Dr. Patricia Shehan Campbell

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Dr. Patricia Shehan Campbell CURRICULUM VITA Patricia Shehan Campbell EDUCATION Ohio University, Athens B.F.A., Music Education, 1972 (Performance studies with Evangeline Merrit, voice, and Eugene Jennings, piano; Music Education studies with James Scholten) The University of Akron, Ohio M.M., Performance (Voice), 1975 (Performance studies with Paul David Rohrbaugh, voice, and John McDonald, choral conducting) Thesis: A Study of Musical and Educational Training of Newspaper Critics and a Sample of Their Criteria for Evaluation Kent State University, Ohio Ph.D., Music Education, 1981 (Music Education studies with Terry Lee Kuhn, William Anderson; Ethnomusicology studies with Terry Miller, Halim El-Dabh) Thesis: The Effects of Didactic and Heuristic Instruction on Understanding and Preference for Indonesian Gamelan Music Carnegie Melon University, Pittsburgh Certificate in Dalcroze Eurhythmics, 1990 EMPLOYMENT University of Washington, Seattle Donald E. Petersen Professor, 2000-present September 1989-present Professor of Music, 1993-present Associate Professor, 1989-1993 Head, Music Education Studies, 1990-2002 Coordinator, Music Alive! in the Yakima Valley, 1999-2002; 2006-present Coordinator, American Music Project, 1999-2002; 2007 Coordinator, First Band at First Place School, 2006-present Coordinator, October In-Service, 2006-present Butler University, Indiana Associate Professor of Music 1986-1989 Chair, Music Education Department Washington University, St. Louis Assistant Professor of Music 1981-1986 (Music Education, Ethnomusicology) Kent State University, Ohio Teaching Associate, 1980-81 1979-1981 Research Fellow, 1979-1980 Garfield Heights Schools, Ohio Vocal/Choral Music Teacher 1975-1979 (Elementary and middle school levels) St. Stanislaus School, Ohio Vocal/Choral Music Teacher 1973-1975 (Elementary and middle school levels) Medina Schools, Ohio Vocal/Choral Music Teacher 1972-73 (High school level) GRANTS: RESEARCH, TRAINING, CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Missouri Arts Council, 1983-84. Director: Development of lecture/performances of Lao Traditional Music and Dance Troupe, St. Louis. (Award: $6,500) National Endowment for the Humanities, 1983. Participant: Summer Seminar on Japanese Theatre Music with William P. Malm, University of Michigan. (Award: $3,000) Fulbright-Hays, 1984. Participant: Summer Seminar on Indian History and Culture at Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay, Madras; 10 weeks. (Award: Expenses; approximately $8,000) International Research Exchange (IREX), 1985. Participant: Slavonic Studies Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria. (Award: Expenses; equivalent of approximately $7,000) National Endowment for the Arts, 1986. Director: Development of videotape on Lao Traditional Music and Dance, St. Louis. Project resulted in “Silk Sarongs and City Streets”, aired on PBS-affiliated stations. (Award: $9,200) International Research Exchange (IREX), 1986. Participant: Slavonic Studies Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria. (Award: Expenses; equivalent of approximately $7,000) Washington University Faculty Grant, 1986. For research related to Bulgarian and Macedonian Women’s Songs in Bulgaria and St. Louis. (Award: $3,000) Butler University Faculty Grant, 1987. Participant: Dalcroze Training Program, Longy School, Boston. (Award: $2,500) Lilly Endowment Curricular Grant, 1987-88. Director: Butler University World Music Curriculum Infusion Project. (Award: $28,000) Butler University Faculty Development Grant, 1988. For research related to the oral transmission of musical traditions in Japan and China, (Award: $3,000) Butler University Fellow, 1989. For research on song transmission among children. (Award: $4,000) Fulbright-Hays, 1990. Participant: Summer Seminar on China’s Arts in Transition, at Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong; 6 weeks. (Award: Expenses; approximately $10,000) U.S. Information Service, 1992. Consultant: Academic specialist in Thailand, Khon Kaen University. For development of undergraduate degrees in Thai music and Western music. (Award: $2,500) Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award, 1997. For lectures at University of Christchurch, Wellington Teacher’s College, University of Auckland. (Award: travel/accommodations) University of Washington/College of Arts & Sciences Award, 1998. Project director on seminars in commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the publication of John Blacking’s How Musical is Man? (Award: $7,500) Allen Foundation for Music, 1999-2000. Coordinator/co-recipient. For Symposium and Residency on American Popular Music. (Award: $150,000). American Orff-Schulwerk Association, 2000. For research and analysis of John Blacking’s writings as pertinent to music teachers. (Award: $5,000) Royalty Research Fund, University of Washington, 2001. For