DECEMBERBiIlFóa 5, 1960 (J THE AMUSEMENT INDUSTRY'S LEADING NEWSWEEKLY :IEC Deejay Stunts Grow STAR -SPANGLED Foreign Disk INAUGURAL DUE Mart PRESIDENT -ELECT Rougher & Tougher By MILDRED !L \LL Holds Big Potential WASHINGTON - Music Promotion- Minded Stations Up Demands will loons large in the inaugu- ral gala for As Jocks Break Records, Bones, Banks President -Elect For American Kennedy, when Frank Sinatra Firms will produce and perform in a Bç JUNE. BUNDY local high schools by playing a show spangled with such stars series of basketball games with lo- Top Rank's Marshall Cites Rising NI \\ YORK Ira tough to be as Harry Belafonte. Ella Fitz- - cal students. The locks lost the a deejay these days. Promotion - gerald, Nat King Dean first game. and sulk:red several Cole, Overseas Disk Sales as Indicator minded station caeca are making injtries- including Dick Drum's Marlin. Sammy Davis Jr., more end more demands upon spin- and Nelson and his By sprained loot end Chuck Brink - Riddle KEN GREVATT get money out of many countries. ners in an to garner extra effort orchestra. The two -hour inau- Today currency exchange is almost publicity tor their outlets. man's sprained knee. akural E'ditor's Note: This is the first of a gala, to be seen by in- an automatic matter a Also risking injury for sweet series in number Some at the more recent stunts vitation plus 5100 per head, of articles covering all im- of sectors. have involved burying a jockey in charity recently were spinners at will be held at the portant facets of the international National This factor has accounted for a a barrel of canned cranberries, hay. WIP, Philadelphia. During a local music .scene to be published) Guard Armory here, January from gradual increase in export of actual ing a spinner set up disk -keeping ice show performance, the jocks rune time Billboard. - 19, to iii The disks to foreign countries from the in a bird cage, entering jocks in Joe McCauley, Dick Carr, Torn Other top stars entertaining United States, This has replaced cooking contests. and having entire Brown. Jim Learning. Dick Reyn- the new NEW YORK - As 1961 ap- President and 'ice- in some cases the shipping of tapes deejay status participate in a va- olds and Chuck Dougherty -don- preaches, American disk men can President, their wives, cabinet pressing overseas. Some labels nety ut strenuous sports competi- ned skates and held a race. Each members and other officials. look to the foreign market as one for which already arc active in This field. "It tions. One outlet, KALL, Salt deejay represented a local institu- will be holds the greatest potential Joey Bishop, master of Sivas them better control of the lake City, the tables and tion and the winner donated an growth tor the record business. ac- turned .ceremonies for the show. Mil- release of their product," Marshall tattered prizes to the first skier - electric organ to his charity. ton cording to Paul Marshall. local Berle, Henry Fonda. Gene continued. "Prestige Records, for dialer Io break a leg. Apron -wearers this Kelly and attorney closely identified with the season were Red Skelton. Ma- example, in certain countries. made The cranberry victim was Free- deciays "Big_ Wilson. music scene, and head of the Top "Swinging" halìa Jackson will sing the export arrangements only on the man Hover. KEYZ, Williston, Sweeney, Ronnie Barrett and national Rank International disk co -op. r Tom anthem, and special basis that the importer would have 1\. D.. who was encased in a for - "There has been an incredible Griffiths of KYW, Cleveland. The material for the original show to accept some tress of canned cranberries as part increase in the size of the foreign of every item in boys acted as assistants to the fi- will be prepared by Sammy the catalog. record market in just the past three American companies of a pre-Thanksgiving promotion nalists in the station's apple - Cahn and Van Heusen. bake James will be able to insist on arrange- for a supermarket. Hover stayed oft contest. The finals It will years," said Marshall, "and yet were held be interesting to com- ments like this more and more be- inside the can -barricade for five in a taken in tote. the business over- downtown show window dur- pare attention given the per- cause the seas today is a mere of stability of currencies hours -thats how long it took ing a remote broadcast of Barrett's formers at this Democratic in- trickle of what it in many nations overseas." .- housewives to buy enough cran- disk show. may one day be." augural celebration, with the Upswing Cycle berries to permit his release. The Mike Hunter, program careless Speaking in general terms. director. indifference given per- Taking a closer look at specific buyers were invited to submit and Morton Marshall noted such nations as the Downey Jr., both of formances by Lily Pons and foreign countries. Marshall noted guesses as to what time Hover KEt P. El Paso, Tex., broke Dorothy Shay, and Fred War- Soviet Union. India, Indonesia and several that almost all are currently on an would he released. and the winner standing records when they ing, among others, at the last even Red China as fantastically big staged upswing cycle. "," he said. versed of a howling Republican potential markets. "The latter three all her grocery pur- marathon last month. inaugural celebra- parallels our own market closely. ger for that day free. Hover's Hunter bowled 115 straight tion for Eisenhower. At that nations alone contain over a billion games There is virtually no r,&b. there +nos comment. "1 feel like I Was with a 120 over -all average in a time. the trilling people. Think how many records that and no , but the Dominion is Bran- buried." little more than 31 hours on non- largely had its back to the many people could buy in a year. a definite country and western fac- The cage- sitter was Stowe. stop bowling; while Doss ncy stage, and talked straight thru given the right economic con- Jerry tor. Otherwise, Canada is a straight bowled 