The Newsletter for July/August 2017 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Wayne County A Member Congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association

July & August Service Schedule Note: One service only, at 10:00 am. Join us for coffee after the service. July 23: How Do You UU outside of the Fellowship (Gail Woosley) Exploring how we practice our Principles in the real world, while on vacation, and while visiting new or far away places. July 30: William Humphrey Our mini-cluster of UU congregations is exchanging ministers this Sunday. Mr. William Humphrey is a trained educator/administrator and is serving as the minister at All Souls UU Church in Belleville, Ohio. Will is an insightful and curious colleague, and we’re excited to invite him to our pulpit. Rev. Strawn will be preaching at Westfield Center in this exchange. August 6: Immigration: Behind the Scenes View (Jenny Dirksen) Ms. Dirksen has worked tirelessly for many years on issues of immigration - justice, language, hospitality - meeting every day needs of those who are new to our country. These are people we often don't even notice! August 13: Christian Sophia & Sun Dance Tree: Birthing the Future (Christopher Reynolds) In the Sophianic tradition, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in union with Mother, Daughter, Holy Soul. The union of Trinity and TriniSophia birth the future. In the indigenous tradition, the same theme of birthing the future appears in how the 4 days of the Sun Dance are a roadmap for the News year to come, but in poetic, metaphoric form. With knowledge of Sophia and of the Sun Dance Tree, it is possible to access soul and spirit in insights that give momentum to the way forward into a beautiful experience of life for the coming year. August 20: Wonders of the World Celebration with the Green Sanctuary Team What's in the garden? What have the kids been learning while we were inside the great room? This is a multi generational service celebrating the UU culmination of our summer programming. Don't miss it! August 27: Water Communion (Rev. Elaine Strawn) We gather together as a full community this Sunday, bringing reminders and memories from the places we've been during the summer. This is an interactive, sharing, service. We invite you to share a meaningful memory of your summer, and/or bring drops of water which symbolize your journeys. We pour this water together, symbolizing our coming together again as a full congregation. It is cleansed and reserved for Baby and Child Dedications which will happen this year. Page 2

The Minister’s Column

This year we begin a slightly new pattern. Intending better integration of Sunday services/Religious Education and other programming, the staff has chosen to move toward “themed ministry.” We purchased a program produced by religious professionals in the UUA’s Southwest region: “Touchstones”. Each month’s theme, includes worship resources, Small Group sessions, and supplemental RE suggestions. We begin this month with “Circles of Life”. Beginning in September, the second Sunday service of each month will focus on the theme. The third Sunday will be our multi-generational service, again using that theme as the focus for our interactive service. Four Small Groups will meet each month, further exploring the theme, deepening our conversations with one another. Watch for sign-up sheets in September, or join our “try-it-out” sessions at 11:00am or 7:00pm on the fourth Wednesdays of July and August. (See a more in-depth description in this newsletter). Finally, the personal reflection piece; each day check for a short quote to ponder as you move through your day. These will appear on our UUFWC Website and Facebook pages as well as in our googlegroups email. Let us know what you think.

Why do this? Two reasons spring to mind: 1. to integrate our programming across the generations. We are hoping to foster deeper conversations among us and within our families. 2. to provide consistency in our full program. This year is an experiment. And we're looking forward to it.

Our other exciting news is that our ministerial intern, Drew Frantz, will be joining us in September! As a half-time staffer, Drew will be leading one of the Small Groups, doing some preaching and pastoral care, and getting to know what a fine congregation this is.

2017-2018 should be an exciting year! Come along for the journey!

Wake Now Our Vision Have you considered mentioning the Fellowship in your will or estate plan? Now is the time to do it!

Rev. Laura Randall, the Legacy Campaign Director explains, "In order to promote and inspire planned giving among Unitarian Universalists, the Wake Now Our Vision Legacy Challenge will match new legacy gift intentions at 10% of the gift’s estimated value (up to a $10,000 match on a $100,000 planned gift) with a cash match. Our institutions and congregations will benefit now from this match and will benefit even more in the future from legacy gifts. This match is made possible through a generous grant offered by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock.”

