Plant Profile

Picture or Drawing Botanical Name: Banksia spp. & cvs

Common Name: Banksia


Species and cultivars of special interest: coccinea - ‘Waite Crimson’ and ‘Waite Flame’

Origin: Australia

Availability: Main seasons: Autumn to late Spring All seasons: Depending on species or cultivar

Foliage Characteristics: Shrub, Simple, evergreen, dark green with oblong shape which are arranged alternately along the stem (Alternate).

Floral Characteristics: Distinctive cylindrical-shaped inflorescences that are made up of hundreds (sometimes thousands) of tiny individual which are arranged in parallel vertical columns producing a striped appearance. Most banksia flowers usually ranges from yellow to red depending on species.

Special features and characteristics of special interest: Flowers are not sensitive to ethylene and have no fragrance. The flowers are normally bisexual.

Maintenance, Cultural requirements and Post Harvest Treatments: • Keep cool 2–4 °C • Recut at least 2 cm off each stem and place in cold water immediately with added biocide. • Strip leaves from the lower half of each stem. • Never bash or split stems. • A preservative is recommended, but not essential. • Replace vase water with fresh preservative every day as Banksias are thirsty flowers. • Never mist these flowers as this could cause black marks to appear.

Plant Profile

Pest and Diseases: Banksia gall Midge which produce galls on the lower surface and The Banksia boring moth which damage developing heads. Fungal leaf spots that infect shrub and trees and can treat by removing infected plant material and avoid overhead watering. Fungal stem canker disease and Phytophthora Root Rot which is a rotting of the roots that occurs below the ground with no visible symptoms of the disease above the ground until the leaves starting to drop. Treatable with a fungicide, containing potassium phosphonate.

Use In Floristry: The flowers are used in floral arrangements and wide range of floral designs. Due to distinctive shape and long vase life (10–15 days) they are very popular . Banksia cones and dried “nuts” of some banksias are also used in floristry and floral arrangements.

Customer advice: • Recut stems and place into fresh clean water • Change the water every day or at least every second day, as Banksias drink a lot of water. • Do not display in areas with full sun, draughts or high temperatures.


‘What Cut Flower Is That?’ Delwyn Thomas & Bettina Gollnow

Plant Profile