1(17 games. the performances. ditions. Es'en today, American rec- KTlT, Tucson, Ariz, who lived i, to 7 per cent ords are being smuggled- into Red rri:arl:el. r.ltteru"l and broadcast from a cage outside Many jocks undoubtedly' secretly. Matthew H. McCloskey, China via Japan and on the United States. the studio until his Emu bird re- gloated over KAI.L's "Broken Leg" treasurer of the Democratic Shanghai. "In There are 2212 million England," he declared, "they turned. (,immick was that Stowe contest. which put the cast National Committee, estimates Russians on the starving jazz. have had a good year. You must the cage the on the basis of a flood of ad- for American Record kept warm until Emu listener's foot for a change. The remember that it's largely a monop- was found. vance inquiries, that the huge people may well look far beyond local merchants got first person breaking his leg on the oly type of market, but business is armoy will be filled to capac- the markets we think of tradi- In the act by donating heaters to local slopes was awarded (by still up over last year. They will keep the cage ity for the show. Traditionally, tionally as foreign. 'f he business warm, a radar set KALL) a wheel chair, crutches. will buy American hits, but they are to help especially in the Roosevelt someday be a lot more than look for the bird, etc. Dial- cane, knitting needles and the lat- very selective as to artists. You ers were and Truman era, performers just England and \Vectern Europe." urged to donate food est -TV Guide' have to work very hard there to items. which and the arts hase Exchange Good were later presented Glamour was added to a stunt performing establish an American artist he- local found more and Marshall explained that one im- to the Community Chest. staged last month by dccjays at enthusiasm cause of their growing spirit of na- f. In support from the Democrats, portant aspect of the growing over- the field of athletics. the en- KT W B. Hollywood. The jocks par- tionalism. They sell much classical tire deejay staff of KQV. Pitts- than from the GOP adminis- seas market in the increasingly ticipated in a trotters race at the and little modern jars. But it's a burgh, is trations. + healthy state of currencies abroad. helping raise funds for on page 1-It Three years ago it was difficult to (Continued Claims Jocks NEWS OF Charts to Get Live Easy Life THE WEEK Global Flavor 1s I NOR).. -DA jockeys may Sinatra to Debut Own Classical Sales at NEW YORK - As the oser,eas hcty. :se. hut according to a . . NF' Label In February Peak in 19611 . market for Americo record prod- ! I :ihr Relations Board Frank Sinatra will release the first two albums, uct expands, a concurrent devel- has re records origin, ,sack. a dctjay's techni- one by Samna' Danis and the other by Sinatra Classical are enjoying their hest year opment can be expected to mani- .1re easily learned and himself, on his own as yet unnamed label in in sales via record dealers, according to a fest itself, sources (lye 1 according to tedinic:d survey by The Billboard Ion cduca- mid -February. t'at;r - Market Research (fi- here.' As the channels are opened Att vision. l':t_r s record -wise to many countries. the s1r,1. n u.,. handed d,tu n. NIIRD t'rexy Blasts One -Slops; product of those nation. and terrn- um i Our :. :nrtnhir p.ulel of the )'robes Distributors .. . ns PAR t'yI1:71/47 AND FT s rL Rrs tories can be expected to get at- NI RRH orti..rc i tli :it decia)s at foot tention in the States. P,'r;l,ind. rlrì . SORD President Howard Judkins Jr. praised ,taring may vote Amuicmcni P.1k ytu.i< j This trend has already been l I,tr the steps being taken by distributors to keep 15 dalle, it it.,, anions (the .Amer- 0a *r41 ton Atu.1: Pap ('iwuus- noted with the. hit status achieved ¡can I doe -stops servicing juke boxes-rather than sell- Porn-. Aua.i "mum chef il.,: of TV and Radio here in recent years of notable re- Artists ing,cr 47 liobne Roll of tilts 25 or die tel iii tI.MsOt Itritlhcr- to dealers. He mated that some one -stops France. Eng- Audio Puedu .,: ta Hot 100 us+ cordings from Italy, 1i0.s,1 I tectrical \1'orkcr.1 tir are in competition with dealers. Page 2 sR Milk rending Tumor+u. a -fops TELEVISION MUSIC RADIO Communication. to 1564 Broadway, New York B6, N. Y. DECEMBER S, 1960 2 THE BILLBOARD MANTOVANI Big Disk Rush SORD Throws Full Support A BEST SELLER ON 'EXODUS' Greets 'Camelot' To Distribs in One -Stop Fight NEW YORK - Two Im- portant disk semions of the NEW YORK As "Camelot" "Exodus" - throne music from opened In New York Saturday Dealers Group to Ask Members continued to climb the charts this week, with performances night (3) after two months of per- Not to Patronize One -Stop Operations by both Mantovani and Fer- formances in both and rante and Teicher showing Boston, reported the one - madge's Record Merchandising in HOLLYWOOD Society of bers that in his opinion sales activity. orders close of - stops do not have the record in- Los Angeles" who has extended a considerable of to 200,000 copies Record Dealers last week threw an advertisement dustry's interest at heart and there- similar guarantee. Last week the as yet unrecorded original cast the full weight of its organization in The Billboard incorrectly the record fore do not pursue business pol- If other labels follow suit, Jud- album. The orders were being behind the cause of re- noted the Ferrante and Tei- in their continuing icies that can lead to a healthier kins maid, the dealers would fulfilled via the small three -inch distributors turn to the established distributors, cher disk as the only selling struggle with one -stops. SORD record business,. record token that Columbia intro- As still another phase in SORD's instead of going to one -stops who version. Prexy Howard Judkins Sr. last The material, incidentally, duced two weeks ago. The "Came- that his support of the distribs, Judkins offer the full guarantees. Further- lot" token will be available this week told The Billboard