The January 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

JANUARY 2017 Australia Day and Waitangi Day 150 and Annual “Bakeoff” Saturday 28th, 2017, 6 pm Scandinavian Cultural Centre, 764 Erin St. This is a FREE fun social event where we celebrate our respective national days and enjoy great food prepared by some of the finest chefs in Winnipeg – YOU! This year your mission is, should you choose to accept, to compete for 1st Prize, Grand Champion, Best in Show with a SALAD. There are endless possibilities with salads – so be creative. Other dishes will of course also be welcome to balance the fare, eg, meat, veggies and desserts. There might also be a fun trivia quiz on New Zealand and Australia – and more prizes! And don’t forget – the bar will be open…. RSVP to Judy 204-275-7083 or [email protected] This year Canada is celebrating its150th Confederation would be when Australia APRIL 2017 anniversary of Confederation. One perk for became an independent nation on 1 January Calling all Australians April 27-28 us here in the great white north is a free pass 1901 when the British Parliament passed leg- Representatives of the Australian High from Parks Canada for all Canada’s national islation allowing the six Australian self-gov- Commission will be in Winnipeg on Friday April parks coast to coast for all of 2017*. erning colonies to govern in their own right 27, 2017, to renew passports, approve new New Zealand celebrated her 150th as part of the Commonwealth of Australia. passports, and address any notarial issues or anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Whether there will be a 150th celebration of questions. There will also be an Alumni Waitangi in 1990. Waitangi Day is the 6th that in 2051 remains to be seen. networking reception for Australian alumni in February. In the meantime, one of our Downunder the evening of Thursday April 28. Alumni are Australia Day is celebrated on 26th Janu- Club’s most popular gatherings will be our graduates of an Australian university, vocational ary in commemoration of the 1788 arrival of celebration of both Waitangi Day and Aus- or training institution, and exchange teachers. the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jack- tralia Day on Saturday 28th January. Also a All the details, including how to book online, are son, New South Wales, and the raising of good opportunity to pay your membership included with this issue of the January Yarn. the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by dues. Questions? Contact Jenny at 204-228-9959. Governor Arthur Phillip. So the 150th was *Apply online, by phone or in person, as 1938. However, the equivalent of Canada’s noted on their website: [Link] RSVP Let us know you are coming, RSVP to Dual Canadian citizens need [email protected], or call Judy at a valid Canadian passport 204-275-7083 or look for the new RSVP page If you are a dual Canadian citizen used to trav- under EVENTS on our website. elling to or transiting through Canada by air with a non-Canadian passport, you will no longer be able to do so as of November 10, 2016. Advertise in The Southern Yarn. Contact Jenny You will need a valid Canadian passport to board your flight. (228-9959, [email protected]) for all the If your country needs you to enter and exit that country using a passport issued by its gov- rates. Send your submission by email to [email protected] ernment, you will still need a valid Canadian passport to board your flight to Canada. Make sure to carry both passports when you travel. find us on facebook or the web Exception: If you are an American-Canadian dual citizen with a valid U.S. passport, you don’t need a Canadian passport to fly to Canada. However, you will still need to carry proper email: [email protected] identification and meet the basic requirements to enter Canada. For more information: [Link]. Thanks to member Toby Elson for sending us the link. online needed. Santa was especially nice to me this president’s year, he gave me a new Golf putter, with the editorially ramblings assurance it would transform my game - yours Peter Munn what a guy!! Charlie Powell First of all, I wish a Stay warm, G’day, Happy and Pros- I’ll see you at the Australia Day/Wai- When we went to see The Castle at a theatre perous New Year to tangi Day event. in Winnipeg it was the first time we experi- our club members. My family had a very enced spontaneous applause at the end of a enjoyable Christmas season: our Toronto Regards, movie! That classic movie about the Aussie based prodigal son Tyler flew in, along with Peter battler deserved it. There is an update on his girlfriend Hannah, so the whole gang the fate of the Kerrigan’s house in OZ News was here. Tyler earned his keep shoveling on p.3. some of the record snowfall we had in Win- This month we get to know (p.4) Sir nipeg starting Christmas Day. We were due George Grey – explorer in West Australia, to have Christmas dinner at Jodi’s home, and Governor of South Australia and two-time the forecast was so ominous earlier in the Governor of New Zealand. Murray Burt has day that we took along cots and sleeping provided his update on doings in the Com- bags just in case we were about to be snowed monwealth, p.5. Then in Birds I View (p.6) in. But the snow arrived late enough that the we feature cormorants. alternate sleeping arrangements were not Thanks again to our contributors this month – Murray Burt, Peter Munn, Jenny 150 years ago Gates, Judy, Tara, Toby, Kim and our spon- sors. John A The Dominion of Canada wasn’t born out of revolution or a sweeping outburst of nationalism. Rather, it was creat- ed in a series of conferences and orderly negotiations, culminating in the terms of Confederation on 1 July 1867. The union of the British North American colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Province of Canada was the first step in a slow but steady nation-building exercise that would come to encompass other territories, and eventually fulfill the A box of home… dream of a country a mari usque ad mare (from sea to sea). Read more online: [Link]

Kiwi Food Box For our Kiwi members, Ethan Gordon Add-on flights wants to introduce you to a new monthly New Zealand are available from subscription box catering for those Kiwi $ all major cities. expats across the world who miss that On Sale! taste of home. Wanna know more? Check out their website – Winnipeg to Auckland rtn $1,575 (incl. taxes & fees) Departures 26th Jan to 21st Jun or 24th Jul to 17th Sep Down Under Box or 1st Nov to 10th Dec. Must Book by 31st Jan 2017 With our help you can send a piece of Aus- Make the most of Free Airfare Stopovers on your way to New Zealand: tralia anywhere in the world! If you are 6 Nights Cook Islands including daily Breakfasts & transfers $1,084 per person (incl. taxes & fees) looking for the perfect gift or a treat just for yourself we’ve got you covered. 7 Nights Fiji including daily Breakfasts & transfers • No long post office lines $1,300 per person (incl. taxes & fees) • No Tricky Customs Declarations 5 Nights Moorea, Tahiti incl. Breakfasts $1,379 per person (incl. taxes & fees) • Cheaper postage rates than Australia Post Welcome to Melissa • and happy mat’ leave to Vicky!

(403) 270-4414 Phone 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free [email protected] 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 • More than 40 years’ South Pacific experience

2 The Southern Yarn • January 2017 an integral part of life for those who enjoy newsfromOz boating during the summer. The annual various sources, see web links in online edition event now attracts all sorts of creative tractor ideas – and prizes/bragging rights as reward. Read more online: [Link]

In May, researchers from Deakin Univer- sity in Victoria published evidence that a small number of devils are able to fight off Ever been to Humpty Doo? the disease to the point where the facial It’s on the Adelaide River, between Darwin tumours disappear. And in August a team and Kakadu, and can claim Australia’s from Australia, the US and UK found evi- largest barramundi farm. Ian Grinblat also dence that some devils have evolved genes Not only Little Bo Peep … reports in Australian Food News that anoth- that resist the disease. Read more online: A Whanganui farmer has lost 1400 lambs, er large one is Mainstream Aquaculture, [Link]. worth about $120,000, to rustlers in what near Werribee, Victoria. In fact every state might be the largest stock heist in the coun- except Tasmania has something on the go try. Police say a property owner near Fordell when it comes to farming these favourite newszealand had reported the theft. It is the latest in a Aussie fish. Read more online: [Link] source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted series of stock thefts from rural properties throughout several districts, though most Worth a visit others involved just a handful of stock at a Named after a cor- time. Read more online: [Link] morant, Kawau Island 40 km north of Auckland, has enough histo- ry to make it a destination for the interested tourist. Once owned by George Grey, Gover- nor of New Zealand from 1845 to 1853, and NOT headed for Bonnie Doon … from 1861 to 1868, the island is now the The Kerrigan’s house from the 1997 movie scene of an ambitious plan to restore some The Castle (“It’s not a house, it’s a home”) is native flora and fauna. Wallabies and pos- being saved from demolition and will move sums, first introduced by Grey, are now Earthquake angels … from Strathmore, Vic., for Corowa, in south- being culled and/or deported. Read more The Kaikoura quake was bad news; the ern New South Wales. Once the house online: [Link] response by 3 builder friends was good arrives in NSW, it will be handed over to the news. Tyler Fifield, 22 of Blenheim, with Corowa Whisky and Chocolate factory. Suggest it mates Josh Tomlinson-Nott and Michael There, it will likely become a museum or – they will Kerr, loaded a four-wheel drive with chain- comedy venue. Read more online: [Link] come … saws, tarpaulin, rope, nail guns and other They certainly gear and headed south from Blenheim in Cute little devil … did, 40 of search of those who needed help. Blenheim Australian Geographic reported that 2016 at them, after escaped unscathed. Fifteen minutes down last brought some good news for the ongoing Aucklanders Stephen Jones and Michael the road and there’s houses lying on the battle to save the Tasmanian devil from the Redwood advertized an inaugural Taupo Bay ground. Read more online: [Link] terrible infectious cancer that’s been deci- Tractor Spectacular in 2014. Why tractors? mating them since the 1990s. Because with no boat ramp, tractors become Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

January 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 in Taranaki in 1863, gettingtoknow… partly because of his history, and members of our club delay in returning Waitara to its own- ers. George Grey After defeating the Taranaki ‘rebels’, Sir George Grey was New Zealand’s most Grey resolved to complex governor. Born in 1812, he was invade Waikato, the trained in the military and served as a jun- seat of the K¯˜ingitan- ior officer in Ireland, an experience which ga (M¯aori King shaped his political views. After exploring Movement). It was western Australia in two expeditions also the main site of between 1837 and 1839, Grey became deeply resistance to land interested in the cultures of indigenous peo- sales and settler ples. In 1840 he wrote a paper for the Colo- encroachment. Few nial Office setting out his theories on racial historians now assimilation. Grey impressed his superiors, accept his justifica- who made him governor of the struggling tion for invasion, colony of South Australia. He succeeded in that the improving the financial position of the Waikato/Maniapoto colony, but not its race relations. tribes planned to In 1845 Grey was appointed governor of attack Auckland. The New Zealand, which faced similar difficulties M¯aori King and his to those he had confronted in South Aus- followers were driv- tralia. The colony was virtually bankrupt, en from their lands George Grey, painted by Daniel Mundy, circa 1860. and race relations were at a low point. But in Waikato after a Grey was given both the funds and the series of hard-fought battles. In 1864 Grey After a short period in England Grey troops which had been denied the previous and his ministers resolved to confiscate retired to his New Zealand home on Kawau Governor, Robert FitzRoy. And unlike almost 3 million acres (1.2 million ha) from Island, where he studied ethnography. He FitzRoy, Grey was ruthlessly determined. the ‘rebels’ in Waikato and elsewhere. Much later entered Parliament and became Pre- The Ng¯apuhi chiefs H¯one Heke and Te of this land was set aside for military settlers mier in 1877. In old age he returned to Eng- Ruki Kawiti were defeated in the north, and or sold to pay for the costs of the war. land, where he died in 1898. there was fighting in the Hutt Valley, near By 1865 the British imperial authorities If Grey had not taken up a second gover- Wellington. During this latter fighting the were demanding that the settlers defend norship in 1861 he would no doubt be Ng¯ati Toa chief Te Rauparaha was kidnapped themselves and that British troops be with- remembered more affectionately. His reputa- and imprisoned without charge or trial. drawn. Grey was reluctant to carry out these tion is tarnished, however, by his later poli- Grey’s able lieutenant, Donald McLean, nego- instructions. He was aware that the colony’s cies in Taranaki, his invasion of Waikato, and tiated the purchase of large areas of fertile military were unprepared, and that there the massive confiscation (raupatu) of M¯aori M¯aori land. As a result European settlement was a danger of further conflict. As a result, land which followed. The confiscations, in grew rapidly. In 1848 Grey received a knight- the British government terminated his particular, caused decades of bitterness and hood. He was the chief author of the 1852 appointment in 1868. deep division. constitution which set up provincial and Source online: [Link] national representative assemblies. Grey left New Zealand in 1853 to become Governor of the Cape Colony, South . But in 1860 war broke out in Taranaki over the disputed Waitara purchase, and Grey Law services at your place of convenience was subsequently reappointed governor of New Zealand. The hope was that through his mana and authority he could make peace. In Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b 1861 he introduced a system of ‘new institu- lawyer • notary public tions’ – local tribal councils. Known as r¯unanga, these would have some administra- tive and judicial functions. The aim was to . avoid a repetition of the Waitara disaster, home visits office visits encourage further land sales, and create day, evening & weekend appointments common ground between settler and M¯aori which would help racial assimilation. In this 204-783-1632 Grey largely failed. Fighting broke out again

4 The Southern Yarn • January 2017 She planned to raise concerns with her the School of Govt Development and Intl commonwealth Philippines counterpart Perfecto Yasay when Affairs, University of South Pacific in East place by Murray Burt they next meet and again when Manila hosts Asia Forum ASEAN in 2017.— Source:AAP Australia boldly bids for UN human Many Commonwealth members speculating rights seat, despite its island border barriers Fiji PM undaunted by disasters invites Trump whether BREXIT will be a pro or con Australia is far from perfect but still in to see a truth of climate change While Brexit continues to dominate the deserves a seat on the United Nations’ Climate change and natural disaster fea- debate in the UK, many other Common- Human Rights Council, Foreign Minister tured prominently on Fiji’s economic and wealth governments are also discussing Julie Bishop says. Ms Bishop outlined the political landscape in 2016. But Prime Min- preparations for globally significant political case for Australia to take up one of two spots ister Voreqe Bainimarama attracted world- realignment. on the 47-member council from 2018, saying wide media attention with his call for US Brexit negotiations would not be well she realized it was inevitable there would be President-elect to visit Fiji ‘to received by other allies. Assurances were critics who would oppose the bid because of see the effects of climate change for himself’. swiftly made by one EU Ambassador that Australia’s controversial offshore detention These effects include the devastation their country had no intention of following centre policy. caused by Cyclone TC Winston, a category such a course of action. But she argued Australia was an ideal five cyclone that swept through the country Unsurprisingly, Commonwealth influ- candidate given its strong track record in in February, when 44 people lost their lives ence in the EU and post-Brexit trade have promoting fundamental freedoms and free and 40,000 homes were damaged or remained salient features of diplomatic speech. destroyed, along with schools and other debate. Without the UK as an allied influ- ‘No country is perfect,’ Ms Bishop told infrastructure. The Fijian government esti- ence it is the concern of some that EU devel- the Lowy Institute. mated that the total cost of the disaster was opment assistance may be targeted away ‘Let’s go out there and talk about the chal- US$1.4 billion. Economic growth, which was from Commonwealth countries. This was lenges we face, whether it be indigenous peo- predicted to be 4%, will fall to 2.4%. both highlighted by our expert contributors ple’s rights, whether it be gender equality, This national calamity set the stage for in the September edition of Commonwealth whether it be the 18C debate. the resumption of military and high level Voices and a question reiterated by the diplo- ‘Let’s have that as part of our bid, be hon- political engagement between Fiji, Australia matic community. est and open enough ... as a nation to say this and New Zealand. Within days of the disaster, Meanwhile bilateral trade agreements are is what we are trying to do, this is the expe- New Zealand’s Defence Force had mobilized seen as the big opportunity for Common- rience we can share with you.’ one of its largest peacetime deployments in wealth countries. Some Commonwealth diplo- Ms Bishop defended the coalition gov- the Pacific to deliver emergency assistance mats have expressed hopes that the UK will ernment’s approach to offshore detention and help with recovery efforts. Australia sim- re-join efforts to support free trade as an inde- centres on Nauru and Manus Island, despite ilarly deployed its largest naval vessel, the pendent member of the World Trade Organiza- a recent Amnesty International report HMAS Canberra, to deliver humanitarian aid tion, an influence described by one High describing conditions there as amounting to to the stricken outer islands. Commissioner as ‘much missed’. However, torture. The foreign ministers of both Australia the UK should not take Commonwealth trade She said since the coalition came to and New Zealand also made high profile vis- for granted. A recent trip to India by Prime power in 2013, asylum seekers had stopped its to Fiji in the weeks following the cyclone, Minister Theresa May was accompanied by trying to reach Australian shores by boat underscoring the importance both govern- calls for a more liberalized visa regime for with the help of people smugglers. ments placed on their relations with Fiji. NZ Indians in return for a favourable trade deal. Australia is up against France and Spain Prime Minister John Key made his first visit The Commonwealth has a stake in the to claim its first seat on the council. to Fiji in June — 10 years after the last prime foreign relations of all of its member states, Lowy Institute executive director ministerial visit — and Bainimarama made a but the UK’s withdrawal from the EU is one Michael Fullilove said some critics would state visit to NZ in October. Bainimarama of the most seismic foreign policy changes argue it wasn’t worth Australia being a mem- also met with Australian Prime Minister Mal- for any member in recent times. As one Com- ber of a council that includes colm Turnbull at the UN General Assembly monwealth High Commissioner concluded and Cuba given their track records on meeting in New York. at the RCS roundtable, there is an advantage human rights. Yet differences were never far from the to be had in allied nations presenting a unit- Ms Bishop said if elected Australia would surface. Bainimarama again stayed away ed front in articulating collective concerns offer practical and pragmatic advice just as it from the Pacific Islands Forum leaders’ sum- and negotiating positions for co-operation had done as a member of the UN Security mit in September despite efforts by Australia with the UK. For at least the next two and a Council in 2013/14. and New Zealand to conclude the regional half years nothing is likely to be more press- Australia would also continue to push for free trade agreement — PACER Plus — by the ing on the political agenda in the UK than its the abolition of the death penalty around the end of 2016. exit from the European Union. world and emphasize the need to protect Two years out from the next general elec- freedom of expression and gender equality. tion, Bainimarama’s grip on power appears Murray Burt writes this column to raise sensitivi- Ms Bishop said she would again raise stronger than ever. Bainimarama was also ties to the Commonwealth’s value and to lift the Australia’s concerns about Philippines Pres- able to bask in the reflected glory of the curtain on our understanding of a third of the pop- ident Rodrigo Duterte’s policy of executing country’s first ever Olympic gold medal win ulation of the world. The Commonwealth name drug addicts in his attempt to rid his country — when its men’s rugby sevens team claimed and significance is rarely mentioned in daily news, of illicit drugs. victory in Rio..—Source: Sandra Tarte, head of he says. It should be.

January 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 Board of Directors President: Peter Munn Vice President: Catherine Bowering Maori word for cormorant. Secretary: Margaret Munn birdsiview… The great cormorant has been tamed and by Charlie Powell Newsletter Editor: trained in Japan and for several thou- Charlie Powell sand years. By having a snare fixed around Treasurer: Cormorants the base of their neck, they retain larger fish Peter Debenham After moving to Canada and learning about in their throat – later disgorged for their han- Social Coordinators: loons, I was fascinated by them and deter- dlers - while still able to swallow smaller Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, Lucia Barron mined to see one in the wild. Several times I ones. Membership: thought I had succeeded, only to find that I Cormorants feature in many myths – Norm Griffiths was looking at a cormorant low in the water. more often in positive ways, although in Mil- Past President: Like the loon, the cormorant is a diver ton’s Paradise Lost, Book 4 (line 196), the Terry Roberts with complete mastery of its environment. devil takes the form of a cormorant. Here is The fact that its feathers are not water- a more flattering poem: This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF proofed makes it less buoyant and better format from the website. Thank you to all of able to go deep (they will also swallow peb- The Cormorant in Its Element our contributors within the club, from overseas and information services. Layout bles to aid that). Great underwater vision, a Written by Amy Clampitt by [email protected] long rudder-like tail and nostril flaps increase the advantage. The one pictured is That bony potbellied arrow, wing-pumping along The Southern Yarn is published by the Down Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The implacably, with a ramrod’s rigid adherence, air- a juvenile double-crested cormorant (Pha- views and opinions expressed by lacrocorax auritus). It was taken by a Yarn borne, to the horizontal, discloses talelnts one contributors to this publication are not reader while visiting Hecla Island in the fall would have never guessed at. Plummeting water- endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect ward, big black feet splayed for a landing gear, those of, the members of the DUCW. The and is the family member most likely to be DUCW and the Editor of The Southern Yarn slim head turning and turning, vermilion-striped, found on Canada’s inland waters. do not accept any responsibility for the this way and that, with a lightning glance over the Adult double-crested are mostly black and content or accuracy of information or shoulder, the cormorant astoundingly, in one sleek websites contained in this publication. the males develop “ears” – like fine plumes Articles may be republished with involuted arabesque, a vertical turn on a dime, of long eyebrows during breeding season – permission of the Editor. goes into that inimitable vanishing-and-emergin- hence the name. from-under-the-briny-deep act which unlike the Worldwide there are about 40 species of T H E D O W N U N D E R works of Homo Houdini, is performed for reasons CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. cormorants and shags and a common sight that nothing at all to do with ego, guilt, ambition Station Main, PO Box 1655, is of them with their wings spread out, to dry or even money. Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 the waterlogged feathers. Five species are 1-204-832-4405 common in Australia, where the slang say- Amy Clampitt, in The Norton anthology of Poetry, [email protected] ing “like a shag on a rock” seems to have Shorter Fifth Edition, p.1011 originated – meaning abandoned or alone. Like us on facebook! Some cormorant species will fish coopera- tively with pelicans. New Zealand claims 12, Proudly printed in Winnipeg by of which 8 are endemic. Kawau Island, 40 Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd. km north of Auckland, is named after the

6 The Southern Yarn • January 2017 Calling All Australians! e AUSTRALIAN HIGH COMMISSION in Ottawa BOEUIF%PXO6OEFS$MVCPG8JOOJQFH JOWJUFZPV to attend these upcoming opportunities and events.

Need a new passport or to renew your current passport? PASSPORT INTERVIEWS and NOTARIAL SERVICES Friday April 28th — 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eton Room @ Fairmont Winnipeg, 2 Lombard Place

~ An appointment is required as interview spaces are limited. ~ ~ Book online at ~ ~ For more information, contact 1-613-236-0841 ~

ALUMNI NETWORKING RECEPTION EVENT ursday April 27th (evening — time TBC)

RSVP by ursday April 6th to [email protected]

e event is open to graduates of Australian universities, vocational or training institutions and exchange teachers. Interested participants should email [email protected] with the following details:


t All Australian passport applications must now be lodged in personćJTBQQMJFTGPSBOFXQBTTQPSU ĕSTU QBTTQPSUPSUIFSFOFXBMPGBQBTTQPSU*O$BOBEB BQQMJDBOUTDBOBSSBOHFBOBQQPJOUNFOUXJUIB1BTTQPSU Ocer in either Vancouver, Toronto or Ottawa. t Australian citizens travelling to Australia must do so on their valid Australian passport. t Visit for a list of notarial services that will also be provided on April 28th.

January 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7 The February 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

MARCH 2017 Sunday Brunch March 19, 10 am Miss Browns, 288 William Ave. Join us for another delicious brunch at the downunder-flavoured Miss Browns. RSVP to [email protected]

APRIL 2017 Calling all Australians April 27-28 Representatives of the Australian High Commission will be in Winnipeg on Friday April 28, 2017, to renew passports, approve new passports, and address any notarial issues What a turnout! What a feast! or questions. There will also be an Alumni networking reception for Australian alumni in About 40 members attended our celebration the evening of Thursday April 27. Alumni are of both Waitangi Day and Australia Day on graduates of an Australian university, vocational Saturday 28th January. A big surprise was or training institution, and exchange teachers. the return to our ranks of Peter, Lisa and Kali All the details, including how to book online, are Gilberd – welcome back from downunder! available at our website. Questions? Contact Congratulations to the salad “bake-off” win- Jenny at 204-228-9959. ners: Judy Powell (Nearly Thai Pineapple Salad), Penny Hetcher (Fruit Salad) and Patty ANZAC Memorial Service Saturday April 29, 6 pm Vidal (Moroccan Pasta Salad). A big thank Scandinavian Cultural Centre, 764 Erin you to Debbie Griffiths for the celebratory Make a date to commemorate ANZAC Day with cake, and to all who brought other dishes. a memorial service, singing of our national Fun and games included Aus and NZ trivia anthems, and a delicious POTLUCK dinner. This quizzes and two-up – thanks Charlie Powell. is always a memorable event, so come and be a The bar was well patronized – thank you Real meat pies on 26th January part of it and the fun to follow. We may even Peter Munn. DUCW members and other expats took the have a game of darts! As always, the Bar will be opportunity to enjoy a delicious meat pie and open. a lamington at Miss Browns on William Avenue to celebrate Australia Day. You could RSVP also order a pie floater with a flat white. Let us know you are coming, RSVP to [email protected], or call Judy at 204-275-7083 or look for the new RSVP page under EVENTS on our website.

Advertise in The Southern Yarn. Contact Jenny (228-9959, [email protected]) for all the rates. Send your submission by email to [email protected]

find us on facebook or the web email: [email protected] online Pick up at 3.20 am. Hmmm. Seemed a bit president’s early to me. So I set 2 alarms, woke with the editorially ramblings first one, and got them to the airport on yours Peter Munn time. And I rediscovered that I cannot do Charlie Powell without at least a reasonable amount of I was asked some sleep, and I am not good at early rising. G’day and Kia ora, time back by my It was 2 days before I fully recovered. Yum! Fair dinkum meat pies at Miss younger daughter Luckily the return time has p.m. in Brown’s – what a great way to celebrate if I would be available to take her family to there somewhere. Australia Day. Several other members had the airport when they took off to Mexico for If you weren’t able to make the Australia the same bright idea. a two-week vacation. They have children 1 Day/Waitangi Day celebration, you missed It really was a great atmosphere at our and 3yrs old, so they needed to take their something special. Judy and Charlie put on joint national celebrations on January 28, own car with the two attached baby seats. I a great event, and close to 40 people attend- especially as there were new faces. And was to help them unload at the airport, ed, including quite a few for the first time. while we celebrated the return of the then drive their car back to their home and It was nice to welcome them, and we look Gilberds, we obviously missed having the park it. I said I would, and when the day forward to seeing them in the future. Hinrichsens this year. Fortunately Alanna approached, I checked the flight details. Regards, Peter has taken the time to update us on their first few weeks back “home” – you can read it in Getting to know on p. 4. 100 years ago … Soon the milk horse was aware that a Vegemite is true-blue again! Read about The Otago Daily Times reported: [link]. substantial meal lay under his very nose. that in OZNews on p. 3. He proceeded to make a raid upon the Murray Burt‘s regular update on doings No long faces after horse has feast vegetables, going about the task in a work- in the Commonwealth in on p.5. Then in A pretty little equine comedy delighted manlike way. Birds I View (p.6), we feature the common the frequenters of Lichfield street, He started off with a “fiambre” of let- loon. Christchurch the other day. tuce, toying with a succulent heart or two Thank you to our contributors this A market gardener left a vehicle well and tossing the bunches to the roadway. month – Brian Hydesmith, Murray Burt, stocked with vegetables standing outside He got through about nine courses, Peter Munn, Alanna Hinrichsen, Jenny one of the fruit markets. A milkman’s giving the carrots, turnips, potatoes, peas, Gates and our advertisers. turn-out was drawn up immediately and cabbages all a turn. A head of red cab- behind it, the drivers disappearing into bage seemed particularly tasty, as it was the crowd gathered around a sale of fruit. devoured with deliberation. continued on page 4

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(403) 270-4414 Phone 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free [email protected] 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 • More than 40 years’ South Pacific experience

2 The Southern Yarn • February 2017 newsfromOz various sources, see web links in online edition

Ancient civilization Pack your gumboots Australian Geographic reports: “One of the That special Taihape time is looming in just world's oldest aquaculture sites, an ancient a few weeks. The great Gumboot Throwing Aboriginal farming settlement that predates Day is on Saturday March 4 at Taihape On ya, Bega! Stonehenge and the Pyramids, has been for- Memorial Park from 10am-4pm. The Vegemite brand is back in Australian mally nominated for inclusion on Australia's Assistant manager of the Taihape Devel- hands as part of a deal by Bega Cheese worth World Heritage Tentative List. opment Trust Michelle Fannin promises it A$460m. It was owned by US giant Mon- Budj Bim Cultural Landscape, in Lake will be bigger, better and more fabulous than delez International since 2012. Marmite, on Condah, south-western Victoria, dates back ever, with lots of free family activities. At the the other hand, is owned by Unilever, a at least 6,600 years, and shows how a large, top, of course, is gumboot throwing. Read British-Dutch multinational consumer goods settled Aboriginal community systematically more online: [link]. company. Another version of Marmite is farmed and smoked eels for food and trade, made in New Zealand by the Sanitarium challenging the view of Australia's Aborigi- Health Food Company, which is owned by nal people as all nomadic hunter-gatherers.” the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Read more online: [link]. newszealand source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted

Insects to the rescue Two insects common around the Mediter- ranean will soon be chewing their way through a big problem in Northland. The Environmental Protection Authority has approved an application by Northland Regional Council to introduce a wasp and a Australia – safe or deadly? scale insect to New Zealand to control the Research data presented in The Conversa- The Winery Tour giant reed, Arundo donax. tion shows that from 2001 - 2013, an average The annual Winery Tour is underway for The reed, sometimes known as elephant 3,500 people were admitted to hospital 2017, with this year’s lineup featuring the grass or bamboo grass, is mainly found in every year for a venom-related injury. This three Bs: singer-songwriters Brooke Fraser, Northland, but could potentially establish can be loosely averaged 0.01% of the Aus- Bic Runga and Benny Tipene. The trio are throughout New Zealand. More online [link]. tralian population per year, or roughly one in performing at some of New Zealand’s most 10,000 Australians. There were 64 deaths, beautiful wineries throughout February, Condolences compared to none from a spider bite. During including Hawke’s Bay’s Black Barn Vine- Shirley Stacey, a long-time member of the the same period, nearly 5,000 people died yards and Matakana’s Ascension Wine Club and Jan Debenham’s mother, passed from drowning and 1,000 from burns in Estate. Various venues across New Zealand away February 2nd at 86 years of age. Our Australia. Read more online: [link]. until February 19. Visit sympathy goes out to Jan and her family.

Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

February 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 The pool is outdoors so we gettingtoknow… were in +33C for 10 hours. history, and members of our club Luke had PB’s in every race and swam a qualify- ing time for the Country The Championships in Febru- ary. Country Champi- Hinrichsens onships are for all swimmers outside the Syd- ney clubs. There are over in Australia 240 clubs outside of Syd- ney (and another 100 clubs The Hinrichsen family recently left Winnipeg for in Sydney), so it will be Orange, NSW, Australia. Following is a brief quite a good meet (and it’s update on their transition from one country to at the Sydney Olympic another. If you want to stay in touch with the fami- pool). The coaches were ly, Alanna is on Facebook, and we can send you very impressed and Luke their email address. was thrilled! He really enjoyed himself. Hi everyone, Considering Kaitlyn After a missed flight and lost luggage we did had bronchitis and has finally make it here. All the goodbyes were trained twice since we got hard, as expected, but a great reflection on here, she had a decent Did you know Alanna was inducted into the Manitoba Sports Hall of how many great friends we have and how good meet – one personal Fame last year?! (l-r) Grant, Kaitlyn, Alanna and Luke Hinrichsen. Photo special our family is. best and did alright in her Took us a while to get mobile phones other races. If she was sorted and we finally got internet at our healthy, she likely would have won most of nis court so it’s a great place to visit. The house. Typing email updates on my phone her events but she did come 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, cousins get on well so that’s good. Haven’t was painful so it’s nice that I can now type 4th, 5th and 6th in her races. And she won seen any snakes or deadly spiders yet, but on the laptop. It’s a bit cloudy today but the $14 in the process – $4 each for 3rd place did see a sign at a playground by the beach. temperatures have been about +30C to +35C and $6 for 2nd place. What a country! Also drove past a field full of kangaroos each day, which has been pretty hot coming We went for a bit of a tour of Kaitlyn’s (50+) so that was pretty cool. Beautiful par- from -20C. Unfortunately, Grant, Kaitlyn and high school today. All looks good. She is look- rots and galahs around, too. I were really sick with cough/cold/flu-like ing forward to it and isn’t nervous at all. It’s Will be nice to get into a routine when symptoms once we got here. Kaitlyn and I a big school (similar to Grant Park) so she school starts. Then maybe we will look for got progressively worse so we finally went to should be good. We go see Luke’s school on employment. Although it feels like a holiday a doctor and found out we both have bronchi- Friday. Both kids look great in their school right now, money will need to be made :). tis. On meds now, so hopefully on the road to uniforms. The pool they train in is quite nice That’s about it for now. Miss you all. recovery. too. Has both an indoor 25m pool and an out- Alanna Otherwise been busy setting up life – door 50m pool. Mostly outside now, but will Medicare, car registration, drivers licenses, move indoors for the winter months. Miss you as well, Hinrichsens. - Editor school uniforms and supplies, etc. Went up to Grant’s brothers place a few Kids recently had their first swim meet. days ago. He recently put in a pool and a ten-

100 years ago, (continued from page 2)

After the vegetables had been sampled, Law services at your place of convenience the nag found some biscuits in a bag. He was engaged upon these when his owner arrived. Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b He mildly censured the now well-satis- lawyer • notary public fied animal, pulled him out from the ranks and drew up another horse in his place, backing his own turn-out behind an iron- . monger’s cart. Thus the resource of the home visits office visits milkman’s horse was equalled only by that day, evening & weekend appointments of its owner. 204-783-1632

4 The Southern Yarn • February 2017 ment into and through the US. The commu- concerned groups such as religious leaders commonwealth nity strongly believes that such restrictions and civil society organizations on this matter. place by Murray Burt are a violation of the basic human rights, and affect in some cases the most vulnerable With PM gone, NZ anticipates of people who are seeking refuge from injus- 2017 election tice, violence, and persecution. John Key’s sudden announcement in Decem- “We are deeply troubled by the policies ber to resign as New Zealand’s Prime Minis- being announced by the new US administra- ter and leader of the National Party tion. At a time when many of the world’s represented further proof that Key was no nations are ravaged by war, famine, and reli- career politician. gious intolerance, the last thing we needed And this was part of his appeal — he was was more divisive measures” says Mr Bashir a New Zealander from a modest background Khan, the President of AMJNZ. who went overseas, made good and decided He urges the New Zealand government to to come back home ‘to make a contribution’. take a stand against such measures, con- A Kiwi version of what Americans used to demning these as a violation of human call a ‘Horatio Alger’ story. rights. By definition, his appeal was formed on Australia’s detention centre on Manus Island. (ABC) The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a personal narrative rather than policy, and dynamic, fast-growing international revival not easily transferable to a successor. His Oz PM says Trump reaffirmed a movement within Islam. Founded in 1889 in success was grounded in an ability to con- refugee deal was in works Punjab, India, it spans over 206 countries nect with New Zealanders of virtually all Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull affirms with membership in the tens of millions. It ages and backgrounds with an approachable the US president’s commitment to deal, amid is a registered charitable organization. ‘common touch’. Key was a person Kiwis confusion, over what exactly has been agreed enjoyed having their picture taken with. He to on the refugee resettlement agreement Fiji mentally ill left at police represented the closest the country has Donald Trump has personally committed stations come to celebrity obsession. to honouring a refugee deal with Australia, The Fiji Human Rights and Anti Discrimi- Key’s personal qualities, on display dur- Turnbull said, amid ongoing confusion over nation Commission is urging families- and ing parliamentary question time and tele- whether the deal will proceed and what has guardians to show compassion and care vised leaders’ debates, likewise made him a actually been agreed to. towards their loved ones who are mentally ill stand-out performer, outshining less versa- “The Trump administration has commit- and challenged. tile opposition figures. Key’s dominance of ted to progress with the arrangements to The Commission’s call comes following New Zealand’s political scene, sustained honour the deal ... that was entered into with the outcome of an investigation conducted in over three general elections and in opinion the Obama administration, and that was the Nadi and Lautoka, where some mentally ill polls stretching over at least eight years as assurance the president gave me when we persons are left at police stations. Director the Kiwi ‘preferred prime minister’, brought spoke last weekend,” Turnbull told an audi- Ashwin Raj says it is worrying to see mental- the National Party three consecutive elec- ence at the National Press Club in Canberra. ly ill people abandoned by their loved ones, tion victories. Asked whether the US’s “extreme vet- who are left to live in appalling conditions, Leaving office, Key noted three disap- ting” could mean that fewer than the intend- some even incarcerated because they are pointments — the failure to persuade the ed 1,250 refugees would benefit from the suffering from a violent episode. nation to adopt a new flag, the apparent col- resettlement deal, Turnbull said it was for He says what is more upsetting is that lapse of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agree- the US government to determine who goes to some of these people are left in police sta- ment as a result of the 2016 US elections, the US. tions as a last recourse, which is not the and the delay in implementing a promised The White House says the US will take right institution for such persons. The com- maritime reserve around the country’s Ker- up to 1,250 refugees under the Australian mission says these people require psychi- madec Islands due to Maori opposition. Only deal. atric help. one of them, the initiative for a new flag, was Turnbull’s comments follow a statement It says police do not have the necessary the result of rejection by the electorate. from the White House spokesman Sean resources or medical expertise to assist such Spicer who said the US had agreed to consid- persons, hence, families or guardians must Murray Burt is a retired editor and journalist who er resettlement of 1,250 of the refugees held not burden police with such responsibility. is concerned that lesser elements of the Com- in Australia’s offshore detention centres on The commission says the families or monwealth get poor media coverage. Manus Island and Nauru. Most have been on guardians of the mentally challenged should the islands more than three years. seek the assistance of medical authorities. It Burt is president of the Manitoba branch of the says some of the mentally ill persons are Royal Commonwealth Society; past president of the Commonwealth Journalists Association; secre- Ahmadiyya Muslims in NZ already trauma stricken because of physical tary of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of condemn Trump’s refugee ban and sexual abuse.- Canada advisory board; Hon LCol of the 78th The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community strong- Abandoning them at police stations can Fraser Highlanders; a senator of the 166th Bat- ly condemns the ban announced by US Pres- only cause more stress and trauma. tery RCA (Kenora) and a director of The Intrepid ident Donald Trump on travel of residents of The Commission will work hand in hand Society. He is retired from more than 50 years of the seven Muslim countries, as well as the with Fiji Police, Ministry of Social Welfare, journalism. strict restrictions place on refugee move- Women and Poverty Alleviation and other

February 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 or two chicks. Winters are spent in the Gulf Board of Directors birdsiview… of Mexico and other coastal waters, or other President: by Charlie Powell lakes and reservoirs that don’t freeze. The Peter Munn size of the lake is as important as its fish Vice President: The Common Loon population because the loon needs a relative- Catherine Bowering I was so smitten by the loon, I carved one! ly long take-off. Secretary: Margaret Munn (Instructor and guide: Bill Palmer) Unlike geese, ducks, swans, etc., loons Newsletter Editor: If the thought of a kookaburra’s laugh webbed feet are well back – good for under- Charlie Powell immediately transports you to the Australian water acrobatics, but not so good for walking. Treasurer: bush, then you will understand why the So they build their nest close to the water Peter Debenham call of the loon makes a Canuck pine for a quick escape from predators. Social Coordinators: wistfully for a cabin or campfire by Loons are a protected species in Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, Lucia Barron a moonlit lake. And if you’ve never Canada – probably a good thing: I Membership: heard one, click here on the read once that the way to cook a Norm Griffiths Audubon website and listen to the loon is to put a rock in the water Past President: audio clips offered, especially #2: with the bird, boil for 3 days, then Terry Roberts [link]. They’re even more haunting when remove the loon and eat the rock! Any- you hear wolves answering the call! way, you won’t find a loon decoy. Fishermen This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF Gavia immer is the common loon – the and recreational boaters are expected to format from the website. Thank you to all of one most likely seen in North America. exercise caution because the boat’s wake our contributors within the club, from overseas and information services. Layout There are 4 other living species: the pacific, and wash can cause the loss of eggs from the by [email protected] the red-throated, the yellow-billed and the nest. Unfortunately, loons are threatened by black-throated. They come north in the the effects of acid rain, pollution, lead The Southern Yarn is published by the Down Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The spring to breed and raise their young – one sinkers, and fishing lines and hooks. views and opinions expressed by contributors to this publication are not endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect those of, the members of the DUCW. The DUCW and the Editor of The Southern Yarn do not accept any responsibility for the content or accuracy of information or websites contained in this publication. Articles may be republished with permission of the Editor.

T H E D O W N U N D E R CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. Station Main, PO Box 1655, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 1-204-832-4405 [email protected] Like us on facebook! crimson rosella red-breasted nuthatch Proudly printed in Winnipeg by Reader feedback: M. Whyte was pleased to have a visit by a crimson rosella in Canberra. And Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd. K. Vidal, Winnipeg, reported a not-so-common red-breasted nuthatch at his feeder.

6 The Southern Yarn • February 2017 epages for news that just would not fit in the print issue

India’s cricket firings And just in case you missed this recently… Cricket is called a “religion” and “cult” in India. But in a nation with many faiths and Dual Canadian citizens need a cults, this game should not be above the law valid Canadian passport of the land. If you are a dual Canadian citizen used to Fair play and accountability are needed, travelling to or transiting through Canada by even when rights of each individual and air with a non-Canadian passport, you are no organization have become synonymous with longer able to do so (as of Nov., 2016). A valid making money and exploiting sentiments of Canadian passport is required to board your the gullible who are intent on entertainment flight. in any form, at any cost. If your other country needs you to enter The Supreme Court of India signalled and exit that country using a passport issued this early last month when it sacked a recal- by its government, you will still need a valid citrant Anurag Thakur, 43, the youngest Canadian passport to board your flight to chief, and all top officials of the Board of Con- Canada. Make sure to carry both passports trol for Cricket in India (BCCI), the world’s when you travel. richest cricket body. Exception: If you are an American-Cana- A court-appointed panel under Justice dian dual citizen with a valid U.S. passport, R.M. Lodha, a former chief justice, has been you don’t need a Canadian passport to fly to directed to select those who will run the Canada. However, you will still need to carry board’s multifarious activities. proper identification and meet the basic The BCCI had it coming after refusing to requirements to enter Canada. implement norms laid down by the Lodha Details: [link]. Committee, also appointed by the highest court last year. Among many measures, the panel has recommended an age bar on pow- erful politicians, businessmen and officials who are getting repeatedly elected to guard their vested interests. Considering this is a sports administra- tion body, only a handful of retired players are on the board, generally those who play along and profit. Like Bollywood heroes, the BCCI brass played double role before the court — one in the state units and another at the national level — one blaming the other for refusing to implement the court-directed reforms. — Source: Mahendra Ved, New Delhi

February 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7 The March 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

MARCH 2017 Sunday Brunch March 19, 10 am Miss Browns, 288 William Ave. Join us for another delicious brunch at the downunder-flavoured Miss Browns. RSVP to [email protected]

APRIL 2017 Calling all Australians April 27-28 Representatives of the Australian High Commission will be in Winnipeg on Friday April 28, 2017, to process new and renewed passports, and address any notarial issues or questions. There will also be an Alumni networking reception for Australian alumni in the evening of Thursday April 27. Alumni are graduates of an Australian university, vocational MacArthur in Brisbane or training institution, and exchange teachers. While in Brisbane last month Judy and I bers) offices from 20 July 1942 to November All the details, including how to book online, are accepted my brother’s invitation to visit 1944. His offices were on the eighth floor, available at our website. Questions? Contact MacArthur Museum where he volunteers now the Museum. Command meant not only Jenny at 204-228-9959. (our Mum was a war bride). It proved a very oversight of battles in Papua-New Guinea but interesting visit – videos and displays convey also regular briefings for the Australian Gov- ANZAC Memorial Service Saturday April 29, 6 pm the reality of life for the locals at the time and ernment in Canberra, co-ordination with the Scandinavian Cultural Centre, 764 Erin of the drama playing out around them. US Government, the US Navy’s Pacific Com- Make a date to commemorate ANZAC Day with The following is from the website: mand in Hawaii, and struggles with superi- a memorial service, singing of our national MacArthur’s arrival in Australia in ors in Washington. anthems, and a delicious POTLUCK dinner. This March 1942 after a harrowing escape from In the US, as in Britain, strategists is always a memorable event, so come and be a the Philippines through the Japanese forces focused first on the war against Hitler, fought part of it and the fun to follow. We may even made headlines around the world. When he out in Europe and Africa. MacArthur had to have a game of darts! As always, the Bar will be came into Melbourne he was greeted by polit- take on Washington in order to get resources open. ical leaders, reporters and an enthusiastic to defend Australia and turn back the Japan- public. In contrast, when he moved his GHQ ese advance. His determination in this battle RSVP (General Headquarters) to Brisbane in July, won him great respect in Australia’s highest Let us know you are coming, RSVP to he arrived without fanfare. military and political circles. [email protected], or call Judy at General Douglas MacArthur occupied Read more at: 204-275-7083 or look for the new RSVP page the AMP building (now MacArthur Cham- Charlie under EVENTS on our website.

REMINDER ABOUT PASSPORT RENEWALS AND ALUMNI NETWORKING EVENT Advertise in The Southern Yarn. Contact Jenny Do you need to schedule a passport interview Are you a graduate of an Australian university, (228-9959, [email protected]) for all the with consular officers from the Australian High vocational or training institution, or an exchange rates. Send your submission by email to Commission? Interviews will take place on Friday teacher to or from Australia? Then you are invited [email protected] April 28 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at Fairmont Win- to attend the Alumni Networking Reception in nipeg (2 Lombard Pl) in the Eton Room. Interview the evening of Thursday April 27 (time and loca- spaces are limited, and anyone wanting to book tion to be decided). If you want to attend this out- an appointment must do so online at this link: reach event, RSVP by Thursday April 6 to this find us on facebook or the web email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Got any questions? Contact Jenny at [email protected] or 204-228-9959. online Mickelson yesterday, where he said that in president’s the rarified air of a mountain golf course editorially ramblings tournament in Mexico he was presently yours Peter Munn playing, his nine iron shots were travel- Charlie Powell ling over 180 yards. Hmmm). Having been cold And so I began searching for a driv- G’day, for far too long, I er version of the best club in my bag, a We have just returned from 3 weeks in Aus- decided that I Cobra 7 wood with relatively modern tralia. Some of the time was a trip down needed to get ready for the upcoming golf technology, that actually works for my slow memory lane, reconnecting with friends season, and with that would come remem- swing. I am still searching through the from 50 years ago. Much of the time was brances of warmer times. For too long now, internet, Kijiji, etc, for the right match, and spent with family. And it was thanks to fam- my efforts to slam my tee shot 260 yards when I find it, don’t bet against me. ily that we were able to take the opportunity down the fairway with my less than trusty to get out and enjoy the unique bush and driver had been fruitless. In fact, my drives Regards, birdlife. New for us were the Maleny Botan- now rarely, if ever, get near the 190 yard Peter ic Gardens and Bird World [Link], where mark. (I listened to an interview with Phil the colourful collection are happy to perch on your head or shoulder; and Osprey House Environmental Centre [Link] at the what’son Pine River estuary, Griffin, Qld. One charac- Aussie and Kiwi books, tv shows, movies and other things in Winnipeg and Manitoba ter that you can easily encounter Books Other downunder is the ibis – the mas- Seen in secondhand bookstores: - Get your Vegemite at London Drugs (St Vital) cot of my old high school: “I - The Dressmaker by Rosalie Ham (Aus) and Teeyahs (downtown on Hargrave). Believe In Sandgate”. So this - The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton (NZ) - KangaROOS are shoes with pockets. Not from month the ibis is the focus of down under, but available at Payless if you Birds I View, p.6 and also the Shows want something with an Aussie flavour. inspiration for Bert Hinkler, in Now on Netflix: Getting to know, p.4. - The Principal Please email us at [email protected] Jenny Gates introduces us to a - Offspring with other suggestions to include in this monthly new monthly feature: What’s On, p.2, and - The Moodie Christmas column. Murray Burt’s regular update on doings in - The Hunt for the Wilderpeople the Commonwealth is on p.5. - Blinky Bill: The Movie Thank you to our contributors this month – Brian Hydesmith, Murray Burt, Peter Munn, Jenny Gates and our advertis- Immerse yourself in ers. Thailand’s fascinating culture and unique Thailand traditions, unmatched $ hospitality, diverse history, and delicious and delicacies. Thailand Longstays! - $2,976 per person beyond! Includes: Return airfare w/ Cathay Pacific (from Calgary) consular 17 nights accommodation in Phuket at 4-star Kamala Beach Resort, connections breakfasts, 3 nights accommodation in Bangkok at 4-star Dusit Thani Bangkok, Who’s who and what’s what at our High Commissions breakfasts, Wi-Fi, half-day Phuket Thai cooking class, Phi Phi Island tour, lunch, half-day Damnern Saduak floating market tour Want to stay connected with the Australian and Specific departure/return dates: 28 Oct (depart Canada) - 16 Nov 2017 (arrive back in New Zealand High Commissions in Ottawa? Then Canada) Taxes and fees are not included in this package offer. Price is per person, follow them on Facebook and visit their websites. based on double occupancy.

AUSTRALIA Let Down Under Travel work for you, organizing your travel needs in 2017 NEW ZEALAND -regions/north-america/canada/new-zealand-high (403) 270-4414 Phone -commission 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free [email protected] -Commission-in-Canada-219970494714908/ 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 • More than 40 years’ South Pacific experience

2 The Southern Yarn • March 2017 Coconut and Lychee, and Black Forest. predator-free city would mean that birds, newsfromOz Messina said the collaboration came lizards, geckos and other native fauna could various sources, see web links in online edition about after they received an email in 2015 thrive in the city, bringing big environmen- from Arnott’s. [Read more online]. tal and economic benefits. It first involves eradicating stoats and rats from the Miramar Peninsula, where pos- newszealand sums were eradicated a decade ago. [Read source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted more online].

For the birds ... The Australian Bird Feeding and Watering Study aims to gather quantitative data on the effects of supplementary feeding and provid- The Otaki’s Epic battle ing water for birds, and the reasons why peo- A posthumous Victoria Cross was awarded to ple provided food and/or water. In doing so Put money where your feet are the Otaki’s skipper, 39-year-old Captain we aim to develop guidelines for people who It may be time to start charging for the use of Archibald Bissett-Smith, for his efforts feed birds to do so with minimum risk to the country's Great Walks, Department of Con- against the German naval ship Moewe (dis- birds. [Read more online] servation director-general Lou Sanson says. guised as a Merchant). The two engaged on Foreign tourists could pay $100 and New 10th March 1917 off the Azores in the North International modern agriculture Zealanders $40 to cope with a huge increase Atlantic. Bisset-Smith didn’t back down planned for Melbourne’s West ... in trampers — especially overseas travellers despite his slower and heavily out-gunned Australian Food News reports: A region in — and their effect on the environment, he sug- vessel. Before going down with his ship, Melbourne’s outer western perimeter near gested. enough damage was inflicted on the Moewe Melton is set to become home to one of Aus- Sanson said the country's Great Walks to keep it out of action for several days. [Read tralia’s most exciting developments in peri- brand had "exploded" but this popularity more online] urban agribusiness. had created some problems. [Read more In mid-2016, China’s Fucheng Invest- online] New Zealander surprise winner ment group purchased the last available sec- of major literary prize tion of the Baillieu family’s Woodhouse It's the kind of news we all dream of receiv- Station in Melbourne’s outer west for AUD ing, but New Zealand author and poet Ash- $100 million. leigh Young thought it was a hoax when told Fucheng Investment has now announced she'd receive more than $200,000 from one the land will be used to create an “agribusi- of the world’s richest and most secretive lit- ness city”. [Read more online] erature prizes. Young, 33, arrived at work last Thursday to find a “suspicious looking Messina partners with Arnott’s email” from Yale University about the Don- for new Tim Tam range ... Pests-be-gone … ald Windham-Sandy M Campbell Literature Australian Food News Wellington's leaders have officially Prize. She is the first New Zealander to reports: Arnott’s and announced plans to make the city the receive a Windham-Campbell Literature Messina Gelato have world's first predator-free capital - a goal Prize, which aims “to call attention to liter- teamed up to create an ice cream-inspired researchers say is possible. ary achievement and provide writers the Tim Tam range. The ambitious effort has now prompted opportunity to focus on their work independ- The four flavours in the range include: calls for Auckland to step up and follow suit. ent of financial concerns”. [Link] Choc Mint, Salted Caramel and Vanilla, Those behind Wellington's plan say a Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

March 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 gettingtoknow… history, and members of our club Bert Hinkler

Ibis Amphibian The Avro Avi, an experimental aircraft with which The Ibis amphibian was built back at Hinkler had considerable experience. Hamble with a friend - the aeronautical engi- Bert Hinkler purchased an English-built neer, Roland Bound. Regretfully Hinkler had DH80A Puss Moth in Canada, and soon set to abandon the development due to lack of off on the first solo crossing of the South interest and the onset of the great depres- Atlantic Ocean, which he achieved between sion. A full scale replica, the property of the October and December 1931. Regretfully in Hinkler Hall of Aviation Memorabilia Trust, the same aircraft, the boy born at Woodbine was built in 1987/88 and is proudly dis- Villa, Gavin Street, Bundaberg, met an played in the Hinkler Hall of Aviation in the untimely end on Mt. Pratomagno Italy, on Botanic Gardens adjacent to the Hinkler the 7th of January 1933 while attempting House Memorial Museum, Bundaberg. another solo record to Australia.

Bert Hinkler

Bert Hinkler was born in Bundaberg, Hinkler in Queensland on the 8th of December, 1892. later years The son of a mill worker, he was fascinated Puss Moth by flight. The DH80A Puss Moth on display in the Hinkler references: Hinkler Hall of Aviation has been faithfully restored to the exact specification as flown E. P. Wixted, 'Hinkler, Herbert John (Bert) by Bert Hinkler. This is a very rare and valu- (1892–1933)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, able aircraft. The acquisition and restoration National Centre of Biography, Australian National of this aircraft was made possible by gener- University, published first in hardcopy 1983, ous donations from business, private individ- accessed online 5 March 2017. [Link] uals and the Italian Community of Grantlee Kieza, “Bert Hinkler: The Most Daring Glider Bundaberg. This major project was carried Man In The World”, published by HarperCollins. During 1911 and 1912 a glider was con- out by the Hinkler House Memorial Museum structed by Bert Hinkler, each rib and spar & Research Association Inc. Courier Mail article [Link] skilfully hand crafted in his backyard work- shop. It was usually transported to Mon Repos beach (now a protected nesting site for Loggerhead turtles) by horse-drawn vehi- cles. In April 1912, he had rebuilt the flimsy Law services at your place of convenience glider, and with an ironing board serving as his cockpit, it took to the air with him aboard, and launched young Herbert John Louis Hin- Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b kler into the exciting and developing world lawyer • notary public of aviation. On February 7, 1928, flying solo, he took off from Croydon, England and reached Dar- . win, Australia on February 22, 1928. Record home visits office visits after record had been shattered by G-EBOV, day, evening & weekend appointments this amazing light aircraft. Both the original aircraft, G-EACQ and G-EBOV, are on display 204-783-1632 at the Queensland Museum in Brisbane, Aus- tralia.

4 The Southern Yarn • March 2017 Australia has since become a strong What makes it a story (or two) was the commonwealth international voice against the death penalty, surprise of the announcement, which is sup- place by Murray Burt partly forged out of the execution of its citi- ported by the facts contained in some of the zens in Malaysia, Singapore, and most 145 pages of documents released by the recently Indonesia, where Andrew Chan and department of internal affairs. Myuran Sukumaran were executed for drug Thiel was born in Germany and won his trafficking in 2015. citizenship despite the fact he had not lived Australia’s international advocacy for in NZ for the prescribed 1,350 days. Nor had abolition of the death penalty was further he any intention of doing so. The formal advanced in 2016 when the parliamentary process of acceptance occurred in a private report ‘A World Without the Death Penalty’ ceremony in Santa Monica in 2011. Winning was released, which made 13 recommenda- facts involved his talent as an entrepreneur tions as to how Australia could improve this and his philanthropic bent. advocacy. These recommendations are His investments in New Zealand, includ- under consideration as part of Australia’s ing those in the companies Xero and Pacific Foreign Policy White Paper due out in mid- Fibre Ltd., as well as his intention to start a Pilot whale beachings in NZ 2017. The country with the largest number of “technology incubator” in Auckland and use More than 650 pilot whales beached them- executions per year is China. his San Francisco connections to provide US selves last month along a five-kilometre introductions for New Zealand businesses, stretch of shoreline on Farewell Spit at the Immigrants help tap Asian wine helped the process. northwest tip of the South Island, attracting market hundreds of volunteers to help with their res- The Australian Population and Migration Australian Commission’s look at cue. Research Centre at the University of Ade- Nauru Many were saved by the volunteers, laide finds that Chinese students can play a An Australian human rights lawyer is wel- while others died or had to be euthanized. crucial role in the state’s wine business as it coming the announcement that a Royal Com- Such stranding episodes are not uncom- seeks to make inroads into the Chinese mar- mission will hold limited hearings into the mon in NZ, but rarely if ever do they occur in ket. One medium-sized winery in Adelaide sexual abuse of children detained on Nauru. on such a large scale. About 335 of the Hills began generating significant sales in The Australian-run detention centre on whales had died by the time they were first China after employing a Chinese student. Nauru has been mired with allegations of discovered. Volunteers immediately returned The student began addressing occasional child abuse and mental health issues. But about 150 back into the surf on the first day, enquiries from Chinese customers before until now, the Royal Commission, which was leaving 220 still stranded that had to be kept creating a position for herself as the win- set up to investigate how institutions in Aus- swathed with wetted blankets until the next ery’s lead China strategist. tralia have responded to child sexual abuse, tide. Many succumbed. These examples illustrate just a small has said it doesn't have the power to look at After the first episode, a new pod of 240 part of the growing importance of the Chi- offshore detention centres. whales swam aground at another remote nese diaspora in fostering bilateral econom- However, Hugh de Kretser, from the beach just hours after scores of weary volun- ic ties. Yet the Australian government and Human Rights Law Centre, said his organiza- teers managed to refloat a different group of business sector is not taking advantage of tion released advice saying it did have the whales following an earlier mass stranding. this vital human asset. A recent report by the power to examine the response of the Aus- It is the third largest stranding in history. Australian Council of Learned Academies tralian government and its contractors, and Largest was at the Chatham Islands in 1918, (ACOLA) argues that the country should added the commission would now examine and second largest in Auckland in 1950. make better use of this talent pool. the government's response to the recommen- dations of a child protection panel into abuse Australia urges end to death Peter Thiel: NZ great place for in immigration detention. penalty in Asia Pacific business. He has a biggie or two Last month a small ceremony was held to Kiwis find they have a German billionaire as Read more from Commonwealth Corner on remember the 50th anniversary of the exe- a citizen in their midst and while not upset page seven of the electronic version of The cution of Ronald Ryan at Pentridge jail in about it, they wonder how come. The gent in Southern Yarn. Melbourne. Ryan’s execution for the murder question is Peter Thiel, a nice young man, of a prison guard proved to be the tipping very bright, who is a co-founder of the very Murray Burt is a retired editor and journalist who point for Australia. It sparked a movement for profitable Paypal operation. is concerned that lesser elements of the Com- abolition of the death penalty, which culmi- Thiel’s NZ status occurred several years monwealth get poor media coverage. nated in 1985 when capital punishment was ago but was not made generally known until Burt is president of the Manitoba branch of the abolished. last month. What is more, the change was Royal Commonwealth Society; past president of the Commonwealth Journalists Association; secre- This act of domestic law reform was soon granted despite the fact he did not exactly tary of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of followed by action on the international stage meet prerequisites of residence duration or Canada advisory board; Hon LCol of the 78th in 1990 when Australia ratified the Second plans to live in his new “homeland”. The deci- Fraser Highlanders; a senator of the 166th Bat- Optional Protocol to the International sion occurred because it was “in the public tery RCA (Kenora) and a director of The Intrepid Covenant on Civil and Political Rights interest,” and no doubt because he owned Society. He is retired from more than 50 years of (ICCPR), creating an international law obli- several million-dollar properties in the coun- journalism. gation to abolish the death penalty. try.

March 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 Australian white ibis - Did you know? … photographed at The mascot of the University of Miami is an Einbunpin Lagoon American White Ibis. The ibis was selected Park in Sandgate, Qld. as the school mascot because of its leg- endary bravery during hurricanes. The ibis is the last sign of wildlife to take shelter before a hurricane hits and the first to reap- pear once the storm has passed. [Link] Flavius Josephus suggests that Moses commanded Egyptian troops and led them to victory against the forces of neighbouring Ethiopia. According to that account, the Ethiopians were raiding the Egyptians, and the Pharaoh ordered Moses to lead an army to stop the raiders once and for all. Moses then used a remarkable tactic to take the Ethiopians by surprise. The Ethiopians were expecting Moses to Board of Directors attack by marching along the river, rather President: than by land, because the land between the Peter Munn two armies was so thick with snakes that it Vice President: birdsiview… Catherine Bowering by Charlie Powell was impassable. For that very reason, Moses was determined to march over land. He Secretary: Margaret Munn The Ibis ordered his artificers to construct cages and Newsletter Editor: It is thought that severe droughts in the late to carry ibis birds (a sacred bird in Egypt) Charlie Powell ‘70s and ‘90s led to the mass migration of with them. The ibis is a natural enemy of Treasurer: Threskiornis molucca to urban regions of snakes, and so they scattered the snakes, Peter Debenham Australia. As a result, some locals now view and the army was safe. Thus the army Social Coordinators: them as a pest, although tourists probably crossed the land, surprised the enemy, and Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, Lucia Barron see them as a novelty. They have certainly defeated them. [Link] Membership: become opportunistic scavengers wherever Norm Griffiths picnickers gather, and are becoming as bad- Past President: mannered as seagulls and pigeons. Apart Terry Roberts from human scraps, their favourite food is crayfish and mussels. This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF Human interference and modification for format from the website. Thank you to all of agriculture of their natural breeding habitat, our contributors within the club, from The North overseas and information services. Layout inland wetlands and marshes, is a serious by [email protected] American concern for their long-term survival. Hope- white faced fully compromise will prevail. The Southern Yarn is published by the Down ibis Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The The issue gets a good review in an ABC views and opinions expressed by Science article from 1970 [Link]. contributors to this publication are not Another common member of the family endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect those of, the members of the DUCW. The in Australia is the straw-necked ibis. It has DUCW and the Editor of The Southern Yarn more dark plumage on the back and distinc- do not accept any responsibility for the tive straw-like feathers on the neck. Apart content or accuracy of information or websites contained in this publication. from the usual aquatic fare, these ibises are Articles may be republished with very farmer-friendly as they feed on crop permission of the Editor. pests such as grasshoppers, crickets and locusts. T H E D O W N U N D E R CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. The third variety in Australia is the Station Main, PO Box 1655, glossy ibis. It is the smallest and most glob- Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 ally distributed – even a vagrant winter visi- 1-204-832-4405 tor to New Zealand. [email protected] North America hosts a white ibis (much more totally white than Australia’s) and the Like us on facebook! white-faced ibis, which can be found on Canada’s west coast. We don’t see ibises in Proudly printed in Winnipeg by Manitoba. Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd.

6 The Southern Yarn • March 2017 epages for news that just would not fit in the print issue

Trump’s Australia call worrying The furore that erupted around President Trump's truncated telephone call with Aus- tralia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last month underlined the problems that not only Australia but partners from Berlin to Tokyo are now being forced to confront. How will these major partners, Beijing included, fare in dealing with the Trump administra- tion. Threats to peace and security across East Asia are multiplying. The challenges of a nuclear-armed North Korea and Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea are both pressing issues. The Trump–Turnbull episode has impact far beyond the Australia–US alliance rela- tionship. It was headline news around the world because of the line of sight it provided into what's going on in the minds of Trump and his closest deputies in the White House. Tellingly, Secretary of Defense James Mattis has been in Asia on a mission to reas- sure Japan and South Korea that the United States remains a reliable ally and is not turn- ing its back on the region. Mattis assured Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that the United States would stand by its mutual defence treaty, despite statements by Presi- dent Trump during last year's campaign that suggested he might pull back from American security commitments in Asia. —Source: East Asia Forum

March 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7 The April 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

APRIL 2017 Australian Passports & Alumni April 27-28 Representatives of the Australian High Commission will be in Winnipeg on Friday April 28, 2017, to process new and renewed passports, and address any notarial issues or questions. There will also be an Alumni networking reception for Australian alumni in the evening of Thursday April 27. Alumni are graduates of an Australian university, vocational or training institution, and exchange teachers. All the details, including how to book online, are available at our website. Questions? Contact Jenny at 204-228-9959. The large crowd enthusiastically made their guests feel welcome.

