Chapten 1: Moder'n l"len Reach Kangåptro I sl and lgutr-1Ê09 tlhaF ter E,ealirrg, Ëalt Ëathering and Salitanv l4en 1 Ë1 B -1824 3rl Ëhap ter' Untr'ff i c i a.l Settl ers 1Ë25-1S-?.4 53 Chap ter 4: The First 0+f icial Settlement on Ka.rrgar'oo Ieland 1g:{d ÉLl tlhapten The Fai lune of the South AuEtral ian E:ampan/ Settl emerrt 1Ê13.5-1Ê43 1[7 Chapter Ëmuggì eFs, Squat ter= arrd .Ëurv e'f arE- 1 944- I ã52 .1.-a-1 Ëhap ter Sheep and 5h i prarreckE 1Ë53-1Ë-åÊ tìhapter' 5e t t I er'=., Churche.-. and Schc'oì :. 1.qéü-l Ll¡.:i L '=/ Chapter a Squatter=, Pastar'a.l ists and Selectors 1Ê70-rg¡v ?14 Chapter ltt : Land Leg i sl ¡.t i on and the Prsc I amat i on ?43 n{ Llounc i I =. 1ÉLlü-19?û Concl uei on 275 A¡,pendix 1: ShipFin.-r ta K.I. lEilt-1'ã41:l ?fr4 II À'FJ. Sh i pF'i ng ts H. I . l B4rl-194F ?a? ll -_¡ . .Shippinlr ta K.I. lg5tl-185'7 ?:+ll " 4: Shipp¡nE to H.I. 1F'srJ-tg6? ?a? It E¡ J. 5,4. Co Property c'n H.I. l'lc'r¿enrL'er 1838 I U.l. Fastoraì Leeees Held Dur'ing LÉ74 2-/7 " 7: F+sttr'i'al Leaee= Èrr K.L l.q50-1131r? 2Fg " Ë: L*nd U=e Bn K.I. lÐ50-19-/rl 303 " P: r-rap=. Gn H'I. lË=1-IBFL:I 3[til " ltl: tlr'op YieldE on K.I. lL?=?-lSFrl Str 5 " ll: Li,"'eç.tocþ; [rlumþers tr,n H.I. tË59-1El?Ll i-lü -i " 1?: Hundr'ed of Dudley, f:aunty ,rf Carnåruon 307 I ¡Ér¡lã. Fastan;\l LeaE.e:, on H.I. in lEtE'3 3rt 5, " 14: Po=.ta.ì Rnute= c'n H.I. in 1Ê44 31 L] Bibl iagr.aphy: 511 18OO - 1890


This history outl ines th* development e{ å. Kangaroo Island society with a distinct senga of identity. It diecuÊËeE in particular iElanders' oFinions of govËnnment pol ic ies and att i tudeç, and the ir neå.ct ions to EEt/Ênnment deci=.ion-= af{ecting them. It dc,es not cünsider' counter bal anci ng Adelai de opi nions. Kangaroa I sl ander=. haue I ong conE i dered themse I ues and thein çociety di-=tinct fram othen South ¡lu-=tnal ianE. They have alr4ays had -ì strong tnadition af :-tr¡ndv self-sufficiency. The fir-=t EuroFeånB lo settìe there wÊnp ÊãÊapeÉE {rom their e.nciety, determirr ed ta make I ir¡eç o{ the ir own in the d¡++ icul t isl a.nd enrr ir'onmen t. Tho-=e u¡ha cE(ma af ter them r.\rÉl'É is.oìated by gÉr-rgraph;v årrd circumEtance. This pnaduced å ssnEe ol dif+ePence which

Ferã i s.t=- to th i E day. Islandere haue long Eeìier¡ed that tl-re'E Ë.trrtsll y FtrrFut at ion and i ta isol at ian a.E- än isl and har¿e f nequentl led tn the allacation of gaper'nment reeourCes. in [,Jå:r'E' which ha'.¡e neglected Kanganoo Island's special needs. Yet, t¡h i I e th i=' u iev,¡ has Pemained in the ir cGnsc i ouEnÊse, ¡ t (.{å.Ê neveF Eo strong that i el andene souqht -=epÂnati,¡n in EvP7y wåT {rom c,ther Au:'tral ian=r Err rantempl.+ted s.euÊnånce a{ the ectrramic I ink:s uJith the old societies. Ecsrromicallyr islandenE heue alr¡ayE been a dependent commünity¡ Pnoducing eÊsentially for exportt arrd Felxing for cemfort, ¡f not {on suFViualr Én importe. This thesis tnaces the sense ol difference which bath island life and its EeFtat*ateneçs fcom created. DECLARAT I CIN

This thesis containE no material t*¡hich has been accepted for the au¡ard ef any ather degnee oP diploma in eny Un i vers i ty, end to the Þest of my knor¡rl edge and hel ief , ¡t cc,ntaine no material previously publ ished or r¡lritten by another pePson! except rrrhen due FPference is made in the text.

The au thor consen tg. to th i e the= i s be i ng made auailable fon Fhctocopzing and loan i+ accepted {on the at¡.rard o{ the degree.

Jean M. Nunn A T KI'¡ EII¡I L E O G EI'l ENT S

l4y thanks are due to many people fon thein ualuable ee=.istarrce irr gathen ing and FreFar ing mater ial {or th is h ietony.

I am indehted ta memberç o{ the Etaf {E c,{ -=.euenal I ibran ie= incl uding the Mi tchel I Library in Sydne;ør the l'lational Library in ËanheFF¿r, the State Library o{ Ta=-mani¿ in Hobant and the Bann Smith Libnanz in

Adelaide. Tha staffE o{ the State LiErary of -Êouth

Auetral i a, the t4on t ì sck L i hnan'¡ and the Ênch i tres of Sc'u th Auç.traliar gave mÉ panticul.srly '.¡aluahle heìp and guid-+nce in my Eearch for necLìpds relating to the eanly =.ettl*ment of l(an'¡aroo lelarrd. ttly FÉçpanch in the Þepan tmerr t of La.nds rrå.s made pl eas:tnt and praduct iue through tl-¡e l-reì p r EG wi I I ingl r girlen, of Tony Doubìet and othenE, DiEcussions I¡rith Jshn Þallr,.ritz and Êandy l4arsden of the State Heritege Brancht Department of Enuironment årrd Planningr r¡,eFe of mutual :tdt¡antage. Th* ç.ta{{ of the South Au=tnal ian l"lu=-eum and the Etaf Í rti the 5ou th AuEtnal i an Ar t Gal I erY, i n pant icul ar' l4r.- E. F+r'gher, cr¡rrtr ibuted the ir spec i*l knor¡.¡l ed'¡e.

Many peaple helped in å ua.riet>'of r^ra;r'E xnd I -enr gnateful t'¡ l4r R.H. Angae, Þlrs B. Ë, l4r and l'lr=. tlr,l in

Êeì1, t'lr Eorr ald Belì, Þlr' K.T. Er-¡rFc'r¡Jr I'lr' Jr:,hn Elar¡lninEr l4r'e. Judy Edr¡ra.r'd-.., l'1r' l'1iìton Gaoley of the .5outh'alian Telecommunicatiane l4u=eum, ÞlrE B.H. Kelly, Dr' Leith l'4acG¡ll¡vFåy, l'1n: E. Millbanl(, l4n Ronald Pan=ons, l'1r=. J. Ri=,chhieth, Þ'lr å.M. Raw=.ell, trn N.B, Tindale, [¡r

John Tregenza r l4ns D. Tre thewey, Dr and l'lns P. Uenco, Dn Joan l¡Je I ch ar¡d 0r John '/oung. ¡'4y thesis could not haue been r*rritten r¡rithaut the coÉpenatian and suppont ,:f my family and friends. l,ly, Ron, =-har'ed m:v enthusi-r=m and entrc'ur'aged ml' absonption in reseanch End t.rriting. He gàtre pn.ì¡:tical help which enaEled me to cc'ntrentrate on thie r¡ork. l'4y son, Graham, crlnu inced mE that I coul d and Ehoul d u=Ê a r¡Jr-rr-d Fr'tr'cpÊ.---c¡r' to t¡ritÊ my thesis arrd this pr'c,ued to he en inualuable tool . l4'/ {amily all encounaged me to pPr'EÊr.rPt-É.

I ca.nnat ÉKFrÊE=. adequatelf my thanl(=. to my EUFeruisor, Bill Gammaçe, f¡r hi= patient and painstal(ing guidance while I worked Ên tl-ris. tl-reç.i=.. He gåue ËÉrrJFrd aduice r¡hen I struggìed and pncGUnagement when nry con{idence {lagged. Finall>'I mu:.t Fåy triEute to thc,=-e Kangaron IEland pianeens r¡rhû 'cÂme t'¡ I i{e' for me r¡¡hile I r.esÉarched and t,,rrote th is thesi=.. ThÉ}. r¡JprÉ ml. in.-F inat ian and it iE ta them, and th*in descendant=, that I offer these pågeÉ. LiEt of Iì ìustr'atic'ne Paçre

I l'latthet.r Fl i nders la

L l.lichcl¡.ç. Baudi n 8a

.f Por t i an of hand-made Dom i no P i ece é3a

4 Sketch c,f a [,,load Hnue.e, fell doc'r'ç' end r,,rindot"ls, "f or South Austr'al ia 183ó T.H. Beare 83a

5 .lc,l-r n tJhite, "l.lear the Fianeer'=' Anchar'âQÊr I'lepean Ba¡*r Hanga.roo IsIgnd" 93a

6 Rot'e r t an d t'lar'y Th om.lg ?? e.

7 Emile Eoua.rguPr "Ile de=- Kangar'ouc-r'r r: 1840 I 28a

i Comm i i aner' Al exander Tal men I 33a I Fo'l ce =.ç.

7 tJa.ì ter G. J'la.s.on , " Ca.F,E tJ i I ì oughbr', Ke.nQäFoo", c 1Ê55 l5l a 10. Stunt Light, Cape tÂlilloughbY 151b

11. tÀ|. Le i gh "Enca.mpment af ter' the l,,lr.eclt a{ the Osma.n I i , D'Estree Ba/r Kangaroo I sì and" , l''lou emhe r 2?, 1853 l60a 12. M.¡.ry Seymour' and her daughten I é6a

13. Henny l¡Jal I en's Gr'aue, King=.cate Pi oneen Cemeteny I ó8a 14. l'lichael f,alnan 15. Hope Cattage bui I t hy Calnan Érother=' I é?a

1'5. Fl inders Light, Eape Bor'dar Fi.I teme t e r'l' at Ha.r'ueys Retur'n, K.I I 73a

1É. Gl ouer', R.E,, " CaF e Bor ds. r Kan gar c,r-r I =l end" , 1 878 174e. I ?, Thoma.s La=.hme.r''-.. t^le I I I BBa

20. Ficneer'Cottage Perrneshat^, E¡ i çtr' i c t I ?Cta

21 . AuquEtus Reer¿e= LL. Reeues Homestead l71a

Jnhn l¡J i cl¡,ha.m Daw ?¿l "Fir'Et Hames.tead a{ the Dar¡l Famill'at lrlepean Ea.;v, Kanga.r'oo Island", lBó0 I 92a Ê5. Tl¡e Excauatian in the rnck at the toFt a{ the cl iff nesr Point Tinl ine 2å. Thre=.hinq Floor'l.lear' D'Estnee Eay I 95a

.¿_f . Richard f,ha.pman 28, Ruinç. o{ Har'riet Hame:.tead I 9óa 2?. Kangar'oo Ieland, FioneÉFË' Home.(n.d') 30, Fenneshat,l Ceme tÉry l?7a 31 . Thr'eshing Floor PenneEhat¿ District 1î8a i2. Thr'eshing Flc,or'neår' l??a 33. An eanly uiew a{ christmas cove, Penneshaw. ZDâa.

34 . 1'1r' a.n d Ì4r'E Joh n H i r's t 230 e 3F. t,lil I ia.m Holme= ton ?4?b 36. A. Scot t Erca.d, "The f ir's't Etone l-rcruÉ'P erec ted in South Auç'tralie (built hv Geor'ge Batest 255a f i=hpFfrråFr, ) Gn Kanga.r'on I =ì and" , 37. Old George "FinebaìI" Bates 25óa '-18. y 2ó0a l..J i =.anger' Far'menç.' A=.e.emhl Ronm :19. Pioneer' Cattage [^lisanger' Distrirt 24la ¿10. Fr'eç.ton T. Bell 41 . ,-lohn Tur'ner ,rnd h i E home a.t Sm i th'E Bay 42. Llueens.cli{{e Hntel, Kinq=cote 26?a

43. E¡.rly Settìer's' Eullnck Tea.m q4. f:amp -3cene at l,rleç.ter'n Riuer 5i I r.rer t4ine 264a Il luetr'ations numbenecl 10, 12, 15, 19, 2O, ?2, 31r 32' :!Ê and 39 r¡.rere taken by,Ic,hn t¡allr¡.ritz and reFraduced b¡* trour tes)' af State Her i tage Bnanch , Depar tmen t of Enu i r'oñmerr t and Pl ann i ng r S.A. I I I ustrat ions numbened ?l , 23, 27, 35, 40, 4l and 42 å're {r'am The Gyclopedia o{ Sc,uth Austral ia, Uolume 2'

I I ì ustrat ions numb'ered 14 and 23 ar-e f rom Pastonal Fianeers a{ -south Austnal ia, LJolume ?. I I I ue.tra.t ionE numbered 13, 14, ?å and 28 ànP f nom the auther'E er/,rn cal lection. Li=.t of l4aos Page 1. l"latthew Flinden:-' Cl-rant of Kangarao 7h I =l and's I'lor th Caas.t I S02.

:-1. Su ther'l and's Char t and Tnack Acr'oçs Fiangar'oa I sl and, I gl9. 40h 4. Light's :-ìl

5, The Tr'*cl¡, of the "Afr'icainP'ç." FaËs.PnqeF=-t t.lov. lEt to 10th 183ó. 1D0b' ó. S.A. Compån¡"=. Flan af Kirrgscote. Shoa.l Be.y e.nd Cygnet Ri\rerr lg3ó. ltzb 7. t.liìliam', Kangar'oc' I=ìa.nd, 1838. llBt' B. l¡lilliam Ches=er', l.lepean Bavr 1838. llBc Ê. Pa:.tnr'*l Flerr 1874. Él4t' lû. Fr'opoçed llnunty Cannårvon and Proposed Hundred af Dudì et', 1874. 2l ?b

11 . F ir'st Suruey Hundred of Þudl ev, le76 2l?r-

12. l{anr¡ar oo I =-l and Larrd Hol d i rrçt=. r 1Ê76. 223b 13. Fr'oposed Hundred aÍ Menz i ee, 1877 . 224b

14. SaF,Fthir'etc,r¿.rn, Thomae.' Homestead' 225b

1 5. Hundr ed of Dudl ey. 245b 1c'. Hundr'ed of l'lenzies. 24Át'

L7 . Propased Hundred of Ha i nes, I 880 . 24Éc tÊ. Fr'npc,ç.ed Hundr'ed of Ca.eeini, 1gg2- 247b

19. Hundred c,f Ha. i nes. 247c ?[, Hundr'ed o{ f:ag'sini 24Bh 21 , Tr¡t.ln e.t Pinery [Brou,.lnlor¡r], 248c 2e. 'Ior.,-rn et l4a.:rr,.rell. Hundr'ed a{ l4enziee. 24?h ¿-¿t. Pa=. t or'a I Haìdines. l{.I.. 1850-1889. 265b

24. F a=. t or'a l Fl an tJithdr'e.v.rn t87? Irr Pncket

¡Jq Pastora.l Fl an l,J i thdnat.Jn l8?2 I n Packe t

7,5. K.=rr ç¡a.r'oo Island - l4oder'n placÊ nÀme=. and {ormeP equ i ual en tE I n Pocke t Ahb uiå.tionç. ÊPFS Angas PaPens Fol i o Ser i es AFL-IS Anga=' Papere Quar to Ser i eg AONSIÁJ Arch i ues O{{ i ce of New Sou th l¡Je'l es Ë.|^J.4. Countny t¡Jomen "- AE=.oc i at i an c,yc. o+ S.A Ërclapedia of Snuth AuEtnal ia DL.... Department of Lands, South Augtnal i'r H. R.A. H i ston i caì Reconds of Austral i a H. R.þ1. S .l¡J . HiEtorical Records of Ner¡ Ëouth t"'lale=' HTÊ. . . Hobant Town Gazette K.I... Kangaroa I sl and t{.I.c. Kanganoo I sl and Cour i er L.T. E'. Land Titles El{{ice, Adeìaide l'.lL 14i tchel I LibraPYr SYdneY ÞILËA l4ar t I c,ck L i brary of Sau th Au=-tral i ana P},I8. Pacif ic ManuscriPts Bureau PRESA publ ic Recond 0{f ice of S¡_,uth Austral i a PRS. Pnoceedinçts o{ Rayal Society aÍ Scuth Austnal i a FRGS Proceedi nçrs of Rayal Getlr-JnaFh i cEl Soc i ety of South AuEtnal i a RAHS Royäì Austnal i an Hi stor i cal Sac i etv Journal S.A. Co. . . Scuth Austral ian tamPanY 5.4. t. R. South AuEtnal ian ËomPanY RePant SAtiG ,Sc,uth Auetr'al iarr Ëûuernment Éazette SAPtt . Søu th Austnal i an Pan I i amen tarY DeÞates SAPP South ÈuEtnal ian Panl iamentary Papers SAR. Ëou th Austnal i an Reg i e'ter sG. . Sydney Lìazette tlh.*n ter 1

l"lode n n Ên Fear:h Kano f l-rf'l I e.l end tBnfl-18ü?

tol on i sts. at the nerr Engl i =lr :.e t t I emen t at sydney f i nst heard o{ K.rngaroo I sl and f nom l"l i dsh i pman l'lat thet¡r Fl inder:. and h i= men irr t gLì2. Unden in='truc t ian=. f rom the British gouernment FlindenE expìored the E.outhenn coa=t r-rf Au=.tnalia to di:-cuuPt- its çteoqraphic å.rr d Êcc'nc'mic potentitl . Fl inders and sungean Geonge Bas=. h*d arriued at Part Jacll=on r¡ith captain Jnhn Hunte¡- in 1795. In t7?É Fl inder'=. (rraã :.xnt to the FurnËaux I=-ìandE r:'n the "F¡.f.ncig" tø pe-=cue ÉuFr,,ir.rorg and s-rluage c'lngo fnom the r'ËFLìP t that r,.lrecke,J " sydney tGUÉ " . Ha re turned to ='eal =' rr.rere abundan t r¡hene the ".9ydney " t¡tås beEched. 1 I n 17F8, in the "Tom Thumb". BasE and Flinder= sUPveyÊd e.nd mapped the coa€-t adi o i n i nçr Fc'r.t .Ta.ckefln . Then Ea=E explored t.leetennpont and Fl indere neturned tc' the

FunrrååuH Eirnup r,^there he ag-tin €.:(tJ ìarge ':'f,lL1niÉ-å cf Eeå. ls

¡,,1h i ch he PepDr terl,? Fl inderE -rnd Ba.=.s conr:luded that therP r.'.tås a =trait be twepn Van Ei i emen'E Land and the ma i n I and I 3E Ênok had set aut in the =.uE.Fected.3 0rr ? Elqtr¡her l7FË thev "f'lon{alk" to te='t thi-= theor;". The "Nåutilus", a Eeaìer trc'mnr. rr dpd h-,1/ Ll-=rFtairr ill'rarleE Ei:.1-r op. å.tri:crmFanied tl-¡em tO /a

þ1.=.t tl'rer.+ Fì i ndens.

Þl¡r'tl¡cþ; Lit,ra.r,r, af l;c,uth * ia. F) 4 the FunnEa.DNr trÊturning ttr Pont Jacl

tJhen he returned to Ençrl and in l -qüll , Fl inder'=- r,ÀJaÊ

å.F,prrinted to suFVey and explone tir+ Austnal ian cr¡aEt. He =.aiìed feam Spithead on 1.q July lgtll in comm,rnd ,-1{ the sl oop " Inuest igattrF" . 5ai I ing u ia the tlape of Good H,=pe he Ea.r¡, ìand ne.ìr Ëape Leeu¡¡in cìn ó tlecemEer' 1Et1 1, .¡.nd +ollowed the coåst tou.randE BasE Stnait. He =pent a fer¡

{¡Jpek:i in the '.¡ ic in i ty c'{ Fant Lincol n Ee{or'e ctrnt inu ing snuth-east, and En ?t l'larch 1gú? såt\, la.nd to the south' A'ang Eouth-wester'l;r gale hu{feted the " Inve:.ti ga.tor" a.nd Fnet/ented ä.ny attempt at ìanding. The folìor,'.ring day Fì inders ste*ned *çard aì ong the c I i{f -l ined åFrd exposed ccaEt . At nGon he nounded ¿ headl and, rr-rh ich he named Foint þlar':.den .rften ltlilliam l"lan:.den. Secand Secretanz ti= the A'lmiraìt./rÉ -+nd,c.r¡choned in the eastern trsr,.re (nou*¡ Amenican Eiven) of å l*rge ba.y r,rrhich he named 3

Nepean Eay after Sin Evan Nepean. Finst Secnetany of the Admiralty.T In pa=einçr along 70 miles nf cg¡rs-tline,

Fl indens and h iç men had ãeen no sign= of habi t¡.t ion r ntrr art'f ather sa{e anchorage.B Early c,n 2Z Ì"larch Flinder=- ¿.nd :t landing F'ertv å.FFr'aached the shone , uerT cur' i ous abou t r¡rhat m i gh t be discauered thene. Rtr,unded h i I I = cc,r,,ered r¿¿i th I ot,t, th ick scruÞ sl oped gen t I r down to the seå. Ror,'.r i ng towand-. å

t iny cove the men E¡(r,ÂJ " å. numtren of dark-hrcr¡ln kançrurc'oÉ feeding by the Eide ol the t4ood,"7 End =.eal= on the shone. The kangaroo= continued {eeding while FlindrrE and

h dec i de,J that the seal i:- men among them. Fl inden:. =. r/.rÈpe mopÉ discenning animalE for thein a.ctions "be=poke ä. [

l¡Jith quns, musket=., t¡.*yonetç. ¡.nd c1r.¡bs Flinder='' men quickìr killed lì1 kanga.noos. A{ter thi= butchenv thev cl ean ing È.t'pnt the ir { ir=.t a{ter'nc,c,rr ashc,re ='k inn inçr and the kanganoo:. and Ft*ÉF,aning fon å. heanty feast. Fl inder= r^laË. Erf, qrate{ul {ar' thi:. ee.:.ily abt-rined e'upp'l r'¡+ {re=-h meat th¡.t h* "nåm*d thiç =.nuthsnn land l'lanqurco l"ie:

te nee,:h h ighen gnound. but the he ight and th icþ;neEs. ¡f ,¡ icant the Ecr.ut' Fr.eLlented him from =.eeirr ,=,.ny :.ignif 4 di stance. He had I i ttl e doubt that he had I anded on ân ex tenE i ue i s.ì and and cc'nc I uded {rom the t-rmeneÉe o{ the l{anganøos a.nd seal a that i t was ne i ther i nhab i ted noP r,¡ iEi ted h'/ nrairr l ¿nçl p¡frcrr'i,"Jílreg.' Jlt i .,. l.' ,' r, ilr l Ër: i r ¡'rld fi*t'i prababl f heen so for 4-5. t00 yeåFE, al though d i scouen ¡ e=' aìmn=.t a century a{ter F-linden=-' uiç'it =-hou;ed that people had once occup i ed the i sl and. I 2 The mainìs.nd åbsrigines had bel ief=, ccrncerning the

i=.1ar¡d r¡rh ich partl r expl ained why i t L{å=' urr inhahi tpd and conËidened ,, lll in Fìinden=.' time. The'=.e legend=. åpppåp to haue à commc,n onigin. To the TanganÊ Peaple. r¡ho liued round Lal4e Éìex*ndrin:<, the lìaorong and Virtnr' Hanbor, Þíanqåroo I sì and wae " the home of the d*ad. " t 4 ftne I egend r.el ateE tn a be ing, or sp in i t, tlc,noondoai I

L.,.rhich made the Eig l'lunnay, or Ea=.ter'n! tribe=- f ir'Et, and then the Lor¡ren l4unpay people, te.echinr-r them the .rntE af 'I i{e, and instruct inç them in the myster ie=. and n i tes' wh i ch thev ahserued. Then he I ef t that cnun trv bY l.rrr dç.. o{ hi-'' lubra=', ¡'cha =.wimming t,r ma.k* other "Tt*,G tn i ed tcl f aì I or,,.r h im. t¿JÊl-É dnowned, and tunned i n to the two i:.1 e.ndE. c'+l I ed t l-Jy Fl indsrel uThe Palfes" . He Kangaroo Island rise out o{ the Êeã.r and t*lent on making ç.t i I i ue'-. I'15 ':tr'un tr i *:, ta the r,le:,tr,,.tar'd, wher'e he I ì In anothen ìe'-lend the git'en of l.r.t¡JEr r:uÉtome. a.nd a in Sauth religion ta the =.c,uthenn triheE o{ AÞor'içrine:' Austra.l ia u,,ra= cal led Þ'lr-rroandc,orie. He promiEed his peapìe 5 that r if they f ol I or,'.red the ì at,.rs he had giucn themr af ter death the ir =-p ir'i ts u*roul d f n1 I ov,r h is {oot:.teps ta the içland of Nan-ac'nçt-orarie, a-ã Kanga.roo Ie. land wag calledt and be tranElated {rom ther*r åE he r¡J-rãr to the home of the dead. The traditian I'JaË that his tr¡.ra wiues Pàn art,åy fnc,m him, år¡d he cha=-ed thenr .lcrÊ€-s Lake ÈlErrtr GueP the

E:oorong to the EËã.r and along the heach past thP Fne=.ent Uictor Harhor t,r Ëape .Ieruis.

l¡lhen he ar'nived thene he såtJ the fugitir¡es t;ading thraugl-r the water, hein-u when he eighted them ahsut half -tr¿aÏ ã,cnoE-= the channeì - which at that time h,as quite a =.h*llc'r*l ùnÉ hetr¡een the mainland and I'lar-oong-ot',rie. Enraçted at hiE u'.liues for nunninçt ar¡.lay {rom hím, l.lgnoc,rrdoorie d*termined to puni=.h them. He hade the r,,raten to rise uF and dnown them. t'Jith a terr'i{ ir ru=.h the r¿-r-rter n¡lEp, and the wc'mÊn tÌJerÈ canried baclt tcr^rEr'd=. the mainland. They tnied to Er¡.rim*t this tidal tJ-1\.'*, Þut r¡Jer's Ftrr¡Jer'l ess ta do eor and the terrc'n-etricþien rilePe dr'or,.tn*d' a.nd their tc,diE=-. r.4er'e tr¡rnsd inta rock=, which wer* caìled Rine-io, -+nd cån be seen to thi=,layr .*nd;(f'e 14nnwn ta the r¡hitp people åÉ. the Paç¡e=.. or Tu',¡o ËistÊr's. Èfter his t¿iue-= t4Ére drot'lned, Þ.lqnoandnc,rie r.Âr.3ìkÊd into the water, å.rrd diu*d aut to¡çand=, the island. [,Jhere he p¡p¡r¡Éd from the r¡aten i'= å black patch three c,r' faur' Tardç in t¡idth' He r,{errt on tp the iEland. and a=. the day r.då.Ë hc,t he t,,¡i=hed fnr tú reçt under. Lìepinq none, he nr*de fnom=.hade the eanth a she-aa.l4 tnee, t.rhich iE Eaid =pringtc, be the ìar.çre:.t in Èustr¡.li*. He ìay dnr,,.rrr in the shade and tr i ed to el eep , bu t cou I d not , for åÊ ÈuÉpy bre*ze bì et¡ he heard the ir¡a i ì i ng c,f h i s dnotrrn ing r.,.liveE' v¡J i ces thnor.l ,Jh the tnee-top. Finding he cnuld çtet n'l r*=-.t, he t¿rall¿ed tr: the end of the i sl and. He thner,,.r h i s s.pear ou t i n ta the Ëea, and inrmediatel'¡'E( re*{ oS Fc'tr14Ë cE(mÊ {rorn the i=. land ta where thÈ ËFeå.p dr'opFed. He then thr'ew aþ,rar all hiE. nther't'.rp.1fr¡r¡¡ s. and depa.rted to hiç. hÊme in the :.kie=.. r¡;hene those r¡lho h¿.r¡e l{ept the l.¡.t¡=. he gå.t/e th* tniEe=. r¡iìl c_.E,mp da;v jain him. To thi:. d;(y -rny Ene u.lho tr'i e=- ta '=l ee p under a she-urak tnee r¡; i I I hean th* r,lailing th.rt l"lrrroor¡ d':c'rie, the qr.Éåt*:.t c,f all, á

heand ã.e- he lay beneath that giant tnee on Nar-c,onçt-arz.rie, the iEla.nd sacr'ed ta him and the spinits of the dead Ey the southenn tribeE of South Au='tr'al ia.ló

Al though the i :'l and t/{å€- un i nhah i ted i n I ÊtlZ r Fl inderE Ëar¡, Þuzzl ing signs of { ire r'*¡i th in the prÉu iouç terr to tr¡enty ypâ.rs. He E,Feculated c'n ths Fo5=.iEiìity af à t¡isit by the Fnench nar.¡igatnn La Penou=e, but thou-nht it unl ikel y. Hi=. st'Eerr.'Rt ians I ed h im to t*londer, "E:ån this pant of Terna Austnali=- haue been uisited befonet un14nnr¡n to the r¡orld?'L7 A later uieiton to l{angaroo I--land descnibed sheltering in a holl¡r¡¡ âum-tree and se*ing cut into it=. r¡tr,cd, "Thi:. i.- the place {or fat meat lg0Ct".1,5 Ëlaim=- that American and ether r¡halere. r/,rÉre irr South Êrustr'aìian r¡¡atens at about the time of Flinden=." r¡ ic-.i 1lP. tha.t r*lhal er:. or seal er'É m'ay perhaps hatre u iEi ted

Fìangarao I sl end be{ore Fl inden=. ?[t ¡.nd that Kanganoo I=-l¿rr d r,Ärås .r hase fon gealens lnn¡r befone Fì inderE' uisit,2l cä.n rreither E,e praued nc'r dieprnued. AnrericEn whaleFÊ Nere in Austnalian waten= å.s earìy â.É 17F1?? h'ut the authar has found no evidence of any uisi t to Kangaroo IEland.

Fl irr der=. and h ie men mad* =.c'mÊ eE=*nt ial repair=' tn the "Investigatßn"'E nigging, then ÈpÊnt e iet.¡ dals pxåmining tl¡ e cr-rå=.t c,f st trirr cÉnt'=. ll;ul{. [r,ll-¡ err ther ne turned to the anrh¡-Jnaqe i n l,lepean Ba/ r Fl i nder'= :-Pn t

¡,*¡c'od sk i nE. Orr merr in rep i *n i =.h tl're EUFF,ì i e=, n{ r mÉ':tt tnd 4 April 1L102 Flindene and the naturalist Robert Eror¡¡n Eet 7 of+ by Enat to the head o{ Amenican Rirr*r to climt' .L sa.ndy hill {nam v.rl-r ich they haped ta EÉP the island'=' interic'r. From the toF af Pro=pect Hill t åÉ he named itt Flinder.=. I,usE. s.uPFri=ed tc, Ê in=.tead, at å. di-=t¡(nce tr'{ onÉ and å half tÉ ttlo miles, the unbroþ.en Southenn tltreant

.*nd À r'ugged ':c'å.Étl ine ta tl-r e t,.re=t. The E,Urr-oundirr çr ;arËå r,.rå=. usr'y s¡.ndy and ctr'uered r¡lith lottr 1..|Égeta.tion.

In the =.hallav'r, =.heìter'ed -1Fm a{ the Eeå thra¡'¡Eh r^rhich they had ã.pFr'oached Praepert l-lillr FlinderE natired =.ix is,let=. r¡,rhich aF, t¡ be hr'eeding place=. fc,r' pel icans and måny other bird epecie=.. He na.rned thi= pa.rt

rf American RiuBr' "Fel ican l-¿,1sr:'rr ". Llrr a.hle t':, r'eturn ':'n t'aard'that night, the tr:.ra men eìept near th* entrånr:e ta the I.3.r¡ncrß, ?3. L-ln the "Irr r,reE,ti,¡-r.tcrr" next da;v, Fì inder's blas plea.=.ed ta f ind th+t hi=. men had taken mare 14anqårcrifË

ãrr I Errru€- the ma.i c'r i t;" d =.eaì :.. They h-rd z.?En at e:rs.t lLl t ea=.t af " Hå.nFår'ÉÉ HÈåd" , ti.,hEf' e waten gi--,zed in,:lm th,:

racll:.. Thi=. r¡J,r'--- the úrr l;* indic.atir¡rr c'{ fr'e'=.1-r r,çater Fìinden=. rp':c'rded. Flinden= decided not to =pend mc,FÊ time c,rr l'..-rnqar'an I=. l¡rnd, A ,_1r-rr:rd :.upplf c{ LrlrtrCrd a.nd freEh meat had been tal{en on Eoar'd .rnd he r.¡lå.8 ,ìnxior.¡s to

tr':rrrrFlete l-r i=. e:rpìc,r'ation a+ tl-r * E.cruth c':a=t ':i Èuç.tr.rl i¿. h'ef one h i=- ppou i=ionE c,ut, The " Irue:.t iç.atar" sail Ed

thr'su¡rl'rr -rnd Fr ålrrÊd, Eacl,i=.tair':. P.r:.ea1fe, åFr d anchr¡red in Antech¡.mher' E;.¡* on ,å April 1ErJ2. (rÌ r rIl l'! I .t /i I ,!-1 k!^ ;rqî ./ (¡ o ¿r,,, í . r.,",' ì..,,,,.,i,,, ", )'-, \Ê. tî. ¡" ;q,..rl \ J f |¿ q \ l r^; t tt Q: \ trnltr u rrø \ { I t' .1tt^ ¡l¡-¡"ro:ll llin rtì¡ f. ll¿ ,t'.f r, ¡t'4.j 'z Ð^ rr){. ! C¡mLlcr¡ó r¡le¡ ¡n il' É 't -, '¡ t' I rro, ù .t, Dl¿¿ Dtul r r+"' ,r.. \pr;r"' r . rrt. t< .¿ - ...ì" Irl¡¡ ¡: l, t¿ {r., i?\ .n' .-4 ¿m¡ re I ! .î à, .., ,, (i r\'I o lì S ',,.s 'ríiï \ I .T l) lirçt ,1 {f s")^ t ¿^ f ò .\lz¡ ,, s ¡ { ^:lÌ.t , , ?. { J ctvr (l e ' B.r ¿d,4 I { c,.ll t,,t-ttt"t l'vt .'on.1 &.1t .L t. .ti . .-r3.,/ shttl( t :(' \. {- la t¡ Ili qlt ,'l ili't .s 'F E .Þ¿;+ tt -Æ i Lin -î. J D r,ku-.:": F.. i¡ fl¿'.rt:.8 t. ¿:,j " I ltÌrloud,r,J I .¡ìì1. Iii\N(ì tjlìo() \

I I I I \ I 2):


J'1+t th*t.r Fl i ndEr'=- t-:h'=r't c,f f,:..inqar't,,= I=. land'=. I'lc,r'th Lìr-+=.t lElÛ2 { ù-- E

A=- Flindene ta.cked towards the mainland the {allOu.linl:r aftenncrcn a "r.lhite rc'Cþi" r'epc,rted 4ram alc,ft arouEed h i=. cun iosi ty. AFFno-ech inq caut iouel y he tÁJaE ¡-.uFFrieed tc, {ind the.t the "rocl4" vJa.ê- å s.hip s.tandinr--¡ tn. He cleaned +sn action, and flags r¡lere hoiEted. The =tr'anger rÀJeE the Fr'err ch =.hip, "Le fiet-qr'3phÉ", under Ëa.ptain I'lichol aE Ba.udin. t¡lar il y keep ing bnaa.dside to the

French Fl indsr's. tr'r'dered -1. hnat tc, he lor¡lered and t'lent heEit¡ntlr on brrard "Le Geaçiraphe"..I4 Ë¡ritain å.rrd France t¡Je F e a.t r¡Jå.P an d e ac h må.n lÂrå9 euËp ic iauE ¡¡f the other'E intentic'rr=..

Eaudi n Ehc'r¡.red Fl i nder':. hi=. pa=.=par't EÌ'tr.rhicl-r th*

Er i t i=.h Admir'a1 t¡* r=tuårtnteed h im a f auaur'at'ì e Pecept ion in .1n:v Eriti=.h pc'rt ,:ut Éf'oFer '¡'E he r/'rå.=' en¡l-

-=.,trtrrP rPCÉntl>' FuEIi'=.hed cl-r 'rr't=. r-'{ Eas.=. Str'ait. He de j i r.rened thes.e the nex t day Eu t gå.t/e r=n I l" vEt'y r¡ÉlrPl-ã. I

.1rr Ë.lilÉrE-r pnlite Eut r'eEtn.rined, tc' Eaudin''=. ÈnquirieE. aE,aut hi= hugin.=-=.E Ên the unkn'-rtrJn cc*=.t. Fì indenE tald

E:audin ,-¡i the lar''_le i:. 1arr d, nå.ÍrÈd I'(a.rr ,trar'c,t' Is. land, the meet in'¡ oppa=.i te Ë 'IÉr'rJ i=. ¡.nd '.¡ isibl e {r''-rm ir pl+ce, [ÄJhere the Fr.enCh trlcruld Ee =.ure t'-r ':t' tairr 9.Uirp]i*=. n4 fresh rreå.t. ¡le pnor-rf hr pr-,inted tE the l,;''uo :.kin 8o


C ,\ l''I'.\ I N N ICOI,.\S Iì'\U I) I N

l.'lì( ) ll A\ Ii\GIir\\'l\(;

l'1':,r'tlacþ. Lit'r¡.r'r' c't Ë¡uth A¡t=-tra. l ia. 7 hats r,.lhich his men r/JeFe ¡.rearing. The captains panted on qoad ter'ms. and Fl irrder'=- n¡.med the =.cene of their meetinqt

" EnEGUn ter Êay" ,76 Fl inder':. s.ailed c'n tn Fart .Iac14=.orr r¡.lhere- he r'epanted hiE meeting tdith Ea.udin a.nd his discr¿QÈlY ':f Hangaroo I=.ìa.nd. He s.poHp fÂr,'c,ur'ahl¡, a{ the Eaf* hårhtrur in ltthich he had anchoned. "The :-ail of that part af lta.nganoo

I=. larr d ex.rmined E)' uÉ.r t¿.rå:. judged to be m¡:ch =.¡JFPrir-Jr ta' t'ef ore sEen r e i ther uF 'ln the Ec'u th ':oå.=.t t¡f the cantinerrtr ÊF uFGn the iç.land=. nÉår it¡ t.rith the exception o{ €-omÉ pr-rr'tions Eehind the hanbours of l'iing ll+enrç¡É'e Sr:,und" u.rr'nte Fl irr der'=-.?7 He and hi= men talk*d a.baut the great numben a{ sealE and kå.rr ,1ar'or-,'-i. Ê,n the i=.1arrd årrd the ir hel ief tlr.¡.t ¡ t wå.Ë. un inl-raE i ted. ThsEe r'epart= all h¿.d passit'le ptronomic signi{i¡:-+nce {or the

Ëcr Icrrt i=.tE c'f l..let^l E;r-rutl-r [r.l+Ie=.. "Le tSerrgr'aphe'' and "LP N+tural i=.te" ha.d =.ailed under Eaudin { Le HaurÉ ßn l,t flctoEer. 1Ëf.lr_l . Thei- called .rt l4¡.uritiuE and -=ighted the Êu=.tral ian troaÊt on ?7 l'lay 1Eü1 at 6er¡rlr' e Êa.y rr eå.r Eu=.=.eltc,n, RFr d gFsnt the winter' exploring north a:- l.¡.n ås Timon. Lln 13 l-'Itr'r.rember the tv.tct

,,.'e=.=.plE. lsft l'r,aepang .1rr d dunirr çr the ne:¿t tl-¡ r'*e morrthE. expltr'ed Te=menia's ea.=.t coaet. There the,.* met the

1 irr r_-l L,'Éç.=.elq. out {n¡m =.e-=,. "Ende-1uc¡uF.rt and "H.:tr'r'ingtan"

Fort .l .rcþiE¡-rn a.r¡ d pa==ed oß inf¡rmati,:rr ¡.b¡ut the

Fr i=. "pr'trdiqic'u:. ufrrt¡Ér' 'lf =.e¡. l=."?Ë c'Fr larrd=. alc,n,-¡ the 1D cEå.et. Shortly the French ue=sels f{ene seFår'-rted dur i ng å r; i al en t E tonm snd " LP Lìengraphe "'=.

I ongboat u.rae damage d.?? p¡lIsrruine instructions., Eaudirr irr "LP l3eagr'aphe" then beqan exp l on i ng the c'f ast I i ne r,,JeEt f rom lrli ] :-on '' -= Fr'omontorl'. f'Jhen a =.ail aFF,eared orr the hor'izon on B April 1902 the French thou¡ht it trta.e- their mi=eing par'tnÉr'r "LP l"l

-1=. "lc'ng, l'ri1rh .rnd e.qteng'ir:e and doeç. rr crt aFFeår tn t'e inha.bited,"3l He errchaned a{{ ¡lntechamt'er E.rv Eut rouçh r¡reathen FFBr,'ented him fram going e-=hor'*. tJn 1l April he

Eegan ex.tmining the i=. l-rnd'=. nortl-r Êtr,-a=tr then Éx[r'lçr¡'sfl Ët Uirrcent tlu I+, a.nd f ina.ì I >' returned to the i-=l 'rnd sß lF April to trcrrrrprlete l-¡ iE EUPue)' o{ tFr* rrcr'th ccaE.t. He reported that it rÊ5e steepl;v frørn the shore' TherÉ r"{c-r'É

:.he. Ë'lrJeE. n¡:r :.lre'l ter {rom the nc'r'th =.ßmp s.mall llc'r¡ nound t'f the ç.,-Juth coast. He caìled the island "B'lrdå'e

IÉl É" , Frcrrr Erur ing e Fnench mathemat ic ia.rr and naut ic*1 a.=-tn,3n'fmer'r a.nd =-rid it -=hould ba f a.uaunabl;* negarded " i+ r.rrater' is abt-

Baudin netunned to Pc'rt Jack=on fan the r¡¡inten.

ThEr'e E.c'rrrp irrdictrr'ÍÉt r'enr.*r14s try hie nren alar'nrgd Lì¡L;ernGr

King cc'ncerning the Fnench exFedition's PUPpr-r.8 I and Kin-O =ent Lieutenant Rabhin:. tc' claim King Igland in EaE=' Strait in Engìand's name. t{hile tt*¡o settlementE u.!er'e y nor and tl-r a{ Van ha=-.t i I estahl i =.hed tr'n the th ='ou Diemen's Land to fore=.talì pa=;ible French ter'citorial r:letm9.'r'J 'f -J

Late irr E)ÉcPmt,Pr lELl I Eaudin in "Le ËiFtr'grRphP" , åCtrrf,mFanied b)/ "Lå Casuåninå." cemm*nded by Lieutenant Laui=. rllaude Freycinet. returrred to l'iarr g.=.ra': Iç'land. The ueeã.ÊlË bxga.n t,f maF the caa=t. They faund (.,ePf 'l ittìe s.l-¡elter a,lorrçt the ruçrged c.autl-r CtrråË.tr ÊxFc'Ë'Ed tc the fuìì {ury o+ the €-EUthern c'cPE(n, -e. lthnuqh Er'Estr'x*

Far' s.r¡ d Uiur:,nns El.3.I c'{fer'ed'|me çrr'ntPctic'rr . Rc'ckr the he¿dlandË, FÊe+Ë, =.malì o+{=hore island=..r.nd, t¡L'tra.rd'-i Tlre cl i{{e' t,re:.t, =.teep cì i{{=., må.de :t dan¡rer'c'us. cÊ'a=.t. alonq the r¡le=tenn end O+ the i-=ì¡.nd r.^lere euen m':¡re f ar'b i dd i rr¡r . In cincurrrnå.r.rir3atinçr the i='land, the Fnerr rl-r *xplnrer'=' sRr,J ntr =ign= of life. Eaudin gåue French nå.mee ta thx ¡¡ll-r hi=' ':åtrPE., t'.¡.yE. a.nd ht-+dl+nd=. he E;tr,,.rr ile Fr'eÏcin*t -rnd t'rsther Henni and the .=ut'',Js!"-Jr- llharlee Pierre Eaul*nger cånpf ul I y nrapped the ':G.ã.=tì ine. The ir' rrr.lF r F,ut, I i=.1-¡ ed irr F;rni:- in 1811, shi--rtaed that the French h¡.d l'qrr-'r'þ.Ed .14 trarÉfullr'årr d thr crr'¡¡ul¡l-r ly. Eaudirr l-r .=td qir'ren the iEla'rr d L2 the nåme "E,:,Pda'5 I=ìÊ", but r¡lhen the chant= r'"leFe puhl iEhed thie rråmÉ l4åE. relegated to the ncrth-we-=t cRpe ¡¡h irh st i I I beanE the name . The i=l and's nåme h¡.d been chançred ta uL"Ile t¡eCt'?-=.'r l'r rsrtoUr'inçt the French I'la.ual l"lini=ten, ådmir

14 January the þ.ee I uf the I ongbaa.t had been I a i d and the Ë.c'mÉ'lf =tem -rn,l =.ter'n po=.t=. set uF. The merr fc,und gocd ¡¡a.ter at AnEe de=-' suurces tHog E*;*l a'nd cårtJÉd the

irrgcr'ipti,rn "E;\,FEÚITIr:rl''l EtE tiErl:¡¡t'.'t65¡1E FAÊ LE llr:tþ1t"14Þlt',Al''lr EÊlUtit'l suR LE GEr:ujRåPHE 1-qr¡3" Err a racP;, r¡rhich krr c,t4rr åÉ. Frer¡ trl-rnr.Rfr 'E. EÉcF'. ThÉ mÉrr lC' a.ded ¡lc'¡d {c'r' the en=.uing l.,c':/ÂgÉ. h¡.d time far f i:-hin'f' a.nd -eathered ¡l':.ter'=. and peì ica.n=.' Êr-J'-fE irr P*ìican Eal'. Ela.udin FUt .3.Ê Ea.i lars' a=,hore ELìme p igÊ and f owl =. f ¡od +on {uture His. nrerr ¡:AFrtur'*d Ëe,,rÉr'al kangar'oc'= .trr d tt"¡a ÈmUÊ-. u.lhich he arr.anged tn talle ba.tþ; t¡ France. tilith the lonr¡Enat

c'n I Febr'u.ìry 1LllJ"l . ':':'rrF, let*d, É-+r.ldin =..eil aq¡.in =.teenin'¡ ¡res.t a. lonq th* north c¡-'a=t of the i=land tc,r..*¡¡.rde

H. i rr g Ge c,r' gP '' '--. 5c,u n d .3È 1i+

The repan ts o{ Fl i n der= and Eaud i n wPre not guf { ic ientl y impreç'='iue trr interes't e i ther Elr i ta'in Gr' Fnance in colonizing Hangaroo Ieland' but Ëaudin"g chance tlietr'rqe'E' meet ing r¡i th the Anrer'icarr hr ig "Un ic'n" in t(ing Ër¡und soon led othpr vc'yågerE thene' The "UniEn"' ':'tarned E'y t,y l"leE.=.r'E Fanrr in,¡ t¿ i1r-rmp;

r-,bt*ingd acÈourr ts of EUrl.teyÉ nrade Ey Gear'r-r* Ua'ncErtJt'rPF r r:if o{ þler¡ the Ençr I i=.h narr iq¿tor , ol the =.ou th-t'tre=t '1='t þ'f Hc,ì I and in 1791 ,3Ê Fe.nn irr,¡ r.,ta-=. p-rr't icul anl >' inter'e:'ted uancauuer,Ë neport=. n{ numeFßuÉ sea. lst E'=.Pecia.ìly Én sael Ferr dlet¡rr tr-' I=. l¡rrr d in King ll¡e¡rge'Ë' :-Îr-'und' He in='trurted Eail r,ria. the ilape oi lli¡-'od Hope ts l'ler¡ H¡lland e'nd t' trårrfß irr ,,reEti,fate thc,:.* repor't:'. He t'''ra-? tc' Er'inr-r :tcl¿ å of=e.=..l=.1{ins.for.theChinatnadeandtn]ear¡ehuniedon d in{c'r'ma1i6rrr -ieal IEla.nd å hottle r:i:¡rr ta.ininq 3, letter'err \'rEE-'ê=e t nu t {sn the cc,mmand*r aÍ the c.Jmp ã.tt'!r '= I to be =-en the {ollnwing EEaecrr. Fleachirrl'r Ëeal i='ì'rnd it Febnuå,r!. lg03 Pendletan {ound a "gnÊd h'r.r'bounr r"Jc'odin tl-a.s' tl'r e time :rea'Í tr -arr d uJåteninr-r",li? t,r.:t elthnuçrh it ':{ e:tpect ìa.rqe number's o{ Ee'rlE to be a=hare' he rÀr' c'n ii? ,li=.sppninted t¡ f ind Fl ¡-rt fTl'frÉ tharr thirtr, I=ìarrd.otÜ Éy th ie t ime Eaudin, cont inu irr -o h iE Ê'urt'¡P'Y' cr+ coast . hå.d -lnchared i n H i nq Êeonge'É' 5c'und ' 14

20 Februarr- 18t13 one r-ti hi= ÉurvÉy ps.rtie= chanced upon

Perr dletc,n at ¡.nchc,n in Twa t'latian=- Éay. Fendletorr tÀrås deìiChted and sailed a.t once to trisit Eaudin at'oard "Le Ëeo¡-lr.aphe" wherÉ the tu*l¡ captaine exchårr Qed infannratir-'n' Eaudin qE\re Pen,lleton cha.rta to help him in sÈ-aPching 4on

rr Ea=.=. 5+tr'ait. arr d rÉcLlrrrmerr ded =.eal=. and in :{uiqti(tirr-e Barda's Iele aÉ one of the best pìaces to hunt for -=ea.ìs' Baudin a=.þled F*rrdletan to Fr'euerrt hiE rrren killirrg tl-re p ¡gË a.nd f or,¡l s re I e.aEed on the i sl and end adL; i eed the American c,rptairr tr'n the =..+fe=.t enchr-rFâ9P and he='t praE,ahle place thene {sn seals. Pendleto¡t =-aid he needed

l-r i-= .t-t ull irr '-i t,:, ¡:trmF ì ete h i:- tr'3.r'go and Beudin ar¡ d llt =.l4 ,:ff icer= -i-=.sur.ed him tha.t Bor'da's I=le could prauid*

thxm. Tl'r eÞ' r.,Jå.FFr Éd hir¡r o{ tl-r e danq*r=' of tr'Ving t'-r r-fr'funds.4l È eståbl i=.h him=-.elf c'n the Ea.'=.a Stnait =eal ing numt'eF c'f seaì ing Ers.n:J:- irEm Paet 'Tacþl='¡n t'JÉr'P 'rlre:rdy

EF,er.atinçr thenÊ arr d ßauer'ntr' Hirr rl r¡a=. an:

tl-r l-r-lr't'c'ur' -:r.Fr d {nund c'r¡ it:. narth-ÉaÉ.t ctr'aet e eHcellent r,+hich t,,-rth Ë+udin a.nd Fì inder= had u=.ed. The åmericrn;r, {c,un,J =.u{{icierr i: nun¡t'*r:. ¡{ t'ntlr l-r eir' årr d {ur' ='eelç' ta ..iu=tif;v stanting l-runtin-c imme'liateìv. The i=l'rndt 15 r,.rhich they called Ecr',ler'=. Island, al=o offered plentf of

t¡er l¿ end Eåme, { is.h s c'.f -=terg, hird:. and f c'1,, l.-. o{ iÛu=- indE they f c,und gøod r*laten. I t t4À3 an ideal Ease {on Fendl etorr'=. wc,rþi and f c,r' €,eÇÉrål ttree14:. h is' men hunted They had callected "the =eals r,.rith c¡:!nãi derable succP'=e. moiet¡- ,-r{ their c-rrga"43 Eefors the EeEt part af the

Eeå.Etr'n r.\raÉ ouer. =eaì ing r'errr-1 l¡J ith il-r e c'nË.Ét af L,Jirrter Fendleton decided t¡¡ in in the ç.+fe "Union Hanbour" and taþie aduantage tr'{ hi-= cÉnLJenient =itu.rtiarr. He had {oUrr d A Cr:'lTr+c,r't-e.hle -ar¡d pì ace ta I iue r,uh i I e seal ing. ¿.nd he had not ic*d the timE,er gr'c,t^¡irr E alan¡-r tl-re ç.1-rcrr'E nÈ;ar hie' a'nchtrrå''JÉ' Tr-' keep hi=- men 'fccupied and t¡ ha.rre å usefuì em¡. ll ve=Eel he tl-r e rrr*n tc t'.lc,r'k: huiìdirr 1l "a ='uhs'tantia'I '='':l-r trrc'ner' rtl for.ty tans bunthen',.44 T¡* mÉn huilt a lerge hr'u='h hut and¡r-e urhiIe Ê'uiìdinç the =-chooner' The

e=.taE, 'l ll q¡.r'derr {*rr i:ed u'Jith ta cr,ak ished å. ='taþieç' pc,tat¡-rE'E., a.nd sþ; i I I i¡n on ion= pnotect h ie =p inach, FPEÉ t¡Jar'P {nc¡m tu-+lleEie=.. karrgar'c,,1:. itFr d pc,=.=.unr=..45 The 3E men self-eu{4icient and c¡mfortable through the winten c'f iELì3, The f ir'=.t r¡{f icer', t)'lÂlr'içrht, a. må.n af "mrch+n icaì in_cenuit;,,", the trår'penter a.nd the armourÊF direrted yF F,rÊF ¡.rat ion crf the nat iue p ine , eu¡:å.l t and tr-lsuarina timber'. t-lith this e.nd 5Få.ne -=aiìe, r'igging and Ather.må.ter'i¡. l=. fr'anr the "UniË,r¡ " thÉ,'¡ !'1¡BrE' '¡.t'le tf-r l;+r'l ntl-r the "Independer¡ce" e-r.rìy in 1Eü4.4¡' tl

Pendìeton eent l,'lnight b¡tck: to Seql Island in the ,, IndependencÊ" tc, hury a hattle c¡:rrr tainirr g dir'ectiorr =' iar' Fanning's next vesse:|.47 The otl-r en=. ri:,ntinued ='ealirr çt through the -=ummer nf 1EÛ3-04, a.nd in¿.ny 1-qll4 Sydney and perrdlet¡¡n took hetr.*Jeen 5 åFrd Érlll:lrl ='þiin='4Ê tc' returne,l ta H.-rnganon Ieland u.rith {re=h eupFlieE. In r-'l ,-Iune lFjtt 4 tFr e "Unißn" Lr.¡a=. hacþì in 5f'dnsy t'*litl-r "upt'+*rd=' 12.üOt-r :-laing"4?, f.rllc,w*d a few day:' leter E'y the ,'Indeprndence,, r.,lith å trârgs rtÍ :-t1 in5.5t-1 E; imeorr Lr-'r'dr a SydnÉy mercha.n t r Funcha'=xd the .=þ' in=' and induced Fendlet,-rn ta enter intÉ, å'n '1gr'Pemerrt Ey r"lhich thi=- purchase r.¡Jå-= ta t,e f insnced from the PrDtreedç o{ å ':ån'-Jo i'5I ,=f g*rt dalr^tr¡r-'d r'.rl-r ich the "urr iEn" r¡åg tÉ c,E,tain irr F¡.i r¡råE l¡Jh i 1e tnying ta f ul f i I th is rontract, Pendl etc'n rrrurdÉrÉd .r.t Tarr r-r+ ¡.nd tl-¡e "Urr iiln" L'JåE t¡r'ecl'led n'?aP

Sand¡. lr¡o¡d Bå.ï, Fijir in 1-dÚ4. ThP "Independerìr:Ê" v'Jå'Ë

i tÊ' the lìn t i F ¡-'des' I l,et- rrl i tl-r ,¡u t tr'acB i:,rr å. ='ea.ì nçr 'J'f ,/åqÉ I=.ìand'-= in 1Btr5.5Ë TheArr¡;edågrBåtde+]inFar.t J¡.ckson a.bout Earder'= Island. In the r¡aterfront t¡.vÊnnË thenp rlter'e man.¡' mÉn FJrrtr'È-.e inter'es.t t'JåÉ. å.1*':'uzad. Tl-r e isla.nd h-e.'l Flenty o+ se¡. l=r r¡J'¡.--- uninhabited '+nd nerr'--r tÉ {r¡nr +uth¡niti,. It had a mc,,Jer'ate climate, plenty o{ {iç'l-r r-,{ t'{or-¡d and {re:-h r"'leter' The and gårïre and =.upÞì ie=-.

th-e.t -c.rrþ'Érr E z'ettl irr ther'? Er:'uld nr+kE Ènrer'iça.rr =. =.rJr-rqP=.ted ¡'l .3. li,,ring hi' grtr,LrJinr-r ?ÉrJÊtahle:- ¿.nd ='elìinr--¡ thern t'3 t7

t'.roul d Enon -€.eål ing ånd t.rhal ing sh ips þ.'h ich they predicted he ca. I I ing f nr tload and r,*later. Harrq*noa arrd ç,lal I ah;r :'k irr=' rr,prp other* så'l eable itemE, and Ealt far cuninq pelts and meat cauld t'e srr'a.ped {ram the numer'truE dr'y la'qc'ong dun i ng summe".5x r¡Jå€-' ReFart=' c'f Eeal Èt thi=' time ='eal irrg ÉxFandirrg' cc, lonies rJn the mån/ isltnd=,-rf Strait -=otrn brought hurr ter=. ta É'JPr'T r'uck arr d i=. la.nd thsre. Lìret*rs ui='it*d the the animal-= to =e¡.1 colnnieE in open baat=, clutbing ,le-rth and Ekinnin¡r tl-rem. l,,Jhile¡r thrau¡rh Éa='= -$tnait trn hiE v'fyå.qe from Part Jackson to Kangaron I=lend irr [¡ecemt'er lEl:l 2, {or exånrF]er Ea.udin itr¡ CFr ar'ed in Elephant Ea;r on Hing Six Engli=h Eealen= 1ed bv l::ilt'.rFÉr IC:aoF,er'] åFFeaned .LFr d l-r elped the Frerrch p+r't;t eFect their tentE. Thi=. gång had been lef t¡en+ì month= he{or.e ta hurr t :.eals. å.Frd "tc, ma[.{e uFr r¡itl-r tlr eir' c'i] +nd

eai I ing tÉ Ch ina. " 54 The the ir iur=., the carg're5 uf =.h ip-= mÉn had clubEr ÉÊa. lin_e l{ni,¡esr .f,rmE -+nd å.mmunitianr dag-e pf'r-rt)i=.inrr ta hurr t gamÉ and Etr'rrre =..55 1,rÉË-=el=. {nom Fort rrreFE prc'minent in the hunt

{tr,r' =.ealç.. Enterpr'i' rrÉrr irr cluding Simecn Lr'r'd. 'l'1mÉ:' Undenr¡laod and Henri'þiabìe, .3 ll emå.ncipi=tst Ltler'e ìeaders in the rapid a.nd pr'af itahì* der¡elopmerrt r:'+ the I'let,J :ìauth [,Jaìe-= h,+=.ed seal ing induEtry.E-4 These frrÉr'trhant=,, tc'gether' r¡rith lì,rmç'¡s11 '!¿ Lrt.t lEn'led gangã fnom =.rhooner's lÉ

r/Jene At i nnegu 1 ar Én i El a.nds r,¡heneuen thene seal = . ånd intenuals tl'r e =.chac'ner'E retur'ned to c'rllPÉt =.kirrç. bning tnesh Frouisiona. l¡Jith meaeFe -=upplieÉ of Ealted me¿.t, tl our' and E iscu i t, theEe mÊn coul d I iue f sr I orr r-r p*r iods r¡i thout co=t ing the in emF l oyer= anyth ing' l'4c'Et tr'f the in c loth ing tlåE m*de {r'onr Eeal El'l inç. -r.nd l{;.,ngarc'c' hide=.. These etrtnomie=. cantnibuted ta the enormou=' prn{it:. made bï tl-re mPPch'r.ntg. =7 For' the men in th* gång:-, I ife uJ-a.Ë har.d but they chtr'Ee thi=. in prefeFÈnce to nenråining in the conuict calarry. They tÂJerP {r'ee {rc'm authority and hoped {or, and =orrrÈ achievÊdr -Ln ,lFFrc¡rtun i t;r t,= É€.':.3.FÉ orr å Er'i t is.h aF Amer ic+rr :.h ip.5Ë gå.ngE Port .lac14Eon ÊtnaitEmen and =.eaì ing fram rl ¡r=.hed r,' i al er¡tl y r.,li tl-r *nr*r' i t*rr :.e.rl *r'=. f.c,mFet i t i or¡ l'\r-lE' f ierce a.nd the Èmerics,n= ¡-JpÉnated in Ba=.s Ëtneit in ,Jr{ i+rr ce ¡{ Eir-ru*rnc'r Hirr ¡r':. pFCrtr'l em-r.t i¡n É{ lEltl 3 "t'Arr'ing all Errcliah s.ubiects fr'om berth=. on Americ-+n sea.linr-r Etnd årrd prc,h ibi t irr the ctr'n:tr'uct ion t',v tr..+'Jirrg =.h ip:., Q r foreignen=, a+ art'f E,uilding= 6r'EhelterE an the i=-land=

an,J ha:¡=. tr,{ the cc, lc,rr ;"".5? TFr e Fr'PEerrcÊ E{ Fr'ench s-rr d America.n ship= in Ea.=.E Stnait and at Kangarn': I='ìand

.=l sr.rrre,J th* l-le+l Sc'uth l¡lale=. adnr in içtrat iorr . The Amer icarr :. ha.d l-+unched the ã¡rhr-rËñÉr- "IndependenEerr at K''a':

Iç. 1¡.rr d, Anrericarr r.'pE=.el=' t{er'P þ.nat*ln tc h3'r,'E a.='ç'i='ted

r:trr u i c ts ta eËi:åFrÉ r tsnd th*;r r¡JPr'e a. trc'nEtan t threa. I to IF the I ucr'at i'.re col on ial tnade ' The Amer icans ri\rere hi tter'ly reËented and their'captain= af ten seduced s.ea.ìers 'avJå,y from the seruice øl thein Sydnev maetenE.dE In fact

Amen ican compet i t iÊ'n did not h inden the col on ial tr¿denE åE much åË E.c'mÉ s.eal ing ma=.ter=. {eared, f c'r' "the adL.rantage lay heauily ¡rith the colonizt=. They cauld operatte much gmalìer a.nd le='E ÊxFEn:'iue ueEs'elE 'rnd rr sFd not hnld s.tation off danr¡er'c'uÉ- shone=, r*lith the

ineu i t-¡.t, I e he*u'¡' de¡,¡'er i-rt i.-rn. "-4 1

The Ctmenican seaì ing =.hip "FePÉeuerPn¡:È" of .-i uEt Ê{Êr' ltlü ton=. re¡.ched Hinq Island in E¡.=.=- Ëtr';rit Êrr 2D Fet'nuå.rT 1Ët4. l¡Jithin '1 :hort time hen m-<=ter. Arn¿.=a. [lelanc', had {r'am {r-rur' tc' E-.euÉrr tro-1 tÉ PXF, lcr¡inr] the isl and= in al ì direct ic,nç sÉ-1rch ing +ar' se-+l =-. They f ound

fer¡er' tlran ÉxFÊcted. l,len {r'c,m For't .Tac14=.crr t,åE,sd r_-t.1nr_JE r,, r¡lith but the isited h im and he =.uFrpl ied them F¡r'ou is.ions " unr--tr'ate{ul m*rr di,l euppything in their ptrrl''rÉF ta pr'er,,ent thiml fnorn getting :-É-1I ."'JË Èccardirrg to Erelxrro. the'y enticed hi= mÉn tn FUn åtÂJ:r.Ï, :.tuìe hi-= bsats, cut l'ri=. ueç.=.els. adnif t arrd, i+ Frùt ahl* tr-r taþ'e a particula.r

cc, lony ,ff seal= them:.elt¡e=, r,..rould friçhten them a.[tl.].:/ from

tl-r e r¡¡-a.i t inr_r Amer'ica.r¡:.. [¡e l¿nÊ, c1aimed that =.i:s a4 h i=' nren had been t.rl{*n h}'å. pe.rticuìarl;r tough sea.lirrg

nampd l'4c,¡nill r¡lh'-r t/.rå.ã maEter r{ tlr * "Eiur'Fr'iE.E"r Gþ,ll-r Éd hl'

Henn)' l'i.r.ble and 'Iå.me=. Underr¡aod. [teìånr-' boar'ded the "SUr'ç'ri:.¿" ãtnd tc'r-'k tt,lÊ, of hi:. men ':,++. Ûel¡.na UJFtrrte ta ?rJ tjouernor l{in¡_r c'-JmFlaininr¡ of the uillainies of l'lornill"ç crew.é3 É confFC¡Frtation É'ccurr*d ¡¡rhen Éelano''e. men, st-rt i oned on å Emal I i sl and, f{Ér'e tataiting fc,r ån ea:.ter'l}'r,,lind to dr'iue the seal=. uF tc, higher ç¡FEUnd t.rhene thei- could nuç.h them. Elelanc' .=lIe¡-led th¡tt l"lnrriII, =.r¡.ringirrg å cutla=.Er åtrrirred with f ifteen pÍ.-tronuict=, getrerel cånp:'rirr g mu:-ketE, and å, hattle Eeqan. tlelani-r/s. mÉn u=.ed tlreir heaur :.e;rl ing club=. tn diEarm l"lorr il ì '= urlh,: "qot rrJr-Jrsted". The Amer ican=. tied Ëamp r{ l"lcrrill':. mprr to tr'ee:. and {lagged them.

Erel anr¡ -=.eemrd to th ink h ie. tneatment of l"lcnn i I I and h i=. gå.nq r¡J,ì=. ,i u=.ti{ied tecauç.e "ÉuerTtr'rr e a+ the pe':pl*

Iflar_rr_red] r.r,.J.=. -1 conr.rict that had been tnan=pnrted to Ner¡r

Liautl'r f'lel*= fnr' cr'ime=. ':Gmrritte'l irr Errqì¡.rr d."'J4 Lqjl-r er¡ þl'-rrrilì tried tn É=.,:.1t'e, trnE o{ Elelano's men auentc'cþ. him

-1rr d'ucH l-r im R hea.ut' El,:,t,1 c'n ths år'm. D*lanc, cl-rim*d that he later dr'ess*d l'1-rrrill'E arm and FUt him aEhore ¡¡i th å =.uppl f ¡f { irr* heal inrg ì c't ir'n iar. f urther dres=. i ngs.

.Ic'=.eFl-r l.lur.reì1, tr,rl-rCr l-r ad Eeen =.entenced tr-' tranÉF,-Jnt.¡.ti¡n iar life trn ? Ëeptemt,e r L?'à? an,l r'eached

-ìy,Jney ':rrr hr-,¡.r'd the "5c.=,.r'hc,r.auqh" irr tl-r * E;econd Fl*et.'JF tc'ld thi= s.tany å little di++erentl:v. In Llctoben 1Bu4 he'te t¡ hi=. enrFl':'i'pr.EI Het'le ,

Ëå.t', E,+=.= Strait. He de=.cribed l-r'fr¡J he ha.d h*en =.eized bl' Êmer ic-r.rr ru{{ ie.n=. ir.c'm tl-r e "F'pr'=.Ev?r'pnËÊ". They dra.g,¡ed 2t him {nom hia bed, clubbed him, stnipped him and almost drawned him. Then å Sandr¿rich E.-1uå.i-_Je puìled him from the ÉEa and brol

Êmer.ican=-. turld l"lur.rell thi:. treatment trrag to l-r im tc,

ÉÉ lleep ou t aÌ the i r' =eal i n¡-r gr'trunde ' Th* incident demonEtnates the inten-=e nir'ral¡/ gång-s, cc'rrrmtn rlic'lerr ce and hetween =.eaì irrg and the t,rutal i tr'. A{ten recst,,Én ing f nnm h i= iniur ieç, l'lunrel I

.lFFa.r.entìy ma.l4e a {resh He loalled fr,r.'mer.+her'e ti:, =tar't. chc=-e l-íangaraa Island. Penhap=. he h-e.d heand 'ff it from mÊn ¡-Jn tl-r e Fc'r t .Iack:'':n water{r'r-,rr t . I t :.eemed t¡ o{f er' ÊsEåFe {rOm authonity and EC¡ma ch-+nce '=f Ê':onemic independentrÉ. Hi=' iir=.t attempt to r'eåch the isl-1nd failed, He and f i,.re other'-= aut irom Pnrt 'Tack=.on in å r¡lr.=..l*hoat r¡rh I in i=' Eer in l"lay lÊfl5, Eut i e =.hel ter ing 'lÊr'.J thel' r/,rpnp attacl+ed b)' n-+tiues and l"lurnell =u{iered  ÉpriLìUE EFPàr' t{úUrr d. TI-r e Fra.r'tf' =.trur¡r¡led t'-1,1 þi te Fc'r't J,e.cþ.=.ont anriuinq in Oct¡t,*n 1-qÙ=.¿'7 t'lunrell made å. gaed rÊi:Êuery a.nd renet*¡ed hie pla.ns {c,r' :.ea. I inr_r at Hanr_rar'on I=. l-+nd. He årr d =.i:s cRmF-1rr ic'rr E wepp åFp-l.rentl:¡ la.nd*d et the he¡.d '=f Fel ican L-rgaon tAmeric-+n Rir.¡er'l irr .rEc,ut Apr'i1 lFiLlÊr Frc,hatly {r'r¡m th* gÉnerally =.chc,oner "l,lar.cis.".C'E: t,uiìt ;+t liydney Er.rrd emplo/ed in Éa=s gtrait. In t4ay lEUS Ëh+nle=. Throst,y had r..rlr'i l'r p ì i:* t ten tc, Gorlerntr,r' l'i i n,3 t'¡¡.r'n ìnq im c'{ -1 c't ta =.e the "l4eFci;r" ta ena.hle :{. p-r.rt¡'¡+ tr'=nr,''ict= tn È:-trEFe ta LL

Timan, Thnasby sÊpÉt-at*d the Eang and foiled the attempt.ó? TFre "l'l¡.rciå" cc'ntinued cr¡asta'l trading dur'ing the EUmmÊr '=f 1ËtS and =ailed "sGUthuuard" Én Gn r¡¡h i ch 29 Apr i I I B[.4.70 Th i =. may har¡e heen the u'tr'/åge Ehe r,'iç.ited l(ang+ncrr Ieì snd ì ear.¡ ing þlurrel I a.nd h is gång

.+Ehc,r'e. It EpÉrrrÊ. lillely th¡rt the uÊs.ç.Pl had ui=.lted tl-r* isl and bef one, .Jr that Ëc'me of the men on boand had pr ian kr¡ üwìedqe of it, -rnd helietred it r¡r¡uìd E,e å 5-r,:od ãRUPI:P of se-rl=.. La.ter in 190,5 the "14Âr'cia" vJå.s captured br i:c'rr r!ict-= in TaEnrar¡ ian t+ater':., hut w.3Ê. r'etal4err Ef' a Farty of -=aå.lprE,71 and retunned {rom Ba==' iitrait to Eot-rrry Ea.;" with full cãrnr--rr nf in= oil sn 14 Februår/ lBD7.7Z E =11 -rn,J l"lurnell .rnd hi= ccrmpanir-rng r/.rer'Ë leFt ¡lith three mc'nth:. Frr.'fui=.iar¡ E ,:rn the th¡t the "l'lar'ci.3." r¿,rould neturn for them at the end r¡f that time. TheÍ trÉFe tc calì*ct å.Ë. m.r.n¡- s.kin=. å.É, pl:.--.ihl* and t,lr-,uld har¡e h*en equ ipped r¡.lith cl ut,sr eÊal in,¡ kn it¡es .*nd tool =. l'lurrel ì . åe 1e.=der', mål' ha.rre had a qun and =.trmÉ åmmun it iun. Fn':t¡rbly the;r Euilt rough hut= fnom the timben and bnu=h.

l-r tn mc,r.rÉ ta The¡' ma;', åuÊ h¡.d å =.mal I t'çat t¡ enabl e th*m the =e+ì ing grounds. l'lunr'ell r.\rå.Ê. not hear'd af açi;rin fc,r' nea.rlr three yÊår'3. The "Eliza", a ?2.5 t,--.r¡ cåPtrelTã t,uilt slc,c,F,c,r.rlrr Éd by Jo=.eprh UndeFr.¿rr¡r¡dr sailed fnom Fcr't J'{son in tltctahsr' lEt-tÉ and retur'rred to -.jydne¡'Én Ë åpr'il 1Ëui- 23 hninging l.lunrell and tt^ro of hiE gang. At Kangaroo Island

=.he had falìen irr ¡¡ith the EÉuen EealerE uJhcr

had t'een landed thene thnee yeåFË since, unden the dir'ectiurn nf Ì,1r. .IoEeFh l"lurr'ell. Their Frc'ui='ian=. tdeFÊ exFended in thnee monthe after thein landingt and h-1ìJ¡nEt rr euPr'r'eceiued åny EUF,F, lie:. at ailt they har,re f or the I ong t imp of two ;r/eåFÉ årrd n i ne man thE -=uhE.i:.te,J err t ir'el;r' c'n the {l eEl-r tr'{ r,¡it d an imal =.74 The "Eliza." toaH 5üÜ seel and ahout I'llün kang'anno t.tery {or the =.kin=. to Sydney. The carqc' EeÉmE ç'mall I enr¡th ø{ t ime the men had heen on the i El and. J"lurre I I 's gånq wel I har,¡e h idden irrs tallen dur inç¡ the in thr'se =.14 yeår exiler r-¡r-lt t.ranting them to fall into the hand-= of the "El izå."'E traF tain. Al tern¡.t ir.¡sl / the i:å.rr-Jc' may heue been under:'tated to auoid F'å;/ing duty' l4urnell '+nd hi:- tr¡c' lrrÉn left {,:,ur ÊÊmFenir¡rr =. r:rrr }'aa IEland. Tl-r trÊ.P qood mÉrr , probably e=.caped cc'nuirt:-r ufidouþtedlf l-¡ ad r'Ê'n=. {cr' =-tayinqr å.r¿.låy fr,:'nr St'drr e}'. F;e-prtr",¡i=.i¡rr *d {ram the "El iza"'Ê store=, the;* prohaþl'r' c¡¡ntinued seal ing.

.=nd l4urrell muEt l-r å Fr.c'mi:.Ed ta årl.ånrJÉ {or the I ec and the t t'hev purcha.=.e o{ =k ina thpy ccl ted ='al gathered. þlur.rell r,\r.1E prrr!a.Ely {amil iar t-.¡ith the fre=-.h r.,.later la.gonn ¡4¡¡trlrr to seEler'= a.nd es.rli¡ settler-= -r.Ê "l'lur'r'eì l'a Laqoanu .TS n¡w l'lunr'å.;v"5. Laqaon. A{ter .r vc,},age to Nor.falk IElend ,I¡seph l4urrelì

-¿L tllctc,t'er 1.91-t 'l . Ha =.:*ìled açrairr lar' l{:'rrr ç¡ar'r-,ur I=. larr d c,rr r.rJå.€. mEEter r¡f ISa.AC l"liChOìg.' =.ChaOner "Endeå!rrlur Af CI Arr t¡n it', Ì'lç'r{Glk" å.rr d tl-l e CrÉr.¡J Cf E.E\)ertteerr irl Uded 'lr:,1-l fr 74 r¡Jho tÁras later to I i'.re on Hangarao Iç-land. Antoni'r Nå.Ë å. rrreffrE,Êr of the ÊrÉr.rl c'f tJ-re "Err dPautr'ur'" in 1Él¿ andt aften leauing the r,,eËsel at ån unknor,'rn time a.nd pìa.ce' Eecame inutr'lued in e.ealing {r'am ÉaE=. Strait tr-r Hinçl Ge¡rge'Ë Sound and in much ,trf the violsnre along th¡.t ,:c,¡.ç.t7ó. f irr al I y r' ing l'{,o I='l arrd Fir'atat'1t' in 1917. In the d*cade a{ter l'lurr'ell'=. PÉs.truÉ irr 1'Étl:7 å r¡nadual increase in intereEt in lt,a.nqar'o,= I=, land'=. Eeal ¡cl,f,rr ie=. Farål I e'l ed å steady decl ine irr ='eaì number:. in Strait. l4erchant= Èuertrame thein reluctance to send

r¿,¡B=.t r¡,rs.ter=. t^Jl-r r'eal i=.ed th*ir =.hip=. irr tc, urr trie,l eFr thÉ/ the extent Bf the =e+l calçniE-= and af the su-r.ila.t,le

'--rrr the i:. Iarrd. l4urr'eI ì's þ;rrc,r¡Jledge and PXFEriente t'J.1=' F'ut to u---4.

Earli' in 1.q11:l l'lur'r'ell r'eached tl-¡e E¡.i'of 5hn.el=. trrr¡ Hangar.oo Island t"lhere he met the "Endeår,..rÉur o{ $)¡dne:¡" BtrtrìÊd Ey Henr'y l'ì.aEle. r,'Jith Richar'd Ëiddtr,rr:. aE ma=ter'. i+iddonç returned tn Sydney in Apnil 1Êt0 r¿rith -rbc,ut 4rClrlll

--.1.',in=. and trr.rc' ton=. r-'{ oil. r,.¡l-r ile l"lur.r'ell':. Ë.f,r'E¡G c'rr thi:' uEyåÐÉ rr-råE l.?[t [t Eea.ì =1(in=, å number a{ kançraroo =-kin= .end 4lJ torr=.,-r-f =.alt qa.there,J trrr the iç..l-rr¡ d.77 l"lur'rsll h.=.,1 abu not iced the in the drv I ag'-ran dur in¡-r h iE {iret and becauEe it r,rrås. a cc'r¡mc¡ditlr' in gr'eat demand in Sydn*y7l:-+ Fr e arr d hi:, mÊrr '=.FÉßt mucl-r rr¡L1r'P tinre gatherin¡-.r =.alt thEn huntinq for -=l4in=. The E;rlt h.=.d to t'e 7=

trår'r¡ed å. mile c'r Etr fnom the laçroon ttr' the coast ts tte

laaded c'rr tl-re "EndeausuP". Tl-r e faur' mBn left c'rr the island in lgtt pnobably helped raith thiE IaboriouE t¡.=14 årrd ¡t iç. pas.=.itle that they alre*dy had Ta:.marr ien

AÞor'iginal women to shane this 'nlark.TiJ They L+ould ha.r.r* callected ÊÉmÊ =-ea.l and kanganno sHins to with þ1ur'relL Elurinr-r these I*ter ',¡i:.ita l'lurr'elI pr'oh.rt'ìr u=ed the tiny cclue neån Eord¡.t notr, knor¡¡n ã.8"-3

Return, å.s it r/-rE(E l4nc,r,rln {or many year=. å9 "J'lur'r'ell'=.

Landinq"..qü It i=. ån extremelþ. d,rngrr'Éu€. larrdirr ¡1 -1rr d l"lurneìì and hi-= men mu=t haue been =kilful and fe¡.r'ìe=E

=.Ê.tmen. .Ìc'.-.eFh l"lurreìl v+ni='hed -tfter a rlinlent =.tnr'm c,f{ the l'.,|eÞ.r South tJale=. cr-r.rgt r,,lhile netur'ning fr'¡m l{-rng.=.roa

I s.ì arr ,l r,,,1 s.e. I a.nd in l';l 1'4. H i E i th an¡ther tr.1r'qc' cr{ t ='ki ¡nE

upË-=El r the "li,:'tJer'noF HuntPF"r t'J-1Ë driuen inìr-r å.

cr'PtrJ lÅJÊr'E å.FrFårerr tl þ' =.h*ì t*r'ed irr I rt Eut l4urr'eì I trrd h i:. l+ i ll ed t'!. AEÉr rgines. The ÞJnecl< r,.l.rE diEccrrened in lltctc'her' lBlil r^rith nc' tra.ce nf the merr.Êt

l'lur'r'ell ;tnd hi=. mÉn had Ê.hc'r¡Jß tl-r ¿t'

seì{-Eu{f iciency Bn F,-rnçlanoo Iç, land, though rug'1edr L.\ra.Ë F,c,ç.=.ible f or nrÊn r.'.rhcr ç,li:.hed tc, eEtr.ì.FF P:.te.t, li=.hed =acret)'. Total independenc* r..!.r.1-= not po=.=ihle 35 the¡' need*d cfirr tåct r¡lith rrprcl-r arr t=. {r'Ê,m c'ute'ide tÉ tr'ade theìr in:. ¡.nd sal t {ar FUrE end .¡.ddi t ion=. to the ir diet. The =.1(

.¡.rr irr indurÉrrrpnt n+ F,:,=.Êit'lË iirr ci-rì 5-lain {r,:m =,e-rl 1:t ?é

infìuenced others whc, u,ePe loolling {¡r EscåFe from the trtr'rr u ict cr--, I c,n ies. ta f c'ì ì aul tl-r e ir ex*mpl e. Some men r,.rho sailed these ships chose to deEent on

I'iarr r¡araa IEìand. They rÁJer'e inined Ey trrÉn çrlha h¡rd *:'caped lrom Uan Diem*n'=. Landt ÉEme of t"lhom brou-eht Absriginal f.Jtr'rrren with them. The aE,uiou=. aduantage=' r,f the Fr'eEÉncP of thnse r¡JLìmÊn led tn naidE trn the mai'nla.nd and northenn Ta=.nrania to =.teal mane. É\dditic,nal r,'eEEel=' {r'Em F.:"dney end Hobart neached the island and gångÊ hunted kangaroos and Eealg all round the cras.t. Thau=-rnd=. r.¿t*r'e s.laughter'*d euerlr/ Eummer' and the --kin= and s.aìt bnought ship= fnsm all colcnial port=.. Ey the end aS tfie decade men r¡hn r¡ould chc,ose t,-¡ settle Fenmanently r-Jn l(a.nganao Island had xrr iue,J. l{angar'or' Island, b}' ,.rir'tue ,-r{ it:' particuìar environment, its iEr¡ìation -r.nd ite dearth of n-

r¡rh i=.t ic= I if estt l e ich r'equ ired of them =pec ial ¡hanacten

årr d either'fc'rced thsm tc, *daptr or dr'uve them -1r/.rat,ï'. ?.7

I l'¡. J. E. Plomle;r, Fniendìy Mis=.ianr F. lLlrl'5. IEid., F. ?C,F. Lì tli.A. L,Jr-'od. D E Ertr. 411-41?, 4 T. E¡unhahin. "l¿JhalerEr :lealer'=. a.nd Euccarr PEFË", RAHS. Vol , ),iI. Pant 1. 1925. F. 4. 5 [i. R. Legg*tt, "Hi='ttr,r:¡ a{ E.r=.= 5trait", Uictc'r'ian Hietor ical l4aqa¡ ine, Uol . XXUr Fant 1r 1?58. p. 47. ¡ Radney llacllhur.n, ["lhe.t':. In a ['lamp-. p. t:!,-ì. i Itid., F. 1Í8. É l"latther,.r Fl inder's, A tJo)'aqe tr-' Terra Au=.tral i='' Uol . I, pF,. Lé7-?. Ì7 Ib¡d. trl Ibid.. F. 172. 11 Ib'id,r F,. 171:r . 12 Rr¡r¡ -rld Lamç,ert, Th e llir'e ¡. t lt¡rr t an l4y:. t p r'r' r F. 170. 13 l{arr¡aret Ayl iffe, Fì inderE Land c,f the Snuthr p' 7. 14 l'lor'marr F, Tindale, "Ì-latiue Sorrq=. c{ the Sc'uth-Eaç.t trr{ South Au=.tnalia", PEEI, Uol . L.}'iI. p. l1Z. 15 Th;'nras Eiil I . "A Cr'u i=.e in the :i.'5. 'Eic,uÉr'nc'r' l4u=gnår,rE'" , FRGS. Vol . l(, pp. 9Ë-11:10. 1C, l{. Langìoh Fa.r14er, "The L*gerr d r-ri J''lar-o¡rrg-c'r.'.tie, The l¡acred I=land", A Ë'=urk af :j,:'uth Ê¡. liar F. 92. L7 Flinder=.r oF,. cit.r F'. 171 . l¡l . H. Leiqh, Tn¡.'./eì=. e.nd Adr,rentqre=. in Ë'-Jr-Jth Èu-*.tr'.r. Ii;r. 1[-!.4-lf:13L1 . F. L2,!,, 19 H. F, I4oane, "J*.late=- '-Jn Early Ëettlen:- Pnion to 1E:{É". PRt:iËI trgl . }"t , F. El . 2Ll H. l'l . Llc,r-rFÊr. "French Explr,rration in Lì'4."r PFlLiS, Ur¡ì. F3, F.Sl-t . 11 at¡ e ¡ 6r¡r.t l¡Jl-r ¡rl ir¡ Encnurrter' Ea.:" 1 lt . Tr r =. fl¡r¡ , ':l at r F. LL Pl"lB 2?[i r Zt] 1 , 540 . 7é17. l-ll5È Flinden=.r r-'F, . cit.t t'. 171 . 74 For the l¡.=t fir.¡e F-lneqraph= see IEid.. FìFì. 1Ë1-lFLr . .c,-r LI . 5. Eunrp=.t,:'n, K.rnq-rr'c,c' I=.ìa.rrd lEtÛ-1E3.4. p. l=. Frl Fl indersr EF. ¡it., p. 1?ú. .a- It'id.r F. 171 . 7-d f.ump=.tanr oF. cit., p. 15. IEid., F,. lÉ. :{t:l l'.licc,ìas E.¡.udirr . Tl-r e .Ic'ur'na. l af Fn=.t È..rEtair¡ þl irc, l-ls. E¡.udin r F. 38U. ._¡ ¡ It'id.r Fi.3fi4. FJ '-) tlump=.tLrnr ÊF. cit., F,. 117. .l LYndaìl Fl:r.*rr , Tl-r e rrh¡r:iqin-=,. T+=.nta¡-LÊ¡:.. F. .4:J. g1+ er te=. ral I'91¿-. þ.1c,. El. FlEn de I"Ile [¡erre:. F'1r'1"1' þ1. L. et H. Freþ'cirr et et F. Er-rul.r.nrler^5 l-qUZ et 1.qtl:-r' ::15 ËH5.. Val . )¡.i.r tlF-J4-3=), F. :Jt12. a¿ LlumFstanr úF. rit,, F. Z4. 2É

37 Ëaptain Edmund Fannin¡, Uova'leg a.nd Þigcor,'eries in the Sc'uth SÉ;(E. l7Þ-?-1813?. p. ?::lü 3Ë Encycl oEaedie. Er itann ica, utr, l . 22, Þ. -ì7t. '_r9 Fa.nnirrg. oF. cit.r F,'23t1 ' 40 IEid. 41 E:umpEtanr ÊF, cit.r p. 2'4. 42 J. Kirker, Ad,'rentunes tn Ehinar p. 1118. ¿13 Fanning, c'F. rit.r Ft. ?=1'-¿. 44 Ib¡d. 45 H. A. Lindç.ay, "An American Settlrment irr Austnå.ì ia", f.luadnant, Uol . 5. l''lo. ?t 1Pól. p. 44' 4Èì Farrning. c'F. citr F. ?:Ji:l . 47 Ibid., Fi. ¿:J7. Ë,rli r Et .Ien u -+r.y I tl[l 4 . 4? LìGr ?7 June I'qL'ì4. 511'nr GF. ci t.r t'. ?I+. 51 E!. R. H+in=-r.,Jorth , Builde f*s s.nd Êduentur'Pt--= r F. 132. 5? tì:umpEtanr ÊF. ci t : F' '7-l . E.-¡ È1.-a Lind=..¡.r'r ÉF. cit., F. 44. F _s4 H. þ1. l'licrc'r -=t f¡ p.B. Eiunhabirr, .rF. cit, F. ,å =5 tr. R. H¡.in=r¡ic'rth. The SvdneY TnaderE . PP 1:11-?. 57 l'liccc. EF. cit.t F,. 14. 5Ë J. Lor't Stal{e=, Di=rcr.,eriss in Au= Ur-¡l . I , p . ?,åEr. ÊFt F{irker', ct'. cit.r F. lltt. ;,1 8,. P., H¡tiner.+c'nth, The Ë:¡dne)'Tr'r.ders, p. \-¿7. ,5 I tl . É. Ha.inÊ,¡,utr¡FtFr r Euild*r'=.-=..nd Aduentur-É-I€t F. ?-7', $? rjlnr+=a. úeìanar A l'lar'r-¡.tiue ¡f LJr-ryaqe:' a.nd Tr+L'¡el=-. F . ¿141 . Ibid.. F.4-4L1. ¡r4 It,i d. r FF,. 4-å5-4É.,å. É5 l--anr.r i ct Indent, Secc,nd Fì eet, Al-lt'lËlJ. HFtf'lE;l/Jr \,rr¡l . F, FF,. 51?-5?ll . ¿-, 5Ë, 1B l"laz lÉ|J5, 24 Dctrber 18U5. r'€. '=. ,Jg l¡l ..1 , Fluediq*r', Éar de r' Land. l-f ¡rr oar'rrr I 1 +rr d l qtl?-l BIC', p. 21 . ¡.tl h(ing Få.ç,g¡'=., Uc'l . I.r F. lLt 3, Thr'oEt'y tc' l"'lin¡--rr I i:l Ì"1,+;" 1ËlJ=r t'4L 7r_l .l . S. tlunrp=.tan, I U.-4. år' 17gr--{-1,Ë4ü, F. 6-ú A I Repc,r JanreE Ke I I v, il l4+r' I El!Û 7L r¡g* t , Et'i dence af ' quated bl LI.Lì. CumF,stan, H.i.: F. =7' . E; '.];h i C'F, lnq p . ¡.tl . "I . [um¡''=,tan, t 7'-J ll..s.r.r.rel-Euilt = Built r¡lith ca.ruel ir-,int-q' llar'L¡el .i ¡-,int = å flue.h jairr t, å=. c,{ tt^,lc' pìarr l'l= c'r' plate:- in a uesÉeì/E Eide. 74 :jli r'i' Éç,r' i I I ËLl'7. 75 +I 1*¡: år¡lÉr.Talmer'. Flemini=.cenc*=. ..', Usl . I. F. 32. ,I.-i. f;unrpston, 1E:i" 2?

77 Ibid., pp 32-3. 78 8,.R. Hainsrarc'rth, The Éydney Tr'adergr pp 1Ë,5-Ê. 7? N.B. Tindale and E.Ë. l"lacgnaith, "Tnå.treÊ of Extlnct Ahaniginaì Fopulatien Grr f{angaraa Ieland", Recor'dg of .5.4. þlueeunr, Famphlet, 1P31 r F. 275. Ëcl A.Ê. Lendon , "A Stary of N i rre ty Ye'3rs Agß" , PRÊS, Uol . l.tUI r p. 7t. B1 E:ump:.ton, .LL, p. -dg. Ëhap ter ?

Bal 81

The f ir.çt Hangår'tr'r: I=. land EettlerE r¡JÉPP frren fr'c,nr å small permanent poFulatir¡n establighed in Ba'ss Ëtnait'

RefugeeÊ frc,m their c'r7.¡n :.ocixt¡', they ttJere determined tc' make I irre=. o{ their úrltrn. To s.ur't¡ they vJP?e fúrced ts be sel{-E.u{{irierrt and ta +dapt to the enuir'anment. Eut r¿rås' än incnea=ing thein =ocia.l independence threatened E'/ ne*d ta tnade r^lhich Erc'uqtht a.t,aut :.Bme etrÉnc'mic dependence. E=.caped cc,rr uicts, =.hip=' de=,ertere and EÉE(lÉP€,r they t4ere +earle:-= E€E(men r¡rho ÉPent thein day= On the tÀla.ter night tc' l*ep irr hute r,trhich they Ér'e':tÉd an,J r.etr¡rned .r.t =. rl,rhÉre there r¡rà=. -=ome prDtertinn fnam ¡¿¡ind and ¡¡ls-e.ther. Thsy plrrr te,J .3 ieLJ ì,'ÉgÊtaE,ìe=.,1 a.nri +tt*mpted ttr' r'Êr:r'eate rtl g'+ndens nemembered Ey plantinl-l ÊBmÊ =.emblanc? the they r.oeeE ånd hcneÌ,EUcl,l'l e.? Tl-rÊ), Iiued t¡':fatherinr-r ePål arlj 14angaror-r skin=-. a.nd muttifn bird {eather= r,.rhich they r-rr tt'trelue :þ:in:' exrhårr qed fr¡r'Frtr'ui:-itr'rr =. -1rr d:'pinit='. Ten could bu;,' them å gallon of rumr but this mtr5t ctrmm'fn trurrÉrr try helped t,:, in{lame their' temEer'=' There t!r-18' littlE peEtnaint åmtrng them a.nd murderûu=. cantlicts tå.rere f r'equent.3

Tl-r e mgrr r::.*d tu :.te-rì or EUr* Ht'r-rriçirr a. I r.''lc'rlerr +r'c'm Ta.=m¡.nia an.l the årl=.trai iEn mainlan,J.4 Elsnre Ta='¡.r¡ åt,arigine-= made å summÊ" F.,ilçrimaçe ta th* Frr-rtth-L'reEt :-{ I cc'Rgt of Uan D i emen'=- Land f or mu t tonh i rd=-, =-Êaì -= ' .-ahel I f iç.h, bir.d:. årrd the ir Éqgg.5 trur irrq the s*al ing season, f ram [ric,r.rember' to Þ14y, ÉaEs 'Stra i t seal ens traded tabaccc,, flcur and tea. with them {ar =.eal -1rr d 14arr çiaroo ekinE. The Aboniginee offered r¡,romen ¡n exchanqe fon gac'ds -1rrd fr_rF hurrtinçr dc,,lE. ThiE mutua'l ly Eerr*{iciaì nel.etionship br'ol{B dot^tn bec¿.uEe a.lmo=.t the entine r¡rhite pÊF,ulatian r*gar,Jed the Ah,-rrigine:. Ê(E ìe:'=' th-rn hUnrarr and r¡rithout right=. The sealer:- a.brl-=ed the Abr¡ni¡rines' tr'ust and :.toìe tl¡eir L,Jtr,men. Tl'¡e l¡lcrmen r¡rer'P forced t'= t(c'r'14 ca.tching Eea. l=. 14ångårotr-=r t4ållahiee and mutton birdE.

årr d'ed c'+ ;{€-' tl-re Fr'c'F Er't'Y af They wPte trarr =.f erred their r¡hite må. tsrç.É Ërr Urr þ.nc'r¡Jn number' a{ tl-r P='P tTrErr follor,.red the l.ler¡ Hnlland ctr'EËt nanth-r¡e:-t until tl-r el'¡:åme

t l{an ga.r'ar-, I I a.rr d . 7 tr' =. Ëiddnrr Tl-re :.utrÊe=.=.{ul vc'}''1qÉE må'JÉ Ey þ1ur'reìl :tßd =' in lBlll a=-=ure,l frrer.chant=. o{ the uå. lue .rrr d sa.+et}' tf the lr.anqaroa tr.ade. Salt r,JåE in rJrÉåt dem.¡.rrd in SvdneÏ *nd Hat,art for FFeËerr.ring mea.t| ànd the di='rútJPr;/ n{ å r.e+dilr E(ËtrÉ,lr É.up[,ìv a{ hiqh qutl ity attr'acted tl're t)?-=3El'= attention o{ ,:then trader=. Almc,st all =.ea.ì ing af ter' 1l-jlLl r'*turned frsnr Pi;rrr r-rar'r,,-r I='ìand r.*rith QUårr tities nf EElt in thein cÀ.f.Qr-1ç3. They aleo gath*ned ì-rnge

nurrhÉr.E c,{ l,íarrg+rr,n -1rr d ¡.,lal I Et'l' :'l'i i n=.. r¡.ll-r i Cl-r p' r'c"'" i dEd hir--rh qu+1 it'r' leathen {ar' the uFFÊrË '-rf =hÊ'eE +nd braught g.Hirl t4Crr'tl-l d¡'- eaCI-, åht,ut l,/- Eåtr1'r . l¡¿hile =.e.rl =. rl'rÉr'È 'È 5ea. lers urrorking on =.hips aluned hv mer'chentç' had little chancÊ o{ {irrancíal rer¡lar.d. They r/.rÉrp u=.uaì'l y pr,id i n 'l aY=-" .

The lay r¡¡åE FC,t å shar'e ir¡ thE prr-rf it=' of the ca.tch, nÉn r,*låÊ it narmally â c+Eh Þa-yment ba.=ed 'f,n a Fer'centxqe c,f the gr'Ê'Ë.:- r¡a1ue o{ tl-r e c;ttch at Sydner price=. In thenr:v s. sealeF c'n å one-hun,Jr'edth I at' r¡htr' l-re ì ped c'rtch ane thr¡u='and sl{in=. u.råË entitled to ten =.t¿in:- trt keep or seli å=. lre pl*a=.ed. In Fr':tctice :.e'rler=' wPr'e rr¡¡Pn¡ally heau i I y in debt to the in empl oyer:- {or sp ir i ts 'fr '=ther qi:'Rd: rÉi:eiued pr'ir-,r tc tl-r e tJc'yågÉ t,Jery little if å.n!'Ítc)rtly t¡ould change ha.ndE. The qac'd:' in excharr gÉ Ë'r =.ealer [¿t,:,uld s.impìr t'e giu*n h is in-= u*Jr¡u ld t'e credi ted tn h iE nunn in'¡ accc'Unt.P=11 i{th tn Èrr ar'dinar'y =.*xler Psceiued {r'om -ì ='EuÉnt:v-f å one-hundnedth .|.1:/. liJith thiE he may¡e ga.ined hi=' l.leep and -1 q-

l-t*rr garao I:. l.rnd. e_-r,+tfiering .3.É. rrå.rr l' :.1'';irr =. a=. thef' ctr'uld trrrr thein E(rrn. ¡.nd tra.drnr--l t'uith rle=.Eel=' ¡ut frc'm '3i'dne,r' crr Hot,art crr s.eaEnnal Thi:. P..{Fårrding trEde r,tritl-r Hanganor_, Isla.nd mads it increa:-ingìy di++icult {¡r men r.,.Jhc' chcrse to ÊE.É;tFe =-ocietl' ta maintain th*ir'

in,Jependerr r:e. The;v became 1e'='= I i l¿e I f' to be +bì e to FUn

tlr eir c'rr,rn I iue=. .3.Ë r'ut=.ide in{luence=. incr'eE=.ed, t,ut '='ilmÊ har,ly men, prPpared ta accept the primititre li{e of å caç.t-r.r+ay. tc,nl4 the ch-rrr ce. one of the es.r I iest neccnded ,:f these t'Ja=. iEed 1ü .3=. " å. Fc,r'tu---¡upË-P nå.mÉd Thr-,nrp=.c,rr " . ti.rl-t cr ttr'I 'l Fg ter' t¡ i I I ¡rr in lË1,5 that he hed been Ên Hanga.roo iEland and n*ar'bv i=. yEår'€-.. He muÊt haue had å. Ecat, and had lands. fûr' =.e'.,,Ér¡

I i ued Ên ki angancos. I FoncuF i nes end potataeE he h¡.d le{t Err ''r¡Jn. He måy haUx Eeerr Etne s{ the mÉn l'lurreìl l{anganoo I=.ìand, FrBuisianed a.nd equipped {or =ealing, r.{hÊn the "Eìizå" retur'nEd to -Êydrrey in 18fl17. t)illc'n cr-rllected fr'om the lagoan nÊån the Ëar af Shs.elE Ë.nd pnnEabìy nret Thc,mp=-nn there.

I=. larr d {ol11 lore incìudeE nr-1ny ta. le=-. Ë'+ msn tr¡lro made the isì and the ir ref ueÊ,11 E,ut the=.e eï i I e=. aur¡idrd cnntact t"lith off icialdom and thene åFÈ fev.t rerord=- tr'f their. liuee.. They had tE he =.trarrg ;rnd d*ter'mirred t'-r Ëur.uiuÉr hut their independence mu=.t gP.ldu-¡.lll' he.ue dimirr i=.1-r ed åE. cEntå,:t r,,.litl-¡ tr'¡.der'=. fr'am:il'drr *:¡ -r.Fr rl H¡t'art i ncrea=ed. .1r.8 t':, mÉn ir'c'nr Ther?,mÉ r*Íer.ÉncE=. Ba.=-=- Strait, in uiEitor'rE åÊr:ount=', å.rr d måny trtrmFlaints' ab,:ut tl-r eir. ìat'lle=.=.rr e=.8, and talk c,f the ne*d ta contr'aì them, but Lrery I ittle irrformation *bout r.vhat r4å.-= ac tua.l I y l-r'=ppen irrq in ths ir cå'rrr[rE ' Tl-rs ea'r I i e='t inl-r a.t'itante o{ Ka.nga.roo Island t.rere frtr'm the =.åmÉ b-r.rH:lr'c'Und å.8. tl-r e Str'ait:.merr. a.nd F.rP tran a'=.EUrrrÊ tl-r al- their I i,"¡e=. fall¡r,.red similar pattÊr'ng.

The;r cå.m[rgcl ir¡ hr.u:.h hrt=. c,r' c-:r.UeE rrÉ,1r' the e'e-e. I col un ie=. Enrl m-rde the ir onl þ' conta¡t r¡.ritl-r c ir.'il iz+t i¡n '| r¡Jl-r veEc-.El c¡. å ll ¡È'ìcn)'a{ r'unår,,JaïE. t{Ér'Ê EFr å 1*d, 34

yea.F-= ki nar*ln to har.¡e I ir,¡ed En Hangaron I=land for EeL,reral

w i i n=. tl-rey cal I ec ted Eef ar.r 182É. They Ear'ter'ed th the {on a {ew Eunopean nÉcessitie=, and helped t¿i:*iting trFer.+E' col I ect the ir' car.g'-rsE.. The Een iar' mårr trJÂE nåmPd At'yEE irr ia and had liued there fourteen yeanE and upt"rård=-'1? È1 Fotr1er+ul Lascar knor^ln åe "At'yE=inian Eob" left the "El i¡aheth ar¡d l.lary" srr crnÊ s{ her', t3 pctg=.ihly irr lElg.14 TFr i:. upÉ.-=rpl r,¡iEited Uan E¡iemerr's Land F.rr'tE and La=cårE uJBre I i=.ted in her cPer,\t in 1813.18 *bl's='inia had F0ËËibly t'een a hunten in a.nd I ived there in the dig.tnict knar¡n tl-r *r¡ åE "AhrEË.irr i¡t"r1É gtr' nË(lrrÉd E']" Hugl'r, the 14a.ngaroo hunter. tiermain and hiE cBmF¡'¡.nions / r¡ E p Ê'hrt=.É'n E l-¡ a.d c,rr ì l' t(r.rc, tank:. i th tl-r Êm, the iE l and 'f "R.r.Esel-1s". They toc,þ' tl-r e n-1me, Abyesinia, from the l;+tter..17 Liþie tl-re E;tr.ait:.nrerr . it EeÊmË. tha.t ;+lmaz't {r'c'm the f irst thz i=-.ì;tnd men å¡:quired Èh¡riginal r/,rtr'men .f,nd

Èht'=.=.i rr i a'=. tråmt' urrdtrubtedl y i ncl uded E,':'rrrg. It i-= impa=-eible to diec'fuer r¡.¡hen the {ir=t I a.nd. i an *har.i g i rral r¡amen r.l.1Ér'e talten tn Ha.ngaroo ='l It ha.s been cì+imed tha.t in 181Û thnee r¡Jcrmen Ì.\rere I itting

tl-ri=. numher irr EreaÊ-.Ed l¡r¡rì:v. Tl-r * s'ea. ler':' ther'e,lË and =. g l{*pt t+omer-r å:- -qla,.res "hunting and {onaqinçr fon them".1i3 t.Jh'-r :-eaì ing u'fyaqÉ ta fi:'3.n'---J'3'r'fo =e¡. ler m'lde hi=' f in:.t in lEl:lÉ?0 claimed tl'¡at tllherr tl-r* natiuÉ r¡,É'men did n¡t cnmply u,lith the ËEåìePEr nr'deFEr"they, b:v \ta:r' of puni=.|-rmerrt. h¡rìf harr r_-.r th*nr , cut tl-r eir'he¡.dE r¡,rith ll: lutr'=. irr å. Shoct+ing l"lanner, tr't- flog them most unmenrifully t¡ith

¡la S i n . 21 t =. made c{ l{an ç¡ar an er¡E " In 1F36 Etcne implemerrt:., =-.imilar in deeiçin ¡tnd månufa.rtune l.c, thoEe made hy \Jan triemen's Land peoplet trjerP {aund at ;( seåler='" c'lmF=ite nFar' LlaFre H-r'rt'?2 The

=hape of the tsals ËuÐgested their uÊP âÊ strrä.Fer'Ë oP !-rÊuçle=.?il TFr e r.¡Jr:'merr Fråde and u=.ed the:.e tc'al=. aÉ. tl¡ FY had learnt in Ta=.mani¿.. Sealers also leannt from the LltcrmÊn that muttsnEird fìes.h t{.3.=. -:( u=.efuì u-rriatiifrr to thein diet.?{ Though r.årrl4 and f i:.hy ta mtr'=-.t palates. tl¡e

geal erE regarded them s.É a de I i c acy .2É'-' and Geonge Fifer =.pems to h*ue left the "Elizabeth l,lary" åt Ha.nçraraa I=. lar¡ d e-rr'ly in ll:=14. .toËpF,Fr Urr denluc,od purtrh-e.-=ed the Çe=.Ëel in lBtt and emplo¡*ed l,-lilli-a.m Rnc'l{ aË €-.p!ten m¡.=.t*t..2á Rc,c,þ: h.rd been =.entenced ttr ye.lrs.r tns,n-=paF't-+tir-rn in Linccln=.hire on 7 Creremben l7EB.

re-rcl'rad $;r,drr ei. irr t-l-re "l"|atiìd¡1" in 1789. årr d mou*d tc Habant Tor*rn úy lEn:?.?7 l--irr ?2 FeE,r'uã.r'y 191:J Roc,k s'et cut in the "Eì izabeth +nd l"leny" Err '1 seal ing çoyaÐe to

tl:¡rrrr¡ralli=. I=. la.rr d, r'etur'nirrg Grr I Au,1u=.t 1.ql3. f;eÉ'r'ge

Fifep t,JRÉ. s. member' ai hiç .n"ru.lE Tl-re "Eliza.beth -rrrd l4¡.ry" r'eturned f rom É.3.'=E Strait ta Srdney c'n

1l .Ianuar'¡* IL:l 14 ç.lith å trRFqe-r c'{ :.*a. I -:.þi in:. and ç'E'il ed a.gein trn F Febnuå.r.y u,-rith Rsok .3=. nra=.ter and i3*nrge Fifen =.til l in the c.'e,r.r.!P Fif er' açrFår'entlÏ le{t the ue:'Eel durinr-r thi=. ur-r.¡'åge -r.Ë he i:- neilt repar'ted i:'n 5 Apriì 1-q17 FJ¿

b.y the ma=ten s{ the colonial bnig "Endeå.uc'tJr", Êaptain Hammc,nd IHa.mmarrt]. H-+mnri:,nd brc,uqht a trår'qo c{ =.aìt from Ha.nganoa Island ¡trhÊre thirteen Eur-oFPånE! mo€-t oF all af r,uhc,m had "genÉ fntrrm" the =.ettlement tlrere "I iuing r:'n Hangaroo I sl and i n a. trur'i ÉuÉ state of i ndependence I hauing nothinq to depend c'n {ar' ç.uhEistence È'ut the t,ri'l d bird= that inhabjt it." lìeorr-re Fi{er, "å. r¡rell l(not¡ln

ch+råtrtÊr'" t!r.*Ê. å. rremEÉr' ¡{ thiE çlr'tr'up a.nd, thcrur-rh aifer'sd å. FAEãåqF tc Sydney on the "EndeåtJOUl'rrr "from å dnead nÍ enrt,arr-r=.Ement r¡hich his. I iEidirr c'uE s6u¡---P€. here heaped upon him" he choEe to "enduFe å, ccnditiøn Él the

moç.t n igid pr iuat ian than r'un the haz;rrd o{ årr inter'u ier,,'r with his old Ë:¿dney frien¿-=.rr-ìfi Hanrmc'nd ¡r¡frfr!'lrl¡* coilerted hi= cengc' o+ s-rìt frnm the l+gønn ne;(r the Eay

,-r{ 'Ëh aa I e .

,Jahn E; take=.. marirr eF. i=, belieusd ta l-r å,rJÉ :''riled åt\rê.y in bitten di=.a.ppnintm*nt .¡.{ter his Ër.4Êethear't m-1r'riPd his' E,r'nther'!'. He deser'ted fr'c'm a ?e'='='el r,.rhirh ralled å.t Ka.nganoa I=land in lLì17 and E,uilt a crude hut a.t Enru Ea.;'' LrJhÉre he liued urrtil tilEl3.31 Irr Iç'l'an'J fslkìr:r'e he tlras knct.rn aa the Little L:åFpente".12 r+{ter' colanizatian Hanny Stakes and hi=. r¡ife l4argaret, 'John'=' fc,r,meF EFJeethe+rt, *rriued å.t lr.inqacc,te tr'n the "Hg.r'tlÉy"r the br'other-= t{EpE recc'nciled, ånd H.3.rr'y and l'1-+rg.rret =.ettled -rt 5t,-rl4e=. E-r.;,', then H*ir 5eaì Eai'.33 .It'hn Ëtc'l'ie:' 'J7 r,\råE admitted ta the Adelaide De=.titute A=/lum in Januany 1FjE3, .¡(nd died ther'e tr'n ¿-t Februar'y l*qË4.34

Hammond did nÊt nåme an:r af the athen EuroFeån=' he pr=.=.ible r:'nÉ m:(y haue h'een had E.ppn, but it =.ÉerrrE tþat Samuel Tcrml ins. Toml in:- a.nd Êhanles Feert r.¿lene br-¡th drc,r¡n*d in the E¡ry n{ 5l-raaì=. eanly in lBlt. E:harleE Feen

he.d sa i I ed f nom Hobar t Tor¡.rn to Hangaroc' I sl end aB ch i e{

n+f i ¡er. n{ tt-r e ".IUF,i tPr " ufr d*r E-+p ta i rr A i n=.r¡.lc'r'th ':'Fr 3tl Éctohen lBtB.:{5 He t¿J€(Ë. å.n PHFenierr ced =.ailr-'r', har''inr---t cammanded the Erir¡ "ËaF,hi¡.", Ërtr.rñÊd try Thama=. Éirch, tn å'

ËutrcpEË.+ul r,.¡lra.ì irr r-r r,'c'l'age irr 1Ë1É. He then ta,=11 th* å eeal ing vûråqe tu lr.angarao =choorr er "HÊnnietta" En I=. land, r'etur'rr ing t'ritl-¡ :( cåPqr:' a{ s.l¿in=. s.rr d ='alt irr l'4¡.n¡h 1i+17.:lC' A Ëu':ceç.=.f uì r.^rhal irr g u-r:ri*:'.Ëp tc' Fr'eder'i':þÌ Henr)'Ba:i' Iater' in 1Fi17 rr.r'r.Ë folìo¡¡led ú';¡ an unËucces='ful

LJÊ]'å'--Jg ta l4,rrr qarc,E, I=land in Fehr'u.3.1*l' lC+l'El tr'rr tl-r e t¡ " Jup i ter- " , t¡h*n EÊveFÊ r¡eather f arced h im tq ne turn i th

tr'rr 1y å :.m:rll QUarr tit)'o{ ç.¡. 1t.37 Ürr Feen'=. f¡rte{ul Ie.=.t r.,,f,}'a'-fe, thÉ "Jupiter" firEt delir.renad =tore=' at Fort Ela.lrl'mF,le -1rrd then =.ailed t¡ P.anqaraa I=.1¿.rrd {or' Eþiins. ånd çalt. tln I Apriì 1.ql?, the "'lupiter'" returned trt

Hahart u¿ith 3,Étl l:l e.eal and 14:+rr ¡larnr-' =-.l4in=, .1rr d 3fl tcr¡ ç. c'{ =alt, claiming that Feen ¡.nd Toml in=., "'fnÊ '-rf the iEl-+nd mFrr rr h¡.d dr'a¡,'lne,l r¡.tl-r ile tl-r e ìJEE€-.El laf'at årlr:l-l Er' irr th¿

Éa;* of Shtr,al=.!Ê Tl-r e rr nti¡rr c,f "i:.ìand IT¡Éß'r -as. a ÇFtrrupr FJ I-J r.Jith their Grçn :.epar.ate identity u.JåE å.ccepted and gÉnÈr'¿..lly E,y lEl17. Samuel Tnnr 1 in:., =.ent?fitr?d at l¡J':rce=t*r trr I I JanuanT I LlBZ to sBr/en yearE' tn.en:.Ftrr t¿t i on , åFr i ued in Ç¡.n t¡i*men'=. LErr d at,o¡.r'd the "Ëaì,:utta" irr l-Flll 3.'39

compl h coha.t,i åf tep et ing iE =.enu i tude "hF had ted wi th the nati'..¡p [{ümarr Ëullra and thrir' Eon r¡JaÊ. Edr¡lard Tc,m]inE."4Ü f'.led T¡ml in=. r..{åË. -1 child of aEout :-ix r¡hen his father r.,.raÊ dr'otrtned. He E.uruiued ur¡til m-rnhnad and lilae hi:. {ather' a sealer and lit:ed r.rrith an Abr-rriçr inal r¡,¡oman u;h¡m he called l'lary.4l He later. ':'rrp o{ the tree.t r¡.lhaler.=. i n col trn i al t.laters. 4? Thi=.hy v,råE c'rr P c,{ the'lil.rry mBn r¡.lha {nund r'e{uqe En Han'_l .¡'n¡-ro IEland in FrB-çettlement time=., È cnntÉrTrFtr,t'¡rr'l'maF tr'r.,JÊ. Hilì tr,r.f4t Thi=þyrr4-i ¡rn,J =.1-r "Fr.r-,=.pect he i=. E*lieL,'ed trt ha'.re ha.d hiE tramp .¡.t the tnat of the hill.44 l'.Ic, other in{tr,r,metitrn åhc,rJt thF man ha=. heen f¡¡.ln,l Eut the a.ltern.¡ n.:rme for Frn=pect Hill ie =till u:-ed i n I :7Ë'å.

Irr Llarr Eiienren's. L¡.rr d, hal{-ca=.te chiìdren t¡Gr.F¡ tn Eeal er=- and Abor iginal women r,ÂJeFe reprJr tedl y k: i I ì ed by tl-¡ *ir'mc' tl'r Er'=. c'rr tl'r e tr,r'der-=. a{ the frrprr . The uJr:'mpn l,iill*d

=.rme ha.lf-c-+et* ba.!,ies be{ore Eirth by "L,eå.tinq their Eel l i EE.", u,,¡hi lp trtl'rerE. rlÉr.È lai l led imnredi;tteìf, .

¡rnd mån¡, chiìdren r¡.rÉt Ê dnor,.lned.45 åbc,r'içr ine=. þ,er'e 14nat¡rr tc, have k i I I ed mixed Fåce ch i I dren r¡i thaut coÉrc ic'n th-+t må.ny pl=.Êr¡hpFe f¡¡r =.pinitual r*åEcrßEr Eut ¡t :'ÉemE seaì enE i n-= i sted on th i s barban i ty hecauEe thev r¡'ran ted rÂrcmÉr¡ fr'ee tc [,Jarlt hard fsr them r.trithc,ut the hirr dr'1rr i:e a{ small children, The åuthEr'has found no euidence r-rf thiE Fr.3.trtice ¡-rrr l{ançraroo Iglarr d Eut it m¿,r'harle c'trcur'r'ed. Ëaptain åin=.r¿.ranth did not mentiÊn =eeirrg other r,,ÊEEelE. åt F.arr r-ranc'o I:. lend, t'ut the t'riÉ "liÉ't'er'nGr l"lacquã.riÊ', å.rriUed thene in late ,IånUaF:¿ r,rr e-rrl;r Fehr.uår'y lElS'. The tr¡¡c' ue=.:-el:. mu=t haue mi=.E.ed meetirr q by å leut day=-. I'lary ReiÞey, o(r,ner' ol the "Gr-¡uPrnGr l',lacquar.ip" r h¡rd ar'r irred irr -iydnel' irr |TFZ àÉ. B. th in Leert yeår.old cønuict abaard the "RÈyal ¡ldmirå.1". Ë1t ã.n ee.rì:v

TFrRmåE Éeihe¡,t å.rt Àgp =.he m¡.r.ried å {ree E.ÈttlÉr., industri¡u.-. m-1n r¿.lhn å -ãutrce:-sful ehip-builden ånd tn,+der. l,.lh*n hÉ died. l"lar'y tc,¡þl Ê1,Êr'nrårr alerrrent ¡f the bu=irr e-== .lnd r:ompeted euctrÊ-=Efuìly r,.rith th* ather taugh

Lìydrr e), rTrerr:harr t=, Lar.d, HEhle arr d UndeFt'JC¡r¡d. tlln l"lacqu-rnie" t'f 15 'T¡.nu-e.r'¡' 1819 Ehe Eent the "Lì,fuËnrrc'n lla.rr g-e.r.on I:.ì;

:-hiF,=. qc,inç¡ tc' tl-re i=.larrd fnr Ë.E11 t. E,einq littlr t,etter' than pirates. The i'=landenE åpPsar)ed ta him

cc'mt'l*te ç.åu.¡.'-lÉEt Ii'.¡inq in t';arl"í lr ut=-' ìiþ:p tl-r* nat iue-rr rret cuì t ir.¡*t ing a.n'¡'th inr-r , they ì iue EßtiFÉly l-rn kançra.rr:'c'=', Ému=' aFr d '=me'll t":'r'trupin*s' getting -=.pir'it= and t¡-¡b;¡.rcc' irr benten for' the in=. u.lh ich thel.v ìay uF dur ing tl-r e =.**ì ing 8.P.3€-.':'rr . They,lnes=.=.þj in [':a.ngara': in= r¡¡ithtr'ut linen .1nd t+ean =.k: Ther' I ike =.andal:. måde c,{ =.e,rl =.l4ir¡ç.. ='mell f sx e =-. ,4-l

ua. arrd :1:uther. land'=. '.riEu.r=. t,Jer'Ê b¡t=.ed on Err ¡rl i=t'r lue=' emFh,+ei=e,J the di++er'Ênr:e r,trhich then e:ci='ted t'ett'',leen men +nc,m ån eç.t*hl i'=.he,J t'arþíi--Jr'i-rurr d ;trr d tl-r e i='larr d merr ' l'len had I ittìe t.lhn had been trn the i=.ìa.nd ftr,r' =.e\¡er.1 I ;ï/Ê.3.1'E, ch¡:,ice eE- tr-, ,Jr.e:.:. e.nd {ar-,d and thef' had ad;.ç't*d tl-r sir'

ì ife=.tyle ttr' the -r.r,r-1 ila.tle reE¿.uuri:eË' Sutherland **: u S:.nlIT -oßs ^t' tru {¿-¡ f I +

ù¿ *-"-€ a \. \ > 6 a J f.d D.t t

a {,5LÀNtr, .È:' o 't) t ('rAB 'a ÀË ,( 1Þ .t .É"i¿- is.. u|# \ t t t

r 'o '" s

I I I t I l- -r I I



tuthÈr-ìã.ßd'=. il:h-r.r't Tr'aclt Hcr''=-=.=. li.årufanLìtr' I='la-nd 1i-r1:l -rnd À o b. 41

going ttr- the cÐmmÊnted En the =.e:tler=.' extreme darinq in rr.=.t iue:., mainl arrd in th* ir f I taa.t=, =e iz ing particulanly rr,omenr a.nd keepirrg them in slauÊFYr and it is. po=.=.iE,le that island mgn made å raid r,rl'r ile he tÁJÃ:. at the iEl and. SLl

SutFr ÉFlårrd/E men :.t,+yed åt the i.-land fram .l:'.nuar';v ta Augu=t 181?. They gathered 4 ! 5Ðll Eeaì sl( i nE. most l'¡ Ù'r harter irrg runr vJitl-r the r'e=.ident EÉRl PFE t ånd l¿ iì I ed 'thc'ut tieongetr-'rr.rn the 1,511 0 11Ë¡o8.. Suthenland retunned tc åt mauth c,f tl-re Ta.mar srr llJ Ì"lay 1É17 u'rith 4ü torr=' r¡{ ç'alt. ånd neached 1,4til1 :-eal =kin.- and 5?tl Hanganoo sl{in=, Lìydney orr 15.Ìuì/ 1e19 r¿rith tl-r iE trårgc' arrd å quåntity o{ 51 r^rh e e. t f r om Ëe or'ge Tor*ln .

El'the time o{ Sutherìand'E.,Ji=.itr EÉ3ler=. l-r ¡'J Eåtrrfr!' virtuall;r all round thr i="1 and. Thev used tha=e at the

Eai. c,i tìFr sa. l=. r¡.rhen rreg=-el=. cåmP tc, lc'ad Eålt. [:ur'irr q the sealinS-l Ë.eå.ËEn they -rheìtered in cåmFr s -rt Hog E'+:¡r

¡¡ntecl-r-1fT¡ErÊr ÉA:r¿ å.rr d Ameriran Fliuar. Tl-r ey u=.ed r'¡c14 Eå.¡''rÉE' ¡.t t:"EElree Ea':¡r HanËon':- Eayr 5t¡keE B-¡.I¡ Ì"liddle Riuer'

ån'J,-rthea' F,oint=. Ftr,Ußd the c':'åËt ts ='torP E-1 ìt*'J =þ:irr =" The huts on Sou' ['jeEt Ri'"rer r+auìd ha"¡e heen di++icuìt to reåtrh =.a{el:' EUt tþe rr Umber af Ee.1 lË -

lr,arr ':':rn t inu¡uBl )', F igur'e=. à.r'e nat -¡.vaiìahle {c'r' ç¡ar'c,c' 42

I:'ìand but infonmatian relatin-n tø 4'Z sealerg u'rho tÀr--'rkÊd

r¡.rÉrP {rom Ea.:.=. Steait tÉ' the i=la.nd =.hor¡=' th,c,t =.euÉn reponted dnøu.rned, and a. pantX of sealer'E Inumber not :-tatedl and trrro hal{-ca:.te childr.en hed heen dr'ar,.rned in boatinq accidents..52 Ther.e i._. nc, indica.tian that tlre earlie=.t r'e=.ident i=h perm.=.nent =.eaìerg made å.ny attempt:- tn eEtatrì dr,,.rellings. They ch':'=.e tn remã.in in tenrp':'r'-1ry =.heltËrs! safe from authonitr. Some rîå.;r' har're haped {or '3'n 'trFFErtunit'¡ tc, return Ur¡ c¡t'tr'us.iuell' tc':il'drr ey tr'P Hc,h¡tr't. All tlept their motiues and identitf =.ecret. tlne mån rÁJhr-r r¡rell on tl-r e iEì¡rrr d ET l+te =pemE tn ha',re been e:.tahl is.hed 1Ë19 Er ear ì y t.¿t? wåE Henrï [,Jal I en . He m-1y hat¡e heen amÈnr_J thtrr=.É r¡lith r¡ll-r Énr Suther'l;rnd tr'aded. l¡Jallen r'Ém:ttned Ên H-rrrç¡ar'or: i=..l¡.nd. to =pend the gre+ten part ¡{ hi=- life He ,lenr,:,n=.trxte'd ths =.eìf-=.u{f icierr ci' rr ÈtrP:.E-".ry ic'r' Eurr,¡irral and neEisted all trFpc'r*tunitie=. to r*tunn to the

' i ety 4r¡nr v.¡h i ch he had r.'Êl urrta.r' i ì t' t'¡i thdr'-1.1''Jrr .

l¡Jallen anniued a.t Ëydnef 'fn 3lJ 'I.l.nuan'.r 1'=15 -1e  cr'gt/Jrrrart ¡:'n tJ'r e "l'l.1rqui=. of ['.lellirrqtun" Elrr':.]'irl r.f nrÉ.ìe prisane"s.5ll Tr¡lc, ï*.1r=-. and eight nrc,nth=' later l-r e (.'J¡(E recanded r=. clearing 'rn ? September 1t1l7 in the

"HÉrr piett-=,." f r¡r tl-re [¡ wher'e l¡ e ìe{t the L/PÈ':'É1.54 Late in t gl7 t^laì I en r,,.1å.8 å member ur+ the cFÉr¡ af the

"E:c'phiå", trr.uFr Éd b'f' T.t-J . Eircl-r a.rr d cr:'îrrfrr-indÉd h/ 'låme: þleìlir Efi a =.e.rlin,3 'Jo'laqe fr¡m :ì:¡dne:r tr¿ l'ler.'.r Zealand, 411

Feåching Pont Daniel, norrl r-ltaga H*.rbour, in Êecember. A

=.mall par'ty frc,m tl-re "SaFhia" vi:.ited å lulaori uill;tge to buy pc,ta.toe=. In the uiììa.ç¡e the Farty r^rpFe attacked and twc' men r¡rere k il I ed. !{el I y, tiuttc'n :+rrd l"lal I en [l,J,=rl ] arr l managed to f ight the ir wãy back, negain the "Soph i;1", and

ÊE.cå.F*.55 Lrlallen r¡,4=. nBt ì i=-ted .1=. a memher' o{ the ':r'el¿J of the "SflFhia" mu=tered in '57dne:¡ on ?D June 1'=1Lt' It l¡J¡rllen må'i haue le{t the "5c't'l-r iå" at =.eÊmÊ. Iil,lely tl-rat Kanganoo IEland e-rrly in 181'4.5ó In iEland tr+dition therÊ ë(Pe m'gny di++erent

;rcrc'unt=. of lrlallen':. ar'rir¡a. I . l:t ld iE.'l arr der':. ¡laimed that he "L*,ås FUt ashor'e at Rolla Paint in 1gl,J ÊF 1917 tr'thich r.,JåE. not FÊÊ.ÊiE, lel E,y memþer'ç' c,{ tl-,* cr'ËlrJ ,:,{ the ttl-r-r. I inr-r uÈEEel 'Ëeneral lia.tes' ",57 Flol l:. F¡int InË,r,1 Fiee'.re:' Paintl r¡Jåã l{nor¡.ln to the =.ealers å.= Eet'ls Paint aiter â i-'î'LlrrallE å.rr d râåÈ' =.ealer r¡hu u:.ed ¡t t-= hi= ha=-e, Pr:'intr Ec'll=. P':,int in 183É after l-+ptain Jahn Roìl=t ma=.tsr' ni tl-re "l::l'qrr et".5E L-Ja. llen tr,'¡'E :'aid to h'3.vP t'een

I ef t, ttr ith Êc'mp F,igs and f ot"rì s, to cnl I ect =k in=', the captain Fr'c'mi=.irr ¡-r tn calì fc,r him Eix mcrntl-r ç. later'. Eut thiE did not er/entuat*.tr-/ The "fiener'al CiatÉË." doe=. not spem to har.r* been in Austr.+ì i¡rn t*la.ter:. until June

1El1P..{ü Tr'adi t i orr h:r=. ctrrrr fu=.ed euents in tl-r is' in=.t.rnce. In 1ËL17 l¡l¡rììen eaid th-rt he ar'riued in a. ãe:{.ì ing

,.,,ÉË.:.el Ìr'anr r¡¡hirh Fr e ¡.nd årr Êther rrr.rn de='er'ted. Tl-rpv t¡¡'L: to the (ÄJÊL-1dÉ. t¡rith Etalen EUnÉ- and la.ter =hnt minr. 44

kangaroas and FreÊerued the sk'in=. TI¡ro dag=. t¡rhich the:¡ l-rad errt iced tc {sl ì a(^i thEnr aç.=,isted in l'runt ing r,trFren th+ ir åmmunition faiìed.61 Erther' ue=.=.elE caìIed fc'r :.alt and

Ek ine a.nd baught tho-=e col I ected t'y Lrlal I en. A seaì ing and t,.rh.1l inq captain r¡hLr tr'.rd*d with t-l*llen Gn l(arrçtarnc bel ieued he had treen thene fan a.hout tr,.rent/ ye-rFÉ t,ef are

1É'å,4.'Jl t,Jallen had t'een c'rr tr,ançrar'aa i:.ìand f,rr' -1 tr.rnËidenable time hefare the å.nniual nf the ne:ct mEn r,'¡hn

r¡JCruld t,erc,me Fer'manÉrrt Hang-rnoa Is. land reEident=.. Ì4an¡ neponte that Kangaroo IEland L{.f.= a refuge fr-rr men * {rc,m U¡rrr Þiemen'=- L*rr d trJer'É rÉcPirled in Sydney and H,-rhant. In lgPE Ëaptain Jame= l'iellr" Harbaur l'la=.t*r at HcEar't. de=-.trr'ihed F'angar'oc' I:. larr d a.E the r'e'-'r-'r't ai the gre'1teEt number' af EStr'3.FrEE-' He l(net¡ of eiçht nr

rr inx trjl-l E¡ (r.rpr.É I i+ing tl-r Ère r¡,rith rl ative r¡.rtr'tTtPf¡ åfr d Ê.crirF c,{ them had f-r.milieE r¡ith them.C'!l At the cúnÊlusion ai the l'Jap'=leonic l'Jan':' the Eriti=h

Lìar,¡eprrrrrÉFr t qaup mtrrr.s -rrttentian ta Ë'--'ltrrr ial -e.f{.rir':.r -+nd in 1É1P =ent tr'ut Jnhn Thomas Éig'¡e å.Ë ':'lmmi==icner ta I a,-rk cr'i t ical lf at Lìtr'ueprr crr. t"lacquar i e's. i n i =.trat ic'r¡ c'+ I'lew Éouth L,Jales a.nd it=. dependenr-ie-=, He t,e'_fa.n enquir'ies

at Sydrr el' in :i;eptpmt'Êr' 1É1? å.Fr d at Hat'ar't Tc,r¡.rrr irr Februå.rll 1E2ll . He neceir¡ed å gaod de+l of euidence

r'Ër--.1Á.r'dirr g l+iårr r--{-1t-,-rc' Is. ls.nd''=. ÉcÉnc,mic .1 ¡g,-'44 t,ut did Fl tr,t "1 r*ECorrrrrreÍr d -1 FÉnàì =.ettlement there. He thr-'ur¡ht th-rt thE Fr.p:.Êrt EE af r.urr a.L'J-:'.yE Êrrt Ea.rr qar'nÊ' I=.ìarrd mi¡-lht *rl tri-rur"Li---rÉ 45 trtheF mÉn to attempt to escåpe lr¡hen r,¡egsels rln their r¡Jay Fart t,:' India. and Eat.*uia called to collect praduce from the Ë-eâì ing g*ng=..¿5 triÉreqårding Eigrçre's' netrsmmÉndation Ëor-reFnon Arthun ìaten sugge=ted 14anqarau Islarrd aE a EUitahle place {nr a conuict =.ettlemerrt. hut thi-=. did nst euentua.te.ÉS Ëame mBn r..{ppe =.aid tn have rhar.tered å =.mall '.Je:.s.*ì to tal{e them frcm S,vdne:v to l{angaroo Ieland in about lEUl:l , Ther er¡ticed ytr'unr--r ttomÉn i-rrr haar'd lrrith the ide-r of exchenging them tuith the "RohinEon LlFuÊÊes" for =.1¿ins r¡.lould praExElf ar¡d =.4.ìt. As. ån alter'native ta r'umr thi=. t¡ra=. haue been aÊtreptable ta the =eal en=, but the ÇEÉ-=E l r..,.rr.ecked in Ba=-E -qtrxit snd the plan tr-, ic,und ".1rr independerrt r¡lhite trÐ1orty" Err Pi-rnq.=.n¡,f, Island w-te FUt bacþ;

È-.trmÉ )'e.1r'=..Ã7

l¡Ji ier¡t sai I ed c'n the -=r:lr RÉ¡l-r ÈF' I I iam B-t:tter', å =,c i=.t, "þler.,.rca=tls" r¡¡hich left S:¡dney {ar Port E:alnlmple and

Hançr-=,.r.c'n I=.ìand crr lt'tllct¡,Eer' 1L1,Íl . He r¡ìlerted =.eedE af Llr-rF.FB4 pulchell+, a. netiue fuschiar Éfi Hangaraa i=land.

'f'c,ung plant=. r-+is.ed lr.onr tl-r ÉEe at 'I . l'lackã.y'E nur':.Er'i' nÉÂr Sydne¡* began flnt*rening in Februanv 1B?7.C'E' -Ëcientif ic intene=-t intrtr'duced anathen threat to the

i=.1ander:.' r¡li:.1¡ tr¡ nra.i nttirr i ndependence {r¡m =.':r': iÉt}'. The schc,oner "SåmueI" reached S:vdner fnam Lond¡n ßn

lHZ'-:l t4ÉFr I åFCruFr d l'let^, Zeaìarr d. and 1l l-'le;v ¡ t =.ea. inr¡ returned to S;'¡dney sn ? April 1924 ¡¡ith :rEllrl +ur :'e-¡..| 4¿,

Ëkin=., Ster¡a.nt. r¡.rho cl aimed that he h*rd cÉmP fr¡m

Piarr ga.r r'a IE.ìarr d,d? ¡rnd ån Èlh¡r.ir_-linal t¡Jc'måfr t*J i tl-r å twa yeaP ol d rhild.

