. , " .. . ) , /. . ' . , • :, •

OldcsttBtnt Coli lege Ne-W!Jpapcr In the United

1:::__ ----~------~~~~~------~~~ia~m~i~U~n~i:ve~rs~,i~ty~,~O~x~f~o~r~d~,~O~h:iQ~ __~T~u~e~s:d:a~y~,~F:e:b~r~u~a~r:Y~2~O~,~1~ . 9~6~8~ ______~ ______~E~9~t~, ~1~8~2~6~ ______~P~h~on~es 529-6726, 2118,2210 aylor, Hilsman Slated as Deferments End for Grad Students; ext SpeaI(el~S on Viet War Ex·Alllhassador I(Clllledy Aid 50a;0 Enrollmf!nt Drop Possible Advocator of Helped Mold By GARY LUHR 'IJmited.War' News Editor Foreign Policy Uncerta inty among tthe nation's universities a bout the mili­ 'Form er ambassndor to 'Vietnam ta ry status of graduate students for the 1968-69 academic An imporLant molder of fOl'eJgn advocate ' of the '80-cn il ed ", y ear e n ded last Friday Wlhen the Selective Service System an­ ed war" strategy there, policy during the Kennedy admin- nounced th'ut draft deferments would be abo'lished for graduate Maxwell . Taylo r will • istrB Lio n, Hogel' Hilsman, former cond ISfJeakel' In St.udent. As sistant Secretlll"y of Slale fOI' s tudenlts in all fi'e lds other than medicine, dentistry and a few "As ,We See -It: Vi elnlllTl Fal' Eastel'n Affairs and 'Pl'esent­ relatod speciaLties, .. ------ciay, at 2 p.m, in 'Withrow ly a pl'ofessol' of govel'nment ·al Excluded from the new rul- White House sources repo-rted, Columbia Universif.y will sneak in ing are those graduate students because it would have been unfair Withrow .court Sunday at 7 p.m. to dl'aft regislrants and adminis­ hi s .book, "The Uncertain a s part of Student Senate's "As who had comple ted a year of U'atively unworkable for th e coun­ .. ' ... Illn!'!..... Taylor called for a We See

- - ~-

, • III ... ..' • ' •

. ~. \ . THE .MlA¥I STUDENT Tuesday, February 20, ·1968 _!~~'~Two~~ __ ~~----~~---W~--1I--~------~~--:-~~~---:~--~;-~~~;:------~~~------:_----:~~------~------~;_.--~--~~ KKGCandidate Alice Vreelalld ~, "'-' Judd Views W ar in Broader Context­ Selected as Miss Miami 1968 By 'l'HOM IIAI.L wodel nggl'ossion of' lhe commll- crisis, By reducing t.he influx (If "If we flood t.he I'ke ' · ,Wlde awoke d e.q plle geWng only Broadway musical "Cabaret.." Miss Vreeland represented Kappu The issue in Vletnt11ll is ·nol who nists to II footbull game. weapons ami supplies into the we could tell the Viei C Ilndu lus, on houl!" 'IS slcCQ) F\nIrlIR\y ni~ t, ~O­ NOl'lh, the U .S, clllll d ~ relll.i y Kappa Gamma sorority in th e is going to '· win the wa.', bllt how "SOME PEOPLE IN the Unit­ if Ihey SlIl'I'Cncler We .w() ~~Mthn\ YCIlT---._.--'-L--'- a n sho1jld choose to make Lhe best. Only 41 per . cent of tJho~e poNed approved of the way An Equal OpporlUnlly Employer ...... r- or her figure, n8 well a s what. Johnson was handling his job; do,wll 48 per cent at the be­ fu s hions 10 choose fo.' lihe npeom­ ginning of January. 1' TRY OUR ing season. It is interesting, though, that Gallup also found that 61 ~ DOUBLE DECK BIG MAC Clothes to ,bo modeleci worC' per cent classed themselves as "hawks" on ~he latest made by the girls who will model poli, them nnd some will be original de­ up frol11 56 pel' cent in Janua ry, It seems that the Vietcong signs, assaults are h3l'elening America's will to fight. LPn shions fot' [Ill ~eR son" ('111- S lIppOl'ling Ihe Pill phasizing colors, styles 'nne! ALl'hough American forei gn aiel has been subjected to a fabrics for spring 'anel fall , will good deal of cOl1gression'al criticism lately, the Agency for be s hown, of The fushion show is open to nny­ International Development is hoping to increase one its one uncl is fl'o e of chnl',ge, more e Hective programs-birth control. ,J o~ ' ec 'Wo goman is a lso co-chair­ AID Director William S, Gaud recently told a Senale man of the show, subcommittee that be was pI nning to increase the money aHotted for birth control f.r0 111 the present $4,2 million to $35 EAST CHESTNUT STREET MallY can sllUffle cards who million this year, The program has advanced to $4,8 million (Next to Tolowa nda 1-\,5,) can't play, from nothing ill just fOlll' years, - -Spallish proverb It's an encouragi ng sign in a generally discouraging area. FRESHMEN, ·SOPHOMORES, JUNI FOUR DOLLARS IS NOT REALLY TOO MUCH MONEY TO SAVE AN INSTITUTION



Tuesday, Febru8J'y 20, 1968 ...... 't. ,. ~." ~¥ ; • <-'. - , THB MI,AMI STtJDJt!fl' - " n ' - " " ~'-' ...... P~it 1JIu' Nelw " Fac~lly ReCOm:n:le:n~d;:a~::ti::o:,t~S~======;-ir==:::::=' =' =" W.:~' 2fl=r:n:..:: ; =====:;;===:;;::::;;;:=====a;;:;... ====~ U·,· OutlineNewly rec6mmend~d Dismissul !.'ha.nges in academic Procedure year upon the !'ecom- ReJl#S' ·m···· ·.... e.\.· procedu1'eS far d.Ls,mils$t 0If ' non· mendution of the apP.l'o)!r ute de- 1cnul'ed fac,l;Ilty made :by 'Dnlv!!r- Plll'lmental chah'man . and aca- .slly Senate s CommIttee on Fac-

AIR FORCE MEN A 1-lairy Subject Corsages for Your Date

No, not a;nofuer Ugly M'un On Campus ca ndidate this half-man, haH-wolf creature, who spreads horror through­ 'LITTLE SIS' WEEKEND out 'the 18th Century Spanish countryside is sta1' of the Ball of Oxford Clhil10ing drama, "The Curse of the Werewolf," this week's Midnight Movie, Friday night in the Towers Room. 22 Park Place

~---- ._--,-- , .-.------:- ...::.....---~ -- - ...--

M BURGER PLATER Want' To Teach MARCH 30th Withrow Court Special: Only81¢ (plus tax) In Southern California? 2 patties of choice, lean beef with 8:30p.m. melted Ame'rican cheese and our A representative from the Oxnard Schaol own Special Sauce! District will be' on campus on Friday, Feb­ CREAMY COLE SLAW ruary 23 to interview applicants interested CRISP FRENCH rRIES in teaching grades kindergarten through six, AT THE CUBOARD Contact the placeme'nt office for an ap­ Today Thru Friday, February 23 pointment.

- ._- - _ ._--- "

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, '

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~ ~------~- -~-- . . ~ ' . ' . . ~ " .. • , - . EDITORI A L Razing the' Dead' :-'tOf Blindness ) By Robe'rt TaYlor.