benefits has become the vehicle for was "glad to sec the called upon record manufacturera more, such protective week at record shops, and can be organization sales prompt dealers to stock up on mer- Mantovani s first single record distributors finally take action" to protect distribs in their purchased by record customers and that won't en- chandise. With more wares on click in several seasons. In against one -stops who have been policies so one -stops the version by the exchanged for the original cast set joy an advantage over the distrib- dealers' shelves, Judkins reasoned, addition, under- cutting distribs in their deal- British maestro appears in his when it is available. j utors. One advantage one -stops more product is bound to be sold. meanwhile, ings with retailers. distributor and current album of well -known Columbia Records, Judkins said SORD sees one - have held over distribs has been Manufacturer, was on a "Camelot" kick. getting a 100 would benefit collectively. themes. which also is showing Mops as competitors to dealers their ability to offer dealers dealer ready to record, press and release guarantee singles. Jud- Healthiest industry structure is the solid retail acceptance. themselves, with a majority of them per cent on the album within two weeks after retail operations kins lauded "such labels as Capi- manufacturer - distributor - dealer between De- adding discount according to the opening, sometime functions as sub - tol and Dot" for offering dealers relationship of old, The covers to their present cant' be any room cember 15 and 20. "The one -stop," Jud- the protection of a 100 per cent Judkins. There Join were being printed and the label distributors. such as one - Artists "was created to service exchange benefit on singles, and for sub -distributors copy was being made ready this kins said, Tal- stops, Judkins added. juke box operators. Since then, "such distributors as Sid Move week as well. Columbia will re- they have branched out to handle Liberty cord the original cast set Decem- small dealers in fringe areas whose ber 11, and if everything goes well, orders from each line are too small On Markets copies will be on the market about the average has al- to prove profitable for Boasts All -Time HOLLYWOOD Liberty Rec- five days later. Columbia Dot - al- distributor to handle. But from moved into the sec- ready released a Percy Faith ords last week the show an this point, the one -stops have its promoting bum of tunes from volume ond phase of sales Andre Previn moved in to service top "Operation Hit" campaign (see The has another set by coming up shórtly. - retailers." $11 Mil. Gross Billboard, November 21 issue) with further ag- High Situation has become six of its touring artists comple- Meanwhile, the Time Records' buying & gravated with one -stops menting the efforts of its seven -man album of music front the Lerner transshipped product at prices be- Total Tops 1959 by Nearly 30 Per Cent; which has been Loewe score was reportedly sell- level, Jud- exec task -force low the local distrib's the top 15 markets for the ing strongly. This set features he said, Stereo, Seasonal Sales Drives Credited covering Hugo kins added. This product. several weeks. Liberty's pro- songs from the score by the the -stops' retail past rve in turn, feeds one -Dot Records, Wood attributed the label's all - motional reps will arrange special !l-. l', to loom as still HOLLYWOOD discount operations Inc., Paramount Pictures' subsidi- time peak sales volume to three appearances on radio and TV as another threat to the established in in ary, will gross in excess of $I 1 mil- sales drives: (1) Stereo month well as sales .centers key mar- year 1960, January, a promotion which ac- kets aimed at pushing the full Lib- support lion for the calendar Judkins pledged SORD's Dot President Randy counted for nearly $2 million; (2) erty holiday program. he will call according to Billboard of the distribs, saying this informa- a six -week summer sale to con- on tour in- members Wood, who conveyed Liberty artists now Nersredlt upon his organization's to Barney Bala- sumers in June and July, which Johnny lb. amusement Industres loading regular distributors, tion in a statement chicle comic 'Dave Barry. to patronize of the parent film was given additional impetus by Martin Denny, Buddy Founded 1894 by W. H. Donaldson ask them not to deal with ban, president Burnette, and company. heavy advertising and which Knox, Jackie De Shannon, Bobby one- stops. He will tell his ment- million; and Publishers Wood stated that with six weeks grossed more than S1 Vee, and Si Zentner. Zentner will Jr. from Ruggrr S. Littleord remaining in the year, Dot had (3) the 1960 fall program - plug the label's wares during his William C. Lt:cf a d 15 already passed the 510 million September 1 to October - Midwest tour: Vee will cover the nearly Editors in sales -placing the firm's which drew sales totaling California area, following N. mark Southern Paul Ackerman ktusic- Radio -TV Ups almost 30 per cent $3 million. a series of eastern TV and network McHugh....Show News. Chic Columbia 1960 business James W Mach, Chics ahead 1959, when gross sales The Dot president noted that in tele appearances: Knox will be hit- Aaron Stanfield Coin of J. Sachs, Exec. trews Editor, Cincinna Wm. , Y- the past 18 months the label re- ting the Washington and New York Raton, Assoc. Music Ed N. totaled $8,600,000. Robert Musc Ed., L A. placed 10 independent distribution City markets, and Runnette is on a LN Zhito. Weitarn the Lodz, Lyons areas with company - owned one- nighter wing thru North- Managers and Divisions branches. Prior to that tine, Dot west. Denny is headed for Hawaii, . N. Y. Loetz has in Jr. .Music Oad,u Ow. NEW YORK -Jack be Shannon will be R, S 1Litt !tord N. Weinstroer had depended upon independent and Jackie Asst. Publisher, New York been appointed to the post of 3$) area. Sam Chase Chicago iCorttiaired on page the Chicago h ca general manager of the