Shp had E,eerr taken hl' the f\mrr'irarr :'hip "fierrer*l ËateE" f rom Hs.nganon I sl a.nd and I ef t øn the Sou th rlape a{ l''ler¡l Zeaìand r¡.lith -1 r--rå.ng a{ :'ealerE. A{ter a. honde of the=.e men had been ther'Ê =.úrrre short time. Eår.ragpE. tr-1me uFc'n them -lFr d msç.=.acred rr Éårly el I the pa.nt;v, The Fc'or natiue, r¡¡ith her little tr'nÉt took urr dpr. e r.c,cl4, till tl-r * frl€'trr Ze-rl*rr d*n=. le{t* spat. Far' eight morrths the m¡ther ¡.nd child liued. r,.lithcut {ir'er Étrr t ird=. and :'e-+l='. Tl-rey årÊ ye t Bn Eoard the " Så.muE ì " , .f,nd tÀene i¡- gaad heal th FJhÈn re=.cued hy Ì4r' f!:rtrr=c,rr {r¡nr dançter'.7O Thx ne:

tFr rrlr'ÉEtt-rrge {r'crr lrrcrrr tl-r E tr'rr th* is. land.72 TFre =.Ur-tge=,tir-rn a.t the sauth cr¡-¡r='t ¡1.=.=- uEed t¡ huild a h,¡+t in Pelic-e.n dragg*d La¡-lac,n i=. =.uFF,nr.ted b'Þ'å traditicrr that =.ealer':. the tdrÊtrl,lage acr''--'e= the i:.thmus on the Seal er=' Rc'ad.73 47

The brig "l.lereuÊ"r 1:{? l-t.'rt'=r trÉa.ched Srdney En 't¿' Erecemher 1E121 t*lith å r,raluat, l* r:ar'gs fr'c,m Rir-r d*

Jane i no, then began tna.d i ng FÉqu I a.r I y be tr¡een 'Êydney and For.t Elalrl'mt'le. It r¡,-1E ntr't long befnr'e =.hs tr-ì. llEd :rt Hangan6n I-=l and. 74 Ri cl-rar.d l¡lnottr¡n tÉnl ! uphc'ì =.ter'er' o{ Landon, left Sydney in the "NeFBu='" in lB2:-? end

He .1rr d tt,ln reaChed Kanqarc,c, I=. lar¡ d =.i-rmg mc'nthE later'. Paint l'la.rEden' =.hipm-rte=. ìa.nded ahnut ten mile=. t.'ÉEt of tl-r lt l.,jith ahc,ut a dozBrr dc'rJE. eÌ'r.*¡alþied åcr'tr'Ê.=' ta the =.4. lagaon oppa=ite Flepee.n E;ry tpr'oErahì¡, neå.n Bay aÍ Shaal=l r¡hene tl-r r..{.1s tc' anchar' . Tl-r ey ca.Ur--ll'r t ttr-ru t a dr-,z?n e =.h ip kenga.roo=' and carnied them ta the =hip' l¡JEotton met :.e',:erål mprr r^lho rrlÉr'p I iuin-e Ên th* iç'ì¡.nd. He t'el ietred thet they r¡eFe r'unaf,.r.:ry cßnuict= t(hG had åbaniqina. I r¡c,men

I iuing u.ri tl-r tl-rem.75

L.Jherr "['..ler.Êu-ë.'r lef t lr.a.n,¡a.r'c'o IE. l-rr¡ d lier:rr'r-JÉ Eate=.r Rr "Fireball" å=-. he r¡J-r.=. c.tìled by hi'= mates becau=e af hi=' r.ed h*ir and heard. remåirr ed tel-r ind. B,rte:. Þ;å-3 hor'rr irr

London in lElJLl . Hi=. FåFent-= r¡.rere not rirh and ha.d EÈuer-a. I ch i'l dr'en. Hi'= +atl-rer' r.,.la: in the nriì it ia arrd Gec,rge t'{å.=' Eent to the l"lanine Ëaciety"E School , ¡l:- a. br-'y sf nine he rråE pr.pEerrt at the Juhilee n{ l:iegr'''Je 111 årrd s'åt'J the

rlrÉ-r.t illumin¡.ti'fn=,. l¡.Ihen about ten he iain*d a. E-Få r:'rr the =.chc'cl=.hip l¡'irr ¡r at [rept+c,r'd. He tegan ] if e ;rt 74 qun m¿.n-c,f-rdä.r' "[,Jarr'ior" r,,.¡hÈn only eleuen. He learned tl¡ -=,.t the Ea.ttìe n{ L,JatBr. lr'Ê l-r+d t'een {¡-'uqht ¡ll'r iìe 4F nÉ tupn i ng f nom å. cnu i se tc' the l¡legt I nd i e=.. Eate= then ltrent tc ÉomEar, the Fer:.ian Ëul{ and the Êape c,f Eitrc,d Hape. He claimed that in 18?2 he r{å.=. a.t Leith with George IU end rlalnnel Ba.con. In lgz:t Eate:. ..ic,irred the :.hip "Ëcmmodore Haye:-", chantened Ey the Eriti=h ritr',.rpnnment ta talle ccnuirt=. tB Htr'hart Tr-,¡¡n. A{ter' diE.char¡¡inçr her Èår'i_JË' thene the r¡eEEel u,.rent on ts S:vdne.,*. Here Ea.teE left the sl-r ip and. åE. an emF, lnyee ai mÉr.trh*nt Ll,lmt'beì1, jc,ined the "l'leneuE" which r,,¡a=. ahaut to sta.nt on a seal inq É;(pedí t inn.7é

t{þ¡¡Ê "NerÉu=.'r t¡.r.1.=. at anch'=r at Émer.ic:'.n RiL¡er.r the trretJ'ltrt ueFy drunll durin,l the da>. a.nd at nir_-rht Eieûp.-_JÊ Ea.te=. årr d .l¡hn EErndåìl =.t¡le fr.c,m their hur¡ k:. -1rrd tc,c'þi pÐsËee.=.ian of the ship'= boat a.nd threr nf the captain.=. dr-'çr=., .+nd F C,r¡JFd :r:.hc,r z .77 Éa.te=. i ,l i, =.a t "bJe fJÉr'p ;tr t :roung rhaps and n':t ¡.fnaid of -1 -=taT on th* i=land, tut t¡lherr the Erig l-r ad gcnp in th* mc,r.ning I r*l+=. å t,it

EoFry.'7'¿' TFr e irr=erur'ity r.trhich BateE {eìt ¡lherr he neal ised he had been lef t hehind Ey hi=- trrr,rn chnice - t,.råÈ. the pr'ice he p;rid {ar har.'irr r_¡ dec ids'l to ip.

He målr/ haue deserted Esca¡.lEe rti.¡rn -¡.r'gument u,.r ith one a{ the a{{ic*r'=.7Ì? c'r. E,ecau=.e a{ the tr'satment r.'lhict-r he +nd nther Briti=.h =eåmen commonìy exFìÈrienced -r.t th-et timc-. He rrJå.s. urrr*r i l l in¡ to c'{ thn=.r erF pr.i err i:sE. ! Êr.rÊn ì *te in 1 if e. t'ut these [ÁJer.F the da.l,=. r.rJl-rÊíl Er i t i=.h Ëeã.men r/.JÊr'e tr'eated "¡:,r¡ly a :.ha,Je c,f 1i{e-trl¿inr-l .','9ll 417

l.tlhen the captain dizcot¡ered the ahsence of the FUrrå.|.!rå.fE he and threp Eåilar.=. r¡lent a=.hc,re. Th*y --e|-sl)ered the dinghy r¡rhich E-+te= and Randaìl ha.d left trn the

t, , E,ut cruìd nc,t {ind the rrÊn. A{ter. r,,.raitinq å day ftr,r them to retunn the ',rÉsseì =*t saiì. and the tr¿¡o mEn r¿.lÊr'É l*ft i:n th* is. larr d. l¡Jl-r err "l.lsrÊu=-" uJê(-? tr,ut af :.iç-rht

Ea.teE and Randa.l I out c'{ hiding and set ta u,=rþ; to

tuild å hut and {ind r¡ater'. Thrn they t¡c'l1 tl-re du¡-r=. huntin¡r a.nd cauqht three r,.rallabies on their f ir=t att*nrpt. llln their' third dal' c'n tl-re .iu:.t hefare, Eate= E.å.rrJ threÈ mÉß er1 ã. neanbl' hiìl mauing ttr'r,.,

and ruehed far hiE gun but ã.É- theí drer,.r neå.pÉr' he EÀr,J

that they LIJErE t¿h i tÉ rrrÉrr . þJ.=l I en. l{ i r'8,'¡' ër.rrd Euer'e t t (/.rÊr'p '=Eã.r'chin'3 furF r,..laten. l.,iir'by had r¡lith him ã.n At'origin+l r.4Êrrr.1rr Er'r-,uql-r t- fr'am Uan Éienrerr''=. L.*nd. They a. ll decided t':, çtick tagether, the black ü.ramå.n ç'rouirrq al the 'lrÊâte:.r ua.lue tu them in their' hurrtirrq pxçrgditisnE in the Ecr'ub, Ell

Ènc'tl-r er. uer:.ian ,:,{ thi=. rreetin._J E..tyÊ. that E-+tre. .l¡ne I iued <. Írtr tr¡ro rÊar"=. end then decided to e:

t'¡.1;rr'd. He r'eacl-r ed tl-r * ll:l'qrr et Fli,.rer' .3,rr d fnììc,¡,,.red it

inland r,.rhere l-r e met l¡Jali*n. The tr,*ra mÉn became çn,:d

{r'ierr dE. .rnd liued tcqetl-r er' +,lr å r¡a'=d r¡l-r iìe a.t tl: :'r-lrr*t

Ëirren.EZ It r,Jc¡uld EpÉm that Elrte=.r l¡Jall*r¡ and tl-r eir' .rr'nirled' ':c'mF¡-r.niLlnE met Ec'Én a{ten Ba.teç ¡.nd R+ndall 5i:l

Bates becamc one of Ha.ngar'oo Island's pioneer -=ettìens and liued there urrtil, at å gr'"at açte, he t'Jåe admitted ta the Adelaide E¡estitute A=.ylum in 1871 r¡rhere he died Gn E Ëeptenrt'Ér lSF5.Ë3 The rrÉn depended Rn ui=itirrg capt*in:' ta hanter thein pelt= and =alt fcn FUm! floun, te-+ and EUqår, Erut a=' mc'='t, i{ rl of all, r¿er'P r'unâÙuå.¡-Ë' ir'r-rnr they =eal inçt ues:-el:- Br ÊEtraFees from the penål ccrloniea. l'rad to t^latch ca.r'e{u ì I y f Ë,r årry thr*at tr¡ tl-r e i r' :Écur'i ty. Survir,ral alone r¡Iå.8 not entugh for them they had achieued å meå=.urp tr'{ fr'eedam and r¿r,fuìd Frr¡t ri='k

Eåtrr if ic ing th is by reueaì ing the ir u.rheneabaut= unt i I a=.:.ur*d r'{ the intenti':'n=. c'{ åFr ;r' rr Êr.rJEÊmËF. TheÏ h¡rd ach ieued -1 rugged ='el{-=uf t' ic ienc:v r¡rh ich the;r t'JEr'e ¡'Eì e to m.rint¡.in onll' E,l' tr'*ding. The degr'ee o{ th*ir' dependence on r-,utEi¡er=. qrer,Á, in Fr*oFortion ta thein t iuing s.ta.ndar'd. Elut the numEer af rrren I iLlinq Err the island continued to gr'ÉtJ and l4n'f,r,{ledg* ¡f the esi=.terrce af å Ê.rrall cc'rrrmur¡ itl'r:'rt l{*rrq;tr'c'c, Islarr d =.prÈ;rd. 51

t Erunbabinr r-rF. cit,. F. lB. L ['l rã. ln [¡ i enre rr Lan d p. 104. tI . -Ç¡*mÉ I irr e Yea U¡rr ' =. r 3 Leggett, ÊF. cit., P. 52. 4 t'¡UrrEat,irr, tr¡F. Cit., p. ¿'-7. sl Flr-Jmle¡*, oF. cit,. F. llll:l7. .4 HFIA. 3.!. F,F, 575-'J'. 7 Leggett, c'F' cit.. P.52. t). F;. Hairr ç.¡r.tÉrr'th, Éuilder'E srr d Adrrenturer'=. F,' '!'/ . f: Ibid.. lLl E unr¡, t nrr l*-an ear ac, I a.rrd li!- !-E!j!. F . 4Û . =. , =.1 -U3Û 11 Ruediger', ÊF. cit., ChapterE 5r É and 18. t7 F. f-unrr ingrham, Tr¡¡o'r'e.¡.rs. in l"let"l Ër-'uth ['J:rle='. Uc, I . ?, ,JU t P^ . 4r-r! ¡ t.1 Ruediçter't r:'F. cit., F. 14 Eiunbabin, cFr. cit.t F. 7. 15 E:um¡''n, li.I .,, p. '-1 -l . L¿, Rranr oF. tit., P. 1?. t7 E¡Ur¡ E,åt'in, trF. tit., p. 7. 1B l.lorman E. Tindale' "TnåÊe=. al E:

41 Plnmle/, oF. cit., F. 1r11,3. 42 B. El;"='lÊr' r "L.auntreE tül'l", llineat Êir'cl e , v.rì iir l'la 7t 1:7Bl . p. llP. 43 ErFll:i 4?./ I?ltt:lE4, t"lLSA 44 Ruedir-rerr oF. cit.t P. 1i:r . 45 Plnnr ley, c'F,. cit.r P' ?a7, 4,å Ëumpstan, H.I.' F.48. 47 I *rn l_l n Sauth Ëoas.t ot Austr¡l iar PF. 45-48. 4e, IEid., F. 5Ll . +F Ibid. 5tr IEid,, . F. =1 51 Ëump'=.ton, LJ.-., p. 49. ._r¿ Fl ¡ml eI' . c'F . ;i t.. F'F, . llJlU-1UlLl . qã Llump=-ton, Ér_l_tt p. =;.tH It,id. F;. þ1. Earrldent å. r' =5 7Ð 1 791 -1 È5? r p. 47¡ CumPãtEnr H.I.r F. 53; HTG! l'larcl-r lElE. 5,5 riump=-.ton, Fi.I., P. 53-4. 17 Euedi,l*r', trF. ril-.r F,. 41. 5E IEid, 5F Le içrh r ÊF. c it. , P. gl . óû LlumF:-ton, K.I., F. 5Y. ral Leighr ÉF.cit., P. É1. .t:. FJ *ngas Pa.pen=, Ì"ILSA r FRG 174 t 5en i eE iI, pt,. L3?l

Ér:l'n, H.I., F,. C,:l . Ê.4 It'id.. Fp 5,5-E' Eic'nt¡ i ck Èt F,* rrd i x t r-i É i r¡ge Fie P or' t Uc,I . 142 Tran=.cript, E¡nrsicþ; tc' L'li lmnt ?,r l2/??. l'lL . .t¿ HFiÉ\. 3. 43q . =. t¡J¡.l tJr¡l , ?l P. É.r:rr n irr ghanr . Tr,'.1c, Te.¡. r* E i rr l.l*w E;ou t h e€ . FF. tE-l?. IG tl:ump:.tnn, H.I.t F ¿,7 . êr-l Ibid.r F. É,'J. 7tl Ihid.' Fr. ,JC'. 71 Aduer'tì r {/ Eie c emt,e r -j ?-' E:UmEÉt':,n, K.I.t F.5U. 73 EElj 42/ tTltf?å | t"tL5A. tq llumpÊtr--rrr, l{. I . t P . 7u . 7= Ihid. 5åFl , ? :1e t' t errbÉ r' I [r'i'¡ . 77 -7' E:åFi t 5e p t ÊrrrE,? F d dP 7q Pii ng=.cate ll:.1,1.È. r å.r'tr 'llil. F, . rj:ll'J . c' r' I ,Ét+5 . È'l'.r e r' t i r' 27 Ere c Emhe r' I tl Ll E;Ê-tÉ. :c i;e t enrbÉ =.e È1 Adr.r* , ?7 fie c embe r I ,lEÉ . liing=.c,:'te ll: .Lrl .É., c,F. cit., p.';t. E:{ tìÉ18, F E;eptemben 1Ll1?5. tl:h xp t e r' :-1 Un¡ff iciaì Settler=- 1825-183.4

IEolatedhlvqeGgr.aphrå.rldcir.cumEtsnce,tl-re iEl an,ler.E tonk eaer'jt opFGrtun ity to auaid of f ir ial domt -+nd hecame å ìat¡ Urrto thÊrTrE.Elue:'. Thi=' ÉtF'Far'ently exåËFerated autharities. in Sfdney and Hnt'-+rt and FFc't/ol

---ecuF.È {or -1F,prr:, coloni'-.t=..2 E:u'J'--Je='t-i'-Jrr =' ta h+L''P E+=':' Ëtr+it and the re,3inn t're=.t tc Pianlra.roo I='l¡'nd pa'trÛll*d Er' â nåuaì rre=.='el r'ÈE.ul t*d irr lEtZ'å in Iap'f ;11¡ l¡Jhi't* t'e inq cr¡mmand c,{ the qu'.rernment bri'1 "f)uþ'Ê =.ent fnam Hobart in n{ .c¡r.H', r.uith .:( detachment tr{ the 4tt tl'r Fle'¡imerr t. He l,J:a= to a.F,F,rEhen,l runåtrrrã..:/ ':trnvicts I iuinr-l tr'n the islands':=i tJh/te rptunned tn H'ltart in l'lar'ch 192-4 u.rith EBme y r'4PrÉ É8,':eFpÉE hut there i=. nathirr r-l tc g'r¡r-¡g*='t tl-r a't' '1rr

r,e.l.lerr on l¿,a.nqa.n,fo I=. land. l¡lhftÉ r/.rå.=' cr'edited r¡lith riddin'1 B.r'=.:. 'åtr'ait af m.:'.n.r b,ad rl-r ar'arter'=',4 Eut reEort:' tr'{ r'''lith the l.urr ;'.r,'.l-1 :r'É l-Jn Ha.n,¡ä.ra'f i=ia'nd cantinued 54 impìication that the men thene tJerP irruulçed in la.wìeEs actiuitieE.S þianqar'c,c I:. larlj wsg ='Eid tø haue heen the "Ultima Thule" aÍ tho=-e men t¡ho r,¡i=hed to eËtrå.Fe fram the penal ctrlc,nieE a{ trlet.l Êcuth L.Jale=' and u-r.rr ti*men':' La.nd' þlc':'t Nene a.ttra.cted tn the Eay o{ Shoaì= E*c'ru='e of the =-e'lt laçrnrrn, r.+hich r¿.lhsrr dr.>. tJaE {illed rçith ENtrel 1*rr t :'alt tc' ã.depthr-ri{ivecFEixinche=''þlea'ritt4'?'sålakeuf

{r.p=.1-r t*rater, hatl-r åEr-,ut tr.{c, milrE fr'r:'m the t'e.=,.sh. The

Lr. foe trade' and the =alt q.3uE ÉåÉ.v .3,ctrÊEE tur cammc'dity +re=.h r¡¡at*r. mes.rrt tl-r at mPn cc¡uld I irle cìo=-.e tc, their rrJoF.l4. The sal t had to be c+rried on the bar:14 ta the

br-,.atEI but ås. thi:. ¡.rr d rrc,=,t c,thxr ls.t'r'ur Wå'É' p*ritrrl-rrrPd hf'

Ab,orir--rinal I.*Jr¡nren, the di='t-ì.ircs did fir-1 t Ëeem tB t'e a'

,J i :.a'Ju år¡ t aqe . ó tr' r'el içri'=n The isìand mÉrr r rlaimed trJ t'e =.t¡-'.1rilJPr'Ê' and t¡ pnincipler å.mÊnçt r¡lhom rapine ¿.nd mur'def' r.,J-lE =rid r:CrUr'Aq*d t'y ttr, b,e "rl ,-rt irr {reqUent"7, tJPrÉ =.UFFC'rted and Érl the r'erteqade cal Én ia. l uE-=?'É lE t''rh ich r'r i'-i ted them {ar

tr.¡rde . Tl-r *l' m*t s.eal irr g ue:='e I ç. r,{l'r E¡E,Ê c:rp tain=' cha'rged, f c,r å qe. I lnn frøm Ll ta 1? -=kin=. rl,¡crth ¡.t le-¡.Et =/- n{ ,Jutf, {ree runl .8 tr;:(rr r-Jår'tr'r-r I'=. lan'l''s Fc't'ul¡.tiorl tlla=' ='¡'id to t,e upu.rands af tr,,,ro hun,Jned i rr 1i+2¡. 17 Th i E rr urT¡h'Ér u¡cu I d r; h¡.ue incìuded the cPer.lÉ a.rtd gånçr-> af the r'rari¡ua ='eaì irr sË'É ,,,re=.:.e I E. r,.¡crl{ i rr q in the årÊå. 'lt tl-r e t ime .1ü "Tl-r

unFrincipled merr " itJrr[r*lled the r.4t:'men t': l-l unt, l''¡'-t þ;. and 55 f i=h, and do sther men ial set'v ice=. r¡rh il e the:v them-=eì r.reg'

ar¡ and E!' tur'n='' =-rt Én the beach d:.mal',*d, dranÞ;, ='lept, otrtråÊianally rr-JusinE to 11 ¡ll å young çeal basl4inq on the beacl, .11 Steal ing Ahariçrinal r.,ltrfrren frc,m their' tr'iEal hc,me:. r,.råç. FoEEibly the trttrr'st a.ction of the islanders, t'ut t¡la.s rr r:rt trtr'n=.ider.ed å crime. l¿Jhen the Eea. I inr_-l EÊå.=.c¡rr l¿laE c'uPr'! the men r rÄr--'men And ch il dnen ret ired int,3 .-r r.ral I eT in the .|.:rnd inter.itr'r' a{ the i=. r¡thEre they l'r +d .1 garderr .3.rr d hutE.l? I t i=. pc,=.=.iEl e that th i=, r.+a=. in Ctç-rnet U+l I ey at the place r¿.rhene t^laìlen'l iah*d hi=. "Fårm", and the l-r ut=. r¡,c¡uld har.¡e been t'ar'þi and Eru=.h shelt*rs. :'uch åE tl'r e rfåErJniginaì r¡r-'men ¡,,.lauld Euild. t'Jhen the Hundred ¡f l4en¡ies r.{å.E EUr,./È.:r,pd irr IFjEU tr.are:. ¡f t'r.u=-.1-¡ iencln,l r'Pnr-1 irr ed irr th i.- r."ea.. l3 Èlth'-ruql-r l:iÉ':'PgP Eate=. =.¡.id ths.t he "trc'uld blat' i+ l-r E ì iked ahr¡ut the ald dåÞ'E Ên l'.-+ng.enr-ro"14 Fre 'lid nnt dr-¡ -Ë¡f eugn late in ì if e. The af { it ial u ier,u o{ the i=. lAnder.-=. å=. la.r¡.r leE:. rUrr .a.ÞJAy=. r,\rå=. ç.tr'engthened ttlhPn authoritieç in -ivdrte'l recPived further repart= '=f their alleged cr-'rr duct irr 1.q17. l"la..ior. Loclty€t I FTtl-r Fieçliment, emt,¡.r'ked Brr the cr¡lc,nial Erig, "Amit:r"r 'f,n F l'l¡uemt'er 1ä?'+ tn form a net'J .=.*ttIem*nt at liing lliet,r'gÈ"=. Sc,urr d.15 He c,t=.*r'ued tl'r e rr.r'3',ï' in r,.¡l-i ich -=eal ing qå.nq-É r¡.ler'E i-rFÉna.tinr--r a.nd þsl th¡.t imnrediat* mÈA=.Ur,ÊE. tA rnntr'r-, I tl-¡ err rrJPr'É rr Pr:eE.':.¡(r.r'. He ql trLrntrl uded tha.t the '=.Ea.lE1^'-- u,.reFe "a comF l ete =et af pir.ate:. gÉing {rc'm Island tc' I=. land alurnE tl-r e Ec'uthern cca=.t of J'.ler.+ Holland fnom RattneEt I=la.nd ta Eag=-'E :itr'å,it=. h.

Fr r:Ê'n+r-'r'm tr-' the rouìd =.ur'uir;e. É*cau'='e they did Ért a{f ic ial nr-'t iGn c,f cal on i=.t-= thef trterÉ l.r.t'el led

"'.,'ill.rir¡ :." .¡.rr d deenr*d ir¡ need nf cantF'tr'I . =7

Jahn Randal I , rrrho had de-=er ted f r¡m the "þJePÊu=" at l-{, I=. land witl'r l:ìÉ':,1'gÉ Eat*:. in 1824, .1nd 'Iånres'

H¡r'hy,lFi -Jnp uf tl-r e mÊrr Eates met on the iE. larr d ERc'rr a{ten he anrir;ed,l? Fr ad t,een part c,f å. :.eal inq g¡(n.-J irr l-¡.te 1B?5. In 1,1?'5 Larþ.lTen tooll them int'-r cu=tødy in ':trnnectir,n trrith the mur'deF c,{ a male natiue.2t They t(,e¡'P eet free becau=.e of doubta negåPding the extent to r'{hich tl're l+r¡.1 å.FFliÉd to tl-rem {ar a crinre cr--rmmitted Eef¡re the r-JÉìJFrnment had tal(en F'-r=seasicn c'+ the å'FPa a'nd they res.umed thEir rc,,.¡in,-:r I iues.?1 In f*.ct, tl'r eFe rÁtåE 'JÉr'y I i ttl e ta deter tho-=e incl ined tc Er'eak the cal on ial ì at¡r=' in that remote r'eginrr and the lar¡.r o{ =,ul*uit'ål EeÊrrred tn be the anli- onp r,'lhirh aÉers.ted. The men kner¡ their t'JaZ -rE,¡ut the i=. 1¡rndE. arr d ':ßul d e* t' år/crid oi{ ic i'rl uesEel=., a.nd the¡* had Eeen ahle to gr-.rr"rirJe in the

,Ji++icult arr u¡r.crrrrrrerr t trlith th* l-r elp ¡f rr atiL,rÉ r¡tc'mÈrr r Eath

Ta=man i -+n and ma. i n I and åL'-rr i çr t nes. f¡er,r.oe-_-'= E.tte=.. hi=. mate=. .ind tl-r eir' åbc'r'iqina. I r¡Ic'mErr shr.,iausly had .1 bae.t a.nd E'-Jnratimes cro=-'='ed c1.lËP tÛ the nrå.irrls.nd tç, l-¡ urrt tr,rr tl-r e *delaide Fl-+ins.. TheÞ'w?rQ there in lEld ¡.nd lA?7 a.nd usua.l I l l--rot pl rn t-v, ol çk ins: Ë Ha.rt ttr¡t1 år¡,lår- 7,Ll ü0 in c'nE tr'ip. "l¡le uEPd tn t¡.ke it trrut in num ¿.n,1 tntaccg, P'=pErialI..* PUmt" =aid Eeon'l*.?it Lc't're

r,.r rühen å tr'eder o{ r'um led them inta =.omÉ iìd indul!Énce=' c-r.mÉ, .3.rr d EateE. a.nd the c,tl-r er' i:'lerr der'=. trJÉ f'e P åE'¡' F f'É )' {or t^¡il:v capt¡.in=.. Th* uEU-i. I F,racticÉ r/.rå.Ê t¡ =et a. Þ;*g at Ll--r rum on the decll directl'r the anchor rl.tå.Ê drapFedr llnock the he¡rd rrut. arrd place F, lenty c'f Fanrr ican:. around. þlat å r,,lord af husinp=-Þ ulrå.€- allcr¡ed ta t,e =_.pcken until ever'! onp had "t,rell dr'unKen' and then the captains trlpre abìe ta make the mn=-t fauc'urxble bargain-=, After the aÍ'rJy r¡åÉ

ÉvPr', the rrren r-terr Pr'-1 lìy found them='plrre:. rrn '=.1-r r-¡re plith splitting heada.chee, a. few 'Jr'GcenieE, perh*p= å b,c'ttìe or Etr' nf rUm a.nd gc'rrre tat,acCc', and A Srlr-rd =.upplV ¡f tt.lin* r*lith u,¡hich to m¡.He enå.pEÉ ta cetch mone r¡Iå. llahies. ThE veë¿c-.el r.'lr-,uld bre i-_Jr-'rrÉ t-rlting alI tl-r e :.kirr :- thef' had colìerted.2i+

Thp neqular' pr'icp fc'r El,1 irr.- at that time t4å.Ê' :lit'/- t'er' 1n[, -+nd ås arder's Én the o[ÀJnÉr o-F the uÉ-

.I¿.ck rrll'¡¡¡ ha.d jc'inad him fc,r' .3. time. Tl-r Pl' l+rr ded at t1a.p* Jen'.ri=. s.nd r"r-rl14ed .1r:r'Ê=.=. to La.lte rålex¡.ndrirr 't,. The:r t¡raited r.lnder urr til the rrrÉrr r.,rÉr-É Err.:t l-r untinq ts,rr d then =.t¡le uF ci-Juen untrl c.fet---.e t':, tl'l e na.ti,,rÉ i:årÍF. At å -=i¡lnål a. ll 5i/

nu:-hed +onr¡ard and snatched their pnizee, tilith thein hand=. tied t'ehirrd their' hack:., the çrirle' r¡,Ër'e tl-rÉn marched baclt tc' the baat and hunnied s{f -1croË= the

FaE=.aqe .28 The AEnr'i g i ne=. af the rlape Jerr,r i :' and Lal4e Alexandnina. aFÊå tr,eFÊ not =ea-goin-o people and regar'ded

tl-r r¡rÉrÊ fr I Kå,rr gårÊ'r-J I:. land aE. taEoi-r =.É e thieue=. tr't ikely tr¡ be pursued, E-+tes noticed that "må.n/ r,ÂlÉl-Ê m.+rked r¡lith

.-.mallFcXr &rrd thel r,'JåE gr'e.rtll' EUrFr'i:.ed to =.PÉ tl-r e.t

theEe tÂIÉFe inocuIated En the .trm."2C'Thene is Fr c¡ er,'idence that Bates indulged in ÊÊnEFleE-- cruelty though he lnoV. p.r.r.t irr i=th*p LrJile-r'-rrid=. ts the nrainlar, d,!7 and had c'rr e

Ta.sman ian tJomå.n I i,.,'inq r¿.li th h im tt Kangarno Ieì and f ar- å'

nCt t lmÉ .4L'

In 1Ê77 rliearqe Eat*E fc'und hi=. r/.r.3y tn Éìrr tes¡' ¿¡¡trÉF' r,\rsg enca.mpment. Ëay and -=.ur-priEed to f ind there ¡. =m-r. ll

Tr.,ta merrr Tl-r EmåË. .Lrr d tEilll EL.rer'ett, ¡¡lith tr,,.l,-r Ta=nran ia.n Èt'¡r i¡-¡inal r¡.ramen r Ëoph ia end Littl e 5al , had ar.r.iued { Te=,manie.tF þlatl'r-rniBl Tl-¡'fma=' h'¡.d rlee'r'ed irr the "l'lereu=.rr c'n I L-lÊtober' 1',3Ë? and h+d been dischar'rled in Lìydney Êrr 14 .Iunp lÉ2:+.311 H* trJå--- irr the crEÞJ mu=.t*r'ed {¡r'

the -?l ooF, ''|:*Ja.ter l"lr-.rl e" , uuh ich =ai l ed f or B=.:-e Strait in

LIå.rr u-1r)' ll-+24r31 å.rr d u.ll-r srr tFr e Er'i'-:t "Eeìißd'r" ç'ailed {':'r i-Jn the Lìauth 5es.s =ealin'¡ Qr''-run,l:- in ba. I l-r:-t 17 l'la.t'r tlatlra,niel Tl-r crm,:'.E r,,J-r.:. å. rrrerrrtrPr' ,f{ tlr e cr*l¡l .3?

Thçma.=. ro be .1 FFir,'ile'¡ed pr'i=aner'' r'ÁJ'-l.É' 3'

pilc't irr the tlenr.,lent iar. a time ¡.rr d ir'':nr tl'r e r:aF,t-+irr:. ':ri óú the seal ing and rarhal ing rre=gels lie ltnet*r thene he he*a.nd ahsut l-{anr-J-r'r'úo I=. 1-rnd. He Ér.Jentuaily "madÉ å r'un {c'r' it" in the p i I of boat, t'r in'f in.¡ AEon iginal r,¡amen and sther sealer=.trJith him. The p-e.rtI. ìanded {ir'=-.t in tl-re Encaunter' Ea.;r åreå and r-r'Ç.tE-'=Erl tG Antechamh,er Ea/ in 1Ê?7.33 In i=ì and tradit ian Euerett åccomFan ied ThÊma= -+nd the ir t'¡c'

Ah,-rr.r,-f in*ì r.,.lc,men fr'trm T-t=.mxnia ir¡ ån ËrFren E,net.34 Euer'*tt had been in charge of å. sealing trÉat and gång t¡rhich

Lc,cll¡'en met dr¡r irrçr h i:. expl c,r'at ion E{ liing ll¡*c,r'qP'Ê E;aund early in 1827.t5 Eu*rett cåme fr'e* ta Uarr [¡iem*n'ç. Land c'n the r¡,rhalen "E,:hÊ" l..lhich r¿.laE r¡rgcked 'fn f,atn Reef in thp ¡].,=r's.l 5e+ c'ß 31 *pr i I I E:ttl . H i :. ,:her'ac ter' tJåE. de=-cribed .LE "in{;tmouE" and thenÉ r..'Jåã e''ridence tha.t he h¡.d murder'*d å n-

Thr-,ma.=. ='-

Eriemen's. Land irr ths lEEtls. tc,c,k thein captir¡e=. t'-r lr.anr_¡anoa I=land until they falt safe from pur'=.uit. Tt'.rr É¡harigina'l uromen, l"lar';r -rnd Fanny, claimed thet in ftctoE,*n lg2Ë thr'eÉ r¿.l¡mÈn of Erun;¡ I=. land r,trere 1r-trciEl:z ta.llen ar¡Jå.y Ey a mån E*.lter', a nrån ,:'{ cnlc,ur'. ta l{errqer'c,o IEland.4l Eaker, a. =.ealer' in E¡E:. Str'ait, a'lmitte'l hi-=. guilt and rqå.'= taken fr'am Launceston to Hot,-rnt Tat¡.ln but tl'r e Êl-r å.r'gÉÊ beinç FrÊ, t Fr'rf,uÉrr he uJå.=. ,li=.char'qpd.42 Tnuca.nini ìater reparted th¡.

€_.åL{ El-r e l-r er tr.ih.rl =.i=.ter.:. þiidrr s.F,Fed t':r, ;1 rlr*?.rr r_r{ coìaur, Jahn Ba.ken, aì=-o kn':r¡.tn å-c El;rcþ; E-r.l4er, t'tho {c,r.ced Lc,r¡ll-r pBUFr l-r E and l"laqrr_-rerlx*de, t,:,r_tÉther' r¡.litl-r¡then girì l"lur'rerninçlhe Iknnttrrr EË Piit], intÉ' a. ta¡.t ¡rnd tc'c,k tl-r *m -1r.,.rå:f, tc' F.arr r¡a.raa I=. l-tr¡ d r'i{ E:r-ruth Au-=tnal ia.. Hit r'J-1= l-r.ten E,y a =É-r.ìEn. =-rid to he .IåmÉ:. Er.rer.ett. The c' ther' tr+n girl'=.t E,rr É rt'{ r.+hc'm Tr'uca.nini kner'¡ as l'l¡nnin-r. and relerr'ed tn ir.-= her Ërr.4n i ster r'Frrr:{. i rr ed F.arr rl+r''tcr I:-.!-r.rrd r¡l i tl-r tl-r e '=.8 al er't =. , ':'n Hepthernet. Ipo==i E'l ¡' Errerett] 43

I Derember 1-'J=7 group n å. c'+ Eealen=- =tale =.crme ti r' i L{ rr P tl-r þÍrr []rrU,:ll-r tlne m '='frrÉ rr -1r' s t.r:tEV.-- Otçn A=. thp lrçr'.',;.. ¡4 the F'err nemul".eer mpn hiding in ë. tree had thrs!.tn å =Feår at å =.eal er', r,Jl-r R then,t him dead ¡rnd tac,l.'; =.BUÉrr t\rc'mÉrr t a F-a.n ga.r r-ra I=.l r.n¡.44 * fer,,r u.,e*14=. la.t*r¡ å.Fr trrtl-r xr''RU F C,f geaier=- ':-=,.Ftured a. p.e.r'ti' c,f LrlcrmÈn irr E Eã.tJE nÈ:1r' the Dar.¡ghboys. Fenderoin, å memb,er of the Ënim tribet de=.criE*d tl-r e event. Tt.lo =.mall iElande nea.r tl-r e caue t4Êr'É of ten u isited by h ie penpl e r¡hen hunt ing f on muttonbirds.

Hncr,,.ring tl-ri=., thP Ee.rler:. r¡alþ,ed LruËr frc,m the F¡ rI¡Fth tc, the r¡est ---ide o{ [ape Ënim during the night and hid in

the Eå.,.,,s. l¡,lhen tl-r e rråti',reË Étrlå.m å=.hÉr'r r¡ith their c.1 tcht r¡rith them into the =.eaìerE ruEhed them muEketE-and dror:e .an arrgle ot the hi'_rh cliff u,rh*re they hound them ¡rith cord=. The men of the trib,e rÂrÉrÉ årilåy hunting l{a.nganaa=

.3rr d anl'¡' .r. fer¡,1 rrld men and ell the children r¡JÉre t"¡ith the r'Jc'mgn. The =ealer=- Eeized aìl the muttÉnbind= the rr'fmpn

Fr ad trl4en ¡.nd ca,rried of{ tr¡.leluÉ c'r i¡ur'teer¡ r/.rsmFn ttr

Hangano,: I.-ìand in ,1 =.eal inr_-l r;eg=el. Ligr,rs¡s¡ na.tit¡FE t'JÈr'É '=.l-r¡t durinçr the å.fttru€.h and tl-r* rråti'rp:. l¡.ter k;illÉd tl-rrÉp men t+i th r¡.rddieE in FeFrr i=a.l . Af ten a tlh i I e thE Ëe.=.ì er= hr'¡ur_rht the=,e r¡c'rrr*n Earþ; *nd r"lere than r¡.1*ìl E.uFFlied ¡lith l-=rueE and c'-rnÉuhine=.45 =. Tl'r er'e i=. nÊ p'JidErr trÉ tl-r at =.uch lr.rge nunrt'Ér'=. c'{ Ta=.manian Êbanigine=. rÉma.ined on Hang+roo Island, thoulrh

the e-.eå.lPr€. :.aid th-¡.t t h e r_-Jr'É F. t e:. t år¡ d ma:. t ha.r t'år'L1u ã trrue I t ie.- tor,.rardE the black r¡.r'-rmen r¡JEne t'r.1Êt ieEd

tl-r ere.4é E;ea.ìrn=. rrrer'P s.¡.id tn l-r år.'É tied a. Elac14 t;¡nra.rr tt' å tree ¡.t Amer'ic-+n l*Jhanf Lagcarr , then cut f ì esh a{f her

thiuh and cut c'{f h e r E .rr'E. he c ¡.u e h¡rd n¡t cauqhì =.e =.1-¡ 47 e n au ¡rh l( -=,.n Eer ac,E . Same Eur'ope-rn r_Jun flints and EÊme flint implement= r,,,¡hich çeemed ta EÊ B+ Ta:.m-rnian origin r/.JÉr.e faund ':rn R emal I nec tanqu I an s i te i nd i cated hT Etane= and the rema i nE. r-,f a'rre ch imney at C:.+pe HEr't i n l gi+c,.48 Th i E h;rd euidentì;v been the site of å sea.len'e tråmp. tlthen f I int impìemsnt= euen mtr'nÈ character'iat ic.+ì I y

FPrr Égade ,:{ ah-:.ndr_,rr =.e,r. ler'=. the cultur.e the¡, had ed. In å,n:/ cåsp the pictune i= Ie:-=. qnim th<.n th¡.t af :-eålep-q 63 o.


I Lt ( x /5 )

F¡r't i ¡rr a{ Fr -i.rr d-nr.=.'Je [t¡mirr ¡ Fiece [ir l"l.Er. Tirrd.r.lx c,4 u.lh'-J tortuned the åt'arigin-+l t.romen lhe'/ had fnrced to

EeCC,nre tl-r eir :. lar,reg..

The -=.ealer=. could nst knar¡r that the e.aciet;v which they thought they had e=.caped trould Etr'En ma.l4e canta.ct t¡ritl-r tl-renr ¿qa.irr . In Errçrìand in lËlld Ed¡¡and iliit't'cn l.rlakef ield r.!råË sentenced to three i*Êar'e impni=onment fon the ab'duc t ian af a. l5 ye-

=.ettì enrent, ;<,nd tda€- =.u{l ic ientl y +ar tranr tl-r e c¡n'"r ict col an ie= r{hBFe e:{ i=t ing pal i t ical and EcEn,-rmic E;¡stem= t.r¡ul,J ir¡ terfer'* u,.lrth tl-r e fEUrljsr'=.' i,leag.5'4 L45

t-Jhiìe the plä,nnerE r/.rer-p husy in Londan, Þ.nor,^tledge o{ sautherrr Auç.tra. I ia eFFtrr, mucl-r ':'{ it Cc'minçr f r'om =.e;tl ing capt+in-= a.nd thein gå.ng=. In 192? =ealing E¿(nr-.lE at Kanqarc'o i -=l and tal d Dunc*rr Far't'*=., ma=.t*n a{ the " Fr i rrce of DÊnmar14", th¡.t r,,rhile hunting ßn the mEinland the:¡ had di=.c¡:ruÉFÉd ¡( uer'þ' l.=.r'çr*. deep {resh r¡ater' lal¿e.57 Eieor'çte Eate=- had 4ir''=t landed trn the mairrland in 1g?'5 ¡.nd È'v

1El?? had hun t*d Errr the Ad* I a i de Fl a i n=., arrd e.r:p I ared thE Enc,lunter Baf *rea..5Ë He r{aE .1r¡Jåre af the lar'1le lalte and r/,rå.= praE.=.Elz ÉnÉ cf Fort'e=' infonmg.nt=..

Fal I at+irr,1 h i=' discÍ-nlerr' n{ the Etarl inr-r F:iuen in LA?E-?-/, llaFtain Eharles Stunt f i¡led hi= -rttention on the

"I'lc,rumE,idgee", .1r¡ d r¿¡hen t];ouer'rr c'r' [iar'linr_r learned ¡{ thp dr=couenl. o{ the large {r'eshkrater lal¿e l-rn the =.nuth rr-,+st, l-r r directed Ëtur't tc' f¡:ll¡r¡¡ tl¡ s "l'lgr'unrtidr-lee" B.'= {¡.n å-= prå.ct ic.*hl e. thr-rnÉuqhl y Ê:{åmin ing the r iuer

'=.;ï'EtÉm, å.Fr d d*tsr'mining t,.rhether it r/Jg=. linlled t,= tl-r e

I ake . rnd r.,.lhere the r'i L,,er= neached the s**.5P Stunt's eHFÈditian left Êydney c'ß S l.lorremher 1i1?9 -+nd Ela.rl irr q årrårr qÉd f ¡¡r' a tte='Ê-.e I t'= Ee re¡.dy f or' de=pa.trh to 5t ulncent'g lìu14, in tr.1ËÊ .9tunt ='ucceeded in rÉatrhing the =.c,utl-r Er-r'*Et irr that uirirr ity.éÜ The l-,lurrumtidgee Rir,ren led :iturt t,-r the l"lurn¡.¡'. årr d he r'e.rch*,J Laþie Éìenarljr'in-1 i:rn F Fst,ruår'.r' IE:+n.dt He he'J pr'a'.re'J that ;rn EFr,tF.rrrcru -r arÉË. af l.l eu.l 5¡u th l¡,lal es dra i n*d l¿ into this lalte, and puentually intn the Ee3.' u-rithin å shar't di=.ta.nce c,{ ;ct Uincent'=' l-iuì{. ctn l1 FebruåFy stunt and tr¡c of hi=. men, l4cLea;v and r¿.lalked dhill=. ta tl-¡e Éea! 2.Ea,f'ching Fra=.xn. å,ct-'feç. the =.arr for the mtr,uth r:,f the nir,¡en. They neached the l4urna.r l'louth next da),r and tlrare hitter'ly di=appainted ta {ind tl'rat and the thene rrla-= rrE rha.nnel =.afely Iinl(in'¡ the ided acea.n.É2 L,li th cÊnEiderablE di =.eppointment Êtur't dec that he r,.rauld h¡ tc return up=-.tre.3.m t*rithnut dela:t.Él{ Sturt neponted that during hi=. party'= stay crn the É.hc,re o{ Lal{e Ale¡;årr drina. the r\her'iq¡ine= hec'a'me incre-e.=.inr¡lr ho-=tile. Éåa -â. qPc'up B+ '--EUen Er eight åF,F,roa.ched l-rim he taaP. uF hi=' gun '=rnd they immediatelv retreated. Ëturt c¡ncluded tha't "thÊ;" rr'rÊre perfectì:¡ .:rrrlå.r'e o{ the uJe.1F':'n he c; q¡.r'r-Jc, I I arr d . É'5 ':'rr =. crr..rÉr' Ès. n,:, nÉtrJ=. a{ El tur.t h-rd reacl-l e'J 5'r'drr e}' fc,r' three manth=., in F*truLa.r';/ 1Ë31-'l the l'ler'* South L''lale-='

tc-r É:tåminP ! qÉ'1rÊ¡rÉrr t =.*nt H.1"1 . f,ol,:,n ial E:uttsr "¡)år't" " in c¡n junrt ian t,ri th H.[.4. C¡i on iaì Ëch¡aner' " I=ehel l '¡'" . Ên r.c,ute fr'¡m Hing llier-rr'r-le'ç. -iÊurrd tr' 'Ël'dr¡ el'. tl-r e cÊ'1='tl ine o{ south Au=.tral ia t,: Ë.Ëcentain Eft'y tidinr--r= ¡f sturt'= ,,ttå.r.t,' E,c'utl-r Élu=,tr'¡. I ian LtJå.tÊrE F, .Lr.t;v.,'dé TFr e r.sfTrairr ed in fc,r thr'ee month=-. untiì the middle of April 1E3r-1 " tfeÐr'gP

¡rrFr inçr Éli':ur:.icrr tn Thi='tìe Ie'ìand, {ourr d it E;.t*:., å =.e;+1 á7 there and leírned that the captain did not kn¡r¡r t'*rhere the

Þlurra/ enter.e,J tFr e =-.**.67 BeteE tc,ìd him c'f tl-r e lar'q* ËheÊt trf t.rater v'rhich "ma;v t'e å. ri''rÊf* Êl- ìake"'C'E The h'ld tr'ut En hi= "E)apt" sauj nB =ign of Stunt, t¡rho "et retur.n jr-,ur'rr el, he{c¡re thE cutter' reached Ëc'utl-r Au='tr¡'l iarr l¡laterE.'4--"' The qc'uÊrnment had irrEtr'ucted Ll¡tFtain Ëc'llett E-r.r14err in the "I=*tell.ì". to tn:/ to d*tenmine u'lheth*n there t4a=. å F;r.E='ågF {r'am -.jt uinrxrr t"=' Gulf t¡ L'rHe ålex¡.n,lrina. l-'le l-r.nded iir'=t netn Par't l'lna.nlunga, then at nf Flapid Eay. Frnnr tl¡er'e l-r e croE='ed Errr fr-'Ét to the m¡uth the l"lurray, reaching the hilìock: {ram r¡hich sturt had ,_lå.zÉd r,;rc,=.=. L3.l(e Al*x.arr dr'irr -r orr ll' ts {er¡l n¡orr thE' earl i*n.7ú lEl'ã1 L,Jherr the "IEab,ella" r'eached Elydnay i:'rr 19 l4ay ' Érn Eob*rt f,,auis, A==i=t'=.nt SurgeÉn, SPth F;egiment' tl-r iç' r.epar.t*d th-+t f.*ptairr Éa.rl'ler' h-rd rr crt r'eturrrPd frc'n¡ excur.=i¡n. In ma.k;inçl enquirie=. he :-,¡ught the help c'f

r¡rt'r Em he {C'l'Jnd 3 trJEfTl'3rr nAti'"'E,:- nEår [..rpe ''ler'Ui:. I -1fTltrng r¿tell' and tlEìË named Ëal lr. whn =potte Engìi='h {airly

l'':. rr l:iÉ'3rgÊ'E E;sr.Jrr d i rr å rEr:tr,gn i ze,J -1 E. har.¡ i rr g brEÉFr a.t i 1-l :=alli' sea. linq '.JpE=.el ab,out three yÊår'É eanli*"'71 in{ormed Daui= that thenÉ v.rå.E a pe.r^tx of =eEler=- in d l.lepearr E;1,ïr lrì+ngar',=c, I=. land, -:'.ECtUt tr.''relL;e mile=' at'Jå!'. 'r'rr he ,leci,Jed tn gain their' ;t='EistancÉ ¿ts r"r¿l l' rlienrqe Etateç. +n,l -+r¡tr,ther m-1rr ¡trriL.'ed alc'rr r--lEid¿ the r.lrïi F¡t.¡ ¡ t t¡'= .5.Jå [Þ]É? ,f r,a+ åq+ 'l+ F lç;,1 ål.l r.lf I åf uå'l¡: t'; Pr.l; ¡ ¡ åuo ËFUnDd ar"¡at'ii JO+ ldta:a-l E lloda': E!q 'r1 Får'lrE++P

t uû l+PulJü+u I E Ëu tu u I l"E l+uaÈ'=å årl FuE п lql l'ÉlqE .=|¡¡r-¡l'3Fr pãlrrf.JrJ :-å+ì=E ¡8..¡,:a,J llErJ å|.1 1 }ü ] PUI] aË'pnE¡:1,:I

t '-= I l¡rjrl åLl+ Jrrt åEFÈ [rï':1 UT Ë lq +'r è:-nEf åq Its'..1 + Ftsl.loda'l uåtll l: åqI'FEåF' ',1 å+Ef/r 'l¿åF'-J+ul '{'F'fq'=!rl lt1åJLl+ .=Efì,t Èq !llun ,tF,,fq Ëlq r-.lEnÐJL{i ËFJÈir'rlJ'f+ PUE EFJEFi}'l f,Eq

Ë.JÞ:Ë'1.3 .Jlår..1+ tfrå'Jp FUÈ È'JDr{'-3 uÐ rllltl 1qËn':lq'=årlllEu åÈ'Jr'l+ pue èp år..1+ pue t tå+ åH 'l=.åqr '= lr-.1 PålJË ld pJ lqì E !E lqË l'J Ëlr.{ Få.Jå}tJa '¡uad= PU'ffË'= H 'd':1= 'tr} 'llå''ll 'fl Bul[[Ef Ftlx Eu t¡sr¡ år'll 1u I uEJ uårl} åH 'd tq puEt{ e lq q} lr',1 ='r¡E lE +JnÉ 'f r'lfËtr"1'ldp Jlåq+ ++åt '3!r.l par'lat,J ¡':a'l'= +ËJl+ Ëq+ tllun +ÐàJL]|.'ìÞ--url=.Pfl'lJà},lJEE.'EUl|-J'ff,.lqåFE|.tlgPlT)ltrE+18+Ð iå-lUå+åP '=,Ut?åUJ,4U!-+ 'Jr-rU F'ì?rl 'JåIJEE [ìpUEt.3 åt..1 + +'f 1Ë]lËntu '-rU tF¡!'{} urylde¡ +Eq1 åJn=. åJåÈ'r låtl + uår''lr'¡r puE ot /'q PåulÐl' '¿FJL:fïiJål+E åJå¡fi Uðrx ¡fffll å';å''{I '+åtrJ! å''lt }Ð åPl'3 +'-?Eå åt'l+

uE qfr:- åq åq+ JEåu aEp t'-r puE'= åqt E uo 1e =da1ÉltrD ! =', JåHJ'FjE '=åu l'J'fqu u te¡,Jr:¡ Fåil fEJl Pì?r.l '3åù llEU tr'm+ lFjrl+ lrJ'tsH P t'lt llf puE -=.Jêllts--- åqI ',

BP À-/ for the hir.e af the v.rhaleboat and their Eeruices in seår'ching for' E:aptain Éarker.74 ll;earçre Ea.tes, m'-Jr'F than f ifty yÉåPE later't g'r'u? å sliçhtlr dif+eFent account, He and his mates had been talten tr'n t,¡*rd the :.chnoner and s.Elled to heìp in tl-re informatian at'out Ear'14en"E =.e-rrch. He pìa.nned tc, sbtain {ate E,t' EUr'Fri:.irrg th* n;ttiuÉ tr.amF aiter' dar'11 ' Bete=' ,lre=.sed in a r¡h i te shee t, and h is co--.tume and d i='mai

At,i-rri'-:r that the;v {led in all '-fr.c'å.nE Ecr frightene,J the in*=. directianE. h vlurtr-Å qirl n{ ahout ten balted stna'ight int¡ lrlallÉn/E ar'mg, and he ¡rt tr'nce :'ecUred afr d Ç+r]!ed hen. Ehe told Eate=. that Èaptain Esrþier h¡.d been =pear'ed E,r, the rratir¡e=. End hi=. body hi'Jderr irr the :'r:r'ut'.75 Eate=' eaid th-r.t úr D.¡.r.ri=- h.:.d giuen he ;.nd his mateE .1 =-m¡.ll t,.ra.t in excl-¡¡(rrqÉ {or' the ir EÊrt"r ice-=' r åFrd tl-r at " tlr e t'l acþ'

r_rinl [ÀråÉ c].=imed bf'L*larlxy [l¡.1¡. llen] -1-= hi:- Fr'JFrert/, e.nd

rr l-r hun t . "7-{ I i ued çrr i th l-r im ¡rt Hrrr-r Eia.l'r ;..=.=. i ='t i 1-r im tr¡ In 1Ë31 Jchn H+rt r,ri-=ited Kanqaroa in ccmmand

c,{ the :.chtr'trrr Ér' "El izåt,etFr " on å =.*alirr ¡-.t uc'yå.qÉ f r'c'm L+unce=ton, cEmmPncin¡ c'n ó Decemt'en 1B'.f1. He anchored in l.llepean FaTr l'.a.ngarc,n I=. la.nd, on ?ll Elecemt'en 18:1 1r .*nd ccllected Ë= tr:,n:. of from the nearby la.goon. He

r¡'r a. {r¡m the h'au;rFrt ltl tl l:i :.*¡. I =.kiin=. årr d lll ,llr-1 tt lla.h:":.1{in=' i:-l¡.nder-=77 Fã.:i,irr E tu./- FÊr. tLtLt {r-,r't,¡alì¿.h}'end ki:rrr q-tr'tr'É'

in=..78 Ha.r t i d tFr +t ths i:. 1ar¡ dzr''=, r¡.1 i tl¡ t.rlFr r¡rrr ir e tr.:r'led =.k =,-=,. .l h;..d ìEf t ¡,r¿.¡içrr-1 --. Se¡. ing (.rÈ=.Ëel=. tlll-r En trrn their h¡mer,''lErd 7Ll urryå.Ee.7F ËuF,F, I ied r.uith {lc,ur. t*a, EU'-1'1r', t'=h*ccc'. and å frr¡ ":-lrrpç" thei- ÍJlrter'ally liued in pain= trn the shoreE a{ tr,rre af the little tay=. :rnd cultiL;ated a ç'mall ve-r,etab, le g*rden, and ä patch r-'f barle'/ fc'r thein tl'¡e pc,uìtr.y. Tl-r et, le,J -a.rr på.g..¡ , independent li{e. Frsn¡ mainland they abtained r¡rive=. r¡-rhc'attended tr-' the r'"ra'llahy €-.n.1r'Éer caur¡h t {i:.h. ¡.nd made UF tl-r e t'sat'E Er'et/'l Ern Eeal inq extrun=ion=. tr-, the neighbnuring rock.=.. At l¡'-¡.n'JarË'-r 1E trf tlre=,e mÉn. fin a IEland ther.e r,Jer'e =.trrrrrg l,J' c'r' cert,+in d¡.¡*r trnce .l '/Êa.r, ther a.=.=.embl ed f ntr'm al I pante af the i=. l-r.nd t¡ rrrpÊf- Har't':. ueE.E.Pl at I'leF's¡¡ Eel' a.nd ÉuF,Fl ie:. {nr' di=pnee o{ their =.kin=, g*tting in return å tl-r e iclIar".rirr g :.'*:,", the r-'rrly m':'nÉ;ï' r'Équir'ed E*inr-r EoUereiqn Br tr,.r¡ f,:r mak-in,1 Êå.r*r'inq=.Et Sturt's,li scr-ruer i es ne=.uì ted i n ner/.J enthu:.i É.=.m -lmclnr-J

1Ë:l :1 l.'''la.þle{iEìd mÉrTrtr'rå'rr dum tl-r e r:Lrlflnizer'.-.. Irr 'f;,.rr uar'l' I {Er.¡¡ured St Uincent'E Gul+ å.8- the :-ite '-r{ the col'fn:"¡ ber+r-¡-qa th* måqrr i{irent r'it¡er' ir..l:.t dis'ctr'uErÉd h}' :li tur't {l¡rr,,le,l 4r.:,r at,c,ut Irtüll miles thr'r-rugh fertile cauntry' tJe.ll*+ieìd arrticipated th¡rt .=rlì ll-¡È pr'nduct=' i:'f Ea='ter'rr y f th iE pì a'c* É1 Éìu=traì ia r¡oul d ÉçEntuel I be =h ipped rom ' Rnb*rtGc,ulfer'e'plarraÍ¿l'lar'1iì:{lnntedthetthenEW EÊrUther'n råu='tr'*1 i;t ':É'lc,rr ], t+CrUld t,e Crrr the Êtrå-=t ¡f oppa=ite Pi+nr--lernn I=. l-e.ndr tec.rus* thi=. t4-1e t^,rhere th*

þ1r.rr'r'+y *nrptied irr tr-, the =.ea..É? 7t

After. much deliberatiÉn thr srJuth Au=tnalian Cì=.=.aci+tinrr t,Jä.= {c,rmgd in Êeremh'er 1.q33. and Frtr'F'c':'ed Snuth tha.t Farl i.3.ment =.hauld "på-=Ê a.n Act ErÊåting,al i.r å Ër.or.rrn f:alc,ny in r¡rl-r icl-r the l¡Ia.l,ie{ield :.t':'tem c'{ canried out under la.nd =+leE and emiQratic'n cauld he fìr-,t,srnment. "83 r-,{{ i r i al =. aF,ttri nte,l hy the An "l-Jutl ine ¡f the Pìa.n o't a PropÊ'=Ed llslonÏ to t'e fc,unde,l 'lrr the Ënutl'r ll.c,aEt 'ri Au:.traìi¡." 'J".t'e det-ril=' ':'f the 50u th AuEtral i an AEEoc i at i an's a i m= end the Frr:'{i=.inn=. e.nd aduant;tge= ¡{ the pla.n, tar¡ether r¡ritl-r å grEåt deal of the euidenc* gr.thered in prÉpar'¡.ti¡n {¡r' itE È:{Étrut iorr . Ì4uch a{ th iE e'..,idencs pninted trr l{årr r-få.r'ErË' I=.I*nd aÊ. -1 suit-r.Ele Iacatian {or thp colc'n}" irr tri:'rTrFet it ic'n v.litl-r Fr¡r't Lirr cr-,ì r¡ -lrrd tl-r e ee=ter'n =.ide c'{ Ei t Uincent"= rli¡1¡.:14 Fc,r.rîc'r.Ê than thir'tf':l'PRr'E tl-re littl* =.ailirrg :'hip:' had hattl*d their t'r.11' thr'ough stGrm:¡ EÈa=' irom S;¡dne;"r Hc,h-rnt -+nd Launre=,ttrn tn l4arrq-

tl-r RuÉ'.:'.rr dÊ' , called a.t tl-r * t=. l-rrr,l ¡.nd tc'.rk terr =.c,i c'f ='ea1 .|ìåttÌ' 14.:(ni-f-1r'Dc s.nd r.,Jå. skin-= ha.cH tr tl'r xir hame pnrt='

Tl-r er,e iE rr È' rrJå.;!' rtl deter'mininçr the rr unrher' c'{ unrFccr'de'J r: r¡lh r.,lere rr.rrecked r,¡h il x ;rttempt in!-¡ t¡ i=.itE, the =h ip= ich

'=' r,Ea.Cl-r li,-+r¡J-1.r.c":' I=. l+rr d, tl-r e rr un¡trÉr' nf undeClar'ed =.1'.irr r.rrh ich t,rers ta.ken. Er' the mÈn L,.rhr-r ì o=.t the ir I ir.te= t"'rh il e

Érr g.iqp'J lirr ,_:l . Tl-r e r'e=.ult Ê,{ tlr * tr'+{iic {r¡r' in =,e-¡. 7?

Hançraroo t.råÉ the inevitable depletion c'f see.l and l{;trr qaF¡_,c, numtrÊpË. I årr d .1 =.mal'l Fer'månFrrt Fif,pulatlarr. The decìine in the Ellin trade brought abnut by s!,Ér.-F.EFl,=itatic,n led tr'+der'=, ts e¡: tzrr d tl-r eir' Lrlhalirr q actiuities fr'r-rm tJ:tn Diemen's Land r¡Jatens tn tho='e anaund sçJrrÉr' lr;E.rr g.trc'tr Iela.nd. Henry Fieed, c,f Hat'+r't, t,e¡¿.me par't o{ the r,,,rhaìer ,,HÉnrf,' in Èpril 1g?1"i5 and Fr'c,b¿.È'ly l¡ad r*rhaling g-".n'l-? e='tablished c'n l¡.-e.nrl+raa I='land in lE:rt"1'J Ey June 1Ë3Ë Hart al Eo h¡.d a. r.,.rhal inrl establ içhment thene. FrnEahly at Hag E*y.87

Eett.reen $ ,Iune and 14 septemEer 1.q32 the'¡nen ÞJhal inr¡ "Henry" t¡ok =.toreg to l'iangaroo I-=ìand {nr Ha.rt'-= turr rs.t¡rhl is.hmerr t. r'eturn inr--¡ r¡rith 47 ca=h=, il¡l'Fr tain ing 1:l = af r¡lh;rle oil and 4É t'undì*= af r¿.lhalehcne, includinç ç'omÉ

Ë'l-r Enrrrunter rc, ll*cte,J E,)' Ge,-r'5r* El:rte'=' -e. lc'rrq tl-r e tr'r'e af Ea:,.ËË Fi{t'¡'y*-ìrs ìa.ter', Erate= s.till cla.imed tl-r;rt Har't ha,l txl+en hi.-= ç.t¡.ckj sf r,.lhalÉE,LlnÊ r¡tithr¡ut payment.ËF H¡rr't

-=ÊFr t the "El izaE,eth" to Kårr i--J.1r'BB I:-land in .Tr-lli' 1L1:1'-1 a'nd

the r.,,ÉE.-=È I r.e turne,J ta LauntrÊE t':rrr Ê,rr É4 åugu'='t 1B¡-l r¡l i th 1 tun of r,,.rh-r.le ¡i.l.9ü îCl tone c,{ =.a1 t and i='{ r¡lhal inc e=.tabl i=hm*nt=' The modenate =.uccÊEs the at H-+nq.=.rr-,C, Iç.ìarlI Pntri:'U¡;..r¡*d tl-l e Ta='mani*rl mÉr'':l-r -lrr t,

LìriJf ith=, ta -=en,l the ËcFr oc'nPF "HFnri"" tl-r ere e.q'¡.in in

Fetr.Uårï lÉ3:t . Llrr de¡ .L:¡r rt LIC,*p:.' trrtrffrffr.tF¡d the "HPrr r';"" t'-rC'k

r.,.rha.ì inr¡ Eeår. *nd pr'--'u iE ion=. tc, the u.rhe. 1 inq ='ta.t i¡rr +t HaEl

r¡.¡l¡ ,-f Fn i rr t rr eer. l.ia.rr ,1a.rc,,= H*ad.17 1 .Ic,nÈ:. r's turned tr-, tl-r x -e. l i rr 7-? sta.tion in ,Iull, 193:r -rnd then trîEE'=êd to Éape 'TBFuis.

Frcm tl¡ s highe=-.t paint tr'f tl-r e E:ape l-¡e l-r ad

"l.ladier.a Farket" ìe{t hinr there åE å memt'er' af R ='eal inq ,_lång in l'l¡r.remh*r 1:-Jz-d. He t, må.-3tÊr o{ the "HenP;v" in l-=,.te 1[-+3:] .rnd r'rtur'n*ci tc, L+urrceç'tr-'n orr 2-1 l-l¡u*mher l:1'-¡3 fr.¡m the whaling qrounds in Ea=E Str'ait and f*ian5-rernr: IElarr d.?4 Duttarr i-.. thougl-rt to l'ra.ue E'Fent cBr¡:'iderat'le time ún l.ianlraruo I:.1+nd and iìap* Duttan cn thE i=land"='

É.':tmÉ r-'{ l-r i nr, trcr,1Ê.t r¡a=. pr.c,Eabl l, the Ë.r:?rt e af =' artiuitiea.FS

In 1832 the "Eì izehetl-r " tr:1r'r-iÉd -1 F,åE-='Érr i---lPr'¡ l"1r:' Ll'Erien. r¡lhen r'eturning ta LaUnce=tAn fr':'m 'Sydney a'nd

¡,i;tn1la.rac, I=. l.rndif-{ a.nd irr 1E;::{ the "HÉnP¡*" c¡.r'r'ied f itre på==.engers in¡ludinr-r "l*1r and l'1r=. Taylar a.rr d trhiìd".P7 trrrr a vir.¡,àqe ta the l{a.n¡¡anor-, I:-land rarhaì inç =tatisn. These cauld haue Eeerr the f ir'=-.t EUr'ÉFÉåß !ìJc'rTren tc' '-:lc' tÊ'

H+nq.¡.r'o': I sl and.

l Ta.=.m¡.n i ar¡ tr'ader=. der.,e ì'-rF Éd l4-e.rrï =.ui:trr=.=.{u intene=.t= in rarhaling. iSeor'r¡e l4er'edith h-e.d the ='Ehc'c'nPr'r ,'Bìacþi 5t.rå.tr". Eullt {c,r. tl-r e FUr'F-J=,e. It r¡Jå.E. ctrrrTlFlet*d irr 74

June li42--l.9Ë l4er'sdith quar'r'el led r'uith hi:. s.c'nr f¡ec'r'qer r¡rho seal ing?F Ou* r'-1n Et!-.tFÉurr d in =tcrìe the =choonen t¡ -qÊ rrå.Ê' Ea=.E Strait la.te in 1Ë2P.ltlLl The s.chc¡ner ='alr,';1r7ed a ten En,l =old a.nd Ëeonge 1.1*rBdith Junion then hought 1Ll:l? ar'riued a.t H+n¡ra.r'c'c, uanEd =.eal irr çr t'a*t. In ahout he I-=land åccomFsnied Ey an nld Dutch =.ailtr'r, Jarst"Éeam-r'nr .rnd an ¡lmer'i¡s.n hlack rramed Ea.thur'ç.t. They h'=td at'dr:,:ted å

r.,Jomå.n r¡'rho I ¡çt /'fun--J TaEman ian ' Eumbì ef cat 5al , h-¡'d -=.e',fÊr'al tc,eE. r¡rhen '/c'un,-f hy :'leepirr g toc, rla:.r ta tl-r e {ine. and tw¡ r\boriginal vaut¡3'1il1 Th* F-rrtv ='ettled at [*Je=.tern Rir¡eF trn Kangaroa I=. l¡rnd'a nanth c¡ast and I i',¡ed

yÉårE. irr g there fc'r' :,p"¡Er'-tì E,:t =,eal -rnd cultiu'rtinçr. In ahoul 1¡341Ltl r.,rhilF c,rr å =.**ìirrg tr'ip l"ler'edith c.rnrped En tlre he¡.rh -rt Yankalilla. He r.+å.E murdered there

E,i, t-rnÉ r,{ tl-r e Èhc,r'i,1 inal ¡'r,ut¡=..1t1 !, ticin,-l th.r.t

I'leredith r.4å.=. mi=.-=inq the i'=lsnder'=. ËÉå.rched fcr him hut

ftrund tr,rr l:/ hi=. decal,irrg remain'=.. *fter' t'ur'.rirr r=l hin¡ tl-r P!' set eut in pur=uit of the mur'dÉrer Eut r¿lÈrÉ

UFr -=ucce=..=.{¡¡.1ü4 l4er.editl¡ \.,JåÉ Eslieued tur Fr c'=.:.F8.-=. t,etr..lJeerr

fr-,ur a.nd iiue th¡uEand FRUnd-ã and t¡ h-+r,¡e br¡ried hi= Er-'ld

at [,,1e=.tern Fli,.rerllJF t,ut å.F, Få.rently thi:. r¡a:. rtet.ter' {a¡lrr d'

Lrlh.el i nr--r ha=ed on K:rngaroa I sl and con t i nued. I n e+r'l l' lEtã4 ,Itr,rr È8. =.,=riled in the "HBrr r'1"' {r'am tl-¡Êr'e ta '.it Uincent'=, Liuìf in search nf r.'.¡ateF .3.-= the i¿land h*+d .3 o{ sEFËr'ienred å lr'rr Et 'lr'au,-:rht, 'Ii:rr ÉÊ' {c'unË ç¡c'c,d ='uppl¡'

wa.ter in R smaìl t'a;r tc, the rr Êrtlt rtl the hea.dland t¡rhith 75

Fl indera hed n¿.med l.lor'tht.¡e'=-t High Bluff . He e:rplared the r:traEtl ine t¡ the nr, a.nd diç.rL-|trer'ed å f irr e h¡.rt¡sur Et tl-re Entnå.ntre IPr-rr't AdeIa'ide =.heItererl by ån i=land RiuerJ, år¡d ear/ E,Éveral other f ine ç.tr'eam=' a. lorr g tl-r e ea=tern si,Je of Ët uincÉnt'e liulf . J¡nes l\r'å.É aEh'-rre in numårc'U=. place:. ;trrrJ I¡.rent tl-r r'eP ':rr {our nr ile=' inland' Th* bìecþj. country he Eår.AJ rr.,.1Ê uery f ine, the =oiì nirh End ¡l tl-r e qr..RË.8. \.ter'y fii1;¡l-r &rr d tl'¡ irþ:. å.r¡ d tl-r e c':'Urr trl' 'at¡RUrr dirr and the in k: angar.aa= and emus. He cc,neidened 'Ierrti:- p.1=.tÈr.rr s.har'e r-r{ gt uincÊnt":. Ëul{ ås. tlre he='t ='uit*d fnr  settlement r-rrt art'¡ part of the coå'='t r¡hich he had €-EPn' He h.=.d Eeerr c'n thtr,=.* toa='t=' {nr three yEarÊ't *rrd dur'in'¡ aìì Èeå.súns r¿l the :rearr r4-aÊ nÉr.rpn Ehont ci larateP.lLl':' t.rhal irr Ûfl The deuelnpment r-¡f =.ucr:e=.-=fuì ¡1 =t¡.tion'=' Han,-la.r'c,a i:. lan,J ¡.rr d in LipPnfÉr¡E r-+ul{ :rd'led t¡ tl'r e enthu=.ia=m r-,f tho-=e plannin¡-r .1 net'J c'llan./ in LìÉuthern åu-=tr'aliar åE it E.Ur-J'---.le-=ted .".1-r rdditic'rral rrrPårr =' L')'r¡l-r icl-l the F,nc,F,ur=.e,1 cglani. could becomE e':L1 r|'ffTr ic-rlli'

i ndepend*rrt . Ürre cr{ t-þe ,:Ei ec t:. E+ tFre Ëau th Èu= tr'al i 'rn

rlompany rr.r.3.E- "the pursuit c+ t4haler Êeåì I and ather 1Ll 7 { i:.her'ie:. irr tl-r * gul l=. .1rr d EÉåE åF trurrd tþe EE I Érr ,*. " þJhen the råct fon the eEtab'liEhment of Èa¡rth Au=tr'¡..l ia. t*can¡e lat,.r c'n l5 Augu:'t 1gg4.1lJE it :epme'J that

the mrr,le I cal c,n;v r¡Jr-ru I rl h¡.,,re ÉuPr')' chance cf -euÊcËÉ€' ' The

planners. tel ierled tl-r er'e r.,,r,-¡uld t'e {irr .=.nciaì çtairr {ar them from set¡en¿l s'-rul-cÊË. Fntential emirfr*itFr t:' r¡.rere cptimiEtic 7é

åbout thein future in å netJ land r¡ithout the socia.l pr.aE,l em=. urf Engl and. The Ee t t I erç. on Kangar'c,a I ç'l and knet'r nc,thing af the FìånE r¡rhich u¡auld bning dnamatic changes tc, their liuee. Their. -=El{-suf{iciency r¡Jå=. rrroderated ßrrly E'y dependence gn cnntact r¡ith outEide tnader= {an çrood=.

i ander.:. c'n I y cE(me toge ther {c,r trad i ng and {nr the The =,1 ne=-.t of the yean they liued ae dictated by the iEland enr¡irannrent arr d tl-r eir i:'r/Jn character=. 77

I HTG ! I rl June IE2'3. 7 Ihid. RE=.eår'r:l-r,te qljLl , l"lLE:A, fr'c,m LiE,r';ar'iå.n. l4L . 4 HTË, 25 l'larch 1Ë?6.

L¡ Ib,id., 1i:l .lußp lt:l'./C,. L Ibid. - Ibid. Lì It'id.r ?5 l4a.r'ch 1''J2É,. P Auatral i.¡.rt. ? l'larch 1-d?,å. I r:l It'id. Aì, llir¡nrr inghamr ÉF,. cit., F. 2-F:¿,. 11 HTrj, llJ Jun* 1B-t-{. 1! Ibid. t .:' Þlap !, Hundr'*d '={ l'lenzi*=., 1'Ë'Eur [,L 14 ËÉR, ?'.3eptÉmt'En lB?5. 15 l::unrF s.tcn , lla.n qa.r c,a I ì .tr¡J I Ell¡tt- 1 F_l1.4 1t11. =. r F. 1.r Lc'ckÌ'er Pa.pen=, 1ËZd-?7, 1d ,Je.nue.n;" L8ll7 , f.ll-. l7 Ibid. lÉ IEid., ? Épr'il 1P-:l7. IP Aduert i', ?7 Decenrher 1LìB-4. 2n L¡tkl'er F+per'=.. t AFr'il 1El-J7. l'll. zl ilump=ton, lí.L, p. 1DB. f.a -7' LL 5ÈR . Ëe p t PFrt,P r' I L:llr5 . l:¡b=.ef'.JBf' , 31 July lEE't. Ih¡,J. ¿-5 Êdr.¡er.t i, 77 Erecemher. lt:18,5. 7,t Ihid, .-.1.? ¿J IE,id. ¿É, Fl,=nr I*,"r ar fr . È¡t., F. 1[2U. K i ng=cate l:r' .L,l.A.r trF, cìt., t. ?3i Euedir¡er', 'rF. cit., F,. -t¿ ?tl tlump -= t trn . l,{.L, p ,5?. :11 Ihid, p. 7?. 3? Ibid. E.I.-, l"lalli=.c,n. The Te.ç.marr i.3.n At'nr'iqirr e=., l.l¡te=. Ern t h e Tl"r ,fm-q:. fram i I l' , l{a F,å.ËÊ . :14 Ruxdiger, c'F. cit., p, -Jç LlumF=.tan, Pi,I., p. 1tl.{. ='il. :{ó Flcmlel'. c'F. rit.. F,. 1t:l 1::l . arj tbser'r,ren, lE .Ianuary 1Ë:ì3. :1'¡ Fiuediqer. c,F. cit.. F,. 5d. rlf Tind¡.ìe, rt1. cit., F. 3U. q[l Fit..ledi¡ler., c,F. cit., F,.52. 4l Fl¡mle>', ,-1F. cit., F. ilZ. Ih'id. q:{ t'Jir.riPrr nF Fi Elli=.. Truc.rnirr i: -lueen ':'r' Tr'aitc'r-,' Fp. ?-111 . ã.Frd P, P. Price, The Fir=.t T.=.em-e.nie.n=¡ Ft. 7-l , 44 L. Êrarr , Tl-re rlbr,r'iqinal T.=.E.m,rni.r.rr ç.. p. 1:15, 4= Pìnmlet', fiF, ctt., p.845. 4,j IE,id., F.Ë4É. 47 Ib¡d., '-rF. cit.r F.lü1r:l . I F-'

48 l',1. E. T indal e, T¡=m-rn ian åt,sr iqine=. r¡n l€nqa.rao I Ë.å. =.1and, , F, 4'/ Ibid.! F,.:{:'{. Ruediger, ap. cit.r P' 5-å. 5lJ Ihid. 51 A. Harr,reyr "Fl int Imp, lement=-. r'{ Ta=.m-l rr is.rr Ì"{actune found at lìape Har't, Hangånc"f IEI'=tnd"' t'rü] Ëe c 'rr'ds. the 5c,uth Au''-+1 ia.rr l"lu=.eun¡ r . UIt F. 52 Tindalet cF. cit.t p. "¡15. A. t3. Prire, The Fnund tirrn and Êettlament ,:'{ South'al i,r.r F,F, :;'-1 4, 54 Ib,id., F, 1tl. . t- t Ihid.' F. 13. IEid. HFtÈ, 3. .4. 5t7, 5E=7 ËÈRt ? September' l.q'75. Ël-r +r'le=. Etur't. Tt¡a Erç,editiEn'=. irr ttr' the Irrteric'r'n{ =F' Sr-,uthern Èu.¡tral ia., Ur-rl . !, p. 7. ,JI IEid.r F,.S. d1 IEid., F. L=7. Ihid.. F,. 175. .d '-J Ibid.. Fr. 170. ,J,4 tlunrp .E:-L-, F . 1 --¡.i . It,id.=.tnn, -:l Ih,id, Èd,,rpr' , 27 DE tr Énrt'1" r' I EEI'4 . I í=¡ Ll¡Jmp=tan, l'..I.t p. 1!7, ,:l+ E; c'F. cit..r..,rE, I . l, F,. t7C, 7lt Ibid., F,.Ë:-ì1?. 71 F'Rr:iE:. Ur:'l , UI , pF,. ?1-Ë,J. FJ -l ¡ldr.rert 27 De ¡ emhe r' 1 BE'$ . "Ì,-J FF:t:iSr lorEI. torlr FFt. tl-2,1 . ¡4 ihid. 75 Éd',., rr' t i r' , 77 Ele c snrt,e r' I EllI:,5 . Ihi'1. =.x ?? [, I'i.I., p. i1',1 . 7-d'rrer'r :Jl July 1tl:l-+. 7Y ,l Hent, Letter'E. fr*n¡ Uicti-rr'i:+rr Finneer:.t p. :JLl Ë. ËrJ I tri d. gl H . r:i . Pr'ice, clt'. cit., F,. 17. Ê-) Ihid., F,.?1 . '-1':, l-lutl irrp cr{ tl-r¡ Fl.¡.n 'r{ .i( F'r'C'c,¡=*d lllr:rlcrr¡ :.r' tr: be the Ë¡u l-r r¡.1 i L':,n dtr n , 1Èl:14r FÉFr' i rrted Èdeì ei de 1';'¡Er. Ëumpetan, H.I.'' p. É8. frE ,='._l LH. l.lichr¡ì-=':,rrI Hr'r' ._1. r. T.r.=man i a 1 Etl:{-l B:r! rF' lã:-T' It,id.r F,. 'f -1 üumpEtÈn, F,. 11?' Ib'¡d. ,=! f l:lt,E.É r.r,, B r. 31 .lu I l, I ElEr,5 . t7

?tl l-ump=-ton, E-'L-r F. 1?fi. 9l IE¡id, FRtiS, Vnl . )-iXII, p. 7:!'. ?3 Ruediger', r-,p. cit.t p' 51. ,I,F. c p. i2711 . î4 Flicl-rc,I =.trn r it., P5 Ruedigen, Ép. cit.r p. 51. -l ¿' [:unrp=-tc'nt H.l" F. 11F. F7 Ruedi ger, op. c i t. r p. 45' 9Ë tlichc'ls.nrrr ÉF. cit., p' 157. 9P Ruediger, c'tr. Eit.r F. 73. I trü þlichf,'l Er-,rr I ÊF,. c it, . F. 1,å5, 1fl1 The Liouthern Augtraì ian, 74 -Êeptemher 1844. 1u2 L1umF,:.t'=n, lr,.i,t p. 13Ë. I 113 John tJn+tha.l I Bul l, Eanlv Exnerience= j-'+ Li+* in Lìtruth AuÊ.tr'å..l ia, F. 13-J. 1 Lt4 Leighr ÊF, cit.r F. 157. 1t:t= r:i.E. Ì,.lel l:.r Il:r'ad I e 0+ s. Ën I on Y F. é' I tr,J r+.1i. Pnice, rp. cit., p.25. 1 Lt7 È.I.Di¡rmc'rrdr "A:.ç'ect:. of tl-re Hi=.ttrr'y B+ the :{.4 l-:ampånl,-The Fir=-t Decå.de", t?55 Thesisr p. 3. 1t-tË É.Ei. Pr ice, RF. tr it. , F. 7?. l::l-r ,r.E t Ê r' 4

tftic i a.l Ëettl er'E 1.q3å

Karr qar¡¡, I=. la.nd'=. f ir.=.t r,{{icial Eettler'e s.aiìed into l'lepean Ee.Ï at,oar'J the "Dul4e ctl '(r-'r\'" ÉsFl¡* tr'n ?7 ,Iulþ, 1,!3.{.1 l¡Jh*rr in :.i'1ht sl tl-re i='larrd the Fr'Eir.'inu=' er.reningr l-aptain FlaE,ent Ila.r'11 l"lr-¡rEånr a. d*uout l'"lesleyanr ga.ther'e,J the F,åEEÉrr qeFE {c'r' å F'rå:"Ér' meeting'Ë =nd E':rr--rrr a{ten landin,¡ cr-,nducte,l å shnrt =ervice tc' gi"re th¡'nllE harrd af {c,r their. =.x{e -e.r'r'iuel ,3 Th* ìittle ='ettler=' assemhìed En the shÉre Ìacinq the dEn='e scrub of the

Urt l{rt ,ftJrt l rrr ,l . The=.e trtr'UrågÉ'--'U=. pe,:ple, tr'usting the pìanneFE ¡f the nÉrr¡ colony, h.=.d cr¡=.=ed the r.'.larld tn make nÉi.{ I i,.re=. .-e.nd {¡un,l tFr e mod*l Étr'ì¡rr l'. Lil{e thP t'lårr ner='t they e':¡.ltlcte,l {in.r.ncial gain ta re=ult fnnm thEir' ef f¡rt=., Elut l il¡.e tl-r e i=.ì.¡.nd*r"=', tl-rEl' r¡lÉr'É thrc't"tn 'Jrr

their trrt\rn Fe-=c'urÉ=. ;rt Én':É.

Ë,-utl-r Êu=tr'a. l iE rr.Ja=. t¡ 'c* trrrrr¡ tF¡lled hl' the ll'tr'lt'niel Er{f ice, t.lhile a Br¡ar',1 af tlammi='=ir-,ners tÄJ.l-=' tc månå.ge the l¡l¡.|{ef ield :.}''=.tem r-,{ la.rr d -=.ålÉ=' -

ipr-Jf{nerr the m.r.-i or' The irr tr¡ducti¡rr ¡i å' =.1-r =h.¡.r'eh,:'lder, iZ:..ti¡fr ifl ri"ea:'ed tt'r e Fr C'q4pf.+Ul fTri:'ne:r'-frraþ:l ifr,---l ':,f''--låfr E.pÉ element, created in Enqland å.n immen'=ely and in{l uent ia.l c1 iÊrrtÉl e of dir*ctare. and =.ut, ih*r'=',

i n tr.aduced a r¡re i qh tl' hsdy wha=e pol i cV and i cal uier¡q. ÞIÉrp of teFr Fådical ly unec'und.5

The f: ommi=-Ei6ner=' r¡riehed ta -='EFr d the SuruÉyor-Ëeneral , l,'.liìl iam Light, ahea'd rtl the main dÚdy

,ff cal,:ni' to rI-1FF,r' ¡lrUt pr'ei inl ing.r'l' È:": FIL-'r'a.tian and deci,le ert the :-ite o{ the f ir-gt =ettlement, but Light's' ill-he.:rlth del*yed hi=. dep*r'ture. The delav'=' rauEed

bi tter f ruetrat ian to of f icen= l iu ing i--'n the ir trtr'rn

capit.rl , to emi¡rr'ant=. F,PÈFa.r'xd ic,r emt'år'l{atiorr , å.ßd tn the management a.nd sharehslders of the 5.p1. E:gr. a.t'ra.iting

¿ Fr'trr+ It= ''J

The lìc,mp":.n¡'had aht-a.irr *d .1rr d Fr'EFared +s'='=El=' 4¡r r,rlhål inE. and with the å.F,F,roach r-,4 the r,'.rhalinr-r €.8-l.=.'ln it

'lecided, r¡lith the -1FFt-É,uå. I ':{ tlrs l],t,mnr i:.=.ic,ner'=..=.[r d the f,crl r-rn Ll++ ¡tr8 it=. ips in k:n.rr¡ì edge of the i-¡.1 r ts =end =.h -e.jr.r¿¡¡¡ cr{ thg:.e r-rf : tl-re E,:,ar'd ¡4 l-ic,mmi=.',rr er=.'7 Tl-r e

Eå.;",, Eelieuing that tt-ri=.* t,rcuìd ¡rir.r* them ËrsrTrmå,Fr d c,f the r.'.rha.ìe fieheries +nd trad* in the ll;ul{=. The site

ch':'=.en r.r!¡(€- {ir'=.t ralled *rr g.=.'=.:, ìn htr,nÉ,ur ¡f l];ec,r'ge Fi+e

Anga=,8 t,ut he ¡h.jert*'lF -r.rr ,l th* rr å.rrrP r.+Jå.E cl-r an'-1Êd ta Hinr¡=cote hcn'-rur'ing Henrl' l','ing=.cute r.uho hed "F, '..,t dot¡'tn Èã,tlüCt " tc, ena.hl e the .c.È. f.,:. tt, t,e f I natx,j.lU aJ Ff

The directors pla.ced qrÉat relia.nce Bn l-Jearçe Ëutherland'=. er,'idenre that, during EPuÉn montl-r s EFrent trn Kangarac, I=.ìand in 1fl1P, he had EÊÊn hundradE of acPÉ=. o{ fertils sFÈn ì¡.nd uJith plentr a{ {r'e='h t+ater'. In 1"1I1 Suther.l.=.nd repur'ted that 2ü =hip=. cnuìd mÉi-rr u'rithin 1Ün y,e.rd=. o{ tl-¡ e EhEr.e, ¡.nd tl-¡p ÊåmÉ numt'er' s.afely anrhnr' further af{ in Pi+ngaraa Içland"=. harbaur. Suthettland clEimed th-¡.t l-r Ê Êrr trE rr'o=.:.ed the ielËLnd andr a+ter he

h.r.d p-+=.sed the belt ot t.¡c'nd t+hich =.urFL-runded the I:-1*ndt r,'.lall{ed Ern trt/Et- EË'en pì i:E'.rsrÉd r¡lith ClÉsÉ ='hnr't g''a: ê-r Ë.Éeing m,3.ny Þ-angaraae a.nd emuE.ll Tl'r e ,Jirectar'É.'

Ey.Fec ta.t i ons r¡f l-{-+n¡-larno I 1 and r./.rÉl'E there+ûnÉ undu I ;r =. r'ptimi=.tir.

:juther. l.¡.n,J''.=. -=tletrh ma.plÈ t,L..lld hi=. tr'acþ. cr'c,=.=.irr ;-.t =.1¡ the i=land in å mtr,FÉ trr' leE= dirett I ìne fr'f,m Ea'r '-ri

:jhnal=. tt, iìau' l"le:.t Fli'/er thr':'Uql-r tr':'Urr tF)'r.trhiCh i=. rr t:rr.^l

,Jum kntrr,,rn t¡ h¡.rle heen ,:or,'Er*d r¡lith dert=.z =.tninËf'ha.nþl and :'tream='r :-

-lcr.c'E=. tt'r * i-=larr ,J *t all."1l+ It Fr ,1E trgPt-l =.u,:t,--JË=.ted th¡.t '.Ëutherle.nd mts:/ h'+r,re rr''-1='=.ed the i:-land a.fteP É:l.tpn=ir"e

{ ire=. l-r .+,J I *f t Iar',1e arBåE. t,.rre r14 but i+ th i:. had trÉÉFr the ca=e h+ =h¡uld h¡.r.,E naticed =.iqns. Other ì.,i=-itc,r'3 t'= par. r.,?,:eC i E:u tFr er'1 +rr d' I'iançrar.,:a I:-l a.nd i r¡ the i c,d F, n'¡ =. Ëts.y. trillen in 1Ë15, Hammr-'nd in 1917 and Ain=r¡.rarth in earl!, 1[{17, m-+de rr 'tr nefer.err i:e to de,¿a---.tatinr_r b'u=.hf ire:.t naF did the çea. ler=- camment on å. disaster r,"rhich, had it heen 'ln ç.UCh å SC:tle å=. t!:' cr'e.=te c'FPn plain= ACr''f=.8 the island, mu=.t made É-JtrrÈ impr'e5Ë.iün 'in themr ÊuÈn th,-ruEh tl'rÉ} Iiued cltr:.* to the cc'agt. -quther'land'=- tr'hsenr.ration=. ¿.nd (då.rning= rÈgå,rdin¡r the c'f,å-=tl inB r,rrerÊ quite r.BliaEle and it EaÉm=. ìikel¡' that l-rB {crmed å fs.nci{ul picture cf th* inland re,liorr ba=.ed on t'that

.tFpsar.rd ¡( ple.*:.,rnt t,,rhen ,,rieu¡ed frc'm '=f{-=.1-¡ ':rr'P. Penh:.p= he wå.e { I at tered r.4hen the Ënu th åu=tral i -rn

A=.=.c,c i et i cn a=.þied h im f ¡r' {ur'ther' e'.r i dence i rr 1g:14 and he (rJåE ple.=.=.ed tc, rBnf irm hi=. ear'l ier' Et¡.tement=. He hEd

F¡ r'.ri:.hed {aun'J th* cl inrate å.rr d the =tr,i'l gnad årr d e t'= Eettle tfter'e him=.elf t¡ en¡-14.'---.le in r,'lhalinr--l . fan r'{hich he thouql-r t thF F,r'a:.p*rt=. r.,JEr'É q¡,:,,1 ,15 Hp s'f,id Ì'r.rl'r åt tl-r e plannËpE. tclåntÉd tc, he-e.r E.nd, t'erau'-=e thef't¿l;rnted to, th*;r frsl içr.rgd l-r im. The EÍråll gr'':'uF seìerted tc' hecr¡nr* the {ir':'t

Act tc, he pas:'ed. E:rcited È'v th* Fr'tr,:.FÉtrt ¡.head and ha.pp'y at the hr-rnßun c'f heing cha=en. they rehe+r-=ed Er.rPPything the;" Ê:fFe,:tpd tr, dü irr Ëc'uth Au'=tr'+l ia, *e.FI d I i'.red crutc'ide in tent=.1'4 l¡lhile thel. r.'.r;..ited tt-rpl, dr*enred ¡{ tl-re ìif*

themEelrJe=-. Er=. L?. r-Jr'r='uF. The ehe¡.d and =å.r.rl '.JÉr'!'Frir.rile5-red r'e:(l iti'r.,,r¡.= t,: t,É uÉry di++er*nt. d ù \ \ ù \ \ + a -) a- aV4./3;¡ ù. I v


r¡indr-'t¿.1=. +'lf' ":ìþ;= ti:h ¡f ¡. [.],:¡d Hr_,u=Ê. i:..] ì dourTs ¡nd E;¡uth Ëu=tr'aì ir 1"::i'i T'H' EÉ=tr'Ê" 4 C^r -s Ë4

The |]ompan;" despatched the "Duke of Tork" fr''fm

Err qìand ,:'n 24 Fet¡rrtst'y 193.4. EaFtairr l4ar'garr uJ,1E. RnP a{ thc,e* p iou= penpì e rå.rhsm tSeange Fif e Angas ha.d heen ån:{ic'u=. ta Eend ta the nÉtrJ calL-rn}'. A:' a :r/c'unçt ='ailc'r En t3r'eenu'¡ich, Engl-+ndr he =h,-rrs lg-i.r.rg in hiE h,rme tor¡n r,{ had he¡.r'd l"lr' I=.a+c Engl i=h, t,aþ;:r', in a "'-e=-.Ê.iRn cf trEmmun ion t¿rith Go,l" r,.lh il e the dr-rugh r,rraE r iE inE.l7 l'lar'çran r.\r.LË trtfn,.rented :rnd r¡ith hi= ¡life became a detrout member of the l¿,le=.ìpy.3.rr Ë¡¡iety s{ Gr'eer¡r,,,r ich. *nr¡+s :.*l*tted Elamuel StephenÉ! the ÊEn of a ìea.ding l¡Je=lÉi-'1n mini=terr trr be tl-r e l::ÉrrFån:r'/:. tir"=.t m-e.n-ì.':tPP in S,:uth *':tl ia.

Th* [omp-i.n/'E. atheF ',rÊe-'-=E1'=, the "John PiPiÉ", the

"L-=qd)' l'14.r';v Fsìl-r a.m" a.nd the "Emnr;+" s,.1.ilpd å. fep.l r.''¡ggþl '- ì-rter'. The Llommi==innpr=' ue=.=el=.. the "". tr':'rrrma.rr dEd hl. l,'Ji I I i¡.nr Li1:rht. and the "[:¡'gnÈt" içith the re=t o{ the Ë.ultuÊl/úl-'Ër s.ailad ãtr'me lrtgÊl¡:Ê after the

ËnmpåFr ir'/E. tre=.=.eì E., Tl-re .S.FFrrirl ted qErtrer'ntrrr'¡ f::rpt-¡.irr rlcrhn

H indmarsh, R.f'l . r -=a. i I ed on H.l'1 .5. " Bu{f al c,'' c'rr

4 *u¡ru=.t 1Ê3.4, Tl-re "A{r'itrairr É" ã.Fr d the "Tåm El '5h;

Ê trl I f:rft 'y .LA

Ë¡eì -.:tep'h*ns. cla.imed tl-r -rrt l¡ É ulå=' the {ir'='t ¡¡{f ici¡.'l =ettìer' tc, :-teF a.=.hcr'e in the nÉLlJ cr¡l¡rr i'.1:i' Ru==.ell rìaptain l,1arga.n a.rranged th.=,.t B. =.a.ilor, Eot'ert ' rrJc'uld tr.3.rr'l' El izaheth, ths tr¡'r':' i'Pår' c'ld d-e.u'-ll-r ter tr'f tl-r e and p ì a':e [.amp anyÌ =, deF ut:' måna.'JPF t Th,-rmà= Hud=.c'n Ee:.r'e, g= her feet ûn the shore r¡.rhile the aduìts þJene at dinnen.Z[ hut the Russell had to =tep aehone first to drt thiE little girl ,,r,,rås. tl-re {ir':.t r¡rhite {emale tc, faat ,:,r' th;rt =trand".?l The :.ettlens r¡a,led as.hnre from the "Úu14P o{ TEr14"'E a.nch'fråge thnaugh the Eh:tllow rrls.ter' at the entna.nEe tc

5h,-rat Es.f,. Lì.1 ilc,r':. c.r.rr'ied the tJc,nrÉn and cl-r ildren tur the larrd they h-e.d af durinçr the lang m':'nth= +t ã-P;r' c'n the The mPß uF their tent=' clc'='e ti-J the t'each pr-rint the -ãe.+ìers ha.d called Snakle Point becau=.e ol the numt,er tr'f ç.na.þ;*=. ther' Ê..11J tl-r er'P. rrr' EEt.t¡=' Pairr t a.{t*r å

=-e¡. ler t{htrt tr'rrtrB uç*d it â.'= his ba'=.e. Li'¡ht c¡. lled it "Ë.r+. tl:c,mF,årr i'rÉ F¡int".23 The nst4 ='ettler':' Euilt rt'uqh hu t= å.Ê eÉ'--¡n +=. pc=.-- i t,ì e to she l ten f r¡m the t,¡ i n ten r,rin:,. l.lati';e r.ut'E. grar4 .rlmn=.t tc tl-r e r.'.råtÊr'=. =.1-r edge.*fter.-r. ier*l hour= a.=.hore thet, returned on hc'-r.rd. Ey

1r-1 Fm the eht'inçr tide fia.d ìe{t the "f¡u14e tr{'t'cr'i4" ågr'r-rund in tt¿o fathom-q of r¡.¡a.ter. l"lc,nqan had nst realized that it

¡¡E.Ê fjAc,d tide r¡hen he drnpped åFr rll'r ÊrP. *=- the t¡.r;(tÊr' t.l.lå=' ra. lm, ther'e LiJå= nr:' da.nger and th* VÈãEel righted it=elf -+t the nÉHt higl-r ti,le'22


I a.nding pl ace. iìunu iual depended on adapt inr¡ qu iclll r and ea:'t *nd fc'und an tecuminçr =.el{-ç.uff icient. The;v r,'¡;rlþied eçtuary but the r¡.rs.ten her.e r¡JåË =-.elt. They fnl 1or,'.red the riuer uF,Etream for. ataut f iue mil*=., StepþÉrr e chr'i=terr ed the riuer r¡ith bra.nd7,, naming ¡t the f"ltrgan.?4 Later' it rÂråE renamed the ËyËnet. The ë-.e&lÉFs had called it "Thnee l..,Jell Riuer'". l4r-,n,-fan':' t,ar'tt'Eautr rrrEtF¡} Er.úê.n=' a.nd duck=', :-<'Fr d Ên the fr-,1ìor¡ling da:r Stephen:- took frur men a=hore to diq {r-r¡. r¡laten r¡lhile þs tctrl{ the hr-'at and retur'rr Êd tc' tl-r e niuer in the hape rtl !-letting -=EmE "fEU'l " to nÈ+rÉÉh the

¡--t'Et¡.! ånd FåE,E.engPrË.r r.r.ll-r o l-r -+d E,e*n r¡rithi:'ut fr'e=h rrrPst {ar' manthE. The ÊHcur'=i¡n t{-1=. long, tiring and di=-'ELFpointing d and r¡Il-r Éß hx r'etur'rr Pd "tl-r Ê FÉtrrFlP I igl-r ted '1 {ir+ '1rr ca¡-rkl ed å cF,--rrf,r whirh ther. diuide,J ä.mtfng them-=.elue=."!5 åf ter th iE ina.u=.p ic i¡uE etr.rt, the I lttl E grouF' r.ÂI-1=. ple.e.:.*d r¡h*n the Ëc'mp.3.rrl'/'= '=.eccnd UÈE=.Èl I tl-r e "L='dl' l"ler'f'

Pelh-1m", ?l-i 'å tÉn-=, il-rpt+in Rtr'hert Êo-=gr ãå'iled int¡f ¡ut l"'lepean Eay trtrr 3Ll 'Iull'. TFr e tr¡r'¡'-'hiF'='h'r'd t¡PPFr f itted

å=. rÂJhå. lerE. and equipped r¡.¡ith taats, I ine=, harprJ--trt'Ar try

r,"tl-r E,É,t=. ;rnd nil c*=.14=.2d The lll,-rn¡F,a.rr l' haped tha.t alirr ¡-.t r.r.rnuld begin aìms=t at ontre, Eut +indinçr fre=h LtJ'3.tPr ¡-nd Fr.c,tJiding =helter' and trå.r'É fr'r' tl-r e =.icþì FrÉ€,Pnted ur'-lPnt pratlem= -1rrd r¡,ha.ling h*d ta t¡.tait. r.4ÉrÉ ttr, :.pend :-itEFherr =.. l.largan and BeAr.e ir'r'ced ÉÊt-r -rider'-tt'le ttnre in carin¡.r {r-rn t'lr=' Eeere t"rhc' "t*Jå"= in e ,J*ranqed:.t.r.tÉ rI,{ mirr d r¡lith f¡rlr' heìple=.=. b.ihes. t¡ lr¡¡þj La ¡r

to her aÉ a mother'."?7 5t*pher¡'- *nd Ee*rÉ t'ut uF '1 special tent fon hen and made her' â.-= cam{antable -r-ã pa==.iEle hefc,r'e t'eEUrTr irr g the =.ear'ch {or' {resh t'¡-+ter' truring the a.ftepnc'sn a{ I rluçu=.t they v,rent tn "pånt of

thg EEl. o{ F,h¡4. l=. IFJfr er'e they {aund] å. la.rge t'.rell t''litl-r å ca=.þj eunþ; in it.,'2Ë They thaught thi=. muE.t h¡tr,'È t'een done b:.r the Frenrh e:tplaren= but it waa alma=t centa.inl;r

r.¿JLrr*þ; qånr-J=.r:rn r--¡g'rr Irr årr }'c¡.='e. it tlr e a{ =.e-rlirr q å =.+ìt 8. t'JåË å r¡rÈl':ome diEccrrJÈPi'r a.nd [ÁIåã the trr]¡lr-rñist=-t rhief E':'ur':E c{ fne=.h r¡later' +r-.r' a Ër.rrrEid*r'at'1e time. I t r/,rå.-= ineu i ts.E,l e that the nf f ic ial :-ett ler'e ¡¿.raul d

Eiftrn meet tl'r e i=. I ¡.ndrr's. l:lrr 2 Au'lu=.t, t.rh il * 'Li--Jåin ì n':11 inqr fer r¡Jå.ter, l4crg.=.n and Stephen= met "-t mån -=omeu,rhat I ille Flahin=.orr ll.r'uEc,E r,'lith ltrr '1 hair' arr d tre-a.Pd å =ticþi in !i7 h i= h+nd ån'J ver'! I ittl e a.ppen il ¡..=.ic¡ " . Th* rÍrarr =ai'J he had E,een there frråny :f,par'€- a.nd h-+d Er {erm hT the riuer' r.'JÉnt v'litl-r the m'l'n uith år¡ trtl-r er' må.n. ["1Ë,r'qå.rr and "it*phen=' to h i:. f a.rm "r¡,th itrh r¡J,q.-i cl r¡=ed in r¡i tl-r p i le= dn'lr.!e in the r¿lÈAt- rI¡F.r:,UñrJ c|:'nt-rining s.t,r-,Ut { ACrFÊ. ¡{ [='iC] =''fme tur.nip=. caha¡-le=. [-=.ic] ¡rr i,:rn:- a.rtd .3. {er.'.1 Fr-Jr'¿e'= tEicl the>'har.,e t'iEtE årr d f,:rul'=. t:.icl Iarr d] å {ine r*¡."I'lt1 The

nÈr.4trDmeFÉ r,.rÊrÊ intr'qduced ta the mRn'Ë pa.rtner

r¡.rho -ì.tpear'*d t¡ he R rRUr--rh =-s.ilc'r tl-r nur--rFr ì*ft ,-r+ [=.ic] thE '=Eã. -rnd h-r,l t'een Ðn the i=l-+nd abar.¡t yPår':. Il'lc'r'Eten did nc' t E.-1.ï'l-l r]'L'J trråfr.r'l and h-=,.d hec':n¡e quite nåtr.rri+red hi=. uc,icÊ ;lFpeared t'= harle ls-=.t hi=' n¡c,ther. tc'rr llrJÈ -1=. r.È,:-1.3.r'd=. r.'.=iÊÊ. Th*r =.aid ther h¡.d ttl,rrt t¡.rË'mË,n lir.,ed t,r ith them r¡¡hiCh thx;r c+lled.-i in=. B-q

[=-.ic] and thÉy r/'rÉr'e gonÉ ta c-lti:h r¡'ralìab:¡ þ1r t4it,'e€' ËteuenE. ts.irl irr r.rited tl-r efr¡ to ':tr'frrB r,.rith their to Épe him crn E:unda.l, and ha'.re a. rÉì igiou=. :-ÊruicÉ hutE.åyËtFremå.rltc.intrnducec'Ur.|.,JiUÊ=.v'rh¡u]d[:.ic] te I ike intraducing a. dc,i---r to þ'r-ru [=ic] PreEencP the;ø ç'mall .rn* s'tr-'rl' lerJel r"litl¡-. th* Qrtrurr d I iued in 31 hau=e= had nu th r-l)P-¿EE-' f nr' the i r =tnrk ' The tr.,.ro iEle.n,ler'e, ['J'+ìlen and DaTr knet'tt of their

,Ji++pFencÉ {rnm tl-r e nÉr/J .trritr¡.'l E. ThÉy kner¡¡ the s.ettl*r:. r¡aul,l -=ctr'rn the ir a-==crc ia.t icn wi th åb'fr i-aina'I r'+c'men ' Thef' urilJ,:,uEt*,ll y f eì t that th iç. nÊrÀJ irr tru--1 ir-rrr thr'*atene'J tl-r * ir' tìra,Y r-rf I ife.

f'Jhen tl-¡ e i=. l.rrr ders. '+rr'ir¡ed at the cc'l¡rr i='t:'' c'='mp Errr r¡'¡-rllah;v plentr nf uEgEt¡'bles the third da.i'r,.rith =ome and they tr.tlt'E r'egar',Je,J a=. "qc,tr',J +ellL-tr.rJg" thr-'uEh t'eli*L'.|ed tc'

h,e runåt4;ry cc'rr uirtE. They introduced thein bl:tc11 t'"ri''JÊË' They E,otl-r :.+i,l ther. fia.d I iue,l trrrr tl-r r is. la.nd {r-r¡* ¡.t'or¡t ?t] ye-1F=.. They pFr-rued trÊr-ï helpful to the of+ici-rl

col c,r¡ i=.tE.I{? 'l ed tl:c'l':,ni=.t=. ':fimFla.irr ed th¡'t, tl-r ßur-ll-r the¡'h:*d t'esrr tÊ, bel that kangar'ao= ¡.nd Érrru--- t'tlÊFE rr umer'f,uÊ' 'fn the em*r' t i=. 1ar'J, thPl' rtrul,l Fr Crt E,* {Aund nPår' tl-¡ e ir' '-'ettl '33 The l"Íanqar'r,o=. h:rd s.implr, ffir-¡Vr.:d heeþi into the hill=. a.nd

E,r,u=.1-r å.rr d cnul,J nat t,e +c,und L.'.litl-r nut l-r urr tirr r--'t¡ hut it

ç.eEfrr=. th,et erTru-=., r.,tlr ich had t'een '=.EErt end c.+u'¡ht Ef'

Fl in,Jer':. ,1r¡ d Bg.u,lirr . Fr .=,.d trÉtl¡IrfrrÉ extinct t':.- tFl e tinre the th-et hi-r tr'rife af{icial =ettlsr's ar'r'ir.¡ed. l.,.lallen cl+imed cr{{ici':rl h-=r,l ltille,J th* l.:r=.t ÈrTrU,rera1 :'P-:l.r'=. be{c,r'P pl*nti{ul arrd tl-¡e =.ettìement.:{4 l¡Jaìla.t,is=. r¡lÊr'É =,till a-l rllcmerr sr-, e::{FFrt in hurr tin¡ them that they gÉt mån}'

tl-r e uJ':!frrÉrr thc,¡ d:. ß+ :.l4ins arr rr uallr'. Ì"larr Y \+Er'E ='c'ld but Ë5 :al sË, I a.nge -=.1 eep i nr--r r'ug-=. l*JhenÞlc,rr¡a.nretunnedfr''f,manothergea'r'ch{anwa'ter Felhanr" h'ad he faund tl'ra.t hi:. ':r'PtJ å.rrd that a{ "Lady l4ar'r' ref use,l dutr,, trl aiming dissst i=.f act ian r¡¡ith c¡ndit ion=- .en,l F,a:,'. l'lar'ç¡arr kept uF the EUFFIy of r¡'later' úv t*l'íirr g r..ttÉrl'i r¡ut the t*rell thneÉ mÈn u*11-r a t4eFe u.liì1in-O tn t'tr clear a.t P,:'irr t t'1ar'-=den, .ltrrfut {iu* mile=' {r'c'm tl-r e ='hip' By drunk 5unda.y, l4¡ the tr¡.ro ':Fer.4=. tJÈre aìmo=t ail an,l LitpFhenç,'Ì-r a.d t,r depend È'n hiE pi=tal=' t'-r mairr t-+in arder. Sd In tl-r i:. urrh+ppr¡' ei tus.t inn, l4or'g-rrr r,{'3,=' d*'l ighted L.{hen the "'lc,hn PiniE" hr-rtre in Eiqht ea.rly r-rn 1.4 Augu=t' He ttr'¡l,. å b,c,;(t .tnd r¡.1*nt ':'n Err¡ard t'= Filnt f-eptAin l'4er'tirr t and r..¡el,:c,med the crer,,J an,l F.xE=?rr qEr'E tn l'lepe+n Ez.y -lt1.|

å t4c'Íl.:Ln r,'Jl-¡ ¡fEP hU='b'-:r.nd ¡.r¡ d {¡-'ur' =.A.fe L.,.litl-r ':,nÉ 2:,icet,ti,ln rhildr.err r.Àrpt-È Err t,c,.¡.rd h-r,l jumped ËuÉr'h¡¡'r'd a.nd died e.f ter'b*in1t Pirl';ed uF. The''-e.irr ':,f the l,:'ng! UnCr¡m{r-'r't'*ble Lr¡:r:rB'-JÉ å'rl d the uncÉr'tein f utur'e åLrtLit inq the rql ¡n i=t=' nÈr d¡-'ut' t cantr'ihute,l t¡ tlr i=' f¡¿qedÏ¡ år¡ d t': tl'r e crEr¡lE' urr r'*='t'

Èn imaE i t ieE r¿.rh ich h¡.d deuel np*d dur ing the ì nng ur-' r¡-rts= p;rr'tin'-1 r..{?re F,E,r'F,etu.:rt*,1 r:rn 1"..=.rr r¡.rr'|-J,= I=. lerr d. TherÊ nEr

¡{ tl-r e r/,r;r:¿'ã .1Fr d in Urr trofif¡¡l¡.lr 1É Èt¡rtrDrrlmr¡d¿.tion: l.aith r,'1.¡.t*r' mc'rrft,:,r¡ ,:,UE 'lfl d ¡{ten in¡.deqUåtÉ =.Uppì ix=. c'{ and rtrli' r'e=tle='s. They =tele ir-,c,,1 . the mEn tÉ'=-r.mÉ¡¡ FLI t4ÉFe Fåid t.Ji th t'Ptrmi=.scr¡ notes r¡h ich had E,een pr inted in

Landr-,n a.nd "dated fr'r'm F;.ingç.cote, Hangar'nc' I=. l*rnd, 'Iuße

1st. 1L1=É". i? The E.*ttlers L(Éne :l cr¡r tr-, E,ellin tl-r e Ftr'trtceÈ-=. trf adaptatir-rn t^lhich tu+=. their c'nl,* hope of =.unt¡i'.raì a.nd the men feìt in=.ecure in the rxmc'te s.itua.tifln årr d:r.rr :.qitr'u=, at'out thein F¡ry.

l¡,lhen Liçrht {ir'st E¡a.l,J Þiang*r'aa I=.ì-ind''=' trtr'.*Êtl in* in

Aur_-lust lLl3,5. it=-. "Iãr¡J =andy åF,FearantrP! t^lith it=. É:íF'3Ë-.une te the r¿.lhalÉ E.'lutl-¡ Frn GtrÉ-r.rr "38 :.sttle,l in hi=. mind the a,Íea.'E claimE åE the =.ettlement Eite, He t.Jas extnemeltv di'-rË.F¡Fr-'inte'l u'lith l''l*pe.rrr Ba;'r and delir--lhted r.rritl-r r,+l-r +t he c,=uld tr,f the ma.inì The "Ëuf{å1,t,"r ':-r.r'r'yir¡ r-.1 Lìcr.reFn-rr Hindma.r=.h, d¡d ßr-rt e1.,En c¡. I I .¡.t ll-e.ngar'-Jo Içla.nd, t'ut c'n Li¡-rht"=..ldr,'irp, r'É,:Ei,.red at Fr'r't Lirr ¡olrr , that "l-r É had f ound .3. gnn,J h.*rbc,ur' and ¡.b'undance ,:f {er'tile land c'n

the e-r=.t*r'rr =hr,r'È trr{ l-iul{ 5l- UincÉFrt",4lil :..=.ile,J tc t}-re -+nch'f,r'aqe at Htr'l dfa.=.t E-r.:/,

The i:.ìander'=. Ècrrr tinued tl-r eir lonel),, indep*n'J,=rr t and unorthúdov; lirreg. l.lumber=. {lr.r,:tu¡.ted but -ì fet^l mÉrr had trhtrEÉrr t¡ r'emairr trpr'm-1rr entl>' Ën the i:lsnd. Henr'.r'

þ.lallenr tl;eorqe E¡.teE and l.lathaniel ThÊmå.s -a.FÈ th+ E,e=t

dc,cunrÉn ted,:i the=.e .

[,.1aììen r¡ ç.¡.id tc, l-r BUe tal.Íen other' rrrgn intr-, p-rrtner=hip t.{ith him, and ta h-+rre b*err rÊr-Jar'dsd Ei'

r¡Êrr Ër.1 i cr-,n=.ent å.=. chie{ m-+n, Fc,r å. time hÊ -e.nd tl'ig¡,¡r¡p ,_fet LIOBt'er LrIÉrE partnEr'E. and the:¿ ¡¡.¡.e.ged tr-r =.r-rmÉ lUtrE= Qo a

Jtt 6tpaaf. ,r];tLJtu.Q,lrat

:Iii': : :ç*ot, t'.'tt.,

2 {¡ l *ie ìI ù å r , , Jì .l,t-*+ ¿ ,J¡ .4 4 ¿l t \Ë' Iùua M', t¿¿¿Çe qo t tstt e fi.¿ t-è¿, rtd.. t.t ,Rt+tJt .r tùtá17otød. *t gtDrtoU@Je. J a aJt 5 J' a Vd a 1t a, t'. ¡ , dd, r-€) , J ¿ -'L qe autùt- { a , t I I t (.'_l I 2t1 t

I pl datix F.¡t a. ¿.à.út42, ¿à.a n a, ttltzl' 42cad ¿ Ia-rêoJaü¿J ut/ (2181* /Ûaa, ttùrtt.a.rÇt xrt ët .r.aM, ana, tstfud. oal, nÒ ¿o nuò' ætzd iDlôv¡ a¿ ëb ea¡ù wLt. Zrz, Þ¿rt aL clto .Vuq At wë¡ap azn ala*.1 fcoÐ.

?ì. þ)F ù alaú lo Ð lJ¿anJt¿ ü.¿ etã.t 4t¿ taÞt t¿J/tt,.- 2'e¿ a, tlnl/tçt.r(, -.J c^Aþc¿, lta.tlo.L,tZL .ø ^iL ^Ila, t :f úI¿ R.¿ p..Ð, ú¿ ,2,Aaà b aâaa.d¿* al¿¿¿attLlù û¿ prwotl, hb ,V.tá &Ð t.E qnùv¿* ùl¿ ¿ët¿rrz. ./ drit ^. [BAV. lrt L, ,Art$ u*t au7 ,,.I t¿, h¿¿ ttr* At¿a¿¿ Ntr.P AN ^.¿rt¡F, fi.t¿b ùia. UD? Ott ¡w efu H.a ñ4-reAnoo LJL-{-MD. .Æ ¿ í From e Skctch byCoLl ucllT, Survcyor Gcner: $-r ot-O S OTITII ÀIISTR.ÀLT^ att4 c¿n¿¿H. tl tæln 6ltZdol¿' ?1

ånd ÉEtaElished å. EmalI Ìarm crn the Thnee tJeII Rirrer.

ha.d rrr-l Their agr.icultur.EI implenrent:. trere =.pade=. and they domestic a.nimals except dags. Fram time to time they

k u i:.i t inr3 tre=.='el -:.Er Et'ta.irr ed =.eeds. r'f u-rr ic'UE. indE {r'r'm =., that t.rhen the firEt immigra.nt ue=':.el arritred the ald =ettler.=. c'ruld =.up¡ly tl-¡ em r,.rith t/P'-:tÈtahleE and PgEE.r far.,.rl:-, and freçh Fork,41 Tr,',rn yÊar'E. e{ter'L'.1-rllerr '=. ¡.r'r'iu;

1B'.J4 t,lal ì en h-r.d å par'tner n¡.med Harr.rel' Eu t ther'e i e n.: irr fsrmatir'n abc,ut the ìenqtl-r r¡{ I-r i=. '=.taT rrrr l'{a.n'¡-rr'r,a

I and.44 =.,l Gp':,r'rJe Éate=.¡ed tl-r xt he tJEFr t t,= I iue åFr'--'rrq the tì Jerui=. É¡bnriqine=. in a.haut 1Ê311 . "He h-e.d F,Ér=u.rded ån nid n¡.tiue n{ th¡.t triE,* tc trEmB r3r,rÉr' t':, Hog E.¡'i't".titl'¡ hiE ÉÊn. Th* ìad di*d an'l E¡.te=. '1c':epted the ber* Får'pnt"E irr u it-a.t ic,n ta Et':' h.=rrk t''ritl-r l'r inr tc, h i=. tr it,e. Tl-r e m-a.n Ìr,auld hunt fon him, ' him r!¡iuÊ-=, and m-=rk: e him å chie{ am,rn,-:r them,"45 E.=.te=.' mate=. tr,rr tl-r e i=. land'ned him aç qr:inr_J, Eut h* ignnr'ed them, ;tnd r¡,rent t,-r ll-ì.F, È

.Ier.,.ri.=. r¡Jl'r ef'e l-r É lr.rå=. FetreiL,'ed .¡.t .3 ÉGf'f'Ct'C'feA :rnd

"pr'eeum;+hl¡' å nr emt'Èr ûi the tnit,e."4'J Èlth,:,ur-Jh tl-r Ê.¡' rrratched him tråFÊfr.rlly. thÈ nå.ti'.re= treet*d him å=. tnE ,f{ them=.eìr.reE, "å. lthaugh they å.F,tesred -=uEFiciou=. of

r/.,.a:. him.',47 f,,lhen hie l-r Urt tinlJ dag=. rr.Jer'È "l.irr ccþ;ed UF" he lef t ta shif t {or himself a.nd Ë-r-,on t'Ecame ¡1ì. "The three natiL.r*s, whc, rÉmå.irr rd r¡.litlr him the ald månr f:snflr-ryt -e. ycun:f girl Saì. and â. hoy nicþin¿med Fniday

h m':=.t ¡.rr y trrr,r i ic,rr E . Lqjl-t*n he l¡ ad !-l iuen uF' t'eçirud¡red inr -rl F,F =. hr¡F,e and dor¡ln tn die in å r:åuÉ neår the =horer he r.,Ja=. diç.c,fuEr'Pd hl' hiç. m'rte:.r t'lha had crn='sed tr".rÉr' tc' tl-rs mainland ta {ind trut trrhat ha.d tetnme ui the mån'

A=. å purr i=hnr*nt {c,r t-l'r eir ner-rlect ¡f E:s.te.-, th* thr'xe na.tir.res r.r.rÉne ca.rried åtl,".y intr= captiuity on the i=-land."4Ë It is di++icult ta å.'=.E.PË.-3 the åtr':ur"=trl' n{ thi=. år:trÊunt t*lhich Ea.te-. qåuE måny 'jleå.rE ls.ter', but he rsr.t+irr 1;,. EF?rr t .3. ,:tr,rr E.ide'r'-rrtle t inre r¡¿i tl-¡ tt-r e .Ier'u i=. peopìe and le¡.rnt  r_-¡a'=d deal abaut their cu=.t¡m=' end l*:rngu.lqp, r,ul'rich r,,.1.

{ i r'Et ar'r ir,'ed.

l.latl-r å.rr iEl Tl-r E,må=. nr.¡lde hi=. l-rr¡me .rt rårr techemher' E:e:" dur'in'-l the earì ie=t ¿.nd ha.'l =.e' di++erent aa:.acia.te=. ¡'Èår.=.. A "suE,EtErnt i*l dr¿.r*l ì irrg r¡h icl-r t the =.ealer=. 1 made the i r' depc,t" 4? at Arr tecl-r amh*r' Ba," t'Jå.Ë Fl'É,t'-rt' ly t'uilt

u+h Tind-+l ident if ie,J irr lir-¡7.5t-t Thc,m-e=. at the =.i te ich e and h iE Ts.=m+n ia.n Abtr'r igin-

{enr iì:r at årr tecl-r amtrer.Ea},. Their.f irs.t r'e¡¡r''Jed dauqhter'. ie' l.lar.yr r,¿.r .3.-q tonn ¡¡n lË -ìeptemter 1,1'-¡:+'51 "Tl-r s h'ir'thd+te c¡nt+ine,l in -r.n nìd hirthd.:,.:¡'t'aat" h-:,1nded dau'tn thrr-'u'lh the -/.:J

{amily an,l in the F'ßË.3PE.=ion a{ l4r= Þ1 . ¡3alder,, in li/85. l4r.= l3oìder, tdl-r tr I iues tr'n l4anç¡-

.1r'Éå tJ.rÉpÉ rr ¡f t år¡Iå.rP Er{ tl-l e rr Ér,{ arr'iLlal:. Until e*r'l}. ir¡ septBmt,Ét-, c..Jhen Thama.E, while hunting. -lã.t,J the "J'-rhn Finie" ,e.t -+nchc,r in l.lep*a.rr Ea.¡'. He hur'riEd ta the Ë'lrrrFr then p itched at Har_-r Ea;y Eiuer, ¿.nd exc itedl y tr-'l d h i=' i:r'i:rl{ded rråtÉ tl;enr'r--le Ea.te=. ¡1,{ the la.rge =.1-ripr t''¡ith F'etr'FlE' At dattrn next rla.y Eate=., Th¡mas' thnee natir'¡É v'rtrmËn a'nd

t¡JÉ1trË,rrtp the nÈlJ.rcr-'mÉrE., TheÏ l¿JÉr'P =.*, ,Jo¡l:. Eet c,4f ta l-.ÉtrÊir,red r¡ith *la.rm å.rr d å. gener'4.ì =ta.mpede al mÉnr r.'.rl-rmÉn a.nd i:hildr.en uF tl-r x clif{ {r''fm tl-re b,e-='.rl-r. Tl-re tt*r¡ r¡lith i=-l:rndenç, clc,thed in 'fF'-rÈEUm =.kin =.hint'=.. -¡.nd t'''rÈrP r:trr&tE.r tr.¡uE.ÊrE ,e.Fl d trr:otE made e{ k*rr r¡ar'aa :kinr mietaþ,*n fsr ---åLJå.Je inh-rt,it'rnt=- af tl-r e nÉtì.r c'funtrf .5Ë

The Échtr,L-lnÉr "Jtr,hn Pirie" h.s.d trÉeFr FUrtrhe.Eed -a.nd {itted {¡r' UeÉ -:'.E å. Ê.t,:,r'* =.hip f,:,r'=.x.rlirr g årr d t"'tl-relirr 1-r' The t1,' m-=,.de pr'-rui=.inn f¡r -1 r:Ê'r-rpe../E-' * i=hm*ntt

ic'¡' tl-¡ e manu{'e'ctur'x :rn,J =.*nt .r l¡.r'rls E.DFFìï' ¡f dr'y =.t;

-:-i'- - '


,, rìrrf h,:'r'']'-:lEt Nepearr B+i'I ,_Ir_,þ¡ [..J]-r ite, lrJÉ:

-$ (_,u $ +.JÐd FUì:I ,¡.EE ueada¡,¡ sutrlt'È.]iiå pln'lÍf| Ër.{ -irJfrlllnllsul ..=u'f påF .å !rl tiu tr'i'f I I,f I t+'].JÐ [,1 ]:å '= !rl t I'Jll t 'rl l-J'lF ]¡ll= !-l

¡=..:a4errt ultllEJ+ËnV q+n':,'Ë F, åqlPå.J ,,pldEH,, å{l åJtr'+åA r'=..Jrla,t,fr1r.|I åÏÈ-1 /Ë.1rro Fåt.J.JEf ..ilJåd':lJd +l +'=I]È[ ]r? pIntrrlrr TJtrrr4 Ëlrll +r]q+ På+Erlll+É-å +qEll 'l: uolEl år-.1 + ]'l 1"tx-''J IE.JlUå]å|..1+UlE.}Ë.Êjl:'f,åHl+'ruÐlll]ulul.ÈTå[n+å.JEjfEåÏt';¡l¡ r-r1 F,uE lJlunËf, lsUlpun'lJJnË åql PuÞl Jn'lqJELl +'Èq1 Jå'"'Jn'-1

,,{BB '3 UE r-lE rn'J+'='u l 'rl uea,Ja¡4 +E ËË.JÐ1'3 lr-.| F [ ',-r1 + !-] F',åt ,iå'-{I 'årJll +Eql ,r.Q uft'r'fl +ËJl+ aql +o Ë+lE åqi F'å+rÈ[å'; t,,F!dtt'N,, '3r'{+ur-rrJ åtrEr..l FInr]frl +rlËl-'l +Er-{l PUE år.ll 'Jå++Þl trr4}

-=+ UE JE IUJå ¡iUt:;[l JEulF U lH åIIJO€- .1.Urf, [Llf ål-]l q-1 FlåJ F I nDfYi FUE '''lE +Pr..ll| Få+red;t¡ '=.JãtJr-t¡'35¡rlJrJJrJJ å'-.lI 't'È+ldFjf, årl+ +r-r ållË

|l Júr..1¡dn= Uår'¡ lF¡ uËãq p'Frt.l år.'| I +tr, Url t+ trÉ [ aE È41 I /l I + n'F:

r'lf lr-¡ri'i +qE l-l 'å tqE I lÞ],'rP årrj!1 år..1] u ! Få t l, !+ tn] åq ]'lu F tntr-J puP[ +Ð Jl ll, lqìeIl'ÉlìE FrulpJFrFrËJ Ëå5 lul¡]Jd aP'EuJ '{åt'l I FUE -='-=åJd ,{IJ'È,1 Eul,.(å¿'Jn'-a å¡lt +'f,'=[åår] år-.1 I urf .'ítå'ã'f,[f 'ftrl 'JE+

Ð+ ÈlåË-3åf.ì iuu-lõrrla åq1 påf4'f [[È ,1 ãt]I 'Ëå]lE1Ë!tlJ åFEr.lJ FEr-.1 úã [Þ] Ë.JåUr-r lË.3 lut[t':'3 +'f F.JEtrE a'.ll l-']'å+t'JntrfEU I å'Jãlrì EUIIP If ul'rt.Jår.llnLì FUFrr-rI t..l¡o='=[1;-'!f l++'-r '¡:] 'H'Ë år{I =.rF, lEr.lI F Ur: ,-,-.'5JåJn'f,qr:-5ã [

uåuJLtå.3 j'f t+å'.1 + FuE Jå'll'ì=ÈM É'.{l 'f+ pa=-adxa '{El +uåu'Jlnbå FULI så.Jrl+3 år-l+ +'f +-eåJ eql +n4 ËEúlJËf Jåpun Ëåtf l+JE å[qEq:-r.lad åq+ +'-r +.3DU ]åE 'fl P,3Fr'ÉuE¡.¡l Ëuår]dål;c 'rJ'f !r..lEE+ llJåFJ'felP lJår\ 'Ë ul ìl PUlqåq lEt+ år']+ pu'Ê r]fEåq ar.ll u,l Ëå,-rt3.JEf år.ll F'ådrlnp uÈuEåË å'-{I þË'l:È'E r.lea'lal'.l 1E lEfìtJJÞl -=,ut)r lrpadxa åq+ Jå++E å[qlË-=od Ee utr'ÚË'=.'P UIEåq

þ4 Linrc, ln, tut he hed alr'ead;r å'':trapted Stunt's apininn ae c'{ :it tc, tl're F,r'oE,aErle E.uçr gr'ic'r'it:" cf tl-r e ea=-'tePn ='hore Uincent,= Ëul+.FEl The "Rapid" ancl-¡ored in I'lepean Ea'! c'rr tË Augu=t, and Li'lht ¡ras di=appøinted to f ind that the him, h'r'd ,,f.ygrr 8t,,, he.,.rirr ç left Errçr larrd ç.ix r¡eeH=' t'e{ore not ar'rir.led. The ,,Ëygnet,' did not reå.|:h the trGlÊnu until tl l+eF,temter,5F ar¡d the del+y ,Jep,¡'iued Liqht tr'{ ma='t tr'{ his land Ëurr,'ey1r.=, f¡n foun r.¡ital r¿.reeHç. A gener-e'I *xplara.tiLln hy h,lth rle=.=.elg. irr the Éi{FrEcted tims r¡J'3ç' impos=iEle. Light,{theearlyÊtr']|:|ni=.ts.tE'å|'ÀJatc'ncÉ thEt the lìampånv"Ê statinn at l'lepea'n B'r'/r althauçh .=.itu.+ted c'n å ¡-rnc,d har'E,Oul*r r,'Jå.s in cther' r'e='p*rt=' ¡'t crrr Ê The ll'c'trrF'arr li a'l ,:{ the rrJor*-=t pa.nts tr,{ the iEland'C'iJ "' in'-f e.eì erte,l .tn ey.cll I ent pu:-it isn f or reF-lin ing t\¡håì r.,¡å=' ,.lr=.=.el=. ,l c, il and gaad='rdl but it rrrr¡='t årr d,r'irr ¡'t le'r'=t uF¡ ---uitable fûr ã. calc,n¡*. t^J¡.ter ha,l to b'e ':-rrnied j ¡¡l-r il:h f aur nr il E=. E,)' h,-rat årr d tl're " intÊr'lrr irr aE ¿ t'ru:h" cor.¡er.Fd the iç. lan,l threa.tened ta mal4e culti''ra.ticn çl¡t'¡ Heng-+r'4,= I='l-en'J a deEer't a+ s'-

rl:ap ta. i n l4arg.err qu icÞì lf arrang*d {¡n the " ËaF i d"' :' d':c tar t ,ltr,hrr lr]tr,c,dfar'd*, t,f ¡.tterr d tl'r e =.irþi irr the tent=' crFr tl'r s r¡JsE. v.lirr ter' Lrl'rc'd{¡r'd* =.h¡rE rtl the É:.:.:v.óIi Élth,:ruEh it

:1 f ,:,r.lnd the i=l an,l Er.rJ¡.r'min,] L,.r i th mc!=.qu i t¡e=. Ëlem-+t iE ¡'nd r-l-=åJ+ q+!i4 uåuj åplrir3JrJ år..1 I ButputS '+ËÊuJ =''+qE!-'ì 'rl å[q.Ê Ë.Jåfrì FUç: .=F¡'f,F r]r-1 JEEU'Êl,l Fìl'.{ UårJ'-rf4 Éril+Eiu Ar{I 'åE'Jì:jlll ir¡'¡F"leË åtqElat3arr ut JË[FjÈE FUE[ËI '-rü.Jrf6u'Éj"f år-l + 1låt PUE ll+ rfÞ È+ Uår!'f l¡r åfr I rf,t'rti F Ux ì.:. pal rle ¡ rJ I¿r U !1..1 lfïi ]EU ='!ll .=alEB påJlr{ ðq pur: ¡:..¡_B FIdEH ú+ ¡1lJ'Ëd EullåfrJl-rË Ëlr.J Ër'¡rlül ål'ÉiJådrJÉ+u FtJ'Ê il l'=''-rn}åd¡Jl Ð1 F¡åFr l råp lltlE l-1 п''='l !qer'{ ! tî l¿f,u,f,-J rÊ:-ausEåtlrE'+ ¡Ëuå'-ldå15 ]Frorlr:; 91tJ!Ë[dlx'f-r EUrf,rJr: å[qnrr'Jl 'JÉr]l'Jn+ JuErJ å...1 ,3tn È.JåqI "=+'-=lUL-rlL-i: årll' '=14 pur- Ëuår-]dalE 'JnÉl'''Eqåq å!i 'f,+ F,Eåt pIntr'fì1 uÉul +'tr +Ell+ F,åU.lålurff,'-=Elïl åH ¿,?'PUEr[=l Ð'--i':r:EI'tx]"1 ul'f'J+ =åJ'l+-3 ål'l + åfir-ru pu'':r '3ur:r !1f nJ+'=u I ã lq pJì¿13É'J'= lF '-ri pdF lf åp lqFr I-1 F-rurÊu'l[åq u'Éulrfl4 E UåUl åft1+ì:ju ¡=_¡+r,,.J!Fld åtll '-r1 FUE år'{l ûrìi+ riJårJ+ rl+lrir Eurñu!Jq,, lÊnEnH Ttl u'l ,, F!dEH,, Fa}l-=ln r']ËltFJuS åqt FUP ulEFrE '=.JåtEË'= ,3rll ¿F,,'ãå[qP1åÉåf' +Ð +s']|1¡ '=å.J-JE pE'] ål-l å'Jåqfrr úJårilJ +Fjåt.{fïi Eu!q.=t.Jn,l[+ +D [ì3.Jålìå.-3r, åqt ,ln .=å[tgJ uaùa'=- +nOqE 1¡JE+ =/Uåtleft't FÉll-=lfr åpJÉ'+FÐÚlYl .¡,Jr:pe rtì Få.JFjda.¡'l '=Ptïl åH ,.?F'r,ãJE+ É"dlr'lË urJ Éu'=¡ ar' t'='=e3v:'È rr'=. påtr ! 1 ilrl t ,rr-:q .Jå1+E åir- [r;-'rJ Êql 'f,+ [n+ålE'JË '{ [ å'=åql Êul1=nF-r=tp åJår.ù ¡:.a41 E-aí.a tår..1 1l Ð-+ åJåÍïl EIEullut-] ='E tlnql...1.ËJ.ãrtürlt.J'fuåup+'rå-JrlE.¡r:;adrlBÈ'-lll{:¡nll¡Eulneq Ët'ÉrlluE Ër'l+ puntr1+ åH lqElÉ. å{l 'f+ Éul+dr.uai }nq 6ul''l+'{ut=,, år]l U'-r ga'å['p.3 .1,]+ ,,'3,såqÊ[ lel'tr rf,l'{l Er.l!ÈulJq ,,Fl'l=*H,, FJe'f,q r=':a¡eas åuJEl rua¡1e¡v1 puE -?Eultr'r.11 r=e1eg åq+ +'f ëuJEs uår-lrï Eulq4ou pÉfnFÚJd trE¡'l +u,1.-=å.Jrl ÉEr\'ì åH þl-'Jålr':l',r llE=- +nq '=1uÐiårl+.JÞlåuFrnp'=[låf4åll++Ër]1Fål¡'ltud'Ju=tp'='Flù1å'''l+nq ,,.ulr.{ ût 1ue=ea1,J qsnq år{+ åpEuJ LlÊ'fulluJ luelErr'lI +'f =at:ed=

?é, ?7

i I f ul at ErraP irrE g-1me ic.ì and mÉn c iu i I -rnd the t4ÐmÉn =k:

c'¡l on i E t=.' IeaderE r'e*l i tþrat -e.Fr d { i=l-r ! :.':rfTre C,f the ='ed they rc,uld E,e uer.y usefuì ir¡ fcrminq the calÊn:".72 A{tlr' a {er,.r da.yE they Eent E¡.tes an,l his r¡lomen ta Encounten Eay the t¡ "Êrr qaçlÉ Etr'm* c,{ the rr -+tiL,¡e=' ta tal¡.e tr'3're ai .l 7= u=. the i ;rnd*r':'' É¡iper'i ence r-_-t-r.r,Jen. " llcrl c,n istç. ÞJPr'È inq =. ts help them ta their ner/J I ife' t*Jallrrr ha,J f iue aËreÊ. o{ u''lhe';.t auer';rr¡inr'r:lll hu=-'hel=' an â.c.t'E and e:{Êplìent r¡eçieta.ble= r--lrEÞJin'J En hi-= f-erm" The g rcl¡rr i=.t=, hel i*1,'ed tl-r .=.t i+ l-r E. h:*u ing he*n a Ee'r{ar'irr

fTrå.n .=.nd å eeaìer., c¡ul,l ra.ise r¡.rhe¡.t,'.=ge=', tur'nìp='' { ine patatne'=., F,i!:. år¡ d pnuì tr;" ¡:i th¡ut 3'r-fr'itrul tur"-r'l implements, pPRF,erl¡' equiF'FÊd emilrr'antE ¡'"r ith {armin'l

TFr t''J'3'Ë' ¡' Ê)íFr Êri*rr ce Ei:ruìrJ he ÈÏ;FÉ':te'J t¡ Fr'ËrÊ'P*r'74 Èr'Ê the Engl i=.h mir-rr.=.nt=. trtÉr-Ê Êri¡n t¡ =.trang nr,tinrr th-et ='uFr t¡'tÉT'Ê pr'r'h:rt'll' the iE. lEn,Jer=. in Er,'er')'r.tJ-1)'. The i='l-i.rr der='

å.[,.råre c'f thi=.

l¡la. llÉn.E {ar.m w-a=. ir¡ s t,r'ett'¡' =.iT-u¡.tic,rr E'ur'r':'undEd b:¡ f ine timber., L,Jallen and D.ey h-+d prndured !t f irre r:rtr'p EUEcÉÉ-€'I'JÉ :r'*år'E' ,={ r¡il'r Êå.t in =,pit* a{ gr'r-'tì¡in'-J it {c,r'{ without rh¡.nr--ling tl-r e z'eed ¡.nd ctn tl-r e Ëa'mÉ I'en'l'75 r.{åË qËr-rd I Fc,ur f i''"e do¡=' llt,rt i tr,U=l.}. ther.É =.ümÉ -r.nd. 'trr' r r:rrl LÅlp I r¡ i i trr tJal I Én E -¡.nd tt'3.!'" {'ar'm cr-,ÍT¡ErJ =. t,:,f'=. =' 1lJ Decemt,er' 18.],J. The mÉn pr'r:duced R ìx1l af pc'r'14 ;rnd ERlrre v.t'a. ,Jpr..r, r¡ ice l-r r:¡fTrÉ-ntådÊ b,r,ead. Tl-r È1, .1 ll.e.t)' =.þ'irr ':piere' cl¡th +r¡ ,l in,,rite,l tl-¡ eir' ,.,'i='it¡rs ta' 'lrr -1 ='kl in å taur rti in:-pectiEn of the {¡.nm, the ui='itoc=' admire,J the r.rjhÉ,r.t rrnp and large 14itchen q-rrden' The:'Ê"3'|År the Ìre=.h t*l¡.ten l-r.r-rnÊ,n r¡hich suPFl ied the fa'nmerE å'nd "fPà't". The {a.r'm yEr'd ccntained thein,ck thrnughnut the pigs and p,=ultn;r. Three E'l¡.cþ; r.\romgn - tr'"ro n¡'tir"'eg af the ["]an E¡ierrerr Land I ii"'ed in the mairr lar||j .rn,J '-rrr É {r.,=m ':. house. ThE vi=.itarE eninyed tea ma.d* fn'=m e. na.tit¡e s.p te. t i -tr.e*. l'"Ja] ] en an,l t,åþ, =-.'r id tl-ls}' dra.rll4 ne i ther ir'i ns ntr,p ms. lt I iquor and d¡,1 nat rlFr-rtrl ba.rlel ã.5 thef' ha'd r,*l i =.h t n t'r et.t t

E,sl ie,.ring drirr k to he thr cå.uEP c'{ u'.lr'etÊhedrr ÉEE t¡ ma.n a.nd [f, p*c,ple cr-,uld nE'1 t haue t,etter he-=,.ìth and'enqtl-r tl-rå.rr".t tl-r em=.Pì'.'eË' r.'.th¡ nÊtrÉr' tae'ted -r'n:"thin¡r but te-e.. Tl-r e h¡u=.e lrtå.'=' Ê'uilt c'{ tree=-' drir'ren inta il-re graun,J 1iP:* piì*=.. pa.inted trrith cì:rl' .=rrd thatrhe,l . In å. fen,:ed å.Fså r¡ithin the h¡uË'e. a {ire L.,J.i=. kept h,urrr irr g -=tir th-rrt tl-¡ e Ë.IrrÈrkjÉ Fr'ÉL.rerrtsd irr Eect=' fram lrtl.erin¡-l the h¡r..1 =.e, l¡1.¡.ìlen ev;cu=.ed him=-.elf r¡rhile he l-*.iì d¡u,.ln å d-=rmper' {¡r' the FrÉt{t d.¡.}"=. t,re¿.,1 ,7'{ Late in llctaher'the ttr'qr.:e "A{r'iE.3irr É",'hn Du{f ! å,l c{{ the "l¡leEt li;,.pe o{ Hanq-r.rnr.r I=l'=nd" r¡lith

7F imnr igr*rr t.-..77 Èl F,.rr'tl' r,{ Ë¡'ï }'Éung m¡n, "5lat*r', å' :-ur!Étrni ft:.hcrne, a rr.leìl edut-¡.ted rc'un! m'ln áFFrerr ticed t¡ þ1r. Tl-r trrrTr-l.E, å=. a pr'irr tr:r'i Fi'=l-r er', rsrr 11'tr-1Êd åÉ a .jsurnE,r,m-1n r,r.inter'; f.l.inte=.. att,eched tc, l"lr tli'fuger i.the llnlc,rr ial Ll*¡ret.¡.r'f'); tnd ['J:rrr'er¡ årr d Eeq'-:r Êrr r--ra¡-red E]'t'lr'

H*llrtt"TEr FÊr.=.u.s.,led LlaFt-rir¡ t:u{{ tc, FUt tl-r Énr .l' tr'r'e a.t f'l¡r're I I '= Ea.¡.t H¡rrh,¡ur . n-rr.¡J Haru ?T"'t Re turn , Ên ?