The cityfathers condemned the McCullough mansion By Suhail Elhmood On Madison' Street. (I;;d. Nllte: This Is the sldh and many nnd only felt their mistake you that If Nasser compromises, And half the town turned out to see them conchulinrr column by BuhaU Elh. afterwards. he will not. exIst long. mood. a native of Kuwait, pre. Thlt same story Is repeating it- There Is no .compromisQ on rofu - Raze the place. ,'. Tuesda y, February 20, 1968 sentlng his views of the back. self now. but Americans ·ol'e not gees' rights. Thel'e i~ 110 sol\lllnll Old Abner McCullough built the house Page Four ground to the recent Middle Enst realizing the dangers of Zionism. ' bllt ".110 l'lelt.l,nn. h/llc'k ItlO ·tllela· 1100n1('s In the Mauve Decade, crisis.) What lire they waiting tor? Are In .Pin,le,.. hino." IFr ~il eZJ ilo nli l; 'tb cOill·] J!l1qll'6H101l6 at eurse, thirty model senators (persumably book in I'c{enill g to th eir con­ in Smllh East As ia. bllt !'nthl'r the coffins werl' dug up by due to '!heir · assl~t~lice . ' f~ Chaim Wei::man. lhe fi. rst pre'­ nill,\' h e' (' ~ lnl J1'">': i ' " . olely of WOn1€'n'R do rms qliL'.~t;; as a Bibli t: al p l·olllise. than "Insi' flll'i'" :1 11 (1 31 Iffi' I' n !o: lIf'ITi llns who took from them Nort.h Vietnam ra1hll1' .thM' · th~ none of the present ones) carefully attend­ sidell!. " to mn kf' l"'nlC' stinc ;l S \\,ili'll thC' ~: n :~i I' ~I!Y II':IS i,·;t:lb· rl l'll":ti{' l (l :' ~ i ll ~wlf 4 ( 1 ..;I \'f'Pl h v \\'r ll - oil('(l I1 l1t{l\11a(ie nnd absence ' of nn a lle r.nat.·L~:e : ~h~ ing to their responsibilities of communica· or fr:II'.'T'ni ly 11f'1I',f"l, givi ll r, tllpsl' illl p rl' ~ t s .h'wis ll ;)s lI:n!-( land is E nglish. " lish('d i ll l :{ 'l'I llilll,\'. \'t'I',\' f. .\\' I H'd ­ w]:I!t lh·:li ll' :l l. :,' i.' .hrilii" ,I · t'n P"I:­ li e;wy lV('n pon .~ Ihc lIil~ ltt ilw t.i onalisl movemetrl ": direclly 1I ,I·i)' , igld'ful j'i' p IT'sl'n l·ntinn. Th, ~ 'I'hl' i\1\\(!l'i('all pPo JlI C' nlll3 l l' i'l1- Ih ' t ~e tion and providing informaton. "II' (·:lI m ·. 1 II ' ili ftol1li II ~tl t) )' fli lfill h i ~ du, AI'a i,,;) "I II '''p t" th,.· ~' ·(jllll ll ll l1 isl .- .. (·il" ·Ii · I" ...."'·i· l' n'l l L' lI t 'I'II'.:.! I'H i " r l \} I I: ·dll~· : . tl()'., ( '''' ('1' , ihai Vil·tc onl; " i~ 11t (· I/I ~ t 'ci uli\ h ~:n t'." O Vt ·t' .. rep rL'f,(~ ntntion . 1"1 ("i. I,·II I' 'l'ltl "ll "wi (( ,. ami ii llg 11101'(' llt nh .hnlf of OU r ' nn. , I ties, whic:h, of r ourse:. lilt · H \"'1 '~ I>" " ~ tlJ(" ' 1l1 ~: i l.i r h,'1 ' I'II'" 1,\' \', '-Hltt.'e! a lH'! H'r OIlC ' '1I 11 1 .:~ 10 t ,, 1· ('i· r)':lIi :.L" i is wil h .\11 )(','11 ',11 1 ·· ~ II P·il ll l ·!." 1';ll th" or ckt'l-n IL'!I I11l·II . " :13 We h')l>l: t hat Se natE' Il , i ~ : ltt still n' cnn· lI,flt tlt l' Arllus al'l' IIn l ':oi ng to lI oml l bll tr, ..·t rt')r dcfrme. . .! will be k eenl ~ · ;11\ ; ,1'1.' of. life I'lli' I ill' . Cr.·l'l ll ;"I': " I Iii,' ".,. I' lIl'h l" 111:111 with th,' VIt ~ I ( ' '" 1.~·:!I k' '' ' l/) :il , I f ~~ : \ :-i ~ ;.,,' r Il lnl,e:: n livi:>! .' Illl lll tl:.' !,,·I;l· ·. ,· III<'I'! ' f"ll;'i l'(' ill tlt e' c·ilicF . lllUt I lti ~ ~ 1I(')1 ll1ecilaninl1 . OJ1 ['I'n1:rn2"; 'v ' I".' diHH! f' i' of :\L.I;/ j .'"JlI {It il " I'j ,' t', (" .,n .j.' I'UII I .:.; e UUl of weakness, Lhe II'V \'(J un ullu.wal 1l1lm bcrs of 11'; ,nslated into political vic. ")lC'rpl'llIa1e . giobal '. : It\iitbary In fact, bhey fin!1nced Nazi Gel'- commitments,'" .; ...... 1 ._------_.------Arabs wm accept It. I can assure funerals followed by weeping iOl'Y. • that in time we c~ ·· c ~~te RESOLUTE RESOLVE stabilit.y wbere thefe, i8 . now contusion ·and an hoii'1~t tfv· I ernment .whete. . CC?rf\.iflJ~. I UNIVERSITY SENATS has acted. d e mic and financial reports favorable to the bribery, and d~ldet!ce nuw I prevail...... ~.: : . In part, the body resolved last week that trimester calendar, Do We Really Care? • that we can «(lOnlt.~ ~ . \\Iii •. I it "protes-t most stronily the form of de­ One often h ears talk of "student power" ter LipP1ha~', ' ~ wip :: . a.1. l cision-making in this matter (of the aea­ these days, but perhaps we shouId first con· war in South East . Mi~4t ,lin accepta ble ('ost lind a\so U\i1l~ :,demic calendar) by the Regents, wherein By Mike Ramund·o cern ourselves with "faculty power." The fy the expeCl.ations .'vf ·bitr· ~ ,: 'COOperat ion' becomes submission to decree faculty certainly appeared weak and help­ ,Tudging from recent !1r.tieles in million people in the United radiC'al split between the adminis­ We, as studenls. mus t become We now have a few leaders who States Hving below the piover. IlIther than cooperation among faculties, less in th~s case. Perhaps the Trustees and lhe STUDENT. the question hus tl'atiull und stlldent ·government OR concel'l1ecl with tile wf.ll'llin gs o[ have "stal'led lhe ·action." ·For ex· ty level. '. been rui sed concerning the role of ~dm i ni9trations, boo.rds of trustees and the Regents feel the faculty is nO'!: quite mature wa s the cll se at the University of onr govel'l1menL A c1emoel'Utie nmple, n new constitution for ef- the st.udenl on this cumpus. MI'. Mi chigan ; however, they are ad­ system of self-governmenl by the fective slndent government is be- • that the greatest· service w.e Regents in finding what, indeed, is in the enough yet to make decisions for itself-at li'1'iedman in the Feb. ::I STUDENT vocating that the Senaie be .given students has no mea ning ,withoul com ing n renlity. 