Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 112
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Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 112 Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 113 Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 114 Appendix C: Sensitivity mapping for riparian vegetation mapped across the Study Area. Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 115 Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 116 Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 117 Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 118 Appendix D: Species list from relevé and opportunistic sampling conducted as part of this study (136 species in total). Herbarium Date Family Species / Identification ID? Herbarium Comments 12-18/7/18 Malvaceae Abutilon amplum No 12-18/7/18 Malvaceae Abutilon fraseri subsp. fraseri No 12-18/7/18 Malvaceae Abutilon otocarpum No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Acacia ampliceps No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Acacia citrinoviridis No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Acacia coriacea subsp. pendens No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Acacia pyrifolia No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Acacia sclerosperma subsp. sclerosperma No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Acacia synchronicia No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Acacia tetragonophylla No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Acacia wanyu No 12-18/7/18 Polygonaceae Rumex vesicarius No 12-18/7/18 Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera No 12-18/7/18 Amaranthaceae Aerva javanica No 12-18/7/18 Amaranthaceae Alternanthera denticulata No 13/07/2018 Amaranthaceae Alternanthera nodiflora Yes To be Lodged; no records near Paraburdoo 12-18/7/18 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus cuspidifolius No 12-18/7/18 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus undulatus No 13/07/2018 Lythraceae Ammannia baccifera Yes 12-18/7/18 Papaveraceae Argemone ochroleuca subsp. ochroleuca No 14/07/2018 Asphodelaceae *Asphodelus fistulosus Yes Asteraceae seedling; unable to ID. Doesn’t match anything, but immaturity a complicating factor. The leaf shape and size 13/07/2018 Asteraceae Asteraceae seedling Yes are not right for Rutidosis helichrysoides. 13/07/2018 Cucurbitaceae Austrobryonia pilbarensis Yes 12-18/7/18 Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia coccinea No ID unsure; flower is very immature and no fruits have started 13/07/2018 Asteraceae Calotis ? latiuscula Yes to form. 12-18/7/18 Capparaceae Capparis spinosa subsp. nummularia No 12-18/7/18 Poaceae Cenchrus ciliaris No Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 119 Herbarium Date Family Species / Identification ID? Herbarium Comments 12-18/7/18 Poaceae Centipeda minima subsp. macrocephala No 14/07/2018 Chenopodiaceae *Chenopodium murale Yes 14/07/2018 Poaceae *Chloris barbata Yes 12-18/7/18 Cucurbitaceae Citrullus colocynthis No 12-18/7/18 Cleomaceae Cleome viscosa No 14/07/2018 Nyctaginaceae Commicarpus australis Yes 12-18/7/18 Convolvulaceae Convolvulus clementii No 12-18/7/18 Malvaceae Corchorus crozophorifolius No 14/07/2018 Fabaceae Crotalaria cunninghamii Yes 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Crotalaria cunninghamii subsp. sturtii No 12-18/7/18 Cucurbitaceae Cucumis variabilis No 18/07/2018 Fabaceae Cullen leucanthum Yes 12-18/7/18 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon No 18/07/2018 Poaceae Cynodon prostratus Yes 18/07/2018 Cyperaceae Cyperus sp. indet. Yes Sterile, not possible to ID with any confidence. 12-18/7/18 Cyperaceae Cyperus vaginatus No 13/07/2018 Poaceae Diplachne fusca subsp. fusca Yes 12-18/7/18 Acanthaceae Dipteracanthus australasicus subsp. australasicus No 12-18/7/18 Convolvulaceae Duperreya commixta No 12-18/7/18 Chenopodiaceae Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa No 12-18/7/18 Poaceae Enneapogon caerulescens No 12-18/7/18 Poaceae Enteropogon ramosus No Noticeable differences are that the apex of the lemmas are rounded to acute (cf acute to mucronate), the spikelets exceed the leaves (cf spikelets overtopped by the leaves), the leaves are relatively short and the rachilla is only slightly flexuose (cf distinctly flexuose). The spikelets are all immature which may explain some of the differences; it is also ca. 100 km south of the nearest record for E. surreyana (there are some differences between the collections from 18/07/2018 Poaceae Eragrostis cf. surreyana Yes the type locality (Burrup) and those further south). Cannot confidently place this specimen with any named entity. Previously it would have been sunk into E. xerophila. Andrew Mitchell is currently investigating this group of 13/07/2018 Poaceae Eragrostis sp. indet. Yes Eragrostis. 