:-'.Fr ¡{,'.remt'e¡..7:7 TFI Él'ha,J {¡ur ,l¡.t'=.' Fr',1-r =' d å cr'F}" -/?

Ëutherl-+nd'= tr'acþl€-.=. the iEland and tl'rere excited by the tl-rau¡lrt ':f ån ÉxFlctring tr'amp a{ter' +r:'ur nrc'rr th=' a'l' -=Éã..8û [,,then tl-r e ',Ê{r.iÊainr" :-ailed intn l-lep*a.rr B¡ry i-rrr 2 I'lsuemt,en "the {lag t\tåE h¡i=.ted ..=,nd thE 'fun€- f ined"El I tË, ånnÉ'untre their åFF'raach a.nd Samuel Ëtephen= t:'c'mÊ aut to meet them. l.l.rthaniel Thr,ma'=.r -1Fpe.=.r'ing tn tl-re t'.3.s9ÉnEBrË mÉre lil¿e a €-ã.UågÉ th'+n å.n Engl i-=hmanr r¡lå.--- 'fne r,{ {c'ur.mÉn t{fr c, FCrL.{Êd him Aut, ttftBr'{a. llirr,l c'uÉr't'È'a.r'd he

Êruåm t¡ safety and ¿rctrÐrdinr3 to luln:- l'la.r'y Thoma=. "t4hen he caÍne a,¡a i n c'rr the derþ. he ç'h':,tr,k h im=.e I { åË. E( dnEr dr'e:' r¡hen ju=.t cut ol the r¡.rater",Ëî ThOma:-' xFF,,1r'Errt ufrr:cruth

å.F,pÉ.r.r.f.ncË .+nd t'eha.',ri¡un a{fended l"l¿.ri'Thom¡.e.. t,rtr he h.=-d ada.pted tc' c,f,ndi t ir'n=. r¡lh il E =.h* :.t iì I hel i*'.red tl-r-rt I i{* ;rE she had knawn it in Err,-fìand ctr,uìd be rECr'e-+ted in the t:tr'l É'n)'.

l¡ll-¡Én the rlrålþiÉr=. {¡.iled t¡ *Fpi',re .=.t l'.le¡,s¡¡¡ B,r.,r'I tl-r e

Fås=.engenË c'n the "*frit-+ine" heCame inrre-r=inql';e a. l-rr'med {¡r their =.a{et;e. Ët*ç,h*n:. årr d Lip-=.orr t the H:(r'E,r¡uF' l"la.ster', Eaid it r/,¡åÉ impr-r=:-it'le that ther'='h'-ruld "bE lc,Et irr thp r¡load=. tcr'l Etarrr*,1 tc, dB-rrt¡."$l+ Th* i:tr,ìL1ni=.t=., fre:-h {r'-rm Enqìa.nd, r¡JåntÉd ta hel ierre thei' rÂJerÉ in

t-l-r ':c,rr tr'r-rl r'f their' {¡.t*. tut tl-r e i:. la.nder'=. }rr-r.r'F¡ Éd thet r jflurner À.crc'=.ã the i=larr d r.,.rhi':h the i'':'uni--J men t'rlÉr'É r¡.rould .-e.ttemg' tirr =t r,.t.=.=. utter,ìy impa'=.=.iElÉr åE tl-r e t'r'U=,1-rtLjr:r,3d Ë':, r:omFrletel;r entangle them that ther f'rtruld l,-J=.+ thsir' ,l;Lrr prr r,Js..r,.L14 å F, ;, rrå.=. i-rr.r_J-1rr i¡ed årr d the i=. d rr qa/ /a

R¡t,ert ¡.nd l'lar'i'Thc,rrr.3.g, påEË.Er¡ rl¡Êt-'Ë ':n tl-r e "åfri,:ã.in*", 1 ãt,j l''lnr't ì ,=cþ; L it,r'¡.ri' c,+ 5uu th ¡ru=tca. I i -r. 100 and onp At'original r¡¡man aut u,.r ith Frorrisions and r¡ater ir¡ a Eaat t¡ r,.rhere tl'r e Far'tt'ha.d ìarr ded, intendirr g to fc,llÉt^r th*m throuqh the hu=h until they fr:und them.Ë5 The "Afric-rine" snd mc'Et ai her FA'--.ÈpngprË. =.ailed .rn trt R,+p i'J B.ry crrr C, l.lcrr.remt,*r'.8É

Th* c,ther' F,.+=.=.engÉr:. c,n the "È{r'iEåinp" l*.rr'rr ed

I ater' that f oun o{ thx m i ss i ng men ha.d e\ten tuaì I Ï ne¡.ched lllep*a.rr Eal'r¡.tith uårluÊ å.r¡ d r'-¡.ther c,:,ntredictr-'r"¡':.tatEtrrBrr t=. that they had left -¡later -rnd ft=barne neåF ,1 laqoan urr ¡.t, le tr-, Fr.':,ÊÊed .*n.r, {.rrtl, er.E7 Ec,t,er.t Fi=her., Err e tr,{ the E-.t-)r'v irli--,rEr r.Alr.ste in 1',1t7 that, hauin¡-.r rel ied En

Suther'ì¿nd":. r'ÉF'fr't and tr'acþi¡ l-r e trJaE ,:E,rr 'Jirr ced th¡t nea.rì;r the L¿lhr=le af the raFrr-Jt*t r,.raE å m-a=Ë ¡-r{ fal=eha,¡,1 .S":j

Thi=. ':'piniL-rn r..,J.3.'=. =.h-rred El'mc,'3t earìy -=ÉttlerE I¡.¡h,-r feìt å. '=.trc'nE !r'ix'J.1rr ':e a.rlain=.t Lìutl-r erl-a.nd. The deatl-r =. ¡i Lil¡.ter' ,=tnd tl=.t'Ê,r'n* h-r.d å. pr,:{aund impa.r e.rr. I t t I t on the ,', =.e er=

årr d E,l'r -1r'pened tl-r eir' relucta.nce ttr, +tt*nrpt ttr Fru=.|-r =ettlement trn F.a.nqarr-,c' IEì-r.nd te:v¡nd þ;nr¡L*ln åFEä.---. The tlclÊ,ni-r. I Tr'*a=.urer autl-r ¡r.iz*d -1 p;rTmÉrr t rr{ Ji,l.rt[t,.'- tc' tl-r e i=.lander'=. {øn ãËårchin,¡ for the p-:.rt}, r,+h¡ ha.d l-r.nded fram the "È{r. i c-ri no" . "FlP

.ïer.emia.l'r t::åln*n. tË, l-r i=. r,.ii+e, !!, a.nd i':,ur children, "Iohn, ll, tlh-e.r. le=., t--+r Ì"1 ichael, 7, a.nd l4e.r.t' Ann,

Z, r'*ache,J l{-r.rr gar'c't' I.=.ì.rn,l trr!'r tl-r x "Êf r.icain't".PlJ He r,J.3E å. trûcF,er' enrJ.t'--¡È'd t'y th* '.j. h. llc'. l"lr.ç. tlaìn-e.n l-r ed t¡ uF, al ì the { ir=.t rr ì¡11-rt the +¡.mi I r' Ë.FÉrrt a=.l-rr¡r'e r¡itlr Frpr' IKA,NGAJRO(' ,h. lmt llú tolÛllffi- snont fHUt

o s's ú¡,la .GÀr .l'rf 2 nta 1N{ssT ú.aR¿ c.r .t* llopcoþ \ leeroa

l¡v ¡rb +-rl 4


el 0¡ft¡u I IOUT r tBtf oc AIÌ


The Tr.-r.qþì ai the "È+f.i':å¡nÈ'=." F-a=.=.ef¡ r¡ÈF.Er l,l,.,,..'. 1=.r t': ltltl-r 1Ët!i,. t_:¡lle,:tinn ú+ the Ft,:¡.-e. l l-ì+':¡-¡r.+¡rhirel 'ioci¿t¡. 'f+ r¡'¡.l åË¡ å i.Ë.Éì. Er'.:Lr¡rl-¡i Irrc . a \ Õ. 101 rh il dr'en neEtl ing bes'ide her, the ir onl v Eheì ter ån

unrhreì1,r. Lìalns.rr 'E f ir':.t impf'ec-c-.i c,n=. r-'1 tl-r e i:. land r¡rer'P EE diEcouna.ging that he decided to r'e=ir¡n from the l::c,mF,ån,r'r årr d at the earlie.-t trFFc'Ptunity he c,ut fL-tr *dela.ide, lear,ring hiE family c,n the iEland. l-ln the t"r'å.;É he

¡/.raE. tal,ixrr E.Ér.ic,u=. ly ill s,rrd died:'l-r srtìy a.{t¿r r'Éacl-r inq Enc,-rUnter Eay. Hi=. {¡.milf r'Érràined Én the isl'e.nd a.nd ir, g,y1 ,-r{ hi=. de:.rÉrr d:tntË I i"¡e i:'rr E,eq-rn =.heeF, f Sr,m* þl.En'_fartr'c, I=.ìand in I:78-4.

l.4ar.y Ann E:aìnan m3y l-¡ a.çe h,e*n FPr'mitted ttr' r'emairr in Ëc'mp:.nrt r:,1 =.helter a{ten her' hust,a.nd'E deathr but the

lltr,frrF,arr y tJAË r¡ Crt ì il.:el'¡' t,-r fr r1'"'P trÉÊFr c'rler']y gPner'ErU=' tA

the rr.r idor.,J rtl -1 rrr-ln t^rha had El.3.nned t¡ lr¡k inr ts betten

ÊtF,¡ it:" tl-¡ -trr it c'f{er'ed him. Fr'c,h,+t,ìl'-rhe r'Émåtned r:'rr In F;-a.n'--J-1rE'l i=ian,l beca.u=.e =.he l'r ¡.d nor,,lhsrs elEe to ElLa. h-e.d r,rer'l'r'ã.tidll'. r¡.Litl-r {Ë'r.Jr' Arder. tfl =.Ur',J¡'JÉ =,he to.rdapt lr,trut-r E childr'en tr-, frnd fan. The bc':r''= pr'ahahlf Eeg.r.n

t r'ap p i n g a. t ;1rr *.r.r' I :" .19Ê ' Th* "Afrìt-+ine" br'tr'uql-r t 'åamueì Ea:'t to lianr-ra.r'ao

Ie.ì and tcith h is r,"rif e a.nd six ch il dr'en. He r..{-r.Ë å 4:r :r'EaP

¡ld u,ll'r eelt'.lriql-r t Pn':tÉ,gÉd t,)'the';ì. A. llir:,. arr d l-r e rÉrrrã.irr e'J a.t the little =.ettlement, pr'=t,-+bl;v 'rt Stephenç' r-equEËtt L.\rl-rerr the "A{r'iÉåirr e" =-riled {ar' Holdf¡r='t Eay r:rrr ,t,r,,smt'er.. l-ln -Fundel' 13, Ea-='t r¡ndu':ted å t"letFr odi=.t ç.er'uice irr the ll'r,mF,;r.rr yrE =.t¡r'e .rt þler'ea.n E:+l'r¡-r å.rr uptur'ned t,+rr,el -1e å re¡.dinq de=.k t',¡hile hi=' 1 [rt

?t cGn-Jr'Ér-let I c'n wÉrÊ =eated on h¡-riríÊE I c¡.:-l4E and tr-1=.sE. Th* colc'nists t,Jere *nxi,fu=. t,f rFtrre+te thein cu=tcmå.rY way '-Jf life. The Es=.t=. r'Efrrained c'n Karr r¡*rc'c' IEland untiì ear'l:" 1E:iB r,.rhen thsy mnued ta Adel¡.ide.?3 tJiìli¿.m Ëìccher' Ê¡eacún. engaged hy the 5. A. l:rt. tn

i the rrrc,ç.t i tEbl e es.tat'l i =.h cn{{ee hc,uE.*:. lr-,r the Fc'c'r rr =.u pl -+c*=. in the nÊt,J r,f l,-rnf arr it¡ed c'n the "Af r icE ine" . É4 An enÉrgetic, industniË,u= m.1nr he FEm-r.ined tar a time En l{arr ¡-rar'c'r-, Ie. l¡.nd end planted hal{ a t'u=.heì a{ F'=tatc'r=' r'ound hi=. tent. thaugh he hea.rd th.:.t nothing r.,.rauld r---.¡rÉr,tl. He dapl ored the i:.{.rct ir¡n t'arder'irrçr c,rr mut iny wl-r icl-r he ' åmtr'ng the IabouîEr:= and the =-ìor.,J Fr'LÌrlrEÊ=. made in Èretrt irr g hu il dirr c-r'=., r¡.litl-¡ ¡rnl,"' ':¡nP Etnr'9, and R E,troth ,le:.içrnated the rrllr'r-,r..ln and Anthar'" t.ã.u*r'n.i-'5 lI:.rF'tain l..lel.-enn nf the "Emnra"¡ t.rhich hEd arnirled:rt the =ettlempnt ,--,rr 5 lltctr,her. I had intr'tr'duced E.Firit=. and th* mÉrr tr.rÉr'r= clntinu-e. lìy drunk. Er-r althc'u¡Jh ûsac,:n fe'l t therÊ r,.ìJå=. nB pr'Cr=.¡r sql {c,r' .1 ca{{ee h,=u=.2, h* derided t,:' renrair¡ åFr d tr'r' t¡ rJire h i=. empl nyer'=. =-+t i=4a.rt ian.'74

The "T-1m El '5håntEr-"' t'4ll tans' ll'¡'Fta'in LJhitÉm'f'rt r.e¡.ched Flepe.=rn Elå¡. Êrrr :1[ f.l¡rL,rg¡¡lrgr r,'lith 74 F.1=.=.PFl r--]'3r'-=r

,1rïrr--'rr e them tJalter Enomlef'.77 Elr,¡mìelr'had t,eerr ¡.n .3,':JÈnt ¡{ the Enitish e.nd Far'ei,¡n EiEle and Srhanl Saci*t;r +ar' -r.þr-,¡t Ë5 l,p-a.r€-.r ¡.nd durirr r¡ 1l '/?ã.r'=. in ll.arr .:.d¡. had eçteb,l i=.hed hnth Eib'lx Sr:,cietieE -e.nd srhoalç.. Hs t'r'':u¡ht .l;rrril t,:, f,:.-rn':r¡.r'c'c' I=. -=r.t,,-1ut ,11:l ='et=. o{ ÉHr:Pllerr t =chl'c' I 1rJ3

ìe=.Ean=. r¡.¡hich L¡.dy E)'ran h-¡.d FrÉÉPnted, .rnd S+mr-lel

Etepherr :. a.Eki*d Frim tt' e=-.t-rbl i:.h å =.chc'al . "1 cÈ, llerttd al I the ch il dren I p,-r=sibl r' trr:,ul d", he recàl I ed, "Eut the

r¡lhi:, le nUnthÉr C,rrl;" å.frrr--rurr trd tr' ?4, And ne-tr'l;" haìf ,:f tl'r Énr rdÉre infa.nt:- aìl ercept oner a. mere babe, cauld eithpr' =.pell c'r' rea,l t,e{c're I c-1nr¿ -1t'Jå'}'.r'FÊ Br¡-'mley t.e.uqht the childr'en under the sh¡.de ,:f å la.rge tree in

{irr e r.¿IÈ.lthÉr' -1rr d in the l-r ut Fre built {,rrF himsel{ r,JhÊrr f arc*d tr-r t¡.1+e =.he I ter' . He hu i I t å. E.tFÉrrË and tal

iencÉ år'ourr d -1 g.m.rìl år'Éå o+ Cc'mF,arr )' rr¡FtrruFr d¡ Frtrt/idirr çr

.End r,.rh the il I us.i¡-Jn nf =.Êcuri ty =.trbi I i ty ich -e.11 the

':¡:, ìi:'ni:.t= needed. Er.'=mlel, Ê.uqr_Jp=,txd t¡ Arr¡ th-rrt the

l-ompany .r. shauld prcuide =,uff icisnt tund'=. ts =uppart

teacher, urr til tl-r e Fr:,F, Ul-=rti¡r¡ irrrr'e.3.=.Êd. lnlithc'ut tl-r i=. it

ê-.eîrire=. a. mi1:ht Ee di+f icult to =e,:ure thr uf r'xp lacÉmPrr t tearher'.179

Elr'Llmlel,':. Ê.cl'r 't,tr I I [¡ "-= coif *e-=.ha¡' d tl-l e r'e I i g i ou=. EÈr,.,r i ces r¡.lh i ch Ea=.t +nd ather'=. c¡nduc tpd rr,rer'È

-r.ì1 .:rttenrpt=. tc' r's':r'*at* the I ife c'{ Err g1.rrnd. Ir¡ =.te¡.d of ;.d+p t ing t,: the i r nÊr...J en',r ir-rnmen t the;', tr i ed at f ir=.t to

iqnc'r'e tl'r * need {c'r' charr ge *r¡ d rÉi:':rnr i I i¡.t inn t,li th the ir'

unfrmil i,+r' Ëulrr-,uFr dinqe. Ëo I ittle h.='J been l4n':'t"Jn -+È,¡

tl-r¿ pl:LcÈ ¡tl-r trE.ert tl¡ lErr .-¡.Fr fTrur:h ¡{ r.r.rh.*t tl'r Ft' fnn e ':8, i'I d =.¡-r had relied eß h.:.d hexn mi=.le-¡.din'_f, th¿t the lir'=.t

n{{ ic iel trol,:'rr i'=.t=. in -qc,utl-r Ar.:E.traì i ;r r¡JÊr'Ê at tenrç,t irr ,¡ å

rîr-rË.t {c'rm i d-e.t l e ta=1,. . I Lt4

I Journal sf f-aptairr l'lr-¡rgan, "Þuke ai'f'c'r'k", ?7 July 1836, l,lL. ? Ib¡d. .f LI . Black*tt Hi=.tor'y cr{ Snuth'¡. I ia F 53. 4 A.G, Pnicet d t å'-r.l iar F. ?4. e Ll Ibid,, FF,33-35. ¿ IEid., F,.ilEl. 2 IEid., F.2,?. Ê R. csrl4t'ur'n, @r F. l1?. ? Anga.:- ta Gney, 1Ê l'lr:".remher' 1840t Grey Papen=. Auclllar¡d Publ ic Lihr'ar'l't r3L:41É' ltl A.Ë. Price, c'p. cit.r P.34. 11 Clutl lfre tr + thp Fla rr{ tl-re f,olanY r c'F . cit.r F,P. 45-48. t? Eee Ì4ap F. 4üb. 1:l f:umpEton. lr,anqar'ao IEIand 18ÚÚ-lE-J'åt p 147 . t4 Ruedigen. .rF. cit.r FF. Bl,-[+9. aÉ I ._r ûutì irre + t hp Flerr n{ the f,olonv r tP' cit.r FF, 52-58. lô ReminiscerrceE a{ tl.L. Ee.rr'e¡ reFrirrted I I an,le r' 3 Augu=t Itg3. =. t7 Tl-re Au ç.tne.ì ian Chri -=t i.rn C¡nrnr'-rnu.rea. I th 7 'lurrÉ tPn5. lg Ê.Lì. Frice, rt1'. cit., p. Ë?. T? Sanruel .Ëtepherr E Jc'ur'nal , 7E Juìy i, 133.4r ÉlFl.1'3. I'lLEA. ?ll flh-=e r'u É T , t1 ,Tuly lBi{ó. ?1 IE,id, l.lar'¡.rnr c,F. cit.r !-l '-Iuly lË36. l'lap 1=P l'lLSA' (Ta he åccÈ=Eir-'ned 1?É7). ¡-rp, ZË Juìr'lg-J'5r r'ILEA Z4 Stephen=, cit., .Il+ ¿.J l4r-'r'ganr trF. cit.r Julv 183ó. 4rJ Ê,n, .EÅr F. 13,{. 2] f"lnrganr cp. cit., 31 JulY 193'J. t-'J Ibid. '¿-/ Ibid. '-?tl It'id. 31 It'id. '1.JÀ '-¡ It,id. Eull, cF. cit.. P''.-,'. i'T r3eorge Fnench Éln'1-=,.5r trF. cit., p. 185' .-r - I Ih'id, t¿ [¡ia.mandr tr'F. cit., p. 55. 37 Thama.s t-ìill; Lla i n ¿.cl e a.n d ll.u r* r.F-rtc\' ¡{ ;ìOU th Èu t r',e.1 i .¡. =. r F.i' ã-J Lioht 'q. Erief 'Tcurn¡. I r F. 2' Ihid.r F,F,.El7r CË. .ln *.Li. Fr'ice, c'F. cit.r p. SPi H i n dm.=.r'E h t,:, Ll,r 1 on i å. I 'åecr,* t-i.r.:¡, ¿. .lånuar'i' 1g'¡7. qt rltt'=.s r.,,r e r. r 31 .Iu 1 l 1 Ëtì¿, , 4? Ruediger. c,F. cit.r P. 41 . 4'.1 Ibi,l.r F. 1l:l[. 1ú3

44 IE,id., F. 41; R. Cockhurn, @r P. '/7. 45 Aduer't iser 77 L¡e c emt'e r I F_l'Ëd . 4t Ibid. 47 Itid. 4E Ibid., a.l:.r-l te f' F. 4ó. T7 Aduer't iser 77 tre c embe r' I E '$,5 . 5t-l See [:hapter' 3. 51 Ruedi¡rerr c,F,. cit., F,. 54¡ tJellE. ep. cit.r p' tl:l ' 37 Iel a.rr der' .6 June 1 984. ÈFt i Ele c enrhe r' 1 ÉEó Adr.¡er t 27 8.4LI Repont l"lLSA. LI South Au=tr'al ian f,ompa.firr Fin=t ' .-¡.-t Qianrand, tr'Fi. cit.t P. é4. 56 Ibid. 57 A.Ë. Price, c'F. cit., P. ¡lC'. 5E Itid.r Ft.4Ë. -¿-/ Ihid.r F,' 4-/, r{û 5.4.C.R. Ér,upp' t, Light to ll'nnrmi:'='itr'ijer'Er ?3 Êugu='t

s1 S.A.C.R., SuFF,. Ir Lettec ttr' l"lartin. A.G. Pr'icer oF.cit.r PP Etl-51 . d'_r l"lor'g+nr EF. cit., !'3 Auguet 1i{3*{. à4 t-Joodf c,rde'=. Journal , ?7 Attquat 1:i3+ t p. 4 r l"lLSrl IEid.. F, . ¿'fr Ibid. =. å7 It'id.' t'. 11. ÉE Li'¡ht, Ep. rit.t p. L7. ,5F [¡iåmcnd, 'f,F. cit.r pp 5F-É0. 7rl Aduertiser', 27 E¡ecember' lEÉ$. 71 t,iaodfonder LìF. ':it.r F. 11. aF)TL Ibid.! p. tó. 73 5.A.t.R.r iìuFrFt. l. 74 Thom¡.= l:iillr "Extract fr'nn¡ letten fr'om t''1E:'Érr i--lgr Fìen 'Cygnet/rr. FRI:i5r Uc, 1 . X., p. l1P. 73 IEid.r F. 1lB. -, I Cumpstc,n, lr.,I., p. 141¡ .Ëecc'nd SupFlenrer¡t t¡ Fir'='t Repont of the 5'fì. Cc'. I À.r þlar' r F'. 43' 7E fitr,ueer'-= Jour'nal r 2 l''la,'rember 1ß'3d. 7l l+åRr g Julv 1837. Etl l4ary Thomasr oF. cit.t P. 41. B1 It'id. L'4 Ih¡d,, p. 4=. p l Ì-lc'r.r enrt'É I 'õ3É' fi':'U 'f r, ' E. .Ic'u r'na , 3 r' ' '44 l"lary Thoma.=.r oF. c it. r P. 4,i. Ib¡d., p."ì7. IÈ'¡d, Ll7 þ1a.ry Thc,nr.rEr tr,F,. cit., 11 Er*cemt'er' 1Í+!l'5r FF ,'7-11t1 ' r-'t= 'ËåR, rJ Ju I I' I Ë37. Ë, .4 A¡,r'iì 1Êl+F. ç'. 5Ër PF:r:rl:;A' FU F, Hape, V':t'aqe o{ the Afric.l.iner p. 1'J5' I u,å

91 l{,I.C., l4 APnil l9ltr ! " Ear ì y Êal's on l{an-Qaroo I a.l arrd - A E:hat u¿ i th l"1r [alnËrrr". ?7 R. Samu e East. å Êau th Aust nal i an üol sn i Et of 193é'' P. GE. (ed. l¿Jil ì 1 iam Èrchen [¡eacen ?:j C*-""q- É:. Florphett ), ' P i ani*r= Éìg=-.øc i at i on c'f Sou th åuEtra.l i a r 194É ' 94 É1FüË, FRr:ì,r'1 t/174r þlLËr\. F5 Ib¡d. -/á fihEeruer, 7t Decemher lEl?c,. l"lLSA. ?7 APçrË ! PRIS/l 1,/174 B1?-g2z ' ?-s rbid. ' 7? IÞid. tl.h.=.E tsr l.

l un r lia rttì

I g3ó- I .q43 Ths Sautl-r Au' i-rn tlc'mF,' tr.rå.: ir¡ ter'*st*d F,¡.rily in pr.of it'= far' :.h¿.reholder=.. The abunda'nce of {ine qu.rlitr, =.alt c'rr l{arr ¡ra.r'r,c' IE.ì-r.nd r,.tc,uld iacilita.te tl'r e pr.a{ i tebl e pur=.u i t nt onÉ o{ the i r' r:'hi etr ts. " thÈ cur'i n¡-.1 an,J -=-:r. I t inq ,r,f :.uch f i=.h m.1'¡ t'e +u itahl e {ar' .|n¡¡=.t 1 Lie. ur¡ l;.' r¡J3.=' etiF6r.tat ian. " I t in -=,. I imited =.up[r a.v¡.il+t, le {rrrm the la.g,=an at Ba.y rtl 5hr-'-r. lEr ¿.nd the [.c,nrp-rn¡'h-¡.'l =.ent aut -1 ,",;..Ë.t '=.u¡,pìt' Ê'{ c.=EH=. .¡.rr d m:rter'i-el .+nd men ta make them.

.ts. r-r{ ånd tl-r x "Lå'J',"' þla.r'y A=. =,ÉEn the "$u14e Tark" Pelh;rm" ha.d depa=ited tl-r eir p.3.ã-:Ên,--JÊP-q -rnd Ê'1r'----lr-r t--rrr the

tl-r {r:rr-' F:rci{ic r.,¡l-r ale ii=.1-r ÊF}'I t,e-tcl-r, e;', =.*iIed the ='FËr'rTr ã'--rUther'n lrJ'3.tÊr'Ë'. .1=. thef, r.{pt-Ê tr-rÉ ] c.te f¡r tl-r e =e,:tsL-in in 't'¡r'þ;" The "Ful,.p ¡{ t,.re.E. r.',¡r.erþi*d Ern a ree{ ngr'tl-r rr{ I'lc'r'*t'=rr

e Eå.,. in iì"Ftemt,er 18371 -e.r¡ ,l rJ.r.r=. -1 t¡tal l¡='=. ;rltl-r tr'ul-¡l-r 'tl-¡ l'Jer'¡* FelhEm" ta¡lt ,-rf{icers ¡.nd trper.,.l þ.rÈr'e =å,'.JÊd. The "L¡.d¡- ,5[l t,a.r'r.*1= cr{ ai],3 å.r¡,J th* dlr'ect,:r'-= r'Prrr.tin*d r-'[,tirfr i'=.tiC th-r.t, r¡.¡ith ì numher's af hl-+cþi r¡.rl-r a.leE =i'lht*d in Ër=uth Éustr'¡. I ia.n r,^,r.¡.ter:. dur'inq 1.qã7¡ t.rha. I irr g t"'lculd Fr'BLJÉ pr'':,f i ta.t' le,

Llrr {¡r.tun¡.telf'. tl¡ * tl:çr¡¡¡p.3.¡;" l*rl.led Ê:.{FPr'ienced nren tc'

dirert the ir' t'thaì in¡-r ':,FEr'at inn. :itephen= rel ied En l,.,Ji ì I i¡.m |..'jr i,_:lht I r¡.rh,: l-red t*err ËnrF l E:'ed t'þ' i-il-'i{{ i tl-r =. rlf .l ':.e.¡. ¡,,.1h+l l.'lr i h.=.d i i t*d L¡.unce'=.tnn B.'= å. er' ¡.n,J er .4 ¡l-r t '.r =' t rB

Hangaraa i:-la.nd irr the cuttÉn "[.'Jilliam" in 1835 e.nd I end id 1a.rr ,le,l t,J i I I iam TFr r-,mp=.,-rn th*r'e .5 Al thcrur-rl-r ts =.p ËEåmå.n Lrlr'ight t.ras. I ECcording to l'1cLarxn, ithe r'f,lnni-a.'l m.3.rr å.,:¡Fr) ,1n "Urrpduc¡.ted årr d I th irrt{ Urr Fl- inr ip'1g¡ seì{-ctr'ncei ted cpininna.t*d mtsn tÀJhB=.P t.ror'thle=s trhåra.cter

I r¡¡a.=. r¡ trrt 1c,rr ,1 irrÉrinq."S I rr f'l-r.rrt-r 1Ët7 .lc'hn Bì enÞ; i n='':pp , ln e:r.F" r'i err ced r¡.rh.+ler., arr'iued f r¡-¡nr -ìl'dnel¡ to Ee¡in t''rha.ì ing at

Err ¡tr,r.Jrr t*r' E¡.1' s.rr rJ EU'-:rge=.ted t¡¡ Ëteç'l-r ÊnÊ th¡.t th¿ir'

F.É ÊomF'ani*s e=.ta.bli-rh a. ioint f i=hery. Ëtephens

r¡.r n=.,:,F t r.eiu=.s,J an,l tr i ed ts trc'flrF e tÉ i th El enþi i F . He ='Érr the t,a.r.que ',sc,uth I ian" t,f Eo=etta. tc'ì,¡e, Encaunter Ea!, I ttr ¡rrt aÈ. the Ë,4. E:o."'=. f l¡atirr ¡-l r¡,¡h¡. I irr ¡--l ='t¡.ti¡rr . rlcnf I irt hetu-resn the tr¡l¡ ctr,mFa.nie-Ê neËultx'l .7 In the "t.lillia.m" þ.lrigl-rt se.iled r'Êr-Jul¡.r'li t'etr¡een

h,r'inr-¡irr ËUppr I ie=' ;tnd H:årt ,-:tå.r.'lC' I=. l.rrr ,l '+rr d Err trC'Unter' Ë.r.'¡'I '1 equipnrent fram the ll¡mpårr !'rE Ettr'r'e .e.t l'i in,¡=r'=te t't¡t hE,

l]:a't Lqlå'=' tl-r e nnll' É!í[rsr'ierr ':ed t^lh¡. ler' empla¡r'*d Ef' the 5'A' n,lt Énr_J-i.ged d i t I ¡, irr r,,¡ha. l ing. Ll H. ir¡ q=.¡'=te r'Èrrr.3. i rr *d the E+t' b'ut the Lìnnrp:rnl' =.trtre=. t-r.=e ior' the R':=.etta =.t;tti¡n. tl-r e ,li,J rr c¡t ÉnrJã.r-Jp irr rarh;. 1 inr-r {r',:,nr l"¡+r'':u I='l-r.rr d '3'='

,lir.eE. lr-'r.-= had ¡ìanned. It-= r¡'rl-r -r. I inE =hip=. tr-"rþi =t'enm

r¡lhal e=. E.,:'tr'n .:r{ter' I e+u in,l fr; inr--t=,':¡tÉ, but tl-¡ i=' *'lrì;r :.u':ÊE=.-= did nnt cantinue. ';'

årr Fi:.h inq t^l¡.=. ,r.rr c, thFr' 'Ji=.appc'irr tm*rrt. 'itepl'r *rr =. rrade

ef{or't tr-r r:a.rt'y Eut the lìnnrp-1rr ¡'lË nb.i ertir.'I Lr'" '¡c' ing sut I rl:7 him=.elf t¡ lear'rr {i=.hinr¡ end seal inr--¡' He made EE-:r='tr'rr and clainr*d' år.rE(rr qÉmerr t=. {¡¡r' =.*al ing in the 1'E137 "I r,.lill har¡e Ér-rme thi=. EÊaEßn yet and haue t'een Éne tr'ip

. I l-r RqJ É rrrye-.P I { t Tr I p ar'n thp fr ¡trrr.e ¡r{ t ¡: ¡r'r'e ': t I r' a't'¿Eidez rìlßrkÈd ,trrr e Ê+ ':'ur Ëeine ßÊtE å. little å'nd .-rellinEl å rlrf,i:rd ,Jeal 3.t 3d F,er lh) I l-¡ eue E;<. lted dc't*Jrr heen .atr--'ut lBtll.l t h'=. r,,.'P ir'-Jht ¡f 'JÈry PXcÉl I ent { ish. I h'aLle

'=¿. crbl ir_led t¡ ,l i.=,cÉrr t i rr u* tl'r r.=, E,ec-eu=e I h.*uÉ nÉ mÉrr'É I t ,

trå.Ê.þ;-=r EF in,leed l-r a.rll=. ta"1fl Therlampan},u.Jå.Edi=spF,trintÉdinthefailun*tr+tl¡Jr-.

pxF,erience'J f i=.Fr ÈrmÊn fr¡m Flt'mr:,r¡th r,'.ll-r u l-r ad t'*en enrplr-',ved salelï t¡ Ë-upFlr the settlement t'.rith f iEh' Ther'r'qjer'e ta Er-r mucl-r r.ereir.¡e "fjlLltr t,er. å.-r rnufTr e+ch, tl-r eir' a=.'=.i=.tant:. t{EÈl4l}'i-end,1r-r,=dr¡Jit'ÊE,liþ;eallfi-=hsPmÉnrErih'=qlr'lÈr'P I¡'lhich t¡ nra.k;É ån,l nrend tl¡ *ir' netE, ¡. '.JEr'l' ìer'¡lr =upplr''=f I I p:rr't¡' :.'st Ërut in f irr e LrJå=. =ent ç,ut r.,Jitl-r them. " Th* rÉmåine,l ¡ {¡r' tr..lerr t:r-f¡ur' hsur'É'. hut =t:.. l* and,J t.r itt-r c-1ne r-rt the ilr3fTrfr a.ny"Ë' t'e:-t nst=' tÈ'r'fr int¡ u=.ele== -=hred=, .3.nd ertpc,=.ed a.fter'l¡Jård.= ifn tl-r * t'e;+ch till tc' ¡ t rJá.=.,t terr . Ther ,Jpi i e,J -{tepl'r ÉnË. r,,lh,=' þ'r 3.=. urr :

I n Aui1u:.t 1-,:l::lC, tl'iEçr¡'¡¡e l'lar't i n , nrå.s'tÊr' c'i tl-r s " 'T':'hn", fc,un,l the =.ettìement at l.lepe-e.rr Ea.t' in uErtrr'3.1- end tl-¡ e EÉrr i ,:'r' a{i ic i-e. l =, EiÈ'r.r'Ë , Eir'd='et'e and Srhr'g1'''t¡'r1¿ì , l-Jrr h¡.d term:. r¡Jith StephEn-=.1:J 5te¡, l-r Prr =. intemnÊr':trr trÉ 'rrr d ,,-- ¡f A ha=tf' tempeT Crn nUmer'üUs. L-ì':i:åÉi,:'n-a added tA 111-l

l4 l¡lhen marr i *d Ël-r¡,rl tr'tte the di e=+t i =.fact i on. Ëtepl-rÉFr!. H¡¡, Eeare, =-ister af the deFruty rrr-¡.r¡ å.98FI l-rn t'nand tl-¡e ".ltr,hn Firie" Ërr -¡4 .Septenrher 1l:l:{'år15 ¡( fr'ee i=':'ue É+ rum r:reå.ted å. r iat å.mong tl-r e mFn. Stephen=''' f in-=.t hc'me Ën l-, I=.ìa.rr ,l €.ÉÊrrr9 ttr, haçe þe*rr .1 "ntud {¡r't"1É Euilt {r¡m ma.terials u.rhich had heen braught {rom Engl.r.nd, in=-tructiarr E' u'JÊr'e Ët*pherr =., *{fc,r.t=-. tû trå.r'F'}' aut hi=. in¡.dequatÉ. .HE had n¡:t been r..ri I I ing ta Exel'; the adt.r ice en,l Ctrr-Ë'FergtiArr nf tl-r e i=. l'¡,rrder'--' l¡¡l-rn CC'Uld h-=''"re helpe'J th* cslonist= tl-r ad+pt and :-utrr:ÉÊd in f i:-hing +nd -=.eFiEE irr cidentE led in rl.lnuar'T 1S:{7 t¡ a =.eal irrg. ,l tr,{ ftr-r.yâ.I tl:omn¡,fn to enquin* intn "the l-¡.r¡.lleEs 9t-rte rtl

LìC,c i*t:r' ¡fFr liang.i.r'n,: Is. l.=,.nd. "17 l.rJeEt c'n t":'srd :itEFherr =. ha,l ,r rrr-1n n*med '3. Frr'i:'':'nÊr the "[.]',¡nÉt" É'n å. rh.=,rr-le af *ttrmptea nrurdert L'r:t he tr'r'1=

cl-r Tl-r e tl;ctrerrr rr crt F,r.ËF,+r.e,l tc, t.utrË.t¡.fr tiate hiE. aFrr¡É'3.. ':rr' .f,r-_JrpÉ'l ta ,1ß A{f iC i-+l enqu ir'l' int,:, Fri-rÉe* En the ¡nd i=. 1Et'l ,l -lrrrl -

F.irr g-=.,:C,te ,-rn Et ¡I¿r.¡r33¡,,r' ll=l3F å.Frd E; tXph*nç. r:åfTrE t,f t¡.1'íe

nÉr¡ r¡'tl-r '1 ìet'¡E.t' ËtEt¡en:'rlrr them ,1ç.htr,re in å. =.pickl -and-spa.n tl-r "f,:,un,l ¡t rr er:ÉE.s..3.r'l't,r ---.3.y.¡.t trnr:e ta him puEliclf' -=''t a{{iriaì ,lutIe.-= Frer:IUded åccÉpt-e.nce trc,rrr l-r inr

rr Úrr È rr i¡¡ht ¡{ .1fii. l-r r:rÈ.pitalit}, vlhetÉ,,rÈr *.r¡ d r;.te þsr¡qtrJ th-rt t,e ¡fiered."lË 111

Éå{ter cc'ncì u,linr¡ h i-- snqu ir ie=., :-ìte'JPnEr-rrl r.ÁJr'otÉ r "* :.t,E.tÉm cr{ r.ecl,iìe.=.=. di:.r'rr¡a.r',J ûi ÉuÉr'¡thirr l-l I ilte Èuerr thx outt*lar.d r¡E,.-=Ért,.3.rr r:e ,:,f rel igian Ihad] pFer'rå'iled {nn t,\rlre nrÊ'dÉ t'l' the mrJrr tl-r E.. Tl-r + ffrr-,!.t ¡.b=.urd r'É'JUlati¡r¡ =' 1,1+na.ger.t.r ith r'Br--l.frrJ t¡ tl-r e LÌJå¡--JÊ-='¡f the Eer'uants hein'1 tel'ie paid irr F,-1.F,Ér't åFr d. in th* É'.,¡Ênt trf their r'e{u=.el tn il-r eir.rrlågÉ€- in it, ar.derE r.,Jere iç'=-ued tha.t nGne a.t a'll

r'E'â.Ê¡-rrl at' di:'ct'rr tent ç.1-r AUl,l te p.=.i,J thrm A EC'Ur':e Ê'f ìe in th* f;+ct that fr'e=.h r¡-e.ter' mu':'t t'e t'n':uçrht ir'am

å.rr ,J sLJsr'y rrårr i:' c'Eìiged t¡ pull -1 di=.tårr trp a{ =.i:,r mile:., in å. bc,-et hy turnE that di=tåni:É nnthinçr trå'n b'* m'.rre ¡-r h,=¡,gle=.E Th*re i=. rr cr r¡later. ntrr larr dr rrr:rtl-r irr t'ut drunl,lenne=.=. and demtr,r'al ir.¡.tion."1?'åte'.¡Err='-rrr å'r¡d -¡tr;rnrJrr.JÉ.},=. f ini:hed thein nepÉrt urlr the F.a.nçl-r.rau Isla.nd

tl-r nlÉlå.rr ¡l-¡ ¡lt' prr qr.¡i¡..,. rfFr != .l3.rruå.r. 1. 1,-J':17, ':,--,rrr:PFFr Ed ¡.Ì- th* !U Ef f air I¡J,I,Ul d ,li-=.treE,ã "r¡Ur elcel I ent {r'ien'l i"lr Én¡l':=' " :-itEEhen=' r.l-1.n;, rtl the pr'at, l*m=. =.temmed {r'Ém l¡Ji-r irr .=.h, ilit¡'tr r:,ht-r.irr tl-r r r:'3-'-rFrer'atic'n ¡{ tl-re rrerr ' ile it ,a.FFpâ.r=. tha.t he m.rde ÊrlmË mi='taþle-= ¡rr d r.4'3'=' ¡{ten

'=.Fr f-r c't t'* mi.=.¡-rui,J*d irr l-r i:. l-r å.n,llirr ,1 ,:,f menr it ':,uld f¡r'qr¡tt¿n th¡.t tl¡e t-r.=.14 hi=. empìr-'l'er=' rl'a't're him r"'lå'E' Fjutlr gr'l¡'nd'=' pnÈrrm'fuE. Tl-r e l-,:,rrF,arr ',' h¡.,1 r'el iEd rTlu'lh crn r.eFrJrt ¡n l.:.a.ngar'or-, I=.ìend r.'rithar-l t f ir='t checP'in! il''= Uali,lit¡,. :jtenh*rr :. i¡r.ln,l tl-r +t "åìÍrC,=.t *'"'+r'!'r'''t':'t-'J C' { it [r"la..=] .=. trrmElet* Ue."!1 l"l¡ne of tl'r e [:,:rmp'-='.rr ]"=' rr{{irial=' h;'.d L1r the -=Ettl*r.= r,,,lhr-L a.r, r..,-r ith the f irst '','E=.=el=' 11?

They å.rr'¡ Fr'Êuitr'u= E:4FPr'ierr ce r-'i Au=tral ian conditir-tn=-'' LqErÊi=.r¡ìate,J¡.rl,junFr'ep-r'r*'J'TlrÉTrr'rPPElitenallr'tr'rr their'Éf'Jn. Th*y c':ruld nr:'t å-;k aduicE Êuen irom the ather .l tl-¡ Ém ¡lu.=tr.¡. i ;rrr csl orr i x=-.. Fre.i U,l i cÉ t4trtU l d l-r a.t¡É FrF Ér'ren t*d a.,luice fr.¡m FÈn.3l c¡lnrr ie= EuEn i+ :11'dnÉy fr¡m =.e*14in1-.r +r''|:'frr F,r.e.-i .1 1=.,:, 1.1 ept tFr *m ¡.rII H,:h,ar.t l-r +d t,Êpr-r tln=,er. u,JrcÉ r.'lhe tr'JÉr'É rei-lår'dÉd å=' c I r-¡ç.e rcn tac t r.,.¡ i th the i El .:.n,ler'E I ittl¿ t'etter' th.rrr !'!'r/'L1r¡ÉE. In Êpr'il 1L1-:|7 tl-r* ''5r-.Uth fluE.tra. l ian', a.r'r.itled et l';.ing=cots. The ãur'EÈÊnr l¡l' H' Leigh! Ê.rr','r tha't Ê'c'mÊ

made : Fr r'L-rgr's €.Ë. h -rd t'e * n

Ele{¡-,rÈ u=. r''J*r'e tha l'rill:'r rlrl tFr * ='lc'F'e c'i t*lhicl-r I ie= the t¡r¡.rn, The=.e h i I l'=. å.r'E çÊ'."er'Ed ent irel y r1 th¿ -1FFPår":{rl r:g r.r.r itl-r l,r.ri-r,l,J¡ l-r år,.'irr , ir'tr,m the ='Éår '-r{ Fr å'rr there -='' ¡--,rr p imç, E¡,'ptr'-rtle iu¡'1 Ie, t''litlr ErP d r_-tr.¡:up, l,{ ,Je¡.,1 tr.Ée=.. r.*.-e.r.irr r-1 their' q.3.urr t +rr d tFcrË=ibl f' r,.li there,l I in¡t-=. åtc.r,,s thei r' fÊl l':','¡=-' eL.ridenc* ,:f t'u=l'rf ir'e='l È little p':trh l-r 'rd t'eerr rlea.r'ed a.t the sf ,rrr e ':t th*='e hill=' ;'Frd ='lupe tlr tl-r Ére .3. itÉ r:rlttallx, E F'r'çrper't!' f,-,{Ë.Ëtepl-lEf-r5,E=q.Inemed..F'c'=ettaI]:'rtt.=..'Je'.+{t*r=tc,c,,J =alit¡.r't'r¡.¡l-r l-r i1l tlieÉ,r',1* Fiie Arr 1f-:r.=.r r¡li{*1. l-Jrr tl-r e brc'r'''l ¡f tl-re ' irr ths ---Eår Liler'e laaÞlin,¡ ¡1,-rr¡rr-r a.:.teeF, F, r'eciç' ice tc t^ll-r irh c':rr t-:Lirr ed {er'nr sT -aÉ¡fTrÊ halt-,lc,ien ftl,f,:r,JÈn huL:, emiqr'a.nt=. l--lrr the t'e+ch L"J'¡'E rhe skeletorr o+ 4' r:UFr t'r¡Fr i rl-r t¡JPl-'* .=.ttr,r'e-h,3u=.e tl-l en Url 'l* l' Ef'er t iOrr , åF d f,lr.:r Íl',te huts E,uilt ¡{ buEhe:; irr Lìrr É '-r{ thsm '::,r' -='Pr'''Li':Ër ta thel rrÊr'É çrÈr'f,lrrr ¡rr Ël 'JiL,rìrr Ê the ='ummtr'rl =' be hunr¡ uF a.t terr d r.,.rh i ch r¡.rE= ¡¡ i uen b.r' meã.rrE' n{ a I t irr a tr'ee.Ë?

l-r c'lfrP rJ.rh e r' e l-r * Tl-r ,:,rrr-1Ë. Ele+r'e irr r,'ited Lei¡-rh t': l-r i=. t ¡4 4¡rrnd it l-r.3.n,1 t¡ r' {r'om ìau¡-lhter' ¿t the =.i çh r:Érl {i''re Êr' i :l I-1UITìE, Ele.rr.e'=. r:å.nt¡r;i.=. t*rr t irr tl-r e tr'e ':{ =. u,¡itl-r å. pcrt .=.r,Jun'_:t !-JiF='i {e=.1-r ic'n l-Jr'rEf- -¡. Iir'*Fl:".Ce L.'litl-r /t2 b fr:t4.r'þ

|(al<( e'rr

B /\lr' 511 oALS' Qrr'Ên"1' tt/a"J'



I I ¿

@ r"t, #

a vet



::l .É, L1'-JmFã.t-r ;.r"'_q Pl-=,.n t,{

l-'.irr r-l:.c':'tÉ, E;hc,;. I Et.:(i,.¡.r¡ d [:l,grr et F.i i,,r*r. l:]:t,5 1l:J

tent E*are had a FigÊ¡n-htr'rlÉel å fer.,.l =tone-q' Èr'r-rurr d the the paultr/, atrrl .agricultur'.rl inrplenrent=.. Eear'e l-r ad made l-r i= tent á.'= r'Ê'=.Fectab, le å.=' pc'='=it'le in='ide and h-+d epread In cri{er'irr r¡ t¿.b, le r,,.rith tl-r e t,e=.t f':r-"J ar"aiì'rE'le'Ë3 f Etr itr'uE at'¡u t h i-= I i"L inr¡ h,-rsp i tal i t¡' he =.eemed :-eì -trc'rr r.d-aÊ. rr in4 t¡ .rdapt t' l-r iE u i='i t'=r' c¡n,lit inr¡ =.. Ee¡.r.p t,egirr rJ'e'I uP-= EP'll-¿'-=' t''l i4e Fr ad n':t Et i 1 I .j u,1ge,J b,l' Err '-lì i ='Fr ' fulì,r' rer-Í-nrtere,l irc,m her' iìlrr eç"= r:'rr 'r'r'r'iLr'¡'I at l'''irlf:c':'tEr å'nnthen da'u¡rhter' -?.nd r/.J.1-? tr-, die c'n 3 :-îÉF,tEmt'er ='Ér:'n a'{ter'

'E; Err h i=' eì e'-l+rr t r..,Jåe ErËrr'rr . t..Jhen Le iç¡l-r ,lirr e'J t"¡i tir tepfr Ê' irr r¡i muttsn dr.-r.r,.ring p'f,Rrrr r¡¡ith a. line '.riPLtr nf the Eal'I ¡' leg ,,Tl-r vJts=. å lU:qUr';"'Fr trrt .+lr"tå."E t'r he ed r,ljå.=. =.errle,J. i=. ':t'tairr t4 trl'3'E EÉ'Jirr rr irr tt' ln the inf encl' af -:r. nËf''r rc'I anl" " Le igFr '-:t t ie=' åF,prtc iate the r:c'l '-rrr i='t='' di+{ irul '

å'rr å EEnrF-r'nicn nut t¡ l-iln 1= 'Iul.¡' 1E:+l Lei¡rl'r d =et r'r-r1d e:rpìrr.e the interi,-rn l{ the i:. 1-e.rr d. {c'llr-rçtJi¡'¡ "-a' ':ut Ee:-'r* thr.c,ugl¡ the gum-tr'ee=. E,r' the FÊr'ËÊvÉr'-1rr ËÉ crf þ1e='='r=' anrJËtepherl=.t¡Lt'=.putca.lie.lth¿Fa.r'mts.di=.t.r.ntre{rlm r'e:(r:he'll l-r,inq=.c¡-,te r-¡J Ê.Éuerr nr ile=. tThe}, E('rÉntu'q'llÏ {pet tjor,,Ern'fr LlallÉnr=' {ar'nr hL-'u=.Ê 3. =qu.3.Pe a.t'nut ten lett*r A, EtrrrrrFr ¡'=ad ¡i lE,rr ,:-J . th* =.i,1*=. FÈEErrrtrl inq th* the herk tr,f e. tr'ee [r¡.rith] '3. little {enc* irr {r'¡nt'"Ëf There Lei¡-rh met l.,JEllenr th* nlde=.t irrh;.bit-rnt ,:{ th*

¡.¡rr til ';; teFl-r Él-r Ë' i=.ìarr ,J, ¡.n,1 =.rrle F,r',rFr'ietc,r' ¡t the {ar'm å.rn¡1,'Ed. 114

ËtephenE å.rr d m'3.rr :/ ath*r' nrÈn h¡'d r''i'=ited the {-r'r'm' i an,l i t.:. pr.aduc t i r,'i t:,. nr å,'Je å. uÉl- ,r, {,r.trqrsr'a.E l ¿ impr'e=.s. ':n Én rr.lhen trtrmFared r¡.r ith the Fnc'n l¡.nd thel'E-1tl'r eì=err'rher'e tt-r e i=ì,rnd. The nel,.r :.ettì *r'=' r:c,ul d Fr rl't rråþiÉ å ì i''r irlJ Ef' h.=.d already t'een killed' =ea.ling -1€-.-+lmo=t -1ll the seals L,Jhal irr,l h¡rd rr ,:t pr r.frrlBrl E.UEËPEE.+Ul. l'l¡=.t trl the inrn¡ i¡'ant=' h-a.,1 ÉL-rrrrÉ F,rÊF.rr'ed t¡ iar'm Eut thein ea.r'li' -='.ttemFt= r'^Jer'Ë thu,ra.rte,J b,r. th* Etr¡t,harn =.,:'il å.rrd tl-r e "irr t8¡-'nr inahle E,nu=-h" r,trh ich def ied the ir' e-rrl y a.ttempt=. ¡.t clee.r'irrg' A{ter' r'É'r.din,l 'ãutl-r *rlan,l'e' glc'r."'tirrg Ei:':tr'urr t '-r{ {*rtil* çEil and i-rFen pìain= the:,, É:íFectpd É.urffiÊthin,-:r liþ; e the

:Jr'ÈErr f ield=. ¡{ Err¡-rl-rnd.

ll:¡rnrparr rrrr-.1 :t hf,r,' Ê "The -ìtpF,her¡ =. ,Jerided th¡rt the ;." F-=,.pm", tJalIen r..'.1å.=. "the å.trtu¡l ¡l'ruÈr'rl rlr'|''' olde='t t'lr' -':,- l¡.rr ded irr h-rt,itarr t arr rl =.,-rle Fr':,Frri*tor', till L.trith hi:. ':-lrg,:"'.!C' .itepl-¡en=. cl.=.inred t¡ he thr ¡iiiri'='l

,-f'3'..'å'r, and Ér'der'Êd tJ-e. llen tO UFr l-r i-=' *='t¡.te, "tl-r e

h,e.=.t hit r-,{ ìa.n,J ;(rr :,'trll-r Pr'e }'Ét '=.8Érr He h+d dtL.'ated tr.rLent;,, Ïe-a.r=. af gr-¡ìit:+r':¡ e:tile t,-r itç. cr-llti'.r+ti¡n' e'rr d .At*phÉF¡ E arr rt ':rr,lt r,1J.1.=. tl-¡ reaterr e,J r.'¡ith e:{: FrUle-.i¡¡¡ ,"?7 ='Ênt ¡.nd -¡.mba.=.=+d,:,r' tn FUrtrh-r.=.e l.rlel l gn/E =.torl+ {,-rr' the Ll':'mF'Ë.n}' årr d l-r e tt,C,l,:. Ftrr=,:.g:.=.i,:n ,:rf -r. ll hi'=. i':'t.r l':' ft'r' ¡.t'c'Ut !ü"'- price=.. F¡r'hi=. I+nd. "hi'=. hi=. F,i,-J=.-r.t equ.+ìl:r, =':;r.r'la. Iau:. 'l(4n E,!' ÊuPf'¡' la¡:.1 ¡t F,':'E=.PE='i':'n". it rr'l'fÊ' Fr'et'ended l-r Ê thr'er,'l tl-r e mtrnÉ:'t' neËEir.,ed the ',r-ì. lue ,+nd claimed that hr

Tl-r e irr ta i-r i=. ,:l-r pËt ,=tnd r¡.lent trtr tlr * t{irr É-=.1-r :,F,.!Ê' 115

ined r-rutc'Ê'='t" o{{ ir ia. I =.' cl aim tha.t t''J-rt I en b'etrê.mÈ "ð ru heìped thenr ta .iu:.ti{:¡ tlre =.*izur'e çf hi=. l-:rr¡d, hut he r,lent to ì ir¡e at HE,g Ea>' ne-1r' the =prinll {uund Et}' Baudin an,J l-r i :. men.t?

Èt mi,Jrr ight trn ? June t'Ê137 EÉmÉ nf the i='l+nd mErr ru=.hed ,lr¡rr.rn ctft the flnmpan.ï,/É tent= r¡ith {ire brandE in ån attenrpt tr, turrr tFr e c,{{icia. lE. aut. Tl-r e i='l'-rrr der'=' l'r s'd ='el {ir.e tB the rnuntr;,, in m.3.n1,, pl+ree in -1 cirrum{er'Bnce n{

tl-¡ e three mile=. ,-¡.rr rj tl-r e hlarÊ -1Fr d thl- UFrr-tår' t:+uç'ed h:o ç-r.pture o{ Ëf-JmE c,{ the ringìe-rder=.. the shcut:- ,tr{ mÉnt ar¡ ,l =-r:rE.:(fTtE. ¡l l.rJ':'fTrPn and Childr'err , cr'eet*d årr al'='rmirr ':t

.3.F,=. ,-ri tl-¡ * c,tl-¡ er' Unnff iciEi É.trenc.:lltlt FÈr.i.r t*Jallrn and =.r:'ntp rr-=idents sc,ught neuPnge fon r¡,rh'r.t the:r reg'rrded '3.Ë' tl-r e the{t tr,{ l¡1,r.ì'ì ÉrrrE. {ar'nr . tJaìlerr j¡¡ir¡ ed {':'r'':e=' r¡'lith Eat*:'. Th¡m+:* a.n,l ,-rther'E.=.n,J, in FE-r.---tr¡r'a.Ele Ëar:Ur'itf'{r'c'm the='e

ir¡ tr,u,J*r'=. fT'tr,nr tl-r e E.r-,':iÊty l-r É h.:td !'rlrrJrl¡ht t¡ PÊ'Cå'frÈ, cantinued to Ii'"'e mu,:h å.Ë befr-'rÊ.:{1

Èccc,r.,3ing t,= I=. I a.rr d tr.edit i¡n |,il+l I *n prl:-=Ê'=.=,e,1 -l {ineh¡r='e,l7lrend='t-r.llrr¡'lhicFrthP=Éaler"='cìainr*'J':'=''lrrÈ

fr.r-,m T.r-=mania. in ,1 ¡¡lhalet'n.rt. l4r= |.'''-r, d-r.ughter' ':r{ 1..,J illianr Ëile=., -qÈ':c'rr d rrr:1rr å.'lPr f¡r' th* I{':'utl-r Au='tr"

r.efeF'i,Brl t,-¡ trrr ìi' r:'nE hrFE.Ê tr'rt tt-¡ e i=. l-1.rr d, C¡l-t -1 {afm

il¡lal lEn/=.J eight n¡ iìe=. ir''-rm¡r=.rc,te r/'rhÉrE E Em'='. l l år'E-1.

¡{ I -c.n,J h+,J heerr ru ì t i,-, ¡.ted he'= i ,le å r'iver' .:{l tilal I *r-r Irr¡J'i t 11¿, h-r.r/e hrnught the h,-rr'E* in *1 t.rhaìeba+t from \Ja.n f iemen'-= Ls.nd belore thE ¡ltllirial =.ettler'=. .rr'ri'.¡ed. t3earge Ea.te=. r¡,ra.tched t.r ith irrtereEt a.c- the Eettler='

'=.ta.rte,J E,u il din'1 hut=. a. lc,nr-r Hing=-.¡r-l1* b*¡.cl-r . He l'r ad å

F,lLìp c,pininn ¡¡{ th+ men e.elected bf' the tl:ampa.n¡' and =.'rid

Ef,-1 tl-r :ìtEF, l-r Èn=' ha.d t'-r thBir' r'*tic'rr tlrei'L{erP laz;" at ='tup =' ta mrþ;e them t.rork. l¡.lhen the mPn mUtini*d thef' tlrÉrÉ i-rnìl' t,r'¡r¡Êl-r t t,:, r'P.l'=.Errr r.,.rh*rr F,tep'l¡ ÈnE- Frtr'ducPd hi=' pi='tnl= ¡.n'l ,frdErEd them r-'ut rtl hi=. tent. Tt,rn Ef the nin'¡le+der'E tl.rÊFe di,l,l tc, hå.'.rÉ bepn impriÊ.trrred in tldel-+ide.33 Eate'=. '--ofie hut br..lilding for the f,r-,¡p¡1¡;v and ¡'ì='o s.Êtr':'mFa'nied Li'lht irr h iE È.ur'tJe:r' a{ the trc'.3.Ê.t in the "Flap id" .-?4

ål thauçth thers r/.r-4.Ê pìent;"' ':f =.urf ace lime=.tcne r/,'her.e the S. f1. tl:tr'. uF their b.¡.=_.e, initially thel':.ent t¡ T¡.=.m.i.nia {or. lime and ttr, En-Jland f,:r. þr.iclt:-. Èrr Err dlE=.=.

È.UF,FÌ ì )' o{ LrJrt¡Erd'od L.'l i th i n r'Ê,1Élr c{ the ir. terr t doar.=., t' timEer' fgr' hl-Ju=.eÊ.r 'la'-Jr+T;{.mEËr ¡¡lindi-Ju.¡ E.r.'-ihÉ=., fltr'ar':. a.nd..i ci=.t=. r'Ja':. hr.i-ru,:ll-r t {r.,=,nr the err d.:. ':4 the e¡.rth. r-ed-rr tr-1mÊ fr:r-,m Ël'dne;r, ð.rr d d*a. I {r.,:m th* E¡.ìtir,llF

Emigr'ant .,hifr-. c¡ntinuecl tu call at¡-r=c,lte. l¡Jherr the "Hartìef." å.r','ed crrr -¿']! L-tct¡t*r 1t3:17 ,I-=,.r¡ È I=,;..t'eIIa tltil e=.. ì ater l¡*-.. uJ;{=. di=m-i.:¡ed ¡.t h¡.r.'inq tc b* c¡.r'r'ied

t,.r' r:rr'd in-a.r'l' i I nr"=., .f,:, th i :. r¡,r¿.=. th i rr q r¡.¡l-r + -+sh¡rg =.-+ =.c'me icl-r l":'Unq Enql ish lady =.h,_ruld nat h¡.r.¡e Fprp.r itted. l;hE rr.r*a.Ê.

-=.UF'pri:.ed ta '=.ÊÈ l-r ¡-'r.'J ffrrJrth h.¡.d t*en dr-rrr e in È,c' .=.1'r cr.t A time. the E*ttl¿nrent h-r.1,, ¡nO ,:,nl), È,peFr +¡rmed the i,É.r.r 117

Ee{are.f*' Én r¡h:.erì/årr t ;,'¡,u¡g r¡ltrrm-1rr r E.he¡rde,r il-r e detaiìe c,{ deilv lífe aã the f-+mil¡ -r'lju=ted to their ner,l entlir'anment. Thel' en.i r-,t'ed {r'eE.h t'r.rad and þutter m-r.,le frnm r¡oåtE/ milþ, r,.lhich the r.,relcaminçr ÊuFerinten'l*nt tr{{er'ed tFr em. It rrjå.É å¡,:lt t.r f ind that the Qtr,.lt=. L,JFr.È milked on the l(itchen t-r.hler and that the

:.uppninterr dent"=. r,.tife ha.d -1 F,pt F,ûEEUm tn h*'ì p rel her lonel ine=.=.. The EUFÊrintxndent"= r.rrife r..{.18. ad.=.pting ta is. land life r,,rhiìÊ ,1-1ne Is¡.helìa'=. En-_-¡l i=.h ua. lue: an,J -=.te.ndard= Ferrltsined =tranq, Her {a.thE.."-=. FUr.trh¡.=e ,-rf ,'.3. f i ne Al deF rÊlr' crtrtr.r r the on I y E,n the i I a.nd" i'7 ,¡a=. ':'nÈ =. * am-''. 1I =tep tar,,¡*r'de making th*mEeì'.res. sxlf-=.uf{icient å.É. tl-rÊ}. adapted tc, i:.ì-+rr d tr,rrrrditlan=..

The t3i I eE f ¡.mi I y mE t "s str:rnge c'l d Txut,-Jn r_-reol agi=.t, f rÊ,m th* H.rrtz l"lc'urr tein=, r¡hc' h-rd t¡ÉBFr Érr r_:tår_l*d t:t the l]c,mg:rn7 t'= ezplr_'r'e th? trL-1untr;e f¡r nr iner..aì=, {ind r.,.r-r.ter

{t,lh i,:h he rt Ér.JÉr' ':trru I d, thr,r.l'f h c I a:.p t'e-=. i'l* l-r i:. rnt t-+'¡e dc'or) t.,-l.?---., i{t , -end f ar '.råT iÊr.:= =c ient if ic FUt-F 'r [ir' ,Ir:h-1rr npÉ. l"lenge, the tlirmF,É.Fr lr.,'e 1trealr_,r¡i=,t, h¡.d huilt him=.elf å.rr underrlt'r¡urr d dr.'.reìlirr g r.'lith the r'cc'f .i u=.t åt":".r8 graund ìx',rel.3? He enrl,==.*d å p-+trh ¡{ d}' l+r¡d =.maìl =.-r.rr and r.,.1¡:nked fr',-rm "=-Err rige till nightfall" t'l Etr'-Jttl ËrlmÉ r:,:'.htr.tËpe b,ut r--lßats. t,r'Ë'þle in a.nd ate them te{c'r'e thei'

þr.1ç1=.{ul ] Tr'c'm tl-r * h i ll m¡.tured.4[ H* r.rr.r ied r,f r ich =':'i = a.t,,:,r,,e.41 He r'e.eli=.ed tl'r at tl-r e ç.,:,il -rt the ='ettl*merr t needed enr'ichmerr t a.nd the cnìtr,ni=t'=' cc,uld h.3.r''e le¡'rnt -1 grpÈ.t deal ir'¡m hi-q attempt= *t *da.pticn. hut å.E hi=.

t'eh.r.u ic'u¡ d¡d nc, t cr¡nf ¡r'nr ta tl-r e ir rttrrrrtrBF,t ¡-,f Fr'r¡F,r'iet;" far a. ilamp-e.n¡' reFr'eE.Éntatirrer they ignnred thie -repert ¡{

h i =.¡rþl . Tl'¡e liil eE' ì arçle {amil r' { 1:1 ch i ì dr'en h¡.d':'mFan ixd qu,a.Fl*r-= fer¡¡ their. Þ.3.npnt=.) =.h-rr.ed cn-¡.mEed fnr' the f ir'=t mcnth:., Eut irr 'Iurr Ê 183Ë thef'rrrrrL,rç¿l intc' -1 nelrl hr'u=.e. It r¿.r.18 at the pr-rint lanltin,¡ out Én the Eay c'f Sha+. ler n¡¡t {ar'fr'nm Hing=.rute "in at'aut a=. la'"'elT and picturEs.quP å

=pat f¡r' r:c¡å=.t =cBnEr';v .1s cnuìd he fsund anytrrhEr'Êr 'a.nd r..\råE -1FFr'U-c.Ched E,y å rOU¡¡h, t-r tld F,l'.ad, =trrre ten ':'r' ttr¡glr'¡g {eet in r,.ridth. cut thraugh th* É':Fuh, the :.tump= E.till

r.Ênr.t¡ning."4Ë Tr..ra Ciile=. chil,Jr'err died trn I'larr r-l:rr'c'a I=. 1-end and t.lere Euri*d in the Fianeer tl:emetery.

lltn 14 þlEr' 1Ê=--i l-l.irr q=,c'=te ¿elEhr'a.ted ll,luserr !ictc,r'ix'=

E ir th,l-r:" r¡,r i th Li. req+t t-+. Al l the r,'Ê=.=.É l =. in the ha.r't,:ur' r.¡.rÊr.e .=.nd .¡.r't t'a':rt det'Jr.atsd i,iith ilaq:. ttr',-rl'. F, in*r'¡. I

r'åtre=.. The 5.4. tl:':.''s =.chc'r-.¡neT, ",Tr-¡hn Pirie", f ired ii.

qun=., .

Hirr dnrs.r':.1-r ar'r'i,,red in H,1"1 .E: . "F'*l¡rrJ'=."r Ë.+ç' 1¡.¡¡ Har'dirr q.

Hindma.r=.h ìa.nded Fr Élít d,i:' .r.nd chc,=.* ='ptt= 4':r' tl-r e

er'Ètrtir'n c,{ -1 cu=.t':,m=. l-r trruE.È ar¡d crthÉr'F,uhlir br.Lilding=..

rlrn 2',1 ,IunE 1',==t:t l'..lep*en E+¡...r r¡.r-r.=. Fr',ltrlaimed å. le,;ra. I p,:'nt.q4 I'i.+ng-1 r'É'-r I=. l¡.n,1 '=. impor't-+nce t,-r the cal¡ni:in1: (, t" 4 r.h- s.!; ì I ) E I [. I lr-¡îrolE. t a¿ sJE. Any t * a ^ & I I G¿ml¡ier ll ¡*rl<"r t4 l.lL I , t.r rr? J 4 }l¡¡.:o. at tìn'. Jt Þ- ¡l ,7 ¡6. I ¿e 4'.¿ t^,t-r^ J'. t .f¿l \'.¡¡Lrlrll¡ ll tlahI. D r.uat ( J. ß 'tE '4 ,,,, S J I I n;;, Toß ,a ¡À* \ T G I f J I I t tt I ¡9

20 I 6 ,.hO ¡t 4.¡ ¡i S¿Ia c ra o à \r ñ lúnt ': ¡,¡, .\;lt ' ...'¡ î¡ct ttt hdìo'ltt :tot '\." l, I' w¡r a - i--J c Þ €. eolY -l, -lli i.'.t,(*-. 'tl* (- o o I lr¡.,, ,'.I natiN ¿¿t ta.wt Àß t ta. ' 7i'¡r¡z¡ N c " ^,,& È ft*þ lítb w f;,r,-.1. I iC It 'o .u to tt Jt ¿. Jô \ AaL Ilt. al t,.t t'nv trs*" t'' -arù'-.-r ¡l ' a. Lt'!¿- ¡t - t è g q." ll¿ t r. I "ta- ¿qd'lr'-rlAuv '| ' \ ñr. t'Y¡-r t*l .;L * -¡ q Imf ¡àl ¡l¿ :i )t. u I rt a \ ¡a Y W [,J i I I i ¡fr f,he==.Er. , lr.:-r.rr L]¡,i.f.':"-.i I -rnd. 1.q::8. =.ì n ò. /t8 e.

Irnd6 E t, .t to 2 t Àt ¿9 '\t Lt zo t, to t4 {9 t9 " ," I tt u I .st r t?_ tz l e e .¡ \ êt rÉ rrorA'LS a sl qi, \ ,¡. ) ,z'

l¿ A.l' ú-'Jt I !l 'a, ..t ' ,T J, ð L $t'ln ,al

a ,l t I :l { J' 1a rt (A\ Ê I I J' t rr6 tì ttts tt ôl 6, --l- ffotti¡,,n or ¿ J d -J Liah. P! rl--tt - { ¡, 11 È¡ r-r {ù tto ,hAdt vt ì'

Shctcb of . r¡rl KIXGSCOT}: IIARBOIIR , B.v ll'! th¿¡s¿¡ Q,rìr/r ßû¿ ú tùL .I<-r f d- ,ig, rata tLU t &qr ot 6 .!Jl. tut nt æ12ule' It rJl I a .V(tù Yiht or l!Ihùt1¡ ü

L'Jill i.r.m l::ir È=.=.Èr-'i l'ì *¡'+--=,.¡' El a¡'r 1l-iill=-l .

I ..-'. I .\

Ñetl 5 .d¡. .!- ^+ ?o'Å ) st'p t ,1 t Þ I 14,.,qt"olo 0 a


B"s4 Anehoøqe à 1o. Ia.1z tÉ',¡:s o 9?',

l-. o"bora E'', . -. ^-f 11?

Ëammi s:. i,:ner=. r.r-r.=.8 n,:'t en t i r'e I f truPrl ELrked Eu t H i

¡¡auld nl\ler t,e the capitaì sl tl¡ e rr er¡ cnlr-'n;". I'lnnetl-r ele=-=.

[,jaìlenr E-rte=.. J'h¡m¡.E and other isì.¡.ndepE r.,J,f,uld hå.t'p þ; ert

å r,,.r¡.trh{u I Êr'e ,:'rr th*=.e F rtr,ceed ing=., f e.rr'{u I th-+t reinfc,rcement= f¡r' the cff ici-+ì =.ettler=. trl¡:'uld f'=llr-rt"l . The -¡,fl . l]:c'. E.prr t c'ut .r. rr umt'Èr- 'rri f r'uit tr'Èt=., including a. lmurnd=, mulber'rie=., d-r.te p.rlm=. ¡.nd E.1r'Ë,8=..

Fc'ur tr'r' {iue inrmen=.s alnrc,rr d tr'ee=. and t¡¡Ê nrulb'er'r'}' tr'ee=. rÈmåined 'ln the =ite úÌ the r--,:mpEny/E ,¡.+nden in lLlll,l .4F Elne mu I t,Èrrlr' tree EUru i r¡e= i n 1-,+Bó. tte'=r:pndan t= c,f må.nv

¡{{ici+l i¡.nr ili*=.,'ng th* f ir':.t tc,:ar'T¡,./Ë trrr F,-rrr '_1-e.r'ar:

I.:.lar¡I rl-rim the famiì1, hon,=ur. ,=f l-rå.r,,'inr,_J pì-rrrted it.q,J It ::l'4. ll:':'/= =,eefrrE ma=t ì ilteìr. th¡.t ll:h¡.rI*-=. F¡¡,'.reIII the q.:(r'dÉrt Er' irr Êl-t 3.r'r_fe c'{ f r'u it tr-*e=. dl-lr'inr_-¡ tl-r '-z ur:r}'-1qÊ {r'r'm Ençlan'J, pl,=,.nt*,J i t.4¡ Ë¡-lr'icultur'a1 frpÈF'rti¡r¡ =' Lrn f{e.rr qer,lc, i:.ìerr d

FrR-_-tre=.=ed =1,-Jr,,ll:v t,eca.u=.e it t{s.Ë "Ê.uch immens* lat'aur' t,l cìe-+r' tl-r e 1.3r, ,l ."48 Ser¡er'al åtrr'e=. r/,r Fr'É rs,=,.d1' {ar the plnugl-r in Fehru,r.r,'/' lE:-?1? a.nd ¡ettìer's þr-rped t,f r--let the år'på. hr'¡þ;en uF a.E s.Lìfin .:(Ë. the r'ains in. Tl'r + 'fr''--rurr d v.Ja.E. tl-r tu'rr-, p nr¡ L:ümF,-1n!'. tna hard f ¡r e ì au,lh= =.en t t b'¡' tht l-1rr .¡' inrpìem*rr þ¡¡r.1 t E¡ut f,:'r' e m-i.rr tr'i*d'rn,_f t l-r* had 111-r l-r i=. 'ftLln UãP. È ¡f t"the-1 tr t'.:..r'le!', rr.=.t:-:-..Fr d m-¡.iZe r.rr.-1Ë. ¡'r er.e,J +n,J pr.n,,.,*,J a{ er--,trrrJ qu.rl iti'.'4'7 hut irr rpite

.=. rt¡t,rJ¡'-r.g .;t.s.r't .rçrr j rtr l ':,{ th i EFr i n,¡ i cu tur'e L,J-a.=. fr t =.U':':e=.=f u

{ r:' r' ITr .3. fr ¡' i'P 3 f . =. 1Ërl

El, på.rly lBtÊ the cammiE=.ion*r'=-. trÊr'e t,ein4 urged to

'3-s'PFE' F,r,pE.E. Ê'rr r.,¡ith l-tr¡ d :.ur'rJÊyE É.É that pnel imirr ar:r t'ur'tr1-r cr,uld make selection:-. Ëe=.ident f,ammi=.Ei¡ner Fi='hert ì eter' Sir .I:tm¿=. Hur'tì E Fi=.h*r', ='¡.id that lÉL-l ,Llutl år:r'e=' had heen €-.urueyed tï ["l.erch tE3E, and 3. EPcfind:rr'/ tr-¡r¡¡n

tl-r e i='ìar¡ d h;'.r,'ir¡ q ErÉPß =.ite tIå.trÊ,1 r:rn lr.arr qå.r',:r-, I:. IA.rrd, ,liui,Je,l int¡ tr.,lÊ, ,li=trirt=., li a.n,l H.5l-l Tt'{err t}' thrlrr'lÊ'3'rr d

;,.ÈpeE. in l4 Eectic,n= r.!rere +t tha di=.p':, r-rf prel imin;rr:', the'='e Frur.ËhåËBF.-=. hl' l'l¡rf' llill-J.51 A I i=.t t,{ aFFl itråFr t-= i':'r' 14 -=Êtrti¡n-=. he= nrt been faund. l¡lhi lE Ë.c,mB :.ettler=. attempted 4Ër'i,:ul tural

Ér''.r ì '=.*d FF,É¡E t i r-,n=, the t,u i l,len Ëe'lr.r--tÉ tdh i teFZ =.uF r:-r'r'Fr enter='' cl-rn=.tructi¡n c{ e:tterr =q¡uÉ =.tcne=.hed='. a. .i ett¡' t'Fr d ',F, I trrrrCrfrPr'=.' Ê.1-r n¡,, h,:,at t'r.¡ilder'=' Eh'rF,,'Er.ål numt'er ¡{ railw¡.1. I Effiith;r., th-etched =.hed=- and å C¡rtt.i'-_-tÊ=.. Tl-r * [:t,nrF,En'.r"=. F,r'Ërt,ertl' -rt':t* ':'rr 1

I'lnL..¡emter. 183Ë r,\råE r.r-+lux,J at ÊËf .55F.''2./'i.5:-+ tn,= 'J'1 ìu;''hle

F,n,rF,er'l';r reF ted *1 CËnÊ. i d*r.+t I e i nt''ÈE tmen t t¡'rl-r i rh lÁJ-1=' ¡{ lit-tlÉ u=.P. Li,-¡ht"=. deri='iu=n t'lr '3'h.endnn the ç'itg ¡'E' å fEt'.r immi';lr'+nt=' the main =.ettlement mE.3.nt th-r.t unìy r.pfT¡åine,J trln l¡.-e.nq.=.r'¡¡ Içlarlj. 5¡me t'JEr'E tC' EuFÈr'Ui=e tl-r e

r¡'¡l-r r-' ch¡-'='e ta Ëamp.3.n!'/:. prr-rper't¡r '--'ther'=' rJJer'e har'd:' ErJul:- ¡f trÉr:LrtTt irr g li,.:e L1n ån i=. 1¡rn,J thet =.h¡r¡,re,J little Frr'c'miEP the tra'dition nf å. =.ettlenrent. Thef'c¡ntinued .=.Ur.,.,r i i ,: i r',lrJfflE t-:r.rr ¡:P=.' I i '='l-r *d t'f' tl-r P i1,,.=tl rr =.c'l ¡rtE,J un..r+i i c i al =ettl en=.. 121

tJhen thr main Ër-,uth å'al ia.n Eettlem*nt mrluÉd ta

Hc, ip:. {r'am Err d ctr'ntinued to l,l{a.=.t Ée;,', migr'ent ='l-r '¡larr m-c.þ;e Hin,¡=.cate their {ir=.t par't af calì, *nd !a' fet^r

inrnr iq¡.ant=.,:h¡=.e t¡ r'*main crn the is. land. [,.1h*rr the tr a.rQUÉ

"g6f ¡,r-a.;r', .rrriued st I'lepea.n Eay on 1.4 l-JctaE,er' L'ãi77 u'.rith 5-l Ènr i,Jr.Brr t.=. ir.,:,nr Hanrt,ur.q54, the lilÉÊrTr.3rr femill' .3.rr d the ir' {r iend=. h¡.lrr ied ¡.=.har'e. The ¡rif e '=i Fr iedr'ich

t,Jilhelm lileeman had died tr¡.rtr, da.y=- F¡r'Ér.ric'u:l.r '3,Fr d tl-r e

rrrr-rurnepË m.rde their'ru.r.r t¡-¡ the little cemet*ry trJhPr'e þlr='

f,il,?em-=,.n rrJ.r.Ë.,l .=5 Thr ":ÍOlr*la't-" r¡,lgrt t fr'lm þ.4¡g-r.r'OA I=l¿.nd t,= the Ent,-rr.lnter'Êe¡r r.'rha. ling Et*tir-rrr t¡ I¡¡-d aiI.

-+n,J th*rÉ trÊ':,1fTrÊ å t,:rt.¡.ì t.,lr'er14 in .3 LJi,:'ìÉrl t Et,:,f'Ír .E'1 l.,jhen the nff iria. 1 :-.ettlement rrrnl.,'=d t¡ Hr'jdf-l=t E¿'i'r Th i: it*'J the -:¡,utF¡ -Jr'itt, b** cÉrr tr'Pd ':rrr th* nråinì.=r¡d. ='r-l i, l,l i.=i-rnder'=. t.rEr"l t,l*lj hut left the nÊr,.'JcÈrrreF-= r'ÈqUir'ed

tI:¡. irr ter'e=.t=' {*el irr r-r tr, =.ta.:". ta l,:c,þi ¡.iter. tl-r e 5.4, ''=. th-r.t ther. ha,l h,een at,arr d¡ned. åt å. time r,'.lhen lq.-e.n'far'sn

I=la.n'l h.r,l r-,rr 1,"' c'nÊ rc,a,J {i-'r,m F'irr ¡-i=.rr, te tc, tl-¡ e "F'f.r'm" 'e't l-t"r--lnet Êitrer', :-r¡,l å. i*t'.1 tr'¡.rl4s thr'ough the t'rishr

.=.1-r ipl¡-r.,J:. tr,{ s fr'anr ,1 qUår'r'}' r--rrl LlomF'ent' FAirr t n*ar' =.ttr,rl c'r¡Ed the =-.¿¡-r-,ç.i .jett' L.,.reFÊ :.ent tc Adeìaide.F7 Thi=' =l-r

Fr ,-ri r:'i Ërlruth Ér'¡---'tra'I i'='n r'È=.Filfrt =.e t,: the ÉÊrl-= the nr.3.Jr:r'it,ïi der"=" r:,-¡lr:rrr i=,t=. t,ut iq¡r-rr'*rJ tl-r * l-r BÉd':. ':i the iÉL'.r i=l;+rr [:s.r,rid l"lrL¡.r'en, th*n Ë.È. Í-.r-,. m-='.nåç¡Èr'r dr-rided th;''t {r'':'m Þ;.¡.n'J¡.r'¡n it L{å..; r:hp.3.FÈr' arr ¡l quicÞ,er' t,= c¡ll*ct =,tc'rr * .l¡.n,1 I=. iar' huildirr r--r tlr e netr.r Far't Fic'-:.d th¡.r¡ tË' i-r't it å= J'-J+ ¡iuedul':=' r.lI tûi uåul F,Eq r,tlr- rF-liJH,, år-.1 I inq Ël'FlF IEJÈi1 UIFå.=lrl.Jf.3[å'iËår1']r41ä|-lI..Jå[|:jt{fnUt.:'l.JÈulH.Jåt..|Jt-.ttJr- r,,E-l.l+J'Ëj!i,, r-{+!1"ì Ul å4+ FUP-l Ellrll"'l å41 tt;+ "Ur--]ZÈ-ulV,, tlåår'il+åq Ët-l!ll'*'¿ Ët!r'll'1 I F,'=.F,uËi[ÉI ,rEEtèrllr]:'.Jhr;r-.1 + IË'lJi:";-l i ul'JÈdË' ..i.JFjnuÉl-, u ! Ë.Jãf 'rlfi¡ u'':j ! [r3-.J1=nH Êu l'-{-1'FjÉJ =A 1r-r'1r't F',UP ilrlFJt.J tï=çqdrJnr..l ,{år-lI fl1ì:-r:q r.i¡¿ :'l'f'fl [Ë'='='å¡ì F'ã+'ãålu!-ir]J uå++Ð Ëu'=¡ år'l F-rut':rr11 år-.1 + ur:' åEE¡:'ff" E[,fç-+.-1,:fu]'f-run Pr'¡e + 'F¡uEtEå¡ .J':+ FUrrr-rq ÊlltlI åUnl II uE Uåi'iEH 'l!r:l 1+åt '',1åf..1 i.:a1.=er.U tl+ !rlJE 'Ð +JÉqüH I,,Utr'z'Érrlç,, Jål.Eqr'l Èl'{I ''-rf f Eqil+ Ej ËlnF'- Jrrì+ F,rlç-. -=.f t.JtriË .J,f+ .'+.1,l ,l¡'; +'f åf,.Jn'l=. FU1:j 'ld'J!åt"il

à[.] r'l r-.1 lfir¡Jd p åFr lE+n'f, + I !i'Í ldTJr-rx E + lr''.1 =JaFUFl [E. l FåF IJr3ù'r

.ifr.JFr tJåuJ r..l å.Jr-rl'=å'J i3Eltlrlr 1 Èlr..l I -¡.3 r.U'f.J+ Er ul.JÈ++rrË. llEiÉq,ll ú+ pu.,=; uÐt.=tftE.Jd-åJ 'r+ ål':'r'=Eull'l +E ItE-J El iuåluår'rur--¡] årl+ Éut'lrr¿1 1l FUFr¡:,+ '=.Jå['4 iJÈj:'!'Jårjlu Ëi-lbEl /ilJ'':jå 'É+Êl3l-rulH

+E FåFUEl. pEq trr.lf'¡r '='+uE'lElrxrJJl Ju'Eul È+ +UåUl,{.'f ['lu¿ å,1EFr puE EulPtlnq-'ll'-l= uEltìEJ+Ërrt/ 'l+n'lË Jtr+ =n1êdul u'Fr F,åFli"'Ð.Jrl åu'f,+'= +rf, Iuårx'llr'l'3 å''ll LIF'¡iJ'JEnb årl+ u!

år..1 qrll..lrì å'.]+ +Lr A'ãnt;jf,Éq F, AF, lr'rrf,Jd lUåtxgJåirr3f¡ I +UÉlil.'1tr['j'.Uå tpU'': Ur:' I 1 I FånU|11.1,:: lrrq ¡'='I'-r¡lJEFrul:jl:l +UÊ'xr'lË [qì:-'lËÈ J|å'-]+Jå|..1+åEo1¡.":dnF-lutrrtEEut¡åFl'=U'f,-JÈl3lÏ.'f-J .H'5 år.l+ IþEI ,{.lEnuEf ,{.8 ''=+'JEqfYì åF lE tÈphl +J'-rd rru lF I lnq .J,l+ åu'f+Ë aptrr'l .Jd trrl årll!+ E J'l+ pËrr ul+uo:' F¡ut,4J'JÈrrE pEDH r-'1Éu å''ll ,JË.Jãq'r+fÉ ¿I uE Fåuåd¡:' .([lttl]!'r-+D =Erû +Ji:'d r.¡tr'Jr:1,.1 uEËå'f 'ã[å'=-=åfr låãt+ F,r¡e EE t:tþËI ul Ï.1Èf4 ['PJ-=ËÐ] f'l åt++!t Ér.1I 'ËtLlr..l ÉFlEtËpv år-.1 I uI ãåIJJÈ-Frb uj]'J+ ufl'r¡f,F

¡EI 1?:1

trn tc' '3.rr trhl-Jr in l-linr--r=cote harb¡ur =.,:unu:r'. 5he cã.mÉ tc F¡r't Êd*]aide 24"ixptÉrTrEÉr'u'rl-r ile the "['ls'r'tl¡ a'" F' ut in arr nr'lte Én .¡,i Eeptember.ÊI LrJhen the "Am-lzcrrr "''=. cept.r'in d ha'd r,Jent å.-=.hÊne thel'{sund th¡'t the ìittle =ettlenrerrt F'r,tr!]r.e=..=.e.1='u{{ici*ntl¡t.:,beo{trtr']e¡.=.=.i=.tarr¡e but ts them. ïhe i'=.lander= treFe not r'nly =elf-='u{{icient

r,'Il-r r'"r itl-¡ c'rtrh'e'r-fÉE' L.rJÉr.e a.t, le t,:, '=UF¡Fli' tl-¡ e .l.lÊf'/:' ':rer/'J

t u r'n i p '-. an d Fr'l t -r. t ae'=' . qc'r-'d The ,,Ém-12,:rrr ,,rE. tÁ!-r.=. .tble t¡ år'r'.trr !-lÉ "'1

r¡.r The L'r¡a'tCh '='nd hurUEÊ aãh¡-rrE" {crr hi:. fTrPn ith =.¡:ur'V/. ,=.Ér.rprt .=.':ur'uy ãu++Fr'ÉnE ¡.tr'l e t-¡ r''lall'i tr'tEr'Ê all¡r¡ed '1Ë'hC'r'Pr r-fne the L,Ut othef=' r.r.rer.E rln t'r:'ard t'f,O f"re¡'k: tO m':'t'rÊ' ¡f Ê{ HÉrnl;''rr r4c'rEt -rf{ecte,J t.lå.É. Tl¡ ¡lrltråE l¡J ' l"lel:'¡ille' ctr'u='in {il'l inl-l r¡'r-r'tÉr' f-lelrlille. The,.in =et mgn tr¡ l"Jl--rf-'l4 -=i=rme mr'l'='t:''r'd 3'rr d trl-r ÉÉ5É ,:.1.=.þ;=.. Fr Ur'Clr å=.ÉrJ pic14ìe=', FÊFiFËr'I gr--'t mEf-e {r.¡-,m th* "Tnueìr¡,J,=" n -in Ei .å. ll¡. t'P='EÉl ! ¡'nd ,.,e,--tÉt.3hìe=. .lrlj {r'e=l-¡ rrrÊ--i.t {¡r' the r'e='t 'fi thr m*n'É3 Ei' ,j l]ct¡ber .=Él,lÉrå. l nf the ,.=-.,:Uf.U..,, mÉn|l retuFrr Éd a.hglrd.

tl-r e iE rlcrfr tirr ued +it {c,r. ,Juty, an,J tl-r e t.rjr:rr'F; tf l,:a,Jirr ¡r =F¡

b' e i nçr st':'F'*d Er't"'Jå'l:/ t,l i th tr.rErod, t4-e.tÊr , meat rn'l uÉ¡---le tat'1 e=' ' del¡"¡'irr r--r the Tr¡r-, nrE,n r'E{u=.e,J t¡ i:':rtTrÊ 'e't't'+r''J {nr' tl"'l':' da":"-=', ,,åm-=,.zc,Fi ,,.=. ,J*pa.r.ture, t'ut t, ¡' 1F tltrtr,t'er a.ìl ¡¡ere E¡'rþ'.

åF¡ rJ rr Élr.l l;rrr te= t'rl'-:''r'F= lrl'É'de r'e*d¡' , br,.Et=. r'ÊFrinte,J =ËrmË 'r'nd ¡ld'='c'r/J tr'n {ar tl-r e ne::t L.ìll-r å. lÉ. rlrn 2u rllct¡ber 'l.n b¡a.r.,l q.:,.'Je hir.t-l-r tr, .=.É".rÉrl { irr e F,il-ilet=. thu: Érr='ul-'lrrrl å 1?4

llrn ?1 llctat'er' thÊ "åmåzr-'n" futur.e =.uppì:r tr,{ fre=.h me.e.t. sai I e'J {nr' tl,Jeì.E i de.d4 in Üther' Amer'ir:'=,.rr r'll-r -r. ler':' {r'I lc'r¡ed the "Amå'z':'rt " u=.inr--r Piinq=cote {or rPFr'otri=inning, and ¡t t,Lr'1=' nc't ìonr¡ t,e{i:rr'e l'{¡.nqår'':"-r I=-l-+n,J trPrlir.l'rrÉ tìnç'el}' irl r''tf,1r.Ied irr ican s.mul---tql irr ,1 tfit,-r.¡:,:trr -:lrr d :p ir'i t'-= EUFF I i*'l bl' Èmer ll-r.r'ter' måEtÈr't ed {r'':'m ue:.s.el =.. TFr e cutter' "Al itre". ='a'il F,f,rl È,leleide for t;+ngarøa I=. la.rlI 'ln ?1 rlct'='ber 1Ê4t-1 r'¡'r ith -¿,å {r'En¡ .3.rr pF.o,,r i :. i c,rr årr d r'e tur'ned Ün fri t¡ber' l El'll¡ =.heep d =. tr'='r¡ {r'c'm l''lepea.n Ea.t't''¿itFr ?755 Fr c'und-= c'{ t¡t'a'cc¡ ='hipp*d ,,¡ Eer'ì:¡ tl-r X " ¿.n,1 the "Èrrt;rzÊfr ". Ëfrref if.¡.rr t'Jhil*t"='''j5 irr 1i-+=? *1 E,¡.r'rel c¡ inlf :-14 E'nttl e= {ah':ut 5 :¡'Frd å'

at þi i¡¡ r:¡'='cr-'t*' hal{ c¡¡.ìlc,rr =.} c,{ chÉF'Fir'hr'arll}'r/'rå':' ='eired

r..rtå..=, d :rnd t'f' Fut' I ic The tri:rr dÉmrr ed -1=. rtrntr'¡.t'¡.rr ='ald ¡:'rr Thi= r¡.r-+=' tl-r * iir'='t auctir¡rr ¡.t i-l.irr Ë=.cnt* 4 'lUrr È 1Ê:r';'.¿¡ rep,:rte,i*nrÊ,t ta uËÉ the i='land {':'r' ËmuQÉl in'-l Er-lt it

,.1 r,'prr L"rl-r ilh l¡.t+r pf.ürJÉrJ tc, t,Ê å er.3, Er-'rr iÉnt =.itu;

'=muEEl er'ç' cr-'u I d .rF¡Prs.te . I Le,Jr, .l-¡.r¡ É Fr.a.rr l,ll in Ll i=.i te,l l{en,lar'aL1 I'=. l trr d in att I'q4ü and ea.rlï 1441 -1rll 1þç'¡qht th*t it loat'ied liþ'e E

'='3.r'''r qr'ÉRt Tr -r.tur'sl --Jå,:'ì.'J7 'ihr e

E.eL,'ÉT..f-l p1e-i.=:.nt laal.'ling r¡.rl-r ite h'=u:.e= in the t'u='he= [{c'r'nrer'] ,:,nÉ l-r -r,J t,eer¡ buiìt ic,r' l'1r' [iilÉ'-'. Ëuperini:enderr t ai tl-r e Ëc,r.¡th Êiu=,tr'å. 1 i-¡.rr t--c'mpa.n¡' her'E, 1er' ,!¿ rFrÈ,th*r' {c,r. l,l*=.:.r.: E;+=.t ,l¿ F:e*d tÉr'eezel. È ='nra.ì the I,:cl';-up h':rU'=Èt BT r,,lhite =tr.uctr.:re L¿I.f.= =.;..ìd t¡ h* . |.ilÉ larr ,Jr,J +t .1 r'u,le .jettf i¡r'med ¡{ llr'r'1"*l '!¿ Fr.iE.,:,rr th* þç,r1 ,:¡h=. r,,tith å fer.,l timber":' r¡lhirh F' r'':jecte'l fr'¡m 1Ë5

r,"rc'r'kmen t\rPr'É {¡.ce ø{ a -=hingl:r cl iff at t,lhich =.úme q u ;1r'r'y i rr .-J . ÈH

{e FrÉ t the r¡ i :'i tc'r'= '¡'nd The l::ÊmF f,..rt'!r =' -e.¡-1err t ¡ f'J¡¡rrJr'af ¡ *srtr,nted them a.ìang ts {c,atp' t'= the Eampts'n}"'-= tl;Or.rer.rtfTtÉnt HnU'=.e. Tl'r i=. C't'ÈflOr,Hed -1rr erl ':1tr'Ê'Uf'P A{ ne'r'r'l}' r--.¡rûund Ãl È1' {la't plint å':r'È=. of =lopin,3 termirr -:.ted r.,.lh*re tl-r tllc,nrF,-:r.n.'rr=.=.t,-rre'=. L.{er'È '1Fr d å ¡i =.¡.n,J e =,itU'¡.tedr hou='e r¡¡a,len ,i ettl', rn t,xd canditir:'n. The lanrpã'rty''-=

trr Fr'enrl-r .i,F, F,e¡.r.xd t¡ he ".3 r.rÊr'Ì. r.e=.F¡e¡tahle Euildinl:r ith 4 lEtticed r¡¡indnr.*l=.,S ã. daar in ircnt, sh¿.ded t':t '3. "rÊ'rand'ah' I p trli th åFr:l'r ËË, {C,r' t,,r indcrl¿=., ¿¿ her.' inr--r å C;aF -1c ':'U€-

tl-r e r,:¡:l . " C,? Tlr i -=. t,u i I ,l inE; .1rr d m;arr :t' '-rther':' tr'F¡ tnnr¡El-r t f r',:m L.+urr ce='ton. Tr''tent;r r:rr =.ettl ement, h-r.,J hrPÊFr r'+itl-r thirtf'hi:,rJ=.ÊE .-:r.r¡ d,:,:,ttå.1-.rËE E,uilt t,=r' th* inrmillr'å.rr tE rr'lePe a h¿. l{ åËr'É ¡i r¡r'r:rJFr d -+tt'¡.':he'l tr-' ea'rF¡ almo=t all

empt;r.. r.,ll-r iìe "r-,thÉr'.=. tr,{ th* t'e=.t dÉ=.,:r'i¡,tiç'¡¡ Lr.rÈr'É

trr':trup i e,3 b:r' nl*r'e I *t'ourPF:-" . ¡il Sir¡n=tha'tthe|,ha.dl¡='tint*re=.tirlthe

PtJEf'l'l,.rl-l Ere' lltrr the t¡E.r.trl-¡ Fr P'3'l-' Hinq=-c,:te =.ettlen¡efl t t.lÉl-P the jetty la¡, empt;u cå.s.kE, the ir¡n par'ts a{ a. r.r¡.lu;'-ble iç, t,rhe*l:. tr'{ e Ên'Jirr e t"ll-r ir:l-r l-r ad pat*nt =.ì 1 srrd th* =.te.e.m tln t--,F r¡l trÈen irr ten,Jg,l t¡ tur'n å f lÉur' ¡.nd å =.-r.Lrl mill.

tl-¡ É dï'p,:int tl-r e Llrr i¡rr rf.rCk L'J3.:' r.r.r-:'.r,'inr--J the hitì -=,.t,tr,tlr =.å.rr in ta.tter'=-. {r,fm å f l¡.q=ta.ff .71 Thi=. r'..l.1E. Et'mh'=ì ic r={ tl-r*

4ate of må.nt'r-,{ tl-r e raloniEt=.' hi'-=h hope=-.. l'li-rç't ha.d Fr ot

ErpÉFr ¡b, ls ttr' *dap,t t,:, i=. I a.rr d rlErß,Jit inn=. åFl d, ¡'¡'rl-t ÊFr r-.1iLJÉrr iå:ruIÍ,r-rJ'l lYìåu ãr-{+ u| E!r't Êi år..1 + uE F-¡ult, lJ...l'¡; [3un+JÚ+ "lJ],, Ir'l In'l ìå=.F, UE t'='[,=O1 F-,r.tI.Jã1ue'l ..1'¡:tr +L-r 1å3 E Jrf,Er iTrr:ttll'='+'Jr:'d

Þ-= Ë Ë+i'r,J l¡: JíJ'f 4-r'È+ Ë [F] rJr-=f U I +UËtlj.',:':' Idrxå !r-] 1]É t E¿ +'r t,,[åJ+åd, .Jâi+nr ãr-]+ r-l+!rtr F-rutpe'li åÉ;: år..1 I lH ¿¿'ËuE+ ËI i=;'=1El,r:rd uÞtEå,f '=++,1,1 ;.i rl'ri..1 ¡ tlþEI uI ,i'C'i|,¡;-= Fr¡'': Ëu']lu'f, rpue år.l+ tr+ f Ê'='J'lt.l r..l 1 tn.i åF lçr iåF,H Cr I Fr åUJn+å.J FU¡-' ¡'=. t ¡'-¡EJE-r 'Þ- FUE ,Jaaq'= ñulFrr Iful 1e'-iauaÉ TÚÉì Ë'JÈuÉ'-Jr'l ]ã Ëul'=ì;lå'J-rul uH F, UÈ '='Jå+lnl IE]-='x-r-r= +'= 'Jåqr'unu .¿¿'â¡':r=Et'tti1 l¡: r'l'f llr;irll Ir-] 9åt'Èrll ¿¿ ÊErT Jãpun =åJfE ll¿ åJån't åJ'rql F'r'le =å['Êu'lÈ+ ËI F'uE --' UI -=åJ--1L] tlli' U,:, 1+Þ,In,j':,d ,lrl+ IbrlI 1'=rrrrnH r-lI Þ¿'u'-,!+E¡'llIrr i.lart¡1O ---Er'r'i åJÊt'l +rlfqE ÈJåtn åJå1..1 + pU1? aalLÚd eUa ltUr--i + rF,r.let'=.! uåtll:rfi'"luå'lå+]!P' åJ'3r'ì'l Ër..1 t uÊ Ëutr,t1 LLll'; ='Fjft'r

;r'l+ åpn I Âaqi '3E lunÐl uE l1e ¡ndad ='lq+ u I ËJåFrrE [= I [-ru l:'+u':ll.ãUå--¡ËÉFU'-JfEFtåuaå.3lIE¿.uu.aJpIl|..|f[å.JEUÐ|IJPUE f 'zã ¡r',=-'tq .J ltslll lll lft'r ,, '=Jå ['';jåE år.ll Fru lFn []u ! uåJ[:i I lq-r pU'E UAr.¡.lÐn,r ¡UËrJ ,,;,¿ Uå4+ Ëì?fi1 pUÞ:lFI ¡l'fJEËUE:¡l +'f Utrll1'ltndtrd l.ì?l':,1 ã¡l+ tE'l+ J'fl l 3 I ''ì Éq+ F [']1 å]+'f'JFtf,'f[4 ¿¿' t l' !rJ åq+ c-qEn¡f,q t,r dr,i år.{+ Jåpun lu'l['-rf, ur;rJJål åt++lt E ul Fnu, FUE +B åFrErlr '=1nq FËrl:'ìå.Jfïi u! Få,1 l[ 'luEdutf:-'] år'l+ r':q Få"::':r IdUå t5|JEUJJåÍ EållluJE+ uå''1 êÊ' ]nt=t¡ç 'u¡¡'=rll'll.ll =JåJnÐqEI ]'f rUËjUlåJrf+ 3,. ¿Ul:j'Jr¡,-r'-l åll+ lq På+E''r!+lnf Ëå'Jfì? Uå'"'åË lrlfqE-

t..:aler'r Ëqt ¡ri Uft'r'fp r3u rd,= ¡= f ååË F Intr] Ë'J'f,l1Ë !f, åql E ['Ëtr'r'{k1

å'''l år]l u¡':'JJ ,Ð,{',3Ë åL{l E,ut71n,=[Jå''itr tt!q I +'tr 'l'-1 I 'FULllulEr.lJ åq+ r-lllrt åËtrq-r I,i+lunl't':dda år'lI 'iI ,.i+J'Ed tell!+tír år.ll ':E 'f4

Ë¿I l?7

"Euf{alo" in Þecemher. l,S3É. Eeing ueF:/ handy r.'.¡ith l-r i=' t¡¡,:, l=. hp r.,.r;r.8. irr Er'e,3.t demand {ac Euildirr g s'trme tr'{ the trtrlEn:','=. f ir=.t hc,uÉe=.. He =.trued for ç-r¿rrtÈ time under' err d ilA.ptain Tl'r Crrrr-rÊ., R.J'.1 . , l-r s.nhcrur'frrå.:.tÉr'i t'i I c't trc' ru=tqm= -rt Fart ¡\deìaidx, å.rt d far.ln'l time tÉ

E,uild årr d rig tl-r e "Fetrel".7F. "Thirr Þ;irr g th¡.t H'Lrr ¡llr'r't'

I-=la.nd r¡r-,r.¡ld he Lì. ,JEEd place t¡ l .1nd l4tr'rk, hP t''¡ent tr-'

Ènr*r'ic.¡.rr R i rleF . rr77 ar.r.i r.,irr ,-f irr 1El42.ELl [¡urinr-r 1943 the co-+eta.] f.l eet rz'laE ts.uËmÈnted b}, m¡.n,1/ crther' tru t ter:. t,rh icl-r ta,-rl{ tr-r the i :. l.:rrrd -'uF F l i e=' ¡f ErJr--l'3'r'r f ì r-rur', te,=., br¡.n r Ec'-1F, r.alh i=þlf r trnf {ee, Err'trrþ-trÜr-rt ' r.,.rhaìe eeF r..,ith tl-r eir' ìe'l:' r.rinrËåFI r'¡:EÉ, lirr e and å fet¡ =l-r tie,l tor--l*ther, Return ÉårgÊe=, r'4ÊrÉ c'{ten ='-rlt, fr'¡m ? tc' i1 t,lrr .3 at .1 time. l¡,s.rr qs.r'':,Ê I=.ì-e.nd :.a. lt t'r'c'U'lht É!."'I':''"- F,,Êr t¡rr an,l r.{¡.i. ':tr'n=idersd û+ {irr e qual it;r. ¡-t ther r:åTEr-tÊ'= r¡er'p ,:,rr i,:rr E.r pAt+t¡=e:. årl d r¡l-r eåtr r.trhiCl-l ='UlrËe='te'l tl-r et å ,l* .3.TËEr t,,J-1= t'eing cultiL''''i r:rrr c'-rrr =.i,ler.-¡.h, =.UtrcÉE-=.{r¡llt' F;ånr-J-ã.rR':' Itl+rrd, l,'J.lll:rh't' '=.kin=, 3LlÜ årr d tFlJ FEr'

ËË,n=.ignment, n,í, y L,-.ll'¿ of r..,.1-+ttle b,¡.rl¿r EEmE F,iq=, ='mall

E.eå. and irl E-r årr d e'l'-:lç'r'ea':hed F¡r't -rm,:,unt=. c,f I tril =.e¿l =.kl È,lxl¡.i,le Bn rutter=. l+ì+ng,e.r,=r-, içland.El I Ecr,nÊ,r¡ ic tie=. r.,r ma i n I .1E. the i 1 ander=' r.¡.r ':-rr tEd i th the and'engthenÉd =. rttrr.É q,:rcrd=. {r'¡nt tl-r e m¡.irr ì¡.rrd and l-r -rd pr'':dUre {':'r' tr"*de.

Èl thtrUr-ll.r th* Ë'*. r]n. ''= r.'th:.. l in.-l Êrl l-l a.d n.:'t

r.,.ll'r lr'Ë,n¡ Cr tir Êf' Ë':rUfl tr'ie=' tirr Ued =.U':':e*d*,J. al irr 1f UE-=.Ë'Él'i. 'lfr!-¡ ta ,--,F,Ér.å.tE in Etruth *ì i-=,.t-r r¡,:.txrç.. 1n l'l:.:¡' 1843 tir * Earqr¡g "Et f,rfiiX", 35lJ tan=., llaptain Pr-¡ulç.i-rn, fr'om

trl-r a.t la.a.rr r¡a.r'o,: I=-land,-¿? Thr e Flerr =.hur.q, [¡er¡nrarH, -q.Fr or'ed

"E; t ilroi:<" had beEn FPet/ented fr',fm c-¡. ll ing å.t Part Adelaide ior EupprìieE. E)' tl-re heau!' part ch-r'rçe= exã.':te,l .Ell Irr Ël*F,temt'er lB4I+ tlnrer'ic*+n r,'.1h.=lPr'=.r tl-r e

"l"l+.i estic" End the "LErrr ca=.tPF", tngether ¡¡lith the "-ìt tl.rr-,i:1 " , r!,rerË at P.langer'r,a I=. l a.rr d.E4 ltrr 13 '.ieptÉlrrtrÊp 1E: 4'¡ the cr.ltter "GÊt,BFnr-lr. ljEr,,¡l*r'" sailed lr'nm F¡rt få'lela.tde r¡ith'uic.i¡rr e. {ar' tl'r e trh.-r. lPr'=. ¡.t l'i-+rr ¡ar'c'a l=. land' Hs.d n'lt tht ,lue= t'een Ec¡ high mårry c,f the {ar'*ign LJE=.8Éls u i=.i t in-e the Ënr.lth Èu'¡. 1 iarr ECr-1=.t irr tFr e r..rrl-r al ini---.1 È-.PåE.¡-rFt r,,,¡r¡u I rJ F rat' a.hl f' h¿r¡e trål ì Èd Et F,3r't Êde I ¡' i de {ar

F, t-,luiÈi,:,r¡=., irr cr*,1 tr'ade tl'r ÉnP cnn='i'l*¡'-e.þl¡"BE tlr-,mm.=.rl der T.S. E,+r'ker' n{ the "Lå.nÉåËtÊr" and ll-rmnl-r.nder'

:j.HA¡lþ;e ¡i tl-r e "l''l-e..ì e=tir" .3.F,F,ÈAlEd t':' tl-¡ e ¡ruth,-1r'itie'='. br.¡ t Tar'rÉnE , the ¡I:ol an i el Trea=urÊr'i rep I i e'J thE t there lr¡¡lUld t,e rr '-r È:{EPFtiC,n=' i+ uÊ='=.el'=. l:lrr ded Eg.r' thef' muç.t F.1.i¡' ,lue=.É'5 Tl-r e "llìç,1,'ÊrnEr' tl;+t;¡ler'" ¡.nd th¿ "*T-¡.rt e Fl.r::man" t¡¡þ: me+t and ueÊet¡.ble=. tc the t'.'rh¡. lers' and r'*tur'rrerJ r,,litFr ÈåPq'--'8,=. Of t,:rt-i.,:t¡.87 Tr-,h-rçc¡ ,rnd Epir'it'- E=Feci-rì ly r-urrr - rr.rÊrp smu,1gì+d a=.h¡re -e.t l'lin1f'=.rr-rte r-lr' r:nP

,1,{ tl-r ¿ :.*,:lr.lded t'¡.1'=. -+l':rr r-l the l'i-+n1--l.r.r'ar, I'=. land trrl¡å.E't. A tinf irrlet neåF Lì-r.Fr É l/.1 ill¡uqht,f. t!ra.=. =.til1 kn¡t¡rn -r.=. :jrrruq,:l lsr'=. l::r:r,.rP ifr 1Ë=:r.EA

Since lEr-r I l¡.err'r-,c' I=. 1,r.n,l l-r ad trÉPFr -a. Eån¡tuEr'Ì'{¡r' nråfr peC'p I L.,r i i E=.':-='.F,e {r',:m a.u thnr'i t;", t'r: t at ter' l.r' e =.h ng tC, '<12 4ù +

fr +--

l¡' 1t ) ¡\ {




E1 lr\|7/.."' | /,,/t,t,t

NJ i 't ' \iol .a $ Emiìe FjauerqrJÉ. "Ile de'=. fi:ã.ni-JårLruE". É lli.lLl Lìurììecti':n Èrt l:i.LlìÉr;/ oi Sauth Èr-lstnaì ia -=.ÉÉffrE t¡ h¡.1.'¡e incr'e¡=ed r,{{iri¡. I =.ettlement the nunrbÉF t,I,t-r å.r.rÉ inten:'i{ied' lrr -=,.n¡l r¡iiiriel,Jt,m':. F, ur.:.uit ¡{ thenr 'l ior' l:iÊ':'r''--{È f,tr"'r:'r'gr'' f'n lFj41 pc, icE r..LrÈr'É ún the lr:'tr'þ:-¡ut ='a-.J Êådelaid* Ê'rr d ta'þ'err Êiric.:.n, v'rh,:, l-r '¡.,J,=s.¡''J {r'c'm the ¡-r':'ol mt'i!-| l¡.n'l r.efu¡¡e En fi:å.rr r_-J,1.r.Ecr I=. l¡.n,J. f.rp.r!.r3f- TÈil.lrrr ed trJ the

.1frrj r.,.I-r.':. EtrPrt tr.l¡. lli'¡:-e.U1-.ll-r t fr e¡'.r' l]:l-r .:'irr ':'-F Fr:rr¡ d=''Li-:" r--leLri-Jr'aphic-r'lll'{¡r Ir.e.n1trar.r-,,: I=la.n,l r.,,r¡.=. r.,.¡Pll =.itr-'l-rted t'-r.Fr'i*r' ÊfTrur_:t,_--.tlrr.=.. El ,rrþ Fa.=.=.a.';re F¡r'Et','id*'J 3. n.:'.tr:r'al

a{ i t. Tl-r e f:r-r+'=t l i ne t"r i th i t:' r,.rh irh r.e,luce,l the r.i =.1,; F,UPEU

r:R'...rÊË. É.f-r ,J irr let=. l-r idirr g nufTrÉr¡:,u.:. =.eclu,le,J t¡,i.,¡,E.i FT'EL,'ided led i-'l':"fd=' p1-rce= tc'r'mÈn -e.nd ='nru¡-r'1 Ë¡'nr¡,-+thetir i'='l¡.rr der'=' r'*rl-r'r'ded t-h* '='rruL--'lr:l l*r"= à= lrr*Tt tir e *¡rl iE='t t,.lith ("thÊ'rt tlr el' l-r -r,l muCh irl Ètr'i-rr¡,r:rri " Liþle

.=.Èttl.¿r=. tl-r e '=.fTru..Jr:t Ier"=. l.rlÈr'E r'Érr Ê'-l:rd*=' ii-¡nr Ë'':r'IiPt¡" c'n illirit l¡.¡.irr i-r tr-¡ nr-=r.þ.8 lir.,EE ¡{ their.':rr,rJn" Tlr Ë}'r-eli*d ¡'l-'Éd tr.a,le t,-r .=.u.=.tå.it-r tl-r eir, urr r:Ér't-=,.irr Plr.i=terr,:*. The;t' =ir st:trrncrmi': Ê'ril'tJir-r'¡ì irr r.,.lith ;. ll i=. 1-=,.rr d*r':, tl-r e 'li++icuiti'û+

tl'r e l:.",.,:È ,:,i .:( har"=h Érr '.'ir'Érrrnrrrr I ':'n'l a di=t':rnt i':r' thE t,ur.e.-r.u':r'åf.r', Fer'h.r.p-e h*r'r.u=.e r:'+ i=i¡'l-r d ='!'mF:tì-r :' ,le'l tc' SqU:{'tLr i'='l-r¡-r der"=' È.nrr.Jq,Jler.E. ft.-r.inlerr ,l =,Éttl*r'= t¿rl .3.E. lir.rirr r:¡ ¡ut=i'jx tl-r + j¡r¡''i't-t r¡lith =rïrul:tr--Jler'=, FerfFlÉ

f -r'f-r d it I=l-:r'lpr'= r¡JÊfË Tr r:, ,jr-¡ut, t '3.t'l¡.r'È Ê'{ tl¡ = '+ttitUdÊt pr',:t,atr I r' r.e irr ir,r'ce,l tl-r a ir' t*l ì+i irr t'* ìrr 'l di++ET'+Í-r t ii';'m ,:tl-r er' !1,:'uth rtrl=tn¡. I i-irr =' I 3rJ

1 tlbject= r-,+ 5r-,uth Èu=.tral ian CampErt'/, tla d¡ Þia.m'fnd. 'rF. cit., p.:-1 . L SÉ8, 14 rlt¡t,:h'*r lã37, Fir'st Edition. 5,*.t::.F1., 5:u¡,pì . I . ; FFit:i5, Ur'l . dÊ, .l.:,hrr t,Jil I i-lm Éurr da=. Eì err þï irrË.,:'FF r .Itrå.n Fat¡n, F. 7+. -l Eull, cit.. f. ; '-rF, F¡ L* t ter- Bc,al.i tr'f f:,:l tr'n i .=l l,larr e.ger , l Et:-l-4-4Ll , I 157,/1 , þ1L5È. l¡J 7 Fc,r det.r.iìrd a.lrr¡¡ t EEE . .I . Hc,=.Hirr 11 , "[,.|h-r. ling in l¡r,u Èu i 1B'.17-l Ê71" the'=. i th =tr'a1 ¡. , E,Ê. Hi:n¡ur:. =., Fì indxr=. Lln iL,r *r..=. i tt.. tltc t'=,t,*r. I Ë7-+. It'id. 1l t::umFs.t,:,n,, I=.l.=.nd 1ËUú-18Í,5r FF . 1Í=-lC,5. 1 t_1 FRt_i../ L7 4.t L , Stl E-,1,?t_r , l'1LE;Ê . 11 Lei,ll-r I ,l'F. cit,, p. -41. I¿ It'id. 1!l PEI:{...'1 ¡4.../I ! 5l3. 1.1L5;fi . 14 E¡i-i.m¡rrdr ÊF. cit., p. 5=. t5 F Flr:i,.'l ï4.,/ 1 , dr:r5-,:.ll_r . I,J H. , Dr i=.¡oì I , " H iË.tc,r';" c,{ lia.rr g:+rr,c, I Èl arr d" , tl:ha.pter''I IU:, tUnidentif ied nÊrilË.på.pÈr ruttin,-:r. r 1!'lrJ]. 17 f¡i-tnrnnd, r¡F,, cit., p. Ê'7. ¡ L,-r FF:t:iË, U,:l .:i:j1),i E:;tr'ect=. {r'c,m ll;e¡r.rle .l; teL.¡en=.r:rrr , =, '-Iou r'n ã. I t P. .+l-l é.L 1F It,id. r F , ¿-c ãU iL,id.. F ¿1 F'Fit:.i.i' I ¡i1.,,' I, ,ift F,-,4;,ft - I'lL;'H. ¡ r-l !! Leiçhr EF, , r:it., F. Ihid.. F. ¡l ¿+ Ih'id,r F. I '-J ¡._r Leiçrh¡ Èr¡r. Ëit.t F. -l ¿.:,. ':' I Ib,id., F,F. 1l:-t-q. ,-.lJ It,rd.r F,. 114 . Itld, Flu*'Ji¡-ler', 'rF, Êit., F, 45. 3r-t Leigh: trF.cit.. F, lU7. ;'1 Ëu*diqer. EFr . .-_¡.f J. I. l,.latt-=, Ar¡,al i¡.r 'i. .?: F. r' i r' Ele r emt e I l--+fJ,J ¡.,_dge t =.* , ?7 r' ' ._45 I t'i d, It'id. ,:, i |,.' rrF, . cit.. F,. ¡. Ihid.' F,. 1l-l . It'id,, F,. i1. ir Leiçhr tr,F, , ':¡t., F,. l1'7. 4Lr IEid, .t t TI [,,,:'F, . ':it., Fr . 1t-t , +¿ Itid. p. 1:7. 1-+1

+J FEti-E, Ur-, I :i. "A rl:nuiEe in the 5.Ë.iliatlerrr úr r' l',lu å.r,, É . I :+=, I :{7 . =.r_rr. ! F F 44 It,id. -4E Ll rl rldtr*rt i', 27 [r*cemter 1l::l],:ì. 4,J IEI,¡.nder , lF Apr r I 1F',1:{. ¡- IEid. dl,g t-l,l"l.H. L1la.rH. U ffr U Hi,rr' , Ur:rì. 1. F.r 21?. I7 Ihid. 5i:l å.ti. Fr'i¡:*, nd ttl,= i¡., p. 83. I E,i d. =1 P i An Eef'=.' Ì1r:'=.r:,8 i a.t i r'n C,'F EiC,U th Ê',1 I iå.. =7 The l.'Jl-r ite lc,lìertinnr F,. 17. i c'ned Fa.p e r'= 3l'1å l"lL:ìr+ . l-+P P 14i =.c*l I +rrÊr:ru=. Hrr¡.c':e==. . CåFrpendi:¿ 5. 5iì 5ÊtE , 1 I þlnr¡ smt'* r' 1 E'I+7 . -ì?. - t. t Euedi¡-l*r', r:rF. cit., P. Ibid. 7-,7 See l"1ap F. 11?t. 5',1 -È:ÊtFl, 14 1"1¡.r-ch 1f-l4ll . Z-/ Ihid., 17 r-lct¡her 1E4t--1 ' ,JI L-rrdr. .I ,r.rr e Fr'.¡.n 14 ì i rr ' '=. t) i '3.r l' t Tr'En:.r r' i ¡' t P, 1[=, ú :rl=2, t,ll:iÈ . L¡r_rr "Êlnr:.?,:,rr " r åFiË.r'!...'FÌ''lEl .547. Þ1LË4. .¿.? iEid.r 14 l-+eF,temt,er t"l4U. ,r,':l IEid.r i5 leptÉr¡ErEr' 1El4Ll . d+ Ihid., ?Ir L]ctct'er' lB4rlt . E;ËFl . Ë4 .r.r¡d ::11 tllc t ¡b* r' I E:4Û . ¿i Ib¡,1., 1,:i l'lei' 1Ë3:7. L+df''I .arr P Fr'':lirr r'1 F,. cit.. ntr- i:l it'id., F. --'4. ;;, IE,id., -F,, 1;',j,, 7Ll IE,id. 7l Ibid. p. 9l;'. -J.) Ibid,, pF. llJ?-Ë, It'id., F. 1l:lt. --4¡+ ihid., F. 11.14 -E¡-l ËåR l1 riu t 1 .q41 . . ¡-ru =. I t' i d., 4 l-l-+r'rh 1 É4:1. -- uEtr':¡ 1É43. I t'i d. r 14 'I-r.rr lllh=e r'r.J E r' , ?0 ür t,-rbe r' 1 '7Ú t' . .=.1 :l [.,J Ëm i t l-r . 1;'5t-J F' i I =.r,rr E*r r']' r Ét-1 t:: . Th,:m.¡.=. , r{ Èmer'ic¡.n Ri'..rer' F, 4. E;ee AF,F,*rr dit !. t=t'-J 5ÊFl. 24 1.1_e.r, 1E+:1. E.:, I b, i d . . Zl-t 5+ ç, I embe r' I 'El4:l'+ . ñ* Ihid., 1'-r ãePtËmt,er' 1L+4-?. :: Ih'id.r lt-t E; eFtÉItrt'Ër' 1l:14.J. Ibid.r t'-r -îeF,temEer' 194:3. ;; Ihid, . i1;' :ieptemt'er' 1',14:r' I -1¡:

'l å. Fet'nUåF.r' 1'¿.4?, Au=tr'-¡. i¡.n Lìturt Light 'Ir-¡Ur'Fr 1, r:lr'c l-r i L.'É , rtde I a. i de . FFllj-q, tJc,l=. . UI , F,75-¡7, ttt E:*e F,F . 1?dl. 1Ë'El. tl.h.r.n t*r' .4

F¡l ire In:.pectr,r' Èle¡l .a,rr der Tr-rlnrer' h.=.d the t*

1E4tl .=.. He m-+de :.euer.rì tc, l{.r.rr r_-l¡.r'Ë,,:, I=, larr d t.¡itFr pnì icÊ F-1.r'tie=.

Ear'l¡. in lFiilq E ,:¡å.rr g r-,1 E.mugr_-ller'=. qå'.rÈ T¡lm*r' tl-r e =l ip trlhÉrr bringin5-r tst'.=,.rcÉ frnm l{.:.nçiar'no I=l¡.nd t':t r.r.rh.l] e-t":,¿t . TC'ì mer' , .1tr¡:':'mF +n i ed hf' B.T, F i rl rr i :-=. I

Cammi='-rirrr er of Fal ice. å.rr d tl:-+pt+in Lip=.r-,n, llal lert'ln ¡f llu=.t'fmEr r.¡Jprr t ts the i=.l r.nd tc' :.P.1r'trh tl-r e Fr'Êmise=. n+ å rTr.3.n n-rmed Th--'mF,=.Ën. trjh'f t¿I.f,.=. -=.U-epeCted trf brein'_l the

p Ee r'un.Ll.'J.lj/ r¡n"r ir t F r'inr i +l =,muÇ!l er, ¡.nd al ='n '=f inçr å fr.nm l...leL..r -¡c,uth l,.lEle=..1 È{ter 1:l:ilf l--h.¡.rl*'=. Tl-r r-trrp:-r:rr .lt' t]:-¡. t p m+r.r ìed the t¿tidr-,rr.r , ["lanï Ênn I n¡.rr . F,flì ir* p.Lr't1' =* t ¡ut in th* =chc,aner "1..r ictnr'i-=,.¡' r-¡rr -it'a¡.lt { I'l-+rrh lEI+4 ¡.nd .¡.nch¡r'ed tl-r ¡.t nir--rl-r t n*+r E:e.-r.r'*''=, F':int. Ë1{t*r' d+r'l4 tl-r *l' qr.¡ietl:¡ =.urr'ounded ¡I:h-rr'ley Th,=mp'-ic'n/É h,:'uE,É. Th* Ë¡nrnr,T¡ er' told tl-r e ITrÉFr tl'r ,e.t l¡Jh':'É1,'Èr' {ir'ç.t l-rf h-r.nd= orr

Th r¡mF, :-an r,.r,:,u I ,l gE t É 5 . 3 Èt d¿.r.,rr¡ tl-r ¿Ì'enterrd the{ d,=cr'r =.Fr*ad tl-r rc,ugl-r r= the l-r nuEÊ and {aund Tl-r ,:mp=.Êrrr t,edrtrulm. TFI e f{t:rmå.rt tl'r ere

=.¡.iC her' hrl=.t.rrr d t,rl.:.=. ¡rt tl-r e Flor.rr ll:-r.'=.I,i Éa.f'Fi'=.1-r er'l¡' -r.Frd / nr ån '' c I -rthes h-r.d '=.EErt r.4er'P l-r er E,u t the the E theÏ =Dri =. t F':l icp u,ter'È '=,urÊ tl-¡ ¿t Tir ,trtfr[rË.':rrr r/,r-='.=. in tl-r e ht'u=.e, Th*f' di'=.rfrJÉFEd ,1 traç' d¡¡r' l es.dirr ¡-r t¡ .f. Ia.r'r-fÈ cell +r ¡ åFr d Jf¡ ,;rç¡p,¡.r;,¡¡ L.'lith irr . T':lmer rì.rimed tl-r e r*t,.¡+r'd E,ut =.h+r'erl it È!l'Ë.li3rrH qirrÐS i': 'i: JÈ'Jqll :'l :tr¡+J'rfl Jå[,]I .JåFr U':i;,: AtH .låU':rl='f lr1lulÐ'-l å--r l[':rd

, <. L.¡E


,}, ^f. a** .r',+ I -..'ê1 .. ¿s 'c ú ::..:f;



bç€/ 134 r/rith the res.t o{ the par't;v. The athenE 5eârched the pr'prTt i:.e=. arr ,J {¡Und e quå.rr tit:¡ Af tr:'t'¡'':i:':. t'Ut nf-J ='pirit=''

r,'.rha. Ther therr Tlte:¡ Eeized f i"re =plen,lid rr Éu.r le-bc'-r.ts. pr. traat:. gn t'nar'd the =.erursd the F,r.iE.Érl I t,:b,a.crc, . -r.nd tn Fort Adel¡.ide.4 Thonrp=.on rr't'3.Ë' =.chtr,on*r and,l trixd, fsund guiltr' ,-rf È.muEr_Jlinr_-l¡ a.nd hi= Þca.t=. a.nd t,:,trå.r:':,f trr:rtr f i=.c-=,.t+,1 .5 He r'etur'rr *d t¡ fr:.3.rr r:r.1r''l'-J I'=larr d -r.rrd å he E.nd h i-=. t,¡if e l it.,ed there {¡r. the re='t nf the in l iUe=.. From 1L151 Thump=c,n lea=.ed 1t Equå.re nrileE b'=r'derinll l'..lepe-e.n FA!, .rn,l E.Ur'r¡undir¡¡-.t ¡1¡'r-lnet ualì*:,'7, r,tlhBre Fr e l-r ¡'d

Fr¡b.aE, 1r" teen !t Ëqu;rtter' far sEmÉ time' /:. L"ed nE-1r' l:.h+r.ì e=. Th,:rmF,'!,c,r¡ ar'l ,¡ i rr i '=. url l'ïrr '-rrilrl , He I i l,;.in¡¡=.rc,t* and hi= t,.rife r.¡,rEt=. =aid t¡ conduct "l'lË'tl-r eF

Th,:,mF,E.Èrt-r '=. lÌ' ,fr'trçt El-, ,:,F,."É Trr,rc, Lrll-¡ ;<. l*r'=' ir'¡m thE Fl¡r-lr' =. l]ie'=rqe ll=t'¡r'ne' L''tÈi-'s ¡I:a=.þl E,et' ii=.1-r Él-þ'r "T,r.rþ:: [:l-r -",.il'i and c-'f hg.,.,, l-r .r r'-1ËÉ f r'¡nr the t,rh-e. I in'J Ellr-'rr tc' =.-e.i,l tc, Ê *ì,1 f'.'l¡tl'rer TFrc,mp=.r¡n"=.t e-å.r:h car'¡.r'irr g å p+rl'l ai EÉ''rent:v =eal

frlr rlFtl-r er'.'7 Tl-r rltTïpErlrFr t1jÉr'l'.ed åE nr-r.'=tÈr' =þ.iin=.. -1rr d ¡.r.r.iL,,e,l 'l'rnd. r-,1 EÈ'.rr:t,irl af tl-r e cutter= tradirrq ts the i=, Èlth'JU'Jh

r¡Jrtrr-rl þi-r.¡¡ r-1-:r.r'r:rtr I=land, nr-,t the +ir.=.t cErt =.i,¡rrment ¡f ir,:'rr the cutter' "EFÈÉÍe" c¿.rried 17 t'a. le=. ¡{ t'rc'ol {¡r Tl-l '-rmF=r-rn

.1=' ft r:r in Decenrt,er' lBFl-1 . Tl-r !:,mFEtr'rr tr'-e.1.'elled !i. F:1 =.=.Ën'-lEr'r dr-,gl,t t¡ Èut'er'ui'=.* tl-r e l-r en,ll inq a.nd di=p':e.'=,. 1 c'f thi='

,.r¡. I uat, I e ,:ar',J,:, .1Ü

irr ,--.1 irr t r..''¡r]ruìd hå'.¡Ê r'xirr ir,rced tl-¡ e The =.rtruq,-Jì cidtr¡ 'ftf ic i a. I rr c' t ic'n tl-r':.t tl-¡e i='l err der=, lr.lsr'e I ¡t''L-t'r'e':.|'.sr"=', 1:15 r.,.rhile i=l-+rr ¡ler,= ¡¡.1¡uld ha,.re É.UFF¡r'ted the 17isr,'1 th¡.t the

Tl-r ,:mç, Ë.LrnE. r,JprË mer'ell' I i';irr ,J b'¡' the nnlþ' l'=r¡l tl'r ey all

rÉcßi--Jni=ed the l¡.r,'.1 r¡f 3ur'uir.ra. I ' Gtar'¡-re l:iilllÉE [l]iill'i=.1 , -1 pr'iuate irr tl-re Fdtlr Eer¡iment =tgtianed at ådelaide, de=erted in þlar lLlqt,ll A rr¡.ti',re c{ [,.ler'r,'¡irþi ar-red ah¡ut lU -rnd a r:rr I a'nd p 1 ;.:-ter'er Eþ' tr'a.'le. he u.r'l.=' rÉcaF tured Ha'nq'e'rr-'a =l '

tr.i*,1 . E.Érr ter¡ Cpd t,I, ..e ter'm ¡{ impr'iÉ.rlrFrtTrÊr-r tr thefr år-fai-,r. r"'JF=' ':'fmFel led t¡ r'e.join hi*= r'egim*nt. He d*ser'ted r.É':åFtured and imp'¡¡Ë.f,rrr ed in Ad*laide ll;ec' I . Ther'É hÉ mxt Henrl' t,J,fnthf' a.nd 'Ic=eF,h Eìundelì r¡.¡hr;r r.Àir=r'È EÈing tr.;

*Er'lþ' .Irrli' lEl "lq. Edr..,lard EucHr Br¡.rnBr' +rr d ma.='tsr' t'{ :{. c,=¡.=.t-e.ì truttEr. =.ut'Flied the pr'iac'ner"= r.,.¡ith E. {ile, a.nd rr rr: f t i n¡--l thE the tl'r r.ÉÉ e =.caped'i n'-l tl-r e i'1h t xi ter' r'i t=. ¡+ the i r' i r'¡n=. Bucþ: therr r:å.lrre a. I '3n'-lE i dÉ the

tsLrjål' ft-:''rr r-:l'-rr'Ê"3 "tJit:Frr " dur'irr '---r tl-r e ni,-:rht arl 'J 1¡¡,1'. thenr t'-r

Ial-rrr d. Taìmer' de':.cnihed Buck -a-= a. "rr ':' tDr'i¡u= charg.ct*r'

l't '=.ked r.4h':r I i,.re,l -a.t P¡r.t åd* I -e. i dÉ " . Elurl,: i=. l4nÊrL,.rrr t¡ å',¡É r'i hi-=. li{e t¡ Ê..1vp.1 child r¡hs he.d {+llerr r:rL'ert'c-¡.rd fr¡nr

tl-r e "IJTIe'1rr å.".1Ë t,ut tl-¡ r?re i=. nçr Ë'JidÉrr ':É of lr i:' ir.r.e¡u I -rr h*hau i ,--iut- . He I -e.ter a{iered ta te I I i]ap t-e. irr

lr,,¡eTl lJher'e tFl É PE,tr.r.F¡ÉPE rr.lgr'É i+ l-r S dr'Ut'ìed tl-r e FPL¡JåFdr

Eut lltt"Jsn re+u=.ed. Tl-r e Þlc,r-lnted F'-r'l icE -=.Es.rrhed {¡r' the I ='¡

É:.tråF,ÉÉEic,r=f,rÏretimer¡ith':utsuÊtreE-'--''Thei=l¡'n'ler=' i r* nr-tde rr tr, e{{c,r.t tn h* lp the Ë,ru th Èu='tr'-e. I i+n F':'I ' Earl.y in Ar.lçru=t lLl+4 the ',Ë,f,.ler'nr-Jr l]i'3.t.,,1 lÉr',, r-rppn-='itÊ Ufl ,l*f.r¡.1n,-J,l! r¡lå.:, trÉ¡l ,Rlme,J tr,ff l{afr ¡-la.f'r-'r-' I=-'l;

r¡,r-rtrl-r åË tl-¡ Éþ' r'r:'urr dÈd tFr s 1:i:+C,. -1F¡ ,J l::h3r'lÊt'ThÈ,mFËL-rnr ed

r**4. Élthou,:ll-r T,:, lmer. tr'ibe,l tl-r em r¡ith r.ufrrr ther r'e{ri=ed tr, 1li,.rp inir-,fnt*tir,rl ,Ltr,-rUt enl'':'rr Ê I i'-' irlJ ':.t l¡'le=t*r'n FIi'"er'' Th¡.tr¡iqhtTa]mera.n,lhi=rlEnå.'--J.lin].runchedthairhr-,-+t ''=' .:tn,J =,ilpntlf' ,:f.,:,.=.:.È'J È¡rrer'ic.r.rr Flir:er tB l4¡r'r'i='¡rr F¡ir¡ t .--+e-r.m-rn, grld plha h-¡.d t'eçn l:ìÉ':rr''--Je rr,rl-r Ère .I¡.rr-.rt, the =..r.iì¡r' l',ler.e,litl-r ''=. cr-'rrrF.3.niË,rr ir¡ 1'.1':7, s :.c'lit':.r'i' lifE.

l-r r'eiu'fE tl' I=lan,ler=. þ: n+r¡ him -:r.'=. 'lå.trr.rtr: and he ad '¡itren ,l-rrr r:.iill.íe= ,Jurin'_:r hi'=, {ir'=.t +l i'-fl-r t tc' l':.å.rr '-lår'':":, I=. d' .T:tr:r:rtr= r-.1 tcld TË, lmer. th¡.t l-r É ha.d ËÉrr t tr¡.JÉ mÊnr rì¡.imirr to t'e

mr-,unte,l p,:l ice, uF, tl-r * r'i',.'Ér' tr, Fr'+rr l'l F¡tt:.'' F, ler* ¡nd L:!,7

T,-rlmer' quicþ, li'+¡lìar,+ed. Hs tried urr Ë'uccP='='{u11;" t¡ gÉt irr fc, {rc,m Fatt=.. .3. FÊ=.[r e,:te,J =ettler.l4 Tl-r * tr'ail le,J E, t,-r th* hut r,,lher'e tJilliam Ea.Eâ liued -r'nd there

tl-r L1t hi=' nå'mP t4-1'=' Tnìmer' ft,urr d å =,tr¡.n'JEr' t¡ha ='='id .=.nt.15 t1c[i¡na.ì,1 . ¡.n,1 that hi=. '=']mFa.nion r.I.rå-e hiç. Eer'tl Tr¡lmer nest tJÊnt hy r,,rha. lehnat to Ènteqh'e'mber Ea'y r¡l-r Ère h* .3.r'rÉ=.ted þlc[lc,rr +ìd'=. nra.t*, ËCnt=,c,nr1d þ'rl-r cr l-r ¡'d t,*en hi,l,len b:¡ l-la.t Th¡m-r.=. in r:'ne c{ l-r i'=. hut=., '5cst=¡n did

,Jerl ¡-.1 :1 r'urr 'f.ÞJå:r' r:r:rrr å'rr d hi:' rr ,:,t t' tFr e ':hår'gÉ a{ heir¡ "rir:t b-:rcil t,,r.3.É "fe-lr'fully çcari*d r¡lith the ì-¡.'=.h."lI l''1 c[r¡rr ;

þlntrr,.¡n åË. E;en t I em.=.n Jahn , tr'i s,l to tr'i çþ; Eå.ËrJ ¡.n'l h i='

'='m-='. I I f I Êrl4 r'f r¡,ri{* irr t¡ =.el I ing l-r im the ir' cÊ,tt-=r.r-¡É r '1

,-1.-'åt=.i .3.rr d.f. feL.,l l-r e¡.d s{ ra.ttìe, tut hie. al leged E.e'E c'f

¡frr 3. ,lr:, l,J C¡ul,J Fr ,I,t t,e {¡und. Tslnl*r' .1r'r'e=.ted l'lcf''tr'rl'rld hi-= t''=''':k'' ':hå ,-rf È,*ing .i. Fun.3.rr'r-r.l' and. trn in=pei:tinÊ r¡=. r/.lith tl-r f¡r.ln,l tl-r et he Fr -rd rÈ':Èi,,J m.1rr :t'+l¡q'l irr e cet.