So put us in your will, or name us as a beneficiary, fill out the paperwork and submit documentation of your intention and the Congregation at Shelter Rock will send us an additional 10%! Download the form at Anne will also have copies in the rack outside her office. Page 3 Religious Education

Over the summer, RE slows down a bit so that volunteers get some rest, classrooms get cleaned, and preparations are made for the upcoming year. There are many exciting things in the works for the RE Program. Caregivers, please watch your mail in mid- August for a 2017-18 flyer and calendar. The mailing will also Upcoming Events include an RE Registration form—please turn this in by the first day of RE on September 10th so we have the most up to date information on your child(ren). Thank you! SUMMER August 13th 10a- Summer Program I would like to send a big thank you out to the Green Sanctuary Wrap-Up Team for leading this summer’s children’s program:

Betty Schuler, Margo Curl, Sue Gross, Norma Barber, Susan August 20th 10a- Heady, Bethany Jasin, Ruth Dykstra, and Kevin Cannon have Summer All-ages st th curated wonderful lessons for our 1 -6 graders. service (NO RE) The children have been learning how to better live out our 7th Principle this summer by participating in a variety of aspects of th gardening. Come find out what they have been working so hard August 27 - 10a- on during an all-ages service led by the Green Sanctuary team on Water Communion August 20th at 10am. You may even get to sample some of their (Multigen/NO RE) harvest!

September 3rd 10a- Animal Blessing Please note: (Multigen/NO RE) Parents Group, Game Night, RE Committee, and Playgroup will take a break over the summer and resume in September. September 10th 9:30a- First day of RE 2017-18!

For information about Religious Education, please contact Chelsea Churpek, Director of Religious Education Page 4

Racial Justice and the Fellowship Sign When the Racial Justice group went to a district meeting in Cleveland last spring, we learned that UU congregations over the country were putting up signs promoting racial justice, and “Black Lives Matter.” We proposed a sign last summer, and a majority of the fellowship voted for it. But some us felt that we needed more time and more dialogue. We paused to formulate a board policy regarding sign content. We needed a policy that would enable us to choose our phrases, and we needed to make sure all voices were heard. Much discussion has followed. We feel that a sign would expose others to our ideas. It is a ‘coming out of the closet’ by revealing our principles to strangers. We hope this will attract people who would agree with us. We know there are people who will not. But we take a risk in order to get people to think and discuss. We feel it is a right to be able to express our beliefs. We want to take a stand in times of an ongoing spiritual and moral crisis. We feel it is our duty to speak out for justice. We want to display the values of our 7 Principles. We wish to take stand to support various minority groups. White folks in America have had ongoing privileges that minorities, people of color, still do not have. We have chosen to remain silent and safe. But silence does cost lives as well as the quality of life of every race. We may alienate those who do not perceive an injustice. We intend to confront our own ‘white institutionalized privilege’ by acknowledging it, discussing it, and respecting differing points of view. We support revealing our values to the community with this act of public witness. We believe we will feel stronger but not always more comfortable. UU’s do not subscribe to a dogma. Our slogans will represent of cross section of what a cross section of us believe. No one will agree with all phrases. We hope we can disagree with love, and the knowledge that the specific slogans are temporary and that JUSTICE is permanent. • We have talked with the city-zoning manager, Andrew Dutton. We know now that zoning constraints in an R-1 district are: A temporary sign is limited to 6 square feet. A 3 x 2 sign is not big enough to be clearly seen from the road. We would be limited to using the sign for a maximum of 30 days 4 times a year. This is not very flexible. • We cannot put up a second permanent sign. A second sign requires 500 feet of road frontage. Even including the house next to the drive, we have only 300 feet. • The maximum sign size is 32 square feet. Our current sign is 28 sq. ft. It cost $1350, and is in good shape. • We must follow R-1 rules since we hold a church variance in an R-1 area.

We looked at our existing sign with new eyes. The “We celebrate diversity” is just one phrase. We would like more variety. The information in yellow at the bottom is unreadable from the road. We propose putting 3 hangers 7” high under the UU Fellowship of Wayne County words. We can slip 3 individual messages into these slots. One would be operational info. The other 2 will contain phrases approved by a majority vote of the congregation. We will vote at least yearly. The Racial Justice Team have submitted ideas for these phrases and received board approval. We invite the whole congregation to submit ideas for the temporary phrases on the sign. These may be submitted on paper in a basket next to the display sign, or by email. Voting will take place August 13 at 11:30. -Ruth Sewell and Justine Sherwood for the Racial Justice Group

Sign Timeline: July 23: We will display pictures of the sign mock up along with a list of our submissions of phrases from our signs. July 30 and August 6: We will continue the display and add any submissions which we have received from the congregation. August 7: We will send out a copy of all the phrases via the Google group and post them on the website. August 13: We will have a congregational meeting after the service. We will provide a printed copy of phrases to be voted on by the members.

