WEEKLY PAPER: DO NOT DELAY—MAILED: 6-27-08 AmericanFreePress # YOURWEEKLYNEWSPAPERFROMCAPITOLHILL AFP Volume VIII • Number 27 July 7, 2008 americanfreepress.net $2.50 BUSH MUST BE PROSECUTED Law School Dean Says War Criminals Have to Be Punished resident Bush may think that his departure from office next Is al Qaeda January will shield him from the Losing the Pwrath of those millions of people AFP ON ZIONISM: he has harmed during his presidency. But ‘War on think again, says the dean of the Massa- chusetts School of Law, who warns the • KOSHER FOOD PLANT BUSTED – p. 12. Terror’? president that he will be hounded to the ends of the Earth • UNINTENTIONAL ANTI-SEMITISM – p. 13. for the multitude of war crimes he and his cronies have Page 6. committed since 2001. See our story. • BIBLE BURNING IN HOLY LAND – p. 13. See DEAN OF U.S. LAW SCHOOL, page 4 SHOCKING REVELATION: U.S. POWS STILL IN LAOS AFP & others have said it for years; now proof emerges U.S. soldiers Senators The Inside Scoop: still held in Southeast Asian camps • Personal from the Editor. Page 2. Outraged: • News You May Have Missed. Page 2. ohn McCain, the U.S. government and the main- • Obama and his mama: Is he eligible for office? Page 3. stream media may want to sweep it under the rug Soldiers still • Law school dean says pursue Bush for war crimes. Page 4. Jforever, but AFP is still keeping the MIA/POW being used as • Dean’s conference agenda on war crimes. Page 4. issue alive. And recently, compelling evidence has guinea pigs. • Editorial: Attack on Iran would finish U.S. Page 5. been found to justify the claim that U.S. soldiers are • Al Qaeda admonished by Muslim leaders. Page 6. even now languishing in Laotian slave labor camps. Page 8. • Spotlight on Congress: See SHOCKING TRUTH, page 11 • Increase supply of oil and prices will drop. Page 8. • Blame the speculators? Page 8. • U.S. soldiers still used as guinea pigs. Page 8. Why Won’t Irish Nationalists • Training others to protect their borders. Page 8. Barack Obama • One cartoonist’s odyssey through hell. Page 9. • POWs still being held in Southeast Asia. Page 11. Release His Crush NWO Plans • Strange case of Samuel Israel. Page 12. Birth Records? For EU Superstate • Kosher processing plant had illegal aliens, drugs. Page 12. • New Testament burning in Holy Land. Page 13. ount on the Irish to fight for their sover- • Hate laws and “unintentional anti-Semitism.” Page 13. See our eignty and cultural identity: Irish voters • Open Letter: Jailed historian speaks out. Page 14. story on C have rejected an NWO plan to merge all of • Honest elections an American myth. Page 14. page 3. Europe into one global plantation. • NY vote on 9-11 investigation imperiled. Page 15. See IRISH NATIONALISTS, page 17 • Irish nationalists crush globalist dream? Page 17. • European family culture disappearing. Page 17. • Women in the military: A failed experiment. Page 18. Join Ron Paul • New videos now on AFP website. Page 19. at the • The Ryan Report: Spirit of 1776 gone missing. Page 21. Univ. of Minnesota’s • Letters to the Editor. Page 22. Williams Arena, • Paul Craig Roberts: Bush-Yoo connection dangerous. Page 23. Minneapolis, Minn. • Charley Reese: Manipulating Obama. Page 23. Sept. 2, 2008. 2 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • July 7, 2008 • Issue 27

PERSONALFROMTHEEDITOR NEWS EDUCATION PROJECT Israel-Firster Feith a No Show at Court YOU MAY I HOPE YOU WILL BUY A BUNCH of our Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Douglas HAVE MISSED brand new 8-page Bilderberg 2008 reports Feith, a Bilderberg luminary, was scheduled to Captain Who Fought for Truth and give copies to your neighbors, leave testify before a House Judiciary subcommittee them at barber shops, lunch counters and but failed to appear. His lawyer said Feith would About USS Liberty Attack Dies STARVATION TIED TO DOLLAR other locations so more people can be edu- not sit alongside another witness, Lawrence After witnessing food riots in several countries cated about this evil bunch. WARD BOSTON left an indelible footprint Wilkerson, who had been chief of staff to then- on the sands of time by vigorously investi- including Haiti, the Philippines and Egypt, the You will enjoy the copy you get for your- Secretary of State Colin Powell. Why? The lawyer World Bank is now warning that the crisis in the self, too. It will have fresh information as gating Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS said Wilkerson had accused Feith of being a Liberty on June 7, 1967 that killed 34 crew decline of the U.S. dollar could result in world- global bureaucrats have already jumped at “card-carrying member of the Likud Party whose wide starvation. The World Bank and its sister Bilderberg orders. It will have the complete members and wounded more than 170. allegiance is to Israel rather than the United Boston, 84, died June 12, just five days after organization, the IMF, recently held meetings to list of attendees, including those positively address the issues of rising food and energy States,” The Washington Post reports. (Actually, the 41st anniversary of the attack. In 2002, identified but kept off Bilderberg’s own list. prices. The price of staple crops such as wheat, according to George Packer’s book, The Assas- Capt. Boston said President Lyndon Johnson It also contains some of the reporting you sin’s Gate, it was Powell who made that allegation rice and corn have all risen, leading to an increase and his defense secretary, Robert McNa- have already read on this year’s meeting. to President Bush in the Oval Office in January, in overall food prices of 83 percent in the last mara, told those leading the investigation to In 30 years of pursuing Bilderberg, I 2005, the Post said. three years, the World Bank said. have talked to literally thousands of individ- “conclude that the attack was a case of ‘mis- uals who had never heard of the world shad- HUGE VICTORY FOR GUN OWNERS taken identity’ despite overwhelming evi- PRESIDENTIAL HOPEFUL ow government. This includes crowds at the dence to the contrary,” according to a signed Ralph Nader, 73, an independent candidate for gates of Bilderberg resorts who are curious The Supreme Court shot down restrictions on affidavit. (For information on an extensive hand guns in a 5-4 decision this week. This is a president, while speaking outside the White about the strange activities taking place, pub- special report on the Liberty, see page 19.) House, called for the impeachment of Bush and lic forums, radio and TV shows and casual huge victory for gunowners and the Second Amendment. While AFP is often critical of Cheney. Nader said the president has “dishonored conversations. the basis of their race or belief, and possibly also the White House and brought a pattern of waste.” When American patriots learn that high President Bush, we have him to thank for the Supreme Court’s ruling favoring gun owners. If of inciting hate,” she said. Each is a crime pun- Surrounded by a handful of supporters, Nader officials from the White House, state, ishable by up to a year in prison under Dutch hate charged that the president and vice president are defense and treasury departments and other Sen. John Kerry had been elected president in 2004, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice speech laws, or two years for multiple offenses. currently committing five impeachable offenses, major Washington bureaucrats are plotting on a daily basis, including: criminal use of offense with heads of state and other high officials Samuel Alito would not be on the bench right O.J. SIMPSON CONFESSES now. With Kerry appointees, the D.C. gun ban against Iraq; condoned and approved systematic from Europe, along with international finan- A memorabilia dealer who did business with torture; arresting thousands of Americans and ciers, to eliminate national sovereignty, they would have been upheld, and the second amend- ment dead on arrival. This ruling means that gun O.J. Simpson for many years alleges in his new denying them habeas corpus, violating attorney- are outraged. book that a groggy Simpson, high on marijuana, client privilege; signing 800 signing statements, Unanimously, people agree with AFP shops could possibly return to the District of Columbia. confessed to killing his ex-wife after he was precluding the president from actually having to that Bilderberg is doing evil work. Whether acquitted. In his book, How I Helped O.J. Get follow the laws he signs; and systematic spying on they call themselves liberal, conservative or CARTOONIST ARRESTED FOR ‘HATE’ Away With Murder, author Mike Gilbert also Americans without judicial approval. even communist, all say that Bilderberg A Dutch political cartoonist was arrested on claims he helped his former friend wiggle out of should be exposed and de-fanged. If you suspicion of insulting people because of their race the murder charges by suggesting how to bloat his BARDOT NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT give a copy of the Bilderberg 2008 Report to or religion through his work, authorities said. The hands so they wouldn’t fit the notorious bloody A French court has fined former film star an interested friend, you can be confident cartoonist, who works under the pen name Gre- gloves. Brigitte Bardot 15,000 euros ($23,000) for incit- you have created a convert. Despite the gorius Nekschot, was arrested on suspicion of ing racial hatred. She was prosecuted over a letter recent surge in exposure of Bilderberg, more violating hate speech laws and held overnight NOTE: Because of the published on her website that complained than 90 percent of Americans have never before being released, a spokeswoman for his Muslims were “destroying our country by impos- even heard the word. publisher, Uitgeverij Xtra, said. “He was arrested Fourth of July, there will be no ing their ways.” It is the fifth time Ms. Bardot has Exposure will kill Bilderberg and they with a great show of force, by around 10 police- AFP issue next week. Look been convicted over her controversial remarks are, as you will read, on the ropes now. Let us men,” the spokeswoman said. Amsterdam public forward to a double issue about Islam and its followers. This is her heaviest keep the heat on the bad boys. prosecutor spokeswoman Sanne van Meteren said fine so far. The French film idol, who is 73, was To get your Bilderberg 2008 report, see Nekschot remains a suspect in a criminal investi- the week after that. not in court to hear the ruling. The fine related to the advertisement on page 4 of this issue. We gation. “We suspect him of insulting people on a letter she wrote in December 2006. could not afford this year to include it along with an issue of the newspaper, but whatev- AMERICAN FREE PRESS CONTACT/CHANGE ADDRESS/ADVERTISE SUBSCRIBING TO AFP er number you order, we’ll match that num- ber of copies for free. Buy one, get one free. OUR PROMISE TO YOU: American Free Press (USPS 020-383) is published weekly TO SUBSCRIBE: Call 1-888-699-NEWS (6397) toll free and charge a The point of view of American Free Press (AFP) is best described as populist except for seven weeks out of the year combined. AFP is published subscription using Visa or MasterCard. Subscribe by mail: American Free Buy 10, get 10 free etc. Thanks for support- and nationalist. 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To cancel, drop us a note saying Contact American Free Press: REPRODUCTION POLICY: Except for copyrighted stories, permission you want to end your subscription. is hereby granted and encouraged to other publications and authors to quote Editor PHONE: 202-544-5977 AFP in whole or in part so long as full credit is given, including address and NATIONAL STAFF WEBSITE: www.americanfreepress.net subscription price. Editor: James P. Tucker Jr. Assistant Editor: Pat Shannan. Managing E-MAIL ADDRESSES: All manuscripts submitted to AFP must be typewritten and double-spaced. Editor: Julia Foster. Corresponding Editors: Mark Anderson, Mark Glenn, First Amendment Books: [email protected] . Letters Editor: Vincent J. Ryan. Copy Editor: John If return is desired, a stamped, self-addressed envelope is required. No Subscription Dept: [email protected] responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. Tiffany. Art Director: Paul T. Angel. Consultant: Willis A. Carto. 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t now appears that Barack Obama is con- According to a legal re- but the Constitution does not ban an illegitimate child from stitutionally ineligible for the office of searcher who has contacted the White House, as long as he was born inside the U.S. president. John McCain’s eligibility was AFP, U.S. law very clearly Obama’s mother was born in Kansas and was only 18 established in 1964, when courts ruled states: “If only one parent is a when Obama was born. This means even though she satis- Sen. Barry Goldwater was eligible al- U.S. citizen at the time of one’s fies the citizen requirement for 10 years, she was not a cit- Ithough he was born in Arizona when it was a ter- birth, that parent must have izen for at least five years prior to Barack Obama’s birth. ritory, not a state. McCain was born in the resided in the United States for In essence, the mother alone is not old enough to qualify Panama Canal Zone when it was a U.S. territory. a minimum of 10 years, five of her son for automatic U.S. citizenship. At most, two years And, even as the controlled media continues which must be after the age of elapsed from his mother turning 16 to the time of Barack to ignore the ineligibility of Obama, it will not go 16.” And therein lies Obama’s Obama’s birth when she was 18. His mother would have away. While few doubt that the Democrats will new problem. needed to have been 16 + 5 = 21 years old at the time of manage to pull off his nomination, all remain Barack Obama’s father was Barack Obama’s birth for him to be a natural-born citizen. poised to view the legal performance. never a U.S. citizen. Barack Obama was already three years old at the time his The first hurdle will be having Obama pro- Interestingly, there isn’t mother turned 21. duce his birth certificate, which so far he has much paperwork on the mar- Technically, Obama should have been naturalized as a refused to do, and prove that he was born in riage of Obama’s parents, and citizen, but that, of course, would disqualify him from Hawaii on August 4, 1961, as he has always Barack Obama and his mother. this has a few researchers spec- holding the office of president. If these allegations are claimed. There is speculation that his American mother ulating that it never took place at all. On page 27 of accurate, America could install in January of 2009 a new may have brought him to Honolulu shortly after his birth Obama: From Promise to Power, David Mendell writes: president who is not even a U.S. citizen, neither born nor in Kenya, but no proof of that has been shown. “Obama later confessed that he never searched for the gov- naturalized. According to the law on the books at the time of ernment documents on the marriage, although Madelyn It should be demanded that Obama produce his 1961 Obama’s birth, the office of president requires that a can- (Obama’s maternal grandmother) insisted they were legal- Hawaiian birth certificate. didate be a natural born citizen if the child was not born to ly married.” He also notes that Obama’s father apparently If he cannot satisfactorily do so, he should be deemed two U. S. citizen parents. Since he was not, should it be was not legally divorced from his first wife back in Kenya immediately ineligible to hold the office of president. # proven that Obama was not born in Hawaii, as claimed, he at the time, a point of contention that ultimately led to their is ineligible without further debate. But assuming that he separation. This also would suggest that there may never Pat Shannan is the assistant editor of American Free Press. was born there, he has another problem. have been any legal marriage by Obama’s parents at all, 4 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 ACROSS THE NATION WITH MARK ANDERSON Dean of U.S. Law School Says Bush Must Be Prosecuted

