LARVICULTURE of SLIPPER LOBSTERS in the GENUS Ibacus and Thenus: a REVIEW Kaori Wakabayashi¹ Received: 12.Dec.2018; Revised: 23

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LARVICULTURE of SLIPPER LOBSTERS in the GENUS Ibacus and Thenus: a REVIEW Kaori Wakabayashi¹ Received: 12.Dec.2018; Revised: 23 Journal of Fisheries science and Technology No. 4 - 2018 LARVICULTURE OF SLIPPER LOBSTERS IN THE GENUS Ibacus AND Thenus: A REVIEW Kaori Wakabayashi¹ Received: 12.Dec.2018; Revised: 23. Dec.2018; Accepted: 25.Dec.2018 ABSTRACT Slipper lobsters are commercially important crustaceans for the Indo-West Pacifi c countries. The populations of these lobsters at several locations are recently declined probably due to over-exploitation. Juvenile production and the subsequent farming are required for the food production and resource conservation; however, the techniques have not been established yet at practical level. To sort our current knowledge on the slipper lobster aquaculture, a history of larviculture is reviewed with a special attention to the dietary items of lobster larvae. Keywords: Phyllosoma, Scyllaridae, Seed production, Lobster aquaculture, Gelatinous zooplankton I. INTRODUCTION brood the fertilized eggs on pleopods until the Slipper lobsters are the crustaceans in the larvae hatch. The planktonic larva of slipper family Scyllaridae (Achelata, Decapoda). lobsters, so-called “phyllosoma”, is a zoeal This family includes more than 80 species phase which has an extremely fl attened body which are distributed in four subfamilies: (Phillips and Sastry, 1980; Sekiguchi et al., Arctidinae (including the genera Arctides, 2007; Palero et al., 2014). As it grows, the Scyllarides), Ibacinae (Ibacus, Parribacus, appendages develop at successive moults. At Evibacus), Theninae (Thenus), and Scyllarinae the fi nal stage, phyllosoma has rudimental (13 genera) (Holthuis, 1991; Webber and gills at the basal parts of pereiopods (Phillips Booth, 2007; WoRMS, 2018). Except the and Sastry, 1980; Sekiguchi et al., 2007; species in Scyllarinae which are normally Palero et al., 2014; Vijayakumaran and less than 10 cm in body length, the slipper Radhakrishnan, 2011). The fi nal-stage lobsters are of commercial interest (Holthuis, phyllosoma metamorphosed into the postlarval 1991). Particularly in the Northwest and phase, named “nisto”, which corresponds to Western Central Pacifi c, the slipper lobsters the puerulus of spiny lobsters and the megalopa are account for 15–50% of total lobster catch of the brachyuran crabs (Martin, 2014; Palero (Vijayakumaran and Radhakrishnan, 2011; et al., 2014). The nisto settles into a benthic FAO, 2018). Currently these lobsters are fully habitat (Sekiguchi et al., 2007; Vijayakumaran exploited from the natural environments. It and Radhakrishnan, 2011). It possesses the has been reported that the lobster populations undeveloped mouthparts and is considered at several locations have been dramatically a non-feeding (Mikami and Kuballa, 2007). declined probably due to over-exploitation Finally it reaches the juvenile phase after a (Deshmukh, 2001; Radhakrishnan et al., single moult and then starts eating. 2005). Juvenile production and the subsequent Larvae of Ibacus and Thenus hatch in a farming are still in the research level and have more advanced condition compared with the desired from the viewpoints of both food larvae of the other species of scyllarids (Baisre, production and resource conservation. 1994; Booth et al., 2005). The newly hatched The early life cycle of slipper lobsters is phyllosomas of Ibacus and Thenus lobsters similar to that of spiny lobsters in the family possess four fully segmented pereiopods (1st Palinuridae. The females of slipper lobsters to 4th pereiopods) and incompletely developed 5th pereiopods, whereas the phyllosomas of ¹ Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, Scyllarides, Arctides, and Parribacus have Kagamiyama 1-4-4, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8528, Japan; email: three fully segmented pereiopods (1st to 3rd NHA TRANG UNIVERSITY • 27 Journal of Fisheries science and Technology No. 4 - 2018 pereiopods). The larval size and the duration of ideal species in aquaculture. the former groups are much larger and shorter Here, our knowledge on larviculture of these than those in the latter groups. Lobsters in lobsters is reviewed with a special attention to Ibacus and Thenus (Fig. 1) seem to be more the dietary items for phyllosomas. Figure 1. Selected species of the slipper lobsters in the genus Ibacus and Thenus. (A) Ibacus ciliatus (von Siebold, 1824), Karato fi sh market, Yamaguchi, Japan; (B) Ibacus novemdentatus Gibbes, 1850, off Ainan, Kochi, Japan; (C) Thenus orientalis (Lund, 1793), Binh Thuan, Vietnam; (D) Thenus australiensis Burton and Davie, 2007, Shark Bay, Western Australia. II. HISTORY OF LARVICULTURE stage. Finely chopped clam fl esh was mainly TRIALS used as larval diet in their trials. Matsuda et al. 1. Ibacus spp. (1988) and Mikami and Takashima (1993) also Saisho and Nakahara (1960) described the reported the completion of I. ciliatus larval larval development of Ibacus ciliatus for the development in which phyllosomas were fed fi rst time and achieved to observe the 1st to with Artemia nauplii for the earlier stages 