Columbia Debuts H inseStarh..CnRoihÓv Mac. ,von, Records Sales Corporation. For the Label Offices staff as- Norm Wein- SL past year Loetz has been ST. LOUIS - etnetnned 22, 2160 Patterson of the sales corporation and stroer, head of Norman Distribut- W. Gallo sistant íN50 before that manager of sales ad- ing here, has formed a new label, Sinatra Label Ready. Phone: Dunbar to Beebwas ministration at the company. In Norman Records. First single. New York 36, usus Loetz will be respon- be issued by the new label De- Gwrte Connell his new post Phone: Mara 1:200 sible for the operation of sales cember 5, will feature the Norman Randoleh 11L administration, field sales and sales Petty Trio. First LP on Norman February Debut Chicago 1, 1441 w Bold and is For 616,r6rd 4 Reuter statistics. spotlights comic Davy Phone: CEntral 6-96111 15. off the record since At the same time, Joe Lyons has due for release December HOLLYWOOD -Frank Sinatra must be kept North Gamer well -known act are affiliated with other Oteaywoed 26, 1350 been named to the position of man- Bold has been a will debut his new label in mid - all of them Sam Ahtott per- notify their 9.5631 ager, field sales of Columbia Rec- in St. Louis for years via his February, The Billboard learned firms and must first Phone. 1rOlhwood Celebrity Club He is deter- SL He will be formances at bis week. release will consist present employers. 11L LOUIS 1. 612 011,0* ords Sales Corporation. last First label into an for the supervision of here. albums, one featuring Sin- mined to build his Prank P. doarltns responsible up of two record in- Cfleatnut 1.0442 Columbia's regional sales organi- Weinstroer has already set atra, and the other Sammy Davis important factor in the Phone other art- O St., N.W. distribution for the label, dustry. He plans to sign S. 1 *2s zation. Lyons last spot was as re- national Jr. Johnny Mandell will provide Waanlnston Donau the old a talent roster which YUdred Hall. Chief. News manager, Eastern divi- many of distributor's initial ists and offer 1*11 gional sales 38) the ork setting for Sinatra's achieving his Phonon NA:tonal 11.1 sion, for Columbia. 1Continued os page LP. Future releases will be in both will assure him of disk forms, goal. Advertising Managers album and single ex- Colli been de- Sinatra is at present under Musk AM Salas Dir. Dan Diskery's name hasn't Csi ORDER clusive contract to Capitol Records. Music Am. and Prom... Andrew MONEY -SAVING SUBSCRIPTION termined as yet. Sinatra will use xenda0, to terms of the contract, Show News.Mdse... Robant Essex Productions as the firm According Hilmar Stale, his to a non- Coin Machine The Billboard for a full year disks, but will his status will change M,Clusk.Y. Enter my subscription to which produces the leav- Mu,lc- Western... Robert under a new firm exclusive basis in ..February, 152 Issues) at the rate of $15 (a considerable saving market them record for other Department name. In the meantime, artists cur- ing hint free to Circulation $30. while still continuing to a A. Bruns. Director over single copy rates.) Foreign rote ,?6 are at work designing several labels rently number of Send Form 35,0 to names which issue a pre -determined Ottieàa 8111 me labels using those tire Capitol A...Wising and C,reulallon Payment enclosed Final deci- new releases under Male 22. Ova arc being considered. is with Sina- 2160 Patterson 5t., Cíncnra,, deal 1.1 after the labels banner. Capitol's 1n .arangq4 sion will be made with "'.whit to u Essex Productions, dU haertcdon d Canada: ego Hamm with the tra's firm, ear 6íi In U S A when w have been completed reuntrtea 6ueserlaera Capitol issuing Sinatra disks pro- 1 ddreu mould dye choice going to the one which car- are sana ehanfe ur duced by Essex. (This past sum- ries the greatest sales impact. VA rear o:UUk:AZ Occupation mer Essex had concluded a dis- Second . to work thru indie week. al Sinatra plans with Verve Records lams postale tall Deals with distribs tribution deal árg q8p distributors. a Sammy Davis Jr. sin- ABC Mn ot. Company soon will be negotiated and con- to market Me 1 gle "Oceans Eleven" Poe g la to give the new from Sinatra's Ti6 hlln.ka a cluded in time Sin- a% e all film.) In February, when the uS rt me.r&l:fide aaer label maximum exposure in amrras Ua. Address atra- Capitol pact goes to a non- Oatlonl }LNDOt. Ihaf market areas. will he board Overseasryntfee of arpwenlenSOaaaK' his exclusive basis, Essex manlhls edUly, tM 1x77 Sinatra has been building to mort, one Wtanom ^7iß City Ione_ Siate key free to sell the singer's services mssulnr for mute organization and has several COLOR PRTO. CO., Stilt firms, including. of course, rioted at WORLD . set for his fold. Their other Send The Billboard, 2160 Patterson St., Cincinnati 22, O. people .as yet unnamed diskery. Vol. Ta to: identity; The Billboard was told, his own OICIMBIR THE BILLBOARD MUSIC NEWS 3

RSI C -C Says EXPANDING Shuffle Brings Dunn, ADDS NEW GOLD Capitol RECORD SERVICE No WMGM NEW YORK - Record Livingston to New Positions Source, Inc., organization which supplice subscribing omens with single and album Dunn Named Marketing Vice -Pres., Change Due record services based on selec- tions by The Billboard's re- Livingston Creative Service Veep NEW YORK Altho Crowell- viewing panel, continues to - By LEE vice and counsel" to CRDC via appreciably broadened to Collier Broadcasting execs said expand its area of operations. ZHITO keep CRDC Prexy Mike Maitland, a pace with the company's bad no plans whatsoever to RSI now hue total of 462 HOLLYWOOD Capitol Rec- expanded they - formerly performed by operations. change personnel at WMGM here stations who subscribe to one orda last week reshuffled its top function CRI Prexy Glenn Wallichs. Also, Capitol's Administration (recently purchased by C-C) or more of the services. echelon. naming Lloyd Dunn vet. do Finance veepee Dan rumors last week persisted Stations who subscribe pee In charge of Marketing. and Livingston, who recently re- Bonright trade total will add supervision of CRI'a that changes were in the works. 