Stephan Sturm February 2019
Curriculum Vitae | Stephan Sturm February 2019 Contact Information Stephan Sturm Stratton Hall 202C Worcester Polytechnic Institute phone: (+ 1 ) 508 { 831 { 5921 Department of Mathematical Sciences fax: (+ 1 ) 508 { 831 { 5824 100 Institute Road email: MA 01609, Worcester website: USA Research Interests: Mathematical Finance & Stochastic Analysis Employment Since 07/18 Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Mathematical Sciences, Worcester Polytechnic Institute 07/12 - 06/18 Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Mathematical Sciences, Worcester Polytechnic Institute 07/13 - 12/13 Lecturer, Department of Finance, School of Management, Boston University 02/10 - 08/12 RTG Postdoctoral Research Associate & Lecturer, ORFE Department, Princeton University 11/09 - 01/10 Research Fellow, DFG Research Center MATHEON, Berlin 04/04 - 08/09 Teaching Assistant, TU Berlin 07/01 - 08/01 Vienna University Computer Center, University of Vienna 07/00 - 08/00 AVL India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon (Haryana), India 08/98 - 09/99 Compulsory Civilian Service, Auschwitz Foundation, Brussels Education 04/04 { 01/10 PhD in Mathematics, TU Berlin Thesis: Small-time large deviations for sample paths of infinite dimensional symmetric Dirichlet processes (Adviser: Alexander Schied) 10/96 { 03/04 BS/MS in Mathematics, University of Vienna Thesis: Calculation of the Greeks by Malliavin Calculus (Advisers: Walter Schachermayer and Josef Teichmann) Administration 2019{21 Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 2019{20 Associate Director, Center for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and Statistics, WPI Since 2018 Steering Committee, Eastern Conference on Mathematical Finance 1 Publications Peer-reviewed Journals 1) Z. Feinstein, W. Pang, B. Rudloff, E. Schaanning, S. Sturm and M.
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