ANZAC Memorial Service Saturday April 29, 6 pm Scandinavian Cultural Centre, 764 Erin Friendly folks here & there Make a date to commemorate ANZAC Day with On Wednesday February 15, Peter and Mar- at the Assiniboine Park a memorial service, singing of our national garet Munn and I were invited to attend a Zoo, Festival du anthems, and a delicious POTLUCK dinner. This Friendship Force (FF) Manitoba and FF Win- Voyageur, curling, wel- is always a memorable event, so come and be a nipeg potluck dinner to welcome 28 Aussies come and farewell din- part of it and the fun to follow. We may even and one Kiwi to Winnipeg. ners, and free time to have a game of darts! As always, the Bar will be Ti-Bert gives guests a taste of open. And you can meet our guests of honour: The event was held at St Andrews Angli- explore. the Festival Du Voyageur Louise Murray, Second Secretary and Consul, can Church (2700 Portage) and attended by The goal of the week- Australian High Commission (Ottawa) who will be more than 100 people. long trip was, in part, to expose the southern- in Winnipeg for the Australian Alumni Outreach FF International promotes friendship and ers to a real Winnipeg winter. And although Event and passport interviews, and LCol (ret’d) understanding by bringing people together it wasn’t quite as wintery as they may – or Art Brown RCAF from the Memory Project who from all over the world. It is not a travel club, may not – have hoped, they certainly got a will be delivering a presentation titled but the core activity is travelling in groups to taste of what it is like for those of us from “Canadians at Gallipoli”. stay with members of FF clubs in other coun- down under who have made this place our tries. It is founded on the idea that wherever home. RSVP you may go, people are people and differ- For more information about Friendship Let us know you are coming, RSVP to ences in culture and language need not cre- Force International, visit these websites: [email protected], or call Judy at ate barriers. 204-275-7083 or look for the new RSVP page The visit for this particular group includ- under EVENTS on our website. ed time at the Journey to Churchill exhibition Article and photos by Jenny Gates

Advertise in The Southern Yarn. Contact Jenny FINAL REMINDER: PASSPORT RENEWALS AND ALUMNI NETWORKING EVENT (228-9959, [email protected]) for all the Do you need to schedule a passport interview Are you a graduate of an Australian university, rates. Send your submission by email to with consular officers from the Australian High vocational or training institution, or an exchange [email protected] Commission? Interviews will take place on Friday teacher to or from Australia? Then you are invited April 28 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at 201 Portage to attend the Alumni Networking Reception in Ave. 18th Floor (Regus Business Centre). Interview the evening of Thursday April 27 6:30 pm at Miss spaces are limited, and anyone wanting to book Browns, 288 William. If you want to attend this an appointment must do so online at this link: outreach event, RSVP by Thursday April 6 to this find us on facebook or the web email: [email protected] APRIL 25 APRIL 2017

email: [email protected] NEW INFO as of Got any questions? Contact Jenny at [email protected] or 204-228-9959. online It was a great brunch that Jenny organ- president’s ized at Miss Browns, and nice to catch up editorially ramblings with so many of you again. yours Peter Munn Our Anzac Day service is being held Charlie Powell later this month, and thank you again to Great to wake up Gordon for arranging this special this morning to event. I trust that we will have a great This edition of the Yarn comes to you sun streaming turnout for this special day. thanks to the assistance of former editor, through the south facing windows, and Right now, I am heading outside for Jenny Gates. with all the snow and ice finally gone from some sunshine, and maybe to clean up the Our collaboration became necessary the back yard. Like Charlie, I take the time usual detritus from winter. As Dan Rowan when it was apparent that I was going to be to feed a variety of wild birds over the win- said on Laugh-in, “Look that up in your computerless for longer than I bargained. ter, and we have our usual host of junkos Funk and Wagnalls.” You see a week ago I experienced a stuffing themselves on ground-fed millet Enjoy your spring. problem with a usb drive/memory stick - before they head off much farther north. Peter suddenly lost two folders! So I took the stick and laptop in to the "shop" to see what could be done. Trying not to appear too pan- icked (or clueless) I explained the problem and the importance of finding the misbe- having folders sooner rather than later. My fixit man started diagnosing the situation as I left just before closing time. Next day I phoned to check on progress - no answer - left a message - stopped by the store - not open!? Same thing on Saturday. Prayed on Sunday. But alas, same thing Monday - left a note under the door: “Please call” I begged. Tuesday afternoon he did - Phew!! Computers aren’t alone in being suscepti- ble to bugs. Anyway, at time of going to Twenty one members of the DUCW enjoyed a most fantastic brunch at Miss Browns on Sunday March press I still don’t have it back, but at least I 19. Not only was the food delicious, but the service was great, the atmosphere fun and friendly, and we know he’s back onto it. had the opportunity catch up and meet some long standing and newer members. Big thanks to Jenny and Steve at Miss Browns – you know we’ll be back! Photo: Jenny Gates. So “thank you” Jenny for willingly step- ping up! And to this month's other contribu- Immerse yourself in tors. Thailand’s fascinating culture and unique NZ, Bali, traditions, unmatched $ hospitality, diverse history, and delicious Thailand, and delicacies. beyond! Airfare WINNIPEG TO AUCKLAND RTN C$1679 what’son incl. taxes & fees Valid for departures Aug 6 to Aug 29 or Aussie and Kiwi books, tv shows, movies and Sep 5 to Sep 27 or Oct 14 to Dec 6, 2017. Book by Apr 12, 2017. other things in Winnipeg and Manitoba THAILAND Longstays C$3,376 p.p. + tax ($268 p.p.) On the shelf (McNally Robinson) (incl. Return air from Winnipeg, daily breakfasts, 3 excursions, airport transfers). Middle School: Escape to Australia (James Patter- Valid for travel Oct 28 (depart Canada) to Nov 16, 2017 (arrive back in Canada). son, Daniel Griffo) – $18.49 – In the newest BALI Longstays C$3,561 p.p. + tax ($296 p.p.) (incl. Return air from Winnipeg, installment of James Patterson’s bestselling Mid- daily breakfasts, 3 excursions, airport transfers). Valid for travel: Nov 3 dle School series, everyone’s favorite underdog (depart Canada) to Nov 27, 2017 (arrive back in Canada). hero Rafe Khatchadorian is headed to the danger- ous wilds of Australia! Indigenous Homelessness: Perspectives from Let Down Under Travel Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (Evelyn J work for you, organizing your Peters, Julia Christensen, Paul Andrew) — $34.95 travel needs in 2017 — Essays in this collection explore the meaning and scope of Indigenous homelessness in the (403) 270-4414 Phone Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free (more on page 3) [email protected] 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 • More than 40 years’ South Pacific experience

2 The Southern Yarn • April 2017 quickly became a household icon both here newsfromOz and abroad.” Ball was made an Officer of the various sources, see web links in online edition New Zealand Order of Merit in 2002 for serv- ices as a cartoonist. [Read more online]

The jokes on you! Two Kiwi April Fool’s Day jokes have made the NZ Herald’s top 5 list, including NZ What is your floral emblem? police bunnies. Courtesy of Waikato District Native flowers are part of our cultural her- Police, who announced their new crime itage and vital to sustaining Australia’s fighting units. Apparently, the bunnies are unique ecosystems. About 21,000 species of “specially trained to sniff out stolen jew- native flowering plants are celebrated in fes- ellery during search warrants ...” and “... tivals and gardens nationwide. Nine are offi- they really have a nose for it.” Good one, offi- Extreme coral bleaching cially recognised as national, state, and cers! [Read more online] Parts of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) will territory floral emblems, and they feature never fully recover from repeated bleaching alongside Australia’s bird and mammal First NZ of its corals, caused by spikes in the water emblems on official coats of arms. [Read degree in temperature, scientists say. Professor Terry more online] vegan Hughes of James Cook University and col- cuisine leagues analysed the impact of three major Four‘N Twenty Hugo Hugh- bleachings in the past two decades on Aus- spices things up es is the first tralia’s reef. The research confirmed last A new Four‘N Twenty pie g r a d u a t e year’s event was the worst on record. [Read flavour is asking the from AUT's more online] question, “Can you han- culinary arts dle the heat?” The new pie is chilli beef and school to comes with a warning on the pack saying specialise in “Caution, Hot & Spicy!” Developed with vegan cook- adventurous eaters in mind, Chilli Beef pie ing. As a veg- is slow-cooked for 8 hours and 100 per cent etarian himself and then a vegan, he Australian beef. Next time you’re in Oz, convinced his tutors to let him focus entire- you’ll be able to pick them up at petrol and ly on vegan cooking. “In one of my exams I convenience stores. made tofu from scratch.” Okay, now that’s worth a degree all by itself! [Read more online] Night parrot sighting newszealand source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted A night parrot has been photographed in what’son WA, adding another twist to the mysterious continued… Thanks, Murray Ball history of the species that was presumed On Netflix extinct until it was rediscovered in Qld four Footrot Flats creator Mur- Mystery Road (Oz) – An aboriginal detective years ago. The first verified sighting of the ray Ball has died aged 78 returns to the Outback to investigate the murder bird in WA for almost 100 years, the discov- after a battle with of a teenage girl. ery was made by a group of four friends from Alzheimer’s, but his ink has left an indelible The Interview (Oz) – An excellent thriller that will Broome who have dedicated the better part mark on the New Zealand landscape. Ball keep you guessing. of seven years to locating the bird, trekking was “funny and goofy and generous, and Pete’s Dragon (filmed in NZ) – 10-year-old orphan into likely habitats, and listening for unusual incredibly serious about inequality”. A pro- who says he lives in the woods with a giant, bird calls. [Read more online] lific cartoonist, “Footrot Flats captured the friendly dragon. true essence of NZ farm life. But farm life is Wentworth (Oz) – Contemporary revival of a clas- virtually the same the world over, hence, it sic Australian prison drama series Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

April 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 gettingtoknow… history, and members of our club Olga Husack at her retirement party. Aussie searches for answers

Note: All quoted content is from the WFP article by Melissa Martin. [Link].

You might have read the article in the Win- nipeg Free Press by Melissa Martin on Satur- day March 25 about Australian Judith Lewis who is searching for her birth father. When Peter Munn told me about the article, I won- dered if there was any way we could help. Probably a long shot, but you never know who reads our newsletter, so at least worth a try. First thing I did was contact Melissa to see if we could run parts of the story in the Yarn, and through her, I contacted Judy in Australia. Judy then sent me the two photos you see here, and thanked us for helping tell her story. She already has a few leads – Olga’s teacher colleagues, members of the Ukrain- ian community at Fisher Branch where Olga’s parents Henry and Mary Husack farmed for 47 years from around 1926, and, Olga Husack was featured in an Australian newspaper article in 1957, and according to her daughter of course, the WFP article – so while Judy Judy, is how her teacher colleagues would remember her. waits to see if those turn up anything, let me tell you a bit about her story. birth father, and when Olga died in 2001, Manitoba will remember something that can “In 1957, a 30-year-old schoolteacher Judy’s “... best hope of ever finding her birth help. “And if not, well, at least [she] knows from Fisher Branch arrived in Australia, father died with her.” she tried. Searching doesn’t always find ostensibly on a teaching tour and stayed for As Judy said, “It’s just wanting to know answers, but there will never be answers if seven months. Near the end of her trip, a things. ... I’d love to know what my father you don’t ask.” local newspaper clipping trumpeted her looked like. When I met Olga I saw a slight If you have any information or sugges- visit.” resemblance, but not a strong resemblance. I tions for Judy, contact the Club at “Yet by the time that newspaper was pub- suspect I looked more like him.” [email protected]. lished, [Olga] Husack was already carrying a Ultimately, Judy’s hoping someone in – Jenny Gates secret. In Sydney, she had lived at a home for unmarried mothers. In January 1958, she’d given birth to an infant daughter, and placed her for adoption. “She named the baby Judith and left the Law services at your place of convenience birth father’s name blank on the documents.” “Husack would have been about five months pregnant when she left her teaching Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b job in Sandy Lake and travelled to Australia. lawyer • notary public When she returned to Canada, she evidently told no one about the baby. “Lewis, meanwhile, grew up happy ... in . Papua New Guinea .... They were loving par- home visits office visits ents, and [Judy’s] memories of her childhood day, evening & weekend appointments home are warm ones.” Judy did eventually locate her birth moth- 204-783-1632 er in Manitoba, and in 1996, they met in Van- couver. Olga didn’t reveal the name of Judy’s

4 The Southern Yarn • April 2017 when their bid was declared successful. atrocities against Rohingya Muslims despite commonwealth Gerrard Albert, the lead negotiator for a motion passed in the Senate urging Aus- place by Murray Burt the Whanganui tribe said: “The reason we tralia to call for a United Nations commis- have taken this approach is because we con- sion of inquiry. sider the river an ancestor and always have.… Australia’s statement at the UN Human We have fought to find an approximation in Rights Council in Geneva called for Myan- law so that all others can understand that mar to conduct its own investigation with from our perspective treating the river as a international help into what the UN says living entity is the correct way to approach it, could amount to ethnic cleansing and as an indivisible whole, instead of the tradi- crimes against humanity in the country’s tional model for the last 100 years of treating western Rakhine state, home to more than it from a perspective of ownership and man- one million Rohingya. agement.” Human rights investigator denounces The tribe from Whanganui has fought for Myanmar’s “long-standing persecution” of 160 years for the river, also known as Te Awa the Rohingya minority amid a violent mili- Tupua, to be recognized as their ancestor. tary crackdown that has sparked internation- ‘Trans-shipping’ fish cargo dangers Pacific The new status means that if someone were al outcry as well as accusations of crimes An environmental group dedicated to ocean to harm the river in any way, there would be against humanity and possible ethnic cleans- conservation is warning Pacific nations to be no legal difference between that and harm- ing. alert to the dangers of what’s called trans- ing a member of the tribe. But Yanghee Lee, the United Nations spe- shipping, which it says can be used to mask cial envoy for Myanmar, called for a UN illegal fishing activity. Australia addressing Muslim radicalization inquiry, the strongest form of intervention Trans-shipping means fishing boats can creeping into childhood education the council could take, citing evidence that stay at sea for an extended period of time, in The Australian Government has spent mil- Myanmar may be seeking to “expel” all eth- some cases more than a year, by transferring lions since the London bombings of 2005 on nic Rohingya from the country where they their stock to another boat and receiving fuel programs and projects to counter radicalism have been living for generations. and supplies. in its Muslim population, yet the threat “I heard allegation after allegation of hor- The US-based group, Oceana, said that appears to be growing. What went wrong? rific events like these – slitting of throats, practice could often involve the laundering Well, frankly, everything — from the basic indiscriminate shootings, setting alight of fish, human rights abuses, and labour vio- premise of what leads and drives radicaliza- houses with people tied up inside and throw- lations. tion to what contains and neutralizes it. ing very young people into the fire, as well as Its senior campaign director, Beth Low- The fundamental flaw in the Govern- gang rapes and other sexual violence,” Ms ell, said trans-shipping was a huge problem ment’s counter-radicalization policy is that it Lee told the 47-member council. around the world and it was also likely to be has relied heavily on Muslim community lead- Human rights groups condemned what happening in the Pacific due to its large tuna ers to understand the roots of radicalization. they called Australia’s weak position at the fisheries. Not only are the Muslim leaders no experts, council, describing already established “There is definitely some suspicious but they are also distant from the younger gen- investigations into the violence by Myanmar areas of trans-shipment in the central west eration of Muslims who undergo an identity as a whitewash. Pacific area which needs some further inves- crisis triggered internally by Australian socie- On February 16, Australian senators tigation to see what’s happening. Is it legal? ty (which functions contrary to their beliefs) passed a Greens motion without division Is it hiding legal activity?” and externally by sophisticated propaganda calling on Myanmar to assert the religious Mr Lowell said trans-shipping needed to which they digest over social media. and ethnic equality of all of its people, be banned and fishing vessels need to be The result is an obviously misdirected including Rohingya, and urging the Aus- tracked and monitored. — Source Radio NZ counter-radicalization strategy focusing on tralian government to consider pushing for a sponsoring ‘liberal’ Islamic education, train- UN commission of inquiry into abuses in the Whanganui River granted personal identity ing for Imams, and the opening up of Islam- Buddhist-majority country. Scott Ludlam, A great river of bloody and exploratory histo- ic institutes at universities to promote who proposed the motion, described what ry involving many M ori warrior-British research and dialogue. was happening to Rohingya as “devastating”. army battles in the 19thā century is so etched Opening up new Islamic institutes and Australia’s human rights policy has liter- in New Zealand history that it has been given publishing liberal Islamic texts has absolute- ally been at sea for so long with refugee a personality. ly no measurable impact on radicalism – boats that Canberra seems to now instinc- Parliament last month granted it the thick intellectual texts are not read by majori- tively adopt the preferred policy of rights vio- same legal rights as a human in an effort to ty of the Muslim youth. And there is little evi- lating Asian nations. enshrine the waterway’s ancestral status of a dence that Imams have much to do with local M ori tribe. growing radicalization, given that groups like Read more from Commonwealth Corner on Theā Whanganui, today a wondrous river al Qaeda and ISIS tend to bypass structures page seven of the electronic version of The passing through stretches of pasture, dense and hierarchy to reach directly to recruits. Southern Yarn. fern and forest, is on the east coast of the Murray Burt is a retired editor and journalist who North Island about 445km south of Auck- Australia “weak” in UN probe of Myanmar is concerned that lesser elements of the Com- land. The decision was met with tears of joy The Turnbull government has refused to monwealth get poor media coverage.He is retired from hundreds of tribal representatives back an international investigation into from more than 50 years of journalism.

April 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 Board of Directors President: Hammock Marsh. Australia hosts the black- Peter Munn birdsiview… tailed, bar-tailed and Hudsonian godwits, of Vice President: by Charlie Powell which the former is more likely to be found Catherine Bowering Godwit inland. The bar-tailed also feeds in New Secretary: Margaret Munn Hudsonian godwit Zealand. Newsletter Editor: Limosa haemastica Bar-tailed godwits have recently been Charlie Powell confirmed to be the record holders for the Treasurer: These shorebirds belong to the Sandpiper longest non-stop leg of their migration flight Peter Debenham family and, depending where you are, may be – around 12,000 km! To do that they need Social Coordinators: seen in the company of curlews, whimbrels, fuel to burn, so they double their body weight Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, Lucia Barron dotterels, sandpipers, stilts, golden plovers, with fat. Membership: heron and, of course, seagulls and terns. Growing up in the Sandgate area of Norm Griffiths Their long, slightly upturned bill allows Queensland, we would see large flocks of Past President: them to probe deep into the soft shoreline bar-tailed godwits feeding on the low-tide Terry Roberts and detect worms, larvae, crustaceans and mudflats. On a recent visit, there seemed to mollusks. Their English name “godwit” is be much fewer – a local theorized that the This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF thought to imitate their call; Limosa is Latin popularity of kite-boarding is scaring them format from the website. Thank you to all of for “muddy”, which could refer to their colour off. Further south around Moreton Bay, at our contributors within the club, from overseas and information services. Layout or habitat. Cleveland, a major planned harbour develop- by [email protected] In Manitoba we can observe the marbled ment is currently on hold due to concerns for godwit (Limosa fedoa) near our lakes, rivers the Russian bar-tailed godwit. The Southern Yarn is published by the Down Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The and marshes, e.g., Delta Marsh and Oak - with info from Wikipedia views and opinions expressed by contributors to this publication are not endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect OVERSEAS TAX OBLIGATIONS those of, the members of the DUCW. The DUCW and the Editor of The Southern Yarn • Lodgment of your worldwide income or a non- do not accept any responsibility for the The Australian Government has introduced content or accuracy of information or changes relating to Higher Education Loan Pro- lodgment advice. websites contained in this publication. gram (HELP) and Trade Support Loan (TSL) Your debt will continue to be indexed each Articles may be republished with permission of the Editor. repayment obligations. Under these changes, your year until it is paid. You can make additional volun- first repayment against your HELP and TSL loan tary repayments from overseas at any time to T H E D O W N U N D E R will commence from 1 July 2017 based on your reduce the balance of your debt. These repay- CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. worldwide income for the 2016–17 income year. ments will not reduce any compulsory repayment Station Main, PO Box 1655, Similarly to if you were living and working in obligations you may have. Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 Australia, if you live and work overseas and earn If you already live overseas, you will need to 1-204-832-4405 worldwide income that exceeds the minimum update your contact details no later than 1 July [email protected] HELP and TSL repayment thresholds, you will be 2017. You must continue to update your contact required to make repayments against your loan. details as long as you reside overseas through our Like us on facebook! The two main changes introduced involve: online services via myGov. For more information, visit the Tax Office website. • Updating your contact details if you have an Proudly printed in Winnipeg by intention to, or already reside overseas for 183 Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd. days or more in any 12 months. -training-support-loans/overseas-repayments/

6 The Southern Yarn • April 2017 epages for news that just would not fit in the print issue

Papua confirms closing of Australian refugee detention centre Papua New Guinea has confirmed it has closed an Australian immigrant detention center on Manus Island that processed appli- cations for asylum. Papua New Guinea Supreme Court judge, Salamo Injia, said the court agreed to a request from the Papuan government to close the center in compliance with a judicial order passed in April 2016. Radio New Zealand reported this followed a lawsuit against the Papuan government for illegal detention. It was filed by more than 700 asy- lum seekers and refugees. The press office of the Australian Depart- ment of Immigration, however, refused to comment on the closure. Judge Injia said the immigrants – around 880 according to offi- cial data from March 6 – were relocated to the naval base where the detention center was located. The tale of a croc tail United Nations and human rights groups have criticized these detention centers for I headed into town after work this afternoon I stir fried it with peanut oil, ginger, garlic, their rights abuses against the detainees. to the Central Market and visited the game red chili, kang kong (type of Asian leaves), meat stall. On Fridays the market stays open and green beans. It was tasty enough but the Tonga gets crisis centre for women and chil- til later at night. meat itself doesn't have a strong flavour at all. dren violence victims I bought some croc tail meat. It was I reckon next time I'll try marinating it in A plaque recognizing efforts to end domestic around $30/kg, and the fillet came out to something first for a while. violence by the Women and Children Crisis ~$8. I guess it looks white like chicken meat, All in all it was a successful experiment! Centre in Tonga was presented last month to but the texture is more like a really dense – Eddie Powell staff on behalf of the United States Pacific fish - swordfish or tuna but without the flak- Command and the Nevada National Guard. ing you get with fish fillets. It wasn't stringy PS: accompanied by Japanese beer also At the ceremony was in Nuku’alofa, U.S. like chicken can be. bought from the market. Ambassador Judith Cefkin made the point that this NGO works independently outside of the government to advocate for the human rights of women and children, gender equali- ty and to end all violence against them, while offering free counseling and legal services. “We know that domestic violence is a problem around the world and also in the Pacific,” she said. “Women are vulnerable to it and victims need assistance of the type that the WCCC is offering… Raising aware- ness is the first step to stop the cycle of vio- lence and to raise the stature of women in communities. I want to commend the Centre on its excellent support for women and chil- dren in Tonga.” The Centre, represented by staff team leader Lesila To’ia, expressed their gratitude to the Ambassador, delegates and team from the US Pacific Command and the Nevada National Guards for recognizing the WCCC’s fight to end domestic violence not only in Tonga, but in the region and internationally.

April 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7 The May 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

SUMMER & FALL 2017 Stay tuned for further details on these upcoming events:

High Tea Pool Party Golf Day

If you’d like to suggest a new social event, we’re happy to help you plan it for the club!

RSVP Let us know you are coming, RSVP to [email protected], or call Judy at 204-275-7083 or look for the new RSVP page Our annual Anzac Day ceremony, with veterans and several special guests. under EVENTS on our website.

Advertise in The Southern Yarn. Contact Jenny A special remembrance (228-9959, [email protected]) for all the Perhaps the highlight of the year’s events for the Down Under Club rates. Send your submission by email to is the annual remembrance of Anzac Day, and the gathering on Sat- [email protected] urday, April 29 was no exception. The event consisted of the formal parade, followed by a potluck dinner, guest speaker and social evening. The formal parade was organized by parade marshal, Gordon Keatch, and attended by approximately 50 club members and guests. Special guests included the Hon. Consul for , Mr. Gur- can Kocdag, Ms. Louise Murray representing the Australian Embassy in Ottawa, LCol (ret’d) Art Brown RCAF from the Memory Project and several members of the General Monash Legion. The Club President, Peter Munn, was host for the evening and Padre Brian Flower officiated at the parade. Wreaths were laid at the ceno- taph by Mr. Kocdag, Ms. Murray, and Peter Munn (on behalf of the Down Under Club of Winnipeg). Art Brown’s presentation, “Canadians at Gallipoli”, enlightened us on the involvement of and the role played by the Newfoundland Regiment at Gallipoli and subsequent campaigns. He pointed out that since Newfoundland didn’t join confederation until 1949, they were not actually Canadians when serving alongside the ANZACs. Thanks to the many folk who provided delicious dishes for the meal following and to Debbie Griffiths for, once again, making and decorating a special cake. Thanks also to the helpers who stepped up to set out the meal and to assist with cleanup afterwards. The three two-up games were fun - we have a few new “converts’ to the game - and Aussie choco- lates were hotly contested find us on facebook or the web prizes. email: [email protected]

online Photos by Brian Hydesmith the Australian High Commission, the prox- president’s imity of passport interviews with our Anzac editorially ramblings Day event, and the advertising coverage yours Peter Munn through many channels, gave us an Charlie Powell opportunity to meet up with many peo- It is my contention ple whom we had not had the opportu- New Zealand sent more that April and nity to meet before. There were some men to fight in the First World War per head early May general- great stories of how downunder people of population than any other nation. Of ly bring the nicest outdoor weather in Win- had eventually moved to Winnipeg, and how those killed, almost a third were buried half nipeg’s weather menu. Warm days Canadians’ visits to Australia and New a world away in unmarked graves. Follow- (especially in comparison to Zealand, including in some ing the war, subscriptions were raised to the still remembered winter cases to Anzac Day cere- construct the Auckland War Memorial freezes), no bugs outside to monies, had encouraged them Museum. The Museum opened in 1929 and bother us, the return of song- to join our service. Thank you became a symbolic meeting place for Auck- birds from down south, golf to Gordon, and Reverend landers to honour and commemorate the courses with flags on the Flower, for leading the serv- fallen. [Link] greens, and our general feel- ice. Thank you to those who Guest speaker, Art Brown, at our DUCW ing of well-being in being able jumped in and helped with ANZAC remembrance this year mentioned to get outside again without a the meal details, and the that last year he biked across Australia – all parka. And of course, the bar- cleanup of the kitchen after the way down to Albany. He highly recom- bie being bought into more the event. Plus, a big, big mends the award winning National Anzac common use. Enjoy! shout out to Jenny, who invest- Centre – “one of Australia’s most important There will be further ed a great deal of time in cultural pilgrimages. Located within reports in the Yarn, however I coordinating and assisting Albany’s heritage listed Princess Royal would like to thank everyone with many details of the Fortress, the centre overlooks the actual who contributed to the great passport interviews, and the harbour from which over 41,000 men and success of our annual Anzac people who used this service. woman departed Australia for the Great Day ceremony. Judy Powell And of course, to the Aus- War. Immerse yourself in the Anzac Legend and Charlie were overseers of tralian High Commission and follow personal stories through state of the event, which drew about staff who we were delighted the art technology, multimedia and historic 55 people, many of them new to welcome to Winnipeg artefacts. Prepare to remember, learn and to the club. As we first again, great people, and we explore.” [Link] thought when Jenny was coordinating with look forward to meeting with them again. This month we get to know their excel- lencies Daniel Mellsop, of New Zealand, and Tony Negus of Australia, our High Commis- More than sioners to Canada, on page 4; as well as 40 years’ “troglodytes” (Birds I view, p.6). Thank you Imagine the $ South Pacific to our contributors this month: Judy, Jenny, Cook Islands experience Peter, Murray and our advertizers.

EXCLUSIVE: Christmas in the Cook Islands! $2,715 pp. Based on double occupancy. (incl. airfare Air New Zealand, ex Vancouver, 2 nights’ accomm., breakfast, resort activities, taxes & fees). Valid for travel: 16 Dec – 30 Dec 2017 WINTER ESCAPE: Cook Islands Longstay! $3,890 per person, Based on double occupancy. (incl. airfare Air New Zealand ex Vancouver), 25 nights’ accommodation, breakfast, NZ$100 bar credit, taxes & fees). what’son Valid for travel: 01 Nov 2017 – 31 Mar 2018. (excluding 01 Dec 2017 – 31 Jan 2018). Aussie and Kiwi books, tv shows, movies and other things in Winnipeg and Manitoba

Online Let Downunder Travel work for you, organizing your Darryl: An Outward Bound Story (web series – NZ) travel needs in 2017 – not sure when this one might be available gener- ally online, but keep an eye out for it and let us know if and when you see it. (403) 270-4414 Phone 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free Please email us at [email protected] [email protected] with other suggestions to include in this monthly 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 • column.

2 The Southern Yarn • May 2017 newsfromOz various sources, see web links in online edition

New weapon to defend coral Nowhere near Gundagai … Australian Geographic reports that vinegar The Sign of the Kiwi, originally called Toll has been approved to combat the crown-of- House, is a small café and shop at Dyers thorns starfish. Field trials at the Great Bar- Pass on the road between Christchurch and OzHarvest doing their bit rier Reef showed that other reef life is not Governors Bay. It was built in 1916–17 by Food Australia reports that the Australian affected by the vinegar. [Link] Harry Ell as a staging post and opened as a food charity has opened the country’s first tearoom and rest house. It has a Category I ‘rescued food supermarket’, located at 147 heritage classification by Heritage New Anzac Parade, Kensington, New South Wales newszealand Zealand and is a popular destination for OzHarvest is inviting anyone who is in source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted tourists and locals alike. The building was need of food, but low in cash, to shop at the closed some time after the 22 February 2011 supermarket by “taking what you need and Christchurch earthquake and it wasn't until giving if you can”. Founder and Chief Execu- 23 January 2017, six years later, that it tive Officer of OzHarvest, Ms Ronni Kahn, opened again. Although located within the said the supermarket is a way for the charity burned area, the building was not damaged to provide food to those who might be by the 2017 Port Hills fires a month later. missed their existing services. [Link] The supermarket will be stocked with surplus food donated to OzHarvest by the public. [Link] It’s amazing what’s out there ‘Every Man and growing in the dark.. his Dog’ Meadows Mushrooms is saving a ton of ener- If you’re in the gy while producing mushrooms. The neighbourhood of Christchurch company produces 200 tonnes Gundagai on May of mushrooms a week, mainly for the New 20, you will see their Zealand market, with each one incurring an Tractor Man event energy cost. happening out front Meadows have already banked savings of of the famous dog. almost 4.8 GWh per year from its energy effi- The aim is to roll ciency plan - worth almost $500,000. The com- The video that blew away the out a canvas or two pany has saved about 20 per cent of its annual crowd at Dairy Awards and invite the com- energy spend while increasing production. An inspiring video from 2017 New Zealand munity and their They have done so after, in 2014, partner- Dairy Trainee of the Year Clay Paton blew pets to make paw prints on the canvas and of ing with the Energy Efficiency and Conserva- everyone away at Saturday night’s New course have fun, say hi and spread a little tion Authority (EECA) and working with Zealand Dairy Industry Awards… and it’s awareness on how to help unwell children in energy experts Enercon to identify energy easy to see why it picked up Best Video need. Then on the 28th there’s the Sundy in consumption and savings opportunities. Award for Clay too! Check it out and learn his Gundy Terrier Races. [Link]. [Link] Canadian connection to Nelson BC. [Link] Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

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May 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 His Excellency Tony Negus AO Order of Australia (AO). He has also been gettingtoknow… APM, Australian High awarded the Australian Police Medal (APM) history, and members of our club Commissioner to Canada in 2005. Tony Negus took Mr Negus has been awarded several up his appoint- international awards, including the INTER- Our High ment as Aus- POL Medal in 2014 in recognition of his sig- tralian High nificant contribution to global safety and Commissioners C o m m i s s i o n security, the Indonesian National Police Mer- (Ottawa) in Feb- itorious Service Star in 2012, and the Inter- Following are the official bios for our High ruary 2015. He national Police and Public Safety 9/11 Medal Commissioners in Ottawa. We look forward previously served (USA) in 2012. to welcoming them both here to Winnipeg so in the Australian Mr Negus holds a Masters of Public Poli- we can get to know them even better. Federal Police for cy and Administration from Charles Sturt 32 years and most University, a Graduate Diploma of Executive His Excellency Daniel Mellsop, recently as its Commissioner from 2009- Leadership from the Australian Institute of New Zealand High Commissioner 2014. Police Management, and has attended a Har- to Canada In 2016 Mr Negus was named in the Aus- vard University leadership program. Mr Daniel Mellsop tralia Day Honours List as an Officer in the Negus is married with three children. was appointed New Zealand High Commis- sioner to Canada in February 2016. He is concurrent- ly High Commis- sioner to Jamaica. A career diplo- mat, he previous- ly worked in the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, working on a wide range of issues from trade negotiations to counter-terrorism. Previous appointments included postings to the New Zealand embassies in The Hague and Seoul, and Head of the International Branch at the Ministry of Defence. THANK YOU to Louise Murray, Second Secretary and Consul, Connie Reid, Consular and Passport Mr Mellsop attended the University of Services, and Akshata Rao, Manager Public Diplomacy, all from the Australian High Commission Waikato in New Zealand where he studied (Ottawa), who organised the Australian Alumni Outreach Event and passport interviews that were held here in Winnipeg on Thursday April 27 and Friday April 28. Louise stayed an extra day to be Korean and Economics, graduating with a part of our ANZAC Day celebrations. We sincerely appreciate your efforts to connect with Aussies Bachelor of Arts and Master of Management in Manitoba and provide us with important information and timely passport services. And special Studies with honours. thanks to Jenny and Steve and everyone at Miss Browns for a wonderful evening of outreach and Mr Mellsop is joined in Ottawa by his friendship. Photo: Jenny Gates. partner Jane Hooker and two children. He and his family are passionate about embrac- ing the great Canadian outdoor lifestyle. Law services at your place of convenience

Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b lawyer • notary public

home visits . office visits day, evening & weekend appointments

DUCW’s Gordon Keatch and Louise Murray, Sec- 204-783-1632 ond Secretary and Consul, Australian High Com- mission Ottawa, at the cenotaph.