HE DEAN OF A NEW ENGLAND law school Council on Foreign Relations fixture who also served announced that the departure of President in that position under JFK) was named to head the Dean of the World Bank; Richard Nixon retired to San Clemente, Bush next January may not provide him and Massachusetts his cronies with a sanctuary from justice. School of Law, and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger [a Bilderberg The message from Lawrence Velvel, dean Lawrence Velvel luminary] was allowed to grow richer and richer,” Tand co-founder of the Massachusetts School of Law, is: Velvel said, while citing former Kennedy/Johnson has vowed to pur- Where impeachment ends, an independent tribunal sue war criminals Secretary of State Dean Rusk as another unpunished begins. Punishment of the guilty is being openly dis- like George W. wrong-doer. cussed by conference planners—including capital pun- Bush, Dick “For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and ishment. Cheney and [torture advocate and Bush advisor] John Yoo to spend As announced on the website AfterDowning Donald Rumsfeld years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would Street.org, and confirmed for AFP by Dean Velvel, his “to the ends of the be a powerful lesson to future U.S. leaders,” Velvel said. assistant, Jeff Demers, and longtime publicist Sher- Earth.” Velvel The issues to be handled at the conference include wood Ross, a conference [see conference agenda on believes punishing the nature of domestic and international crimes com- page 5—Ed.] is being called for by Velvel “to plan the these evil-doers mitted; which high-level Bush officials, members of prosecution of President Bush and other high adminis- would send a Congress and federal judges are chargeable with war tration officials for war crimes.” It will be held Sept. 13- strong message to crimes; and which foreign and domestic tribunals can 14 at the school, a small, respected institution in future presidents. be used to prosecute them. Andover founded in 1988 that resisted the regulations “It is for all these reasons that I have called [the] and standards of the American Bar Association and be, to the ends of the Earth” as stated in his column conference . . . entitled Planning for the Prosecution of instead sought accreditation through the New England posted online June 24, on his “Velvel on National High-Level American War Criminals. . . . The underly- Association of Schools and Colleges. Affairs” blog. ing law and facts will be discussed in the context of lay- Specifying what may shock readers of independent “We must try to hold the Bush administration lead- ing plans to pursue the guilty in courtrooms so that in media—but which will never appear in the prostitute ers accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And the future there may be no more Vietnams, no more press—Velvel said the program “is not intended to be a we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, Iraqs,” Velvel said. AFP interviewed Velvel June 24. mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred. if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German An “umbrella coordinating committee” also will be It is, rather, intended to be a conference at which plans and Japanese war criminals in the 1940s. America’s put together consisting of those from noted legal groups will be laid and necessary organizational structures set chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, Justice Robert Jackson, concerned about war crimes, including the American up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need said we were invoking principles that would govern our Civil Liberties Union and Center for Constitutional nation as well as our defeated enemies. We must Rights. attempt to make a truth teller of Jackson, instead of New York attorney Carl Person questioned if this allowing our leaders to make a liar of him.” conference will lead to real results. He wondered if sub- Building Wisdom Velvel said this conference is intended to do away poena power will be achieved. “There is no convening with the past practice of allowing U.S. officials respon- authority. Nobody has to come to testify,” he said, Without Pain sible for war crimes (in Vietnam and elsewhere) to though he agrees justice should be sought. # Most people acquire wisdom slowly, over their lifetimes. enjoy immunity from prosecution upon leaving office. They do it by making mistakes. That is, they make wrong “President [Lyndon] Johnson retired to his Texas ranch, Email Corresponding Editor Mark Anderson at [email protected]. decisions. When results turn out badly (hopefully not fatally) and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara (a longtime they remember not to make that bad decision again. The worse the pain, the better they remember. It’s a sort of con- ditioned reflex. The essence of wisdom is predictability. If our ideas about the world are accurate enough we can make wise (predictable) Inside Bilderberg 2008 with AFP . . . decisions. There is a field of study that helps us know whether or not our ideas are accurate enough. It is called General Semantics. It can be taught, and has been, in high schools. New Bilderberg Report: Joseph Phelps, MS, PE, has written a book that will help you develop more personal wisdom, and teach it to your maturing children. Phelps, a Caltech graduate now approach- Buy One Get One FREE! ing 85, has been studying and writing about this for more than 60 years. The book is . . . American Free Press has assembled a special 8-page report on this year’s Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Va. Includes new material Castles of the Mind from AFP Editor Jim Tucker—the world’s foremost Bilderberg You can read it in a couple of hours. authority—as well as a compilation of our best reporting and photos. Get it. You won’t regret it. Also includes the most up-to-date list of Bilderberg attendees avail- able including some verified attendees Bilderberg attempted to con- CASTLES OF THE MIND . . . just $15 per copy Includes postage and handling ceal. Get your 8-page special report on Bilderberg and hand them out ISBN 0-9677319-25 to friends, family, political gatherings, gun shows and other interested To receive your copy by return mail . . . patriots. And for every one you buy, we’ll SEND ONE FREE. Send check or MO payable to: Prices are as follows: 1-5 copies are $3 each; 6-39 copies are $1.65 Joseph Phelps each; 40 or more are 40¢ each. Send payment with request using the 6060 Appian Way coupon on page 21 to AFP, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003. Call 1-888-699-NEWS to charge. Long Beach, CA 90803 ACROSS THE NATION July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 • AMERICAN FREE PRESS 5 WITH MARK ANDERSON Conference Agenda: Attack on IranWould Finish OffAmerica By Willis A. Carto By Mark Anderson Pictured here is an alleged ill boy Bush order an attack on Iran concentration camp Topics to be discussed at the Velvel confer- before the end of his term? Doubtless, for civilian dissidents in Nashville, Tenn., con- structed more than 10 years ago. It is one of many. ence, Sept. 13-14 and subjects on which plans his neo-con, Israel-first controllers will be laid, include: Wwould like this, but they must realize the • Introductory remarks stressing that war crimes consequences and have reason to fear a backlash. have occurred twice in 40 years—in Vietnam and Although an attack would constitute the worst for- Iraq—and that perpetrators should be punished (as eign policy blunder in American history—even worse occurred at Nuremberg and Tokyo in 1946). than our needless intervention in the European wars of • A discussion of his recent book, The Torture 1914 and 1939 which made them “world” wars, Israel Team, by Philippe Sands, including how executive ardently wants its colony—the United States—to attack branch lawyers failed in their duties (yet remained Iran with a nuclear barrage and destroy its infrastruc- in power or gained soft landings). ture, not to mention millions of Persians. • What domestic and international crimes were This would give Israel effective control of the entire committed, which facts show crimes under which Mideast theater, a major steppingstone toward its uni-

laws, and what punishments are possible. versal goal. WWW.CONCERNEDHUMANITY.NET • What high-level executive officials (and feder- As for this country, an attack on Iran would be: ation of Americans perceived as uncooperative by the al judges and legislators too, if any) are chargeable • Another unconstitutional war, undeclared by Feds. (The concentration camps are set up and ready with crimes. Congress, for business, or didn’t you know?) • What international tribunals, foreign tribunals • Another no-win war, and it would result in an Such events would create revolutionary conditions and domestic tribunals (if any) can be used, and unsupportable cost of at least a trillion dollars, resulting in either a dictatorship or the breaking up of how to begin and prosecute cases in front of them. America into separate geographical areas. • What cases have already been brought, with • The destruction of the buying power of the dollar what results. internationally and the end of the dollar as the world’s The above may sound far-fetched and extreme, but • What must be done to make prosecutions an exchange currency, the destruction of America is very much on the agenda issue in the 2008 political campaign and to have the • Frightful inflation here at home, of “our traditional enemy,” to use the phrase of leading question become a significant subject in the media. • The end of U. S. political influence around the historical revisionist, David Irving. Patriotic Ameri- • Creating an umbrella coordinating committee globe, cans are warned. # with representatives from the various—and • Probable terrorism inside the U.S., compliments of increasing number of—organizations that are Iran and its Muslim radical allies, Willis A. Carto is a veteran nationalist thinker and writer who founded involved in cases. • With terrorism the imposition of martial law by the in 1955. He is presently the publisher of THE BARNES REVIEW revi- sionist history magazine. Send $3 (U.S.) for a sample to TBR, P.O. Box 15877, • Creating a place to keep track of and organize federal government, Washington, D.C. 20003. compilations of relevant briefs, articles, books, • With martial law, the summary arrest and incarcer- opinions, facts, etc. • The possibility of having a chief prosecutor’s office á la Nuremberg. # “The Benefit of ProWave Is So BIG That —— It Will Change Your Life Forever” The public is invited to the conference, to be held at 500 Federal Street in Andover, Mass., from Use ProWave to eliminate Starting in 1934, the bril- chronic aches, pains, liant scientific genius Royal 10 a.m. until 4:30 on Sept. 13 and 14. Anyone who FREE Rife proved that he could infections and disease. Available From destroy deadly disease organ- wants to attend should contact Jeff Demers, at You can start feeling bet- INSTRUCTION isms with frequency oscilla- DVD WITH EVERY tions. His method produced no [email protected] or at (978) 681-0800. ter today with no danger- Your ProWave SuperStore harmful side effects. He har- ous side effects. Turn your PACKAGE nessed a natural phenomenon that could change the future of bad health into a thing human health. His frequency of the past. discoveries are now available for your personal need in the Show Pride in Your newest and by far the easiest to AFP Readers- Buy operate Rife instrument ever The Best and Get $200 built, the ProWave Model 101 Energy System. HERITAGE Instant Cash Off By Use the frequency waves dis- Mentioning This Ad. covered by Dr Royal Rife to In Addition You’ll change your life today. 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security experts in the West saw his attacks on al Qaeda as something they could exploit to damage the al Qaeda Criticism by Muslim Theologians brand name among young people in the Islamic world. Benotman accused bin Laden and his deputy of reducing jihad to “mere terrorist and violent attacks, Said to Be Weakening al Qaeda reflecting a state of anger, frustration, impotence and self expression.” Benotman’s views alone would not be considered By Richard Walker important if they were not linked to similar denuncia- tions of al Qaeda by two powerful theological figures here is a growing belief in western security who were mentors to bin Laden’s closest adviser, al- circles that al Qaeda is being so badly dam- Zawahiri. One is Imam al-Sharif, also known as Dr. aged by theological attacks from some of its Fadl, a surgeon who was once imprisoned with al- former allies and mentors that it may self- Zawahiri in Cairo, and still languishes in an Egyptian destruct. How much of that belief is based jail cell. He is believed to have provided al Qaeda with Ton wishful thinking rather than hard facts? an interpretation of the Koran that it used to justify its It is true there has been a heated theological debate actions and recruit followers. In 2007 he challenged al about al Qaeda on jihadist websites and on major media Qaeda’s basic ethos and condemned the 9-11 attacks. outlets across the Arab world, including al-Jazeera. This Like Benotman, he made it clear he believed 9-11 was is because al Qaeda has not only brought the U.S. and counterproductive. The cumulative effect of the posi- its allies into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but has tions adopted by Benotman and Dr. Fadl has been a engaged in sectarian warfare against Muslims. heightened awareness in the Islamic world of the death In Iraq, it has murdered thousands of Shiite and destruction brought to Arab and Muslim lands by Muslims, as well as Sunni Arabs, who have sided with al Qaeda’sobsession with killing innocent people in the the U.S. It has also sought weapons of mass destruction OSAMA BIN LADEN AYMAN AL-ZAWAHIRI West and murdering Shiite Muslims. to kill tens of thousands of innocent Europeans and It could be argued that this debate would not have Is criticism of tactics by Muslims weakening al Qaeda? Americans. taken place in the wake of 9-11, or after the invasion of There is now an open debate in which former al Afghanistan. Iraq, had it not been for al Qaeda’s killing of innocents Qaeda allies and religious mentors have charged that In his letter, he pointed out that when it became in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Aside from Benotman and Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Dr. Ayman al-Zawa- apparent to him in 2000 that al Qaeda was seeking to Dr. Fadl, the powerful Saudi cleric and theologian, hiri, have strayed from the basic doctrines of Islam by acquire weapons of mass destruction, he told bin Laden Salman al-Oadah, who was once bin Laden’s spiritual killing Muslims whom they disagree with theological- that using such weapons would bring “more destruc- mentor, entered the fray in late 2007. He, too, con- ly, particularly Shiites, and also innocent Christians in tion, havoc and humiliation upon the Muslim and Arab demned bin Laden for killing innocent men, women Western countries. Critics have warned bin Laden that worlds.” and children. He stated that the U.S. occupation of Iraq, al Qaeda will bring untold destruction on Muslim lands He tried to persuade bin Laden not to attack America the invasion of Afghanistan and the expanded Western should it explode a nuclear or biological weapon in an but bin Laden told him there was a pending operation military presence in Arab and Muslim lands, was the American or European city. he could not abandon. That operation turned out to be fault of al Qaeda. A reformed jihadist leader, who warned bin Laden the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The prediction by security experts that these verbal before 9-11 that “intimidating” America would lead to In his letter, Benotman informed al Qaeda that the assaults will weaken al Qaeda, leading to a loss of sup- the destruction of the Taliban, has asked al Qaeda to only distinction between Arabs and non-Arabs was port and then imploding, may be wishful thinking. This pursue what he referred to as a different path of jihad. their piety. He was referring to the way bin Laden, as a prediction is predicated on what may prove to be a mis- He is Norman Benotman, now based in London, who Sunni Arab, was branding Shiite Muslims with whom conception, namely that Arab youth are sufficiently edu- was a leader of the “Libyan Islamic Fighting Group” he disagreed theologically as apostates who could be cated to understand the nuances of the ongoing debate, until he became disillusioned with the use of terror fol- killed in accordance with his views of jihad and other or that Arabs generally will stop funding extreme ver- lowing the attacks on the World Trade Center. He has tenets of the Koran. sions of Islam that contribute directly to the growth of al successfully encouraged some of his former Libyan ter- Benotman’scredibility as a critic of al Qaeda is root- Qaeda. Secondly, if al Qaeda imploded, it could morph rorist colleagues to break with al Qaeda. ed in the fact that in his letter he did not argue against into several smaller bodies that might be difficult to find Benotman has standing in the world of Islamic jihad jihad. In fact, he warned al Qaeda that its tactics were and eliminate. There is also little to suggest that the because he can claim to have attended one of the most “fragmenting and internally draining Arab lands” and Pakistani government and military have the will to move important international terrorist conferences before the outcome would be that Israel would have “control into the tribal lands bordering Afghanistan to wipe out 9-11. It was held in the summer of 2000 in Kandahar, over the future of the region for 100 years.” al Qaeda’s leadership and its bases. the birthplace of the Taliban, in Afghanistan. It was pre- Benotman was able to make statements like that in Nevertheless, the debate taking place within the Arab sided over by bin Laden and al-Zawahiri. Last Novem- Europe but it is unlikely he would have been able to do and Muslim world is important because it is forcing ber, Benotman was openly critical of the al Qaeda lead- so if he had been based in the United States. For exam- people within Islam to look closely at what is in their ers in a letter published in the Arab media but virtually ple, his letter suggested that al Qaeda should dismantle midst. Over time, it could have a cumulative impact on ignored by the U.S. media. He reminded them of the its “Islamic State of Iraq” organization and fight along- al Qaeda, ultimately limiting its flow of recruits. # Kandahar meeting and how he warned them at that time side Sunni insurgents. He pleaded with bin Laden not of the potential consequences of their actions. He told to sow dissent among Palestinians and to support the Richard Walker is the nom de plume of a former news producer who now works for AFP so that he can write about “taboo” subjects he was formerly forbidden them any “non-conventional” attack on America would mujahideen in Afghanistan, meaning the Taliban. to discuss while working for mainstream publications. lead to the occupation of the whole area and not just Despite the fact he offered such inflammatory advice, ADVERTISEMENT July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 • AMERICAN FREE PRESS 7 8 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 Spotlight on Congress

Blame ‘the speculators’?