15 per cent of the broadcast- Alan Livingston as Creative Sere- turned to the Cup fold after a pho- nograph activities to his present One report had It that deejay ing industry and are located ices veepee. The posts, new to four -and -a -half year absence (sec duties. Responsibility for its phono B. Mitchel Reed. of C-C Station in 48 States thruout the coun- the firm's exec structure. are ex- The Billboard. October 17 issue), operations heretofore was split be- KFWB, Hollywood, would be im- try. In ¡sanded versions of positions both was the label's exec veepee in addition. outlets in tween CRDC sales and ported for top time slot; while Canada, Australia, Bermuda. men had held with the company in charge of Artist & Repertoire at CR1 s man- ufacturing and engineering another rumor was that St. Paul British West Indies. Korea, the past. the time of his departure. Now, as divi- sion, headed by veepee Jim broadcaster Don French, KDWB Madagascar. Mexico, Sweden. Dunn has been veepee in charge head of Creative Services, Livings - Bay- less. Another change calls for program director. would he brought Peru. Thailand, . of the Artist & Repertiore Division ton again will helm Capitol's a.&r. CRI in be Secretary -General Counsel Bob back to serve as program director Virgin Islands and bract ere since December 1, 1958, but for activities, and, addition, will rears prior to that had served Cap- responsible for the firm's diversi- Carp to report directly to Wallichs. of C.C.' new outlet. Appointments, subscribers, with many other Heretofore, foreign jtol as its Sales & Merchandising fied investments in other sectors in Carp reported to Bon - reportedly, will take place early outlets still in the ne- right. - veepee. His new position encom- the realm of Cap - act year. gotiating stage. entertainment. passes executive itol has invested in stage Manufacturing and engineering r Chuck Blare reportedly will Hal Cook, RSI chief, is responsibility for several the firm's disk sales and merchan- vehicles. end has expressed inter - veepee Bayles and eastern opera- supervise programming for all C -C adding a new service. called tions veepee The dining here and abroad, and, in ad- est in acquiring additional music Joe Csida continue in stations on a national basis. Jim Gold Record Series. Start- their areas dition, includes supervision of its publishing (irais and other prop - of responsibilin', other- Hawthorne, of the Disk ing shortly. this will be taken prey International Department. Further- erties allied to its primary field. wise unaffected by the above Jockey Association. takes over from The Billboard's files of more, Dunn will be Capitol Rec. Thus, the Capitol realignment changes. tare's former spot as di- million record sellers. This program ords. Inc.'s, exec link with its sales of its exec forces returns both Dunn rector of KFIVB next month. service will be made up of one basic package of singles, subside. Capitol Records Interne- and Livingston to the same areas and will be priced in line with tionul Corporation, and Capitol in which they had served the label RSI's other services. Records Distributing Corporation. some five years ago. but the field Pa. Retailers Armed Forces A; such. Dunn will provide "ad- of operations for each has been In Roster Bid Go for Stereo '60 Classical LP Sales Up PHILADELPHIA - An all -out membership campaign to make the NET YORK - Stereo album Pennsylvania Retail Record Deal- salas to members of the Armed ers Association a major force in the are way Forces up. while singles 58% in $ Volume Over 1959 industry has been launched by the sales are lagging. according to a group. Len Jaffe, head of Chelton special study recently conducted Records and president of the by United Artists Records. 10 -Month Tabulation Signposts group, indicated that the associa- Of album orden placed by the tion has set a goal for at least 200 Army. Navy and Air Force, the ar* A Record Year for Longhair members. He pointed out that with study shows that 85 per cent were such a membership, the association .tor stereo and only 15 per cent, By TOM NOONAN does not include sales of classical 22.2 per cent of all pop disks sold could well be in the driver's seat monaural. Art Talmadge, UA vee- and BOB ROLON7L LP's on racks or thru record clubs. by dealers were stereo. Of all in all its dealings with distributors pee- general manager, notes that NEW YORK Classical LP The total number of classical stereo records (all categories) sold and manufacturers in behalf of the titis almost reverses the figures - via via stores, of sales in record stores for the first LP's moved dealers thru Octo- record 12.3 per cent are independent retailers. year ago." In general. record 40 weeks of 1960 have increased ber 8, 1960, came to 3,500.000 classical. Of all monaural records To step up the drive, the asso- ,/1 l by 58.1 per units. Of this total, stereo classical (all categories) sold by dealers. (Cvntinne,( On r,trkc 14) accounted cent in dollar LP's for 31.2 per cent. only 8.1 per cent are classical. mrY Monophonic Since volume as classical LP's ac- classical stereo disks sell at a 3 New LP's the counted for 68.8 per cent. higher price than mono, they rep- STORE against first 40 weeks Stereo Vs. Monaural resent 15 per cent of all stereo Rank Slates RECORDED of 1959. This Classical stereo disks are obtain- sales to dealers, while mono classi- By Command SALES cal disks represent increase ing a higher percentage of the total l0 per cent of all mono 38 New LP's in dollar vol- classical market than pop stereo sales. at manufacturers' NEW YORK Command Rec - NEW YORK -The 1961 LP pro- - nitro. ume is calcu- disks are gaining list. Ords is releasing three new albums of the total pop gram for Rank Records of Amer- lated at manu- market. Whereas 31.2 per cent of Breaking the figures down even this month, featuring the Copm- ica calla for the release of 38 new facturers' list