4 The Southern Yarn • May 2017 Australian government’s National Security Australian citizenship crackdown commonwealth Committee has approved a new China strate- threatens the vulnerable place by Murray Burt gy, it is imperative to bring all federal minis- The Turnbull government’s proposed ters together to exclusively discuss China. changes to citizenship laws, including Key federal government department secre- tougher tests and a focus on social cohesion, Australia: rethink China taries, in turn, should regularly focus on could unfairly punish vulnerable migrants, By Bates Gill, ANU, & Linda Jakobson, China Matters China— Source: Bzates Gill &Linda Jakobsan, community groups have warned. Australia needs to rethink its relationship China Matters Late last month Prime Minister Malcolm with China. In addition to small but impor- Turnbull and Immigration Minister Peter tant policy changes, this also means think- China tempts NZ to boost Dutton unveiled tough new hurdles for ing big — strategically and for the long term. infrastructure prospective Australians, including a stricter It is an undertaking that requires the There has been good debate in Wellington as English language requirement and an “Aus- full engagement of Australian society: politi- to whether China’s One Belt One Road Initia- tralian values” test. Applicants would also cians, public servants, military officers, busi- tive (B&RI) is relevant to New Zealand, how face a longer wait before being eligible for cit- ness leaders, educational institutions, youth New Zealand can engage with it and for what izenship. groups and community associations. China purposes. The Belt and Road Initiative is Mr Turnbull has challenged Labor to matters to Australia. clearly a great ‘enterprise’ with significant back the changes, framing it as a test of Australia is the G20 country that is most implications for the global economic order belief “in the values that have made Australia dependent on China in terms of export rev- but how does it relate to New Zealand? the remarkable nation that it is”. enue. Nearly one-third of Australia’s exports To the extent that its scope and opera- Opposition Leader Bill Shorten dis- by value are sold to China. Chinese tourists tional mechanisms have been made clear, missed the Prime Minister’s “desperate” chal- are the largest group of visitors coming to its B&RI is largely a network of partnerships for lenge and renewed focus on immigration as shores — more than a million each year — and infrastructure, production and service proj- politically motivated. However, he suggested the biggest spenders once they get here. An ects between China and countries along the Labor was open to supporting some of the estimated 54% of Chinese demand for iron Silk Road Economic Belt to the northwest of proposals, including the English language ore is met by Australian exports. Nearly one- the East Asian continent and the Maritime emphasis and increased waiting period. fifth of Chinese students abroad choose Aus- Silk Road to the south. The Belt and Road will The new citizenship test could ask appli- tralia as the place to pursue their studies. presumably connect East Asia and Europe. cants whether they think female genital Chinese immigrants have been part of But not everyone was certain about whether mutilation, family violence and arranged Australian society since the early 19th centu- the Belt and Road would extend down under. marriages are acceptable. —Source: Sydney ry. Today there are 482,000 Australian resi- The B&RI comes at the time when New Morning Herald dents who were born in China and Mandarin Zealand is well ahead among ‘Western, devel- is the second most commonly spoken lan- oped countries’ in forging dynamic trade and Fiji serves rural, maritime areas guage. Over the past four decades, 115 sister- economic relations with China. In the words Fijians living in rural, maritime and semi- city and sister-state relationships have of Prime Minister Bill English, China is ‘New urban areas now have easier access to social formed between Australia and China; the list Zealand’s second-largest trading partner, its services thanks to three buses commis- even includes a partnership between Wagga biggest market for export goods, a fast-grow- sioned under a rights empowerment and Wagga, a town of 63,000 residents, and Kun- ing services market and a small but increas- cohesion project for rural and urban Fijians. ming, a provincial capital with 100 times ingly important source of foreign investment’. The ministry has been working closely that population. Products, services, capital and people move- with the Commissioner’s office and the But there are also downsides to closer ment from China have become important to Provincial Council to identify hot spots interaction: the Chinese government can the working of the New Zealand economy. where the services are needed most. exert pressure on Australia’s political lead- New Zealand was the first among West- The buses are expected to be in one par- ers and citizens to accept its point of view, ern, developed countries to sign a Free Trade ticular area covering several communities sometimes in ways contrary to Australian Agreement (FTA) with China, and first to and villages in one district for two weeks. values. For example, the Chinese govern- join the China-led Asian Infrastructure People who use wheelchairs will have ment is known to monitor Chinese visitors to Investment Bank (AIIB), to name just two access to the services as well. Each bus has Australia and even Australian citizens of indicators of New Zealand’s advanced eco- at least three average sized meeting rooms Chinese descent—such as Chinese interna- nomic relations with China. along with a rest room. tional students or adherents of Falun Gong— Yet the strength of economic relations Last year, the Fiji Human Rights and as to their activities, which might run with China has led to debate in Wellington Anti-Discrimination Commission joined the contrary to Chinese interests. about how New Zealand is balancing its rela- project. A partnership of the Fiji Police Force So is Australia ready for a future where tions between China and other countries, was established recently. China presents enormous opportunities and particularly its traditional economic, politi- The Government of Japan provided a challenges for Australians, and what would it cal and security partners. Intensified strate- funding of about USD$2.67million look like? gic competition between the United States (FJ$5.56m) for three years in support of the Making China the focus of a regular and China appears to take this challenge to UN Development Program which facilitated whole-cabinet meeting would be a start. A a higher level. New Zealand has been under the project. — Source: Fiji Sun meeting of this kind, which would focus on a pressure to take a position on issues such as comprehensive approach to China, has not the South China Sea tensions and other been convened for over a decade. While the regional security issues.

May 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 Varigated fairy wren [Link] House wren [Link]

Cute as they are, Mrs wren is known to birdsiview… pierce the eggs of other birds who nest too by Charlie Powell close – less competition for the grubs, bugs, I think I had previously only heard the word beetles and spiders. They winter in the south- Board of Directors “troglodyte” used as a term of derision. After ern States and Mexico. President: deciding to “view” wrens this month, I now Ten species of wren breed regularly in Peter Munn know that it is the genus name for our north- North America, including the winter wren, Vice President: ern house wren. The word has a Greek root Berwick’s, Carolina, long-billed, marsh, Catherine Bowering and basically means cave-dwelling, hence sedge, rock and cactus wrens. Secretary: Margaret Munn the derisive “neanderthal” connotation. While in the Adelaide Hills back in Feb- Newsletter Editor: Obviously it was applied to wrens because of ruary, I watched a superb wren family exert- Charlie Powell their preference for holes to nest in, eg, ones ing their territorial rights. They are among Treasurer: made by woodpeckers, nesting boxes, tin- the more commonly seen in Australia, Peter Debenham cans, old boots, etc. although there are about 20 other species. Social Coordinators: For several years now we have enjoyed New Zealand had six known species of Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, Lucia Barron the return of this small bubbly songster to wren-like birds. Some have become extinct Membership: our backyard each spring to take advantage since predators arrived with humans. The Norm Griffiths of one of the bird-houses. If you don’t see rifleman wren is still found on both North Past President: them at first, you can identify house wrens and South Islands while the New Zealand Terry Roberts by their musically joyful bubbly outburst. rock wren is restricted to alpine areas. This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF format from the website. Thank you to all of our contributors within the club, from overseas and information services. Layout by [email protected]

The Southern Yarn is published by the Down Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The views and opinions expressed by contributors to this publication are not endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect those of, the members of the DUCW. The DUCW and the Editor of The Southern Yarn do not accept any responsibility for the content or accuracy of information or websites contained in this publication. Articles may be republished with permission of the Editor.

T H E D O W N U N D E R CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. Station Main, PO Box 1655, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 1-204-832-4405 [email protected] Like us on facebook! Celebrating Commonwealth Day: A fine representation of the DUCW with Her Excellency Janice Fil- mon, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, at the Commonwealth Day event held March 14th, 2017, at Gov- Proudly printed in Winnipeg by ernment House. L-R: Murray Burt, Betsy Burt, Sam Grimshaw, Gordon Keatch, HE Janice Filmon, Jenny Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd. Gates, Margaret Munn, Charlie Powell, Peter Munn, Leon Badali. Photo: GH staff.

6 The Southern Yarn • May 2017 epages for news that just would not fit in the print issue

Maori survivor surprised at NZ govt's stance on child abuse inquiry A M ori state abuse survivor says the gov- ernment'sā refusal to hold an inquiry into his- torical abuse of children in state care is yet another let-down for the victims still dealing with their childhood trauma. Eugene Ryder was only 11 years old when he went into state care, where he was beaten and abused. When he attended a panel dis- cussion held at Victoria University in Wellington, calls for an independent inquiry were renewed. It followed high-profile calls for an inquiry by the Human Rights Commis- sion, Iwi Leaders Forum, M ori Women's Welfare League and every politicalā party, except National. Prime Minister Bill English has said he doubted an inquiry would achieve anything. Mr Ryder said it showed the government still did not have his back, just as it did not when he was a child. "I have never expected to feel any love from the government," he said. "I was sur- prised by their reaction given the amount of support and publicity for an independent inquiry. "I take the current government as some- what pragmatic and given that they announced $2 billion going into what I would consider unfair treatment of care workers, that they would take the same stance with those that have been abused in state care." Since Mr Ryder went public about being beaten and abused as a child in state care, he said a lot of people had been messaging him on Facebook offering support, but also shar- ing their own stories about how state abuse had impacted them and their wh nau.He described his response as "shock ā and hor- ror". Between the 1940s and early 1990s, about 100,000 children were in state care.— Source: RNZ

May 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7 The June 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

JULY Annual All-Age Pool Party Sunday 23rd July, 3 pm at Jason and Lynley Davidson’s new and improved backyard, 57 D’Arcy Drive, Winnipeg The Club provides burgers, bangers and buns. The rest is potluck – so bring a side-dish, salad, dessert, etc. Call Lynley at 204-275-7631 or 204-943-3775 to let her know you’re coming.

AUGUST World War One’s Magnum Opus: New Zealand soldiers watching the tanks advancing towards Golf Tournament Messines Ridge in Belgium during the attack of 7 June 1917 Saturday 19th August at The Players, 2695 Park Royale Way (Inkster West). The Battle of Messines Tee time is 11:00 am for 18 holes; or 1:15 pm 100yearsago “Gentlemen, I don’t know whether we are history with antepodean connections for 9 holes. Call Peter Munn at 204 237-1805 going to make history tomorrow, but at any to book your entry. rate we shall change geography” and at tralians and New Zealanders - marking the 3.10am, on 7 June 1917, Major-General Har- first time since Gallipoli that the NZ Division LATER… ington’s press briefing became devastatingly had fought side-by-side with the Australians. High tea is still on the cards for the Fall. If you’d true. In arguably the Great War’s most bril- like to suggest a new social event, we’re happy Underneath Northern Belgium’s Messines liantly executed set piece, the prize of to help you plan it for the club! Ridge, 454,000 kilograms of explosives, placed Messines was taken by the New Zealand Divi- RSVP into 19 huge landmines, created one of the sion before 7am and by the end of the first Let us know you are coming, RSVP to largest non-nuclear explosions in history. day, almost all objectives were secured. Yet [email protected], or call Judy at As the soundwaves reached London, up Messines was a prelude for another battle; 204-275-7083 or look for the new RSVP page to 10,000 German soldiers were dead. The historians call it the Third Battle of Ypres under EVENTS on our website. stupefied survivors quickly overrun by though most people know it as Passchen- 80,000 well-drilled and led British, Aus- daele. [Read more online]. (NZ Herald) Advertise in The Southern Yarn. Contact Jenny (228-9959, [email protected]) for all the Golf rates. Send your submission by email to [email protected] anyone? The Down Under Club is hosting its annual Golf Tournament at The Players course in north-west Win- nipeg again this year. For our new club members, be assured this is a very casu- al tournament, played for joining up with those play- address is 2695 Park Royale fun, on a course that always ing 9 holes at 1.15 pm. After- Way, Winnipeg (from the suits the range of talents of wards we adjourn to the intersection of Route 90 and our participants. water-side verandah of the Inkster Boulevard, about 1 find us on facebook or the web We offer the choice of casual restaurant at the km west). Good weather is playing 9 or 18 holes, with course. guaranteed, book early to email: [email protected] those playing the full 18 tee- The date is Saturday, avoid disappointment, by ing off at 11 am, and then August 19th. The street calling Peter, 204-237-1805. online were in the wee hours. A great time was president’s had by all. If you have never been to Hecla editorially ramblings Island, maybe give it a try. There is a very yours Peter Munn nice hotel, special rates from time to Charlie Powell time, and a great campground in the I have just come bush. There are also about 20 basic Despite the beautiful back from a week- cabins, different sizes, including 6 start to summer here in Winnipeg, I still end of golf at “premium” cabins, that are a bit nicer haven’t hit the golf course! That will change Hecla Island, 2 hours north of Winnipeg on than basic. Rates are dirt cheap, and can be very soon as I need lots of practice before Lake Winnipeg. It’s a great course that was reserved through MB parks reservation the annual tournament in August – always a developed by bulldozing the fairways out of service. fun event (provided you don’t take your a forest setting alongside the lake, and it (As a footnote, Margaret and I rented game too seriously). opened in 1977. Many views are spectacu- these cabins, or camped with a big tent, or There have been five ships of the Royal lar, and will take your mind off a bad round in a small Econoline van we had, and holi- Australian Navy named HMAS Sydney. The very quickly. This golf tournament started dayed with our 4 kids at Hecla for weeks at first one, HMAS Sydney (1912) was commis- as a company-sponsored event, roughly 38 a time over a period of maybe close to 20 sioned at Portsmouth on 26 June 1913. She years ago. The company left town, but the years.) served through WWI, escorting the first participants partied (oops, I meant golfed) Hecla Marina also offers 4 regular cabins ANZAC convoy, and saw action in the Battle on. Numbers dwindled, but for the past few on the lake just down from The Gull Harbour of Bita Paka, Rabaul and in the Indian years we have been at about 40, which Marina, and are renovating their 4-room Ocean where she defeated Germany’s seems to be just right. Many original partic- motel in the same general area. As well, Emden in the Battle of Cocos. She also has ipants now have their offspring golfing, and there is a neat B & B in historic Hecla village. the distinction of being the first Australian I have been fortunate to have 3 of my For the ladies, the hotel has a great spa. warship to launch an aircraft. She is the kidlings playing for some time now. This So that is my unpaid advertisement. As subject of “Getting to know …” this month past weekend was 3 days of warmth and you can tell, I have an attachment to the (p. 4). We’ll get to know some of her succes- sunshine, and the few rain showers all place. Enjoy your summer! sors in coming issues of the Yarn. It is always good to get feedback and news from readers, and I try to incorporate it when I can. So there are a few snippets also on p. 4. Thank you to other contributors this month – Jenny Gates, Peter Munn, Mur- ray Burt and our advertisers.

More than Longstay 40 years’ BTW… $ South Pacific David Denesovych has several different Specials experience maps to give away – call 204-269-0890 Including return economy airfare Bali & Longstay Special! with Cathay Pacific $3,807 per person, based on double occupancy. departing from 22 nights’ accommodation in 4-star resorts, daily breakfast, Winnipeg 3 excursions, airport transfers and all taxes & fees. what’son Travel dates: 03 Nov – 27 Nov 2017 Aussie and Kiwi books, tv shows, movies and other things in Winnipeg and Manitoba Thailand Longstay Special! $3,596 per person, based on double occupancy. On stage 20 nights’ accommodation in 4-star resorts, daily breakfast, The Winnipeg Fringe Festival is on again from July 3 excursions, airport transfers and all taxes & fees. 19 to 30, and the list of performers has just been Travel dates: 28 Oct 2017 – 16 Nov 2017. announced. We haven’t had a chance to scan through the list for the troupes and performers from down under who will be participating, but be Let Downunder Travel work for you, organizing your sure to check out the July issue of the Yarn for all travel needs in 2017 the Australian and New Zealand performers who will be on stage during the Festival. (403) 270-4414 Phone Please email us at [email protected] 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free with other suggestions to include in this monthly [email protected] column. 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 •

2 The Southern Yarn • June 2017 team were boosted by the recent visit by charter trip. This particular ride on the 96- newsfromOz Prince Harry who established the event in passenger Silver Fern railcar, built in 1974, various sources, see web links in online edition 2014. The Paralympics-style event is the only was part of a three-night package from international sporting event for wounded, Pukekohe Travel. Passenger rail service to injured and sick members of the armed Whangarei ended in 1976. [More online here forces. [Read more online]. and ] newszealand source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted

Rain or shine… In September last year 3 men had to be res- cued off Uluru / Ayers Rock after wandering where they shouldn’t have. In December there were waterfalls tumbling down the sides, making it totally off limits. The Pitjan- tjatjara people do not want anyone on it at any time, although many tourists still insist on making the climb. Recently, drones have been used to offer a virtual tour – and a more respectful one. [Read more online.] Who’s looking at who? Set in 80 hectares within 15 minutes’ drive of Christchurch Airport, Orana Wildlife Park provides the ultimate animal adventure - up close and personal with the animals. Orana Tiny house, is internationally renowned for its involve- big view ment in zoo-based breeding programmes for Housing short- endangered exotic and native species. When age and alterna- you visit, you are supporting their conserva- tive lifestyle has Shine or rain… tion work. [Read more online.] pushed a couple Down the track, in Coober Pedy, SA, it does- to build a tiny n’t matter what the weather is doing. Much of house. the town is underground – except the drive- They started with a modest caravan, so in theatre. Did you know: The name “Coober the tiny house felt like quite a step up in size. Pedy” comes from the local Aboriginal term It took three months before they could call it kupa-piti, which means “boys’ waterhole”? “home sweet home” but Simon Fathers and [Read more online]. Ona Seney made it happen a couple of weeks ago. Their 7.2 metre long and 2.5 metre wide Invictus house is now sitting at Waihi Beach. The cou- Games ple will move the house to Raglan this sum- This year mer. They decided to build their own abode they will Ride the rails to Whangarei after they searched for their ideal home near- be held in Perhaps unbeknown to Aucklanders, there ly a year ago. [Read more online.] To r o n t o , are opportunities to take the train up to but in Whangarei. The lines between the two cities O c t o b e r are predominantly used by freight rail, but 2018 Sydney gets the nod. So the Aussie travellers can ride these rails as part of a Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

June 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 gettingtoknow… history, and members of our club

By LEE_G - Bradleys Head, CC BY-SA 3.0 [Link]

HMAS Sydney The name Sydney is one of the most famous ever carried by an Australian warship. The first Sydney was a Town Class light cruiser; one of three ordered in 1910 which were part of the initial Australian fleet unit. The first November 1914 was steaming some 50 miles aboard Sydney. Surveillance duties followed, cruiser laid down for the RAN was Sydney east of the Cocos Islands. until August 1917, when Sydney commenced which was launched in August 1912 by Lady At about 0620 on 9 November, wireless a three-month refit at Chatham, during Henderson, wife of Admiral Sir Reginald telegraphy (W/T) operators in several trans- which the tripod mast now situated as a Henderson. She was commissioned at ports as well as in the escorting warships memorial at Bradley’s Head, Sydney, NSW Portsmouth on 26 June 1913 under the com- received signals in an unknown code fol- was fitted to her. Of more significance how- mand of Captain John C.T. Glossop RN. She lowed by a query from the Cocos Island W/T ever, she was fitted with the first revolving departed Portsmouth on 25 July 1913 and station, 'What is that code'? It was in fact the aircraft launching platform to be installed in first arrived on the Australia Station at German cruiser Emden under the command a warship. Albany on 19 September 1913. On 4 October of Captain Karl von Müller, ordering her col- Sydney was present at the surrender of 1913 she formed part of the Australian Fleet lier Buresk to join her at Point Refuge to coal. the German High Seas Fleet at Scapa Flow Unit that ceremonially entered her name- Shortly afterwards, the Cocos Island on 21 November 1918. sake harbour to a rapturous welcome from telegraphists signalled 'Strange warship Except for visits to New Guinea in 1922 tens of thousands of spectators who turned approaching’ followed later by the same mes- and New Caledonia and the Solomon Islands out on the shores of the harbour to welcome sage prefixed by ‘S.O.S.’ - the international in 1927, Sydney spent the remainder of her the arrival of ‘their’ fleet. distress call. … Long story short: the full-on seagoing career in home waters, serving as Following a period spent in eastern Aus- engagement saw Sydney victorious and Flagship of the Australian Squadron from tralian waters, Sydney proceeded to Singa- Emden incapacitated and aground. Emden's September 1924 to October 1927. She paid off pore in March 1914 to meet and escort the landing party had escaped with the island's at Sydney on 8 May 1928 and on 10 January two new Royal Australian Navy submarines, schooner and made their way back to Ger- 1929 was delivered to Cockatoo Island for AE1 and AE2, which were en route to Aus- many, but the remainder of the crew, includ- breaking up. [Read more online] tralia from England. Sydney spent the ing many seriously wounded, were taken remaining months of the pre-war period working up in Australian waters. Following the outbreak of war on 4 August 1914, Sydney operated in New Guinea and Pacific waters and in the brief campaign Law services at your place of convenience against the German Pacific possessions dur- ing which she carried out a series of punitive patrols. Highlights during this period Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b included the capture of Rabaul and the lawyer • notary public destruction of the Angaur Island Wireless Station. In October 1914, Sydney and her sister . ship Melbourne detached from the Flagship home visits office visits HMAS Australia, and returned to Australia to day, evening & weekend appointments form part of the escort for the first ANZAC convoy which consisted of some 38 trans- 204-783-1632 ports. The convoy sailed from Albany on 1 November 1914 and on the morning of 9

4 The Southern Yarn • June 2017 maiden flight of its battery-powered, 3-D successful and established resettlement commonwealth printed rocket from New Zealand’s remote countries. In this context, UNHCR would wel- place by Murray Burt Mahia Peninsula. come any opportunities for much-needed, “Made it to space. Team delighted,” Rock- long-term solutions on a one-off humanitari- et Lab said on its official Twitter account. an basis." Stamping out slavery in The successful launch of a low cost, 3D- The opposition Labor party in Australia Australia’s supply chains printed rocket is an important step in the says it would be open to New Zealand's offer, The Australian Labor Party would establish commercial race to bring down financial and while the Labour party here said in a state- an anti-slavery commissioner to help victims logistical barriers to space while also mak- ment it would also offer resettlement if elect- and also fight slavery overseas, leader Bill ing New Zealand an unlikely space hub. ed to government in September. Shorten says. The Los Angeles and New Zealand-based “Unbelievably, an estimated 4,300 people rocket firm has touted its service as a way for Pacific condemns Indonesia are currently trapped in slavery right here in companies to get satellites into orbit regularly. The Pacific Island mostly Commonwealth Australia,” he says, and he has promised to The Electron rocket lifted off from its nations of Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, introduce legislation to prevent slave labour launch site in Mahia, on the east coast of Tonga, Tuvalu, Nauru, Palau and the Mar- being used in the global supply chains of New Zealand’s North Island on May 25, 2017. shall Islands delivered a hard-hitting joint Australian businesses if Labor wins the next “Our focus with the Electron has been to statement last month condemning Indone- election. develop a reliable launch vehicle that can be sia’s human rights violations, including Labor would require Australia’s biggest manufactured in high volumes. Our ultimate crimes against humanity. companies to produce annual reports on the goal is to make space accessible by provid- The nations voiced their displeasure at steps they are taking to stamp out slavery in ing an unprecedented frequency of launch the Council of Ministers of the 79-member their supply chains, he said. It would also opportunities,” said Peter Beck, Rocket Lab Africa Caribbean Pacific Group of States establish an anti-slavery commissioner to founder and chief executive in a statement. — (ACP) and called for an eventual resolution help victims of slavery in Australia, and to Source: The Guardian that includes support of the right of West fight slavery overseas. Papuan political self-determination. “Unbelievably, an estimated 4,300 people NZ deflects Manus asylum plea The statement, made by Johnny Koanapo, are currently trapped in slavery right here in The New Zealand government says it would a high-ranking member of the Republic of Australia in exploitative criminal syndicates only grant asylum to Manus Island Vanuatu parliament and Parliamentary Sec- involved in forced labour, sex trafficking and detainees with Australia's consent. The 140 retary for the Office of the Vanuatu Prime debt bondage,” Shorten said in a statement asylum seekers detained by Australia on the Minister, transfixed the packed council recently. Papua New Guinea Island have asked New room as he graphically described Indone- The pressure is on for Australia to legis- Zealand for asylum. sia’s violations and West Papuans’ ‘slow- late against modern slavery in its supply Ben Robinson Drawbridge reports that motion genocide’. chains. that Australia's refugee detention centre on West Papua, the western half of New Manus Island is due to close by November Guinea, the world’s second largest island, when the bulk of its 800-odd residents will has been under Indonesian rule since the be forced to settle in PNG. They say that 1960s. country is too dangerous, but the New Koanapo said that the seven Pacific Zealand government said in a statement nations were ‘very concerned [that] the inter- bringing them here would be Australia's national community had neglected the voic- decision. es of the Papuan people over the last 50 "There has been no change to New years. —Source: Pacific; ACP Zealand's offer to Australia to resettle 150 off shore detainees, who have been approved as Read more from Commonwealth Corner on refugees. We are not considering entering page seven of the electronic version of The into a separate arrangement directly with Southern Yarn. Papua New Guinea or Nauru. New Zealand takes refugees through the UNHCR Murray Burt is a retired editor and journalist who process." is concerned that lesser elements of the Com- The UNHCR or the United Nations monwealth get poor media coverage. refugee agency said in a statement it would Burt is president of the Manitoba branch of the welcome New Zealand's involvement in a Royal Commonwealth Society; past president of the Commonwealth Journalists Association; secre- solution for the detainees. tary of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of "Australia remains responsible for all Canada advisory board; Hon LCol of the 78th people transferred to Papua New Guinea and Fraser Highlanders; a senator of the 166th Bat- NZ launches 3D-printed rocket Nauru. A significant number of vulnerable tery RCA (Kenora) and a director of The Intrepid Successful launch of low-cost rocket seen as people have been immensely damaged by Society. He is retired from more than 50 years of bringing down barriers to space while also these arrangements and are unable to journalism. making New Zealand a hub remain in those countries, where settlement Rocket Lab, a Silicon Valley-funded is impossible. space launch company, has launched the “New Zealand is one of the world's most

June 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 (Credit: WA Department of Agriculture and Food)

Board of Directors President: birdsiview… Peter Munn by Charlie Powell Vice President: Catherine Bowering Emus Secretary: Margaret Munn John Williamson got it right about emus Emu running (Credit: Mike Langford/AG) Newsletter Editor: being fast runners – up to 50 km/h; but in Charlie Powell his ballad “Old Man Emu” he has the male Treasurer: chasing the female. It is actually more likely An Emu Hunt Peter Debenham the other way around - females aggressively From “The Animals Noah Forgot” by A.B. Social Coordinators: compete for males. When they win their mate (Banjo) Paterson Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, Lucia Barron he’s the one left to incubate the eggs and … Membership: raise the chicks. Now, the boss’s dog that had come from town Norm Griffiths Dromaius novaehollandiae is Australia’s Was strange to the wild and woolly west, Past President: And he thought he would earn him some great renown largest living bird, by height – almost 2 Terry Roberts metres - and worldwide is second only to the When he saw, on the wastes of the open down, An emu standing beside her nest. ostrich. They are well-adapted to the feast-or- This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF famine seasons and will migrate according- And he said to himself as he stalked his prey format from the website. Thank you to all of To start on his first great emu hunt, ly. There’s a story from the early thirties our contributors within the club, from “I must show some speed when she runs away, overseas and information services. Layout when more than 20,000 emus crossed into by [email protected] For emus kick very hard, they say; West Australia and wreaked havoc on the But I can’t be kicked if I keep in front.” wheat crop. The army was called in with The Southern Yarn is published by the Down The emu chickens made haste to flee Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The machine guns but were out-smarted by their As he barked and he snarled and he darted around, views and opinions expressed by contributors to this publication are not tough, athletic adversary. Less than 200 But the emu looked at him scornfully were killed before the army withdrew. endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect And put an end to his warlike glee those of, the members of the DUCW. The Tasmanian and King Island sub-species With a kick that lifted him off the ground. DUCW and the Editor of The Southern Yarn do not accept any responsibility for the became extinct after white settlement. New . . . . . Zealand’s moa suffered the same fate after content or accuracy of information or And when, with an injured rib or two, websites contained in this publication. the arrival of Polynesians. However, their He made for home with a chastened mind, Articles may be republished with kiwi is alive and well, and is actually more An old dog told him, “I thought you knew permission of the Editor. closely related to the emu. South America An emu kicks like a kangaroo, has the rhea. And you can’t get hurt--IF YOU KEEP BEHIND.” T H E D O W N U N D E R CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. Station Main, PO Box 1655, readerfeedback Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 your news and views 1-204-832-4405 [email protected] Dennis Woodford sent in a photo from the 1980s of his son Scott with crimson rosellas, Like us on facebook! and Keith Vidal reported the return of wood ducks to their nesting boxes on trees in the Proudly printed in Winnipeg by backyard – just up the bank from the Red Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd. River, Winnipeg.

6 The Southern Yarn • June 2017 epages for news that just would not fit in the print issue

PNG church opens victim centre China’s power and the future of Australia: will displaced US influence St Mary’s Home for vulnerable children, in lead to conflict? Mt Hagen archdiocese in Papua New Donald Trump is not the cause of the United maximize its leverage in Beijing. Guinea, will be open to vulnerable children States’ problems with China, but he makes But to be coldly realistic, history tells us forced out of the family home and onto the them worse. His failings as President make plainly how hard it has been for Australia to streets. it a lot less likely that over the next few years do more than simply nudge the policies of its This new focus on domestic violence in the United States will reach some kind of allies. Moreover, Australia will never have Papua New Guinea has revealed the church stable accommodation with the plain reality the kind access in Beijing that it has enjoyed at the forefront of providing for child victims. of Beijing’s power and ambition. with its allies. In a country where Human Rights Watch Instead, the United States will likely No matter how well it does, Australia’s estimates 70% of women are raped during stumble thoughtlessly into a war with China capacity to shield itself from Beijing’s power their lifetime, the Archdiocese of Mount or ignominiously retreat from the region — or by better diplomacy is going to be very limit- Hagen has built a care centre for vulnerable both. ed. China will be able to shape Australia’s children, which its Australian designer says This has big implications for how Aus- actions and decisions with carrots and could be duplicated across the country. tralia and others in Asia think about future sticks to a degree that no country has ever News of the project comes as the 2015 relations with China. Even if the United been able to do before, except the United Australian of the Year, Rosie Batty, travelled States does manage to reach the kind of States and Britain. And China will likely be to PNG to fire up domestic violence sur- arrangement necessary for it to stay con- less generous with the carrots and more vivors and encourage them to change from structively engaged as a major power in Asia, ruthless with the sticks.— Source: Exerpt victims to victors. China will loom much larger — exercising from East Asia Forum; Hugh White, Profes- Ms Batty visited Lae, PNG’s second- more power and asserting more influence sor of Strategic Studies at the Strategic and biggest city, to share her story of trauma and than any Asian power has ever done before. Defence Studies Centre at the Australian healing following the murder of her 11-year- It is increasingly likely that US influence National University. old son Luke at the hands of his father. will dwindle and China will take its place as “All our journeys are different but some the region’s primary power — at least in East things are the same, and we can get strength Asia. So how should Australia respond to from each other, because we understand in China’s growing capacity to interfere in its ways other people never can,” Ms Batty, a affairs and curtail its sovereign independ- guest of the organization Femili PNG, said. ence? Femili PNG receives aid from the Aus- Part of the answer is for Australia to get tralian Government and the private sector. closer to China. Some influential voices have It works hand-in-hand with police and argued that Australia needs to ‘get real’ about helps rescued women access appropriate China’s growing power — if Australia can services, such as safe houses, and assists deepen and strengthen its relationship with them to navigate court processes. China, it will be able to influence China’s In the PNG highlands the Mt Hagen arch- policies on Australia and limit their impact diocese is completing a home at Ulga, close on its independence and interests. These to Mt Hagen. voices accept — reluctantly — that this might The St Mary’s home, due to be opened mean stepping back somewhat from its rela- soon, will provide accommodation, meals, tionship with the United States. education and general care for about 15 “at Australia must get more engaged with risk” children caught up in marriage break- China as Chinese power and influence grow. downs, physical and sexual abuse, poverty That means Australia must learn a lot more and sorcery, which is common in PNG. It’s a about how decisions are made in China, and start. — Source: The Catholic Leader how to shape them to its advantage. Canber- ra’s priority ought to be shaping policies to

June 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7 The July 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

JULY Annual All-Age Pool Party Sunday 23rd July, 3 pm at Jason and Lynley Davidson’s new and improved backyard, 57 D’Arcy Drive, Winnipeg The Club provides burgers, bangers and buns. The rest is potluck – so bring a side-dish, salad, dessert, etc. Call Lynley at 204-275-7631 or 204-943-3775 to let her know you’re coming.

