. Stephen V.J. (1994) 17 : Fr. Athanasius E. Retnasamy (1998) 27 : Fr. Pius Morris (1964)

Condolences to Fr. G. Maria Soosai Vincent whose mother Mrs. D. Maria Pushpam, 92 years old passed away on 30.08.2020, at Thomaiyarpuram. May She Rest In Peace.