Hs -r,lnr ìtte,l th.=.t l-r s l'r ¡.d e=.c-+E,ed lr¡m l-lar{L:ll'; I=la.n'l .lE:':{fÈr tl;r-,i¡g ':'n ta Fiirr 4:.c¡te. Tr-, lmer l-r *+r'd ir'l'm tl-r * '.=.È. l--r, .''=. AlErr tr tt-r .¡.t tl¡ e ='*ttler':' Fr ¡.d he'='rd 'r'{ ljilþie= .3.rr rl hi=. t,¡.n,1 tc, the t.lest .3.nd t{Ér'P a{r' É+

t'* I ir"irr Lt thenr .1!' [ii1l,]E=. å.Fr rl l-r is. -1E=.Ë,,:iet*=. táJPr'e =:ri,l t¡ 1l :-tc,ne buildinr¡ t''lith -e.t l.,.le=tsrrr Éir.rer' in -:'. =.m¡. F,c,r't-h¡l *= in the t,,r.tì 1=. f-l-r r'nU,:lh L',lh i':l-r tl-r Èi' r:trrUl d { ir'e irr

the 8r..,Ër! t r-¡{ .1Fr ett-e.rþ:. Tt.,L,:, n.=.ti'.,re r.rJrfmÉnr r¡.lh¡ l-r eìped the

.-1.rirr q r,,l;Lllahie:' it'r' :þ'in=' =ettler"=. irr Err ¡.n'l c¿.tclr irilJ ime'=. b,r',:'u'Jht tn thE t':' '='ell L*lh ich the¡' ='-JnrÉt -:Pttlenrent '-'r' 1:1El har'ter, h.rd EEsn the '-fEn'J. TolmÉr''E mÈn r.'JsrE r'eluct¿nt tt= .rt temp t the rjarr q*.r':'u=' r.'i-r;ï''lçlÉ ai ¡'E¡nu t SlJ m i I e=' +1 urr g the e:tp,==.ed cc,-a.=.t in the t¡ll-r åle E'-rat hut er,'entu¡. llf'a']r'eed ta

,Jr,. Eailing t,l*=.t :{lünr_f tl-r * i=. l-rnd"ç. r¡ trr'tl-r tr':'aç.t thef's.-1t{

a r¡ttEqe -=rt HarEour, rr trrLr.r i+mith":. B.r.!'I a.nd tr¡.tr¡

r¡.letchirr rJ tl-r Elef,:r'e T¡ìmeF å.Fr d tl'¡ * merr {rc,m e =.¡.ndl-r ill=.. ,:otta¡-re, ffiErr rr-l='hed =.¡¡ldier.= cauld r'8,r.Èh tl-r e three ¡.rmed aut +nd di.=.appe*.red int,:' the Ë.ËrUtr. In tl-r e er,'enir¡J ¡IrFr r!r fìilHp=.. retur'ned {¡r' f r-r'-rd b,ut {led [.',rhEn he herame -1(rlårP

,l{ T¡lnrer.'-=. L,Jå.trhmerr . T,=1nl*r Ft-1Ê. É.Ur'e th.¡.t theç.e l.r,lÊr'P tl-r e mETr hE h.ed E,een €.pFr t ts ca.pture a.nd imme,lia.tely he¡la.rr '1

.tÉår.rtl-r . Tl-r e tr.,.rË, Ut-r Fr .rfTrÊd i=. la.nder'=. F.lh'lEe l-r Ilt l-ìill'le= h'=.'l u=e,J later T,etur'rr ed {r'¡m the =.,:rut'. t'ut r¡hen que=.ti':'ntd .3.trr:rut .3.r¡;r.¡'rnJ':,Uld r:,rr hÉ fftr'rf¡ tl-r e thp FUrr ly =.3:.r' thet "':åfrtÉ L.r¡¡.r.+r.,J irr å trn-=,.tr'. ¡¡{ter a thar'au¡h =e.3.rr:hr the palice .l*rr {r,und l-r iddsrr in the t,u=.!-r e=-. .i. hn:rt r.,,¡hirl-¡ h.r.'l t'een :'t,:,

f r'¡m P¡-rr t Ède I a. i de .

Ë,p-¡.r.r:h ¡-r Th¡ E!' thprr t,gq-r.rr t'¡ -r. lr'n,-f ths rlrl.1€-.t-r Futtirr ''-='. in -c.t ErJÊt-i, r¡.¡. I l -ihi' tr'a.pF, Ér''=. ,:årrrF,, inrìudinr¡ t,Je.ì I Pr-r

E,.rprr tualìf' th*:., r'e.=.rt'r ed [*le=.tern Fli,,¡er L,Jl-r Èr'P l-¡ilþiee. ¡.rr ,l h i=. f ¡l l¡r.',r er=, r/JÉr.e tc I ir,, e. Thef' h+d a.F, pr',-r¡r ia.ted tl-r e'=.ite rJ!.ErJ e¡.r. li*r'El't]is,:r'ç¡e þler'editl-r , Èh¡ + quårtÈr' ¡f -t mile UFÊ.trÊa.m T¡ìmer' f¡r.lnd 3. '=.t¡rr e hc,u=e ¡hout ?l:l

{¿et .=lfu,ir'Ê. r.,tith å tl-¡ Etrl-r ed F']'Crf I FBr't hc,ìe'=' et É.-¡.rll-r

Ènd, åFr d B. d,t,,trt- in {r'r,nt. F¡.rt '-r+ tl-r * hill ha.d t'een Êï':å.lJrtEd +rr d ft,rnr*d tt-r * tr:q.¡:þ'. c,{ th* t,uildirr ¡. Tl-r er'É I.r.J-1':. r.:t

r¡Er-¡et-e.hle . å.4ield r,,.r ith fr:,ur' -?.trr'É=. af t*lheat and '1 l-l'lrderr

T':1mer tl-r en pì-r.rr rr ed tl-r e captur* ¡{ the mPn he r.¿lå.=' EUr'É mu=.t he insidE. ThE e-.¡'-rìdier=. mo'.¡ed =.ilently t.r their b'ut rr ¡:r E pn=.ili¡n= -='.nd T¡lnrer' =.Ét f ir'e tn tl-rs r'ac+ ':'rr .rPÉn d¡¡r' a.nd f¡und emer.qe,l . The =al,lier'=. then {'frced the ,:,rr ìy È1. Êått -a. c.tfrr[r-c,uerr! tee-lt*tt]e -='.nd ='ctfrre +ì¡ur'

in=.i,lp,t[ Tl'r el. {,]rut-¡ ,l tl-r + tinre tr¡.3rd r:'rr r.,.¡hicl-r tl'r s

i=-. lander:. Ítz.r'V.ed the d.r.)ç. a+ the manth and t.r*ek r¡¡ith

cl-¡ -rlk, .=.rr d tt'r e nreÈ.Ë.-a.rJE "=.t-er'ted f,fr l{irr'te Érr the

¿-4th. " !1

Ee{,:,r'É lp.3L.'¡n,J Tc, lm*r' "r.3.rÉd fiilkee'' v3.urr tÊd the qrÉun,l ."Êi He {¡lloL.'re'l {r'e'=.h tr'a.cþ:=. c,{ =.tFtr,n,1ha1,J t¡ huntÉF/-= rïrÉ!-r .j.n'l flrrrQÊ. {r-,r' =trme di=.t.1.ntrÉ '=,.nd c.Llled '-r.t 'a '':=' L'=ft rr tr.r.fTrF t¿.tl-r Êr'* l-r e å.r'r'åft '--Jed i,:,r' "thA U:rFr tlisrfrÉTr d 'lti"re trl'f,frr.!.n nirfiË¡l ¡ld Elet ttr-, helpl tr'a.cþ; the bu='hr'ån:--lÊr'='.'!Í

åt Fr.*,nÊ l+ã.r'h¡ur' the:¡ mÉt --<.n Ét,,=ri¡¡in+l L,.r¡nrtr¡ t'irhc

t,r',=ur--ll-r t B. tTrE==..1'--JÉ ir,:,m fiirr r--l'É t!-r :..t IfEntlenrs.rr .l¡hn h:'-d

ÊE.':-1F¡e'lr a.nd l-r ¡.,1 rlrSrr E irr the ,lir'ecti,:,n Ê+ ll:r,qnet Rir.rer.!4

Tr-rlmer. F,r',:mi'=.e,1 tl-l i=. r..,JÈfTt-1n, "r-, ld l,.ilaut,e¡'"I F, l*rl tt'r¡'i iac"J

,-1 ..i ,:,irr l'r urr t.35 The ;rn,l t':rtr-1':':'f årr d =.hÊ l..,Jill irr lt' e,J the

t,, r..,.rFr r:r bel,:,n,-led t,= t,J:rl ìen 'a.n'l E.cte=.1'5 t,ll'J T¡lmer' qçrr th-r.t Lì å.1-r ¡J tr..'JC, ¡tl-r er' Ê=C-e.prfrr= h¡.'l e trlt4-1'F'j='

rlå.Fr Èrrte,tFr åffrtrÈr. 8,",../ årr d th.e.t ':tl-r Êr' mËnrtrÊr':. ç,{ tl-r E Q tr'lP!-'É

q r¡.rith tr¡.r¡ c¡ ther r.,..r-r. ll-¡.b¡, hurr tirr ta the =,futh-rrtÊE.t .l Èt, ¡r.ir1 irr .tl tr.r,:rrfrÊ,rr i "5å. " afr d "E:Ul,'; e" , lr.laUhef lÈ,J TC'lfrref' trlr

Ê. {r'*=h-t11,='.tÈf ':f'Éel.: n*Ar' Uirlr-,rr ne E-=,..i' U.rhgr'P hÈ f-lffrfrÊ'l'r-7 140

Èiter a lang an,l Urr Ë.ucces=ful Ee.=.r'ch aì'=rr g the c¡¡.Et, l,,Jauher le,J Talmer' irr l-¡.n,1 .tc' l'1ur'r'ell'= L-rga--'n årr d :"eid thEt the hu=.hrå.ngBrE. urere Én the ¡ther :-ide ¡f the l.a.-_lflRrr.lE The tnllûu,r inr_r mtrr'niFr '-J Tnlmer' m;an;r.11Éd tc, h.:.ndru{{ tr¿l¡ men r¡,rho l'r ad eera.ped fr'am thp "tti:{Êrr". Ther' poì t,e I ie,,rx,l th-:rt Er.lcl.Í l-r a.d q i r.' gn i r¡{'--,r'nr at i orr tr-' the ice an,l Tr, lmer' ,li,l Fr ¡-¡ t c-Jrr tra.,lict thenr -¡.= he intended r-r Êr,,Êrr tua. llt, ta .=r'r'e=,t Er.lrþ; and rher'qe l-r im with 'e.idirr ¡'nd -rt,ettinçt the eE.trå.Fe af pr.i=.oner=. af the llr¡t"rr, '!f/ TÉlmer' tc,¡þ, E¡..l *nd Sulqs in ta cuEtad¡' ¡.rrd cha.r'1¡ed them t¡'r i th

-r.i,Jin,-:l tl-r e trr:'rt ',riCt=..3fl

Tc, lmer. rÀJ.l=. :.titl det*rmined t¡ r;+tcl-r Eiill.le-=.. He r.etur'Fr Érl t¡ the settlement at liin'1=cate ttll-r Él-e he le-a.rnt th-+t rliilki*=..rn,l tt,,r,:1 ¡tl-r er'rT¡PrTrEÉr"=. '={ tl-r e r¡.-r.!-r ! l-r ad r,'i='ited the =.ettlement for loc,d. The::¡ rr.rÈre =Éen E':in'J tc't''l'r.r'd='

.= l-r rr *år' tlìs¡r¡. 11s Ei.LtÈ=.' Fr r-ru=.É p*r'haErE E¡.te=. hed ut l¡,irr ¡-r=c,-rt* fr¡r ll!-p r.,.rhÊn huntin,_:r but thef' r'.3.n ã'lr.rã.]' ln ,l¡++Er.Êrr t ,Jirecti¡n=..!1 T¡ìmeF ca.Etur'e,l å Fr'u:.=.ian, Fre¡ler'irþl 5mith, b,ut rlil l,:.eE el uded h im ' Talmsr

r¡.r i n+ì nr.q.en iz*,1 h i=. F, ur'E.u i t pa.r't;v -1F¡ d. i th tr,,l¡ Èt,c'r'i '-f .rl tljÉmpn .t=. tr..=.rþler.=., f c, I I ':'r.,led tI¡il þle=' mtrrtrtr-r.É gr'int= anr-r tl-l trÊårtl-l tr't'.La.r'd:. 1"1'=r'r i F':' i rr t . Tc'lnrer' .3.rr d l-r i'= mÉn e =.,:'rr '=. at,t:rined ftr'c'd fr¡n¡ å. l:ìÉrrr-r.n n+med Ëtein, l';n¡r,'.ln å8. Úld

|..'J;rter. ln¡, liuinr_l a.t l::l'rtnÊt Flir,,er'. l:iill.iÊ=. Fr -e.d celled ¡.t

,J;Lcah=' hut å.rr d ,-T¡.c¡tE, h-¡.d r¡i'.ren him {c'¡'l h*{r-,r'e he rrrarJBd r:,t-r t,:,t.1-=,.r',1 E¡. r,çher'e l.t.=.t Tl-r tr!m-:r.=. I i',re,J.i? =. Èrr teCl-l årTrtr?r' I 141 -=EEtrtEd t¡ [';n¡r*.r th-+t l-l-+t Thama.=. r,rlc,uìd help tl-¡ xm if he rc,uld. Tl-r RtTr-:'.=.' i'e.r'frl L'.r'18 ':rrr i:É E.Éå.r'cl-r ed {nr' run.LL,J-1.z sail':,r'=. t,rhc, le{t Lt ueEEel anch¡red in Èlnt*ch-r.mher

{r'r'm tr ir¡ ã.n Eay, tlat hid tl-r e ='*ilr-,r=., t.r*ll tri:'I.'Ér'Pd =.i'¡l-r c'ld hEl'=.ta.cþ;. Tl-r e r:-r.ptain¡ cìaseìt' folìar''.tinr--l the r.urr å.r¿JåyE r r,{.1E. e-.uEF i c iau=, r¡{ tl-r t h,:..}'=.tacþl ¡.rr d .j a.EEed tl-re h-1.ï rEFÈatedl t' r*iith å. F itch{c'nk: Eut thE Ë,1ilnr'i r'Èm'3.ined

UrllÉte¡ted årr rl liue,J ¡ut tl-r eir' I ir.r*=. å.=-. i=1.¡.n,Jer'=.'i! .r.t Eiiìlte.=. ;rnd the reç.t nf his ' r/JÉrÉ {inally ra.ught H¡,q Ea.r, :{¿l ¡.n,J Tc, lm*r' r.Btur'ned ttr' Fiirr ¡¡:.c,:¡tEr r¡tlr ÊFe xi¡-rl-r t

E,r i=¡ner= :.i:t EUr'r:'FÉ-:'.n=. ¡.nd tr¡.r¡ É8,:,r iginal tl':,men, "LìEl "

pla.Ced ah¡a.r'd tl-r * ¡utter' ".l.anP ,¡.rr d "5Ul.lp" - trtprÉ =,ptrUr'el1r, F1.=.rmå.n", Ú,:r,,¡=ettr -rnd ta.þjen t¡-J Èdeleide.ilS Ths

pr'.ri=.e Lrl.-r.--- due tn Adeì.4.i'le autl-r ¡ritie= =.aid th-r.t "qr'P,=.t þ1r.T¡lnrer f,:'r' hi'=. ,e.dn¡ ir'.:.t, l* c¡nduct thr'¡uri!-¡ t,¡Jt tlr e r,'Jl-r c'ì*

en terpr'i " lÉ TFr e pr'i +;-'= t/.rÈF È tr'i ed c,{ th i=. ,1r'du-ru=. =.e. =,,:rr i rl È-1.':h f .1rr rl ,:tr,nu i c t*,1 .117 t.,.lal lEn '1rr d B.=.te=. r'P,:É '..'r*d l ':'r'

'r |..,J;r.rlt¡ in tracþiinr--l thx the =.pruice=. ¡f "tlìd E*t" and " r¡.1¡.nt*,1 illtlr r-rrlrl¡f¡ i=ì¡rnder'=, (,rl*r'É r'É:r:ur'c*{ul in

l-r elping thaEe pur=ued bi'm-e.inl¡.rr d ':{f itiEl=.. tf-r e¡'a.ìl¡r,'red

tl-r e ir' At,¡r'i,1 irr .=. I r.r.rtr,rrrÊrr ttr hel p tl-¡ e pnl irÊ -:r.Fr d '¡'trr:Ppted

pr .il,mÉnt lrtt their EPr'\rite=-.. Thi=. :rrFFr år'Ent c':ntr'¡.dicti¡n

ì e:'tp ì .r the i l arr der:,'' rr EÉd Ê'{ c 3"=l-r rrr.3.,r' h* F,¡rr't t' ined h'l' =.

f'-rr rurTt F.rr d otheF Êr:,rll+rrrtE ,=rnd ti' tl-r eir' l.'li=l-r tur ¿'.roid

':,FÈrt Cnn{r,:ntet iC'rr r¡.r ith -¡.rltl¡ ':r'i t.r" 1+?

Talmer ':qllscte,l å rlFÈå.t de¡'ì aÍ in{ornra.tian a'trnut

l-r tr,"lel r.r* *t'r'r'tçirr '='ì th* i=. l.rrljer':.. In 1L:144 tl-r aþ' =.t i l I -rrd torårt E:iemen''-q L¡.nd r.(,fmÉrr Êrr the i=.ìand, =.Euer.3.ì {r'om

.rn,J tl-r e r'e=.t {rc,nr tl-r e ffr.3.inl-rnd. Èt Ante':l-r åmhÉr' E¡'.r þl¡'t ha.d Thnnr¡..:. l-r ad å f ine {arm a.n,l a. gnc,d hou=.e and d¡.ir'¡' He -1 her.,l c,{ túLl q¡¡atE. ¡.nd .1 i-Jr'Påt numt'*r' c'Ì {c'r¡'r l='. Hi=' Ab¡r.i¡irr al r.,.rile. Saph i.r, cå.u!-rht w+l I -r.hie= {r:'r' h im -r'nd t'i'

L'Jl-t l-r Pr'lr e l'r ¡.,1 tl-r reÈ uPr'y irr tere='tin¡-l i'r3un'-J cl¡ildrerr Èrr it r,4s.=. cl airre,J. trr-rrr¡E,ined the intel ì i¡1ence Éf th* r,''rh i te t"'lith

th* :+¡tiL.ritr'a{ tl-r e Tr s.ti'.¡e.ill

Fr.¡m tFr r'es.C=. ¡{ c-a.rr uå.E tl-r e Atnfr'iqin-e. l r¡'l¡nrrn m'rde Eet= at :-trin:r=. eiçrhteen inche'-= lanr-r t''¡itl-r s' n'-JoËe' *ll

Rr.,pr. the i=. 1.=,.rr ,l r.,.r-rllaE,ie-=. h-1d Fã.thr.(lål'=' thr'nur--lh tl-r e e'cr'ut' r:¡n Ï end the l-r unter.s. =,tretrhed the rr E'f:.eÉ. tr¡i-r =.m-+ll tl-r Et tl'r e ;'f¡ .r.perJ =.tirl'i=. Â':r'tr€-=. tl-r e u'rall+h'l'F+d=' E'J -e'ninraì= r.LJÉr.e cauËht tr. their l-re-r.d=. È=. the :.1 ip þ.nct ti¡rhtenpd

¡-rpl. r.,IÈr.É rl¡¡l'=ed tc, death, Tl-r e tr¡Ê,rTrÉFr trl-r erl'''ed the ='når'É'=' r-,r Lt,lat'tr'eaþ, i..Fr rl ,lerr Ër's. lly r'etur'n*d lc''e.d*d bl'nine t*n

I'rIã, d ¡"c.l,:cþ';. Tl-r eir' rTrå.Eter=. la.ter' =l'iinr¡ ed the ll+t'is=' '1rr ._rtr.etch*,1 r¡ir'e hrl¡F,= i+ th¿ =.kin=. ta drt, c'n =.tick:., c'r' irr,,åil at, 1e, tl-r en t i¿'J tl-r *nr irr Eurrdl e=. ¡{ i iitf'. Tl-r É:¡' F'ut the t.rril =. in t,ni I ing r¡J.l.t'?r'! Ecr.f.EÊd uf { the h¡'ir'. then

,:|-Jr...r ,leIiri;,uË. x-r.tinq. Er.Êd tl'r em L.,Jitl-l l-r '--,t -r.E.l-r EE. Tl-l et'r.4Èr'È r¡.rall-¡.h:¿ gl{in= r'ur--.t= :¿.fid r'=¡.t=. The i=lan,ler=-. =,pr.4Éd inta

r,.r ith'=.iTr sL"¡=. ,lr':..rr,rn {r'unr the t:ril:. a{ r¡.r-e.ìlah,ie=.. A ruL:l cr{

.=. r.,.r.-J.E. l:' +rl :-k: irr v,¡,:'r,th 4l-l¡'-.The i=l-r.ndt-r'-=' =.tilì l';illed =.e¡. 14:l

irr r:-?.',rernE a.ìorr 5-.r the r:tr.3.9tt and c¡llected muttnn EirdE''

È-J,:J.=. trrr Èl thßr'FÉ I I a.n,l.=..4Ü The=.e act iL,,i t i*E r.,rl-r ich =,

EÊÈmirr g1f hel p*,J tl'r em t,-r t'e =-.ål f -Ê.u+f ic ient. incre'LEÊd their' Èr:Ênifn¡itr 'JependÉncE ':'n m.-:'.inlarr der=' iar' '1 mar'þlet' In 1Ê4H T¡ìmef" -1E,---i=ted F,tr'l itremÉn 4c':m lorð.n [iiemen'=.

L¡.rr ,J ta tr.3.FtUr'Ê {c,ur' t,u=.1-r r'art'JÉf=.r Rndr-1Pf-E¡ FlrillyI L}'rr cl-r

årr d F:eyntrl,JÊ, t.rh,tr had'ded å'n Élmer'i¡an r,'¡he'ler. the r..rÉEE.Ël "Ei.=.r.þilÉi." I rr Éã.t-' F'C,r't E;C,r'r'rl. Tl-l e had Cle-='.red ir'¡nr

L-=,.url rIÊ¡ ic,r' å. L;.rh-*1 crUiËe B++ l';.3r1 '-f-:'.rGG I'=. land. 'nn tFr IÉr'r tl:h:rr'lel' T¡lmer' errl i=.ted tl-r e ¡rid E+ e f trr'mer =.rruq.:-.t

Thamp=.Ênr r.,Jhr-' adui=.e,1 Taìmer- t',rl-r PFr the r...lh,3ìer F,Ut in -iLt l-;.inq=rnt* lE,ûl,lin¡--r {c'r' {aur' n{ it=. E-".ilc'r'Ë t'41't r:r l'r a.'J left

r.,.r ua.n Þiem*n'=. Lend. TalmEr il-r e =hip ith tl-r e {¡ur.frrÉn { tl-r FUrr tsr¡.-1.:r'E. tlti''=.t*r Ei'3.i' in -r.r|'I a pc'l irp F, .3.r'tþ' F,Ur'E.ued e t'f the E,:rr,'Èr'nment cutter, the "Lapr¡in,l", -+nd ca.ptur'ed

tl-r enr .41 Talmer.'=. r.elerr tle=,=. pur:.uit r-'{ iu'1 itir,r*'=. fr'¡m iuEtice crn Pl.¿.ng-r.roa I=land L.'J.3.=. due, in p'=r'tr tr-' l-r i='

r;rr.1 fr.r.l l-¡in¡ . F, EF.=.,:,rr ål determirr ati¡n Fr Êrt tÊ' let tl-l fiE.E mETr lt

He rr.rå.=. r¡,rh¡-, leh*.r.r'tedlf' ËuFFÉr'tÊd Þ't' A,leì¡.ide r:{f ir:ial=

.a.n:li¡U=. t¡¡ Fr.E=,Éf''.rÈ lår.,.r å.rr d Lrf'dÉf' .f,frd t':, f'ÉmLìUE å.rr .r' The tl-rr'Ê.3.t t¡ the =.Ê':ur'itf'sf the le,¡itìm-e.te eettler=.. ,Jr'É¡.m ¡{ tl-r e idee.l rlrl¡ l':'rr i'F,er'=.i='t-ed. in 1841 fieniel Ëimp=.r-'n, + F'-rr't Èd*l-r'id*

iç, È':imrr!È¡Êed.i. 1I r.,.rh:. I in13 p=ta.hìi=.l'rnrent at =l-r -hui1,lÈr., =.rrå. 'l gr'.r.tx'l t, H--'g E.=.f,.42 He ¡r¡.¡rfr;r.!r / nF, fn'-rrÍr tl-r e =.ite u=ed ¡' 144

Peed -r.nd Hart befc,re ¡{f irial '=ettìenrent. He ttr'oþ' mEn end s'nd --t'trr.e=. ther'e in l-r ll tutter', the "Ër-'ç'¡¡¡. 'lÉ'r¡ É". t,rsr.lqht oil b+sl'; tn Adelaide. Ea.r'll' in l'1a.;r tB41 hi= p-='.rtt'

uJh-1 I pË.. årr rJ I d th* ¡il in Adel;ride 'r.t caur_rht f r, f ine,

emp I c,;,'gfl ?ll mEFr i'.F¡ d t¡¡H 4= Ë:lt F,Êr tun ,43 The =.t-r.t ir-rrr .ìÉt,¡rr L'''¡'lUe r-sl Lr.ll-r å. E, tl-r + tut-rl turr =. r¡{ cil an,l ?,= tanE heinr¡ Ël,1Ftt .44 Ir¡ 1';tq? th* Ht,q E,a;v =.tati,=rr tt'r.1=' te.l'ien E,.rEr E:/ .Iøhn H+rne=. L^lh¡ cantinued t'-' ap*r-ete it until 1i=r44. Irr .Iull' lE4l a. p.r.r't;i {r'r-rm the H¡lr E'a'i' 4i=l'r Èr'}' r/JEr'È ,:ff c'rÉ r/.rhen å. l,Jhåle r-t+er'turned their ahaut nine mile=. =.1-r r¡frr tl-re t,c,åt. tl:. tl-¡ eï Ër'rJå.m {r-,r' E'h':rl-'È å EÉÉCrfr d t"fet {f ii=hery r.e=.rued th*m. t¡urirr q the 194--.' Ë.É.3.É''--rn :rll men L'ltÊr"å

ÈírrF l,:'l'È,1 ¡.t- Hnr-l Ea.t' È,ut tr'rr i l' tr'lc r"'Lh'='ì*='4i rirldin¡ lt] r''JB!-'e tUn= O{ ,1 iì ¡.nd tr¡U-thir',1-=,-r{ å tt-rn Èlf t"-rne t3't'lrn'4o [rurin:-] 1-É4-.j H¡.,rne:. trtr'nf-inue,J ta LrItrrk fr'¡m H':q El-rr¡'t''Lith

¡.r'E,r:r. -1rr irr lE4rl irr ed little =.UtrtrÊ-=,-=r d 'lr-rffrtr ':rFtef';+ti':rr rr'r'r'='di=''=r'=trr'U='' t,,rith ûrr Ë t,Ec.ed at r-;' ¡T¿¡t,ric-' The EÉ'ã.=r--rn l4;rr¡ ,1rr rJ H-+:r'rr e=. di=..rpteaf'Ê'l åt :'P3. itr I-Jrtnh*r 1844' Î''='hip= ì:" €-.8år.che'l f ¡r' h i=. bc,at, the "LisF'h i¡. 'Iã'rr E" , and '?r'"Pntu'=''I {aurr d it BFr tl'r e ll:c,,:T¡ ,år-l nr ile:. t't='t tl-r e l'1urr';

r¡.ll-r.r. lr,arr I=1 1åFi d"'=' th rC'a=tI r:trrÉ et lx f iEh*r'ie'=. tr'f¡ g-rr,rt, ='¡r..1 Fl c, r::e=.|.; E-i.,": ne¡.n I ¡' r-rppr-,=. i te Amen i c¡.n R i L.rer' . the ¡ther'

et [],:,i'le'=. Ëi¡.;,': ãf nr i1*=. t¡ tl-r s r.,.r*=t, Fl':ur' ll:a=l'l E'rri'nr:r'lr' +l':'ur' r¡'ra=l-r ed hår,,p bEen =.c' F¡ 3.1ïrËrl h+c¡.u=+ b'-+r'r'e1= ¡+ 145

ÉuÊrE,o-+r'l fr'¡m pa.:-=in,1 t¡*ç=.el= c.l.mÉ -1='l-l r-rr'e thÉTe, hut rTttr'r,g pr.r-'t'at'1¡'her:+U=.e t¿JhalÈr'Ë. ther'e Uçed å {lr-'Ur' Ca='l'i Ê.E' ,1 ÇrJid* r,1lhÉn r'etur'rr in'-f t¡-, thp Etalian fr'sm à. hr.¡nt.4E TFe Flcur. l--r=H E+r {i=her.' c.=.ught EeL,,eFã.1 t.rhale=. in 1844 hut

ft tr'nÈ tìJÉr.e C-:(U:ll't t ;+t Q¡,¡'le'''=. E-=,.f'.4:? "L-=,.rr dinr-¡, l:l 1d tilhe1 inçr :lt-r.tir-rn" is. m;¡.r'k*d ;Lt the rr.reEtÉr'rr end '-rf Ui'.r':'fr fl e Ea'þ'I ßp-1.F. F¡int El I err . ':n .1rr È3.r'l;r' nra.p 'ElJ Irr -ieF t*mher' 1F'34 ll.f'1 . Rar,,,r:.+ì l, -?. f ;..Tnrer in the tli¡'16¡1 ¡g Ea.y 'f'l-É3't

,li=.,:,--,,.LErE,J .1.n ¡ì,1 r¡l*l I , f il I ed t'Jitl-r -ãlrl d¡ åh':'r:t 1|]l:l rrÉtr'Ês fr¡m the be¡.ch in tl-r i=' pn=itir-rn. .3. narr*d rl rl:apt.rin H.¡.r't em¡, l'-J¡'s4 Er-¡a.t =.teer'pr "lc'l-r [],:¡, I * i n 1Ê4+ -+nd 1845,51 .i.rr d [:,--,i'] s lr.rå.= nr.t= t'?r' lf the g' I in'l U¡3}'år-JE r:'n cutter. "F.:È=,:Ur'cË" tr.rhich r'etur'rr ':d {r',lm =e-r. lllrr t'l¡.i' 1Ë44 7 .I.l¡ru,ir'l' 1',144 r¡itl-r oil .1¡rrl =.*el =.l4in=''5? l:l tl:+=þ' the rutter' "L,lil i iå.m", E:¡¡'le rrå.=tÊr'r =';ril e'l {tr'r' Fl¡ur'

p-e. p':'r'l'i +rr d EEi, ¡¡¡ith r.rll-r -r. le lirr e, 1 inq=, {lr,ur'r r.r='l':=' ':'1 t*e{ .3.Frd 74Lt hr'icþ;:- f c,r' tl're { i=her't',5:- I t E.ÉÈm'=' I ille l:¡ g'I th-r.t, trÈrt-i.uE.É ¡f E¡ai'1 e '=. É::{F Ër'l En,:e rJl¡ Fl+ngarr-'a I 'r'nd'' =

en¡F, ìct'ed him .rt hi=. d r.*lh.:. I irr çr =.rruil-r cr:¡-e.Et. Har.t =.8Ér¡rr bsr-rme þ;no¡¡'rn å.=. "Eltr'i'le'=' Éåt'"' =.t+ti,:,n, Ëtr' th+t it r=}:-q'mirr *'l t'ut [ic,:i'le'= E,-rl' i=. rl trt mer'l';*d Èrrr -ln]'nr'3'çr =r:r {:rr' it E.ÊemE ìiþ;el.r th* n.3.rrre -r.p'plied ta the pa:itian ri

Fc, Ellxrr t,litrrrnnÉ El af', Tl-r e ths rr.rl-r a. 1 irr E =.tati,:r¡ nÉår' int , i iåhe tl-r " 51 t¡n:.. Tl-r t:'tlrE E'ln m¡.: ter' . {¡'r'nr*r'I }' =.¡:h,:¡r:,nÊr' " El . r¡nrnr.=.rr d*d t'l' .T':'l-r rr Ha.r't, C¡r..,Jt-r É,J t'!. .f,:,|-r rr rl;r,i{{itl-l =. ¡.nd

r.e trlr.n+,1 tr= F,:,r' t åde ì ;.. i de " {f ,:,|.r¡ [,=f'l e E:r.i',, I-i.-r'Tr¡J'3 1-'r:¡':' 14d

I 1 .+nd" irr ,lU ì:r, I Et+4 h,u t the i'-rn rclå=. rrr¡t r'e{er'r'sd =. =4 =.t-r.t tn ¿.r¡ L.=.te in 1844 Etc'l'ìe t,ec.rmp m¡.=.t*r c{ the cutter

"Èl t,a.tTE=.Ë." , tr';rd irr 1:t t'e tr.,.reen Fnr't Ade I -+ i,le and H:.3.rr'-f -1.r'r¡fl

I=.ìe.nd.fE Far. the l.qd+5 r¡,rhal in,-t Ë.ÉrE,:'rr þ Haçtenr Ela.[,;er -rnd Hart ÈnË-ì.lfed ahnut É0 mÉn {ar the f i=.herie=. a.t ,l .=. Err t':'urr t*r' El-=,.t' .trr d Þ.arr qa.rc'f I:. rnd, È,r.¡ t tl-r Ëre i ntr' rgc,:,r.d th.rt thei' ta':k. å.t-r ;; r¡.rl-r a.ìe= {r'cm l..anr-.¡sr.c'a I:. 1.¡.nd -i.iter'

1Er44 .

Irr i:. lrnd tr'editi'=n .3.rF t,r. le=. tr'{ c, ld r,,rh+ler':. and p ì acp-nå.mÉ= -r.='=i-rtr i e.t*d t.l i th r,.rhal irr r_-l . f:l headl ¿.nd .¡.t the n¡f'th*r'rr åFFr f'rtr,:t'th tt' Èfr'ef. E;rt' i=. r:rt¡ln å:. "ÈlÉ':'Ê. Lc'r-,þ.9'ut" ¡.nd r¡.rha. ler.=. r..qJere =-rrid t¡ ha.ue l.íept t.ra.tch {r.¡m thi=. t-1r_le pr-,int, l.leep'i¡¡ q ;a ',rarr å iir.e Er.lfnin!_.1 =.,!:r tl-¡at Em,fþle =.igna1 c,:uld be -=.lfit t¡ the haa.t in rlreeþ; Ea.¡'

r,ìl-a.E r,rll-r imm*diatelf' å. t'll-l aìe =.iql-l tÉd.5'5 lllrr r3rr È r:'cr:åE.i,ln, Èrr the ltr,nk: nut=. h.r,l Fr rrr ,-' :.ÈÉrr E r¡.lha. le {¡r :.Ér./Êr.3. 1 ,la}'Er rllec'ç. ntå.tP r'PFr':,r'tedlf' t'er-¡.n¡* ¡.reFþ' t'Ér'ed "r¡ith the tediau-r .:.nd =eepìnr-r coldr Etr pirÞ.in'_¡ UF, -l È.h'f?elful cr{ l-¡ at t¡-r. l=., l-r E quirl'lly dr'npped them dr,r''Jn the ':'f tLl+r hi= i:ËrmFånii-rrr 'E tr',:u=.Fl-=, g.h,:utin¡-l lu=tilr, =he ÈrUt=. l'"57 Èrl*c"=. i,lerr tit:v r.errå.irt a nt¡'EtÉf'.r', Eut .1rt =.Fr =. *t'r-rri11 in;l r.,.,¡h,rler' þin¡¡,'.rn ã.-=. Êler Lri-1ã r.ÀlarF;in'l at the

Fl¡.=.ett+ Ea.:¡. f i=.her'¡. irr lEl:j7=H å.rr rJ l-r É mtsl' l-r .Lr,tP frrÉr!'sd to tt'r e i:-l,e.nd {i=.herie=.. Ther'e i=. -1 Ì:r'EEh. .rt Penne=h¡.t'.1 þ.n':'r¡'rn

tlr'Seþì" C, r.rll-r ¡lr r.rtå= þ;¡';,t..'.r¡ å=. å8. ",-'lå.,:þÍ''=. +{tef -:..rr ld =.BEf1låfi ",TÉ.,:k: the l..,Jh;rler'".5F l..l':.t Th¡nr.=.=. i=. c,ttsrr r'Pi*r'r'e,i trlr .1= 14¡

å.n L-rld r,rll-r .3. ler' t,ut rr o det¡.iì=. tr+ his wha. linr-r E:x: Ferience= -1r.8 ,e.1,¡ þls=.=.r"=. B*nrr ett and l'lcEt*len ar'e =a'id ta haL¡e r'''rhale= a't ßFÉnatxd 11. ='taticn f'=r te'king :-FÉrm and hl+ck û'* B-¡.,r. irr -=,.bc,ut 1:151 . "Tl-r r c*=.þlz. tr'{ r¡'lhs. l * ail t/'rÉr'É r.rr.ted in tuìl¡ck t*l¡.¡J¡ns t,-r Amsrican Eir¡er .i ett'¡t thsn tl'r mainla.r' krr E,¡.,.rrr .3..=. Hart'=. L.rrr ,Jirr g, {,--,r' ='hipment to e 'j""5[ I l h¡.d Fr rr't prar'red ì Elu t al i n1l ¡.t l';.¡.nq¡.r'cra = -r.nd ='ur:':e:-:-iu '

å.rr ,J il-r i.=. E.ÉÉm=. t¡ h-1'", ? h,eerr tlr e 1¡r=.t attenrpt a.t ¡t. I=ìa.n,ler'= continued tr¡ expand a.r3r'irulture' The +l rtJF cutter'=. r¡rl-¡ ict'r tn¡þl EUF. t'I ie=' a{ tea', ='ur-l.*r ' I i=-'I a'nd returned t,u i l,lirr q m-1.ter i¡l = a.n,J I ir,'e='tacl'l t':l the ta FÊ,rt lå,lel ¡.i,Je r..lith r¡l-r Êåt I t,ar'l Pþ'I r¡.rett1* h':'r'lt r r'ÁJEl1:+h;r l'{Ê",.'ÊfTrbgr' 1E4t E, r-rtå.t¡e=-.r Gffir-rrr s -rnd lt.C'l In =.kin=,. =.e. ¡.hEut llJ -l.trpeË r-,{ tijhE,r.t at l:ilÈneì qntrrt'dn {r'':'nr Pi'¡'rl rll Ll¡-rtrr

r.','l.1 tl-r e'='i':l¿1*t''-{Ë I=. larlj i.ÉErlr =. "TÉå.,J:" {¡r Ê=. tl-r e i=lErl ,ler=. tlrBr'É ,Jependent .Jn Ë.e3. tr"rnãF¡-rr't it

'=. r-1en 1 d i t'c''1 t=' r,1J.3..=. n,:t I r-,rr r=¡ t,*{r,r.E Ên ter'E,r.i in.J mÈ¡1 þrr1 hU i nr¡ illiåm", Ën l';.,=.rr g+r'nc, I=l-e.r¡l , lln Ê '-I.3.¡¡ ¡;'.¡;,r 1'É44 the "f'l .l-trrI Ée+':l-¡ Euilt ¡.t !',l,rrr q¡,r,r'nr, T';. . Fr-rE=.iEly nÊ'1r'Anr*ric'='rr ' [''Jalþlsr' E,f, 1.1e.=.=.r"=. [,J4. lþier an,l l¡.1 ill";in='Inn]. hertra.n tr-+'linC'dã

a-. gl i Én the i I ¡.nd {ar mån}' yeå'r'E i l,p I i sr,r ttr, hEt,e ì =.

rTr 'lF tFr * r¡ith ;irr iltr¡r'ir--lirr -=, I r¡lç,mrr.n.ê-4 TFr e 1',1¡'J EUr''"rel' ':'f

Hur'lr'e'l c,i úu,llei' -:.hÉ,r,'.1= .1 ì='nding pì-e'ce, hut a'nd hruçh

Íertr*2. at tl-r e '=.;ruth*r'rr Ér¡ tJ ¡{ ånr er'ic.+rr Ee-r'¡h' Tl-r i= i:'

¡.rr r¡'ll-r ÉF'e he E,r.r,t,-rhli, r..+her'e f,l-r.' huilt the "|.,.1 illi¡.m" d .=.quåtte,J he+nr.e t,eirr ,;t i=.=u*d r¡itþ tir e l*3.'=e ¡{ 1U E'lu'3'r's 148 mile= bnrderinr¡ E.=.=-ter'n ¡i¡'.-'s'C'5 tlln l-1 Éu'¡u='t 1Éq7. r'"rhen gaing into H¡g B¡.t tn l¡.nd å F-1:-EEngÉr. the "trl ill ia.m" ì¡I'3'=' Eut å r...Jr.ËEþl*d. l¡lall,ler' an'l tl-r e ':TÉr/J r*arhsd É'htrrre =e{el;" ¡¡=-'1' C"å i:år.e'f A+ +l trUr, ã-U:-.tå.T r t'lflEl pA.Ct<':' a.n'l ='un'lr ie= t''¡a=' In 1L?45 there r..{ÉFe r'eport=. tha.t Ê. =.ettlen named 1"1,:ll.ullum.47 r..,,r.1=. E,r.lil,Jin,-:l .1 la.r'¡-t* E.trl-r ÊrtrrF¡ ÊP ¡.t ['JeEt*rn

lÌlL.'EF.':'-'J ,_a

The rr unrb,eF cr{ Eqr.latter'=.'-rrr l{arr ¡-l-+r'a': IEì¡'rl'J'='te¡dilf' e':¡'Fr'e='sxd inrr.e,r.Ê.e'l -r.n,l in 1844 =i-rme m-r.inl-+nd ='xttler= r-Jtr'usrnm*nt inter'e=,t irr FUr'trh+:'irr g l+.rr d tl-r er'e i+ the l-r'a'J he*rr måde ir¡ 1''14Ë ,:,ffer.ed ¡t for =..rle.C'17 Fr',:,,n ii-rr the i-=.=.ue c,+ ,Jepa:-tr.:rirr r--.1 ¡.nd rrtri=up.rtic'n I irentreÊ, th* ,Jin1:r |:¡rl tl.l numher. r¡f .=.t':'trþ; in {g*:. Fl al,E(b,l É de¡.Err * 'f,E-.=.É=.=.*d

Tl'r {ir=t l'lrn'J-1r''f':' Isl'rnd F, tr,Ë.-=É=.:,iorr n{ tl-r e .r.F,pl ir-e.nt=.7ü e 'l ì.=n,l hel,l un,ler e,1a. I tenur'e lrlË.É' årr r-rctrupLtinn I ic*nre

.1rt 1E147.71 l',lr':' qr..=.nt¿d t,:, Llir .¡.r''t E.=. l-ll lL,rs¡, Err 7 'I uar'lr' i-r'.rEr'{r'rrm l'1 i,:ha.el ll:¡-lna.n later'l tha.t her t-rmilf'toc'k

rlli,.:sr.u.rhprr tf-r eir.F¡.=.t¡r'.¡. I L*a:.e r..'J.3.'=- iç.='r.le'l irt 1:151 '7? r¡'rha't The lee=e entEn,led inland fr'c,m the ='sa-{r'¡nt a't i='

tlt rr't¡'Ë' a' n':r¡I Ersr,rrrr 1,r¡l ,i:J lllrr 1F f'lr-rr.rg¡¡þsr' 1'El4Î I i'ler l*',a.n1-l;rr'Or, Igl-r.nd r='n the rr.¡tter' "ÉÈ='Etlr'tre" F.1 =.EenÈer' {r'Anr r¡lhicFr rr.rFr'ie,l 1U'= b,.r. l*'=. ,:f r.¡Jtrrr--rl r thg {ir':t r'*tr':rr'ded

r:¡lrr Eiqnmerr t ir.¡nr the i=-. l.=rr d. Thi=, må.i' h.-r.'JÉ heen llt I ir,'Ér/E

A'nd È -1Ë. the r:,frJrr Pr' r¡.lr-,U1rJ l-r å',rE S.UFr Ér'L.ri=ed tl-¡ e ¡*1ir,rÊr'!' =':'"1

,,r-r. É,,:t:UE i ,:'rr I i C*rr ¡e nÉ-1r' ¡i th i =. I e Ca.r',]¡.74 Èrr at 1..1e¡,g¡,¡, E¡.¡, trJ_i= r-.1r.åntÉd t¡ l.ililli.r.m Iliile=, irr l.l'-1r,JÉrrtr Pr' 1 +-,''

.¡*'=. i:,r"=.¡'r 1L:: E;.. 11J42.75 Irr l"laf, l,,li+'ã årr UFrFr tsrrr*d ':tr,rr E.i'¡rr ipped

,¡¡.nd7'å, :.1-r *rpr tr+ r¡Jc,,:, I fr,jm Fi-+ng.=.rr=a I=. *uiderr cp tl-r at c'+ the numE,Ër.=. !,.rFr.É irr rr.eã.=.irr Ê, Ft--,---.'=.i h' ly tlr e r'*:-ult aCti'..ritieg. ':'+ tr'fr P tr'f fTr':rf'g E.qUåttSr'=.. É=. 5,:uth Èu'=tr'-+1 ia deL.r*ìnped, the FEeitisrr É+ the .lan,l ipF ing i=. in r'sl;+t ì¡rr tB ir¡ ter'=.t¡.te å.rr d 'luÈr'='Éå=' ='h

E;l-r t'.r'='=' r" it'="1 ta I ane=. .3.-i=.ume'J r--.lrÈ.l.ter' =.i¡n i{ ic¡.nce. iFp in'l .:;r,U ,:,ffr i i I rJ Ei' 1l-14:? Íl-1'= t'=r'E' th É'+l i a'=. EË'lfr tr =Uf'''r '.¡-=,. 'r.l-l r'=' c{ -=.h i p= -e.Fprtr'-a.':h i ng F,:,rt Èdeì ¡i de throuql-r F+cHstai F.r.=.:.xg* trler.E cBrTrFìairr irr r-l th+t Èdr¡ ir*ìtf' cl¡'rrt= r¡Êr'È

in-r.CCurA.te, Tl-r et'r.rlÉrÉ åLÀ C{ ts r'eef "r¡elì þ;nr¡t'.rn tc' ell the tr,:rå'=.t*r':.t P:.,iten'lin-A +ul l,r' tl-r r'sE-qu-rr'ter'= ¡{ a' nr i le r,ff th* É-ì.=t pc, irr t c'f Èntecl-¡ -r.nrher E-a.;¡", hut it L{a'='

neitl'r er' ,:rrr årr i' ch.rr't r'+ I'larr 1-ie.r'c'c 1=l¡rrr d r'''l+t*r'=', rl ':!T ment i'=ne,l irr the '-a,Lil irrg dir'*ct i¡n= puhl i='hed in the

åFt rJ tl.igL.,gt-.rrfîÉFr t tìa:ptte. l''1 a.rr l'c, ldi-irrer=. þ;t-¡ *r¡ r'f tlr * r¿e{.r thr,r.:,Jht it m,:,re th-¡.n prr-,t'rt, 1e tha.t therÈ Lr'rEr'e ¡th;'r'

,J*te¡h*,j ree{:. ,:ff tl-r * '--rlrUtlr ,l¡1,å.'it c,{ F¡.nr--rarr-rr-r I='larlI'¡7

In 1l-:l+1+ rla.ptain LìE,:.c,rr , H-r.r'L":'ur' l"la.=ter', m'i'ds '1

'=Uf ¡-.leT,:rUË. ¡f+ tl-re !rlrr¡ff¡ tl-r 'tr.trrUqh L.'Él' ,l,f tf-r * d:+fl r'gei'= r:trr'reCted rl-r+rt=' C':'r'lld tr,:r-r.=.t ¡f l'i-r.nqar,:,t, I=. l.r.rr ,l =,Ct

r¡.a!-r. ËFr a t* nr.-r.,le, ån,J ch-r.r.t,=d , d rt -1.nrBd the l.L ':a1 ¡

.=.1-r al I ¡r,.r ba.nþi thr',=e nr i I *E lanq irr E.='cþ.=''=' F-ì.'=E-i''JÉ r"rl-r ich

,-J.FÈ Lilfl-r tl-r ,:u:.*=' LLIPr'E rr eerjed, åFr ¡l tl-r r'E;rterr x,J =,hiç,F,ir, Lip,¡.¡¡ cl-r ¡'=.e ;r. -quitå.t, lÊ ËitÉ a.t ËL¡' s t.'l illr-'u¡-rhl'¡"f5' 1 =tl

I,lhen the r-_-t'fuÉrnment =.cho¡ner "Yat'1 lå" rri='ited *rr lE5lJ, llaFta'in Lip=c'n l-,'.-¡.nrjar'r¡n I:, l-r,nd in 'I¡.r¡u-1ry d l'lar'ch r.ep,:r.ted th:+t the I iqhth¡u.=e at Llillour¡hbl' ri'r-ì.É .=.,l,.j.rnclrrg r..+pi,Jlf'. In åpril 185[ r]:ha.rle=' Fjtur't, tl-rÉn Lì¡lani.aì Secret¡.r],, I r.ri=.ited |.,Jill¡r.lBhtT ':rrr the ,,.i.åù.3. .|,1 ,, t,r, irr :.pect F,r.'fgpp=..ã l-rrr tlr e 1i,11-r t.ÉÜ t'l¡'nt' l--l':'r'kt i=. la.nder=. t,r,fr'l,ied sn the I igl-r thi-ru=-e. l'1e=Er'e ThÉm'å.Ë, Éri=.tor,,r EhnEr--,ßr Fer'k'¡', Taple¡', ll'l-¡ ee='Émå'n! Eiat*:., r '1 Lle¡'nr,lur an,l .Êimp=.L1n! r'eEident-q r-'1 the HnEr Ea'y å'rPA't r¡or. l4e,l r¡itl'r hulltrcl.q t*amÉ.! ifr b,r.¡r'ned ì imer EUt tr'rc'orl -+nd o{ f. fer¡ Édela'ide her¡e,l =t¡ne ur¡ den the :.þ-ilful '-ruÉr='iCht merr .El

¡.'¡lti'å.rlEE t-='.Fl ir¡ Tl-r e "'i"ã.tå. I å." ma,le Tr UmÉT.rUË. '1 m¡'ter'i¡'I =' l¡r, the I içl-rth¡u=.e to the rie.p* tJil I c,u'Jhhi' ='ite dur inr--r

r,'eEEÊ1=' tr-'c'þ; EUEr l ie=' dur irr ¡'t 1'¡51:l -a.rr d 1Ë5t , ¡rl-r i le ¡tl-¡ er' F lE=l.É? t-Jrr l,å Eecemt,*r' 11351 tl-rp Legi'='l*ti"re ll.c,uncil ¡{ i Lcrndr-rrr ta Ë¡u th i -r. -e.u thar' i ze,i the Ar¡en t-rl;enÉrå1 n t,uþ. I arr tgr.n=. {,rr' ttt* l::ã(F,É l,Jil I e,ugl-rht' I i'11-r 1.l3ii "Th i=

I ir-rhthr-,U.=.È" , LieUtÊrt -1.nt lli¡,,rÊr'n'lr' 't'¡unq lç' ìd tl-r e [:¡r-lnC il

th.¡.t Èu'-:ru=.t, "the f ir'=.t *nected in tl-r p Fr,:'¡irr ,:*, ¡¡uidirr '1

r.,.ra;¡{-r.r.Êr.=. b,i, EE.1 +r.¡m the nei'_11-r bil:'Urinr_f Lìll¡rr ie'=. t¡ :Jr'r.lth

*u=tr.el i + r tTt,ì¡. a. l '=.,:, E.Ér'ì.rÉ .r'=. å. mÉnrr-rr'i ål tr'f tl-r e E.Pr'r.r i c*:. r-,1 him r.'lh¡, *i.ã th* di:.coLJÉrEr c'i ths Fir.rer l'1uTrå:.f'. ¡F,ened

r.lF, tl-r Ènr .Lrr I ì=r. r-tr.É.3.t inl;rnd t,.råtËr ':':'mfrrut-r i,r,r.tir'rr t,*tL.,leerr , d

l-r åt'Ê ther.e{r-rr.e n.¡.n¡ *,1 it "Tl-r É Ëtr.lrt Li'fh¡'rrr.i-jr} 151

The I iqh t trrt'=.t a.haut rl4.;143 a.nd t'r-r.E i ir'=t e';t h ib'ited l= tr'n 1lJ 'I¡.nuar'y 185U. Fr'':'nr Z47 {eet -l.t'-r'.¡te ='Éå. leu*1 ì amp=. t'lith para.tnl ic r'e{l ertc'r=- pr'aduced ;L t'r il I i-e.nt

tr':'nr:Erltr.¡.txd {le.=.|-l r¡ll-¡ irh r.e'.¡¡¡lLled Ér,'Êr¡. ËU È.Ér:Err dÊ. tn,l

FJ.3.E BliF, Êrte'l t,:, Ee r., isibl e f ¡r, ?4 mil e=. LlF Tl, E I igl-r tr'cc,m r.rJ,3.=. ir'an -rnd Fl¡.te ql-e.=.=, and clr¡rþ.t'.lc'rþ' ma.chiner'.v mc'r,'Ëd

the rentr'-r. l rÉ,Ji--r l'.rinr-¡ '=.tem. Tl-r e tt,r,,Jxr' r,.'JåE. ¡ tir'cular' pilìa.r of gr.anite. s.nd the dc'Ê'r's and r¡.lindÉr.4'-= rr.JEre f¡.ced r¡ith Þ'e1l nr.,l '=-¡.rr dç.t¡ne. F:-=rin F,enptr'.¡rted 'fnP sidr r E*1u=.in13 the v.¡e. ll= t¡ drip r¡.r ith d.r.nrpnÉ-iE. The r.,¡¡.ter t.=.n11 = gåuP r.rla.y

årr d r.,.råtÉr' l-r ad ta te c-q.r'ted ¡.h,3ut s mile å.rr d .1 l-r -r. l{ t-J'.JÊr' å

hur-JE hill t¡ tl-r e l,;**pËn=.' c¡tta-_JÈ=.. Er' th the=e pr'=blem=

r..,.1¡u l,J ':;1U=.É 'l i ++ i cr..l I t i e= f ¡r .r'prr'=. ttr, rc,m* ,BÉ

t'J illi¡m l:: . ll:a.r¡.rtl-r tr,t-'BEr nr-1EtEF må.niner', f¡r'mer'll' r-r{

tl-r e E-r.:,t Irr ,liE rl:nmpåFr,r', Ld-:'.E. tl-r e {ir'=t he.=.d ke*g, ar',l]i TF¡ e

1..: eep*r'= .r.t L-:åFe l.,Jilì,:ughb,i' l-r -rd tn'rr quickl lf' tr-, t'e =¿lf-=.u{4irierr t,'=.e th* r--ti-r'.rÉFt-rtrrent s'u[r[rl'r' r'' s=.=.E] .l=.' L,'i=ite'l tl-r * is,-rl at*d =pnt at ir'r'equl Er inter'1.rÉ. They

rr tl-r End ußrlrfii':i¡.ì eÈdpd =.r:,rrrÉ !.rlp[rr]rf'l {r'¡m s Equåtter'= =ettler.=. in th* H':g E-+¡' ,r.nd Ante':h-q.mben E-e.i' år'E-1.=.. Tl-r i=. l'¡'¡¡'_1ir t trr,rllÉtl-¡ Êr'pe'=ple o{ uEr'}'di++ÊrPrr t !'acþ1 'lr'Ìfurr d'=.

In Eipremt'er' lirÍl l"l-rt Th¡nrs.= be-=.che'l l-r i= t¡.rh-:.ìe-h'=-r.t

¡.t Er.i'll-r tcrrr r,,.rh i lÉ tr.tåi t ing {t,r. a f -e.uc,r:r'-r.t, le r¡Jirrd {,=r' .L IJer'Ë at retur'n tr'ip tt, the i'=. l.¡.rr dr ¡.nd his F, å:.=.Érr =lept "the ¡ld Tl-r at,:l¡ *d Irr rr , unrjeF Ë::: t,r'É:=' ¡r'Jer'= t'l' r'i'=* at

d.¡.:i,t'fe-i.l';."L1Ë The r.'.lind L,.råE. Urr ++.r.":rur'-1Er lEt årr d ic,r' t-t.,tr--r d-+l'=

/t/ ó

:, !::'j j' þ., ... . ' r.. - F r'"F ;ÀÉJdià;ii;..... ;... ._ .r


Ëturt Light, Cape L{illÉu:-rhb..* 1=t

I'la.t p-rti*rrtìi' EmL-'þlEd hi:' FiFÊ En the E-+ndhill L''rhile

r., llrr r.',la.itin'-:l L^,r¡.tchirr ç th* Pr. s ':{ the F-1 =':Érr lJPr'E' cl-r att*d r.',li th I'l-rt ahr-rut h i=. Ètsr'I l' 1 if e ¿nd exFÉr ience=. crn

F.anr_-1,1.rtr,tr, I=. 1+rr d t,e{c,r'E ,r'f {icial :.*ttlsment. l'i.=,.t l it"ed hi' {i=hing a.rtd {a.rminq and, liþ;e ma=t FrP-Ëettì*msnt

i=l-r.rl d*r.=., Iir.'ed t*lith Èt'trr'iqirr al t.r':rnrEn årrd l-r .=,.'J f irr *t he¡. lthf. chrldr'*n årr d çtpå.ndrhildr'err , He tlaimsd t¡ l.ln,:r,,1 c'f

å.rr ¡ld i:. larr der' ¡.t HÊ,r-J Eay r¡.ll-r n l-¡ ad Saur' *hc'r'i1lin-e. I

N,-Jmsn.Elît llc'uìd tl-r i=. l-r i.rJE h**rr Lìer,r'Ë* "Fireh-+ì.l" Ei .rt*=.r c,r' Henr¡* l¡lal I en-'' rìfter' ttJ¡ da'r'=. tl-r * r¡,rh.rìÉ-t,,:,-1 t =.*t ¡ut t¡ the i':. l-+nd r.r¡ ith nine F,åË-=ÉngÈr'E, TheÏ Fut irr a.t "H-r.nrsþ:: '=."

rr , r'f 1'-+nþielilla. L.'.rl-rÈF.e -r. 1 I heìped t¡,lpt tl-¡e qt":'d=.,

ehr-' a. tarr in a. 11, +=hc'r.* -¡.nd tl-r e hc'-+t h¿r.lled ¡.lF ,ln the

E..i.rr d. Alter' r'el¡-rdirr q tl-r * t'¡-rt irr tl-r * m':r'nin¡-.r tl-r er' '

¡ut -r.rfå¡n ;.nd, -t=, the r,r¡ ind h,r.d dr,:p'FÊd, l'r ;..d tr r':rrJJ. The'¡' f..'JÉrr t ¡.=.h,:r'e a.t 1;..nk-eì iìl¡. and r'É-':s.ulþ: ed t!-r * hc'.=.t''=. They =ìept th-qt ni,¡ht r-¡n tl-re t' .:rt Fl.ip, ¡¡ E¡.:.' hut nest d¡.r'r'ain fc,r,:ed tl-rÉm tt 14å.lt untll the t'' nr.rder'-r.ted. A d-rt' l-+ter thsy aut +qain. l:l++ L;-¡.F,e ,Ierr¡iE. thsf. pA=.=.*d å r¡,¡h-e. lB-Ertrr åt r.etr.¡r.r¡ irl ¡_-¡ {r.,:'nr the

qh r¡,¡ I i tlit,u=.e i tl-¡ ;. 'tRFr tr'.3.,: t,-Ìr' r.'.¡h¡ h¡,d L'*en pu t t i n1: ut' a.

r:l-=r. 1lÉr'i'=.trr th.=rt frterr ¡t,t'rJlrJ tr'in¡ the l.r.ntF, Ê. tL.r ithc'ut =.t'rpFirr g .=.rTr.1l tl-r e m¡.rh iner.'¡,. Ft:l èt ll:AF, e ¡ls¡'r.r i;. tl-r ei' -¡.Fr r-1 fi¡-,rEd C,{{ .:r. I =+ndi' in El¡at Hå.rt,.'rur', -=.. r'c,trl,i:r' apeninç t'*tt.¡e+rr d.err gerr:,u=. r'e*f=,, -r.nd t'r'pFå.t-'È,1 ir'r' +rr t,tl-r er' rr ir_lht irr ths { t.-l

'-JFen. lltne Få.=.EengÉr gather'ed perit'.tinþ;ìe= Irtr' l-r i= er.,enin,J me-rl -rnd n¡*d* .a h*d irr tlr p d-=rmp se-+r,.leed. l-le:qt mor'rr inrl the p ar t;* rE-ltrhed Antech-1.mhÊr' E-+i'r¡hpre thÊ mpn ha.uled the :Jl)

r-,'= 'l c'r¡ ¡:,r¡ St:t { t E hn-rt =.þ;idE. rlt'¡ut t:t l.å.r.d=. int¡ å =.alt creeþ;. They r'=r¡ed a.t'out a. milr uF the ,:r'Éeþi and unltaded the t,c,¡.t nBs.r l.l+t'=. hc,r.l=.e .17 1 The rr i i tc,r r¡Jprr t r,+ i tl-r I'lat =. Thc'm¡.-q in hiÊ. t'ul lock ,lraf' tc' the r'E':Êntly ,:tr,mFletsd li'_fl-¡ thc'uE.¿. rì{ter' -1 thr'rÈ fr tr¡ur' r'ide tl-r r'trrur_lh d*rr =.* :.rr'uk ther r'e¡.ched the hea.d ke*pÉr'-= h¡u-=e, "amid=.t Eal itude pn,=irrruFr d.".FË TFr e l,ireper'=. had l,iill*,1 mt,r'e th¡.n 1Èl-l Err 3,þlP=. in the r,, ic irr it:y ,:'{ the I ighth'=u:-e t.rh il e it r.l.låÊ be inr--l

Eu i l t.F:l t'.la.t Tl'r ,:rfrr.i.=." år'du¡u=. ,i r'r.lrnpl' ha.d t.rþ;*n dts's'-=.. It rr.rå.8 mtr,i-.p d¡++icult th,+n uRl..3.rJÉ-q u=u-c. llt, m-i-dÉ hi' the ct,-e.=.tal cr.rtt*r=. t,rhicl¡ E.uppl ied tl-r E'll' :.*ttler'=. crr fj,å.nqå.rc,':' i=. la.nd. In f-r',r¡ur'¡.ble r"lea.ther the ;r.lttÉr'Ê.t

.=,.'=.=.i=.t*d r:lTr d-=r.:r'Ê. tl-r d,:'L"JFr h:¡' =,,, tank l;r tl.'I':' i,:'r' e tr'ip r -e.nd ,:,rt É d,r.l, tur f.etUr'n, .1 =. the trlind rr.J-l=. mi--r t-É ,-r{t*rr +r'':'m tl-r e =.¡utl-r .

Ear'ly in 1E;5i¡ the tr':, lEnl"'E. l'1 iner'.cl -Çur',r'p,r',:,r'r E:+¡' t+irr'= Tr'et,.r-rr'th¡., deridrd t,: 1..+rr q.=r'8,,: I=.ì.¡.rr d t¡-, irr L.' ÊEtiqa.t* F.Épr;r¡l;. tl-l ,r.t rlr-rål h¡.d tr¡Ên {':Urr d ti-r er.'?. Thi=. inter'e=.ted the merr in Ad*l-e.ide. l-ln :l Épr'il TrÉr¡J.tFtl-r.3.

¡,,*d :t.t ll in,-r:.cate r¿JhÊr.e h i =. Érr rf u le,l l-r inr tl EÈFr rJ for'"å. rrr,1n f¡-e.[rrÊd L'!a]le:" tl..,J¡. IIenlr r,rJl-r E¡ h-r.d r'*=.i,led rlß th*

I l arr,l uFr.,,rå.r.d;. c,i tl-r i r.t:i, l.É.3.r.=.. l¡.1 ¿l l rrr ¡' {e 1 t =. "F4 frf'rlrlr¡lrl 184 nc'ohìig+tiÉnt':'helptl-renPFrr'E5'?nt'+ti''re¡f¡4fici:'ld¡m r*lhich h-+,J ,Jepr'i,",*,1 him c,{ hi=. {.rr'nr , but he cnuld nct na=.i=t the ,-r{ier af mtr'nP:/ inn informati'rn' Tr'etr'rã'r'th-1 LLI'1'= n¡t inrpre:.=.e,1 hl' t,lal l Én'E i nfr-,r'n¡¡.t i c,rr, hut dec i ded tÈ-1 e:rpìnr.e the iEl-rn,l r,.lith him. Thei' trr-'r-.rË-rPd frr-rm 14in¡¡=-rnte ta .a pairr t "¡.haut eig|rteen mileE. u.le=t El'Fr r-rFtl-r ¡{ tt'r ¡'"lcrnrr È

8.3.;.," F.thEre l¡.14. I I en F,r¡inte,l r-'r¡t -l t'l;rcþ. ='tr¡ne r''.¡h ich "mir-lht l-r .1LJÉ t*err t.e.þ:en +trr'c,-ral El'-1rr irr *:+¡'er'i':rr ÊÊrl':t'='e¡'''p¡""'Í5

Th i= -=tane 1,J.3.=. in ,.¡e in=. nf qu-rr'tz, r'unn in5-.r ¡.t trar i':u=

.3.rr glpË. thr'c,ugl-r gnei=.=.. Appr'i:tå.trFr inr--r Uir.r,:,rr ne Ealr, Tr'aL*lar'tha

gne b)' I im*EttlnÊ, a'nd Et i ì I f aund '--Jr'Ë.n i te a.rtd is=. ca.pped nÉå.r.Er. Ui,..rc,nne El¡.1' the u,lhr, 1E E.ur'+.1':Ê ctrrr Ei=tÉd n+ .|¡.nder I ime=t':,rr e. Tl-r e ¡-, ld i=. tr¡ld him tha.t Ee"'Ér'1 I

hurillredr¡eiqt-r t n{ hitumerr l'r ,1,J t'eerr fc,urr d åt the E.-=rl'.Lrr d È,rr the b*ech.,¡-r.nth-r. r'ÊcÊrTrrTrFnded t'r-rr'inq tþr'r-'UÇl-r the linrB.=.tone irlli++Èr'Ent pì'=' cìr'='* t¡ L"rher* thi=' t'itt:men t'=r-lrm'¡.j ine arrd I.rJ-r.E {,:,Und. He tr',:u¡rht =arfrpl*=. ':{ t,itrlnrxn: f ire-cl:(t'ìc,r' ,Ji''-1 t tl-r e L:rr¡ d i:l++i':s'FÉ tL'r'f 1,.,.1.=,. llen claime,l th-r.t he ha.d tr'¡.r,' etled "Upt''tård:- c'i

[-r.rr d L'rlEnted t'-J þ;Tr hur¡ dr.ed nr ile=. in =.e,e.r'ch l,l c¡a. I ':'t"l rr,rheil-r er.hx r,,.¡¡.=. 1 entitled tc, åny rÊË'fmFen'=E f¡r' Ihi-=']

:a.Ê-. q':tLJÈl-'FrfTr¡?fit tr.¡uh'*',.177 Irr thi=. l-r e r/.J-1E, 'Ji=.-rrpt, r, ir¡ ts'J the cla.inre,l that he h-r.,1 t,een emplr¡*ed h3'Tret''l¡.rth;' I¡'r itl-r ':rut

tl-r * Éi,:,,,rÉf'fr ':rr"'= +Utl-r C,f itl'.F-'J Tr'Êt.l-1r'th.r'=. r'*p,=r't , E.Ur-J'f P='t irr '-r [rr:rÈ'E ¡E i I i f ie-= ¡f

nr er',r. rrr ,l'=.r cL-rrr l ¿ ir i-r'l ',rå. l u-rtl * irr I f -11-C,U=ed ='ider''r.t' ':{f 155 intene=t an,l c,n :? l1a.r'Trer,.lar'th'1 '¡.nd -=EuEn mifiEr''= ='a'iled ior. ll.arr ,J-=,.r.¡¡ I=. lan,l Crr th* "'l'lt.r. l'1 " tt' inrls=-'tiçrate L"¡l-r '¡'t r.\r.fE hr,pe,J tc, t,e å. =i¡n if icent { ind c,{ { inanc ial -1d'"'tsnt:rge t,: the r:Éli:rrr,*.-l-!, .r r'epr'rted {r'¡m t.t¡'.rtr'rr ne Ea.r' ':rl 'thr'e* ?1 l4a:r,¡ h¡.L,rirr,-f f ir':.t ex¡.mined .3.n å.r'eå Ê-uËgE='ted b:r'

tl-r e i:. I-e.rller.=., "Th'lnrFE.':'n¡ L.'.|e. Iìe:'. '1rl d irnl ith" l'"rh¡ ç'eid E,itum*n cnuld be E.Éen r:r-JminÉ {r'am the ea.r'th in a r"ein .l-¡.nder'g ,,,tTr r,,.r lll Tf¡ e i=. +r¡J tl-r eir' tr.,ln ttr, =.i::t {est i,lg,"llll Ah¡ri¡-linal r,,¡¡merr drr.ecte,l him to a paint an th* Ë'r-'uth

15 nr il*'=. {r'Ê'nr Fr'r-':'Fect HilI =.i,Je Ef tFr e i=l.rnd a.hÊ,ut rtf r.rhìrh he attempte,J t,--1 r.e-1ch b,r'cr' fr¡m the head

tr'n Énrer.i¡+n F: i,,r¿r.. He f,=urr ,J ¡r¡ ll' ;{ {er¡l '=.c=tt*r'ed ='tane'='

the E,e-+cl-r åFr rJ, rea. I i=.inq th.¡.t th* i=. lE.nde!-'=. h*='.d dereir''ed r:trrrr r:'l r.lded tl'r ':rt C'r+l hin¡ , l-r È :..+ile,J Ê'rt t¡ ui,.¡c,rr rr P Ear'. He

['\r lc'ç-q r¡tr,¡-lld Fr r:r t trÉ f,:,Urr cl in th.:rt lÉ":¡. 1 itf', t'ut F¡e åE Et -a

t¡,:urr t {c,r' tl-¡ e I +r'qe qu.-r.rr t i t-1' ¡{ t' i tr¡nr el-r +c'urrd Eratter,*d ,1.ttrUt ¡rr the t'e-r.rhe= r-,f the :-nuth =ide ¡{ the

f:i-e.¡¡ I'=i';'nd I.=.ì -r.rr ,J.1U1 Tr.plr.tåTtl'r a'=. F, ¡.rti' r'etuf-'f¡ Êd t¡ '-1+r'n'--r hi' tl:+p' t+in ':Tr the "'iåt.1. I.r.[ 'frr 1,j, 'TU];"r å.trr:rlrfrrF=.nied Fr'e e inr_-l ¡.rr d å Får' Ért q fr EÉf '=. f'È ah'¡-¡ut =-.inr il+r'l:r', Ë.nd E,¡th m*n Ëå.'.,'e +,1'Jitinrr al inf¡rmetion tl-re tl-r * -ì.,!'åil-e.hiliti'¡i {r'e'=l-r r¡a.ter' .irr d tl-¡ e Qr'l¡'litr'Ê'{

ì.=n,l thr',:,u,-lh r¡.rhitrl'r the¡' ha.,l F¡ E=.=e'l .ltl-r

r:prr 1,5 Fet'r'u,3.r.r' 1t1=1 ËhLrr.rjÈrl thet l+iånE-1r'R':' The =.u'=. c'n

nr.3. end -J? {em'aìe='. I=. l:rrlI I-r ,+J .r. Fr ':,F, ul.rti¡rr ¡i L17¡ 5. lÈ'= 11;'¡f thenr rhil,lrxrr under' 14' There r.'tlÉr'Ê {¡rlr' +fr'nr*r=' 15¡-

a'nd tr.,.rc, e.tochi hoìder=, tr'ne =.uruel'úl', three CArFenter'S i:'n'= trnP .-i ¡inErË! {c'ur huilder'=', 'frr É'='hoemal'ier, Fla=-'ter'Ér'

r:rrr and d¡meç'tic minerj, anÉ =hepher'd, e f i='her'man, 'fnÊ Ê.err,.¡.rr t.1Ú4 The ,lir.,er:'itt' r-¡{ i:'cr:upatian=' r'eflect=' the ¡ì af tra.,le-=.rIrEl-r to I.,.lorl{ Én the ì iqhthr-'uEe. FaEt¡ra'I pur=.uit=. rilere t,-r ,lr-'nr irr ate the lir,¡e':. c'{ l"'iarr r3-r.r'ar-' I:'ìand inhabi tant=.. They dÉr,,8ì rrped åE indi'.r idual i=-.t=r a.hl e tc' suruiue r¡ith minimum É.uFFr tr'r't fr'¡m tl-re mair¡ ìarr d cnltr'ni='t=t and pre-rud n{ their' independen':e. 157

tÐ7 I Tolmer t r-'F. cit.. LJal. I, F ! Eic":r.=.r'h el I n dp'yi r-r{ Eir,u t l-¡ Èu t r'e I i ¡.rr Ucl . IU, F ir =. =. , 15178. FÊt:iE. LJEI . l.JI r "Fc,ì ic* E:rç'gr¡,?rr':È'=. l.,.litl-r Tl-re i,,rÉE'¡ . Fiecnl I ect i c,n=. af 'Jameç. þ1rLeå.n. af tlti{iter'r ["lor.lnted Fn] ice Far're arrd E;her'i{f =. Adel¡.ide. F'. 9tr1 ' 4 Ibid.. Er¡. F. I Eump t nn ..1-_=_, . li.-rr-E '¿ =. , .H F rjF;ti E15..'5L:14 É.rr d l"1e t l-r ¡:r d i t ,Ï c'u r' rr e. I tE , FFltlËlf ¡ =. , I ¡f Ê.'l 'Iull' - Ibid. ':' Tl-re E:¡r.ltl-r*rn rrìu=tr'¡.ì ien, ? Èpr'il 1Elq4. tr F;uediger. riF. cit.r P. F'J. lLt lJt'=.e r''..' P P . ¡ Þerember' Il:J=Lt. l1 S*ljl:i, 5 1.1¿.:', 1E+!. I¿ 5ÈF: l¡ ,Tu rrÊ 1 Fiql'l . 1a¡ l::UmF=tr¡n, E-.l--r_, F,. 175. 14 Tuìm*r', ErF¡ , r it., l"J¡l , I t F,F,' :Jl:l ¡-:l 1l . 1= The -:;autherl Ê i;rn, E7 EeCtÉmhÉr 1Ë44. 1,J IEid. 17 Taìnr*r', ':F, , ':it.r Fp.::l 14-:l 1:'-. 1E Fn;+l , 17 EeptEm'Eer 1844. 1F Ihid. trr Tr'lnrer'r ÈF . cì t. r FF, :-11B-:11:;'. .¿- L Tl-r e 5¡utl-r Ër'rr Èr.::tr¡. I ia.n , ?7 .!e p t *nrtr* r' 1 E+4 . ?';, TC' Im*f', É'F. ':it.r l'rc'ì. 1, F. tlF' Ihi'1. ¿t rr È'el i¡. , !7 Ëeptemher' 11144' ¿._r Tc'lmer., urF,. cit., F,, 311T. tl:r¡¡çr t l,n li. . I F, . 1 7t:l . =. t 1, Tr] mer.. rit., p. :l 1:7. ':rF.';l'Zl ¿'= I h,t d, r F, . . ¿.r Ibid.t F. 3!2. -.-J rl It,id. '-J 1 ¡_r ¡ Tc' lmerr r'F, cit., p. :li?. Tr:'lmer'. r-,F,. trit.r tJal . 2, F. 4 '-J : F;r.rxdi¡rrÉt-'r crF. cit., p' . =t. :_l+ it'id, lllt'=.* f'r,r F f' I 4 F-e p t Êff¡tre r. I Er44 . The .E¡uthenn I i¡.n Ë7 5e p t emhÈ r' I Er44 . .-,; Ttr, jfrrÈr., ':'F, ':it.,r.Jtr, I . !, F.'Ë tiump=.t¡n, l-¡..I., p. 1¡É-. Th* :ir,uther'n Èu''+l i.e.r¡ 24 .e.Frd 27 Ëe p t Ptrrt,É r' 1 'ã44 ' 4u Euedi!Ér'. BF. cit.. p. 4?. 4t Tgln¡er', ¡:,F,, ': i t. . . l, F,F,. ¡U-7';'. 1-C l,J.,i.Hr-'=kirr 11 , "L,il-r å1 in¡-r in i¡Ë'uth år.l=traì ia. 1'3:l: 1Ë72"; El ,Ê, H,:'rr ,:,ur'=. Tl-r *=i:, Flinder=. UTri'-' sr'=itt', [ctaher' 1F73i F,.1. 4:J Hr':.kirr It, ..=.rr ËÈFl þ1-r.:' lEl41. '_:¡ r idi d , -1 1Ê-t

4rt Ë*8, Itid. 4f It,id. r 1'å Jul:r' tlJ4?. cit.. p. 4,á HoEl';inq, ÉF. =. 47 l--ltr=.erUÉr 5 lJc t ¡t's r' I Elqq . , Ë{ 4B JL. 24 Ëe t Êmt'È r I 41? , P "1¡14 ' F¡¡. I Pl-r.rr l'l':. l{rir ÛLr Adel+ide. =t-lF1 Ë*r:i[i, 1Ë44, p. cl5. 5I l--1t'=eP'Jef' . 7 .T,e.¡ q 3¡ ¡r I 844 . 5:1 I t, i d. , I Ir t"1ey I [-{q4, 54 Ihid., l:J 'luì:i'lË4+. It'id., i5 ,l-¡.nuar'!' 1É45. 5,å== Ru*,1 i,¡er',,:,F, cit., p. 53. .-l r' It,id. l:: .Ë.1:1. l:JU"/l'Ã'37, 5'. 1Ë5! FF;Ll:iA. =É 5v A.r. lif{e, r-¡F. cit., F,, Z3. .¡. lfr É r lr,;.. fl É.1 f. I I n . ¿,tl l.l¡.tiar¡a.ì Tr.r:.=.t :ji'_rn, F¡irrt Tinl ':' ':, =. 'J rl ::iÉ8, The Ê¡utherr¡ jlr.¡-qtr's. I ian' llt,=ert.r ef . r-,! ËftFj , É þ'l.-,'.1 Embp r' 1 'El4'.1 . SrjìR, I7¡ 1',1+4. ,J4 Fir.l*diger', 'rF, Èit., p' .'-¿'7, EF;G 35¡'5::J4 , FÊr:r-;;+. ,å'5 Ë . l-l . llih *E m-+rr i ! F Tnìmer'. trrFr . rit., r'J,:'l 3, F, .'¡jl . ,5Ë Tl-r E 'å¡, u thpr.rr Èr-.rç.tr'rl i årr Z Élpril 1',144. +ir Ihid,. ?+ ËeptemE,er' iE44. 7tl E:Èlt:ìËr g [:¿':*nrb,gr' 1É4i, 71 ERr:i 35,/5i,4 , FErlËÈ, ,-rrr ?:, f,:: .I.t-_: . 1+ *pr.iì 11;'1Lt , "E.rr. ll'Úå.i'Ë lr: I -'-f tjËt:i 35¡'.584 , PRt:t5*. -r,T ..1 :=ËE, I 1i' l'l¡'"' Efl'rtrg r' 1 È+7 . LiRr:i :l=,"5Ë4, PFir:rËA . EiÊFt, l Et Ì"1.1'¡, l Er4Er . Li ¡u t h e Au r' .r'l i .:.rr 4 [te r emhe r' 1 lJ4'J . The r'rr =.t ¡Ê rlrtr Ê.È F.rJ È F. , I ,j l.l¡.r'c Fr I ËrFu . r.:'1, 1 iffe, BF. r:¡t., t' . l':'. *f' ËAR ? Êc'r'iI 1ËrË[, È'l f,.irr r-l=.rnte ll: .l,rl ,Ê.r r:,F. ':it.. F. 2d+' Eri Ëe s Êit,F,É r¡J i :'l . '=':' Lrlli'rì i.t i,,,e Ë,=r-lnc= i I FE¡,s¡ =., Ê.È. , 1i:151 . F,' 1C't. L-t IE,id. 1 rill r/ , . ru.[. . =1;'r:r 'Ê,å Stur't Li'-fht ,-I':r.lF'F¡ .-r. I , l-Jct,:,ter' lllEl=, I:eFtemt'er' 1El=El t åpr'iì 1EåLI , (.nn d¡.1'È,{ mrlrr tl-r enter'edJ, ÊluEtr"Lliån år'ch i'Je:.r Éde I.1idÉ . LJr¡l 'f? r:iFjr:i 5l.Jl , Tr.i n i t¡' E¡a.r'd l'1i rru te=., 1Êr=Ë-=L:rr ' i . PÊrlËÈ. r:rt,=.erLler,-, 15 ,lårl u,+r':r, 1"15'.:l . It,id. t:iF:fì 11-,''1 I Tr.i n i ti, Bt':+r'd þìi rrr: te'=. i',115?-5;=lr I Á ÈF,r'i ì I g5l. FFltltË4. 1 5--''

F1 Elh=.eFuer, , l5 Ja.nuar:v t*q53. 7L Ibid. P3 Ibid. ?4 5Êtitli, 1,1:5[t , F, . lE?. ,-t Ibid. 5'; Ihid. E:.5, i]. Êt 1É=1 ) 3F4. Henrt' Llal l an I s. i c ] tc Lt . Gauerntrr. FEL1Ëå. This letter' indical-e=. th¡.t l¡J-=,. l 1err r¡Jtss' {ar' {r''lrr illitenate, l¡Jhile the gråmmaF ig n¡t perfert the hand i= f ir'm -1rrd ìe.-riEle' -lE, LÌ.ã.8, S{1851) ?ü, Êturt tn tJallen' PRLì5È. tltb''uer', 1Ë51J. 7f ll l"l-+y ;tnd 1.4 'Ìr-l ì:¡ lrJrl Ëål:iG., I,È5lJ, F, 44?. 1tr1 It,id.r F.q4;:l. lrl? fitEerrrer, 1É 'Tuì:¡ lBstl . I ü:r ËÊrji:r., lE,5r1 , p, 442. tF4 Eth'eer.r,,er , !? l.J¡-rr,¡emhen 1F5ff . ll.l-r¡.E ter' 7

E;heen -¡.nd Fih i or,,rr'ecþ.=. I È5-J-1 E'Ju .

tl-r E.te.:tnrer' "lll=.mårt I i", rln ?'Z,,.remh*r' lllFI e =.trr'Err.I f, lltr'r't,ett. s.;.ilsd {ram l'lelt,,=urne ':ä.r'r':r/in'l rraiì r 4E

F-ì.'=.É.Ért qPr'E, .rnd .3. trretrJ l{ :4. Ee{':rP È.Un=.*t tr'rl !5 l'1,:"'.'Énrtr Pr'

;. ll the m*n ':'rr r.,J,¡.tch =.i'-lhted l-end 'ln bc'th htrr"¡l=., .1nd tl-r ,=ugl-r t tl-r et' r.¡.rpr'F -+b':r.¡t tr-r Érr tÉr' Ë4,:þ.'=.t.¡.ir=. Fa=.E+'fe. tJi=ihil itt, r¡l-+=. F'lc'r r ånd rJ,rhen b¡' ¡.t'¡ i" c,'cl r-'cþ; l::Énhett ':,:ruld n':,t E.ÉÈ tl-r e Stur't Light .¡.t Ll.3.FÉ l¡Jillr--'Ur--ll-r tr¡' 3.Ë.

Ë:iFr Éfted he Cha.nged trr:'Ur'=.Er Fllt Aut tr-J '=.8A. a.rr d l-r.:' t¡.

Tl-r ({ÊFr '=.t Ee{':,r'É rr idrr iqht tl-r e¡' e F.3É..=.Én.-.¡pr':. t t¡ Eed. 'I¡.1 r.rÊ-q=.el r'' årr.rtr,l.iÊ E.uddenlt' r¡.rherr the'urþl iale¡-r tli' ¡rrut r.mid:.hip=.. Tl-r e '=,:rEfJ hr.aþlÈ årr d ths Ért ':t irr e=- {let,L l-rrruF¡d

¡i cnntr.É'l , p.:.rt= tr-r.t':h irr q f,ept.r.irr ll.r-,r'trett'=. tf-r umt' ¡-rFr d

=.p1ittin,_f it t': tFr e Lr,rr.i=.t. F.r=.=.eTr ,_ler'=. årr d,:r'Èr.rJ hr.Jr'r'iedl;r -¡.8=ÉmtlEd ,-rn decl¡, h¡¿.t:. r.,,r*r. É ì¡-'L,Jer'Ed, åFr rl ter'ri+ix'l

t.,.r':,rflÉrr {led irr tl-r e gi;-rr nrålP Få.=.Ë.ençEr'É. irr tl-r e ì,:nr--rt'r'et. liie-bc'-¡.t a.nd ta.r'fÉr a.nd ¡-r.gtain ånd trr-Ér.¡.r in ths dìnçh:"'

The trc,at'=. l-o.f' t':, Jl'r' Ê.ÈrrÊ time, {e-r.rinq tl-¡ e l-r Ê-r.'J}' =Pr.t tl-r e hr'e¿þ;Ër!! å.nd the urr k: nc,L'ln =.hc're. E'*'Éntua. l l:r' the lan¡-lhoat, cr'ui:.irr ¡r +1nrr q tFr e tr,rrå.Ë.tr {c,un,J å. =uit,rt' le

F.rl-r ,:,r-'e .3. ì-:.nding pl.=,.ce, *nd Én =.a.f*li'-a.=.|-r thE mÉn lit f ir'*

r:rrr tl-l * t'e-r.':l-r t,-r a. ìrr tl-r t':'¡.t= larr Ce,l =.i':rrr l e r.*=.t. rfllì E.¡.ieli' .=.nd -=rr.i.Fr ã.r'r:,ur! d a the tili' dr'e='=ed =.ut-uir..rr;rr-È. =tc,t',1

l-r u,-;E f ire E,rr tl-r e h*ech urr til ,J-r..r'ìi'_:¡ l-r t,l 1,å1

"lllE.m.i.nli" had =tr.ucl,'; *1 r.eef npÃ.r. f,-+pe Lin¡i=. irr [¡''ee E.e.l', t]i*r'r'qe Tinl irre, -r.ctinr_-.r rrrån-1r_JeF. trrf the E¡.rrl,:

ûl 5Éu th Èu'¡. I i -r, LrJ-=tE. å F;1€-.=.Ên'--tET ,2 ,r.n,J the r.*ei i =. ntr,r,l þ;nnr.'.rn åË P¡int Tirr I ine. l.le¡: t mtr,r.nin¡ thr'ee h¡¡.t=. r,.rent ,:,ut tn th* r,,rrptrþ; ! t,u t he,3.'.,':r. =.ur{ F,rBu*n ted il-r en¡ hu+r.d i rr çr . Far'tie:. t*.r¿r'e =.ent al,:nq the trÉåtrh tfi l'-rrk: fBr Ìr,¡-r.tÈr.. The,v

{¡und c'rr lþ' å. å.ìl le ,1rrr¡trrJrr t irr ån r'ld r4l-r .3 lÈr'Ë' =.rrr =.t:.. tr¡'F,¡t, [! the d,i.i.t¡-¡.t=. ui=.ited th* !,Jr.Etrþ, =erre-¡-r.] time=. .r.nd =.+lu.r.ifed F,FEr,,.¡i=.i¡n:. årr d rlr¡thing. I'l,rr.þ;=., a {irEt cl¡.=.= Fs.EEen'JÊr'r trÉp'=rted tha.t =er.¡eral r-,1 hi=. È.3.r'F¡et-h.r.¡1=. l'r Ad t,rsrr Cut trFrÊn -r.Frd l-r e l-r a,l l':,.=.t s. qU-:'.Tr titf, ,:{ :lnld. l::-i.F, llur.t'ett ËÈ.Lr,:hed the ,:r.Èr.{ and ,,fË,Und nt, ._a.trr:rt¡r thin'_:t trrn them bUt L:.. {ir_-l ':'f tlr.rr¡ A{ trltr .1 Ë.1-r C,r.t

FiFe, ,r.rr d ,1 h.=. I{-rher.,Led qui,l ."ã È{ter. å. ,1.¡.r' å.3hrt¡F.p pÉruFÊr'a.tinr¡ fr¡m their ,:'r.dE.r. l , thE r..,Jc,m*n =pent the ni¡11-r t in rrr.?.þ';p-=.hi{t r.,ll-r '1 terr t ¡.nd the rrrerr {¡und atp',.,Ér' =.he]ter. ther cnul,J in the tu=.h.

llln !J l..l¡,.¡En-rhÈr. tl-r E ,:.3ptEirr d*cided t¡ E.Érr d hi.=. ,:hiei

¡f{icer'. tlir,r¡clr , in the liie-h¡,r.t u.r ith.r L.'c, lUnteer crÈrr,r tr_¡

F¡r't l-r Èd*l aide {ar' elç,. "The}. p;..r.t1}. =.¿il e'l å.rr d F, f' r.r¡r.rlgdr r,,r ith B. r.':ì ìing EÈ.3. and å ìir__ll-r t r.,lind. rEË.r:hinl-l t::å.F,8 l.'.lillc,ur¡f¡ tr]'.ju=.t a{ter'E.und,:,t.ln."4 The E: tur. 1 ¡¡,¡l-r t þ,eÉEÊr.E''

E.m.:'.iÈment r,,rl-r ÈFr the:-.e mErt -r.¡.¡ir.r El, har.'in'_f l_r.nd*d in tir ;rt trrerl-¡ ÊF.rtrUÊ. :,F, ,-rt ir|ler.þlnpÈ.E.r Ê-=l.rt tr* ifrt-a.'_:t irl ed. tl:-r.Et.:tirr tl¡.1.'.Ltl-r .=L-'mÉ Êrr.rr È F, r.,:-rrn i t'= d i I .rrr dÊr.._= t,: [t'* Eiå.i' =.Ed =.prr =. r¡itl-r hr'e¡.d rrr rJ r..4útÈr', .¡.nd ':,rr È ¡f tl-r e "ú li"''.=. cr'Êr¡J I ,i? r.Em.r.ined tr' dlr'ect the i=. l¡.nder's ta the r.rJFPtrFi, The rr¡Pn irr

l-¡ .*t¡inq mn=.t the ì ife-hL-re.t'uggìe'J uF the qruì{. tÉ r'Ët¡J cl the r.4å;y. lilhen th*r, la.nd*d -q.t i!lenel'¡ they repar'ted the trJF'ECþjr arr d ths Har.trc,ur' 1.1.r.:.ter., ll:-r.ptain LiF=.tnr åf'r'a.nged i,:r' -?. r'ÈEtruE p-r.r'tl' ta r-Jtr to D'Estrre E;.;r imme,liateìf'.Í and crEr/.r E.ur'.Jir,'*d l'¡.lhile the =.trand*'l F, -ì.=Ê'Enr--rÉrÊ

tl-r e ir' ua.g*d F trr,' i ir'rr A E.Eål-'Êl-r {r,urr d ':lrr =.a.ì F =. =.. F,.:.r't:' =.r:rtrlÈ r¡¡.t*r' å.t the =.ite o{ l'lcEr¡.ren -+nd Bennett'=. r¡.rh-rl ing

nr *rr r.r¡.r¡.p,.,5 l.¡.Jilìi-c.m Lei,ll-r ed =.t.r.ti,:,rr, .1 ile d.i. half =.þi*tcFr the r.{r'8trþ; s.nd the Ê.trBnE c,rt ths de=nìa.te beach.l The ra=.tå.r.då,ì'= Fler's rel ier,'ed r,'.rhen l'l¿.t Thcm+= e.nd å pe.r't¡'

r:rrJÊr. r_rirr .3rrìr.'Êd l¡.rr d {'rl E:;cF,e tJillc'Ullhtry t'r'irr ç =.trrm* t' i=.rr.rit=., {lc,ur'. ;.nd .3. {et.l er---Jq=..+fir tl-r * la.di,:=.. The;.' h.3.d t.litl-r tl-r ÈlT¡ -:r.ft iåhr:rr'i¡lifr .xl t,iBffra.rl , L'Jl-r ':' fr El{t m':rr'rr in,-l Eh':rv'lÊd the trr.Èr¡.r -r. f r'e=.h r,,¡ater. ËF,r irr g in .1 çu1 I i' ¡.b':ut f i',Le mil e=.

{r'¡nr tl-¡ e ,:.3.rrrE r .1Fid .ft":rut .+ qu,i.r'tÊP cf å nr i'l e {r';,nr the

L1 Tlr e =e-r. F.+r'nrer':. :.t i l 1 u=.È tl-¡ i:. t¡Jã.tÉr'h¡l e i n dr'c,u,:rh t+. At¡ri,-lin¡. I r¡tr-'nrå.n tlråE Fr'oh-r.bli' I'l;rt Th,-rmå.E'' r'rrile ErP hi=. 'J.r.rl'lh[*r' l'1irr.;', Elrr]'rrr¡,. u.llr,-, l-lcrl:lt dprrr''ateC m,r.n!' tinre-=. theif. E:;ítÈ þ:: n,:r.',r ledr_-lE E+ liånEår'':r cr I=. l:rnd. p.r.r't i ar'l tl-¡e th':a-r=.t . cul t' =.r-,u l]ln Tr..l ¿=,1¡.'r' Ili'Flcr.'smt'*r' ths =.iqht cf ErJmE {ir'e=. !q. f,:r.'l mile:. g.r¡'JLi.rj pr'':nrpted tl:rrr'bett -i.Fr d tr.'J,:' E.LÈ.=.ÉFr rrtgF'Er l'1 ar'1,,=. årr ,l

F':¡.,.relì, t':, r."J,e-l14 inl-r.nd thinl.:: inr-l tha.t Ê.'-1mÊ't'f their'F,a.r't¡* r.¡Jl'r ,:r L,.rEt-B lr;,¡rþii¡¡ 11 i¡r. ¡¡.r =.t* iqht E* inÉ'=.E., Irr :.t*a.d, thei' "f*ll irr r.rlith -1 må.n þln¡L.,ln .r.'=. T¡rr t-l l.;.r'[,,e. r..'..rhcr trt.3.-=. i J'-J

ctrminÐ ai:r'EE,E. ta the rJ.rr.Êr:þ. {r.Ê,m Ameriran EiLler,

-ì.':':Ê'tTtF-e.rl ied E,f. fOUr.r.*lhitÉ .frl d tC'Ur' hl¡rrk nren. The'¡, r.rJÉf.g I es.dinç¡ å h¡rEe, -1nd ¡a.r'n ied rrrtl'/ :.uf f ic ient prnr.¡ i=.i¡n=.

f¡r' tl'r Ënl:.p.|,"'e:.. Tl'r e;* Ff.r:'r:eeded t':, the t4t-Étr[¿ ¡.nd r.Èm.tined

{¡n -=trrfrrrf d.=rrs, hut rerr dened ftrr ¡.=.=.i:-tancg.":t ThxÏ tr.rÈr.F

å.FFr-ì.rentlf inter'e=.t*d irr '=.aìua.¡-le fr.rm th* ¡lne':1,,,

Irr tl-r * gtrg¡i¡¡ r1 -1 -=t*r.'J.-rr.'l L.'.r.i..i Eh.e.F,':¡*d r,.,,r ith rC't'tin,:-l tl-r e

Er å.==.ÉnEterr f''1-e.rk.=., ,+nd r,.t,:'.=. =.-rid t¡ ha.'.¡e trÊÉr-r EeEn '=.på.t-rhin¡_-l tl-r e h':,:,: ¡{ Ir.eland, å. f ir'em¡.rr . Tl-r É È.18t-rin l¡ ed

him ha.ndcuff*d -=,.nd gu-e.r'ded during the ni¡-rht hut :-et hinr

ir'ee rr È!ít rrrtr,r'ninË åÊ. it s.r*med unlil,iel."' th.¡.t he r:,:,uld lln Ê'=.È;1pÊ. Tr-le=.d-r.:i' I t¡ecemt'sr' =.ilr: F.3.E=.Ènr_-lers =.tarted tc, r¡,¡all.l t,: ÈnrÊr'i':.3,n Flir.rer ,r.tter. tl-r e r*Et.r.irr aqr.**d tc' E¡ å.|, ll: la.r'l,l* fltr i+ h* -i.r.r'an,led t¡ ì-r.rr d them ;.t .T*r'ui=.

Tl-r *t' Er:rtrn r'* tUF fr Èrl å=. tl-r Ét' ,:trrr.l I d E.pp tl-r e q':,UÈF.t-rrTrpfr t

=.,:h¡tr,ner' "'f'.-r.tål-r." å.t,Fr'c,a.chinr-t, The p;.rt¡, ':'n th* qu irl.l 1y t¡ar'ded the " T.r.tål 8," r,,.lh i ch r.eacl-r ed F'nr.t il'le l.e i 'le the ftr ll¡ irl ,J er.reninA,ltl Tl' E ,',1nlì,,.'=. ÈnLlirt EÈr., Fl,:,t,*r.t tl-+,.rid=.,-rn, l¡.t*r' .=ettled.rt H':,.J Ela:i. -i.nd r'e,-r.r.ed å. {¡.,:,{ i i '.r* ¡-r er.e .11 lll-r.inr.=. that ':rC'ld trirr.E. r.¿tÈr.B nr i.=..=.irr q r¡*f.e in'..'e.=.ti'-J.=t*d .LÊ. Erlc,n å..=. pcr==.ihìÉ ¡.nd '-rn l+ t¡e,:enrber 1tl5:l+ l.l¡theniel

g tJ,tåE. r:r:rri r"'icted Gf'el'r üFt * '=f tl-r "l]l=.frr3fl I i"'=. =.f 'qr.,l:r'¡1 =.. ¡{ tr,'l'-r trJå.--- qr..=r.rr E,:ril nl Ë1Lìll =.t*-q. l inC t'ar"= ni '-r¡ld. He ted v.¡i tl'¡ tr,,JE, .=uT.Ét i *=. ¡i Ë=l:l I ''r+

Dun i ng the Ènqu ¡ri' i n ta the slr i pL.'.rr'e':þ. r the cap t-e. i n

å.n'l ,:rpL.{ in=.i'=.txd tl'r et tl'r * trl ilitruqhbi' Ii'-¡ht r''¡-r= F¡ trr t

EÈÉrr ':'n the rr ight c,f the åi:':idÉnt.1'¡ TFr iç. mi¡-rl-r t l'r 'r.Lle -=u!ÇÉ=ted Frr--rbjemE å-iÉL-rr:i.:.ted r,'.ri th the lantÊr'n/s e{{ ic i *rr r;". ratl-¡ er' tl-r -r.n imp l'¡'irr ¡r rr Ê1ll ec t tr,{ du tf'.

Ind i,¡nant i :-l a.rrder= t .-.EnE i t i,JÉ ttr, cr' i t i c i -=m r cL-rmF¡ l ¡. i ned tl-l Fr É¡.J-f.FåFEr' r'ÈF':¡rt=. ,rt tl-r e "tll=.månl i" r.4r'gr:l'i I-ra.d -rt =.ÈrfTte nr-e.ds the H¡Er Bai' settlerç ¿FFr e.:ir' "mr--rr'E it'=' t'lr'ecl'lsr':= thån a.

Få.r.t¡' r-,i r.Èl iE+."14 I'lat Tl-¡ ¡-rmå= a.nd l-r i=. {}' h:rd 1-.tiL.'*n th-¡.t tll¡.rke a.nd u.s.luahle å.8=.iEtanre, hut it =.ÉÉm= lil.:+ly .l'.rag*d ntl-¡ er.=. E.;.. u:.P+u I nr¡.ter'i ¡. I . F¡r' the i=. I .r.rrder'=- the adr/Ent E+ the cs.=.tå.r.r.rå.}'E r.,J-a.= -=tn intru='i,f,n fr¡m the aut='ide p,rr-rr. tl-r *ir' ¡.ttitude t¡-¡ tl-r e ip,r,.'.treck uictin¡=. r.4å8. lrJ! 'rnd =.1-r

.a.¡þjr..'¡. lent, Th*;r i-r elped them t¡-r E.r-1 ¡r.' their ,:'rde-r. l r hut

¡. Ë.-1.jr.reqÉ {TË,tÍ¡ the l.4r'E':þled ip' r.{Er.E l=.¡ irr ter,É'=.t,Ed in =.1-r i p I b¡uFnÈ rr LtJ-r'= tnr,'¡ i r¡q I rr 'Iu I l' 1Lì=d the =.teem=h "14* tl-r e rr Er,( ir.r,n L'n+t 'r[ir1,glt'ur'rr " thFC,UEJh Ea.Cþl=.t-+ir"=. F:..'=.:.+,Je r,,,rhÈrr ¡t Er'¡þle edrift. The "ljr_lult'uPrr "r dir"ided irr ta LÁlå.ter ti'_:rht E':rtTrF!.1r.t-ntprr t=., L,J:J.=. irr tel-r 'Jed {¡r' tl-r e þlur'r';..:" tr':.,Je :-..Fr rl r..!r.3.=. th¡ur-¡ht t¡ he un:.inþi.¡.E,le. l.,Jh il e the kleeper'-=. at the

r,'Jåtche'l .=.rr d þl . -1 tur't Littht l-relple=.=ll', it r'rrìled =.-:,.rr f.leitl-r er' the i=l¡.rr der'=. rr ET tl-r e "l"lelt,ouFnÊ"'=. crÉlrt t,.rEFÈ

*t, le tt' r'Ë'=.':uÉ tl-r rsP rÍrÉFr åFr d 3. T'crutl-r tr'.rp¡'g,l rlrl th*

"llinult,uFFr ".1F Tl¡e i=. 1.=.rr d ,1rr rl it=. r¡.later'=. rr'rÊr'E :i l-r 'e.r"=.l-r

Prt t,' ir'¡lnrlen t. { ./Ê

In it= ea.r'lF'¡-Eår=. ¿rnrþ,inr--.1 -+nd lir¡ing ¡:¡:tndi ti¡n=.-¡.t the [:-r.F,É L'Jill':,ui--]l-r t,]' I i,-rhth¡ue.e t'Jer'P r'ìqnr,:u=. å.rr d primitirre. ThÊ qr;rt,rEr'rrmeFr t =.':h,:'c'ner-= "T*t-r. lå." ¡.rr d "Elå.rr ,:l-r B" hr.c'uq|r t Fr'û'.Ji=.ic,rr = qU.3.r.ter. lf,. trthÈrl the;."'.1 i=.ited r.{Er-'P .:.nd the ì i¡ht {nr in=.per:tiLìn=, In 1Êf4 the ='ttrrÉ-=. "2

.R Ei-a.r--.I h+l{ =.¡.,:þl=. tr{ {ìaur, tt.r¡ thir'd.-. E¡.,-l rir*. l-ral{ Ë.uqã.r'r 1 [r¡r, Fair=. É]a.nþ.et=.. Th*=.* =tnre= år'E =.ent f¡r tl-r n¡.ti'.1 "rr å.tir,'PE" r'PiEr'= e uEp c,i thE *=.,"1d It =.pÉrrr'=. thet tc' the i=. l+rr den=.. l-.+1.'lthar'ne rptreiL., Ed "l ca.=.þi ol t'eef urr {it {ar' uE.É, Fr .rrl{ cr.',¡t Er'e+'J, I r-rs.l4=. Fnr'þ." iß

J¡.nu¡.r'l'1L15'l . -+nd "l c-+-=þ; ¡{ teef and I r:r.,'r t n{ hr'e-rd h",.,1 h*en u=.e,1 hi. the L i¡-lh tkl *eF Ér.=, ,lur i rr ,-l tl-r e yÊ.3.r''r .17 The

Heeper=. r,rEìtromed a.n'f fre=.1'r F-i.ti,-rn= r¡.¡hich 1írc.3. I peapìe r¡u ld I the i'=. 1 :..r1JFr':. q.:. i ned f r',:'m tl-r i m-r.r'l'';e t . =.uF, F, !'r -

rl E.E 3tr.rr:rr t l-¡ l' 'lrn d i t i r¡n ,

Étl tl-r ¡uql-r tl-r * El't Liul-r t rr.r'1.:.'=.¡.id t¡ t,e "irt iirr * r,'1,--,r. l',in,_l ,--,r.deF.",l'.-J irl l:15:' it h¡.d +.r.iled tc' r.4.1r'n tl-r e

"tltËm-e.nli". -r.nd irr 185,å rthrr' trtrrrrFr laint= trlsrE TÉtrÈir'.rçrj' l..,Jh*rr tl-r e "Ei¡JFr'.3. Eurr';r" ':årrÈ thr'c'r:,-:il-r E.Lck''=. F-e,::';r':--t* e-¡.r. lÏ' in l.l a.r'rl-r the li,lht tLJ-:'.Ê. Fr rtt ,..,i'=.ihl+,Ít å.Fr ¡J Ila.c, l--=,.ìrr lamps rr'rÉr'E E: l¡.cker ¡{ the "t,Jhite Ër.,.r-r.n" cla.inred th+t the

nat lit rrrr tl-r e rr i,¡ht c'{ É! Au¡:u=t lElfC'. L-+ter'an Enqulrv l-+nrE's' r¡.f.=. hel,l .11 TFr s Qr.laì itt' ,-r{ ¡,il t.ut,F'l ied 4ç'r tl-re m¡.,1* the l,;eeper.=.' r.{nrk uÉl-:r' ,li++icult. E:¡cc,nut, -=Ê-r.ì, r.,.rsl*É durirr e¡ 1"18= End tfr e Lr.ll-r -¡. le and F,Èå,l ¡il ;rll tr'ied la.tter.found tE E,e te='t tecau=e it qå.r''E c'++ LJÊr'lr' little

Ë.mi:, þ1a-=.t ¡{ tl-r r c,iì EU[r plied {i-rr the lamp= c¡'u='ed

r..,.rl-r the'l +mç, 3.'si{icienc}'. É.fr:eË.Ë¡LJe =maþjìn,_l ich r*dr-lred f¡¡r' '1 f-inre. r'rr d f.l-=,.t ThC'm.ì.=. r,,*,1 å'=. =.8tr,:'nd l'ieeper' 1857 l]:-rt.r th¡Tne':- rrque=.t fr-,r ì gf a.t'='ence in 'Iå'nu;rrl'

r¡å.É. ,fr.åntEd nn tl-r e Urr rler=.t¡.rr dinC thet Thc'nr'=.=' ttr'¡l'l Êl-r år''JE lii ths r-,1 the L i ql-rt dur inr¡ h i = .rb='enre . E:þ' l'lar'ch 1Ë='r7 :l;turt Li-rl-r t neede,l rËF.3.irsË4 and irr EieptÉnrtrEr rJ.r-=r.-= in ts Ell¡uled t¡ -='.r:trumu1'¡.te. ,lirti. rr-rn,liti¡n å.=. =..r,-rt h-r.,J teen Tl-r ÊrTrå=' Èttsr. ,:ËrfTrFrl,:'.int:. ¡.t,E,Ut tl-t e ìi,-fht'= 'I'rrl-r rliti¡rl re=.i,fne,l in L-lctr-,her. ttl=7Ë'5 t'ut thi=. trr.1.'=. 1.*.ter' rl.*.inred t'-r t,e t,ec¡.u=* ¡f the ei{ert nf the :-ITrc'þ;e '='n'l c'il '2C'

trl SÊTmf,rUr', r'!r':rl. l'';È'l å"= tl-r ir'd Tl-r trrmãE' ËÉrn-in-l -=,.1',r r i ì l i:+m l';*eper. .¡.t u.*r'i¡u=. tinre:- bEtr.rJPÈrr 185':'' ¡.rr d 1Ëfl:l , hut :''{ter'

Tl-r ,-rmåÈ/ r'É-ãirJrr -e.tir-rn the Trinitf' Enard in=tr'ucted t¡ Eiel'rr¡r-lr''=' tl:ar¡tl-r , "tc, F,å.i' Fr Er'ti,:ul-ir' etterl ti'=rr -r.tten,l-r.nrE t¡ hi=. dutis=' å.rr d t':' obEeP'.rÊ r.'rtheth*f'' l-r 'ã

.-1.ft irr ilUPt-¡ rIÉd t''r' Th'rrfTr.3.Ér -=,. llC,r,,le,l l-r ifrrç.eli t,:, t,e ir¡ ,r'r..!å.]' Fr'e=idtnt" tl-r e e.nd i+ Ê.Lr tr-, r'EFc,Tt =.; tû the ':'i

E,:,¡.n,J,27 !iÉl'nr,:,ur. li'.,,Èrl r¡it!-r l-r i=. r¡it* l4-¡.t-'i' irr 'r. Fr ut a.trr:rut ¡ æ-?r|F


5 ì \ t; I \ ( aa 'i.^J, -å ct lÀr I ò' \ I

l'1*r'i' 5e i'mou r. ¡.n d l¡ Ê F dau,f h t e r. ñ Fnom ån nld ph,:tLì'_lråFh \ \ 1,å7

ha. lf a. mile fr,lrr r¡hEre Th¡fmå=. l,;ept hi=. u,lh¡. lehaa.t. Thef' had.:.bout lU flrr1lE, .3.1-r ,J rr urrerr:tuE r¡l-rìlehi*'=' and ç'¡'¡'çg¡¡'-''2Lì

Tlr e ¡l,l ì=. la.nder= retEined their independence '-rf

tl-r ìiue=.. HÉrr r;r' l,',|a. llenr r¡{ tl'r s =.pirit thrc,u'Jirtr,Ut *ir' ':'nÈ ea.r.ì ir=t i=.ì-+rr der=, å.ttempted ta fa.rm ¡rt H¡çr E*.:r .=.{ter' hinr c'f hi=' [';er¡¡¡ ¿1 tl'r e ¡{f icial =.ettler'=. 'Ji=.p, ':rE.='È='---ed

Flir.r*r'fa.rnr , t,ut E; tepl-r Err'3 m:a.dE it ta¡ dif+icult {'rr l-r im ta

¡.nd l-r É r'ÊturFI Ëd t¡:' þi+rr arlJ t,ut, t,-=,.,:1.: hiç. ':rL.,Jrr,tþï '-:lår'':'r-, quiEtr r..,.r¡. ll,ih;,'huntinll . L'Jallen rr.rå.= =..+id to t'e "å. çentìe ir I I ,:,r,+ þj irr d t¡ h i.=. t, I -r.cþi t,.r iL¡e:. arr d I-r ¡l {-r:a=.te !5' in'=. tc' qi'.''P ch il,lren. " He s.-a.,,rgr;l s¡¡¡rrJ¡-¡h {r'om E;{l'?=. ui =.þ. ::lU Herr l-r i .=. Ér-rrr Henr'ï å q,=¡,1 p,lurat i c,rr -¡.t H¡t,-¡.r't T':"'¡n . r'l'

---EE¡T¡E. t¡ h,=,.1,,g LrJÈrþiEC f,-rr a. time å.-- c:rbin-b'r-,¡' trrr the br'i¡--l

(r,l .1É' FEr'l-r .r.F''i' "1."J ilì " Lill-r PF* he -ì.'=. þlr¡ ¡r..,.rrr "Ela.Ck Har'a"r'rr.ilrl eIrJPr'!*rr ce ffrUr;h l.,J;r. llÉn inticip-r.te,J th-¡.t hi= =.ol-r tr'rr--'uld il-r e ¡{ii':i¡. I Ê'|rr l-r -=rr.,J=l-r ip et il-r e l-r.1rl'lÈ. ¡{ =.xttl*r"= l*i.¡.nr-Jår'Èr:r I-=l;..n,1 . -rn,l Err r:'-rur'erled him tc l*a'Lre" tl-¡e rr 'l'rre It EEEfrlÈ' tl-l +t Herrr':'['''l'tllerl 'IrJrtir:rr tc'r'þ'' r¡hal ip-=' Irr 1El å17 Henr'.t' l..,Jh-¡. 1ley -a.n'l l-rter' .i 'lineci ing =l-r

,,.3. fr,a.rr q+r',=,ç, I'='larlj"lZ -1n'j nrÊrlt'er [.,J]-r .:,. lle;,,¡ hal{-re=.te ir'¡nl t'e e nf the r:r'Er¡ c,{ the "Éunn:¡FrÉ'lÊ" r lrJå=' =:'i'l tn .| pelì-heåi.Pr' at tl-r e t,rlr'i¡. n*r.r' H¡t' a.r't ¡+ t'l iIIianr L'r'nnÉ'

r"3''|:Ê tl-r e 1s=t full-hltrod m+le T-e.Ënr.=.rr ia.n.ãt "Tl-r e pull 'I'f Herr t'':'rl" tc' l¡ i= firr:r tl-rEr''E ,r.n,l ÊÉurt tr:',"J4 fTtå.;r' h-trlÈ 'Jr'a'vlrr r'!' pel¡ie. In 1g77 tJhalle:¡ t4.1E :f. mefrrtrgr a+ th* trrEL'J c'i the gd r¡'rhErr tl-r e ,,8Énf leugh,, ,Jrt a. r¡lhal in,J É::iFr e,litir-,n, a.nd drl-r|Jlrl

L,'eE.EEì v.l'r.=- Ll'rr'É':þíEd ;rt 1"1+rqu'¡'rie I'='ìar¡ ¡'lr5 hi=' ì¿=t';/e'E'rE t.l +lIen Ëeni,-Jr '='Pem=' t'-r ltl''"te Iiued 'lrr

rr Irr 1"1-r'/ 185'å l-r e l-r +d ':r t the i=. 1.=,.nd l-r untirr q a'r¡ ¡l tr"r.ppin¡-r' Fr-rr tr'r'tr-¡ t,eerr r¡,rell *n¡-,gr¡l-r tcr uJcrr'þ; f¡r a't'out tr'+elr''* mtrnthE'

v'l if'h fir'adi-lr'I 3' rrrr]rFl tl-r E. hÉ h-r.,1 h*err s't-r¡'irlJ 'T+r¡BE ¡1¡'qnet EiL.'er' Ë.ur.r,,ÈI':'r. Þ.rhr-r helped *=.t¡'t'I i-=h a' Eål'''r Ír ìll '='t l"l¡'l I *n tt' tr"a''¡e 1 r'"1 i tl-r i rr -e.bc,u t 11j54. llic,c,,l i .¡.r' F Ér'Ë'ue'le'J E¡r'-= El.ri'er' end l¡Jr":'d+nr'de hinr t¡ ¡r,lel-r.ide tr-¡ =.eÈ å' 'iact¡r'' l:iFÉEt-r å.nr H'--'tÉ1, þiirr ¡--l r./Jpr.É calìe,l ta E.pÉ l.,J:¡. IIerr .e.t tl-r e

1.,'rh*n l-r e died l,Ji.l ìi+m 5tr,eet, and Dr F:enner.|,qj-r.= L,.lith him

,:,rr l1 |..1¿.:r' I Ê5'{ . ?'J rË. lli¡¡diar' Èt il-r e inque=,t ir¡t,: tJal lErt de'+tl-r 'Je='':r'ih*d m'3'rrrl '3.rr mc'='t r¡*lì-E'sh3l'r Èd l-r im .1= "É. quipl-, irr c.{{EnEir,'Ê d

anþ'i--'fr P' tliC' r'dir'r' ç-=rid th'='t l"J¡'llerr r.¡lfr rtr l-r a,l fr ':' qU-=,.f'f'*ì t*litl-r ¡nd rr.r-r.'=. f¡.mili¡.r' r,,r ith the Eit' l*, Etu'lie'l it ':lc'=ell¡

t'Jitl-r l-rim r:rrr hi-=' i-r untirr É:iFr Éditic'n='' -=,. lÞ¡.-:(.:¡'= t,:,r,1'l ts c,l,F,]" '3

,,He 'f.f¡ rl r,',1¡r-lld i.,.,r-i.-= .j. l =1ur:tr,t:..=-ir.lì hunter', ='r:rmÊtims=' rlrr ¡.t tinre' tl-r e Fr'¡lceÈd'=-' ci i-¡ -e.r.,¿ -1.=. frrutrl-r åÊ f lllU f-lftl -1

,.1 h þ' ind .1nd h in=.; but r,rJFrÈfr il e ie.ite.l å.1e1 a,ide i.= i=. =l,l tc' it .jr;rr.ri.1 I di=.p;,Eitir,rr I,,Jtrrul¡l gÊrr Er'ellt' lE-:.'l hinr ='pÉrrd tl¡c' di;''r''lnq hi=. {rien,l=" å':c¡:'r''linrl tÉ' l;;'-r':"li+r''ljl .r.r.r.;.nqed l¡r the ,:utter' "Er',3EzE" t¡ t¡.1'ir l¡l¡.ìlen''= t'¡df' t¡

tl:rnr r'rll'l år'* ;i' i-l.irr ¡--l=,:¡lE f,:,r' t,r-lr.i.¡. 1 irr tl-r * Fir,rr *sr '-'ter':" .l,rr e'ihe=, hinr -:r.=. "H*nr¡ L,J¡. Ien¡ ;+{ferti¡n=tsI:¡ +'3'r'mÉf ifl :l; þ.fr ,:,t,r fr åË lli¡,..rgr'fr ':'f', Tl-r e { ir'='t 'l'Utl-r /á îa

HEI'lRi' l/JÉìLLEI'l Herr r';" lIerr 'ç. llì¡'3'.,'g ÈF F Er::T I ilrÌ..lsT EL'r'

l-{l'll:11.,'Jl'l a'-j l';. i nq=,r'-rte F i r'rreer. tl:*me ter.i. rr 6¡r..,rEp,f.l[tFl"

THE FIF:rjT FrìFll'1EÉ


t:rþl þiÈl..lriÊP,r:il:r I -iLAÌ'lE)

F Fj r:r1"1 I F-t I 1;; T l:r | '4=,!'


AT At:ELr+ I ttE t'lÊ'r' ?nd 188å

ÉFlr:rl-ll:iHT Tr:r F.. I . FIF: EUEIÊL

åCìEtì ¿'? 1'EÊiiFl-.j I Ê,--l

Èu':. l:r,al i ¡.. rr !i..J EFr ë'.t,þ i I l' tr'ea.t*d h!' Ëteç'l-r *rr'= ¡.rr d tl-rs E 'Ê.

Llß.r l¡Jaìlen rÀrå.8 çt iuen t'sl-rted netrE'lnitian {or I¡'rh+t L'.rå.-=r irr {.¡rc t t å. tr enrerr dr--,u'=. -1trh iÉuÊmÈrr t in =ur'r,t itl in¡--l ':'.nd ådEFtirr g, å.ìmtr-=t unaided, tr:' lr.¿.nqa.rnc' I=. land'=. di++irult

¡lrl'rllrP È rt '.J i r Fl t , TI-r * uirttr,Fi.r.n r_-t'rld r'u=.h ':r'Éåtpd t¡JidÊË.F, r'P.1d int*r'e=t

,¡ald nr þ;.a.n|.-J-r.r'':'tr I=. l-e.nder=.trJ*Fr t¡ the tn rning -r.nd =.':rmÉ t

Eerr dir:rr:¡ di:r¡_-lirr r_-.t=.. E;*r=r'rle E.=.te=. d¡d rr rft h-1!,Ê much ËlJ':r:BE,'¿ th,=rpll5'but þ1 irh¡rel t;1 lrr ,ì.rr $-=,.r'e,J t,ett*r' B.Fr¡l in 1t-lÍ:l r LìTr thp r¡å]/ h¡me. hid hi=.'_1¡ld in the h¡llar"r*d ¡ut a:sle Þued

,=f l-¡ i=. dr'a.?'. Hr tr,r-r.E l-r eld uFr tr.'.rice l-r i=. s.¡.{e depr ¡c. lt

L1.rL:r.Ë n¡t di'¡L,,er'ed. The t'r''-rr:e*d= en.r.t, led l-r im, in lËff ,, t': hUild tl-l r.eÈ ÊUt,=.tårrtiål ':,:,tt.-rr_--tÉ=.!,,rr ¡r.,.lrr a= F:..itl-r , Hr'F,¿ .=.rr d Eha.r'it¡' Ên the hill Et,,:,.re l';.inqE.':,:te, Tt¡.¡¡ '-rf the=e ã.!-'e .=.till q t-l.rlrr rt,--rUld =.t;..rr dirr in 1:;'tl¡,. arr el=,:, -e,ifc'r.d tr, impr-,r.t ¡. Fiån'-r .e.nd t'-r emp1,:¡. -a. rlErUÉfne.-i=. lC,T th* edu,:;..ti¡n E{ hi= chijdr.rrr .i.rr d tl-r ,:¡.=.É ':'{ hi= t¡r.':rti¡ Èr, r-harìe=..4[

l-l,,r.rr qar'¡c I=. land did Fr {rt É=.cåF,e tl-r E r_¡r-rld i*t.' *T', The indeta.tiq;rble T,:lnrer-' t.,Jl-r ,-r, r,.rhil* F, ur'=.¡..lin¡_--l +u:Jitir.reË, hed q,i.r.É'c' Fr r'trtr-+hl;¡ =.pÈTt -r.8. murh r:{ l.l.årr I=. 1,¡.rr d å.=. å.n:r, frr:-rinlen,J

-i,:uth'-eli+n, '.ri=.ite,l th* i=. l.r.nd in 1:i=,i tn É:i{.3.rrr irr * tr,:,r..1 rl tf.,', r.ep,:r ted tc, t,e r¡rr I d-tre.lT.i f¡ rl . Ëiilc,nlF,årr i È,J t,i, l-r i =,

E':rn and tr.,¡,: ljeTfrr¡.fr .= r..LJFFr ,li=t.r.n¡:E, tl:i,,_lnet he t =.,:¡mE tl-r + Fli'.,'er' r R,:Ëå=.i r,rr+l ì i' Élifrì çr¡ l ¡¡11 tr. i hut.3.r'1.,:T'pËl,l=. .irT¡,J

E¡rr þlinr_J tr.i.:rì hc' les.. ÉfteT tr..,.r ,:, d¡. l.:. the E,å.F.t:r' rr.rãF.e Ëg /6? q

f"l i ch,r.e I C¡.1 n._a.n

:i'' '"¿i:'a''. !

ìi l..r

Hupe l-:¡tt-i.'lÊI î-trtÊ r'f buiIt t,:,,[: ¡. 1n¡n Er._,._. in I?=7 11u mileE {r¡:m l.l ing=.cute. The LìÉr.m:.nE r.efu=ed tc, q,-r {ur.ther.

¡.nd TElmer. g,r¡ d hi=. ã':'n had tr, i:,1r'r.;r. the inrFlenrent=. t'a.cþi ta l-iinr_-l=cat*, ,lrUt Thsy =.¿t +gain .i.trtrÊ'*d t', =.ettler'=. þ,. Fl**,,¡e:. end H.Û. Th,=mp-=trn. The:',{ =.¡uth-r"le=.t fr¡nr ki in,f'-icr-,te tl'l r'r:rurJh tl-r e E':FUt'r Ca.mpinç¡ rr É-r.r. ler:¡c'r:'n=.. Tl-r Êl¡ r.*.rch*d B. point 12 mile= from the he-r.d r-'Í t.Jir..r¡3¡¡g B*¡. r.,,rher* thE

T'å.rr qp t*nd=. nrt¡F th-r,,.re=.ter',l Tc, t,J-:(..=. ,:,F,t inr i i tl-r .et i.. lmsr' =.t c pr'r-r-=pecting trl-ruìd ts EUtrr:e=.=.1u1 ':'n thi= =.trinr-Jl,tåpk r'.¡.rlfe q*ner.rrì ir-rr tl-re {eatur.p.=.¡n,ll}, r.p=.efrrtrled th¡:.E ,r,f tl¡ E cauntrl'nEån Echung-r. rrrl-r Êt-.e !-rcld h,e.d FÉcEntly heen fr:,un,l .

He {':¡.lnd rt tr'thir, ':r .41 tJ¡. luahl* nr insr,rl=. irr p+¡'-r.t'le 'fr..larr titie=. l-r .3.1.'p !-r ElJpr. been fsund Érr 1..-¡.n'f¡.r¡': I:. l.s.nd. The i=. la.nd h-='.d rr G ÈF.EE.t

;+d,.r:¡.rr t.=.¡le=. {r,r. .=.ettl*r'=. ir¡ ths 1:i'1¡, ÈErr tur.}, and le,--l,led t,ehirr d mu':h ¡{ Lìr¡r..ltl-r ¡lrl=tr'a. I i+ irr gtrr:rn,:mir ds'.relc'tnre;-r t,

I I Err der'=.' c i r.':umÈ.t¡.rr ce=. ref I er te,l the i I and'=. qener a. l =. =. l-rrþ. ,=l r'EE.r-rur.':È=., -fh* È':ÊnLrrr ic di:-,r.d,,,, ¡.nt*qe=. re=ulted in ,ì_¡.rlj*r.=. -1 r.,,r id*ninq =c'ci.1 I r-.t.1 Fr t'Êtt'JeÉn I=. s.F¡d the mr:rr.Ê

Fr r'':l Ér'ürlE dec i i ,:rr mel,:er.:< i n Érde ì a.i de . =.Fr =

Eut I=. la.nder.=. trlÉr.É a. lt,,r¡.:¡=. r.E.l,J:r' tl tr.r, .3.n.r, rr ÈLLJ

L.rentUr'* r--rf{*T.irl 'l Arr ':rF'frtunit:,' f¡n ,fr.e.=,.ter .:.{{lUÊrt ,:É.

Tl-r e =.-i,r/.r nr ill a.t ll: i,rrrr et Flir.rer. r:, iier,sd EUrtl-r _r.rr

ÉF,F,tr'r'tunitf'. It al=.n b'¡¡ht int¡ the ':tr,mmunit:., nrå.it-t l-=,.rr def'E. r..'.t|¡¡.=.1-i ¡r¡LrJBd l¡E¡r.,J tc, r.ltili=e rlrr ,= ,t,{ il-re i=, 1arr d,'g. r'E=.r rir'ÊÈ-=. he I p':d En i ;r. -rnd dqe the =.c': i I 'J-r.F he tr.'rEerr 1¡1

i=ì.rnder's and m-rinl¡.nder':-. The milì r.,J;r.Ë =et uF r-Jn the

Hr,r':.¿:.1'r È,É Eerr d r,f tl:lrgrrcl FliL.rer. in r,.ll-r at h+d t,eerr l,,.lallËn.E. faf'm, The;r/irf'. Li-Jcdi-e.rr t/.r.f.È. the CAntr.-+rt¡n t¡r r.¡,r,ffþ::

.r.t the mill . Tl-r E E¡,¡inr=Ér ! Her¡ r. l. E,r:s*ll , I r,,.rit-h h i:. '-ii=terE in the marr ;1qeF/e hcu'=e. È r,.r-+ter r¡,¡he*r m¡(n/ {eet

irr di¡.meter ':'Fr Ër'ated -:r. numt'er ¡¡{ r.rer.ti¡¡. I E-1trJE ,Jr.¡r.irl ¡_r r"rinter'. å hr'irt¿ kiln nr-q.d* t,rick=-., ¡.nd å. t,r-lrF.=mith, s. tr3.r'Fprr tpr' .i.r¡ d nufrrpFtrruE rr.rtrrr'kmgrr må.int;rined .:r.rr d*,J the mill. ÉullEcþl te.¡.m=. Fr.rìled the timher dr'-i.ï-qr ;rnd hr..l l l ':c1.1 r,,rer'e f ed rr.u=.|-r ed tur.n ip=. anc rr:(rr q,f l,lÈ. i l ==. t =.

Fr'aduced in E Fit nine fxet E.qu,1r.e .=.nd L? feEt ,Jeep, -iFr d l-r ål' nr.1dÊ .r.t f'J.r. l len'.=. f -rr.m. Lr,+dinr-_.1 þs¡.r¡eÊ. t,=,:,k il-¡ e È.åLÀJrr t imher' t¡ the .i * t t:,, .3.t H i nq:,rr_¡te i +¡r. =.h E,merr t t,:, A,J*l.r.i'Js. The rrrprr ':EUr'--.lht .=rlj l.a.r.,Jsd Lr il'J pi,l=.u,r, ì.hr th*i, f a.ttÊrr PrJ h:. f exding thenr r.,Lith t,,:ile,J turn ip:.. lj¡c,,Ji.¡.r. .=.nd rr tl-r er'=. inrE¡rted t,:, llt,¡_-lnet Flir,'*r herd=. r¡f q,:,.:,.t=. r..,:l-r irh l.\rer.Ê later .r. llor¡led tr_, ,Il,f h,:,¡.1 ¡lild. Ela.h, hut= =.*d PmFì':r:''Êp=.. *n r' ld millr.r,r¡ir;¡f¡t Jr.,:,m LiL.'ppE¡u1¡trl ms,l* milì =trr¡r-r Êã f r''--'m :-t¡n* {r',ft¡ Ee.r.r.e'= F¡int ¡.n,1 r.3.rr Li. {lnur. mill.4I ûr:r.inif 1Ë5Et-=F l![t .Lt [t [t le*F, Ér.=. lr]Èr.p rut .3.Fr ,J =. =.hiF,p¿d to Èdel¡.ide far the ll;-:.r,r¡ler. e.n,l par,t A,J*ìaide r"rilL,.r.r:¡'E.4! Tr'ux t,:r i.=. larr ,J tr-e,litir,r¡ , il-r* mill r..'J.iE.

I .rr',te I ¡' '=.e I {-=.r-lii ic i en t .

[]ur'i nq 1Ë5É, .r.Fr d 1Ë=7 p.rr ì i :{mÉFr t r'ece ì pr'rrpË,=.¡.ì '.,re,l =. tcr tr'-¡.n='fer m-+il fr'¡m Enr_-1 ì.=,.nd -¡.t lr.¡.n,,¡ I.-rl¡.n,J, ta

.1r¡,¡' i'l tl'r e ,jel-=,.i, r.ÈË,ultirr 1f ir.r,nr t,r.l,lirr r_-l {r,r. il-r * t7|Z

E.a.=.ter'n ç.t.r.te=. uF, the t:iuì+ t':, Édeì,¡.id*.44 In f.lrr,.rgmher. tÊ=7 thå 'ånuth *'-1. I g'-1',rÈrnment i.rn -r.¡4reed ta =.ub.=ldi=.e tl-r e EUr'C'F,e.=.n å.FrrJ Êu=.tT.r.i i;rrr þ L-:,:,mF,_1ny ,:,rr C¡nditiC,rl E-:.r'ì irr th¡.t the ir =.tÉEmÉr.= c,r.l I ed åt Fi¡.nq-+ran I=l and.45 l' lEl5Li th* Fl,::¡¡. I t" ËLrmFen:r..trr ntrunced tha.t -ì.r'r.tsnqEmÈntE. i:':,mFleted hs.d trÉÊrr {r¡r' tr'trÉån =.term*r=. t¡ c+ll at l..l*pe-e.rr E-r.:¡, The =te-r.meF "tlc,Fir¡" ra. lled ,s.t l'.lepea.n E-i.i' crn m¡il ,'E.i. '=.'fr',.,'i,:p irr t¡eremher. 1Ër=ir. thp l=.ette" lxft rr ' il-¡Êr.s

in .L1¡r-¡.r.¡;r, 1LlÉ,t-] , -e.rr d -ìc,Utl-r å l i_r.rr t.{._i..=. tr'.=.rr:=.{*rr.ed ir.¡nr tl-¡ s "Ll¡lumbi¡.n', {r¡nr EÏdrr ry tr, the

"5'futh riu-='tr-rl i-i.rr " ¡.t Ì.I*pe-rn Eal. in qnìT nine nr inute=. in

ì;rte .1 ;rrr u.3.r':r. lli¡tr .4,: Elut it r.\r.r.E å. :.1-r¡r.t-l i';*,1 -1 rr d

r.JnE¡{ti=.f-r.ttr':¡' Ëer.rLice. ¡nd the c¡ntr-i.rt r,J.i..=. .riter'ed in

'-Iurr e ll='JLl r ¡nr itt irr 1l tl-r e cal I +t liårr q.=.r.,:,: I=. l+rr d,47 H,¡.,J the =eruice hsen r¡ntinued it p.r¡uld h-r.'..'s trrË,uËht thr

i=¡l ;..tsd cBrrrrrrurr i t:" irr tr' mr:rr É {r.*quÉrr t c,:rrr te.r t rr.r i th the nråirr l-r.rr d e.nd i:. l,r.nder.=. n¡.il. h;rrle benef itsd.

Th* Ët,u Èr: i q-rr,'ÈF tlr'el arr FrfrrÊFr t hE, i nrr.*.==. irl '-¡r l, åL!r-1 T.e ¡4 f¡r.*i,ln territtr.i,r.ì inter.e=.t=. in thr ll]lirJ.=.. In

1l:154 tl-r ei'r¡JÉr'Ê tl-r p .1F¡ ¡J ,lur.irr "t,.rå.tcl-r inp Fru=.=.i¡.r¡ =.".4L-- rlr 1Er7 the l,leeper'=. -tt rìeç's t.,Jillc,u:-¡ht't'li,lhthcu=.s r.4pr.e r.Ê,luir,ed

t¡ m.',.int.rin r:åT'Êiullt' tl-r * '_:lunF':rr,rtdpr rrrå._J.3.iine=. h*rru=.e of ie.¡.r'= ':{ Eu=.=irn inter'e=t in þi.3.¡r¡.--r.r.rlr3 I=. l-+n,1 ,4'i l=.ìa.r'rer=. l¡JÉr.È pr.Crta.hl:,. Un,:r-rrr rer'n+d t.;¡ the rl:r,ime_i.n 1..ç1.=.r. t,Ut the

,:lr:r',rpF rtrrtErl t' =. {*¡.r =.t inru I at+d ,Jet, ate I e.¡.g i rrq tc, ths ,:¡ntrlu..=.i¡n tl-r ;..t tl-r e t,Ë._=,t d*{snre r¡.rtrruld tre t¡ ¡ìA.CÈ ,:r!-l Rangarr:r-r I=l-¡.nd the ms-:'.nË t¡ pr'eL.'*nt .Ln:r' {'=reigrr FËvJEr

{r'tr,m enter'ing urr rlåtarted tl'r ¿ LlF,Êncer .crr d :it. l.Jirr ,:err t riulf=.5[

F¡r. def*rl r* f.s-1=.r:rrt €- å.rt ,:'thÈr. li,_lhtl-r rlrJ=p L..lr_'Uld te bu il t Bn the i=.1and, -rnd in .IunÉ 1El5C, the Tr in i ty Eo-rrd r.Ë,:r-,rrrnrÉrr ded tl-r -e.t it t,e huilt rt Ll-¡l.Fp Eor'da,5i Irr 1,1-rrr'ch 1Ê=7 the Har't,¡ur Ì"1-e.=ter =.elerted.r =ite thÉrE.Í! Ë.=r'lr ir¡ lE:;El the Trirr itt' Er:-er'd ,r.nn'fun,:ed ti-r ¡.t Ë,1."J .