'Will the work could perform to·r the'. ·wOrld Jest interests of higher education in Ohio least important decisions, emphasized impOl·tanee of s tu­ thC' right to govern tihe student Ih e suppol'\ and inleresl of lite continue? ' would ,be a vlclol'Y ov~r COrl'l- " dents. fa clllty, and administration body under a democrutie system. students th emsetves. The eleclio:4 s A few leaders can accomplish munism rather than ·the ser· This resolution passed University Sena te coming togl'ther on neutral grollnd As stUdents we mllst decide if we must become mOI'e than n popu- little without student support. The vice of our own example. . to handie student ,ufrnirs; ' The strongly-worded Senate protest was by only two votes- 94 to 92. The close di­ have enough fnith in the leaders lal·il.y contest. sludent body must show 'lllat it is • that Secretary of Defense Mc- :er:tainly justified. I be li eve that it is now time for of OU I' government to make this The fi ght (01' stuclent I'csponsibi- interested and capable of ·accept· Namara must have been mis. vision considerably lessens the resolution's the students to take an interest in sitllotion a reamy. To quote Presi­ lit .I' is now going on. Whll t type of in g t.his responsibility-the l'espon· taken when he :Was weight. It's a shame. their gove rnment. fI'he Senate is said ",t The Board of Regents, as the resolution dent Cllse, "If students con't con­ government witl we have nexl sibilily of student.s .governing their difficult to concjlive of a lXl1lained, decided on Nov. 17, 1967, to We realize the calendar issue is la rgely now qllesliOl')in s:( ils role in policy vi nee themselves they want to be year 1.0 continue lhe issue? Each own lives. OUI' govel'nment needs .bombing campaign that would fol'l1 alion. AI'e the students of Mi­ tree. who la're ,we to 'l'ay'I" student must take an objective support in order to show OUI' elect- pinch off the flow military ina m:ially pressure Miami off the trimes­ a dead onp., but we would have thought more ami University interested enough or look at hi s life hel'e al Minmi and ed leaders that we believe in .what 'Supplies necessary to support in their own affairs to back tJ he A new constitution is now on lhe €I' system by threatening to count trimes­ faculty members would be deeply concern­ delermine to what extent he de- they are doing. the current level of combat in Senate7 Senat.e floor. It will be just as in­ ed with the principle of faculty participation sil'e~ a voi ce in thc decisions gov- We need more editorials with the South." ers as equal to quarters in determining This question must be answel'­ effe ctive as lhe old constitution tate aid-this without a Miami representa­ in governing the University and of State unless studenls accept the respon­ el'ning his personal and academic regard to lhe subject in lhe STU- • thai the relatively slow pace ('ct by each student. 0111' student life. DENT and more interest in the • ive even present at the meeting (due to iaterference in campus decisions. leaders a re willing to ask for sibility of student government as The student body mllst consider debates now on the Senate floor. of the rural pacification pro- mare power with regard to effec­ a mea ns to erfect change in the ,ad weather), How could 92 faculty members wish to the value and meaning of a col- We must realize -lhat the admin- ,gram can be attributed 10' tive student goyernment. But are personal and academic life of stu­ lege education. Beyond fncilial islralion ,',rill .be more willing Vietcong terrorIsm remain silent? to . rather Such conduct by the Regents is well. the st.lld ent.s of ! Miami genuinely dent s. The constilution has PI'O­ knowledge derived from books- wOl'k with Senale and the students \ than lack of support from the posed new voting procedure for ligh inexcusable. Clearly, in a decision such as which aca­ concerned with i issues governing a which is necessal1y-it is also im- if they I'r,alize that ·an .active and indigcnous population. thei r pel'sonal lives '? se nalors; are Miamians interest­ demic ca'lendar to use, the University fa cul­ pOI 'lant to develop as a person meanin!-,[ul student government is Once we -Americnns !have con· Miami's Board of Trus.tees, playing "helr The Senate is. not proposing a ed in effective self-I'epresenlation'i capable of accept.i!1g personal re- backed by the student body. 'It is vinced ourselves of t1ie rlghUlOus­ ty, rather than a group of nine businessmen, ole in the comedy of errors, then voted sponsibility und making individllal up to us as sludents to answer ness of our cause, we have ·a rc~ should have the final word, Yet it obviously decisions. With our present gov- the quest.ion, "Should we have the markable and ·a.utorri·atic dispo1li· without a fa:culty representative present) does not. cl'llment this second requil'emcnl l'esponsibiLity to govern our own tion to eng·age in thlS' kind of self. o surrender to the Regents' pressure by is not being fulfill~d. l ives?" deception therenfter. Even stron'ger action on the part of Mi­ ILetters to the Editor . I 'verruling University Senate's decision to 'Ext"a Equal' meetll1gs with no. more reslrlct l on~ ~------~----~---- emain on trimesters. ami's faculty would ha.ve been justified in than If they had a vote. ·In addl- this case, but even the Senate resolution As a .concerned member ~~ t~~ tion limy each possess a seal on In such a vital, largely academic issue, ~nlversllY commu?ity 1 was 1 ath~1 the Organizations Council, which us il slands may prove to be expensive. ne Trustees chose to overturn the faculty's c!t spleased With S~udent Senlllc 5 in tU rn is. I'cpl'esented on t he P re. wqr flinmi &tubtnt Tho price of aca·demic integrity is often decision .to gran.t. m the proposed sident's Cabinet. The organiza tion s ~re lully-consid c l' ed judgment based 011 aea- hiGh, but it must be paid, constitution, votmg scats to. AWS. would be avoiding their respon. LF,C. la.nd P'u.nne!. Tlr.ere . Us no si bili Lie s if they did not use one 0 1' E'dUor ...... ,...... Beeky Melllnl'er rationale that can .lustlfy glv- bolh of Vhese channels to voke IIl1 slncs5 !