We will shuffle the approved phrases every two weeks. People who have additional requests can submit them to the board at any time in compliance with their policy. Next year we propose a renewal vote, as well as adding new proposed phrases. Page 5

Small Group Ministry From the UUA website: “Also known as ‘covenant groups’ and ‘chalice circles,’ Small Group Ministry is a vital part of many Unitarian Universalist(UU) congregations. Groups of 10-12 people meet regularly, usually monthly, to reflect on and discuss significant life topics. Small groups are great places to get to know other people and to get to know yourself. Over time, participants build deep connections with one another, with the congregation and with the sacred. Whether the topic is ‘good and evil,’ ‘mindful living’ or ‘letting go,’ the conversation is respectful and caring and leads to greater understanding. In each session, facilitated by staff or a trusted member of the congregation, all participants have opportunity to share their perspectives, tell their stories, and listen deeply. The time together is structured: Groups begin and end with centering readings and often include a time of silence before the sharing begins. Many small groups engage in annual service projects, putting their faith into action.”

At the UUFWC, we will offer “try-it-out” Groups on the fourth Wednesday (July 26 and August 23) at 11:00am or 7:00pm. Come check it out! September will be an “open enrollment” time. Sign-up based on a time that meets your schedule (4 options include morning, afternoon or evening). We would request a nine month commitment; after the initial meeting, groups will be “closed” in order to aid a feeling if trust and intimacy within the group.

Music Committee Choir and Folk Orchestra Picnic. August 6 at 5:00 pm we will have a gathering at the home of Barb Moore. Sing in the choir? Play in the Folk Orchestra? Want to sing in the choir or play in the orchestra? Come and fellowship with us! For more info, contact Sharon Delgadillo.

Calling all Talented Souls!

Come and join your voice with us! Choir rehearsal will begin on Wednesday, August 9 at 7:00 pm. We invite you to come and sing with us! If you aren’t sure of your voice, we will help you learn how to be a better singer!

Folk Orchestra will begin 8:15 pm rehearsals on Wednesday, August 9. Any level of expertise is welcome to come and play! Come and make a joyful noise with us!

Special Music. We want you to share your musical gifts with us! If you would like to perform special music during the service, please contact Sharon Delgadillo. Solos, Duets, Groups, welcome!

New this year!

We will be forming a Youth Orchestra to play 2 times a year in services. All instruments are welcome. More info to come. Anyone that is grade 1 thru college age is welcome!

BoomWhacker Choir will be forming this fall. Not sure what a BoomWhacker is? Check it out on YouTube. This will be open to all ages. More info will be coming.

Questions? Contact Sharon Delgadillo. Page 6

Membership Committee News

Members of the Membership Committee and a few of their significant others recently gathered for their annual summer picnic. Missing from this photo are Bert Bishop, committee co-chair and Karen Skubik, Membership Coordinator.

Thank You Sarah! Sarah Miles is stepping down from serving as Chair of the Membership Committee after many years (“too many to count”, says Sarah) on the committee. We all thank Sarah for always finding the right balance of patience, humor, and leadership and wish her well in her new role as the UUFWC Treasurer!

20/30's Group Game Night!!! Come and join this new fun group for Game Night at the UUFWC on Thursday, July 27th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Simply bring a favorite game, a snack to share, and your beverage of choice. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Kandel. See you there and bring your ideas for our next month’s activity!

Summer UU Inquiry If you are relatively new to the UUFWC and would like to know a little more about how we function, how decisions are made, or how you can participate, come join us for our next UU Inquiry on Sunday, July 23rd, right after the service. Please let our Membership Coordinator, Karen, know by July 17 if you can participate. Childcare can be provided with at least one week’s notice. Lunch provided.

Greeter Training We welcome anyone with a warm smile, good eye contact, and happy heart to join our merry band of greeters who are often the first contact for visitors to our congregation. Training will take place Sunday, August 6th immediately following the service. Lunch will be provided. All current greeters are encouraged to come as we share ideas for the upcoming year. Please contact Vickie Dutter or Mike Nussbaum if you would like to attend.

BOWLING! Yes! We will hold this favorite outing again. Stay tuned for when. Page 7

Welcome New Members! During our most recent New Member Sunday, we welcomed five new members to our fellowship. Charlotte Bishop who is actually a transfer from a Colorado congregation was highlighted in our last newsletter. This issue highlights our other newest members.

