TABLE TIF C:I:II'¡TENT:i Page Chapten 1: Moder'n l"len Reach Kangåptro I sl and lgutr-1Ê09 tlhaF ter E,ealirrg, Ëalt Ëathering and Salitanv l4en 1 Ë1 B -1824 3rl Ëhap ter' Untr'ff i c i a.l Settl ers 1Ë25-1S-?.4 53 Chap ter 4: The First 0+f icial Settlement on Ka.rrgar'oo Ieland 1g:{d ÉLl tlhapten The Fai lune of the South AuEtral ian E:ampan/ Settl emerrt 1Ê13.5-1Ê43 1[7 Chapter Ëmuggì eFs, Squat ter= arrd .Ëurv e'f arE- 1 944- I ã52 .1.-a-1 Ëhap ter Sheep and 5h i prarreckE 1Ë53-1Ë-åÊ tìhapter' 5e t t I er'=., Churche.-. and Schc'oì :. 1.qéü-l Ll¡.:i L '=/ Chapter a Squatter=, Pastar'a.l ists and Selectors 1Ê70-rg¡v ?14 Chapter ltt : Land Leg i sl ¡.t i on and the Prsc I amat i on ?43 n{ Llounc i I =. 1ÉLlü-19?û Concl uei on 275 A¡,pendix 1: ShipFin.-r ta K.I. lEilt-1'ã41:l ?fr4 II À'FJ. Sh i pF'i ng ts H. I . l B4rl-194F ?a? ll -_¡ . .Shippinlr ta K.I. lg5tl-185'7 ?:+ll " 4: Shipp¡nE to H.I. 1F'srJ-tg6? ?a? It E¡ J. 5,4. Co Property c'n H.I. l'lc'r¿enrL'er 1838 I U.l. Fastoraì Leeees Held Dur'ing LÉ74 2-/7 " 7: F+sttr'i'al Leaee= Èrr K.L l.q50-1131r? 2Fg " Ë: L*nd U=e Bn K.I. lÐ50-19-/rl 303 " P: r-rap=. Gn H'I. lË=1-IBFL:I 3[til " ltl: tlr'op YieldE on K.I. lL?=?-lSFrl Str 5 " ll: Li,"'eç.tocþ; [rlumþers tr,n H.I. tË59-1El?Ll i-lü -i " 1?: Hundr'ed of Dudley, f:aunty ,rf Carnåruon 307 I ¡Ér¡lã. Fastan;\l LeaE.e:, on H.I. in lEtE'3 3rt 5, " 14: Po=.ta.ì Rnute= c'n H.I. in 1Ê44 31 L] Bibl iagr.aphy: 511 KANGAROO ISLAND 18OO - 1890 THEI''IE This history outl ines th* development e{ å. Kangaroo Island society with a distinct senga of identity. It diecuÊËeE in particular iElanders' oFinions of govËnnment pol ic ies and att i tudeç, and the ir neå.ct ions to EEt/Ênnment deci=.ion-= af{ecting them. It dc,es not cünsider' counter bal anci ng Adelai de opi nions. Kangaroa I sl ander=. haue I ong conE i dered themse I ues and thein çociety di-=tinct fram othen South ¡lu-=tnal ianE. They have alr4ays had -ì strong tnadition af :-tr¡ndv self-sufficiency. The fir-=t EuroFeånB lo settìe there wÊnp ÊãÊapeÉE {rom their e.nciety, determirr ed ta make I ir¡eç o{ the ir own in the d¡++ icul t isl a.nd enrr ir'onmen t. Tho-=e u¡ha cE(ma af ter them r.\rÉl'É is.oìated by gÉr-rgraph;v årrd circumEtance. This pnaduced å ssnEe ol dif+ePence which Ferã i s.t=- to th i E day. Islandere haue long Eeìier¡ed that tl-re'E Ë.trrtsll y FtrrFut at ion and i ta isol at ian a.E- än isl and har¿e f nequentl led tn the allacation of gaper'nment reeourCes. in [,Jå:r'E' which ha'.¡e neglected Kanganoo Island's special needs. Yet, t¡h i I e th i=' u iev,¡ has Pemained in the ir cGnsc i ouEnÊse, ¡ t (.{å.Ê neveF Eo strong that i el andene souqht -=epÂnati,¡n in EvP7y wåT {rom c,ther Au:'tral ian=r Err rantempl.+ted s.euÊnånce a{ the ectrramic I ink:s uJith the old societies. Ecsrromicallyr islandenE heue alr¡ayE been a dependent commünity¡ Pnoducing eÊsentially for exportt arrd Felxing for cemfort, ¡f not {on suFViualr Én importe. This thesis tnaces the sense ol difference which bath island life and its EeFtat*ateneçs fcom Adelaide created. DECLARAT I CIN This thesis containE no material t*¡hich has been accepted for the au¡ard ef any ather degnee oP diploma in eny Un i vers i ty, end to the Þest of my knor¡rl edge and hel ief , ¡t cc,ntaine no material previously publ ished or r¡lritten by another pePson! except rrrhen due FPference is made in the text. The au thor consen tg. to th i e the= i s be i ng made auailable fon Fhctocopzing and loan i+ accepted {on the at¡.rard o{ the degree. Jean M. Nunn A T KI'¡ EII¡I L E O G EI'l ENT S l4y thanks are due to many people fon thein ualuable ee=.istarrce irr gathen ing and FreFar ing mater ial {or th is h ietony. I am indehted ta memberç o{ the Etaf {E c,{ -=.euenal I ibran ie= incl uding the Mi tchel I Library in Sydne;ør the l'lational Library in ËanheFF¿r, the State Library o{ Ta=-mani¿ in Hobant and the Bann Smith Libnanz in Adelaide. Tha staffE o{ the State LiErary of -Êouth Auetral i a, the t4on t ì sck L i hnan'¡ and the Ênch i tres of Sc'u th Auç.traliar gave mÉ panticul.srly '.