IT HAS BECOME FASHIONABLE TO BLAME “Big Oil” for rising gas prices. That’s OK because some of them take too much out of your wallet. DRILL NOW But to ramble on about “speculators” raises the question: Who are they? Many “speculators” are HEY ARE YEARS LATE—it should already before the Fourth of July recess without taking action, mutual funds, pension funds and insurance funds. be converted to low-priced gasoline at they will need to explain why $4-a-gallon is not That includes about all of us. It doesn’t take a your local filling station—but lawmakers enough incentive for them to act.” rocket scientist to understand supply-and-de- are finally seriously discussing drilling for Polls show Americans are increasingly eager to ex- mand. The more oil produced, the lesser the oil. For years, tree-huggers led by Sen. pand drilling, said Robbie Diamond, president of demand and lesser the price at the pump. Keep JosephT Lieberman (I-Conn.) and others have opposed Securing America’s Future Energy. # drilling. drilling for oil on an “iceberg” in Alaska, along both “We’ve had decades where people were unwilling, coasts and in the Gulf of Mexico, arguing that it would and politicians were unwilling, to seriously look at the hurt the “environment.” It takes about seven years resources in our own back yard and off our coast,” order only after Congress removes its ban. Bush’s after striking oil for it to show up as gas at the pumps. Diamond said. “Suddenly, it seems we are at a tipping silliness was assailed by Thomas Pyle, head of the Still, economists say that undertaking the drilling point where many politicians are willing to make seri- Institute for Energy Research and former Republican could cause gas prices to immediately decline. ous proposals about doing just that. There’s only so congressional aide. Actually, nobody holds picnics in the area known long that people can blame outside parties such as “The president has chosen to speak softly when as ANWR and offshore rigs would be invisible to peo- OPEC, Big Oil or speculators for our problems, when American consumers need him to wield a big stick,” ple on the beaches. Partly in response to Bilderberg fundamentally our problem is supply and demand.” Pyle said. “He has the authority tear up the executive orders (AFP June 23, 2008) to put a lid on the rising He said Democrats, who took control of Congress moratorium immediately, and we believe he should. costs of oil, congressmen and President Bush are last year, have passed legislation increasing fuel-effi- Eliminating this senseless ban would show the world finally calling for drilling. Bush announced June 18 ciency standards and mandating more renewable- that the United States is finally getting serious about that he now supports drilling on the outer continental energy use, so increased production is the only lever producing more of its own energy instead of just talk- shelf and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or left to pull for midterm relief. ing about it. This was a missed opportunity.” ANWR. There are two roadblocks to expanded offshore Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the presumptive Re- “Congress must face a hard reality,” Bush said. drilling: an annual congressional prohibition and an publican presidential nominee, announced June 16 “Unless members are willing to accept gas prices at executive order imposed by Bush’s father, President that he has changed his position and now favors today’s painful levels or even higher, our nation must George H.W.Bush, in 1990. But President Bush refus- drilling on the outer continental shelf. He was fol- produce more oil. If congressional leaders leave es to act first, saying he will lift Daddy’s executive lowing Bilderberg orders. # GIs Still Being Used as Guinea Pigs

ONGRESSIONAL LEADERS of both parties are and I asked that VA report back to me as soon as possi- calling for an investigation into the Depart- ble,” Buyer wrote. ment of Veterans Affairs (VA) failure to A spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Cinform in a timely manner veterans partici- Calif.) said Congress will also investigate. pating in medical tests that a drug they were taking “This report raises many disturbing ques- has side effects that has in the past led to psychosis tions about the treatment of our veterans and suicide. and the House Veterans Affairs Committee Following an investigation by The Wash- will get to the bottom of this,” said her ington Times, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), spokesman, Nadeam Elshami. “We ex- presumptive presidential nominee and a pect full and immediate cooperation Drug smuggling tunnel in the U.S. Southwest. member of the Veterans Affairs Commit- form the VA.” tee, said the VA’s actions in sponsoring the The VA took three months to noti- drug were “outrageous” and “unaccept- fy its patients about severe mental side TUNNEL VISION: able.” “Our veterans, particularly those effects of the anti-smoking drug Chan- U.S. trains Egypt in border control? suffering from mental health injuries, tix, after the Food and Drug Admin- should have the very best health care and istration issued an alert about side support in the world, they should never be effects that could lead to psychosis and REP.TED POE (R-TEX.) wants to know why the needlessly exposed to drugs without suicide. Army stationed in his home state is training proper notification of the dangers involved The VA said notification letters were Egyptian soldiers to locate and destroy under- or effective monitoring of side effects,” he said. tied up in the bureaucracy and the three- ground tunnels to help protect its borders, while at Rep. Steve Buyer (R-Ind.), ranking minority month time frame was not unrealistic. the same time the U.S.-Mexican border remains member of the House Veterans Affairs Com- “This is the most pathetic excuse that porous for underground smuggling. mittee, sent a letter to the VA inspector general can be dredged up—it’s insulting,” said Since Sept. 11, 2001, more than 40 smuggling and the VA’s chief research and development offi- retired Marine Lt. Col. Roger Charles, edi- tunnels from Mexico into the U.S. have been dis- cer requesting an investigation. tor of Defense Watch. “And then to brag that covered. Why is the Army not protecting our bor- “I am troubled by allegations that these safeguards you got it done in three months because of a ders but training Egyptians to protect theirs? # may not have been in place for this study and I am cumbersome bureaucracy? What if people’s requesting an immediate investigation into this matter lives are at risk? Oh wait, they are.” # AFP ON THE POLICE STATE July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 • AMERICAN FREE PRESS 9 Freedom of Speech Lands Cartoonist on Wrong Side of Feds By Mike Finch

merican citizen Carl Malaskiewicz-Blaise was detained for a year by Canadian Immi- ilver gration authorities, and was jailed in the U.S. RATIONING!ilver Afor five years, because a Secret Service psy- SSDemand for U.S. Silver Eagles is so great that the chiatrist labeled him delusional. His offense? Making political cartoons. In Florida, U.S. Mint is now rationing the one-ounce silver coins. Blaise was jailed in 1999 regarding non-violent domes- SILVER SHORTAGE ACTUAL PHYSICAL SILVER COINS tic issues. In jail, he made cartoons negatively depicting Dealers are finding it hard to get silver AND BARS IN YOUR POSSESSION President Bush, including one that said, “The president coins and bars to sell. A shortage exists Only 10% of your net worth in silver must die.” Threatening the president is a federal offense, in silver products. coins and bars could turn into a big but arguably not in this instance as many insist the car- gain, protect you against high inflation, toon was satirical, and did not show actual intent. SILVER SCANDAL On the day of his release, Secret Service agents a dollar crisis and a stock market decline. Find out what could be artificially arrested Blaise for “threatening the president” and depressing the price of silver. BLOCKBUSTER REPORTS brought in a bought-and-paid-for psychiatrist, Dr. Rob- FREE – “Silver in the New Era” ert Phillips, to label Blaise as “delusional.” Blaise said SILVER DEMAND they made up a story about him being connected to a FREE – Silver Newsletter, “Up 300% Silver is used in virtually every electronic murder, and coerced him to take a plea deal for crimes and all the bullish factors are still intact” and electrical device. Most of the silver he did not commit. FREE – Interview with the world’s ever mined is used up and gone forever. “My political views were called delusions when they foremost silver analyst. were simply opinions,” Blaise told AFP. Industrial demand from Asia now consumes growing quantities of silver. Call 1-800-328-1860 Some elements of Blaise’s “ delusions” were: the gov- to order these FREE reports. ernment had something to do with 9-11; Bush and the neo-cons are attempting to bring about a New World Order; Bush is creating a “surveillance state”; and these factors are leading to Armageddon. If Blaise was locked up and diagnosed as “delusion- al” for such beliefs, what might happen to others? Blaise, wanting no more of the U.S. government’s scheming, traveled to Canada where he sought asylum. Canada promptly put Blaise in an Immigration Deten- tion Center. “Most of the people who are in there are only there for three or four weeks, and yet Blaise has been held for over a year,” advocate Kenneth Fernandez said. “He is unques- tionably a political prisoner. This is a classic instance of empire [making] an example of someone.” Recently a Canadian psychologist reported Blaise sane and not a flight risk to the court. YES! I Would Like To Receive Your Free Silver Reports “His non-verbal communication and the content of his speech were entirely consistent with the hypothesis Name that he has been misdiagnosed as a psychotic, or that he Address is in complete remission and has faced considerable City State Zip injustice in his homeland,” Dr. David Woodbury said in a report released by Blaise. “Variations on this type of Home Phone Work Phone fundamentalist Christian millennial belief system are (phone number must be included for processing.) AFP-0608 ubiquitous in the U.S. and held by many members of the ˜ÛiÃ̓i˜Ì ,>ÀˆÌˆià ˜VœÀ«œÀ>Ìi` U Çnxä iÌÀœ *>ÀŽÜ>Þ U ˆ˜˜i>«œˆÃ] xx{Óx Bush regime itself and thus, in the cultural context, do œÀ > £‡nää‡ÎÓn‡£nÈä ̜ œÀ`iÀ° Û>ˆ>Li vœÀ 1°-° `iˆÛiÀÞ œ˜Þ° not constitute a delusion.” Even with this testimony the court kept Blaise a while longer. Blaise does not have the option of bail. “It’s indefinite,” Blaise said. “I was conned and used  YEARS s /VER ½ BILLION SOLD AND DELIVERED . . . they used fraud and deception. I don’t believe that all of this stuff is an accident.” In spite of all the difficulty, Blaise is hopeful that he will be released soon. # 10 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 PAID ADVERTISEMENT AFPONTHEPOW/MIAISSUE July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 • AMERICAN FREE PRESS 11 Shocking Truth: POWs Still Held in Laos By Christopher J. Petherick