Please welcome Vivian Ashcraft! Vivian was raised UU and is married to Frank Sereceras. She recently retired from the business world and has brought to our fellowship her considerable artistic talents among which are making jewelry which she sells at craft shows, gardening, and flower arranging for which she has won numerous blue ribbons and “Best of Show” recognition at the County Fair. Vivian also paints with acrylics, plays guitar and is a freelance writer. Plus she is ordained to perform weddings!

Thumbs up to Gene Barnes who grew up in Apple Creek and graduated from Waynedale HS where his favorite subjects were music, art and history, but he also made time to run track and work on the yearbook. Gene served with members of his family in the volunteer fire department as a firefighter and EMT before moving to Wooster and joining Wooster Community Hospital as a Nursing Assistant. He is now a Certified Anesthesia Technician in the Surgery Department. Gene and Deb met while working at the hospital and married in 1988. This smiley step-dad has a following of three generations! Gene enjoys music, comedy, art, reading, photography, history, nature, and spoiling their two kittens.

Introducing Debbie (Deb) Barnes to our UU Fellowship! Although Deb was born in Wooster, she moved to Millersburg with her family until she graduated West Holmes High before returning to Wooster. While working at Wooster Community Hospital, she met her husband Gene Barnes. Deb continued working at WCH until retiring after 30 years of service. After just a brief summer vacation, Deb started working again - this time at the College of Wooster, in Lowry Center where she has now greeted thousands of students for seven years. Deb has three children, including an adopted daughter, and like Gene, she has four grandsons, an adopted granddaughter and a great granddaughter! In her spare time she enjoys her grandkids, gardening and books.

Please welcome Bethany Jasin along with her husband Todd Jasin and their two cool sons, Aiden (10) and Owen (7). Bethany was born in Wisconsin and received her Masters in International Linguistics from The Ohio State University. She has lived in rural northern Japan; Seattle, WA; St. Paul, Minnesota; and Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Bethany and Todd moved to Wooster almost five years ago, where she teaches international students English. Her son, Aiden enjoys lacrosse, baseball and building stuff, while son, Owen enjoys acting and swimming.

Labyrinth Returns After a year off, the evening Labyrinth experiences have returned to UUFWC. Each will be held in the back parking lot of the Fellowship on July 19 and August 16 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Questions - email John Renner. Page 8 Social Action In Action OPEN PLATE COLLECTION ON JULY 30th will be donated to the Viola Starzman Clinic, a not for profit organization offering medical and dental services to lower income residents of Wayne County. The Clinic also partners with many local healthcare and social service agencies in order to provide vision screening, lab and radiology services, medications, referrals and wellness education. The UUFWC has long supported the valuable efforts of this respected Clinic.

OPEN PLATE COLLECTION ON AUGUST 27th will be given to the Wooster Hope Center which typically provides food for 1000 Wayne County families each month. Much has been written about this group and its accomplishment including a new distribution center and a successful backpack program for 10 Wayne County elementary schools. Our donation will help many local people in need.

PEOPLE TO PEOPLE SUNDAY IS AUGUST 20th. We will be collecting toothpaste and bar soap. In addition to food, low income families need items which protect their health. As always, cash is welcome. Make checks payable to People to People. The People to People Back to School project will be held August 7-9 at the Wooster Church of the Nazarene. Lots of help is needed to pack and sort clothing and help the children shop. Contact Sara Curtis for information.

All Thing Green The Green Sanctuary Team’s theme for this year is Food Scarcity and Clean Water. According to the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank, there are 14,990 food insecure individuals in Wayne County, 6,480 of whom are children. In 2016 the Foodbank distributed 805,000 pounds of food to programs operating in Wayne County. In keeping with this is the Summer Film Series co-sponsored by Local Roots-Wooster, the Catholic Commission of Wayne, Ashland, Medina, Behind Bars and Beyond and the Wooster Interfaith Justice Committee. They are presenting the film, Just Eat It on Monday, August 14th at 7:00 pm at Local Roots-Wooster. This film explores the issue of food waste from farm through retail. The filmmakers pledge to quit grocery shopping and survive only on foods that would otherwise be thrown away. For more information visit online.

Another related activity is the Community Food Project whose goal is to decrease food waste and increase local produce being used in our schools, preschools, summer programs and food pantries. This is the first project of a new organization, A Whole Community (AWC), which is a Christian- based non-profit 501c3whose mission is to help individuals, families and communities transition to wholeness. The Community Food Project will focus on Farm to School and Farm to Food Pantry, with Local Roots as their first base of operations. Imperfect and seconds produce will be donated to it and then sold at a reduced price. Produce will also be given to local food pantries free of charge when it is available.