\1anaficr ...... Jamcs Baumocl in ,: mOI'e than 6? studen!.s cxtra thoil· uplnions, This holds truo reo Associate J':lIllor ...... l>.11 Ritchey l''Iunl ropt'escnlalion and the rl'sl garrlless of the voUn e opt.inn . 'I'h,. 1\'lalln~ln~ ":(Iitor ...... (Jonnle Klmmel IInl:.- equal represcntatlon. 1'lll1 ll11U nicalion lhal Miss Sirkin NI~ws E ditor ...... Gary Luhr THE OPEN EYE 'fIll! reason for' a le gi~ l a tlll'o i'l feel s we arc in donger of loo!;i ng s\ud8nt gove mmcnt is to provide will hl ~ there cvcn if we have eq ual (:u1'Y Editor ...... ;...... Susan Fleming Cil \' h "ludent with 'j rcpl'C' Sl'nlu- n ·prt'!i cntalion. Spurt~ .';ditor ...... D8vld PoUak • S'!'EAP HE AD3 toward anothHr G e nl'le t ivp. t fa il to SCi ~ lhe I' e ll soll in.t: b e- nan Eastm an R EGULAR MIDNIGHT hours for V/O. Chief l'hotuA'ral'ht:r I'ctc Rycrsbach Asst, Business Manager ...... ,... Bles hind giving some sludents ;;d ay ni?;ht? If the Universit y resentative and othel' s three. Is Asst. News EdlLor ...... Cindy Barlln Finance Manager ...... phillp BeD50: . W'h a tcver the duy, we hope it is spring­ s,~ ('s Mr. 'V"a ~-hin i!, l(m ' ;; birthdGY as signifi­ t il" guy in an uptown .apa l ' (\TI E'n~ Resume Editor ...... Peggy Uhl Staff Artist ...... ste.en Ha1~ to haVH (JIH. repl'esentllLi vc, tllC Sarni Hadawi? r : l l !t ('nllu:{h f( ; 1' :t nl' .. ~-' l a~~~;cs h"lidnYJ \vhy N c w ~ Stnff: Don Chrls ,t. en~ cll. Sue Holton. Nancy Blose. Cathy Jirsa. Sherry Bolton, Barb M~eo , k ~ and ve ry gentle. And we hope that t hl' :\II I'. Ellllnoou it a s proposec] t I) f.,1a,t0l1tl.:lt ,Y Iln·non Ihv(), land rt1hc sorCll'· Ed Gnntllllnn. .Jncki Me:;"I" lI to.en Noelle. St.e ve Elkenber~y, Eric von .Klinger, IBob Rat*ermaD, n;:f ~~l\ ' f' Ibt' \ '("1/ 11 /°11 :1 ctluple o f (' ,\( tra pre­ ilv ·!!i l't th ree? The independ eJit tt enlllll':tl'at() ~he justice of (he nti-peaceniks k ct: rJ lheir taunts well .. guaru .. "3 '150 by sc qu~ntially sl"in l(­ l>a v l ~ i\'I . ll j e ~k~ ' . ,John Pril'l,"'(. 'fh.om Hall, Shelly Gers t!, P ai E dington, Siaudy Hall, Doris Moore, h r,t il 1:1.) ll()l l r ~ ,/ P... bo r,':1' 1+1t! \VOfl1 1.'O, dead­ 1(;;[11 -" hould h ave the pl'ivilL';; e I' A" "" i r ,,~ !",:c til el' a lle g (~: tly 'neutr :l ]' '!I' d. As a conFitruetive suggestion, why don't L{:;lIf; l'C!)l.'csen led ·u s Inltl.: h a ~ 8(1\­ '.I"'rl"Y Sullivan. Linda F " ('YH line", arf> Friday fr)r s'hnwi n;!; il1t r" I' , ··.1 in ;. , ')1 II J ""el i' qllot (l t km~ wilhout. t h .. ~'... ' f; n ~ o rj 1 . 'y· , Any ot'h,,'r ('f) n ('~uSi(HJ Business: Dob Fendrick, H" ec Shatt':e r, Sicien Davis, Becky Danks. CindN Hess, Sue WDllam!! Go()d 'wy !la ve tiJ e ir stuff for som e worthwhile b~ n (' f i t of their original ('on tex t. j""',Jr:I ):l ::(\ () r' - ' ~ ' ~:!, T) J I\ , I' I a ] ):~ l r!I"'I ~l l t c () rnJ1 1 ( ~ ' \ . J ~'; lutally i J1u ~i('j) 1. '~ port..~: Terry Tierney (Asst. Sports Editor), aa~ .,h lIeussner. AJC«l BereslD, Jlm Weigert, Bill • :. rgets·-say George Wal1ace for a start? l\co "'i,'d : " Nol :.I sinr.],· C I:IIl-. I'I ll'Y 1'."'1'\ ' 11 ,: 11 '~ hf ' Y hHve 1 · ('p!' t!lje rJ tiJl ~o n . T !It" W I', WERE UNSETTLED hy 11 11: :' ]c" •. 1/; '·1;'..... whos!' wo rk I " P;Ii··:· ; i ll" '1'1' \'1')' I' uth,rsnu . .fohn , I." ·, , . Bllh 'fhl!ut. '~J'\I · IlYIl PUIIUns!QI (SellY. ) !SS than inter(· ~.t t' d il. (" Jl I'11;!I l1in y, " I i.V ;. ~ t rcl\ l,: V(lt ..:o n U ll'eh, H tlcfl!llipd Ol'p ' 11 1' o f M iallii\ iJl l<: ;1\1(1 " Ill y dinic duri' l:': , /! i :' ( Ullit('u N ations" ) W: IS I':\t I ( f~ ani l'.l';; ( J n:ll voies b .Y ~t\l 1)\'(' ,' . mi. As a contrasl, , Ill ' h ·,·.· Plil lllL·i" !I1. 11 ," 1<; ,-. f , t' \ j~· I\ S i V ( l I YI is all A rab il fl il.:t l , --- e ll III<: , [Jay 1'\·I' ,: lTI o liie!;. A ' l!,ood fri ' ll d w'ill:lllli Jl :( In.I\'gin. On Ilo' f· l.I . 1:: .". "I'WS ~l1 d 9-Z118 ,. I ". ,1n Ihl' Arab lilfol " ,:1\ "<11 Telephones: Sllorts, 9-1\726; bUldncss. 9·221U; editor, olished Cincy Symphony pluyed u'. )j !h Wo;,. We. auci Pan-Ur i \'l' .·~: l i lh · d fuund il lI" r.! II) r,· (·()t'II: il e t l)(:. ill1plH'taflc", of (" ' \1' •• , l\ii'lhlldolllgicll l 1'11 11 , ;,1,, 1" Edltori . 1 nnd Business Ofrtces·.: 244 U~ve.rslt:v Center IltC' \ o\ jn;', pl'ivili!gf'. 'xford en gagement were an important one. :,·i 'HI ' ,':111 the whole of 1\1 :'. 1':11, · h inter: The Oxford PreSH, Oxford. Ohio Miami's anniversary and the intestinal flu lvilss Sirkin offered no l'easom 'he y gave us some new and old but always mood's analysis into serious ques. attack which almost feJ.\ed her on the clin­ for the organizations to have vot­ tion . ·' ·b. polloI.. of Uda p.p.~ do Dol u ...... rllJ r.n.oa tile to 11.1 •• 0' 111.& U .....·nttJ, ... __ ... ..- ...... I • ..., rovoootive sounds. ing privileges, These or.ganiza­ .1 ooIUIIID. Dr I."on D...... rIl, .,... of lb. plp.r, ___.. • ...... ic's doorstep Wednesday morning. Arthur l'tlel!!el Enlu.d .1 .. ooDd "I...... att ••• 1 Ill. Ollfor4. Oll_ 411Cl1" Pod om...... ~ ...... of o..r- - lions are free to spenk at Senate •• rl~t1nn pr' •• , fA r.r ....00. ,u, ~, "'"u ,., JI1 ....--. a.. 4 'lIe. ond Trlm ••I." a,,11 SlIm .. re,... ' ...... Feb. 14 , 1968 rablllb.II ...b TIl.... , and "'14., of I" 1.1"'01 , .... . d ••" ...... MIl...... • ., .. .. ~ -;_:,--- .. ,,' --- -"....,;, ~ .. -- . THE MIAMI STUDENT Page Five to Make WEEKDAY SPECIAL u~h More Appealing MONDAY-FRIDAY