here is new evidence that American GIs are Mystery Letter Says POWs Still Held as Slave Laborers being held against their will in Southeast Asia The following is a portion of the letter that was *** more than three decades after the Vietnam received by Joe Milliner, the father of William Milliner I asked him if there are there others. He said most are War officially ended. A letter recently who went missing in action in 1971 in Vietnam. In the in the caves at Sam Neua [a remote area on the Laos- received by the father of a U.S. pilot, who past six months, Milliner has been able to make contact Vietnam border] and underground in Ho Chi Minh wentT missing in action in 1971, could provide a key piece with the author’s assistant. He has confirmed that the under the earth. He said his friend Tom Hert or Hart had of information that proves American prisoners of war are physician is not Cambodian and used a pseudonym escaped to Cambodia and Van Fleet from the Korean alive and imprisoned in remote areas of South Vietnam. when signing the letter. The letter has been edited for War are with him. He said that British and Thailand Over the years, historians, researchers and independ- space and clarity. men, and Donny Wood and Hrlka or Hrdlika, or some- ent journalists have made a compelling case that, during thing to that effect, had escaped. the Cold War, thousands of U.S. POWs were moved I worked for the government in Cambodia and Laos I asked him his name. He said it is Richard Millino, among Soviet, Chinese and North Korean labor camps, as a physician. . . . or Milliner. He spoke Vietnamese with English mixed *** in, but his Vietnamese [was] very good. where they toiled and died under the worst conditions. Over three weeks ago, in September [2007], I was The official yelled: “Come on. Are you almost Families of POWs and MIAs say the U.S. government has blindfolded and driven for what seemed like forever done?” I said, hold on. Then [the man] said, “just kill turned a blind eye to the plight of these men, even going with a government official who kept telling me not to me, I can’t take this.” I said, “No, I will call the govern- so far as to sabotage their efforts at finding out what look at anyone for too long. . . . ment.” [. . .] He cried and said “my daddy [is] a soldier. exactly happened to their loved ones.* I went to a village hut where the official met with Tell him! Oh god.” He yelled really loud and grabbed But Joe Milliner’s incredible story of his son, told at four young people. In walked a man who was bleeding my arm with a grip like I have never felt. the June 20 meeting of the National Alliance of from his left arm. He had no left arm as if it were cut in Then his young captors stormed in and [. . .] grabbed POW/MIA Families in Crystal City, Va., could change all a perfect angle. I did what I could, but I didn’t have him, chained him up and dragged him away screaming of that. Documentation compiled by Milliner could final- much equipment or my assistant like I usually do. . . . as the official was telling me, “go back to the car.” He ly force the country to come to terms with the fact that [He was] really skinny and had a beard a mile long. He somehow punched one of his captors and ran with his thousands of Americans were abandoned by the U.S. did have some hair on his head but not much. His blood chains, before they grabbed him and threw him onto [a] There is confusion over what happened to Milliner’s pressure was good and everything else was fine. I could truck. . . . I heard him yell, “tell my parents I love them. see some muscle definition like he was a working man. Please tell them I will stay alive. son, U.S. Army Warrant Officer William P. Milliner, [Before I left] he grabbed me by my shirt and asked *** when the helicopter he was co-piloting disappeared on if I was an American. I said, “yes.” [I asked him,] “are Later, I went to [the] embassy in Laos and told the March 6, 1971. What is known is that William, who was you Australian?” He said, “No. I’m from Kentucky.” He investigator there—an older guy, tall almost bald. He 20 years old at the time, was the co-pilot on an AH1G said, “Please call my mother. Please call my father. said, “Oh no, that was a mentally insane Canadian sol- Cobra helicopter gunship. He was returning from a com- Please call my commander.” I said, why don’t you do it dier, who chose to stay here after war.” bat support mission over Laos when he disappeared in yourself, and he said those men wouldn’t let him go. I said, “He said you are the one who is crazy.” cloudy weather. “I’ve been here so long and in Russia working on the The military reportedly dispatched a search-and-res- bridges underground,” he said. Sincerely, R. Ortiz Jr. [pseudonym] cue team to locate William and the pilot of the helicopter, John F. Hummel. Tragically, the two were never located, and the Army eventually gave up looking for them. Over the years, the Milliner family has never given up ed to be archived for 50 years and would not be ments and medicine—but no assistants. hope that their son would be found. As with many fami- released—even to family members—until 2039. The doctor wrote that the guards kept a close watch lies of missing soldiers, the U.S. military has been Since that time, Milliner says that there have been spo- over this patient. However, in a free moment, the man unhelpful, some would even say willfully obstructing radic sightings of his son, including another U.S. docu- said in perfect English, punctuated by some Vietnamese, honest inquiries into what happened to lost loved ones. ment that claims warlords were seeking only $1,800 for that he is an American being held against his will. However, recent events have renewed the Milliner’s the release of his son. Milliner received that letter in September of last year. faith that William is alive and is being held in Southeast But the most compelling piece of evidence arrived just Since then, Milliner says he believes the doctor now fears Asia against his will, possibly as a slave laborer. last year in the form of a letter from a doctor who had for his life and has gone into hiding. Over the years, he The first occasion came as a result of a classified doc- been working in Cambodia. According to Milliner, the says, presumptive Republican presidential candidate Sen. ument, which was given to Milliner by a source inside the physician’saccount proves to him that his son is still alive John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) Pentagon who is sympathetic to MIA-POW families. somewhere in the jungle. have both undermined efforts to help Americans who are The official document was dated Oct. 4, 1989, and In September 2007, Milliner says, he received an still being held against their will. McCain and Kerry have reports of a Thai businessman who said U.S. citizens, unsigned letter from someone claiming to be a physician both weighed in against offering reward money for the including a “William P.Milliner,” are being held in a dan- working in Cambodia and Laos. release of U.S. citizens who may still be in captivity in gerous “no-man’s land” controlled by thugs and warlords The doctor wrote that, in early September 2007, he Laos, Vietnam, China and North Korea, said Milliner. # in a mountainous region in Laos. had treated an American man with certain tell-tale —— wounds. The doctor said that the patient was suffering *For more read Perfidy: The Government Cabal That Knowingly Abandoned Our A Thai businessman said he could secure William’s POWs and Left Them to Die by Sgt. John Top Holland and Fr. Patrick Bascio. release if the U.S. government were willing to pay a ran- from a poor amputation of his arm. He also described Softcover 225 pages. Price: $25 for one copy. $19 per copy for active and retired U.S. som. According to Milliner, U.S. officials shot down any certain scars that matched other sightings of William that military. Order from AFP, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003. Call 1-888-699-NEWS toll free to charge. No S&H inside the U.S. discussion of a reward, effectively killing off any hopes of the Milliners have collected over the years. freeing the American. The doctor said he was unnerved by the extent of Christopher J. Petherick is AFP’s founding editor. He now runs Were it not for his friend at the Pentagon, Milliner said secrecy surrounding this patient. He had been driven BRANDYWINE HOUSE BOOKS &MEDIA, P.O. Box 638, Cheltenham, the classified account of the exchange between U.S. offi- through the jungle for what he described as a long time, MD 20623. Toll free: 1-866-656-7583. www.BrandywineHouse.us. cials in Thailand and the unnamed businessman was slat- and he was allowed to bring just a few medical instru- 12 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 REAL-LIFECONSPIRACY&INTRIGUE JFK Assassination Link Found To Recent Financial Swindle ISRAEL III OSWALD SHAW GARRISON By Michael Collins Piper What is puzzling is that JFK assassination researchers The possible Israeli connection to the Samuel Israel, III avoid exploring the Israel Company. Although researchers money scandal is interesting considering that—according lthough the media reported on the dissect other picayune details about Oswald’s life in New to Jewish-American JFK researcher A. J. Weberman—Jim bizarre case of Samuel Israel III— Orleans, no researchers will mention the Israel connection. Garrison, in an unpublished novel, suggested Israel’s intel- an East Coast hedge fund operator The principal figure behind the company, Samuel Israel ligence service, the Mossad, was behind the JFK assassi- who swindled investors out of Jr.—evidently grandfather of the current Samuel Israel— nation—something Garrison did not mention elsewhere. $450 million and who disappeared after was closely connected to Clay Shaw, the New Orleans Garrison evidently became aware Clay Shaw had Mos- attemptingA to fake his own suicide—what the media has not businessman unsuccessfully prosecuted in 1969 by New sad connections through service on the board of the shad- reported is the connection of Israel’s family to circum- Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison for complicity in owy Permindex corporation. stances surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. the JFK assassination. Israel was vice president of the In light of revelations in the 1980s (theretofore un- The media has mentioned Israel is a scion of a distin- Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans and known) that JFK was working to stop Israel’s secret drive guished New Orleans Jewish family. Not mentioned is that on the Council of the Lower Mississippi River Port Inter- to assemble an arsenal of nuclear weapons, Shaw’s Israel’s family enterprise, the Leon Israel Company, ests (putting him in trade executive Clay Shaw’s sphere). Permindex engagement is intriguing. In fact, Permindex popped up in a mysterious way in connection to activities Israel also won the French Medal of Merit for his serv- chairman, Louis Bloomfield was a functionary of liquor of JFK’s alleged assassin, New Orleans native Lee Harvey ice in the U.S. Army in Europe, at the time Shaw was dec- baron and Meyer Lansky crime syndicate figure Sam Oswald, in that city in the summer of 1963. While details orated by the French for his service there. It is likely Shaw Bronfman, president of the World Jewish Congress and— of Oswald’s New Orleans sojourn are thoroughly docu- and Israel knew each other as early as World War II. with Bronfman—a major patron of Israel’s nuclear mented, his link to the Israel Company seems taboo. Was Oswald promised a job at the Israel Company— weapons program, among a group of U.S. and Canadian Here’s the story: When Oswald applied for a room in arranged by Shaw—or was Oswald employed by the com- millionaires who bankrolled the project in the ’50s to the New Orleans he told what CIA-connected writer Priscilla pany? If so, how? Did this company play a role in manip- tune of $250 million today. McMillan described as “another of his funny, pointless ulating Oswald in New Orleans? These are questions that Another Permindex figure was banker Tibor Rosen- lies,” that is, that Oswald said he worked for the Leon need to be answered. baum, longtime Mossad director for finance and arms pro- Israel Company. McMillan insisted Oswald had no con- At present day, Samuel Israel III is on the lam, many curement, whose Geneva bank was a Mossad proprietary nection with the company. We do know the company was believe in Israel which welcomes Jewish criminals fleeing and money laundry for Lansky crime syndicate profits. # in the coffee import business. We don’t know why Oswald prosecution in the United States. Note, though: Israel says claimed he worked there. And maybe he did. he is a Christian, despite his background. Michael Collins Piper is a contributing editor for AFP. Kosher Plant Hired Aliens, Manufactured Illegal Drugs By Pat Shannan and animals. The Hekhsher Tzedek initiative is in part a detainees held on charges of being in the country illegal- response to past allegations of misconduct at Agri- ly, Counts said. Most of those taken prisoner are from ederal agents arrested 390 workers processors. In one alleged instance, a Hasidic Jew duct- Guatemala and Mexico. at the Agriprocessors plant in taped a worker’s eyes and then hit him with a meat hook. Agriprocessors said in a statement Tuesday that it Postville, Iowa in what U.S. offi- Agriprocessors has come under fire before for its “takes the immigration laws seriously” and intended to cials called the largest raid of its labor practices, as well as health and safety violations. In “continue to cooperate with the government in its inves- kind in U.S. history. March, authorities fined the company $182,000 for vio- tigation.” FIn laying the legal groundwork for a massive raid of lations at the plant. People for the Ethical Treatment of In the affidavit filed as part of the 60-page application the country’s largest kosher slaughterhouse, federal Animals (PETA) has clandestinely videotaped a contro- for a search warrant, additional details were revealed of authorities cited claims that illegal narcotics production versial kosher slaughter practice used at the plant. the government’s investigation of Agriprocessors. took place at the factory and hundreds of illegal immi- The raid, which required federal authorities to rent an The affidavit says that 697 plant employees are grants were employed there, including several of the rab- expansive fairground in nearby Waterloo to house de- believed to have violated federal laws. bis responsible for kosher supervision. tainees, prompted the U.S. District Court for the North- According to the document, a former supervisor at With Agriprocessors producing more than half of the ern District of Iowa to temporarily relocate judges and the plant—identified only as Source #1—told investiga- nation’s kosher meat, the raid has prompted fears of a court personnel to the site because the facilities in Cedar tors that some 80 percent of the workforce was illegal. disruption in supply. Though the plant is back in opera- Rapids and Sioux City were inadequate. Source #1 also claimed to have discovered active pro- tion, it was unclear if Agriprocessors could meet its nor- “There have been other operations where more people duction of the drug methamphetamine at the plant and mal production capacity with hundreds of its workers in have been arrested,” Tim Counts, an Immigration and reported incidents of weapons being carried there. Meth- federal custody. Customs Enforcement spokesman, told JTA. “But as far amphetamine, more commonly known as “crystal meth,” Founded by Brooklyn butcher Aaron Rubashkin, as we can determine, this is the largest single-site opera- is illegal. The sale of this drug in the cities of the United Agriprocessors produces kosher meat and poultry mar- tion as far as number of arrests goes.” States has ruined tens of thousands of lives. keted under the labels Aaron’s Best and Rubashkin’s. The raid follows a six-month investigation involving Much of the information the government collected When the news broke, members of the Jewish Conser- more than a dozen federal agencies, including the Fede- appears to have come from former employees of vative movement’s Hekhsher Tzedek Commission con- ral Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Agriprocessors who were detained by police on unrelat- demned the company, saying that keeping kosher re- Agency, the Internal Revenue Service, and the depart- ed charges. Sources related similar stories of presenting quires more than just adherence to ritual matters, but also ments of Labor and Agriculture. fraudulent documents and Social Security numbers sensitivity to the environment and respect for workers Three Israelis and four Ukrainians were among the when seeking employment with the company. # AFP ON INTERFAITH RELATIONS July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 • AMERICAN FREE PRESS 13 Burning of Christian Books Ignored by Media By Mark Glenn responded with “Your Pope is a foolish man. If the Pope has an army, let him send it.” pon hearing that Christian mis- Recently a Christian teenager in Israel was almost sionaries had been in the area killed when a package exploded. It was sent to his home by passing out copies of the New Jewish extremists associated with the terrorist groups Testament (that he referred to as “Kach” and the Jewish Defense League exploded. In 2007 “propaganda”) deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon Jewish terrorists set a Christian church on fire in Uof Or Yehuda went up and down the streets of the town, Jerusalem. In March 2006, a Jewish couple—pretending to barking out orders that the “offensive material” should be be Christian pilgrims—entered the Church of the brought forth by the town’sinhabitants. Working in tandem Annunciation in Nazareth, pushing a baby carriage filled with the deputy mayor were Jewish religious students who with explosives with the obvious intention of killing scores went door to door collecting the religious writings. Once of Christians. They were attacked and subdued by the collected, the books were dumped into a pile, doused with church-goers before they could carry out their plans. gasoline and set ablaze in a parking lot near a synagogue. Although hundreds of similar events have been chronicled, The initial news stories concerning this raw display of a prostitute—commands the burning of Christian books. little or no attention is paid to it by the controlled press in anti-Christian bigotry originally featured an unrepentant As of this moment the government of Israel is doing America. deputy mayor saying it was a “commandment” for Jews to nothing, saying it is a “local matter,” despite the fact that The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (whose burn such materials, adding that he did not denounce the there are laws forbidding the destruction or desecration of activities include spying on Americans and aiding and burning of the books, but rather those who dared distribute any religious item any particular group holds sacred. In abetting those stealing U.S. defense secrets) reluctantly such material within the Jewish state. Later however as the addition, no formal apologies have been offered to the issued a statement condemning the book burning incident story began to grow legs in foreign media outlets, the for- world’s Christians by Israel or any of her spokespersons as for fear of having its organically anti-Christian agenda merly bold and brash deputy mayor was backpedaling, would have been demanded by the Zionist state had a sim- exposed. saying he “respects” the New Testament and would “never ilar event transpired where Jewish books were burned in a Despite the fact that it publicly called for “respect for do what had been done to the Jews in the past,” evidently Christian or Muslim country. the sacred texts of all faiths,” the ADL has been the most referring to the burning of Jewish books during the World Anti-Christian bigotry in Israel is by no means some- active organization in the world in seeing laws antithetical War II era. thing new. From its embryonic days, Christianity and its to Christianity passed in various countries, in addition to Predictably, the Jewish press in America censored the followers were considered public enemies. referring to the New Testament as “classical anti- event. Not a peep was heard from any of the heavy hitters, When the Jewish state was resurrected from its 2,000- Semitism” and the cause of all Jewish persecution these meaning Pastor John Hagee, Rod Parsley or Pat Robert- year-old grave during the 20th century and Zionist/Marxist last 2,000 years. son. Calls and emails by American Free Press newspaper Jews went on the rampage in Palestinian villages, This latest incident involving the burning of several to their offices asking for their opinions on this outrage Christians and their churches were firebombed and treated hundred copies of the New Testament, while being a shock were not returned. with the same kind of visceral hatred as took place in to some, should not be to those paying attention, as brave What is most interesting in this latest incident is the fact Russia after the Bolsheviks took over. voices have warned of this situation for some time. # that it serves as prime facie evidence vindicating what crit- When the Christian patriarch complained about Jewish ics of Judaism have alleged for years, that the Talmud—in abuse of the Christians of Palestine in the name of then- Mark Glenn is a contributing editor for AFP. addition to depicting Jesus as a sorcerer and His mother as Pope Paul VI, Israel (through one of her intermediaries) Criticism of Israel Called ‘UnintentionalAnti-Semitism’