Have you checked out our Children’s Garden yet? The vegetables are growing and are being harvested. It’s amazing how much food can be grown in pots, boxes, tires and bags! Page 9 Madrigal Dancers Traditional dance as a joyful way to strengthen families and communities. Starting in September, UU families and friends are invited to learn some historical English country dances. These will be performed at the Madrigal Feaste, which will take place at UUFWC the evenings of Nov. 2-3 of 2017.

If you are interested in dancing for the Madrigal Feaste, please contact Susan English or Cherrill Wertz this summer so we can set a practice schedule that will work for you and your family.

There are also family and contra dances in our area that might be of interest to you. See for the current schedule.

We hope you will join us!

Craft Show Attention Crafters! The upcoming Craft Show will be held on October 7th! Cheryl and Curtis Meade are looking for crafters of all varieties, providing the crafts are HAND MADE and not from a bulk distributing company. Booth fee is $20 for all UU members, $25 for non members. Our craft event this year is Halloween themed! Plan to dress in costume and have a great time! Food will be available via donations. If you would like to assist with any part of this event, or sign up to be a vendor, please contact Cheryl Meade or Curtis Meade. We look forward to a great event with you this year!

Newsletter Feedback We are interested in hearing what you think of the newsletter, and how it is useful to you. Are there sections you read every month? Are there sections you skip every month? Is there information you wish was shared that isn’t? You may already notice some changes in this issue. In order to share everything we wanted, the full page calendar was condensed into a list of upcoming events. Some sections that traditionally have been on a certain page are in a different spot. Please send an email to share your thoughts. Thank you, in advance, for your feedback.

Birthdays and Anniversaries Each month, we share upcoming birthdays and anniversaries in the congregation. The list that we have is not updated regularly, especially as new families join the congregation. If you would like to share your birthday or anniversary, please contact Anne to be added to the list. We only print birthdays for adults and the day and year are not listed. If we are sharing your birthday, and you don’t want us to, please let Anne know. Page 10 Library News

Listed below are two book titles new to the UUFWC library:

MAKING A CASE FOR UNITARIAN Created by James Kubal-Komoto DVD Maki

James Kubal-Komoto, minister of Saltwater Church in Des Moines, Washington, discusses how to let others know about . Feeling that the 7 principles are difficult to remember and lack distinctiveness, he recommends asking and answering 5 questions: Authority Question – “How do we know what to believe?” Cosmology Question – “What is the universe like?” Anthropology Question – “What are people like?” Sociology Question – “What should society be like?” Ecclesiology Question – “What is the purpose of religion?”

In a clear manner he makes a case (ACASE – authority, cosmology, anthropology, sociology, ecclesiology) for Unitarian Universalism that is useful and easily understood.

Many thanks to Karen Skubik for donating this DVD to the Fellowship library.

ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED By Robert M. Henny 060.42 Robe 2011

“Robert’s Rules of Order is the recognized guide to smooth, orderly, and fairly conducted meetings. This 11th edition is the only current manual to have been maintained and updated since 1876 under the continuing program established by General Henry M. Robert himself. As indispensable now as the original edition was more than a century ago, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised is the universally acknowledged ‘gold standard’ for meeting rules.” ---- Quote from the book’s back cover

Calling all Techies We could use more folks trained on the the sound board. Sound board technicians set out the microphones, manage the sound levels, record the service, and help with the projectors. We will provide training on 8/20/17 after the service (about 11 am).

Let us know if you are interested and we will remind you in early August. Please contact Anne in the office if you are interested.

Adopt A Highway Clean Up The next adopt a highway road clean up is scheduled for Saturday July 29. Meet at 8:30 am at Shearer's Equipment (Route 3 and Fox Lake road). Regular Events Page 11

EVENING BOOK GROUP is taking the summer off. During the school year, we meet the 3rd Sunday at 7:00 pm. AFTERNOON BOOK GROUP meets on the 3rd Thursdays at 3:00 pm. EARTH CENTERED GROUP meets most 2nd and 4th Sundays after second service. Contact Lindsay Walker or Doris Cannon. THE HUMANIST GROUP is taking the summer off. See you in the fall! INNER PEACE YOGA, meets Mondays at 6:00 pm PLANT-BASED POTLUCKS meets on the 4th Tuesdays at 6:00 pm. RSVP [email protected]. SCRABBLE NIGHTS usually meets the 2nd Sundays from 7:00 to 9:30 pm. Bring a game and maybe a snack. Ken McDonald. The SOCRATES CAFE group meets on the 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 pm to discuss topics of interest. Contact Tom Gross or Bonnie Groop, co-moderators, for more information UU UKE GROUP meets the second Friday of every-other month, at 7:00 pm, starting in January. Ukuleles only, and any level of expertise. ZEN MEDITATION meets on Mondays at 7:00 pm.