pries, and it only all classical disks more finely, classical mono dollar mand All-Stars and sold in the first to Enoch Light covers sales via sales for the first 40 weeks of 1960 albums, according Dewey Berg- and the Light Brigade, record dealers. It 40 weeks of 1960 were stereo, only are 44.3 per cent ahead of the man Jr., album chief for the label. The All -Stan package Is tagged same period in 1959. However. Bergman said that heavy em- ` Persuasive Percussion - Volume classical stereo dollar sales are 83.8 phasis will be placed on selectivity, } The Light LP is 'titled "Big, per cent ahead of the same period clean inventory, specialized mer- Bold and Brassy." Both albums are Hypo Push Toward last year. chandising tie -ins and unique sales available in stereo and monaural Classical Inventories values. He stressed that even tho and will be released In four -track A recent survey taken by the the company has budgeted for 38 Stereo tape versions In a few weeks. Record Market Research Division sets, "we are not tied to any spe- The third new Command album '4th' Music Society of The Billboard has turned up cific number. We refuse to put out Is a "stereo check out record," of- some interesting information as to masses of recordings for the sake fering recorded signals for check - NEW YORK -An earnest effort Copyright Law to permit collection stocking practices of dealers re of flooding distributors and retail- '*" Ing frequency responses, maximum ie nosy under way here to provide a of juke box performance royalties classical records. The question ers. We are thinking in terms of channel separation, rr distortion and reservoir of talent, tunes and rec- eventually should become law. Be- ßr1 n.t pu ;: 141 quality, not quantity." turntable rumble playback of ords for juke box um, in the event hind the effort is the familiar equipment. It will list for $5.98. that oft- proposed changes in the figure of Barney Young. who has been closely identified with earlier projects along the sane lines. ABC -Paramount Bows .. GUY LOMBARDO Also a part of the new operation BACK will be 20th Fox Records -which will act as producer and distribu- Jazz Impulse IN OLD DECCA FOLD tor of the recorded product. Young Label- has established two new corporate NEW YORK- ABC -Paraniount by the current upswing in jazz NEW YORK - Guy Lombardo ord was part of Deceit's first entities with the blessing of, but Records is bringing albums and singles. In has returned to Decca Records, his release. without the participation of. the out a new la- sales -both bel, Impulse, de - with impulse will issue a original label. After an absence of Lombardo has had four gold Music Operators of America. These luxe double line this, fold LP series, single from every LP release, and POI )(tars, the maestro signed a records in bis career with Decca. entities are Operators Music, Ltd., featuring only mod- 331/2 singles term Decca pact this week. -"Third Man Theme," "Humor- the so-called fourth performing ern jazz artists. Creed Taylor will will make stereo head up the to juke box operators. At Duces. Lombardo joins a grow. esque." Easter Parade" and "Christ- rights society. the idea of which new label, which de- available huts next month by ins roster of dance bands which mas Island," the last named with was endorsed by the MOA board with releases Impulse will concentrate on Ray Charles, Kai Winding, J.. J. also includes currently Sammy the Andrews Sisters. During Lom- at its recent Miami Beach meet; modern jazz artists exclusively. Johnson, and the Gil Evans ork. There will be no reissues or tea- Kaye. Joe Reichman, Jan Garber, bardo's most recent tenure with and Music Operators Records, Capitol, Decca released several al- Ltd., within which will also be in- The advent of the new label ditional jazz packages in its cata- Warren Covington and Wayne - current bums by the band, which con- cluded a publishing firm to be af- which will retail at S4.98 mon- log. Taylor believes the King. that tinued to sell in substantial quan- filiated with the new OML licens- aural and SS.98 stereo -is inter- jazz market is so competitive The man who over the years was tities, according to Derea spokes. ing group. esting in that ABC-Paramount was only by maintaining a small roster names can a new label known for "the sweetest music this man. The acknowledged purpose of quite active in the jazz LP field of top jazz some time break thru in a big way. slde of heaven," was one of the The band returns W its familiar the plans is to provide a continuing ago. but more or less re- tired from the field years. was set up as a separate original Decca artists, joining New York home, the Roosevelt source of music for which no juke in recent Impulse the because Am -Par prexy Sam Hotel. Saturday (12), for a two - box royalties would be collected in Taylor, who has handled Am- label company at its inception in August thinks jan line should be month stay, during which time the the event that legislation is enacted Par's jazz activities since its in- Clark IrW' 1934. His first recording session to the public as a separate crew will perform its annual Now on Capitol Hill. The possibility of ception, said the firm's re-entry sold on page 14) was that month and his initial ree- Year's Eve dance party on CBS -TV. pa, 12) into the jazz market was sparked (Continued THE BILLBOARD 4 MUSIC NEWS DECEMBER S, 1960 JERSEY JAZZ FCC Mulls Rules Affecting 37 AIRERS GET FCC REMINDERS High School WASHINGTON - Lest Disk Firms they forget -the FCC bas re- Buffs Network -Owned minded 37 broadcast stations Get that they may face sanctions By MILDRI.D HALL from the AM; when owned by the content" from the short -form re- for failure to answer FCC licensee. quirements, which have been in ef- Concerts Profit and same payola queries on "unan- WASHINGTON - The National Association of fect since 1953. Previous to that loss from network -owned record nounced program material" MONTCLAIR, N. J. -An In- Broadcasters has asked and been