By Rev. Ted Pike However, people who don’t face reality hold back part must now fulfill two criteria: Never say true but unflat- of the truth. They consider too much truth to be poten- tering things about Israel and abandon belief in the New re you an unintentional anti-Semite? The tially dangerous. Christian Evangelical leaders believe Testament. U.S. State Department’s “Office of Global they protect Jews from possible persecution by censoring Will evangelicals accommodate the State Depart- Anti-Semitism” in its 2008 report to Con- truth about Jewish supremacism and creation of ment’s new requirement of philo-Semitic correctness? gress warns not just of conscious, inten- Christian-persecuting hate laws. In reality, protection of Countless followers of John Hagee already do. They tional anti-Semitism but of another lurking Jewish anti-Christian activists empowers them to flour- agree with his book, In Defense of Israel, that the New Aform of potential bigotry: unintentional anti-Semitism. ish and expand their corruption of society. Testament testimony that Jews killed Christ is an anti- This consists of criticisms of Israel, which, though This, in turn, only increases criticism and resentment Semitic lie that birthed the holocaust. true, might be manipulated by others to Israel’s detri- of all Jews—most of whom are innocent of such evil. Yet, an increasing number of Americans are no longer ment. To avoid assisting Israel’s enemies, the State Many bitterly resent the Anti-Defamation League, archi- content to be insulated from truth. Many visiting the Department recommends that every comment about tect of hate laws, for the bad reputation it gives the Internet and www.truthtellers.org in particular are redis- Israel (including its leaders and military) first be scruti- Jewish people. covering an enormous reality: We don’t have to fear the nized for whether it could put Israel in a bad light. If so, Evangelicals think that by only speaking well of Jews whole truth. Truth can be trusted entirely. Truth doesn’t it shouldn’t be said. Only then can we consider ourselves they are beyond the reproach of ever being labeled anti- beget error and evil; rather, it bears the good fruit of “free from anti-Semitism.” Semitic. Wrong. The State Department says that if knowledge, wisdom, moderation, and guidance in a What if you defy the government and go ahead and Christians believe the New Testament account that darkened, confused world. # speak truthful criticisms of Israel, knowing that Israel’s Jewish leaders had Christ crucified they are the very detractors will probably use it against her? According to worst kind of anti-Semites: “classical” anti-Semites. Rev.Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conserv- ative watchdog organization. This article has been shortened for space. The entire- the Office of Global Anti-Semitism, one who assists That’s what Hitler was. ty of this article is available at www.truthtellers.org. Please visit the site. anti-Semites is an anti-Semite. To please both Jews and the government, evangelicals 14 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 OPENLETTER FROMHISTORIANVINCENTREYNOUARD

orator Philippe Henriot, I’ll say: “When a man can think of no other way but imprisonment to rid himself of a verbal Historian Refuses to Recant ‘Heresies’ opponent, it’s because he has no arguments. When a man is Open Letter from Vincent Reynouard reduced to making up stupid lies, it’s because the truth is Armand Amaudruz, René-Louis Berclaz and Jürgen Graf of against him.” Switzerland. The way ahead, therefore, is all laid out for us: we must n June 19, 2008, the Brussels criminal court Historical revisionism belongs to no one. Its findings are continue to repeat the truth, the whole truth, including the found Siegfried Verbeke and me guilty of the fruit of traditional methods of inquiry where scientific truth about what’s at stake in this struggle. Far from being “disputing crimes against humanity,” sentenc- expertise assists in the appraisal of testimonies and in merely a sterile quarrel between devotees of the past cut off ing us to a year’s imprisonment research. They will be obvious to any honest from present-day realities, the fight for historical truth is, on and ordering us to pay 25,000 individual, whether on the political left or the contrary, the continuation, on the intellectual level, of the euros ($40,000). It ordered the immediate right, believer or atheist. war whose armed phase ended in 1945 with the defeat of the arrest of Siegfried Verbeke and perhaps of But it goes without saying that its implica- Axis forces. And it’s clear that this conflict, having begun Omyself as well (a friend of ours who attended tions extend well beyond the historical scope not on September 3, 1939 but on January 30, 1933, is the the hearing says no, but the press reports state of its outset. The stakes involved, gigantic modern form of the eternal struggle. . . . the opposite and we haven’t been able to get ones, are political and even theological. If *** an answer from the clerk’s office). some refuse to see this—because of blindness, This is the reason why, even after the Third Reich was Unsurprisingly, the court had rejected all cowardice or mistaken strategy—our adver- completely crushed militarily, the war continued, and has our arguments, notably the one invoking arti- saries, in their end, have understood quite continued up to today. Our opponents in this never-ending cle 150 of the Belgian Constitution to request well. They know that a sudden bursting fight have a weapon of mass destruction: the alleged “holo- a trial . . . before a jury. through of the historical truth about the period VINCENT REYNOUARD caust.” Since 1945, this lie has prevented any dispassionate It’s plain to see that in the last three years 1914-1946 would call into question the world debate on National Socialism and, more generally, on soci- anti-revisionist oppression has greatly order founded at Nuremberg in 1945-1946. eties that respect natural order. “We know where that led” is increased. The times when revisionist received suspended This is why, in the face of people whom they constantly how people constantly respond to those who dare speak of sentences are over. Today, apart from the huge fines, actual present as a small sect of cranks denying the obvious, they order, the common good, wholesomeness, moral standards, imprisonment is always decided. I think especially of Sylvia have special laws passed in Europe and resolutions adopted safeguarding heritage, the birth rate, rights of kinship etc. Stolz, Ernst Zündel and Germar Rudolf, heroic people now at the UN. The flagrant discrepancy between their contemp- Against all the cowards with their claims of prudence, languishing in German jails. tuous talk, on the one hand, and their actions, on the other concern with efficiency, realism and whatever else; against I think also of Georges Theil in France, of Gaston- hand, gives them the lie. To paraphrase the French wartime all the pretentious twits whose lives are nothing but a series of intervals between assorted betrayals, we should repeat Christ’s own teaching: “Let your yes be yes, and your no be Texas Group Testifies: Honest Elections in U.S. a Myth no, for all else comes of evil.” No, the German homicidal gas chambers never existed. Yes, “the holocaust” is a myth. By Mark Anderson Funk, Clint Curtis, Jim March and Noel Runyan. Curtis actually designed “vote-flipping” software while em- *** Some will condemn my actions for the fact that I have ot giving up on the goal of securing honest ployed in 2000 at Yang Enterprises but became a whistle- seven children. They are wrong. If I act as I do, it’s first of elections, two Texas groups brought national blower; and March was a co-plaintiff in the 2004 all for my children, to ensure a better future for them. experts to Austin, Tex. June 25 to give a pres- California lawsuit against Diebold “for running uncerti- However, our civilization will not be saved by any sparing entation on electronic vote fraud to the state fied software in their machines, which Diebold lost,” the of efforts in the most vital struggles, which are (as is only NHouse Committee on Elections. advisory added. Funk and Runyan also have impressive logical) also the most dangerous, for when engaged they VoteRescue, and Texans for Real Elections, presented credentials. threaten the very worst for the opponent, and so provoke his documented testimony during an interim hearing “to Ms. Karp and associates Abbe DeLozier and Karen most violent reactions. But, as Chesnelong said: “When evil debunk the myth of electronic voting security,” according Renick put this together to continue their quest to convert # is the most daring, good must be the most courageous.” to a press advisory from organizer Vickie Karp, author of all Texas elections to hand-counted paper ballots, with no the noted book, Hacked. break in the custody chain and results posted at the Vincent Reynouard is a French revisionist who has written widely on the subject The experts who addressed the committee were Bruce precinct level. # of the world wars of the 20th century. For more on the holocaust and WWII from a revi- sionist perspective, send $2 for a comprehensive catalog of politically incorrect books and videos to TBR, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C.

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WWW.BEATIRS.COM 9-11 INVESTIGATION July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 • AMERICAN FREE PRESS 15 WITH MARKANDERSON Activist Determined to Get 9-11 Question on Ballot

HE 9-11 NEW YORK CITY BALLOT Pepper, who’s still involved, a man of “prodigious wisdom Initiative that AFP reported about is and courage” whose input simplified the effort so it could going through a disturbing phase, move ahead. according to the Manhattan attorney But Person maintains that the state statute under which who originated it. Carl Person told AFP that the ballot plan is being crafted requires a specified means Tthe initiative, as he understands it, is not nearly as of financing that the current ballot planners lack. Thus, he advanced as it should be. He believes there is a failure by thinks the proposal could be stopped before it makes it on the program’s current managers to gather enough valid the ballot. petition signatures of city voters in time to place a propos- “Somebody could stop it in court because there is no al for re-investigating 9-11 on the 2008 city ballot. financing,” Person said. When the AG idea was cut, “they Person says his original ballot effort was “undermined.” took the heart out of it—the financing,” he added. Therefore, he is carrying on with his own new ballot plan, Jamieson told AFP that he has 10,000 valid signatures having parted ways with those running the “official” NYC already gathered, which Person doubts. Jamieson added Ballot Initiative that represents something he started but that if enough signatures are not gathered by Sept. 4, the was not allowed to finish. provision for a new investigation will not make it on the He alleges that the initiative’sleader, Les Jamieson, was city’s November 2008 ballot. He claims to have 84 people Carl Person lured off course in the summer of 2007 by William Pepper, , shown here in his New York office, has gathering signatures but he wants many more. He said he a longtime activist who appeared at a 9-11 conference in worked relentlessly to give New Yorkers the chance needs at least 30,000 valid signatures by July’s end, at the September 2007 at New York’s Cooper Union, organized to determine for themselves if they want a new very latest, to turn in to the city council. The council could by Jamieson. Person spoke there, outlining his idea to investigation into the events of 9-11. Right now, how- then vote to put the measure on the ballot. But if that does gather petition signatures to place such a proposal before ever, he says the ballot initiative is in peril. not happen, another 15,000 valid signatures would be voters, but also to create a citywide attorney general (AG) needed to override the council and force the matter onto who would implement and generate funds for the new 9- mention that the 47-story World Trade Center 7 building the ballot. 11 investigation upon voter approval. Person himself vol- came down neatly into its own footprint in the manner of Time is short. Jamieson would like to have 1,000 peo- unteered to become the city’s first AG—the nation’s first- a controlled demolition, taking place in just 6.5 seconds ple each working 15 hours over a week’s time, gathering at ever local AG operating independently of state AGs and without having been hit by a plane, more than five hours least 100 signatures apiece. the national one. after the much-taller Twin Towers were destroyed. Person says he still has 800 or so original signatures Person was given only five minutes to speak at Cooper Person alleges that Pepper told Jamieson that he could from his initial effort. He wants to continue with the AG Union, thanks mainly to supporters who demanded that come up with money to back the ballot initiative, but that idea included, while devising ways for petition-circulators organizers let him talk. AFP was there. Person’s proposal Person’s local AG idea had to be dropped as a condition. to raise money as an incentive to gather enough signatures was evidently the only practical idea announced that went “I say it was undermined—and you question why in a reasonable time frame. He may also seek seed money, beyond analyzing the 9-11 tragedy and constituted a way they’re doing that,” Person told AFP. while mindful that getting the ballot proposal ready for the of getting to the bottom of the events of 9-11-01, which Jamieson responded by saying that Pepper, in his view, November 2008 election is not realistic for either camp, in was a criminal operation with military precision against was right in advising removal of the attorney general pro- his opinion. the city of NewYork, not simply a “terrorist attack” against vision. “We came up with only 1,000 signatures . . . it An eight-member commission would be created under “the nation.” Person looks at it from this bottom-up angle. failed miserably,” Jamieson said, referring to the AG pro- the Jamieson-led plan, listed at nyc911initiative.org. # In other words, let New Yorkers use the power of their vision. vote to legally reinvestigate a terrible crime against their Jamieson also denied that Pepper was an interloper of AFP Corresponding Editor Mark Anderson can be reached for comment at [email protected]. city. It’s as simple as that, said Person, who would finance sorts who scuttled Person’s original effort. He called the new city AG office through anti-trust lawsuits to make it self-supporting without a new tax. Person has long wanted to pursue this avenue to rein- vestigate 9-11, when almost 3,000 Americans were killed in an operation for which no crime scene was even creat- ed, apart from the almost total lack of evidence that the federal government’s on the 19 Muslim “hijacker-attackers” is true. The Cooper Union guests included noted architect Richard Gage, whose presenta- tion, in the eyes of most attendees, demolished the gov- ernment’s tale of what happened. Gage did this by show- ing that the three World Trade Center buildings that were totally demolished were constructed in a manner that pre- cludes destruction by commercial jet impacts, burning jet fuel and the “pancaking” of floors resulting from fire. That is, powerful explosive charges set by criminals must surely have been involved, according to the evidence at hand. This is what needs to be painstakingly investigat- ed, with testimony gathered and the guilty tried and pun- ished, ballot backers say. Virtually no one in the 9-11 truth movement puts any credence in the federal investigation that resulted in the official 9-11 Commission report, which does not even 16 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 PAID ADVERTISEMENT