By b~VE MAJESKY this evenl Is not open Lo tlhe public. is planning to I'!lnovalc next "This is an excellent chance to TONIGJlT GASLIGHr MANOR r'S rush to · oth'oct more 1'ush- 5:00 The MuISUC RKxwn open liP OUI' houses mOI'e," com­ 5:55 .IDvenltlS IIrc -being discussed con­ mented Nywelde. "Most campus­ Char-broiled Sirloin Steak II week of Inrormal 1'lIsh es have a much mOl'e liberal oul.- 6:00 Th'e MiII!ll:I C Room the Fall Convocation In 100\1: than we have here." 7: 00 NiI,ghrtmu LS I:1C Tidbits, Bordelaise Sauce to attract more men and A molien W!lS also made at the 8: 00 OXlCdl'd Vl'r.elnge Council Potato - Salad them better 'ocqualnted with meeting 10 sel up a commiUee of H : ()() F Jonlal} Ed.iltilOn fraternity system. ·lFe pI:esi­ foUl' (0 m alte 'Un intensive -s tudy of WEDNESDAY Jack tNy.welde commented at Roll & Butter female ).{ue sts in men's I'ooms. It 3: 00 F.LnEil E.d': I~IIO'n ' bi-weeltly meetinj{ that "may­ was PI'oposcd in conjunction with 3: 05 GreiM Delcls,ionLS 1968 there isn't enou~ stress on Beverage - .$1.95 the study set up by PresIdent 3:30 'AiClC'ordt:,lltg to Mil'. Jef­ " Shl'ivel' headed by Profs. Havin.g­ a'e11oon PH,523-4187 ~m'r"I~Bt ' .II'!.M1.. NI:NO I WILL hUl'st, Woodwal'd and Bel'l'Y 'and 3: 45 iBookis UI1IHmiJted ,Bit I!41e mw 10100 alJd ·pt-e­ three students. 4:00 'J1clwla,rd a N~w World retreat ·klcklng of( Spring - Nyweide said that he 'Would lIlte 5 : ()() 'I1he -MiUlS~C Roqm . Week .March 16 Hueston .at an IIFC I'epreseniative on the 5:55 IDve'lll~s committee in order t.o put pres­ 6: 00 'l1lm MUlsilc Roam also announced ·tn a· re- ' SUI'C by (he fmtcl'nities In this 7 : 00 Ni:lgjhI!lInru !,' ~c to the Cot,lncll on StUdent Af- area, 11:00 IMlIa1m:i InILe'l'inlaltl!Qnl:l.l that the t/hertraternlty Coun- 11:30 iDlwtJeJlhme: The World ts to ·l)rlng another colony 10:00 nen:Aolt1t F1r'01m Milami·­ pus next January. Those EluQiapclan 'l111alVe} , ·under conslderoi!on in­ Annual·Operas 10: 30 'Ln ~hie Bo'Oksllia,1l !Phi Killppli Psi and Alpha 111 : 00 iF1h1\ail IDdiiltion Lambda. TIRJRSDAY 1I'QP!J!tt laiboo \Elllalted 1Ih!at hh e Performed at 3 : 00 'F1~I1~t IDdi:lllJn Baby, It's Cold Chi PllI colony Is doing well. 3 : 05 ILnite r nla/!Jio.nID') T.Jiitera,r y From the A'llaskan' fishing village of Emmon­ the lobby of the University CeJlJter. Daily were 'above the all men's 1R~V'iew last trimester and p)edg- 3:30 iBushn eisls Roulll'diahle ak, VISTA Volunteer Cad Berger will come s!towin ~ , of the film, "Tlhe Faces of Pov­ men in Januory. -It will be­ Benton, April 4:00 Geol1geJlxliwn Forum to Miami this week to recruit o thers for ertYI" a re scheduled for 10 a.m., 1':30 p.m. fight it. n!ltional In October. Two pel'fol'mances of Mozarl's 4:30 'lIl1aJ.Uan Mi a lgJa~i'ne J11he voiunteel' an~i-povetty pl'ogram. R e­ and 3 : 30 p.m. on t'he Cenrt:er's second floor. SIRAK, EDITOR of the "Bastien Iwd Baslienne" and 4: 45 LaMIll Am:e'rlile-a: Pm's~}etC­ cruitin.g will take place d08.iJy a ll day in '~\U" " ..a. .... ____ newspaper announced Donizetli's "Ril·a" 'Wii.! be Pel', M>VClS Get Eaton's Corrasable Bond Typewriter Paper. Inst rlFC 'meetlng that things formed at Bcnton on Apr. 5 and 6. 5:00 fl1hc Mulsbe Room Prof's Dan!!. htcr Accidentally ])j~eovm's going well. Sirak said he 'I'he 0pCI'as will he under the 5 : 5,'} lIlve,nrtls u Mistakes don't' show. A mis·key completely disappears to have a hand picked staff music;ll direction of Pl'of. Otto 6:0{) rJ1he MLI,slile Room WMUB.l'V Color BroaclcastiuL.t· POWeI' from the special surface. An ordinary pencil eraser lets is looking tor people wiiling Fl'Ohlich, -d irector of opera and or­ 7:00 N hgh111nUlSILc u odltoriul positIons. He an­ chestra . 7:50 !Miilamli l3Ial!Jl{l~'tJblUlhl: Mi- WMUB-TV has b een bl'oudcast- 'I'he show is a ired belw('e n 8:BO you erase without a trace. So why use ordinary paper? that all ,positions arc open IlJmli WI. Xialvle,l' in.g in color 'ancl didn't Imow it p .m . ane! 10 ::10 p.m, e ueh Sunday. - Eaton's Corrasable is available in light, medium, heavy TRY OUR Assistant Editor. "BasliCI) nnd flu s ticnnc", pl'C- 10:00 Gol'd C'il VlOIllc'eis' <>f SP"l't until a .12-yeat··old gil'i 11e cident- ----.-----.---.------weights and Onion Skin. In lOa-sheet packets and 500· first i.ssue of the papel' will sen ted fOI' th'c first. .time in .1768, lO:~O In 1JIl'eBodk!SlLull Iy discovered it. "1" , 1 Fame ~ JS Hamburgen was written by Mozart when he I I sheet ream boxes. At Stationery Departments. Morch 'HI with un­ lJ1:0[) iF1i'nlitll IDdJi tioll "We never even thought. about r /' I I was 12 .yeu t·s old. 1' 1' . 1 issue planned for this tt'i­ F'IUHAY the possibili ty t. hu l. Sunday ni ght. " 1 'I "···" . It wlll continue publishill~ "Hi ta", 11 l'eeenll.y I' c-diseovered . J1l1blie Broadcas t Labol'U lo}'y ne ws "j' : [. I' M/I . ' 11 ,. :I:O!} F:II' I~'It Edl; /!'Ion b ( ) I'i, [ 1 \ ' \ fall . . opel'!] , WI ue pcl'fol'lned wilh flill 3:05 OSU ]i'c,r'lJlm show was eing broHcka st in COI DI' .. , ((,"';1) ( ' I e s ~lmatod cost of Ihe }lal\el' orches tra, while " Bastien" will 3::10 Wlsijti,I:lg SC:11Oo1,ul's uniil Illy l 2-y cal'-old d.\tl ghte r ', .. ' :':::::~ lr~ Q1LI I(._.\::~!... :~,': . -.-'-~. J1·-.-II" '.-. '00 $-100 1WI:I:h Ifuntlis ICD-m lllig li se st. ring:], wondwinds and harp- :l :45 SW0c'k 'll Today tllmed the program on this pas t. ,'I ~'" l .Panhellenlc Council and IF C sichord (or ils delicate nuanccs. 4:00 IP eJHI(! e , Love , Cl'eH'i!ivi- wockond tuned in lhe color," I 'I. ' )' .. Pl'incipal roles in the 01)e}·11 .'· wI'11 ' n} T __ " M k' I staled 'Prof. Stel)han C. Ha Lh a wa.y, 'l.\ ' ' ,,- ., Ity: .l ·10 !'[ope UL an 11'1[ , '. (}3(,'• . \'~ 1 .--- TlIREE BANDS ·which ~ c pr!/' fol'l11c el .by .Jean B ClIl'ers , 5:00 'nhc Mus i'e n ol'>m c.l i l' c~ toJ' of the Mi~mi tclecol11lllu- <''<,. s· ~ . scheduled for Withrow rom Palter ~ on, TOI11 Dus tman 5:55 'mvenl],s n i~ alion R Scrvice , - .... ~' ? . OIl' March 23' will not be Linda Snyder, -B rad Hoover, Dav: 6:00 The MU bie RJuom "Although we at'(~ not ca PHble --- . Instead, ]FC will choose lC' n id Jorlett unel Ronda Plessinger. 7:00 Nllgi hltmQlls j:c of originating color broadcasts," 0\ :;, :., '.' '::.::. :::.' "':. 'j "". '.,.' ® and have a band at each. The pl'odu ~ tion will be 51'aUed 9:00 I.I1IUC,rip