research on John Blacking’s contributions as educator. (Award: quarter’s research time) Allen Foundation for Music, 2001-2005. Co-recipient. For School of Music projects in American Music Studies. (Award: $600,000; $300,000; $600,000) International Foundation for Music Research, 2005-06 Primary investigator: Musical Values of American Adolescents. (Award: $37,800) Music Alive! in the Yakima Valley, 2006-10. Music performances and music education for rural poor children/youth in schools on the Yakama Reservation (Toppenish, Wapato, Hurrah), funded by College of Arts & Sciences, Office of Minority Affairs, School of Music, Gear- Up/Heritage College. (Award: $98,000). First Place School, Seattle, 2006-10. Music education program for children of impoverished families, funded by School Board, School of Music, and Allen Foundation for Music. (Award: $85,000) Peach Foundation, 2008-10. Music residencies in the Yakima Valley (Award: $30,000) Yamaha Foundation, 2010. Support for Yakama Nation recording (Award: $1,400). The College Music Society, 2009. Community Engagement in Music Award, 2009. (Award: $1,000). University of Western Australia, 2010-2011. Migrant songs, co-investigator; Jane Davidson, University of Western Australia, Project Director (Award: $19,635 Aus) Australian Research Council, 2010-2014. Sustaining Musical Futures, co-investigator; Huib Schippers, Griffith Conservatory, Project Director (Award: $3.2 million, Aus) PROFESSIONAL AWARDS/OFFICES/HONORS Invited Lecture Series: Behind the Music, Griffiths Conservatory, University of Queensland, 2010. Keynote, Music Educators of Brazil, 2009. (With lectures in Londrina, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro) Jean Sinor Distinguished Lecturer, 2008, Indiana University. (First award of its kind, to honor the internationally renown musician-educator.) Presentation to U.S. Congress, 2007, Washington D.C. (Invited and arranged by the National Association of Music Merchants/NAMM, on “The Impact of Music on the Lives of Children and Adolescents”) Kenneth H. Peacock Lecturer, 2006, University of Toronto. (Awarded also to Phillip Glass, composer, in same year.) Larado Taft Distinguished Lecturer, 2004, University of Illinois. (Awarded to visiting scholars whose scholarship is interdisciplinary in nature, for on-campus lectures.) Sir Frank Callaway Distinguished Lecturer, 2003. University of Western Australia. (One scholar designated annually to deliver a university-wide lecture pertinent to arts, education, culture) Research Associate, SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), University of London, 2003. (For research privileges and delivery of occasional lectures.) Senior Research Award, 2002. Music Educators National Conference. (One award biennially since 1988 for excellence in research and scholarship) Donald E. Petersen Professor of Music, 2000-present. Distinguished Professorship, University of Washington (First award to a member of the UW Music faculty) Landsdowne Professorship, July 2001. University of Victoria, British Columbia. William Evans Fellowship, 1997. Visiting Scholar, University of Otago, New Zealand. Artist/Scholar-in-Residence. University of Alabama 1995, 1998; University of Auckland, 2001; University of Exeter, UK, 2001; Sibelius Academy (Finland), 1999; Ohio University 1996; Ithaca College 1997; University of Arizona 1998; University of Nebraska, 1998; Louisiana State University 2005. 1996 Best Academic Book Award, Choice, for Music in Childhood. Ohio University Outstanding Alumni Award 1995 (School of Music) Kent State University Outstanding Alumni Award 1992 (School of Music) Outstanding Alumni Award 1999 (University) Library of Congress/Folkways Division “Best Folk Recording and Notes” From Rice Paddies and Temple Yards (1990, with Phong Nguyen) Silent Temples, Songful Hearts (1991, with Sam-Ang Sam) Society for Ethnomusicology Education Committee Chair (appointed 1989-95) Council Member (elected term, 1991-93; 1996-99) Publications Committee (1986-88) Presenter and coordinator of various SEM forums on education, children’s music Book and recording reviews for Ethnomusicology; manuscript reviews The College Music Society Editor, College Music Symposium (2002-2005) Member, International Committee (1996-present) Board Member (elected term, 1992-94) Program Chair, 1989 St. Louis Conference International Society for Music Education Board Member (elected, 1992-94, 1994-96) Member, Advisory Panel on World Music (1992) Editorial Board/Committee Member Journal of Research in Music Education, 1990-96 Music Educators Journal, 1986-90 College Music Symposium, 1990-2005 (Editor, 2002-05) Research Studies in Music Education, 1996-present Psychology of Music, 1997-present- Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 2001-present British Journal of Music Education, 2005-present Asia Journal of Early Childhood Education, 2001-present Guest Editor, Music Educators
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