[.,.1r-r,:¡dt,l.+r'd ha.d been B.Fr F':'irr ted l-r p,1d l,leeper f¡r. t]:eF,s E,'-rr.d¡..

F'-rl l,:'r.'..r inq -1. reque=.t th+t th* tape Ear.da ìandirr g pì,r.ce,

':'rir_fin.+llf u=.e'J t'1, -3È.3. lirr l--t l-.l.3rlJÊ.! il,irr trr..'Jrt aE l.lur.rxll'=. L.¡.nd i n!. I .ater' H-r.r'rlÉ!" Ë Fle turn I t'e med* mcr'e crf,n,.,,en i sn t it,r the ìitlhth¡u=.e huiìder'=.. ths E'r+r'd d*rided t,3'=.pErrd

ån -irrrr-runt n':t e]i':Ée,Jinr_-r ÉllJ tC, impr.,:,,r* it.53

Th¡=e ---.ent tc' må.n tl-r e F1 inder'=. ì i ç-rh t -='.t tì+p* Ec'r'd-e. in 1l:l5l=l lr:r,l m':rr'p irr r:Ërr.,rrÍr.:,t-r r,,¡itFr ths eEr'li¿-=.t i:. l¡.rr der'=. trr an 'li,l the l,:: eeper=. at t::r:1F, É l',1 ill'-rr.l'1ht't'lighth¡-,u=.e. Liþ;e ì f-r+d tc, I {-:.u{f ir i*nt {¡r llrrq the i: -r.rrder'=. theÏ hx =.e lth,=r-t---lh unl iþ;e tl-r e p*r'ic',J= in c,r'dÈr' t¡ =.urt¡ir.¡Êr -r. i.=, 1+r¡J*r..=, thp¡' r:r:¡Uld lr'¡k {¡r.t.r¡.r''J t,:, ¡'g,1u1.3.f', tl-r RU'lh irr fr'eqUerr t, EUFFI¡' UEE.-=.8iË. ir'¡m Ër,jel ri,l*. Tl-r É}. r,rIPr'È di++Èr.err t {r.¡n¡ fTrrtr.!.t ¡theT m-1.irr lEr¡der=. irr tl-l -rrt tl-r É,r'L.L-IETË

i=,:l.rt,:d. Tl-r *i' t¡.tÉr'E di++Êr'Érr t fr'c,nr '1, tl-r er i=ì rnd*r'=

ll:-=,.¡* r,,J.f.=, årr ':.ettlgnrer¡ t, Tl-r *.i' t¡Éc.i.rJ=-.p El¡r'd,+ =,r:r i+r' {T'Ê'm :r' teqen thrir' i=1,=.rr d li{* t'.r ith n,:' link=. r¡.ritl-r tl-r + r'e=t ':{ ''iEt the =.r,r.ttere,l Err:r¡rr.¡l+ti':,Tr ,:,f tf-r e içlerlI . tl-r e,r' trJÉT'É /73 q

Fl i rr der''=. L i ç¡l-r t , E.+p's Br-,r'da., t(,. I

. ,-t ' -,: .)'4.; - _. '\t ' ' \ ..:.t:¡ -..'.- Ì.. i: ;-..,: ' ...;,i;'t*¡-

-! r,.r g r-l P' tlerrreteri' -l- l- ¡¡.¡ !.€ Ee t r'n , . I M.s E . t"l . l.rf.e|þlìÊ.¡ 174

Få.r.t tr,+ È,lel-i.ide'= urf{iri.r. I nett,rnrþj a.nd their +rriL,'¡. 1 'fn ,-lthÊrr h'-rnd=' t,rhirh t,.ler'e dr'a¡''.lin':t l-1.¡.n¡_-.lar.¡,: I:. l.¡.nd =.trErr Êd ths ip tl-re iEl a.nd*r.= int¡ that E:/=tÉm. The rEfJul É.r Ë.uFt'l !' ='h u i :.i t'=. rrrÉs.ß t th-+t tl-r ErF rr.ra=. mc'rP ÈL-lß t.3C t r.'l i tl-r *de 1 ¡r i de tha.n r.rrith the r'ESt r-,f the

H."rllm+rr , tha l--c, l¡rr i.¡. 1 Èrcl-r itB':tr l"JåE irr ¡f¡ 'r'f'rlP c'{ t,r.lildinr--i thE Flinder= Lir-1ht. G|-radi'rr'En':'ught men fr'¡-rm the

ill tl:.¡"-=lrr et Fli'.,' *t-.-r.rr d tl-r* r.',r':,r'k t{3.Ë. cr-JrrrF, leted ea.r'1';r¿rnr -+t in ,IunÈ lË5El . l.'18,,-Jdr,,L-r.Td .r.¡¡ir,r¿fl .tt Harr.rE)."'-=' F:eturn '-Jn the

.=,tr|-t t:rtrrnÈr'"[.,J.*¡.tt¡." r-rn 11 ,-lUrr e. It Ë'ÉÉrrrÉd inrp'==,:.itle tc'

EÉt tl-r e c'il '3'n'l ='tLlrÉE uFr ttr' the lighth':u=e vJitl-r ':rJt E' h¡r..=.e, å.t-r d l¡..1¡r,dt,l-=,.rd r¡.r,q.=. di=.m.:.1'ed tn {ir¡ d th¡rt [inc'di-r.r' h¡'J €-Ënt -=.Ertt hi=. h¡r=e=. batþ, t¡ the =Ë-:t.l.Ll milì. L,Jr-'OdL"laf'd lli¡:rC,rliå.f '=. i¡lrt-'Pllr.f.l-r tC, ¡ld*1-+i'Je tÊ' nr3.['íÉ '1r'f'.3.r1 r-:lPfTrÉfr t'=' t"'ritl-r .3.nd t'= the the Trirr iti' Et,¡.r',1 t,: ':tÉt tl-r Ê =.t¡re= ¡il uFr I i.lh tl-r nu.=,È . Tl-¡ i.=. r¡J,--rul d ta.þl* d¡.:i'=. r F,*r'l-r 'r.E,E LrlÉÉl':: E., i¡.F¡ d in the mÉ.i.ntim* i,J,:¡,1r,,.r.=.r',1 h¿,1 tc, ,-fÊt hi= men r..'.r.Jrþ;irr --l ån'l

¡E'-¡irr t,lr ,:rFPr'atÉ tl-¡ e li'11-r t'

l,,.la,:,dr,*t¡.r',1 ånd !-r i= mÉn t¡iled treã.È.Èle'=.=li', hÊ-ì.r.rlFr g

,:.{:':,r.Ê= uF, tl-r * trl i+i and ,:å.Fr';.'irr 1:¡ tl-rem a.b' .r. nrile {rc'nr

the 1-+n,Jinr--l pl-e.i:e t': -1. p'=irr t L,'rh*r'e thef'ctr'uid Fittrh thein t*nt=. irr *lt*r. {r'c,nr tl-¡ * r.,rÈFi'c'rìd t¡lÈåthrr'. l'Jith =tr'nn'¡

q;ì*= +r.,-1m tl-r e n¡'rÈ:.t¡ he,-i,..'l' r-1 irr r li,fhtninq, 'r.nd

higl-r Ë'È3.= ;'t tl-re l-¡rr dirr 'l Fì*':E, L$r-rr'þ:: irl t-:l ¡lrfrr ditir'rr = ['rÉFÉ rJ.rÉt tl-¡ Ér'É ,¡. lrrt,f=.t irrtt, ]eTat'ìe. The tent=. tr,rer'g àrr d rnld ='r:t

r.rJ.1= ft r:r f *l í+i if ,--,ffr di':.C,:rl't+r:,1-'t L,,lhefl l,'.Jr:'r. þl t'tlå.:' d¡fr *, ll'¡:r-r. I 1¡5

the ånd bricl¿-= r.,Jer.p hea.rl¡,1 uF the cl iff and Gn ?|J June tl-r 1a'ndirrg pl 'Lr* t,r icl4 l'-= EB.---.1-:'.rr hu il,Jirr 1f L1. ç't¡r'e at e ' he {¡-,und th;.t mire l-r '='d [.Jhen r¡.r,:, ¡rrL,.r¡.rd É:rå.minE,r the =.t¡re'= pc'="='itr1e t¡ d*¡'ì rl l-r e rrtÈ¡''tPrl '1Ê' trru¡:h a"=' ='poiìt -r' Er-":rd 'r'rr the irrad*qu.3.ts =.helter'fif th* tent-=-' t¡ trÉr:r:rtrlE lrr the nr i,J=.t ¡f l.,.lc,c"lrrar''J'=-' ='tr'u'Irr-¡le e=t¡.8,ì i=.hed the r-¡EruEr'nment \tE-=''='El "El-e'nthÈ" ¡'r'r'iL'red tr'ß

t!'r Tr'irr itl'Ec'ar'd {¡r' hinr "t|:' :+ Jull, r¡ritl-r ':,r'cFr.E. {r.¡nr e r¡{ :it¡rr'-r an,l the '=.ta.te i:'f the Ligl-r th¡rl='s -r'rr d =end I ì=t= e ljucl-r t¿':{'E the Eru i l,l i nqE." . He l-r .=.,1 ,l¡rr e tl-r i :' Err 1¡t 'I'lr' '54 pEtr.rer a{ auth¡r.itt, th-r.t [.,JÊr-J,lL,,rar,l l'',rr'':r tË å letter å¡--]:tirr 3'n'J tl-r E ,1 i'..r irr ,-¡ the Tr.irr i t;r' Er,¡.r',1 tl-r * irr +Err'm;'.t i':'n,

,,Ei ,¡.itETl-r r:rr:rrl , A'l+l-r,ide {iCi':ì= lã.rr trhE,, =..=.ile,l in tl-l e ':f lrj r:rr:r dLLJ+f'dt Èi-l trrf'lTr L-| U=' El-l ,:,r¡.1 É'J fr ¡:r Ul'l ,l+f"=.tEf¡J ifr r-l ¡{ =

d i++ i ru I t i +=.. Th* Fl ir¡Jer"=' Li'-:l-r t r"''l¡'=' r'Etd:' f t'r' tr'i'='I ':'rr 1t '-tuli' and ten nrÉrr crf the Tr in i tr' Éa¡'r''l a'r'r i Lr+d ¡:rrr the " r'atål -r " ' in,l hr-lildirr t'ut å The¡, irr =pect*,1 tl-r e 1içrl-r thtrru!.Ê '--l'=r th*m t¡ r'e-b'r-''cr'd t'efr-'r'p tl-r e thre.rterr E,l =.t,:'rfTr {ar're'l Iiql-l t r.rj.i=. t*.=.t*,1 . [.Jr,¡dr,,lar'd Lr,låE. ¡, I*a='*'i th:rt tl-r e "T'åtål3"

:.+Fr'j br'RUr--rht ;<. hclr.ç.e, +n,l .Jr'.:.¡.. -=.. quantit:¡, ¡{ h.3.'r,,

.3 Tl-r *r'P r,'J3'= pìerr tt''I'{ timL,eF..3.r¡¡J F,L1 ir¡::lË.t¡ t,¡.:il'l =,tat'l*.

L'rlh i l"leËF er"=' u=eiu l t inrt,*r r,¡-J i th i n PåË;r' rÊEt:i-r {r'':m cl-r the f-':' ,:c,ul,l hå.,..,É t,r¡ilt .3, '=t-rL, ls, t'rlt th'=¡' di'J Fr r:t l-r '-¡'r"rÉ tinr'=

,l,r thi.=., Tl¡ Él' rrr-r.ßl-r trllled the h¡r":É 3.rr d dr-¡:¡' ut' the rli{4

tl-r 1 l¡r'' åFr d tut +¡r-lr¡ ,l tl-r ;tt tl¡ e Fr t:rr"=.É lrJrlru'l rJ rr ¡lrt t¡'l'ie e ':cr I ?.C thx;"'ha.,l t,: taþ.e r--tttr,lÊ uF i--rn it=. tack in=.te+d ¡{ irr the

'Jr'.rT .

Tl-r Ê måËl-r irr er. l, r¡.1,=r'þ.ed uEFlr, tr,rell ¡-Jrr tl-r r ni11ht ¡+ 1:t Julyr ån,l a.fter. it rr.r.3.=. plitin'luiÊhEd nË:{t mr-rrnirr g the l,ie*ç,s¡';. lrp¡¡an tl-r e r¡ltrFH ':,+ trinrminq arr d ':lPLninq tl-r * l'?'mF' r.,.rhich L,.rå.E t¡ ,Jc,min-=,.te tl-r eir I i"re= in the yPEr= -r.heÄ.d' The

ËErl¡I¡f-l rl l,l*ep*f . rItr,hf¡ E.rlrFl I t¿l.1E. CC,-,lrF,e¡'-r.!ir'.rg t' LlCrCrdr¡'rafrl !-i-f'J trr,uble r¡.lith the tl-r ird H*eper, F'lr¡Jles, ¿lm¡=.t '=.t c'rr ÊÈ' F¡r¡.lle=. ah-i xcte,J t,: h*irr '¡ tc'ld t,: hegin cleenin'J a't

¡.l-r 7.=l:l -1 .m. .r.E he l-r -+,1 n¡-rt th*n h.rd tre-rl'i{.3.=t d he rP+u=Pd

t,:, L,Jr¡r.Þ'. rr igl-r t +rr ,J 'Jai'.55 L+.ter', r.rJl-r PFr dir'*rte"l ta'rr tFr* th* l-r tr, t,r ,lr.i' trn !:¡. f ine d-r.:' a.n,l ti-r err E.tÉf.r it 1t''JE:r' in

.=t,:,T.Er F¡r,,lle=. ,3.r-:1.1 in r:clfrrFtlain*,J tl-l -r.t he h;'.'J Ft rl't È:iEr É':t*d rlru='É. F':'r"Jle='' tn t,.r¡r.r¡', E.,-r h;Lf,l !'Jl-r Éft he ':-i.mÈ t¡ tl-l e I iql-l tl-r tTrÊrË.t .:.Ér.inU=. irl ;rttÉrr ti,:'rr t'r hi'=. 'lUtie'=. r.r.r-1.'= irr ì¿l'.JirlJ tl'r e hC,r=.* I ,:r- ãE .-rT¡ th* rr i ¡lh t ,:{ 1¡ åUqU'-rt -i.FlI i t = tr"l:r¡'l ' Thi=. l.d;{E. the lteepÈF.g./ ,:rnl:}' me;.fr :. 'r+ Éå'='irl ,l t-l-r'* '=uF,p Hã'Fr'' e;''= b-e.rl,:-treaþ. i rr r--¡ t-r:.l'j c,+ tr ì n¡r i rr '-ì I i e= {r':'m r.''rithcrUt F.*tur'rr -r.F¡ rl th* rrgrt E.E.='.r'chÉd f¡r' it i¡r' d=l''= r,,tife {emilir h-:td åÊ':':tnrF,arr i*d him tt' =.utrtrEE=.. Fru,.¡le-=' ånrl

tl:-+F, e EiC,f.,l .r .1Fr rl hef. .3.trur.E r,{ l,LJ¡rr1rl1r,r ¡¡'rJ, Ff Ê'=.Ul-rr '3.t'll'

r'E'J.3.r,Jin,-r tl-r eir' lir.'ing ¡:¡:r[r diti¡-rn'=, r"'l]= Ë'u'lh th'=''t he

thr'È-1 terr *,1 tl-r +t i+ e nc, t .rtu=.irr ¡l hinr he þJ¡-'Uld =.1-r 'l¡d =tc,F Ëffffr[r ] t,= the Tr'initf'E'=-r.rd å.nd har're hen r'sm':r"red ir'¡m

tir E l=ì.¡.rlj. F¡r,,Llt'=. àrr¡l l-i i:. r.4i+e L'tlPr'P Urr å.bìP tt' a' tC'

tl-r e r.iqar.rtrUËr i=c, l;1te,J cr-rnditinn:.. å.nd tFr eir ret' elli¡t-l= s \$ N

-1 I Ë' ! [t-:J] ='nH +'f ¡'lx:'J|] | [':jUÚ iì=jJ''l i i '':p a'l':J,, t '=l ''l 'laiìo ¡.1 ,,E/F-i¡ pu'': 1= 1 r-rLrJÞ--E uE)'{ -loË

_ <Í ¡r- rå:rr:¡Jili uÉ uå,3!l Ër'ìF-r.1 +ÈnuJ +Fjr.{ù'ì +r-1 FUå Ëqt +Ë iË[rJgl

t .Jr:t l-rri!r..1 .JË'å'= ,jrr år'iËli ¿'j¡a:.4 år.{+ lÈ¡:'[ år..1 + ]L --¡ Fr.tç. =..1 tot'.!l'lE

E år-{ '==.å [+ !n.l+ l'] +r..lB lu+J,:, + Êj J'å++H '++ | t-J aq+ dn unl:¡ !'f + Úå'="J':, l..l Iir'r::r¡ ,jt¡r..1 r-r] FErFå,3U ;itå1'ÈjJå'l=åF r'ì'rrfU åtl+ 'Jr-1 ] :1'r'1 ¡

r11 ilada+¡ Ê+ ,,:: llËF, .¡Frrl, +Uá= ÉEiïl r1r¡rlç'q¡ rllElttlfi {}Jnr:r¡ rr+ F,Ëii tJJr-t .i Iirtårl å4I 'Fr.J':-fr',rF'tr']lïl Ë+Èufr i.Jr1 {11 l-¡ 'lr..l I d ¡at.1 åi'l I

ip;,'r '=...r1 r-r¡t¡i l..tJ'=-' +ãå1..1 -J åU lf lF,ÈUJ H 'ãluãJ-åF ! lEJl='nH q+n,r-,j

.".t,--., rJ '.JÈ'UJuJL:.1 pUÞ-- ;lir..l':dg !l .lårJJl,Jrl I Èpliirlr...l 'li ='Éirïi =lrll FUr=-' ¡¡åFf{Éd iåFEU']JJFi:r i=.i'É..i åErp'¡..i+Jr:tl oq=e[+ .J,¡F,tT,:'d +¡ f' 4.4 '=j ip';pt-t'':¡ +rl'--i+ åUlU Ë-' ¡'=¡..1,:,+=. ['È-JåtJåFr È'Ur:rt!¡: ,,E[Éi'È;,J,,,

,iìl+ .J;,fua,-',:'1..1 ,;¡ Ul-l '';ltilI ¡årlt!Êrirf,f'.1 ',1I Ur-'ì ,/i+l-rF Fr åun==Fl È.le'iaa;¡ F,ue FEåq Få+r.tI¡rl¡lr: E.F-ri'r .iÊ['lEI 'lJE!tL!l''i ¿,;'åir'EJEr ãq+ .1,:' + llr:r'= ãJLrul rå--'ll.JåE FrJ;:'=a-Urf+= Få.Jår.11eE '=..:a'1aa.:'¡ .-låi{}Ð Ér..1+ Fr¡'':' [Þ]l.Jnrf E.F,.JÊirïpLri,:'i¡l F':¡..1 r=EU lF t Inq åq+ å1å tdu':, : r-rl FåUJl-r|É.J ¡ ,,i ll'.1 å-iå.J ..:e tp'-rn¡ .J,3'lrJå+ dag '; I tJr:r Pu'¡; 'r.l | ++¡: E åFr FlrJ F,Up åf¡É-JÊ E FrnÉ r'=.atinp J!åq+ Pånul+uÐl '-ì.J;dåå:i JåFUn år..ll ..JårlrJË+da-¿ EI U'l FålF åH '.4.1 1r¡å ,.í[lL]p .3rl+ È+åt'lulr== Ê+

Ê Jåquå+ dåË rrq ¡ l.:n lu t å]u'f .Jå+å.J [qr:un =.'F-Í{ åq Ë u'f + = !'..1 ':'+

r..l t+,1F, år..1 åq+ +n,:1 itf',i lt + +':' å+Ll+= Fr-l'': =åilJ!1 'Jn-1t¡Et1 '=TåÈÞi iË.U,llllF,uçl .Jår..| 1Eåt,'r [L]U.Jn':r l. år-{ I Ul FåÞJr-rtrË'J rlÌ!l'ì .-t,li Frlp- '3Ëllnp '=lrl Fånul+U'll ¡rl åFrrr +l1J'l+ +'ÈjËJl-r .Flt .Jåil'!-t år.{1 ,'iEllFj E,ulJEå+ puì-: É'{å +qlrlJ Elq Ëut=JÈl'l

å' t år.l.+ .J'ËiåU Fårl'll'J-+ FJEfìlpL-r'lltl t'=nFrnH II ul:l !-Ë' 'l åqrxå nDl'J ç'¿ u'f ãË.n'frl+qE!t år.{1 [J'-r.J+ [E¿Tr]tUtsJ Jltsq+ Ð+ Få1. Jn'f lfirÉr'l åq

¿¿I I¡':' erhå.u=.t i n¡a d.¡.,r'r "[,Jxn t- ta tl-r e F.:e turn and hc'rte th+ i-,a.r.rc'rr ådp UF the h¡11."58 Irr de=.per':rtic¡n tl-r * tlrÉrr l-r ed nrede å. tr.emend¡¡u.=. effar.t t,-r ì i,.,e UF, t¡ the e:¡ÍFÈrta.tic'n=. '3f the r-,f Èdel a.i d* admi rr i,:,¡,r.=.. T¿.F l ei' r'ecr'rded det;

llrn I Ërurlu'=t lE5-,/ T-+pler' €.Ent l--h-r.F,nr-1 rr t': l";.irr q=r':te i,:,r'å.rr ¡:tl-r Er. l-r rtrf.E.p. tilh*rr r*tur'rr in5-.r he trJ.-:'.E -rbtrr.Jt 1il mils'=. frc,m Ë;.pe E¡rd¡. r,,.lhen tt-r * h'=r=.e {ell å.,:l-f-r==. .3. n-r.r'r''f,l{ guì1;"'

¿.n,J t]Fr *prlr.r.n c¡uìd Fr r], t gÉt it tr,Ut. Earlf' Fr Pi:l t d+y tl-¡ r'ÉÉ

Þ;eeper'=. r'*scu*d tl'r e h¡r':.e -+nd br':u,1ht it tr-r tFr r

ìi1fl-r tl-r f-¡u=.e. L,rter. in Èr.l ,_:ru=.t dr,uhlr r-ril=. t'\rÉr'e laid uF, the cli{f -r.t Ha.r.r.rÈi."E Eetr-:r.n end tl-re ç.tc'Te=. ì.\rerÉ h-e.uled uF

tl-r l-r rtrt-.EÉ rl .a[r=tan Ë,t,]rFP *,j'':lll Tir i'=. * r.,:ril=. tr]. ,1 tr, -:., =.1-r l.1lã.=' lr.'t+l'=' e.i.Ë.Èd the Þ.eepET-Êr l.r.rr:'Tl.:: t,¡lt ':g.f'É E+ 4. h¡f'=-* -q.

,li{{ Tt'r e Tr'in itf' E:,:' ar'd t lr :-ri' i':ul t +t the =.t.rt ir,n. =-err =.r:rtrrÉ É¡: the k.+eger"= rle.+r'ed b'ut tl-r e ËUF,Fl;", ¡,¡.;¡; =.Er':'n h3.U=.tsd ånd

pedd,:rþ; t¡ qT'r:rr,'J tr-].tE 3.Fr d r-1r'1 '==., ftrre å =.frlål I'.:i.i'inr:t h¡r=* +ell -rr.,Er -1 Ëli+f t,r it=. detth.i'1

È=. L'JÍ'-rdL.'.r¡.rd'=. death ':.1-l ':,r.rlÉd, the l.:.eeper'= tÁJÊt-É -i. lr¡.r-:r.l'3 L/u thE i i .:rt i ¡n . llerr tc,c'l'; ì rrpr.¡.t'l e t':, tr'år1*di',:åu=.Êd t'i' r' =.c,l rl trJc:men +3'ËPrl their' t-=tmilie= t,: the I':n*ìþ' =t-e.ti¡n -r.r-r '=':l itudr -lnd.?. d¡.rr ,:i*r'':'U'=. ÊnL,'ir'r:'nr.r-rPnt. Irr 'IUll'1Ël'JEl Lrrr + I'i k;*epen Le:.i is'= l":'un.:--.1 Ër-¡r-r --- ':':uld fr rl¡ t bs {':r.lnd .3'h':' ut tne '=.P:r.t'r:l-r n':'t {i¡-, d =.t.:.ti,=rr . Tì-r s nrÊrr ÉrJ :rll rrilli-r t hr:t c,:r-¡ld hii-rr ånd ;,, ltl-r ':'u,!Fr Ll-r ¿ ¡,g;" rd.3.=. rtrtrf-r tinued f ':,T' t¿t¡:Êl':: =. l-r rlr t 7 --'' tr.E,:e ':,+ the ,:h¡l,i r..\r-1=. É\rer' {,:r¡nd.Éi In frlr-rr,r¡ç¡þgr' 1877 Þ,*eper i',l-rin'=. i,c'Unee-rt EÉn r*l-r.nder'ed -a.t'JEl'fr'cm Fl-1i'r¡tith hi=. t,r'tr,thpr=.. Tt-r P V:.EPFÉr'E EE-:'.F¡:l-r ed å. l l niçrht arr d "{r-'¡Jnd hi= r'em,+in= åt d-r.¡'ì iËht -:,.t the t'¡tt¡m 'r+ the cliff= t'el¡L"t tlr e I ighth¡u=.Ê.,,C,! l"lain rlrlrr-r t ir¡ ued l¡ i=. dut iE=' r'"Li tl-l çtr:'iciEm .rn,l å ccr{f in fcr' hi= ÊEn. Th* t.r'fmÈn helped died +t *-r.rtl-r r,tl-r er. irr Crrr¡¡ f irrxmerr t=. Eut =.trrmÉ t'¡.tie=. E,irth,i4 .3.r¡J .i,-rmp !Jr-,mÉr¡Jie'J irr cl-r il,Jt, ir'tl-r ,'45 Tl¡ e¡* rJÊr'P hur i ed i n the ,-Jr'É.uei'.r.rd ,='.t He.rr.rE,"'= Re tur'n '

Th* I i .--,1-' th¡u=.E r.AJ-1=. thre¡.tsned t,þ' { i r'e mårr }' t ime=" i n

[iecen¡her 1LlF:1 å. hu=.hf ine r¡,rhich =.tå.rtÊd in the Eer.rinÈ dÉE ll.a.=.=.,:,-rr.=. hur'rr ed UFt rthpctled t¡t,l-r.r'd'= tl-r e l ir¡htl-r r:ru=.e ¡.nd buildin¡r= earll. in .lånu.¡.r'l' 1Ê74 it =.l.!reF,t a.m,:ng th* -i.t

å.1-¡ rlÉ Ll-rF,e Elr,r',1¡.. Tl-r É =.t.lhle t,Ur'rr t .rr¡ d tl-r er'Ë trJå.=. nr:r trl-r ':'i .-=.-ir.rinq the h¡r.=e. l.r,lþçrr the r¡Jirr d'ffrl +r'.=,.m*=. tr'{ tl-r e ratt.:tr-]P-=' r,rÉr.s ¡. I i,fht tl-r * f;rnr ili*=. tu':,þ'; r'Ê+u,-Jt irr tl-r E tç'r,,JÊr'L4l-r Er'Ê the ql:'.=.= tr'+ the l¿.nt*r.n l¡-iË r:r'-1cþlin,f. Jr.ri,3 hE:re=. '-1+ di'iarrr ite in tl'r e =.t'rr'Ë trur'=.t in åll dir'ecti¡rr=.. Tr'.rpEed trrrr tl-l * B+ fTrÉr.CileE= rìi{{=., therP L.!tå.=. nr-r FS':-r.Fr Ê '.1F'I nC' hC,t,p Ê+ r'Ë=.':Ug. Éå trFt .3.nqÊ tr+ t{irr d -ì.t .t Er'Utri.1 ì tll']rTrÉrr I

fr-.¡ È.å'.rE'l them, -r.Fr d ,1,: tr'+ cle+nin'; r¡J-l.r'dÉd ¡ff rther'

. .d.J ¡1.-:,.rr qE r .'-"-'

The ¡lt,lr'i¡-.rirr :rl ¡.'J,:rlrtPrr Ë-i. l ;rrr d E:ul';e r'Êrr3,irr ed r:rn

¡--¡ F..=.rr ¡.=.r.a,-r I.=. I .=,.nd s.{ ter' tl-r É Ë8.+l i rr ,l d-=..i'=. Ûur'i rr 1E'il-l thel' r..!rÈr-e r.ÊF Ér'tÈd r¡¡å.ndÉr in¡-r åtrrlu t irr the i rr ter'i ar c'{ the

ljrr imp' r--,J tl-r +T' r,,.r;r.= E I ind. The:¡ h ¡.d -1 i =l arr d. e I -1rr d ': ':rl-r lÊu

bt'r¡'rhite p.r.cÞ; af 14 d,=¡-r=.r¡rith them. Thei'r.,.rgr'É =.eìdam -ieÉn

tl-r L tletlrerr t='. hl':'nrÈ i='l '¡.nder':' i:. l¡.r¡ ,ler':. å.Ë. tl-r xt' åU,l¡dÊd * =.e e!ìFr'eE=.ed tr.rntreFn {nr' them, f*aring th¡.t¡ -=hc'uld the lame a lnrl el"' err d t4':'rrr.:'.n ,Jie, the E, I in,l trrt P tr.rÊruld =ui{*r'

ã''=' hurrrib, le de¡.th. Then the dngs. t,J¡uld t,ec¡me L'.rild '+Fr d

t--¡r:rÉE tl-r s tr'¡ut, le:.¡nre -1rr d d*'uctiue .3.=. tl-r e n.rti'.re dirr Rn ma.inì s.r, ,1 , C'7 É f sr,.J rrr,:rnth=. l.¡.t-er' it tqJ.r'=' r'l +inred th=rt tl-r e

:je'..rÈl-ål Er'tie:- Lr'rÉr'E U.t':rrTrÉn h¡.,1 =*t iire t'= tFr * hu=h. F'rrlFr irlt tl-r +t 5a1 ¡.nd E:ul'ìe in da.n¡rer -i.n'l =.,:'trrÉ =.*ttler'=. ='h':uld t,e pem¡r,"3'l +ndÉE

Irr 1ÊåI l:,.=l .3.rr d !;ukle r..'ritl-r tl-¡ eir' p.:.rl'. a{ dËr':-l=' r'É;<.':hsd r1+pe Ésrda. 1 ir--rhth,:u=.e. ¡lrn* .1.pFrP,:a.rhsd thc- keep'Èl-='' rr, tt:r'--.1É=. r,'tt-¡ ils tl-r * C,ther' rPnr.3.irr ed I¡'r itl-r tl-r e lrrl:¡=', .I-='.rtÊ:'

ËrtrfrrEt-E -e.r¡I Th¡m,r=. É,r-,¡'lÉ=., r.,,rho h¡.d been L''t,:'r'kirr ¡ 'i.t the ¡---l r.dr'Er:1,:: c,{ tl-¡ e "Fi,JP=." Et 'E;rr u¡-.t lllÊr,'e-, I'r.rÈrÉ ''ri=itir¡ tl-r e 1i,¡l-rthnu:.e t.rhErr the;" år'r'ir.'Éd' The {ir='t t'"r¡n¡-in l¿4t th* r.rlå}' I i,_fhth¡U=.e ¡.t ,lr.l=.þi 11 ¡r.r-:¡Ét tl-r e ,Jc',-:t=. ':ut 'l{ tì're '=i th* rrÊn ,¡nin¡_r b+,:1,. tc, :inug Ë,f'..'e in the mr:'rrr irt qt , *t Ëtlrr '=Et r:rn

?F ¡Ë.t tl-r * r,,J':rtTt;{rr e,1.r.irr ,",i'=.ite,J tl-re ,:r,tt-1r--.1 P'='t'r'ie+l}'.'j'¡

i ¡rr '=' '-r.t The U-=ad t':-r r'E,,:E, i l,rÉ 'f o'.rÉ¡- nm*n t ret

nr {r'':'n¡ E'rlì"=' Lìtr,þ';e:. Ê-r:r".7[ lrll-r en E;al ,Jie,l =udd*n]t' 12 ile=

Fr ,ltrrp=.ts-r.,1 tl-r e Eìind Euþ.* fr-,und hxr'LlJ.3.,t'hacþl t,: teII the

Eall {.rnr ilt', :l;l-r Ê tl-¡Érr le'J th*nr t'¿':l'l , tr't':!'iin'J r¡'r ìtl-r t-r Èr' .l ::;ui';e f,:¡t, hut the;.' ':Ëul,l nrrt {ind -ì.r. '= t,¡dl'. =t-eled nE.3.r.E*ll.'=. {¡.rnr +,:,r. å.t,,:rut å f'*3.r'.Fl lt h¡.=. t¡ÊPl-r rl.=.imed

r'.r nE f'r' tl-r .:..t ehe ,l i *d th*r'* -1Fr d uJã.=. hur i ed -1 t 'ãpr'r n¡:" al * , 1È1

-.-¡ .rttr'l';É8. Ei.1lr..,' t,ut ç.he trl:a=. e rr t ': t l-¡ e Èdeleide Ele=.tittrt* A=.¡*l um r.rJhPTE Ehs died in 1EÊlEr¡:i th* l.r=.t n{ th* i,e.n Èt',-rr. i q i ne=..

rI: ¡¡.tnm*rr l'{erÉ ìEtr'll' .:rt lee=t =.'-rme *t,':,r'i,¡irr'r. I -r.h¿.ndnned ta I ir,'e ¡-.rut thtir' I iue= åE sh'=.dnL'.r=' r-rn the .l¡.nd c,{ H.¡.r¡ I t t I enr*rr t:.. The=.P rrctrTrÉn mu='t {r,in¡le 'l¡.r¡¡ =. =.e ¡.h'ducted hrue =r.lf{er.ed å. Ër's-it deel -c.E å r*sr.llt af heing

{r',:,m tFr E ir tr'iEaì l-r C'tTrF=. årr d ¡¿¡rpl E r hut !ç'pl-r i-i' Tl-r'l'rTråE r iì-¡.Lr.nd 5uþie ËUr.'.r i r¡e,l Tr'uqen i n i t,l' m.:.n:* ïÉ.3r=.. f4 [:'urinq tl-r s lEfr-']=. there tr.r-r.E .-d =te.e.d]' intr'e-='.='e in,r.a. I lend uEE trrrr l-':.-irr ¡-la.r,-r'= I=. l.:rrr d. Ûr'':'u':rht=. crn tl-r * m-e.inlarlI mÉ-='.nt th.rt Ë,lme F-r.=tcr.1 I i'=t=. ì¡,:l'led {cr' =.-ì.+e r'-:=i in-l-r.ì I år'Êå=., llhar I e=. åFr d ,-l .*nr *=. Het"ll"*r' r.¡ i : i ted the i i t=. f ¡r p'-r.='t':r'-r.I i 75 =.l arlI n 1Ë,Ju t¡ rhech: thÉ F,ra=p*c =m.

It h-r.d hesrr'nrår'i' {¡r' thr-,=,e L.,lh'rr trl'r c'Ë.È t¡ liue '-Jn pie':* c'{ l::.arr '--tåi'c'tr, I:. l.*rr d tc, {irr d th*nr=,elue==. årr attr'.r.rtiue ì end en,l =.ettl* ther'e .r=. ':.qu.3.tter'r, tut the ridEl aide

,:, r:,r.Ll l-r.rr uE.Êr F, I irl' rrr¡(þíÉr'E rt t'È':t ål-r tÊ' taþ;e åFr irr ter'*=.t irr d

+nd require rent {¡r' ler¡-le F.:r-3tt:'r'4. I Ie.r.=e='. t:'*cisi¡n'='

åtrr-rrJt tl-r È U.=.É .f,rr d terl ;+rr rl' tr f the la.rr d r¡JÉr'É tS.k'en t,l' Adel-¡.ide Bff irial=. L.r,ri1¡'ort ,:,-Jn:.ulting the iEl¡.nder=' Tl'r e h¡ ten*t r'i E:¡uth å i¡'rr larr d ¡c'I ir;"'. tLlå.=. 'rt nrr:rrl*lled ':'n the Err ql i=h =.!'=.tsm, r+'=.ll F, urrha.=e rUrti':'rr . Thi=. pr'irr tipìe L.'JA.'=. å.d':'F,tÉd =lc,r.,.lli' ¡-Jn f:i¿¡¡ q.3,¡';rrlr i=lEn'l å.-= i= indic-rted t'l' th* slçrr¡,r r'i=e in la.nd

E, U t- ,: h ¡..=.e d ,7¡' The dem¡.rlI f¡r. land t¡-r tE m; le1fa. lìf'a.'.r-+ila.hle irr cr'ea.e.¿d e.=rrl:i' irr 1Ë,jl:l . Fie=.identE. n{ the Hnr--l E:+t' år'P'3' rr.JeFe UF,Ëpt r.^lhen .3. larçle le,=,.=e r,,.r-ì.'=. i--lr'-anted tA Lr. :'qUåtter

¡,,¡l'r n then u=.e'J l-r i=. lx1:ra. I ri¡rht t,r qìr.r* nr-,tice t¡ ¡ther' rEei,lent= t¡ morr* fr¡m hi=. ìe-r.=.e. rå dazen c'r' E'-r -3qUã.tter=- r,,rh':' I itre,J t.ri tl-r tl-r e ir' f anr il ie'=. in tl-r E tsr'Éa cì -rinred th¡.t althc,ur--lh the:r' ha.,l m'1.d8 nPFE.rted 'r.pplir+tiun=' t¡ the rl¡rlrr..rEF.FrfTrEFr t tC, Éi'-r.n,J ¡{{ef' th* lar¡J {':,r'=,.e. l* thP}'l'red =.Uf'r"r t,een uns.hle t¡ get it tn 'l¡ -¡, .17 TF, * p.=.=.tEr'+li'=.t=' r.4'3.rr tsd erscUritf, a{ l.=.nd tenur'e, r.,,rl-r itrh r*quir'*d tl-r e inter'''renti'=n

,:{ .3.n C,Ut=.ide F,':'rr'JFf'. I'=. la.rr der':. +t'r.lnd that merl irr å,lel-=,.ide. in rÈ'lul-r.tin!-l land u=.Pr irr t*r'fer'ed r¡'¡ith their trlå.:r, ,:{ I i{E irr tr,raÏÊ. r¡.¡l-r ich tl¡ e}' h¡.d rr Ért -lrr tìcipa.ted.

Ten=.i¡n t,etu,,rexn i=. lender'=. -=,.nd l:ldel;rid* PÉ='ulted.

i .=rilL,='- - -- 1ÊfU F*.=.tC,r.a. I L*a':.*=. r,ut=,id* ti-r E HUndr'*,J h¡un, ha,l t,*en rlr'.rrr tprJ f,:'r' perind=. ¡{ r.lF' t¡ l4

¡.p.3.T..=..F8 83.,Iå.rr u¡.r. 1, 1Et.j,t: ìe=.=.*e.=. hel,l lC'3 Ë.qu-1r'e milE=. c'i

F;,ì.nr_-.lgrÉtr I=. l:rrl ,J l¡.nd, mr-,!''lrt tl-r e E,r-EtÉrn Érr d c'l tl-r E

i=. 1-rrr ,J.7'7 5r,rrÉ'r'tl i=.t=. stÈ',:l';e,J ã.rrd {err ced .rt le'¡.='t

FLrr.tir-rn ¡f the ls¡.'=.e'J l+nd ånd r¡JEl-'È thr-l= ;.t'le t¡ Fr'r:rdutre 'l pEdÉd g it t.r,rrtrÊr åFr rJ ilr.,iirr . Tl-t et, rt E.':'trl* trrearr =.¡+ tr'.r.rr =.E':r'tirr

hn i r¡ i nr¡ r-lgad=' tr-' tn m¡r. l{e t a.n,l r.s I i *'l L-ìrr ca-r.=.tal tr':..d*r =. 1--l

tl-r e i'=. l*r¡ d {c'r'pr r'Èr{it 'å.rr d t+!lirr1:r tl-r E aettler='' Fr l-'a'lr'ltP '3'E' i:i[l t e.C l'. - I r,ed i rr ,:¡ .

Tl'r e i:. 1.rrljer.'=. hed tc, Ë,:,trrF, I.r't.'lith Ie,låì r*quiTsnrerr t=',

Êr'fft,Jr.,'É ,:,Ut=.ide the q'f'.Jer'rrfTrent EErl-r Er'É C,f in{lUen':8. l'1-1.r1 ,'* I El:i

-=qu:{.tt*r.=. dl,l the l.r.tter., Ë.L-rme ì¡.n,J s.t Hr'---¡ É'L}' h;Ld

E,eerr :.r, 1,J E,l' .IurrF iElÊìU¡ .1Fr d Ef' f,r¡¡1u='t =ettler= l-¡ '¡'d cl and p lr-,ughed -=må. I I -rr*a=.. Ë1 å,J¿l aide r'{{ ic i¡. 1=

{ailed t,-r uncler=.ta.n,l tl-r e i=.¡lEtian r¡{ r.rjtrruld-be l-+.nd huþ'er=., .Lrr d r.r¡hÉrr ¡¡rEr'E ler¡ d f,J.L=. ¡{{er'ed {¡r =¡.ìe ];'.ter' irr

F¡ tl-re 1Ë.{tl rt.:r.rr l, i=. la.rl dEr= tr.rhr-r l,,.ra.nt*'l t,-r trUlt' did 'ft '=.EE

årJr.,r¿r.t i.=Érrgn t irr t in,* ,Ê! Bu t i rr tl-¡ e 1B=--J-C,L| '=-Éas':rrr thÉr'É rJ.rÈT'p EAi,J t,= E,e 1=1 å.trrÊÊ' Un'lEF tjhÊ.1 t. Fr''rdutr¡nrJ Ë.311 ::l dÈr' bu.:.l-r*l=. r:rr. 15 bu=.|-r *1.=. FEr. -:'.':r.É, -e.rr d 44 å.r:r'EE urr

ta.rìe1., pr.c,du,:in,---.1 --/ó= bu=hel=.ÉI In 1l::C,U-,á1 ! cr f 1t:?'3.trr'E= t¡ r¡lhpåt, '.:JF å.':r.P=. r,LIÉf'P h-r.f',r*:-ted t;r'm-rChifr * And tl4 =.r-Jr,,,tn !.rlt-'P'3.r-rlÊ tl, l-r an,i.tr4 Tl-¡ e ¡ield:. r.,.tÉr.E .3.':trÉpt-r.t, 1e tut tl-¡e

r,,r P r. l. :-m.=. I I

Irr Illil tl-r rr FÊ,FUIati¡n ¡f l';..=.rr qar¡r, I='l ¡'rrd r.'J'i=' 1il. rJ'rer'e 1'--'i m-r. le=..Lrr ¡l EIJ fem-r. le'=. :li:,1 t:r'nine ,:r+ the L1É ¡.duIt='

Err ql i.=.t-r .i.rr rl 1t llccr tti:.h. .1r¡ d 5,å Lr.rÊr'É nr' h.r.'J trÈÉFr rrår'r'ied'

Ther'É r,,,rgr'É :-r5,lt,.rellirr ,-:t= ¡{ t,.lhirl-r I:!l iÁJÉT'È Euiìt '--'+ =t¡rr e !:rf' B.ft rJ t,f i,:þ,r iiL.,e C,{ l,,.lrlrt:r rJr r:rft É ,:,{ tr':rfr':f'et* -l'fl d É¡:t ='l¡t'

rïru,l l-, ut=.1J5

t-l-r Hc"l Th* Ër.r'1u.3. I r.Eal¡z:..tic,rr -r.t tl-r * E.É,¡l=. irr th+

El.=i' ,li=.trict l.rIEf'È mr:r r'É ålTrErr .=.tle tc, dÉr,'sl':pm*nt t'¡' the

nrett-¡ ,:,d'=. tl-rÉrr i¡-r U=P th¡.rl rrJPr'E tl-r '-¡=.e rr É'3r'l'iinr---t'='':r' te ì*d tt'

.3. r-.1r,.å.du-q. I Ëhi+t irr tFr + "ÊentPE '-rf irr ter'É='t" {r'¡m

liìn¡-r=.C,:te tC, ¡r-rr-J E: åi'. "Th*r'e r.rJå=. el'=.t, å. {-=''ir'l:' err'1¡' t r:rr! thg ,l iL,r i '=. i,:,n þg lr.r,rE*r-r þ:. i rr ¡l=.rcrtE -r.R,l Hr:rr-J Ea.l' r'e= i 'j+n =

t,+=.i=. ¡t r:il:r:UF,¡tif,fr . l'l-=,.fr:.' r:,i tl-l * f¡f'ffreT' l.'.1 Ëf P l--''f'':l*ll' 1ir4 inter,este,J in f i=hing r-¡r' cther minnr cr--'mmerri*rì

åtrt iu i t ieç,, trtl-r i ì e th* l -rtter trc+me mÛrP and m€'r'P the f-e.rmer:- tr,f thp I-=l¿.nd, Then taø, H¡g Ea.y tt!ã''='the cla='e='t paint tr-' the m.+irrl¡'nd ' The =-hip'p'i¡g c{ th* i¡ta'te p+=aed hy their doar., -rnd .+lthough it did nÚt =.toEr it r¡ul,l -rt ìe+=.t t,e '='Èen ¡.nd cc'n.jr-¡r'e ut' tl-r e ilìu:'i¡-'rr Ë'{ r'ÉFtÉr'r:uEË'i':'rr r¡ntatrt.rr'1'5 Tf i= ¡liL,rlç.i¡r¡¡ FEr'Ei=.ted -

.¿.1=' l-ll-'.=er.'.rËf, 1F .larr lJar'þ' lEl=.¡. Li ËuedirlÉr-r 'rF. cit.' F,. 4i. --' I I L*iqhr,-rF, . rit., F,F, ltq-=. ¡I H Hu t-i¡l ¡n i I Li+É ån'l Ll l-r r iç.t ìa.n E¡:¡ er'ien,:e . =.-=e;" . F. ã¡'. Þlrlli=.,:,rr I trF. Ëit.,l'.I':te=. r:rrr [,J¡.]ìsrr Femil]'. rr É' F:1'JÉ. .f¡ rbid. .:'T Fluedi¡-r*r'. trF. rit.. F,'ql. t"lalIi=,:n,.JF. cit. .:' ¿ ËÉFl. -¡ þ1.rr' 1Ë5'å. Itid. RuedillPr. BF'rit.. F. 4f' ËdL.'en t i s.Er' . 77 [ie ': emhe r I LIL:IÊ . Êu 4U Fl . l-1r'r þ, trrl t-.t't I rrEËT' th U¡l , ?, F,.'¡11' cll E:*Fl , 1¡ Jrlrlrr.rÈrrrtrÈr' 1El5,j. 4Z 4 .'[une l.Ir.lli' 1?tÙ. .þj=L-l::., ':lll I¡ .f.iin':lÊ.r:,:r tÉ tl: .t"l ,É. r t,F,. cit., F ' . 44 Ë*Ft¡ 1Er5È I F, ' 1=rl . 1 L=tC'

¡E T,_r t1 . Be üre-=pir¡n]t, "The El',rer':.É.1-= l"lail 5Êr-r.'ice-=. ¡f the tlir-, 1s,¡¡ 1, ¡i E;c'ut-l-¡ ÈuEtr.rl i-1 ", l'1 ,4. Thes.i:.. I'lplEC,ur'rrÈt 1?47. F, F5. 4.4 lllh,Ê.É r'',r e r' Xl $eremt,er 1ÈlF--/ a.nd 14 .I,1rr u3.r'l' lElÉ,Ll . 47 E¡e t1r'espign¡*¡ c,F', cit,r p. llJE. 4El lllt'=,É r'r.,' e r' , l[ ,Iun* lEl54. 4Ë Tr'i n i ty E¡+r'd l'li nute-=.,'lul¡' - t"lauemt'er' 1'Ë87, FFrr:'.iÈ 5ÉFtr, 17'ã*¡,1Pnrt,Èr'r 1EÍ,lt p. 151i. 51=n Trinitr. Ë¡¡.r.d l.linut*=r tLì5!-=lf , l-/.Tune lË5.4, PRI:15*. ._r¿ I h, i d. r ? l"l+r'cl-r 1857. Ihi d., 1:7 Janu.r.r't' 1F-:ELI. ;; ._rT rl:rpe Bc'r.d.r .1,:,Ur'Fr ål , t Julf' 1ËfL1 ' FF:l:l:jA. . t.l ihld.r 14 'Tul¡'1E='¡. ._l ¡_1 it'id.r ii' l'l¡uemher 1Ê15¡1. It'id,. 1'i September' 1El5Ë. .-lE Ihid., 11 [)Êf-emEÉr 1.q5il. It'id., :r1 .T¡.nuer¡" 1L15?. r,Lt Ibid.. Èu¡ru=.t 1ËF'7. _¿i Ih¡d., Ì7 Èuç-ru=.t 185F.

'fÉ IE,id.. .Iull, 1ÉC,8. t{Ir IE i d,, Jrl¡r,rsrrþsr 1É77. Éì4 tliå.r'1. ¡f ,I¡l¡ rr Hir'.=.t l-reld El'l:: .H. Ë*1'l, l-'l irr ç¡ Pi-r.nÈ-e.r¡c I:-l.c.nd¡ ?:l Éugu=t 1E';+ rrrd Ët-r Èpr'il 1ç'rJ:r' I E i d. r l E Ju l r' I'EC,? .-rFrd l É¡:3. ='¡'r':r' 1E¡4. E¡r'da. J¡ur'nal . L'erenrt'er' 1E7t 'l-i.rr uar'1' PËlr:t::ìÈ, .¿T Ibi,l., Aucu'=.t 1E,j--J. ¡ ,=, l:ltrEÉr.uÊr. , 2'4 Þla.¡' 1El,5Ll . Êl/ IEid., -?t f'lç'¡¡lrÊr' 1Ê¡u. ,'L,i.=.t .=." i.LJ:rì 7u ,--,{ tl-re i.f.rr , Er.Tr s=.t ine Hi ì 1 , 1,:: ;rt',:,r..1 t, t.J¡ì ?[, l--r54 ¡'I FiuedillÊr', ':'F. .¡t. I F F, 7:1-4. T: H-i. ll -+':[.;. úF. ': ¡t., F. |:7. [i,:,,:þlÈ t tlll.,J1ç:1?4, trÊ:.t i trr t* Ec, ¡.r'd l,{ Ë¡r.¡ tl-r Èu=.Ìr"3. I i'¡ , ri ñ ¿t f f'.Lr¡Fi'-, -. . -rtr't Fii'¡.rr ¡ tr,çr . rit., F,. I':l:l , u.=.r']' 1 ',]'JlJ . ftt,=.erL.rer , ?[t 'Iå.rr E-+uer', ,:,F, . ':it.:, Er , :151J. .ise È¡, ¡'grrdi:l Ê 7? üb=.e r' ',r e r ?'-: i.inr.:+ri' I Ê,Ju . úLr Ì.,J¡ìume 11, F,:, lir' 4:j. f-+e* ÉFF,*nd!i: 7. tjr:l Ëes ¡.'rF,Ferrdi:,: X å.rrd ÊçrF,Errdii; 4 '=I ût'=.*TL,'er' ., 1 I tiuqu:.t t:1'íU , ':¡.:' IEid., '¡ú,,,' pn'O*r' 1Ë,å[t . l''_tr=rc,te l:: .lil.rå.. ,-rF. ¡:it., F tt '=,Ì It'¡d. 5åFF l'Ic,. tr,{ lEi-4 1 , tl:*rr ':.u= c, { :l;c,uth Èr..1'rì ie. Eauer', ßF.= cit.r FF.'f,4Í-,J.{tt-.L - - !I Ht'- -

Ëe t t I er'=. t.hur'ËFr ÈË. rrß'l Ëchr-,r¡l =. t 8,1 1-l ll'J--c. üur'irlJ th* ltlL4l:l =. m-1rr l' ='sttlerE fr'trm diL.rer'='e Ea.rki--Jr'c'und= t,.rent ta H-rnr--lar'c"= I=l-*nd. FPP=.unrEt'lT tn E*tter' them.=elr.'r.=. -1rr d pr.,rL,,id* tl-r *ir Cl-l iìdr*n r,.litl-r ':'Fr Fr:,r'turr itie=. t,=, F r.Êãr'eËË. Er' 1E¿É l'iEnq-i.n,:r, I'=. l ¡.nd'=. F,¡F U l at i an ha.d qr.':'rrlrr tc,:i¡, in':ìr.lding 57:..dult ffrÉfr | årr d in 1',i71 tú !El7r includin¡-r É! -a.,1¡.Jlt rrÉn. The=.e +i--rureE. E.hËfJ 'r. Ete-+di'ri=.e

l-¡ E,r:,c, p*rir¡'Jr r¡Jitt-r tl-r * c'{ 5tl '11-l F, le ir¡ *ach f ir.'e }'Eår' m.e.intsn+nce ¡{ the t'Èr' ¡f +dult m:1 lÉ'-=. t'--r the re=t a{ th+ F,ÊF,Uì.rtir,rr .-*.t tetr,',r**rr l: åFuJ :ll:l FÉr' rent. E¡. 1E7l 'lll7: the F,-JF U l,¡.t i ,:,rr h-r.d i nrr'e.r='ed ta 145 m-lì Ê'= a.¡d 14: {em¡. l*=.,1

trr¡ :riter' iJc,mp =.til I rÊ,.J.r.!-'JÊ'J tl-r Prrr=.*.l1,,Ê=. å'=. '--ll i=.|-rrrPn

r.l Ë t''1 r,'= t l i ing r:rrr l*..,1r¡ r-¡er'¡r, I =l Er¡I f ar' nrrlrÈ then ;l-l I'e.:,.r'=.. t..rJÉr.Ê middl* Cl.i.== F.¡':' t*=.t-i.nt'=. I ,r,Fr d thei' tr'içd tr-'r'ÊËT*at*

-r.rr Er¡ll i=.h miCdl*,:l-1=.E liie-=.t:i'le. Tir E.i'h¿d ='lme ,:.3.Fit'ì. I t,¡ith r,,.rhic'h t,= þsr--.lin liÌe ¡= p.e.=tar'.:.ii=t=. l'l+i-r l'c'trr:upi+'! l¡.r¡ d r:,{ th*ir' rl-r ¡icP a'=. '=.ùuått*r=. t'*lc'r'e d*':idir¡'l t¡

i-l .=.ppl i' far F,.r.= tÊrF'1I ì t-r=.e=..

'=r:i,:!l-l The t,ÈÊ.t I¡.rr d nPå.r l.iin,1=.crte l-r .r.d t'e*n t.iþl*n uF

.-¡.f t*r thE r-tÍf ic i.e. I :.ettìer"= .:.rr'i',¡e'l a.nd =.uh=.t¡.nt ial rrÉå= tl-r Êrr tr,rÈi-'Ê urr,lPr' E-:r.='tur'e r:'r' ':F,:'!. A=. :.ettler':. r'*rl izi-'J tl-r -='.t =-¡:i1---. in tl-r * H¡q E.¡.i, di=.trict FE=.F, ondrd Lr¿tteí-' 1,:l

rr U=.8 frr.3.rr ft ÊLrl t t I *f"=. rTrr:rr.rP'l Crt-¡ t,--¡ {¡.f.m i '_l mÈ tl-rC'd.:. th,:rr i rr r !' =,e ,l¡.n'ln l¡.n,1 .=.t tl-re s;.=ter'n err d r,{ th* i=, t,r hÉr'E å,lr'irul rur'':

.¡:rrr he,l.3.rr ,:,rt tl-r * =irrEll r'icl-r ilet= t, eFl irr d þlrlrrl¡ Ê.li'I t*,ll-¡ å.IÏ¡t,*!- E,+1"'-+nd Hor--¡ E.=.;" Rir.reP t: n' t,] ill=.EnÉ Êitrer). The =ettler=-' .=.i-JÊrr f,=urr d th.¡.t the lc,Fe r,r¡uld grÉrd =. =.tri1=. =.a.ti=.{¡.ctar':¡ pa.=.tur'ÉE af nÈ.ti,,re ,-JråEEE=.i -+nd r¡.lheat å.rlI t,¡.rler'.{

The L-¡.=hm.r.r hr.ntherE, Thr:¡må.=. ã.Fr d Ge¡r'rler .3.r'Fir,,rBd irr

Ëcu th å¡.ì i + irr 1t--l{4 c,n tl-r r "Èu,---lu=.tuç." ,3 Tl-rÉ}' attempte,J t,-r fa.r'm 'frr Thi=.tle I=l-e.rr d'J å.rr d rJ.rÈrÊ '=..¡.id tt' h¡.r,,p å. =.m+ll cr;.{t fur' their' ÉLrJrr u=e.i Th* É.,:hc'r:'Tr Ér' in *pri] 1Ë4ct.'J "L.Jictor'ia." t¡r-'þi 15[ =.1-rxep there f,-rF them Thi= farming r.',=ntur.E fa.iìed :tttd thx hrc'therz returrr ed t':

Èdeì-ride {rtm P¡r.t Lir¡ rc,ìrr årr d Thi=.tle I=.ì'¡.rr d ':'l-r the

I'L.Jitrt¡ri+" in l'l-e.i' 1844,--J Th,:'m.-1.'=. L.3.=l'rmå.r' L.rlã.E. E b'utcl'l er' f':'T a time at t'1 itch'+m ne.3,r'È,lel+ì,1e.1ü In 'lårr u.:,.r-l' 1';lÍEl l-r e 'I e.:.=e,l llJ =quå.rs miìe=. ¡t Ènte':h-=.nrber Ee:¡', 'ln'J z-rl ;rd.-i ¡inirr g les==.e irr pa.r'tner'=.1-r i¡' t'.r ith li¡.t'r'iel Elerr rr ett .3.rr d

L,,l illi; Flu=.h-r. ll å. fev.l m,:rr¡ tFr :- l.¡.t*r'.11' {.r'¡me'l '¡.t ÈntEcl-¡-+mL'Er E-e.,'¡ untiì hi=. irr Èdel-e.idx I-¡rte in lEl ,ll:l .12 Hi= inter'e=.t irr t-l-¡e lea=.e tl-r Ël-r F,;..'=.'=ed t¡ hi= r,,li,lçr¡, L¡.':.hmar' {¡.nr il:,'mÈmt'Ér"=. h-r.ue t* {-=,.r'n¡ed 'I-1Fr *.13 ='irr therP trE,rr t inuc,u=.ì;", Tlr ¿ L-ì.'=l-rm-1r' { ili' -ir'È ':l-rime,l Ei' E.trrTtB tc' l-r .r.L.r É t;''þlerr the f ir:.t '=heep tn th* Fenne=h.3.1,r , ict in 1üÍÊ,14 t'ut l.,J in illi,+m t'.1.=. lþler Fr'¡t.r.t'li' i-r -r.d å fl':cl'i 'rrr hi= ì*e=.s

1¡157.15 He Fur.,:l'r s.ç.ed ,1 {lc,rþ:j {rc'nr Ì"1 irh-:.*ì ll:¿ln:..rr . å

q I,rJl-¡ fc,r' H.inr-l-=.c¡te =he*pf-e.nnrer, ber't+r'irr å bu=l-r el '='t É-rt

*.:.r'l-r S.l-r eÈE . Tl-r * gl-r ÉPfr lr.rp['P t.rl,:i err f r'r-,rr !::. 1¡¡ r1-'=¡r1 lg t':' ll':, ::l - -\- Eal' Thom¡.s Leshman " =. tJe I I An techamber

ao "ì s 1L1:?

a.rr L'l-rl ì ¡.ter' '-'t-t1 d Eay hl' t,c,¡.t, ¡. {er,,l ¡.t e. t ime, d ker' =l-JÛ tc, Thi:-,ma=. l¡,1 ill=.c,n +¡r' f:I.-JlJn.1È

Snnre rrren le-rr'rr *d c'{ r¡r-rrlrd ìa.rlI r.r'll-r ilÉ L,'i='itirr r--l tl-¡ E iç. la.rlI in the Èr--rur-'5È tr,{ their' m.=.inl+n'j R':r:uE'=.ti¡n=' In l:15[ TI-r trrfrrå.E ;rn,l El I err tJil l:.,:,n migr'a.te'l t':' Êu='tr'a'l i-r. {r'':m Lincal n=.h ire. The f amil'¡' =.¡ent x E|rilrt t ime in Adel 'r.ide h*fc,r'p mÊ1., irr r--t:,rutl-r tt thx T¡.rr þlalill¡. å.r'EL irr 1El5:+.i7 TFr e chtj,lr'en r.rler.È =.ent t¡ krtr-1t'din,1,:,¡l r.'.rhiìe Th¡nr'¡'=' .rnd mer'':l-r .ln t . e=,tet, I i shed l-r im:.r I { å.=. !:,. =.t¡reÞ;eeper' Ër-rr'rr He L!rå.ã FrËminent in the earli'. d*',relapment ¡{ the 'r'.enk;alilì.r. di''ict -r.nd Euilt tl-re T.rrr[1a.lil]-+ Hc't*l ir¡

1"ì5¡. LJil l;ir-rrr r..,J¡.=. "rì r=.eì;'' å.':rluainted" u.t ith F'a.nga.r'r:a

I:. 1¡.rlI,nr tE:5El .1É Irr lEl,i-J l-r* le-r.=.ed 1l-1 Èqu-=,.r'e mileE at 1l:t.,,'i, Fer. Equår.e mil+.1-'+ .1rr d r.'J'l.=' 3.t' l* tt' tru"t' Ê-Jl ;r't:l-'ÈÊ'

4reeh':, l,l .!t-t Irr 1ÊC,4 he decided t¡ rrrc'¡.Jp l-r i=. ill' tt'

e l-l.a.nq¡.r.r¡r, I=-l.r.nd tO trcrmmentrÉ {a.rmirr 11 , å.Fr d EUil t ;i. =tÊ'rr rr, tt.+¡_¡e ,:,rr Sect ir,r¡ 115. .3.trr-¡ut tr¡':' l,i i l c'nretr'e=. {r'':,nr Fenne=håt.r . He m.*int-+irr +,1 hi= bu=in*==. inter'e':.t:- irr '-r'+nl,i¡rl i I I -r. ;".r1I ¡+ terr r'E tur'rr *,J tl-, er'e ,!1 In i t i aì l:." l-r r+ trl':¡.=' n¡¡t enttr.elt, ,Jep+rr d+rr t r-,n hi=. irr c¡mq irt'm th* lEnd 'rnd

l-r h i=-. h,u=.¡ßeEË. E:+: F, Êr'i*rr ce pr'ab,at'ì ¡' l-r xì ped im.

f.J ill=.¡n lea=.*,1 ì+rçe år.e.f.=. ¡i l¡.rr d rln t,¡th =idg=,=i Ènrerir¡n Fli'.r*r..!! l¡.lt-¡ err in 1$,J,Êl l-r i=. *lde=.t =.r-,rr¡ Th,:m¿.='

,-lrtrr i¡r.r,l l"l.c.ri' t+rr n llal e, the Ì'Ëurr rJ r¡l¡F ì ¿ t';*n t t': li,.re c,n ,.'l-¡q F,:,irr t i''l,:,rr'i=.c,n p,:r'tic'n ':f tlrr lerr dr r'ÉÍrr:r t*

+r¡m otl-r er. Ê.Èttler.=" 14.:.r'.,'årr n 1e.:.r'nt t¡ r-r-rçtf;. r¡--'.ìl-r.t'l' in ts. ,:r r.¡1t-lårr t''iJ] r-l :rir'lirl ÊH;j.ìj.F, UL-1 [ÊI ,--iËl'El-iUE-:.1 + =ii']!='lri¡trJd :dr:"--r+ '=Efri tbt'!:iI ålUlÊ ,,Ë.i.rJ.j+EqIH,, .Jålln-r Ér]+ +rr UIE+d'Ë-r FU'=- IE: iil[É-.J+'=.rrHr]+rrr--!::jU!UãåqFEr.1åH''Jåúr--i;'J'Ê'='!'EFRrJltl'È'Ë

l.ll'':iãJFr r-1 t-{frì .lt;r..1 + uaqr..,l FUEt Érj+ urr Eu!tliã.ã +rl Uår1¡Frå= '=r!å'3= åË'lr..l + +,-1 åUr--l Uååq ã¡tÞll-l 'rl ¡+¡dr:1 Fr 'JËrl:'l'l r-11 rlÈ uE' i'ÉE å i'= + ! E ]lt..l FruIulr-JTPÈl ãr..1 + puE .'ilJå,1,=.-¡,1 Hú[Uù.ìEJE Ê...uE-utEl [å'Ê'r-.1 FUrlI Þ-- år] rlI *,:' åËF-åt t'ËJr:rl=.r:-d[ FA+UFi'Jli ='':-l'1 É,.,l"lI ,j¡'lF''E '='J I Eç; JE i å i I'-rJJ rll'lJJ- åEFi'="=ÉJ lE- +'=:lr'Ë'E p I rJe¡ .lr: =..Jå =.1 lJI ;'r'l jj:JI '==rf.JlFj =+Ftlq uÈ'lt-r da;q=' +Ë ='Ft':n[ [ç;JÉiìå'= T']trì r.lI ,¡:..,:.Ê-E F¡,f,H i;; FUE[ +rf Ur]l+f'3= r:- 1l-{Erf'rq Fr'L'': ËFr'JLlr\iJÉ+lE u,:!¡l'=. ,,F,J!,f:i1r-¡g,, .Jå+irr f årl+ Ur r''t¡-r'li.3uU'3,1 ¡f,ì :'l rEq '{¡¡tl's¡

'=ì=- UÈ- JEjEUEH U'] rX r'l JÐ+ /ìl J':'dd'f '= | ,..1 Ï,:,,1 + ;r..{ F [= I 'f ':r I !Un+ U'':- .=Ét,1 a.lårl 1 Fåriå l [Ér] åiÊ:r.{ l'=rru Ëå+ÊE ¿¡'r-r:;'EI u l l lJ'Êå

år-l åF Jår*rlt ilrl!.1'-r--l ,, 1 u'-r lFj[ÊPH '--1 1 FråUJn+å'J lrilf 1?¡¡=FrUll3FrlF Ul å+'È[ JEf='Ü'l ,.ift]r-¡UË È'.{1 Erl r.1Ën'lF¡['f,Ì-r år'l + r'll 'Jl'rl" ']'l Ë';ÉI rr JåuJÈ.å+Ë.å|.11U'--|åUJn'f|l[åþl'rtrFUE[ËI'fl]J.ÉñUE:{lxl-JJ++Uål'1.1

E pur- tþE'åfrlN +åuFr..l.¡ .Àllill'É+ årll ËE'+rlrr{1'Jårtt 'Jåqrxl+ =E rf'-r'JÊEuE:ll U'-r'l=' l'': |'IlrlllïìÉi= ãr.l+ +E- .:.1 JrJlrr ']i F'UEt'='I '-r+ ]U¡r¡

ir.¡ --r å+!r.rì -=lq l-.1 åLl I u'-r F, UÊ ¿.-1p¡tr-1 uåfiÉE- FUE +lrì1 råuJntrq[å[4,,

'ÉllEJ+.=nH rl+fl,:1Ë rlrl årljs-r Ér-.1 :lËllI uI '.åIl=l I 'J;qtl¿¡¡¡¡1 llg uÈ' I uåå+5 ullE'Jqd3 ¡pue ¡E,u3 a.l tq=Jq.:a¡ U I'q ="Éln ËãlFjE ¡¿'len'l Ui'4rf JIår-li +rlErilrq U'-ìrl= ='U':'ãttIl'1

,, åq+ åq+ F, U'E Eå!l,d'ln= trr¡Én'='-rq ,'Fll5!F-,'¡r=uç,, FUE lJå4[H,' =E r..l-rn.3'3årlf,lËi,l ¡lErJJii ',{.Jn¡';nI r--'=.'Ér'4 UD++nr.t.l FUt' 'Euti"t¡'lF-¡ [r3r3fr'r

ËÞ-' Ë..4È-r"¡r J+ålJEi Jú+ åJåtr.r FUÉ[-Þl Êr..1 I UE daaq'= ftiÉ] ãq+ +'f

tj,J I _-:ì \

Fic,nEer f,c,tt¡.qe \ Fenne=.hå1,,¡ d i tr' i r t \ = \ 1?l

inter'e=ted in la.ter t,Èc-r.nrÉ å =.hippin¡r ågÉrr t. H* trÊ¡lårrrP .rnd 1E'l'Ll he 1'J'3-= lar¡ ,l rJrt tl'r e ¡-¡rr.irEt =.-ruth c,f Hr'.d E-r.:' in The larr d granted tr,.ra ìEe=eÈ. t,=talling':c, =.quÉ.r'e mile-=.lJil T-r.Flel' Pt.rer' li'.'ed t.¡.t-r..=. Fr ,:'rft-, -r.n,l there i.=. n--' recAr'd th-r.t thrr.*. Tl¡ * le.r.'=.e=. r,!Ér'e tr¡.nÊ.+Pr'r'È'l tt, 'It'hn Euicki irr 1EÎt an,l 1Ê7t.:1¡l

5¡nre .=.ettler.-= r,,lent t¡ l"i.¡.rr r_:l år.':rtr' I=. land trÉtrå.uEÉ tl-r *ir

i¿ther.= h.=.,1 inter'e=.t= tl-r er'É. l¡J illi;rn¡ H.Jlm*=. iltr'n r¡r'=.=

.-=,.rr qar'¡r' I'="1 ¡.rr d trr-rF.R ¡.t HaF, ¡, J' U.l. l le:" irr 1E=+, d¡ ed lÍ.¡rr ålb'eFt"r l-+ndin¡-l in t; 5r,.r i,-:E.=." =m-rll =.rh,:'tr'ner "ThP -rt ånr*rica.rr Fji'.., *r' in 18,J7. Tl-r e ¡'nrlth r',r.:.ìþ:ed 15 n¡ ile=' {r'':'r¡ rimer.ic-r.rl Flit.rer tc, Ë.trme l;+n'l nE-:'.r l'iinq=.rC' te r'rlh iCh h i=' t:rtl-r er. Fr ,i,l t,¡trUr-lh t {r.C,nr ÊU,:lU=.tuç. FjPP,.,,È=..3= i I t':'n

Er.'rgrr tUAl l:" t'r':l'. ¡-rtJt ,jeci,Je'l to =.t¡.1' ,:rn the i=. larr d End

l*.:.=.E=. 1ti.J5,. 1':ilr !. .-:,.fr,l tE4+ ÉFr ':,:rrrrF¡ -:r.'=.=.irr Et å l.1r''JE -1.r'P.a 'l'f

r,,.JE.=.tÉr.Tr F:: .3.rt r:låT.':rtrr I.: l an,l . He L,U i l t ir i'=. he-,nrÉ=.te.:.d åt'r:,',' e thE

l.¡,r'Jirt ,-:l El,rcg 3.t Enrr..l E,;.,r',. ,1 tr..,lr:r-r'[r¡]rlf¡ÉrJ hut r,''titl-r r:r:trrtri-'*t*

1Êl r.r.I.3. llE.. .1 th.=.trhE,l f',I,rf{ å.nd fì.r,:l'=.t¡rr s flc"-rr'. Thr'*e '

L.'lell=. trjer'E Èì,:,:.* bi', årr d th* tc,t.r.ì inr p' r'r:t'.IÈrTrETr l=' r,'JÊr'E

,.r-e. l¡le,l at t-17 r¡hen th* Fiundred ¡i 1"1+rr zie=. r,',r-r.'=' Êur'r,rE'¡'ed irr

{ ,-, ,-, { :J È, I Ê',= I . - -

Ff'*'=.t,:,fr Tl-r ,l,lTr.f.!. E:ell r¡J.3.È. tr,Irl-'l-t et :=-: tPr-'nEi' ifr L¡rr d'=rr irr

r¡.r 1E+!. t..Jl-r sn rr ine i"eå.r'€-, c, I,l !'r E :-=,.iled ith hi:< rlrc'tlr Èr' '+nd

iE r:rTr tl-r * "!;ç'¡' f¡ i3 [''1':'i{at" tL.,J,= =.içt*r':, it,t- Ë,:utl'r år:=tr'eì Undsi- l-::..F,t-i.irr 1.,'J¡C,,jL,.r+r',1 l,¡ r-r -e.f tE!-l.{:1r'd= t'ÊtritmÈ tl-r e {lr'=t

li¡-rl-r tf-r rtrU.lE þ:.8?F, Èr' .='.Ì l::-1.Ë'9 Elc,r',i.1 , Ël *ll tlr irr dÈd ¡¿lf-ìe i.t /?t o

httr,tt = trr-. Êpe'tÞc.




fr F:,: e'.,'e Hc,n,e t e r.d =' =.

Fr'r¡nr å.n ¡ld F, l-r atffJr'å.Fh r.ll i.È un,J ,jåÈrl= [[t:'¡.=. r- F,"1'ln::'f, åH 'r:r'i'ËI FUEIEI ']'-r'J'=rDtlËi:r1 -FrJ;: -,a¿ Ur-J --rUlFl¡r ånbJLl'f ,-ri Fr årìt:¡lJ ËEËT 'JårfllJå1'lå:-ì "Jå+'='ar'l r.]+rr'¡Ë fril:;{l ulEr'l ur'l'f,i' år..1 + ,{q E![t:.J+3rrH F;ri-1FjåJ :4:'lfli --¡ì lljÈu'l:'å Ib' t I r'rJrlË I I

F,å.Jn.=.uå pu'Ë åultr'-ru ! '= lq ¡-r+ FåF,F,ç: t tå13 ËrJ l]'l-= F-,r-l ! lIa= på ËuÈ- Êå r,lr:- [ leii E,u lddt'.r1 /:E 'iEå4iri t !trq FUE "ít]E-[ [Et'n r.¡¡p't..¡p¡ r1¡r' J+ Ur--r pår"r t[ ËttåE In+å]Jnr--r'=å.J ålli =.å.Jrl+Ë'l-1 [åE'3'Êfr '='':a=, lt'r'EÈr..'| UF-J lirrlJd ¿ td,Jrr ; arll F, ã+U,grìåJd FuFj +n'-J =U'-1 !Ê r]rl ¡Jåql,.l 'Ërìtr',.1n'=. 'r+ ,'l[:irlnb 1'Jr:pt FF-r"l t[ål] ¡16'Ir'ãT ul F¡êrr E.3r '=!lñ1 å'=F-,f t år-ll dE: ''='Ét!rJl åJEnb= ¡I '-rl Få-rnFËJ t;¡'.Lt q+li'¿r å:irt:'+'= '=.Éi,i E,u!F,[,]r-i Êr..1 + ê.J'Énb=. år-.1 + û+ 'jÉËrlË [t' Fr .=.1:rl F,UÈj[ år]] .=-_-å[un ä.=Êå[ 1-_= iur:.JÈ +':'lJ pIl-rr--rfr1 +uåuluJårir]El r'{"i1un'=: ¡J;:å,i år..1 pua år-.1 Éi..{ i ÊE F, uÐlÊË I +r:' + l¡= FUE å=nË':råq Fr UF- å+EjrJl[:, i'= aF¡U'":r.{r ål]+ +'r lJþ 'r+ Få:'rrFÊJ e¿aÍt å.=.F:åt '=lq F,e:{:r'f+-= itåE r.lllr-lr''1 r-l+lft'r d;;'qs Úui Éq+

ur-1,3ÈjÈ,=. +.=.J!+ å1..| 1 F-rut.ln¡ 'u!E.J .,i¡tÞlå'.{ +':' ;'=n'Fllàq it¡Etu'Jår1'f IEJF ïrÉttnq Jlerl'+ JË'pun 'JÊ+tår-{Ê E+ FErl Jå''l+ .{FlB 5åÏÉl'Ëì påh ¡-rl å1'l-1'=Ë¡u li4 [l':'.J+ Ëu ! t [ åfiE'JI EE'å'Jåql åf'r I [ 'f ] lJ'JE ÈU':¡E FJUnr-r.{ r:¡f4+ pU';: A+lir1 '=lq tt[¿E lEå.i är-{+ Ul 'Jã+El 'lrr'ÈFt

taU':1; åuJtr'l .J-r-rrrl Þ-1 F, å[+li,-ni +'3 ËËn']1..1 Fr +t!nq FUÞllUlEU"l 'l'F:E '3åT'r+Ë êrl+ 'rl l5r:!r.l,jn+åJ åJ'l+åq FUFj åJèr.{+ FåTt¡:t'r.i'ar-.ll lLt F,u'È-.t l,,r -=åtluJ å.JErrhã il,5 'ln :{r:"-1 + U¡-r+[llllBH FUt¡: ttaE ,¿ËËI uI ''=JEåJ uååi+l+ +nrlqE Jtr+ på:'l'JÉ]irì åq åJår'll¡r E¡aua¡¡ rJrr!11!t'l +E F,.J'Ê-'laulfr ttãr't'r3 åtl+ lç; ¿r-:ius+L!rlJì3H Ëåull'lH ¡r.l¡+[!r.ueH irrie¡-U!-'Jår]+'lJq +'r .Jår-.1 I'fJq .JåËurr'll È-' .iJUåH r'l'l1r'l F-¡|!"lE Ë!rl parltr:i JålEt FuE =JF-ål tr'r'il + "l'-rÍ

¿ÊI /72 a

t. i

.I¡hn til i ck;h¡.m Dar..'¡

Fir.=t Hc'nre:te¿d c,+ the fj.r.¡.,.1 F.rnr ill,.1 t l.l*ç,¿¡.¡, Etå.i,, 1.1-¡.rtËå.t-tr,C' I I ;.n 1 t:_l.rû = d, l',1':,r.tìc,rl,1 LiE,r..rr..i, Éf :1,:r:th l ia. Uår.lirr ,r,b--J;";I Ul Ur:rËürllr:'tl! 3't-r lr'rr:llÚ ¡i'tUÉH 'rl FËJJåi'=U'ËjJl

.=., Jå'frl+-1L-l t+I Ur--i ¡,JlE[]=l ,' =.;-r.¡i ts=-.'F:A t [ [åÍrrr--,rl¡ Eþ'',]t'Ël I ãrli url F,uÈi[=I r-rrf .lEl-¡uÉ:.1 lll':¡J+ '=Jnr-1 [+lInE:r Fr¡l'È- Ë-'ål:''¡=rrfrfFj-ì år-.1 r'-t;¡11;; !'Ji='rlFr ut uH Í':, ,r E.UË'i Ë +nÉqÉ,, Få'J,l!r-.1 = ='rrrf Ër..1+ aFlË u'Jåi'=Éln årl+ iE pur:¡ 'FåËÉjå[ ¿b'=[E,:,Ll5 +Ë.{:ËjEl +¡r U'iËl ul pUr: iU,J FË++È'nt'=' [[åf"rr]g'-=Fr 1=rrFrnç :'l r!'låFË'Jl


åuurli'r tr¡l .JË-åU JÉirl,J +åI.JJ'FIH å41 U':r'=ËIl|ll ålr:inbË EI på=Eå[ tF'¡pr{rlH tu'--r'= iåtx!+ .F:. .1,-r+ .JÉr-ì +Êii 3lr.l r.lllfïi Er-ll:4'-l¡i¡r 'Jål+Fl üu;p=.-t;'¡¡ pÉÊÉ-'å[ JålEl ;!rl å[rr-jr'rr +u!':,d iE ='å[lrti ã'i'|:jnhË EI l:Ii!.|+ jl-rl1r;'È .J']l å|xJE'¡ uP +n|-J'lFj ul Jåil lU åH lb.=.1.Èå'..i Fl fr Ë'i,|jI Ëint'Ë 'Fr rjE r--i¡l .JEÉuE:;..l påu Jn+ åJ i +rJF_r.¿;lr JÉ- ÈU F ¡+ + åH t = I 'r+

,Ètarla[5 r..l'=l[ErJ3 år..1 Èr..1 E;,Et I u! [t+r¡rr 1'¡: =.IlF-ut + FU'Èl -+ ,li Ë.r-l+U'IUJ ijI Jr:r+ +lÈJ+UÐ---i É ijrrr:r uår'l I åH ''3r'l +uL-llJ Fjl in'lqE

r..l 'JÜÍr1 Èr''l åJËr'lFr .Jrt+ å.=n'f r.1 1r.¡Err¡ år..1 i +È JËdå,1 :'l +Jrrtrf !';: Få:'l 'FrF.J'rE ¡,J¿l ,l-Ì .¡Uåfrr Èq EË'ÉI uI 'U'rl+L:''rl+[rrtr .jÉ+ åtq'Èlln='

F- lJrf å+ åil'=' l år-l Ê'lår..ll'1 FUË 1. +Ë å.Jr=- i lEtil=. E F +''?rl b= F¡llì: F + "::'ÈE åq+ JË!u'Erjrå1UH ìÞ-- å''rI[ 'f + 1¡Ja¡r år-{ ËËËT UI ",uPq+ËEf'E'd" r.llnL-r:i r-rl å[lE'= UErLl'l'':ir''l'-r lll''=i!ttlf"l U'J i+l-rl=, I Ul Êi!tÉ.Ji'-3rrH Fr

trþ ' 'Jtt l F'f ':'El lq

.Jå"1r--' F¡rl åå Jr]i nrlqE 'Jå+ Âå [ [[¡' F, tÉr-l F,tJE [ l.¡l.'=j1 ett ="1''=¡":: I +'Fi lrldde'= tp åJår\'ì 5+ iËuE.,l::l år..1 + ,-r+ F,åri'lrJ rriEil 'Eu l+u [n'=åJ i ¡låårl= .JË+ '3.Ë'ì=-JE È tlì I t q+ !ri" 'F"Jt, ËåJ l+q'=nq .l'q dn parla'J': qnJ-JË '.4rlq+ :-'Èfri unJ 1Ë'rþ{ u,få,f i,-ru FEll '.{r!r-.ll/r =!rli +'f Ja++EnE'= E Ë'É'{EE år'l+ +'r lqEl"] Eþ'åJår..|+ +nq E +[lnq Fr-le

':iT 1F4

r..\rgr'þ; cu=.tom=' c' l'i i rer *=''t Hor.,.rs l l ì ef t th* i =l ¡.n,1 tC, å.s. e{ Fnr't Èd*lai'Je'SlJ

Fr'i,:r tu 1El.4Ll ther'É trJEr'P ntr' FÉr'mårr Èrr t '='ettler'=' +t l"liddìe Rir.,Ér, hut m-a.n;/ =.eaìer=. c'r'mFPd there. Hennf :-inÉl I irr r-J t,I, Ër,utl-r *'-r. l i.:t {r'¡m En¡ì.rrnd in lË4lf -e.Frrl m-e.rr'i*,J El iz+beth Hil I ier' r.,,rha -=a.i 1ed tr¡ É¡..| ia in the

H*rr r,,' Lr.l'1=. tr':'r'n i¡.rtr'r' ¡'t F'r'Ft Èd*leide' =.¡.trrÈ =.hip,. -1 then, in*r.=hip r¡.r ith hi-= t'rather È1{red, e.t Li-¡.¡rl*r'

T,:,r.,Jrr . Tl-r É trF.atl-r xr'=. r.,Jer'P deCl:+r'*,1 ir¡=.,-¡lrJÉF¡ t irl i:ll55.El -ìnellinr--l -Far'me,l a.t tirl,'llreel'i {'=r'11. fet''.r }'Ê-a.r'=i then tr'r'fr'l'lEd

i':,r. .1 tr,|-r rr tl:r'azier'+t Fl;.pid Eaf'Urr til 1É,j'1. He-r.r'irr¡-i ¡i r'irl-r

tl-r 1E'j1 l.end a.t 1"1 i'l,jl* Ri,..rer'he nr¡r.¡ed ther'e in e =ummÉF 'I'{

l-r C, ,J C l.:rt' L'lh irt-l t':":d Ttr'r' m3rr l' -1rr ,J tU i I t :a CrUËÈ f,J = E.-_l .t.,=-:,.r..=.,.-,¿ lnpr.E t,JÉr.e 14 f l-r il,lr.*rr, ti-¡ * l+=.t {C,Uf' trrlrl-'ft ;+t

1"1 i,ldl* FliL,,er' t,etr.'reerr 1'1 ,j'1 ¡.nd llJ¿,'.J. Tr.'.ln died irr in+a'nET r:rr¡ å '=l-r i¡' .1F¡ ,l thr'Èe ,Ji*d c,i ti'Fh,=i,J ':a.tJüht {T,:'[rr =¡.ilc'r'=' r¡rhich c-e.lled ,rt l,li,l,lle Flirr*r. in tll¿,i,5::l In 1El,j4 Herrr'.i'

rJ r.¡tåE gr'a.n I +¡.'=e C,4 1l E.quEr'e m i I e'; et -ìrr *'l I irr -r.ì =.-r ted :{. i'li,J,lì * R i L,'Er' .5+

Ërr *ll irr ¡-r FÉr':.i'=.ted ¡lg;.sritÊ mårr i' l-r .e'r'd='l-¡ iF:'' Ë'i' 1'¡75 ìi{* r.,.r-:r.E È.t¡ll h¡.r.d,, hut he h-e.d =GmÉ {er'tile l.:.n'J -:.nd r..,¡irl-r Flenti' rr{ ir'e'=.h r.4:-1 tÉr' i':'r-lrr d it pc'=:itr ìe tc' L:ir'':rr'JJ

a.,Jequ-r.tÉ tr'u i t -r.rlI r,,ÉrlE t,r.uil *=.. He h: sE t F,i Ë=: F'f u ì tr:' -a.r-t 'l

rlrtråt5r i¡.Fr rl :Up[r ]*nrerr ted the i+nr il':"''= dist t.,'r ith r'ir"Ér'

trF,Ê.1tTr r EÈ,:q. f i'=.h,1 i--.1 -r.ffrË. Th* ::-n*ll!rr q= l-r .:.,1 tc' ':tr'dÈT

fr l,rt i ilr ì err tl' qr.trtr,rr ie.= å.t-¡ rJ t.,tfi i.tÉr.,r Ét- e I =.e Lr.J.:..= ÈÈ¡erl F¡ 'l'i r f ._l

{nr'xtl'r ,:ru'---rht, E'=.the c¡:..=.t=l ehip=. 'lnì:r' tl.,.ritÊ -r. ::¡e3.r'. L''É=.EPì Tlr e b;..i, FFÉr,' ided Lr. E.;r.+É .1 rr trhür'.¡'r-_-tÈ {tr'r' å.rr i' =,ized

E:rícpFrt l.,Jhgn the r.,.r irr d r.rJ-1.=. t'l¡r¡linq ffam the nÊrth-r.r.reÈ.t' A

F':rr.t iBrr ':'{ tl-r r {l¡.t at l'1 iddl s Fji'.rer' h;rd t'ÈÈl-r rl eer'ed å.r¡ d r3FÉt.,.r r1trrtrrd CrEF'=.t t'ut ms=.t t'{ Ën*l ling =.r'mg t'-i.r'le¡' -+nd sat l-r i'=. ls¡=.e L,J,I.E. t¡c, l-r å.auilt' tinrt,¿r'e,J tr, -i u'=.ti{r' ,:lÉ3.r'in,--r.15 in .l':,hn E-rte'= åni l-r i= i¡.nrili' å.rÉ t¡ hr.L.'e ì i''r*d 3. ,:å,.., Ê .i.t ti" E.:Lt, ic,r. åt ì e¡.'=.t tr.,l¡ i'Pår': .=É El;,.te':. huilt uF, the fr.,lnt ¡f tFr e tr.3.LJe å.nd FUt -:,. chimnel' in it.

r¡la.ter' l-r t'= t'e ¡Éd tt,L¡ nr ils=.. B-e.tE'= In =.UrTrtTrÉr. -+d ':år'f .JE E,:rrTrEtime=. r¡.r;.. lked t': P;: irt r:tË.r:ctÉr åtr'l¡Ut mil+'=', :-r.Fl d

d;r}'r cår'T'}'irr pnrlnd b¡ar--] ¡r{ {l¡uF +rrd r'*tur'Fr sd ne:'{t 'l -1 =[l r¡ther."*=.5f ¡1þç tl-r È r:.irrs å l*r'r¡e eïEå.r,råti,:'n irr tt-¡ e r.r:'r:þ;r r:le;..r. li. L.,i=.ihl¿ in 1:;'Ü,5 I -=.U'lËã'=t= th-rt the

¡:il:ÊUpf.nt= m;r.i' l-r -:r.rr? r-! =Éd it t,--, r:,:rlle,lt å¡-rd =.t;rr'* g:r:: r:.r!'r-r.tian r'''t'3.=' r'-rinr,,L.3.ter'. It h,r=. te*rr =u,lr:¡E'=.ted th¡rt tl-r +

,r+ r.''.rl-r u=Èd .3.E. .:1 r..Lrhel ir¡J l,rrrr,þ..-c,ut5i3 r:rr fc,r',r'.lr--le -r, le ail.5'i' It Ê.8Ém=. rrrr,Ê.t liþ.*'|.¡. tlr ¿t E:.¡.te'=. ,:Ui tlre l-r ':rle rI,Ut f¡r. 1,,r.1 tÈr. c-r.tchment.l'[ E,¡.te'=, :.qrl*tte'J -1.t t)"'** El +."r t'ut Fr e r..,J.3.=, nÉ',rPT ,:tF-r.ntEd å. lÈ'='.-iÉ ,:,i tFre I'ind ther'e. È n-r.tir,¡ B rTtÈìi1,:' tr.¡=. ¡ì;..rr t, ,..r Èr't'F,-+l¡ttt, l* tt, '=.1-r É*p, i'=.:-=,.id tr, hå',rÈ qr'r:'r.rrrr Êr{: tFrr :.i,JEl t' irr th i= '".r'Pr. ,fi th* i:. l.r.nd, t'r-lt

'--rr.rÈr'-Llr'.L=irilJ t,.i' '=.1-rBÈF h.r.'=. rr.-J.LjÉ th* r'l.3.rr t frr:rt.rj Flr'P. Tr.''J':' thr.*=.hinq il¡r'r.= np.i.r' t¡''es B¡.i' irr dic¿te ti-r -r.t =,ettler'=.

r:E r:tTEr.,.r l:rl-t tl-r r:rEÈTr ,:Ë,.LËÏ.il tl-r gr'*,':l 'lTt ËÉr'E¡.3.ì':. e =tr'ii, /?5- a

.t tYr.. t



-l-<¡::i -t

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E:;r¡.',ra.ti¡n in the r'flcþ: at tl-r e t¡F, r-,1 the cl i+4 rtez.r Pc'int Tirrl irre Dr' 'Ic.a.n |..'Je ì c l-r

Thr'e=.hirrq Fl¡r,r,F Ìle¡r [i E=,treE Ea.f' 1 '7,j,

Th¿ I I eí .e.t the Írrcru th ûf [..1e=.terrr R i"rer t¡ "r¡. =ãerrr= tl-l E E.P'=. I irr hå1., E t,¿Srl inhEt,i t*d åìnrLì'=.t r':rl t inutrrUE. l,r' =,irr rE '-f

Fr trrnrs +t ,1.¡.>.=.. Tl-r e Littlef'{-+nr iì}'.3.r'e =-rid t¡ h¡.r:x h.rd å

HaF,F,i' rJ.rlle:r' rr È,3.r' [.rle=.ter'n Fiiuer','å? t'e{¡r'e rrr rr\rirr r-] tc'

Èmerir+n Fjiuer.trlhÉr.E the;+ :r. fe¡,r å.cr'ÉÊr hr..lilt å'

.:. l-rt, l-r rJt å.rr rJ fxnc*,1 ,1 pã.rjrjtr,,:k,'åt Irr 1El¡U,-I . Little'¡'li"Led a.t ',f,'rlp [iuck;=" Rn l-ian¡¡+roa I=. l.=nd'54 hut tl-r i:. ln,:.3,tic,rr i=. not þ;n¡t,ln. lr.,Je=.ter'n Eir''er' t(å:. lea.=+d in 1Ë'i1? Ei' LJ'H'

ì Ham i I t¡,¡¡ .d5 .rn,l rrt,Ì.n-:'.r_-Jpd {c,r. Fr im b:t' '-I , EdL'tl+r'd'=.. Þll-l ,:r I '.red ther.e r¡i th a {-emi ì;r ¡f e i,¡ht rh i I dren. ÊÉ Irr lE71 .t. Gapt-e.irr l'.la.rtini j ir,,sd -e.t L,le=.tEr'n F.i"rer. H* huilt å. ketrl-r {r't,nr ll,:-r. l tin¡t'Er'trut r.'¡hsrr Un-rhle ta' l;'.urr lh i t Ci=m+ntl e,l i t ¿.n'l b,u il t :r. :.mel I er ''¡É'==Ël , r¡h !rh L'I-:'.=' j l.r.r:rr rl-r e,J .3.rr ¡J .=.,:l ,l +t F'c'r't Êde I .3. i de . L:rter' , l''l;.r't i r-r trÊ'l 3lrrÉ

r.''J.3.= å.rr d ,lied t'lhiìe hi= r¡li{É -a. l':'ne r."tith l-rim. ill =.rJ,lderr ì1.

¡.i.=. l'1ar'tini rr.rÊ¡r-JhÉd 1,J ',rt + :.|-re 'lu,:-.1 :r rlrå''rg t'+=i'le thE t,sd.3.t-r rl r,:ll*,1 th* t,¡,1.¡ ir, "'5i ,;¡r'-rdrl;ril:''=.Fr'P3.d r'':rurr d t.,Ji¡. :.url-¡ pir,rr Épr.=. =.*ttlenr*rr t rt| a= EÊÉffrÈd i,:,r r'urr rrirlJ =.rlrh Få.r.t=. the tr'f-4.Êt =,uit=.ble F'a=t':'f'-='. 1i='t'=' l':'rr rl Pr:-'llÉ':t*d =.h**F, Êf' tc,f' rultitrA.ti,:,rr . ':l j-e.rr d ¡. lc,n,l P{ang.lrr,C, I:-ì;..nd'= Er-rUtl-r tr,r-1=t, r"ll-r ile fC'r'm;r.rr }' i,Ë-r.r.=. tl-r * int*,r. tr{ fi.*¡¡ r¡.3.¡',;,r:' i'=. l.r.nd tr lr:rtrFiErl =ettl':r':' Clea.rir|,J tl-r + ,len=.r E.trl-utr :-'.r'r d Fr'eFã.1-irr ';l tile lir|I {¡r' L'lith r:r'ËFpirr g t'r'':rtrPE,lÊ'J =l¡r¡lt'. *t {lr'=t =*ttler'=' ':lÉ3'r'e'i

r..l rTri..rrFr r.r'.rl-¡ 3r, I i t LL.r'Lã åt{E=. p icl.;-- End hcg.=., l.tter =inË ir¡ +r¡' .-r.L,r.:'.il-i.t'le årid tl-r ÉÌ',:r,Uld.={ir'r'd it' Tl-r el'=l-rr:'r'e tl-r ei¡- r-rr./rrl /?6a


F; i c h.¡.r'd tl:h ;.pnrarr


F:uin= ¡t H+r'r.iet Hnme=te.=,d I7.'

.-r.=. ÍJ¡ËLÀJ Eec-rme their =.heeF ånd! Etrn=. uF,¡ =.he.=.rinr--.t tr.+dit inr¡ -=rì c'c':up+t iorr . Th* t¡t.=. I -1reÉ. c¡.¡l t iL.',rted incr'ea=e,l =.tea.dili' ã.nd, l.'JhilÊ r,'JhE-r.t v.ra-= the d'-rmin'e'nt prc'hLtr ths :Jrå.¡n '-:tr'r3r/,rn in the e¡.r'l1' l'É¡.r=.r 1;r' {r'¡nr t t I e!-'ç. '=.Ét-Jn cu=tc'måTy F t ice in ather F, lå.r:ÉE , thÉ =.P

{r,urr d th+t tl-r e i=. l:+n,l'E '=.'rilË. .arr d clim¡.te r,'JPr'F tr*tter' it*d tn h.:.r'ì eT' t.J¡.r i+t icrr= in riel d:' a.nd I iL.r*Et¡rþ; =.u numEr Èr':. r'e{l*¡t cl im¡.tic r3r' g*neral Éc':'l-r ':'mi':

j.:, r: Ên El I t I |-Jn . '-"-' =.

úur'in'-f the 1E.¿,1-J-=. Éc'utl-r'.rl ia.n -".gr'iÊultur'e i¡.cPd lllnrs dst¡elrped a =h¡r' s{ gaod ì¡.nd. the e,L=ilT

l-r l-r er'=. Er3.3r'ch iir *'Jel ¡.ide pl.rirr =. ad t,ÉPt-r taþlsrr u¡r r ËlrJ ='ettl ¡r ir'r lE.nd {sr.Jnd tl-r eir'L'J-a.T hl¡rþ:ed t'!'=qu.:.tter'=' sl-r *eF r'unE'

.-r.rl d nrallee E':f'Ut,. The irrtr'':'du,ltirl'rr t,{ rr Êr,'J l.lnd l'3.¡.'LEI r.rrhich helF, e,l the ll f.=.r'met'=.Ettle r:n th* l¡.n'l , br'¡þie =.m-r. t!-r e b+f ri*r'=. t,:' É,rr .û'/ Tl-r i=. tLJi:,rJld É!JFl-r trlell.:.

,:Bntr'ihute to in¡rea.:.e,1 irr t*r'E=t irr =ettlenrerr t r:'n l.iEl-l ¡lar.':,¡ I=. l-=,.rr d.

t.då.È, The i=, l-e.rr d''.=. F, å.=.t,:'r'aì irr'} r.4Bll *=.t.i.t, i i=l-r e'l b,i, ll-lÈË. :-ìl-r ÈËF Þ,rEr'Ê r-rJ prim* imF¡r't,3.n':*, A=. r..rjErrtl C¡ul,f te

Ê:r.E.ilt'=.1'r ip' ped t¡ tl-¡ e nra.irr l-r.nd ir¡ tl-¡ * þ;PtÈhe= srrd ='rrråìl

rr.rhirl-r .=eF.'.,,É¡l i'=. l.rnd. úurirr q 1',:;rll Th,I,ÍTr.=È' =.,:h'-r.rnEr'=. the 5r.,ri,1,-1=. ,:r:,rr .3. rTrr:,r'Ê ,:rr' l*=.= :-'*'1u1ir i¡, pirr dUcted =.i-r 1:r =.Êl-''Jir:P t': th* i=.ì -rnd r.''Jith h i= Ërll-r ¡l¡-rl-r Ël-' "Èlt'er't" . Incr'É'L='irlJ quårr titie=. ,:'i r.4,:r,:, I r.eåchpd tt-re Éi'l+la.i,JE rtår'þ1 Êt ir'c'nr tl-r s i=. 1-i.nd. t,' i=. lerr d*r'= r'elisd tr'rr r.'¡:rllEt,r':l¡.irr =.ti1l =. /?7 a

llårr ¡l:..T'':,,-, I=ìarr d, Fi¡rr eEr'E.'' H¡nr e{rr .,1 .,t l.'lc' c',:k. Li t'r,e.r.i' ¡{ 5¡uth HuEtr'.-1. 1 iå

-.i..., ',i :


penfr É=l-t .:,.r.rr Cenre t e r''' Dr' ,T . Fl N;r¡rp É f-. I -_+',1 tr-r Ê.Upç, lement tl-r eir ìntrúmeE. -+nd =r¡trte qFÊrr.I r-rrr ¡'fnã and sthe r vlr-Jp trhl ÉE, {r-rF, the A,Je I .3. i ,JB m.1r'[,iÈ t .¡l:l "tl: I e-+r'I ¡' tl'r e

i=ì+n,l [,]-¡.= må.1',inr-J lr-rr..J .and =. =tea.d;* Frcgre=.Ë.,"71

Ee{¡r'e iEttie=. t'JÊl-È buiìt Et l*l¡-='.rac I='l='nd

I +n,J i ng p I .rce=., I ir,'e -=.t,:,Ê1.ì -c.rr d qc'r:'d=. r.4Ér'P l-r '3.ndì s'J in

ingeni¡-ru=. thau'_fh €. 1trLrr and ¡+ten dif{irult -r.nd d+rr '-lErou=' l4-a.:ï'=.. ll:Or..rt:. ,r.nd h¡-rF=.ÉE r,,.JÊf'É rfr'3.dÉ tA EtÄJim ':Ut tt' tì-rÉ

.L ,:-1.r'r--.1tr hc,.+t F i'll r..qJErE ipped in !r'=rlE' =te-rmer b,eFr irr d ' =. ='h r.r.r ilf¡ their. rr trrÊ.Ê.=. ju=.t c,ut r'{ tl-r e ÈÊrrrr Êr't !.1-r PeF h.¡.d tl-r *ir' le¡-r.=. tiEd -r.n,l þ,rer,e FUt in th+ Er¡tt,-rm rJ{ th* b¡a.t. F-r.rìe}' rJ.rå=. l,-raded irr tr, -r. t¡.:rt fr'nm å dr';r¡''=t.arr dinr--r in f-he t'¡-rt*r' E+r'li' ã.rr rl h¡.uìed uF the =.hip'--.'3i'le onp L,.=.q +t -1 time.72 :.ettler.= rememb,er.ed .3.n ,=ld landing place at f-hr'i='tm-+s'

tl,:,'.re nÉ,:i.f' Fefr ne=htL.,l L.ilhEf P Få=.=.ÉFr rlÈF-= d ':åf'Ë'-J tl)Èf'É F¡lrltlErJ i3 t ¡ ,:,.r-r ,l { r'anr t l-r e '=,h ¡r * .

[le:F,iter Rr FrFf'l-¡åFr Ë t*r-r.u=.+ ':,{, their' Fr r'irr iti"'e methtr,rJEr r¡hÊrr in 1Ê¿,5 -=.¡lrTre i:. 1.+rr der=. -r.t H¡,] Ë4.:¡ re.rd l,'J.Ê.

rt ç;1¡.r tfr ':rf.nÈ"'È de.=.Cr'ipti|:'rr C,{ l"'..=.n,-ler'Or-' I'=.¡ def':. å=, ¡¡t.¡r:¡Ft

,Je=.pÉr'åd,:rÉE.r' I i,.r in'-:¡ in l¡il d '=-.cEttÈr'! in 'r. l 'fc-e'1 i tl' Lr.rir ich

,,=.urJqÉ=.te,l the 1:iir. ,t,{ tl-r e r,,¡iì,J Ee+=.t",74 in lEl¡,5 tl-r et'

thnur_-rl'r t it "-i. quper i'¡.ir, , hut n¡t r,rÈFi'':EmElin¡ent¡.r'l't,:' tl-¡ em". T|r pl, EUqqÉ=.t¿d tl-r ¡.t r/Jhprr rl: ;Lr.,lthr,r'nE T'ÉLli'=.ited tt-r e .l,e.n,l i=. "hÉ m.1i' {ind h,:=gitalitr' +t -t Er'eÍr¡ium'"75 t-rEe ll:¡.r,lth,=r.rr p r¡t-:..=. the =Én ¡f the iir'=.t he.3rd Þ'eepen -rt l..,Jillr'u'1hhl'ìilfhtl-r {'UË.8. *=.:1 t'rl}'l¡ r t¡.rrl¡rJld h-=,',.'g h-="1 å¡:r:É'='.=

¡:.l,i tl-r c,ì d È.Èål Ér"=. i I I I i'.¡ in,-:t -1.t Hr-rf:l El-='.}'. t,:, =.¡:rme É =t l

Fì or:n Pennesh¡t.rt Di -=tn i c t Thre:.1-r i n,-¡ \s \ ¡ rt7

tl-r eir ,=r'iginal Irr =.tEa.,l r¡f r,',rriting å.rr¡unt t'a.=.ed On ta. I *=., l-r É br'ar:r_-lh t !ç,r¡e ther .1 rr umbpF ,tr{ EL.r Èrr t'=. t.rl-r i cl-r

t'lended tl-r em ':":':urred in =.8r,'er.ål di+fÉFEnt pl3.cE=. a.n'l " irr t,:, trrrr É r.eaì l:' b1t,c'd-cur''ll irr '-l Et,:'r'l' I.rid nn -1 :,irr 91* i=. l+nd and ,1 t the d¡tr,r tr+ .3. Få.rticula.r t--Jl-Ë'ut' c'r' irr ,l i ,.r i,lUal . "7'i r¡=U'tl,,r tl-¡rrrl-'l-r Ê''E. =.t,:rl' ,ji,l Fr 'lt 'ji'='trlr't' "th* quiÉtne=.=. ,-r{ Hr,---.r EB.;,'" for l,'Ér'þ' l¡n,:¡77 -='rlI {a.r'nrgr':' i:ontinu,=d plr-,u,¡l'r ing in "ço,:d hÈårt". '3.=. FP,lr?l-lt Fr'i':E= h+d t'f Þ'rhÉ.3't t'einL--l crrfirFen'*,J {nr' =,h'-Jrt crap=., :.Pt/Er-1. I l¡t:. '=ee'lr r,,¡ith re=¡l,l ¡.t :.Eld .r.t 1f1."- F,Er t'r.l=.hel lnr =ErtTtE

1 5.i bu ì .7Ê - F,P r' =.lrx r¡IEr'E q Fl..=.rr !¡.r,:,¡ I=.ì.-=tr¡ der:. did rr trrt Er*l i*r.rE tl-r Él' I i'.rirr

tl-r Lr.JÈr'É r'em¡te fr¡m lik.e =.åL,råqÈ=. t'ut È¡' ':i''.riiilin,---l irr f iu?rr ËÉ=., E,e+¡r.s lE,i,Ü i'=. le.rr d*r'= TÊ':ÈiL.r*d ':'l-r ll'Efr'3.!.¡¡r;rli¡ q ÊFir'itu.rl ! {r'¡rr I.i:r Fr'Éå.':her'= -r.i-r d r.'i='itirr ,:IÉr.r:l!.rrÉrr R{'U=. i¡.itl-r'=., LlntiI Cìer''ji'rTr*rr t'*,--l-rrr 'l-rnd. r'Eqr1 l;1¡' ', t¡ the i=. r'eìir¡i¡r:'=. '-rb=*r'rJ;<.nr:s 1t'r:3.=' le{t tc, the E.ettler"=.' ,li=,¡:r'sti,:'rr . ,-I¡l-r rr Eiui':l'i''=' t¡'ri+Ê

':':,nduct*,1 d.rì I f' f -e.mii i' FÍ-'-r.::"er"=. in her' xmer'ir¡.rr ÉiueF l-r DtrrÉ if.,:'frr l'r ?t-' Èåf. I ip=.t d-=,,1'.=. tl-r Er'È. .i.Fl d ,:rft ElUrr dA¡' PUËrr irrr-iç. r'È.¡.d

Ef'---r-Jlfl EtFl if¡ ,-: åF, f'r:rFrf i,i.tS t¡ tl¡ e C;.1'".71? "-r. =Êl.fTtr:rn Fr Tl-r e i=lEr¡ d r:-:'frrÈ un'ler' the ntrfmin+l trrlrl tr'r:rl 'l'i ths''lhr .1rr th¿ T-=,.n1';.i. liì1.=,. Fr .-r.r'i=,1-r ,t,i tt-r e Èn,;¡ ìic;,rr ':l-r d

,:,r:,:¡.'=.i,:nr. I Tl-r e Cìer.g:r,m-=..n =.t+titr,rr e,l tlr er'* p.lri,J '..',i:lt-i

ll:i-rr.lrr:h l--'*Came .3.rr.l-r.f P ,l{ th;= i=ì-r.rr d*t-=' Tr ePd ån¡l 1 iran =tr¡tr'Tr /?1 e

( 0 0 ç? ú -J

( 0 9 ã o-

G (0/

L È' Èl

LL ür .: I ul ùr L I t- .:lt u for mür.e attentinn an,l . in l'14.f' lE,5 1 r -1FFt:r inted EËL''Ér'*nd

,Iahrr Ful4ar.,J mi=.=.i,:,narl, tr, ti-r e l=. larr d. He Fl¡.rr rr Ed ta

ã.rrån'--JE '.r the i=.ì arr der.=. prr-'mptl;r þ.rå=. un¡.tle t¡-'

tr' ti-r e i=. I ¡.rr d r.r.r.-r'É. ':Ert Uer¡ iert t tr-an.=.ç,¡¡.f .Frl trf mi=.8.i,--,n del¡.;¡ed until 1it.+;l LrJhÈn F.:e'.r. ll:-=,.rr cn ¡lh-r.rle:. I'la.rnÏå.tr

FjÈ,:tLrr.¡i F¡r.t *,Je1+ide, L,'i=.ited tl-r e Iir:¡l-r tl-r 'IrUEÊ ['.p*E'=r'-=' El! r,,l i th memt'Er'-É rri tl-r e l'la.r ine E¡¿.r¡ ' El l=.1-r r:'F E:l-r ¡¡r't r [iåT¡':'rr þ1.r.r'r:,:..t -ì.nd c,ther' EÈni,-rr Ènql ic+nç m¡.d* måni' Eu='l-r

'=.=. p'Lr t-: Èr:rl ¡rl i i i-Jrr .=.r)' t,:,ur'=' tn ar.¡ t ì 'r'i rlJ af the ':'n:i' El:l i nc I u,J i n,-1 l'i.¡.n'--J-r.r',f,'f I -=l -=,.n,J .

l.,.ll-r err Ephr+inr É;rte= =.ettIed irr the þlrrrlJ E¡.t' 'ji:tr'irt r-Jn he r..,.r.3.= ':,:'nr:*nned tl-r et thef'e r,'.r-1E n'-r trlPr'-fl'må.rr the i=. larr,l . He r¡.1r.,-rtp trrl tl-l i=. trr:rnEPr'n ta 'lrt rr ld år:'lueir: ta.rr ':È i n En¡-il -r.n,J, Eer.¡ne== Ërrr r,.le I .=. Ëur'de t t-rl:r,u t t=.. I n 1:l:?¡ =.he P'=.=. Èlt¡ Ë'r l-r ¡.,1 irr I-r*r'ited .f. {,:,r'tUTr * ir',:,n¡ the []U':l-r l,f 5t =il ::ìir'Tht'nl'r.=' th* Êpr:r:rrr d rr,r iie 'f+ her' qr'.Lndf¡.theT, the t;rnÞ: er' tl:c,r.:tt=.. Th¿ t¡å.1-'rlrl-¡ ÉE.Ë. d*rid*'l t¡ U=E l-r Pr'IT¡¡lrl-r É!' t¡ Er¡ dr:'t'l the Ên'll ica.n Lìhr.rr'ch irr the Enrrl i=.h c¡l¡nirE -rt t1;-pe T'--'L''rrr

ll:crìr.:mbr ilEl=71 -r.r-r rj È,1 ¿1,¡.i,Jr ilË+7i +rr ,J irr Er'iti'=.1-r i=. 'jl+ Éit*r. hE.:''f fr¡m B+te=., s.h* r=ndgt'.rsd the Èn,--.ll ir-r.rr

E':'rTrrTrUnit¡' et Htr'tr--l Fay I,'¡ith -:r.n Err nuitl' t,f r'41:l tc' h=ìp pr,,--,,,,,i,J* â. l-l-r Ur,tl-r ,EI I'.lr¡ ifr +tr,frft-=,.tiC,rr l-r .r= betf¡ f,l'UFr d ¡.tr.-Jrjt h.rr¡ thi= t'l¿=. U!.prl .

Ei' e¡.r'l.¡' 1É7U tl-r e Èrilfl ic¡.rr t::l-r u¡-'':h had -:r.r'r'.3nr-:lÉd tl-r at

É8,,.'Ér'en'l l-:her'le= l'4c'r'=e fr'¡m Ì'.rnk.3. 1 ¡lla. '.ri=ir f:iL¡q-r'¡r;'r1

I=,ìerr d F, er'it,dirallþ', .i.Fr d FT'È.-r.,:l-r .:.t H¡Ë El-r,i'r ånrsric=.rr zl'l 1

Fl i uer . l.;';,3rr e t Fj i L,,er'r -ind l,i inq=.rnts .lllÉ The l-:hur'rl-r .¡,':k;n¡r,,.rledr¡ed th:..t I'i,+nr-la.ra': I:. l¿.nd t{å.=. -1. "ì,lnË-nÊr¡ìected

E,,=,.r.t cr{ thr cr-, lt,n;,' Ir.'.rF¡ ich h+d] thu=. t'Êerr br'cruql-r t rr.¡ itl'l in Ê7 the Êtrtr.!.=. icn-rl r' r¡{ r'e ì i ,--¡ i¡-ruË' or',1 i rr .rn':e=. ' " Fr'':'nr tl-r¡.t t ime ångl ican mi==ianar'ie= u i=.ited the i=land m¡:tr'e trrr. ì eE=. rÉqul -=,.r11,. 1"1 i=.=.i':n¡.r'ie= L,lPr'É F,eid Ëtl-l ll '3. þ'ÈåF r and thn=.e L.' i i t i ng I'ia.rr r¡.lrc'r-, I El r'Êce i r¡ed .".rr .3.nnug. l =. -¡.nd

r,'litl-r r-'ut l-r trrF€'P i'=r'a.r3e -tl l,-rr.,L.=.rr ce Fr rrrt P;a: r:Eedirlf Ë::lll '1':. å th*:¡ rr-,uld nnt FR.=..-=ihlr' ËEr'u,= the FEc,ç, ls.tli--i rrnqì icarl igl¡.nder'= t,ec-=,.me m,--,r'É cla=.pll' tiecl t¡ tl-r e s.ta.tÊ nËtr¡.rar'þ:' ni tl-r eir. ¡.nd t'.lElrr-rfred tl-r i=. å.tr,:ÉFr tå.rr ¡:P. It undnuhtedì f' he I p' g'l t¡ t'r'eaþ; dtr't,'rn the i r i '='¡l '¡.t i c'rr .

1"1 i=.=.iÊrrr .r.r'¡ÉÉ. t¡ f::.3.¡¡ r-¡¡¡':cr I=l¡.nd l-l tsd t'r¡ t'* rE-=c'urceful, 1"1,:'r.=.e Ie{t r'a.r'l,lalilla.,:,n Zi Ar..l.---tu-=t 1L171'l , trrJt r.,.rhÈrr he .=r'r i ',r*d at l-:.+F,* ,-Ig¡'L,r | 5. ål *:.: årr dÉr' tl.l-¡ r'i:.t i e , thr frrt;+.fç¡.¡.¡¡ , trld hinr th.=.t hi=. h¡'-r.t h.:.'l t,*+n 1¡¡¡r.r.rFr '-rrr tn* r'trr,:1,;:. irl Fs¡:Érl t ,f.+le'= å.f-r,l ''ç, 1¡rr.,ts il-r ''. "HÊ,l'Jgr'lPf-'¡ h*

r¡lith pi+c*:. tirr rJ.JÈ mi,-:ht patch h*r thc,r.l'-lht tl-r .r.t =':,n-rÉ c'i uF, '=.R tha.t E.hÉ þJr:ruld t;..['ìe u=. 3.Êr',:'=.'=. E¡.r['l='tair'=' F'].Ëi-1'JÊ.

Th i :. åctr'-rf'd i n,-f ì i' ,lr-¡n,-- . " t-iÌ;' TFr er' Ët-'rlr=ËPd tl-r e dLni--.1 er'':'u=

Fr.r.Ë.E.3.r-rÉ i n the F attrhed-up bu-r.t. lJrr a.rr ir,'inq åt F¡ i n t l'.lC,r.r,i.=.t,rr lulrtrr'ËÈ lÉåFrr Prl tl-r;rt F¡ g:r-r '¡' r'einE F'È=.Ul tirr '1 irr t'r-,r_-tf-J,r'¡Ir;r¡l ditiAn'=. U,rr--rrjld Er r'er,-r13ft t l-r im if'¡m tTer.rellin¡ 3.Fr-rUl-l 'l

,l'rr tl-r * i=. la.rr d -c.=. l-r s iir tended. He l'r .j.d tc' F,,:,'=.tF, * lr i=.

.=. F,r.'-rF ÈrËE d L.¡ i i t t r, l::-r.p E El¡r'C-r. . tt:rl

l'1r-,r=e t,¡r'rr-rrrlÉd Lr. hn-r.t End etrErl tu¡. llf' r'e'3.rhed

f,l ing.=.CAte t,.rl-r ÊF.É hÉ f.FtrÉir,,ed e. r..'Éf i' r..{Rf'ffr r/.re1,:r:'fTrÉ. H* l'r*ld a. Ë.Éri.'itrÈ there, then rr'rÉnt åcr,lEE tu the Ê':'l' nf :ih¡¡. l:-

l-r d'.''i='itÉd r¡.rith lll.rr'l,i. å =.*ttler'. Ea.pti=.ed i=, irr f.rrr t. -1rr the Ëhapm;.n= a.t ÞJ¡rth r1,rp+. Ün r'etur'nin'¡ t¡ P..in5-r=.rnte þ'lc,r,=.e t,c,rr'crr.rJpd i( {r'eE.l-¡ h¡r'=.e hut ha.d 'f,rP,lt di+f i':ultf in

,.,, I ¡.=t-r I-1 rr t i I { i nd inr_-¡ the tr-a.cti tr-' Amer.i can F: i er' . He =E +'l 'ln

.f.Fr l-r * r.* *d Eiui':þ;'=. l-r trrTtÈ. l'levt nr¡r'rr inr--J hÊ t'ÊrFl-'E|L,JF'j l¡ tl-r sr'

hcr.=.e +nd r¡de int'-r H¡q Ê-r.:r'r¿rh*re l-r e bapti=.ed -r.ß irr f-r.rr t'

l,'Jl-l en tl-r e t":at tr.r.f.=, r'eadþ'l'l,:r":.e l-r eld .r.Frrl'tl-t Pf' =.Êr''.ri':P -rt Hc'rJ Êet' a.n,l thrn r'etr.¡rned ta ti-r e nr-1 inlarr d' He rc'dÉ t¡ ''fEnþ:.a.l l-rurlj+:r,lut:".lll i l l ¿ i n t ime {,:,r' l-¡ i =. r.eqril -=,.r' É'id*r'* Fur inq th i=. bu=-i' r.r i-=i t ['1 ¡r'=e rEÈP ir,'ed ctrrFr

a.=.=.i=t.rnre fr'¡nr ti-¡ E i=. l.¡.rr der'=.. r.rlf¡'tlr (''JÊr'Ê ¡rfrr'ti¡¡='lï Fl*:'=¿d

lll-r '=.end i rr ,.1 h im r.,l i th thr. i n ter e=.t r,'¡h i ch the rlr',:h =hc,L,,led irr

t,:, tFr e i=. 1¡rr d, Fr'r'het'li' tl-r Èi' tl-r ,:,u,-ll-r t t'{ thE t,err siit'='

r.,,rhi,:h nr iqht rs=.ult. r'a.ther' th.=.n tl-r e ef+*ct Pnr:r'r:''Lr:hmEI'r t

{r.,:,m ti¡ s rràinì¡.nd trJCrUld l-¡ ,1Lr E ErFr tl-r gir' irr dep*rr dent L{.-r.!' c'{

I i{e .1+1

Eut irr 1EÊ.l:l , bÉ=.ide'=. l-r å'.1 in,---.1 rr ,:t min i=ter c'f r'el igic'n,

:..Fr d Fr rl I'i-r.n,-:¡4.r.¡n I=l¡.n,1 h¡.,1 n!:r =.chn,=lm.¡.=.ter' 'loct¡r'.iJË i=. la.nd'=' {ir=t ¡riter. Er.¡ml*1.'=. [ir-,m¡,¡.¡1, =.Ch¡t, I , the¡c'I

t..,,r.r=. Lr. c,,.¡,t¡r È,rt E ;..t Ferr nP=.1-r .r.t'1 . Irr 1Ë5U tl-r E e{ir,r't=' r-J+

I {-=,.nr iliE= .:r tÈå,IhÈr'', t'ut th*r'P r.'.iå=. n-r =.ÈrrËr.-1 Fr''':,r,,rid*d '=.uit¡.t, ls t,r-iiìdin'--i.17? Ir¡ ll:1511 tt-r e l-:sntr'al Elr¡.rr'd ':'i

I f,.tå.--= trFer'.=.tin,3 frn f,lr¡r1 -r.tic,rl r.r-pc'rted th¡.t -i F,r'i'.rite =.,:hr:,,:r tu:1

P;:,'fÈ I=l ¿nd ¡lith texn il r/.r.3.:. -ì.t',:,ut =-.i:=': Fup =., -=,.nd H.rl-r r:,tts,l t,:, åF,F, li. {,:,r. .3. liCerr te},,.F4 I:.ì.fn,lef'= heg;

Ètrrrr Epr'rr =. r/,r.-:'.=. f r,r. tl-r e ir' ':l-r i I dr.pnr= Édur:;.t i¡n. In megt irr q thl=. Ë.Êttler'= br',:ught ir':m the mainl:..nd te.¡.rher.E tr,rh': prr'h*.hl¡' F,rsul d ir¡ tr.r',jr-:ce t,--' th* ir. ch il dr'*rr r.¡g. I ue=. ;rß'J i tude=. 'tu i te I iþ.e the ir. middle El å==. t'¡.rþiqr't,und= Eut fr r:t nË':p=..=,.r.r.i1."'.=.r.lited t'= l-, q;rr.,:'¡ I=. l¡.fr d, lln 5 .I¡.nu.¡.n:r lFlÉ,5 H':q Ea.t. =.ettl*r.=. held .f, F,r-.¡hl ic meetin'f at the pr=.t ¡{{icp tr, c¡n=.ider. tl-r e ne*d {r'r. .3. put, 1 it'¡ì . Thir'teen l-r e-r.d= ¡i f¡.miliE= r.ÊFrp=.entin,_¡

¡þ¡ut ::ll-t rhiIdr'*n urlj*r. 1¡ ¡.tterrded. t'JiIIi+m [,J.=.,lþ.*r. tr,¡1,; the rh¡.ir'. The meçtirr q decided tn ,r.=k; tl-r e tl:r-'mmi==i'rner c'f llf',:,t¡..rTr L-r.rr ,J=. .R r:rfl tr.Ll-r .=.':h.:',:, 'ì {,:,f. :. i te i r:l-l -t I Ct,U ì 'j t,É t'r¡ i t I 1i'5 -r.nd =.r.lh=rr.i t,e'J f-¿,5 t¡-rr.,.rai.,l=. th* t,u i l d i rr ,:l . i...1 ,li . Ëtee l c¡nducted å. Ëtrhcr¡:¡l ,r.t Hn,l B-=,.t. in lEli¡,ii':' Tir e =*ttleí-.:.

,r.=.þlÈd the l--err tr.-el Ec'Er.d r-,f Edur-itirt't-r i¡r å..f.!.i=:.t.=Tr ç*¡ å.Fr d

irr lF¡:;' tl-r s El,:,.*r'd arþ;rr tr'r,.r lE,Jqed tFr a.t l-i.¡.r'q¡r.r,': I=l¡rr d l¡ a,J t,ÈPl-r ¡sr¡1Êcted -c.nd ÉuFF':r'ted requs=t=. {':'r. t*acher.=. -r.t Hr'::l

Ei,rl': l--;r'¡¡rr *t F;iL,'rr .*rr d F.irr r¡=r--,te,l?f

Tl-¡ * H.Jr_-r Eaf..=.ettlsr.=. EUilt th*ir.Ê.¡:hc'Er I t,¡. ,:trrrrrtTrunitf. e{{trr't. Ë,fms rf thrnr hurnt lime åFr d ca.r.te'l,ne -rnd E.å.rr d, r.,.rl-r i 1a trrtl-r Pt-'Ë t,r: i ì t .3 ,:1.3.=.Ê,,:,frr mE;.=.Ur.irr ,--l !5 i+e t

ì-Jnq .3.nd 14 {eet r..,lide r.rLhirh inf'l!-.p'_rr+ted :r. '=rrr.r. lì rx:.iden':E iÈ'r' tt-r * t?.3.c1-r +r, Tl-r s rl.r=..=T.Er--rrrt h¡.'J .f. l':,Tr e de.=.þl ?Lt ¡+

j in the ':en tr'e r.rl i th =.e-rt i nr-l f r-'r. *r.hnu t 1? ch i dr.err ,:,n e i t l-r e r' i .l?El =, 'Je Irr 1Ê,111 p*ap1e lir.rin¡¡ .r.t ti.¡,gnet Fti',rer.r irr cluding

inL.rcl r,,ed -=.-r.þ.r =..-rrTrp r'f th¡=e in nunn inl-J the mil I ¡ pl ied tr-' the tl:entr.;+l Ec,.rr.d rr{ Edur-rti¡n {¡r å r:':'rTrF,et*rr t te-¡.rtFr EF. tr¡ t,e ã.F,t,r:,inted t¡ their.'ict. ¡l¡,qnet Ei',¡er' .=.chr,¡l r.4.3.E err i .rl .=. r,'.1 . 'tF, ed n 1È7lJ ':'n -:'. l¡ i-t inrx t'a:. i i th lt i n,1=.c¡te Fl¡her't l.ler.'lt¡rr u.lå=. the {lr.=.t te,1Êl-r ÉF, {r-'llc,r.'led irr 1L171 t'lt l'l*r'i-r.rr .Tr,hn'=.r,rr ,1?F Irr .ìxp, 1*nrhsr. lË:7ü tll-r .=r. le=, t"1¡r=*, tl-r É fin'¡l ic.=.n cl er'ltl'n-r-e.rr r È:la.minxd ths ch iì drerr in the qr:rr,r Ér,fr¡¡Ént lri:r :_..t .trl r]:f,Ënet å.t-r rJ lÊ. l.lirrr;1.=.Crrte d Flir,'*t-. f cun,l them r'e:.=. i i å.,: t'-rr'¡ ¡ ',,'. 1t1 u E:

Errrgll ths i:. ler¡I rl-r ildr'err L\rÈr'É hel.¡.tedli, ,:f{er.ed .=.t.+te e,luc-:ti ¡n {+r i I i t i a=. 1[11, 1[l¡

In 1-q¡,'i' f,+rl i.-a.fftert t ç, r.C'nr i=.*d t':' =.end å nre,lical ,:'1f i':er t¡ l*l-a.nr_-.1:rr.Jr-' I:. l-r.nd t¡ 1.r-:'.cr:in-1 te th* cl-r ildr'*n

Tt-r th*r'*. i=. r.,t.¡.=. ':.-rrr :.ider'*,1 t'r he inrp,:r't.=.r¡t trÉ,r.3.uE.É .l¡.nd. "r.,.¡h.1 l*r= r..,.IÊr'É in thp h-r.hit ¡i ra.ì1in¡-r .i.t the ì=. .LrlI

.=.rr,=.. IIF¡-r:{: n¡ iEl-¡ t t,* ir¡ tr¡,Jur*,1 thr.¡u.Jh therr ,,, 1L-l t *=. .1 r.e=,ult ,:f thi= Fr.':,rr iË= in Ëeptemt'er' 1,1,J--'' -r. [:r. Ler,'.ii=. L,J-i.E q ,Jir.e,:t*,J tr-,, tlr e i=.ì;rn,l . He ,li,l .=.,-r irr 1, 1l:l"fl ,11:l Ëettler'=. in nr.ltli'inl-l år'eåÈ r,,rer'13 nc't -r.rjr.¡i=ed c,f t'r'

Ltt'¡i=. Fr'rlrÇrrlr!prJ ,.ti', and i':. l.=t-r ,lsT=. r,,.rpr'E di=.a.ç, F,C,irr ted t'¡' 2r_r5

i t= tr'e,,.r i 1"1.¡.n.¡ ch i I drerr r,,Jere n¡t r.'É.Èc in-+te6, l Df Th i tþ', =, neql+ct u{å.'=. tr-, t'sc¡me -1 lcrr q-=.ta.nding 'fr'ie,.Jå.ntrp, Let,.r i=. r.4rå=. =.aid tc' h+,.rÈ EFerr t thr'er rrrÉÉþ.: E at Hing=.rate .-i.rr d thr'ee d.+I= at Ha'l Ea;r.. t,.rhich ¡¡.=.r,, F nr=' trFF,artr-l nitl' ta cherþ; the '=.tar'e6.1t1 c' re=.u I t=. nf '..,.1cr: i rr .¡.t i ¡rr =. -r,lnr i rr i Th i =. a.pp-r.r'en t di=.cnimirr ¡.ticn tl-r e H¡q Eel" =ettler'=-. fr, =.ter'ed the

:,Érr =.É ¡{ di++Èr'Êrr ':É isìt lst!,rsg¡ the tr.,.r,:'=.erti,-rFr E ¡+ the l.i.rnqarao IElan'l cEmrrrunitr'r1ll ¡ Fl.irr q=.,:¡te arr d Hc,,J E,¿t'.

llir.a.du¡. lll, c' ther impr'c'r.rement:- ':å.rrrÊ. H,=! E-=t:¡ =.ettler=. painted ¡ut tl-r e imç'¡¡tante ':{ l -r.nd Ere ir¡l-l Ê.Få.r't- {r'r' .t p'l'lti.=.tinn-= pub, !itr ':err!Ètent', ,r.nd =.t¡.rted rr f¡r thi= t¡ h* l¡JfiEn 1Ë7,5 l';,¡s.1üL? the Hurr dr.E,J ¡i [¡r-Ldlx], r,,å.È. =.ur.L.¡e:i'ed irr Þ,rÈr'É indic-rted trrrr th+ lat*r des.irlfr =.r-JmÊ '-_-tr'-:'.uÈ= =.its -r.ted 'r.=' tl-r s trPmÈt'=r"'.Itlt '?

Tl-r e quË-rtic,n ¡+ *ïtendirr q tl-r * t*le¡lr'.r.F, l-r tl' f:::.:'rr Ê.3r'E,E

I=ls,rr d {ir=.t ':-r.mE under' ':,:'n=.ider'a.tign rn 1,!=1'-, r,'.th*n .1 g¡.¡ =.ubm¡.r'ine c.rEle {r'c,m tl-r * rÍr f.inl.:.nd tc' l.,l*p, Ea.r' 1u.1.= -1 c'-rrr diti¡n {tr'r. thx =t*ånrÊr=. ca. llin'f ther*, The 5.Ê. q':rUËr''t-rrT¡Éf¡ t ,:'r'dei-'ed tl'l * C; le t'Ut tl-r t L'-rr'd=. C,{ tl-r * Tr.e.¡.=urþ' c¡r.lld nr-'t r_Juår.-e.nte* the FEr'm.¡'nÈn':É ':f the

qÉrlrprr t,,r.?.=. .1.r.r.tTr tE. +c'r. tl-r * -_.teameT.=. ':-r. ll inr-lr .r.nd tl-r e ':r.der. ,:årrr:elle¡.i1U

tl-r tl-r r.Jr,uld FlUn¡¡Ur.= at E *lactr'ic t*le,-_rr..tFh =.,:rr-rrt

trtr¡F¡ Fl ErIt the i=. l;.,rll r...jitl-r the meirr l.+nd trer--t-a.n tA cir'CUl-¡.te

irr the H,:,q E;,¡. ,'irt Cr:rirr ,=l 1'¡,:;t:i .111 I=. lar¡Jer'=. tr.rÉr'*

Ê:r: r:ite,j bj.'thi= FC'=,=ih'ilit;¡ t'r-.r t f,.i¡,1'=.c':te r'e=ident'= l-r ed Ër:rÉ,

tc r,, until ,T.ã.nu-r.rl, 1L17É t': t'e trc'rr nerted hy

tn Èdelaide. Tl-r e Ho'l Ea.¡''irt L'J'=..=. ':Rrr nerted irr 1Êg¡.11?

Irr 18.{= Hnlt Ea.;" ='*ttl er's tl-re dezir'+b'il it'r' ¡{ å requl-=,.r'm¡.il¡ìce -=,.nd t'egan nÈlL-rtiati¡rr =. {,:'r' it= .=.nder' lll-r i E¡t-',:r1,, i.=.i¡rr .11! E*lc,r.É .3.r¡I irr I ElTl:l rrìl e:l r =.t ie r:-i.r.r.iÊ,1 m:+i1= tr'ntre å f¡r'tniql-r t in Li. =.mall l.L.rh;{. let"=;'.t bstL.,L*+n Hr'q E-r;" s.rr d T.=rl i:.þ;er =,il'"'er-l**d mirr *, tl-r r'ÉÉ mile= frtr,m Ë .TÉr.u¡=.114 l'.lst u¡¡ t-il 1E7u rr'r 'r.E. Hrnrl' F.

Es,t*.=. -=,.r,.rar.ded å. C¡ntr'¡.Ct fr-rr. s. iurr'tni,_:htlf' Er=r'"'ir:e {r'am

tl-¡e m.=.irr l;rnd t,= Hr--r'-t Ea¡'r È4inq=rr,rr te ,lr' tlf''-:rnet Fli''.'er' irr åTr

crF,En h,rt,irt, tl-r É "l.IictC,r!"' . Hi= C¡ r'EqU ir'*d h im tB .f. d*,li,,.',=r' tl-r e nl.=.ii r:!rr l-r Dr.E.Étr ;1Cþ'; tr'l'nr HC',---l Ea.l' tc, Fr' =.t ¡ilic* ¡.t C¡''-:lnet Flitrer' fcrr'trr i'-lhtlt', "r.4ind '='.nd r.rr*¡.{:h*r'

t'ÉFrTr ittrrl ,;¡ ",111 it, T. fj'll:l F,Ér .=.nrr unr .t1A Èrl r:'UPr'l¡.r¡J nr;..i.l {r¡nr tota Ea:r, tt, ¡1;rr_¡rret Eir,'er' cL-'mmÈnred e¡.r'li' in J-inu'r-T,"

tl:i'l-rrr 1Ë71:l .3.rr rl l:i. l.,Jr-,¡:, ll.rrr d f.rå.'=. å.FrF,¡inted F¡'¡.=.ter' +t et Ei,,¡er..l1¡ ,-Iarr *t Êri.=.trr.,,r , .3. irr.mer''=, L.,liier t.IJeE, p,:.=tnr -r,t H¡,=¡ E¡.t' +r'c,m 1ËÊ,-,J tr, 1É7?.11Ei Ther's LrlPr'Ê

imnre,li+t¿ hei-r e{it= {r'¡nr !:,. r'*qr-ll¡.r mAiì -=er'r,.'ir:E {r'':'m tl-r e

l.Ir-:{,irr l.erll!' t,¡rf¡ ir;f¡ t,r'¡Ui'led i=l;..rr dsr'= r,r,r i1¡, -r. E¡91-tTr-er¡ ÉRt I irr þi

r,,,¡ itl-r È,lel-e.idE, IEI-r.n'l'=.ntiet;'' n,--1 lr'rr '-1Êr'É!-r tir'el:'d*nqnC*d r.,litl-r *r:'='tralirrr '=. rlrt tr.-rrr =it-¡r'i. trr:rrr tå':t ¡tl-r¿r'ËCr¡tl-r H¡E,e=. {r;rf''Ì,r ET}'c'i !r-r. lU-i.bìe mirr er'-+lE.t:tn l-l-'f.n':l¡r'c'c'

I=, larr d F,Êr.=.i.=tr,J. Irr 1l-t5,å tl-r t, E; .fi. Etr:r4¡rË,r.rrfÏrÊf!t ir++Er'È,J t:t:r'il{iel'l'i1:;' f:lUUill r-er.,J¡r'd f¡r ,li=r--rr..rer'i'¡f -r. F' r'tr"1 u':t!'.rÉ 2ob"



An E.3.rIy t../ier¡.r c{ llhr' i Etmas Cr-'ue, Fen¡gEþ-r.r.,,r l4ar.t \ o¿V'/ r-,i Ëc'utl'r Au:.tnaì is i,{årJ,Jfr':r 'F:ã,=- ,3í.å Èll.l+ lJl Ê-trJ l-ìr-1 ¡¡¡';"1 .Ji¡r.¡'1 l H ,ilI'åiE.Jrt+:, =.å-1 Í": r:g t;[[![!::lu'É'l' år..{ j å.1 åiri'tEu¡,j;;[4 Fr-lt'r:.å¡¡;:,", UL:|!U1 F'!'lËiJ Í i ..';q .':.r]B Jå+Un'f,-ru:l u I :ilËq '--¡,.¡¡,¡,;,'1 j':'l I Lf,l ¡:¡¡¡'IrEI F- .l'-rj åi'¡:...1¡+:'å|'å ç:Er unIlF-rr-1lr.l år]+ Ëì:jÍïr F,U¡: ¿¡Itå'lJ!1 1;,¡:IfþËÉI ul å|Ll .lrlirå[Ë ,i'':-t:l .lå+rJfrr]rlrJ! ãrli I ul å{'rllrlri-ìå[å =tlrE:Ë'El U'É'[='T '+U'=ujÊ t++ts= ÊJåF,U I [l år]+ U I +nd ='È-f¡r Fr 'f,ËJ'':jFrU'É:{ ['È.1--1t++r] .Jd++E !..1È;å,'l llb ,i:t.lLlåu 'l'l] å]'f,", ':'l ãã!l ¡r¡¡1"1r='Jd': I F,3 I UÊF L l, [En+.J ! r'1'fJåili'=JÈFUÉ [Ë ! år']I''='ur--r I-rå [å

Ul Iå]rl¡r .Jlårll Flü-rå'i 'fl r'Uår"l1 'l'I'l 3å11![!--rErL 'rFlÍ'r--iJ¡l ']'I

¡ Er..l¡..1 1rå [Erãu ---, åF lËr [ =,pht ,,::rf FËUå'.]+ÊUÈJ+'= .r; ¡qr'r¡a.ld =1:jl¡r 1=.