12-18/7/18 Poaceae Eragrostis tenellula No Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 120 Herbarium Date Family Species / Identification ID? Herbarium Comments 12-18/7/18 Scrophulariaceae Eremophila fraseri subsp. fraseri No 12-18/7/18 Poaceae Eriachne pulchella No 12-18/7/18 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. refulgens No 12-18/7/18 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus victrix No 12-18/7/18 Poaceae Eulalia aurea No 13/07/2018 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia australis var. subtomentosa Yes 13/07/2018 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia biconvexa Yes 12-18/7/18 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia tannensis subsp. eremophila No 12-18/7/18 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia trigonosperma No 16/07/2018 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia vaccaria var. erucoides Yes 12-18/7/18 Asteraceae Flaveria trinervia No 16/07/2018 Molluginaceae Glinus lotoides Yes 14/07/2018 Fabaceae Glycine canescens Yes 12-18/7/18 Amaranthaceae Gomphrena cunninghamii No 12-18/7/18 Goodeniaceae Goodenia lamprosperma No Quite hairy. ID correct in the broad sense. This is part of a complex that includes G. pedicellata and G. sp. East Pilbara as 14/07/2018 Goodeniaceae Goodenia pascua Yes well as a few other sp. and aff. specimens. 12-18/7/18 Malvaceae Gossypium robinsonii No 14/07/2018 Boraginaceae Heliotropium ovalifolium Yes 12-18/7/18 Convolvulaceae Heliotropium pachyphyllum No 17/07/2018 Fabaceae Indigofera colutea Yes 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Indigofera monophylla No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Ipomoea muelleri No P2. The split between I. racemigera & I plebeia needs to be revisited. The only difference noted in the key is that I. racemigera has a sparser hair density on the upper leaf surface than the lower while I. plebeia has a similar hair density on both surfaces. Apart from the indumentum 17/07/2018 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea racemigera Yes difference, nothing else seems to separate these two taxa. 12-18/7/18 Oleaceae Jasminum didymum subsp. lineare No 12-18/7/18 Asteraceae *Lactuca serriola No 17/07/2018 Brassicaceae Lepidium muelleri-ferdinandii Yes 17/07/2018 Poaceae Leptochloa digitata Yes Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey of the Greater Paraburdoo Operations Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Proposal 121 Herbarium Date Family Species / Identification ID? Herbarium Comments 13/07/2018 Fabaceae *Leucaena leucocephala 13/07/2018 Fabaceae Lotus cruentus Yes 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Malvastrum americanum No 13/07/2018 Marsileaceae Marsilea hirsuta Yes 12-18/7/18 Myrtaceae Melaleuca argentea No 12-18/7/18 Myrtaceae Melaleuca bracteata No 12-18/7/18 Myrtaceae Melaleuca glomerata No 12-18/7/18 Myrtaceae Melaleuca linophylla No 12-18/7/18 Malvaceae Melhania oblongifolia No 18/07/2018 Scrophulariaceae Myoporum montanum Yes To be lodged; few inland specimens in the Pilbara 13/07/2018 Nyctaginaceae Nicotiana occidentalis Yes Sterile so not certain of subsp. 12-18/7/18 Phyllanthaceae Notoleptopus decaisnei No 12-18/7/18 Convolvulaceae Operculina aequisepala No 12-18/7/18 Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida var. hispida No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Petalostylis labicheoides No 12-18/7/18 Arecaceae Phoenic Dactylifera No 12-18/7/18 Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus maderaspatensis No 12-18/7/18 Asteraceae Pluchea rubelliflora No 12-18/7/18 Plumbaginaceae Plumbago zeylanica No 12-18/7/18 Convolvulaceae Polycarpaea longiflora No 12-18/7/18 Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea/intraterranea No 13/07/2018 Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton sp. (indet.) Yes Specimen is immature, can't ID with confidence. 12-18/7/18 Asteraceae Pterocaulon sphacelatum No 12-18/7/18 Amaranthaceae Ptilotus nobilis subsp. nobilis No 12-18/7/18 Amaranthaceae Ptilotus obovatus No 12-18/7/18 Chenopodiaceae Rhagodia eremaea No 12-18/7/18 Euphorbiaceae *Ricinus communis No 12-18/7/18 Fabaceae Rhynchosia minima No Mexican Petunia. It appears that R. simplex is the oldest name and there are several species that have now been sunk into it 13/07/2018 Acanthaceae *Ruellia simplex Yes including R. brittoniana, R. angustifolia and R. tweediana. This is potentially a new taxon within the Pilbara, which likely occurs in a number of creek systems. It’s likely that most of 18/07/2018 Primulaceae Samolus aff. repens Yes what has been identified as S. repens within the Pilbara may Riparian Vegetation and Associated Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems – Targeted Survey