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J SERIES 6 — Select format: J DVD J AUDIO Stan Hess: Majority rights activist on Wendy Campbell: Filmmaker tells of Dr. Robert Brock: Black Nationalist J WHOLE CONFERENCE ON 6 DVDs for $100 ppd. the plight of the Palestinians. Also, more how “European Americans demand on “Who brought the slaves to America?” J WHOLE CONFERENCE ON 6 AUDIOS for $50 ppd. respect for our Identity.” on Mordechai Vanunu and his plight. Patrick Grimm: “Politically Incorrect Joe Fields: Chairman, of Nationalist Apostate” website. “What is extremism?” Forum, concluding remarks: “Time to I ENCLOSE: $ ______SERIES #2 Deirdre Fields: South African journal- fight!” Dr. Hesham Tillawi: Host of curren- ist and political commentator on “The tissues.tv) delivers the keynote address at Boers, Rothschilds and Israel.” NAME ______Please make check/MO out to: the Saturday evening banquet. Joe Fields Phil Tourney: Survivor of the Israeli SERIES #5 ADDRESS ______P.O. Box 9 attack on the USS Liberty gives a moving Danuta Becker: Polish anti-commu- San Pedro, CA 90731 ______speech on the horrible events of that day. nist and Nationalist on the role of the Jews Professor Ray Goodwin: Media lies behind communism and the holocaust of Email order to: [email protected] CITY/STATE/ZIP ______and the use of semantics to spread disin- Christians in Eastern Europe. Expect order in 1-3 weeks. OUTSIDE U.S. ADD 30% OF ORDER TOTAL FOR S&H. formation. Check/money order drawn on U.S. banks preferred. AFP279 AFPON‘THEMOTHERCONTINENT’ July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 • AMERICAN FREE PRESS 17 Irish Nationalists Crush NWO’s Plans for Europe By George Kadar is expected to increase by 40 percent by the end of next winter. Fuel prices seem to be rising out of control, direct- ost of the countries of the 27 European ly inflating food prices and transportation costs. Union (EU) nations were happily proceed- (However, Bilderberg is trying to put a cap on rising oil ing with the ratification of the new EU con- prices.) Mstitution based on the successful historical During the recent temporary fuel shortage in the UK, recipe dictated by the U.S. in 1913 when the Internal caused by Shell truck drivers going on strike, a gas station Revenue Service and “Federal” Reserve were established: captured national headlines by raising fuel prices to $14 no publicity, no votes and the usual arm-twisting and (U.S.) a gallon. The same drivers consider the $9 (U.S.) a manipulations in the background in order to ratify some- gallon price a bargain. thing that would surely cause a major debate in any coun- Besides the record fuel prices, the UK is setting new Irish election officials try if brought out into the open. prepare to count the ballots for records in abortions: 200,000 abortions in one year in the Fortunately for nationalists worldwide, the lesson of the Lisbon Treaty referendum. UK and Wales. Scotland is excluded. Scotland is trying to 2005 was not learned by the local New World Order boys. be excluded from more and more UK affairs. Its inde- In 2005, both in France and the Netherlands, voters reject- • Member states will be forced to hand over jurisdic- pendence movement is strong and getting stronger every ed a European constitution. The new Treaty of Lisbon is tion to the EU in many domestic and judiciary affairs. day. It seems 301 years of British rule were one year too almost fully identical to the prior documents, carried in • The right to veto some legislation by individual mem- many for that nation. the dark, without voting allowed in any of the 27 nations bers will be revoked. but Ireland. • Of 440 provisions of the treaty rejected in 2005, only IRISH CITIZENS CAUSE CHAOS A few main points from the Treaty of Lisbon: two were changed. The direct result of the Irish rejection is total and • The creation of the office of a European president. • The European motto, “United in Diversity,” remains unmitigated chaos in the EU. Reactions of member state This was opposed by the smaller countries of the conti- the same. leaders are ranging from: “We need to learn from the Irish nent and forced through by the bigger ones. The result will All the minor changes in the proposed constitution example” to “Ratify or get out.” There is uncertainty and be a much stronger centralization of power and more were cosmetic. For example, the term “European foreign no easy solution on the horizon; it seems democracy in the domination by the larger nations. The new president will minister” was replaced with the Orwellian “High Repre- EU reached its natural limitations. be elected for a 2.5 years, for a maximum of two terms. sentative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Copies of the Lisbon agreement were handed out on The present system is based on a six-month presidential Policy.” Also, the term “European regulations” replaced the streets of Ireland before the vote. The results were term in rotation. “European laws.” “No”—53.4 percent and “Yes”—46.6 percent. Grassroots • A single position will be created for EU foreign organizations and even some Irish political leaders were affairs and security policy—a further shift toward central- EUROPEAN ECONOMIC WOES campaigning actively against the Lisbon treaty. ization. The average EU citizen has a lot more to worry about Would that more European nations followed the lead of • The number of EU Commissioners will be reduced. than a EU constitution that will change his future world Ireland and the Netherlands in rejecting the imposition of By 2014 only two-thirds of the EU countries will be rep- order; he is under great pressure right now. a New World Order on European soil. # resented by commissioners. Again, the smaller nations The average household in the United Kingdom is will be left out. spending around $2,000 (U.S.) a year for natural gas. This George Kadar is a European bureau chief for AFP. Breakdown of Traditional European Family Disturbs Analysts By Antonius J. Patrick “Dysfunctional families” are now the norm. a virtue. Instead, sacrifice has been superseded by the These trends have resulted in the shrinkage of the size glorification of the self. he European Parliament has received a new of European households with an average of 2.4 members Another feature of secularism is the denigration of the study from the Institute for Family Policy per home to one in four homes now being occupied by a past, especially those individuals whose accomplish- entitled, “The Evolution of the Family in single person. ments were through selfless acts. A cursory look at the Europe, 2008.” It is another urgent warning The population growth in Europe which did take place treatment that such figures receive from a typical college that if societal trends are not turned around, between 2000 and 2007 is of little solace. Of the 14.2 history text is testimony to this fact. Tand quickly, the traditional European family will become million people who were added, 12 million (84 percent) Raising a family is about sacrifice. This takes two par- a thing of the past. were immigrants, most of them non-whites from former ents who are willing to forgo their own self-interest for An indication of the cultural depravity is seen in what British colonies. The immigrant population now stands at their children. Sacrifice within the family even extends to is now the leading cause of death: abortions. Some 1.2 27 million or 5.5 percent of the total population. These older children whose needs, at times, must be sublimated million babies per year are aborted. Is it any wonder that figures do not take into account illegal immigration. to their younger siblings. Such traits, however, are carried Europeans have been unable to sustain their population? Although radical feminism, immigration, alternative forth into the world for the benefit of all. Likewise, the institution of marriage, the foundation lifestyles, materialism and contraception have all been At one time the idea of sacrifice did not have to be of a vibrant family life and in turn a healthy society, is in cited by observers for the dissolution of the family, they spelled out, but was an inherent characteristic of an shambles. People are no longer marrying. In 2006, there are also symptoms of a fundamental crisis which has advanced society. Those days, tragically, are long gone. were 732,752 fewer marriages than there were in 1980, a affected Western man for some time—that of secularism. Until Western man readopts the mindset of his forefa- decline of about 23 percent. And, at the heart of secularism is “selfishness,” where thers, whose sacrifices created the greatest civilization Of those who choose to wed, more than half do not individual satisfaction is tantamount, while the interests ever known, the grim realities found in studies like “The stay together. The divorce rate has skyrocketed—1 mil- and rights of the family, community and country have Evolution of the Family in Europe, 2008” will continue to lion in 2006, which is 365,000 more than in 1980. From become secondary. surface. # 1996 to 2006, there were over 10.1 million marital break- Self sacrifice, a key ingredient in nearly every suc- downs which affected some 15 million children. cessful civilization is, in today’s world, no longer seen as Antonius J. Patrick is a pseudonym for a U.S. college professor. 18 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 AFP ON THE NEW MILITARY

sexual assault in 2007—including 1,259 reports of rape—were referred to courts-marital. . . . This is in stark Sex & the U.S. Military: contrast to the civilian trend of prosecuting sexual assault. In California, for example, 44 percent of report- ed rapes result in arrests, and 64 percent of those who are Startling statistics show women at great risk from fellow soldiers arrested are prosecuted.” This is a new problem for the military because By Mike Finch Kingsley Browne is one of the few vocal opponents to women are in combat zones with men, often in co-ed placing females in combat. barracks and tents. Historically this is a very recent trend hirty years ago the question might have been, “The U.S. is placing increasing numbers of women in (beginning in the 1970s), and it seems that the military “Should women be allowed in the military?” combat situations, a move that poses substantial threats is not prepared to deal with the sexual side effects and Now the question is, “Should women be to military effectiveness,” Browne said in his book Co- problems of such actions. allowed to go on combat missions?” The cur- Ed Combat. The 2007 book outlines several scientific In World War I, 34,000 women served in the military, rent trend in the military and government and observational rationales for his position. One such and 350,000 served in WWII. But most positions held by Twill lead to more women in combat roles, even though rationale is the obvious reality of the sexual tension cre- women were far from battle lines, and not integrated there is clear evidence that such action could create ated by women and men working together in intimate with the male soldiers. Currently, women “fly combat many problems for the military. circumstances. aircraft and act as drivers, interpreters, explosive-dispos- “Troop shortages, and the widespread reluctance to Consensual sex has become a problem in the military. al specialists, military police and a variety of other reinstate a draft, have created a pressure to open all mil- According to a 1997 RAND report, “Instructors were roles,” Brown said. itary jobs to qualified women,” reports the LA Times. kept busy policing the sexes at a time when their main Many of the same feminist organizations that are Defense analyst Lawrence J. Korb predicts that, “In task was to teach military skills.” Many such stories have rightly outraged at the sexual misconduct in the military, the next two years, all the restrictions are going to be lift- come out of Iraq, where some co-ed barracks have been are also the same groups pushing for women to be ed.” For instance, just recently Lt. Gen. Ann Dunwoody called “out-of-control frat parties.” allowed combat roles. If the military is having trouble was nominated for four-star, full general status. This is The number of women in the U.S. military continues policing bases and barracks, how will they police fox- the first time a woman has been considered for this level to increase (currently about 15 percent), though accord- holes, month-long ground missions or other real combat of service. ing to several reports nearly a third of the women were situations? And that does not even account for possible The next president will likely decide whether or not sexually assaulted or raped during their tour of duty, and abuses of captured women by the enemy. women should be trained for combat roles in the mili- most report sexual harassment. Though these groups want to allow women into these tary. “My jaw dropped when the doctors [at a veterans roles for the sake of “equality,” they would prefer that John McCain is a fairly lonely voice of opposition to clinic] told me that 41 percent of female veterans seen at women, unlike men, be able to voluntarily choose com- allowing women in combat roles. Though Hillary the clinic say they were victims of sexual assault while bat roles. If a draft came into effect, only the staunchest Clinton and Barack Obama have not yet weighed in on in the military, and 29 percent report being raped during feminists would recommend the involuntary placement the subject, many feminist groups, Democrats and left- their military service,” Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) of women in combat roles. # wingers want to allow women to be in combat units. said. “In 2006, 2,947 sexual assaults were reported. . . . They argue that women are already in combat, with 11 2,688 reports were made in 2007. . . . According to DOD Mike Finch is a reporter an intern/reporter for American Free Press. percent of the current forces in Iraq being female. Prof. statistics, only 181 out of 2,212 subjects investigated for