AUGUST Golf Tournament Saturday 19th August at The Players, 2695 Park Royale Way The AFL in Winnipeg? (Inkster West). Tee time is 11:00 am for 18 holes; or 1:15 pm Photo: AFL Canada for 9 holes. Call Peter Munn at 204 237-1805 Plans are underway to launch the Winnipeg Association to see if there are any Gaelic foot- to book your entry. Bears Australian Football Club. And DUCW ballers about. member Allan Sharman and friends are look- “LIKE” their new Facebook page – LATER… ing for 10 to 12 people to get the ball rolling. High tea is still on the cards for the Fall. If you’d Men and women of all ages and abilities 1775188/?hc_location=ufi – for all the informa- like to suggest a new social event, we’re happy are invited to attend the first ever Aussie rules tion about the inaugural practice, as well as to help you plan it for the club! football practice in Winnipeg – Tuesday July upcoming events. RSVP 18 from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at River East Col- If you would like to be involved or are sim- Let us know you are coming, RSVP to legiate (295 Sutton Ave). ply curious about the AFL, contact Allan at [email protected], or call Judy at Organisers are in regular contact with AFL [email protected]. 204-275-7083 or look for the new RSVP page Canada, and have also contacted the Irish under EVENTS on our website. 100yearsago 1855 a new magistrate rein- history with antepodean connections vestigated his case and found flaws in the police In March 1855 shepherds inquiry and trial. Pardoned searching for 1,000 missing in January 1856, Mackenzie sheep in the upper reaches probably returned to Aus- of the Waitaki Valley appre- tralia, but details of his later hended suspected rustler life are scarce. James Mackenzie, one of The exploits of Macken- New Zealand’s first and zie and his loyal dog ‘Friday’ most enduring folk heroes. Legendary sheep rustler left an indelible mark on the Caught red-handed, James Mackenzie caught South Island high country. 4 March 1855 Mackenzie denied the theft, Canny pastoralists quickly claiming he had been hired Mackenzie guilty, sentenc- realised the significance of to drive the sheep to Otago. ing him to five years’ hard the pass where he was After escaping his captors, labour. found with the stolen sheep, and the open country find us on facebook or the web he walked 160 km to Lyttel- Mackenzie escaped from ton, where he was recap- his road gang twice, remain- beyond. This region was email: [email protected] tured on 15 March. A ing at large for a few days subsequently dubbed the Supreme Court found each time. In September, Mackenzie Country. [Link] online iour, some have been transported to St. Vital president’s park for a change of scenery. The latest genera- editorially ramblings tion I am dealing with has a habit of stealing yours Peter Munn my garden gloves, presumably to line his Charlie Powell nest somewhere, which I have not yet dis- The weather we’ve covered, so I am still missing my gloves. had lately has left a The other 4-legged friend I am deal- On Canada Day (July 1st) many Canadians lot to be desired. ing with is one of several rabbits in the celebrated 150 years of confederation. We Overcast skies, and rain on the weekends is area. I had planted some beans and peas, joined a few thousand of them at Portage not the norm for June in Winnipeg. And to though more out of hope than expectation, and Main to be part of a record living make things worse, I am dealing with lovable and when they started growing well, ‘Bugs’ Maple Leaf. Of course Canada and Canadi- animals, a.k.a. pests, that have taken up seem- decided to have a late-night feed of the leaves. ans go back much further than 1867, so ingly permanent residence in my back yard. So off to Home Depot for some chicken wire, rather than offend over a date, I say “cele- We’ve had many red and occasionally grey to give the beans and peas some protection. brate EVERY day” – this great nation and squirrels that treat our address as their own Where is Elmer Fudd when you need him? So people are worth it! personal space. Because of destructive behav- that is my start to summer. Enjoy yours! We can celebrate Canada Day, but not the Canada Jay – not officially anyway. The government has decided not to endorse Golf anyone? “whisky jack” as the national bird – yet. Too The Down Under Club is ing off at 11 am, bad, I was seriously considering nominat- hosting its annual Golf Tour- and then joining ing Saccharomyces cerevisiae as our nation- nament at The Players up with those al microbe. Speaking of brewer’s yeast, I course in north-west Win- playing 9 holes at learned that Labatt’s (Brewing Co.) goes nipeg again this year. For 1.15 pm. After- back 170 years! That got me wondering our new club members, be wards we which brewers are the oldest downunder – assured this is a very casual adjourn to the see page 6. tournament, played for fun, water-side veran- This month we ‘get to know’ how the on a course that always dah of the casual restaurant intersection of Route 90 and DUCW’s communications work (p. 4); suits the range of talents of at the course. Inkster Boulevard, about 1 there’s info about Scot/Aussie/Kiwi sheep our participants. The date is Saturday, km west). Good weather is rustler and escape artist James Mackenzie We offer the choice of August 19th. The street guaranteed, book early to (p. 1); domestic fowl (Birds I view, p. 6); and playing 9 or 18 holes, with address is 2695 Park Royale avoid disappointment, by so much more… those playing the full 18 tee- Way, Winnipeg (from the calling Peter, 204-237-1805. Thank you to other contributors this month – Jenny Gates, Peter Munn, Murray Burt and our advertisers. More than Multi-country 40 years’ $ South Pacific flights experience Return economy airfares what’son from Winnipeg to these 3 Country Airfare Ticket C$2374.00 p/p incl. all taxes Aussie and Kiwi culture we can celebrate here down under locations: Australia, New Zealand & The Cook Islands! Depart: Feb 1 - Jun 30, 2018, (book by 31st July 2017) On Stage (this fare is quite often on sale for around C$700 off the above rate, Watch out for the following productions from call us so we can check for any applicable seat sales) down under at the Winnipeg Fringe Festival 4 Country Airfare Ticket: C$2545.00 p/p incl. all taxes from July 19 to 30 at various locations down- Sydney/Brisbane OR Melbourne to Fiji, Samoa & Honolulu town. Visit for show Depart: Nov 1 – 30 2017, OR Jan 1 - Mar 31, 2018, (book by 31st July 2017) times and tickets. This summer it is a bargain to go to Australia & then stopover • The Ballad of Frank Allen – Australia in NZ, rather than flying Winnipeg to NZ return. Ask us • Lovely Lady Lump – Australia about seat sale fares to Aus- • Jon Bennett: How I Learned to Hug – Australia tralia that give you as much time in New Zealand • 6 Quick Dick Tricks: A Dirk Darrow Investigation – as you need. Australia • Patrick Hercamp & Jon Bennett in New Show, BUTT different – Australia (403) 270-4414 Phone • Olive Copperbottom: A New Musical by Charles 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free Dickens and Penny Ashton – New Zealand [email protected] 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 •

2 The Southern Yarn • July 2017 moisture meeting the cold next week ... South- newsfromOz land and Otago may see snow falling as low as various sources, see web links in online edition around Dunedin and near or around Inver- cargill." [Link]

Power from the Sun Carrot Vodka The Australian Renewable Energy Agency Australian Food News reports: Two Australian (ARENA) is funding the construction of 12 women on a mission to reduce food waste have new solar power plants in Australia. These will launched a new vodka made using carrots. triple the nation's large-scale solar power pro- The pair behind the drink, Gen Windley duction. The investment is worth $92m and is World’s oldest sporting trophy and Alice Gorman, came up with the idea estimated to unlock almost $1b of commercial There were loud cheers, applause and even a knowing that carrots grown by their husbands investment, ARENA says. The largest plant will few tears as Team New Zealand finally arrived were going to waste when they did not meet be built on Queensland's Darling Downs. home with the silverware everyone has been supermarket cosmetic standards. There will be six plants in Queensland, five in longing to see. Wanting to stop waste, the women joined New South Wales and one at Emu Downs near Hundreds of fans turned out at Auckland with a wine maker, Jason Hannary of Flinders Cervantes in Western Australia. International Airport to welcome the team Park Winery, to create a vodka made from car- ARENA said they would increase Aus- home after an earlier delay to their Emirates rots. [Link] tralia's large-scale solar capacity from 240 flight this morning. megawatts to 720 megawatts, providing As members of the team walked through enough energy to power 150,000 average Aus- the arrivals gate, there was a raucous applause tralian homes. [Link] as Team NZ chief Grant Dalton and helmsman Peter Burling raised the coveted America's newszealand Cup above their heads. [Link] source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted

Top wine A Bay syrah from Rod McDonald Wines has won the Champion Red Trophy for its Quarter Look up, way up Acre Syrah 2015 at the International Wine Tourism Tropical North Queensland offers vis- Challenge (IWC). The competition is well itors the opportunity to enjoy and learn about known for its rigorous judging process, which the Lumholtz tree kangaroo. The Wildlife Land of the Great White What? has led to the International Wine Challenge Habitat, a wildlife immersion experience in Heavy snow is on the way for both islands this being considered the world's finest and most Port Douglas, provides a secure home to res- week, with highway closures likely, Weather meticulously judged wine competition. This cued tree kangaroos and other injured ani- Watch head analyst Philip Duncan says. year, the 450 judges blind tasted and assessed mals. [Link] "We're into the depths of winter now with 150,000 wines from 68 countries. [Link] Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

July 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 gettingtoknow… history, and members of our club Our Online Community [email protected] The DUCW has built up quite the community here in Winnipeg and beyond. And a lot of that has to do with our newsletter The Southern Yarn, available, and how we can help Aussies and hopefully ‘like’ us themselves. And if you ‘like’ which has been a going concern for 22 years. Kiwis and their families, particularly those liv- or comment on any of the posts, that will let us The Yarn will continue in its current form ing in Winnipeg and Manitoba. know what you enjoy reading. (in print and online for a while yet, but for Building our online community has also 2. Join our physical community. Not only is those of you who prefer to get your news and helped build our physical community, and there a variety of events and activities on offer, info online, there are other tools we are using ensures the DUCW continues as a vibrant and but we have strong connections with the Aus- to build our community even more. valuable organisation long into the future. tralian and New Zealand High Commissions WEBSITE as our longest serving online in Ottawa, which can often be very helpful. tool, this has everything you need to know How can you help? 3. If you think of anyone who would be about our history, events, how to become a 1. Join our online community on Facebook and interested in being part of our community, tell member, and how to subscribe to the Yarn. It Twitter. Not only will you get daily posts about them about the Club and encourage them to also has a blog with updates and important events down under and DUCW activities, but contact us by email, phone [204-832-4405], or info posted on a regular basis. this will also let others see us online and through any of our online tools. FACEBOOK – we have been on Face- 4. Renew your membership every year so book for about 10 years, and currently have we can continue to meet the needs of every- 160 people who ‘like’ and follow our page, one in our community. including some from outside Canada. We 5. Visit our website from time to time. try to post between 3 and 6 articles a day Building our community has many bene- (linking, for the most part, to the ABC, SMH, fits, not the least of which is providing a deep NZ Herald, Stuff NZ and Radio NZ web- and ongoing connection to Australia and New sites), and approximately half of those arti- Zealand. cles are read by our audience. So, please take full advantage of all the When something special is posted – tools at your disposal and help us continue to such as the AFL coming to Winnipeg – that provide you with the information, assistance can boost our audience considerably. For and community you need. example, that particular post helped us For more information, or if you have any reach more than 1,000 people, compared to questions or comments, contact me – or turn the usual 400 to 500 in a given week. Wow! up at one of our next events and see first-hand TWITTER – this very new addition to what we are all about. our toolbox is just starting to get noticed, and we try to post at least one Aussie and/or – Jenny Gates Kiwi mention a day. NEWSLETTER – monthly issues are packed with interesting and informative arti- cles, photos, stories, and various tidbits that keep the members of the DUCW connected Law services at your place of convenience and entertained. The online edition not only has a seventh page and is in full colour, but also includes links to more online content. Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b If you are not already getting The Southern lawyer • notary public Yarn on a monthly basis, you can subscribe to receive it by mail or e-mail. And if you are cur- rently receiving the Yarn in your mailbox but . would rather have it delivered to your inbox, home visits office visits just let us know. day, evening & weekend appointments So, what’s the big deal about being online? It extends our reach to a wider audience 204-783-1632 and allows us to promote who we are, what we are about, the resources and contacts we have

4 The Southern Yarn • July 2017 election he has promised to introduce legisla- receive medical treatment. commonwealth tion to prevent slave labour being used in the They had been on Nauru for a year after place by Murray Burt global supply chains of Australian businesses. some time on Christmas Island – where it was Labor would require Australia’s biggest alleged SGS was exposed to sexualized behav- companies to produce annual reports on the ior. NZ and Australia urged to steps they are taking to stamp out slavery in Medical reports about the child’s condi- persist in concerns over their supply chains, he said. It would also tion, seen by Guardian Australia, detail severe democracy in Fiji establish an anti-slavery commissioner to help psychiatric symptoms and extreme anxiety A former civil servant in charge of Foreign victims of slavery in Australia, and to fight slav- triggered by thoughts or reminders of Nauru. Affairs in Fiji says New Zealand and Australia ery overseas. Three separate psychiatric reports stated cate- should persist in raising concerns over “Australia must legislate to prevent mod- gorically SGS should not be returned to the democracy in the country. ern slavery in its supply chains. No person island. — Source: The Guardian Robin Nair resigned as permanent secre- wants to purchase goods tainted by slavery. No tary of the department in April because of con- business wants slavery in its supply chains.” Vanuatu health: rights, drones cerns that the administration was, as he put it, In February the attorney general, George An amended Mental Health Act is almost com- being ruled with an iron fist. Brandis, asked a Senate committee to consid- plete. Under the guidance of the World Health Mr Nair said Fiji is in a militarized democ- er establishing such legislation. The commit- Organization (WHO), Vanuatu’s antique 1965 racy, despite the elections in 2014 which saw tee has received 90 submissions, including text is being brought up to date and the final Frank Bainimarama retain power in a land- from Nestle Australia, Adidas, Rio Tinto and work is imminent. Director of Public Health, slide victory. He said New Zealand and Aus- the Human Rights Council of Australia. Simi- Len Tarivonda, pointed out to the visiting tralia should keep on with quiet diplomacy, lar legislation is in place in the UK, France, experts how human rights issues now had to raising human rights and governance con- California and the European Union. — Source: be properly acknowledged. Human rights cerns at a senior level at every opportunity. The Guardian abuses have been common practice in many “Whether it be conversation about develop- communities, he said. Vanuatu does not have a ment or about some particular bilateral issue, I Nauru negligence: Canberra pays dedicated facility for treating people with men- think they must inject this into their conversa- The Australian government has settled out of tal health issues. tions with Fiji,” he said. court to pay compensation to the family of a Also in health news: as we first reported Robin Nair said Fiji cares about its rela- young Iranian girl for “negligence” in her treat- back in March, Vanuatu is pioneering the use tionship with Australia and New Zealand. ment while detained on Nauru, from where of drones to deliver vaccines to remote commu- “There needs to be some confidence build- she emerged with several mental illness.. nities. With poorly and irregularly maintained ing but at the same time there needs to be fur- In May 2015 the family of the then five- rural road services, Vanuatu will provide a ther thought given to what degree and how to year-old girl launched legal action against the humanitarian testing ground for the technolo- proceed further with quiet diplomacy. But I’m Commonwealth and the minister for immigra- gy, which in recent years has been most often not advocating… escalating it to any other tion and border protection, Peter Dutton. It was associated with warfare. Santo will become level, apart from dialogue.” — Source: Radio alleged her treatment on Nauru had resulted the principal test centre after early trials in New Zealand in severe mental illness and post-traumatic rural Efate. stress disorder. And a final health story: Vila’s Central Hos- Fiji ratifies disability agreement Last month the Northern Territory pital is being upgraded with Australia’s UNICEF welcomes Fiji’s ratification of the supreme court heard the parties had reached cyclone recovery funding. Just look at the list: Convention on the Rights of Persons with Dis- a compensation settlement, subject to court repairs to the laboratory and x-ray building, abilities (CRPD), making Fiji the eleventh approval. The amount was not disclosed but it improvements to the operating theatre and country in the Pacific to do so. was acknowledged the agreement was com- increased capacity in the morgue. All original With the ratification of the Convention, pensation for negligence and did not include hospital buildings will be re-wired to remove Fiji has committed to align all national legisla- court costs. exposed cabling and ensure waterproofing. tion with the provisions of the CRPD. John Lawrence SC, acting for the family of Britain’s High Commissioner David Ward, With the aims of the CRPD in mind, the the girl – referred to as SGS – told the court who is based in Honiara, has been visiting and Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill was they had “not significantly” compromised on has renewed the contract of the Public Prose- introduced in Parliament last year. In addition the damages they were seeking. cutor from Fiji, Josiah Naigulevu, another to laws, other measures have to be taken to A trial was set to begin this month but healthy move for Vanuatu, says Justice Minis- ensure that the rights of all children and those dates have now been vacated. The fami- ter Warsal. “Vanuatu may be smaller compared adults with disabilities are protected, promot- ly’s lawyers have until the end of this month to to other Melanesian countries, but we have ed and fulfilled. — Source: Relief Web apply to the court for approval of the settle- shown that the Rule of Law is the most para- ment and to provide evidence – including affi- mount thing in a democracy.” — Source: Bob Australian Labor vows to stamp davits from SGS’s father and reports by Makin, Daily Post. out slavery in supply chains psychiatrists and psychologists. The Australian Labor Party will establish an The family has been living in Brisbane Murray Burt is a retired editor and journalist who anti-slavery commissioner to help victims and since the department granted them a transfer is concerned that lesser elements of the Com- fight slavery overseas, leader Bill Shorten says. from Darwin’s Wickham Point detention cen- monwealth get poor media coverage. He is active- “Unbelievably, an estimated 4,300 people tre into community detention in 2015. They ly involved in several Commonwealth are currently trapped in slavery right here in were brought to Darwin in late 2014 from the organizations. Australia,” he says, and if Labor wins the next Nauru immigration centre for the father to

July 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 Aruacana - Jungle hen. (Photo. M. Livsey)

Board of Directors birdsiview… President: by Charlie Powell Peter Munn Vice President: Domestic Fowl Catherine Bowering We kept them in Laidley, (rural) Qld; our Secretary: Margaret Munn nephew keeps them in suburban Brisbane; Newsletter Editor: but here in Winnipeg, backyard “chooks” are a Charlie Powell No, No! (By-law No. 92/2013: “… no person Treasurer: may keep or raise poultry except in districts ment using their egg tooth. Within a day or two Peter Debenham zoned ‘agricultural’ under the Winnipeg Zon- they’re out of the nest and following mum Social Coordinators: ing By-law.”). Too bad! Of all the bird species, around as she calls them to seeds, scraps and Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, Lucia Barron Gallus gallus domesticus is one of the easiest grubs. The rooster, too, will draw the families’ Membership: and most enjoyable to observe. When cared for attention to feed that he’s found before he eats. Norm Griffiths responsibly, chickens are entertaining, educa- Their ancient jungle instinct still kicks in at Past President: tional, environmentally friendly and produc- dusk when they will perch/roost for the night, Terry Roberts tive. Can you picture a kookaburra, or crow, or away from predators, if possible. pigeon wandering around the ground with a Animal welfare standards these days call This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF little clutch of mini versions of itself scram- for more humane conditions for commercial format from the website. Thank you to all of bling along behind? poultry operations. As a result, “enriched” or our contributors within the club, from overseas and information services. Layout Their domestication, in Asia, has been “furnished” cages have become common for by [email protected] traced back millennia, and was possibly for battery laying hens. These provide more cock-fighting initially. Once a hen has laid a space/hen, a perch and a scratching pad to The Southern Yarn is published by the Down Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The clutch of fertile eggs, she goes broody and sets allow for more normal behaviour. The trend views and opinions expressed by – incubating them for approximately 21 days. now, however, is for even these to be phased contributors to this publication are not Like all birds, chicks break out of their confine- out in favour of more communal housing. endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect those of, the members of the DUCW. The DUCW and the Editor of The Southern Yarn do not accept any responsibility for the Old brews.. New Zealand: The first beer Australia: The oldest brewery content or accuracy of information or brewed in New Zealand was by still in operation is the Cascade websites contained in this publication. Canada – Labatt’s: Founded by Captain Cook while anchored in Brewery, established in Tasma- Articles may be republished with John Kinder. In 1847, a little permission of the Editor. Ship Cove in the outer reaches nia in 1824. The largest Aus- more than a decade after he of Queen Charlotte Sound in Jan- tralian-owned brewery is the arrived in London, Ont. from Ire- T H E D O W N U N D E R uary 1770. Here Cook experi- family-owned Coopers Brewery, land. That same year, he pur- CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. mented with the use of young as the other two major brew- chased London's Simcoe Street Station Main, PO Box 1655, Rimu branches as a treatment eries Foster's Group and Lion brewery in partnership with Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 against scurvy. It was brewed on Nathan are owned by the South Samuel Eccles and by 1855 had 1-204-832-4405 Saturday 27 March 1773 on African SABMiller and the Japan- become the brewery's sole pro- [email protected] Resolution Island, in Dusky ese Kirin Brewing Company, prietor. The brewery was later Sound, Fiordland. Other than respectively. renamed John Labatt's Brewery, Like us on facebook! that … it gets complicated. - Wikipedia marking the beginning of one of There are claims by Monteith’s, Canada's largest and most suc- Proudly printed in Winnipeg by Mac’s and Founders – see The cessful companies. [Link] Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd. Bottleneck {Link]

6 The Southern Yarn • July 2017 epages for news that just would not fit in the print issue

Australia set to pay A$70-million is compensation to Manus Island Golf refugees The Australian government and its contractors anyone? agreed last month to pay A$70-million com- The Down Under Club is pensation to 1,900 refugees and asylum seek- hosting its annual Golf ers, who allege they were mistreated while Tournament at The Players held in camps on Manus Island in Papua New course in north-west Win- Guinea. nipeg again this year. For The payment is part of a legal settlement our new club members, be reached last month in a case taken by human assured this is a very casu- rights’ lawyers on behalf of the detainees, who al tournament, played for joining up with those play- address is 2695 Park Royale sought to reach Australia by boat to apply for fun, on a course that always ing 9 holes at 1.15 pm. After- Way, Winnipeg (from the refugee protection but were instead trans- suits the range of talents of wards we adjourn to the intersection of Route 90 and ferred to remote South Pacific Islands. our participants. water-side verandah of the Inkster Boulevard, about 1 Canberra has agreed to pay the compensa- We offer the choice of casual restaurant at the km west). Good weather is tion to avoid the publicity and cost that would playing 9 or 18 holes, with course. guaranteed, book early to be generated by a trial, but has denied liability those playing the full 18 tee- The date is Saturday, avoid disappointment, by in what lawyers say is one of the largest ing off at 11 am, and then August 19th. The street calling Peter, 204-237-1805. human rights-related class action settlements in Australia to date. — Source: Financial Times, CHRI

Canberra hopes more women win seats in Papua New Guinea election Of the 3,324 candidates contesting the Papua New Guinea election only 165 are female. In the 42 years since independence, only seven women have been elected to Papua New Guinea's parliament. As polls opened two weeks ago for two weeks of voting, Australia is hoping its efforts to train 127 potential female political candidates increases from three the number of women MPs now in the 111-member legislature. PNG and other Pacific Islands have some of the worst rates of gender violence in the world. Human Rights Watch estimates 70% of PNG women are raped during their lifetime. — Source: AAP

July 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7 The August 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

AUGUST Golf Tournament Pool party! Saturday 19th August at The Players, 2695 Park Royale Way (Inkster West). Tee time is 11:00 am for 18 holes; or 1:15 pm for 9 holes. Call Peter Munn at 204 237-1805 to book your entry.

SEPTEMBER Snack and beverage Saturday 23rd September, 1 pm at Prairie’s Edge Restaurant in Kildonan Park, 2015 Main St, Winnipeg Relax with mates on the patio. Call Judy at 204- 275-7083 to let us know you’re coming.

OCTOBER The less-Formal Dinner Saturday 28th October, 6 pm Miss Browns, 288 William Ave, Winnipeg Cost will be $45, all inclusive. 6 for 6:30 pm. We’ll show you the delicious menu choices in the next Yarn. Call Judy at 204-275-7083 to let us know you’re coming.

NOVEMBER What a great pool party the Downunder club games, complete with super-range super The even-less-formal AGM had on Sunday, July 30! Lynley and Jason soakers. The following BBQ burgers, smokies Friday 24th November, 7 pm Davidson were excellent hosts to approxi- and chicken kebabs were expertly cooked by Scandinavian Cultural Centre mately 40 adults and children on a perfect, Jason, with the accompanying sides and 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. warm, sunny day. desserts provided by club members. Come and make a difference. Their swimming pool with new slide, There were a few new folk, brought along together with the re-created back yard, and as guests of members, and it was nice to DECEMBER flower garden beds, was lovely. Lots of sitting meet Arthur Cramer, Jacqueline Cassel-Ver- The even-more-fun Family areas under the gazebo, or in the shade, and non's fiancé. Christmas Party lots of pool space for swimming, fun and Sunday 3rd December, 5 pm Scandinavian Cultural Centre 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. Don’t forget the kids!

LATER High tea is still on the cards for early Spring. If you’d like to suggest a new social event, we’re happy to help you plan it for the Club!

find us on facebook or the web email: [email protected] online ly attracted to me, but not so much now. president’s And they like me even less since I pur- editorially ramblings chased a thermocell device after hearing yours Peter Munn from Ian and Catherine their glowing Charlie Powell report on the product. So for the past The weather has three years or so, when I am outside, I been great the fire up the TV remote-sized thermocell, Summer so far has been a work-leisure bal- past few weeks, and truly enjoy bug-free living outside. ancing act. We’ve managed to fit in a few and what a pleasure to spend so many This is not a paid advertisement, but in my enjoyable road trips – last month to Moo- evenings outdoors eating meals, or maybe experience, it is one of the best mosquito somin, just over the border in SK; and this reading a book, without the worry of exces- prevention devices. Enjoy the dog days of month to the 4th Annual Old Shoe parade sive mosquitos, (mosquitoes??) if any at all. summer, in Holmfield, MB. Lots of history to take in, I was once the preferred eating choice of along with the beautiful prairie patchwork mozzies in the St. Vital area, they were real- Peter Munn landscape, wildlife and friendly rural folk. And of course, there are the nearer to home attractions for a spur of the moment picnic. Even the work part of the equation hasn’t been too bad: I visited a Hutterite Colony’s goose hatchery and growing operation recently – fascinating! The DUCW’s events add to pleasure – like the recent Pool Party, where we caught-up with friends, including the Vernons – see “Getting to know” (p.4) for an update on their good news. Hope yours is going well, too – unless you’re shivering downunder. Thank you to other contributors this month – Judy Powell, Jacqueline Cassel-Ver- non, Jenny Gates, Peter Munn, Murray Burt and our advertisers. Storm clouds over the Saskatchewan Manitoba border. Photo: Charlie Powell.

More than what’son Visit Australia! 40 years’ Aussie and Kiwi culture we can celebrate here $ South Pacific On Tap experience Okay, so actually not from down under, but it’s beer, so why not? Get your tickets now for Brew Winnipeg to Sydney: C$1,436.00 at the Zoo on Friday September 15 from 7 to incl. all taxes & fees (return air), 10 pm. The event showcases the growing craft For travel: 01 NOV – 10 DEC 2017 OR 01 FEB – 30 APR 2018 brewery industry in a unique after-hours, adult’s only experience at the Assiniboine Park Zoo. Enjoy Includes FREE stopover in New Zealand!! (Airfare subject to availability). beer sampling, food and live music. Tickets are *Must book by 30 Aug 2017. *Stopover in New Zealand does not include accommodation.

$39.95 + GST and $59.95 + GST. [online link] PLUS - add on a 4-night stopover en-route, to: On Netflix - THE COOK ISLANDS (3-star hotel): $529 per person (3-star hotel, incl. all taxes & fees) The Water Diviner * – starring Russell Crowe - FIJI: $410 per person (4-star hotel, incl. all taxes & fees), or Rake* – Aussie TV series - TAHITI: $745 per person (4-star hotel, incl. all taxes & fees) Oddball – Aussie family film The Code* – Aussie TV series What We Do in the Shadows* – NZ vampire movie Bombshell – NZ thriller * seen and recommended (403) 270-4414 Phone Share your cultural connections. Please 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free email us at [email protected] [email protected] with other suggestions to include in this 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 • monthly column.