Calendar of Events 7/18 7:00pm Racial Justice Team 8/13 11:00am Finance meeting 7/19 7:00pm Labyrinth Worship 8/14 7:00pm NAACP meeting 7/20 7:00pm The Socrates Cafe study group 8/15 6:00pm Worship Planning meeting 7/20 7:00pm Adult Children of Alcoholics 8/15 7:00pm Racial Justice meeting 7/21 7:00pm Racial Justice movie night 8/16 7:00pm Labyrinth Worship 7/22 10:00am Mansfield Gay Pride Parade 8/16 7:00pm Caregivers Support Group 7/23 11:00am Green Sanctuary 8/16 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 7/23 11:00am UU Inquiry 8/16 8:00pm Folk Orchestra 7/23 4:00pm Co-ed Softball League game 8/17 7:00pm Adult Children of Alcoholics 7/26 11:00am Small Group Ministry 8/17 7:00pm Leadership Development Team 7/26 7:00pm Small Group ministry 8/19 9:00am Leadership Summit 7/27 6:00pm 20s/30s group 8/19 1:00pm Board Retreat 7/27 7:00pm Adult Children of Alcoholics 8/20 11:00am Sound booth Training 7/28 7:00pm Racial Justice movie night 8/23 11:00am Small Group Ministry 7/29 8:30am Adopt a highway Clean up 8/23 7:00pm Small Group ministry 8/3 7:00pm Adult Children of Alcoholics 8/23 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 8/6 11:00am Greeter Luncheon 8/23 8:00pm Folk Orchestra 8/7 7:00pm Membership Comm. Meeting 8/24 7:00pm Adult Children of Alcoholics 8/8 6:30pm Board meeting 8/26 9:30am Worship Associate retreat 8/9 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 8/27 11:00am Flow Rehearsal 8/9 8:00pm Folk Orchestra 8/30 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 8/10 7:00pm Adult Children of Alcoholics 8/30 8:00pm Folk Orchestra 8/11 7:00pm Racial Justice movie night 8/31 7:00pm Adult Children of Alcoholics

August Anniversaries: August Birthdays: 8/30 Gene & Helen Meyers 8/10 Bill & Gail Carter Tabi Barbu 8/31 Dave Cullis & Pat Georgia Jaeb 8/12 Alex & Kevin Lowry Rodgers Kelly Chandler Joanne Kufchak 8/16 Don & Emily Curie Nate Chandler Dia Miller 8/20 Anne Wilson & Jay We’d like to add your Chelsea Churpek Carol Noel Klemme Shelley Dixon birthday or Ruth Sewell 8/22 Adam & Kristen Keating anniversary to the list. Scott Gross 8/25 John & Mary Wicks Annie Jaeb Please contact the office.

The events shown on this page are just a part of what goes on at the UUFWC. If you’re looking for a specific activity, or if want to know when a particular group or committee meets, go to the Fellowship website,, and look at the calendar. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Wayne County is a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

How to Find Us: We are located at 3186 Burbank Road, in Wooster, 330-262-9194. After Labor Day through Memorial Day we meet on Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. In the Summer, June through Labor Day, we meet on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. Minister: Rev. V. Elaine Strawn Board of Directors: Peter Schantz, president; John Waldman, vice president; Cherrill Wertz, secretary; Adam Keating, David Francis, Inez Bird, Kelly Chandler, Tony Beery, past president. Office Administrator: Anne Wilson Director of Religious Education: Chelsea Churpek Coordinator: Dawn Frank Membership Coordinator: Karen Skubik Newsletter Editor: Joann Ribar: The newsletter deadline is the 17th of every month. Congregational Group Email: One email reaches nearly everyone! There is a delay while messages are moderated. To join the group, email the office. Office Hours: During the summer, office hours are by appointment. Please call the office first.

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Wayne County 3186 Burbank Road Wooster, Ohio 44691

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is an inclusive community for spiritual exploration dedicated to social and environmental justice.

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Wayne County