;,¡.ç-tr,rIE iå]rJa.JÈ++lP i,:, å'=.lJå=. ..'=..J,3pU'Fj[=I '-r':'l'ÈjEu];-::i

' i'Éi:f :l È: J n':' [ -'l F uË þ- I =.

r-l -JEÉ UÍ1'rr:'J'-1 à,JE':t ÉË[Ej 1'': ='ËJ:'E l-l Ul]rÛI +'r +rJÉ|.tl+JEdål] ='pur-l '=È=.Eå[ uI lt'llF år.l+ iq F, å+ut:i.JEr å.Jal¡r [¡-¡-r I¿"]T '¿¡I'='Él'Jå¡i'Ir

+Ut----it+tUñt.=. jUç= +,r '=PJLrlå.J r:r U åJE ÉJäql FUE'

r'lç nI UF- FÈ+ l Ëf .Jr--r+ å.JÉfïl ,'iå1.{l lJ tEFJH ¡¿ I'F '3'Jå'lunU-å"l F F'J'r+:Ï: F .iåtEtli ,{q JÉflÉ uå)iB+ åJår¡r '=å=.Eå[ ,f,r''..l+ +Ë-Jl+ Êr-{1 þÌrEl I uI

JÈr..1+ ,':.r.lrvr r:r+ '='F- U'-r Ê'rJ'Jrl+U I I å'Jål'll I¿ I, ,ln Uå:lì:j+ å.JåfÌ1 I i '-rU =' pU;- lå,",JTr=. lnEq+lr',i Få+lå+.JÐ+ llååq åirEr-l rrl Jì:låddËi ---åEEå[ u'--¡!+'Élr--'[ ,:'u ip'.ltt¡1 t--- F tår-.1 å[r-ìr],1- 'i' å=år.{i 'rJårilÈ =Ê-'r'rr ìrr'¡ ' a,le] '=å=.8å [ [L] Jåu lul F t å4 t d'Ët F UF =u'Ê.q tH 15 tE '-Jrn+ "l'l ';t I'il-l I uI t-JEI'FrUlJ'lq FåUr:-PU'ErlE FU'É TlrlJ ur:'!+EFUr¡tll Ër'l+ rJt:t ;,i -rri J+= ,,:.,lr.l+ ¡l+'laF, '=!r-l + lH '=++!tr lrl'JF'åu 'll leB rJrH p;F,nlr: E U,lunllq +'Ér.1 + ËUJIE[:r å+F-'EliÈ'3riUl '-J+ JåfilH

'Fi t1 +'l t.l lrr¡luJ å'..| + Jì:jåu låå+ ll';I +nÊqP UfÏirlF ËJtrq lnd =tqrii E uI FÉUIJ'-J+ uååq årlFlr..l 'f+ F!'É= =Llff'r å+E:¡lPUl= Ü1;'llI +n'f,qP

¿ t:t¿ Èit'a f,:, llc,r,,led b,l'nrårr l'mile=. tr¡.'.rel ':'rr l.=.nd¡ r,'..rr-ruld h-i.t'g t'+en nÉr:pEË.;j.r'l't¡ r'Éå.':l-r e.rr .u' 'r+ tl-l x'=.e prr ì1irr q Flå.trÉ:'.

The i=.l-r.nder:-" {ir'=.t FrÊtE=.t -+t thiE nP'JleËt =.PÉm='

1 I a i r'eal i ¡rr t,r, h.31,'É t,pÈt-r in 1',1,J=. I:. arr der'=. c':'rrF ned, =. '--l th,¡.t, in e{{ect, ther' l-r ¡.d hren di=.en4r'Err chi=ed trÉtr¡.u:'É 'lerr l,';.¡. l i l l:.. fil-=.=. thp rr påreE,t Fr-Jl l in'-l F l3':e f ¡-'r tl-r s i=. I arr ,1 ,llLl Th* pst im-:'.t-Èd glt nrål É ¡.dr.:ì t:. I FEpr¡'EÉÊrr t irr ¡-t

;.g1,'ç¡-e. I tl-r ¡U?å.rt dË r:'+ p'--,r:nd= ¡Ì Ff'C,FÉr.ti'! ':¡:rntf iL'Uted tC'

rl r:¡ ir¡ tl-re tl-r e r.ÉUerr UÈ årlI ì,rn'l 4Und, t'Ut ha.d '.1 ':,iCe tc' É¡íFenditur.É. "9trmÉ i¡.rilitie=.'uld h* e+{r-,rded thçnr

T,:, E:ï: Pr'Ëi'=.P tl-¡ eir' F, l-=,.,:e their. rt åmE=. ,:rrr tl-r e lì åßd r' ir.;rncl-r i :.e , I i{i 1 :, 1 .:.rr ,ler'=. htrrFr Éd th:..r F'3.r'l i årrrÉFr t-:".r'i" rpF,r.ÉEEntatir.,e=. i¡r thE ÉIËtrt¡r¡.tx. l''!e=.=.r'=. f',.r s¡'-e.¡r3 .rnd

5¡ltl-r sr'len,J, r¡¡r:l,J t;rþ.e .e.ttit,rr Èrrl their' t'*h'+l{' f'' the

ther'É r..,JETÉ PsiJii.t*r'e,l iJ':'tsr'=' r:'n l-i:-irr r-J-r'r'r:rt:' 1g75 electit,rr =4 r-r¡rfÈ I=. l.rrr ,J, i5 r,l tl-r +rTr .:rt llr,Ë El-ri'r tut lTr'q.rt !' 'Jid frtr't tre,:,r.UË,É thef' t.lÈUl'j l-t ;..'Js ha'l t¡ tt-'.i.',''¿ì {r'¡m :ll--i tc' ¡l:l

_ 1 'J',1 frlllEÊ.¡t-'!

d It l-¡ a.=. h,e*rr rla.inre'J "tl-r åt e FrÉ':uli;''r'1:i' I='l'¡'rr did irr tl-r e 1Ë¡t-l :.rr ,1iiil I='larr der=' =.¡ciet,,.t,e.--.1 -ì.n t¡ ÉrrrÉr'qe

h-r.L,,g prr.rltrl*m:.,:,-1mTrr':'n tr-, -r. ll i='r'l -=,.ted Cr:rffrfTrurr ìtie-= irl 5,:'!Jth'-=,. Ii.t *t tl-r ¡rt tinre - le':þ; c'{ r'*'-¡u1=.r' tr':rTr t:rlt r.'litFr

a{ l.i', irr {,:,r'rr'f.ti¡rr , å.F¡ d r:uìtrJr':r. I Ë:iEÉr'ientrÊ=' =,Lìur'':É=. =.uFr Fr

Eut tl-reir. i,=.r, lati,=rr r¡1 .3.'=. å.':r:ÈTrr'r-.1 .=.r+d t,.i' tl-r eir' t':,t-t1 Thi=' ,3ep*ndEft ,:È ':rft É.È-='. tt-'+n-ÊF':rf t -r.nd ':!:rfTlrIlu¡ii-='.ti':fr '

,;¡ l.=.1-rCer"=., 3.Fr d fr l-.rlrl,-e.t, li',er¡ tt-r Èrt rid tlr * t,C'rr d=, tretr,'.rg*Tr i:. 'åuJli +uåãÈJd år.1 + tr+ ulll'-1Fr FråFUFr'''l uååq åtÌEtl';eFn+!+lt: r.{fnË'+uåul,3t1+åE},:='.i'ÈpJ¡'-l';:åår-lllrul'JrrFFå'J'r[år"råp

'=.å '=.åF¡n1 åFr.lEnË åq+ pFjr..l r-l -ì | r..ltìi t tuållE + tJãuluJåriúF-¡ '-J+ ! + +ì-r F rr=:1¡t---Jl'3nv F,ãU!Ë+rl!Eul -=JåFUE['=. I ']urrfi-1 f¡:- åt++I[ +'= ålai¡r ¡.{'"¡atlo-= q+n,jE +'r +EåJ å!+ l.tltrJ+ ].Jt-de +ËË [[1ÈlrlË Jlår']1 +Lr I f ã ËU,Jåf,u'lf årl+ +'Érl+ =Utr llr:ru ,.'ãJåFlUÞl ['= FrÃUå']1EuåJ+E I [FråU É¡.¡ !rl¿¡s tlf,nLì 'l: år.l+ UEr..l + Ufr !+ lUÉ'1 f,åJ [ì3 l-] t ++E å [q=tJFttrtrE] å.J'lul FåfllË-Jã.J '=-.JtsFUlllullålll +ìll..l+ +'..lEnD'l+ '3JåFUFj['-=I

' 'i llE" | [ Þ-''J 1'='nH q+n'l'.= ¡ar.{IÈ uÉJ+ å:rUaJå+l!p frr É'=uåË J!åq+ Fåa'Jí3tulËJ

É rJ¿ t d E .J ll l-r¡--¡q I ¿ rf rlr JJ.J I{r ' :l ¡--l l-l ' ¡ ' i':'li ':.r ! [ i'=. rrH i ],-r'Ë I I 'j t ' HËr:t¡,J bEË.,'Ér-l Ir,JIl Utr .E¿,j, I r-{:'JÈjþl I¡ ' JåPt.lE¡'3 I . ,j : ' t 'î't''1 '¡ a¡,:==.E rl t':i " l l 'j'f .-- 'È: ''j r I t-lr] r,=arzua¡¡ +r-J på.-rç'x¡¡1 +':' ,j¡'[...] r-l Èjl ',jl:iljl '!j '¡ 't::,1 'Ë-ii'F-.j+=rrH +n'fË i,¡ ; 'lr:' || :r..:.'-t 'F l'II ¡- tr. t 'HÊr:rtj,l þ:iË.¡'ËË ..:rul ':"=' '¿ :r: !FUaddY åÉLì ?c. I ' b it::l I r-l :r 'l'É þ¡ ',=j I fì Ð HË ' HEr:lHd ' t'EË /'gtl -rH5 LlE .IË .'l t'+l¡ ''J,:, t'H'i'i '--l a1'::=F-ut1,1 '¿i+'d tElF-:El I +'r Ei ''rÌ'.1 ,J,lH-c t t: *7 t ;'t,i l...'',j,i-iFË 'lil l':Ë ' rl ' i | : "J'1" 'H'it ' :--l a 1,::'=l-1 t ¡ Tr ¡J .¡t J å ¡ì.J å=,ìI--I ' Ll'i Ë J 'rl J'e ':j I L f '¿'i ' ,j :JljE:I +': '¡I "rl'.1 d'lHFj 'II t'H't'l '¡ a1'::=F-rut1'1 E¡ 'd ''+!:'''j': tT] 'ErLr,j, i Èrjnf, ¿7. 1,1 t'i 'E:';-i' T i È¡J I j4,l'11,, d .Jr:ut1'=.r:¡ utJH ,:.= .{. .J'Ëi rr .t q å ! t-'I JåFuFj-t:rT',, :4:,r:5 .çE;t:tA,l'þE:Ë¡gË 5,lE¡ 'l-::E:,i, I iJ't=; È i,,Tf,FrE Er U|:irl':r l..luî 17t ¡_, .i: .JEnJrlåj ,j, .JËFtuE IEI l,, ='P1 t ' ' i -_J ' 'j l=:;=_lEl I +¡ l:j¿ 'lf'l ,lJH'; r-ri '?gl:rHd'bËË"8'l ll':r ¿T tr'l ' IË ' ,j ':-r:JÉ I +,r Ë¿ ''1Ì".1 d'lHE FiË,i l r .J åFr u'E I Jl:r Éif Ë r.l t l.l':'¡-l .Jr:tJlr1 l¡ UH JI ,.ì J',Fi n.J'l É.l ,i ' [Ë I ,r ,, j =. '11 'i,¿ ''l t '+ l ¡ ' d'f .laF¡ lF ånH i;I ' H:jt:tHd' t¡":18,.'Ë'; ::rHEt Ëï .TFl'rJ t'+ l:',1'-r t'H'tnl'J a1o:+Eul¡ bI ' H:jr-JU,J' biJË'r';ii |lHf 'll 'iËFjf rlJr:nUÈIa þ ';3HË 7f t ' H:jr:rH,J tr',1Ë¡Ër: ErHl':l IT 'iZr-i1 'd t¡ ['-ìi'l I EllP,J+ÊnH ri rlr --.t l..l '==aE.lng IJI j n,rË +tr Fi I F, È [ ,i .-l å I :(: 'FåJ 'I'H '.'| 't"bËI J'r!"I II t¡Ç5 i 'bþFi I t| .r d+ ¿i .J å ¡ì J å'=If I] ':' . bþE I r..l-r.rEt.l ¿¡ I u.Éll;:JiËn$ r-l+n'rË ¿ 'F' !'l I i='":ljrJç'l'51 'l7ET'd t'+ !='d'= E . 'Ëþrt'd',5Ë,iI ,.ii ,t,..¡.V ¡.=.t-=ar.11 'rl 'r..l,l i,,Fi!['']J+Ërrç +n'l'; ¡FUFjIEI '..¡ rJåfrr]i3 ,:n..irÞU'*';,1 +'-r lr..l rlÞ:'-rF-rUA¡ ['':jU'-rlEå.N år'll- , 'H'J þ ',fF,-Ë';''l'j''F,!qI '¿:? 'dd i'':![e'J+=nH r'{+n']5 +'r Ë'r\ìE-'l FUE-l 'l=l! v ål.l-+ u¡f, U'-rl';'=lulrll':'J å'.1 I l'= +'J':r¡lÈ,1 ':JlJt-l I +'l"=E '¡þl 'l'lH:1 ' E | [ tt .J l'= rrH r.] + ntr:ì TTJEI +,:,ËrrËuå'J +íJ,5 "rl'..1 ddHË 'F--+"=:l +';' E "31''¡ dd?-; T

tII¿ ';'1 I

rln I :Lnd 1¿ LJ. E. [¡ar'm-trr . "È,:c,:'un t= t,i Trar.'e ] =' l';.;.nqa'r '¡¡ ='l å.rr ¡J 1E:7lll '=."r !; .Ë¡. Lì*rr te. 1¡'1:r'¿'rr d ,Jur'irr ,:l tl-r e 18,5r-r =. Her'¡. I drr' :ìac ie tl', F, . Ë. 4;l tltit.l- J: - , trr,:,ì. !, FF. 1[Ll 4-5. 44 5ÈFF [.l,r. ':Ll rf l EElf , t , 55. 9:_lrlÉ ll.'r',: I ¡c' e i¡ rr{ F-;c,utl-r':rì i.= , Uc.l . Ë, F,F,. lUl:l l7-1Ll . 4r4 r:.iRr:i :_TEJ5Ð4, FÉrlËÈ . 47 Ihid. L-iFrr'r,rr irlE , 1.i tllr tc't'*r' 1El5E. {f r:iEË iJ5.rSE4 , PEr:r5*. 5r:l L.T.r-1. l"1enr¡r i al =' Ë417-¡'i:?. 5Ëtlìl:i 1855r F,F. i115, :+,5-,/. =1 þ.i¡r¡'te ll..L.J ,È. . t,F . c it. r p. 4l ' -l.c. Ihid. Ê.{ ,_rt r:iFll-i ::l5,rEÉ4 , F Fll:l::;É . 11. -1.-l [¡ormer¡ r']t. rit., P. lll=. t e r'E. t r:r': k , Fi irr q=.rcr te l:: .L.l 'È. r c,F,. c i t. , t'. 4ii É e llt I .¡.n r F. 77. lll=ter.=.t'lcþi r '.:'tr, ': it. r p. ¡; . 5B [ump=.trrn,L-l ., F' 1:3;l' ,-furr fF Letter. {r.¡nr tlr=. E. Lade tr_, [:r. 'l . L*J*lchr 25 e 1Fû:r, held El'Ûr l..lelch, *delaide. ,åu Letter' fr',-Jrr l{. t4¡l'{enriE t¡ li.T, [iç'¡¡,:,r.',t, 11 [:Ecemher 1--;.r'4. held bI l'l .T. E':'r'rr-rr."I . Èide I ¡. i ,le . ,5 I Th e .1U t l-r ¡-rF t l-r Ê { I ¡c'r'=. I rr 1 1?7'Ê. =.-={.r..rl ='e ìÌ l,iin'1=.rr-rt* l-.[,,] .É,, c'F. cit.r p . +1. n , I i=r¡t:, l'.1LE;*, l"la.r i rr e Ëu r'',r x ¡' Þ1,e.p . TFm¡-, . ':r I,it_t r i,; '.j.å. [¡i ppr:trr'.", 1:]7lJ. t:iFlri t5,/=';14 FFlr:r5È . :-- , l',iin,1-=.c'rte l-i.1,,.J .Ëi., ,:rF. cit'. ¡ 41, ¡a IF¡i'1. E:.1r..1 e !-' I rIrF, . rit., P,::-14!. È,¡ Ê,t"1, tli i F-,L,= . T. åu=tr' p.fÛ. 7r-J !:** i+¡, ¡' grlli:': 4. r'I EerJprr t'F. rit,, F.'-14=' T.:, l-iirr ,-1=.':':te lI: .1,] .å,, ÈrFr'Eit., ç,' :-lt' t.f, H,+ll=.c!'l , r:rFr . tit.. F. È. 74 f,J . Ëi . t-:.¡.r¡ t l-r r-r F fr É , Tl-rp Hå.núåT'r:rr:r I.=. lerr d¿r=. FF, '!? ?"1 Tl-r ì= r..,J.l=. r.,,lr'itt*n h:"' tl:aL"lthr:'r'Tr s ¡.h¡ut 1"1¡+ " =tar':¡ Tir -1.E. Tl-r * I=.ìa.rr ,Jer'=. , .3.Frd TÈEUt'ì i=he,J irr 1:?!'l' -i.= * l-1..:.n ¡.:.r r¡c' I '=. I .c.rr d* r"=. . t--tL,:.8 f'1.,È f' ::i .Iu rr E 1 EÊ5 , Eauei-', ËEr . rit.. F.:ll:l !. ?T lllt,:-.e ¡. ',r s ¡. . il rr É 1 E1,55 . -Ë Ihi'1, 'IrJ ,-l r:r li f-t ì lll-r r'i:.t- i.t rr l.Ll ,¡ P l.-.i I r' .:t fr d f'l ,r t l'r c' 'i i Ë. t !-' -:' llJ Fe br'u.r.r':/ I ':1L15 . i=ìft E-1rJgf.. ¡:,F. ':it., F,,::l'l[. ll' i Ê.=..f.rr 5: i'n 1 '-r I FiÈE,f r't ,:i th¡ Éd+l¡.i,1* r'¡ äl= ':l =. ':'d F, , 1t. ,,1I It'id.. 18.4t-.417, F,. 5'li T.T. F.:s*d, Éncl i c+rr Lil *r'q."merr rr Ë¡uth tl-r* þli llentr.rr' r F. 'J .l i-e. i:,¡ l-r. ñ. ùr-rE,lj ¡ Tht Çil-rur'Elr-_c'j---Ençrl .r.rr-d i I' Er'uth *'¡. \i¡] . Ë., FF. l-É. Ë4 Err c:¡'r ì r,F +ed i,+ Elr'i tarrn ic¡., U,:l .4. F, l-l .I.t:. :rJ .Tune lFl:l ,9. ;; r:! ?ll t =. c,{ I F,F . 17-l-/ , IL,id. Ihid. Lal Ihid., F.7'l +fi Ih¡d.' F,F,' 17-1-,/' rI úurir¡ ,J 1L17?-t FleLi. l]:l-¡ ¡.r'le=, l'lt'r'=.e L.'i=.ited l'l-+rr '-1'lr'r,c' l=.1and Ìr.r¡nr time tn time untiI f.=.iìinlr he-+l th l-r d hi=. urr til I Ei5. H* {r,r'ced inr tr, =.u=-FrÉTr ''ri' re=.umed in 1E¡Fi a{ter' Ëi,:þ; I *.lL.r e =.F¡Ent i n r_¡l g I ;+ Et i r-,t e Err a.nd. [ !;** *i¡'rr ¡'l F*¡, ¡' =. I ¡r' Ade i de =.e i È73-7:-r, I E7=. 1 E7'1, 1 877-"f'.-.'l [¡ur'irr q tl-r s lElll:l '=. lat' FrÉa':l-r Ér"= irrclr-¡dinr-r H. F¡.r'tr'i dge. f *=,.rmer, -r.nd tl-r e te l e!-rr's.F h m¡.='ter' . f''lr' F¡.r.i r:Errt du,: ted til*.=. '| Pi.É.rt þl* tFr c"Ji i ,:È=. i n =. r =.t''..' l.ili-=.:.n1lPF l'iin,f -:.rr d H'f---l prirr-r.te h¡me= +t r =:c'te ,ì B¡.i'.tËea rll-r r'i=.ti-¡.ri l.'l etl'. I¡' .1rr d l'lethtr'di:t .l':'ur'n'3. r

¡¿ Üt¡-=.É f'L.r É f' r ËEl '-I+T¡u-i.ri' lEl,iLl . l-';.in', tr l-: .lil.È:'., r]F,. rit.. F. -lE. 3t L. Ë* ì I .3.Fr rl F. f¡;.r..r i rJ¡.r1¡¡ , f r t_t1 =l¡.n'j :irh ?. t lllL' É r' r,' F r' . I 4 u år ¡' 1 lll'j,5 . =. 'I.¡.Fr I ÊiT çd, Éde 1 ¡. l d+ É I mEn -r': l,i I ¡ ¡_¡¡_¡l r EtPl I tsrrÈ fi.¡.',1 idE,:rfl I ':,F. ':ìt.I I n t r'c'dr..l t t i c'rr . lJ : À r'. I t- ¡ t- t -.t- - I- I I H- l:: .[r.l .*.,':,F, Cit,, F,F . ?L1---/ . ]T E* I I e.rrd [i+1.,i¡;.Oa,, EF . ri t., F,. I' IIJLI dHtr¡¡t tL. c,f tl-r * È,lel.r.ide [: i ¡r É =..f.n Ë:i'rr ¡d 1 È¡u -7ó AFF, *rr di:r: l:: , 1u1 Th+ tl*rrtr'a. I Ela¿.r'd c'{,rr r'8E,,-rr'ted irr lllÏË: "Ther* .=.r.e nÊt,.r =.i:r pì ÉTr l-:l.3.nq-1.rütr I'-:l-¡.rr d L.rth*rÉ .3.r'È Etrl¡ tr'ir l ':l-r ildr'*rr ':c, l lrctgd il'r' the FUr'F':'E'= r{ i n=trurt i':'n." IH,=1f E.rl'r l'ii rrg'=.c,!:'tÊ, t]:r',lnet Fli''¡er'r Ènr*r.i ren Fi iL,'*r., tl:eF, e E,r'r d¡. -r.rr d l::å.F Ê t,J i I I ,:rUÊht¡r'l' The=.e Ê:{i=tp,l triefly'[Ëee Ee]l å.nd jgl¡.¡r¡¡=cl-rÊ.:rl=. f1;q,,.r , ':'F , ': i t, Ifr tf.':,duct iC'nl -= r'':'.JrË=.=. ¡f 1tt? rlhapter 1t] r¡ ån .r.,:r:,-'Unt 'f+ the Fr ,:hUr'rhx= .Lrr d l'=. r:rFr li.-='.rr ç¡-e.f n,= I=l:irr d dUr'irr ¡---l tlr e I t-t-t-t =.'Ii-rtrrtr I r_r r_r r_t - . =. I t:t:j ËÈF,ú 1',j,jì:? - 1E:¡r:r r F, , ;''¡5. 1rr4 ftt'=.e r.r,r É r. , M''lar ,: h 1 B7iJ . I l:t5 It,i,J. t rlÉ Ihid. 1rJ7 !hËflllåL I l'l-r.r'r ir 1 Er?l:l . I u:l lllFr.=.e T.t' E r. 1 c+ .I-r.T¡ u 3r.:r, I E,åE . 1ir5' i'1;¡, r' i HrJrlJr'ed Elu,Jlei'¡ 1El7¿ H'/Ei':llJt liL 't'i p¡rr..:rl-¡l-¡ r1ú Ü'rr :..r'le= T¡,1,1 . ",Ç:ep'rr't r:rTr Fc, -=t t]t{f i,:i'' Tpl X.' ilit" tlt h=.e r'r.r:1 trr.r' De F,-a.r'tme n t =', lB7rl-lLf r Tr I e¡:':rrrrtrrurr i c -+t i r'rr '=. l"lu=.eunr , F, ' I 'i1f . 111 t_-tt'=e r.,., É r. , 2,J l"l.r.f. 1 tìdtl . 11Ë 'ãe e tl:h a.F t E r. Ì? . 113 iltb r.rJ Ë r 14 J-r.rr uar']' 1L1.{5. =e ., 114 It: , L ü. , 'I? Au,_:ru=.t l --Jl-l l=. 11F l';.inErs¡ote C,l.d.È., ÊF. cit.r p. Ë4' 11,å E:AFF I'Ic,. 1tF ,rf I E.5t'-7tJ . ¡, . :1,j. 117 llt'=.e r't¡ É ¡" , I .I,1rr u å.r';" 1 Ë?lJ . { i 118 E;.å. [iir.Ectc'r.1, i ¡ 'fr_rr_rr_t ':,--.-r f L. 11? ËÊr:-ir:i 1Ê.=C, , F, . . liu l{irrq=rr,te [:.f.J.È.,=,51 r'F. rit., p. 27. lll -ìÈFF,. 1.4! È+ 1Ll'5Ë . r ¿_ -r- SAF F l'.lc':. . 5É , 1 :4 Ê+ l El¿,4 . I Á.-¡ Ea.uer', i--rF. cit., F, :17=. 1t4 F.+=.t¡r'.e. I Fl-i.n þl¡ :jÈ, Í¡../1q, .1Fr d Frc,{' Fl . T-=,.t*. PF:[i u¡l ,J, Ei¡,-rf l{',:a I=,ì.:.nd, F, . 1.-/:7. '¡"1 1t5 :]:*FF I'lc'. 'r+ 1r1=:-r . 1't,j -¡AFF Þl¡. 1?1 Ê'r 1Ê=5-'J. I¿,' ËÉFF l.l¡ . I I '¡ ¡f I Lì,5ç' . I ¿r-l -=¡lFP l.l,: . 1 rl3 ¡{ l Ll7 1 . t-c.f Eif¡r:ir:i I,!It:r . 13rj llhEe r''.r È r' t iJ Ju rre I B'JE . 1:J1 Ihid. l.:'¿ !.t'=*_f_t_tf , ?t Fe hr'u.1r'l' I El75 . 8.3.uÉT. trrF. cit.r F,.:l:r+. l::l-r åEr t É T' 17

r=r.?3. Ên ¡r ¡. r' F-- F¡c, t r-rr'¡ I i t åFrd Ëele,:t'ffE I ËTr.l-- I t t - =. =

fiur.irr ,--.¡ tl-re ptsr. ll. 1Ë7lJ= fTr-r.Tr ,r" mÉn tr,r-,þ' UFt Urr trlaim*d tc he ¡h'le tr-' Fl +nqa.r'r,¡ I=ì+nd ì¡rn'l :{È É'qr-.1 ¡tter':-' h'=pinr-l Tl-¡e le.==.* tl-r e ì-:".rr d ,:{ tl-r eir rl-r ¡icE ;.t '-r l'r'ter' d'et*' r--rrr the numhÉr, -rrr d ,li=.trit,r.¡tic,n tr,+ Equatter='' hut= =.hErJ'Jn må.F,=. pr'Épr ar'ld -e.{ter' tl-r É Hurrdr'ed= lr'rEl-'P =.ur.L.'E:/trrr.Ë.¡

j '=.h'frrlË. ten ,l'{ the '=Au'1 t ter'=' F' Éne tr '¡ t i ¡rr F, r.r:r,: -r. imed the eil t n{ tl-¡e i=l-¡.rrl'1 t'ru=l'i ierrcs ürr thx r..,JÈEt Ël-¡ rlrrÈ rlri ths Ea.l''l'f ih¡'=r'l =' 'r' enrl,:=.e,1 .3. hut, l¡'rr-rcl=l-r È'l rnd '!'-¿.r''l-=''? J+ EqrlattSr't'= l-r Ut 't'/rttt') n*;i.T "Er-,:{it-r ,¡ Eiå;r"' h+,1 mu,l t.r.t'¡r. ll;=, -r. p-e. linq r'Ér-i+ åFr d cfi imTre;,.. l..le¡.rE,t' tl-r* E.,lr..l-rt ter' l-r -=.d bu i I t I Lr¡Êr¡lrl =he'j ' irr.*,-:rUìar' in -=h.ã.pe, l¡.rith E p-r.r'tì¡'t"-r¡.r'jpd il':'-rr, Upr'i1:ir t

.=.åErl ,1-r I'rjËrr-1 I t'='hle't '-fr:¡frrt ift ':t r,r,r¡l l;., 3. F,å.ì irr F¡l¡Èr f '3.ß'l å. .3. p h¡¡-l=e ,3+ f ,=ut- l-rl':'m='! -a' dAif l" Elr-r;rt Ér. È,r.lrì t,rr =t¡t'lr ¡' .-¡.rII i'¡,r.,J -r.t i-r.EE tl:-r..=,=.irr i.4 årr ¡tir çr' '*r' l-r e'j t'r-lì'ì t

r.,Jitl-r r.'J;'. I ìE', th;rtched r'¡r'r{' f ÊffrÉFrt tr.r,rB t-.¡trrtfrrÉd l-r =.trrr Ë

3' {l¡r,r' .3.!'r ¡l trr'ir:r¡l cl-r inrne}', He t'r L'l "p:''dd':":þ:' 'r'rr''l=" ' g dem=' t'.rhich the ,-_-tår.dÉnr .3.rr ,l rl-=,.t .f,ir rl uErl-ir-:ll-r t =.=.8ìirr Êþ'r:rf'8. r:r:rrl *f'g,1 "'..'å,ìU*ì*='=" .1.'If ÊrÊ'= tl-re Cf *eþl'5 =UFt¡r =.i,1 p¡ E.qu-1.tter. nÊ-a.r. tl'r * 'i-¡. I t L-=,.,:¡r:,flri h'r.d å thr'pÉ r'trr(--tnrÊd r:':rfl r:r'*te l'Ll;r'll;'" i¡ut. rlft E trË'.f.f rlE,rJ :-rFr ,l tl..r1r:r rlÉfTrÉFrt i'l ,I,rlrFËr

tir e hr-¡t h¡'j g:r' Crrr ra Tr:r ÉfTr h¡.d å. "t,:,-=,.f,je,1 " C*iì irrt -r'Fr d 'l ,Irr;ri r,'.!Ê l ì t ¡nrt'Éf P'l r.'l i tfi irr 'l'=' tt-r ;,.tCh*,1 f . Tt.,,r,:, =qU-r.f'É =' ='='E¡ '='ltJ'-r'ttE¡-"= I ie,l tl-r e a,:CUpant= l,tith {r'e=.1-r l'1 r:r=i' =UF,F, '¡'lt*r''i e

lié "oo za? e "".î .t \ è {.-..9 -z:L # L 7t lÍEtun;te 74 66t 4c. J Eini g GJB4tu

-crer -a- -J ,47 ./el -A---# v @ N ti¿le í1 ß # 71 J.È-lforg' \i. t I \") ln-a-* "íffifut----J+vJ ZE,r \ - EDe çor w +!

P¡.=.t'--,r'el FìEn Ii-{¡4r [¡L. \, .N. r Í1=

ìì,..,r,1 r."tithin È.=...=.; c,f the Ë.*-r.r their' lirrþ: t'lith th* r'PEt ,f,i Llc,uLh Êu:.Ll'¡. 1 i+.7

l."J .0, E¡.ker r.,.Jtrrr'l¡;Èd å'å ts E.l-r ':'Pm.:rþ;er't Fr'C't'a-trli' -Êer'lrinB th¿ rrrtr,r.þ.;mÈn ¡.t the t:::¡'r-lrr et Ri,.¡er.Ë-r.L,.rmili: L"ll-r ile li,.Linr--l at [lucþl L-rqn¡rr irr lElfË.Ë Ëi '!'e:r.r' l-r.t*r' he rr.r.aË' dÊ-='cr'it'ed ¡.= å

L-r.,-fa,¡rr irr 1'47= he t¡¡l'i hì=' {:'nr il'r t¡ =Qr.:+tter' ¡.t [:urþl -i.nd 'I l.¡'¡P'='t i,.,É r:,rt "tli,I,C,Fl .¡.tttl,:,,:, ", å lU Ê,q¡'e nr ile =.eler:t-i¡IrFr Tlr Ê'r'þ;ei-' tr',:n¡ U¡r,'r-1Tr rr É F.-1.i' -in,l I ir'' e,l tl-r er'e ußtll 1.17':'.5' e fa.miì¡, t'r:ilt å. tl-r r'eÉ rc'È'me'l ':':,ttå.'-:lF rr'rith hrac'm-th'ltcl-r ctrr the F.rtrrlr{ tr,rl-l irllr,J urr til .3.trÈ'Ut 1--tf¡ i.rr d LtråE "r'ÈFutEd ."1U Erl,'El-' tc, h¡.r,,e t,ÊBt-r F, ut ther.r h:¡ E-iì,leF hEr'=elf

,l t,ut i t t¡'r'3.È' r.p,pì ie,J +nr. the I ea.=.e tr,{ th i = I a.r¡ in 1'¡7'¡.11 ,1r,.¡.rr te,l tr-r ¡{. C. Er-lr.r¡e=.= tr,rr 1 ripr i 1 I i;71. 1! El ¡lr''-:*='= ll'r-1 E å nrembÈ1."t s. ill. þ.rr r'r¡rr t,-r þ;".',ts lì'.red ¡.t r.' .3.rìc'r.J= El-r'Ce=' r:+ å.F.rIrUt-r rJ tt'r * i=.jen,J, irr ,:lr.¡,Jirr g t,.Je'='t E.=..i'¡ {':'r' ã. rrUrrrhÊr'

lr'l-r"= '=Eid tc' hå'tJË t'e*rr h':r'n irl a' !'e.:.r'E' tltne =r-Jnr f'-lt''t-:.¡''l , tr'.fi, F, Ér''=. l-r ut irr thi:. r¡Jil'l :F'¡t irr lEl¡'j''l:ì Settl*n=, r,.,.rÉTÉ '-rltrlI,,'t t,: mr:rL're t¡-' th* lE¡-r d tretLL¡e*n r= rlr' Ènr+ri,:-+rr Fji,.,er. -:..rrrl L.lix,:,!-r ne El;ri. Irr lÉif tlr e "f'l.r.ilnl 'f.rl

,-T¡hn-qr-ìrrr=. Fla.¡.,1 " cr-,rr nÈr:tBd lliìlr-rrj¡-JI-r h:i' ':'nd Èm*rica'rr

!;-r. lt L'r.i--1,:rr:rn L'Ll-:''=' F.i',r*r.. Tl-l e =.ertì¡rr pe=.=.irr g trlf:,-=É tt'¡u=. i¡r' rr Prr Ctrt {r:rrft ÉF h,,.=.cþl ¿nd Êr'È'å.t r'r.r'g h+,J t,:, t,e t.e.l,ia!-r t,t, .i.!"r ¡tr irJ hr'e:..l,lirr ,:¡ tf¡¡çr r-1 I1!-r the t-irin r:f'U='t

,:,1 1 t.14 Thr r-rm3.=, ,l ,:,i-rrr '=.,:,rr r..,J.3.=. .1rr e.ã.r'l.¡'=.+rtl*r', 3. +EI-'rrÉr' =.-=,.

¡.t H¡q E¡.r, in llli,;l åFr rl f i7-=,15 r.r.rhE¡ Ë.ÈEfÍr-=. tt, l¡ :-¡.LJÊ t,EÉl-l 'r.

1 ¡r'*,-r. ì':,te irr 1;175 =.'lU¡.tter. ir¡ tl¡ + irr ier'tìle Ë¡. t l-i.r¡r;r;r¡¡ tr,3

+ i,.., i n--r, l'i In 1';5Í f.rhËr,Ê hÉ L¡.r¡IrrJld h.=,.rleÊd tr: nl.¡.He I .=tr;n'-J+ L,.l¡. lter.'I¡hn-=Érrr ¡ pr,:t,.lbì¡'-1 Thome=, t'or'n in 1E:'i1t r:'Tr L.,J.f.=. rl-+ime,l t¡ he tl-re '=lde=.t I ir¡inr--l r'eÊ.idÈrr t t".-rr-'l-t tl-r s i=l-+n'l'17

l'l ;r tnr-1rr' ¡lrl,Fr irr tl m i 1 ¿=' f r'':'m *ff¡Er'i I::''rr Th* i =. Fir'ad t ued Éir,'er. t,f l'1urråì"'= La.¡1,-rc,n If¡rmer'];.'l"lur'rel1'= La.'-fc, c'nI end

p,e..=.=.*d 1f, ¡'¡rr.¡r_1Fr LJpr..r. r.lild t':'r.Jrr tf'l'. Thef'É trJ-1.5 -=r. h-r. li-rJ.J.íi'

.L r'rJE1ì t]'rl-r Éf e tr'år"'PllËTE ÊrlrrJld h,:,r.:=p r:':,nS.i'=tinq ¡i =h¡llr:,r.,.r

,-:lÉt {r.e.=.h tÁlå.tÊr' {rrr' tFr En¡=.*lL-re= -l.Fr ,J their' l-r r-¡rE.E=.18 TFr t

i=. l+n,ler'= l-¡ -e.d le.:,r'nt fr'r-,m the tr'¿.'fedie=' ¡f thE

"Èf r itr.-=,.irt È" rTrÊn irr 1:1:1,5 1F ¡.nd r:'+ ,-f'-r'=.eFh F*rr n i¡¡ r1 trlrl-r r .".rr

per r.r.rl-l ile Èl ,lÉì å.i,lP 1.3.1,J,,'er''=. ':l Ef h. r¡hc i=hed irr tl-¡t =':rUtr

r,.,,.r¡. I l,l i rr ,J trÉ tr.¡.rÉÈr-r I i EE¡clr ånd ÉmEr'i r.=.rr Fl i L.r*r' i rr

1E=8.!l:l tF¡ .=.t it r.¡.rå.E. d-i.nL:¡Èr.':'u.=. +'lr th* irr e:tp*r'isl-r ,lPd t,=

br-l 'iettler"= .r.ttenrpt tc, t¡;..r,rgl thr'¡r.l'-lh the {E-=,.ttJFElÈ='= ' tr.isd t,t,frl-'pi,r!r¡ !;r. I-EEÊtitic,rr r:¡t tl-r *=.É treqedil=.

Éi'.., ir¡t,-Jt-. u.=irr q thi=. tr'eil.l irr 1Elf,= t,:lj,:t,,re¡l th+

H+r.r.iet Fii,..,,¿r. {r.t,ffl r'..Ji¡.rr;r¡¡ ¡¡ g -C,¿:r'{,1,t- '3.trrlr¡t tl-r fP* nr ii*'=. tC'

fr Fi irh-¡.r.,1 tl.Fr -r.F,rr¡.3,Fr ''Ë. l-r ,:rmÉ=.te-=,.d in -¡. ',¡rÈr'::" {ertile rfr t t¡'rher'e

{l,:,1.,.rer.=. blcrr:rm+¡l lr.¡¡: Ur'ia.rr tlt'. He r:r:,Í!mÉrr ted tl'¡ at "I+ it

r..,..fÊr'E rr ,:, t '=.rr f¡.r ;{trJål' {r-¡m r;ir,Liii=+tic'rr it r.{¡-r¡lld t'e .ju=t

tF¡ '=¡JÍTrrTrEr'".11 ¡¡,'-'irr:=. li' i='1.:.n,J tlr e pì.r.,:s ... tr:r =.F,Ên,J s

li+E dìd Fr r:Lt ÍÍrEËt Ì-r i= ide.3. t'{ riL''ili:.3.ti,:'n.

.T,t,ir t-¡ f;,;r1r; gr' lea=.*'l i1 :.,1 r-:iT* nr ii*=. .rt ['ep'E l]: +==irr i ifr

EEÈrrr,=. rr=.=.itr l¿ il-r .¡.t hç, i¡rr tir * laT¡ 1l=j73il t,ul it Fr =.qu-1.tts'l 'J

Eef¡r.e l-r i=, le¡.=.Ê r,rl-i.=. Ër'.r.ntEd. Hi= h,:'nrÈ l.',r:r.= L,uilt rirr Li. i17

r..,.tl-r r¡r"!.IÊd l,:pirr ,_l F, l¿in er'É, in 1ì:178, ËhËEt, ã.1-r rl c-r.ttlx in =. rl*.rr.e,l -1.F1J {*nre,l E¡¡.¡ldrrrþl:.. Tl-r e h¡lírrÉ:.te¡.dr r.¿¡ ithirr 1l-t l-l .lu,:er'rr Tår'dÊ. ú+ the Ê.P;r.t h-e.d -L E pedd,:cl': ne-1 rt':.t' 'a.nd E '-få.r'dPn r,'¡itl-r t, l*cþ;t'Er'r':r' EuËhPË. ':ì inrEirr ,J r:rL.rBr' tl-re

È.Ur'r.ÊrUndin'-_J hr'U:.h +err te. E-r:,': er' l-r E.d U:?d timt,er' +r'L-rm l-r is

ì *a.=e tc, tu i l,l cru t-l-r *,J=., e=. .Ln'l F i ,'=..!l ':'u=.É.=., =.Fr =.t.ih'l

Ürr --+ Au'-fu=t 1L174 E,=:qÉr'. his L,.r i{e 3.nd !=.. {+r'mh3.nd Þ.r ÈrÉ

,:, ,:l -:r.ÌrJ.f.l¡lErr Éd .it å.m. t,þ' .=. I trrår:1,.. irr ¡-r l-r i . i tr':'¡: i rr = ':¡-ld =.È g. tl-r f.r-ru¡-.ll-r th* L.ìtiFr dr:rlr.¡ E,:,t,: Èr' Eã.r,Lr dimli' the È-=,.i'l=. ':'+ iul l¡' r.i1:rged t'.rr.que, th* "F¡.ir{ield". Th¿ tl-¡ r'ÉÉ ,:'rr l-Jc,l'lÉr'E r'.:.n ta ths ãh,:,rrP trthÉrE th*i' 8.3.r..'J th* (.rP==.el h'r',:ad=.ide tn the

Tl¡r:l'.=, Elc,i,: rr. I ¡t .1 { ir'e .tnd tl-t ¿ ¡ ':å.ì lÉd 'IrrJt r "ÉFÉ

I'r-ru EEr..r å--JE=. ¡.=.h¡rx ther'e!" Thei' r:'f,uld he-rr' him, but l-r e r:'-¡uld Fr ,tr t hÊ.tr' tl-r *ir' r'*pl i*'=. The "F.lir'ii*l'l" l''l'3.=' r./,rr.Ê':l.lp,j, t,Ut the r:f Et{ BJ¡.È. '=.å',1 É,1 .=.n,1 the r-,r.r'rl¡ ;,r -:.,-l+,:.!4 In the Éå.r'l,a' lEil-l :. th¿ dema.n,l {¡r' ìen¡ 'frr l'.,;.'Tr'¡å.T''=':'

¡r.r I.=. l.rrr d, å.=. E1=.FL,.rher.* irr Ë¡Utl-¡ Êrr-l'=tr¡. I i.r, .=..'=. ií-rr:r'P.=.=.irr '-:t l-': €-.u':h å.n e¡: t¿nt tl-r a.t l-e.r,le le-r.=.*l'r ¡ìd= t,!-Ètrlud*d nr--:tni'

Ë fr Ê[J ir.':,fÍr .3.':rf¡if.ifr !'r t' ]dit-r ,_1Ë. Ifr 1r¡¡4 F,i-.Èr =.F¡p,:tl,.,r =.*trler..=. ¡-l t!-r Èr'e ¡..,,rÈr'E 1lj È.Utr1'r l¿'3.=*= in f,l'!-',lE Ûfr þ: 3.TI r:l:r.F':t-ù I=l¡.¡-rd. t,rt¡. llirr1:r Ël:l 1 È.quårÉ rr ile'=.!5 f':,.3.¡¡q¡.¡';,ç, I'=.'ì -¡.rr d'= :l::l'l' Ftr,F, r.ll.itiAn incr'e-ì.=Ed +r'crm -:i lr;, 1.r. I ,r+ --JË¡ irr 1i171 t¡

i rr I Ê17Ê, srr,J :17ç' i rr I i:rll . !'j'

:f;¡nr* É-r.r'l:i'ç,,1,=.t,.:r'¡. I i=.r=. F,Ê'*i-;,j, É=t.r.t'l i:hirr 1l their'f+mil!+'=. r:,n l'1.¡.rr 'l*r'r,¡ l'=l-rnd ErTt .1. FrÈr[rr.3.l-r Êr¡ t t,¡'=i=.

.3.'lrlrl n¡ TlrÉ.i'r:r:,fTrErl.:.ii-reC .ltÉ'Ut "l-r .1L.ri¡r¡ t,:r t,tr.r'lil =., ,r.fe il* .l ,lrLlt U,, ¡:U I=E-i¡r å,Jå4i1 +! i'Utii,:' U':' DE 'li iJ'È-åq '-1 FE4 ='å-+ËE åt'rEå '::i ' r-i.,, '=.Jr?4,'ì å J,-r'lJ .j'f, .¡:: 1uår"iJ 1'=' FUå åri+ i'E' + ! [ = ti '-. llL]rll ,lr Ér..1 Èi¡;,'rl+ :r '="':t'¡ * =i ;¡ì +l F,UE [ + [f-r 'r+ iuårl]å:'rrF¡¡Jl [Ët'JJ lrC'H H,, 'ui¡r,-J '=lr.{ .l'l+ pU;:¡ Ér-ì + åiìErl L1 i FåI . ådìEl'l Fr Irrr--rrÌ''t "iÈ'E

r-.1 ÈåJ+ Ë Ur=' p '=Éi EFrU'':jq Ê'lr'l +D i,:' 1'l I I rr! 'il ÍË,,'Fr [¡:r It-rDlrr '3r-l Ur:r ;ulÈ-'= årl+ ll+!lfi in,:, '!.'3'Er1 ¡r+ .,lla;ili =l +Èrii FUEI ]!'l!'l=

;.iJ,3iri +.-r.l,lrr'r UEI.IJ E,, ãÈ.Tr'E--jÈq F [Ðr-.1å='ÈÈ [ U'>:r'1i Jår'l+E J F I'fl'låËJ+

..:,-rl ¿:r !jå.i,¡+¡.1 ¡J u,J!+ É- FÊr..1 u,-rE[[lili Ë'Eulr:r l-.{I i.lf: r,'tlå'JFIIr"l --i 'Jn':' F- I q'= lf'Ì ulËr{i FU': :.åii [;Ë.Ji-rr:! J,-ri å:,E Id A.:iÈril 'ri =' 'Jnr:r r:i ',=-'tr: Ùua':p¡tt'¡: F,iJE. +[å=.ulr] .Jr:'+ Ër rJlfii[ Êj '3j,lEUJ ='E [[åfr1

;r..{ j .j,l+ dn Ë'å¡g+ uEUl Ê,, 1E-r]l JiË =ir-l +,:r å:4¡:= lluErI '.ilEutrr rj r--l'f 'lF-ÈuE j:l !F +='Erf l Frår'rå i [åq =i'= | tr:;.lr-r]'f';- F,UE ['= I IiJ'ë:-'Þ]ã= tll ;JEnt'=' U,3 ULì rxr-ì.J,i'=å.=ËrlL '..lElr..l FÉ1tl-r'=å.1 {=.å[lUl 1 'lael-{'=' rlUËj +UåuluJåfirl¡ñ åq+ .'.'f FåqlJ:r'=åJd åio:'-l Eu!:llt-ìlÊ åql 1Þ:r'li

åq+ åJ¡-iuJ r; Fr In¡fln F, un,-¡+ t'i'Ê(l 'i,j 't- rill; rr 'FIJE [ 'r+u | +nd ¡q'r:qr-r¡rl ¡r.u!r{ '=lrl ålqE åq F¡J'¡; 1r.¡Errt'I +r.lã¡!F-'Fnl' =.rl fJr: 'll FlnL-rh*ì Ëtl+ Ë'rllDE' ¡i'Ei.JJ É- ,, Få'-lE I [¡:rf 'É å.1 år'ri -=Ur:r I 1f I J+'ãå J F'L':'r]åËÞ--Ë t +'f u'-r+'=ãJ,J,j,¿'='j¡J: JJÐl:r F-+=l+'']=' å!..1 I +l +Þrr-.1 + F,åfl ,llIzt'f liå:f åltlr:''3 :' åtr Fr-¡¡rlr.Jri Ftn,r-r .';år.l4 Fr åJFjÊ[:' F'UÉ[ +Èl-r F Inr:1 årJD5 'r]f-r JrrË .{: år..1 I +l tr,:;Hl påfrål[år] =.+Ë!1el':1'='":d Fru':j['='I ållJr:¡'= pU'r:: åJLlrr h=' årj+ ul rl¡;r¡'= +=.r-1 [ =i'-=l['Ëj'Jr:+=F]'j lll¡='å¡tr'U U¡ ¡-r+ .ln,:,+ lll¡l.J+ ãZl.'=- ri! Fål.JEft ÈåËB'i[ [EJrflEF-'l år'll ¿E'U,-,|+IFU':-1 F':"rFJ UI l'f,U llllr'lli|l¡¿t'1:; å.tåfì1 ,i påJEðt-r t/ì,3+ å1..1 + Url El-.1 t¡r-lÉ' åJåi'l =.;r..1 -ì+Þl A'=-IAP rlf n= U I JË åF''Ë- lq Ê¡U '=-'È- * [ !'' fl 'qn.J:r'= =l'1'-1 =':"Ë'JÊ +'-r '

,:r tFå.J'.tå Un i r.]l'r J':'+ åU+ I 'jåår-l = E FÐA! l,'-rU F, InLìtìì [-1 FUE L

Ëri¿ r15,

Ë,r,,:€.F,É,:t tr,f !-r*tt irrg Llre f ee-=.imple ¡t th* pr'r:r¡r er'tl' ¡rt tl-r e En,J c,{ tl-¡ e tsr'm."Í5

r,Ilth,:,u,-fh tl¡ e lit'*r.¡. li=.ed l-r.nd ç.elErtir-,n ':,:'nditir-rrr =. a{ the Ëtr+nqr{å,r';. Ért n{ 1Ê,+'+;li' c¡uld h'l'.¡s r:'r'rÈr'r:r:rtrrÉ €-r:rmÉ

,:,+ the i=.ì¡.i-r ,ler'=' ctzrtrlÉF'l-r '-1 r tl-r i-= 1*¡i=l-r.tir'n di'l nnt help r:rrr tir Èmr å= rr ú Hr-.lrr dr'ed'= l-r ¡.'J tl-l Êrr t'*err Fr'r:":laime'l fi':n¡-l¡'ri'r'

I=.ìan,l , Fj*-tl r,+{ici;Ll r'8,:,:rrlniti¡-,n ,r,{ lt¡.rr ¡-l-rr'c,': I'=l+rr d tråIT|E ir¡

Èugu=.t 1Ë¡4 r.4hÊn the i=. l¡.nd ftra= r-¡-i.zPtt*d åE å. nBr.r.r ':r--runtl't

.LF|,I tl-r n-:(.fTrE "ll.-rTrr .3.r'tJ':rfr ",-?¡ Thi=. r.Ll,r.'=. .3. :.tep þIC,. !1lr '_:t ¡,.rÈn É

lla.rr I'=l *r¡d t,:rt,.¡.i.r.d= inrr'e,:'.Ê.irr '-'--l the s.'.¡-¡,il -r.E i i i tf' af g;.ro':'

--.,= l å.1-r Ë .'-"-'

È8,r, li,:-+ti¡r¡ '=. +nr' 'r.i--rr'i,:uìtur'al larr d prr'trttrfr ted tl-¡s r-låiEtt+'l Fr r'':":1.+m-rti¡n ¡f the H¡:rr dr'ed ,:,+ f,'Udle:r', ':rrr

1::l Èuñr.:.=.t 1l:174,:11+ .tFr d Fr,=.iTrÊ,J t'l' .[ì¡,,' sr'Fr ,:tr' i'lu'=11r:.r,' + tt' l-r ,tr t-r ,trur. hi=. r,.rife'= t,rtl-r er', [:,rld]e:¡'Field" ¡ di=tii-r '-luiEl-r¿d rrnrer.iC¡.rr ì-r.L,,l:¡er'.4U TFr e T-iurllr'ed,:r:rrTrFrr'i=ed.¡ll l;..¡'j ea=t 'I'i

.L ì ine r.unn¡Fr |._-t rr ,:,' {r.,:'m tl-r e €-rtrutl-r Ër--¡-aËt thr'c,r..l'll-r

Fr.,:=.F,*ct Hill tt, tl-r* =.¡uth t.'lÊE.tÈr'rr :.ide ':i åmxr'icerr r.rer. r-¡;..¡.¡' 1:]f 3. 41 Fj i . The F, T,:,È Le.nrat i ¡n tn,:þ; e{f *r t Ërn 1,J 'T¡.¡¡ L-e.rr d irr [iudlei'c,=r.lld therr te FUr'trha.=.ed f¡r''-r. ='m;'ll ':-:'.Ê'i

rjg¡r r;, .:. tl-r Ì.rJErE tl-r *r' ,:,:rrtditir'rr that hr'J t'l' lthnu';rh er'Ê ':, =

rl,l'r l-r.rr .-i.rr rl rr:.3.1'.: ir¡ i-J t'* ':b=.xF.r.,r9¡J! =.Ur-h 3.E r'e=iding th* d ifri¡,¡'¡,,..tEmeFr t=. r:rrr it.4'¡ r-r'*dit Èqr't'Èn¡Êrt tÈ. LrEr'Ê i=.:r.l*d t':' t,!t the=e c¡n,liti,:n= int¡ eiiert.4I /i,.,, l ¡lpr.lcrvii ò1u¡il., '4i,,i:, l.n,I^ 'l t:n,! t.. tr,4.., ''' l. r, ll .,. tli rt\ ,t \!l't ¡1 t( .i'' ,,, ,-'f t\tyi! n"¿


.( /Yt?6 1)t,t*.t.tqa"u !ì s'ù ¡r'ù Þ /¿//trr.4d/


ê_3 C Xerb¿rnt .¿ ('L{e n h e 'e

SCALE 'FiELri- ' ! ' ! i.x',¡ P. P¡e ¡4a ¡vdmøf,dríct d.uor /avt þ -$ Fr'r,F,':'EÈd tl,:Urrt¡' tl¡.r'nåF-ì.,':'n årrd F'r'npÚ='ed Hundrail r,t [¡udìEi', ËAPF fl¡ 14Ë' li-{74. o- 2t? c-

.t 'rt \--- -_,- -.

É I ll tP'. tot

\t I I tot 08

( r6 r20 .':-l

a "n7 22 '' I /, I \" I I ¡ |lO ¡r \ t40

a t12 t1, s2 t-_ rì

t5t i\ --ìr. l¿t9 taa 11, . -:ìì-- óo r5! 5¡r

t rãã t58 ) t60 rô0

tó7 r55 it. ' L

:_ scaLl -

Fir'=,t :=:ur.r.rpi, Hr:r¡Jr.e,J cr{ [iu,lle.:,,r lE7i, '¡ËrJ

Erur'inrJ 1t175-¡'1 çur'.JEl,Lrr.E. [.'Jentr¡.r¡ l,J. H-e.r'd:i' -i.nd li':rd{r*}' .I . Lilel=.1-r h,=1f.r.rr =r-rt'diuidinq tl-r e Hr..lrr dr.*dr trÊmFr''¡ 21 ,Ë7= å,:r'sË.r int,: ¡.qr.icultur,r. I .:.ecti¡n= ¡f

fi-i'm 3=l:l tc, Ê=4 ;atrt-'E=., Ths iir.=.t ':,* tFr É=.É þ.rÉF.É c'Ì{*r.ed {r¡r'=electi¡n in Auqu=t 1Ê7¿, and ta.þ;en uF under trr.pdit -1qrÊÉrrÈnt=. in 1',17,å +nd 1i1F7,44

Fa:.tar.;rl i=t=. irr the fi: irr ,:t.:.,:,:,tÉ rreeded

" th i n'l e I t,e:. i El-r eep{.Lr.m i =.,:,nrÈ =e d*= nq" t'-r ts ¡.b'l e tc' Þ;ee¡'

tl-r eir' i;rnr iìi*:..45 TFr e¡. ir r:,pe,J t!-r -r.t. r.,,r itl-¡ a'-_-rr.i,:uìtur.=l I *c i =e t ¡n'= =uch -r.E. th¡=e t+ i n¡-r rf iered i n f,,r-rdl el'r tl-r Ë.r'

r¡,rrtrUld h* .=.hl* tr, .r.çf¡isr.,r g tl-r *ir. r,.l i=.1-r tC, ffrål..;E B h,:,nr È {,:,r.

tl-r Èrrr=.Élr.'e'=. and their childr.en.4,5

Fc, ìl¡t.rin,_:l t-'Éçr¡'ÉEÈrr t-r.tiC'rr= fr. l,nr Fr.':,mirr ent CitiZÉnE.,47

r:rt-l th* Hundr'ed ¡{ 1."!enzie=. rr.r-i.=. Frr.ÈFr rr=.ed4Êl årr ¡J F, r.,f,:,|,=.inre'J

11 Êpr'il 1:178,q'i' The HurlJr'e,l p:!:.tÈrr ,lÉ,1 Ë.rrrrjth ii-'r,m tl-r +

,:Êrr tr'Ë n{ the llrr--,uth ¡+ t!-r e [iun':-=,.n Fl i'", er, [:jniith=. El.;,.i' ll:r's=i'; I ;rt Úa=hL'.1':'¡,J Eie¡' r:rt-r th* Fr 't'f'tl-r rtÈri<.E.t et,c,ut 1f :1.,/4 n¡ ile=. tl-r en Eã.=.t a.t ri,_:¡ht -+rr Í-rlÉ=.t¡ tl-r e tLJÊËterr! biçt-r t ¡+

l'leE¿.3rr E-=,.:r', tl-r err ,_lÈnÈr':rìli, tr , and F¡'trr.ti-r r..,.rÉ=.t+r''].i,

lrr llr;,r.1 ir¡ q the r:r:r.3.Et t'.3.':!,; tr' the tr':,mrrsrr trFmÉnt p,:ini.ft-t

rr q .3.r.È.i. 5ur',.re:¡'i i n l'1enr i e=. F,r',:,,:e*,1*,J ,lr":r in,J 1E7E-Ê1 , =1 Èn ::17,::ll:l : .=.c!-.8= r.,lå= r,f *+r.ed f c,r .=.C- lsC t i r:n thÉ uil ,:,':þ; 't'{ , = b* iirq inr ! I ¡.r. i rr år.p 3. tc' tl-r ,-¡Ë.8 i rr [)u,Jl =. *:.',52 5eIeat':,r'E tLJi=.1-r in'l t¡ FUr'':h.r.=e I-¡.rr d under ':rÉ'Jit

r..,.1*r'e ,:ÈTr åi_Jr'EÈnrÊnt f t,lUif'e¡ "t,:, F, .ji' llLl F,ef tUffr ,:rrj tl-i S rr.lli FUr',:h.L:-.Ê mr:,í-r el'åt the tinr e r-tl mel¿.irr ,! :i¡r5r li,tt.tir:r t-r f'.1 rtr ¿.¿ r

F,Èr.ãi-rn Lr!r!a.= t': hC'ld m'-JT.É thA.n ,J+l-l åtrr.È.=. åfl d É'-,Éf.i. AeleÈt,-1r. uã.E. r'pquir'ed t¡ E.prr d: r.,Jitl-r irr 14 deþ'= ,ri the ËFlJ,:,f e.arh rÉ-ì.Tr å. r'eturn det;..ilinr3 Euilding=. fencÉ=.i r,,.rell=, t¡.nþ:=., dr+irr in1f, rle.=rirr q r--,r' ,-Jr'uhh¡rr q ,:,n hi= ='xlBctit,rr at tl-r ;.t d-=,.te. I{ ¡. =.*l*Ct'lr.'=. -:'.qr.EemÈnt r,,1-r.5, reL.r':þ.ed içr' rr r:'rr -trr¡nrtliåTt ':È plith -ì.nþ' Erl,rr ditiÊ,rr , l'r P l.ìJå:-. rr r:rt t¡ t,e Ell¡r.,le,l t¡ =elect -..q-rin.5q t:rn the .:.ur.r Frr dÉr. 'r,* -1 t]:r.xd i t *qr'ÊErr!È!-r t r,r' E:':r'uh

Lp¡.E* , .1 E;e I eË ttr'T=.' L*¡.=.e l,:'T' Ë1 !'Bår'= LrJ.¡.'= l-Jr'-1.n ted t¡,r i tl-r e. .l r'i'fht r,{ TÉrrÈtLJå. {':,r' å {rtr'tl-r *r' l1 I'F.i.r'€-, Fjent r,{-:t=. tt' h* B.rr Tr u.r. 1l:' in ådtrå.ntre, tFr + f ir'=t :re.3.I'"E rent ta t,E

E.rid È,n tl-¡ * {-+ll É,+ the l-r -LrrrrrrÊr'r tl-r e r'Êquir'en¡grr t tc' ,:le.:.r f ¡r' å.,1r'i.:ul tur'E Fr ,r't le=c th'i.rr EnÈ-tt,.r *nt ieth F*"t at the

l¡.rr d le.=.=.e'j É.3.rIh l.e-r.r,r..,.rå'=. r*=.tat*,J, åFr d tl-r * F, err ¿ìtt'i'lrF' br.*¡ ,:f .f.Tr 'r, r,f tl-r * ,:tr,'..jen¡.nt=.,:¡nt+ined in tFr e l*¡.'='e r,'t-a= p '=imÊ' l'* the {¡r'ieitrlr'¿, Tl-r F, ur',:l-r ;+=.* 3r'i':È ,r¡i tl-r* +** ì*

f-1 l-rn,l it rr.rr i' tinr* dur'in,-:r th+ t*r'm '=f t+n-+rr c;' TÊnr¡ine'l q-E Lr ryl' .lr-l H ' --' ËLjel.¡.i,J¿ c,{{ici-=,.j=. rTr.l.CË daci'¡n=, r'EË-ì.l-'dil-r ,l th* =i=È tÍtrcuF:-r.n':1" Th* t' ìc'cþ.=' ú+ the tl¡ck: = årlI the clrnditi':n=. ¡i r.'JpT'Ê irrt*rr ,lEd {r,r' .1r1ri,luì'*, }'Pt t!-r Éi'r.tJPr'P ¡¡'r-rc¡'rrJ t'.¡'

r--rrr Ê tr.'.tentìetlr ¡{ ,len=.* =Cr'Ub. The reqUirenrEnt t,:, Cle¡.r th* tin¡t,er' Ë;r.r:!-r .i'É3.r rfrÉ.;..i-r t tl-r ;it å rr-:'.r¡ L''litl-r .3.r! l.:r:: E åfi d.

,:18.1 :¡. ;.!-r p+r. l-r -:.F,r.: ,r r_luìlc,ck te-i.rr h;Ld t':, r' t¡r-' c¡lltir-r liçr¡¡

.-:'.f.È1 tgtL,.r**rr il:l .i.Fr rl ill -:'.¡:f-È= ifr l-l-r -r.t tirfre, Ì"i,:'!.t ÍTrÉTr ì-r ad rl t¡ ;t¡¡-r''ri¡,rg r'''rFr ile tl-r e:¡ +,rmiìie-=. t,:, =.uppar't årr thel,'hEd hr'':u'¡l-r t the lerr d iTr tc' Frr'tr'du-ti':rrl , .-. In the LllE-r.r in,---t tJ,r -1Ë Ë1,-rr..,.J. l-ebr¡r.i':,r.1 ånd È"?.

l.'Ll-?'= tl-¡ r:rur:-'lhl üEr ifr itrrn ,:,{ Th,:,ma=. f'ii l l:.Ë,fr the =r:f'Utr " ':'f ''¡' å'd it im¡,¡'.e¡tir-rt, 1*" {¡r' aqr'iculture' He =-r'id he had "l-r q=' tË' Ë1 årr rut ,J,:r.,Jn -1 t E tr,:,E.t Ê+ {r'am {tr,ur'teerr =hillirr åtrr.É; tl-r en tl-r * EÈCC'nd E.F,¡',:,Utin¡-r= f¡ -e.,.rç ':i-rË.t me {i"r'=

,trE t,: trìÉår'. Éfter' r'¡:ru lt .-¡.','É ,:Ut ít d'--r.tln =.1-rillirr -1.rt 3':r'P åFr '=.,'i{ied the la.rr d i'r:rl-l rrr'.r';r' rJÈt ånd t,urnt thp =.':r'UE d terr È,u=l-r eì=. t¡ ti-r e å.Êr'Ê tr'¡nr tl-r * ì.:.rr d firåF¡ rJF'Pd Eþ' tir e nÈ:{t Ê=.. Then thE'ub =.FrLrutã uF '*{r'e-q!'r te{nre l-r åF.'JEËt, å.nd tl-r +r'e i.= the E.gmÊ E:{F,Én=.8 srrd Iah,r'r t¡ tr*

,---.t,-Jrr É thr'c,r..¡'Jh ,e.¡¡*e.irr , If i'trlu qE.t''É' .3. ffrån '=uch l=.nd, 'e.nd

*err ce,J it irr tt,r'l-rim, .3.Fr rl tl-r en F,ut l-rinr uE¡rlrl-r it, l'r Ê ':':'uld

I-r ,-rt gÈt i{. Ii,.rirr i--r {r'¡m tne l-irr ,l'r'='å

r.'.r t'Jfr rl.u I t ir.r-q.t i rrn åf¡ ,l rlF'I'Fp i t-r rI¡ l-r Èt.'J I ;nd i th È.a.t ¡r

L,år. 1Éi, i.i*l,le,i ,-r¡r l:i.¡i,lf-r t tC, ter¡ tru=fr Ej= .f.l-r åt:l-8. E¡, ir r'.3.ifrl ,j h¡.d trsÉn E;.t*= ':rlmEla.irr e,l tl-r at Ên ner...r l¡.ir t.'ihich

.3.1r r,4r¡'¡'l':g'J r.¡'rÉ!I l t r',r '3.F':'r' "=,,:,1T'if ie,J, d plr'u,:iir *,J¡ ,1f¡J =.:'.

l:Fr [i. Er.liCþ; ':r:rrTtÉ=. UE, BUt rr+ * Ê3.r'th -=,.n,1 þ; ill= the ':i-EtFr".Fi i,:und th*r.t EUlti,.L-etiErr r,{ Erll-'Utr l+rr d= r'Ê,=tJltÈd irrF¡.!lur'e

ÈTar p' ifr .fill beÊår¡-=e tl-l e il \.,.1 -1.=. trlrrlr F, ,--,,:,f' f ,:,f' Fì !r =.C, =.U':,:É:=+Uì

rr.rl-r tl-r e HUndr''='l'=' Ê:. L,.lÉll, Êt-r tne +ir"=t =.*lËt:tir:rrt = in

l'.1 qår',:"-¡ I.=. l.r.rr d ,:,+ [iu,lIei' irf¡J |..1 *rt : i*= t,.]Er.E t;-.1,;en UF ¡ lT¡ 'jid

F¡:l-i.rl r'-rr'-q. f Éql1 |¡.¡ ËË!-r''r¡EÈ' In FtrI,t hå.1.,e å. =:t''=.tÉfTr ='hi¡'F'in'---l

r:,:r¡-r 3.l-'':'r:r 1"1a.¡ 1É7,j, .3. rTr-1 !-r r...ritl¡ hr::.irr *'=.=. tr:, r:!rjr:i- ':r Tr fi.årIf å.r--lErr t='' HE I=. la.n,l {ourr d it t*r.r.¡. inco¡-rnita. tr-r'=l-r ipF¡ntJ .l+rljrr hir'e,J,1rr i=. r¡itl-r !ì.,:utter' tr' ta.þle hinr t¡ H':'1 El'¡r"51? l--l the S¡nre *a.r'll' :'ettler"=' an'l their ='':rn= t/ter'Ë ':'mr:rrr

.l-e,r¡lpr:. Urr tl-r s 1'¡'J:l iir.=.t i'=. t,-r Err tÉr' int'-r ;r'rll-'ÊeÍrerr t= dÈr' 1e¡r=, l'r'ti¡rr , t.a.Þ.irr r¡ uF' l¡.rr ,l in the Hrlndr.ed trf [)udìÉ:i'. .=..:,rr.c'|-J irl ,:]u,]*.1 ,],{ ,-Ït,l.r I-l Erli,:|,; ¡rr ,l Thc,r.rl¡..=' l*Jiì.ì Thg=* =trll-l =. r:,ctruF' the fertile H¡'-r E;''3' Eir''er E-=,.r1:¡ =.elertnr'= ie'l El-r BeF r'urr irr t¡ ,,r+ll*1, I tr-lr'ninq t¡.rl-r .:.t r.l'=.*'l t': t'É å' r'rlã'=' r:rrr in{e='te'l ,:ultir., ¡.te,l f i*ìd=.' Fiç'= Hea'l'I ':E fermer= qr'+a't r,,.r ith r.,.r il,l pi1f=. r,'lhirhI ÉtrÉn irr 1EIFE, ':-r.u=ed

r¡¡r'lId i-r l';eep tr.,:,ut'le. Feir ce:. th+t L'.rúul,l l'Í*ep =heep' irr ':rt t:Tr-rFr=.{'! ThE E,i.¡-=.urut, ¡.n'i tl-r al. r¡¡ted uF¡ .r.Fr rl ,le'',1,:¡E¡l

.3LJÉ ¡jE¡ir,rgrj ir'':m E' rr -=,.frrp P¡,--r'E He;.,1 Flat i'=. ËUF,Fr lr=ed tt, l-r q rrrl-r {r'c'nr l-'iirr ¡-¡Ër':' te tinr* ¡,,,'|1-r Ér! lig,;,¡'11¡ E,=,.tes, r'eturrr irr {n':'l:

in tf-r e {':'r'þ; ¡{ :r' t,: Hf,,=t El,:.}': trr3r'l'';Ed! r.rr ith a. pi':r '= =þlul'l

r.¿Jl-r i-r ';'r'1 ç' l¡'t'i n'r'il="r'rr l-r'eÊ, rir ¿ F, l+cE ÈFP l-r * l¡ ;.'l i'l'lEr¡ ;r ¡' '-ì

l f ¡.1 I I II. --

i-1,rrnrÊ cr's,lit å.,'*ÉnrEntÊ irr [iudlei' 'rrII l''1 *nzi*=. l'rETÈ

.=.trrr.t-¡ rjr:rt-r Èrl r:rr' ËuTf'ender'ed ¡.{teT å fet"l i'Èir'T= +':'r r'¡'r tl-r * nr:rfr -Er .Li'IrrÈfr t ,1,{ r'Prr t r:rf'e t'l' rI':'tTtFl¡' ith

rfr it,Ë.t Èr'=.Èr''¡ÈT'Ë'l .'j'4 clEå,l CErrt diti,:fr , hut =elertÊ,f=. Fr

r.1lËrþ:: L'.¡ r¡'rl-r l-i-rl-rr:l Thsr'e trr.f.= I imite'l -r. l ter'nåt irrt ìtl-r ilh '1'r'r:ri-r

I=. 1;.rlI ç.*1ettc,r"=. r¡u1,1 '=.r.lFF1¿n-r*rr t their' in':':TrrÉ'='. L'icþ' '-¡{

r.equl.:.r. ipp inr_-r 1.r ir:É I imì tEd the f,T'crrJu':t ian t': B. =.1-r =.8r. ,:Ef'p.3.ì=. etrrJ tr,ri¡¡--r1 . Tl-r e i=l¡.flI =till l-='.rk: e'j ¡. =i"=t-+nr :'I

r,,ll-¡ r--r tr¡:rrïrnurr ir.-¡ti;' n t.,.r itf-r Ê¡eì¡i'le i'Ih l-r 'ìÍTrEtÈFÈd tr-¡'dirr f fÌ

') A T 'l TI

Jr o tiAr

t,1'ü¡'l' ^.1 ù î I, ;

I J I A ¡1t'!rî c,¡..t,rL c t¡- t,t, t!, fr4!' ( + to' ü 1 N):PxÀÀ ," t. bf r-

66 . -tt' o CAF. A R stL DIJ LE1'

hhtlz Zagooa h-,t G )tg X¿,t

N..( D'¿5TX¿I ßAY


dlr¡ Coa¿io

þp (¡, fi..i.n,¡ar'r,n I=. 1¡.nd L¡nd H,_rl,Jin,¡=., ltJ¡Ê,r [iL. Þ- qtrr',,l fc'r '='gr'irultur'el ':'FForturr itie=. Th+ Èrnmgnt'=' Flan ,leueì,:p,6¡4¡¡ 1 oi tFr e Hurljr'ed':. É{ tludlet' '3.rr d l'lenzix= l-r':'d r'''rh¡ heerlJi=..=.ppriinting far'rrråFr/ |'trrrJF¡ r¡ l';.-r.n'Ja.r'r-1Lr I='i'¡'nder=' r,¿JÊUlrl th*m l-r e,j l-r ,=p*,J th.¡.t t!-r* Ê,t'Ènirr -J lJF, r,i l-r.nd FPcrr.ridÊ qu i5 r,¡ i il-r -1.ß rlrpptrr.tun ì t;r t,: be,:rme eEta.t, l i :.he,J i r¡. i ¡'' .|,=,.nd Fr.e=t¡n Eell, -a.n i=. p-r.=t,rr'.L.l i=.t fr-'r'm-1.n.t'i'È.:r.r's'!

,l tl-r Fr Ê t¡,:rþ:. uF, å ':f.=,lit E.plÉ,rti¡trt-r ìrr l"lerr iie=. t,ut fr--Irjrr '-='.t car:l,l n,-1 t å li'.rin,-l:-..1-r rl F,åi'hi=. lJl-1.1''lTr it' He tr'ied

r'r'rsr'Ê r.'.rlr .Lnd Eut tl-r e ':r'i-JFFirr ç¡ t.litl-r ,:'å.tE., P.:.t t'1r'1Êl' þ'iel'j= trnll'lr¡m ::l t': 7 hr-l='hel=' Fer 'f'r:rE' H* r-rlr'rned 'r't'r'ut ';lllJ

L-,rr l-r i .lE tr:¡F +l I e'='='e ;rt ßt;'!'le=' E-=tf' '=heeF, r.'ll-r i rfi l-rÈ l-'årt =. Fr

.3.nd 1.1.r!:r.È. t,:r'ce,l tn m¡r't,Jå.i-JÈ the Ëtc":k t¡ r"Ei='e mr:rrl Ê'!" ta

if.rr¡,Tç,L.rSmEft tÈ. thg '=ele'Iti':rn'ra'j' Hi=' Chi+i F, -=,.1, {,:,r' ':fl ,li++iruìti' irr ,lË,.¡Eìapin¡-r tl-r e ÊelFrtic'rr l'd.:'.= irr '¡ettinr--r Pi'l

r.r,¡þ¡ tr.¡r'rr irr the f ir"=t l'e-a.r, i:lr'ÊUl b'':;þi ,:i tl-r e =CT'Ulr i¡f¡ , t =t r,!råË t¡ tr':r' t¡ Êr,rertrr:rmÈ the =u,:h e. rÊ.te tl-r et it "idle .=.':,mÉ t".r'3.E' r-Jr.È,r,,.t th",,l¡ I¡-r l'e.t.f'Ë l-r È i:'lfTtFt'l :..irr ed th':'t tl-l er'È

iJ " t r-r r-r lrlu ,] h r' .3. i i-t . " 'j'

':.1¡ r]':e'!'t ,-Tr,l-r rr l.rl icl,ih-enr [:år,.r l¡=.t l-¡ urr dr'sd=. ¡'È EEF, r¡.litl-r

F: di=.E;r=,s ,lrr hi:. F,.3.=t,-rr.1 I leesE å.t tl:¡'qnet i''''ei-:, =':¡

+,:,f.{eite,l .:. p,:r'tir,rr ,:'+ l-r i-r r'Ufr '3'rr d tC'¡þ; UF ¡:rfr È ':'i th* fr ÈLr'l

{c,un,l l-r inr=*li irr .1.?l'ea.r'=. tEr-=.u=* c'{ =.El*r:ti,:,n3, He =.':r{-fn t-l-r ¡i it the ¡, i,1h Ê,:,8.t ,l{ Cl*+f irr,--l E =Al*Ctìr'rr '3.Fr C "=':'frrÉ

el-¡ r.¡,r,lUI,i Fr r:,t r:lFr:rr,L.r -¡'. L,u'=.Fr +I :{.ft!-E irr tt.'.refr ti' :r'E;r.r'=".i"i'i"l

r"rl-r Èrr r.4l'r ,-, ir nr lTrürr Èl' r'¡l-r ile f år'mirr q l':'=t it ¡.,1 erle =r-JfrrÉ =.hÈÉ[r tl-r *.¡' trln:,l,: tJFt .i.rl¡l-'irrriltUf'3.l ='P':tìr:'f-¡='. Tl-¡ Èrtlr '¡= l'ir'r'il-r ':i'IP PNOruSED HUNDNED I lll \'l \ ,'¡ (.\llli,\llVt)N

-,.tt | ! | '. ! r.r. !.'7 $ot' ei t(no (){+eJfliB .!.+?t h.!t Xilsb.flsl¿t sn"/4::rl ,ú ltr. p! .'J ".> ?65 4 .Æ'^ jV nn* (tt. 'n r. 3.,,.,,.

It -'y o ]I.\f DU ..y]A úl IP R o o l.tltú K G 'a t4D ô l lþ't 8'htt¿ TT U Itul lldót T _.€ r"{^"ù çC a / ) ; r",r'.,rru lrll¿"-t t]5..\lu,,a¡¡ l'¡çxrt ,J

t;", 4 rc ': 't ('ì)cL¡rucrhi: t: ll

Fr',ip'l=.pd llr-rrrdr'ed ,r+ ["1¿nrie'=., ãHFF I'l¡ 1É!t 1F-:;:7. þ N' + b- i¿.-l tl'.Jnrthr¡ttl,¡reli=t,t'Jå='un'r'hlet':F-c't';'nt'tÌ-rìrr'-1

Lrn hi'=. rre,lit .r.,lr'ÉÉrrrÈrr t irr l'1err zis=' ':.rter the lir'='t i n'=.t:-..ì nr*n t .70

[]ur,in,l tl-r e lt-l7uE. tl-r er.P r,,.].f.=. ,=,. rfl-=,.r'l,iÉd ri'=.e irr ':. ll I ;''nd ¡1 I t c,r.teqr-,r'i E= ,l{ I en,J h* 1 ,J r:rn l-r.;..nË'¡'r''=¡ ='I ' ='ÉÊlrr ='

tl-r * i='l¡.rr d durirr th-:.t ,1 numheF ,r¡{ nEr,.r =.ettler'=. ':EmÉ ttr ':t th*=.e l'P Lr'=. å.=- p+r t ¡f -1, '= t¡.te-r'''r i d* :r'|-Jr'i ':u l tur'al mårlÉ UF t':' Étr: F,.f.rr :.inrr . Tl-r É r'em,¡.irIl*r' ¡{ tlr e inrr'E'¡'=r l'r;ì-Ë

I=. l.¡.n,1 ia.mili*.=.r¡h¡ EI* thet et l*;r=t :t'n¡* tr'{ th* l.=.rr d r.¡,r.=.Ë. Lr.rnf'th hal,Jin¡-r Urr rler' ':T'*,lit '3'Ër'eemÉnt.7': rrt t*l ie{ tl-r e.t the i=. la.nd f,,r.3.= ':'rr thx L.' El-''-19 'l'i rråþlin'----l ,Jr.Èåt F,t.R¡fr.E=.r. rJ.r-=..=. rÊ+lÉrted irr tl-r E pirlrr.Ji=.i¡rr c'+ å Tr ÊL{ f r-r¡r¡¡¡ s.þ i p, , Ün 1¡ ,-lanuar,v 1l--4¡-,J lì-:r.prph i r'e f ¡'r¡¡ .7! *1. qr:rl.tErnrlÉn t tc,r., iF, r:rn 5ti''-r.r.,.rtr'ide--l* F¡int ne-r.r' Èmei'i':3.n Ritr*r'r l¡'iE' trr',:rcl=.irrr,-.,J,?4 It¡.E ,lr':..r.rr¡hted r:rrr F. Flå.rr =.irr!ilå.r' tl' th'e.t r-,{ ¡¡,le l.=.ide, r¡i th -i. centr'al hu=.ine-==' ,li ='tr irt ='ur'r'c'unded tl' Eår'[.:lEr¡ ,l=. tei',:,r|I r..'Jhi,:l-r L'ilÉr'Ë the r'e'='ìdFrr ti']'1 ¡i tir e þ¡r¡e=' -r. ll¡tn¡ent=. Ë¡..FÉir irÉtr:,rrrrr did n,:, t re-rliz* '1.rr t' PLJËfr fÏrr:rì-': ,:,{ it=. pl.e.rr fr Êr'=., It 1.1J.3.'=. cin Fr:rr:tf'="LTl 'J::" =':ril L"litl¡ c'f mi.=.era.tIp ,:Lrurr tr',!'t,el-r irlI it. It u.r .1= rrrFr the l'!rrL-rn'----l ='ide

rlF¡ *rr r ¡.t *rier'ir:lrr tl-r É ¡:l-r -aFrF¡ tl , å.rr rl tl-r E Erii ir i-rl =.ettì*nr Ei,.¡ef. .=.eF,,¡È,1 the dgr.rell¡nr*rrt trr!-r irlir tr:',:,|'l Fì rCe in tl-r i='

,li=tr.i,:t irr the 1El¡l:r'=.,i=

..ri-r rj Èt tl-r e .=,å.nrF time the r:ir'r=I,'iil-r !t Ecrttul=.ti':rr .l e:iterr EiFr rI¡ EÊttl er¡,*nt lpd tt, .f rÈrr Ér'tr-=. i'i r'EqU*=t= i':'T' tl-r e

r,r r.,.tl-r iCli fT¡ 1.1-r'¡' Ei t,r..l th ¡'rr¡=tf el tirErr Er i-.r:rr-',fr Ë,i =Éf i':E=. =' | \ 1 t 1l rC, l.) h, \ ( tl \ i ¡


Ì\' '\ì : t,, ll u H -.r''' / lt "\ l1 't, ¡ !Þ l ".*n I ,fl ¡a,r J Hr L. t( it 1 r1 :Í' ii s'ù ?93 l! ¿a7 \'I i89 /f ¡5 OMA SE ? 3¡r

* ni iui OM ñ ¿ ¡-.\ I ¿ i\ î90 /"/ 2?7u { I t(ì\r- r \; )r ll ì( 3úri 55 o;ú' 19t ¿264 N tuÀ r ?07 \ þ4 56 ão9 z ft0 504 (--l -_-* s 5l Th¡m+-=.' Hc,mE=.tÉåd. [iL. r" ,ufi" l'o i -rL;" I llill Ptu¡nrl t'\ 3t6 M!'l'lrisl'vi al7 ln É4 3t8 319 5tc 50 i 52 I iut Þ 5 i, I Ir T I z 5¿4 þ Þ (-¡ I :-ì¡.F F,h i r.E t':rL,,r¡ r :j;r-rr-lth Ert .jr:ri'B'l . In 1E7Ll å pr'r-,pr ¡1..1 1 r"1.rå=' Fut in the

.3.rrrÉn I t'r.t i ¡rr ld tre È¡l i -err p,r.r'1 i t th-r. l- ¡. t* eqr':rph = ='l-r ':u r-,{ irr Eur':p' e huilt i..t l::.i.F,E E¡r',14, tlr e =t¡.te -:rf{'=

Frå.Þlin,l tl-r e rJEr,,rEf.nm*nt ,:r:,rr Ëi'lÊr. tl-r e 4d,,.'.lnte1-ie ¡{ f'Pr:Si'.rifr 'Il e;.r.ì;,, nÊr..,J=. r,-t .¡.n.r, att¡.c1.. t,:¡ En,;¡ ] e.r¡J'= enÈnl ieç..7':' The pr.ap,==.;. I rr,r-1E ,le{e-r.te,l . The i=. l;.nd*r=.' need=. r¡JEr'E nat r:':rn=.i,lef'rrl I.L.rl-r Érr pa.f'ì i.3.fTrEfr t ,Jet''l it,¡7

nr'rtter' r¡'f'=' l'¡'';'Uql-r t i':'T'i"r -i:r'd tr '¡' In 187+ the ='å.rrrÉ I '=.! ,:rrt É r¡{ r,',rl-r i¡:l-r t.'¡.==. t' ¡'å rlf'r:ruF' 'l+ =.Èr,,8r.,:'. F,Étiti,:,fr =ir:¡f¡ed p'fl"tnEi-'E ir'Fr d ini l uerr t i al ri,l* l ¡. i ,le t,-+nl'1 Êl- =., nrErtrl-r i.n t'=', sh i

Ëì:rTr rr Urr rJÊr.t,rr.itÊrE.r r,rih':' Fr r.É.:.=,Éd i¡r' tl-r * rl:.:rF* Eic'r'd.=. ectitrrr in r-rr,lÉr' t,:, åduf.rr ':É n'ft¡r:* aS the '-=''r'r'¡r'JEl È+ the

Errql i =.h nr-=,.i 1 : .7t Thx r:ir:rLr pTt-rf¡rÊ!-r tr r.,,rhr ich h¡.'l iÊrr ':'r'*'J i'=l.i.r¡ 'Jer"="' r.ÈqUÈE'tË.r Ft r-l[.LJ l-'È.=Fl ¡rl ,j*.J t¡ thi= Fr.É=Ëtlr.É fr.¡r,'l È.Jel¡i'Je'

L¡.ter. irr iËf4 th* r-.,t':,r.rÉl-'l-¡tTrel-r t ,le,:irjsd ttr' É=t-ìEì i=-l-r

te I *,1r'¡F,h ctlmÍïrurr i c-¡ t ir-,rr t,¡ i th tl;'.E e Elc'r'dr.7'i' l: l-r år'l ÊÊ T':"jd ¡

Fc,= tnra=.t*r'-ËenÊr'¡. I ! r ep'=r'ted th-r.t the t'l,:rr'þ; r,'.rlr-l I d ':nE t r.rlrlrf'd r:¡rr .3.t,,:,Ut Ìjill ,l:l L-l l:l , t,ut tl-r * rl*nr.f.r¡I {':'r' årJt,rå.rr ':Ê tlre

.¡.t r,''Jå=, -r.¡¡i1., ¡l oi nr ail= u1r!ì.'-q =,urh tl'r tl-r E ã.F,pr'c,pt-'i.rti¡n ,..r,:, tE,l .ËLl 1t r,{¡..=. -=,.t {if.=.t ir¡ t*rr ded t,-r t:Crfr Fr È¡It b,rtl-¡ the rjìl thrrrt-.Ër E I=l¡.n'l=. ã.nd lap* EË,r'C,r. tc, the m.3.irr l.=rr d E,i''=tPri br.:¡

,:.1t, ¡..rE'=.tiËatr:rf' tf br:t tl-r i= rrÉ:.rr ! rlri :a Ie ¡..:!-r:, =.=. Irr -1 ''l=1

r: 3.r'P't U I I Crn i Ce f'e d i ,le -r. r.rtåE. i

,:.3.hì ip tur'1-rh" '=.t:¡.r'te'l l-r¡ in'-¡ Ê +r'':'nr the the F =.h "E,lirr ':å't'l -.:lÛ c-'l-r Efr d r"''r'1 l-iirr q-=c,:te Ëfrd. tltn Elrc*mt,er' tht hP'3.',rþ' Erf'É =' la.n,le,l ¡.t'l'.=.rr k;. lill¡. a.n,l É.F1itrÊd tt' the c.rb' le -1.r:r-JÊ= tl-re'=.*¡.t,arl{r'¡¡-l='cl'te.Tl-re!'rtr'rl';L'Je=r:'--rlTrFleì'*'lt:r!-r ¡1 E,eCemt,er' ¡.nd in tl'r e -+fter'n-J'frr C':rrrmurr iC'=.ti''-¡rr br:-tr'\lPEl-l tl'r e i=l -e.rlI and È,lrl ti,lr u.rå=' '=utrtrÊE-='f ul lr' *'='t¡'t'I i='l-red'

E::I-l r,,.1 ,le rl:,:rr gr.-itu I ¡.trtrt-. 1, Í1rÉ==.å.LlÉE. r.¡JpT.Ê ÉïÊl-rårr ¡:lefl i th É,la I a. i . r]tÉ-1 t inrpr:'r'tåTt .:P t': tl-rt The Ë,1Èl.ti,lE mÈrr =[rr:r[,:e r{ "it:.

,-Ìc, '-i.rr d i¡F,in,_f ir¡ t*r.e,=.t=. c,{ the tr.rfr r:rlÈ ':û1,:,rr }'".E:4 Fr n f1':'.r."1 rr'ìt'Fr tl-r el' r¡¡'=Uld r'e':iLtÉ tthel ¡ther' Pr: ißr-l-=trr:¡tÉ rfiÉn =3.i'l

,.,,ÈniÉrr .t.rr tel*r-rr":(Fr h.":i= * tel*¡-'rr';'i'h r:,:rt-r ':E d =.¡*ed t,{ tl-re É ,:,F, r:'l-r Au¡¡r.l='t Il=17'i'El'i' "Tl-r ¡i{ìrE r.rl .3.=. err e,l 'r.t l";.in,:l'=.,:,-rte 1=

tc' l-::"3rr -='r'i'r:l Bt{: tEn=i¡n trf tl-¡ e nrå.inl ¿n'l t*'l xr-¡Façr h =}':tenr '---'l rrlr.llE. nF I.=. 1+n,J", .L ir i.=.t,:rr.i:r.rt !-r -r.Ë. rlrtrËÊr.L.rÉd, l-l ':'t Fr'È'F,¡'=*'l

3.':l:rttTiFr I i=.1-r *,1 beC,=,.U=.* ,-r{ :r.Tr :¡' impOf terr tE tjti tl'r e i=l lnd '?= -ì' r-'-f .='d''' afr t'+1le ÊErr tf'e Ë, f F,trrFr Uì.rt ic,rr , trrJt he':;+U'=É ':':rÍT¡ffrÊf'r i¡'l Ë7 r¡lh i ch rr.r¡¡ I rl ;r.f r:r'UÈ t,: Ê,je I ¡. i ,le ther'*t'¡'. "

rr i 5 i rr ce tir g ¡;". ir¡f t,.i ec t i r,'É l'LJ-l.:' tc' m¡'l'ïÊ thË ':rlrr Ê': t 'ln tc, El,=,r',1.1 , .3. ,I ,I,Frtf'.=.rt {Ar' tl-r t r--ÉrlTrEtìeti¡:fr c'f 'I'! n¡ ile='

,f+ l-e.rr ,J ìirr e rtrFr the i.:. 1-rn,j r¡itl-r irr ii'.le n¡tr'nti-r ? trrå= Iet, irr frls,"rp¡l¡sr. 1875. .=,.t .3 r'.rte É+ Ë45'.J11--1."- tPr' milr. Irr I-ËdÉ {r'frr [,eCemt,er. 1l-::75 ,-'[,:,hTr R-¡.n'l-=,. l l H.rr¡'I =.UTttÉ:t'r:rf , :-<. i;'r' tl-r l-',in¡--l=.i,:,te tc,,e Flr,r',1+ tt, =.el*rt r'':rutÈ ':

,Lrr E.rr lË7.j' É!-'eËti':n Lr"rå=' F,!-'rt,Fr ÊrË¿d I irr e d RTr ?.7 '1 u'11-'Ï ¡'fr rl r:r:rfïtfr.¡Éfl r:?rl ,lÈf' I-r i= EUt'Ë¡r.ri;. 1ç,¡¡ ' FlÈt1¡rr:rL¡il-r¡:{ tf'eEË I i n+ r'ÊrJf'ÊE=.Ed l ¡r¡l i' .3.E !=r. 5U un,lpr't,r.u=.1'r f r',:,nl thp [r =. F'¡.th

r...1 i ,le l-¡ tl, tre r:u t thr'¡¡ the !.rll-'utr, aßd tt-r i {ee t =.d =' ent.¡.i ì ed tle-r.r in,_:t m':'r'Ë th;..n J.5l:l I'*=., Th* t¡.='l'; t/'Jã.È' nrå.dÉ åll tl-r * m,:,r'Ê di++icr.llt Eï'-r. ti:, t¡. I l-e.cþi ¡+ r'':¡å.dE r:trrÈÉ the p1;rte-e.u ':r:'Untr';. p.r-1s. f'eA.¡:l-r ed. l¡.nUCþle!' Enr-f3.qÈd m-rinl-¡.nd rI¡trr¡ {Èr.,J frr*rl tr= d¡-' f-l-r i= r.rjr:rr'þl . tf'.¡.r:t,:,f =, -1':.=.i=.tÉC t'l' å l¡C;+l 'l.=.nder=. ,:'+ Ths F, r.,l.jÈct ¡f{ere'l i=. the ÊFF,Értunit:' ¡'eid r.\rtrf. l,'; t,-r lenrerr t tl-l *if iFt tr,--,frrË'=. {f,:,ffl tl-r* ì;rrr d. åir d l'=rr r¡ =.UFF, t,er¡ sf it= irr imp, r't,' cr:rmmllnitrå.tir-,n L'''titl-r Él'lel-:.ide' ¡-l='cÊ'tBr fup, ¡, li*=. r.rl*rs t*þisrr hi' EP-1 iil-'=.t tr' l'l'irr ì-r-ter' tr'

H¡.rr.rÉ:'' 8. Fle tur'rr , I E, l -i.n,ler'=. q.3.r're Þirr ucþle:t' inf ¡rn'r-¡.t i ¡rr'l'u t lÈ=-: r:crnÌJer¡ ierr t- cimF f':'r' tl-r e lE,É.¡.ti,:,rr l,f =.r¡it+ble F,C, ='it*'= 'l ,f{ -=.upFr j/ far'rrrÈ3.t.'¡lJ hiç r.,lr,r'þier'= an,l ='lur'EÉ=

The i ine tc tl:-r.ts Enr',1-e. Lr.r å,=. r:nmFtleted irl e'Lr'l i' 'Tr'lì i' et lFj¡,J. El ¡' l-! ,-lr-i l.i' the nrairr land Ltl¡:ÌTl';nr*rr !JPr'È t'åÉk

.-:.n'l ì r's t': l,;. i rilt=q,:t* ,lr':.'i n:: tl-r e i r' ten t= F.lËl'i nr--i ut' =.'jt' r.¿tur.rl t¡, È,Jel+id* ,:rrr ths "ÈrrÉliå".Ë1;' Tir* ìirr e r./'ia=. c,itiri.r. I l¡, r-rpÉt-r ErJ trFr 11 i+u¡-.lrt.:.t lEl 7,å, The t¡t.r. l rlrlrÈt r¡-:'.=. ij 1:+.,5t1,"i¡,j,. r:ri r,,Jl-¡ i ,tl-r f- 1::l . 1:,J r¿t.l.È irlrF tl-¡ ¿ F ur'':l-r'1..Ë.É .-e.rrd in.=.t¡. lla.ti¡n c,f tl-r * r.¡.L,ìs.'iü å teleËr'rFh =.t;rti¡n r.rl'3.= t,uilt rr eå.F tl-r e 1itr¡hthlu=s -1 t -1.,:':r ãt,r+ Ë'7Fr-r.¡1:1.""/.1;'i

Tl-rr-t=, tl-r e rEE.ideri tE. r¡{ the¡ rl=r:¡te 'li:-trict

,:,t, t+ i ne,J tl-r * ir' te I e'-lr'.1rJl-r rr:'rr rr er t t ¡n. l'l¡r'tl-r Érlr'-¡E t

{,:'T' th*¡-È I.LI'ã.E r! r:rr'Ll r.e=.i,Jent,=. a1 =.c, t,*ne+ited ':':rn=.ider'¡.t'l¡', 3. tr'-1.,:1,.: ,:i '=,':r't'=. ir',:m tl:aF, e E,:,r'da tc, Þ.irr'l=r':'t*, A= Erilfn ;ì'.ã th* nr ainl,:,,rr cJ cÉrr rr ertic'n h'r'd t'een made tls'Ee tl-r Ér.p r.r.r-=l.=. e,1 it.e.til,rr t¡ e¡: ter¡ 'J f-hr Iirre t¡ i':'r' 1,,.1 iIIr,uÇl-r bt'.17! f:e=,F, it* å. Iecþi c,{ ':l-rrTrrrgr'ti-e. l nare="='it."

p,::-=.iL' ìe r'r:r ls irr Ësutl-r Èu=tr'+li-r'''= =r:ch å ìine it h-e.,1 -t. ,Jeferr ce ã.TlI L{.3.=. ':tr'mFlete,l r:,rr 1U t'l.r.f' 1ËElJ 'r.t '1 t'rtal c':' =t

,:,{ i'il , !4'1,¡ I Ë,.'I rlr , 1i':-j ter'=' Èt lrr-,ff¡ lI:.¡.F,e Elr,r',le år-r d il:¿F' e [r.l iìlr:'u'-:rl-r t'i'tl-r e 'J'1r'¡'11'r

r..'lÈTÈ 3.FF' r:rFrEr''r'trlrE tr,i tf-r * l-r È.3.d li¡-rl-r th¡U=.* k*ep*r"=. '-Jinted

l-r inrnr È'Ji'¡t* -r.rr rl F,,¡ i=,tr'É=,=.*=.174 I='l;rnd*r'=' -r.d ,:r+ c,:rrrrmunic¡.tir,n r,,r ith tl-r * m.=inl-rnd fr'I'nr either' thr*e .=.t-=..tir,rr t*r.rrl irr ¡. l=. {c,r. Ur.r1Érr t t,U.=.irr ÈE.=. Tl-l e c.rr 1}, t.'.¡ii icl-r

Ë.Ér.r.,¡Ê¡ -:¡.n;/ r'e=,i,lerr t=. c,ther' tl-r en tl-r c''=E et ¡r' nÈ3'r' tl-¡ e

1i1:fitf¡ r-rrJ¡g.;. r.lJ!:r.=. .rt l-l,irr ,-l'-=.':rtrtÉ, -:¡.fr d f lti¡ r:r 'J'lir it'= a.,,¡,=.i laE,il iti' trJ.:.=' crlinc i,l*¡-¡ tel , it ¡¡¡'-¡'¡l-r t r:¡r'Ë'i't rh'3n'-:tÈ=

,:,{ ti-¡ Th*i'r..'JÈTÉ the ii"r tl-r = ,J.¡.ill, I i{e * i'=l.r.rr,l*r''=., F-r'rt 'I'{ 'l tr Cr ,t¡ß i' ,l'{ :=ì,:'U t h ËiU'=. t f';-, I i i .

trF'u I ¡'t i r'fr r:lr'Pr'! i''flI tl=. ti..3.¡¡r-¡;'.¡ '1rÊ I'= I rrll' =' F cLrrÏrmuni,:-i.ì:i,:rr r*¡ith x,lxì.ri,Je in-lFr r'r:rr']Ed! tl-l * f'1ethC"lì=t rt-r'cl-r tc,¡r¿, å.,;r'*ater' inter'*=t ii-r th* i='l-:'r¡l*¡-= ¡{i¡ir'=' i c¡r' the rr et''r ì t' Ftr'i rr ted I rr li.i.:' 1'¡E:l 'I . Er'¡¡.,f t,en t '-Tr-.iTr , '1'F rlrl-r the 1.1*tl-rr,,li.=.t h¡mre nr i=.' -:r.T',r't -:r.¡¡'ir','grl At l'l in'l=':':' t'+

rl¡Ét 3' m-1.i.l t,c,¡t. Tir Er.e -r. l¡c:.., t,ae-r.r:l-r Èr' ad',' i=s,l hinr rÚ r'rÉT'r' '=.ÊE fi ¡¡jil r--r tL'l åE l-r r:¡f'É.S B.Fr rl qfr ,IrUt !,i milE=. t¡ '-I¡i-r fr ';r;'¡¡¡,

t,,3r, FCrr'rjËrj .3. Fl r:|F'=Ë å.nd È'Pt ill . F!,, I l, i:,.irr ¡--r . Er.r,;..,lt,rrr t

1,,,1 qer' l.r¡ FÊi¡rll-r Érj Ei':¡:': È¡- rlrrJt, r.pÊ.rÈ'J tl-r e h,:,T=.e rt i'=*rr 'l =

h,:r-l=.e late irr tl-r É ;..iter'rr r:'r-rTr trr!-r 1'¡ l'1a::¡ lElEl::l ' l'lr= lilrl

r ,lr-.1* r¡.r i tt l-r ad he t'{ Étr'}': Ei-''ã Ëtr+r,ut,r'i , Ë. =.urr',ËïLrl- Ê , ='r'd r-1 iììrr *=.=. å.FlJ q'fnÊ t¡ l-r i=- h,=,nr+ t¡ l-r *l¡'r Fr'er:*dirr the and¡n-r.r'I' bl' -r.t,r-,ut tt'¡a l-r EUr'8. l¡lith En:'ler'''=' L"liie -H¡:': t,r.¡tl-r ¿r. .=.hp t*rr Ce,J l-rim tl-r r',:,ugh the rr iql-r t. t'r-lt *r-' 'Ji*d

å.t 7.a.m. r:rrr 14 l'lat'r le¡.r.rin,-f L:r. t'Éurr lJ F.l idc'r'¡ ;+nd +¡ur hr-'l'=' ¡,,lith {¡.nr il}'r'''rl-r ile tl-r p rln,ler. gi,1l-r t.:/5 Ër'¡.:.,Jt, rr¡ t ='t¡.1'ed th*

,le.-¡.'l mr.rr ''=. t'r'¡ther r¡.¡eñt tt, l-;.irr Ê'=.r:¡t* t¡r' -1 c':'{tirr ' iie

,:-Jl-r | çrr'r1 i ¡¡ 11 d'c'l' tl-r ¿ r'e tur.nE,l I ¡.t* the Fr Êì1 t rr ¡ t ':..nd the içrl

tn,l .r Lr.l.f.E t.r.l.i*n tc, P;. i n,l-=.Cc, L* Ìnr' t'' i ¡. I . åbË'U t ir-'r'tf' FPtrrFlÉ trar,,ellx,l rJF t,: ::lll mile:. i,=r' tl-¡ e iunet'=.f .i'":'

Al thÉU,lh th+ t',:,Ê,u I -¡.t i '=n l.1l-:r.=. ç.r's.t ter'*,j .-¡.rr d tFr e d i :-tr'i ': t

ì.rcþled .r. rrÈ tL.'..rr,r. l,l ¡{ t* I el-tr'rF h i ': ,:,--rflrrrrurr i c.:.t i c,n. tlr É !-isr.i]'=. h-rd r'Èå.d quiri.llr' .1rrd ,:,:tmmurr itt' {eeìirr 1--l ar¡ rj =.F, =tr¡nq '!..r'rTr[ratlr i'hr',--.,ur¡ht tl-r e i=l-r.rr der"=. tr'qPth*r'.

ilhrr Hir'=.t r,{ .jnuq t::,--,''rs r.l.r -:t= d¡++e!-Érr t i¡-;'nr fTr'fit

rr'l .=.ettl=f.=. r.,.rl-r r:r Et t-.É,:eded l-¡ im ,:,Tt i'{.-r.rr r:1.3.1-'r:!':' I=l-r.nd. H* -1.=. åTr

rl *dUr-ited [Tr-:r.Fr r l-¡ :r,l È:'r,EÉT'iPrr r:È ir: ':,Uth+tþ. =L-i.tiç,fr ]ife. :r,!-r

r,.{.-i.'=. fr!':rr'È -r{{lr:*rr t t!-r .3.rr rÏr'],!.t ,ltl-r *i '=EttlÉr"-q' HE l-r .:.d Fr it

brEËFr m.3.rr :.r, l.e-1.r.= in thp c¡l ¡nl' åt-r 'l l-r i=. =,t.indar'd':. ¡,nd

r¡.lhr-r l-r '..,a, luE'=. tr.r*r'Ê tlr c,=.E t'i .3.rr Err';i ì if.l-riTr.:-r,fr r'E'l'l.r'deC im=elf ir.-=. ãUper'i 'lr. þletrFr the I *-== h+ -?.nd h i = L,,r i ie l-r ad tl ¡.d-=.F t

¡fr.¡.J TÌ-r Èi'r.'r?Ts arr d i.l-r å t, -¡.r'ticul.r.r' ti'p+ ,:{ =.sli-=.u+ii':i*rr ':.r'. "di++Er'err t" fr'om rlr e ¡tFrer i=l'='ndsr'=, "di+igFi=Tr t" Jr'':'ir¡

rIr¡JË.É tlr * Frr ,=,.inl.Lfr der.=., ",Jì{f Êf.Êrl t" ir'':'iTr tire ì i,_--rFr tl-r l::.e+l.rÉi'=,t

å.r-r ,l Err r.r ¡r'r:rnmËnt.ll t,r-lt -e.'j.i u=.ted t,:, tl-r e =.3.mÉ i=¡l¡t i,:n 'li++ic,:lti¡-'=, .1.=. crtl-r er' i=ìirr del-=. Tl-r¿lr' rP-frrlr¡¡ ;.¡ tc, lhi: 230o

l'4r' -r.n d l1r'=. 'l':h n H i r'E t l"1r' Earra.l d Be I I ¿.:' r ch¡. llÉrr 'fÈ =hrrr,,l*d th* rr¡-rrr ditic'rr ing L{l-r ich net'.lrr:'rrrer'= tc tl-r e

P:x: r..rlÈrE 1.r r.r g i'-rl tnd F Ér'i er¡ c*d it tÌ-r si, tt' ç.r..¡¡. i , H i r=.t =.¡'¡¡ f the r'est nt hi=. life -r.t Ërr u,¡ Lltr,,.re.:lf ¡lthr'u'_tl-r l-r e tr'ied tc' t,E =.el{-'=.u+f icient hi=. {in+nce= å.F, FÉ-1.r' t¡ l-r -¡.rJÉ t,e*n ËuF, Flemerr te,l E:r, dr'-r.f t=. {r'c,m hi'=. f ¿n'r ii::" irr Enr-llerlj.tÊ HE

.1' lsd tr' the r.',r.1.:r nf lile c,l .j.n i=l¡.n'lrr. thc,uÊh he rJ.r.=.Ë.,Jrl'=. 'Ji++Ér'Brr t {r'c,m the r'E=.1-, Hir.=.t trrlt-.ß irr ltl:-r,J in Hudder'={i*1,j, 'T',trtþ.=.l-¡ ir'p.

Err ':,:,Ur.år_:rÉd b!. ltr' l',1.rt tl-r er.'l [,1CC'r'l-r ¡:rU=.É , then Fr.r' t*r t¡r' c't

Èh,:'rigirr e=. irr lr¡utl-r Èrr=.tral ia., Hir'=.t d*rid+d t,r l-r"t' l-r i=

rr r:':r Èuqr-l Iu,:þ. irr tl'r e Ér..t l,frrï.. He .3r'r'i'.r*d irr È,iel-r.ide irr =.t

r:rn Fr rtrFthern tr.rith l-r i'=. 1l:l=i -r.nd lr¡nr.þ,Éd =.hEeF¡ Ët+tir'n'=, r,rlith h i=. i'È, urr '-lÊr' hrc'tl-r ÊT', ¡1 l{r'ed, .r.Fr d in F, å.r'trr Pr'':.h ¡rJ t'r':ther'-in-l:rr¡.r , Ên,lr'Et,.r l"l . l¡Jr¡al'lr'id'¡a, untII SeptÉnrt'É!-'

i t:t,i¡ , i'--''

.3.r.!È ,-Tnhrr Hir..=.t -i.r¡ d l-r i=. Lrliie tr.r ÉÍ-.Ê =.;..irj tç' l-¡ held å l-rr.,_:r+ tr.-rrt ¡f I.rn,l ;..t SnuaJ i]:,-rr,'E fT,:,frr 1l:t,i,+.1[l r:l F,,:,Ë.=.iúl]'

.8.È. E.quåtter'=, in 1l=l¡U Hir"=.t t.r E=. .-c. =.h*et,i.=.i-m¿r' ¡t ::;Tr u,J t];r,,.rel[l 1 ¡l t 1U t;rg.=. ,:,f t¡ ¡r¡e1¿ide {r',:,n-r -irr =Ëf-r =.þ';il-r =

q¿.r'':,: .¡.rr l ljl r.,.1.¡.=. r:rr'ån B--,.'=.E .:,i l'..arr I =l d. I rr i',lrl H i r'=.t tÈ,i ;i I -12 !.rlu.r.F'e mile=. Élr: tÊrr dinç fr'¡m E,fr'd.=. r'F=.Pl-'t'È t': Ie;''l

Ele.=.rl-r ¡.t !¡'',å F,Er.EQrj¡.r'* nr ilÈ.11:l :l H* tr'¡u':rl-rt hi=.'l .3.rr ¡

t,r'1i'ì t hi=' rr Ër'.a e[ui¡'¡¿¡! t'i' =.ÈE ft-'crlr¡ E:'r'+ Ferr in:u1¡ ¡n'i

Fr rt¡tTrÉ frÈ-:'.r. tFr * t¡ÉLrtl-r +t ãrr U¡ Ili':,r,'P. Fi-',:,nr Ë'lelf ide ir +

:-UFF, r-t i,:,c,,¡{f hrSUEPi-r ,-r l,j ÉqrJi¡1r¡¡9¡t, itr'nr =.hipF, e,j lìe= =,

t,:r c, i:tur¡ rJg¡, dr',3.FBl-'¡'r 'r'iËr'i:,=.Érr Êr l=., {¡'jder', Frrtrt,r.t =.h,:t, 'j:12 tr.3.n'JiÈE. -1n- qrj.Lntitie= tr,f Fr':'rtPi-'r tr.rhi=.þ;l'-1.nd t':hAcr¡'Iti4 r:å'rrfitt tur'nip' In Apr'il 1E7l l-r È inrp'=r'ted ':nian, FEå¡ 5 mtsrr r-lÛlrJ. Iu,:Ér'rr Ê. r'l'P Ff å.'="=' -1rr rl F' r'åir'iE Ër''=''='E ='ÊÉ'l!1l-1 indic-r.tinq th-e.t he pla.nrr e'J ã. l.r.r'r--.l* g'l'Í-'dgFr -1nd higlr ål-¡ ,1 u-rlitl' Få':.tur'e. ltJith At' 'l'F'iqirr ;rl l¡Er' ur'Er'=' 'J 11:l É m¡.i,1=.e¡r.'.3.nt= l'r E r,.'Ja=' t'rÈl I P=t-i.t'l i=hE'l tl-r er'e in 1E175' t,Ji=.itr,r'=. tl-r +t i'Èe.r' t¡r:rilI tl-r ;..t l'1r ånd l'1r= Hir'=t r"Jer'g in rr,Je!.+i,Je ls.3.L,ri¡rl tlr.r¡lr ¡;¡çr l;ri'ÈÊ= ìrr rlli 3.1-'r¡e'ltii Irr 187'l' li Hir.=.t'= le¡.=e t¡,r ']-=. înr'feited f,:,r nrlrr -Fr -r.:/'m?nt ¡f renttll-l He Eut L!r-r.Ë ËF, en l¡r' -=.ppl ir.:.tic,n irr l"ler'rh 187É'

Ë r.E-:r.FF, li*,1 -1rr d tl-r * lea=.e 1.1.r':r.E r'PnÉrJ.rÉd irr '-Ir-lll' lEl¡ç'tt-t The Hir'=.t= l"rent tr-, t¡r.",rn tÊ'jel:'.idel ¡'n'l thef' h¡d prïrfrl r;r¡.ç,g¡., t''1¡=.t i=. l.-rrller'= ,l,i tl-r -¡.t t inre did ¡. I I tl-r s ir' r:r!'.rrl r,.,tnrl,i a.n,l r,r.rell. L,'i=.ite'l tl-r e nr-1 ir! l,='.rr d. ThÉ ìiçhtÌ'r ':ruËE :rt

¡l:.¡.Es Elc,r.d-r., !Ë mil*=. +i.,:,m thE l'r ¡lrtr¡É=,tt..:Ldr -y'r'31'r irjs,l Hir'=t

¡..rlith :1. liriþi t'¡ith the ':ut=ide r,\rr1r'ld u.rhitrh t¡'r'3'= l'rrr:rr'P tl-¡ + .f¡:,:É=.=,it, lE tc, l-r inr th¡.rr tc, ':th*r' i'=l¡.rrder'= trPtråu=E 'l'i l,r¡r:-r.ti¡n c,{ hi=. l*¡.=.e, Hir'=t ¡{t¿n l.rlrll'i*,: t': thE

tl-r s hr'irr¡:l ii-rr-=l ¡ ¡,-¡¡tt-r rtrrJË.É, if Er ':,=,EiLr lÉ nr*etirr '¡ =te-r.rr*r' l¡.r':'r'ld. Hs h¡'d ÍTrÉÍ-r *r'i -=UFr Fr ì iee å.n,1 FI Pr¡.l-= c,f tht ¡ut='ide

rrå.rTrfr Ë. 3F r-¡UFrd t'l i=. r'tJn r ;,.t tl-¡ * Fj.:.1.'' ine de'=' L-:;r.='=r]r ål i r =.Èr.JÉr.;rl

Ëe-+ì Ee,+ch, E:'e þ1c, le Flir.Ler, 11+irr t-lr'e*þ; . f'{-e.¡¡ q'1r'rrn Ee:'':lr , Ëì¡.rknr En tl:r'e¿1,:., tI:R,,rerre!'tl:r'e*þ', H:.f'E.r' l',J-r. lì¿.¡r l¡lrerþ; L:ir'lìl:¡'r

/.;. Err EF Érj f;r¡:r..r i l F¡rl"Ì ån'l t,Jh¡l e rlu l l :', r.rJhEr-'Ê th*f'

;"'¡-r d r.Llall.=.t,ie=.. [.,J]-rerr l-r t fTrsTr t,:' f*rr ce ¡t ÛÉ1,'il/E FC'r'l" e =.Érr

L'L.|L:'.ã rr ,:,t t,:, l'ìeep' irr t'¡'¡t t¡ l.,..ll-r .r. le ll;uli:r' tl-r e 4err rr= =hEep !:r 'l'-r+ lUrr t'{ ':r + '-"rU lJEÈrl=' l..l I lr',1 iUåi11¡;' ;q I F''=-r-{ '34 'l;årjË Ërl A=rr'É:rÉq '='qUl'EI tlJ,-i.J+ ]l-tr:r åUl!i åi{Ë1 'l'i F'Ë'i'l Uå+lr-:' +rrq

EFr frr-rrlrü È u':r Fr uÞ] Lt¡ [å+'ÈJi=.E--i] +n:' Fr'lç' 'lÈÊr'lË' lË 'l'F FIIrl!-Jf ":

+ I +'=.j lH 'F å:'uå+ , ¡ ¡a.=.' rr¡ E,u I .JÊårl=. årli i,= i'=.Úrll F IF =J t 1r: 'Èr'{ |llr:r J+ å+Unr'l Èq F' 1r-Ju Ê.Èr',1 +l '=E UnJ ;tl+ 'Jër'rrl [[È: Fr 'r+ ,jåãrìË 'U,l!+'¡:Jãrlrl ilfr :r!++lF' Frl¡: l-irl':t'Éi'='Eir'r Er Ul'l¡-årlË r-l+'llq t'lÊ ¡:'EFr llrsr'l t-t IT','l'ÉjFr =!r'l

E lË- --1"1 åUlt:rË ' E-+r'IJ Êr:rJ'FiEU'É:4 F'U'É È UårlJ,:,i .J'llï'r '=. l r-j +ii ìllr F' lF' ãl'l + ir!Ë41 r.¡aåi,.riãr] ll}lJr]rl! F; .l':| l åf l++nE. ',:.,ìE i tÈji,i .åq Fa+r.låljlå [ljljrl=. t'ln'r[+ uår'lin rll pÉ-i..i ';-ãi ,f I T FI-l;' J'ËrE¡n'-=' ='][ '{' ='ll Dþ '=;: !'l -rnE ãllr:tliEJ .rJ;rjl .Jnr:'i +':r ,Ju'Ë'J Ëult''r'ÉiH år'ì1 Jrr'l å='fl'l+ å å.JE];jÊ¡J urJ FJ;ir..t :'l 'lrlùi 'fi UÉrlj ;Ill Fåjrårj11: 1-='l!H 'r''Jål+a! rur]l+ rr-l:rEqr-ri ''rtat¡1 ':'lr:rr-¡+r' Ft'lç' iF,ãï.Jrlr¡r I ,,iåi..1 i [!ir.ln ulårj1 Ut r¡.tåU1 pÉjdpr l¡ l.r.l ,lr¡Ë-: êt'rf.l ¡(l ;q+ i¡: uårll år'l + +É =iJ'l++å

BiJ t l'l'É'È- 'Jr'li Fj r'll I r-l åfiEE åq+ ll+ lirl F,å | +E i l'E'='= lF uÈr''llï'i ' ,, " ¡r¡ Ifr +ÈEåf:'rr'=un'='Ërrr +E.llH E,ul...l;'å¡-1Ë Ê'r'll"lnp 'låar'l='F-rUlir'1 lJl .å1n'f.J u.E.tlJ./Jr:'.Ìi 'E Uår.,1(.Ji å'lF:r'=.ä 1:-.å.J'Ètsu 'Jlål{+ 'åËrr'-1 4ir"ll-Jll t++¡ UEqËrr r'l 'lår'l u'Ërllfrtd årJI ;r.ì+ ,-rl .1: IqEqtrtJrJ F'ËTl'Ér''ì Fr Fu'É

t Jår'l F á+ f årl¡: å 'Jl'Jr-1fil år'l + 'F Afi.JÊ- + -ì Erli l åtf +rf ErËU ';' ¡'lt¡';' -r ¡rr¡'r-- +'f Uål¡lF-r qlri U'É'ltjr]rt'l E ËF +rlU F Ifr'-1 : å¡]Ë +Éq+ åll+ÈU FEjr''l 'f "]ftr' -+'='.JlH '+l-.¡ar.unE¡''-- tJÞl 'Jål+'Ë' F-' åur:l FËj,i -Jr!ìu:1 ,, F,Éjr..l ='J!'.1 "ÉrJl;4:'l¡" 'r¡[lEUl åq+ ÊtrEFl Fr.le ..{tlE:¡luuEJi+ Uåul:4J'lrr,r Ëlr..l Frå[rr 'l +=JtH t.{+lrrì+t,-rq,,,llå=.r-rrl-J'='årlll+ål'l'lrl='uår!}'l'J'-rtÏìFå!+'='l+'Ëj3'='lF+nq ,=.1[e-J,.;Il]+l.l¡r¡Ë/UF-tJl[!Ëtllaq+påjlÈ;lrÌ.P11'laB.rålËJlH

''=a¿'F:t)'= r-rul++å=' FUr: Eulfuå+ iç: påj'l Jr:rn'r uå++r:'

å+lfli.=11..|FlUÞ:4'-=J!N,.Éjå,J'È.F'å.j.ËjU.ã.F-.r+u!=ålq.Etl''ÈlT1-1å.JlF¡ =.l-r*a.rirr¡¡]¡.åtr'T77t,i-J.=.l.reeF,ina.r¡e+kl.|¡'lhen.JrlÉ'].iþri=. b'r'r:¡ur-:lht ,, oi '='he+r'irr ¡l Hir'='t fTtBrr l..rr¡. l[,is,J ,:,f{" in tl-l e nr i,J,Ji* 1'f7E Hir':'t him{ {r',:m the I i'Jhthau='s' In ¡"'lr-rr'r*mt'Ér Èl.ltrrr.È.¡.htrlrJt:llJL].='lrÊPF.ltFrÈrrt,a.l*.ltlrel.rjÊl:lì.1.rrd=.t-¡'r'ted +nd fcr Piinq'=cc.te ¡,'lith {nur' t'al*= ni t..'l':rl-rl ='crmË ='þiin= Hir-='t'"= t'r,:'Ë'l rl ic' tat4irr q :.i¡: ,J'3.:"= {l'r' the FrlruFt rJ tr'ip'111 r-Jr a'b':ut i¡ur' r/r-Jur¡d=' in,lic¡.t*=. å.ErËut i5 +le*re=' FÉr' t''='l* irr{nrn¡:+tinrr i'= aLraila't'l* ':'rr ¡i r.J.r'lÉì F,Ér' '=.Fr EPF. "Little 1t EEem'=' th¡'t I'l'a'n'-:t¡'rtc' I=l'¡'nd tl-r e F,riÊÉ= rÉr:Éir"ed qu'r'I itr'¡rr d tl-re {leere r¡J¡tr¡tr'l mu='t hå'.¡e been ':'i r'ather'ì'=r¡'r r--P çrg¡¡ ¡J {':'r' ? li,ll-r t."11! irr 1É'.r5 Hir'='t r'*cei''re'l 5 FErr FtEF fr ¡llçrrrrparr :¡'11'3 t,ale= ,:i r.rlÊr- 1 EÉrr t tc' Elrjer'=' F-r=t'=r'al Hir.=.t.lir'ecte,l-=..ndt¡r-.þ;p..r.r.tìrl¡..1]ti,pe=.,],il.rJr]riþ.'-=,.t * þ''it':l-r sr¡ 'rrr d . Hc tì'-r''1-lg*'J tl-re +lÉr':rl-' r'i tlr i-r i=. =,tatir'rr '-='ÉiilP¡j '=¡lrrË hi=' trrÊTr ITr'ldg i¡-r ¡le='' '=-t,:,re-r'r:rr:rfrr r ¡'Jl-r il* ':'{ =.1-r r-rEr':r!.=.uíTtiUËErå!-trlcr:rt¡hlp¡Jtl-l':if'!:rl'r'lrrt¡r:¡r:'t=''Heil'lrÉd'=nr':'ìl' r'}'E r"Jith r'''rlr E3.t a'rli Itrlierr {1+t .r.i-'E'1'? Irr C ='ÊeCe'l tlrsn'r pì'rt= ¡lri gt=' !-J lhe lu':*r'ri =r ;'nd qr';{.='Er =r:ru'lirrq ':er'f ':'tT¡t:rrl !:t' time he 3'':rluir'e'J '3' t'ullÊ':l'l FÉt.3.t¡==. E.n,l fÍr 'f.rr 1-lr'ì'J=' å+t'Ér L'rJ-=l'tÈF' t':¡ t-l-r * ì içil-r thrl'uEÊ: te+nr :rnrl r,1.r '3.=. tl-r er¡ -='t' Ie tr¡ ':år't r'rjh h i= r-rrJ'lrr '=tìl--'r'É=' + i11 .3. t-+nþl . Èt t imeE ÊFI ch.rr¡-rirr -t ij+ ti--r å'l-lì+i'is Hir'=t r.r.tpr'É l3.te irr årr'ir'r¡rr r=l t'i' t'rr.3't iT''ftTr r:-rr's3'tEr Ë''¡'r't ir'+rrr tl-r e I it-]hth':u=e' ËË th* t,r--,F.F,trr.r.rÈrl =.t,:,TÈ= ,:,+l-ri.=.iirc¡rrlsl,!|.3.!.1*r.i.,,e,j{r'¡rrll',!,.=.þÌirl.=.i|.|.'.1'3,.=.

'=rr þ: et' t ur-r Fr *r'rrp i¡r '3'!-É=.r'tJåE EE.:.err ti;. I tFr ¡t hi= =r'lF'Fl:r'':t Éeì1 .=.t !trrl'jl= El-ai'i''lirÈ!-r he l-r Ë {rÍ,n-r F.T. ¡.Fr ¡l É l,r;r¡,¡.,:,r,,.i:d =,=;,-,.r f-.4.-l

r.r,r r¡'ti¡n r.s.Fr =-hort. Hir'=t suF, F, lied the liqhthtr'u:e itl-r

Ê'hÊep årrd i'u t t''¡' .1 14 I n 1El75 r r¡Jt-r Érr rr Él4s' r'P-1':l-r *d I'lr"= H i r'='t

,J +t :_ìrr uq llc,ue tha.t 1.,1r.=. Eell r.¿.rå.8 uPr;/' ill {alltrt',:irr

.3.n ¡-l':rr'-1 qc,;rt, {r'*=.1-r milþl lrll-rir:i-r rl-r iì'Jt,, s.he =.ent *Fr In . her'{-¡rmilÏ in É'lela.i,le h-id r'E:entl¡'='ent tr' her-. Eell !-r -¡C t.rþ; grl hi=. r.'li{E tC' Ì1iddle Fji',r*r' in .-:'. trrlllr--rr:l'l r..tlå.'-lr:'rr Er:r th=rt

1"1r"=. Ën*llin,f, cauìd nur'=.È l-r er'. "E:'.'h*r timel.r' ¡iiit. þ1r'=

.å.rr pr'at' .rhl¡' .=. l=.¡ tlr e Hir':,t =.erred the I if e ¡i tl-r e h-r.h't' d m¡th,-=¡. " 115

.3. ,]rrrFr l ËFUt-t EF I i t [.,JFr *rr H i r.-=.t rr.r'.rrr ¡led tr-¡.c t tn =uF F, ::/ .r.n,l 15[L] F.RUrr C ì':' '¡= {r-rF Fl¡-r.':l-r Er'':':.¡ l"1c'¡nt.rr in 'IunÊ 1"J¡--J'

rrjr:'r.F; ,r+ dr,r.r_-lr_iirr e-l littirr ål-r rJ ti-rx l¡r;1rli¡r¡, . cuttin,l , =.F, !r þgr1 +¡r in [.rjr'*,:l¡: r-ìullf'. Ê=. he n*edsd .1.n 1ar'-=t* =..3.Lr.lirr É ':r'der' Èt-r r:'Ur:ll-r tr:, r'et+i;-r .3. r.!Êã'=Êl fr'r' tlr lÈÉ ':rr'l¡' tr'iE'=. l-r S I'rlÊFr t

I!:! H'fÈr¡r.trt=.r.-i- 1 -: J- ,1.=. ERL-rrt .i.=. p':=.=it' 1e t,--, m;<.þÌe år'r'ÈtTl Érl t-=.

Tl-r i=. r,.re=. ,f.n *:'lritirrq dx',r*'l c'Enr srl t L.,.ll-r ich l.'l .3.= t,:' '¡i'*r g Hir"=.t

.r. nr!:,t-'* rpli.:.8le inC¡nre th-e.n l-re tr'lrUld Elr{Fr Èrlt fr'¡nr ir i=

[1 ir.i-r Fr .:t.E.t,:rr,1. I .r.¡f i,"r iti*.=., Hir'=.t r'*tUFi-r E'l r:'n tir * "L:..d:i' å" L,-rith.=uFFìie=.

Tl-r * nrÉrr buiit EhÈÉEr t'å.r''JÈ, l-r ur'dle'= er¡ d '!- rIFUE'l-r FÈr¡

.ii|l t,e1l.=.n fT¡U=.t:rin¡ EhÉÉF, {Ê'r' =.hea.r'in,l e¡.r'll' irr Ü':t¡t'sr'.

,.tFl r.,lÈTE È.1-r trrr'l-t ,:rrr Elrr u'--t tl.¡r.rr Ët+ti':r¡ . Irr 1¡:17É l¡' :Ell:l =l¡ ÉeF

Tl-r r.4r--ir Lr.e¡'i g'l t'e tL,.reefr m¡r.,.1 i t-r g E'l- ¡' i r I ¿ * h. dur'i I-r¡ =¡Jffrrr È¡ rlri thp ,lr'r'=,Ë.r ffr Pr¡Jirr ':r t,r'i'lq*=.¡ di¡¡,;r irr q tl-r e tr'¡.ci', 'lrUt ,:i ,:!!-! Lìr-lrr Ti-8,-= Hill, dl-'Et.!r it-r l':'r-l= in l,''lr'¿cþl ¡¡r:lìi, =.åt.'Jirr '-:t lliull:i... ti-'i.irr ,1 å.r-r ,l t,r.*.Li,iiir r:l ii-r L'UllÈ':i,:'=., t':, 'Jir*rtirr ':l FrPTr å.t r'Ih itpr,,J-i.=.1-r inr-Jr -:,.Fr d tur'n inll ì im* at the Fe l'1¡l e Fji'.rer'

I d ':a.nrç' .l ,:,{ L'l itl-r al r,,¡.riå.ti¡rr thi=. tlJ.?.E. the F, ¡.tter'n =s-r.=.È,rr =., li,;'= å.t :lnU.¡ ü,-¡,",È 5t¡.ti¡n f tr,r' nE;..r.l::¡ {i4ti' }'Ê-i.r'=.. Hir'=.t

'lied -r.t :ìnrJ¡--.t',li;,1¡s in Ar:::rr-l '=.t 1Ë'i5. .f.rrC li.r.f.=. t'ur'ied cì':'=e tc' the Fr,ttrrÉ=,te¡'l' 1 1 7

1..1+r.'¡ii.qe urr¡tp'J t'l-r e cl-r ildr.err ':,{ tFr e É-rr'liÈ=,t f.=.mili*=.. Thi'=. heìp*d t¡ t,uild 4. -=,tr',:,nr-l ':r:rmflrunitf'r,r.rhicl-r terr ded tc, e:lí':lurJÉ th':'=* r.,,r itl-r c'ut i¡.nr ilr'ctrrrr rr Ectic,ns.. EìÈ,nr* l'r-rrlrr E l¡.rnrer.=. m-r.rr.ied I it-.,t' thc,r.l=e Þ.i ee¡' Ér-Ê.r d;.u¡-rhtÈr'=, r,.ll-r i:.l,=,,rr ,J ilS '--,tFr rr.t'':rurr Ë F,ÈüFl+ U.tÊr'p i¡r tr¡dr-lced intr, the r:r:rmmunit1. ¡.Ë. teaChef=.r rlrf tl-r fr:rur_:til fÉl-=,.tir-,n=ir if' t¡,t ith cf.prf.Sin'=. ,f+ 'rt'a':.t¡. I r.rBE.'=.É1E.. F¡trf-' PTErrFrìÈ Herr r'i El.rt*=. rÍ;¿!-'r'i*d l'1-r.r'tFr .=. Fr'.rnÞ;=.,ili-:i r..,.rl-r c,:.e i.:,.ther üFer'+ted a ,:t,,=,.:.t,1 I rutter.lll?

I=. l+rl 'jef"=. tr*rI .3.ffrÈ E:Ì': r:itP'j t,'" .i r'Bir lrf'tÈrJ ,li=.C':rUÉf'.i'':'i

,_:l r:,rrd c¡a. l -r.t H¡'lr Ëei' irr 1È71;. F¡-,:,+ÉË.=,¡:rr'Tate Lrl-i.= =*nt t,:, irr 1,, p=.ti':tete tl-r e ,ji:.,:':r,..rÉr'i¡r .t=. È,1 *ì+ide c,i{ici+1.=. ¡.r.rarrtÊd t,:' þin¡r,rr i+ the + ind LrJ;r.Ë. l ii,le l:.' t¡ herr +f i t th* c':l ¡ni" ,:{ T-r.t* {,:'urr d ir'.rqnr *nt'=. r' { =,rÉ-im c¡4.ì irr tl-r E =.,ril å ¡i late .3.r'c'uFr d thr' t,Er'l¿l'iiEld t,ut the tr r'pËÈncq =, .=.:.ti.=ii*C t-r.=.irr r,i Cr.iit d*¡rr;r¡i! 3.rr 'tthpr-.¡lÈ,:, lR,:l iË.t ti-r -it the 'rtrål rJJ¡.-i nc't der'i'.,r8'l tr'':nr th* imnr edl¡t* rr * iql-r trnuF l-r nË,d. He tr.r':*'J i t t,-r ¡. ,j i =.i-rr''je'j '=.n-r i tl-r i', the r¡.lL,bi=h ¡i t,,rhirtl-r h¡.d h*,:':nr* mi:,1 *d r¡Jitl-¡ the m3.rr ur'É h*;.p

å[¡ ¡l r:å.i-.tÉrj tC, tl-r .liSl,j ;r.Ti rJ t,,,tr:r!-!r1 B'j if¡ tC, ll-r È i].1?[l =.'-r e =.r:r '-J':'=

I=. lander.=. =tri'.rin¡_-i f¡¡r,,iL.r-1 | r-J.i.rJE little, ¡+.r.rr l, l tf-r ':'ur--.ll-rt t,r tl-r e uniquÈ n3.ti1,,e pl.trr t=,,t,{ theii- enr..r ¡r,':,rtrrrÈr¡ t. Llnleç.= the:.e L.'.rer'É r¡rrr-rd fnr. I ir,'e=.t'-rcki tn e-1 t. th*r. =.impll, inrEp'led t, ..c'qr.É=Ë in cì,l . L:;t-r pËF, iß I I =xttler's.' +lnck.= L,,rÈrÉ '=.r¡.tt*r'e,J '-r',rer. murh Ê,4 the i=. 1¡.nd but,cþ1

{*sd p.Ja=. Ë.Ë.3.rr tT tt-r 1+rr =.É, irr * =.rr.ut, d=. th¡.t it t,er¡.me the

Ft-..1.':tirp ¡+ _=.1-r ÈFp-f.=,.r.nrer.= t,: b,ur.n c,f{ the t,u=.hi. ¡I¡¡.ltl-l

-r.Fr d ,e. I lr¡rr.r1 E.h+ÈF t,f ,l¡t-.-r.ip r:rrr tl-r * l'r:rurr rl F, l.rrr t=. .t.t-r ¡l r¡lhiCh EhC'r;'lg =.¡r_'rl .3.FFËere,l r-rn the br.lfnt ,lr.e_rUFrrJ. EFr erp F,-e.'=.tUr.*'J r:r:¡rl tirr Ur'U=l¡, ':,fr the ':¡e=.t.=. I .fr.p.:(Ê. 'JÊ'.rBlr,r'Èd .l

!.rå.Et i n'l di'=.e.t.ËE þ1 nr-'t',rn .3..= " EE,-¡.=.t i rl,',rr e--.E . er.È. r =. "

,:'tr'=.Er.r,' Èd tlr +t ËhpÊF '1r..:r=irr q {r.eel:i. at'.r.rr dc,r¡ *'l tl-re qr..3..=,.=. 't,i thE c,:'åE.ts. I =tr'ip in {-lrr¡ut-.r:'{ the r.Ë-Etr.¡r,.,r tir -+fter. tl-r *¡' had {ir'ed th* =.':TUtr . ËU':l-r eeF dld nr:,t E.h,:,r,.,j =.i':rr E C,f

",:Ê-r.Êt =irþ;r¡*==",1Ë1 TFi=. ì*.=.=,:,r¡ t,Lrå=, t-r ,rr t åÌt.!¡ ,1.:'=. l*rr.n*,1 it-r ti¡'rre tc' p.r'e'.rent di=,.=.'=,ter' i¡r' !-r er..'.rr:r:rtrr.=TE. t;, fi..r¡¡ ¡,:.¡¡rr1, l =. I.illl l.

Ir¡ 1Ë17,J .3. nråirr l-:.rr d '.,ri=,it¡r' tr, l'i.¡.nqar't'r' I=. larlI r':'ui-r ,J i=. l.r.rr der'=.' ìi{e Fr'imiti',., e åf¡ ¡l tl-r e ÊTr ,.rif'rtrt-rtr,¡ÊFrt in t.,lhi':l-r tl-r si'lir,rsrJ irr tinr id.=.tirr q. Fle i*lt henrnrsd irr h.¡.tl-¡ s 1,,¡ .rlì c't

=rr.ut, ã.1-.r-rUF¡ d tFr e landin¡l F,c,int -it,'1e.1!t fh,?F.É L,,J.t.=. n'f Fut'l i,: hc'uEÈ .:rt l: ir¡ q=.,:':'te t,ut l-r e tr.r-l.= t,fier'.--d hr-''=pit-r. liti'r,rll-r ith rf¡,:.'Je !rJ¡-l-r å ¡l¡r;r¡¡ r1 ìfrr¡'¡'gt.!i't;t-r r:,i-r l-r i¡rr tl-r l-r r.'rsr'É -q.t e rr:'mmÉnted tl-r +t the i=. 1¡.rr der'=. ";.. =.uF,Êr-ic,T r'å.r:É t,: tl-r a l.=rr ,J+i-.'=,."11'¡ TFr e i'=1.=rr ,:j *r'= .;..frg,9.l.rr-'4 tr,ff¡ tente'l . tltne r,,.life h,i,l t,r-3*fr i'È.i!-':. c, !-i tl-r =,ett1er.'=. -a7 = i=. l-e.nd ¡¡ithaut L,'i=.itini:l the m.=.inlarr d.1';4 Thi=. r..,J.f.E.

pr'r,t'.=.hli'l'1¡.r't'*nn Tl-r c'mFr=.,1n. (.f¡rmer'1." ll:aln-r.rr i L.'.1 i{e ¡+ the

l::h;.r'l*=. Tl-r .1 Ë¡',1rr i':r'meF =.mUEr,_¡ler' trrrlr=.F':rn, l¡.ndl¡ ¡l'ler' irr et

1.,.=. ll e¡. l!5 ¡-,.¡¡tr I irre,J -rt I'iirr q=.rc,t* in 1¡175.11é, TFr e H,:q Ê-e.i,

t'-rL.,ln=.1-r iF r..!rs.Ë l.r.r',:¡*t tl-r ;..rr l'iing'-r:ate in tLlT¡,, I=.ìEnder=.