2 The Southern Yarn • August 2017 newsfromOz newszealand various sources, see web links in online edition source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted

But what will the peas think? Four’N Twenty is selling a Cheese and Veg- emite version of its beef pie to celebrate two major milestones achieved by both Four’N Twenty and Vegemite. Aparently NZ is mudless … Patties Foods’ Four’N Twenty marks its The southern hemisphere’s first mud and 70th anniversary in 2017 while Vegemite music festival, Mudtopia, will be held at But they’re still bent! became an Australian-owned brand again Rotorua’s Arawa Park Racecourse from Australian Food News reports: “Researchers when it was acquired by Bega Cheese from December 1-3. But the mud (powder) is at Queensland University of Technology Mondelez International in April 2017. Aus- being imported from Korea! (QUT) have used genetic engineering to FoodNews [more online]. The three-day festival will boast a Mud develop a golden-orange fleshed banana that Arena with mud sports, mud pools, mud is rich in pro-vitamin A. Backed with close to obstacle courses, a mud run, and a mud zone $10 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates built specifically for the kids. [More online]. Foundation, the research ultimately aims to improve the nutritional content of bananas in Uganda, where the fruit is the major sta- ple food in their daily diet.” [More online]

Anything you can do, I can … Peters Ice Cream and Arnott’s have part- nered to launch a new ice cream line. Wool, meat AND milk! The ice creams will feature a range of Massey University sheep milking expert Arnott’s classic biscuits including Wagon Craig Prichard's fun exhibit at Fieldays - Wheels, Mint Slice, Iced VoVo and Caramel allowing site visitors to milk a sheep - had Crowns. seriously optimistic intent. In a joint announcement, the two brands Behind the fun was positive news about And they still wear pyjamas… said Arnott’s worked on transferring the the rapidly growing sheep milk industry in Can you believe it’s been 25 years since flavour of the biscuit to the ice creams, while NZ. He noted that people have a sort of anxi- Bananas in Pyjamas first graced our Peters perfected the flavour into a quality ety about food, prompting them to query its screens? frozen product. [More online]. health properties and ponder whether it will Are you thinking what I'm thinking, B1? make them feel better. People want to learn I think I am, B2. It’s Bananas in Pyjamas more about products made from sheep milk, quiz time! [Try it online!] Prichard said. [More online] Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

August 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 Where’s the Vegemite, mate? That’s the question posed to us recently by Rob Harstedt who, along with his wife, found themselves staying longer in Winnipeg than originally expected. Rob had been looking for Vegemite since arriving in Canada, and was keen to stock up. First up, I directed him to London Drugs, and in Rob’s words, “London Drugs was a success. There’s a few jars on the shelf still but the best before date is Sept 17 so it’s get- ting close. Thanks for your help.” A short time later, Rob sent another mes- sage that he had found more jars at Save On Foods.

gettingtoknow… tralian heritage. He greatly enjoyed meeting history, and members of our club DUCW members at the Davidson’s annual pool party, and is trying to learn some Jacqueline Aussie Slang. No date is set yet, as the happy couple has lots of details to work through, with Cassel-Vernon’s homes, pets, etc. We’ll keep you posted. We also got to know Peter and Southerly good news a little more at the pool party: Peter is still actively enjoying Air Cadets involvement; Many members will remember that sad time and Southerly is into Anime Art – check out So, not only were we able to reconnect in March 2013, when we lost longtime mem- these examples from her sketch book. the travellers with their favourite spread, but ber and great mate Robert M. Vernon (see we have also confirmed another rich source Southern Yarn, March 2013 edition). His was a for folks living here in Winnipeg. great loss to all of us, especially to his wife, Rob and his wife flew to Vancouver on Jacqueline, and kids Peter and Southerly. August 16 after making the most of their Now we’re glad to share happy news of the visit with family and taking in the sights Vernon clan, announcing Jacqueline's engage- here. ment to Arthur Cramer of Gimli in July 2017. Happy travels to you both! Jacqueline and Art met online in December Jenny Gates 2015, and had their first date January 2, 2016. They've been inseparable since; “Art told me he fell in love on our first date… it took me a bit longer, but I wasn’t far behind.” Art is also widowed, losing his wife Dar- lene in 2014, after a long battle with cancer. Law services at your place of convenience That shared experience has helped their relationship. “We still miss and love our late spouses -- there’s no jealousy, only under- Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b standing and compassion when memories lawyer • notary public sneak up,” Jacq said. Having no children of his own, Art’s been thrown in the deep end of parenting, . learning quickly how fun teenagers can home visits office visits be. He’s done well, and their first family trip day, evening & weekend appointments together, to Mt. Rushmore, Minneapolis and back, went off without a hitch. 204-783-1632 Art is very insistent that Peter and Southerly remember their dad and their Aus-

4 The Southern Yarn • August 2017 formal apology to all those unfairly convicted Mr Gunn said the government was not commonwealth under the antiquated laws. Lawmakers also contesting the seriousness of the climate place by Murray Burt approved the first stage of a bill that will issue, but the real question was how well- allow the men to have their criminal records equipped the Court was to examine govern- wiped clean, legislation that comes four ment processes. In setting a target for New Australia at UN Human years after the South Pacific nation legalized Zealand, the government considered a range Rights table same-sex marriage. of matters, including inter-generational equi- Australia had secured sufficient votes to win The measures were passed with unani- ty and it had to decide what was, in its view its seat on the United Nations Human Rights mous approval among lawmakers from vari- the most ambitious target that could be Council even before France withdrew, For- ous political parties. implemented. eign Minister Julie Bishop says. Justice Minister Amy Adams, said the “It was up to the government to deter- France’s withdrawal from the three-way nation is “putting on the record that this mine how it approached the question of equi- contest leaves Australia and Spain to fill the House deeply regrets the hurt and stigma ty and in my submission the approach it took two seats open to Western Europe and other suffered by the many hundreds of New was an entirely reasonable one….[It states, from 2018. Zealand men who were turned into crimi- involved] some consultation, blue sky think- Ms Bishop said Australia had secured a nals by a law that was profoundly wrong, and ing and it can't be attacked as an unreason- significant number of votes, both in writing for that we are sorry,” said Justice Minister able decision.” and through verbal confirmation, before Amy Adams. it was unimaginable today that However Mr Salmon said one of the gov- France pulled out. consensual sex between adults would be ernment's scientific experts in the case had "France obviously assessed its chances considered criminal. produced his evidence before the Paris and withdrew from the competition so “It is never too late to apologize,” The gov- accord meeting even took place. there’s now Spain and Australia to fill the ernment estimates about 1,000 men will be He said the economic modelling done two vacant positions but there is still a vote eligible to have their convictions quashed. was to enable a graph to be produced show- and that will take place in October of this Most were prosecuted after 1965 and before ing the cheapest option this country could year, “ Ms Bishop told reporters in Mel- 1986, when NZ decriminalized homosexuali- take related to GDP growth. bourne on Friday. ty. They were convicted of crimes such as “So what’s being said is that we will not —SOURCE: Australian Associated Press indecency, sodomy and providing a place for do a sensible share of the heavy lifting here homosexual acts. Those with convictions because we want to seek 3.8 rather than Copwatch: monitor harassment will need to apply to have their cases 3.42…. So the model smells and it smells of Australian indigenous people assessed because the law didn’t distinguish very bad and it smells bad in a way that the Indigenous communities across Australia between consensual and nonconsensual gay Court is competent to judge.” could be trained to expose police harass- sex, Adams said. —SOURCE: Nick Perry, AP Mr Salmon also said emissions targets ment with mobile phones and social media if were a human rights issue and he pointed to a human rights group’s plan succeeds. Scrutinize NZ emissions targets wars currently being fought in some African The Copwatch project will provide The way in which New Zealand’s greenhouse countries as a result of food shortages aris- human rights lawyers and journalists to gas emission targets are handled needs ing from climate change. teach indigenous communities how to film careful scrutiny, the High Court in Welling- and share interactions with police and ton has been told. Read two more articles from Commonwealth authority figures. Sydney-based National Jus- Hamilton law student Sarah Thomson Corner on page seven, featured in the online tice Project is developing the program as a has taken a case challenging the targets and version of this newsletter. response to complaints of over-policing in asking that decision-makers be ordered to indigenous communities. Sixteen Aborigi- reconsider them. Murray Burt writes this column to raise sensitivi- nal communities in NSW’s central west will However Crown lawyer Peter Gunn sug- ties to the Commonwealth’s value and to lift the put their hand up for Copwatch if it gets off gested the Judge hearing the case should curtain on our understanding of a third of the pop- the ground. exercise restraint, saying it would be diffi- ulation of the world. The Commonwealth name “The community shouldn’t be the ones cult for the Court to assess the social ramifi- and significance is rarely mentioned in daily news, monitoring the police behavior but we have cations involved against the political issues he says. It should be. to because of ongoing abuse,” Murdi Paaki and international considerations that need- Burt is president of the Manitoba branch of the chair Des Jones told AAP. Copwatch has ed to be taken into account. Royal Commonwealth Society; past president of raised more than $23,000 of its $50,000 Ms Thomson’s lawyer Davey Salmon had the Commonwealth Journalists Association; secre- goal through crowdfunding online at earlier suggested there was a human rights tary of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of — Source: Nine Digital Pty Ltd aspect to the case and cited the case of the Canada advisory board; Hon LCol of the 78th 2017 NZ-administered territory of Tokelau, which Fraser Highlanders; a senator of the 166th Bat- would be hard hit by rising sea levels caused tery RCA (Kenora) and a director of The Intrepid NZ law change, apologies to gays by climate change. Society. He is retired from more than 50 years of New Zealand lawmakers unanimously apolo- But Mr Gunn said human rights cases journalism. gized last month for the “tremendous hurt usually covered situations where people and suffering” of hundreds of men who were were imprisoned or their lives were at risk, convicted of homosexuality during the years prompting Justice Mallon to ask why a case it was treated as a crime. about the future of life on the planet would Parliament took the rare step of issuing a not fall in that category.

August 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 Swainson’s hawk, Last Mountain Lake, SK, (Photo C. Powell)

Board of Directors birdsiview… President: by Charlie Powell Peter Munn Vice President: Raptors Zealand’s most common raptor and not to be Catherine Bowering The term raptor is derived from the Latin word confused with their only falcon, the Secretary: Margaret Munn rapere, meaning to seize or take by force. These Karearea. While many raptors use speed to birds are characterized by keen vision that allows Newsletter Editor: hunt—the Karearea for example can get to Charlie Powell them to detect their prey during flight and power- over 100 km/h—kestrels use their masterful Treasurer: ful talons and beaks. Most birds of prey also have hovering ability. NZ’s Ministry of Agricul- Peter Debenham strong curved talons for catching or killing prey. ture and Forestry encouraged the breeding Social Coordinators: – Wikipedia of karearea in wine-producing areas, like Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, Lucia Barron Marlborough, to help control other birds Membership: I should invest in a decent camera and tele- messing with the grapes. Norm Griffiths photo lens: a drive up-country last week A common characteristic among raptors Past President: made me wish I had the gear to capture the is the size difference between the sexes. Terry Roberts moment – a hawk perched on the edge of a This sexual dimorphism allows males and large round hay bale, in the early dawn’s females to hunt different prey animals and This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF misty glow, scanning the field for breakfast. that means they can be sustained from a format from the website. Thank you to all of My guess is a Swainson’s hawk. They can smaller territory. our contributors within the club, from overseas and information services. Layout often be seen on fence posts and have one of Here are some stamp images of raptors: by [email protected] the longest migrations – wintering down in Argentina. The Southern Yarn is published by the Down Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The Other similar raptors are the red-tailed views and opinions expressed by hawk (one of the most common in North contributors to this publication are not America) and the red-shouldered hawk. endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect those of, the members of the DUCW. The Sheri Rypstra reported on a plucky red- DUCW and the Editor of The Southern Yarn tailed hawk that was raised by bald eagles in do not accept any responsibility for the a wildlife sanctuary in BC [link online]. content or accuracy of information or websites contained in this publication. Living near the Red River, here in Win- Articles may be republished with nipeg, we sometimes see bald eagles cruis- permission of the Editor. ing the waterway, but more common are Merlin falcons (“pigeon hawk”) and Ameri- T H E D O W N U N D E R CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. can kestrels (“sparrow hawk”) hunting Station Main, PO Box 1655, smaller birds and insects. The larger Pere- Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 grine falcons are encouraged to nest down- 1-204-832-4405 town in return for pigeon control services. [email protected] You can monitor one family 24/7 here thanks to Shaw TV’s falcon cam. Like us on facebook! Downunder, the Australian or nankeen kestrels, goshawks and swamp harriers are Proudly printed in Winnipeg by fascinating to watch. The latter is New Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd.

6 The Southern Yarn • August 2017 epages for news that just would not fit in the print issue

Fiji children unaware of rights Singapore hangs Malaysian, UN All children need to know about their rights plea on death penalty ignored and they have the right to know, says Human Malaysian S. Prabagaran was hanged in Sin- Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission gapore one morning last month despite calls director Ashwin Raj. from the United Nations and others to sus- During the National Human Rights Com- pend his execution. mission’s Dialogue session at the Friendly The 29-year-old who was convicted of North Inn in Labasa, Mr Raj said it was a con- drug trafficking was executed at Changi cern to know that many children are not Prison at 6am, according to Kirsten Han aware about their rights. from a non-governmental group called We “Children have the right to know that Believe in Second Chances. they have rights,” Mr Raj said. “There needs “The family is collecting his body now,” to be a greater discussion about this.” she was quoted saying in a report by The Mr Raj said he was very happy to see Star Online. about 60 people from diverse groups in the Prabagaran’s lawyers had also called for Northern Division gathered for the dialogue a halt on the execution, saying their client had raised a number of issues and concerns. still had a case pending with the Malaysian The dialogue focused on awareness about Court of Appeal. human rights, access to justice and the role His lawyers had previously filed for an of the Commission. application with the Appellate Court in “We had members from disability com- Putrajaya for the case to brought up to the munities, children with special needs, faith- International Court of Justice. based organizations, civil society But the Singapore Court of Appeal reject- organizations, youth groups and women ed the application just a day after the UN movement,” Mr Raj said. Human Rights Office in South-east Asia He said they raised fundamental ques- urged for the execution to be put on hold. tions regarding their rights in relation to the Prabagaran was arrested on a drug domestic violence restraining order (DVRO) charge in 2012 when a car he was driving at and how it is used by married people and the Singapore immigration checkpoint was those in defacto relationships. found to contain 22.24g of diamorphine, the “They questioned about village by-laws, pure form of heroin. right to cultural autonomy — do we balance He had however claimed that the car he that with individual rights for instance the was driving belonged to other individuals rights of women or rights of a child. and that he was not aware of the presence of The dialogue was supported through the the drugs in the car. —Source: Malaymail Fiji Access to Justice Project funded by Euro- pean Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Golf Pacific office in Fiji.— SOURCE: Fiji Sun online anyone? The Down Under Club is hosting its annual Golf Tournament at The Players course in north-west Win- nipeg again this year. For our new club members, be assured this is a very casu- al tournament, played for joining up with those play- address is 2695 Park Royale fun, on a course that always ing 9 holes at 1.15 pm. After- Way, Winnipeg (from the suits the range of talents of wards we adjourn to the intersection of Route 90 and our participants. water-side verandah of the Inkster Boulevard, about 1 We offer the choice of casual restaurant at the km west). Good weather is playing 9 or 18 holes, with course. guaranteed, book early to those playing the full 18 tee- The date is Saturday, avoid disappointment, by ing off at 11 am, and then August 19th. The street calling Peter, 204-237-1805.

August 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7 The September 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

SEPTEMBER Snack and beverage Saturday 23rd September, 1 pm at Prairie’s Edge Restaurant in Kildonan Park, 2015 Main St, Winnipeg Relax with mates on the patio. Call Judy at 204- 275-7083 to let us know you’re coming.

OCTOBER The less-Formal Dinner Saturday 28th October, 6 pm Miss Browns, 288 William Ave, Winnipeg Some of the players relaxing after a hot round. The Annual DUCW Cost will be $45, all inclusive. 6 for 6:30 pm. Much-less-Formal Dinner Check out the delicious menu choices on this With our golf tournament behind us, the next Saturday, October 28, at 6 for 6:30 pm page! Call Judy at 204-275-7083 to let us know two DUCW gatherings will be over meals. Miss Browns, 288 William Avenue, you’re coming and your menu selections. Later in September we’ll be at Kildonan Park in Winnipeg’s “Exchange” District in the afternoon (see Calendar, left) and at YES, this year we’re at Miss Browns, where NOVEMBER the end of October at Miss Brown’s for the club members have gone for breakfast a couple The even-less-formal AGM annual dinner! of times, Australia Day, etc. So we know their Friday 24th November, 7 pm fabulous food, and the nice owners/propri- Scandinavian Cultural Centre Our Golf Tournament etors who are opening on the night just for us! 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. Come and make a difference. Another great tournament was held late Spread the word! It will be a great night, August at The Players club in NW Winnipeg. but we must have RSVPs, including choices DECEMBER The weather was close to perfect, the course for each course, by October 14, to Judy Powell, The even-more-fun Family was in good shape, but our games not so at [email protected] or by phone Christmas Party much. We missed a few of our regulars this 204-275-7083. Sunday 3rd December, 5 pm year, but as always, everyone enjoyed the day. Please choose from the following options Scandinavian Cultural Centre Awards were given for: for each course: 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. Men’s long drive: Terry De Long Appetizers/Starters: (choose one) Don’t forget the kids! Women’s long drive: Tracey Bernhard Cream of Pumpkin Soup; or Roast Beet & Feta Salad Men’s Low score: Pete and Repeat, Main Courses: (choose one) LATER Munn and Debenham Braised Lamb Shanks, with creamy polenta and High tea is still on the cards for early Spring. Ladies’ low score: Tracey Bernhard seasonal greens; or Chicken Stroganoff, with wild If you’d like to suggest a new social event, we’re Most honest golfer: Keri-Anne Bernhard mushrooms, boiled baby potatoes and seasonal happy to help you plan it for the Club! Closest to the Pin: (Now known as the Hall of greens; or Hot Smoked Salmon, with creamy can- Shame award, no one hit the nellini beans and seasonal greens green with their first shot) Desserts: (choose one) Mini Pavlova with seasonal fruit; or Smoked Pecan Thanks to everyone who attended, and Brownie with ice cream and berries those golfers not mentioned above who also received small awards. A complimentary glass of wine will be served. Coffee, tea and soft drinks are avail- able for separate purchase on the night. Cost is $45 per person, including cork- age, taxes, tip and venue hire. Cash or cheque payable please to DUCW on the night. RSVP, with menu choices, to 204-275-7083 – find us on facebook or the web by October 14 at the latest. email: [email protected] online maintaining our membership list and mem- president’s bership status. Norm has done a stellar job, editorially ramblings and we thank him for his past work, but on yours Peter Munn his 50th anniversary with the club, he Charlie Powell has decided to hang up his saddle at ATTENTION: last. While it would be great to have a Now that I have call from one of our newer members, We recently told you about Winnipeg Touch your attention I am all are welcome to help. I promise you Rugby (touch footy) and the Winnipeg asking for someone to help on the executive this is not an onerous task, and you will not Bears Australian Football Club (Aussie committee as our membership person. You be left alone. We have a great, fun execu- Rules), both of which are alive and thriving will be working with the nicest group of tive. No boredom here. Please call me at right here in Winnipeg. When I looked a lit- people (just look at their names on this 204 237-1805, and I can give you the low- tle deeper, Wikipedia reports that Aussie page). There are about 10 short meetings down. Rules is a rapidly growing sport in Canada. per year, and you will be responsible for Peter It is also played in Ontario, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Que- Favourable autumn weather has made camping and excursions bec, and British Columbia – and along places like Lake Winnipeg very nice this September. Saskatchewan is in the formative stages of – Hydesmith photo development. Contact rugby is also very popular (through Rugby Manitoba in this province). Not into sports? Then there’s the Aus- tralian Shepherd Club of British Columbia – “a non-profit organization founded in 1988. Its members are dedicated to encour- aging the advancement of the Australian Shepherd as a working stockdog”. Then there are other downunder-related social clubs: the Toronto Australia New Zealand Club (Tranzac) in Ontario – “This relaxed place hosts live music and theatre almost every night, plus films and literary events”; Australia New Zealand Association (the ANZA Club) is in the heart of Mt Pleas- ant, Vancouver; and the Downunder Social Club of Calgary – “To bring Australians and More than New Zealanders living in Calgary together Top deal for 40 years’ for social events, keep them informed about $ South Pacific news back home, and ward-off the home- a big trip experience sick blues.” Down Under And here we are – the DUCW – still 3-for-1 Offer: Australia, New Zealand active in the heart of the continent, and & the Cook Islands! $3,799 about to enjoy a new slate of events (see the calendar)…. Looking forward to seeing old Price per person (departing from Vancouver). Package Includes: friends again. • Return international airfare with Air New Zealand All taxes, fees & fuel surcharges Thanks this month to Peter Munn for • 4 nights’ accommodation in Sydney are included. • 4 nights’ accommodation in Auckland organizing the Golf Day, Jenny Gates for the *Valid for travel: 01 Feb – 31 Mar 2018 • 5 nights’ accommodation in Rarotonga, Cook Islands “Getting to know” on p. 4, and Murray, *Must book by: 31 Oct 2017 • Sydney Eat/Drink Walking Tour *Other departure cities available Brian and our advertisers. • Auckland Harbour Cruise For more information about this offer: Enjoy! • Australian Entry Visa

The Hydesmith’s Aussie ‘Chester’. Australian (403) 270-4414 Phone Shepherds originated in 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free Spain, but came to the USA from Australia, [email protected] establishing the breed’s 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 • name.

2 The Southern Yarn • September 2017 oncoming express. Two troopships of the newsfromOz New Zealand Expeditionary Force, the Uli- various sources, see web links in online edition maroa and the Norman, had just arrived at Plymouth Sound from New Zealand, and the soldiers were en route to Sling Camp on Sal- isbury Plain. Their train left Plymouth Friary railway station at 15:00. The soldiers had not eaten since 06:00 that morning and had been told that at the train’s first stop, Exeter, two men from each carriage could collect provisions from the brake van. [More online [Link] Australian gunners on a duckboard track in Château Wood near Hooge, 29 October 1917. Think of a name … Photo by Frank Hurley An “incredibly rare” white koala has been 100 years ago born into captivity at Australia Zoo. The joey During the course of 1917 all Australian still doesn’t have a name but don’t call her an forces arrived in Belgium for the ‘Flanders albino. offensive’. Their first major battle took place Her fur is white but the baby’s skin and on 20 September 1917 near the Menin Road eyes are the usual brown-black. Central during which the 1st and 2nd Australian Divi- (Wikipedia)] Queensland koala expert Dr Alistair Melzer sions reached the outskirts of Polygon Wood. Lost and found said in his almost 30 years in the field he Six days later, on 26 September 1917, the Bat- Balclutha woman Carol Creighton had given had never seen a white koala, at least partly tle of Polygon Wood began. The 5th Australian up on ever finding her lost eternity ring - because animals that colour were much Division was on the attack and expelled the until a friend dug up her vegetable garden. more vulnerable to predators. Australia Zoo “He said to me, ‘I think I’ve got a surprise and Tourism Australia have launched a com- for you’,” Mrs Creighton (76) said of her petition on Facebook to name the koala, on newszealand friend, Tom Dickson (82), when he handed source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted show at the zoo’s “Mums n Bubs” enclosure. her a bunch of carrots from her vegetable [Read more online]: garden yesterday. “He said, ‘What have you lost?’” She saw he had a bit of dirt in his hands and the only thing she could think of was the eternity ring given to her by her mother. Then Mr Dickson, who knew she had misplaced the ring years ago, produced the carrot with the eternity ring around it. Mrs Creighton said she last recalled having the ring in 2006. [More online]

Native crops of the future Germans from the infamous Butte. The Breeze Walking Festival The Australian Geographic reports: There are Bere Ferrers rail accident This year’s festival will be running from Sat- more than 6000 edible plants in Australia This century-old rail accident occurred at urday 30th September to Sunday 15th Octo- that are not widely used for food today. Many Bere Ferrers railway station in Devon on 24 ber 2017 to coincide with the New Zealand of these would consume less water and fer- September 1917. Ten soldiers from New school holidays. tiliser than currently cultivated species. Zealand alighted from their troop train on There will over 50 free walks catering to Readers are directed to the Royal Botanic the wrong side of the train, having assumed people from all walks of life: from child- Gardens and Domain Trust, Sydney, where they should leave by the same side they had friendly jaunts to more challenging treks for you can also sign up for a bush tucker hunt. entered, and were struck and killed by an the experienced walker. Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

September 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 gettingtoknow… history, and members of our club The Historic Road to Now

Back in July, various events were organised to mark the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Selkirk Treaty []. Brian Hydesmith was there as official photographer to record those events, and that’s when he met sis- ters Dawn, Elaine and Carol. Given their New Zealand connection, Brian suggested they contact us and tell us about their visit here. Following is a very interesting story as relayed by Dawn Uyehara.

We are three New Zealanders descended from the 1815 Selkirk settlers. We decided to come to Winnipeg to see where they settled and then follow their journey to Scotch Grove, Iowa. My father was a genealogist and first introduced me to the story of our great-great- great-great grandparents Isobell and William, which I have now been researching for about five years. William and Isobell Sutherland and five Dawn Uyehara, Steve Hanken, Elaine Purdum, Carol Bailey, and Steve’s sister-in-law Shirley at the Scotch of their children left Kildonan, Sutherland- Grove Cemetery in Iowa. Their ancestors landed at York Factory in 1815. Photo provided. shire, in 1815. They landed at York Factory and lived in the Red River Settlement. Their This has been a pretty amazing trip. We them three to four months on foot while three oldest children, Alexander, Catherine met some wonderful people, including Steve pulling a Red River Cart with all their belong- and Wm Jr, came two years earlier with the Hanken, curator of the Jones County Histori- ings. It’s given us a great appreciation for Churchill group. cal Society in Iowa, and his sister-in-law their perseverance and courage to walk all After William died in 1838, Isobell and Shirley, who kindly showed us the Suther- that way. four of her grown children and their families land farm, the old Scotch Grove church and travelled 1,000 miles south to settle in Iowa. cemetery, and the Edinburgh Pioneer Muse- PS During our correspondence for this article, They were among the first settlers of that um which has many Red River settler items. Dawn and her family were evacuated because area, which was later named Scotch Grove And we got to do and see what we hoped of Hurricane Harvey. After 10 days, they were after the Highlanders from the Red River Set- to, plus so many more wonderfully unexpect- finally able to go home, so big thanks to Dawn tlement. Unfortunately, Isobell died within a ed things. A highlight was the fact that in for all her help and information during that year, and because a church and cemetery one day we travelled what would have taken difficult time. wasn’t established at that time, she is most likely buried on the family farm. We were surprised to learn we had a US connection, and that Isobell is buried in Iowa. And although we weren’t able to find a Law services at your place of convenience grave marker for her, we did find her sons’ headstones in the little cemetery there. William and Isobell’s youngest daughter, Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b Helen, married George McRae, and in 1824, lawyer • notary public the two returned to Scotland. They migrated to NZ in 1842, where they homesteaded a sheep station in Marlborough. My sisters – . Elaine Purdum and Carol Bailey – and I are home visits office visits descended from Helen, and grew up in day, evening & weekend appointments Christchurch and Wellington. Carol now lives in Rotorua, and Elaine and I live in 204-783-1632 Texas – that bit wasn’t planned, but just worked out that way.

4 The Southern Yarn • September 2017 Australia’s North Korea response under a single law, overseen by a new office commonwealth over-zealous – the Independent Anti-Slavery Commission- place by Murray Burt Australia’s reaction to the exchanges er. — SOURCE: By Daniel Graham in Choice. between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump has been NZ Euthanasia bill advances couched principally in terms of what North A bill proposing to legalize euthanasia has Korea might do to Australia and of what Aus- been given a legal tick by the Attorney-Gen- tralia’s treaty obligations to the United eral, who said it would not infringe basic States mean under ANZUS. This seems to human rights if enacted. miss the point. As important as the North The bill was proposed by ACT and the Korea issue is for everyone, it is primarily party’s leader, David Seymour, said he was about the countries of Northeast Asia and pleased his End of Life Choice Bill passed the United States. the legal hurdle. Australia sees the world most often in Proposed laws are tested using routine terms of itself. This is of course a common assessments by Attorney-General Chris Fin- failing with all nation states. Australia may layson, who weighs legal validity under over- Call revived for NZ probe of Kiwi troops accused not be the worst offender, but it has room for arching legislation such as the Bill of Rights of civilian deaths and injury. Getty Images improvement. Act. In a report, Finlayson said the bill was NZ govt asked to investigate So when Kim engages in his dangerous consistent with rights regarding freedom of Afghan civilian deaths tomfoolery, the Australian government cites conscience and expression. Aug 22 marked the seventh anniversary of an existential threat to Australia. It is true His report related to the framework, not the SAS-led raids involving NZ troops in that if Kim can hit Los Angeles, he can also any moral or philosophical questions. ’s Baghlan province which hit Sydney. But Berlin is 500 kilometres clos- “The report says that the eligibility crite- allegedly injured 15 civilians and killed six, er to Pyongyang than Sydney. London is only ria are narrow enough and the safeguards including a three-year-old girl. further by 100 kilometres. And there are strict enough” Seymour said. The government is facing renewed calls many other obvious targets closer to the The bill provides for a legal landscape in to investigate allegations against the NZ North Korean mainland — Seoul and Tokyo to which people with a terminal illness or a Defence Force in Afghanistan months after begin with. So we have to keep things in per- “‘grievous or irremediable’ medical condition they dismissed the possibility of an inquiry. spective. [have] the option of requesting assisted An inquiry held in the wake of the botched After the latest exchanges on North dying”. Finlayson found the bill was incon- attack by two Afghan ministries and the Inter- Korea, Australia’s immediate reaction was to sistent with the Bill of Rights on age, mean- national Security Assistance Force cleared NZ proclaim its possible military involvement ing the 18+ threshold was deemed legally soldiers of any wrongdoing, but the NZDF should things heat up on the peninsula. — restrictive. never carried out its own investigation. SOURCE: East Asia Forum excerpt Lawyers representing the villagers have Gender discrimination in Samoa since filed proceedings against the govern- Slavery in supply chains stirs A United Nations human rights panel visit- ment in the High Court. Human rights advo- concern and action in Australia ing Samoa believes a lot more work needs to cate Marianne Elliott, a former UN worker in Make no mistake: you have personally bene- be done to tackle deeply rooted gender dis- Afghanistan, insists the incident must be fited from modern slavery. It might be in the crimination in the country. investigated.— SOURCE: Newstalk ZB clothes you wear, the prawns you grill or in The UN special mission was invited by the smartphone you may well be reading this the Samoa government to look into the cur- NZ jailed get UN hearing article on. rent situation of women’s human rights. The cases of two long-jailed New Zealand sex Modern slavery is an umbrella term that The mission held discussions and con- offenders are due to go under the spotlight at covers crimes like forced labour, human traf- sultations in seven villages on Upolu island the United Nations human rights committee ficking, bonded labour (where the worker is which includes Vava’u, Salani, Sapo’e, Utu- in October. ostensibly paying off a debt), and forced or laelae, Si’uniu, Salesatele and Salelesi. The committee has invited Wellington child marriage. Migrants and refugees are The mission welcomed the adoption of var- lawyer Tony Ellis and a government represen- common victims, lured abroad with a prom- ious laws that honour Samoa’s constitution tative to Geneva for a rare chance to speak ise of good work. They often have their iden- and international human rights obligations about the cases of two men serving preven- tification documents taken and are housed regarding discrimination against women and tive detention terms. in squalid conditions with other victims. gender-based violence. These laws cannot be Allan Brian Miller was sentenced to the About two thirds of the global slave trade fully effective unless women’s sexual and open-ended term of preventive detention 26 occurs in the Asia-Pacific. Some of Aus- reproductive rights are met and they are eco- years ago, and Michael John Carroll was sen- tralia’s biggest trading partners, including nomically empowered. —SOURCE: RNZ tenced 29 years ago. Both have multiple rape China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, are convictions, and both are still in prison. host to some of the most egregious crimes. Murray Burt writes this column to raise sensitivi- Their arguments about the independ- The Australian Parliament is currently ties to the Commonwealth’s southern values and ence of the Parole Board, and the way preven- holding an inquiry into adopting a Modern to lift the curtain on our understanding of a third tive detention is served, have already been Slavery Act, similar to one introduced in the of the population of the world. The Commonwealth through the New Zealand court system. UK in 2015. It would bring the crimes of slav- name and significance is too rarely mentioned in ery, forced labour and human trafficking daily news, he says. It should be. Enjoy.

September 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 Board of Directors President: Peter Munn Vice President: Catherine Bowering Secretary: Margaret Munn Newsletter Editor: Charlie Powell Treasurer: Swallows perched on power lines, nesting in tight spots. Peter Debenham (Photos C. Powell) Social Coordinators: Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, Lucia Barron In return, they’re meant to do something about our provincial “bird” numbers – the Membership: birdsiview… (position open) by Charlie Powell mosquito! Past President: Australia has its share - white-backed, Terry Roberts Now swallow! barn, red-rumped and the good old welcome Another drive in the country prompted swallow (Hirundo neoxena), so named for its This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF inspiration for this month’s feature bird. The appearance each year heralding spring for format from the website. Thank you to all of main photo above shows just a few of the southern Aussies. our contributors within the club, from overseas and information services. Layout hundreds of swallows that were perched on The welcome swallow was first observed by [email protected] hydro lines near St Ambroise, Manitoba, in breeding in New Zealand in the ’50s, possi- the last week of August. Some of them likely bly having been blown off-course on its The Southern Yarn is published by the Down Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The had nests in the abandoned building below migration north from Tasmania. They have views and opinions expressed by them. Before we provided such structures, now filled the void left by several native contributors to this publication are not most swallow species used caves, cliffsides species that suffered extinction with the endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect those of, the members of the DUCW. The and riverbanks or holes in trees for nesting. arrival of man (and rats). DUCW and the Editor of The Southern Yarn The inset photo shows how they can make do not accept any responsibility for the use of anything available. Many will use content or accuracy of information or websites contained in this publication. mud, with or without grass. Articles may be republished with The world’s 83 species of swallows occu- permission of the Editor. py every continent except Antarctica. Their slender body and relatively long pointed T H E D O W N U N D E R CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. wings make them very manoeuvrable fliers. Station Main, PO Box 1655, Combine that with a strong jaw that can Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 allow for a wide-open gape and you have an 1-204-832-4405 efficient insect vacuum. [email protected] Common in Manitoba are the tree, barn and cliff swallows and the purple martin. Like us on facebook! The latter is encouraged to live here thanks to the man-made condos provided for them Proudly printed in Winnipeg by (see photo, right). Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd.

6 The Southern Yarn • September 2017 epages for news that just would not fit in the print issue

Don’t ask new NZ Labor leader Ardern, visibly angry, defended the right HR and Vanuatu’s Mental Health New Zealand’s new Labor leader, Jacinda of NZ women to keep their child-bearing An amended Mental Health Act is almost Ardern, has said it is unacceptable that plans private from their employer, a position complete. Under the guidance of the World women face questions in the workplace over upheld by the Human Rights Act of 1993, Health Organization (WHO), Vanuatu’s their motherhood plans after she was asked which states it is illegal for an employer to antique 1965 text is being brought up to date on TV about whether she wants to have chil- discriminate against a current or potential and the final work is expected imminently. dren. employee on the grounds of being pregnant Director of Public Health, Len Tarivonda, Ardern, 37, was unanimously elected as or wanting to have children in the future. pointed out to the visiting experts how leader of the party early last month after “I decided to talk about it, it was my human rights issues now had to be properly Andrew Little stepped down less than two choice, so that means I am happy to keep acknowledged. Human rights abuses have months before the election is due to be held. responding to those questions,” said Ardern, been common practice in many communi- Little resigned citing three consecutive polls who has in the past expressed the desire to ties, he said. Vanuatu does not have a dedi- showing support for the opposition party at a have a family. cated facility for treating people with mental disastrous 23-24% – the lowest approval rat- “But, you,” she said, turning her chair to health issues. ing in nearly 20 years. Ardern became NZ face Richardson and pointing her finger Also in health news: Vanuatu is pioneer- youngest Labor leader directly at him, “It is totally unacceptable in ing the use of drones to deliver vaccines to In one of her first TV appearances 2017 to say that women should have to remote communities. With poorly and irreg- youngest co-host Jesse Mulligan struck a con- answer that question in the workplace, it is ularly maintained rural road services, Vanu- troversial note: unacceptable, it is unacceptable.”—SOURCE: atu will provide a humanitarian testing “I’ve got a question and we’ve been dis- Eleanor Ainge Roy freelances for The ground for the technology which in recent cussing today whether or not I’m allowed to Guardian years has been most often associated with ask it,” said interviewer Mulligan glancing at warfare. Santo will become the principal test his female co-host Kanoa Lloyd, who laughed centre after early trials in rural Efate. uncomfortably and rolled her eyes. —SOURCE: Bob Makin, Daily Post “A lot of women in New Zealand feel like they have to make a choice between having babies and having a career or continuing their career … so is that a decision you feel you have to make or that you feel you’ve already made?” In the past Ardern, only the second woman to lead New Zealand Labor, has spo- ken candidly about being wary of taking on senior leadership roles, including the prime ministership, because of the strain it can place on family and home life. Ardern responded politely: “I have no problem with you asking me that question because I have been very open about dis- cussing that dilemma because I think proba- bly lots of women face it.” Ardern added that she did not regard her “dilemma” as any dif- ferent from other New Zealand women jug- gling multiple priorities and responsibilities. Later, however, the opposition leader bristled at The AM Show’s co-host Mark Richardson after he said New Zealanders had a right to know whether there was a pos- sibility their potential prime minister might take maternity leave. “If you are the employer of a company you need to know that type of thing from the woman you are employing … the question is, is it OK for a PM to take maternity leave while in office?” Richardson asked.