¡aluahle heìp and guid-+nce in my Eearch for necLìpds relating to the eanly =.ettl*ment of l(an'¡aroo lelarrd. ttly FÉçpanch in the Þepan tmerr t of La.nds rrå.s made pl eas:tnt and praduct iue through tl-¡e l-reì p r EG wi I I ingl r girlen, of Tony Doubìet and othenE, DiEcussions I¡rith Jshn Þallr,.ritz and Êandy l4arsden of the State Heritege Brancht Department of Enuironment årrd Planningr r¡,eFe of mutual :tdt¡antage. Th* ç.ta{{ of the South Au=tnal ian l"lu=-eum and the Etaf Í rti the 5ou th AuEtnal i an Ar t Gal I erY, i n pant icul ar' l4r.- E. F+r'gher, cr¡rrtr ibuted the ir spec i*l knor¡.¡l ed'¡e. Many peaple helped in å ua.riet>'of r^ra;r'E xnd I -enr gnateful t'¡ l4r R.H. Angae, Þlrs B. Ë, l4r and l'lr=. tlr,l in Êeì1, t'lr Eorr ald Belì, Þlr' K.T. Er-¡rFc'r¡Jr I'lr' Jr:,hn Elar¡lninEr l4r'e. Judy Edr¡ra.r'd-.., l'1r' l'1iìton Gaoley of the .5outh'alian Telecommunicatiane l4u=eum, ÞlrE B.H. Kelly, Dr' Leith l'4acG¡ll¡vFåy, l'1n: E. Millbanl(, l4n Ronald Pan=ons, l'1r=. J. Ri=,chhieth, Þ'lr å.M. Raw=.ell, trn N.B, Tindale, [¡r John Tregenza r l4ns D. Tre thewey, Dr and l'lns P. Uenco, Dn Joan l¡Je I ch ar¡d 0r John '/oung. ¡'4y thesis could not haue been r*rritten r¡rithaut the coÉpenatian and suppont ,:f my family and friends. l,ly, Ron, =-har'ed m:v enthusi-r=m and entrc'ur'aged ml' absonption in reseanch End t.rriting. He gàtre pn.ì¡:tical help which enaEled me to cc'ntrentrate on thie r¡ork. l'4y son, Graham, crlnu inced mE that I coul d and Ehoul d u=Ê a r¡Jr-rr-d Fr'tr'cpÊ.---c¡r' to t¡ritÊ my thesis arrd this pr'c,ued to he en inualuable tool . l4'/ {amily all encounaged me to pPr'EÊr.rPt-É. I ca.nnat ÉKFrÊE=. adequatelf my thanl(=. to my EUFeruisor, Bill Gammaçe, f¡r hi= patient and painstal(ing guidance while I worked Ên tl-ris. tl-reç.i=.. He gåue ËÉrrJFrd aduice r¡hen I struggìed and pncGUnagement when nry con{idence {lagged. Finall>'I mu:.t Fåy triEute to thc,=-e Kangaron IEland pianeens r¡rhû 'cÂme t'¡ I i{e' for me r¡¡hile I r.esÉarched and t,,rrote th is thesi=.. ThÉ}. r¡JprÉ ml. in.-F inat ian and it iE ta them, and th*in descendant=, that I offer these pågeÉ. LiEt of Iì ìustr'atic'ne Paçre I l'latthet.r Fl i nders la L l.lichcl¡.ç. Baudi n 8a .f Por t i an of hand-made Dom i no P i ece é3a 4 Sketch c,f a [,,load Hnue.e, fell doc'r'ç' end r,,rindot"ls, "f or South Austr'al ia 183ó T.H. Beare 83a 5 .lc,l-r n tJhite, "l.lear the Fianeer'=' Anchar'âQÊr I'lepean Ba¡*r Hanga.roo IsIgnd" 93a 6 Rot'e r t an d t'lar'y Th om.lg ?? e. 7 Emile Eoua.rguPr "Ile de=- Kangar'ouc-r'r r: 1840 I 28a i Comm i i aner' Al exander Tal men I 33a I Fo'l ce =.ç. 7 tJa.ì ter G. J'la.s.on , " Ca.F,E tJ i I ì oughbr', Ke.nQäFoo", c 1Ê55 l5l a 10. Stunt Light, Cape tÂlilloughbY 151b 11. tÀ|. Le i gh "Enca.mpment af ter' the l,,lr.eclt a{ the Osma.n I i , D'Estree Ba/r Kangaroo I sì and" , l''lou emhe r 2?, 1853 l60a 12. M.¡.ry Seymour' and her daughten I é6a 13. Henny l¡Jal I en's Gr'aue, King=.cate Pi oneen Cemeteny I ó8a 14. l'lichael f,alnan 15. Hope Cattage bui I t hy Calnan Érother=' I é?a 1'5. Fl inders Light, Eape Bor'dar Fi.I teme t e r'l' at Ha.r'ueys Retur'n, K.I I 73a 1É.
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