4th stages of phyllosoma. Dotsu et al. (1966) and fi nely chopped mussel fl esh for the later also obtained the newly hatched phyllosomas stages. Matsuda et al. (1988) tested diverse of I. ciliatus as well as Ibacus novemdentatus items including fi sh meat, clam, mussel, and cultured them until the 3rd and 4th stages, abalone, squid, krills, and moon jellyfi sh, and respectively. These two trials were the pioneer found out that bivalve fl esh and moon jellyfi sh works on the larval development of slipper were the items on which phyllosomas preyed lobsters in anticipation of seed production. most actively. Most recently, Wakabayashi et Artemia nauplii and fi sh larvae which are al. (2012, 2016) reported the complete larval commonly used for fi sh and crustacean development of these lobsters with feeding larviculture were applied in these studies, but jellyfi sh (Fig. 2). Jellyfi sh is known as one of none of phyllosomas completed the planktonic the natural diets of phyllosomas (e.g. Booth et phase. al., 2005; Sekiguchi et al., 2007; Wakabayashi Later, Takahashi and Saisho (1978) have et al., in press). Growth rates of phyllosomas achieved the complete larval development fed on jellyfi sh were not inferior to those fed from hatching to metamorphosis of both I. on clams reported by Takahashi and Saisho ciliatus and I. novemdentatus. Phyllosomas of (Wakabayashi et al., 2012, 2016). Wakabayashi I. novemdentatus were demonstrated to take 7 et al. (2012) demonstrated that different instars and those of I. ciliatus to take 7 or 8 methods of rearing (static water vs. recirculating instars before metamorphosing into the nisto water) did not result in a signifi cant difference 28 • NHA TRANG UNIVERSITY Journal of Fisheries science and Technology No. 4 - 2018 of duration and size at each developmental The complete larval development of stage throughout the phyllosomal phase of the Australia species Ibacus peronii was I. novemdentatus. However, survival rate in also achieved by Marinovic et al. (1994). recirculating water was remarkably lower, Phyllosomas were fed with Artemia nauplii which could be caused by multiple factors and then mussel ovaries as they grew. This including interference between . species passes through 6 instars before metamorphosing. Figure 2. Complete larval development from newly hatched phyllosoma to the fi rst juvenile stage of Ibacus novemdentatus Gibbes, 1850. Scale bar: 5 cm. This fi gure is reproduced after Wakabayashi and Tanaka (2012) with a permission from the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology. 2. Thenus spp. the complete larval development of the both Taxonomy of this genus was recently revised Thenus species and confi rmed that these species (Burton and Davie, 2007). As the only species take four instars before metamorphosing into Thenus orientalis was recognized before the the nisto stage. Phyllosomas preyed on fresh revision, the earlier studies on the larviculture clam fl esh could develop into the juvenile were also represented by a single species. stage, while those fed on defrosted clam fl esh Ito (1988) for the fi rst time cultured the newly did not survive. They used Artemia nauplii hatched larvae of Thenus lobsters in Australian enriched with a commercial product of Selco (described as T. orientalis Form A and B, as supplemental diet together with clam fl esh currently identifi ed as either one of Thenus although the presence of supplemental diet did parindicus and Thenus australiensis). He used not affect the results. Hải et al. (2012) worked Artemia nauplii and clam fl esh; however, the on larval development of T. orientalis (no larvae did not survive until the metamorphosis. detailed information of species identifi cation Mikami and Greenwood (1997) achieved was given) in Vietnam. They mainly used NHA TRANG UNIVERSITY • 29 Journal of Fisheries science and Technology No. 4 - 2018 Artemia nauplii and fresh oyster fl esh as larval tissues including cnidarian jellyfi sh and diet and blood cockle fl esh was also used as larvaceans (Sims and Brown, 1968; Suzuki et a supplemental diet. Metamorphosis was not al., 2006, 2007). In the laboratory, a variety of observed, but it was noticed that the larvae food items including gelatinous zooplankton preyed on the supplemental diet for longer were tested as the diet materials for slipper period grew and survived better than those had lobster phyllosomas as mentioned above (see lesser opportunity of preying on blood cockle also table 5.1 in Mikami and Kuballa, 2007). fl esh. The phyllosomas do accept a diverse type of In India, the completion of larval food, it may be because they are opportunistic development of Thenus unimaculatus (former feeders as suggested in spiny lobsters (Jeffs, T. orientalis in India) was described by 2007). Kizhakudan et al. (2004) and Kizhakudan and Among the fi ve previous trials with I. Krishnamoorthi (2014). Phyllosomas were ciliatus, phyllsomas fed on fresh bivalves or fed with fresh chopped clam fl esh and live jellyfi sh successfully metamorphosed into the ctenophores. The phyllosomas at the earlier nisto stage, whereas those fed on Artemia and stages likely prefer the clam fl esh to ctenophores, fi sh larvae did not (Table 1). Dotsu et al.
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