year. the FCC required more de- companies would have to be re- and what the licensees were formal poll of high achoolera in granted extra time, until February tailed financial data, but the new ported in proposed new financial doing to correct and prevent this suburban area shows that the to continent on the new proposals go beyond even those. data forms being considered by I, forms, payola. The FCC questioned IS -to-l8 -year age group has largely and up to February 15 Interested the Federal Communications Com- for reply Rouse all broadcasters in December given up buying single disks, in comment. The expanded require- The data required on profit and of 1959, and the stations cur- favor of albums featuring not only mission. The agency has issued would would ments cover broadcast rev- loss from all outside interests of rently cited not only faded to the likes of Sinatra and Belafonte, rulemaking which expand for the calendar would par- the current annual reporting re- enue year of 1960. nets and licensees be answer fully. but ignored but all types of jazz as well. would be due April 1, to those House quired of networks and individual and 1961. ticularly interesting FCC's follow -up inquiries in Aware of this, local cats have NAB has urged the broadcasters investigators on the Harris Com- September and October of taken up the cudgels fof jazz con- licensees. The added detail would have their lawyers and who have prom- pinpoint the music industry's to account- merce Committee 1960. (The Billboard, Decem- certs, at least two of which were take a long look at the pro- ised to hold on the licens- money tie -ins with broadcasting, ants hearings ber 7, 1959.) on the docket at press time for lo- posed new form which would ing networks. and net - owned front performance fees to the cost of cal high school auditoriums. "differ so widely in length and 11) Al-Senerchia, a of a lip -sync performance on a dee- Jufiard product jay show, or a licensee's profit from who is now identified with the local record retailing. WB Vetoes jazz scene bere, has put together The expanded forms would in- a t2 -man modern group which clude: breakdown on profit and will concertize in the Montclair at Helm in special Yule High School auditorium Wednes- loss from all sources of revenue, Gallagher including non -broadcast interests day (7) under pianist impresario owned by reporting net or station Disk Fare John Almquist. The concert will owner; detailed itemizing of all be taped for disk release. Lest program expenses, including break- Epic Brass Switch HOLLYWOOD - \Varner Bros. Saturday, the nearby Glen Ridge out of licensing fees paid to Records' special Christmas gift to community witnessed a Dixie con- in cert by Jay Dukes Dixielanders. ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, and others; NEW YORK - Major changes charge of Epic's field sales and dealers this year is be re- to not Both were all payments made to owners and have been made in the structure of sales administration, and will re- release any Christmas product. concerts pegged at popu- officials in the way of salaries and of Epic Records, Columbia's sub- port directly to Gallagher. Char- Label Prexy Jim Conkling feels lar prices to reach the teen market. fees, out of broadcast revenue; and sidiary label. The changes. which lie Schicke, who recently returned dealers and distribs annually are finally, a new, separate, itemized take effect this week. are aimed at to Epic front Everest, will continue deluged with yuletide product, hut breakout of FM revenue as distinct strengthening the label as an in- as field sales manager reporting to the time is rare that any of it hits. Fox Foresees die firm, giving it added strength Fishman. The Epic field reps, Rather than add to the avalanche in the field. Carter and Brewer, will report to of holiday hopefuls, WB is staying Major change is that the direc- Schicke. Herb Linsky continues as clear of seasonal releases, but in- Up -Beat for FTC Studies tion of the firm will now be in the Epic's national promotion manager stead is sticking to its avowed pol- Bill veepee hands of Gallagher, reporting to Fishman. Ricky Von icy of issuing a few select albums Europe Mkts. Philly 1- Stops' in charge of sales for Columbia. Seekman will continue as manager which can he promoted and sold He will supervise all Epic activi- (Continued on page 12) regardless of the time of the year. NEW ARK - Overseas mar- ties starting this week, with the kets are becoming increasingly im- Sales Set -Up new Epic sales manager and the portant to the American music' new Epic a.&r. director reporting ARE YOU LONESOME? business, according to Fred Fox. PHILADELPHIA - An investi- directly to him. However. Galla- Sam Fox Music chief who recently gation of the trade practices of gher does not intend to change the returned from an extensive business one -stop record shops is in the independent distribution now en- Elvis Asks the Question; trip abroad. As television gown in offing by the Federal Trade Com- joyed by Epic. nor does he intend Europe, Fox stated, it will parallel mission. Acting on complaints of to integrate Epic into the Colum- TV's growth in the United States, the Pennsylvania Retail Record bia organization. Epic will con- Flock of Ferns Say Yes and European TV will have an Dealers Association. an FTC inves- tinue to work with its indie dis- increasing affect on the total mu- thru the media of re- tigator has been assigned here to tribs. except in what are called NEW YORK - 's personally, sic market. study the situation. "marginal areas," such as Phoenix, smash hit waxing of "Are You cording. The international aspect of the Association officials have com- Ariz., and Memphis, where Co- Lonesome Tonight," has inspired All of this romantic effusion has music business is now much more plained that one -stop record shops lombia distills will handle the line. the biggest flock of answer records caused a wild sales race on the complicated than an exchange here are