September 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7 The October 2017


downundercalendar Prairie’s Edge gathering A few of us enjoyed a good Month: social time over lunch and a beverage at Prairie’s Edge, OCTOBER despite the sun not shining and The less-Formal Dinner the patio being a tad too chilly Saturday 28th October, 6 for 6:30 pm for enjoying the great outdoors Miss Browns at Kildonan Park. Viewed across 288 William Ave, Winnipeg the landscaped pond through Cost will be $45, all inclusive. the café’s picture windows, a Check out the delicious menu tablet etched in a large block of choices on this page. This is not just for stone intrigued us enough that members. Make it a night out with friends – they we hiked over later – it really will also enjoy a taste of downunder was a copy of The Ten Com- camaraderie! mandments! Call Judy at 204-275-7083 to let us know you’re coming and your menu selections. The Annual DUCW Much-less-Formal Dinner - Saturday, October 28 NOVEMBER The even-less-formal AGM YES, this year we’re at Miss Browns, where All this for $45 per person, including Friday 24th November, 7 pm club members have gone for breakfast a cou- corkage, taxes, tip and venue hire. Cash or Scandinavian Cultural Centre ple of times, Australia Day, etc. So we know cheque payable please to DUCW on the night 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. their fabulous food, and the nice owners/pro- RSVP, with menu choices We look forward to seeing a good turnout at this prietors who are opening on the night just for by October 13 at the latest, annual lively event. It’s a good chance to raise us! to 204-275-7083 suggestions for Club activities while enjoying Spread the word to family and friends, it snacks and drinks from the bar. Come and make will be a great night, but we must have a difference. RSVPs, including choices for each course, by October 13, to Judy Powell, by phone 204-275- DECEMBER 7083, or [email protected] The even-more-fun Family Please choose from the options listed Christmas Party below for each course. Dinner includes bread Sunday 3rd December, 5 pm roll and butter and a complimentary glass of Scandinavian Cultural Centre wine. Coffee, tea and soft drinks are avail- 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. Santa will bring the gifts – you bring the food. able for separate purchase on the night. Don’t forget the kids! This is a FAMILY POTLUCK DINNER. Send in the names and ages of children who will be present Appetizers/Starters: (choose one) to Margaret Munn at 204-237-1805 or • Cream of Pumpkin Soup [email protected] Saturday, • Roast Beet and Feta Salad October 28, 2017, Main Courses: (choose one) LATER at 6 for 6:30 pm • Braised Lamb Shanks, with creamy polenta and seasonal High tea is still on the cards for early Spring. greens If you’d like to suggest a new social event, we’re Miss Browns, • Chicken Stroganoff, with wild mushrooms, boiled baby pota- happy to help you plan it for the Club! 288 William toes and seasonal greens Avenue, in • Hot Smoked Salmon, with creamy cannellini beans and season- Winnipeg’s al greens Exchange (choose one) find us on facebook or the web District Desserts: • Mini Pavlova with seasonal fruit email: [email protected] • Smoked Pecan Brownie with ice cream and berries online Adelaide Crows, both had remarkable back president’s stories to the game, and either team would editorially ramblings have been a worthy winner. The crowd of yours Peter Munn 100,000+ was ready for a massive contest, Charlie Powell and they got it. And as it turned out, the Had a great time slight underdog, Richmond, went on to Glorious sunsets, color- recently watching win handily, much to the delight of ful leaves, Thanksgiving dinners and a few the AFL grand- their supporters, but not so much to the remaining warm days – the pleasures of final at Boston Pizza on Henderson with shopkeepers on Punt Rd, who had to put up autumn! My checklist also includes out- members of our club, along with the newly with thousands on the road celebrating smarting the resident squirrels. Since they minted Winnipeg Bears Australian Football right through the night. We’ll be at BP help to clear our yard of fallen acorns by Club, led by Allan Sharman. My Bulldogs again next year, so put it on your calendar, storing them for winter, I’ll allow them to didn’t make the grade this year, but the two always the last Saturday in September (Fri- make their den in the wood pile. But not in competing teams, Richmond Tigers and the day night our time), see you there. the garage! If they just curled up and hiber- nated it would be no problem, but no, they can’t help being destructive in the process A Taste of Home of making their nest snug – shredding any- Aussie and Kiwi products available in Winnipeg and Manitoba thing that isn’t concrete or steel. I marvel at the instinct that impels them to prepare for Vegemite: Save On Foods and London Drugs (St Vital). Tim Tams: Superstore. Confectionery: the long cold months ahead. I just encour- Teeyah’s (Hargrave) — Curly whirlys, Cherry ripes, Flakes. Chocolate: Cadbury in several varieties age them to do so with what nature pro- is available at multiple supermarket locations. Save On Foods also have a few Aussie products, but vides. Anyway, such distractions help one you'd have to ask or search. through life such as it is all around (eg, Aussie dining: Miss Browns (downtown). Beef pies: Molly’s Meat Pies (St Boniface). Baked items: senseless Vegas shooting!). (Including Pavlovas, ANZAC biscuits,etc.) High Tea Bakery (Portage Ave West) – pre-order. It was also a pleasure to join DUCW Flat whites: most places make them (quality differs per establishment). Milo: various supermar- friends recently at Prairie’s Edge and at the kets. Wine: Australian and New Zealand wines are available at all wine outlets. Beer: contact MLCC live telecast, at Boston Pizza, of the AFL for available selections and those that can be ordered. Grand Final. Looking forward to more of the Note that there is no guarantee the country of origin of imported foodstuffs will be Australia or New same at Miss Browns on the 28th. Zealand. For example, while Milo is available here, it usually isn’t the Aussie or Kiwi-made stuff. If This month we get to know the second you know of or find other food and drink items from Australia and New Zealand while you are shop- incarnation of HMAS Sydney and in Birds I ping, please email [email protected] so we can spread the word to other members. View (p.6) it’s pelican. Thank you again to Judy, Jenny, Peter, Brian, Murray and our advertisers. More than Kia Ora! 40 years’ $ South Pacific a dozen days experience in New 12-Day New Zealand Self-Drive Adventure! Zealand $3,639 Price per person (departing from Vancouver). Package Includes: • Return international economy • Bush & Beach half-day tour in Auckland airfare with Air New Zealand • Te Puia Evening Dinner & Show in Rotorua • Car rental for 11 days Valid for travel • Art Deco Walking Tour in Napier • 2 nights in Auckland between 06 Feb • Te Papa Intro Tour to Wellington • 3 nights in Bay of Islands – 31 Mar 2018 • All taxes, fees & fuel surcharges • 2 nights in Rotorua (escape winter!). Price is per person, based on double occupancy • 2 nights in Napier and valid on departures out of Vancouver. • 3 nights in Wellington Contact us for pricing on departures from other Canadian cities.

Western Bulldogs fan spotted at the AFL Grand Final. Charlie Powell photo (403) 270-4414 Phone 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free [email protected] 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 •

2 The Southern Yarn • October 2017 vest about 220,000 trays of fruit this season, newsfromOz up from 150,000 trays last year. various sources, see web links in online edition But King Avocado’s reign as the biggest avocado producer in the country is expected to eventually be eclipsed. Harbour Edge Avo- cados Ltd plans to plant about 100,000 avoca- do trees on 295ha at Tapora by the Kaipara Harbour west of Wellsford by the end of the 2020-21 financial year. [more online]

100 years ago … On 31st August 1917, 21-year-old Edward ‘Ryko’ Reichenbach, arrived at the old Dar- Australia no longer a top choice win Post Office, having cycled 3,000km for expats down under across the desert from the post office in Ade- As if the rugby wasn’t enough, New Zealand laide. Ryko, a keen cyclist and photographer, is now trouncing us in the eyes of expats as broke the record for the fastest person to the more desirable place to live and work. cycle from Adelaide to Darwin, completing Otago wool at Wimbledon… In 12 months, Australia has plunged the journey in just 28 days. [more online] Adam Lindsay’s tennis career may have been from a top-10 finish to about the middle of a and limited to primary school, but he has still 65-nation ranking of the most desirable During August and September 1917 the managed to make an impact at the world’s place for expats. ANZAC Corps Topographical Section rested most prestigious tennis tournament. The dive from seventh place to 34th was behind the lines at Hazebrouck in Belgium. The Maniototo farmer produced Peren- the biggest fall by any country. [More online] As no other work was required, they decided dale wool which was later dispatched to UK’s to keep up their mapping skills creating a WSP Textiles, felt suppliers to Slazenger for five colour lithographic map of the Italian Wimbledon tennis balls. [more online] front around the Isonzo River. They were over half way completed when they moved back into the line to take part in the Third Battle of Ypres. [More online] newszealand source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted “Never been swooped” We’ve all heard the warning: Spring time If only it would work means magpie swooping season. Researchers have been trying novel new While most of us try and avoid any inter- ways to get Maori and Pasifika people to quit action with a magpie or experiment with dif- smoking, including playing a game of cow ferent methods to deter the birds, this pat bingo. postman has become friends with them. The idea was fun to try, but researchers John Kanard has been delivering mail in from the Auckland University of Technology Canberra for the past two years and has discovered it didn’t make any difference . never been swooped. “Really, it’s as simple Patients were given quit smoking advice as gaining the animal’s trust when it’s not The giant advance of avocados when they went to their GP along with num- spring time and you feed them,” he said. The largest avocado producer in New bered tickets to take part in an online game [more online] Zealand - the 160ha King Avocado orchard where a cow is placed in a field marked with about 20km north of Kaitaia - is set to har- numbered squares. [more online] Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

October 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 HMAS Sydney (II) berthing in gettingtoknow… Sydney Harbour, NSW. history, and members of our club (source: RAN)

In the June ‘Yarn we looked at HMAS Sydney I (1912 – 1928). This month we get to know ..

HMAS Sydney II (1935 – 1941) HMS Sydney was built at Newcastle-on-Tyne, the keel being laid down In 1933 as HMS Phaeton. She was one of three light cruisers of the British Modified Leander class, but was subsequently purchased by the Com- monwealth of Australia and renamed HMAS Sydney II. She was launched on 22 where she was to be relieved by the British fire at approximately 1730 with all arma- September 1934 and taken over from the cruiser HMS Durban for the last leg of the ment at a range ‘somewhat more than a mile’. builders on 24 September 1935. voyage to Singapore. Neither ship survived the battle. Of Syd- HMAS Sydney II was ordered to the The voyage was without incident and at ney‘s total complement of 42 officers and Mediterranean when the Second World War noon on the 17 November, Zealandia was 603 ratings, none survived. The only materi- broke out. Her First action was to bombard the turned over to Durban and Sydney then pro- al evidence recovered from Sydney was an Libyan port of Bardia on the 21st of June 1940. ceeded back to Fremantle where she was Australian naval type Carley life-float recov- expected to arrive on the afternoon of 20 ered eight days after the action by November 1941. HMAS Heros and an Australian naval pat- She did not arrive ….. Returning from tern life-belt recovered by HMAS Wyrallah . her convoy duties to Java, Sydney was pro- The Carley float is now preserved in the Aus- ceeding south along the north west coast of tralian War Memorial in Canberra Western Australia when she sighted what appeared to be a merchant vessel at about 1600 on 19 November 1941, some 130 miles west of Shark Bay. The ship was in fact the German raider Kormoran, (Commander Theodor Det- Call of duty: In the Mediterranean, 1940. mers) disguised as the Dutch merchant- man Straat Malakka. Sydney challenged the On the 27th June 1940 she went to sea in vessel continuously using her searchlight company with a cruiser squadron to provide whilst at the same time closing the range Ref: Finding Sydney Foundation. You can read the convoy cover. On the 28th June 1940 between the two ships. full story here: [link]. And a description of how her HMAS Sydney II sank the Italian Destroyer Finally, when concealment of his vessel’s wreck was eventually found in 2008 appeared in Espero. true identity was no longer possible, and The Weekend Australian Magazine 21st July, 2017 HMAS Sydney II again came under fire with the advantage of surprise, Detmers [link] and a navy story here: [link]. on the 9th July -1940, but it was the events of ordered the Dutch colours to be struck, hoist- the 19th July 1940, which added to her fame. ed the German Naval Ensign and opened in a tactical battle HMAS Sydney II engaged and disabled the extremely fast Italian Cruis- er, Bartolomeo Colleoni. Following this HMAS Sydney II set off in pursuit of another Italian Cruiser Giovanni Delle Bande Nere Law services at your place of convenience but was forced to give up the chase when the faster ship was out of range and HMAS Syd- ney was nearly out of ammunition. Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b HMAS Sydney II returned home to Aus- tralia in triumph. She saw further action lawyer • notary public escorting convoys overseas and also partici- pated in convoy escort duties in Western Aus- tralia. Geraldton was privileged to host three home visits . office visits visits of HMAS Sydney, the last being from day, evening & weekend appointments 18th – 20th October 1941. [link] Sydney sailed from Fremantle on Armistice Day, 11 November, 1941 to escort 204-783-1632 the troopship Zealandia to Sunda Strait

4 The Southern Yarn • October 2017 Girls win right to wear shorts vote, experts say. Parliament in 2010 passed commonwealth Girls are set to win the right to wear shorts a law preventing prisoners from voting. place by Murray Burt and pants at every Victorian state school. According to Corrections’ instructions any- In a victory for parents who have long one sentenced to imprisonment on or after complained about girls being forced to wear December 16, 2010 is not entitled to vote. First refugees from restrictive dresses and skirts, Education Australian offshore detention Minister James Merlino has vowed to ensure Tonga’s King George enforces head to US all girls have the option of wearing shorts or dissolution of parliament A few dozen refugees held in offshore deten- trousers. In a perfunctory decree on Aug 25, Tonga’s tion centers run by Australia have left to be “I am currently considering ways to King George Tupou VI exercised his consti- resettled in the U.S. ensure girls are provided the opportunity at tutional right to dissolve his country’s par- They are the first of up to 1,250 asylum- all government schools to wear shorts and liament. He gave no reason, but seekers the Obama administration agreed to pants,” Mr Merlino said. acknowledged having received the advice of accept in a deal with the Australian govern- “While the vast majority of schools the speaker, Lord Tu’ivakano. Yet this was no ment in exchange for Australia accepting already offer the option of female students ordinary dissolution to bring a peaceful end refugees from Central America. wearing shorts or pants, it is something I to the life of a parliament. The purpose, as It’s the same deal that was the subject of would expect all government schools to do.” Tu’ivakano expanded, was to terminate a a contentious phone call between President Momentum has been growing across government that had allegedly ‘trespassed Trump and Australian Prime Minister Mal- Australia for schools to ditch uniforms that on the King’s powers’. colm Turnbull in January. “I think it is a hor- discriminate against girls and limit their The South Pacific Kingdom of Tonga, rible deal, a disgusting deal that I would movement. with around 103,000 inhabitants, has only have never made,” Trump said then , accord- Research shows that girls do less exer- recently become a democratic state, and only ing to The Washington Post. “As far as I am cise when wearing a school dress. partially so. It was unified in the mid-19th concerned, that is enough Malcom [sic]. I century under King George Tupou I, who have had it.” NZ police wiretap protest group cleverly adapted the trappings of a Euro- Despite the president’s response — and In a statement of evidence provided to People pean-style monarchy to ward off pressures the Trump administration’s announcement Against Prisons Aotearoa’s lawyer, New for colonial annexation. Close neighbors, last week that it plans to lower the total num- Zealand police appear to have wiretapped like Fiji and Samoa, were less fortunate and ber of refugees that the US will accept next the phones of three PAPA organizers. fell respectively under British and German year to 45,000 — the White House appears to The authority to monitor the conversa- rule. be sticking to the agreement with Australia. tions and messages was established on Nov The royal dissolution may have brought 22, 2016. This occurred during an occupa- forward the choice of a new leader, but it has Anniversary of 1935 death of tion of a Department of Corrections office. done so in a way that weakens Tonga’s fragile last known Tasmanian tiger — “At this stage we do not know if the sur- new democracy. but wait… veillance has ended or the scope of the intru- Benjamin was the last known marsupial of sion,” says PAPA spokesperson Emilie NZ govt. scorned for low regard its kind. This was the sad message to Tasma- R kete. and poor support for Maori ā nians on Sept 7, 1935. The name was posthu- “This is a blatant breach of the basic language mously given to the thylacine, commonly human right to privacy. People with political The Conference on the UN Declaration on known as the Tasmanian tiger that had lived beliefs inconvenient to the government the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was held at in captivity until it died of neglect 81 years deserve this right as much as everyone else.” Te Papa in Wellington last month, marking ago last month. 10 years since it was formed. The thylacine was a nocturnal creature Not all Kiwis can vote Hosted by the Human Rights Commis- that looked like a dog with a stiff tail and People Against Prisons Aotearoa say voting sion and the Massey University-based Glob- stripes on its back; both males and females is a basic human right, but it is not a right al Centre for Indigenous Leadership, it had an abdominal pouch (much like a kanga- that prisoners have. When New Zealand’s provided an ideal platform for conversation roo). Benjamin was trapped in 1933 and first national election was held in 1853 only about its relevance and impact in New lived in a zoo in Hobart, Tasmania, for three British men over the age of 21, who had at Zealand years. But it was locked out of its enclosure least £50 worth of land to their name and Māori lawyer and constitutional during a cold Tasmanian night and suc- were not serving a criminal sentence, were expert Moana Jackson (Ng ti Porou, Ng ti cumbed to freezing conditions. eligible to vote. Kahungunu) says, “The government has no Although believed to be extinct, there The Māori electorates were estab- regard for the UNDRIP.” have been reported sightings ever since – as lished 14 years later, ensuring Māori could He says, “The government has said for recently as March this year. The date of Ben- vote, while women waited four decades for example it can’t be used in treaty settle- jamin’s death has been declared National suffrage. Now, any NZ citizen or permanent ments which is denial of the Declaration Threatened Species Day in Australia to resident above the age of 18 can exercise itself.” encourage the protection of its own animals their democratic right to vote — with some Sir Pita Sharples (Ngati Kahungunu, and ecosystems, including the Tasmanian exceptions. Ngai Te Kikiri o te Rangi, Ngati Pahauwera) devil, blue whale and the wedge-tailed eagle. New Zealand’s prison population, made says, “The government has no regard for the — SOURCE: The Globe and Mail up mostly of Māori, could affect real change Māori language.” on electoral outcomes if they had the right to

October 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 birdsiview… by Charlie Powell

Pelican comes from the Ancient Greek pelekan which is derived from pelekys, Board of Directors meaning “axe”. The eight remaining species President: are the American white, the brown, the Peter Munn Peruvian, the great white, the Australian, Vice President: the pink-backed, the Dalmatian and the Catherine Bowering spot-billed. They’re found on every conti- Secretary: nent except Antarctica. The Australian is Margaret Munn black and white and has the largest Newsletter Editor: Charlie Powell wingspan – up to 3.4m. locally to observe them is at Lockport. They Treasurer: swim in formation to herd fish together for Peter Debenham easier catching by scooping. The first time I Social Coordinators: saw the brown pelicans, in Florida, it was Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, fascinating to watch them diving for fish Lucia Barron from several meters above the water. Membership: You may sometimes see them flying very (position open) low over the water. This is an energy-saving Past President: Terry Roberts technique which takes advantage of the extra lift from the air being compressed This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF between their wings and the water. format from the website. Thank you to all of our contributors within the club, from Dixon Lanier Merritt composed a popular overseas and information services. Layout by [email protected] limerick in 1910: The Southern Yarn is published by the A wonderful bird is the pelican, Down Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The views and opinions His bill will hold more than his belican, Wikipedia also tells us that the great expressed by contributors to this white pelican is the national bird of Roma- He can take in his beak publication are not endorsed by, nor do nia, unlike the gray jay which is not (official- Food enough for a week, they necessarily reflect those of, the But I’m damned if I see how the helican. members of the DUCW. The DUCW and ly) the national bird of Canada. the Editor of The Southern Yarn do not We see the American white here in accept any responsibility for the content or Manitoba where many of the continent’s And Banjo Paterson’s “A Bush Lawyer” accuracy of information or websites contained in this publication. Articles may population take advantage of our big 3 tells a tale of “Baggy-beak the Pelican”. [read be republished with permission of the lakes for breeding and feeding. A good place it online] Editor.

T H E D O W N U N D E R CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. what’son The Gruen Transfer – very entertaining Aus TV Station Main, PO Box 1655, Aussie and Kiwi culture we can celebrate here advertising show Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 On Netflix On the shelf 1-204-832-4405 The Almighty Johnsons - NZ TV series Aussie Bites - available at Costco, and although [email protected] Offspring - Aus TV series (highly recommended by not actually from Oz, they are absolutely delicious! my niece) Online Like us on facebook! The Wiggles - kids’ entertainers from down under - A NZ photo blog. On YouTube Please email us at [email protected] Proudly printed in Winnipeg by Aldous Harding - NZ gothic folk singer/songwriter, with other suggestions to include in this monthly Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd. Tiny Desk column.

6 The Southern Yarn • October 2017 The November 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

NOVEMBER The even-less-formal AGM Friday 24th November, 7 pm Scandinavian Cultural Centre 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. We look forward to seeing a good turnout at this annual lively event. It’s a good chance to raise suggestions for Club activities while enjoying snacks and drinks from the bar. Come and make a difference. An excellent turnout of the DUCW at Miss Browns. DECEMBER The even-more-fun Family Christmas Party The Annual DUCW Much-less- Sunday 3rd December, 5 pm Formal Dinner Happy diners Scandinavian Cultural Centre What a pleasant touch it was to arrive at Miss 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. Browns to receive personalized place name Santa will bring the gifts – you bring the food. cards, and with our menu choices! The Don’t forget the kids! evening just kept getting better from there – This is a FAMILY POTLUCK DINNER. Send in the names and ages of children who will be present the happy chatter of friends catching up; the to Margaret Munn at 204-237-1805 or complimentary wine; the fantastic food and [email protected] portions (especially the braised lamb shanks!); and the special recognition for our FEBRUARY Guest of Honour and newest Life Member, Norm Griffiths. Australia Day/Waitangi Day Gary and Bev O’Connell are about to It was also an opportunity to wish Garry Saturday 3rd February 2018 return to Australia. Scandinavian Cultural Centre and Bev O’Connell well as they head back to 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. Melbourne after Bev’s 5 year stint as Head of Nursing at U of M. Thanks to Judy Powell for APRIL all her organizing and Steve and Jenny and ANZAC Day their staff – no doubt we’ll be back! Saturday 28th April 2018 Scandinavian Cultural Centre 764 Erin St, Winnipeg.

IN THERE SOMEWHERE High tea is still on the cards for early Spring. The chefs Jenny and Steve If you’d like to suggest a new social event, we’re happy to help you plan it for the Club!

find us on facebook or the web Jenny Gates thanks Judy Powell for pulling it all together. email: [email protected] online prove to the judging panel that their president’s approach was the way to go. If you ever feel editorially ramblings jaded, and say “What’s the point?”, listen in yours Peter Munn to young people in this type of setting. Charlie Powell Three young people especially As I write this impressed me, a Canadian, a Peruvian missive, it is late and a Scotsman. And for the feminists What the …!? It’s late October and I’m see- Saturday night, out there (I have my card since 1964), ing geese flying north, again! That would be Saturday October 28th. It has been a great the gals came out winners of each topic in due to a high of 24.3ºC, which beat the 1958 preceding three days. Beginning Thursday, total in my book. previous record high for this time of year. and each day through today, I have been a And of course, tonight was the DUCW No complaints here – the yardwork is all judge at a Canadian competition, usually annual “Not so Formal Dinner”. Held at done. Might also be that the geese have held in Canada, the International Independ- Miss Browns, to me it was an outstanding always known what others are discovering ent Schools’ Competition (IISPSC). It is an success. The food was great, hospitality was – that Winnipeg is a “jewel of a destina- annual public event open to the League’s great, ambience was great, and the chatter tion”. Gordon Sinclair Jr reported in the member schools from across the world. I was incessant. The lamb recorded an A plus Winnipeg Free Press recently how more and have had the honor and pleasure to listen to rating, and all dishes, salads, soups were more travel writers are realizing what this the world’s future leaders debate, opine, accorded great reviews. A really big thank city offers. The Museum for Human Rights argue, comedically (I invented a new word?) you to Judy Powell for pulling it all together. and the Hermetic Code tour of the Legisla- approach a multitude of subjects and try to ture are just two of the popular attractions being promoted. Of course, many of us have known for years what a great place we live Scandinavian Christmas Market and Café in. And we sort of celebrated that in style at Sunday, November 19, 2017, 11 am – 2:30 pm No our not-so-formal dinner at Miss Browns. SCANDINAVIAN CULTURAL CENTRE admittance We were also celebrating with Norm and 764 Erin Street, Winnipeg charge Debbie Griffiths – Norm was declared a Life Member and thanked for his 50 years of FEATURING • Artisans with stained glass decorations, service to the Club. • Café serving Scandinavian delicacies Viking replica items, assorted quilted This month we “get to know” some of • Imported Scandinavian Foods & Candy items, knitted children’s sweaters, hats, the thoughts and hopes of the club execu- • Home Baking scarves tive – thanks to Jenny Gates. Norm Griffiths • Nordic style handcrafted Christmas dec- • Silk scarves and other assorted gift recently reminisced about hearing the orations items for family & pets night-time call of the curlew as a young fel- low on the dairy farm near Brisbane. I had to look that up because I was more familiar More than with the shorebird version. I explain the Australia for 40 years’ difference in Birds I View (p.6). $ South Pacific Thank you again to Judy, Jenny, Peter, the foodie! experience Brian, Murray, and our advertisers. Combined with some of the most scenic landscapes in the world; you can also sip, devour and consume some of the most alluring produce and flavours of the world–right in Australia! Package Includes: • 3 nights’ accommodation in Sydney • Great Barrier Reef Cruise with Morning • 4 nights’ accommodation in Melbourne Tea, Tropical Buffet Lunch & Snorkelling • 3 nights’ accommodation in Cairns • Barossa Wine & Food Experience • 4 nights' accommodation in Adelaide • Australian Entry Visa *Price is per person, • Sydney Food-and-Drink Walking Tour • Airport Transfers based on double • Sydney Opera House Tour & Tasting Plate • All taxes & fees occupancy. Valid for • Melbourne Hidden Secrets Tour Price Per Person: $2,249 travel: 25 Jan - 31 Mar 2018. Chocolate & Wine Tastings *Price is land only and does not include return international airfare or flights between Australian cities. *All bookings are subject to availability at time of booking. *All passengers traveling to Australia must have an Australian travel Visa.

(403) 270-4414 Phone 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free [email protected] 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 • Museum for Human Rights. Hydesmith photo.

2 The Southern Yarn • November 2017 change" newsfromOz Labour campaigned on affordable hous- various sources, see web links in online edition ing, healthcare, education and environment. [More online]

weight plastic shopping bags in Victoria, according to Australian Food News. A date for the ban is yet to be announced with busi- Woolworths banning the bag Beef is a sweet meat. ness and community consultation on how Woolworths is banning plastic bags in its In South Australia there is a relatively small best to implement the ban occurring first. In New Zealand Countdown supermarket cattle station called “Mayura”. Their special- a statement, the Victorian Labor Government stores. ty is breeding and selling pure blood wagu said bans in other states and territories had By the end of 2018, single-use bags will (“Japanese cow”) beef cattle. What is even resulted in “undesirable results” including no longer be available in-store and through more unique is the feed. Apart from the increased use of heavier duty plastics and it online shopping. usual wheat, rye grass, hay, broad beans and wishes to consult with different parties so a The move follows Woolworths’ decision maize, these beasts are also treated to a cou- workable scheme can be created. [Read to ban all single-use plastic bags in its Aus- ple of kilo of chocolate each day for their last more online] tralian supermarkets by the end of 2018. 2 months. Customers love it – [Read more [Read more online] online] newszealand source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted The secret is out … It was the kind of grudge match that's usually settled by the slimmest of mar- gins. But at the 100 years ago … 2014 Common- Jacinda Ardern becomes prime One soldier's story of wealth Games in minister after Winston Peters Passchendaele … Glasgow, the netball gold medal match was a forms coalition with Labour New Zealand lost 842 soldiers during the ill- blowout. Jacinda Ardern will become the country's planned push to capture Passchendaele. It Australia beat arch rivals New Zealand third female prime minister, after New was the single worst loss of life in New by 18 goals. It was the Diamonds' first Com- Zealand First leader Winston Peters threw Zealand's history. Letters home from one of monwealth gold in 12 years, and they took it his support behind Labour to form a coali- those soldiers leading up to his charge into 58-40. ABC Science explains how studying tion government and end nearly a decade of No Mans Land reveal a sad truth of the sol- how fish shoal gave the Aussies their advan- National rule. diers who signed up to see the world. Read tage. [Read more online.] Key points: Sydney Carl Jordan’s story here [online] Jacinda Ardern will be New Zealand's Banning the bag youngest leader since the 1800s The Victorian State Government has Winston Peters said the choice was announced it is banning single-use light- between "a modified status quo or … Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

November 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 gettingtoknow… history, and members of our club

Executive opportunities Being on the executive of the Down Under Club of Winnipeg is not all fun and games. Oh, who am I kidding? It IS all fun and games, with a dash of hard work thrown in for good measure. Earlier this year, most of the DUCW exec- utive gathered at the Munn’s home for a pre- executive-meeting barbeque, and I took the opportunity to chat with them about life on the executive and the future direction for the Club. The current executive is Peter Munn (president), Catherine Bowering (vice pres- ident), Peter Debenham (treasurer), Mar- garet Munn (secretary), Judy Powell, Lucia Barron and Joanne Debenham (sharing the social coordinator position), Norm Griffiths (membership), and Charlie Founding member Gordon Keatch (left) awards Norm Griffiths a lifetime membership in the Down Under Powell (newsletter editor). Club. Brian Hydesmith photo. Their involvement on the exec ranges specifically invited people to “Jump in for a talk with Bashir Khan about that. from a few years to almost 30 years for Peter year and volunteer to help with the running of By all accounts, being on the exec and/or D. A few have taken on more than one posi- the club.” Excellent idea, what with elections more involved as a member are the two best tion, including Peter M who started as social coming up on 24th November. Any takers? ways to help the DUCW continue well into coordinator, then vice president, and now Ultimately they all agree that in order to the future. And if you would like to do either president. continue as a thriving club, we need more of those, or if you have ideas you’d like to Being on the executive is an honour, a members and more people actively involved. share, email [email protected] or great way to get to know some excellent peo- Margaret is right that our connection with call 204-275-7083. ple, and an opportunity to provide input and the AHC “shows we are more than just a And in the meantime, from all your ideas. As a born organiser, Margaret said the social club,” and wonders if there’s even a friends in the DUCW, thank you Peter M, exec “gives me a chance to get my 2 cents way for us to “help newcomers acclimatize to Catherine, Peter D, Margaret, Judy, Lucia, worth in. Seriously, I think the club is very Winnipeg – where to go for something, or Joanne, Norm and Charlie for all you do as important to the Aussie/Kiwi community, how to prepare your car and home for the our exec members. and I am happy to help support it and keep it winter or summer, etc.” Perhaps we could - Jenny Gates going in whatever way I can.” To make sure the club does continue and grow, the exec would like see more “special” events (i.e., Anzac event, social gatherings), promote The Southern Yarn even more, build Law services at your place of convenience our social media profile, talk more about the club to others, extend our relationship with the High Commissions, and invite newer Wm. B.K. Pooley b.a. l.l.b members to get involved with the ongoing running of the club. Peter D also suggested lawyer • notary public we “put on one big bash every year.” Anyone want to help with that? Catherine would also like for us to share home visits . office visits our stories more, Charlie would like to see day, evening & weekend appointments more people contribute to the newsletter, Judy welcomes suggestions for events, and Lucia would love members to be more 204-783-1632 involved with the club. Charlie and Peter M

4 The Southern Yarn • November 2017 Kiwis against solitary in prison NZ's sex regulations a bust commonwealth Prison abolitionist organization People Prostitutes raised red umbrellas in celebra- place by Murray Burt Against Prisons Aotearoa (PAPA) is launched tion of New Zealand Prostitutes' Collective its campaign against solitary confinement in entering its third decade last month. Speech- Auckland last month. The group’s aim is to es were made, and stories shared among a Australia debates have all forms of solitary confinement in crowd of a hundred at Wellington's Southern building giant coal mine prisons banned. Cross bar, before the umbrellas – a symbol At Abbott Point, in a desolate corner of north- “In our work with prisoners, our advo- of sex work – were lifted for a photo opportu- eastern Australia, about 100 miles from the cates have seen first-hand the destructive nity. nearest town, a grassy stretch of prime graz- nature of solitary confinement. This disturb- But a new book, highly critical of the ing land sits above a vein of coal so rich and ing practice must be ended immediately,” New Zealand Prostitutes' Collective (NZPC), deep that it could be mined for decades. says PAPA spokesperson Emilie R kete. issued a warning to the world this week: the The Australian government is consider- The group defines solitary confinementā New Zealand model is "as useful as a burst ing a proposal to build one of the world’s as the forced isolation of prisoners from condom". Speaking from Bergen, Norway, largest coal mines in this remote locale, meaningful human contact for 20-14 hours a the morning after a book launch, Bindel says known as the Galilee Basin, where acacia day. According to PAPA’s analysis of data her work is a grassroots, investigative and eucalyptus trees grow wild between released under the Official Information Act, expose of legitimised sex work around the scattered creeks. a New Zealand prisoner is put in solitary con- world. An Indian conglomerate, the Adani finement approximately every 43 minutes. A prostitution abolitionist, she uses Group, has asked for a taxpayer-financed The campaign launch event featured words unlike those used in New Zealand's loan of as much as $800 million to make the legal scholar Moana Jackson, peace activist sex industry. The cover of Bindel's book: The enormous project viable, promising to create Valerie Morse, PAPA researcher Ti Lamusse, Pimping of Prostitution: Abolishing the Sex thousands of jobs in return. and letters from prisoners who have sur- Work Myth. It's not sex workers or prosti- But the plan has met intense opposition vived solitary confinement. — SOURCE: tutes; it's "prostituted women". Brothel own- in Australia and abroad, focusing attention Scoop Politics ers are pimps or abusers, no bones about it. on a question with global resonance: Given Johns or sex buyers aren't always punters; the threat of climate change and the slowing NZ Ombudsman more relevant they're also abusers. global demand for coal, does the world really Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has And the service provided by women in need another giant mine, especially at the released his Annual Report for 2016/17, say- the sex industry is spoken of in violent public’s expense? ing it shows his Office is having a greater terms. Adani has proposed building six open- impact in more areas and on more lives so In researching the book, Bindel visited cut pits and five underground complexes that people are treated fairly in New Zealand. New Zealand in April 2016 and spoke to capable of producing as much as 66 million “In our role as a watchdog of freedom of eight sex workers, two in brothels and four tons of coal a year. New infrastructure to sup- information, we’re clearing more complaints on the street. port the mine — a rail line to the coast and an more quickly, using flexible and sophisticat- Among the failures of the New Zealand expanded port — would also make it econom- ed ways of reaching resolution. This means system in removing abuse, exploitation and ically feasible to extract coal from at least more people getting timely information and trafficking, she lists: convictions for under- eight additional sites in the Galilee Basin. answers,” Boshier said. age workers, exploited foreign workers, a That could more than double coal output “Our handling of complaints under the problem acknowledged within the industry, in Australia, which already produces more Official Information Act, Ombudsmen Act and a 2004 US State Department report that coal than any other nation except China, the and Local Government Official Information called New Zealand "a trafficking destina- United States and India. About 88 percent of and Meetings Act means we achieved 700 tion country". the 487 million tons of coal mined annually remedies for New Zealanders over the past Bindel advocates for the Nordic model, in Australia is exported. year.” which criminalizes brothels and sex buyers, For many environmentalists, what hap- These are solutions to problems people but not prostitutes. Implemented in Norway, pens in this mining case is a test of the have experienced in their dealings with the Sweden and France, under such a model world’s commitment to fighting climate public sector. Many more people frequently prostitutes are offered "a way out" through change. Its failure would register as an benefit, as the remedy can include an health services, she says.—SOURCE: Busi- unmistakable sign of an international shift agency changing its systems so the problem ness Day; Sunday Star Time; Stuff away from the fossil fuels behind climate won’t recur. change. But if Australia agrees to subsidize As an office dedicated to resolving sys- Murray Burt is a retired editor and journalist who the mine — even though several commercial temic issues in the public sector, the is concerned that lesser elements of the Com- banks have shunned it — the project would ombudsman released comprehensive monwealth get poor media coverage. Burt is pres- demonstrate the lasting allure and influence reports into matters such as use of mechani- ident of the Manitoba branch of the Royal of the coal industry. cal restraints in prisons, or working with Commonwealth Society; past president of the communities at times of massive change and Commonwealth Journalists Association; secretary of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Cana- disruption; both including recommenda- da advisory board; Hon LCol of the 78th Fraser tions acted upon by the agencies concerned— Highlanders; a senator of the 166th Battery RCA SOURCE: Scoop Media (Kenora) and a director of The Intrepid Society. He is retired from more than 50 years of journalism.