'=.i -ì.F F,É.=r'pd =.¡.t i i Ed t¡ tr.-rrr t i rr uÉ {a.r'm irr ¡-r å=. the i r {.t th+r=. ha.d ,lr¡nE.l2f

In 1B7f l.l¡.t Tl-r ,r'rÍr åE.r ,:,rre ,:i tl'r+ ear'I ie=.t i'=..l¡.n'JÉr'=.

liL,'sd ¡.t Ante':l-r -emt'er'E¡.1' in gr. =,t¡ne hcu=* t'.r ith å. th.rtched

trtrr:rf ã.r-r rJ {ì*d llr',:'r'. The liÍTteE.t'-rrrÉ l,r.r.+ll=. t{Br'Ê !l-l inrhe= thick, the þ;itrhen me.=.=ur'ed t+ {eet t':r'11.= feet,

the trEdr'r:rcrrr ll.5 ieet t'r' 11,5 f eet ,q.Fr d å r¡lpÉ.tl-rer'bn.r.rd

l'=¡n-t¡ L.,litl-l å e.ilu+rr iZed p¡Ir,Ir{ h.=d L'esn ,r.,J'j+,1 , Thi=

t,r-lildirr.,_:r r ÈTr 5scti,-Jrr,5 I-i : Hurr dr'ed r,{ úudlei'. r,.f-=,.=. 1,, ;.. lrJÉ,1 .r.t

I .-' r-l

I'latl-r -r.rr iel l..rJ.r. lle=. Thc'n¡;..= diEd -i.t !-r i'=, hnmÈ -r.t Élrr rÊcha,mt,er' E¡.t ':¡n 1,J Þl*1.'rmter. 1',:tll;' -r.,:le,l I¡ rÈ.i.i.=,1lli Thcrnr-lÈ'r.,:ill. d.Lted ilr,-Ir..l li'11=-:7:;. lr{l: hi'= "irr ter'*=.t irr .=heei, lea=.r ,J::l Hur-r 'lr'*d r'i [:,¡j,Jls:i. 1,.;itl-r .=.rr d ,:+ttl*

dep-r,¡.tr:rinr_-.1 therea{ +nd Ilr iç] h':'¡jd ir..i i-nitur'+¡

lirr *n g.rr d r.r.lÈ.3.r.irr Ê -ì.F,F,.3.f.'rIt t":":,þj=,r Fl.fte'=., f iCtLt T'?=.ì

chin.=,., htr'r'=.eÈ., car't'=, .3.nd ':år'Fi¡.q+=. åF¡ d ,-rll 'f+ rrrr:rrt El" '=.t'-rrl,';=.. furr d=. å.t-rrl =.Ér:ur'iti+'=, El.=.rr þ:. d*bt=, nr¡:¡Tr Éi'':,T B¡nd=. Eiìì':., fr f'tE= trrT ¡thei' =.e,:ur'itie=. ;.nd ¡. ll

*.=.t-i.ts e{iert=. t¡ t'e ÉTr._i c,i.É,j ._i ,:, ir¡ tl}, L'i' lhi.=. 1 r."¡if r t¡,pl-r i*i Tl-r ¡nr :-¡.!. -i.nd l.j.¡.th-e.rr ieì Th,:,nrå; iiìmE=.¡rr l:+ ' i UÊuJtJt:-lJ I lrUå '=Ëi r--i+ FU'Ê'tEI r:,ulE,Uå[[Er..l ] É1..1 + 'r+ [[å(ïi ËÊ'UlËl]+ ':r i i'Jep''1 FE-r'l r'=arjl¡ r..l': ÉF!r:tåFH jå¡l+ F, u'É .llårll lIEUlã1?åJ-rUl FåFrUldl¡l

Ut åF'EuJ -=tJtttlEllå{l 'Jq }UArvr årX!+'=lâ,{JtrÈn[[l ,1: tEUlË'ËåJ]Ul E ¡ u':¡¡q ="n'.;*=ï;,ii;: =:: ,= ";;"ï::;;"-;:J,i ,Ên+:,E 1n|-Jl..l+ljï1.3lJl3l'=IfåFuÍtJ|f,=|t'.|åFFjuJåH.u,r|+lF.':j'J+år'r!}-Ju!+.=.IF, åtruË l uÍlìË 9lq ¿q Påf, I [ år] lU;'riJU'lJ ltruÈ = !tl l': [ [È]r'] årl+ ..i'l F,luår.¡1F-rrlåJ+:j TliI'È-=n Urï'f Ë!q 'trl FålJår"'U'!¡rl

'=E Uå:4ì-1 åq ll:Ì\'i Èr-{+ 'l']'} FU';: F, U''t å+=.Ejtï'r 1 FEll FIJ'Ë[ +Uål "lr:'l ri'l aF ¿'=Þlð | ,li Eu t eå'JÉE lq å=¡:'r-.1 f, sr.l ='Ê Ërr ! [ '¡] l+Flu ltlJÈ+ f Ëlr.l på'3 lrJ'rÌJdu'ftr /[u'f =]3uJ'lrll 'lapue¡=t tEf,l'll+ H 'ålrj'fq =-14 'r+ å='][f FålJnq .=Efì.'r . '=F-'rt,l':'r.ll å tle'1 /ï å1n '=''f E åH lJrl I,, u'-J.='lu lË [ | +Ef..J '1:q I t'f ua4l FuE -i'':'uj'fr..l:L Elqd,rs +'3 å+lt å F-.rut':np IuBËFr UEJE ?4U

1 Eu r.L,' e i, E,¡r¡þ; , DL . =. g ': Hu ¡-r I'1* n i .,. I111E: r F, 14, !1r..¡ ¡.,"',' ",. E ':,¡þï , dr'*,1 r'{ = =' t)L . .:' I b'i d. + Eur'r.rel' El¡ul,l . Hurr dr'ed tr'+ l---r.'='='ini. t'1,=, l:lEt, F. I 5 Ihid, p' 17. Ib,idr F.1[t. ? Itid, ,=' Er ir.e,: tr'T':,'. 1Ê72. c' . 5.tjl . = ' 1L17,å' iL'id.. 187?, rtE l-i, l.,J Rt,. Cit.. H-1 . ttJ l.l.irr 'l:.rotP .å. ' F. 11 P-=,.=.t¡r',e. I Pl.. rr [iÊ 57"'14r l.l,-r. få, E]L l¿ t_il,jt_i ï:,,/ ì':i+. F Fjt-JE:!il +7. P;.ir; '-:r=.c¡te l-:.|.-il.*.r r'F,. cit" F' 1i+ f),:r¡¡,r¡q . rlrF,. |: it., Fr' 7. 15 t "r+, [t i r'ÉË t':,r']', ¡ i_r ¡-r r_. I .-' . 1t f]':rf rtt-1.n I ÉF, . ,: i t r F. 5. {? |].f'J.A f,F. rit., l+; in'f =.,:r-rte r F.4?. rlrfr r- r-" ?' I ':' [LC,f ff¡¡.n ¡ . i t l 1'¡- Llee*r 4. til ll:'--'rþitrUFFr :,1 F,. f it.. F' 1f.l. ¿I [:¡rma.n! r--rFr . cit.' E.7. r:iFjr:i :35.J EEt4 , F Fll-1ËÉ . [L¡r.m-rnr ËF, trit., F,. 11. th*,-rF,. rit., F. 14. ¡, ¿,_r Er-r.uerr trFr . trit., F, :rfl-l' ¡H ti ÈpFendi:'l 'l ,='I i ËsFF' þlr, . 1T tri 1l:j71 . t'lt'. 5Ll c,{ I r-ri r-r. '1= lltr'=.8fL,rET' , 1:]: Ì"1-ri' 1 í=rf å , ¿,:' !t*e È¡' ç' st-r di:l 'i F.T. Eeì1. :=;nF F l'l': ' ËË ,:i 1 ElËLlr F, , 5{, ':, {-r r¡- I It, i,l , F T . trE l 1. .:' I .J._rl fi,r.L,.r . I'tr, id' F rT. 1,.1. ' ._¡ï I It,td.:, F I F. T. Erel '1'=r l,'.li iiJ¡d.. Fr T. I l=.¡n. ¡l , :j4 It,i,l . F D. Eru irl,l ' ¿1 E -.i .:,._r it,id,' çt L'l ! , E-r t s'=. ' :-'Írrerrrjed ir¡ :-:; t-r.trite cri :;, É-r . , Èrt l.l¡. 14 t,f 1l:li':j-'lr 1 rli,r;'-7ü É.Frd t Ë7Ü -71 . '-_¡1 ¡+:j . E;r+F F þl¡ . 1 ':,f 1 -q74 EAr-it-; 1',if 4 , p, . 1-=7iì . Ib'id., t, i 1577. ji r:rEr - 4t-l trL 541i1;'..J1't4,å, FFj l:rEiÈ¡ -i.rr d ll:c'cl';hrir'rr r . ':if- F -- 41 ËÊPF l'.1¡. 14! ,:'+ 1 E¡+ . ,i iå ?1 4; F; . þ1 , tl¡ i t,b=. . A Hi'=. trtrF'r'l{ ¡utl-r *rt=tr'.¡l ¡!- $.:, r..J¡, I 11, F,rl .48, F, . E, [:'L. 't'q't F Flr:rËÉ 44 tiL 54r-r'.r.." 1 , ' Ê-r +.-ttl E l-1,: iË t'f I riE'¡ F, . 3i Eu l I ¡ 5iìPF , r ' 4C, It'id.r F.f4:. F'T. Elell tr'..1 - Ha. ll-r.Cþl , ':rF,, cit.. p.'::!, qÉ ËÈF'F f'lc' . f i'.l ,-1+ 1l=.f 7 . ¿sI

t¡ SÉrrjrj 1g7r=. F, . ,åt r?. :ìÊ 1ËiË, F, , l::5': , =U, Er:nfþ:., Hun'lr'ed ,r+ l'1err =ie=.. til-. =1._r¿ rr f"1e rr i I Ëf El f,'L . 1"1.-=qp ':,+ Hu dr'e,l B+ = r:. , , r-,i :j"¡ì., Art l'l¡. 1L1 B+ 1E¡!, F. ,tt-l . ._r1Ê11 thi'l .r F,. 'j'C,. rJr;r -l -l f,rl_ I . II, Fnì 4É, F, , 11. :jÉiFF. I'l¡. ilj ir'{ lij',lEl ,j't' ;; Fi*pr'r't r F. It, iC.r F, . '4lll . 5rl It' id., Ê'. 'J'J, tlt!-'';gTr.IÉf' , 1t 14.:L:" 1Ë7'5. 'rì,1 l:u ì e:.' , ,r, ft . 't,i i j, i{ l'1.=.E É+ Hu rr dr'* d ,:,+ [Lu d 1 e.i' r i Ë7 , [iL . t,J.El . fi¡r'm¡rr , "4,:C¡rlTr tÊ.,:,{ Tr'¡.',reI= r--'n ¡{.enË+f'l": I='Ier¡ 'j r:rr-J;t ,lur'i nq th* l EiÛ=. å.Fr rl 1Ê7Ü'=." , F, . 7, Ë 'È " G+rl *':1 l .r.!-r d H*i-'¡. 1 dr'i' 5c'r i * ti' L i trr"¡.r'.¡' , Fluediger', ,rF. cit'* F.';7" i ..i L,T,[r. I trl i;e+ AF,F*n,Jire=. :;'åFrrJ lLl l-1i-',:p, ': -r.rr d'ir*l'J'='' ËAFP li':. lF-r É+ 1,-r"38, p' 5.¡, F.T' Ëell. 'ì¡ Ilid. Ibi'J.. F, ,54, F,T, ElFrll iÈ I t'i d. ¡ F, . 5,j, 'l .1.'J. L:'g.r,'l , f r-l it'i'J"r F, . í8, T. ['.1,:,Ftl-¡ ËÈ, t?it]. 71 Et e* åÌ-,Errr di:"; ,-i. !i.:r.:*t-': ,:rfr. rit,, p. ;J=::i . -.:' '-:¡,:!,.tUr.nI ÉF, Cit.. F,. I1;,å. ËËl:ir:i It:t¡ti, F. 7¡. -=r',1 Ë: ¡.ue!-'r trE¡. rit,. F,. ;:';';.

!;åF,trr"l ,_-.,ì. 15:, 1Ër7rj-¡1 , F,, 1lf::l:l = t.r¡l I t' I d. , . 1 'j', 1Ê¡1 , E¡ . 7l: ' El ¡.¡JÉi-* ,:,F,. rit". F. ::1,5:;'i Eli+FF'l''1,:' ij5 Ër* 1É7i+, rll -ir $r t]lt'.='+i'.r''!- Tc,'l,l 3 Rep' ¡¡ t r:rn F¡=.t +{ lce , I e-¡r-r'[rh " i'1u !Èliff¡ [:sE, ;r inrÈrr t=., 1l:lf Ll - 1l]Él.J. Te l È4,:'rrifrrun i ':,=t i 'l'n = I Èd¿1,=,.i de. F,. 1,j'.r. Ë:u SËiFF frir¡r, 'i:¡ '¡+ 1Ë7+. Ë'I Ihid. '=¿ Jç,,Jdr'lF.,:it,, p, . 17U. I t,i ,l . s t . 171 , ::ì Ëi. , -:l l-r'Tå.rr uå.1-:' 1Ë7É. j' ,:,t l-*h r'f'fr i ,: I , f i' +rr E. I 1 Ê:7 . It,i'i. = '_:iu T¡:ilJrlr r:rEr, ,:it., E. 1¡i, Ei.1.U,-=i-., r--,fr .,: i t ., i:,,'3-ir-, .Ë. lit-r ucþlEr" L*tt*r' t,l,il:l-r .-¡.1-'le= Tr''jC, L'Ê':Èil-rtrÉr-' 1ljl7i:' '1 Te I *r:¡:rn'rflrun i C-i. I i ,-1n=. ['1r.:=ÊrilT!. Ê'Je I ;.. i d+ . Iti d.,,-Iul i' 1r:-r7'J, ?n :l¡iFF þlc'. i1?1 ':,+ Itr' iJ+. E, . 1:1. 1-1 'r,-,).i-:! r-- rl I _¡.:'.-i, _Fi, i a . i t,, 5¡F,F llc,. lEEr rJ+ 1!rr,. F. l-. :l;¡.:iF F¡ . i'i 1 ':,.i 1 El=r4 . T¡ddr'-¡F, , cit" F,. 171' !4':

.f. rr ¡l r: 1.,.J I :¡' T-l 11ptFr¡di --. t J,:ur' n¡l hr'i =.t ian esl,; !4 Èu 1:ru t lErE::l, ,å. =' F. -,/C, Ib,id. !1.. ¡ ¡ r- r r ! ;ll xu'lu t l l;'1 ¡ . =. l:: 7,= n" .=. .l ,31-r rr Hir":.t ir¡ Fr ËEEB=,=i':,n Elellr ¡ "+ 'r+ 'H' l-i: i ft r: t Ê , !-í.¡.fr [rrlr I'= ] +frd, r.¡-=r.f'¡ ':rU eÌ-r tr'i¿=. ':t=. ':r '-:l-='.F 'ì =. E l-,:c fì t, ur'n t F.=,. t i'r' Fir:'Tr ËÉf f-¡ f F:¡r.r ll-r Ar-L i -r r¡ . =-'al I:, =, l..J¡l .!r F 1ui:t!=.cotE ll: .1..'J.Ër ' r r,F . ,: it ' , F' ti'. lt:t1 Ë; . È , [: i r'* ': t ,:,i'i' 1 Elf l- . lllt''=.* r'r..1 r' !,j f'l ¡rr.rç¡¡lrE!- lEl7i:r 1U: = . " I r-r ':, l:iF:t:i ::t5-r'=E+, FF:r:r.:;Ê, 1u4 ,-T. Hir.=,t, !;rr r-t'-f [i,;,,.,,¿ rÏr]rrll-'F¡ ,1. I lEl?':. 1 ,-T+rr uåJ-."r :7 Ì"1:rr'ch. 1u Êpr'iìr ?:-r Èr,ril 1l=:72. 1 rl5 Ihid., 2.] f,¡rr'iì 1E¡!. l-.:ing=.r'=te tl.'l¡J .Ê.r c'F. ':it., Er , :=17. 1ü7 L:'(r¡ ¡ rtrfr , ,:it,. p, 1U' I t-t $ALì[ì 1ÉFE , t, . l::::. ":: 1|JË t:iFtl:i :-::I"'584, FFll-J:lÈ . jllr:tr:rLrÈ'l- 11r:l Irr Írr--rr.t :.'?år":, Hir"=t rr r,t;d tl-ri= l-r ¡l i'l':.i' 'l ' :11] l. f f-'e':enrt'er 1È¡ll 1r1 H i r =.t'=. [: i ar:¡', lr".rsmber - ' 11! E,,r,uef. r i-rF .,: i t ., F . 3,5Ú . 1 1'¡ Hi r.:-t' = [i i .¡.ri' = Ë l'..1,:'lÉrrh+r,' 1 Ê--''=. 1t4 It'id,, 1? ,-Tr:l¡' 1E:¡F, i7 *¡'r'il 1r:iErl:r i1= l'..inq=.':':t* ll: .r,'J 'H': ,:,F, . ,:it', F'F, it-+lJ. It! j, i-r rlri¡ ,-T':'rat Hii-:i l:' ì¡'¡-.¡" Fr'*r*dirr! Fr 3,!--:r,;¡¡.trfr Ê. t,-r.=.È;j = qr-r 1;' 11r I.rJ_r_!-..., ili rìu = t 1 1 5' II,=' F,,j':l i'=,t*r''r+ E: ir'th'=.. f:'* '=. .=r.TI ,j i'l;i-'¡¡1.r¡=r'1 i':+lii'j+' 11? l:il,ËÈT!,,ref-' , I{ ¡1r1 r=lu=t iLìÍEl . F: FF:::ì iJ,:, 1 , 1:::Ë!-::l , "Tit ¿ F; ,;'i-:;ir':' It[ Fr.,:,{. , T;,.ts, .låt-' . 'ir c' f l-Í.-irr !.=.r'':¡ Ï=. ,j", F,. i:'=' 1i1 T.-¡.ter'1 F, ,:it,I F. I::1,j,. I ¿I. lllt¡ -r È r'r.J È r , 1! l'i;:" iEi ¡È' I ¿,:' Ibid. 1t+ Itid, 1!i r:.iFtr:i ;r=J=Ër4 , F Fjr:!ËÉ , f ,È, [ri r'Ec tr-,r'i' 1ÉÎ5. 1!¡ l-ltr'=Xl-'r.,r Éf' . I I l'1¡.¡' 1Ërl'J . I ¿,-I Hur¡ji.;d r:r + úudle¡', ËtJ¡'..,¡'t' E':,:þ; I'lc, ' lil--J¡ F, . LJL: Ël*¡i=.ter. Ë,{ Eir'tl-¡=, [:*-r.tir ,:. +rr d [''1;rr'¡ !-:r.r;¡'É!.. Ê,J,:ì-r.i,Je' l tt_t Flu*'lir-¡Èrr úF. tr¡t,. F,, 1É, l':'t La-r..=F l1l,:r , ,:,,ill i=.=r-l*d 1.'i,'!:lll'i il,i- i[i :,r-i-.i'1.i,j ||¡ iìÈ= .=r tÚ.'- r¡¡!!- =È*--- nr !j'"-. [:l-' .-a-c' t * T l Ll

rrr,i l,=,-ri cl.:t i nn .!¡r-rrl am.:,.t i l-l¡untr i l l ths Fr'c'':l ¡n'r+ = I ÊrjrJ - I Eri'U

Eli' 1:ll-ll1 ¡.r;¡r'iÊultur'.3. I -1r-r d 8.3.r'ti':ul.=r-ì," Fr 'LÊ't':rr'3ì

.3.lti,,ritie=. r.,teT'E iirml,r'e=.t¿tr I i'=.hsd ¡.E. l-i.-=r¡i---¡ ;r.¡¡çr I=l+ndgr'Ë'' chisi r¡r,:uF;r.ti¡rr =.. [iur'irr r--r the f ilEltJ=. Få',r';-. I i:t=. irrr rJ f -e.qr.iruItUr-=rli=.t-q *:tten'lsd =ettI*ment t,: rt':, =t -='-re.ì.=' ':'

þi,f.l-l ,:t.3.r.t:r:¡ I=. I,r.rr d. I+ ¡-lr.=.i-þ;¡'j irr Cf S¡'=* in the rr Ufitr Er' :!..lid -r.r'Ê-:.

É+ -1 ll i:lå.E.Ë.É'=. c'i l.3.rlI hc, ì,lin9=,:¡n tl-r * i:la.nd i"¿=t)Ì t¿'j'i

The 1El,Jl? 5tr¡.n'lr¿rå.:!iË Èct ,f.Fr d it=. .?,nrÉndm*nt:. tr'3.ur'È¡j

tl-r irr ten'Jirr ,_l F, :..=.t¡ i:.t=. t¡ lr:, ÊrþÌ þ,s¡'nnd e 'Jeiirrs',j "Aqr,irultur-=,. 1 Êr.E:".=". t-Jrl þ;.¡.nq-r.r'oc¡ I'=. l.end tl-r s år'É4. r'{ lee.=.el-¡ ,:l,J ìerr ,l ìnrr'e.=.:.e,1 {r',:nr ¡=!451 '1r:¡-'P=' irr 1Ë¡¡ tÚ

å':r.Ë i rr 1l::114 I'l¡r'e tl-r .:.n ,: ¿1 f 7 É[i [¡ :rr:rÉ'=;r 714.,544 =. " =l-J1i " ':Ì tir i.: i fr Cre¿:e r..LJ.l.:. dU* t,: tl-re åi- i i ','åì ,I,i tir ; !' iËt'l'!- åì i E'f-E ,

Ë t,t,¡I l,Ì ,J+ I s ;.rr,l T.r¡'l ,:,r' . !

¡r{t¿r' !-r ;uirr ,:t ,Ji+f icult':. r.,.lith h'--, ldìrr '-t =. iri ïl¡e

Ê.nrtl-¡ -rl:.ãt ,:,{ Ë¡utir Èu=.ti-''r. l i¡ E;aer't !; r':'ti'l'j-¡'le 'Er'fi ''l th':

T,r.¡. 'l¡¡ther"=., EiÈrr j+nrirr LFr d [,] iì'l i¡.nr , l.'.!Ér'Ê .i.t-ti-'+Cte'l t']' li.;.rr ,:¡.=.r.a,: i=l-¡.n'l . Fl':b*r't :itc,;h: d¡. 1e h+d tr-+ini'i irr Err ¡-il'='r: 'l

,3.=..3. ci'.iil Brr qirr ÈËr'hut r:--r.trrÈ tr¡ !:r'r.lth Èr:=tr¡. 1 i¡ tÊ' =PÊþ: å j,:,r,tr-:Tr Ê,! He ,3.rrd tlr e f-e.¡'lr,r'=. l-r ¡,d te*rr ¡Tr':r:jÉF'i'. lÈl;r'

ì.i.i-¡-i+-.=.,:nlÉ rl¡t-åii¿r"=, irr rl-re l';,irrÊ'=.t;,n .+!-r Li Fl¡r,e ,ji:'t¡-irt=,4 irr th+ l¡.ra 1';7ll'=. tl-r e:i' l-¡ ¡.'l ¡i++irr-llr.¡ ln rrr'LìT¡¡ ii-r 'J

.3.l"r tl-¡ gir. El-r ÊÈf' Fr utïrtr¿r,.=. ie,:.=.u=.p l,{ r:r:,.1.=.t di=.':-r.=* ,j ErPr:-JlrrÈ r:,:1fr L,r ifl ,:e,l ti¡ ,r.t the ti-:.¡q¡.¡ç,¡ I=j.fnd '=r:TUL' ì-rfl rl=- er'+T! ii-;

tfigil-. ,jir irTtp' f'rlri.,jgrl =t-r,t:, r,.,.r¡t¡t1lrJ ':,".T!-'i'È.1-r *e¡' =?.t¡=';fr:tr:;r'lìi' 2+4

Ëten It h-=,.=. t,een Ë.rJËËe=te,l "tl-r 'e.t ,:,rr * c'f t't-r e F'a.rtnÉr"= h=d F,ÉrtiLrrr *{ the i=. lerl ,l .=.r:rÊrr .r.{t*r'+ huEh +rre, {':' 1 l¡Irr.".rPrJ t':' r-¡l-'-e.==E d pìefr tt'¡i, he.,J irllUre,l =.EmÉ t*mpnr':+r'.r -1t-r g,J. " r.,:'u¡_lh " t Ê,ç' -{ e " -E

t-lF É*tr.ueerr 1:17'l ån'l lEll--l+ Ëtr'cþldals 'r.Fr d T'rl'lr'r' t¡r'1"

1+ lÊ¡.=.p-=. c':¡mF,r'¡ 11= -=, rrr ii e= r-r+ l*a=*hrl d l-r.nd

.ir¡I r,'JÉ=.t ,:,{ l-i:-:'.rr I='ì¡rr d' Tl¡i= irJ':'':' in tha =,,--'Utl-r '---.Iår':rcr ;..FFrE:x: itïr.3.teI¡' tr¡nF ttrir'd Éf tl-r e i=lxr, ,J.'l'Tir el' '=st uF ¡'t .=t-r.ti,-rrr le:...=t tl-r ree Ê. .e.Fr rl Ët¡rþidålÈ n.3.mEd tir É m,1 irr sl':. llr;r¡1

il-r e lia.r'*tt-=,., .f.t-r tltr,rir-iinel L,.r ¡r',1 n¡*'rnirr '---t "tl-¡ P rtlÊÉtìrr ':i ']'Î r,rJ-i.teF.!.'', .3.E thr'e" È.tf'É*rÍTt': mPÊt rl Éår' ths h¡me=t*-+.'j l¡l-r iri-r

.lhrfut 1l=l:lll ,-Tr:¡Fr i-r l-l ir'=t ti-r e r..tå..= E¡F.rt,tr-:r.trli. t,uilt .7 "¡i=it¿'l T-r.1,ì,:,r=." .=.t:-.tir-rrr t rl¡¡rr ¿.tt¡,=,Ë t'ii-.=t c,r=cr.:E,ieC t'.r" El eþi*r'. then lee'=.x,1 t,i' Eur,¡+=.'=.r :l; t¡r!'i'lålÉ 3'l-r'l tl-r e Tail':'i"=' t,r.¡u,¡ht in mÉrr .3.nd rr-r.t*r'i-r.ì= -iir rj itfnËLT'r'lr:t+'j 'L l-]l:l i-ÊF' r:,:,r¡ .:.i,ler.=.t,ie årTltrUFr t R+ +:n,:irr ,:t . Tl-r Êi''=l-r if'ped 1U.[l =il

l'ilj '3T'e {r',:m L:;r.:irl-ren Ea:r' r:rrr trr e =tÉå.frrgr' "FErr'-t"11--t 'tr,elisL,,r,l :1ll U e+pll äF¡ :Èrnt* t¡ f¡ -i.r.L¿ tri-,fr-lr:¡ht irr -i.b'BUt ,Ui-ì =l-r 'J c.¡.ttle ta Et,fcþi thÊir' h,:l,lir, g=..1Ë Tl-r e =tr:,,:l''i t'ler's tr-lr'rr s'J r:rut tl-r .3.F,F,'r.r'entl¡' r¡lith¡r-lt :'h+pl-r rr''jirr '3rr d irr e =.¡lFUtr I 'lr r..,.tÉ¡.1.;ÉnEd E,i' ¡:!:t.=.=.t "tl-r Ë =.heep {f,a=.=.itl';r åìT9.,1.,fi' 'lì=.s:r.=Ê.1 liter'ålI;r'Êt-+r''.rÊrj t,--r,le.:t¡, ".1-:i Th*r''j i= !-l Ü r'BÍt:lrrj i'i tl-r e +¡.ie ,:,+ th* ,:-rttl*.

Tir i.=, r:,=r.t?.=. 1¡.,:,pr i¡ g rr¡r¡fr iit-rr ¿'l tl-r e r:rErirr ir:r!-r r¡Jll i':i! rri:-'r! :i ¡ ff¡ -:'ii-! l¡r¡jer-'=. irel,l ¡+ l'1.¿rr ,:il.f-¡:,,:, I=l¡.rrC''= Ur¡ ãrjit'rt'i1ii.:¡ :r.i r.jil-l i=l;'f; ti¡ f r ii: i !r 1Ê.t'-ir--:r. l ,Ji'=."rf iCtr -e.Fr i1 r:ilfi t*,j Ìlr¡lr'!t 'j*i-"¡ 2+=

l.,..r'=Ë-ter'rt p CrT tl'r e i 1-e.rr d r_¡ar .J. :. urr 'tu i t-='.t'l e f I a.ter'i t ic -r.n t =. '--'-¡

.l¡.¡dEr:' tL - I=. h+d F¡ t ÉnFtÈr te,J r_tlti P:{FPr'inrent tc, =.h*ep, . 'It Ë.urtr*ed.14 ed II Irr 1i=ll=l.j-+':l,i F, ¡.='t¡r'¡. 1 ìea=.e'=, 'i[rpr¡¡'tic'rr -ìn-rr¡rr Ë le.=.=ee.=. F.r¡ ,l tc, t-=,.ì Iinr¡ 1ËlJ4'=.qu,r.l- * mile'= r-tt'¡,i--/'lËÜ -a.t:r'É=!

TFr t':' h'¡.v* heerr t.4E T'g l-¡ *l,l ,:'rr l,:,-r.rr r-lEr'¡¡ I=. l.r.n'J.1= È=.e =.PÈtr!

r.,.r tl-r ,:,u ¡Er;¡.:..F rJ t,l, th+ I e:=ËËE.' ! !rl E lhårr c*-= i ==.r.le,l i t ¡r;r';'; 'l'i

=u t_ t_ H:.= .

l.ì.r.n,,c, I=. l.r.rl ,l F,.a=.t-'fr'.r.ì iË.tç. r.r.rgr'É {¡rturr -¡.tÊ irl ti-r ¡.t

l-r ,lr ti-r *rp r.4Èr,E rt ,:r Fr -r.tur.å. 1 ÊnÉmlÉE. {tr'r El-r ÉÊp. [rinr_¡,]e'=. L,JÊi-'È t nå.ti,",É t,t tl-r e i.=. 1an,J. .3.t-r ,l iC,.'¡*:. !,1Èl-'Ë fr PuÉF inrp":'r't*d. ,l't Éilthrtur_-rh r.¡.t,t,it=. r,,.JÉi-.e trTr ':p intr'¡dur:Ëd, tl-r ei' did f¡ .l trÊrIrtrfTrÉ ÈË.t,=,.t, i=.h*,J. Tl-r S r¡Él-r Èf ir. 1 ¡r¡i¡¡içrrr r=' llr at ¡:--l¡-r'?'Tr rr '-a'=t r¡.¡hiCh ;rr'Ë rrÉ!-'Ì'i-r UmÉr'':'U=. Crn tl-r É i=l*nd, Ef ¡t''¡.t' lþ'FTËL,lÉr'r tc'i tl-¡.¿ir.Ê.frf fir.rl t,l. þ;illin|--J tl-r e 1'*Urr ,-:t in tii*il- t,Ur'r'r-rlr¡¡..!å

3.r!-rr:! Il: ircum=t-={.ntrÈ'=' Érr tl-r * rr';rinl.=,.n'j inilr:årr trÈd Pl'¡.rr '1

I=lrrr d'= ìai-r ,l ':.ettl*rrerr t in thi= E*r'ir"J'17 "Eitrr rlth

rjFl ¡¡'å. I i.3.n -i,'fr'ir:ultUr'e, tr.r i1¡, fr eLrt l-rrr d= b,s¡fl i--l rlr!--r9ir Êd gr'i' .+ilI inrpr,r,te.rl t nÉrr,t nrellr¡d= å.1-r 'l fTrårrl¡ irr t,:irr '---t Cg'.rÉl¡'¡'ed3 '='it'n and I,rJÈFr t thr''.-rur¡h !a. tr'emeT! dÈ,U= ¡r;f i¡rrl 'I'{ Éi:: F-1.1-r

:llr-l '= ç,8, il'rr i inrpr,:rrÈmÈrr t {r.c,nr 1r:i7il t,rr th* ÉÉ.p I i' l El " ,1! TFr* t =i'r r-i+ ìi* Et=t+'= n':r¡- lh +ir ¡j':,1 r.,.r ith 'r. ÊPr iÈ'= tri-.r:'F, i+i lrlr'e= irr ir',:,nr 1EËir -1Ël::.:l ,f i' lilrr ,!l'3 I=. lerr d r,,.¡a=. !,1 n,:,t.'rì-r t'; lr 3.¡,rÈ ;

,I nË¡:r¡l r.-i.irr +¡. l,![l .3.Fr rl =.ÊttlÈr"=. tlr er's ì-r *Ë,j f¡ ¡-r t dr'eed tl-r ': irr ,if',1¡l ,1ht=. r,.'.ri-r irl'r l-r .;.,j ,le{e.r.ted rr-+.rr :¡' ':' Ftini ì=ti': i.rr'ltrer"=

Tr r:'i-'tlr ei-'lr ;-it'uih rir-l=tr'r. l i:.' I .-\

/1- ' ! UIJ], JI Y !--lt ,, t' rt ' - -:' ' '!- .'-\- .:'

a:l t *i a I \ ì---\ l-¿- a ,)

--.--1-- -- I I

t'r- (-a- )t . ¡ ô"'' E <.4 ) gf 't 5 t-

E ¡¡


1'"¡' t-'hr l.) qÀ !il¡tTrrr:.rr\ :.--- - û-- (, r'Ê: ¡ ir ú I Hundr¿d ,:,f DudìeT, l_rl-, 'ì n 24-\

In 1L1.trj5 the ,l'-Jr,rEr'nrTrÉnt intr'r-rrlr.lced ':h-lrr .-JE=' t¡ l*,_-_li=l,i,ti,=r¡ t.Éì.t.tìrr 1--l t,:, la.rr d trrr ur'e urr dÉT r:r'Edit ---.Ê1É,:ti,ln r.,,rhicl-r ,-ri+er'ed. ':¡rr ap¡rl icÊ.tirln¡ iÈlie{ ir'Ûm har,J:.!-r i p,=. *.rF,pr i errrs,J È,1' Ê.Èl Êrt¡r.= thr'Éru¡_-lh nr'ldi { i c,r.t i ¡rl t=''11 çi culti,..,ati¡n 't¡¡rr rlitic,n=. ån'l d*fer'r's,i r'snt Fål'merr .l tl-r li'-i nCr'*d= ¡i FC,T r.r,:r.r'ie'l f.e:r.=.Í-tlt'--. htrr t ¡. I =eie,:t¡¡-=. irr É []u,lle:, -r.r,I l,lerr iie.=. .:(FrF¡l¡Èd {¡r' thi= r'8.!.3.:i:tti¡n ':'i tl-r*

,rc¡r-¡ rliiinn=. r-¡+ tl-r *ir t*nur.e, Tl-r Êm.+.=. [,..] i]l=.on!! -r.n,l EF, l-r r":.inr rlrt tl-r* ¡:-=,.t+=!X ,:,t,.-i Érte,J tc, tir e !':'L,rÈT'rrÍrÈnt'=. ''r.:'. lrl:rli':'rr

l.rr|Ilo il-r e t,-r.=i= {¡r. r.Ent f ixin¡r. ThE¡' c,I,f¡ ti¡-r uçil their' Ir"rÉf-P l.rrr ,l tE¡-r.nCl'UTillÈr' 5rr'rlt' Le.e=.*=,. 5':'r,'¡É =Elerltrlrl-Ê. rtel'''l

r.r '-=.r-1fflÉ !4 l,l ¡.Tr ,l-=,.f.,-¡¡ I ¡.n,1 . ËC,ftle i r i n¡t . tt, =l =U!- '.LE,l 'J 'l

,:,F, i;-r 'ì'l-¡ Ij Tl-¡ * i=l.rn,l'= F, Ul¡.iiC,n 'Ir::Lrr tìfl r.led i': ':ì-eåËËr

.1 1El'-.-il:l tt-r e i"ì¡..1 rr ,jr.g,l ,:4 H*irr s=. t.,.¡ '=. tr T',:rF,,l¡1.*d irr . ÌT ':t:rrTrFr';=È'j l¡rr rj: "tetþ.reÉn lrl*F,e¡.rr .¡.r-r,l trE=tree B...1''=', ;r.ii d t'i:'=''t '1't lh* thr-e* Hrlrr,lr.+,1 r,Ì f,'u,llel'. t¡ å tr'u* Ft rr,Ftf¡ ':t.f¡ rJ Ê'lrrJtii lii-r e

-:..ri,l ts. qu-r.r.ter mile=. r.,.re=t ,l,i Fr, int Tirr lirr *. irlÍr-itr '*.ì-; rj Ii'il-it di' hsatFr Er-r hiil å.rlI F,ì¡irr ¡ tir F Ëur'+åÈru l¡:r il =¡'t-r

l-r r:r:r'fEt"':¡ ¡ tlr Ê Euh=.¡il qc'trd¡ å {Pr.,,J E-l.ntl hill= Eår

1l=lËl,--=. r.rl-1= F, r'ü,:l¡.imE,J r:'rr 1Ll l"l.:.,r -1 "iÉ rC;\' r*- T,* Nfi ENZIIES G'9 ¡L lY¿\jìì'Í'OlÙf Iì g 4' 'v I' rì I{ \l I ¡2 e Þ{ -----l''" x " " É x ti I I I at \ .\t Q K


{ll -!t $a ()r' .,¡¿ö @ €€È \\t., t or¡' I \:\\ 6 I t1 f I 6- ',,,!r. E

þaf l¡ !a I Ë it. I ¡a I ö s t__ -1 5 '1't, aa ?n I o I _.: \ ¿ro I ãa 'ff l ða -{q a¿ !ø lt* I 1Z

o 6¡ ¡a -/i: { I t': ì. S ea ..,:l æa ?ra '4z €a 't .J E. I ða 6a \á Ì (' ori 2r 2¡t ¡la ¡aa .i (e ,t \J tt t¡ {¡ x x ? A 2¡¿ , t.: C.

u ú ¡o õ- s ?r & () 14l !! -- ú rì¿ 5 ó\G HriridT'e'l r.:-t Iien=ier, ['L-" PROPOSED HUNDRED COUNfY CflRNARVON KANC^ROO ls9 naa¿þ

loittl orr" 7 .ño'p (l¡pc ( .Ò qÌ! Pl Mar¡rlcrr K¡o¡, 4+ t,,*¡ C"p" ail. Al gsi ,nroj,.n (i.Drttton I'r¿u¡lon¿ ll i l! ¡X¡,tù I'z I sl¿l ,t- P! '1 M ENZIES ll rPf,^.ù ^'flË' 'n ,. 3 ¡6Yfi*n

Ftd;. ! ]INI ì, DUD t 501

tìurtr lïuIlalç Á ,t'htt, l.u4urn lrg' \{ (ù .- (? .sl 1pu' tot Ò / ) .'tt,,,t:'".r:.t Ì I n t.w n,ftiil,,,',t ìt L t t tp¡n .llt È ll tu t l-:., // /,t ,?t < -- $11sls */-¡Ç.-- (lirl!! - 2-r _2- y'tt i Gôntlloal¡lne :

N) :-;ÉìFP 1 1 Ei-ru . ¡l=.E d Hu n,lr'*,1 È+ lla i n e . tl'r -{--l ' À Fr',:p =' 6\ P 24î

È= tl¡e in{lu'.í rti nPr.d EPttler'= {r'am the nrainl¡.rr d tr,trr tirr ued, thÉ Hurrdr'ed ,:,{ l]:a=.=. ln i t{:r.=. p r'crp Ê,E É d i r¡ 1 l=ll=lË .

I rr,i-:'.Ë d* r' i E e d :i. : t =r =.

t::r,n¡F,r,i=.irr ,3 l¡,rr ,l=, r.,.le='t Ë,i the llr-lndr'ed ¡+ l"lerr zie= c'{ ån -r.r,rEr.3.qÉ r.,ri,lth af n¡nÉ -+nd -a. t-r ¡lf nr ile'=.. -+nd rr rtrr'tt-¡ c,i .3.Tr P-l-'='t ã.ßd r¡.le=t lin* tIr'']'u'-:lh a Fc'iTr t .tr.trtrrut ¡n's mile tl-r irti'-'=i:,: rl-r -rirr = Ërr¡rJti-r ':'{ the E'r'tlth r.,.r*=.t r:r:rf f¡PF ,:,f ti-r e HUfr dr'*d -:.i':'l-'+=+i'i. lll r:¡ffrErl- i:ìrr'l Írf-r dìr' il.:.t-=ì urr dul;.tin1-r,:r--runtr..¡,, t-.':'Urlh hill=.r 'l =.¡r¡ f¡.ir. li, r_-tr'.1=..=.Érii tl-r icl,il::¡ tin¡b*r'+'l r¡LitFr '=.1-r È,:'.3.i';r ffrEllEÉ. n-1r.T,-ru.rlE-4.+ å.rr d tu=l-r e'-=ì tt-r s f-l =t=. ;i.r'Ë i:'.ir -:,.r.¡.t'l Ê l,:.n,J ì rÉrTt.r. i rrdsr' r'Êu1lFr F ;..=.tur'E .:7

Thi= d*=criptir-,n ¡¡ s,¡ìerted t¡ mentiarr th;rt th*r'È tr.rÈi-'r: l]:¡nrmi='=i':r' irr ,,JE¡r.:r, iEr.,.J {lEt=., I.:i. E,.¡3.1-r = t¡ld the L¡.rrd ltlEË tha.t he ':,ln=i,ler'e,l tl-r e l¡.rr d irr tl: ;r=.=ini tr' t'*

p ,:{r';{.,,rÈì.1:=l Il:.i=,=.irr i l.,J,:, le=.=. :r.Ë it trl-1..=. :l-¡ is{ll' ir.¡rr =tË,Tr r¿.r.=..=. Frr.L-itl¡.inre,l Err l=l l'l-=.:' 1É'¡4'Ë5 TFr e l-e.rlI irr H'=''irr e=' ål-r'l '= tc' ta.=.=.ini L',.r:{.E '=.ut,,liui'lerl intc, -=ÉÊtilrr =inr il.a.r irr ='ì:s tFr ,--,=.É in t:u,llei' -rF¡ ¡l t''lsrr iie'='* 3.rr d z+1eitl'T= thgr'e fi':*d

irrr i ], ] errl=.. ', I t t.,'1.3.= i¡ ¡'ped th;..t ihe.=Ê HUn.jr *d..= = -a.r. r,rrt¡ulrl be ta.þ.gFr uF F,r'È,mF,tll' t,i' '=*ttlÊT=, h'ut t!-l ¿ 'jerr'l'rr C '=' {,rr. I.3.n,1 1a.clte,l tr,++ å+ter.' 1E84, -r.rr d r,LJhiIÈ E'll-'ti;'rr Ü+ =. t':/ tlr e Err¡j C'{ tl-r * c':Tr tr-lT:r' i-l ,rTther'rr Haìrr e=. tr.rEr'É =.ettlÊ,:i r tl¡ err: t.fÈrP ¡rr Il' llJ FÊl-'=t:'nË l ir.'irl r-l irr tl: i.==ir' i'":i[

l'ierl Zie=' r'"i :1 H rr Ê{.qr lçrr.,,r¡¡ 5f¡ içr '=.ìte fC,T ti:e Hurr dr'*,1 c'i ='

¡:rr'¿l L l:l¡:ll .=Ui-.r.,r ei'Ë,1 ;rt The F i f¡ *¡- )', Tr r:rr..r¡ l':Í-t ,:'l-Ll!-r '3.: Eií-'trt.r1ft.ì . i ¡ '!i

E-:,.r. 1,' irr lEEl';-l 'i¡.n'ler"= rj F-r.;l';a.r't '=ul-r'r*¡'Ed ;.n¡thÈr- l-'+ir'l

t,3r.,,rrr ':.1-r tF inrnr*,ji,it*li' ËÈtr-Jtl-r ,:,'i El¿af *'= F":'il-r tt 'Lt

tllu*e¡-r lci irih:.t, it;rrtl r.rll-r ¡rr,-_-l=.r¡te" It r,rr¡.Ë r-r i¡.!-irÉ,1 =,rli{ie. ';l st-t^la ( jttt t t lt' (' tt't t (t t' t't't t 'ror,

ttR t 'ì^tttt ," P! MrrsrJr,n /1\/E¡.'l'l(ì\ KL,¿ .ù.,.t4'4. ('Âle¡ Å* ,\n.¿/.^ t-.,, Ìñ l¿n¿s 4- ¿i(,4 En,t \.$ \ ¿.\ jl ,\t o,.,,,.,, "1t ,t-ÞJ 4'. ¡¡r1ufi* * . . . ¡.,.1,"' hrn iÍn \,llqsflta.t Ftd ."''r': ,.-,q -. '\jr 'ÌJ¿ìÁ Ïi'¡'' il \0 li{ DU OLlY,,n'""'"t 'A ll .....A K r,'"-.¡s N G ARO o Ie t;--j ,

¡1. ¡r, ''ì:";, ' \,) .È t'4t/. tr(t1 l/, , I ' -¡- \- \ ,, t. r. lf '¡ llr, 'r" f ,' n,,,t .. +¿t z ti'|i""""t \t';]'1,,, ,., 1,,,,,,,", '.,/ :-\. fù / i \ ":, Ï llt l:l,,,i,ttit,l ..t \\ _ÈÈØ_\*--;æ $uurc nf $.mtmhlg. t liturllrr'r¡rrr!' =a rl'r' I ¡rb nr tshl¿ snb nrbtreb s ß hr, p¡int¿ù.' ,ñ!lfrr¡rrrN^ s'rl¡rl t,1,,,,t., ,,ttl, ,t; 1 1r.- 188L ^0lLÁ¡l Cr/-lt

l.) /a /a 12 s --l l''l'= 1?L:l l"lEl"-r" õ- F'r',:p':1=.E'i Hurr ,Jr'e,l ¡i t-:e='=ini. 18"1-:' 5r+FF ' = -lil i I EH +Ú på'-tpt-.¡¡¡¡ =.åu \"i-



rt Ês ¡tÞ¡ É \ I ¡¡l suÃTI\flij-i à è lþ 6

ì- tt r'


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.y, sû¿J.\rr:1.?,¿/ llc

.$ tt Øi r

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Ii'.red there t,'r;r.nted tE r'*teirr thr: ¡:,r.i, når¡Ér fr.i nr--l=.r:r,tg, år' thur' f:r-a.r.r¡, ì .¡.t*r' t-hå. i r'nr'3rr'lrf tl-r e llic'urr cil, :rrrd

,le å.ir d Lì, Hud=c,rr , .r.':tare!':l eeFÉr¡ r'ep':r't*d thì'= t ¡ Ade I -¡. i th* Ft ã.rrr É l'l.irr ,:r=.r¡te L'LJå.Ë r'et.f,irr *d'!?

i n 1l:ltrq4 the rr ,1mË Fer¡ rr É'3.1-r'3.Lr,r r'eF ì å':Éd *o'-= El¡:r' crrr

r! ;{'tTrÉ'= maF=..!T Fefr fl É=.1-r UJå.:. .-1. rlRfTrbirr +ti¡rr ¡i ti-r e =Urr.¡rE¡.¡ Ê,t Fr F.l,,l . Fenrr e{.¡.thÈF ¡ pr'i'.,'.r.te =Ét:r*tarl" tc' [ì';"i¡r'nr:rr' r,' t¡ lli¡'L''gFrrÍTrÊ[r t ,-T*r.t¡,:, i=, I ¡.n,J Ì,"1 i=,=- Flr,r'-c. 5l-r -1l,r], -:r. i='it':f' -fhe H,:,r-¡=e, Èdeìaidx, in lEEt.t+ trh:r'rr L:lB ¡"F rr '-rÍrr* l'J:r'!' u=+d r_rtr-r,!, lrJr.,.ll:¡, -1rr rl th* c, 1d nåirrP iE Etill EËtrÉpted =.

.=. l¡J ,--lr'Fåt ,:,F i':'T tl-r * iutur'e ':r':tr,,rr 1 ìi', ith t imi'=nr ,lgL.,p lr_,pm*n t nf P..err q.:.r.,:,,:, I =l :..r1I , -f. tcrr.rll-r ';. i te in t*¡-r 'Jed 3.=. å

,:entr.E +,:,r. tl:,i=.=.ini t.LjaE E,Ur'r"r ?i'sd at Enru E¡.:¡' -r'Fr d Fr¡.tTrÈd l',la.qr.":ell":15 t,ut: ìilí* É+p, phir'*t,:,t..rn ål-rd Tht Finer'i'r 3 t,:rr'r'Ji-r

'jid n,-rt Er.rÉ,ntu¡. l:*. :-..F1I ';c'Fr riiti¡l-r 5ettl*i-..=. {ec*,J i=,:, l;.ti¡rr uniårr ili¡.i' = t"''ihcr h¡'¡ -ì.'= thel" ffrr¡r.'E¡l ìrr tr, ngLr.r .-:'.r'É-1=.. l''l '='r'l'Ann filiìl=":rr , nÊ3.r' tl¡ i' ';r;rr¡lþ¡ -¡,.rgrj r¡.lith l-r ¡?t-. l-¡,.rr rl t,r Hc,i:t El-e.i' Fli'"' *r' trr:'å.=,t irr 1E¡-,Jr L'rJr'¡-JtF l;.ter', "I rl-¡.1-¡ ir '-¡t d*-=;rihe the

Êrr:PåTr f ¡eli¡-r,l I h¡.,J tl-r e ,-+r,,.r irJl r.c,,=.r' ¡.nd t¡c'nr inl-.1 ,:f ths

.].1-r rl th¿ lairr tit¡e r:r'¡'¡{ th* ¡:u!-lEt'tJ-i ¡:rrr tl-re =¡utl-r fc,L=t, F, ,t.t rr i'-fir t."t'J In .3.t,:,ut ltiÉ:'. thr'ee littl* ,--Jir'l'= it-r thi'= il¡, 1r.rÈT.Ë l¡=t irr th¿ br-L=l-r ì¡hij+ thsir i.=.tir ar L¡'i-:r.= T!- r:.:" '-a'-,- f' I l l E lt,rrq*r-.=,r' t¿.=.i*,1 the f.l.L.i å. rr r - =*ttì*r':' =.Éli-=u+tir¡Èi-r r,'lFriÈ ¡.i-r ,l .:|tl-r ,,r.ct*r.. Tir EiT rr Ë,3.r'EEt rr Eir:¡iri':rr,.ir'-< =trprr *i i U nH ' -l,:l ¡ t.j ¡ ;;.;:;-¡ ¡n F ã'JF

g oút b.4. øtJ :rro.\' - (ìv o N @ @ @ 3 s 3t g" LI 9t f- t--



e 3

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( zzo. )

-[ìr, lrl ,.,

4 ì'- ,f F

I =) t_.þ -- lß F1 I




ìf\ ó N s I { Ð trvHrs uol


1 8ÞZ Towru ,AT PrrruemY: - 'JP*-.D La¿uk "Iedicq.tcaL TtZ- ca, 53J_ g^51!- /.6-g2.-p/z+7. le *. ",t- .^Änn e-,ÅL,< tiJ^ $. :,ett:< ro.

.t- ,' / /:' CEMET'ERY o YtA€ 90e,¡ot 2t \ t s s,

ô ôo' ,i' "þ I í6Þ I ?" F atlt

j'I 9 N +. ;i' \- ;È i. 'ca -.¡t¡tisi

Yto I ü (L P ßi. ,þ

,\ lt ,nl, /", Ìv + R--d tp.ã --? T,:,L,.rrr c'i Fir¡ *r'i' IEir-,:¡.,LTrl¡r.,1 ], tll. c\ 24'='

tf Cr{tÈft mile=.'r E -i ¡Uf n*}' tl-r -=.t mË.;1rr t hrfuf = ':f '=.r.rel I

pr¡¡rlrafrl'¡' i rr .3. '=.t'f irr r--J dr'e," i r-ruÉf' f ':'U¡-Jh trUçh tr"A':l':,'='.

rr É-r'r' l.,Jl-r il* F.rÉrþ:: in'J in the Tali=.1'ier'='il'.rår-lÉEd nr irr e='

rl:+p* alE¡.r.,r iE, ,-1 ,:,hn Tr'*tl-r Er,rJEl' å.r¡ ,l l-r i'=. i:..ther'-irr -l it'l . Her¡ r't' f.let.,lh¡l,lr lte:t.r'¡7 fn¡nr Ephraim E-r.te= ¡{ ¡-rC":'d t¡.r'mirr ':l l-r.nd '*'t

l::r.¡ttIeit=.1¡ Erå}, rr p.j,r. Ferr rr E=.hår¿1 . TF¡ '?." in=.tsrtE'J it -i.t-r d \.''rl-t Fl-l

the le.rlI t¡p-r: .1rTrÉ -r.r,r¡.il¡h'ls +':r' =.ele,:tic'n in 1t7':' l-iÊrr ri'

[{8,¡.rlrçr ]rJ.a.[rpr liqrl ic,t-'-ìectitr'n:i-,;. In lEIi l-r i'= !++=s ':'i tl-ri=

l-uttjE{i:.1-r El-=..i'r.¿l-r.Ë i='='r-:sC urr dÈr' 3' 44:7 å.r:í-Ë=. Ê,{ =.rrut, ¡.t cPEdit .3.'-:tr'EËrrrent.!E f:it iir.=.t l,ler,'lbr' ld err d Tr'*thPr"lÊ:r' ¡;1¡-=,-,¡e,J the l¡.rlI tc,,1*ther'.illl ¡'rit*r' r:le¡r'i¡r 'J tl-r È¡'

r.,rith qle iur'i',:t'¡ plr,u'1h t';' '3' ,:uìti'.r.rte,l å =.irr Frlìl*C tl:¡'¡,p:. ¡,,.rÉr'É t,l' h.i.l-r u=il-! q tir Ê +ui-'l-''lrLrJ lìt-r += t,ullç,;!,;, =,:,r./..rrr 'l :r. *r..= å.,¡ui,Je +n,l tr,o-r.,lca.=tinq the =.*ed {r',:nr =+*'l liit -:r.

met:.. I ,Ji:.1-¡ tl-r ;rt f itts,l -l.lrlrurl d tir+ L,l¡.i=l: ar¡ 'j l-r riFiË iì-':'i-l-r '¡'

r;rt..¡ +gt,r.t i'Éå'! le;.tf-r er. e.ti-'-ip 'f\rÉr' tir e 5.f¡ l,ler'.411 å{tsr' ':.

r¡lfr l-r :l¡FrËl-t Ê'l L ,-TC,!-r n Tf.eth+r.,,tei. ¡-a,ì,,r*d tr¡ Í¡.ì t l-;,.,1çrr:rfr Er'É È

.=.inÉ=-=-. '-r'r! qerr ÊF.8. I .=.t,:rr'Ér .=.,r.,J,ller.;.. .rrr d h'lEr[,]=nr it!-r '=. L,rl irr

r"'JÉr's n1:r i:.,=l Ate,l ,:rfrrnrun i t..}.. ¡ r,Lll-r ÊÍ-'É -=,.t I *-r.'=t 1 !. {ar'nrer'-=' tr':r'i

r:.]!-r tl-¡e t,:, m.¡.þie .a. I i,.rir¡ g irr 1Ë::l¡,41 Ê; *itler"=.' f i'lerr ':* irr

{ritur'e FrErgr'e=.=. r'{ tl-r -=,.t ,:'.r'8.-r. r.,1r 3.E. Fr rlr t fr-Ll{illed"

ii-r il-r a l.'.1 i lì Hc,r.¡l-:.i-dr=. tr ?.i-'úrr t=. I''e':¡?.rr iar'i'rr ':¡ ir¡

l-r i:' t='' E-r. 1¡.1,iì.-=.,.1 å Ar'e-r. irl .l.t,,-rut 1E:5¿,. H,lrr-rrËFd =hr.r-Ed F'-=.Ferr ,li=hpB.r'tÉrrií-r!:t{.=.T'mirr,--lP:,::f,Êrisrr,:É=t¡-rtl-r?ìÈ'['']r'ernl¡'l-1:-<'t-¡¡J

1l=; iri rTrål-'r iÊd Ël: pÈr rtrt- ----.C,iì=. ¡t tl-r e rrirrr.r Fl¡.irr =., ii-r hs 'T?l-r +T E.=.r.r' (r.rFr rlrË.p +r' Fl¡ter- t ì-¡.*.,i l'Ëtr.z rr t I :" ¡i- r'i'¡gd ':'!-rt , i¡ 24? 6

ì, tlI \ (¡ tì

¿/ ilo I



rt tæ rlt rù ¡t Rm rt¡ t¡ rat ¡aa al rtr i5 76

s5 t77 a

4 ./ ltz 366 \

T':'r.,tn .:.t [,'1,e.:

1..'lil I H¡lme:. i 1 tr-'n 25r:l

UF' l¡l¡..=.r;¡r:trt ån,l i¡fE¡rJerJ tA {a.r'm Fr Éa.T Èlnra. Hc'¡'ltr''J tC":þ' .: {ep.r h*ard la.nd ¡-ri his 'llrJrr -i.t [:all;e:. t,r:t ¡.{ter' }'Éår':' ']'i

it LJ'l :'¡i'J' tl-r e l-rrlI -11.r-e.ilit' le 'f,rr f';..l.rr ,-l.i.r',:r':' I='larl d t''lhËl-Er -ì'E r'åirr +.Lll t,lå=. tTrrl¡r'Ê r'xli¡.b1e. Tl-r r 1*rilI rr e'fr' tF¡ E r¡ Pt'LlIl' be=t r:rn Ff.r-1r:ì¡.inrt,l t,:,1¡,rr¡f+ F*rr nE=hålr.r l.'¡áË. =¡.i'l tr-' t'e the r:r'ÊrFr t''¡'r'1*:i" :-r'l-r tl-r e i=l,rrr ,j, ca.pable c,{ r:lrLrr.linq 11r-r'l' d = 'l'i 'j

1E:Ël::l El l'r'r' +r:rurr d tl-r¡t H,.:r¡rr.T,J t¡,:,þ; uEr .3. =ele,:ti¡,rr e-r.r'l.r' in ' ir.equÉFr t ,jr.çu'11-rtË. rrårlÉ {ar'mirr q ;{t tieli';e;" dii+i':rllt 'rnd

'=¡;¡n-irr crTr urr F,r¡{itaE, le er'¡ ,l he E¡-r':1n .-i ¡in*d l-r i= -let'.t

þ.¡¡¡ r¡¿r'trrl I=ì -e.rr d,4.i

r:Ut dËrl¡'t Tr Irr tl-r É iir'=.t t'e.¡.r'r:rn hi=. =electìt'n H'l'l¡JåFd .:n'J t'Ur'n t thF ErIPUbr r:rrr i u'=.t r:rr.rÊ!- É. l-rr-lfr dr'sd -1¡:f È'= ' H+ r:¡ ¡t did .-r m*r'p tr..'.r¡ t,u=.1-r el= ,:,{ t'rl-r Éåt tf, tl-l * å¡:r'r:' in f Èt-u!-'rr ' H*

rlr tirÉr' ir ,r,t i.t t*irrp t t¡ rltnF tl-¡-'i.t I .:,rr,j ;{.rlf i rr t'r-.1 t c I +'='red

|:r '=Eh':l*' -1.TÊ-r.È. :-rt-r ,l tr'i+,1 ier'tiii:irr ¡ ll-r +nr L''¡ ith =Up*rE'f! r:ru-ì.r! m-1.Tr Hiç. n':r t 5'3';¡"¿l:Ii ':' -+r¡ d =t-rt, l+ ul-P. ':r'RF= =till 'li'l H¡r,,,t:r',1 '= r,'li+P r'*'J 'l.t [''-=]!'; e] tc' r'Êr:':rr'¡Èr' ir'¡r''r the t,ir'tl-¡ c,{ tl-¡e ir' !'*,:,:rr|I ,:h i i'J. l; i lL r,''rÉPþl'=' l etei- Êl-r É ä'i F ¡"' Êd

I'fir;r l-r r.,lith å.n 1l:l mÚntl-r -a.t Ferr nÉE.l-r ;r.UJ r:'Tr th* =.tÈ.1rre¡ lE, irr " .-r.nd t''¡.h.r' r;rlrl ,:l-l il,l rltnrlin,j t¡ l-r Ér. lr:rr¡ rf blac'ri'=.þlir't the

in i¡ÊF. år.tTr=. ThÈ .=.tÈa.fïrÊi. r.rl=.€. É,Lr'll' åFr ,l h*r l-ru=bårr d tr.r:{Ë

urr rj':.urrL*d. s å"=l':.Pd tl-r r L'"r';'r' rr r:, t th+re tt, m9Ét hsr"=rlr r ='l-i

l-r ''iJ Th r ir Pr,'Jt:CtfTrËF' -={.n,1 r.,tål þjE'l f ¡r-:r. nr i ì eÈ. tC, Fr *r rrÊt,(J ¡nr*, =

t: Ê.e ir i *n':}' th-r.t Ë.1-r É h¡.,1 tl-r s ,lu-+1 i i*':. ì+-Ëu+{ =,1-rr:rLJÈrl 'l'i tJFr it*rl il-r ç rt ÊÈdÈ¡J t,:, l--re -a.ri i':1.3.r|'l*r'. Lr't*r'. n¡.3.r'r'iå'Ëe

Tr.rthet,.rsl' -1.nd H¡r.,.r¡.r'd f-lnr iI ie=''4i z=L

intc' the Hurr dr'ed ,-rf l'1err :ie=' 1.1-r.rr t" nerr.l =.ettl*r.=. c:i.rrrÈ Tlr *fÈ UJef'E tdl¡ pFr ìt r.4-:r.=. tl-l Ptrrr..rrr¡ ,l,F,Err f,:r' =.el*CtiC'n. =tilì nUmPr'r:,U-= ;..F,F, I i r;.t i C,n-Ë icT trrll rfrefr '3fr ti i r-r UÊ t¡ :Ltrrle[r t tl're

L-trr frir¡¡ q¡¡'çrrlr 1='lerl d, t'*lje''' ir¡ -¡FF,¡l-.tunitl" t,: =.elÉ,:t lend '-lt ¡:r{ier'*¡l th* F,rr:r=.Fr ert=. ther.e ttr, t,e bstler' th¡.n th':'=.e

r:fr l:..åit ¡:i-e.!-'r:r¡:r I=ìe:-r eì,.rl-r Éf.È. :j¡fft* d+Ci,Jr'l t,:, =ÈttlÉ 'J trÊtr-:r.uE.F tlr eir' l,¡.tl-r er"-= r.rÉiÉ .=.'l re¡.dl' lner'e. i-+itli i-ll- fr¡trrt

Tr l.iliCþiir [::, rr'r.].'= E rr+ ti-r e=S. In li'rtrUFr '-_JEE.t =.Èrrr 'l+ 'Ì¡l-¡ -rnr ':'!-r lEE?f-r*tnc,l';uF,.3.EIrr-i.ll++r'mrr+';ll:lf-l''Ê'=b'etr''re=rr .itt',lut lEl ir¡'l'rrtl-r !' ft¡.¡ç,¡¡¡ lçrr,r1 åt-r 'j¡ ,l=.çcrtÊ åt-r rl t'.r':,r'r.låd it {¡r'

r. th*rr h*11-lrr r:tsr'tirr r-i '=. lsËFÉr'=' t.r ith¡-Jut T.?-a-t =.utrr:É8.=.. HE

tt-r l;:t',lrr il l, 'arr d tl'r' 1El ir¡'r'irii:Ë {r',:,trr * et Fli,'rer' =.3.LrJfrr

r./.r tirsrr un'ler.tu,rl,l l,Jt-r .:..t8\,tEt' c'-rntr'¡rti¡rr lJJr:,tk; .3.= tr'++Êr'in'1 ,

.:''-l r'Ëttlr'ri e'j t,--, hi= i;f'nr ¡.Tr ,l ttlr:rr'l.'Fd lf t.rlit-h ilrr:rr'E ;i'=,='=''':li' t,Jhrn., in :r'El'.-t1, l-r ¿ m.3.!-.!-iÉ':j illar',r. Emm.¡.. .:r'rJUn,:lÈ=t 'j.irr-i'-:hL*r'

,t,i lll-r¡.r'le:. ll: ;lrr -=.r, ,47 lt,,.r,;r l,i the e-=,.r'I iÉ=i: ir irlr¡-¡ ËPr:rr ::l iliÈÊ r{Èr'É u¡-r itsd'

Tl-re r.¡,:r,,.,Êf.niTrÈft L ¡'gr,ri;.¿,1 l:rrr d lE,1 i=l-i'ti':'Tr ':+rrÈiål tinr*= dr-Lr.irrq th* 1EËll-l '=.. In lElË+ l-r ¡ld+t-'= tr'+ !'rl!-r¡tr le'-Lç't=' tir * t,uÉF.E q¡ tr='J rPmìE.=.i,:1rr l,{ i'É;-r t, -e.!-i d.3. ll f'Ént. É:LiúÈErt ul'l-i' {rr.=t in=.t-r. lnreTr t F,åid f¡r' :r.T! .r' Fr er'i¡d -='{tir' I '-I¡'¡-r

.=.t trr + iEl¡l'-, Lrj.3'=. ,:r'ÊrJite,l :+¡-.1;,it-r th': F' Ui-':F¡ :-+lÊ iTrt:rf-! *." ':'i tir iÊEr-lÉ ì.:.rr ,1 , Ii-r 1Ël-:lÉ l+çi=1.-'.tic,n Fr r'Cr'.-!ided tc'r' '-" ':'Ì

r:¡t-3.Iin':J 3.t-rrl Cr-ìl ti,r.:.ti,:rr le+'=E= å.flj iTr t¡-':"jr-.iie':l 3 L-=r'i-¡ 'J r:''l- EC,Ar.,j t.lhirì-r i1f åntÉ,1 "pÉT¡,etUe1 lr.-J.'!È=" +':'í-' e t=r'rr¡ l1 :1 :;Èå!-'!' :rp-1r'=.. r¡rith the r'i'-ll-r t ¡:r{ r'snÈ1.'.r -:¡. I {r'r' 3. iur'th+t- 1J¿-

Tl-r* lea--.e=. .:-.1.=¡ thp ìs'E'3.ÉE tl-r e r'i1:rht ttr' Ftlr'':h'+='e ;''t :r. fr ,!'

tr'rÉT'P {i¡le'l l-r ',' tinre e{ter' .:!}i i'F'3.r'='. The FPrr t åFr d Fr r'ir:E'=' ,:'tt-:'.irr irr q lÉ:'.:-e= tn ths L+rilI E,o;ir'd, -i.t-¡ rl thE methc,,l C'| r:rr' at 3'U':ti':'rr {'* tr,r-1Ê. Fr nt tc, t* t,}' Ë.ÉlPrti':'rr ':'tJÉi-

Ê,r-E1,,!¡¡.1 .=. li't,ut ti'La.nd El¡ar'd -r. ll¡tment.¡t:i

l=l-rrr ,ler'=. lt.i ert*,1 t¡ tl-rÊ i*'¡i=l¡.ti¡n r'*l3tìrr q t¡

.3, r:r:rnditir'fr tlr e r'g='l'jÈrr ar'ÊF,F it-r g 1-¡ rl rr.¡l ti'.r+tic,n ='. ':i' ':ì'åU=É

-H,-r-=,.r',1 '='tÊr' ,rnd t¡ rÊrr t.:. {i'..¿s,l E'¡, tl-r e Larr ,J .q''J fi "frr':'rt f':.inrf=rt:'te in mEÈtinEt ', ,:f fA.r.ffref'= lrJ-1 =. ':ÉnUÊned -q.t '='i'lef edL''i'-'åt'il iti' c{ ::; eF,temtef' 1l=l ::l ? tr:r ':rlfr the l¡rr C l*çi='l-=''tic'rr petiti¡nirl ':l p'='.rì if:lrr Él-r t t¡ ÉT¡ ;{r:t ='eF''rr'ate The me+tirlj ir¡ -:r.r:,:r:rr,,l;+Fr ,:e r,,.1 ìtFr tl-r * i=. 1gr¡J'=. F'Éqrjil-'Enrent=. ,ji'.¡idt-.lel t,:i-.e=.år.,1 rlf-i.rJe ir-r .jr-1 ;tic* bein,:r d¡r¡s ìr¡ ii-r

ir t,: t'U!' l'=i-r 3'Frd ii''tf i'';"'LgtT!Èrit'=' ii-r=t;.nre:. i+ =.*ì:tì*¡:. ;.C 'J, i-li-i l;== ¡:lr ¡l¡'lÉã r-,,ri¡ i,,:I ti¡e.¡ i¡ ;r.,1 ç¡¡.rjg, ¿,. 1 t':'i' "'='. ltJÉ'j gr-'ì;*'='

in tl-r * ìe1:rt=l.r.ti,:,1-r ¡g¡1¡,'.,';,1 irr.i r.l=.ti';Ë=r lTi ll-:i' ='Êliler=' e hr'l'jir¡'lt !. Tl-r !'=' l-r'r'l r-,lirrjlrl L,+ ,--rbl i,=rei t,: =rlrr'Èn¡Pr' tir ir' I'r:i'lurt' ir¡ Ë.r:'lTl Ë r:-aËÉ= r''Jl-! É¡-* le alr.e;.'l .r. ':r ':t:ui'l-'Èrl t.'-¡. rl,i ¡"i: ifr,Ér.,:,,.,,?nr ¿!-rt= l¡ ,:.,1 L,É9t-r -r.t, .3.r¡l¡n*d .irr d the luÈ ]'Éir.TE

ui-t F+Fh-i¡'; il Ll-' lr ¡.i-.,J l,.,r !:rr. l.i h.r,l t,ÉÊfr r'Èç¡rrr¡Fr i'' ='irr

t,.-:frrErl.rirr t=. r,1JÈr'Ê hein,-l n't-:.,1 É ÈlÊÉt''.rh!-=i-'Ê in !:c'r¡th Éu=ti-¡'l i':'' .|.?.n,j b¡-1t !:,rt lir g i=, it EÊ,ilTr E,l tþ¡.t l-=r.¡r:' ir,riri'llt -='i' F'ÈLr*d t': ¡jrrjuÈt nriçiir t {¡ tFr ¿ ,:ptìnr i-=.ti,: F,i'¡Tr +*r =*ttìçr'='

lr:rr:r!,1 *lEË[,,.tl-r Èr'È fc,t- ,:,E,Er ,:,r'turr iti+= t':' tir * dptf inr*fr t ']'i tir +

El-l l-:l ;..Í-l I ;.¡-r ,j t:¡:¡iTrillUfl i t;.', ü.tr--,:,¡:r =l ôÊ'l -._t'-1

Iela.nd*r=. theìr. r.ÈFr'É'=,Èrr tati"re= in F-r.rl iå.frr*nt t¡Er'e=.enttt,th*fl,:,rrnli=":il'rrer'r:r{tl:r'¡r¡'rnL-='rrd=åpetrti':rr i¡r' uri---ring tl-r s nÉr:Ë'=.eit:' tr'{ chanr--'lirr r---'l tFr e l:''nd l lr"J .larr H.;+n,t¡ I=. I¡.r||j. The i=. dPr'= t'eI ierred their'=' f{å=' å'

I r:.3..=.8 .1.rII tl-r at their pr'nt'lenr= fr''lR¡ th'f=È =.F,F,:iå. 'li++er'ed rllå.l.tP ]'¡J*r'=' C,i ,rther. Ër,¡:tl-r È';'.l ìÊ.fr =. ;..n,1 *:r{;r.fÎrFiPE' rr.rFr'È ,li'=.¡.,lr.r-rnt;,---r*,J L,:.' i':'=l ¡.ti':'n iT':'rr rl-:c nr ¡itr l-r'r¡ d 3'= ¡t rj r,\r.1..=,,Ji'Firrult l-,:, di'='pc,=.r ,:,{ tl-reir' '='t':':þl ¡rr d Fr r'':'dur:Ér -r'Ír

r.LJf-JFþi ,J EI r iir¡e'= th*¡, r:RuI,l rr ,jt aE. r.e-r.,1 iI:¡' nt,ta.irr dl-l ¡- irr -1'cl'; .3.=. f,rr the må.inì¡.rr d.E1 Thei, F,,rintÊd ,t,ut tl-¡ at r.''r iil-r r.e..¡i=.e,llsqi=,latiulnthegtrl.JÉl-FrlfrÉFlttlJÍUldl¡=,etheTÈ|',ryrlug tt' ,j*r.i,.,,*d {r'¡nr th* i=, l-r.nd. g.= tl-r + {a'r'l'rrer"= Lrr¡lr¡Jlrl h3'rJÉ

C't tll + ;r.het-t ¡lr:rn tl-¡ *if h':, l,jin,ll=,r:rfr -".¡:Êr:runt ':'i tl-¡ * F'Úr:r l-nÉ=-i ':' ,=.rril t.n,J rl¡ * rr'r, lìr--iF.ti¡rr t'-r ,:':rlTrErlr' t"r ith Îiie 'lÈ'Tt diti;'rr l{;È l-ri,l ,l ,fr..,.rl-l. Urr le'== Ír,:,,lgr'.¡.ti':'n c'i içl;nd la'rlj 'r:lUP'=

rÉr:!:'ff!mÉT'j,=,i t¡È¡' iei ì*'.r*,J th¡.t tir +r'É' l'rjr:¡ulrj lr* ån '?:r:: ':rrlu=' ¡i'=Etti*r=..5!

TFr i='larr der'=' tr Tl-r e E, ¿titi;,r-r h¡.,1 i-r Ë¡ si{Ert' e 'l¿rid¿'l

=.ÉFrdådepr.1t.r'tir.,rlt¡the|].rrlmiË.=.ic,rrer.*rnp'h.=.:.i.='il-,,:|h.¡ir .=.Ele,:t':'T"= tç' e¡?rr dc'n t,el te{ t!-r et ffr.3.Tr .r. r.;J,:,uld t'e i*r'c*'J tl-r * tl-r *ir' l-r al,lir, ,J=.51 ThE l--,:,rrrr¡i='=ir'rr Er' t':'ì'l 'jpf'uL':tir'rr lh.¡,t tr, r:lfilcrj'?'r¡itli th':ir'reqr-le=t r"ltrrjl¡j ;'.i' t': inter'*efe

r'r¡ e r¡litir È:rii=.tir¡q ì.1¡-r ,l l*t=i=leti¡ri. H* Fl-':'nr i=e'l t':' 'ri=it

F qFË'r:rirå' I ì=.jerr C r,.''rhile ç,-r.rìi..lrrrÈrr t l''Lr å=ìrr r'Ël;É== -=r' 'jr -¡'+tÈ"

,.1lr ir I¡j iTitf r:r rirjÈÈ ifr È.r,g,:ti¡rrr ,:¡t-r'=,i,JeF Etl-r er' Ë =irr:rr"l r:rí-r er:t ,lurirr Ë tl-r ¿ ir Êilt- Hz lei---ri=.ì.-¡.tir,rr tli É =ub.-¡ ='É==i':n'54 a-,-t+Ae:1

,l+C i,led nnt tË rl,: Etr ¡ å.rrd ther'E t'r'!Frr'F: rrG rh;'nge: ttr' the .l.¡.tit,rr 1-rn,l ì*r¡i=. . lr,litl-r in m,:,rt th'=. tFr Êr'e tr.lÉr'Ë FÉfrrlr¡t: tl-r ;''t 'r' the numh*r, É{ f ¡.rnr*r'=. r/.rgt-P le¡rlìrr,--l ths i='l ¡'rll'55 'f et

,'Èr/.r lr'¡m 'f7iJ r',r ith 21¡ m'r'1ÉÊ in 1l::l--l1 F,-rF, ul -=,.t i¡rr =.t*¡.,li1i' a{ Ef' 1E'r1'5È Thr* tc, tË5 nrå.ìp'=. irr å t¡taì F,¡F,Illa.ti¡rr =:;"'=l

iEl.+rllgr'= '' i*:tl'=. c,f È:rr:rdrj=' h¡d f'r rlr t heerr f ul f i I l*d'

.;; r,rJBl-'È Tir e Ii-r lljEË rrrå.Fr Er irË.trtrr..¡. I lee'=.*-= tc' {.:rl l cr-ie' ÈÈl- lÊrJ-= p.r.=t,:r.-e. 1 irr du';tr'3' tr.r å'=. dep'¡Ë'=.ËÉ'l {Cr ì lrrr'linq Ë' qrli¡';i dr.,:,uqht in 1Ël=l t-':,57 Ês. å. reE.ult .1 lll,:,mrr ittee Ei Irr mÈt irr 1FiËll ta É:ríåmirr Ê eri ,l r'ËFr r:rr't I'n th+ L¡'t-r 'J L-er'''r='

ì È1" i'jsncÊ E':'rl r:Pr'n i rr rJ tlr * ,:+ ii,-¡u th Èu el ¡.,ÏB I t *r'r,l r:rFÈT-l.ti,:rr C,f the lA.r¡,r= :+.n'j fSqUlA.ti¡n= r----lr:rr*rÊf!-! iTr r--.1 il-r e

f:.¡.¡, q¡¡'¡r¡r i-r tr ì¡linrl r:r f larr ,J, iTr r:lr.¡¡Jirr r:i rÈrr tg.l'=..317 ElË,,'gfr

r_:tL1.,.,'p g,..,i,1 +r-r E* r'Él.:'.tirr t'l' tn* I.=l-=,.1-r,l =çit1g¡.-=.i'il ¡-r ,ri++irultie.= und*r r¡iir iil-r i=. la.r¡ 'J +är'nrer'='ur'+d r.rrh*i-¡ .l th*:' tf .i'ii-r ,:¡ t,:, t-':ii'=.* r:Èí-'É¡. rl!-¡lrEr Ë'I iaf '-1e1:i' r'*l'r'te'l tn

rÉ¡:-1.ìciti..ti¡t :.,:il=. Tir +l' Ê!;: Ë!l-:'==,ei di=':":ti-='f'='.rtic'l-r r"'l !th

r,.¡!u=. .3.=,;r Êtrt=. ,:'+ thE ì+';i=. 1+tiarr I FsFti,lr:Ier,'l :¡' r'er¡ tl. l r''Jh':' hid ¡þ-e.¡ r¡ËÊ. "i'i,:,Et ¡{ th+nr h.=,.d been =he*r-r +å.r'rlÉF'='

tr ÈÈFr .rttr.3.,:tprl 1tr, ,:Èr'*.-={. I ¡-tTr:,r.,1liTr q t'}' thl m-1 lfr l 'lrilJ lrrlr rlrfr¡ ,

¿rr d it IrJ8.E t,¡.¡t th=:. r,,,rer'Ê =.till Èår'r'f in,-:r =,:rffrÉ =heÉ6' , iTii:riÈ E, l,l|-r rl-¡ .ir tir ei' iri ierr ,jed t'1, C,:rrr r:efl tf ¡.t* --'Tr tl-r e¡rr

irrlli'irr tt-r e {utur'È".¡'I

!-.:.¡-r,j :l;ettl*r'= r.,.¡Èr'É E. l-t ::r: i Ër l.J t ,l' É P tl-r E r'EEr ¡i tl-r; =. =. ':tr't

.=. g. :r. ,:r lI. i i ,¡ rr i n rj i-r Ê tl=r=-ll¡",:'! t,ut- tir E lll':'i!-riTr i i t, ir * f |Ii r-1Ê ii ':rÌTrftr =. '-T =. =.

i.r. I TËr:!:!irrrr ,l .I..t i¡r¡ '=. r r--,l.=,t ìfr t r¡ l:1.årr ,-J-i.i r.-¡,:, i = ! .¡.il ¡ ' i'::t =.FÊa =Ft 'l âÊE

I e='-=se= l.",ler¡l ì ¡,1 ial¡.t ian ct,nt.eined Fr Tr:,'.,,i----ir-,n=' l'.rheTËh'i' uTllÉ,tl-r Ér. l¡r'nr=. ¡f terr ur'e tr,:¡r.lìd br'irr q their' ìand urlIET'

tu.¡.i I e,ìE.È .:44 rlrtrr,r . d,.,'årr t,r1le=. t,r.: t FËr'F* Th i =. ¡if er.ed i¡uç r¡rr til fer¡,r lx=.' 'frr tl-l e I=1.=.rlI -e.r'r-=,.i1gl them=Êl¡'rÉË 'l'{ it .:.{ter 15'[l l:l , ler'g*l;r t,er.3.u'=.E tl-r É]i' did nnt l'lrr ':rt'¿l ui tl-re

Er:rntreF.È.ir:rn.Fr'':rr.,' i :.ic,n=. ¡{ tl-r e Èct,4f Èr' lf¡ ç,r.¡111-r t tlr Et tl-r *i' i'i' .,1 rr .=,.F,F, I l';,.:.i-rq-:'.r'r:rc' I I .:.n,1 . i ,J C,t i' t¡ =. Tl-re l -r.i-rd E,:l i cl' ¡f the lËl-lU= .f.= ¡ t -a.p6' l ì *d t¡

[..3.¡q-r.¡çr¡r I=. l¡.rr ,l -:..r'':,U'=.pd the i'=. 1ar¡ dEr'=' irr di,---rrr Eti¡=rr ;tt

A,lelEid* Ë,t+ir:iald¡nr drcidinq r,1rf¡ -r. l LrI;r.=. te='t f,:r' thenr '3.I'r 'l

içrr,:r'irr q tFr sir' tl+inr'=- {,lrf' =.p*cr.:rì ':':rrr Ëid*r'¡.ti':'rr . i='l-='.rr d

r..ilÉi-'e å.Tr ìJ r.rtr'tin,-:r pÉr.'qr*f' tl-¡ =.gttler'= lÉr,,t in nUn-rh*r' but *:¡'l¡d

Fr ,I,t he=it.Lte tt, ¡l ,I,f-r iFrl¡Fr t tl-re ':lÊ¡r,rPF'frtT¡ÈFrl. ifr ' ;.t'!:erirEt t,:,

¡et r.,..rh.rt j:lrer' 'f.!rr,L.r .3.r. .ì r-l=.tì':e +¡r' th':=* i=lal-¡ ,i+T'=

i1rJr..r gr.=-eli. aife'-tE,j '¡.¡. thE l.rr¡d ì*qi=. lati,:,r¡ . 'fËt it r,,'i.:{.'=.

clÈ;r.r' th;+.t tl-r eir iTll*f'Ëfr d¿r':É .=.n'i :i=if -Ëu+{i':ien;.i' r.'.r 'f.'= .:t*.+'Jili' dinr ini=.hirr,-l . Ti-re 5t.=.t*''=. truFÈ¡.ur¡-'=.tir ,lrl'htr'r:ri'=.

s:;:: l-rt m¡.t te¡- r-,.¡ir i çh i -r.rr d*r': he 1 i e''¡*,1 the:r' ¡r.l I tÉrr ded = =l =l-r 'j 'J*ri'i* r.rthÊr. th*rr È'i¿1.:Lide mÈrr . Tl-r eir' l,:,rrq-l¡ eld fr ':,ti,3l-r -=. thre.:,terr ed hut ¡{ in,Jep+n,jen,:e .r.Fr rJ =*lf-s.U+f ìrienr.r'r..,1ËTÉ

r.'.ra= ,-¡thÉFr P,l . thr Fr r:rti,trfr tl-i ;..t th*i'r,,,1Ér'É di{{*T'ÈTr t'e¡¡

Ê'= tir * p-r;r r.1 l¡.ti':'n r-rf Èr''.J,'rh*'= F,É,i,j irr:,1-'Ê'Tr

tr:r lÍ: :{.rr ,-Jår.r:il:! ]=l¡.rr d, Ì.1':' l"letir r' di=.t il ':,¡-rr,= rr i=.=ir:,rr;r.f :v l-r --:,j

'..'i-=it'tc the i=,ì.rrlj f ,:,T. rTr.3.n.¡, i'Ë.:r!-= r-.: ¡tiì iir ll=-l';? fi,r.ttheLL,r E;Urngrt i,.j¡ frrlrirr t*,1 t':,,Jt' =,:r. H* l¡-'r.r.r¿llç,J fr,:,ffr lI;l*nr'l,-:l r:¡t-t the¡' "fi,;, IElr iTl "" FLri=., tFr '? ti'ì,=,¡i-.+ç,h ¡-n-=,-=t+¡-, '-ç)


'-fa a'. i\a ¡ *-'F ..: þ.' ìÞr II

ì-- å-,

{ ( 'l-.'-.'¿-':v tlN t1 p h¡t¡uEÈ enected in Srruth A. l-icr-rtt En,-rad . "The iir'=t =t¡ne L--rrr fierr q¡r'n¡åì ie ib,uiìt Lì), LiE r,r'._-iÉ Ela t *:. , { i :.h e FrrråFr . ) I:. larr d. Lìc,ì I ect i ¡n rìrt l:ìå.ì I Er':v':i S¡rrth Èu=traì i:.. ¿._tt=t

met l-¡ inr et .1nd F¡.r.tridge, -r =.ettl+r. {r,:m Lrli=..¡.nËÈPI li i r¡ r_l=.c,:'tE . F'.:rr'tr'i Ar_le l-r ad teerr c'-rFrdur t i rr ¡-.r r'Erlu I åF -€Ér'r.r i xe'=' irr hiç. hame l,-rr th'==.e ËÈttler'= r¡Jl-t rI' I i'.'ed rr E¡.r lrinr'

ElUr.rr*tt, r'e[r¡r¡'ig'J t': t,É å f ei':,f'nr*,j .3. l,:C'l-r ¡] ir.C'7 ,:!:r Tljr-t rtA,l

p.] lr,i i=å.rr r_:t Ér't ll: ¡'rlrr Êt ir..r ¡r¡' A.,f+ tempeT.ånCÉ rÍE*tìrr ç=..+i åFl'j Hr,:i E+i', H*rr r':i' lllrll-:r.r..rir-1 ';. l!'¡ ¡r¡¡1¡rg'¡r¡¡ Ff e=i¡*C r:!ì'rË!- tir e meetirrq;Lt l.,Ji--.;,.rr ,JÉr.r f,rl-t Et-* Ha.r'r';r'-in-r itf-r , r.r,r l-r r:¡ ha,j liL'Ërl a.t

r:i tr'll-t rl' :imitfl'=. E.=.i' {t,f' Fr È-1.f'l:r' ÉU i'È.1f"=r l.r1:r.e- 'liTlr:lfl ti-l ':rË'É

rrç'r:rlrI? t -¡.tterlled. Èf t -=.. '-iinr iI år' nrc-et irr r-l .Lt H':';r E¡i' ¡+ t:rr tir s irr ,:lu,lirr Ë l:ie,:rr'r---tÈ El åtÉ'=.r tl-r e c'lde':'t r'*='id*r¡t .l¡.r¡ i=. ,l ,*d the t'l+¡lr-re.':'ill

r;,:,i-r r,.tÈf-r ,¡rì '=,:,':i+r;.'{,lrl-' El;.te.=. -r.Fr ,l .l;r,'r itl-l l-l ,=,i.3.r..,r:r ide'l ti¡l'fl m¡:,=t c,i tl-r eir. lir,, *Ê. tr_:t it-r tlr air. ,-, ìc år]t+ r.'.rÉ!-'+ trlri-rlar¡l tl -r= .:rir:Éc¡t -1.t l*,:.=.t t'rþl*ri ÈC¡r-¡ i¡r'r,'r Ít:¡', El:.' 1ì::7'Li El -=.ta= !'.r

r"'r;c'= rji! å.L, l+ tr, !.r.lfr llrrlrr, f hi=. r,,.r i'r+, El i:¡t'=ti¡ , Êlr '-i Ë:i Ë i¡iir:¡-i -1.¡ffr ¡ttÊ,J t,: tFr * [:s:.tit-r-lis rr':.i']r..iirr {,li-' !:t iE¡.'l fir ':,TI ri, ='åli'

Fl i z.¡..t,* th E.r.tÉ,=. r..,,rå=. i-'Ë¡.,:jrrr i t ted i,:r tne [¡+=t i ii-.¡ t+ ¡-'=l' ]uä¡ i rr lEt ;:11;' tire ,:cruFr IÈ h+,1 t,ÈÊt-t !-..;':Éi,.rirr ,l qtr'r,.rÉ¡-'rrrrËrr t i'.3. 1i'-rl-ir ir'T'

¡g1.,¡¡;r. I '!'E:r.1"='' B*ç'¡¡-:=e Ü+ th*ìr' tJr'È3.t '='i-;e å'ir Ij teehl+

r'Lj+ I +-"1-.Ë' ;Lrr¡j h*.=. I tl-r . i=-.ì a.r¡I ¡, ,= ir1lrht,r..l r"=. ie-¡.r'e'J ic'r' tii s ìr' ¡: !j .1r-.r 3.nrfgd f ,:r the .=t¡.t,: t,: IFr r]j-:r't-:rþ.E tht i r' f.l- . El i f 'l.t¡e tn

,li*,J åt th* É=.¡'ì,.lnr ,:,rr 1t xu!l'J=t 1l:l '.ri'7r-i -r't r'r:tr--rlTi ii-r their' hr-1rng= ["]-r.n¡' =.¿t-tlar'=. F' ]a.':e'l = :r.'=- l:lr''r9l-' T¡:rut:li'r |rr i=.:.ilrr åTi, Eur.rr Étt'''å ,-ji=.!,t,=.=l ir e tr'-r.'rÈl l+d

!-,:¡-i.¡JË. t,:, r,,i=ir Lirs i= j¡.r|lei-=.Fl He r'E'crt:trtÈ¡j ti¡ år tl-r eri'

¡Þ:.:r cr lÉ r.,.rÉi-.Fl 1::i -F.anr iìi*=. .li: H,l, Ë El f.i' irr i';ll¡, iLr-¡ d Liii 2î6 a'


l:l ld Í-; "'-rIl" E:t.l-z= l'1r'r.tìA':1.; Lit'r.3.r.i, ':'{ :l; ç,r-1 ll-r Ër-¡ =tr-r. l ie 1._t,¿

+t 3.ttÈn'led hi= E.eT'..'i,:* the¡-.e. Tl-r sr'É L'.,Ér'É i':ur f-¡'milie=' tl'-r'FÈ E':'r''l¿, Lì¿Fe, '=.i¡: a. lc,rr ¡--.t the rrüFtl-r'lr-¡-e.Et, irrruF ;rt tl're ctr'r'=t' Dur'ir-r r¡ ¡' .3.n,j;.gr",E¡-e. I -¡.t =t-=,.tian=. -llc'rl'f ='':utl-r prl ,lal' ,.¡i-=it t,:, tl-r P i=. l.fnd Ér-lr'rr +tt tr':-r"'slled tlll =.ÉLr del ir..r*T'*d 1': nr ile=., chie{l.r ':'n h,:,r.=et,+rÞ,, :r.nd

rddr'E E.È.É'=. . ¡t

l.r,ll-r +Tr 'i:l-r e tìetl-r ClJi=t i-r rl,ffrg rr i=.Eic'r¡ ¡.Ti'r .I' ErÊ' ¡''jt'eTr t. ã.rr'i,",É'l -=,.t H,fr:t Ê¡:.' in 1ËË:1 it Lli;r.'=' 1t?tr¡-="=.rr':i' +':'r'

.i.=.l-i tl-r e çtg;..n¡gr' irr .f. l1 F,åË..:.En|-_-.1Êr..=. tt' rl,:, ':'r.s {r.¡m =m.¡.

t-,::,r.,tbr-r-¡.t. Tl'r *r'E r.,,Jå= nfl h¡tel Arr ,J thE frrr li' lr-'d'-;in¡l-hr:'UÈÊ

Ir,i.iE, !t r:f åfTrFr Prl CUtt-1'-:lÊ. fir',;,a.,Jhefr t''=, il r:'f'EÊ l.¿.1å.8- lf'Lt':eT'e''j lfl t':

Ë.[.l.rÀtrt åEhC'r'È, ILUr'irr ,:i ãundal' rrrÉfi f i'=l-r irr Hl'i---l the =.È.L -r.¡-r d '-=d ilr $-e..;. ir.,:,iTr tir C- :.te,:,.n-r ,i,f tC' =.u¡tl:,' i"l,:,rr d.=¡"Ë m3,fþ;Èt rll*l+id*.1:-J

Êit;r Ei r.ça,lhEr¡t I-r +.,j frf'f.Lrli1 frj -tl- tll',-irr *t Fli','sT'I [:r'

if,;<.''r* Ëf¡ .lr.Lr , .i. Fr.+=L,.:,.t+i-'i.ll-¡ d,:,,:tt,r'=t¿ti,l'l-r È,1 r-'n tl-¡ * I='l'"'i-l 'j.

hiirr B. ,l.lrr ¡.tiC,rr i¡r' tl-r s t'lethc',Ji='t nr iË'lirlr ß. Ir¡ i':'i;-¡ rl¡'l¡lr:rtE

Er',:,-idt,+rr t 1.:..:"È¡l r,'tith ,-I , [Le l]li'quËr -.r. Fj¿m-r.r¡ ¡I:-=,.tir ¡l ir¡ riJl-r r:; =. r..,Jå.= -e.trr-¡Ut tr, ,:,tr Êrr .1 ',r'* .¡.t l-iirr '-f=.r¡t*. [ie l]rlrQrlP Fl-'r:rffr i'=Frj ,1.¡.tian t¡ drlrr -1.tÉ l;= tc, th+ l'le{:h,:di':.t l::hur'rh LLjt-r ÊFr th* i,:'rlrr .=,t¡trÊrF rr,f å. t,uil,lini-i i,:,r' ti-r +t c'Ur'Fr ';!=.É t.'rf=. lai'J, !;r-lFrcr '-rr't

fr,r-rn FÊr:r'F,]È ¡i ¡¡th*r' ,Ji'ir È¡fl-;ìFr .i!:i,--.r-r '= ir¡lir.].t*d ti-r* i=ler¡'l''='

i t. A ,Jr,C tc'r' r:r Tr tl'r + i'='I :.t-¡ 'J ¡.rr d å. : l':!r'Ê ':r:,tTrrfrurr i tl' r'i ÊL,rIrUt t,:, t,* ,:rFrSl-r B'-l çUi-i!lÊ=tç-,j th¡.t Er:rr:i'f., t'"r:rÊf-È== r"''i ¡='

! r. i 1 ,r I.3.1:.- I Tì'!- - F- I -=tIE- - - .,'-- 2f tl

In .Tunå lllE'.i the þiethr-,di=.t rl:anf eren':e -r.uth¡r'i=*d


L?. l',letFr n,Ji=.t rl:lr rJr'th :rt H'-r,:t Elai' trrr t l4+r'r¡ 1¡lÊ14'¡d Tl-r e

r,'.r d cl-r Urch r.'J-='.= huiIt ai ir'¡n -+nd IinEd ith';'¡.r'd 'r'rr rlrl|1.t. irr r-J tlr * l;n'Jt Ir'l'J=' rt,t¡Ulrl =.¿.:.t 1l= FÉËrÊr l'=. Tl-r': ':lUrJlfl tlr Ê el-r i n1l f-Ë1|:t , m,:,Ët ,rf r¡¡h i rh h+,1 heerr d¡n-r.teC hetr--lr'+ 'JF '

ffr i i¡rr '=r'i'n rlnl-r Tr Elr.r,,¡.,Jt'err t :i;err i r,r'r {-¡.ther' ¡f th* l"iE:i =E'

pr.È-+,:h*rl -=,.t tlre ßF,Ert if!r---t EFr'tr itrE{ r'eadin'f tl-r e Ie:=r-'n'= 'rFI 'j

ts:tt +r'¡nr :1 r:tr,Fi't,{ tl'r* ["ier..,l T*='t¡.nrerr t r¡l-r ich l-r E t]i'im;'J h*

{,:urrd at I'.iinr-¡=rr't+ irr 1Ë::17' He l-r ;'.d t'Een :' "Ëiu+f-rl':'"

'å ,: ir¡ÈÈ i rr i¡r! l rlrr.i.rgrj tir e F.3.=.=.9r-r qBr. i rr 1Ë.;l¿, F, Ut' l i tÊå t 'l ( .3.t'ufli-r.Ti r:È l:,F,tn i n,l i ÊÉ. :-r.nd til = miE= i¡rr;.r:i' E=tt=tf'lE,.: -:.fl r¡litl-r *l,lrr.,.l irr r!Ërrlrd ,:,{ irr.:it Cr fr t¡t, l*= Cg,:c,f .=,.tE,J ÊÍ'r. =Urlii

t¡.=te tl-r .+t lr e r¡Jr:¡ul,l "Tr ,:,t h.3.,,.'Ë tr=+Tt .3.=.1-r å.rr-rÉ¡J {c, T tirE

r,''r il-r ii¡:rr,L¡¡f.ft r:r¡' ,:,f ';; .È, tC, l-t ,;iUP t-r.i'lei-l tef itir U= rlrl-t at t:rr:tr.3.=i,fn,"7i p-=' L:ier'1,,i,:*.a rt,trFr tirr r:e,l t,: t,* h*ld irr [,r'i'.tåtE l-r r]rll'¡ ir¡

,:,utl:Íirr .=l rerr tr*= .=.t r-:uttlef i=h El+¡ åir C LlaFe L'rJ i'l Ic'r-¡'¡'r-rl..'.:'3

l-r ìrr i.. r-'ìd Lr 'f Ti-¡" L.,ll-r ilE l-=,,::,. Fr.e.3.rhEr..I. el,J =.Èr''.tirE= "T'içþ;*ti'

,3.t rl: .r.¡iri ei Ê: ir.r EF åFll irr tl-rEir' l-r ,:,T,r*:. .:.t !.rl i;.=,.¡¡ q*¡ -irr C E¡.:r'':ri

:j¡,t,.3. l.:..7:l ["1r.=. .f. [i* i]:rirquÈ -1.==.i=.tE,1 tire !-rÉ:ri t I'lethr' 'ji='t

m¡'==iç,rr ¡.r'Ì', Éu,;uEtu= [r. E,enrrÉtt. := Er iÊ.rr i=]: Lt ='ert't ic*='

l-l r"'r':'Thl .1 i¡ ,:i=rtr:rtB, .3.t-r,l ,L'=r--ttlsf .iFÊ,'-'i,J*'l l. l-r i'i-iÉ i'-rl-' i='

,1 ¡-! d ir r''lå.:' ui-'EÈir I Ì ¡' irr ti-¡e 'H,:,¡ -= E¡.i i=.ti i,: t . Ë =.Éc.¡ ':'i =; t-t-r -r.r'' h':'d rpqU i r.e,l , t,r1 t [,er]åUE.É ':,+ r= F f Èr.r i C'Ug ]'t =' ':r'trrF¡E

tF¡ e .=.ettler'=. rtrlrrllrJ rr ,lr t¡:rf d t,-r t-:l i'..r Ê lr-lf'tl-r er' helf''7F

ThC,nr.r=. I'l'=rtl¡ ,lC, tË rl-1.'.rS .f.n -1i:l-Ê ':'+ l-r.f¡d fC'r '1 lie=lÈ:"'-r'n tl:hurfl-r rt ll::,.qrr et Fli'"'er', TI-r eF*. ':'n ilj Ëe¡' lPmtÊr' 1ljE4, FjÉ''r

,-1 , 'faung 5imp,g.'-J¡ +r¡m rll*l;..ide la.i'l the {ir=.t lc'und':.ti':n .l;rfr .=.t,:'fl É r:,+ ã. l.,lE=. l*i'.-rrr ll:l-¡ Ur'rl-r r:rrr !'::..Lfr Ëgr'':rlr I'=. d. "* t":ttl*

trl-Jrr t-=,.inir¡ ,_1 .ì.,:nrr'}, ¡t tl-re ll:l-r r'i-=ti¡.rr r.,.1 eek'li', the Fl*¡-ri=trr'.

.f,n'l s. ,J,lrr..lnrenf: I i'=.tirr q tl-r e tr'u=.tE*= ul.:t= El+':ed Urr d*r' tl-r s

!.tr--rFr Ê,"lJl:l Th,= rl.l,,_lrr et Ri,.r*r- cl-r ur.,:h !1t,1=. {ar'nr-rll}' rrrErÈFr Érl r:r r-l 1.5 ¡ìu,:tU=.t lEl:15 ¡.nd t\,,r,:, d.=.i'= la.ter' th*r'e r.r.r.rE '1 FlJt'l ¡': tÊ?' .irr rl¡I¡!.t meÉtirr ,1 . Ths É r,LJ.3.=. Euilt l'{ ,141r.,';+rr i=ed iT',:,rl d .3.1-¡r,Ut +jilj. È41:l L1+ t.¡hiCh h.r.d t'*en r.r.iE'=d L'*i':'r'P il ¡r'.rJ.=

trrErpt-r Ërj. l'1 i=.==.iË,fr +r':i' ET't,-t,Jt,*fr t t:ÈrlTrfTiÈrr tE'l tl-r '=rt tl-r * Ì;.di*'=,

t,.r,:,r. |,!-¡ ui-rd¡--r' ?::: r:ÈFti':rr *:. I Cj i++iruItie=, he,J fr fr1¡i ¡;¡'1l

tr'-r.l'Ë ti-r at I¡Jrt¡uì,1 -=,.=.t,:,rr i:h tl-reir'm¡. lnlEr¡ Ê ir'i¿n'j'=.Ê1

Èi ter. 1E:,:'7 Ëii:1,r . r] j e=. l'1r,r.EE T Equ I ;..r'l :r' ,,r i=. i t*i IiÈ ''í¡.r¡ rìrr ,:åTr ,t,t l-,:.¡.rr,f .¡.r.,:,.:, I ;rrr d {r',:,rtt þial i I I ;".. H'= L¡'¡*ir t gl i Ë. =.ì

fff'm t]:-+E,e ¡I¿¡r.ri5. L'i'r.arf¡ ,r. lEt,:at åfi ,l i;¡¡ir;Ìi*'l "Èi-: 3- ¡=ti-r ef

de¡-r C'it*n ii-l T.trr(.rJ'J.:t' 1-l r-rrÈ.É" t,:, ìr:,fl *l!'l-¡ Ut=. tir fr:ru¡-ll-l =.e Èt:f'Utr.

lll ìJETt trjg t r..'JS.1 t¡'i¡ . ElË Ë¡t l';: ¡ rr r-J=,,:,:, tp I HÈ'i--l Elrl, I .-rl-¡ rJ i'rlt-r P t ,:* pr'i h':'me'='. F¡r' EÈr"rÉl- f'I Ë i t¡ef' hS ':,f n,lU,: te'l ÈËf ',r i =. ii-i ',' '='.t+ i,:,fr sT.=. r.rtr:rF þ;*d tr--¡r,Li¡.f d'I. |-rr,'i !-r ,-Ii 1¡8.=,r.=. the Fr.-+r.i =,h ':hUi'rlir':'l t,rtijt ìrr t,,:th m.-r.¡rr fÈrr ti-É=,. In lEl El.-:l tfi* l-lli ur''ll-¡ 'r+ :lt Alt, '= r,Ll;=. L,Uiìt r:¡r-!Ér'lfr,:r'r;if¡ ,-:t l-iifl ,lr=':ÜtÊ.Ë:ì it ËiiìI

,j.= fTr¡t¡f-¡ U¡Tt Êft l:|:, tl-l e È:..Tì.!' ef"=' ,jef*i-Iírlfr ;ii':'r'r =.t-i.rr A.---..! t =Etil

ì-rlr Er!-':!r,ri'Jtr, t':rT tl-l *ii- ¡:'l.L.l!-r l-t gÊrj=. 2,:,u

El-r.l'I n¡:rrr.r 'ne¡linr¡ irr tc' TFr * Èngì ir.r.n ':ÊmìTrUi-r ìl:¡' å.t Hr',; '1

.i1..{ i':r I l':¡L''J i t UE'= i t.=. frPtr.l ft åmF, F'Êf¡ fl ÉË.1-r I tr];r.=. ån:tl i':'U= t¡ ='U '

ll:l-r È':"'''4 T¡r e ,:,r,¡,fìn.1. 1 chur.rl-r tr+ È: t Llnlunrt,-r'=. rr 8.3.T' r'i='tirr¡.= er. .1.t F*r¡ nE=.1-l å.þ'| l¿l'3..=. hl:i] t ,ll-l r.irr Ë 1lj:14-5. ''flT. Ferlr¡*f 'rtl-l t' q-i.',,.r Ê the t, l,:rþi iOr. thi=. Fur'F'--'€-.e r,,lith f-1l:U fr-'r'end'ftr.rffrr=rr

r¡"1 El i='ir Tl-¡ e Ël-rrtF¡rl-r r.¡JåE. licerr '=.*d ic,T di'.¡irr É Èrr"=l'r i¡ t'¡' ':'F

f.,i=nni,:r¡ r:rn 1':r å 1ËL15, the fl'r ini=.ier åt ll-r É tinr* bein¡ r¡ihicir l--ã.rr ,:,rr l"ìc,r'=.* It lr.lå.=. ;r.rr inrpr'='irr g :t':'f-r e t¡riildirr '-f Epr.r,,Ê'l it= pËR[r ]g Lrlell ;'rl d mr:r=t c'f tt-r e Ei=h'--rE'= ¡{ hå.,.r8 pr'*-=,.cir e,l tl-rÉr'É'Êl 4 Êl gÈr¡:rd 'je'll å,lela.r,le åTÈ =..3.i,J t¡ .=.t thi=. tinre r'È!'rcr l"'e'i ,:i th* ì=. 1:..r¡ ,l*r.=' =r¡ri.=. I I ilE .3.r¡d tl-r F'P--JUlar'li' l¡ el'j tee f.t-',t¡U!-r ,J tl-r =ir' rhur',!l-r ÈÊ. tl' 1:-lÉÍ 3.nnuel 'i'l-r rlr,'¡]h rrrÊÈtirr ;,=, iiter. =Ër'LJiËÈ=.. Êiter'

i*ç.t i,.,ål .! r¡tÈr.É ¡,,-' 1 ¡,EiT

:. ThÈ -=.ettlÈÍ--=. ir¡ tl-r * ì,.,1 i=.-+rr qsr 'li'=tr'ict I'sir:Eir"*'l

¡.,.11-r ,l ihet rl¡-lr-¡¡fftUfr it:t' Fr ,t*,1 lrt,i .¡. El;..rÉ Ét-.Ë nl-r.tter'= ¡*f e:tirr

TFr rtrtrr..j ìrl t,E ,Jì=f¡J'!.=È¡. Tl-¡ É." ':et rlrr-1 | tC' trfC"'l;¡* iì' e b¿;t*i' r'È=.uì t r.,'.r .f.=. th* f'.! i=.a.rr g+r F3r'm':r"=' È:='*lirc'jl' Ëi:!':rlï,

.1 ,-' l:l l,'J i='¡.rr Ërl-r r"rl-ritlr r''J'1'= 'l'E'É!-r Èd þ;¡¡ ¡,r,,.r¡¡ t,:,,' =. tlr l,J '-:¡*l-' ':¡ì, in lEll:j4,11'5 TFr * Hal l I,rJå.Ë. r.L=.ed å=. 3. r:r:rrTirÎrurrit.i' ':*rr tr'Ê LTr¡j '!'Ea.f'E-., 'i.rtl-r cr¡r¡l f¡r' rr.?.rr i' 'l|:,hn Trlr'Tr Ér'. ?' nçar'bl' ='ettlgr'' 'ãCrfTlP Ë,:r¡l ¡lU,:tË,j ÈFr q1 i, 'i:ii Uf'¡:ir '=Èf-r.'irIÊI tlr ei-l i'l' F tif''e'llÏ

It r.,J.:..:= r'==tcrr''*d i¡-r 1tË-j.tlEl

-ii¡ '=irr .i. i-r UíTrtr*r'=' I fr¡-.çrlrl¿¡¡1 riì+ FI-.':r,,JiClt-r ,f È,jrir:¡.t!,:rr {¡l¡l I'l t:!Ti r"t:'' Ef |: h i ì ,lt-.+fr irr E¡1 .1.t tg¡- +,i l,:r¡.t i 'rr:= l";¡nr1;¡.T'¡¡ I =l ¡'rlI

-;-'ri-. Iì i, Èr!-r-¡T',:È¡rT¡Ë t,i ,l '=1"=t?itr c,f :ril t-r iirr * åir d l-¡'r'ì t-i irir e 26a a.

\r/r,nN(;r rì Fn,*r,, rìr;'Asr,r rurly

I Ì,,,,n

Intss'l l'r'.si¡l¿'rrl.',,,f ll,.rrrrrll¡l¡.sl ,,,,r,rrl ll,¿1ft1,,r1,.",1 ,,1'Mr,¡zi.s,l¿rrrlcrl rr t'().),rr wr.\ rr,'r.L,l uithin llte rlirl rirl l,r',1"¿ o.s.¡ s(lro,,l, r, nedinl plrrte ,rrrr! o 1,l,r, e ,.1 u,ttslri¡,- Á s,,il.,l,lc ,,r'y,¡,rl 1,,r,,1,,,,, S,'.li,rrr lli, vrr.s rtttdr ttvttil

t,l i=Err qer'F*rnr gr"=' È==Érrrt,ìi'Fltr,:,nr (R.s-lor.¿ lq83) 2 ¿'r

Ê:,'.=i-Ëfll å=' rTl.3.rl }. :J.E tir r.r:É E'Èl-l |]c, l=' ,lur.Irl ,] th* 1Ël:lt-l =' Ir¡ thi.=. gr-, r¡'lhr-r {T'':'rfr È tÊ' .Lll Ë.':h,:,,:'l=. Ë.1-r ¿r'P,l t-. te'-='.Cl-r tf ';'Uell*d ':rfr =.rTr

c'{t*fr --JA'LJp l*='=r:'rt lrr '1 ,r.ft RthEf. r:rn .f. l-r tr,í-'=.F 'lf b,ifi'Cl* -e.Fr d = pr,i,..,ate lr ¡nre.È¡--' Tl-r i= Lì-r¡.E. .-:'. ¡:r--rmmr:,rr r'ur'.3.i =¡'='tenr ålr rJ ådel:ride ¡{i ic ial=' Fr'':'t'}' trr3rr Ë'idered i t -e'de'lu;rte ' The

cl-r t''rÉiÈ L"jir¡j i.=. l.rrr cer.=. F,r.r:rb.r.t'.l.!. i*lf- tha.t tl-r*ir' !ldr'err

¡.'.r r.rJÈUld Er l-'ÈFr-a'r'É thenr it'r' ¡ir,ren .-r.rr ÉF,F, ¡r'turr tt¡ hì'lir help li{e in :jc,uth rrr.t:,tr.ali:r r,,¡itl-r .3.'= little diEsd''¡-i.rr tr':----t* 1='

F,Ë'=.=.i b,l e "

:.q'.,.r Èr'.3. I ,J,:c¡.,1e'-. .llI br, it'= ir'r'+guìr.r'i;'' r'3'r'r'iY'J F,:r. =,tTr ¡'i'r;..i'¡= {r'¡m r:;-e.F,É ,-Ts¡r''riç. t,3 Hr-¡Ë Ei-¡..,'s I,'lÉ '¿r' F

l-r ad r_¡r1r..rpr.nffrÉnl FET|litrlr+ r:rTt +-=,.,:iliti+.-= f¡r' tir e i=.iand

n*¡-rì 1,1 iþ! g,Ërli r.¿jÉÉþ:: *í-' i':* r:Ë¡riríTr*r¡ EËd' t,e*rr å. lj.' =.t+.=irr =*l-''..r 14+n r:,n hrl,l-'-=Ê-t,.i,li'l çj+li'',rer-*,1 int*i-¡r :'.ì r, =.ìl=''i'i

It lrÌ¡!:'.=. frr.3.rr fi .r'eå.r'= L,et¡r'e i=l--'f; der'= ir:'r-llrj i-';i ìei tr'¡n¡ ¡¡'Jitlr tl: * r'e1urt;ir¡ t ìrr tlr e urr È11 ,lirr r--.1 =tr'u¡';¡ Ie =':'il

ll:l-r aFnr¡.n -:'.r'T':r'i-r ËE'J tlr * ':rr'rlå.nir*,j =Fr:,1-t.1;'': irr 1ìli';' Fli,:ir ar',J

F' i':n ic t:rc€- m*e L inç= lr e I d ':rt { ìr"=.t ¡{ ;a. ='Ér'iÉE. t'{ di='tf'Tr is:' l-iirl Ë=.,:r:te. Fec,F,!e t¿tl-r r:r +tt*rr ,lå,J tr'.r.',' Èlls,J I':'n'Il rl Ë'l-r hr:rl-='ËLr ;i'jl': å:-rd r:'ii ifl t,Ul lC,;k. rr,lår-:|r:rfr = nl' EFrf lTl 'lf'å:'=. iirr:,t,çr¡.1r' Frf.rrr,ri-erJ :1 L¡Ê.r'f tl t,{ t' ee¡- åil 'l {'l'F l-''':'

åTr 'r'r:rn* Ér:,¡llrl ,Jr'inkl ¡.=. mUr:l¡ Ê.=' the¡' r.'li=hed. å FIùlrti' 'lri

Tl-¡+r'P L'''lÊr'g b¡r,þlnr-=,.þ,Er..= fr',:,nr È,Jsl¡!,le r'.3.rr =r¡ÈEF,'=t'l'l':É='

CrTl l--i-ì:É tlr frr. l't.|--:= r:r Tt th* +if--t ri;.:'¡ filf! ii-i l-r *;ì:=";¡.Tilj = 'z rJ-=.¡',1'-Ë .i.rr lJ .?, tr.,:,ttiTr ':l ITrå.t'tl-r ti-r Ee,l']rf¡J Tfr * rå.,:p ÍïrÈttirr L:l=, -'.1

'.:.,.:,:f :T;i



:: -L' l.) Fianeer'Lìott:..rJe I [.,J iE-r.nqÉr' ['ic t .D , r'--'

picrl m+*tlr¡i -r.t* hec;rme å.rr ui. 1 erlÈnt, tl-t e ic

r.'r r',r;ç' ir¡ 1t-171;' he,-1 i rr rr ¡nil å. tr'a'J i t i ,=rr r¡l-r i rFr EU¡ i irr 1';'lj'i '

Tl-r * Hr,q E:¡.¡' ,'i,:t trrnr:+ ha'd å. l':r'Eetr':'uT=É '-¡n {l'=t

¡'=. i n Ë. t:. [,J i ] I Fr r r:rtìEr't]' rl P-ir' Ê1ffrÊr' ':-1 I ¡.rl ,l A,l.i eC*rr t t* ='r:rrr'i'il F-,ut rrÈ, r'ecar',1-= ¡:'{ it'=. uEP l-r ¡.'.¡e trPÉF¡ {':'urlj. rlr-'Ê'3't Irr 1ilÉ¡ cr'tcþ;*t rr ,ì.t,:hÈE ¡.t l';.ir'¡tE :'.ttr"3':teC irr t*r.*=t å.rr ,l l-e.r'¡--.le trr',:rr.r.r'lE ¡tten'Jed r.rJhÉrr l-"inq:'r':te Fì'=.'i'É'j

H,:,q E.:.,r E.nd tJì=..+n,_f*r..'if *rr c,th*r' m.=.tcl-r L{åE EiSi'É'J -='.t tlir.-r.e.=.!. Fiat, FeFr nÉ=.håtcl, t,ett'.reen th* l'1enzi*= a'nd H':"J E-ii'

.=.p,:r't'=. r.,..t .f,E. +t Errr".¡ E-:.:.'-' t*--.m.=..frÉ ll picnic å.t-r 'l d+l' l-r+l,l e;.r. li. ir¡ ,Tenu.LTt, 1BÉlj.''7 The i=. 1.:.r¡I''=. {ir'=.t l-r c' tel s tir *

,, [lr-lsen=.,]li{.Èe", I:,Èr.F,EtU-r.tin,-: the rr 'itTrÉ '-Jf{i':iEll;" h'E:'t¡l¡!'rrÈd r:rft ìh¿ f r;,1,.t¡¡ , l-l ¡.'j rlrt ål-rÊrJ i fr [);'¡:*lTltref' L !l:]l;: "'i'Ë 'Ftll I=l¡.r¡ ,jEr'= t,elig,.re,l tl-r ':.t th* qrlr'.rÈl-'irlr¡Érr t l¡¡t'l ìt= l jr--rt-rCrl-'ÉC err titl*meni irr t.:r';,: *:, ft-¡'nr l:: 3.1-r r-.1 3f'':rt:r i='1;+rilj¡ hUt the rrr-',JÊrr t rËqus=.t= ¡¿r331-'ding tl-r e rlEr'l':'T'-rhle '-'t'='tÉ '-r{ i r i.:, larr ,J'=. T'r:r.:rj=., ir.rh i,llr t,tlPr'? imF' ;''='=¡.hl e f l'f' heã'ri' tr';"+t ir¡ lErl¡.1?'i'Th* E:,Í.3.i---.lL:¡*r'.rte,J r:,:¡rrrFrleii-r t, "l-1.'¡.rl Ë-?.r'r:rr:r I'='l rrlJ ,J=. l,fnF ,-:'.=. h'=t'.ri¡¡; tha tr'rËr'='t r'c'iC= in =ter¡ t,Ut i¡.1-' -rn,l -i. t'¡" E:,:,r-lt[ Èr.lË.tr'.3.] i-r."lüÚ þi+i. L,eEn *,:l-r ,:,ed nrårr]' tinre= =ìrr rE i.:I.:rr ,l r'sEr-'E=-.êr;t,e.ti,,,'¿=. l'1.*.r¡ .i' i'=l-r.rrCEr'= LJ.IEr'É di==¡tì:=ii+d

Ëi,r.,Éf rrntÈFr '''-1. I ¡f at i l' i fTrrlrE t rlr'!: tilI l-'rlr'f'rj 1.,,¡ i th the i =1 ':'t-r I::'¡r:lrr ¡1rr:,nÉ:r, tt, tl-¡ r-, '=erti¡rr t'T,:'ñ'r tl.iri q=c¡tE tc, tlr * Èt Ëi'.r*l-'

.=;r.rriTr lll.1Ll1 Thr i=. i¡--+fiic r.LJtrrJlrJ Ètj3.':= irr tir e r: +Lr'ir:tr¡r* .:..=tl¡eÈ..3r,,JÍr¡illr.',r¡=.t¡:rL,emË'.rÉdt;'Lir-l':þ:[--i'1'1'¡'¡¡'-]-lrir= .-¡,i ir'ir,r:¡lr;r;rl; t,,r r--;r-,lC t¡É c,:,n=t;.nt ir.r-ì-iir r:rrt tl-¡ + n¡ 3.i!-¡ r,:r tf'':'fft 262 a,

* { --r'

Freç.tc'rr T. Éell

John Tunner å.nd hi'-. l'¡ r-rnrÉ å.t Emith'=' Eay

€! u l- 4 ¡l l:, l-¡ t#t-æ

. - .-_r:t ' 'ì,1-1=-;'Ë=-:,-i¡i

-lueerr =':li{{s H,:trl, l-¿,irr cl='-Êtp al r ':'

t¡ Ëffr ith"E fl3.1",1lii t,.thi,:l-r p,-+.;.5¡¡ tl-r r.r,ur_;¡h ,1r-r .1r'p;r. tr.rl-r E, l-'P l''JerÉ th;rt there tllÉFÉ må.nï {-c.rm=.. Later' therP =ur---r"JÈ=ti':'rr = tFr e i+ rTri:rr p:, LrJÉr.p -r.'l lr,,:+t*,J fr,r' i'=. l.:.rr d T'=rå.d=. e.itsr' r,,.rinter'I it r/,rÊUld t,e p':=.=ibìe ttr' r:crr,rtF!l*t* å '=eCti¡--'n '=.:rt í=.{e': t,:'r'i l}' rn 'lr'ier' r..'JPatl-r *r'.1tll :l+

I=. rrr r-rÊ Ii =.EEn-r=. tl-r.rt irr E.F,itB tr,i I'r.n,lsr'=.' i¡.qir.rirr '] :+t'Èrut ifr ':l-'È, r:tr:,r...rÈf'nmeft t iTrr..¡i:rl',,'eifrent ii-¡ i=. ,: =.f{air"=.. tl-r Br'É r¡,r':. È'Ftinr i:.m {¡r' th* i:l=.nd':. fr.ltur'* dur. inq tl-r* late 1ËEtl=..

In lL:lEl,5 terr der= r¡JÉr'É r-rlled {¡r' tFr * Êr.+'¡:ti'-'l-r 'r+ .il jetti'f{å= tr'r ¡r-Lt rr Er.r.r j*ttf' .r.t l-.:: irr '---.tEc¡t*. The t'-r t'* F'ri'j

¡rr{ ir:r¡l:. a. I lr,,:-r.t*,1 t,.:.' tl-r * Ël .È. r-j!:rr,r*r!-rtTr Èrr t i,=l- tlr e ='t=.te'='

;,utF,¡r't'=.1U¡t Tir E f{l¡¡ r1.j.rl ,-rtË tri.=l-r Fr'e'=.*¡'r..r i¡¡ :¡ ll,,:,l-Í¡E, ;+Tr }' !.4'1.i

pE,-Ji=.ter.Ec ¡.n,1 irr ,:¡,:,r.+l+¡l trrr 1,J l''1 er'rl-¡ 1::l::l!, ':'ifsTìn¡r 'i'.n :ì El tgr-nåt i '.rÈ .=.':ruT,,:E ,l,t *irtlr I ,:,¡'TrtErl t 3.Flj i !-l ¡:,:,1''¿ .1i-l Tr,,.t,:,

.-:'. r:rr-r th= f.:¡'ÊßÊt Ri'''+¡-' i.=. l¡.rlle¡-.= =.t.i,.r'tÈ,1 erjr.i.ìi'p,!ug =tilì l=l'zt-r'i;i=' irr i..l:-.rcl-r lL:tÊlEi ¡j F,r.r-1'lu':-E'J r¡Ëcrrj r1 u-r. I iti',r¡t.i11 ':'

h,t,lFrl thi=. +a.rt¡r'¡'ni i¡l-r t l*-r.d t¡ -: It!-'':{it='t'le r! ãr'r'r

in, r..1UI 'lt,ffC,+ r=lumfTrifr (l l.r1:i.=. tC, tr9¡:r:jlTlÉ -:¡.Fr i!"r¡I":'f't'¡fl t tr'-r.d*. It hed t'eqn c.=,.r'r'i*d rrut :F,.3.=.rrri'ii,:.=. l ìi' =.irr':':

1E:+;l .11--l A rrll-r Ét-r .3.t-r i=.¡.:.rr der. .=fiitge,J l-r .tli å t,trt-r tr' rrC*l-+.i'j*.

r;.lui-rr t':rr lr;r'¡i': itlgrå IT, f i,5i tii r'*e t',-¡.¡--r':. f,f '3.i-r 'l =iqht = ':'i ,ì I=. l¡.t-r C,1lJr-/ l.,J=. .lr'¡í-! Ë h¿,j çi;çr ¡,¡.t,r,J fr.i.,nr f,ì.;í'r¡i,f.ra,¡:, l¡.t,i' =ri ,| ,:l-r ITrg *.fr .1. ClTt r-,t the i .rr¡ler"=,' ì ei lr,L1-+.¡..3 L,een É =. = ':'i

:UF ir I .:ff¡Èl-r t i fr ,¡ tlr + if' ! Tr ,:a'lrr*=.. 2,i4

g|J'|.q Tl-l e gr.E.:'.te.=.t eiÌ,: i tÉmPn t t,.L-=..= Éå.rlÊÉrl t'¡.. rl 'r+ -t.

T.':,fTt i i fr,-1 ,j i [,f :. i l'.rPr'-l Eå,1 fr ÈåT' t"'t*='tei-'rr F: i ''' *f' ' * F =. =.,:,:'r,rÉr',!'

Ë1,; UrJ . i 1l:l t-r UfttrEr. r-J+ ,: I -=,, lm=. r.rjeT'Ê qU ¡ I i'':.rn Fr.,:.=.E,ÉÈ t,f r-'=

r..'JÊ='tFr'rr l';.;'.rl I=1¡'nd, '+nd Ê::L: F¡lrtrFFd ler'¡* år'P:r.=. tr¡+ 'l¡.f':¡

Hir=.t *,J {r,r' :.igrr '=, a{ tl-r * lr,de 'lr-rrr t irru irr'-l irr t¡ l-r i=' =.e.-=..r'rFr iirr u¡-.t lli;r.¡,3 Ë,r,trF,Ër't¡', rJ.Jith :.,--ilTrÉ initir.ì ='Utrr:s=.=.1i1 lì¡lrrlr rl

'l rl tl'r + leE ,l{ Er'Ê Lr.rgf'É taþ'efr {f'C'rfr -€-'P"rEf-ì. lr"leE '3'FI =-3.T'rFr l..,Je=.t+r.n F.i,.rer' ::-;iir,¡ er' Lç'¡.d l]ltr,ffrF, .3.n'¡'t.'Ja.E. {1,:'¡.t*'l r¡lith f¡ çrpr*Ë' f¡r. .3.,.1rt d futur'e f,:,r' the nr iFr s, I-=l.rn,ltr'ç h':p'¿¡ tl-r-r.t

tl-r * lUtir:rl-! t': tl-¡ e i:'1.¡.t-r''j'"=' rr itr irr Ë mi,-lht F, FrlrUirJP =.r:r

l1l tl-r L'.r:r.=, c, i=r-ir ÊCÈrnr:rfr'¡'. 1...1 i tl-r'=.P1,' netr.J ',rÉntr-tt-'P'=. Ér'É I,tinl

f-l-r th.:t { B.T'nre r'= r.'.rrlr Il I ¡j ft Ê I C' ft r_--l e f' f¡ Fpd tt, lÈ'-:r.'.¡s e i=1.1 n'j t,l

{ ìrrd r,,,1,:'r'þ': , 1 I lJ

,;r!É,j g.ti':'rr Ìr:r l"l,it,l=. ,:,+.' the qr:rr,rÊTnmÈnt''= tri-i:r Fr Ir1:r i='j l:,:'n=,:j i,j+t* :-'.t-r rl -:.fT¡Éf-rd the j.l¡,'r r'Êl.3.tirr ,¡ tr'. [:i=ir'i':i l]t,:, uir cil=, irr Ë,:url-r '*u=ïr';. lir,li=tur't,Ed i='lar¡jpr'='.i14 Tii * r-L'i+'l I r.m+t i¡rr e¡i the ll:':'urt ti' I e¡ i =l =t i ¡n irr c I f'r'':'È 'r'ì I':'irr r:l='.:'rt-e'i15 t-:¡.rrr !:,.r-.,.,r r:fr .:'.=. tl'¡* tliÊ.tf ¡,:t ll:f¡Unril ':'+

F'ennÉ=.h-¡.r.,,t r.Ë=i,lgrr t= elíF,f'*=.=.e'l immedi-r.te r:':rnCvin ':t'nu!:

c' i th'-' t,eirr ,1 r:rrTr l-¡È,:ts,l tL.r itT-r l-i.irr r:¡=Cr:rtE :{.'= th* irr t¿r'Ë=t= r,'rJÉrr: ta'J rr.,.r ,:, ,ji.=tr'i,:i:'=. f,.r+T': ,li++Êi'?ft¡'11i' I=l=.r'l*r'= +ifr'c'rr L,.r' thE deCi=.i,=fr t,:, inrp'1 5É ¡:rn¡? l¡rr;-r.'ì r:t!:rr''rÈf'FlfrlgFl t t"=Ci Ëir ¡:rFtUl-''titr'rr th* 1.,.¡hir lÉ i=. l.rrr d L"r ith ìt'=. =.arttgr'E'J Er '11¡ É meet ir'f nË +-r.rr,rrãr"=. et i-i.ii-r r¡='l':'tÉ di=ru':-=+d tir s h¡ 1 ì nÈ'=ir ;rrd , rJ .j,¡:tf-rerj th,:.t tl-r* t¡.r.r r.:r 'li=tr i':t=, Ferr -1 Lr'r

;-rr IIr-r Fl ,l,t tr* l'ijcri-ril*C t{'!¿tir l-.i ifr f¡ =fAlr, U1;J '-.i,ìÏi'='+;r;f';i;-il;" 264 o-

-..,3-' 2'-

Earlr'ãettl er'=. Eul ì ¡c14 Þlor'tìack Libr;+r'l' of i+auth åus'tr¡.ì ia

,Ì.I 'iî Í

| Srene at l,,.leçtern Eir.rer'5ilr,,er l'1ine þlar'tìorþ; Lit'r,r.r.t, a{ Ëc,uth ia O;Ê.

b*C-,,.u=.e r-,$ th* Elít'EnË'3 t¡ i:':,Urr ¡illC,rE in h;rr¡inË tr-' tretrel

q rtrlFr t'=Ed il-¡at È.¡:' {a.r' ta etterr,J rrr*Étirr '-:l=. The rrÉÉtirr Fr ll,:,unril=..11Ei l-l..rn,J.+r.c.J I=. 1.¡.nd =h¡ul,l he ,lir.ri,led intl tl,,rÊ, In .ËxptÉnrbÉr 1i+87 l,1E=.=.r'=. [¡¡1.+ner' ¡nd Hu=.:-e:.". mÊmhÉrË tl-¡ e pr'emier' {c,r' Err r¡untxr' Ea'¡'r Fr r'É:Err t*'J 3 mxmr'Ti'el t':

.:.nd ¡uld hre 3.,1 th-r.t the Hur¡ ,lr.*d= ¡i [:rurlls;r' H+ine= =l-r

.=.epar..t ,: tl-r ,=f r,'.lh i cl-r l-{ i nq'=r':te i''.tå.=' tl're t* ,l i i t iT',:'m ;rt r:'+ r*ntr.e, Tl-r i=. r.,t¡.=. un.3.nim'=u=. 1l' :.ì'¡ned tr"l th* r'¡-t* Fr -=''i'er'=

th* Hurillr'e,l ¡f [¡r¡,1 ] e"'.11'l l'..¡¡ ,:l-r a.r¡qÊ irr tl-r + I e'-:t i=l¡.t i'=n

r.''lå.=' r.É=.ulte,l . Tl-r e i=. 1¡.n,ler.=.' F,r'c,te=.t= th.-r.t thi=. ¡:l'=r:r:r Ur-rl.,.Jr:'r. l.l .¡.t, le h,*c.e.U=.E C,i tl-r e di='t.=.t.rr:B t,gtL.'.1**Tr¡ tÈ -='rlj

Fsnr¡ e=h-¡,r¡ r,L.tEt-.Ë ,li=.r.*g,r.r',Jad, È¡-r.=.irr tlte':,' E:,:.Ftr'ÊrE:-åd tl-r eir'

r:¡p[r trg.itinrr t¡ tl-r e rI¡ürJÉFhtTrÊFr t thr'r:rrJ']l'r ¡¡' rlir:¡rrati':'rr .rnd menr':r-'i':rl 1:iJ meetinr--i=r F, et itir'n= ='' TheE;¡1.¡thrllr.l=tr¡.1i.¡.nql--l|'JÉr.frrTlËntp-i=.='+dtl-r*[|: r-r l-:':'unril t::L-rut-r ,:il=. ä,:t r:,n [i*':*i-r¡h,sr i'ÉEl7 åFll ti¡ e [¡i='ir'i':t

¡'ll-r rl'i tl¡¡:rr ti' ¡+ c,i l',lin,:l=c,:,Lg ':C,mF,r'i'¡f tir+ 'I'l* th*

t]:¡.f fråf.r.rr:'ft r.4.f,€- F l-'f,'Ê I -=,, imed,I l1 IJ¡å=' h*ld at Ê F,,ì itr mÈ*tin¡-l l't r'¡.t*-F'l:t'ÉT'='

Fsrr ngç.þ-r.1r,r in ,T,r.¡¡ ¡-r.¡;r, 1-,J',1È tC, n'fn¡ ¡nåte r:r:ru¡-r iilìr,r"=. arr d

;u,lit¡r.=. Ur¡ler' the Fr Èr¡J Èct. Th':'nr ¿=' l'J ill='':'rr t 'l'F'r

C Fr'e=.ided, .Lrr ,l tl-r * me+tin1l n¡minated :'i:l ':ErUr-r ':ill¡r"! ':-'Fr :''! tr¡.r¡ -=,.r:,lit,--,r.Ê.1 tl' r.pFr r,È=.Err t tl-r e ii-l ter'e=.t+ ':t tl-r *

,l Ti-r t't I i*' th it the P*rr nE'=,h,Lt,.t i'i c t . Ê rå,t*-p-=,.Ier'=. Tr.Ê,r..=.¡' ir A,J rlr:,Fr {U=Êd tt-r * r,'¡*r'. Th'-- Hr-lrr dr'*i'=' ':i [:U'jl*i' ffi 1850 - 1859 12LAN D ttol

2¡3 g @44 I t- r! I x5 Ðll I I

FLIN zroc ir- tz79 ??oo ,þ, 5tt5+ | 5051 ?976 t¿t¡ Jrs¡ NEWL NO rli6i¿it5øl I 28ç9 þ¿.a b Fa .l It?5

2a7g SÉÀ le 23s?' l.