r ' 1 '"

. • , ' I ',I. ~ ., ! We're going to have a bang-up time! «br ]fuiuerstty

~bnp ® LAO'IES' BOUTIQUE 19 E. High St. Ph. 523-4005

~~ T' Cld"",,,, .. Registered in U.S. Pote nt Office ATTENTION SENIORS ORDER YOUR CAP AND GOWN FOR APRIL GRADUATION NOW - NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED DO IT NOW TO GUARANTEE CORRECT FITTING AND EARLY DELIVERY FOLLETT'S MIAMI CO-OP"; STORE I.·, _:. • ' T---'''''--- ...------Tues~Y' Februllry 20, '1968 '. ,. c. D~ Artagnft usketeers at lam} .. "--. 1.4' ._~. L ___. By TErR'RY 'I'I~EY Ass't, Sp:oints EddltOr The re-turn of D' At'tE\gtlon h8s done little to he'lp tile Redskins stle Bo cats of the Muske-teere. Luther R~t:"'ley was 89 im,port'ent to tile Xavier Musketeers 9 S D'A\rtl11P1-An Wo!! to dle Musketeers of Id grade trouble sidal,ined the 6.11 jW1ior. 0 In Mid-Am Title Tuite-Up When the- Musldes visit With­ ro'w Court Thursday night for .Redskin opponents hav By JIM WEIGERT Young is 'at 160 for the BobcatiJ, pionshlps." George .araf did 'his best job to an 8: 00 clash witih Miami's Foster, who has ~lInnotlc~ Silturdal)' mari(s both the fin~1 - OU's great -wrestler Is, ' ~~~k The val'Sif\y meet Is 'at a p,m .. date, dominating Joe 'Ringenberg, ~agers, Rackley will be in uni· SPOlts wrlt~rs out o! MIII'Un, t wo-time 4·1 and :., . ~'C home 'appearance ,und final cham­ preceeded by Ithe f,reshmen at 6:30 5-0. John Sustcrslc. up two welgh t.s fonn hut may not display the ject~ves this season, i pionsh'lp tuneup rOl' Miami'); champion. Martin beat alu ~ellilb­ A victory -by John Schael's yearl­ I· .... " ... I beled L! avernglng 27 points pel' wrestlers. Fittingly . the opposition am twice last yea I' Including : the ings ,would ,gi,ve Miami's freshmen at 167, still was able '\'0 down Big'gs po IS... " ~ la~, a ua'?l as one 6-4 bWlall1d'dlS aJso ~he lela wili be -the Ohio Bobcats. conference final. iis fourth strai-ght -undefeated Bea­ 3-2. The ,Dall St'atel' was 1'lIst year's olf Xavier s greate-SIt finds, tOl'w'al'd is also th I !lillg h e eadlng Like 1ust about every team ex­ Dave Moen goes 'at .t7.7 for OU son. The va,rsity i:s ,10-3 on t he sea­ junior colle-ge national l'unner-up, Last year 'as 11 sop amore, the skin I'e-bounder, pullin - Muskle center averaged 15 points over 13 pel' conlest. g cept Marshall. thc Bobca ts al'e n bul the Bobcats have another man son. Klr KELLER, out l'\1'ony wee\()s pel' ol~lIng and led the team in re- Complementing the Bear' title threat and feature a number to be reckoned wl,th at 3,91, Chuok Joe Galat's wrestling Rooskins with an injury, wrestled two class­ of excellent men. Sidoti -was runrier,up to T~l'Y showed theIr dept,h Thursd-uy 'as ,boundtng. . Since !he became Miami scoring column ' In es up at l.7'T and hardly look f' ~ eligible thiS month, however, .guard Phil Snow C Wlii be 'MIAMI WRESTLING fans will Faulk in bothbhe 4-J lind 'MAC llliit they cruslle

