. , " .. ) , /. ' . , • :, • OldcsttBtnt Coli lege Ne-W!Jpapcr In the United 1:::__ ----~----------~~~~~--------------------------------------------------~~~ia~m~i~U~n~i:ve~rs~,i~ty~,~O~x~f~o~r~d~,~O~h:iQ~ __~T~u~e~s:d:a~y~,~F:e:b~r~u~a~r:Y~2~O~,~1~ . 9~6~8~ __________~ ________________~E~9~t~, ~1~8~2~6~ ________________~P~h~on~es 529-6726, 2118,2210 aylor, Hilsman Slated as Deferments End for Grad Students; ext SpeaI(el~S on Viet War Ex·Alllhassador I(Clllledy Aid 50a;0 Enrollmf!nt Drop Possible Advocator of Helped Mold By GARY LUHR 'IJmited.War' News Editor Foreign Policy Uncerta inty among tthe nation's universities a bout the mili­ 'Form er ambassndor to 'Vietnam ta ry status of graduate students for the 1968-69 academic An imporLant molder of fOl'eJgn advocate ' of the '80-cn il ed ", y ear e n ded last Friday Wlhen the Selective Service System an­ ed war" strategy there, policy during the Kennedy admin- nounced th'ut draft deferments would be abo'lished for graduate Maxwell . Taylo r will • istrB Lio n, Hogel' Hilsman, former cond ISfJeakel' In St.udent. As sistant Secretlll"y of Slale fOI' s tudenlts in all fi'e lds other than medicine, dentistry and a few "As ,We See -It: Vi elnlllTl Fal' Eastel'n Affairs and 'Pl'esent­ relatod speciaLties, .. ---------- --- ciay, at 2 p.m, in 'Withrow ly a pl'ofessol' of govel'nment ·al Excluded from the new rul- White House sources repo-rted, Columbia Universif.y will sneak in ing are those graduate students because it would have been unfair Withrow .court Sunday at 7 p.m. to dl'aft regislrants and adminis­ hi s .book, "The Uncertain a s part of Student Senate's "As who had comple ted a year of U'atively unworkable for th e coun­ .. ' ... Illn!'!..... Taylor called for a We See <It: ,Vie tnam '68", study by last Oct. l. They will t.ry's HOO lo cli l draft bORI'ds. Al so to aggression liS continue Lo be deferred for e. under such a system of selection, ,·n ...ln(·'( 'lYlent for th e outmo:led A ,1943 ,graduate of 'West Point, massive retaliation. Hilsman has moved back nnd te,tal of f.ive yea rs, including the sources continued, youths re­ fo['.th between tlhe 'Academie, j:{ov­ any y e·ars prior to Oct, 1, 1967. peatedly would become liable (01' srEAf{ING BEFORE a Senalc el'nmen! and military worlds, Fol­ At the same time, t.he National tnduelion each year from the ages Services committee in lowing ,gl'adualion, he was n s~ig n­ Seeul'ity Council indcCini tely sus- of 19 to 26. " "h... ""rv, -1966 lhe .genel'al suid, ed lo' the F·ar East whel'e· 'hp Join­ pended the li st of cI' itical occupa_ Pusey also asked that graduat.o not the purpose of war to ed the famed Mel'l'il's Mal'auders. Lion s and essential ac,ti vi ties upon students drafted next year be per­ late those who provol\(! it, AFTER TilE ,WAR, Hilsman which apprOX imately half of the mitled to finish the semesLer in eause them to mend t heil' GEN, MAxwm,l, TAYJ,Olt " • ,. limited warfare was assigned to W \lspin gton as Rfi­ 330,474 occupational deferments which they arc call ed before re­ slsf.ant· chief for Far East Inh,lJr- '; now held by draft l'egistrants is porting, A,t present a student is Thi s principle, spoken nl'i gin ll lly gence operations of the OSS and b~sed, Wh at will happen to the subject to immediate call upon lil e Greek historia n Pnlybill';, la tCl' as Speri'al Asslstunt 10 t.hp men presenf.ly 'holding these defcl'- receiving his inductio n notice. commented, I,(llides 1lhe Exec.utive Officer of the Central mant s is still unclear. ENROLLMENT IN the fi rst two of North Vietnam, Intelligence Agency, No changes were made in the years of graduate schools is ex­ DUl'ing the KOl'ean confliel, he eunenlt p rocedud'e or dr~Iftt:Ll11g the pec led to drop by 40 to 50 per served asa NATO plannin\! o f­ oldl'sL eli gible men fh'sL Officials cent if all available candidates fic!!1' in London andFl'ankflld, 01 the White House aclministl'ation fl'Om lhose applying 101' admission Germany from Hl50 to 105:1. oOUI'­ predicted som e 150 ,000 men would for Chi s com ing September and ing the fifties he also served in Wait And W O""y be called into service as a result from this ,year's first-year stu­ .the, Library of Congl'css fl l1'l of the new decision during the dents ar e call ed, M otorists tUl'ning Street onto I),"vere dip and curve in which make IN In(H, President John 'F. Ken­ P l'inceton University's .center of off ~aple 27. fi scal year beLlinning July I. Approximately 21.000 studen t.s himself an advocat.e of ·lnt.el'national Studies. Route 27 have a worrisome wai·t b e fore visibility of oncoming cars difficult. The EDUCATION officials reacted wi ll r eceive new doctorates this warfare, recalled Taylor The late presi dent John iF. Ken­ them, Lc·ca ted where the new A'Iumni House intersect'ion is h eavily trafficke d , especially nega t.Jvety to the announcement of year Dr. Arlt reported. If Septem­ um'P O'n'T,.,nt service as an ad­ nedy, call ed Hilsman ba cl{ int o rises, the turn-off is made hazardous by a a t rmh hours,- Photo by Ryersbach the new ruling, Logan Wilson, ber's enrollment in graduate i nn d later named him chait'­ government service In .1960 10 bc - president or lile American Council schools drops 40 per cent, he said , [Ill oC the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dlreclol' of Ilhe Stale iD0part.­ on Education, termed th decision the doctorate output by 1972 will mrnl's Burel.1u of Intelligence and 'fhe ).!ene ra l has s uggested three "shol',l-sigh ted" saying It would f all back to a 1963 level of less Research. As such, he sluelie't tN(nJ'ies for naUons : Ihe handicap advanced level ed.uca- than 16,000. P resent pro.iections CUl'l'ent cl'isis all over the W01'lri Brazilian$ lel11akel's , \lhose cOl mtrif's Tell 01 HOUle t.i on and had alarming im pliea- called for a Ph.D. production 01 as a guide Lo policy and condlle[­ expansioni st. ambilions ; Ih e By DAN IliTCHEY a group of Brazilians to Mi-allli fl)1' Aft er Moloney's speech, 11 di ­ tions for the long-range trained 26,000 by 1972 , he added. ml research fo r long-terlTl plan­ m anpower needs of t. he country, ne ll', poor, unstable (,Olll!­ ning, ASBocilltc Elmor SO III CJ t. ime," Vilnn(J'lH pu int ed vel'se ensemble of nine DI'nili nn t a l' e prime lal'gels [01' "The decision means t,hat most 1!:AltLY IN H16:1, Hil sman was Visi ting Brazilian st. uden ts rrom Ollt., "In chango your idea of what sludents accompan ied by gui­ insllrrect.ion and the b'y­ a college graduates in 1068 and stu­ ntl med Ass islant Secl'etal',Y o f P a l'ana m et with sO lll e 50 Inlel'na­ Bruzilians a l' e. We are a happy, Sign IJp for , : the ncutmls 'a nd, appar­ sin[!ing, ha rdy peopl e, bu t we al'e tarist sang several Brazilian songs dents ending th(;]I' fil'st ,year or ROGER HU,SMAN Stale for Fal' Eastern Affll ir' s. He tional Club m embers al tho Neu­ most of nur COI'm c I' fl i\lr ~. also u sel'ious people ," including "Olay, Olah," "Sa111ba graduate school in 1968 will be • " , policy experience resigned his position a ,yeRI' 'latCl' . sees fO l' the Unitecl Rlu tes because or an 'a pparent eonfliel man Club Friday to try to com- in the Eal'ly MOl'Oing Hours," a drafted in the neal' fu ture," Apartment c of a necessarily selectivo Pl'of, Haymond Moloney, chair­ he commented. - -----.---.-.. -------- 'Wit.h the Johnson 'Admlnlstration mun ica!.!: something of whn t. B l'o­ mHIl of the ·Dept. of Spanl s·h and bosanova, !jnd "I Wit hou i YOll." Ontr',,""lIltnal policeman. 01', GlIsta ve 1\1'1,t, presid en t. of co n ~c rnin g this country's policy zil is lii{ e today, POl'luguese and coordinatOl' of the Arter the singing, th e Brazilians Deadline Nears In a recent book, "Rest)onsibi­ Ihe Coun cil of GI'aduate Schools, jn Vi etnum. :\,nami-Pal'anu exchange progl'·am, mixed with the Int Cl' nati onal Club Wom en interested in signing up and 'R.esponse," .the 1. 922 'West STEAP Plans All an .Williams, president o[ In­ issued the following statem enL Hilsman is the authol: of a wiele- lel'national Club Hnd himself [rom foll owed with a few comments in shol'tly aft er th e Selective Service for the proposed apartment com­ t. graduate presents the fo l- 1,1' acclaim ed book, "To Move A m embers in fo rm all y, using wh at Guyana, opened the meeLing and English and Portuguese.
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