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AFP Videos Now GLOBALWARMINGANDOTHERFRAUDSEXPOSED The Chicken Little Agenda: MORE BOOKS FROM FAB On the Internet How Americans Can Buy American: The Power of Consumer Patriotism. By Roger Simmermaker. Debunking Experts’ Lies The pro-American strategies outlined in this By Julia Foster book help keep profits and jobs within our bor- he sky is not falling—the ders. Tells you how to buy American products f you are a weekly reader of the print edition of global greenhouse is not out from American companies. Also includes lists of American Free Press —and if you are not famil- of control, the ozone layer is American companies you can patronize by prod- iar with the website americanfreepress.net on the Tstill there and the Cold War is uct. Softcover, 503 pages, #BUY, $22. Internet—you may not be aware that AFP is now really over. Finally, a book that contra- making available short videos that are being dicts the “Chicken Little” mentality by Raising Less Corn, More Hell. What price is there Ibroadcast and circulated internationally via email. arguing that most of these concerns are to pay for destroying U.S. farms? What can we The videos feature commentary by AFP editors and scare tactics used to persuade the ordi- do about this tragedy? Hardback, 229 pages, correspondents such as Jim Tucker, Michael Collins nary citizen. The Chicken Little Agenda: #1521, $28. Just $25 for AFPRC members. Debunking Experts’ Lies examines the Piper, Mark Anderson and Pat Shannan. How Wal-Mart Is Destroying America and What overriding issues of today’s gloomy view, providing detailed Produced by a supporter of AFP,the videos focus on You Can Do About It. By Bill Quinn—When insight into what is really happening in the world. By utilizing a wide variety of issues and are designed to promote Wal-Mart began to sink its teeth into America’s documented scientific evidence, Dr. Robert G. Williscroft pres- AFP and its populist and nationalist message to mil- urban areas, it racked up more than 12,000 law- ents alternative views to those of the doomsayers. Dr. Williscroft lions of people who access the Internet on a regular suits in the process. Now Wal-Mart is launching effectively: basis but who are not subscribers to the print edition. a frontal assault on mom-and-pop businesses Although formally posted on the Internet video site • Exposes the Green Revolution to reveal the hidden agenda that empowers environmental extremists. and local traditions across the globe. Softcover, known as youtube.com (where they can be found by 171 pages, #1044, $13. searching the term “afpsupporter”) the videos are also • Reveals serious misconceptions about Three Mile Island freely accessible by anyone who goes to the official and Chernobyl and provides a strong case for nuclear energy. Fight For Your Health! The FDA’s Betrayal of AFP website at americanfreepress.net. • Gives insight into the role of terrorism and recounts the America. By Byron J. Richards. The author docu- Why not check them out for yourself? scare tactics used to invoke fear. ments that the Food and Drug Administration is And if you like, you can attach them to your own • Details government intrusions into the daily lives of ordi- one of the greatest threats to our good health. emails and send them to friends and family who need nary citizens and demonstrates how to make the system work Softcover, 264 pages, #2449, $21. to hear the message that these brief but informative for you. Williscroft’s eclectic interests and broad experience, ranging AC/DC: The Savage Tale of America’s First videos impart. from the intricate programming of nuclear-weapon delivery sys- Standards War. This is the story of how great Or, you can download them from your computer tems to the implementation of sophisticated databases for populist inventor Thomas Edison bet wrong in onto DVD and send them to people by regular mail. atmospheric research, have prepared him to drop The Chicken the vicious war between supporters of alternat- In addition, there are other special videos—from Little Agenda on the spin doctors who terrify the general public ing current (AC) and direct current (DC). The other sources—that we know that you’ll also find inter- with their dire predictions of imminent disaster. savagery of this battle can hardly be imagined esting. A successful author and pioneer, Williscroft served for 23 today. Untold numbers of animals were electro- Here’s a listing of some of the special AFP video years with the U.S. Navy and the National Oceanic and cuted. Hardback, 198 pages, #1515, $27. presentations that have been posted: Atmospheric Administration. He has a BS in oceanography and • Bilderberg Exposed: AFP Managing Editor Jim meteorology and has a Master’s Degree in engineering. The Late, Great USA: The Coming Merger With Tucker talks about the secretive Bilderberg group. The Chicken Little Agenda (hardback, dustjacket, 256 pages, Mexico & Canada. By Jerome Corsi. Exposes the • Bilderberg Found: Jim Tucker returns to describe #CLA, $26; $23 for members of the AFP READERSHIP COUNCIL) plan to end U.S. sovereignty by merging how Bilderberg tried to hide its whereabouts this year. is available from FIRST AMENDMENT BOOKS, 645 Pennsylvania America with neighboring Canada and Mexico Although a phony story was floated saying that Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003. No charge for in a North American Union. Hardback, #2494, Bilderberg had already met in Greece, Tucker tracked S&H inside the U.S. To order by phone, call 1-888-699-6397 241 pages, $28. Bilderberg down right in the D.C. area. toll free and charge to Visa or MasterCard. • John McCain’s Ties to Organized Crime: Michael Collins Piper outlines the little-known link of the Republican presidential candidate’s family. OFFICIAL CRIME INVESTIGATORS • The Trilateral Commission: AFP Correspondent Remember the Liberty SUE IRS NOW! Michael Collins Piper explores the history of David Rockefeller’s foreign policy pressure group. Expanded. Updated. Wages Being Garnished? • New Call to Impeach Bush: AFP Correspondent IRS Filed A Lien or Levy Against You? 2008 edition now 12 pages. Get the truth out Mark Anderson describes a new effort by a New Hamp- Seized Your Bank Account? shire state legislator. about this war crime against the U.S. that few Ameri- Demanding You Pay Thousands In Back Taxes? • Pat Shannan Speaks: Pat talks about the media’s cans (even members of the U.S. Navy) know about. Under Criminal Investigation? efforts to suppress major news stories, including the Help distribute this report widely. MAKE THEM PROVE IT! Stop Reacting & Be Proactive. insurgent “Ron Paul Revolution.” STEP ONE: Build Your Reliance Offense. • Michael Collins Piper Responds to Supporters of Remember the USS Liberty 2008 STEP TWO: Exhaust Your Administrative Remedy Israel: The AFP correspondent takes on his critics who Special AFP Report STEP THREE: STRIKE WITH A LAWSUIT! object to Piper’scriticisms of Israel’sefforts to drive the COST: 1-5 copies are $4 each. 6-39 are $1.85 each. 40 to INVESTIGATE TODAY: 1.800.555.2367 United States into a war against Iran. 499 copies are 60¢ each. 500+ are 55¢ each. Send payment to Live Conference: 1.605.990.0001 To view any of these videos—or to help AFP dis- AFP, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, Access: 458196# tribute via email to friends, family etc., please visit our D.C. 20003. Call 1-888-699-NEWS to charge to Visa/MC. 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Use additional sheet if necessary. 1-888-699-NEWS AFP278 THE RYAN REPORT July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 • AMERICAN FREE PRESS 21 WITH VINCE RYAN U.S. Leaders Have Abandoned ‘Spirit of 1776’ n July 4, 1776, a courageous future security.—Such has been the patient sufferance of And I am satisfied, that were our continent to be swal- group of patriots decided that these colonies; and such is now the necessity which con- lowed up by the ocean, Great Britain would be in bon- they had no other choice but to strains them to alter their former systems of government. fires from one end to the other.” declare their independence— the The history of the present King of Great Britain is a his- Let’s fast-forward to July 4, 2008. The United States independence of the American colonies tory of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in has a military presence in 130 countries. In these we Ofrom a despotic British sovereign, King George III. direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny have 700 bases. Long ago commencing with our involve- Authored by the brilliant populist Thomas Jefferson, over these states.” ment in WWI we began our international meddling at the the Declaration of Independence states: Jefferson then enumerates a bill of particulars includ- behest of Britain. During WWII we again came to the aid “When in the course of human events, it becomes ing, among others, citing King George for failing to pass of Britain and were well on the way to becoming the lone necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands laws of immediate importance, not allowing the people superpower that we are today. which have connected them with another, and to assume to have representation in the legislature, calling legisla- FDR bullied Congress into seeing the necessity of among the powers of the Earth, the separate and equal tive bodies at unusual and distant places, repeatedly dis- war, which would save our poor economy. In hindsight, station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God solving representative houses, obstructing naturalization full employment in war industries and a military draft entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind laws, placing judges under his will, opening new offices brought an artificial sense of prosperity. The New Deal requires that they should declare the causes which impel to harass the people, keeping standing armies in time of became Harry Truman’s Fair Deal and the UN came them to the separation. peace, quartering armed troops among the people, deny- together with American internationalists who fathered “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men ing trial by jury, suspending legislatures, declaring the the Korean War, the Vietnam War, moving right along to are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator people out of his protection and waging war against our invasion and occupation of Iraq. Our expensive ally with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, them. in the Middle East—Israel—wants us to supply her with liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these The colonies “have petitioned for redress in the most the war materiel and logistical support for the bombing rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving humble terms: Our repeated petitions have been and invasion of Iran. their just powers from the consent of the governed. That answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose char- If that scenario comes to fruition, keen observers pre- whenever any form of government becomes destructive acter is thus marked by every act which may define a dict that the entire Middle East will explode and the con- of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people,” wrote sequences for the United would be nothing short of dev- abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its Jefferson. astating. foundations on such principles and organizing its powers In a letter to John Langdon Sept. 11, 1785, Jefferson At this writing the November presidential election has in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect wrote: “In spite of treaties, England is still our enemy. been decided: either McCain or Obama. What remains is their safety and happiness. Her hatred is deep-rooted and cordial, and nothing is for the public to dutifully march to the polling places and “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long wanting with her but the power to wipe us and the land approve the Establishment’s anointed candidates. established should not be changed for light and transient we live in, out of existence. Her interest, however, is her What America needs is a “Magnificent Populist” to causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that ruling passion; and the late American measures have lead the people. He might be out there somewhere. His mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are suf- struck at that so vitally . . . that a possibility seems to name might be Ron Paul. It’snot too late, but time is get- ferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms open of forming some arrangement.” ting short. # to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of And then to William Carmichael on Dec. 11, 1787, abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Jefferson wrote: “I had never concealed from him [Mr. Vince Ryan is the chairman of the AFP READERSHIP COUNCIL, a group of about 2,000 AFP Eden, English ambassador] that I considered the British readers who have chosen to become “partners” with AFP in the business of putting out real news. object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Send your request for information on the AFPRC to 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off as our natural enemies, and as the only nation on Earth Washington, D.C. 20003 or call 202-544-5977. such government, and to provide new guards for their who wished us all dead, from the bottom of their souls. The Ron Paul Revolution Report: EARN FREE SILVER DOLLARS PRICES: 1-5 are $3 each • 6-39 are $1.65 each • 40+ are 50¢ each. 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Letters Voters Hold Power Over ‘Lawmakers’

Thank God that I never had to go to sea in promise? I’m not asserting that Paul can win. I World War II or the Korean War with Demo- only want him to show up with his delegates at crats or Republicans. All of my shipmates the door of the convention hall as a fully qual- were Americans. ified contender for the presidency. As one of the organizers of “The Com- Should security guards block him from the mittee to Defeat Howard Baker” after 68 U.S. hall, he could make a wonderful speech right senators, on April 18, 1978 voted to surrender there on the lawn. the Panama Canal to Omar Torrijos, we suc- It’s crucial that he be there and not off cessfully defeated five of them in their next some distance away conducting just one more primaries, and 20 of them (including Robert freedom rally. I’ve been going to patriotic WHO’S TO BLAME FOR OIL PRICES? MCCAIN THE WARMONGER Morgan of North Carolina) in their next gen- freedom rallies since 1980. All the AFP stories and letters about oil Sen. John McCain scares me. He has no eral elections and convinced eight others that CAROL ASHER ignore the basic facts. The world knows that it problem with the no-win war in Iraq. It they should retire. Thirty-three out of 68 is not Idaho takes hundreds of millions of years to make wouldn’t bother him if the war lasted for a bad score. oil and that it was using the easy way to obtain another 100 years. But worse than that is his It will be quicker and easier with the WHAT HATH BUSH WROUGHT? oil at first. fear of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahma- House of Representatives. While senators President George W. Bush has at long last This meant that one day the cost of obtain- dinejad and his own substitute for diplomacy: have six-year terms, representatives have two- decided he wants Osama bin Laden captured. ing oil would start to rise sharply pushing the Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. Mc- year terms. Remember that only a third of the Isn’t it kind of late to make that level of “exec- price up just as sharply. Cain may or may not be a screwball, but one senate and the entire House are up for election utive decision” after invading both Iraq and Although the world has consistently thing is certain: he is a warmonger. every two years. Afghanistan, with ulterior motives decided drilled for oil only about 100 years, I am JOHN HERRMANN The present Congress, with a few out- even before the so-called 9-11 attack? guessing that it has already used about 8.3 Hawaii standing exceptions, has ignored its oversight Now that the United States (primarily) has million times the amount of petroleum it was responsibilities and dishonored their oaths of destroyed an infrastructure we helped put in entitled to. BORDER WALL A BIG SUCCESS? office. place when both Saddam Hussein and Osama If people want someone to blame for The $2 million per mile border wall has So, our battle cry is “Impeach Bush now, bin Laden were our friends, and has spent prices they just need to look in a mirror. been declared a success by Arizona ranchers or come November and throw all of the in- lives and wealth to restore parts of the infra- People need to remember that oil is gaso- and the Border Patrol. It keeps cattle from cumbents out—Democrats and Republicans.” structure of both countries with no end in line, jet fuel, plastic and is connected to just crossing the border without obstructing We must rally to our citizenship responsibili- sight to either the military fighting or the about everything Mexican children, old men and pregnant ties as did our forefathers in 1776. “nation building,” is it not time to reexamine Think about it. women who wish to cross for medical treat- FRANK B. TURBERVILLE, JR. our policy of pre-emptive, aggressive war, and ROGER HAWKINS ment at U.S. taxpayer expense, just as our North Carolina take on some nation that can fight back effec- Pennsylvania government planned it. It is predicted that the tively? cost to maintain the wall will eventually RON PAUL CAN STILL MAKE AN IMPACT That done, should we should then put Mr. CONGRESS IS THE CULPRIT exceed its original cost to build. Each crimi- I’m having a hard time subscribing to Ron Bush in the front lines to take the brunt of the People are blaming the oil companies for nal alien caught is allowed amnesty for the Paul’s new Campaign for Liberty. He promised fighting, even though the war was not his to high gas prices. We are awash in oil, but first 15 arrests, but the 16th arrest could lead us he would take the presidential contest all the decide? Congress refuses to allow drilling in the huge to prosecution for illegal entry. way to the convention. How can he now, with HOWARD L. WILSON tracts offshore and in Alaska. Congress is the Tell me what is wrong with this picture? but a couple of months to go, renege on that New Hampshire culprit, not the oil companies. GARY BOLING There is nothing in the Constitution that Arizona authorizes Congress to meddle in our mar- velous free market system that was working GRAIN-BASED CURRENCY very well without federal interference. I commend the insight of the recent letter However, massive interference has stifled not writers who have suggested a grain-based cur- only production of oil but also nuclear power. rency. Reserves of grain, our most staple food, In addition, Congress is legislating in would provide far more security than gold, areas unauthorized by the Constitution. For- during hard times. It is also much more cum- eign aid and regulation of education are just bersome for crooks to steal and hide. two of many examples. How I would love to fire those prophets of In areas where Congress is authorized, it usury at our national Bank of Canada, board has created several major disasters. Our mili- up the windows and fill those august cham- tary is dispersed in many countries around the bers with golden wheat, the tenancy of which world, but it is not protecting our southern would so much better serve the interests of my border to keep out illegals. countrymen. I would encourage all Americans In addition, Congress has surrendered its to consecrate the offices of the Federal power to declare war to the president. Reserve Banks also to this higher purpose. We must demand that Congress obey the Incidentally, AFP keeps getting better and Constitution or we soon will see the destruc- better. Thank you and God bless you for work- tion of our nation. ing so hard. NANCY BARKER BRENNAN RALPH T. KENNEY California Alberta, Canada ONTHEMARK July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 • AMERICAN FREE PRESS 23 WITH PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS The Greatest Threat to Our Civil Liberties Is Yoo

OHN YOO STANDS OUTSIDE the Anglo- But what we know about the detainees is that many are accept it. American legal tradition. His views lead hapless individuals who were captured by warlords and Yoo stands for the maximum amount of injustice, ille- to self-incrimination wrung out of a vic- sold to the Americans for the bounty that the U.S. gov- gality and unconstitutionality that can be committed in Jtim by torture. He believes a president of ernment offered for “terrorists.” the name of the national security state. the United States can initiate war, even on false pretenses, Some of the other detainees could be Taliban who No American security was at stake in Afghanistan or and then use the war he starts as cover for depriving U.S. were engaged in an Afghan civil war that had nothing in Iraq, and none is at stake in Iran today. The Bush citizens of habeas corpus protection. A U.S. attorney gen- whatsoever to do with the United States. The Taliban was regime may be creating security problems for Americans eral informed by Yoo’s memos even went so far as to tell not fighting the United States until the United States in the future by fomenting hatred of Americans among the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Constitution does invaded Afghanistan and began attacking the Taliban. Muslims. This security problem is insignificant com- not provide habeas corpus protection to U.S. citizens. This would make Taliban detainees prisoners of war cap- pared to the threat to our liberty and freedom posed by Yoo’s animosity to U.S. civil liberties made him a log- tured by invading U.S. troops. How POWs can be tor- Yoo and his Republican Federalist Society colleagues, ical choice for appointment to the Bush regime’s tured, denied Geneva Conventions protections and tried who are committed to tyranny in the name of “energy in Department of Justice (sic), but his appointment as a law by military tribunals without the U.S. government being the executive.” professor at the University of California-Berkeley shat- in violation of U.S. and international law is inexplicable. Writing on the Wall Street Journal editorial page on ters that university’s liberal image. Would you consider it just if you were detained in June 17, Yoo denounced the five Supreme Court justices Habeas corpus is a centuries-old British legal reform Gitmo, undergoing whatever abuse is dished out, for five who defended the U.S. Constitution against arbitrary that stopped authorities from arbitrarily throwing a per- or six years of your life, or forever, without your family “energy in the executive.” son into a dungeon and leaving him there forever without knowing what has become of you? Yoo believes that the Constitution and liberty rank presenting charges in a court of law. Without this protec- Perhaps the greatest injustice was done to John Walker below “the nation’s security.” Fortunately, Yoo wrote, a tion, there can be no liberty. Lindh, an American citizen who, like Americans of a pre- fix is at hand. “The advancing age of several justices” Yoo is especially adamant that “enemy combatants” vious generation who fought in the Spanish Civil War, means that President McCain can give us more judges have no right to challenge the legality of their detention was fighting for the Taliban in the Afghan civil war like John Roberts (no relation) and Samuel Alito, who by U.S. authorities before a federal judge.Yoo would have against the Northern Alliance. Suddenly, the Americans will make certain that mere civil liberties don’t get in the us believe that the detainees at Guantanamo, for example, entered the Afghan war on the side of the Northern way of arbitrary executive power justified by national are all terrorists who were attacking Americans. Nothing Alliance. Lindh was captured and sentenced to 20 years security. could be further from the truth. in prison. This kind of punishment is a new form of tyran- In a Yoo-McCain regime, the terrorists you will have The question is whether any of the detainees are ny. It is not law, and it is not justice. to fear are those in your own government, against whom “enemy combatants.” Yoo would have it so because the Lindh had no opportunity to withdraw once the United you will have no protection whatsoever. # president says it is so. As the president has already decid- States entered on the opposite side. The only point of ©2007 CREATORS SYNDICATE INC. ed, what is the sense of presenting evidence to a judge? treating Lindh as if he were some dangerous traitor was Nationally syndicated columnist, Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., a former For Yoo, accusation by the executive branch is the deter- to demonstrate that American citizens can be treated to a editor at The Wall Street Journal, is the author of several books. mination of guilt. Kafka-type experience and have the American public