November 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 Board of Directors President: Long-billed curlew (Numenius americanus) Peter Munn Vice President: birdsiview… Catherine Bowering by Charlie Powell Secretary: Margaret Munn Curlews Newsletter Editor: Charlie Powell The true curlew is a shorebird in the genus Treasurer: Numenius, a group of eight species of birds, Peter Debenham characterised by long, slender, downcurved Social Coordinators: bills and mottled brown plumage. The whim- Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, brel is another member. They are also char- Lucia Barron acterized by extensive migrations and Membership: world-wide distribution. They like feeding on (position open) mudflats, probing for worms, other inverte- Past President: Terry Roberts brates and crabs. The ones you might have heard “wailing” This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF in the night downunder, the stone-curlew, format from the website. Thank you to all are not true curlews – just distant relations. of our contributors within the club, from The nine species are found in the tropi- overseas and information services. Layout by [email protected] cal and temperate regions and Australia’s two types – the bush stone-curlew and the The Southern Yarn is published by the beach stone-curlew - tend to favour the more Down Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. (DUCW). The views and opinions Bush stone-curlew arid habitats. expressed by contributors to this Their large yellow eyes give them more of publication are not endorsed by, nor do a reptilian look. They are largely nocturnal, they necessarily reflect those of, the members of the DUCW. The DUCW and feeding on insects and invertebrates, and the Editor of The Southern Yarn do not rely on camouflage during the day. Also to accept any responsibility for the content or escape notice, they will “freeze”. accuracy of information or websites contained in this publication. Articles may be republished with permission of the Reader feedback: Editor. Judy came across this compliment to the musical butcher-bird. [Link] T H E D O W N U N D E R CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. My uncle in Canberra sent this close-up Butcher Bird Magpie Station Main, PO Box 1655, of a visiting magpie. Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 He also sent a couple of links: Kea voted 1-204-832-4405 bird of the year in New Zealand – [video] [email protected] And - What is Australia's best bird? And what is the worst? [link] Like us on facebook!

Proudly printed in Winnipeg by Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd.

6 The Southern Yarn • November 2017 Also on the panel were HSF Paris part- women, after graphic photographs were epages ner and co-head of its business and human shown at her funeral. for news that just would not fit in the print issue rights practice Stéphane Brabant, partner Family members of Rosalyn Albaniel Quentin Digby, special counsel Amalia Stone Evara, who was an editor at PNG’s largest Modern slavery in supply chains and senior associate Amanda Lyras. newspaper, have received support from the stirs action in Australia The panel welcomed the proposed intro- Port Moresby governor for their calls for a Make no mistake: you have personally bene- duction of a Modern Slavery Act in Australia, police investigation into her death. fited from modern slavery. It might be in the similar to that in the UK, which would place Evara died last month after she collapsed clothes you wear, the prawns you grill or in greater obligations on businesses to eradi- at her Port Moresby home, and was rushed to the smartphone you pack to resd this article cate slavery from their supply chains. Slav- hospital. The Post-Courier journalist was Modern slavery is an umbrella term that ery takes many forms in the modern world, farewelled at a funeral in Port Moresby, covers crimes like forced labor, human traf- including human trafficking, forced labor where an aunt, Mary Albaniel, used her eulo- ficking, bonded labor (where the worker is and forced marriage. gy to allege Evara had been violently assault- ostensibly paying off a debt), and forced or Under the proposed act, companies with ed and showed photographs of her battered child marriage. Migrants and refugees are revenue greater than $100-million will be body and alleged a history of abuse. common victims, lured abroad with a prom- required to publish an annual statement “When I heard that you died, I regretted ise of good work. They often have their identi- about the potential for modern slavery in that I should have done more than just talk to fication documents taken and are housed in their structures, operations and supply you, but how?” said Albaniel. She said they squalid conditions with other victims. chains, and any implemented policies to discovered the bruises when preparing About two thirds of the global slave trade address the issue. Evara’s body, and decided to take photos in occurs in the Asia-Pacific. Some of Aus- The panellists said this compulsory the hope it may lead to criminal prosecution. tralia's biggest trading partners, including reporting requirement will not only push Albaniel told the Guardian she felt com- China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, are businesses to help eliminate slavery, but will pelled to raise the allegations at the funeral, host to some of the most egregious crimes. also give them an opportunity to cast their which was attended by Evara’s husband.— brands in a positive light. —SOURCE: Tom SOURCE: By Helen Davidson; The Guardian, Australia’s “slavery laws” hold Lodewyke; in Australia’s Lawyer’s Weekly Australia business opportunity Legal experts, including Australia’s Human Death of Papua journalist sparks Murray Burt writes this column to raise sensitivi- Rights Commissioner Edward Santow, dis- debate on domestic violence ties to Commonwealth’s southern values and to lift cussed the business benefits of the pro- The death of a high-profile Papua New the curtain on our understanding of a third of the posed Modern Slavery Act last month in a Guinean journalist at the age of 41 has population of the world. The Commonwealth name forum on modern slavery at the Sydney office sparked a national debate about the coun- and significance is too rarely mentioned in daily of Herbert Smith Freehills. try’s continuing epidemic of violence against news, he says. It should be. Enjoy.

Paddlers fit in a final four day canoe trip before the weather turned cold at the end of October. Brian Hydesmith photo.

November 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7 The December 2017

SouthernNEWSLETTER OF THE CLUB YarnOF WINNIPEG INC. D O W N U N D E R downundercalendar

FEBRUARY Australia Day/Waitangi Day Saturday 3rd February 2018 Scandinavian Cultural Centre 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. This is a FREE fun social event where we celebrate our respective national days and enjoy great food prepared by some of the finest chefs in Winnipeg – YOU! Stay tuned for the annual bake-off contest theme. There might also be a fun trivia quiz on New Zealand and Australia; a game of two-up; and more prizes! And the bar will be open…

MARCH High Tea Bakery Date t.b.a. 2103 Portage Ave, Winnipeg

APRIL ANZAC Day Saturday 28th April 2018 Scandinavian Cultural Centre The evening Family was again Christmas a fun-filled event Party - excited and satisfied children, thanks to Santa delivering just 764 Erin St, Winnipeg. what they wanted; new friends being made; and all enjoying lots of delicious food, desserts and bever- ages. Thank you to everyone who contributed – communications with Santa, food, kitchen prep and If you’d like to suggest a new social event, we’re clean-up. happy to help you plan it for the Club! Heading toward 2018

The Annual General Meeting Keatch again ably handled the nominations A quorum of members participated on 24th and voting process. November in the important business of the Another bright spot in the otherwise dry Club. Pretty much the same core group of proceedings was the presence of long-time members continue to dedicate volunteer member Richard Graydon. As he and Betty hours to keeping the wheels turning. One Ann are down-sizing, he kindly brought change was Terry Roberts stepping into the along a number of New Zealiana (?) items to Membership Chair position – ‘on ya, mate! give away – on you too, mate!! And thanks again to Norm Griffiths for his years of service (and ongoing help in mail- ing out the Yarn). So your executive for 2018 consists of Peter Munn, President; Catherine Bowering, Vice President; Peter Debenham, Treasurer; Mar- garet Munn, Secretary; Terry Roberts, Past Pres- ident and Membership; Judy Powell, Joanne find us on facebook or the web Debenham and Lucia Barron, Social Coordina- tors; Charlie Powell, Newsletter Editor. email: [email protected] Bill Pooley was a reassuring presence in terms of our legal obligations and Gordon Attending DUCW gatherings has its sweet rewards online tunately stuck in Vancouver due to an air- president’s line problem. The children receiving gifts editorially ramblings from Santa were ecstatic as usual, with the yours Peter Munn exception of one young man, who quite Charlie Powell obviously mistook the jolly red man for I had a great time someone from his worst nightmare. So at the Christmas a good time was had by all, and yes, we Party on Sunday. did miss you. This issue marks 5 years for me as editor - For those of you From our house to yours, we wish you a a milestone for sure, but still well short of that weren’t there, we really missed you at very merry Christmas, enjoy time with your Jenny Gates’ 17 years. We could justifiably one of our signature social events. Ian and family and friends, and may we all look for- ask ourselves “will the Club last another 12 Catherine tried their best to make it on ward to a great New Year. their return from Australia, but were unfor- years?” When we barely manage a quorum for the AGM and the next generation doesn’t seem to be interested in taking over The “Egg Throwing Incident”, Warwick, Queens- the reins, it’s a valid question… until we 100 years ago land, 29th November 2017: in the lead up to a see the fun and fellowship at the Family second referendum on conscription, Prime Minis- Christmas Party, or remember the excited ter Billy Hughes – under pressure from Britain to full house gathered at Miss Browns, the increase Australian participation in the war effort – well-attended ANZAC Day commemorations was delivering a speech at the Warwick railway and the lively turnout to celebrate our station. At least one bloke in the crowd apparently national days. There is good reason and was not in favour of the plan, and to reinforce his encouragement to carry on. And, more per- disapproval tossed an egg at the PM, knocking sonally, I continue to receive positive feed- his hat off! The story goes that Sir Billy rushed off the plat- back to keep the Southern Yarn coming – form at the man, trying to draw his revolver from despite the popularity and instant access of his coat, but he had left it in his carriage. So he social media – for example: ordered the local policeman to arrest the tosser, “You have been sending me copies of the Mr Patrick Brosnan. Sgt Kenny said “no mate, you DownUnderClub magazine for some years, don’t have jurisdiction here” which left Billy huffing and it occurred to me that I should email and puffing more than the steam engine. you back and tell you how much I enjoy It is further claimed that this incident was the reading them. Long may they come :)” for the formation of the Commonwealth Police force. [Link]

More than 40 years’ Stunning $ South Pacific Samoa! experience MUST Book By: 30 DEC 2017 $3,225 per person Package Includes: Having recently returned from China, • Return international airfare with Fiji Airways where Judy and I thoroughly enjoyed • 12 nights’ stay at the 4-star boutique hotel: Saletoga Sands Resort & Spa immersion in their history and hospitality, I • Daily Continental Breakfast thought I would delve a little into some • Airport transfers early Chinese connections with Australia • All taxes, fees & fuel surcharges price above is per person, based on double and New Zealand – see Getting to Know, occupancy and includes all taxes & fees. Based p. 4. Also, after finally purchasing a com- on departures from Vancouver. Speak with one pact camera with a decent zoom (40x opti- of our Destination Specialists for more info. cal!), I was able to “capture” some different birds to share with you – this month, the hoopoe (Birds I view, p. 6). Thank you this month to Peter, Brian, Murray, Malcolm, Gordon, Ian and our advertisers. (403) 270-4414 Phone 1-866-470-4414 Toll Free [email protected] 114, 3907 3A St NE, Calgary T2E 6S7 •

2 The Southern Yarn • December 2017 newsfromOz various sources, see web links in online edition

increase New Zealand export revenue by $200 million a year by 2045. [Link]

Another use for quandongs Record summer rain in southern West Aus- Craft Beer Pies tralia has resulted in a bumper harvest of Australian Food News reports: The first quandongs. The bush tucker fruit is now the batch of Four’N Twenty craft beer pies roll basis of a new beer and is being used to out in Coles and Independent supermarkets flavour gin. [Link]- Australia wide on 9 November 2017. The three new beef pie varieties close out a newszealand year of new flavour creations for Four’N source: NZ Herald, unless otherwise noted Twenty. Predator free by 2050 After launching the Beef, Cheese and Even the US military are showing interest Vegemite pie as well as the Four’N Twenty in Dr James Russell’s research. The interest Toppers range, the Patties owned company in Russell and New Zealand emerged dur- has partnered with Victoria’s Grand Ridge ing an investigation into the activities of a Brewery to create three new flavour combi- multi-national science advocacy and gene nations. [Link] drive research body called Gbird. Our national goal of wiping out possums, rats and stoats roughly sits with the research Best airline for 2018 focus of leading thinkers on gene drive Air New Zealand is the recipient of the num- technology. [Link] ber one placing by in its annual assessment of the world’s carriers, Saudis are a fan of the Fan ... ranking ahead of its antipodean rivals Qan- Skilled salespeople think of new markets for tas and Singapore Airlines. Virgin Australia their products. Husband-and-wife team Kim came fourth ahead of Virgin Atlantic in fifth, McAulay and Janice Atkinson offer frost pro- while Etihad, All Nippon Airways (ANA), tection fans to Saudi Arabia. The world’s largest battery Korean Air, Cathay Pacific and Japan Airlines Frost? In Saudi Arabia? Atkinson, direc- South Australia now has this claim to fame completed the top 10. [Link] tor of innovative company Tow and Blow, and thanks to Tesla’s installation near Jamestown. husband McAulay have invented what they The lithium-ion battery will be paired with a Colorful kiwifruit believe to be the world’s first truly portable nearby wind farm about 200 kms north of Zespri welcomed an announcement by the wind machine; their giant, eight-metre-high Adelaide. The 100 megawattt/129 MWh sys- Ministry of Business, Innovation and fan is being sold overseas - and is of interest tem is designed to reduce intermittency Employment that it will support a renewed to the Saudis. issues and manage increased demand dur- partnership with Zespri to develop new But why does such a hot place need a ing summer peak loading periods, potential- kiwifruit products and breeding technolo- frost protection fan? ly providing enough energy to power 30,000 gies. It is hoped that the $6.7 million invest- “They are really getting into horticulture homes for eight hours, or 60,000 homes for ment will result in at least one novel fresh on the edge of the desert - and it gets very four hours. [Link]. fruit product type by 2030 and could cold at night,” says Atkinson. [Link] Kiwi Installations & sales Roll-up Security Shutters, decks, fences and more. Free in-home/cottage estimates.

Call Terry 204-229-6642 or 204-663-6549

December 2017 • The Southern Yarn 3 On the gold fields, there were accompa- wide, with New Zealand-grown fruit market- gettingtoknow… nying racial tensions based on the different ed as ‘Zespri’. history, and members of our club approaches to mining the alluvial gold. The Despite the name, kiwifruit are not Chinese were distinctive in appearance, lan- native to New Zealand. Seeds were brought guage and dress and they became targets of to New Zealand in 1904 by Mary Isabel Fras- resentment, which sometimes led to riots er, the principal of Wanganui Girls’ College, Chinese such as those at Bendigo in 1854, Buckland who had been visiting mission schools in River in 1857 and the anti-Chinese marches China. They were planted in 1906 by a at in 1860-61 at Lambing Flat, (now Young, Whanganui nurseryman, Alexander Allison, Downunder NSW). These problems resulted in the first and the vines first fruited in 1910. People The Chinese arriving in Australia were the restrictions on immigration in Victoria 1855 thought the fruit had a gooseberry flavour largest group of Asian settlers in Australia – and New South Wales 1861. Colonial govern- and began to call it the Chinese gooseberry. arriving mostly from southern China after ments differed on the policy in accordance It is not related to the Grossulariaceae family Britain had forced China to open its ports to with the proportion of Chinese in the total to which gooseberries belong. foreign trade in 1842. After the gold rushes population – high in Victoria, low in Tasma- New Zealand began exporting the fruit to of the 1850s, most returned to China. Those nia and also with the need for manpower. the US in the 1950s. This was the height of that stayed worked as labourers in the sugar The large Chinese celebrations as part of the and the term Chinese gooseber- and banana industries, market gardeners, the opening of the first Federal Parliament ry was a marketing nightmare for Turners shopkeepers, laundry operators, cooks and and the visit of the Duke of York to Perth, in and Growers. Their first idea, ‘melonettes’, shearers, as well as clerks, carpenters and 1901 suggests a very active group in society. was equally unpopular with US importers interpreters. There were 30,000 Chinese in Australia at because melons and berries were subject to Chinatowns sprung up across Australia the time. [Link] high import tariffs. In June 1959, Jack Turner around major areas of industry; the gold- suggested the name kiwifruit during a Turn- fields, tin mines and pearling. The business- ers and Growers management meeting in es in chinatowns offered accommodation, Auckland. His idea was adopted and this medicinal herbs, fresh food grown by Chi- later became the industry-wide name. nese market gardeners and groceries. There The Bay of Plenty town of Te Puke, where were also restaurants, noodle houses, tobac- New Zealand’s kiwifruit industry began, mar- conists, butchers, temples, theatres and kets itself as the ‘Kiwifruit Capital of the schools in the Chinese quarters. The Chi- World’. In 2011 Italy was the world’s leading nese supplied much valued fresh fruit and producer of kiwifruit, followed by New vegetables in areas where water was scarce. Zealand, Chile, , France, the USA and Iran. Most New Zealand kiwifruit is now mar- It is 54 miles from Cairns to Herberton, keted under the brand-name Zespri, partly and I well remember a Chinaman as a way to distinguish ‘Kiwi’ kiwifruit from tramping the whole distance with two the produce of other countries. [Link] large baskets full of apples, Chinese gooseberry becomes which were for sale in Herberton. kiwifruit - 15 June 1959 The prominent produce company Turners — John Potts, 1887. and Growers announced that it would from Atherton Chinatown history. now on export Chinese gooseberries as ‘kiwifruit’. Introduced to this country in 1904, kiwifruit are now cultivated world-

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4 The Southern Yarn • December 2017 the United States and China — and the rela- ular) but it would have been reasonable to commonwealth tionship between them. Few will be sur- expect a Labor-led government to offer those place by Murray Burt prised by Australia’s view that it faces a more supporters little, while pursuing what has contested and uncertain international envi- been a bipartisan approach to trade policy. ronment as a result of the changing balance But for this Labor government, the chal- Australian senate passes of power between the United States and lenge of fulfilling its promises while staying same-sex marriage bill China and its concerns about how China bipartisan was intensified. During the cam- Australia’s upper house has approved legis- may use its political, military and economic paign, Labor committed itself to preventing lation to legalize same-sex marriage. Politi- weight in the future. foreigners from buying existing New cians rejected efforts from conservative What will surprise observers is the Zealand houses. The joint factors of high politicians to allow religious objectors to White Paper’s unequivocal statement of the house prices, homelessness and inequality refuse services to same-sex couples. threat to international order emanating from in the form of young New Zealanders being Australians overwhelmingly supported the United States. Those threats include unable to enter the property market was a legalizing same-sex marriage in a postal sur- deep-seated protectionist and anti-globalist significant issue in the election — especially vey run by the national statistics agency and sentiment, a lack of support for key global in Auckland. A ban on foreign buyers could the bill easily passed the Senate by 43 votes and regional institutions such as the World never be a major contribution to the real pol- to 12. It comes after Australians overwhelm- Trade Organization and debate about the icy issue of housing affordability, but it was ingly supported legalizing same-sex mar- country’s willingness to pay the costs of a specific ‘promise’ and noncompliance riage in a non-binding referendum. ongoing global leadership. The White Paper could readily be monitored by the electorate. Conservatives had pressed for broad pro- states time and again that the United States Unfortunately for the government, the tections for religious objectors, among them will remain Australia’s most important inter- simple implementation of its commitment is florists, bakers and musicians, to refuse national partner and ally. But in betraying incompatible with some existing free trade services to same-sex couples. such a note of alarm about US retreat it is agreements and with the provisions of the But amendments for celebrants to refuse apparent — as one observer has argued — that TPP. to solemnize same-sex marriages and the Australian government ‘doesn’t believe Officials quickly enlightened ministers for caterers to refuse service at wedding its own public rhetoric about the United that their hopes of ‘renegotiation’ were for- receptions were either defeated or aban- States as some sort of security guarantor’ - lorn and indeed they could simply have read doned during two days of debate in the Sen- problems that Australia and its partners now the foreign media. A Japanese trade official ate, where same-sex marriage supporters are confront’. was unusually blunt: ‘if exceptions are made in the majority. for New Zealand alone, the whole thing will The bill moves to the lower house New Zealand trading policy for fall apart’. where it is expected to pass easily. fig leaves The government was rescued by some SOURCE: The Independent By Gary Hawke, Victoria University of Wellington clever but dubious redefinition Trade policy was not prominent in the recent SOURCE: East Asia Forum; Gary Hawke is a Sen- A new foreign policy white New Zealand general election. But it is ior Fellow at the New Zealand Institute for Eco- paper gets an airing in Australia among the first issues to confront the new nomic Research and Emeritus Professor at the The Australian government has published a Ardern government — a coalition between Victoria University of Wellington. new Foreign Policy White Paper. It is 14 the centre-left Labor Party and populist or years since the Howard government maverick New Zealand First Party with sup- launched its own Foreign Affairs and Trade port from outside the cabinet by the left- White Paper in 2003, although the Gillard wing Green Party. government produced the Australia in the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s chal- Asian Century White Paper in 2013. lenges are likely to be a little different from Read more from Commonwealth Corner on Much has changed in Australia’s interna- what she expected when Labor was in oppo- page seven of the electronic version of The tional environment since either of those sition. When faced with executive responsi- Southern Yarn, including: papers were released. Indeed, much has bility, politicians find unexpected conflicts • Boundary deal over oil-gas resources in changed since the initiation of the current among their policy proposals, and her gov- Timor Sea is in hot water White Paper process some 15 months ago. ernment will have to sort out these conflicts • Papua New Guinea removes last refugees Few would have predicted the election of after the proposals have been taken as from Manus camp Donald Trump, the extent of protectionist ‘promises’ by various interest groups. Murray Burt is a retired editor and journalist who sentiment in North America and Europe or Both Labor and New Zealand First con- is concerned that lesser elements of the Com- the acceleration of the North Korean nuclear formed to conventional statements about the monwealth get poor media coverage. crisis. In this new and more complex interna- importance of exports to New Zealand’s econ- Burt is president of the Manitoba branch of the tional economic and strategic environment, omy during the election, and Labor itself has Royal Commonwealth Society; past president of the Australian government has produced a a positive history with trade. It was the Labor the Commonwealth Journalists Association; secre- foreign policy blueprint that is refreshingly Government of 1999–2008 that completed tary of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of frank in its depiction of the challenges its New Zealand’s free trade agreement with Canada advisory board; Hon LCol of the 78th policymakers now face. China and pursued the early stages of the Fraser Highlanders; a senator of the 166th Bat- The White Paper makes clear that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Some vocal tery RCA (Kenora) and a director of The Intrepid most significant of the challenges stems supporters of the Labor Party were opposed Society. He is retired from more than 50 years of from the two major powers in our region — to trade agreements (and to the TPP in partic- journalism.

December 2017 • The Southern Yarn 5 Board of Directors President: Hoopoe in a park in China. Peter Munn Photo by Charlie Powell. Vice President: birdsiview… Catherine Bowering by Charlie Powell Secretary: Margaret Munn Hoopoe in China Reader feedback: Newsletter Editor: Charlie Powell A recent visit to China resulted in several My cousin, in Victoria, Australia, referred me to a book which I have since read (and also Treasurer: new bird sightings to add to my Birder’s Peter Debenham Journal. The hoopoe (Upupa epops) was the recommend) by Tim Low: Where Song Began. Low describes the DNA typing of our Social Coordinators: most surprising. I had never heard of it and Judy Powell, Joanne Debenham, birds and builds that with our currently dry even the local we were with at the time Lucia Barron climate in a land of exhausted soils to build couldn’t name it. Turns out they are actually Membership: a compelling argument about Australian Terry Roberts fairly common throughout Eurasia. Looking birds inventing song to compete for plant like an exaggerated crested pigeon, the Past President: nectar and providing bird pollination in Terry Roberts hoopoe mostly forages on the ground for return.” insects, small reptiles, seeds and berries. This newsletter can be downloaded in PDF Their long bill helps them probe for larvae, Australia voted, and the magpie has come format from the website. Thank you to all pupae and mole crickets, beetles and ants. out on top as the Bird of the Year. [Link] of our contributors within the club, from Rather than building a nest, they will use a overseas and information services. Layout Australian magpie named 2017 Bird Of The by [email protected] hole in a tree or a cavity in a wall or embank- Year – Maybe if you’re Bird of the Year, you’re The Southern Yarn is published by the ment. My research (Wikipedia) also informs not a country’s favourite feathered friend me that the female develops a very effective Down Under Club of Winnipeg, Inc. but just its most notorious? (DUCW). The views and opinions deterrent during the nesting period: expressed by contributors to this “The uropygial gland of the incubating and publication are not endorsed by, nor do brooding female is quickly modified to pro- Next issue ... they necessarily reflect those of, the members of the DUCW. The DUCW and duce a foul-smelling liquid, and the glands another mystery bird from China. the Editor of The Southern Yarn do not of nestlings do so as well. These secretions accept any responsibility for the content or are rubbed into the plumage. The secretion, accuracy of information or websites contained in this publication. Articles may which smells like rotting meat, is thought to be republished with permission of the help deter predators, as well as deter para- Editor. sites and possibly act as an antibacterial agent. The secretions stop soon before the T H E D O W N U N D E R CLUB OF WINNIPEG INC. young leave the nest. From the age of six Station Main, PO Box 1655, days, nestlings can also direct streams of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C 2Z6 faeces at intruders, and will hiss at them in 1-204-832-4405 a snake-like fashion. The young also strike [email protected] with their bill or with one wing.” Cute, eh?! Like many birds, hoopoes also feature Like us on facebook! prominently in ancient folklore and myth. In 2008 it was chosen as the national bird of Proudly printed in Winnipeg by Israel. [Link] Kendrick Quality Printing Ltd.

6 The Southern Yarn • December 2017 Timor-Leste’s south coast. So the recent com- epages promise would not have aligned with Gus- for news that just would not fit in the print issue mao’s preferred position. SOURCE: Damien Kingsbury is Personal Chair and Boundary deal over oil-gas Professor of International Politics at Deakin Univer- resources in Timor Sea is in hot sity and Coordinator of the Australia Timor-Leste water Election Observer Mission. By Damien Kingsbury, Deakin University Australia’s agreement with Timor-Leste to Papua New Guinea removes last settle a permanent maritime boundary in refugees from Manus camp the Timor Sea may have hit a snag with Papua New Guinea police have emptied a Timor-Leste’s politics descending into tur- shuttered Australian detention camp where moil. hundreds of refugees were holed up, police On Aug 30, the two countries announced said Friday, ending a three-week-old stand- that they had reached the ‘central elements’ off. of an agreement to end a falling out over the The police operation, which started last disputed waters — and its oil and gas week and saw 50 men removed from the resources — with details to be made public closed, Australia-run centre, resumed Friday last month. morning with a fresh push to take the The dispute, which marked a low point in remaining 320 detainees to new, PNG-run bilateral relations, appeared to have been transit centres. resolved with the outline of a permanent “Between 9 and 10 am (2300-0000 GMT) maritime boundary and resource sharing this morning, they had all been moved,” PNG agreement for the Greater Sunrise liquid nat- police spokesman Chief Superintendent ural gas (LNG) field, 80% of which is in Aus- Dominic Kakas told AFP, adding that the tralian waters. The agreement implied that men were moved to two of the three transi- part of the Greater Sunrise field would tion facilities. remain in Australian waters, contrary to “It’s empty. The military have taken back Timor-Leste’s original position for a mar- their base,” he added of the Manus camp, itime boundary to be established at the which is located on a PNG naval base. halfway point of the Greater Sunrise field Video and photos posted by the refugees under the provisions of the UN Convention on social media showed uniformed police on the Law of the Sea. swinging and poking long metal poles at The initial text of the agreement also detainees and dragging them from their referred to ‘the establishment of a Special rooms towards buses bound for the transi- Regime for Greater Sunrise [and] a pathway tion centres elsewhere on Manus. to the development of the resource’. The refugees are barred from resettling Although unlikely, this could have allowed in Australia, but Canberra has struggled to Timor-Leste’s preferred position of process- transfer them to third countries, including ing the LNG at a yet to be built facility on the the United States. country’s south coast. SOURCE: Michael Koziol; AFP The leading Greater Sunrise partner, Woodside Petroleum, rejected the south coast option, instead opting for a floating processing platform. The quickest option — likely to produce revenue for Timor-Leste in time to address its falling income stream — would be to backfill an existing oil pipeline from the Bayu-Undan oil field in the Timor Sea, which is expected to run dry by 2022. The compromise appears to fit with the more conciliatory approach of Timor-Leste’s recently appointed Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri. Following the elections, Alkatiri allowed Xanana Gusmao, former prime min- ister and current Minister for Planning and Strategic Investment, to continue as lead negotiator on the Timor Sea. Gusmao had argued for all of Greater Sunrise to be within Timor-Leste’s territorial claim and for the LNG to be processed on

December 2017 • The Southern Yarn • e-page 7