Þ a5' 3¡ !¡tG! d to¿l¿a¿ît"o gl.<.d - ¿4¿.¿ l¡q¡r ol i¿'ratlt <-2-3, bloclr sþw7 ,^.t !.¿A 'ìoo"

P+:. t c'F -i.l Hc' ì d i rr q= , l-i. I I ã5Lt- t Éil:l , PRCISA fS.. Ay¡.,at* 77 1r) 8\q o jEr]Ë'= frtir.{l-Éij!jå,1 åili lllnJ+ -a'Jr:rl-[l:rUnr--ìt F'*+Éj!llrJì:'U Frå+E +'Ë-'''l +

Ë:¡,JÉ-+ElF Ër-l i +¡-J Ã'=rrÊj-JÈq Ilfunr]:-l +r!'l+=!il ?''rii3;++-' r--rU å.Jërli r-lEl-rrf rll-rrrr:r'l ='Èjf,'t +Er.{+ Få.JAF-l'='ur:rl =JåFUP['=I ¿¡i''=,::'l:r'ÈiJ |llÈ'J+ ;Jålfl påi] II ..iIuË r..l illï F,å1rËuu¡:1 :' iJÊ'¡l'Ë =åLlul l:l'; 'fi l]f"

r:lrrli Él-l '=.j; [11åã åt.l + l':' +'='r-11! l-.1 -r l t..lltr F Unr:r'J'Fj '!'Ë ii ìjf ]r + Uåijûr

UÉ l Éli+ Eu t'-lå j= lu lrJfrf :l-':' /l+ l t¡;]'!il'EJdUJ! I t-1 urt':r-r ;uË =.';- Fr [=

.JåJrl'=EÊ lI år-.1 rlr EU'l a'i år-.1 + Få.=. 1;r-;r1 ,Jr.lå l tF,å1l:- å,Jå.J + i !1 !i ,¡+rl-J'=trUl'4 U'-rl+EUËlFr uI F, UE fïitrjri=.ËUuåd F,UE +Ë =EUl+aeu¡ UE::l "=.Ê¿.1 È [I-1 iJl-rr-]-r '-riirj'f+U! FËFlf1 lF A'¡ F'Irr']r'l= FrJË[=I ':rÈr'j'¡:..l:r lÉ+ jr:t-l i Bu lì'=. 1=.u l .Jr-1 + '=uD=.L--å.1 J lår-.,| i Fr-lç'{5Jåfttl¡ ':rl. aJn l l..luåuJrj.låfìr_-r:-l Êrll r:ri .¡--r ãi-'rlr3 ,-ri Fårr ulluÊ:t =.JåFrUFrIEI

F¡I'FUE [åI r:¡t:r 'JEiEr u'Êj':l 'JÈ+ =i'-r4 lFIrrE

UË r:¡ lf rJn¡]-J lt: lÊ' F É+ U tr:"j'jE ÉE:El T 'å I iril FUE =Ji-1 [ [ ":'JFlßUÞlla åF !É'tÉF+ u I F tdr..l l-i'¡ !+a¡r.Ll Il-run'-r'--] Èri l+rr lrå]+i Il å!I Ë¿I''=''3 [ I'L¡ |]¿ lrl':,qE JÉl .=.åErl'-J|..1 'fU åJåf'/l ÉJå|..| 1 låU.Jl-l'-J!-. Èt..{ ï +'= U'-Jli-JÈE rj'=.nq Ë- 'fEiì1 år-.ll 'Ft-l'e'I riq luJ åur:r ul Pr¡r-: :i,l l'r=-.J1 '{: Iu,] FFrÚJ ='å[

LtË a¡..le*rl Fr-l¡-' /lÉf uLlÊdÊl',1 =Ë''lJ-rF-- ÈË[lul l]E +='Êjå[ +ç: [åriÈ-Jl -+*: .-,+ åriÈ-¡l pIrr¡f¡ là1.]-+ å'=n'Ë--¡åq å-Jì:i['j '¡;r-.1 +!å =Èul+åålJ Ëq FUä{+Fr 'f,+ :-Jrf [[l-JUn'f= [[=t 'J'-r+ Ë[ql-=='Edul F[n':'rfl '=+:'lJi'=!F +f i!ruriË-ì ÈUr:''=.r: '-lÊ¡-l{ali': i Fr'lj4'Jr-rÈI Ëq }'-r¡J pInr--tf

åå'JEr'r=- iriEr..lÈåuu,r,l F,DÉ å+'fl'=Ê'Ull'.1 årli +F-l-,1 + ,';[Ë'n'trr!lUEUn Fr É¡'{1 J'-¡} ãJ'-J l]unD:' fr rJ lirfirr år.]l tr¡ I'åi':-r'=Ëu 1,1 +rl +-r l'J+='lp [ [ årl+ FU;jrxur'f traJ ,-r+ EiljËI /i.JEnU'Ef tI uB l.å+',rH å++ltl=uåånil t'd'f'rr¡r'E{l'l'¡l +'':-.F,tår.{ ñul+a;rr¡ ll[r]rrrJ E ]ç: FåF, l'i'åJrl 'f'

,â¿I'.Jår.l+'l år..1 + lUl'==ËJ puì:-'=,3 l3Uå14

+'f .=Få.JFrjnH år-,|j FUE '+¡l¡+ElF àur-r ;q FlnÈr.l'= =åUl'ËH pU';-

-iFz o ,¿-¡

q=';ate' It ,li-=tr.ict fr,:rrr the pFfi[r o=.e,1 nreeting F, I.:rce at l'iirr

.!* r¡'r Urr É.3.'=.r-rrr .=.t, tC, e:{tr Etrt tþerfr t'-r attefr d ith t¡1.3.E Êr:rrr =.i,J*r'e,J f qUrfrUrTl r¡'.rl-r Éfi tl-r el¡ år'F iL'rÉdt the F,f-=.Ë.ihil iti' ':'+ f irr '1 in¡ nr:r ,:-l t'-r {ir,'* da}'=' irr .3n,J tht, ':Er't-=rirr tl' t,{ lr,ç.irr lr'c,rr t¡¡'rc' tr'-¡.1.¡el I i n¡--l fr¡m tl-re i r' hanre=.' 1!E

(Ll'1 E' * '=.t;rl enr¡.te r'BË'u l ted, '-¡'Fr d n': trËurr c i I nrËÊ t inrl hel,l urr til tl¡ e t:l':r'.rËl-'t-rtTrrFrt r'PqUir'*'l n¡nrirr eted ':r-rurr rilì':'r"='

d tc, ra. ll t*n,l*rs i¡r tl-r e FË='itir-rn=' t'f rl+r'þi 'q'rr

.3=,=.É.=.=.r:rr ,1?17 F,rr. tþ i=. F Ur.F,,:r.=.p ,-I .til. fla.t,.r rl-r -r i r'ed .3. F,tr":'r'l t' 1:!:t-t at terlJE,J ms* t i rr¡f ;*t Fi i n¡-r'=cate .rn 7 åpr'i I 1g¡¡¡ . TFre mEÈt¡n'l ,leci,le'l tl-ret rr ÉticÉË ¡,,,rrrruId t'e pr r-r!. lgl in-rnr*,1 ì¡.tel:' .l.=.r¡ i.=, d .3.t-r ,l tl-r ¡.t tire ËrJr't'' È.i'rl¡l-' .it Ê.3.,:h F, r,=,t É,i*irp crrr tlr e i=lan'j tl;ener.-+l Lrrrrruìrl Ee åEl'lÉ,1 t¡ '='upnit' :r. Fr l'i'i-r c'i th* ii-':'irr ,:,L.,Jifrq tl-r e n;1rTrP= Ê,{ ;Lll l-r ,:, l,jer'=-' l-:.rrd el ieFr LtÉ'j =fr 'I'i i tir e l::rr:,r.rJr¡ i¡r'th* pUl-'[r r]r=s c,t i'=.=P="=irr ':t th+ d!=tr'irt'1:Il

*tter ir.lrtheF t:¡:,rrF l¡.int=' f r¡nr i=l;'ndi=f =, ÈC¿ì ¡ ide r--lr:rr''rEr'nirrÉ!-rt tr++i,:i.=. I=. f írr e. 1lf't--.1ã.'.rÈ the¡Tr Et:tr!='ider'etir'n, Tlr +

.:r1ltå9ri tc, å. ËÈFår-=,.t!C,rr c,f tl-r * tr.'.r,:, i=. l*nd di='tr'i:t=' 'it-l C

t'.rÉr'E ,-'l-r p [ l::,:rurrri]=, l' t' f{irr ,l:-.rc't* -:r.Fr d [ir:dle]'

'.-¡C, ÈF, 1ÊEll:'-,1tl Ê t inre Ër'Jel ai'le F,r':r':lainr*,1 c,rr r il ¡1 tl-¡e =.åffr

¡{i i ,: i .rl ,-a.r¡8,,:¡ ! n f¡ TUr'rr Ef' r¡] I Ec t':rT ¡i dc'El t:-*.:leã = -'i r te'l ''[f,l-r

.i.rlj;l*r'l.l ,:,f !,¡JÊr!-1,;E. r.t Fi irr,---r'=.t,:r t?, ¡¡.ri-r il* ,-lcrFr rr Tr'+thet+e¡'rll'1'='

.3.1!t:ñirr t*'l tr-,.=.'=.ifTr ilår'Fr r:r=iti¡:rfr -+t Fei-r Tr ÉË'l-l ;.r/J.1!ì¡ llrtFr th* ,lir.,riç.içr¡¡ t:'+ th* i=lA.i-r d inr': tt''r': r:':ruTr cil=

.3.i1 tfrr+fr r:r:rUl-l tir * F! f'r:r':F=.'=' l,l r!,:rtTl ifl ¡.ti,:,fr C -:'FrFrr:rifr t t'i 'lillr:¡f ='

t'= 1Ê È r.r.r-r,! l-Eps¡tE,jr T|,Jrïr irr-+tic,rr = t'einq r¡. lled ut' '-Tr-Lrr I E'trÌ

1,qËÊ.1::14 TFr e þ.i¡Ë tl.c,ur¡ cil nret r:rrr 1;' 'ÏurrË

1Èr-+E1t= -r.rrd tl-re El¡'irt tl:ç,r.rrrril tr'+ [tr¡d]s]'l-¡eld it:' f ir'='t meetin,l trrr É:1 'lune 1ll:l:-l .1:l'J

The i.:. lan,Jer=. l-r ad, t,:r their' F, Er'=.i=.tent e{{r,r't:. I changed the Adelai'l= L,'È*=1Ur:r'a.r:l'''=. rÉqUiremrrrt'= f'-rr' l.ian,_l:rr,nn I=. l¡.r¡J'=. lr-,r.rl ga'.rÉF'rrÍrÊFr t. Tl-r el' Lr'rÉTP rr c' d':'r-lht ,l'l -1rJ.r.1re th-a.t the 14ini=.t*r'might r,'¡itl-r hi:, Enl'nrÛnÈ!' 'r¡te'l .3 i:trrlrrr:il h¡.d {ulfilled ånT' r.lrrtil =.¡.tiEf i*,J tha.t 'Juti' impo=-.ed uF,,fn if .137 I:. l.rr¡ ,l*r'=. E':'r:,n {r,rtnd th¡t ther'É i.'JÉT'É' m-l.nT nther' unEHF,erted inrpl ic-<.ti'-Jrr =' {¡-'r' th*m' Ir¡llar'1,.¡EEtFreÉiE.trictt:Ì¡r..lrrtil¡f|q|¡r1E'.:,-1tÉ,'1.=. r's,f Uirs'l , h¡.,1 mã.,1È årt .1 ËE,B=.'=.ment r-rf '=. ll r¡.te¡.t'l* FFr-rpEr't:'

r:rl'Jrr ã'Fr d r.,.r ìthirr tl-r * ,'lÈt r¡itl-r tl-r e rr 'LrrrÉE Ë'f er'='

,:,:EUEier..=..1:JE TFr i=. åi'rtruã,Érl il'rrnls,li':rte ,ji'=nl ¡..¡' .:''=' :stiI+r'-:'

,lecl.i.r.n:,J th.r.t !.1te.3.'=.ËÊË=trr¿Trt-: i.''rÉl-'È tç':' hr';h'1t5'¡-r ¡ 1'1 '-Turr e

1',jE:-? tFr * l-iin,--ls,:¡L+ [ir-rrl¡¡ ¡il {i:'l*'j å 'J;rr ÉÍ:'] r';'te c'{

{,:,Ut-'Fårt ,:É in th¿ E,rlrrlFr d ,:rl-r tl-r * .i=,'=9E'ltT¡Plr t f":r' t'rr '? }'efr'

.-r.'= ¡:,-rUr't t': l-r ÈEF' Èrr ,:i ¡rr !-1 ,-lUT¡a 1'=¡':.14t-t TFr e rl.¡unril =et å .end 15 r'-='.tËFå.i'Ér'=' .r.pp*a. l= .3.r_-lairr =t the .3.';=.å'=Em':ntt -ìb,:'rlt rEte= r.'llgf È {f +r'mers.J .r.tten,le,j, .=,.rt d r'*duct i¡rr = irr rtr']'Ët må'le r.trr EIin!J fr,:,nr 1Ui: t,:, 5lj:i. E.rd r,,l*.r.thsr' FFÊr,'Ente'l mEn'r' .=.ettìer=, fT',:,ffr ;Ltterr dirr ,-:r th* hÈ.3.r'irr rll t':' ll"JËe tl-r +!r'

åF,trÉ.3. lE t,r.¡t tl-r Ér'e f'J,:'.=. rf*l'r i-F-r. 1 di=="=.ti={;rCti;rn r.'.r ith th-'

.3.=.=.e=.'=.nrÈnt=. r,,ll-r ich rrJÉr'É '=.till r:':tn= j'l*r'e'J tt'¡ hi'rl-r '141

T.r'p,i,;.3. 1 ,:i ,:,JUì-rCill':r'=." ,j;di':ftiC'rr iC' -ir"rir; drlti'r''r;r!.

[:.ffl i¿l Tlrr:rÍTr;-.=.r ir-rl-rr]r t,:,=,1,:l thf-Pç ,l-=,.¡''= tC' tf ¡.''rÉl l':' åBrJ {i-'':'iTt 2¿,'7

r:':unÈil mEÊtinq=. in Ferrne:.he.t.,¡. He r¡.r¡r¡ld L.,Jå. lþ'i fr'¡nr hiE f a.r.m ¡.t F,:, i rr t l"lnrr'i=.çn tr-, Eu i c['i'=. I *nd in1--r ¡.t Ênrer'i rarr Eir,,ef , {f.¡m Lilh*TE Ê.r-rlTrÉ':rne L,I,lrUld T'tr'L'J hiffr -r.trf'-rË= tr--'

:1t¡,phir.etc,(,.rrr . Tl-r err l-r È t,,r¡r.lld r..,J.3. lþ; tn Ènrer'ìc;..rr Ele1,:l'¡ -r,rr d Ët.3.1' iftrernight r¡.rith Ëh+rle= l'.'JillE':'in. þ'le:;t da.:r' he ¡.r¡ul'l t.,la. lþi int,:, Ferr rr É=.1-rå.þ'r .*rr d tr'r'urr tril 'LFr d trL*ll'i t'a':þ; tr:'

d irr thÉ n i¡h t ti:r'e l-¡ e L'Jr:trl ld Émer.ic;rrr Ee:+ch. å+ter' =.perr 1--t t¡ P,:,int l"lnr.r.i'=.c,n. In tl-r r=. F¡l¡lJFr d r.etu-rn t,l' tl-r s =.ã.me r.rtrute trip he r/,r.tlþlÈd aF,F, r.'-r?íimåtpli'4ll miì*=.. ThiE r/.1.1.=' r'ÈFrÈete,J

PEtrl-r m,:,rr tl-r .I4:

Tl'r x F,F,:,trlAnr ¡.ti¡rr ¡{ th* [iudlet' årr d l'i: in'-J:-'r:r-JtE

¡rrrr Llturr tril=. in 1EÊË nrå.r'l,lËd the Èrr d ,:rf irr Ér'-r.. Fr'nnr tlr en r

r:,:t¡Jft ,leCi=i¡rr lc':el ,r. lth¡lrU¡--lFr tl-r e ,:il= nr-=,.dB = å.trr:rut ='U':ir

'| åFr hr' i ,j,;a prÊr.-l È¡: t=' F;arr q-+r'¡c, I:. ,=,.n,1 -e.f {¡. i r'= å.=. r'r:'åd'=. d = ,'ånt=, .=.Ur:h t=. .-i +tti*.=. U.IÈt-É fUnded if¡ f'rlrrJrllf¡ r-ltl'r.r El-'TrlTlËTr t

.3.r¡ ¡l dpr i=i¡n'=, r'e.j-r.r'din'-l the='e r.rJÉr'E m+de in rt'lel*. .l¡.rr I=. ,lei-"= ,leperlj*d ,--rrr tl-r E E:C,utl-r Èu=tf'¡l ian rl¡Crr.råf'rrfiÈr¡ t t':r' the fTre-r.nË t¡ -ì.,:l-r ipLJÈ Fr',:rqr'eã=. 'r'et ¡{ E':u:i.3. I ,lì{iei-'Êrr r:ÈE. tþe¡, r.Énrå.ined ':r-rt-t =.¡:i,:rl=. {r.,-¡m ¡tl-r er' :f c,u th É I i-trr =. The ir i =.¡le.t i t'ir r.rl.l.= c¡ti-r Éi- -JÊr:'qr'.3.F, 1-r iC.e. l l i' de{ ine'j: i t .L'jdÊ'l È.Ê[r.3.¡'.=.t !¡rr f T ':'rr

Eor"ltti Èu=,tr.¡. I i-r.rr :. t,t' i=':'j:ri i¡¡-r ir¡m Ë,j*l-r.iC+. F¡-'*=.'=i..1 l-*

I ctr'rr+r:'fITt iti'r ,:,ri,lt irr etirr ,-:t in tlrg åt¡'!rlr ir-lt+ {1,r. =.,-J,:i.3. ,r+!ninÈ åFr ,j e.rtendin,¡ E,r:r:rrr ,;1lfr i'I lirr þ;=.,

,--l;r=. .-i ad+ -i.rr ¡l irr ten:,ìi::"irr È*'=. uri'=.di,:tir,rr =tÊ3''jlìi'n'r

i nr¡;,.,j=. i ir t,:, i l ¡.rrd i rr d*pendÉn,:e t l :' t' =. ¡r'r.drl:'l 2 irl

',-Jrr 'lÈr' .3.= tl-r e 'fE3.r,=. pir.'3-:Êd ¡rfter' lElËLl . I'lnn e t l-r e I *'=.='

i I e.rr de r.=. r..,J,:,u I d E,:'rr tirr ue tc' thirr l'l thErrr'=.ÉlL"'ÉË. di++ÉFÊFr t, =.

trr-,Tr a.{t.r. if and tc, Fr r¡PEeL.rgr'e in tr'i'in¡--r t¡ dutrt their 'fr,rtft = t..,Jl-¡ ÊF¡ Er"r Èr. FúE= itI +, 2?I

1 ÈFF, endi:'¿ ',1 . 5ee Ap, ¡'gr¡Ji:'l 1X¡ ËAFF i'lc'. 148 'r+ 1'¡Ët-4. R. ll:':cþ.hurrr I trF. cit., F, . 4 E,.ruer', ÈrFr . rit,, F . :l,åLl . ._t It,ìd. r:-iFt[i ¡5,..',,¡É4 , FFjr:rË*. ? F:inr¡=.rnte Ll.L'l.Êt., .=F . r it ', p. 45. ,:, g 1EE1 . ':' ûi,3.r'i' f 'T[,]-¡Tr Hir'=.t. Fec*mt'er' LìFlr:.i 35./ iÊ+ , FF:l:rËÉ1 . 1l l'j; . Fe r'm ì rr qlr ¡.m , tlia t *r.r,r¿'i. Tr, Tl-r e lir:¡uth E-e.=.t r F. 1ËEr. 11 P;.inr_-r=c,=t+ l::,*., rlt', rit,, F,'+=' Ii Elår.lÉTr ':rF,.E¡t.. Fr ,'-i'5 1, It'i,l . 14 E¡.upr., c,F, rit., F,. :lÊ,1, {E I ._r Itid,, F. 35¿t. l-¿ Ihid.. F.t5:r. t7 E,-+uEr', ,:'F, . c i t. , P. t+1? ' l'3 [Íit't,=.r Er¡r. cit.. p, ¡7. LT Itid. ilr 5*FF'. ¿-:¡ ,r+ I ÉE:Ë , p' . . =¡l ¿I Ihid,, FF,, 5d, 57, É1. ¿! IL'id.. T, l.'l il1=.r:rrr I F. ,l'I. i.: I L' i d. . E.5, El;rte=, 5Én i ,lr , t . åÉ ' ¿a L.T, t-1, Fl*1,:'r'd=., ÈCe1.¡.i de, ¿._r -iiiFF l.l*, l,i1; 'r+ 1 ÊElJ . 5år:ir:ì l Lr l'1:ri. l ErE'¡ , É, , 1 ,i 15 . . ..--.: ËÈFF þl¡ . 17',:1 '-1+ 1l:l'cll . ¡1,f Èl*FF' þlrr. 1Ê 'I'{ 1ÊllÉ:, I . E; , E,,r 3.r-r t : t, .,i¡J . .9. r Ëå 1Ê;Ë4, p. 17+:1. E;.ugr', ,t,Fr. rit., ¡,',:lË4. .:1 I [iLr Hur¡ dr.ed ¡f l.lEn:i*=, f'l-1.F, ll¡, 2i. '--i -J .ic!,: l-l.irr !:t':.Cr:'tP tl: .1.,J ,å,I ÊrF, . ,:it' I F. Haì ! . ËF.':it,, p, . !Ë. :'.:' ûLr l4;.¡ 'rr{ Hr:r¡ dr'*d ,-r+ [:r.:rJ]si', lElEl4. tl:¡:'rþit'Urrr I ÉF, Êit.. F. llll. :-,Hllla I r-'¡-rq - I=. l -¡.rr dEr' , Ë l'1.-r.rch lFEI-J. Ib,id,I Hal I ¡.':þ'. I ':'F . ': i t. , ¡'. 4U. [¡L r 548'i'¡'1 ?+C, . I :.1 err dE r' , 11i' þle:i' 15'E:. 1t-l I b'i d. ?,1' 1"1-r.r' I FE'J. +t El,:,uth' l-r¡'.1. 1 iarr [Lir'*,:ia'r'.:' 1Ell:l¡ t¿ I '-=. I ¡.rlie r' , 14 l.l¡r.,Êr'rrtr É r' i lEl::: ' 1,_, :-;åFF Fìe¡, ¡' ¡,t l'.1r,. !E: ':'i iËlli:3, F, 'i,'i'. -.1 rl I l.¡.rr d¿r' i4 i'l¡'.,, ÈmbÈr' 1F'EI . = , 1._l It,id. -.1 ¿ tI: i'rì¡B*di,r. ,:'F Ei¡ut!-r å'.=. 1i:i , LJ¡] . !. F,. i!JlJ=. -i IL, id.r F,. 1r_t rt4, i'i,:,, HË t ll':' , ::l 1 E: R+ 1 ',iElq . È,:t Ï.l,-r, ::!,:,= ':,i l!,j=, É;r I 11 I i-!'-',-r - ? 7".-,

4'? :jr:ìPF Flep,:r't lln. ?Lì r-,f 1Ë:l:lr F,F. 5t, E'É, f7, Slll r 5--"'r c,û , ,5'¡. 5Ll tllt,s-.ÉT.L.'*r., IE Ë*¡, fÉmtÈr' 1:ilfll . IE,id", C, r-lrtnber' 1ÉË7. =1 .lr' I t'i d. I l:{ ,-Iurrx 1E1,1';. .-r,:'E._r I t i d ., I',;' l,l':'Ll *F¡t'Er' 1'¡l::? . ._rTE -'t It' i,i. ._l ._l Ihid,. 14 l'1-''.r'rlr lEE:ll. tll*rr Fl* tur'n=. i,rr-' E;,:u th Ê'4. I i a, 1B:l 1 r 1E--J1 ' =.u =. É¡.r.:er. I ,-rF.cit., F, !4ç'. '-lL- Ê*FF l'.1':¡. !Ë ,r+ I l=rEE . E,.luÉr', f,rFr ,':it'r F, F';l,J::l-=. 5¡1FF þl¡ . tll ni I EErË I F,F, ' ' l.+i'=..=.rr =:r-É11 Lilirþll-r .l .F.¡ F.T. E:ellr r--rÉr'i 'I:'l-r rr :..n¡ fi.Ìr,,tr llt'r¡net Fii r.rer' ¡ Th¡m¡.= I'.],-rrthc¡tt, t--r"lnr t Fji'"'Èr' i I=.+;.c !s¡',1e.rrr t E',rår¡ E:, ll:r'rlrr et FliL.'er'¡ i1¡.r'tirr Tilþ.-r., rl.fgnet Eir.'erì ål{red Êh;rrle'= Eurr¡e==., [''iepe'r.rr Ëi:¡ì tl.¡tt.i''lP E:-=:¡'i Thc,nr-r.'=. t,l il ì ç.¡n t 'f .F. r Linr¡l rr r H,:'g [¡-:ru i d Eu i ch: . H'::--l E-i.:,'; Ephr'.r im E¡.te=' 'Íun i ¡r' t H¡q Eri'i Ephr'.r im E¡.te=, :ierr i tr'r'r H':,'1 Ei.L.i'ì I,'J i I 1 i ¡.nr Hcr..'r.-a.r'd¡ tluttlef i=.h, H¡çr E.r¡'. ,j, 1 Elausr.r r'F, cit.r FF. ã,iÍ-=, llth=.¿r. 1.,ÈT, ?3 .luns l ESË. ElÊF F 1.1c, . !Êt 'r't 1 l:lEE: . ;; ::;åFF', I 13 a{ 1ilÊ--+. E:¡rFF l.l,:,. lEt ,:'i 1ËElli. F.T. Elelìr F, . li =4. It'i,l"I 'I .l¡l . fl¿.t..t , E. -EJ. .J :l [:Fr r' i t i .r.rr 1.,.1,¡ l,i I ¡.n 1.1 * f I-r ¡rd i a t ,-Ir'u r'n.l I lÛ F* t'r'u åT';" =. ': 'l , j r:r IL,id.. 5.1 anusi-t'1i:il:r::l . F:*,:l i'=ter'rt,{ Êi'jnr i=.=i,:rn=.r [:'e=.titute Ê=.!'ìunr , HdelaiCe' il t:t F,r I t-i¡ [t , F Fj r:r::iÉi , 7l-l I t, i d. . 1r4...'1 F_:r::l?. tlhr.i i arr l.'.1,=¡l.1 l..' .¡rr¡ d l'1etl-r r'dì=.t ,-i¡,Lll-'¡¡ ¡. I 71 =.t .I-i.¡¡ ¡ -e.¡ ¡. 1 ::l'E:::: . -? :, It'id.= Ì.:, I t' i d . i4 Arl ,JU t I ¡:rÊl::l . r =. r'{ Ibìd. I t' id. , E, l"lar.rlr l Etr:14. -,i It'id.. 14 tllrt¡t'Er' ilJE¿l . IEid, ¡¡ It,i,l ,. !5 '-T,tl.i'1El l:;4. I¡i,i. .¡4 ¡l: lr r-l :,t l-! Ihi,J,, tltrttrr¡t¡pr. lElÊ14, Ti-.u.=.tee=. {c,r'thE, r'l:fr ':r -!-. rl.i,r-]net RiilEr. in 1::lElq |.r.rËT.e fl*:-=.r'=. l'l¡i-tl-r ,I ,l'tt, l:: ' f'lc, c,rrti¡ ,-1 , frlr¡rTtf¡ ,;rlr lt-, T, i,l', tl;" [ir:rr '¡;]*i'r [,lr-i,Jì-r i. 5trtitl-l , *'tr' þ1 , H,irt, 'T.l,.l . [!-:.r.,3,,-I .P., .T' 'T. Elerr rr +tt, .3rlj Fjr'..t Fl ,l"1 . Hu¡-rt*r'. Ihid. " 4 :JËF,temter' lljrlÍ, fl.iTr EÈ.,:,:,i+ l:: ,1,'J .Ê.. ,1 f,. ,:it,r Fr = 11' Ihi'1. zt.:'

-,/Fj5 r:tl I i+ rr É 1 . l:*l-¡¡-de-r- 'TU l-JL'=.ef r.,'Êf' 1'7 1"1:..r' 1ËÈÉ ' ;^. I 1-r.rr der . Ë7 rìpr'i I 1þ-Ë3. .='l =. rJc,I iIiYC I r:rfr g i ¡ ¡ri !;¡u t- l-r Au ç. t r t'l i ,e. . ?, F. 1l:rll¡. 'lË' I Lr.rr de r' 1!r åpr'i I 111È:: =. , Ë'7 E*ìì ¡.tl d [i¡.,.rid=.¡n! r:rFr . rit., F. 1l:: . Ftl -¡HFP t'l¡. 15Ë af I Erl;r-4 ' F1 .iee ¡lFF,*ndi:': 1:!l. E,¡.uer. 'lF. cit.. p. :1F2. ll: F.irrq=.c,lte '1,.J .¡l'¡ r'F. ,:it'. F. 1¡. ¡+ Hall i.Cl,:: . ¡rFr. ': i t, , F,, 11 . ¡._l llli:, r r.,r Ê T' 1 f en d l .' tltr t,-rt'* r' l ll:f 7'. =.È . ¡=' L I t, i d . , !'j [rlr11'r enrhe r' 1 ;jE¡ . It, id,r 7.1 ¡rTruå.T'i'1L:l',iE. i 1 ¡rnder 1= E*cemt'er' 1?[rl. =. ?f Üt'=.9F r.lEf' ¿ IuI.r, 1t=llji. 1|JL] Ih¡d., ,l Ér:,¡u=t 1L=tl:17, 1u1 l:lt'=.Êf',rer 15 r-1t,:t'Er. i 'l'E17. 1u! It'id. 1 lJ:j I t' i d . , !,J Ì'lcr.' É¡ÍrtrÈ r' 1 ljElT . ltJ4 E;i+Ftl 1Ë.:1,5, F. =?. 1u= 'Írjit_ìt:i tfi',llrli . pr . ,5t'ã. 1tt -4 lllt''=.* r'',,' È f' I 1? i"1.3.r'': h I F'El] . IU¡ Itid. lIJÉ i:iÈFì , I tf lltc t r:rtr* r' 1 El4il , ltjl; it,i d., 1Ë'i' 1El,l'1, 11ll tltlr:.*i-,,.,er r llt I'l;" lEll:lE, 111 H i r'=.t,'t'F, .': i t,, I llÊtl-Lli. 11! l:lt,=,Êf '.rÈF . li l4+r c l-r I l:lÊ'¡ . Ih'i,J., i! li.:r:¡ 1l---:l:-:11 . 114 l:lt'': È r' ,,)?r' , 'ii Èr:'--¡U!.t i Ell:l?. 11= 5t-rtute=. ¡{ 'ì,:uti';.I ia. lEl¡7r F,F' i-l;"¿. tt'i lllb,=.e f'r.r È r' !f Hu'-:lu t 1 FiËl . =. 117 Ibid. llcËl It¡,1,. i¡ i;e¡i;nrber' 1l:iEl7. I 117 Ib'id,, Ë+ ãe¡'tÊnrt,Ér' 1Èlli. l TIJ l:lt,Ë.Êrr,rFr' , :l 1 [l* c enrt'* r' 1 ElElf , llJ .Terr']' 1 Ël::Ei , '.1{ I ',3 Fe t r'u ,=,.r i' 1 ÊÊE , 1"1-rr'c h 1 EÉËr . 1EìEt7 1-5'lll . 1r1 E; t;+tute=. ':f !: c'utl-r rlr.¡';rl iE I t' F, . llth=.e LiÈ,r.Jrr L'i' L -¿- Ë- r.'../ È r. , ;1 I Decemher 1El:l¡, cillc'lç FT'¡:'r":¡ãÈrl Fef¡ rr Ër.t-r å.1.,.t r'.tteEr '3.]'ÉT'Ë tr.r*r'Éi- l,ililì E:r:irl'lr rr É;{.r' H,:,,-l El-:.¡'ì Tl-r ,frir-r.=- l.ilill!.rl,Fr r .jTr r'. l",l ill':¡i-r '= Ei'.rer'ì ,-Tr,hrr Tr.ethÊr.,.rÉl', Ëal t La,-:¡*r' rr ¡ Fl':'L,er't l-: Irr'i';.' Ênterlr amhsr' Êlai'¡ -i.nd r¡.1 illi+rn t¡,¡.r-r¡',j. tl:utrlxÌi='l-r ' ÈU'litr:rr,Ë.ì- I'1e2.Ê,f''=. Tl-r ,I,lIr-1,Ç. .iirrp,ECrFr:r H':, i---.i E.r.]¿i ll:lr ¡.r'lg':' [., l,rJi I I ÉnrÉr'ica.rr Ee:..cir , En{rrr'd =.arr , I É;' t:tt':.È r.,.,' È T. . ! l4-rr'r ir I l-i::l:-j , r-, lllh r' rr e r. i-:c,uri riII'rr'=. F, f-',f C'E.å d b,l' M =.e , i1 '-l¡.nu.Lr'i'IÊElg" r.LJsF l'ì'¡'= L,J ft.1r.,¡ F r l";. i n¡_-i-:,,:¡te r'.=t*trÊ.i'3r'=. É : - =l-"='-1 , 'T !-ì f'l H rTrtrf-r ÈË, ,-I TUf T¡ -cF, LT ll É-i.i*=,. H l';.ir¡ ':h¡ T¡*.=, 1i.rr d. H t::f'ÊTr r;,r,,.rsi-h, T l"jc,¡-thcË'tt, '-T Ël Èrr ,j*t-E¡:¡rr r :-rt-r ,J,T LJ ¡+ttrilì. F¡r'Èu'lit¡:!r=.:- f''i*---=.r= H Fi-i,lËr T l''1 + r' r' i e , a ir ,l ,-l i,,J È,rr e , '--l '-l =. 2?4

llrb=er',..¡Ér. u;rr','' 1ËEE. E:;e':util.rÉ ll:tr'unciì 1r= ?1 'Tå,r-r -1F,F, ,:¡int*,J ict lli,:,urr r il I tr'r'=. .¡.nd ÊUdi t'rr'É, under' the Ëtct a+ 1gE7 tn te llir-,Un,:iì1,:r= {r-,r ft; ¡rr q':'c'ltÉ irr -r.,lditic,n tt, th'r=.e eìetted:- l--c'un':illr'r= - t4' [''l'H' Euicl.:. T. [.,J ill=.,--¡rr Fr H. P¡.rtri'l'-fe! 'TF, 'Irt lru,j i tc' r'=' -i..,.rr ,lgf.=.. ,lF r H, E. li i rr Cl-r ,r.F¡ d tl .l:l , Thr'm¡.=.. - T. å.nd C.D. L'lill=''-rn' t ¿':, L;ttr:ir:i 1L:ttlf:, p, :;'15. lJh:.e r.',r e r. , !Ê U,=rr':¡ I l---:ÊB . It'1d., 7 iìtr'il 'T-e.FrtFi"lEl. 1l1t I E ¡ d. , :1 ll¡.rch 1',lEB, :ìÉl-il:ì l Lllf Elr F, . lf 15. i-':: irr l :ir:l li.irrlJ=,:,:'tÈ tii''irt l]:r,urr ril l"l irr r:te=r '-:l ç':':'tP tii=trict ll:c,unÊil. 7 Apr.iì 1gËir. f'ieeilrr¡-.r -1.tlÊrrded t'l' ,-I .i.,.J. [i-<¡.'rr H, Far'tr-idge, F.T. Ee11 ¡'nd LJ'H' Ë.rn de r'g . 1'¡i It,id, I Èrg :jÊl:ilì lEiF-fL:|. F. :?75. It'id.. F, ¡ 1lElJ. 1Í¿l Ih¡d., F, . 14,5'4. a .-rE IÈ'id. l:lt'= E r''.r P f' l:i .Iu rrÈ I gËË .

r -1 ¡ IEid,. 17 l'1,c.r'ch 1ËErl. 'rìÈiir:i 1'E:',18, p, 11ËÛ. ütr,EÉr-uÉr', ! June lllË',1 . l4r-t Ëål:ilì 1Erl'¡r F. 14C,.i. 141 ü'1,'er, 1É 'TUne 1El:t-Ê, 142 t:: . Th¡m;...=.r rrrfr . cit,, F,. rl5. 275

ctrþlf,Lus I r:rN

A Kangarc,o I sl and soc i e ty began as 'ìn i nd i nec t of l"leu.¡ South l¡lale=' and corr =.pquÉßce af the FÊnal caìnnies Tasmania.. tjhite men ¡.cent to Kangaroo Island in the e-cnly lFth centuny fc,r a uaniety tr,{ FÉåECrlì-=¡ Eut eÉsentially t'-r e-?,:ape, on mal4e money, ol. both. Even those menel/ r,"rith e=.caping rr eÉde'J ts maintain E.i:'mP ecancmic lirr l(s their past in oFder to 5g¡', but thiE dependence did not internupt the devel apment of a soc iety l-r ighl r independent in outlc'ol1 ånd behaviour' The isì and has {et"t n-

+dapted and sta.¡'ed, c'l' t¡il ed and mc'ued c'n ' Tl-¡ r:r='e [¿ll-r Cr stayed had to madify ---¡ffiE 1c,nr1 held attitudes, and accept iEìe.rrd I i{e 4¡r t{hat it r¡Ja€.. At the Ë.-:rme time tl-re iEalated enuiranment thr'er¡; tagether peaple {r¡m di=p¿'rate 276 backqFc'undç. Tlre off icia.1 =.ettìer'g di=-.dained l''langaroo IEland'ç. untronr.¡enti onal tants. Kangar'c,c, IEìand failed ta satiEfy the Ëc'uth Australian EompRny'= expectatians. lulost Eettlers aE,andoned the ç.ite in faua,ur c,f the mainland settlemerrt at Holdfa-=t Bav. Only a Emall outpa=t nemained 'frr

Karrqanar, I=-larrd. Tl-r e feu,,r Eettler=. r.'.rho pBl-Ei:.ted praducxd

emal I crop= t.lhere easil y cl e¡.red åreåE of good 'l and coul d

be f u,urrd. "Thosp c'f the Eturdy p ian eer's wl-r cr rÉmå ined Iafter 183ó] ... etruggìed manfully r,oith the grEat oddE which r¡.r*ne cc'nsequent on e rÉuJ s.ettlemant ...ulr åtr old islanden nemembened. In time {armer'E extended their

art iu i t ie=. ouÉr I ange aFÉaE o{ the i:.1and Eut a di++ icul t

i:. land enuironment alr¿.la¡e impeded agr'icultun*l FrLrgrÊ---É.

l-.leuerthele----= Kanganoc, Ie. land r.rJå'E in EL.rme r'eEpect=-' À micnocoÊm of Ë¡r..rth åustnal ia. IslandenE t^JenÊ Éerlr'*gated {r.c,m ma.inland*r:. -1=. iìÉuth Austnel ians tJPFe eegre¡rxted {n'rm c'ther. åuEtral ian coìonists. The 4ir-=t islandeFs r¡leFe

de term i ned to make a net{ I i fe {ree from au thor i ty. The {ir,Et Snuth Aust¡aì ian._ rder*É in=.pired Ey the dnea.m ¡f {aundirrr¡ an ideal colony free {r'r,m tl-re author'ity o{ the Er'itieh go(.rErnment and the ndium c'f the convict sy=tem.

In e*ch ':å.=.p tl-ra initial dream tra: madi{ied E,y eÊonomic prÈËEUre. Ielander.E. Ec"-rrr found th-rt their c.tru!-¡9le r¡.rith the dif+icult enrrirtr'nment Er,i--- tr.:uÍn1ounded by å. seeming

irrdi{fererr ce to tl-r ein prohlemE. t';/ m-e.inìander's, in 277

Fånt icul ar Adel aide otf ic ial s, Yet the o{f ic ial settl er=- in particula.r' :'tnc'ue tcl'*lard=-' eHFrPe-=iÉnE c'f the civil ization Adelaide repPesented. Adelaide influÉnceE thus. gr'aduaìly enÊPoacl-r ed c'n the islenders'r¡Jåy c'f life. The f in=.t rel igious serv ice wå5 canductpd u.rith in a {er¡ haur.s a{ the la.nding at Company Point, but a{ter the South Au=tnalian Cnmpany aba.ndoned Kingscate eÛmÊ isl andere had to lt*ep the ir' rel igiouE f ai tl-r al iue uith home obseFUances onl¡z. 0ccasional spir'itual guidance c.f,me

Ey r¡a.t. c'f I åy Fpeåcher.E. and u i:.i t ing cl erqymen a{ t¡ar inug faiths, In time t^JeEleyan miEsionanie= and the Angliran incumhent of the TanlCal i I I a par'i=.h be-Oan re'1ul ar u iE i te to isl and cÉn tFÊ---. Hanganoo I Eì and's smal I ecat tened

Ftr,t'ulatic,n l-r +d tc, r.,lait nearly SLl IParã. f¡r' the rrrt:re formal tra.ppinqs sf religion on the i=-land. In the lBEtl:. þlethadi=.t arrd Ançrl ica.n churcl-re:. r¡Jere hu i I t c,n the i:.1andt thua f irgt establ ishing concrete ties trrith the mainland chur'chE=.. The Eecular åducation c'+ yGUng ie.l.s.ndecE depended at {inst on their Fåpentg' effont=. Grnup= o+ island panent=' huilt :.mall ÊchÕGlE a.nd enqaqed teachene hut only r¡rhen the poFUl ation increased tdePe i sìandens' r'eFneEentaticnE {¡r rl.rt/ernment a=.:.i=.ted =.chacl:. s.utrtre=-:,{ul . Eiradual inconFcrnåtion into the Adelaide Eased education sys.tem rÉsuìted and ur'han ualuÉç. wPrÉ r'einf¡,rced. 278

Fon mast o{ the lgth century thene r¿.laÉ n6 reçident doctc,r.Ðrr Kang,

heat th was anoused r¡hen therÉ wa-= a Pose i b i I i ty that

u is'i t irrg r¡hal er=' might intraduce =-mal I -Fclx ta Sc'uth

Êustnal i a. In the:.e circumçtanceÉ, =.c,cial deuelnpmerrt r¡a€- :. lar,ç and the island was å cGmpanatively "unl4nÐwn quantity c'n the mainland."S Islanders l'râ.ue always been apar't ge'rqraphically and :.ocially, and a=' å neEult the

', I=.1an,Jer. is. ån irrdependent f eì I ar¡ He i:' sel {-nel iant he ha.s to be "4 F':'r' the mc:'t part eanly settìenE liued miles {rcm neighbaure r¿rhom they could contact mrf,Fe e'r=il;v by baat

tharr v i a nougl-r -he¡.rrn tr-rcl(= and bu I I ocþl drê(l'Ê. Foc't tr' I

r¡Jå.--- trnmmon. Thene åFe 4er¡ nefer'ence:. to Fecreatiorr in the

.euai I -+bl e ec'uFce mater'ial . I:. I anders lrel d e racÉ nreet irr r¡ at Kingscote in 187? and ser¡enal cnicþ;et matches t{PFe r.FF,c'r'ted in the tBLl0E. hut there iE no rscond of a F,uhl ic house Bn Kanganoo Island until the tfueen=.clif{e Hatel opened in 1893. ',:ìunely thia s.iturti¡-'n mu=t l-r,3uÉ heen almas.t unique in the annEl= o{ Austral ian settìement.uS Fon setrenal deca.des i=la.nders r'elied -Jn maiì carr'ied with the ir'negularly b)' =.m*rll baetE {,:,r EEmfrrunic:

intennal mailE.ó Ligt'rthcuEe=. built Én Kangar'oo I:.1-+nd pnotected inter=-tate and orJepseaE -=hipping. Aften the telegraph linked the liçththou=.e=- trrith Adelaide and the r,+¡rld, islanders' Eommunicatian r¡ith the mainland gra.du+lly impr'aued. This r¡a=. a ='tep tr-,l.rar'dç. brealtinçr dar,+n the ieland'ç iEolation. It cccunned hecause the telegraph wåÉ inE.telled to impr'ar,le thP colc'ny's defence ånd f¡r the

er:onom i tr aduân of some Ade I a i de mÉrr . AE t ime r,' E)' the i=-l anden='" econsmic dependPntre incneased and tl-reir. social independerrce diminiEhed. the beginn ing af of f ic ial =.ettl ement isl ander'ç. depended on Adeìaide manl(ets for thein produce. The geel colonies had Ereen almc'st extermin+ted Eefore tl'reþ' arniued, and r.^rhal ing fr'fm Kangarno Isla.nd Etations tú'15 nat É.uctraes{uì, but =.4ìt, =tc,rre {or' Fcråd buildinç¡ . end eÐme vegËtabìeE r¡ere exponted to Èdelai'le. The iEla.nd tr.*de dimirr iEhed r¡¡hen the=,e cCrrTIrrrüditie=.':C,uld E,e ¡htained m'fpe ea.siìy fn¡m souPcee neår'Ér- Adelaide. At the ç.å.rrre time the irr tennr inat'ìe :'rnuE an'J infentile Eoil {nustrated i=-la.nders, eanl;r attempts at agricultur,e, and they tur.ned tc pa=.toraì pursuit:'. Ì.lanethele==. ê.Ë Iand r¡JaS cleaned crc,Fping incneased. 'l Tietdç. {rom the =tuhbarn =.c'il v,ref.Ê c'L^r E,ut f+r'mens FÊre-Ér:ened, They =-old thein t¡ir-aol and grain to Adelaide' Fayahle mirr eral:. tÀrer'e neuÉn fc'und on Fl*ngs'n'-rc'

ISìand, E¡l the island"= Ecc'rr crm;/ remained dependent on aqricuìtunal e:rpnrt:.. Tl'¡e':. minimal natur'aì 28Ó nesourcpE t-É:.ulted in elotrrer ecsntr'mic deveìopment than in manr diE.trict=' o{ Êauth Au-=tr'alia' Ere:'Fite isla'nd1r=-'' bel ief in " the grÊat resEUr'cef ul ne== a.nd c-rpabi I i t ies of tthel isìand"7 grB;'.t r,Je-rtth eìuded tl-rem. They built no f ine homes nor' =plendid pubì ic buildings. An accep tance of i n tendependence u.ri th the res't af South A¡¡stnal ia strc,ngec å.É the uoìume of lrìanganoo'=. producticrr incr'eaE.ed. Econamic tieE t¡itl-r the mainlandelouJly.'tnengthenedandgouernmentagPncieEwent ta the Irre,.r i tahl y South Au=-tral ia's t'ureåucl-å.cy i nter't¡ened in Kangaroo Island's affairs, but å per*ception o1 Kang:rrao IEìa.nd å.s an integral part rr{ Snuth Au:'tr'alia tråmÉ belatedly. K-+ngsrcrg IEI¿.nd "I ittle undenstr-'úd by ma.inlan,lsr's and long rr e'JlÊcted t'.* 'the Pc'r/'rÉr'E that t'g'" 'Ê

I sl anderç cnu l d nct undenstand r¡hy " onÉ p l ace Ehou l d r'er-ei,.¡E ?(reFy attentiarr and the ather Ilc.engårs'] I='ìa.ndl hardìy rÈcogniti¡n."?

I=-lar¡der':. r-ecÉEnized tl'r et uIt rÀras anly n¡.tural that å placÉ ... cut off fram the outen rarorld, should nemein almast a dead I etter t to Adel aide authc'r'i t ie=.1 f r-rr- a considenabl e t ime . . . " 1Ú Eut ccnsc icuËrrÉ5'É af negì ect re=.uìted in ten=-ion betr¡reen Adeìaide and the i:-1.rnd. This r/.t,1=. maintairre,l t¿hen Qr--rUPr'nn¡ent deci=.iOrr =. r'Êgardirr çr land I *gisl at icn a.nd counc i ì s demonEtnated that the pa.rl i'¡-ment r*qar'ded the i='Iand's' s'malI ptr'FUlatic'rr aÉ- irr ='i¡rnif ic'rrr t' Islander.-= r,rlpr'É, a.nd =-titl arer deter'minad "th-tt the 28, pequ i r'emen ts. of tlre peop I e thr'c,ughou t 14angå.ror:' I sl and åre to receive IcloEe] attentinn ."ll I=-land fanmerE bel ietred th,rt Éome land legislation o{ the lEEtl=. eËFPcially diEadvantaged them. They protested, but Adelaide off icial= t4gl'É =-lor..¡ to make crf,mFensåt ing ad.iuç.tments f c'r the di++erent c ir'cumgtence=' wh i ch i El anders faced. l¿Jhen the l+or.lth AuE.traì i an gotJer'nment pnc'cl aimed Kanganoc, I sl and one rounc i ì åFea some ì ead i ng i sl anderg demonEtr.ate,l thein attitude to tl-re A'lelaidr decisiÛn maHers. Thein numt,enE t4ere =mall but they euccesEfully conteEted a rJr--'uPrnnrerr t deci=.isrr wl-r ich they Eeì ieued t'\rå'É'

de tr imen tal to the i n t'e=t i n tenaEts. The illusis,n tr,f =-uch irrdepender¡ce FÉr='i='t=-" In 1?Ë7

ona Island =-paVp-?må.n s.1 id "L,JÊ må.y ha.rle tO b*cc,me m'frÊ

parr,Chi-=rl abc,r¡t C,Ur FÉEtrrUr'treE tO Érl ËUnP maXimUm herr e$it to the Island econtm;r".1? Ên¡then cl¡rim*'l th.rt "the l-r=t

tl-r ing i=.ìanderE r¡ant iE t,:-1 lc=.e ctrrr tlfl a{ thein or/Jrr destin)' tc, tur'eaucr'at=, in llanbsrr.s. an'J Adelaide,"13 Strengthened by adverE i ty and chal I engP , i sl anders

haue er¡eFqÊd aE re=.rf,uncef ul arr d enter'pr'isinçt peopì e. TI-r ey å,Fe quick: to deferrd thein island and have inten:*e pnide in it. Thry r'P.3.ct''-rngly to "etrarrJer'E {ronr the mainland Ering¡nq prith them L\ray-3 that thÉy Isee] a.s belanr-¡ing ts .3 di++er'ent mi I ieu."t4

In mån). trå.=.È=. tl-r e Eattle r¡iith tl-r e E¡uFe-1ur:r'åc:v h'1Ê t,een åE ÊevËr.e âÊ the h¡.ttle r¡rith the land. Ê har'sh 'rnd ?-82

I i:'alated Prruil*orrrreßt has cr'/eated Far'ticulan pr'ohlem=' {¡n Island settìeng. Adeìaide's mi=.undenstanding and neglert n{ thee.e :.pec if ic prabl emE hae accÉn tuated the i E l arrdErç' pepcep t i on o+ themse I ues aE d i ++eren t . 233

I K.I.C.; 2 Nouemher L?97. See alEo K.I.C', F I'louemher 1 ?07. ? Bauer, oF. cit., p. 37?, 3 K. I .Ê.; 7 Decembec L?O7. 4 0=.tenstack ¡ Time on Kanqanoo IEI and; F. ?4. 5 Bauen; op. c i t. ¡ p. 392' é See F. 7ál , 7 H.I.C.¡ 2 Nouember l?87. See also H,I.C.; ?g l'4arch t 908. 8. K. I .C. ¡ 2 Novemher l?O7. See al ao K. I .C. i ll1, 28 f'lay¡ 4t 25 June 1?10. ?. H.I.C.; 1l April ItCr8. 10. Ib¡d. 1t. K,I.Ë.; 2Ê t¡etember 1?07. L?. I sl anden i t4 Januany 1997. 13. Aduent i çer i 13 Fehnuâry 19Ë7. 14. Aduertisen; 7 June L?Bô. 284

ÈEBerr di:'l I q år' t_t F.- nd

'/e a.r E:hin l"l-:.Eter Fr'':'m tlr-,mme n t s. i thE I ijrl r1 " th i:' =. p1:rce f,:'r {-=,.t rreåt lElUl:l " or'3.t i,:rr 1:lu2 I n'.re=t i '_l,rtnr' Fl inder=. Er¡ql ¡.nd Expì tlie l-r Ê Frarr cs Exp I ar'.¡.t ic,rr I EIJ? Le '=,Jr',3.Fr Eaudirr I '¿trt Inter¡r'iti. Eu t h -.iydrtey Ëaut. Cutter =hr¡¡r rr 1 t-iü 4 Hnu t tr'n Ël'drr e:'' ;iu r'r.r e 1, i ç Int*qpitl' =. 1 rlfl:r./ + l-ln i c'rr Psndl e t¡n Elr,'= t,-rn 5*¡.] inc rr ¡_-l 1 Fl':ht' i n :il''Jrr e'r' l:u f.'.r e i. i Ëir5 IrrteEr'¡tl' =. I ÈU l'i-

191,5 Saph i -+ ll. Feen Hr-rt.r.n t Hunn pine etc lrlld Henriett.e. l:: . Feerr St'dn e y 5e.rl inr_r I .¿ I¡J¡U-Jt .:-aph i a t:. Feen E:l,dn e:." Lrlha.l inr¡ 181,1.r17 En r:'U p Henrmon d .5:'dn e y Fiþ; i n=. årrd -- I !

-J- 1Et.+,/17 Ë¡-r Eunster -..:-r ? I ¡r I H-.. T Liþi i n-=. 1L+17 59r'ing I LaI r' He rr r' i e t t.3¡. Feen HaE,a.r t -îþl in-e and :-a.l t S:'.dn e Eþ; and 1 81 7 En de å.u '-ru r Ha.mman d l' inE =,aì t 1917 EndeEur-.'Ur H-r.mmif n d tl:r,dn É l. 5þi inE ;rnd I t -il'dn =.-¡. 1 Ê1 7 'IuF,i ter Eunster' e.+¡' Ëe.3..l inq HoE ar' t lE1',1 .luF,i ter Eun=.ter Hat'¡.r t S-r.l t .3.rrd i È11 -1." 1 F '-IuF iter rlinS.t.l'-rrtFl H¡hr :*r t ''jþi in=. :-r.tL-- 1 ! Feen ir.rr d T¡ml in=. dr,-rL.'Jned irr E;.t, ¡{ Ëh c'.¡. 1 =. Itf|:7 [:'.+Fhne H¡r¡.r.s.rd Ë:"dner 5þ. i n:- ¡.nd I t but=.-r. r¡rscHed tn l.;.e rr t tlir'¡u E IÐI ¡ lI;orl*nntrrr. 5u t h e r. I _e.n dE;i,dn e r. 5e-¡.1 inq l''lacqu.1P i13 1 rj-JrJ ,-l * :ii :¡ d n * :.' Fiarr q-e.r'c,':, Little ll.+r:' -=,.m =. , Ee¡.1 Èþ; ìn= .3.Fr d =..ilt I Ë2ll 5,f F,l-r i .i. E r ,:'Lr.J n H¡b.¡.r t 5k i n -r.Fr d 1 ! =. --=-r. I ¡- . 1.,.1.¡.1 I p n

Fr r'C tr.rtr I l I -i.rlle d ¡. t f'..I. I E'.-.J|J.../,-J 1 Ë,:pl-r i a. Er'ct,.rn Hr¡h-rr t 5ti in=. .rr-r 'l s.¡lt r',J¡r ¡r_,t j/ !._, tli ì ar':¡' t-;r i f{ i tl-r=. H¡b¡.r' t i¡r.l'= inq =.+.rltr ip= ,-.- I ! I r-r¡ ¡ J !l H¡t -c.r' t .=-r. I L 2s6 l:i-=,.tÉE l-1 ¡ rJ¡J:' En=. t r'rr Ssal irr q l'.ler,'lcr-=t I s L,lm En'=þ; .5:¡dn * y Lìþ. in:. -r.nd e d:. =.* i_r ._r -.j'¡- :ìea. I 4 À.r 4 -Êrr a.gper Edt'.ran d-=¡n drte't I inr¡ ål I i q.rtc'r For he S!'drre þ' .j;þi in=. .?.nd =. -=+l t .5¡,dn j¡ :ikirr I gl:{,/24 e I B-1r.rtEr-,n e = I Ë?:{./!4 Fe r.=.e ìJ É r.å.n tr È tiraiqr 5l'dn e r Ëþi in=. .rnd É.¡tt-- I ! 1Ë23./14 l',lereu=. Ër¿lindel I 'Ê:¿drtz'f lieal inr_r. = ili*,-rr.Et* Bate:- le{t .rt =.hip l-i.I 1EZ+ þlereuE Ëp;indell= Ëþ'dne:¡ Ëea.l inq. Flich.¡.rd lilr-,'-r t t ¡n ¡.=.h¡rr .rt Ël'r tr,al Ea.r'. -.:ydney liþi I LI!I þ1 iner'r¡a. [*Jnr. Ea¡þ; in= -r.nd Eal t t B!4 L,Jater l4sl e F-rn I e':¡ Ë:.''ln e'l Ì'¡.niel Tl-r ¡fmaE i n |- f- Él!.1 - 1EË4 Eel inda tlouerdal e .i-iydnÉ1, tlatha.n i el Th ¡ma.=. an d l'.1*t¡man i n r- f' É l¡.1 - { -,.-,.n J.-rE rr r tri É T,¿ ¿.-l FXf=.Sr"rep.aft r:E rlr-+iq Lf l,dn E l. -;Ê å. ì i ';i I Ll¿T./ ¿.-l .I;a.n¡u e I Etr'þ'=.d.r. I e E;l.dr¡ e j¡ Ëe+l irrq I r Ð-¿-._l'1-E Er 1 i p-=e Ee i hey S:¿dn e l' l-ieaì ina tf":,u Lihertr n g Eydrr e:r, 'å*.=l inr-r Èl I i ¡-r-e.tar F+r I s;v :jÏdn e i' Ëeal in,-_-r ljC,ç e f'ft ':'f' û;t,,.r i d=.c'r¡ l;rdrr e l' 5e+l irrq Er'i:-E-rne l'.le r'E u tìr.,¡indeì l=. ¡11.dn e t, Ëe¡.I irlf =. Du þl e nf ïarþí L,ll-r;r f g H¡h-+r t Ëer-:rp tur'*d f'U n.1l¿låï:. :_ìt,dnet. Ëea.l inq 1L=l i-4 Gc'u e r.n 'f r. Sl,ieì tan Lìsr'r'e I rl:;,. 1ed¡n i.r ::ìmith Hr'b'

I EtE--/ He n r l¡ tlir'i{i i th=. Laurr ¡e''n '.f þl i nç. ,Lr¡ d sal t t Ë1fi Er.¡.r t Stdn e i' T¡ {in d .5tur't El iz-rbe tlr H¡.r t L.s.urr cestnn I La¡ I .I=a.t'ell-r llcllett Srdn e:¡ Trt f ind Êturt É+rþler He n r;" Ba.l dr.'r i n Pnrtlan'l [.,Jhal inq I L1.:. ¿ tI¡ i bbtr n.=. L+r.lnre=.t¡n l¡Jh¡rl in,l ili i bt'cn L-rurr re=ton f'Jh¡.1 inc Henny = 1B:rl Henry .Itrn e 9 L¡.unr*=.t¡rr l¡Jhe,l in¡_-r 1 EE? El i th H-r.r't L+untrÉÊtr-,n L.ll-r a. l inr_r I tr¡'?--' =abe El i¡,rheth Har't Launresti-Jn l,Jl-r -r. l in'_l El i¡+t,eth HErt S)'drre t' iìea. I inq, l*{t l,Jilì i.rm [¡u t t,=n .¡. t F,-rFtl a.rr d. .Ton e L¡.uncF-3tnn l¡.lh-tl in'1. 1Ë3:"/.':l:..t Henr!' = ¡ Èr Lr !¡J ._r u El iz.rEpth Har t LaunrÊ'r¡ E;lt in=. end Eal t Henrþ' rIr¡n e L¡.unre=,ttrrr l,.lh-+l i nq =. El i¡.¡.t,* th Har t Larlnr*=.tcn Ë4. I t, r.,,th-+l * nil 'I Ê": ? Th e Liddell L¡.unce=.t¡-'n He rr t t'= f,n t'c,ar d I 834 Hennl' ,J':rr e L¡.unce=.t¡n La.rr de d ,r. t = rlg¡r,, iE. l'l¡un t-¡. i neer' l,,J¡lkin=.nn LEunce=.t¡n l..,Jh+l I '=r.-4._1 El izaheth H+r't,'rr irrEt L,Jh-r.l inq He n r','¡ lil. Erutton Pnrtl-rnd ,l F,nye.l l,,Jil I i+m P,r.ttpr'=.r--rn Hc,b-+r t 'Ë*-=,. inEr I E'¡4 ThiEtl* Liddel l L-+u n,: e t ¡n lrjh¡.1 i rrq =. ¡ ,=' -17 l"l'-run ta ineer' .Ttrh n'-atrrr L;rrlnce=.t¡rr El*al in'_l

I .-r. I '-'.1q¡ El i¡¡.he th H.=.r t L¡unte''n ;ìe-1. I in,f 1L:t34¡'l{5 É1rr dr'¡m* d.r. L+r.lnr:É Ëlq i rr=. I r_r.J r.t / .J g- tscna.te=. E:u t t c,n La.un r-e-=.t:rt l¡Jh¿l inu L4 ¡=¡.-19-/.:'.-l-t-tÁ lFte Èm i t;¡ tr:E ì I l. Hc't,.:.r t L.,Jh+l inç I r-r-,{ ,¡-¡E I .1. I '-r.-'9,'* [¡r¡ t t un L+uncE=tr-'n Ldh.rl irrq rFttHtar-L---- I .{ Fr i end L.runt*:.t,:in '-.t -- - - I g:{ô ûuke L-r{ 'r'¡r'þí l'1nr q¡.n En,l I arr d 5.È, Ll¡. :'{E F .3.8.ËÉ n:lP r'E I E ¡'=' L.+dÏ f"l-rrr y 5.4. Co. Pe I l'r .=,.nr En,-J I 3rn d l:;'F.r.'ã=.Èn1lÊF-= l''l¡.n i n Err ql+n'l I mr'r i trr' ã.Í t-= 'lc,l-r n Firie t ËEl F åÈ=.Pn'_:tÈr'= r¡ 1 a.rrd Ëiu r''.r È ¡.n d 1Ë'¡,{ Ë.=.9 i d L i '_rh t En !'':rr'E. l5 -a.E rr ,_f e r'E F =.P I .:',f tl:i,':rn e Enql.=.nd ËU n r.r e l"-rr 'f t E¡ll= =. I È' .: ,:1 Enrm¡. þls I ¡.r-rr¡ Err ql;rnd I nrnl i ¡Jr'.r.n t.=. U¡.n=itt¡.rt --,¡ll I HÈ-'-.

¡=¡ I ¡ '=¡ TfU*ì,:'t,' ç I ,:, .:, ,_1 s [ir..¡ { i f¡¡ ,1 I.ttr d i mm i r'-=,.n t rt+r'icairr 'f =. Ta.m ü''ãhe.ntEr Fr * enr¡.n Err q l ¡.r¡I i mm i 'lr -ì.rr t E- .t -¡ I .J. t' J l r-.l El l :. l-r ="= 288

183É, ËÊ,ncmande I 1Ë:{C, Ltlilli-r.m Hutt 1t3ËÉ 'Tchn Renr¡riclt I ¡='--!? L,lilliam 1B'-r7 -iau th Austral i an I ñ.1 / Hartley FÉt.rgctn I Ëî7 rll ice Richår'd€-i-Jn I Ê37 -G¡l r.çay Pe a.n:.on Hambu r g Immicr'Ent:-

fÉ. I Frc'm: L]umF,=.t*n , þlan q*r i:'a I -= ì an d I i+[tl:l- 1 Ë'3d E:ump t,=n J.S. Ëhincino Ar.rir.ra-lE +rr d t)eE-rrttir'es = t t 5;"drr e r I 7r-4f:- - 1 g4ll r,'+ì l.lich'-rl I.H , Ëh i r'¡ i n'f årr i =- +nd, [:e .rr ture:. T¡.=.m¡.rr i a Èf 3É , 1'ã'-1 .l Êsg

Êpr,err di:< t l¡..I. .5hipr'inq lE4tl - 184--+. tJe I tl:af,¡ tl:ar'qa t¡ Hi [-¡.r,]¡ {r'¡m HI =.=.e Èl b,-rtrn:.=. Ta.pler *l icp tl,-rr' t e r' Ëheep. Frc'vi:-i¡rr =-. Tnh.r.ct¡ {r'c'm Èmsr ic-r.n t¡h-rl er:' Ea.n I e;r Er'ee¡e liemE -r.1 I ' c'rt i c'Ft Ë. t Éþ; inE. Fl y Ee.-=tn Frnr.ri=i¡n=. Fr'err c e :Jf.trrr * fnr =. P'¡r t P.r-'a.d f;a.=el I e Hemb,r I I L,Jccì Lir¡uerrrt.r l]iar,.l I e r. Un de r'r.r.,.-'tr'd Fr.,:'u i i c'n =. =. t- - - 'J d.l I lJ F I -e.:'rnr.en l'lc,r'n x FFr-,ui=.inns. TÊ't ar r ':, , EarI ei' ù.1_il?- - u- ¿.n d fjor.rgrnBr. EnrÍ'¿ L i p arrd =.r-rrr F.ertl' .lah n Pirie H.¡ v Ëtnne +¡r Fr'r't Enad ,T¡=e F h tl:umm p¡.6rr,ri=,if'fr=. {ar' Lee *rcl-r er i rr ':r Ëtc'ne Far t R'=.¡.d ["1a.r;" Éln n B l.'.li I =.¡n Ì'4 i d,_re D¡r+=.* t t t:r . t:ì . l.,,lE r'd F*tr'*l FË,tt=. Fr'c'.¡ i'=.i,-rn:- .l: +1t, r:rrr ir-rn=.i '=.e-+l ¡il , i rr ç, =.1.'; qe Gu n r-rr d llrr i ¡n r¡,rh e e. t R.+n r =-.{ =. , Re r'c * f:u t,t,an !;l-r ÊPE and |..ilc'¡ l =c'u Fr'fui=iC,n:- t"Jinrerr Èthc'r.n Fr.,-rrJ i i ,:n :lalt, r:rFri¡lrF¡ É. I :+t t =. =. F, lg=. Srph i a ' Ê l''lctlieeha.r: '.!:ral in';-r l..l. l-r'i'-, .1-,=- r-r É Th ¡msr-Jn:- Th ¡m=È,n Tr.Uel,:r.r* !; tt'fr e {':'f' PBr t És.r.d uictsr'ia Hr.ltchi=.r-'n F¡t,r.t,:e=', É.tËnÉE, =heep ' htr'rËe l¡.Jilli-+m Ëheep a.nd -ì-r. l t. r,rJheå.t. Henrl' Er.l c k f ËrU I '=. I Rrl t.3.r'ìel', Fr =. g i ,_:= i rr :. , =.þ; l.'lilli.¡.m til¿.1 þ. e r' Ë¡l t 'r'.r.ta. l¡ tl;gut ç.':h¡¡-rnxr' 2?o

Açr E, endi:".: -:l H.I. Ëf,¡¡F¡n¡t 1'551-l - tE5F. t"Je I l-¡.ntein E:tr.ü¡ t¡ HI tl:ar.qc' {ri-rm HI =.=.e

å5le n c'r a. ll:¿en! FrLILJiEion= Fr'=.ts.r p.rì inq=.t qetc.E ¡.nd l¡,-rl+es. ._i Al e:sander REid P.f -3=.e n r_te f r ¡¡h e.=. t Ant iiìn ot*l i n Pa.:-=.e n 'JÈ r:- Eand i cont La.þi i e Ela.l I ¡.ç.t tl t r'rr e Eì,r.nche tl:-r.r snn P*=_..=.eT¡fgl.Ê l-: I f. þi llrrrr,ilE. and Ëtc,nE Er-'urr ti{ul -:.r =.h*ep Pni-rr;i=.ian='. Barley, Er'ee¡e Fa.r'=on =.¡' =l,iin-=, Finr i t h." t l,,|trr:rI , Ef'AC'ffr =. '=r'e =. llh e e Eemån¡, ine l,J i I E¡.1 I a=.t I =.,:,rr f,¡l i na l-+aUnder=-. l-¡undr ie=. f nr I i'_fhthr,u'=.e llnmmodnre Ë4.¡-ers Fittrr'e= Ëtone I [lJ ,.r i neË Da.phne R¡t,e r t rtiì =. Tu r'E, i e t nr'e Pa.:.=.ert -JBr:. r Eclair' -Ê =. f i rer.,.lÊc'd. F,û=.t=. -r.nd r.

r:r . r:ì ["'l;..r d .:,d I L E r t'-.H Er c'tr,¡n El-rì la=t ir'c,m tl:-r.F e t,J i I I ¡'¡¡¡hbt' Ei t -i.r Har qn ål,r È Ë Fc'=. t:. a.n d r'*+ i ì e a Fr'ee i nq,/ U i i t lr-' [:eç' E 1'at¡.1 I =. =, tierm* i n [,.] il lGu']ht';r .r=.Een'---tEr' -itur t F,

I ñE'-' Ét1 1 IFr.¡m :=].Ê.É. -¡.nd tf t'=.e n t' É !-' t I 'l-ru-JI J 272

Èc'oerr d i:c 4

l-:.I. *ìhisE, inr¡ 18.4r:l

I"le l Ca.r,t¡rin il.a.ri-Ja to HI ll:ar'¡o f r'¡n¡ lr; I =.=,e

Èl ber t .Ër.^r i ¡19=. Êl er-+nder' Re id llJ l:l E.l-rp E p [,Jl-r eå.t¡ Ear'le]' Ameli+ ilçbar n þ, b¡.rlel'. r¡loal [ Dat"t] :.1'l irr ¡ =, wcnl ,[13r,==.=e) An a.l g i t a l"lc Le c'd [,Jheat r t'arì e;v =. patat-r-'gc- n.:.r'e Eþ'r n e l"lai I ire Ee = =eru Elan':he úe þlr,l e L i gl-rthou-=.e s.upF,l i eE F T i mh'e r' -¡.rr d g.t c'r e 5-¡.I t Er'e*ze ier'r* =, l-ol umh i an i+ t er,*l.en t l" Eeruire E-=rte= 4anr il:¡ llr'r i c, tI:¡ ì eman f,l¡ril =.erL.¡ice Ecl air Ê,f,H f,,lhe-rt, gumr tt¡.rk þ1-1il =.eru ice Firefl:¡ 14cPhÉFãi:'n Fr'an c e !ìundr ie=. = Little HenrY an,l tilnoI Fr'Ê=.=. E-r.ils, r¡¡hea.t, Brr 1t l'4ar.y l"far't i n Frc'r,,isisns ion:r =..4 þ',,¡.n El-rr ac, I-iheeEEmån Ë5r-l l.iloal {r¡m =.heep l,Jeh=.tpr'

LaPt,.t i n 5-r tlil to I it-.,hthr:,u=.e l4a i d ,-rf qÉ the 1'arr-e. É:r=.1'r t ûrr Ët':'reS Fa=.:-e n r.E 5p.=.r l{ e t" and l'.lar'tha.m = FE.=.EEni-jPf=. lllme a ¡l;e nme i n F i r er¡,raÉd 5.rl t te l"le t Fr'.,,* r¡ l'1¡. i I r./ l':P =.e =.Él. P i ne pl ant= fsr Her't T tr'UNq É¡..l i-rn t*Je I I :. t"lE iI'r,r ire Fa.:.E.e n,_lÉ r.=.

IFn'-rm E.È.Fl. and tlhç.ePì.,Êr- 1 Ë,1,ü -.4'l l z?3

ÈEEerrdi¡l 5

p ',],:J '.j . f+ . tlic' , Fr¡npr'tr i:'n F: .I ._r. E. ¡. t I ['l a r,' A ffrt, r. I Er,

tJ¡ìuatinn Ll{ 5t,-rr:k ,+t F-r,rm

tJiz. å.t t-trtt-1rJpr Hr¡t=.. É¿ Tent:.. I :' .lÌ u,/t:l 4lJ,/ 0"/ü Pii-.t=.. L+tl'E'Ê. and fencirr 1:t E:itttr. .5tr¡' l-J'r lll -r Ì ll ¡'i-l F i g=.. =d Lr./'rl Ëf.C,p' ç. i n t l-r e 1:¡r r-ru rr d . 1 Lil:tJ I [¡er.¡on Ê8r.4 Èr relf . 11.." l:l (r.ltr,f'l,l fr r_-l È ft . 1 u Lt../ tlr,/ [l 4 i ':r:r: Farm i n'_f i mpl ement=.. 144./ t:l," L'l

Ë.å, I E'r -4.'/U

E:¡-r-et Bu il der=. Ëhtr'E A./c.

,å n ptrt tr-rh A. I e t , É ¡'ll -h,r-,4 =. 4 ald rr rr t 0 0../ tJ./ 0 2 ¡r r ', {rr ,:,t +it {Or =.Êr'uics]. 1 tl./ il.r[l "l:ipl-Jrqe l{ar't i n" t¡at . 4lJ ¡' l-1.r ü l.'Ja.ter trn.¡.t "L i'.,'Ê ì;r'tt cu t tsr'. 5tl,/ u../u Tonl=., rr ¿.il=r F,rint=' '!¿ timher. 11,É,/1.{....t:l


t.l.=.l u+t i r'n r-'f Hr-ru=.s'=.. Eu i I di n,--l='r f'È'=_. È lJ,l I cì ear'pd Qr'r-'und. cr¡EE,!¿c'

1¡ t*rr t'=. -úl ff É-1rrl-r tlt .. [l t'Jhr¡leÊ.8 Ie ãt.rr'x ü,i tl L1ã.rFÉnteT-= r:RË'pÊ!-=. E.l-r ,:'ç' , =.1-l 'lF, I u 5,/ û.¡ l:l t¿ tt*r¡:' ìlng th-rtËhÉd =.hed:; L,e.r'¡_rp h ed d l Flll./ [,.¡l thatr =.t-rÉ å.nd r'¡.i lt.taÏ ?4û./ 0r'l.J 'T*ttt' l-J.''ll Ec,;.. t hu i I d* r'=. =-.h r,F, Ml./ F;m i th r¡l i th È'e I I ,lr,'l= e tr I L'ì Lt.,/ 0,rll .i rnttår-rÉË. 14||.Jú./l] 4 hr'u=.h hut=. ÍLl../ L]...'U l::tr't ÊU.¡'tl.¡"[l F I a¡:nr-+rr' =. t å,:¡É Eu e I '' -= rr 1Lìu,/ ú"'ll =.1-r H:rr.É'=. ,, t,rJildirl r¡=. !i ierr ce= ':il:r l_rr'i r:t.,r [l C,re=.cher'=. " Ê¿ '=ut¡h'luEÈ ?!i-].¡'l:1,.'fl''=. H¡u-=,e ,!¡ ürlt¡h':'tJ=È, E.t-r.t, lP=., ltfllr-H= 5Ll Ll,r ll./ [ T l-r p € rl l-r ' ll: ,: t t .=.1l * f0,.'r:t.."r:r '--,f¡r =. ll;i ì e=." l-rr-rUEÈ,9.r Ou t."h':rUÉe I r-'åI i n'-= år'r-rurr Ú ç¡,i.r'd*n etr 'i'U t-l"' U." t:l 274

l'lathÊËon'Ë, la.te þ1 ildred'E. l-¡ RU ã¡_¡ r:r¡' fi,/ F =.É tl,.' Petail =.tore ?tl L'ì..'l.'l ¡¡ r,rf f år-Ê€- :{:lÛ/ l--1./ lJ 7 " -ùl È4l:l É.Ltrh lËtr./ 0"rû Eaþ'leh¡u=.E I¿ cc,t t,3.9É l Erl./ llr/[ 151-1./ tl/'tl H¡u=.e unf in i =.hed Hcu F r'Ém i å t EÊ s.r'e " F'-rintr =.e '!.: =.e =. =. ith c,uthtr'u-=Éãr ,!¿c I . Ll tl lJ J lj,/rll tt./t Ernddr' i dge' =. cc't trEe drJ,/ i--,:unt i ng hou=.e E¿ nai l¡'Et.rre 'zÊfi./ tr,/0 [.r'np =. É'f t' tr' t F. t ne ç. ,!,: rr t h e r' uege tat'l eÊ r/J i tl-r {r'u i t,¡'treee', rlea.r.ed qF.rIrUFr d, ,!¿c 'lltl.r f_t..''[l St¡re=., mÉr'trha.nd i :-e, EPå.r, tr¡¡l É¿c 1+.435.,/1,å,"7 P¡.tent= sl ip! må.trhiner:.'. PH 5nl l,.la.l'r FÊr !1tr, I r,,J.i.þ' 2.$1Ë../Ë¡'11

Ê ?./',j Tcta.ì Z= . =5?./ È u¿.1u+t i¡n made in l.lar,'emher I Eili;' I i t t l-r È l-r r-,U E Ë Ê. . =. =' ='årTrÊ 5¡urce: þ1 i'=re l ì -rnptrruE. Un-rrr:P=.=.irn*d F-=..F Er'=. iE È"' Èr'rh iL.¡s=. 38å] E:rtrect {rc'm In'.rent,-rt";¡ ct+ ["lerch-+ndi=.e. l"j;1 lr.¡a-tian r-r{ Hc-,u=.eÈ., Êu il din'-f=., T*rr t:'. ill,l f;¡'¡'r.¡¡,J, F-e.rmin'-:t Implement= e!tr ' taþ:en -r.t l'.irr g=.cnte, I frl¡rr,.rÉrrEÉr' 1B:"lB' 2?7

Èr,per¡ di:+ '1, F¡.=.t¡r.g.l Lea=.¿=. Held Þurin-r lE7dl

L* -=t'=.* I'l¡ l.lame Ar*a Rente.l -iitua.t ii-Jrr -lq. ml. E.'L. Lss.=.e=, in 1=.t 5,:h*dule ol Art 17 Llf 1B'{Ë-7ü:

1r4 14.*, Thamp:.c'n 1? Ëd./tt./'t:t rlyr_-rne t Fi i uPr f'l . C-+ I r.'an É É H./ I 0./n P..a.n gar'oa I -= I ¡.n d I f.-e, ì n ¡.rr ] -lrlI Lea=*Ë. irr !¡rÌ'r *dr.lle ':f Act l7 n{ 1l-+'5i+-7[t : atl t.1, f,a.ln+n 1rJ Ë 14'/L'1./lJ f:¡u'¡net EiL,'er' tr'I I H.l:l , Tl-r ,IrlrrFrEGl-r 1 r:r J:1 !./ll..rr:l l.leEr H,:,ã E¡.f, u. tl € fl l-1 Ri,.rer John Bu i¡þ. 7 7'l '/ Amenic-rn 1 155 14. tl.-r.ln-rn L¿. € Ë[1.'/n'/l] Smith=. Ea:i' I I srÐ l'1 . Ea.l n.=.n I L-l Ë 1 7,/tt./'Ê Ëmiths Ea,v ¡ ._ra rt t¿¡T .I':''= . Ê¿He n r l' E¡-+t¡ LL Ël:3,/1!/'Ll Hårr q-¡.r.c'tr' I :. I an d I ?78 ,IÈË , t¿He n fiar,.r Ê --J,/ I lJlJ l'ia.n r-'c' I I ¡.n d r.y 1l 1l,e.r =-

Lpe=.e= under'É=.=eE!.rr¡Ér'r t Art ?tl crf 1-rFE; :

11,J7 T. tJill=on ?ü f- t 2'/ 1 lJ .,/ ll [*Je'3tern l]¡ue 1r15 He rr r'þ' E;rr * I I i rr l¿ Ë'?./ t:r./'r:l [,Je=.ter'r¡ Ei',rer '_:r Lì¡.1n-+n I l-l Í:Fl:J,/ 4 f,,.=.n r-,n I 1 a.n d l'1. '¡a.r =. 1t,55 1 r:l ll Ê," 1 5.¡'u L,le.=. t * f'n l--,-rL; e I ¿U I T .l."I . Fln,f e r.=. 1"1 Ê l5.Jü,"rJ l,;.;¡.n q¡.r.¡-'r:r I I .=.n d =. I .C. ¿ Henr'l' H, t':n 1t fl1lJ'ü.,/ú l,;.=,.fr q.if''=¡ I I an d ':' il =. ,!¡ P.T. Ee I 1 I .-, ,-, É L'L } L JI-I [,1.H. Ha.mi]t¡rr 4 .L Lr.¡ L¡1 r_r F,.=rr r¡.e.f.AU 1 ¡.n d ¡ a ._r J{ .J Jrì =.1 1 !8.{ l,,lm . Ih epnran 1¡+ J- t !/ t LrJ r-! l";.E n, I:.ì -r.nd H. iirrellirrq 1lJ ï - t1 I t -¡ I I l*l-

t t-l¡u r.Ë É : EÊlF P , 7l c{ I ÍJFF ) 27s

ÊEFen'Ji:< 7

Fa.=, t '=r.-+ I Le ¡.=.E.=. r-rrr l{.*n ¡ar.':,_r I s I ¡.n d

Le a'-ie,Le E'=E E Þ¡.te Area Eq.nt .

tl l-h ar' I e Th Ë'mF l. f 51 1 L]./'- = =.on .1tr'h rl ll.a ì n afr la 51 1ú"/- t4? l.'Ji I I i -+nr l*l¿.1 [ 12 .J r' I l:r 1 lll'/-

Tl-¡ tr'rrrå.E L¡.=.hma.r' l. I 5Ë I L'l I lJ "'-

.¿ll rl¡ Th oma=. L+:-hm¡.r 1. 4 -t lrl 1u../-

5.41 l'lichael tl:alnan t7 5Ë ltl I tl./- t4*ll f.l.rrtha.n i e I Thirmå.Ë. 1. 1 - tt lrJ 1 l;l'/- Re'=.ume d I Ê75

lÊ An Th r,mF J: 1./ Ë.."4 l'la.r't' n =.¡rr E:rpir'ed lr-+45

f'l i cl-rEe I tl.:,] narr 1. 7. E¡-l ,t il 1../ I r{r/'J

E.¿i llicha.eì rl:a.ln-rn 1.7. 'J7 I r:l ll 1r/ I C'."8

-:'--'.7 ,J,--'h rr Ì"1-=rr t i n 1.1ü. ;tt I L'l 1l:l'¡,r

171 ,-ï-¡.n e La=hm-¡.r 1. 1. 11 1 ll.J-

LL I l-t"'- Êirh+r'd ei' 1, 1, '+[l

'f I I F.A, Hc'r¡e ì I 1. 1. ,J rl 1ú 1 lJ..'-

7.-t 3 ,å ll I J Fl i ': h.+r'd T*F ì e r' t. 1. lrl '=',J

-, -j '-r ,Jan e L.3.=hm.r.n 1.111 . ,{L'l lrl 7 l_1./ -

Tl-r Ênrå=. l,.l il ì I ¡fÈ'.: 1 t:l 1l-l,J'å Re=.umed lEr¡5=.c,n

1Êi,4 l¡lilli.:rm f,Jalþler 1tr':J 1 I_ ,_r

I 15= l'li cl-ra.r I l-1¿l narr I 4 I'f 1'Z I Ll./'- a 4 Ê'_l ¡ '-J ¡ .t .-r¡f, l,lich.r.*l i-l¿lnarr ì -i I r-l l IJJ-

1 1,J¡ Thr-'m-+= t.l il l'=¡n 1 i Ê4 :cl_l I L'1.¡'-

{,n .-.,+ lF 1t1= H* rr r'i' Ërr e I ì i rr ':l r, I r -¡. 1 fl,/ - 211

I ¿T¡3 t'Jil I i,rm ThoÍrfrE6¡ 1. +.,Jrt ltr 10rr'-

¡:¡l I Henr'l' lìsl¡.1,r i¡¡. Th c'm=.on I I,l I lJ,/ -

Fr- I 11.45 Ep l-rr'a. i m r¡t I F'-.- - 1. 4. 'J:? l|] I 1."- Exp ir'xd

I 'Jr-tl ["Jnr Halme:. t'=n 1. 4. É1;' tt l lJ'/-

l.ilm H,= I me =. Ham i I t ¡n 1.1r1 . 7fl 4 f- 1./ :'../ U [*Jnr Ih a.ç,ç¡;1¡ 7r:l lct I [1"/-

.lc'hn Eu ick 1 Ll71 14 I r-r,' 7 Flrç.unred 1E:75

L LIJL H*nr¡a H-¡.mil tLln 8.r Fr',n T. E*ll 1. 7.71 lË 1t:tJ-

tiahr i e I Fxnnett ,!¡ l,'Jil I iem Flu=.h+l l I È,/ ¿ 1ü i û.,/- { Ee d I '-¡aE,= r' .-l =.ume

7il lliaEr'iel Éennett '!i Lil i I ì i,rm Flr..r:.1-r.r.l I I E /'.E 11 ! l-r.¡'- Re=.umed 1iJ¡5 f T'-r Lìåhriel Eenrrett l! [.'lil ì i,rm Flu=.1-r¡l ì ¡ r-,f 4 I r:l 1úr"- Ee:.ume d I 875

1 t:t,i4 Tl'r r:rfTrå.=. [r,l i1l=.On 1 f:5

l¿1j-j L .Ê_ 7 .Ê_ film Th.-rmF, 11 1u./- =.trrrr

{ 2l 1 iF'1 Thtr'ma=-. Fr'ice -.-l 1tl 1U"'-

I --' T'a I ¿.¡¡ "Ir¡hn É¡xer I¡ l1 I l_r./ -

H*nr';"' Ê;rr el I inr_-l l.1L'] .77 I r-l I llt,'-

ll¡¿,hriei Eennett 'gj l¡.1il I F;u=.1-r;rl I 11 I l_1."- Re=umed ltli5 rl0 5 .lc'hn Eu iclt I 11../- Pe=-r_lmed 1L1;5

I ¿ï,=' l',1 i ,: l-r -r.e I ll:.+ I rr .¡.n I ,= r' -É. 1U I t:t..,'-

.-t+ -¿. Thc'm.r.= t,J ills.on I r-a ,r .-_1 lLl 1ll"'- E:*=,r.¡nred 1tl7¡ 300

1t1;'fl T l-r rtrrr -l E. I'l s r' t l-r c ,= t t l, 4.7-a tt 1ür/-

I Z?4 Fr'*-qton T. Eell 1. 4. 73 tl 1ü,''-

1?F.{ È I f r.e d t:: . E:u r',¡e 1. q.7Í ËlJ I t:t.,/- =.=.

I ¿./ T Ja=.eph 0-+r.{ '!r He rr r'y F a.r¡-t 1. 1.74 1? Ë 1'/1 1..'/11

Lll7=¿ ,I i:, e F, h El al,rr .cc =. He n r;r F¡.t¡.1 1.1 /{ ll r* 1.." I 1'/tlt

12.-J7 John Eate= t? 74 11 111./-

{ I ¿T,3 Th oma=. [ie n c h '-r-E 1U 1 u..i -

I LtJL Fne=.ton T. Eell I 875 tt I tl.¡'-

13u I Flichard th-ì.Fm.3.n 1? -Ê 1t 1l:1.'r-

I ¿TË Th¡ma= l'.lcrthr'=tt 1rj 1 ll.¡" - 'tT Tl'l r:rrrr.¡.E. Fr iCe ---' jlu i.r Ê'

t? 1t:r ¿.Éu ¿. 'Tnhn Hir=.t ?.r'¿,

,I-¡.mÉ E. Fl . l4u r'r'a..r 1? 1l J.J -

-¡Ef ir ll.h a=. H-e.u n . . =E.É 'lr' ,!.r ,I r¡ h n l.',1 i r k l'r ¡.m fl -e.r.r,¡ 1 . ¡. 7,Er 4ur

I r74 .T r-¡ h n 1.,.1 i c þ; h -q.m [¡ -+r¡.r É¿ t-lh +=. . H.a.U Ë,E p t-r L'-rf 7 1t Ë1.../11.,',u

¿'lÈt-t Lrlm. Hslme=. H.rmi I t¡-,n t4r. l f7 +':

1 4U ¿ '=,._rÈr F.[,J. û.+t,.r 1. .-r'ìt- Eich,',.rd f:hapm-rn 1. t 1l ,:.¡ T

.-'-rEr-' d .J '--r ig'.-lÈ' Pr'e=.tÈ,rr T. E:elì 1. I t7 l.T

'?¡= -J 'f Th¡m-¡.'=. Pr' i re 1. 1 ?ç +4

tirLt l-l Een.j-r.nri n ;rrrd Lili I I i -rm H.¡. i '_tl-r T,rt'l ¡r' I r1È

!--/u.+ '-T¡hn R. llurr'-r.';¡ I?TÐ 4L-l

1?:;',J Flc,t,e r. t ;ì t r'c k 'J+ I e I LlEu Ël-l I U...- -,/,i I Te.:" I sr' Ëlr',:'= . 1. l. Eu I 1., ,J =r-ru

Txl'l¡-'r' Eir'¡=.. 1. 7. Ërl 1 r:l I .:' -.j - 30/

1Ë?.4 T+;v I E¡ Er'a:- . 1BE1 trl I tlt,/-

Irlu I årr dn er¡ f'l, l,,la¡l dr' i dqe

?FL] É Tayl nr' Er'¡=., 4r:l

?-,J7,J Ft. Ët¡-'ckda.le 'Ê¿ T¡.t'I c,r Br'n:. . I 1. El 4? Lr,3

Ta.y I ¡r Er r-,-=. . 1. 1. El 7rr à

1 Ë74 Él.T Hye End r-i. E l¡. i nch 1Ë f 1.r'1 1,'/Ll

2Ë:-lÉ È.7 . H. E. ú,: ti. E l{inrh I¿ '.i'"/ -

f+.T. . H,E. É¿ i:i. E . Hinch 4rJ

fl.T. Ê¿ H. E, H i nch +u

Ê' '-J '.3û .:./ ¡úrrl Èl{r.ed tl. Eure*== 1. 1 T tll'/ Ta.,v I ar Er'¡= . L ¡f Ê.:' 11 I -

T.r.:t I ,=r' Êr'a=. 11 I [t¡'-

I -LTr:, f -r.¡'ì nr Er ¡=. . 1 FJB4 1U 1L!.r- llanrelìe,l C'.1?'ËÉ

ri.¡1 T-=,.þ, I Êf Er.':, ,=. . I '=,:,7 1U 1L'1,"'- '??,¡? Tat'1 r r' Elr.¡-rÈ. . 4t-l

-É¡'l Ta:rl ar Er''=ç.. I '-r'fT 1=?

?,'J,5? Tat'I r-rr Elr'n=. . 44

.-t- ñ- - 51 I Fj . Er¡.s.n ¿l . f ¡ r-rl ZLt 11t../? =1 =. H.Ë.È1. Har'per'I,: =15= e-¡-| Ë J'-' He n r'ï' [r,l':'trrtrl 4Í r =f ¡ ':',-JL'¡' T¡ -t.j f

.-¡- 51 Al{r.ed f_: . Eurr¡*=.=. - '-'ra 1U =5 :,? T t:t.r tJ 51 5,j; ,f o h rr i c 11 l-r a.m ft ¡.r.r,r ':' ¡ 1! È !.,/ 1

'-Jf? ,J,./ .-l I .-l r' I ::ì . f r.,r;1¡ 5* ¿._r l: I ./ F =.-a.-q.c

51,i1 ålir*d rI: . Eur,te=.=. -,'? = ir 11

ilh-rrl e=. Pr ice tt .+l LJ 5.¡'iJ =1,J= 302

51 71 l¡,1 i I I i -=,.nr É-rtt=. 15.1u. 1?'Z T?

51 72 Èltred l:. Êur,fe-==. 2? .1:l.-t? 1 --l

lEtLl I ,Ir_¡hn Fitcher. -/?,

lE[ 1 Elder Ëmith,9¿ Ert. t'='?7 f.J

GRB 35/584r PROSA -rrrd úL../54r:r:?./4d tÉEË'd ''+l-.'d¡ ¡ .Jå+'= :rJ':,.J1] .Jån!:,:l !;: I Ir=:.J+.=.nH tl+rrÊ:j +'] lE,ã;{ ["r:, | + = | +Fi+:i

t Ë T¿ r:tþ I Lr- L! ';i I l',.- IÊ ilÊtl I I .¿ É'È, I ¿lTh''l¿ TË,J T Eb'l't:-lFi ':''a'f Ì .r ,=,,= f

¡ C"-i l r-'E¡,f T I bEE ¿,þ Fþ¿IÞ trtr--J'þT¿ þËE I i I ¡ L-',=Ë I Ll t-JLì T,J r-lt¡tl E T ¿É tJt]':r r EIÚ¡EET L-lL-17 þ¿'; b t:t¿ ¡F_rÉ ï F¡b'I I þ ¿lËr I TEL¡ Ï -Ìê,8'-d IT¿I¿ ,-,.-,= i,-.== r-i tr ,:' f r L-.'-' ¡ ?i-r- tl¿'.f Ë ,åü¿'b I Ér-, ,å¿rl I t F,ie r:t E i Ë¿r;i I ËIþ¡þ ËþE:'tr';j,:.¡ ET,JIb 1T1iI¡E :¡t+t .., .r Ê¡ I r-.{. L-' ¡ 7 5l¡L. L. ¿t:tEjE J I r-.J'3T ¡.iþt¿ =-'f SLr-r l ¡ :+FiË'E EFrltþ I-]þ I ËE L ..'t=, T I ,åtiË'E trrl r-r I Ê-':, L ¿¿E T :+¿ür¿ EIþft I lr-'-¡?r:ri? r-r Ê.Eb I I ¿F_r T ,+ I ?= ,...t. Ë.. "I r-'- c. ¿. ¿ TÊ. T üj.Ë ï t-t,:'l- i 7a. r-,':J t r-r¡-.= Þ r:rF¿' I b ï =L¡-' 'j--Jtl .r r-r ,-, I L r,-.,-' I r .¡ ?4. t¡ E7,= t J,i"j'tr ¿7'-1 l Û[E. T L]EÚ. I PF',] T t-'¿¿ ¡ ,5ËTf T tl¿,9 Ë'; Ë't::l I t ¡ utt:l I I lJ D-,c '5 I blTE Ï I I,t Ë'5¿ ï "-l--''Ë r't'L' ¿--rg I =5Þ 5=U IFEI ¡-'r-È þ ü"? I:IFE T ==L r_'ttL' Fbt? E';Ë T ., t_. ,_î f l;'Ëg ï

u 5r-r ¡ .qËË I r-.5u? r-,f Tt


F'å='tr Lf,U3 F lLrr-låË.Jl ilõqE-Eî ;H

Urs Jr.lÞ U E:q UÚ Ë {'=. å.J f,Lr } l--i'åB I t--tËB i F l'; I '--i n F'u'Ê-l ,fþlÊ-'f'lË tEbE: 'd "+l='d'r ¡.JaF¡1=;E !t t ¡e.JlÈnH rl+rr':1= +È .la1; tF-,ag IEr l+'=. 1+'Éjl:= ¡¡.1¡.JJ]

cf5 qIË È¿bj I c,IIdE- rj,5Ê I j'Èì l.Jh EEþ Ë I l:t'Z :?',1t, F-IEE I L'=,Ë I ':, Ll tr' 1

r-'È, tr, T

Ê'-r ¡ f-.?ÌL tu tr¿-,'' ' tj IJÊÊ } - ':'r-7r-'=¡-' ,5r--lþ' I ¿ub' I t¡'.r,= i:: r":',:, ï ,-' ,-. ,-' i t EÏ{" F¡I t ,=',:. ¡:' L'-i I r Ê,:, I L- ? LirJ l [ [ iuErr I 'L,--. r ¿¿I 5l¡Lrr-.L'3 It UFjLr ï ?.J T ¿l- g¿11, r-.L t ËïI T þr-JË'I L-'Ê7 ,-r .r L1 1 r7. ï ç'¿ t È. --l t;F-t" I ¡JLçI } I L-7 r-{. -, ., ..¡ I j tl¿ Ëï TbbI I '= ?r- I L. l ¿þï = FþE =ú F¿B Ï þ-tr I ? b ib ¡7'-r r-' ¡r'=' f L- ,:' f L-''¡f,f I E'- I llIFl t- t_ ¿_ tr,t f ',rË T v ,5Ë¿ Ë¿E Ï t--7 , ¡ þËE ¿¿Ë T F.TE 7 F-Ë h lr 5 r-. FËIJ'I ï¿"1r TÌI Þ ËþLlr I I]¿E T IÏ ..,¿f r:r¿ti UIJI rt F¿þ -t-'¿ F-1+E Ï t:tL'lþ t-]1ìÍ ¿,,:'E I ';:;, l-tÙþ I] U¿ rr'= ! ËË ',--¿F UI] I t:t¿¿ rl rle þç'E Ï r.t' F I]E ':.7 '= I ';E t¡Ë E9Ë ï '-r, þË ¿¡- I I',rl_l I ¿L-'I ., i+ Ib Ë.EËE I:IFE T TË IËI t'þ ¿ËÐ I r-'r-J 1 lEF ETE TEi¡ æ]ÏE ]-ÊTil :]q

i"= å 'J:rE ]

L{ }tl lFtUå'l'lH

þ oç 3or Apoendix 10

1 G59 2iiJ7 21.F3 15.25 é4 I 8é0 253.5 1ó. P3 19.9? â6 1Éé,1 t97 27 t26 2=.77 13 I Bó? T?7 ?7 .2é 25.77 87 1 8é3 509 2l .15 20 .88 a7 r8é4 53ó 20 .00 19.5é t73 t ÊlE â74 t?.74 14.3? 77 t 8éó 7Lé 20.00 20 .00 100 r Êó7 716 20 . cr0 2t .00 100 I ËÉ8 ?5? 17.?2 11.55 5,88 114 I 8é? 733 15.58 t 4 .3-¿ 13.0t 107 t 870 I,045 t 4.8s 8. P0 24.7= 13ó I Ê71 I r05É 13, t0 7.40 14.0t 154 1872 ?73 I9.59 l0 .53 18.89 ts7 1 e73 7ã? 10.19 6.54 11 .84 tFz I 874 772 1ó.5,å 10 .53 40.00 199 I Ê75 ?é,é .7 ? 4 40 .0 2â4 I Ë7ó ?5? 24.3"t 7 6 30 .0 132 tE77 I r44l t2. t 5 4 10 .4 2s3 t 878 I,4ó4 t 6.7 5 ? t ?.0 253 18r77 I , 5tl4 r0.0 t .l 21 ,á ?12 I BBÐ I,845 15.7 Ê 2 11.3 319 1Ërgt I,802 I ó.,1 7 4 2t.é 354 I 882 ? 1387 I ó.3 I I ¿ 25.7 423 I 893 3, BC,4 tt.7 6 0 2t .4 --,50 I 884 7 r?7? 12, 1 5 7 2Ð .0 747 I 885 1 Bgó t gÊ7 T BB8 1ÉEr? :.{ r 436 r0.t 1.5 14 .2 435 1 890 3,119 l0 .0 4.? 10 .3 4?6

IFrom St*ti=.tica] Regi=.ter of Scuth Au=.tralia¡ Bauer'r c'F. cit., p. 3431 3oÉ

åç,E,endi;q 11

ta þ: d

r 1-d.

I E5Ë :{,4d4 71 :l77 1n 1g'Jrl 4. ?53 'n:J7 IL 1 ',J.+ I 4IJ Lt 67 24 s5 'É5 1 Edt 2,4ßú É7 24 l Ed:l+ 'S'Ul? --i. ts 1r=7 t L:tÉ,q 1[r.l:il]0 4uI 1?[ :+ú fl f r '-44' r ¿rT ?rJ,5 1Ërr'J 18,5ütl SrJ tl i-ìn :{1Ll r"3,57 I 5 . ÍrjlJ :{l] Ll I l{ü 318 ,f,.i t FJ'a I tr 1B , _4Ë,1 1-45 r4¿ 841 1E É--J t Lr . r:r17 t r:tZ :rt-l 1s,á 1 E7ú 1 I ,,4:-{È 14I+ ËÉ7 I E7l l:J,u:{1 1:Jt 141 3?ú 1 E7Z 15.5,å4 I l.La 1il:J Lf .71-r t Ë' T':' 1 tr -.-,î I ._¡. I ¡.-,'-t t ¡ !,-' 1 Ll7 4it 4 { .aÕ 11174 I E . L?EI] ¡ ÀLl r .-f .c. 3ll tl l?,=44 1l:? 1F1 ::r4'É FJ?l 187.4 1Ll , PÉu 115 1=? I,fr'r' 1?, 1f I t4B I ,3T'f t:r, 1 14 1,{F 3r41 '-,E I +t_tË IÊ'¡f ¿,_r ! r_ru f ir:t1 11190 ?É,.8ül -Jl I 4.å7 I FrË1 :-1,i , rJ rJ É, t5,å 4Ë5 34, 1t37 4117 47.= .-'E .-'É.-¡ l.Jt¡r'¿ --.-r 7-,77 ;' .-l r: 475 I E[r4 17, ?51? .:¡T ÍLl[r

1 EBB l'--' j lË'r.-lt.-l t44 494 1E--?tl ?1 .É1P 44rr ¡.1 1

IFr'r,m 5t.=rti=.tir+ì Eeqt=.tgr ¡f Ëcuth *u:'tr'ali'=l ElaueFr rrp' Eit., F.:r+11 307

Èl¡r,endix 1?

Hu n dr.e,l o+ t¡u d'l x y , tlc'U n t )' l]:ar rr e.r't¡ sn The {in-=t surr.,e}'ed in the Hundr'ed of Dudìer r.qpr'É ljertir'rr 7 =.ertianE{=.urr,,e},rd t'}'E:anp':r-r. I f'J.l:ì. Harr'i=' ¡f the Rcyal -ÊapF,er'E a.nd Miner:. 1854) and Ëectisn-= 1l:lL'] ta lfJLlr 11ll å.rrd 111 {=,ur'1.¡p,"Éd try J*qme=. Er'oc,þle=' ir¡ 1ÈC,tl). ThE-=e -=ectianE trJÉrF qr¡.nted a=. {nllar.,'t=.:

t'.,.1 , Ër È.-1. U

7 4tl S,:u t h Au=tra'l ian Ë'=mp a.n;* I L157 1tl1 '3? F'e t-e r' Fr+nþíerd ,!¿ Ênber' t -¡tucl,i*t' I Ë':ìlJ 1ü2 TI tl il .' I IJÉfi I ú:1 " Igél] 1Lì4 tr.¡.ñ tr'.Lr-|j--'-t- L- - 18.41 I LtF ,É:? 1"1 . ù¿ l:: . ll-e. lna.rr 1 Eidr I Ll,5 ¡E RÉh*rt Stucket'€¿ Fnedtt. l¡lr'ir__rht1Ê-4t¡ t 1r-17 l:i.1,,J. Er. i ¡ '=JF-'r-r Lr .-r,r¡.1 lIJB .aTf Stucltey I,: l".lr ight I Ê-4:1 1lL'1 '-J'? [rc,n -t'l 'J l"1c*r' t h u r 1 Ê¿:? ltl I rr7 Jahn -lturl(er' I ¡=п

The Hundr'ed ci t¡udì ey' ttJå'E, pF trrrr I -+ imed t:rrr 13 Ar¡gu=.t 1t175, The Hundr'ed r¡,r-¡.=. E.urr*r e'¡'ed ¡;" l..,len tr¡nr th l'1 . Har'di'. 1l:175, Li,:'d+r'E:.'.I . t.l*l' 1',J¡'4, H.L. Eeddanre, 18"1 1 . L.É. t'lilìi-r.m=., ltll+l -r.nd [iunc¡.rr f'1. l'lr|-.¡.ren, I.qllË, 'e.nd E.ect i¡n='. =.ut,di'.¡ ided int¡ ¡qr irultr¡r'al EÉme rtl the Eerti¡rr E r.'{ÊTÉ taþ.en !lFr å=' {oli'=r,''t=' und*r' tl:r*dit *':trePffrÈFr t.

t-.tr_ I'u '-.8 t' [¡Er t É ';ìect ion l"l =. Fu r,: h

114 .-i. I I I Jame=. Eu ick I B7d tl.ha.=. L'Ji l ì { ':'T ¡ 117 dl4 tr. =.,:,n 117 [¡cn-rl d þlc*rthun 15u ,r'¡4 þ1¡.rtin l,,lilì t '=- I I ,f :l ¿ I.tñ f-t? Th¡ma.=. ['.1 ill=.¡n ,-Tunir¡r l1:l :1,j, F tili ll i-¡.nr Eu icþi 1t7,å 1551'l z,i I I Ì.1¡rm-r.n 197,4 =.r,rc t I [,.] ì 'f-? 115 51F Tht'ms=. il =.r,n c,3 f.letl-r -+n iel ThLrm.l=. t-Jf I =1 .{.4 ilF Finher t tll Er'lt ¡ !¿ I 41? ,Ic,h n La:-hmar' 1 Ë77 l,f?f 7U '=¡ -r Th ¡-'m¡. L.t-=h ¡rr tr' =. I +5t llie r-rn . B-r t e 'f,TT ee 'I =. :,; 441;' !-'le rr r',r' t"ler.,,rt,= l d I,977 -l- :347 ljÉ Er''_-JÉ Er i'=. t ¡t,-t I,fr'i' .-' ..! E o .-, ¡T._l Henrl' B.rte=. .=-: I 1=¡þl l::.F. L.ilills'3n I La '/ --r .-lLar' f 341 F.:c,t'e r t l::l -1.r.þ; 1 ErLlt I ¡l'=t ,É tl f,J ilìi+m L-='.=.hmar 308

Él 1É 14¡.thaniPl T. E;inrp=.'=n ¡ !-!u4 tslt si:?il 4BE Henry Net¡bol d I '=tr'.È, 4 4r/ 'å .å.Ê ¡.-l Ephra i m Eate=. 47 , 4F ,5t1 3? Jame= f'lcÊr thur 1';Ët 4Ë Thnm¡.=. l¡J i I I scn Jurr ior 113Ël

The fol I ar,'ri n,¡ =ert i nn= v,rÉrÊ t-e.ken UF under Ecrut' Le.e.=e (?1 .vear=.) d+ting {r',=m lBtli.

Sectinn Anea. Le -==.e e

c,i+ ,å18 T.¡.r 7t 5+? 1iE4 tIåmeE Fr'a=.*r -tr' 517 13. llhatf ield t='-J 52r:r T . t:l ,rr t4 5tr7 Henry tlhenar..,le th ;3 Èì {ned 5. l--hapm-rrn -.?t7 581 Ec't'Ert Dar.rid=.on ,i r-,¡-' r_1 .ål1r llie ar'rJs Ér i t Se n i =. '=ç'l 1 Lr7 5Ë4 Thc'ma=. Ë imp=.nn liu ,å1ü Fr'eder icll Eu i c11 'l 121 Tl-r omåË t,.l i I -__¡n I .-' l =-/:Jq I I¿I'{'_'L ¿I'-J É.:1. E¡rte:. ¡ !'J ÉtrE l.,Ji I ì ia.m Ly.<ì I .I':hn Ë. Ll¡;"d { ..18 I+.t F1ú rf'-rhn S. Llr,f'd tlier'rrJe 1 :l:l .4lJ Ë Ér i,t.l'Iun i':'r 131 ,a:,7 Thumaç I l=an Ë55 Ll.Ü. l¿lilì=-sn L,:tV .{34 Ri-rt,e r. t t) , La.r¡r i e 141 ,åt-4 'Tchn Eu i rl,, I Lt¡ ,J1? l¡.li l l ianr Eu icþ: I FJ'-J'-J 147¡"Ei ¡ 4Àil .T.Li. Llard 14:7 ,53,5 ulrlrTrr¡E Eu irl< I 5 1r/? 134,5 l"l. Llil l l:.¡n 1=:{ -43? Stephen LEr.,'r i=-. 1=41,,J 57tl l¡Jiì I ia.m Eru icþ; 1fÉ di:ilJ E,5. B¡.te= 157 .IamÊs Eu irlt r -r¡ ,Jlr-r Th¡ma=. l¡,1 iìl=r-'n Junic'r 1 ,1, tl Ê,¡¿ ,I .=nreË Elu icþl

I Fr,-rm ÊL.,."$rf fli;'r4¡,I 3o1

Ènpendix 13

r Eel I P.T, 2t¡,1 . Í Strt? 3tl Éur''¡es=. A.ll . l-J aJt 2gE7 tLl Êha.pman, R. 45 Hamilt'fn' t-J .H ¿." 6 tl ÈË:{rq 11 Hinrh Ér'u=.. ¡;+=F 4i:l !.55,å 4lJ 'l -r,f = 4rJ Fn i ce, T ¡l I ËË,4:+ ++ -l PJ ç, ¡t a. t .L Stockd.=.1e, IFB I] 11Ë TaTl c'r , Ë. ,5c Lrl. H. f¡'I 7-/7 ¡' 4'¿ Ill ll ll I

I Í ll ?17t|1 2l 2É7Ë Ù ?ç'fl.4 4U Ilrll I i-_r,JE: IF? 171 L,.lnoì dn i dçre , A.['4 :iLr! 1 lrJ l'.Itr'thctrtP, Thu=.. I 2¡4 ? H i nch Brae. Ë 1./ I 1."- íll 1 Z¡5 I ó"/- 1215 1l E;ne1ling. H. 1lll"r'- 1 t:t,/ .f'-l I t-l'rthc¡te, Th,::.. - 12 Bell, F.T. il tl I t-l Ënel lirrq¡, H. I 12--ru 1: l..l¡rthc¡te, Tl-ra=' ll 1U Frir*, Th¡s.. 1i Ta.;rl¡¡, E. ¿r L.l.H. I lt 1Ë';',5 lu illtllll t1 Illllll lt Íllllll lt l tt r:r 4s1 il 1 ;ìi:r 1 1': tl:h *pman . R I 1:{úË 1l Ha.miltc'n, tJ. H rr. FI] IJ E l?d Ta,"'lon. E. LJ. H. 11¡'d 1[ l'.lor'thc'rt*, T h . 1t:t.1,5 =UU¡ t. ':,=. 5[ -r3 1D Ts.yl nr , E. t.l. H. 1'¡.,'-

Tot¡rl Itu4:.q. mile=..

I Fr om : -lÉFF l']r-' . 1 4lJ tr+ I ÉB:J-+ . l 3 to Èpc'endi:t 14 Internaì and E:rtern+l Ftr's.t-rl Flc'ute:. {nr'li. I. 1BË4 1. f,ane Jenui:- - hlinq=cr_rtå Ë¡-'ntractr,r - l"l. [:hri:,ti* 2F miles rateekll;" h:¡ l¿etch ¡.t Ët'Jü F,Er '2. f,;vqnet F:i',rer - Eleanar Flir,,er Ë'-rntraCtCr. - Êl . Ea¡¡.¡ 3É mile=. fc'r'tnigl-rtìr ':'n l-rßr'EÈharl¿ -rt ËZF F .å. 3. l.iinqEsC,te - f,f.'fnet Eir;er llr¡ntr*ctur - A, tiEt¡.1 7 mile=. {r¡r'tnightlr c'rr h¡'a.rþl +t É?3 É . ,1. 4 Hinq=.c'rt* - Lla.f'e Eor.d-r. tl.r'ntr'.rCtr¡r' A. FleP,.'ÊE - 'l.:r' Lì:l+ mileE rrJpÉl4 É'n har:-eE-rrlq -r.t Ë"lll F'.1. 5 til rrre I q - F.i nq=.ctr'te ll¡ntract¡r Ë.È. Fi=.hirrqr E:¡. 7lr nrilx-3 r..,rÈek:lÏ at Ëlljil F.-1. Hn,l E-ry t'J i I I qurht':v T. 5 i nrp [:antnactor' - =.c,n 4l m i I e'-= r.t.te aþ.1 ';t '-rn h r¡r se hac þ: ,r t Ê:-+5 p . ãr ltt



I AUSTRåLIåN ARCHIUES (Sauth Auetral ian Diui'-ic'n). Sturt Li ght Jounnal 1853 ê2;


PRO 72 Ht tO/37 Muster of l g[r,å.


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R 42Fl ; A, F. E. ; " 1871 Kang.arttr I e.l and" . R 4294; l,-lil I iam l¡Jestal I ; "KångaPo'f, Ielarrdr Eaiì orE å.rrd Ê.ËruantE.". R 4285; l,tlil I i.¡.m t^Jeç I ; "5eal = Kanga.noo IEI and" . 3t3

R 4286; l^J¡lliam LJeEtall¡ "A bar crn the nonth east troast l{angarcro I'=.I and" .

R ó4F8; Ë F. Angas; Kin'¡=cote, Kanganoo Island; I 945. U E5É; l'laec'n, f^lalten Eì.; "Êape Lrlilloughbvr Kanganoo Island", c 1855. 6. PUËLIT REI]TIFD üFFICE ÜF SI]UTH ÍìLIETF;ALIA A 558,/44; Êawthorne, l¡J.4.; UnPublished l"ls¡ "LineE Loss of the Gou I bunn Ju I Y I 856" . CSCI A( I E5l ) 374 ¡ l^lal I en to t. S. O. tSCr S( 1851 ) îtl ¡ ri. S.8, ta l¡Jal ì en . . CSll 5â/L887¡ T. t¡li I ì son re vacc inat ion of K.I . ch i I dnen. CStf t'¿?9,/ l É*17; T, l¡l i l l ssn repÊp t i ng suÊpec ted caee af smal I pox at Hog E-ey. r-iRG ?4,iá,/ 1525 ¡ tl. S. É|l. tn Ëcmm i ss i onçr r-'Í Crtr't'rn Lsnds. GRÊ 24,/4/8 32; 1937; Co=t o{ search f or Få=ÉengerÉ of "Africain*" laet in lE:{¿. GRC ?4/4/ Êt22¡ 1837; LJine and spiri t= I icence requested hy t^l . Ere ac c,n . GRr-i 24/4/'34 r 4lr, .4--J; 1ã,1+7; l"lag i'-rte nrsded Gn li. I . ËRß 24/4./L Êi Gouger to tì.5.ú.; 17 Apnil LÐ37. r3REi ?4/4/É L??i Lì'tugÊr ta L-J. A. Þe-rcorr ; ?5 Ju I v 1g'.17. GRË 2+,t4/7/Ê; Ta'hJm. Ë i I e-= ne 5.4. Cs. I a.nd ar'der ; 7 l'larch 1Ë43. tiFjl3 ?4,/4/l1L ¡ l4ur¡dy tc, tl:omm i i aer a{ Fal i c* ; 14 åugust 1Ë44. =.=- GRt¡ ?4/4/t-a1i l'lundy to Llc'mmi:.=.ianer of Foì ice; l2 Septemben 1844. GRrIi :24/4/2t i Mundy to t^Jm. Ë i I e=; ?d Apr i I 1S4E and E l"lsy 1848. GRG ?4/6,/?49, 3?S I 33ß, 4il2 r 5l iJ, .41F; 1.943 r I Ê48; RÊ Proposed Seìection of Land c'n F:.I. GRG ?4/4/t=, å7 , l gS r 204; I Er43 r 184.Ê; Re Proposed Selection o{ Land on K.I. GRG ? ,/A,/élJigt ¿34! -a37i 1-q44¡ K.I. rr ieited h;v pol ice expedit ion. l3RË 24,/C,/:{ü=r 347. 397 | AL?i 1Ë44i l(.I. uisited b:¡ pol ice exFÉdit iøn. GRIS ?4,r6/E'?4, lü17, Liz'53, 1545; 1844; Fclice expBditian f on anrest o{ f i,.re Eu=hPangeFE ¡f n K.I . riRG 24/4/ g.A. R. l7 Janu-rry t El44 i L.runch i ng c'{ the f i r'=.t veËseì built on the Isìsnd: tl-re echc'oner "Lililliåm". f3FlË Eegi:.tratic,rr ç{ ".Iårre Flaxman". GRG 24/â/15t5;"4/6/147i tB4.å; Firet c':cupation I icenceE about ta be ie.=.ued. l:iRl-ì'¿41,5,/7û4t ll?4, 1155 and l:ìRG -¿4./4,/?llr 215; Surr.rev c,f =outhern coast and enÊction of I ighthouse urged. GRr-ì 74/ 6,/ 12V2. I :i7? , I .qgZ ¡ I i+47 âfr d GRLì :l4/ 4,/3'5it i Shipment o{ stone to the mainland. 3 /l-

iiRÊ ?4/â/5?2 ånd GRG t33i 1É50 ; CaF ta i n L i p='on' :' Report on suPuex"4/4/ o{ south coast. 6RG ?4/á/7å27i lgFCr ; Nc' pol icerrran or magistrate on K.I. GRG 24/4/Léei 1850; Survev of gouth coast complete. GRG 24/â/'¿á?â, lS53¡ ËRG 24/4,/??; correË.F,c,nderrce r'e Eal e o{ S.A. Co, I and. tiRG 7.4/6/å=4 and ËRG 24,/4/ 234t 237; lä54¡ ÊorreeFsndence r¡¡ith S.A. Ë4. Pe special land onden. GRG 24,/é/ilE21 and ÉRG ?4/4/á31 | '457; 1855; An electoral poì ì i ng pl ace needed on K. I . EiRË ?4/Å/?E-/åi 1É55; To be å pol I ing place f sr K.I ' r3RË 2ët'3; RÊãister of Êdmission= tc' DeEtitute AsTlum' Èdelaide. GR|S 3?-35r A(1844) 172, l?8; A(1Ë4ó) 12I; å(lË47) 4lr?i A(1848) á6?i Annual Suruev Reports. H.I. GRG 35,/5Ê4; l"1ap =horr.ring Pa='toral Leases on GRG 3,E/L/7 i Col on i al Anch i tec ts' Off i ce ; Re K. I . LiqhthauÊ.es. GRG 51./1 Tr i n i ty Eoard l'1i nu teE r 1952-59 r 2 uol s. GRË 3L/77; Lc'g Bool< of the Gouernment Schoonen "Yatå,I ¿t", lBó3. l:iRG Ì.lerz.rspåFeF cutting=. cn iettixa etct =L/LS|Z./474¡Lg77-eL . GFiË ãt1"29 Fì i ndens L i gh thau=e , ; Journaì s: t 858-IÐ77 i 3 uol E. GR|S 5.4/17/tgrJ; AìE,um of l4ap=. r'elating to pFr-rp*rty n{ s.A. Co.


1 . Telecommunicati¡nç. l4useum AdelEide. ?. Recisten nf Eirth=, t'lanriaoes and Êeathsi Èdelaide. S. South åuçtral ian [tinectocv 18ó7 r 1fi72, 1S73! 1Ê7ó, 1 979, t g8t ,

4. E¡Ë,rman, t^l .É.; "AccoUrrts c,{ Tr.auele C¡n Hanganeo Is. land duning the 1Êó0'= and 1870's"; Tvpe=cript; Penneshaw Hiç.tc,r'ical l"luseum, Kançtaroc, Islend and 5.4. Genealogr and Heraldny Societv LibraFXr Adelaide. 5. Hir'=.t, J.¡ Unpublished Journal and Eli.3r)'L''J7?-1?15; In po=Éessi on of C.H. Bel l , Hi ngscote, K. I . é,. Lade , E.E. i Le t ter' to Dn Jc'an l,,le I ch ; 25 June I FÉ3. 3/s

7 . ÌIEIÁISPAPERS. AdE I .r i de Obser'usr ; 1ä43-1Ê?0. Adel.ride Times . I 948-59.

The Aduerti=.en , I g5g-l É90 . AuEtral ian Chn iEt ian Êammont^reaì th; Adel a.ide; 4 .Ianuan/ 1?C'2 31 Decemher l9üÉ.

Chn i Et i an t,.Jeel( I v ; ådel ai de; 5 Januarv 1883 2l Decemben I ytrtr . tlhnnn i cl e, 1841-tËF0.

Hobant Tor¡.rn Gazette, 1SL7-L-d2,3,

Is.l anden I P,57- I ?gé . Kanoaron Isl and Coun i er , I ?07-r?-17 . t"lc lh nÅi --.t .lnnnn¡ ¡nd tlhr' i c.t i an l,,Jeekl t¿ ¡ Adelaide; 4 .IulY 1874 2? Decemben 1882.

ËEuth Èu='tnel ian' lggE-tÉÍ1 .

Ëouth Augtnaì ia.n Reoie.ter I Ê3ó-1 S?0 .

Sydnelv Gezette, lBtlS-lE3tl .

8 . PARL I åI"1EÍ!TÉE'T PAPERS (l'lc' numher') lFiSlr "L1EFneeFandenca r'eIati',re ta {la¡.tingr ì ight a.t Pont Adeìaide and I iqhthouee at Etrp e t^Jil I tughby". (No numher') 1453¡ "li,trparatiue statemPnt c'f the estinrated and actua. I ret/enue and exFenditure sf the Êol sn ia] Gcuer'nment of -4outh r\ustr*l ia for the yeår ended 331st Decemben 185?". (t-lo. 3 ti 1853r Éåme title.) I'Ja. 3Et of 18153, "RÉport {r'om Select Ëommittee åF,Fc'inted to tal

No. I E2 o{ t 857-8, Re tunn of app I i cat i ons fon four teen )¡ear'E' lea=.e'- of centain pontions c'{ r¡l-¡.:'te lande af the Cnown, the leases of r¡hich ane not included tn Council PapenE Ì'lc,=-. t?l and 121". lrlo. lB4 cl 1Ë57-8, "Return o{ fourteen yeåFË' I Êase-=t i rr g date and numtrer' of each ì eas'* t nåme af =.hawleeeee, and the dist-1nce of the nearest point tr,{ each FUn {rom Ade I a i de , the sea-baand t or the bankE of the J"lunnå1".' . '¿3,-rf 1.q59, "Repnnt hy Super'interrdent of Telegnaph='t of the est i mated cost of eetabì i sh i ng te ì egraph i c trc'mmunication with Kangaroo IEland; al=.n the pnobable annu.el outlar fon maintenance and worl4 i nq" .

Na 3-î of l-,i59, "RÉpart {rem the Ënmmi:''-ioner' o{ Pub'l ic t^lr¡rkE on the uarious Government undertakings during the half-ye¡rP errded [¡ecenrhenr la:l5g; incìudirrg thaç'e of the Central Road Boand and DiEtrict Councils".

Na Z0 of 1-ddt, "GPalogical nc,teç' o{ e ic'unney in 9autl'r Au-=tr-+l ia {rom Ë Jenuis to l'4t. Seanle". þlo. 5 af 1i{É1 , "CÉnEU=- of E;auth Austnalia, lEl'31". No, 1ó2 c)f 1Êd2, ,,Retunn o{ all appl ic-etions fcn mineral le-+seç. made frtrm 15th .IUnÉ. lg.È4 I , to the 1-Ê¡ th 'Iunêr ¡uu4tI U!'J lrlo. FE of i Fj'54, " Êe turn=' of m i ner'al I Ba=-'ee re:.umed hy Ëor;ennment and oÍ minenal claimE made and fon{eited t:lth .luly, 1Ë,á:1; al=.a of mineral claimed=ince and talten uP fnom tst Januanv to ?th June, Ig,å4".

I'lo . l?4 of lâ'å4, "RÉturn a{ ¡(FFl icatianE f rrn mineral leases fnom lst day of Auguet, 1Bó3, to the 20th dat' o{ August, 1Sé4, ehawinq date of åFproual t ËuruÉys depo-=itedr rÊnt paidt Ê¿.".

Nc' 17? of 1L1S4, "Return ehr-,t+ing the e=.timated tranryinq capacitieE of the PUn-= paling asËeEement i n 18.44" .'. 3-q of l EÉ5-C., " Re turn a{ pastc'ral l eaees, 1É5? ta 1 BÉ4" . I'lo. F of l,Ê6é,-7, "lllÉneus of Êauth'e.lia, l'4ar'ch lEC,,J". l*.1o. 15? Çri tgd?-7ll , "Rppor't a{ the Select Esmmittee of the Ler--rielatir,¡e E:cunril c'rr mail c¡ntr'.rct=' {on 1B7tt ; togethen r¡ith minutee c'f euidence and åFPÉndix"' 3 t7

No. ?13 a{ lg.{t-711 , "Report of the Select Cammittee af the HouEe of Assemblr åPpointed to nepoPt on the electc,r'al dis'trict=. o{ the Pror;ince; tcgether r¡¡ith mi nutes of eu i dence and åppendi x" . Na. 1É of 1Ë70-7!, "Eighteenth annual r'ÉpÊrt o{ the Centnal Eoand of Educatic,n, {or the Tear 1Ðó?". l.{o. ? of 1871 , " Ëensuç of 9c,u th Au=.tral i a, March 1Ê71 " . No_. ?? of 1871, "Report of the Êentnal Boand af Education for the yeå.r 1870, bein-Q the nineteenth annuaì nepont".

I'lr'. li:t3 of lg71 , "Redi=-tr ihut isn c'{ pol I ing pl ace='" . No. e5 of t974, "Reponts relatiue to the establ ishment of tel egraph ic cEmmun icat ion r.'.¡i th Inve=t igator's Straits".

Nc. L4? af I -d74, " Propo=.ed net¡J Hundred" t t¡udl eyl .

I'lo. 143 of 1974, " Proposed nÊhJ Coun ty" I l]annå,nuon I . hla. 50 of I L17é, rr LìÉneue a{ Sou th Au=.tral i a r 1876" . No. lgE of Liu76, "RÊtunn to orden of the Legislative Council o{ all lighthouse=- in the Colon¡', shot'ling u'.rhe ther connec ted hy te I egraph , oP the d i stãtn':e fram the neareet teleçlr*'1F'h station; -r'ì'-'6 estimate of the cost of establ ishin-o teIe'-fraphic cc'mmunicatiorr ¡¡ith each such I iqhthau=e, r¿.¡her'e it dc'es not at pnesen t ex i st " . Nu. l?? a{ 1877, "PFoposed new Hundned" Il4enzies]' Ì'lo. 1ó? of 1880, "Proposed new Hundred" tHainesl. l-qn af lEglr "Return to order o{ the Hou=-e of Assembly, the anea in ä,cree of land held in the colony=hor+ing {nom .Ianuar'y 1s.t, 1877, ta Elctober 25tht 18gl , unden the Pastaraì Preferentiaì Rights Reguletion=-.r the date granted, tc whom grant*dt numben of nenet^lal s ( i+ any), to r,.:hom and on v¡hat qFÊundã".

I.lo. 34 c'f 1gÉ?, " RF turn to nr de F rr{ t1-re Hou =.e a{ ÈssemblYt Ëpecifying el ectonE for the Legisl at itre Dar.rnc il and Houç.e c'{ A=.eemt,l ¡, Crft c, ld ar¡d neu rnl I Ê" . l.'lo. 17.q c,f 1ßÊ2, Fropo=.ed nÉu{ hundr'ed:' in trcuntieE' Carnaruc'n and Gne¡- [Cassini]. 3/8

No.35 of IBE3-4, "Returr¡ to srden o4 the Houee of Assembly shor,,.ring the numben of vessels that haue en tened K i ng=.cate hanbnun s. i nce l4ay l'-t , 1983" . No. ?8 o{ I Ë93-4, Land selectedr surçreyedr etc., Kangarso I s.l and. Na. 148 of lGgS-4, "RFturn to onder af the House af AEsembly, shotling name-Þ cf pnesent lesgees under the tror¡n, numhen of Equåne mi'l es held hy eachr &; al so addit ionaì inf ormat ion c,rdered ãy the House t c'n the motian af Mr. Éasedout, c'n July 25tl'¡, l8Ê:1". No. 158 of 1Ê83-4, Fetition for ste¿m mail service hett^reen AdeIaide and Harrgarc'c' IEland. No. ?5? of lË83-4, "Petition fnn jettr at Glueenscl if{et Hangaroo I=-land". l.{o. 43 of 1 694, Report af l'larine Baard for 1883.

I'lo , 1,5? øÍ l SF4 r "Fetitic'n {ar erÉction of å, ietty at Hog Baytt.'. l?1 rti 1'Élã4, "Rpport Én the po=t o{f ice. telegr'-rpl'r, and absenuatsry depan tmen t=', E,y Char I es Todd t Fc,-=tma=.ter-GeFrÈt*Erl ¡ -ìuF Ér' i ntendent a{ Tel egraphst and liorlsrnmen t Aetnonomen " . 2E of 1ËË9, Repar't o{ the Eic'mm i Ee i an c'ß the d La¡¡l:. of Sor.¡ th Au=tnal i a; toge then r¡¡ i th m i nu tes u{ FrrÊÊeedings, euidence and aFPÉndices. No. 73 of 188Ë, Summary of modes of di=po=inçt c,f llr o¡¡n Lands.

Na. 1B c'f I gg9, Reçru I at i on=. under fincr'+rr Lands Ac t t I ggÊ.

s.A. P, $. 1857-BB. Ê.4. Gauernment tia.zette=-. 1842-ÊÊ. S.å. AlmanackE s/7

?. SCIUTH AUSTRALIAN DEPARTI"IEþIT TIF LANDS RecordE of Depantment, Volume II, Folio 49. Pestoral Pl an 57,/14 Pastoral Pl an 2/3à Pa=tonal Pl an l5ú,/l g Pastonal Pl an 47/30 Pastcral Pl an 37//23 PaEtoral Pl an 37/31 Hundred o{ Dudley Suruev Eaakr Field Books Hundned of Menzies Sunuey Bookt Field BookE Hundred o{ Hainee Suruer Bookr Field BooltE Hundned of Êassini Survey Elook, Field Fsol(s

At I aE of Sou th Austral i a & Nc,r thern Terr i tory Recorde of Land Titles Office 32o

I O . EEIOKS p An ga=. , [ie or ge Fr'e n c h ; Seuaoe Li f årrd Scene=- in Au=-tnal ia and l*.lew Zealand, 2 vols'; London; 1847.

A=.h I ey, tl,lzJ. ; Yanf(ee l.rlh-rl er ; Løndon; 1927. Avliffe, l'4.¡ FlindenE Land af the South; Adelaide; No E¡ate. Bae=.e t , l"l. The Hen tys; Melbaurne; lFÉ?, Eaud i n . ltl. The Journaì o{ Foqt Cao t+ i n lrl i cal as Baud i n 1gül:l-1,9t13, tammanden in chief tr'{ the cc'rvetteE. "Ëeognaphe" and "Irlatuna. I iste" a==i9ned to a r/cry:(ge of d i =-ouÉry. Tnançl ated 4rom the Fc*nch by Ëhnistine Connell, r.uith å foret¡ord by .le*n-Paul Faiur'e¡ ådel aide i 1?74. Eauer, F.H.; Kan'=anoo I sl and. Sou th åuEtnal i s ; Adelaide; I ?55. Beì I , L. and Þat¡ id='cn, F. ¡ A HiEtarv a{ Karrqarc'o I=-l and Schooì s 183,5-1 ; Kingscote, F;,I.;1?Ë1 . Eirmingl'ram, H.; Gatet*rav to the -qc,uth Ea.=.ti f'lillicent; Sou th Auetcal i a; L?61 . El, J, ; Historv c'f Sr,utl-r åugtnal ia¡ tìdeì aide; 1911 . 'I Bladen, F.l"l.; HiEtorica Rc c nn d< ¡4 l'..|e'.Àr Sou t h l,,ia I e s 17ÉE:l.ql L; Sydne'¡ ; IËF2-I-/l:t1' Blainey, G.; The Blai,nev \tiEr¡; Þ1elÞounrre; 19Ë2.

El ainey, G. i The Tyr'-q.nnr' çf Digtance; 1"1*l hourne; l-/4å. El ainey, G.; Ê Land Hal { [.Jon; Þ1el bøurne; 1?80.

Ec'rnow, K.T. ; t^lhaì in¡ at Encc'unter B.*y ; Adelaidei 1F47. B,=ratden, Keith t4acpàe; CaEtain James Kelly of H'rbart Tot¡n l7?l-rÊ5? ¡ l'lelbor¡nnei 1?64. E¡ide, T.F. Ed.¡ Lettens fnom Victc'nian Piqneenst l"lelbc,urne, 1È178. Bull, John t^Jnathalì; Earlv Expeniences Ctf Life In South Au=-tr'+l i a; Ède I s i de and Lc'ndc-,n ; 1ËE4 ' Bungess, H.T. {ed.); The Cvclønedia of Ssuth åu-=traì iar 2 Êde 1 ¡r i de l 1?ltir. Uol =.. ; ; Pu7 and 32/

Capper , H. Sou th AuEtnal i a I Ë3Ê; London ; I B3B. Caulthar'ne, t^J. A.; The lianqar'otr I='larrdenE¡ Adelaidei 1172ó.

Chapman, G . D.; KanqarEo IEland ShiotrreckE; Adelaide; l-/7?,

Cl ank , t-l.l"l. H. ; Ê,:lg¡f f)nr U msnt=. in Arr..tnal i¡.n l'Jistorv t7ÊB-lÊ50; London; 1955-58. E:osl{t,ur'n, R.A.¡ Fastc,naì Fioneer:. of South Aue.tnaìia, ? uols.; Adelaide; L't?7. Cocl{hunn, 5.; l,Jhat's In .1 I'lame; Ade]aide; 1?Ë4.

Ëonne l l y, J.B'¡ Ma.sten Man inpn: ths I i{e and uÐYa.-le-= ø{ Amasa Þel ano; ML.

Cumpston, J,5. ; Hanqaroo I sl and 18¡10-l 83ó i Êanbennä i 1970 .

lìumpston, J.S. ; Sh ioo inaìç. and DenertuneE 9vdnev Êan ber r a i I?77.

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[unnirrgham, F.; Tr¡¡o Yetrg in Neu., -Ë':uth LJales¡ Londorr ; I 8?7. Þaltin. l¡J. .I,i lzJhalemen Ad'./entuners in Struthenn [d¡.ter=-.i S/dney; L?77 . Delano, A.; A Þ of t'rr-'vaqeg +nd Tnar.¡el=.¡ Fr-'ston; 1917.

Erumorrt d'Unu i I I e; U-q¿4ge--p-i-t"!.gf:--.gque autc,ur' du mc'E.4.L; PaniE; 1É4d.

Dundendal e , G. ; Auçtral i an Eueh T-rl eE ¡ Engl and; 1ÊËt-t . Dutton, t3.; Founden o{ a Ci ty ; Adel ai de; 1P71.

Oyster. T. ¡ Fumo in the Roadt¡.¡ev ¡ Adelaidei li+80. Eaet, 5in Ronal d¡ A South åuç.tnal ia.n tlol on iet of 183'3 and Hi s t)egcendarrts; Adel aide i 1t5L'ì. Eaet, Sin Ron+ld; å Family ['Jho'e [^lhur; Nunar,,tadingt Uict':r'iai t-/72-7É. Eìdershar¡r, I'1.8.; l1y Au-=tnal ia; Londan ; 1939.

ElIi=. t,l. R.; Tr.ucanini: l-{rleEn clr. Tr'sitan ; Hat's.r't ; I ?7'r . 322

in the- Ssuth SeaE Fann ing, E.; Uovaqes 'q¿ Discouer ies 1792:lÊ-l?¡ Sal em, Massachu='etts; l-/74. Finni=s, H.J.; Ea.Flv SettlerE in Ba=e Strait; Pamphlet; ådelaide; 1:?=0. Finniss, H.J.; Before the Buff åìn; Pamphìeti Êdelaide; l ?,54. Fl indens, I'1.¡ Vc'vane to Terra AuEtnal iE¡ Lc'ndan; 1-.{14. Fneycinet, M. L.; Voyaqeg de Decouuenteg 'eux Ter*nes i Bl 1 Èustral es 1Ét[-1'ë[t4, 3 ual ='. ; Par :.; l '

Ëammage t Eil ì ; lrlarnandera 5h ire; Adeì aide; 1PÉ'5'

Gi bhs, R .1"1.; A Hi=,tor'v ol Sauth Au-=.tnal ia; Adeì aide; I 9ó9.

fiiEì in,; The Eanìv Histnrv nf T:r-=.marLiË ; Londarr ; I 929. Gil l , T.; E:oinane & ll:unrencr of South åugtral iai ådelaide; 191?.

tran i¡'¡, e iSoadr'i clt , J. ; Li{e in úld f¡ienrenrg Land ¡ dn ), ; tP77,

Eiouç¡er' , R. ; Sc,uth Au=,tral ire in 1-d37 ; Landan; 1939. Grant, J.; Narnatiue s{ a uoya.qe af Þi=-.couery 18Dll . 1801 arrd 1.4ú2¡ London; lElLlLl. Gulf Steamship llo. Ltd., Hanganoo Island¡ Adelaide; 1?11' Hain:.r,oorth, t).8.! The Êydney Tr'aderE: Simeon Lord and Hig Cantemp'-Jrari eg; Þlel bounne ; 1?Ai .

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, : KAN GAROO, I SLAN D tLîrc Dccràs, Borda's Isre, ' Bordc¡'s lcraûdr I


STRRÍT Ito xNuES-f16ÊToß l¡ o| L -.p o q ID Poini llsrsdan È ó o 'cc¡ I þ" Lt Eay Fleurieu D o Smith o e €r ô ¡8 )E Rotrge Peninsula L o I gr s Þ c gf- ÀD È ,u) Bay of Shoals o ) 5 fD 5 + iÈ út () . a! t s-.r. Hdliì ) c .qtÊ 'elL 'et ID lrØ E + D 39a Vt ó u ¿ çq rjE ¡ , ffb! Pirryl b0 0l CRSSTNI o r,"t"" l(angs"c,e \ #, t c- ìJepeen Bay 6u. He¡d e\")- \\r1t'åþ "e Cove Pd¡¡t Morris¡ .ø Cggnet 'f ne Red OC J¡ck's Eneek Pig's Head Fla; Eaua>t A¡rw Beæn t¿ch6nrb3. BaY Cape Borda Ihe Htgh Sarrdhill fr F,rve- L\ne DUDLEV C¿oÊ St çlbèns TÈlËct:-rh FnugAfæs e¡vcl tll Biven lavrne-des Las RI 9-"lic!Ê Eav Pr I Cepe l^lltloughr"¡ Mount ,b enning .rnt- o e èoJ, Bav H¿r¡ks Nes+ H'S

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Names Modern Place \¡t/ith Former Equivalents Used rn TL" t -? È DIAns ':' ME LVTLLE 19 lhll o COONARIE ^Ètl,en LCtw ¡AY å (BIle ttll,;ß .Shielt t, Nrqerrl €'{ -ttr¡bndgÞLltf,¡rþr¡c l I ) Vtk¿s' WARRENBEN l Å FOUL BAY I s I MARION ¡AY a .rAldirge, .Wilfugr, {' A

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.â*l a/-+z i; //ZJ-4'a{* /* o *t-c N I ù. l- oß., r "{ i -Ê-4 iü q ß . q,D" Srû?sJ; s É lg?2 ù fT -- , ''rf' ita¡iLl \, PaEtoral Plan l¡lithdnawn -t--- - - rar t v t l. Ir I I t î I Þ { ç I s I Gt'{os {t {f's \ É t "- I .try

I ¡It- a-.t- .E- I ¡tþI I t" É¡I I :t" n oì. ^i ,rn I à l^t .l ¡tral o o I t a tta o

, E a i a T a

t.t.¡tt .t t3& f ¡¡. t¡ ¡.

(l I a¡¡. \, é ¡roa .\ -tr- ? t.¿ ,&-,'a ?.1 f. ¡at. t . aafn ) ./ rtltr t, irTt t¡. CJry l¡, ¡t

¡arx-l' ôl Plan t/tlithdrawn 1879 }',ì ,ll'' Pa=-toral I ocSAI| tottl tr tfl