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. , " .. ) , /. ' . , • :, • OldcsttBtnt Coli lege Ne-W!Jpapcr In the United 1:::__ ----~----------~~~~~--------------------------------------------------~~~ia~m~i~U~n~i:ve~rs~,i~ty~,~O~x~f~o~r~d~,~O~h:iQ~ __~T~u~e~s:d:a~y~,~F:e:b~r~u~a~r:Y~2~O~,~1~ . 9~6~8~ __________~ ________________~E~9~t~, ~1~8~2~6~ ________________~P~h~on~es 529-6726, 2118,2210 aylor, Hilsman Slated as Deferments End for Grad Students; ext SpeaI(el~S on Viet War Ex·Alllhassador I(Clllledy Aid 50a;0 Enrollmf!nt Drop Possible Advocator of Helped Mold By GARY LUHR 'IJmited.War' News Editor Foreign Policy Uncerta inty among tthe nation's universities a bout the mili 'Form er ambassndor to 'Vietnam ta ry status of graduate students for the 1968-69 academic An imporLant molder of fOl'eJgn advocate ' of the '80-cn il ed ", y ear e n ded last Friday Wlhen the Selective Service System an ed war" strategy there, policy during the Kennedy admin- nounced th'ut draft deferments would be abo'lished for graduate Maxwell . Taylo r will • istrB Lio n, Hogel' Hilsman, former cond ISfJeakel' In St.udent. As sistant Secretlll"y of Slale fOI' s tudenlts in all fi'e lds other than medicine, dentistry and a few "As ,We See -It: Vi elnlllTl Fal' Eastel'n Affairs and 'Pl'esent relatod speciaLties, .. ---------- --- ciay, at 2 p.m, in 'Withrow ly a pl'ofessol' of govel'nment ·al Excluded from the new rul- White House sources repo-rted, Columbia Universif.y will sneak in ing are those graduate students because it would have been unfair Withrow .court Sunday at 7 p.m.
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