PIECEOFMIND FROM CHARLEY REESE anything somebody else says”; (2) “I don’t agree with everything Reverend Wright says”; and (3) “But I still Who’s Telling Obama What to Think? respect him and consider him a friend. If that doesn’t suit you, then get out of my face and vote for someone else.” arack Obama has run from the didn’t stop us from caring for each other. Then he should have refused to ever again answer any Rev. Jeremiah Wright, from his Where in the Bill of Rights does it say that some ideas questions about Reverend Wright. own church, from Louis Farrakhan cannot be spoken or believed? Where does it say that peo- Farrakhan deserves respect because the Nation of and from the Palestinians. He has ple who speak certain thoughts are to be condemned and Islam’s message is as sound as a $20 gold piece: Get off allowed the Rulers of the Politically Correct shunned? PC is BS. The PC rulers are little fascists who drugs and alcohol, respect and take care of your wife and toB dictate his own thinking. I suggest that he join the lib- think they can browbeat everyone into conforming to children, and get a job. The Million Man March that he eral wing of the Episcopal Church. their own narrow view of the world. And they don’t use organized did more to reduce crime during the crack wars The rulers of the PC Gospel—mostly members of the reason. They name-call and play the guilt-by-association than anything the Justice Department has done. He is, by media—have decreed that anyone with whom they dis- game. What they’d like to do is get the government to put the way, the only man in America who can get a million agree must be banished from the public realm. people who disagree with them in prison. people to turn out for an event. Not everyone is as cowardly as Sen. Obama. When the Don’t scoff. In some European countries, if you If he wishes to think that I’m a devil because of the American media tried to get Archbishop Desmond Tutu express doubt about some detail of the official Holocaust color of my skin, it’s OK with me. I don’t want to be his to denounce Fidel Castro, Rev. Tutu told them quite story, you can be charged with a crime and sent to prison. buddy. I just want to give him credit for the good that he quickly and bluntly that they do not get to choose his ene- That is a shameful situation, for the truth doesn’t need to does. mies or his friends. He refused to criticize Castro because be guarded by the police. It’s a warning that the right of As for Obama, he will learn the hard way that pressure Cuba had assisted in the overthrow of South Africa’s free speech is always in danger from those who believe never lets up, and the more he caves in, the more those apartheid government. they have a monopoly on the truth and who prefer char- who want to control his mind will be encouraged to try The fly in the thinking of the rulers of political cor- acter assassination to reason and debate. even harder. I’m reminded of the Biblical saying, “What rectness is that they ignore the basic truth that in a free Obama has succumbed to the poison that infects all good does it do to gain the whole world if you lose your society, people may disagree. ambitious politicians. He tells himself he can’t do all the soul?” #

I like Reverend Wright, and I respect Louis Farrakhan. good things he wants to do unless he first gets elected. © 2007 BY KING FEATURES SYNDICATE,INC. Some things they say I agree with. Some things they say Then he starts compromising and pandering. By the time I disagree with. That puts them on a par with my late he gets elected—if he does—he won’t be the same man. Charley Reese is a nationally syndicated columnist. Write Reese at P.O. Box 2446, Orlando, FL 32802. wife. We didn’t always agree with each other, but that Obama should have said: (1) “I’m not responsible for 24 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • July 7, 2008 • Issue 27 ADVERTISEMENT

“Honey Bees Still Vanishing Overnight” Massive Royal Jelly Shortage Creates Rare Opportunity! Newly Discovered Supply Of 100% American Royal Jelly Now Available Until Supplies Run Out...

If you have ever wanted to take If you do a simple Google search on royal jelly you will also fi nd some very advantage of a unique situation and interesting things… profi t from “insider” information… •Anti-fatigue effect of fresh royal jelly in mice you now may have a very real chance •A royal jelly as a new potential immunomodulator in rats and mice to do it. Here is why: •Effect of royal jelly on serum lipids in experimental animals and humans There now exists a new royal jelly with atherosclerosis compound so powerful, so effective, •The role of apitherapy in the combined treatment of patients with chron- so relentless in its awesome attack ic non-specifi c lung diseases on the effects of aging that it has vir- •Effects of lyophilized royal jelly on experimental hyperlipidemia and tually eliminated the need to “slow thrombosis down” when you become older. Word of this new “golden” royal jelly •Augmentation of wound healing by royal jelly (RJ) instreptoztocin-dia- is sweeping the country. The product betic rats is called Gelacine-Gold and it’s dy- •Anti-tumor effects of royal jelly namite! In fact, thousands of people •Traditional remedies and food supplements. A 5-year toxicological study by Mike Walters will now get a chance to feel it work (1991-1995) Consumer Reporter first hand. •A potent anti-bacterial protein in royal jelly. Purifi cation and determina- Royal jelly is totally unlike honey tion of the primary structure of royalisin. 7:22 A.M. Friday and has baffl ed scientists since the If that weren’t enough… according to Rita Elkins, M.A., author of “Bee 1900’s. In 1894 some of the mystery Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis and Honey, “there are many uses for Royal Jelly was dispelled when Leonard, a French scientist, discovered that royal jelly is as a medicinal treatment for a wide range of illnesses and conditions.” Some secreted by special glands located in the head of worker bees whose job it is are listed below: (This is NOT a list of claims or promises to cure ANY to nurse the queen bee. diseases. Rather, it is a catalog of traditional and historical uses for this very Intrigued by the strange longevity and extraordinary sexual powers of the remarkable substance mentioned in Rita’s book and others) queen bee, leading scientists in France, Germany, Mexico, Italy, Canada and Menopause Related Symptoms Infertility the U.S. have been trying to discern the secret substance in royal jelly that Chronic Fatigue Skin Blemishes and Wrinkles prolongs the youth of the Queen bee. Immune System Stimulant Viral and Bacterial Infections Queens Live 52 Times Longer! Endocrine System Disorders Hormonal Imbalances It’s not surprising that royal jelly has attracted medical attention through- Coronary Artery Disease High Cholesterol Levels out the world. It’s the diet of the queen bee in which lies the secret of the High Blood Pressure Weight Control “I have never seen anything like it,” one professional beekeeper difference between her and the rest of the hive. Here’s the remarkable truth: Broken or Weak Bones Retarded Growth said from an orchard here beginning to bloom. “Hive after hive, the queen bee lives to six years, where the 20 to 40 thousand worker bees and Bladder Infections Wound Healing up to 70 percent of my bees are gone. They just vanished.” a few hundred drones live only a few short months! Anemia Infl ammation The queen bee’s larvae looks like all the rest of the worker bees. But only Liver Ailments Cancer SHE is fertile, producing some 400,000 eggs each year. Her only food is Don’t Pay Anything Now! Arthritis Impaired Memory Solutions From Science doesn’t want you to pay anything for this amazing ROYAL JELLY, secreted from the glands of worker bees. The composition compound until… after you have already started to experience the full ef- of royal jelly is still not well understood. However, the “miracle food” effects Depression Panic or Anxiety Attacks fects.. Here’s what they mean by that: All you have to do is place your order are more easily explained by its remarkable ingredients. Parkinson’s Disease Diabetes and, they will ship you the product immediately… but they will NOT process For example, royal jelly is one of the few truly safe hormone foods. These Disappearing Bees Create Massive your credit card for at least 30 days! That means if you are not getting all the “good hormones” are known to exert profound actions at the cellular level. It is benefi ts from Gelacine-Gold you want… as fast as you want… all you have to listed as the richest bio-available source of vitamins like pantothenic acid, ribo- Royal Jelly Shortage! do is send the bottles back and… flavin and biotin. It’s an excellent source of amino acids, neurotransmitters and Recently you may have read or watched reports on television describing immunoglobins which are found in no other food. A rare collagen-like substance how the U.S. has lost over 50% of its bee colonies due to some unexplained Your Credit Card Charge Will Be Destroyed is also present in royal jelly which might explain its beautifying powers. mystery. This is creating severe shortages on the U.S. royal jelly supplies. My Royal Jelly may be the most nutritionally dense food ever discovered and sources tell me that there might not be empty shelves right away. Rather, Without… Ever Being Processed! If you would rather order by sending them a check or money order, simply is considered a universal “broad spectrum” tonic. It also contains benefi cial what you should expect to see is quality beginning to suffer as producers be- send a check… enzymes, amino acids, hydroxyl acids, collagen precursors and an amazing come tempted with “jelly laundering” by mixing cheap royal jelly with quality array of trace minerals. to maintain supplies and profi t margins. What does all this mean? It means Postdated 30 Days Later! One very interesting compound, found only in royal jelly, is a fatty acid that I would advise anyone interested in authentic royal jelly to buy high Why is Solutions From Science doing this? Because they don’t want to called 10-HDA. Only young bees produce 10-HDA in their mandibular potency jelly while you still can! deposit a single penny of your money until you have had a chance to see for glands and it’s the single most active compound in royal jelly. In fact, it’s so yourself just how different Gelacine-Gold really is from lesser quality, lower powerfully potent and active, if I explained to you in print what the research Warning! Warning! Warning! potency royal jellies. actually reveals about 10-HDA… it would be considered a drug! Most doctors, pharmacists and government people think taking any kind Does that sound strange to you? I’m sorry if it does but, no matter what… of royal jelly is just plain stupid and a waste of time. So… Solutions From they intend to treat you like they would like to be treated. In other words, Research On Royal Jelly Science can’t (and doesn’t) make ANY health or healing claims for generic they think you deserve to be able to try Gelacine-Gold before you allow them • Cornell University… “Chickens fed royal jelly laid twice as many eggs royal jelly or even our new high potency product… Gelacine-Gold. Heck, if to process your credit card or cash your check. as the others, and even the older hens on retirement started laying eggs you’re sick, you should go to the doctor and see what’s wrong. So don’t try to again.” Special Offer For cure yourself with royal jelly…OK? • James F. Balch M.D.... “Royal jelly is known to aid in liver disease, American Free Press Readers! pancreatitis, insomnia, Most Royal Jelly Shipped Secretly From High potency Gelacine-Gold carries a suggested retail price of $49.95 per stomach ulcers, kidney bottle which contains 90 capsules. However, American Free Press readers disease, bone fractures Communist China! Believe it or not, almost all royal jelly sold in the U.S. comes from China. now have the following supply options: Good Deal: $29.95 for a full 30 day and skin disorders, and supply. Better Deal: $74.95 for a 90 day supply (3 bottles). Best Deal: Buy it as a potentiater for the The reason is price as you might imagine. Slave labor you see, produces a wholesale. The “case cost” for 12 bottles is just $179.97 ($15.00 per bottle) immune system.” very low cost royal jelly which is marketed by most fi rms here in America. No matter what quantity you order, you must add $9.95 per order for ship- • Alfred Vogel M.D. But there is good news. There is now a new royal jelly product that is pro- ping and handling. … “Royal Jelly not only duced here in America that is being sold to U.S. residents only. It’s called Please don’t wait to order. Every day, high potency royal jelly supplies in vitalizes and rejuvenates Gelacine-Gold and it is being sold on a very unusual basis. Each jar comes the U.S. are shrinking. through its efforts on the with a certifi cate documenting the products purity and its U.S. origin. For the absolute fastest service order online at: endocrine glands. Bene- Company Offers Extraordinary Guarantee! fits can also be obtained Solutions From Science is the only company in the United States autho- www.saferjelly.com in cases of bronchitis, rized to sell Gelacine-Gold. They have examined the data and believe it to Or Call Today To Claim Your Supply migraines, stomach and gall bladder troubles, as be the fi nest available in the world. They don’t care if you have tried other 877-327-0365 well as digestive disor- royal jelly before and found no benefi t. They have documented the results of Dept. RJ205 ders.” skeptical people who now swear by Gelacine-Gold. Solutions From Science Or send a check or money order to: • Dr. Murray Blum means it when they say Gelacine-Gold can help. Solutions From Science of Louisiana State Uni- In fact, as proof they believe Gelacine-Gold is everything they say it is, they 815 W. Main St. versity discovered that offer an extraordinary guarantee, one they would not dare make if they had Dept. RJ205 royal jelly contains an a single doubt about the amazing properties of Gelacine-Gold. P.O. Box 518 “Queen honey bees might hold the key Thomson, IL 61285 to a longer life for humans. The common antibiotic less potent than If you tried other royal jelly before and found no real benefi ts, you no worker bee lives just six weeks, but if the penicillin but without side longer have an excuse. Ordering Gelacine-Gold is simple, fast and reliable! P.S. To insure freshness, you absolutely will not fi nd Gelacine-Gold in any same egg was raised as a queen bee, the effects. And much more. Here’s how to order. First… store and is unmatched in its purity and unchallenged in its potency. queen can live for up to six years.” So much more that….