Tuescla¥" February 20, 1968 Page Seven Dave Pollak Cagers Edged·Agail! WilY U:E fJOCKEY COMBS OU1' snORT As Late 'Skin Rally

'] j,e s nmu nl· stink has been raised. l'> e"y Y C'll', SJ~~ l) e b o dy wants to know why ice hockey Falls Short at OU noW II dub, isn't olff~c ia ' lIy a pa rt of t'he athletk depa~ 111'.' 111. TJ.·;s year a co,lumn in last Tuesda y's STUDENT ATHENS, - How m a ny more were off as the Bobcots turned a 'a free throw, and cenler Creg 'Mc­ Cmnn ' :li ned th :- '~ M ,iar:ni's s~mters are not rece iving their de­ ways con COIH,h Tales Locke's Mi­ 1!H9 tie into '0 39-27 halftime lead. Divit hit 2-2 in 0 pressure charity SI" ' vt··! r' cognll ; 011, frn'J nc'la Hy or ot he rwise. oml eagers lose II haslcetblllJ Miomi, however, came out fir­ .u~ situation, game? . 'J 'k: a rgL:lTI f! nt il; n :J t ice hoc key's alone, Soccer and ed in the second half, iFostel' and ThEN THE AC'flON clim:axed. By now it would seem -thel'e Snow storted to pop, George Burk­ .Foster put a layup in Lo bring iMl­ re m !] I " ~" ~ !' , ~ : 11 1'1[(, I ~ :l v e been kncckin'g ult: the door of '" , would not be any more, but Oh io hal't, insel'Led in the lineup, beglln ·nmi baek wiLhln 'two, BurkharL alldo(' : , ~ , ' l' r~ "~ II ' n.:ck ~:,r1fider trynng to gain backing. m anaged 10 find yeL anoLh er wny 10 make key steals. Glen Pryor thon made a speetacular steal "We're n ot f.lnt'i-ice hockey or anti,soccer" stated the to ,beat Mi·amiwiLhouL really Lt' y, was a wild man off 1!he .boards, with :20 remaining t.o give Miami A1 1detic rlireA:lt01', :'it's just ~if1At we ha ve to be' pro-money." ing IlS tiley held of a rallying cOIToling ten rebounds. contl'o!. And m o hey IS somethtng tIfle athletic department here Redskin five to win 70-68 in Mi ami'sbi-g ·two definitely found That set the sta·go for PayaJ<;'s d oe~ n' t' haP'1:e n to be roll,ing irl', Wlhat Miss Linda Cooper Athens Satmday, Lh e ra nge, The Bear hit for G9 in call of double-dri,bble on Slater to ruin any Miami comeback, Iwd ( 0 say In he r co lumn last wee k is that Miami is clis­ WI'l'H MIAMI BElliNO by t wo ·Ihe second half, 33 101' the after. and playing fOl' Il final shoL aL the noon, Snow hit for 13 in 1!he sec­ Ohio gained offensive punch criJll i J1a t ~ ly s1)ending the s1 ueclnt's money only o n certAin from both expected and unexpect· IJt: /Jl etic teams. What slhe doesn't say, unci possibly doesn't Qu-sket, ~'c;f.e~ '.ee J'o'hn tPla'Y1ak. tile ond stanza, .l7 'for the aflernoon. sume official who called t he of. ed sources, McKee and Canine even know, is, that 1I1'h letics at Miami opemte on mostly WITII MIAlMI DOWN 57-46 and both hit around their avera ges fensive foul un .Phil Snow aga inst ten ITt inl/tes togo, the 'Skins n se lf-s upportm'g progra m, 'with ,17 and 16 respectively, Marsh'all, leveled 0 double.dribble began to whittle away at the Bob­ Student f~ es , w,hat Miss, Coope r was refe rring to, are charge at f)'om SlaLel' 0 f1'P'P'ly to the showings of the YCll r, and evcr'y­ dcstl'oyed on chance the Broncos si a n wllh a 17 poin( aclva nl ngc, OU's Solomon while Miami junior slIl'fcrlng from multiple leg ~t u d e ll t fin:a nce co 1TI'ITJ'itte' , NO'r has the team ever bothere d nne did a fin o job." cont.inu od Mi · AttendaIllce; 6614 had [01' Lh e confl:! rcllce crown. Dan Cahill took third. 44-27. a rid head injuries. 10 fl fficia lly upply to t-he At h>l etic Advisory Bo'ard for rec­ ami's head swimm inl,l m cnto!', ogn;lioll , SHAW CAME BACK in ,the ,100 OU'S 'l'WO o llLstanuins.: divers, yard freestyle ·to take honors !With' . !'lot to imp1y . t'hoa t they wouM get r ecognition that Chris Newell and J erry Gass, a :19.7, IEdging out Grant tor run-. c:1 sll y, but fit least the sta'r!: would u,h eady have been macle. sLnrled out the afternool1 in nor-up spot was Ohio U's' top f l' e'e~ AL~l e n s with II clean sweep in bot.h 5I.,y lel·, Si1l'oadakis, . TEACHE'R. .CANDIATESl AIf"jn~ Hot'key Cllts Uack OIJWl's th e hi gh board and the low board Miami's bacltstrokers ,gave the "Spring is Coming" divlhg eompeLllloll, You can a rgue again'91; muking ice hockey a varsity Bobcat contingent ·a rough time of sport from a diffe l'e nt a ngle, too, F ini shing in Lhil'd place in the it as Ga ry Mull and Steve Well· low ,boul'd evenL WilS Hedskin man took bhe top two spots, Mull Minimum salary 6,500. Openings: 1< -6, Ment, Miami has won the AIl-SpoJits tmphy for the past sophomol'e Jim TIitlcl' whilo swam 0 fine race and Look his 1'11'0 yea rs nnd are hi gth in t he running again this yeer. George So to cnme in with third in flt' sL with a time of 2:H,3, , 'Ret,', Ed. Hand., Reading Spec,- S. Calif. by Dis- the hi gh board, POI' MiLlm i to add hocke y to t he program, it would mean Goble and Al't Bl'andt ,ganged up , I neyland & PaCific-Young, dynamic, growing. II hI IT{C cuthack in e xpenses fol' ~he other spOlis. A new pool I'eeord ut OU was on Lhe Athens ,boys in the 50·yard 'rnke away a few football schola rships, basketball established by the .Reclsllin 40- (I'eestyle, Senior Q{Jble took hon- ' sC /r ola rsh ips, all1d one or two of the alreacly-to -sma ll yurd medley relay team, It was ors wi th his 5:-19,2 while 'Brandl o a vcry close l·acc. buL lho Mi ami finished up right behind Goble fol' 0 1' wres tling scholarships, and y ou drop the le vel s \\' iJll lTl i ~l g team of Steve Wcllll1an, Sanely a second. uf qua lIty p e rform a nce you get from 010,'0 teams. Lopn leI', John H II Rsc ll and Bob OlJ'S GREAT. breasLstroker CYPRESS SCHOOL DISTRICT As the quaHty of Miami's nine va rsi ty teams goes Shaw fini shed five ,tenLhs of l1 IWade swam hl-s .usual fino race, down, so dO'es the cha nce that 111e AI\'I ~S'P o l't s trophy re. second in fronL of Lh e !Bobcats. with a 2:24.7 firs t place finish. In main in O x.fOl'cL The ,winninl,l lime WSl1 ,a strong second place ·w,as ,Reds·kin junior on campus Wed'nesday, March 6, 1968 SaneLy Lopater. And SQ, y es, Miss Coo per, the ath 'Je tic department 3: 44.4, m::ty be ove rlooking ice h ockey fol' the p resent. But then OU supcrstal' Solom atl 'finished the 100 freestyle in 11:14,8, gi vin,g HieFinishings In Athens out Iwas the 1Jheday's 400 ocliv-(yard lJ~~ ~~~~~~~~~;:~~~~~:;;;~~;:==:;:=~~--.. ------...... ---.-.--.--. _.. _ .... -0 •• __~: _ Irf~ does exist on a first.. t hings-fti rflt b n si ~, You spend your him first plaee, but ho was push· (I'eestyle reloy competition, Conch ' mo ney o n eance r research before contributing to the anti­ ed all the way by Lance Kistlor, Ray put up 'a powel' team consist­ dandruff foundation. KisLier moved hi s Lime down with ing of Grant, Rogel' Jones, Rllssell It!s ·a sad state for ice h ex'key and its one the sport a fin e perfol'mancr. of 1 t :1 5,9, giv· and Art Houser, ,and they, to the JO'HN MINNIS DRUG STORE doc'sn't, deserve. Wlbe n the r ll/1',~S are there, a nd eventually illg him u close second behind surprise of no one, defeated the they Will be, Ice hockey will n~" k e it at Minmi. Solomon, OU relay team. 'fhe time was IN 'rUE NEXT two events, the 3:22,9, Until the n, the best t'lley can do is w ait a nd have .somebody write a column cl'ery year. .. ------. __ .,,------for blackheads From Herron Hall • • • YOU'lL HAVE A ily BARil MATOlJSEI{ shot.s t.o sllde past: lhe F lyers 49- 1 ~;: I 'c ll[' 1l1 fOlll shouling made 41.. Hi gh scorers fo!' Miami werE' NOTLINI ( d;rf(' !'ence in Miami's vicl ;)J',Y 9a'lIldy Haan'l!' aQ10 IOon, l1la, Wuel'de­ *pimples,....~; I J)" ,V')11 in a g il'l's boslc olba ll mann with ,18 and 14 points re. "\ !I]( ·. We;lu<: sdoy l1 i[(ht in Dayt.o n. spectively. with \bill: carried a ~ub~la nial 1('a :1 "J The t.eam is noll' eyeing a musil' ~ ' .P Pl! ' ~;C~': fJ)] d Cl u""l'tC\', but H f !l'cd road gU I,ne against OSU l!hi s Sa l­ DaY!on off e n ~ (' clo !lcd Ihe g

------, - - -- ~ - -::, - . . , . \ ... I • •. Page Eight THE MIAMI STUDENT Tuesd'llY, F ebrua'ry 20, 1968 Israel- A,rab Finalists Selected in Other Crisis T heIne Weekend Beauty (?) Contest By DAVE MAJESKY Odius Stud. Runner-up was Phi Of Int'lWeelc Revolting 1he ' audience with Gamma Delta's entry. Dave 1lleil' tastele ss wares, contestants Bates, as Chris Kringle; and third The Co nsul Genel'll l of TSI'gel in in Alpha Phi Omega's second an­ was the commuters' 'FlU Charles, lh o Mid Wl'sl nn:1 I. /) e 8,'niol' Con­ nu al 3nswel' 10 Miss 'MI'aml blew the Hunchbaclt of Ogrc Lane. BIIII I1 11 l 10 Ih e 1<1I 11';.\ il Mi nis ll·.y of Ihei r minds Sundaty In iBenton. ,The night's ,winner received ·100 :F'ol'oi J.l n Afrni l's wi ll be al Mi-a ll1 i Niaelee n of the Campus'g V<1tes, iSeC!OIIld 1P~lIJce, 75, IOmp tb.i'l'd i Feb. 27 lind 28 as pa ri of Inler­ ugli cst men played to 'about 200 50 towal'd the ,fin al balloting. Vot- . nolionnl :W('ek, booi ng fi nd hissing people having ing will ' iake place ,by inserting Abraham Avi cla l' . ol'l: l1 ni7.C r of enough guts 1.0 show. you r extra nickels. dimes and 1he WOI'leI Wnr II " Al iyah 10 HOSTED BY SCfhoerJillng1s' an­ hundred dollar bllls under the pic­ r-----.- .-- --. ,Palesli ne" movelll en i will speak s,We.r Ito rt lhc Beeti' Ball"l"ell Polk a, tures of your favoriie ugly moan on "IsI'l1 el nnd ils Neighbors : Tho uptown ,at Cameron's, in the Uni- .flond 10 Peaee," Feb, 28, al 7 p,lil. Bob Shreve. Miami's official FUM (F avorite Ugly Man). iUMOC got j ll t.he Towel's .Room , orf to a J'oli cking start. PEACE CORPS VISITS Avidar participated in th e War Sh reve said he e~oy ed doing Interested' ,peace Corps appUc­ of Ll beralion in P alesline in ]941. aola will have the oPPOrillDIb' PriOlO to hi s present. ass ignment. thi s type of thing. "1 was invited up to Chi cago to do 'a benefit for to ,talk ,with recruiters tomor­ 'h e served as Senio r Conslll of a Christian Science Hospit aL" row and Thursday from 9 a.­ :I srael in Ne w York in charge of m. in the I,obby of theUniver- Politi cal Affnil·s. He has bee n [l Aca cl a's Palldela vian II'rancen­ 81~ Center. ' Interested persons spokcsman of Ih e Minis ll'Y all dent li nd his hi ghly rior box." Me re ly write the numbe r of the alte rnative you select after the appropriate number in the " response box. " Then cut the "response box" out, ,. TRY OUR I egg number 38 . .r ate the first 30 to the ,first tlhoWing of the regu­ Clnd mail along with $3 .00 to: DOUBLE bECK BIG MAC ' as fasl. as 1 could 'and then sat larly sc.hedulc main ' feature. It ! down fo r about five minutes. The was biought ~ Oxford by .the Il ast coupl e of eg.gs. 1 didn't think group of Brazililln University' stu­ , I wa s going to 111ake it," Lee told dents now visiting the campus, MANDATE P.O. Box 1687, Madison, Wiscon!;in 53701 the LSU Daily Reveille. The production lllustrates the On quest iuns such a s numbe r 8 whe re you are given a scale with 5 choices, select the mllnber (1 -5) which , is most representative of your posi. I Lee performed the feat before a wo\,k. of t.he Parana Development tion a n this scole . Ha ve flln a nd ha ppy doting, 50 student audience in his dol' mi· Commission .(CODEDAR) in' stirn­ ( 1) 10 1'Y. Hi s Sll ceess breaks a record ulattng a,gricultuta't IlWld industri al (4) be revamped so a s to ma ke abortio n ve ry often. J (2) on occa sion, sct ~ I a l ~ monillh !by oa' ifeJiJ.mv &tu­ development in :that Southern Views on Dating , legal by any qualified doctor. i dent. Brazilian state. 16. Birth control pills should be available to: (3) a s little as possibl e. ----, - ' (1) only married women. 28. When I walk into a room full of strong ­ 1-- Relationship and Sex (2) engaged or married women, e rs: Use the fa ll ow ing a lt e rnat ives in a nswering (3) any woman over 20. (1) I tcel at eose. questi ons 1-4. (4) any woman over 17. (2) I feel uncomfortable. f EAST CHESTNUT STREET \ (1) the most im [.:o rt ont (2) a ve ry important (5) any woman, (3) I wi sh I weren't there. I (Next to Tolowand" H,S,) \ (3) a sli ghtly import a nt (4) 0 1, unimportant 17. My opinion on the laws pe rta ining to 29 . I am e xt remely close to my parents. 1. Enj oying sex with each othe r is .. . , ele­ marijuana is that: (1) true. ment o f a sLi ccessl'ld du l'ing rela Honship. (2) mode rately close . ~~~' ~'-:::' , I (1) they should be a s strong or stronger 2. Mutual love is . . . e le ment of a success­ in orde r to curb its use, (3) fal se. ful re lationship, (2) pe nalties for use or possession should COME OVER TO OUR SIDE 3. Be ing " budd ies" is . ... ele ment of a be lowe red. General Information successhll rela tionshi p. (3) penalties for use of possession should 30, It hurts me when I hear of misfortunes The Side Number . One ' Tries , 4, Intellectual compati bi lity is . , . , element not exceed a smoll fine . of people I don't know. of a successful dating re lationship. (4) marijuana should be legal. So Hard To ' Imitat~. ',. : ( 1) true. 5. In a dating re la ti onsh ip, I like to: 18. The government should subsidi ze all col­ (2) sometimes. (1) spend most of our time together lege costs, making colleges free to all . (3) seldom or never. alone, without outside ente rtainment. 1 2 3 4 5 31. My relig ion is : TlHE IBOAR'S HEAD ' ·IN:N" (2) spend an equa l amount of time by Strongly Strongly (1) Protestant ourse lves and with othe r couples, agree di sagree (2) Catholic % Block Closer To CamP'll (3) spend most of Ollr time enjoying oth· 19, Our system of economic competition and (3) J ewish e r couples and enjoying entertain· profit corrupts men, and makes for pe r­ (4) other SWill, Belgium, French- re- me nt. verted social goals. (5) unaffiliated (4) go out only wh en the re is somefhing 9Cl ~.Iie .. of the nationality FEATURING THE . "TROX" I 2 3 4 5 My dates' re ligion may be : worthwhile to do, of your watch', movement, Strongly Strongly 3 2. Protestant (1) Yes (2) No 6. The rol e of mo le and fe male in a relation­ agree disag ree we are prep'Jred to lervlce It 33. Cotho li c (1) Yes (2) No j EVERY THURSDAY ship is in proper balance if: 20. I believe that the gove rnme nt should 34. Jewi sh (1) Yes (2) No with the nleticuloUI care of (]) the male is stronger intellectually, make certain that eve ryone have equa l 35. othe r (J) Yes (2) No the profeilional w 0 t c: h­ more asserting, and stronger emo­ medical core, the rich and poor receiv­ 36. unaffilia ted (1 Yes (2) No maker. "WE'RE GOING PLACES" tionally. ing identical treatment. 37. Generally, peopl e consider m,e: I (2) the male is more assertive, b\Jt roles 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 I otherwise are equal. Strongly Strong ly Unattractive Extremely 1 (3) both are entirely equal in intellect, ogree disagree Attractive HOSACK'S I se lf-asse rti on, clnd comforting of each 38. It is . , . . important to me that my dote othe r, 32 E. High Odor4 Personality is attractive. I (4) they are equa l except that the female (I) ve ry MWii. 1- offers the mol·, more emotional sup­ 21. I consider myse lf : 1 2 3 4 5 (2) somewhat port, (3) not 7. I believe pre-moritol sexuol relations are: Very Ve ry reserved (1) wrong under a ny circumstance. outgoing ' Absolutes (2) pc rmi ssab le if in love and plan to be 22, I would like my date to be : married . 1 2 3 4 5 39. My race is: Ve ry ( 1) Caucasian (3) pe rmissahlc if in love. Very reserved (2) Negro (4) pe rmissoble in fmy meaningful rela­ outgoing feelings: (3) Mongolian ti onship, 23. I can't stand to hurt anyone's (5) pe rmi ssable ony time. (1) true My dates' race may be: (2) true to some degree 40. Caucasian (1) Yes (2) No 8. I am ... , sexuo ll y expe rienced. 41. Negro (l) Yes (2) No 2 3 4 5 (3) false 24. I like to know what makes a pe rson 42, Mongolian (1) Yes (2) No Very Not at all Use the li st at the right in answering the next 9. I would like my do tes' answer on the "tick." p re vious questi on to be: (1) true four questions. You'll be leaving Mother soon. (2) not always. 43 . My height is . . . (1) 5' or under 1 2 3 4 5 44.-45. My date should not(2) 5' to 5'2" , Ve ry Not at all (3) seldom or never. (Sniff, Sniff) h (3) 5'2" to 5'4' 10, Find ing a marri ogQ portner is: 25. I feel compelled to try things that a re be s or t er th an..... , dangerous or scare me. O'r t a II e r th an ...... , (4) 5'4" to 5'6' , Wouldn't it be nice to hear from her once in ~ while. (1) my ma in purpose in dating. 46. The optimum height (5) 5'6" to 5'8' (2) one purpose for my dating. (l) true f or my d a t e .IS •• _ ••• (6) 5'8" to 5'10' (Catch up on the news and all-you know!) ". (3) unimportant (2) sometimes true. (3) seldom or never. (7) 5'10" to '6' (4) irre levonl, a s I want to stay single (8) 6' to 6'2" If you enroll in the 1968 Endowment Fund yo (/~h;ot inde finit ely. 26. It is extremely important to me that everyone . likes me : (9) 6'2" or above only becom e insured for $5,000, you'll become an (1) true. 47. I a m currently a . . .. _ (1) Freshman and Legal 48.-49, My dote should Sophomore honest to goodne'ss active alumnus-with due Political Views (2) 011 but those I di slike myself. b.e (2) ' ~riv- 11 . Politically, I would cl assify myself as: (3) anly core what a few 1;1 est friends at least a . . . . and no (3) Junior il eges - 1 2 3 4 5 think of me. more than a "(4) Senior Conservative Liberal 27. I like to be alone: (5) Grad Li ke hearing from her once in a while. 12. I om .. . . of our country's involvement in Vi etna m. MIAMI U. (Ca ll the Alumni Office-S29-5211, or Mike WfJis- 1 2 3 4 5 in strong Vehemently in 523-2371 - for an appointment to hear about the support opposition Response Box plan, No obligation for talking, and Terry Marty 13. Co ll ege odmini:.lrn ti ons' restraints on NAME SEX. _...... freedoms ou tside Ihe classroom is: is a n ice guy to talk to anyway.) 1 2 3 4 5 ADDRESS ...... ' " ...... Hi ghly abusive Quite fair & CITY ...... , . . _. STAT E ...... ZIP .... - & unnccessor y necessary 14. College admini'.t l' u l ions' restraints in aco­ 1 .. .. 8 .. .. ·15. . .. 22 .... 29. . .. 36 ... . 43 . . .. demic orcas i ~: 2 . .. . 9 .. .. 16 .. . . 23 . . , . 30. . .. 37 . . _. 44. _ .. 1 2 3 4 5 3 ... . 10 .. .. 17.. . . 24,... 31 ... _ 38 . . . . 45 .. _. .. , - .. . " . . 46 ...... ' . " Highly a busivl.:! Quite fair & 4 .. . . 11 .. . _ 18 .,. . 25... . 32 . ... 39 ... . necessory S ... . 12 .. .. 19 . . . . 26 . . _ . 33 . . . . 40 ... . 47.'. _. 15, Aborti on 101'1 <; :.h"uld: 6 .. .. 13 .. .. 20 . . . . 27 ... , 34, . . . 41 ... . 48 . .. . (1) re ma in as th ey a re. 7 ... . 14 . .. . 21 . . . . 28 . . . . 35, . . . 42 .. •. 49 .. . . (2) make morc c: xceptions on medical Make check payable to: Mandate g rounds, P.O. Box 1687 (3) moke more exceptions on medicol Modison, Wi •• ri and psycholo

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