engaged in unfair trade Bill Gallagher is taking over di- to any one disking in years. And part of the five diskeries, all try- across the ocean -from America to practices in that they have retail rection of Epic from Al Shulman, all of the answer disks are by fern mg to get their copy of the Elvis Europe and vice- versa. The criss- set -ups and are selling records for who has been appointed to the Co- artists, indicating the effect that answer to disk jockeys, distributors crossing of interests across the on his large, loyal less than what the retailer is pay- lumbia Records division and will Elvis still has and dealers before their competi- bordera of European countries has ing for them. The price advantage take on special marketing assign- and young female following. The tors can do the same. There are become very extensive. Fox pointed with the one -stops enjoy front the dis- ments. The new national sales answer records, complete reports that some enthusiastic sates out The road is no longer two tributors, the association charges, manager of Epic is Al Fishman, heartfelt recitations, include disk - personnel are calling competitor's way, but multiple. on must apply only to wholesale sell- former sales chief of Columbia's ings by Dottie Stevens Dot, versions unauthorized but a check Fox now has his own companies ing. Instead, they claim, one -stops Masterworks division. He will be linda Lce on Shasta, Ricky Page of the publishers (Bourne -Crom- in every. European country. and are selling outright at retail or have on Rendezvous, Thelma Carpenter well) indicates that all versions each of the affiliates must co-op- net up retail shops under other' on Coral and Jeanne Black on Cap-1 (Continued on page 12) names without trying to even hide itol. their identity or association. Deepay Cole Four of the five answer records, The attorneys for the association the ones by Misses Stevens, Lee, have set up meeting dates for the To H e I m Yule Page and Carpenter, are the same New Diners' Club Lure: FTC investigators, as well as turn- song that Elvis sings, with the ing over their complete files on the title changed slightly to "Yes I'm one -stops to the FTC. R. &R Show Lonesome Tonight." They all an- PI ayer Unit swer Elvis and explain that they Free Disk NEW YORK Video deejay and alone. Miss - loo, are lonely Apparent reason for this is the Clay Cole, WNTA, Newark, N. J..` Black answers Elvis in a slightly HOLLYWOOD-Diners' Record DISK ANSWERED the Christmas rock and credit risk involved which is being will helm different way. by singing another Club is giving away free of charge status stage show year at the shouldered by Diners'. Credit roll this standard. "Oh How I Miss You To- a Phonola stereo portable player TELEPHONE a of all Diners' members is checked VIA Brooklyn Paramount Theater. night," complete with her own sin - to here valued at 584.95 in a new pitch prior to issuance of the credit HOLLYWOOD T h e date which Alan Freed played cere and touching recitation. It is - lure members. This is the latest in cards. making of another answer for several years. all as if they are singing to Elvis on page 12) the club (Continued disk is far from news in this Guest deejays from other local a series of different plans day of more answers on plat- stations -including Murray Kauf- is offering concurrently to increase man. WINS, and Dr. Jive, \VWRL ters than questions asked. But its membership ranks, and is the when that via -will take over the emcee spot Issues 12 answer is made Ups second new plan to be launched Col. telephone, then a new wrinkle for one show a day so that Cole Capitol has been introduced, and a can do his daily TV hop program in as many weeks. Albums new use made of Don on WNTA. However. Cole is tap- getting the free Dec. Exchange Deal Members i.- Ameche's invention. This oc- ing bis Christmas Eve telecast. Phonola set agree to bey 24 stereo NEW YORK - Columbia is curred recently when Rendez- The Brooklyn Paramount holi- HOLLYWOOD Capitol Rec- albums at list price of 54.98 and suing 12 albums this month, nine hill December 23 and - time. and three vous Records Prexy Rod day -starting ords is extending its recently es- $5.98 per 1.P during a year's in the pop category, 1 albums Pierce decided to record a re- running thru January (Cole's 100 per cent exchange order of 12 LP's must jazz. Leading oli are two Bobby tablished Minimum songs ply to Elvis Presley's disked birthday) - will spotlight privilege from a minimum of 10 accompany the request for the free of show scores, one featuring the Drif- to by the Percy Faith query, "Arc You Lonesome Rydell, Chubby Checker, copies of all singles released to a phono, and the member agees from "Camelot" Little Anthony other of tunes from Tonight ?" ters. Neil Sedaka, full 25 on its four current hot sin- buy one LP per month thereafter ork and the the Bobby Vee, the the by the Andre Nos - Pierce was and Imperials. gle hit contenders. Capitol will for a period of one year. After "Molly Brown" in New York Diddley, will ork. There are also new where he Skvlincrs, Dion. Bo continue to guarantee its other sin- purchase of 24 LP's, members telanetz obtained permission Kathy Young, by Israeli singers Ron and from the tune's publishers, Johnny Barnette. gles only up to 10. receive a free bonus disk for every albums Charles, Blue Notes, Dante comic Jack Douglas, Mitch Bourne and to ans- Jimmy two LP's purchased at list price. Nina. Cromwell, the Evergreens. Fotir disks enjoying the ex- are be- Greatest Hits"), wer the Presley platter. and and An additional four albums Miller ("Mitches's Last year -during the payola panded benefit include Jeanne free of charge to those the Norman Luboff Choir. Tony then recorded vocalist Rickey I Miss You To- ing given Little crisis the Brooklyn Paramount Black's "Oh, How who all 24 at the time they Bennett, the Four Lads, and Paige in a Hollywood studio, - "Wings of a order canceled out plans for its annual night," Fcrlin Husky's join. Jimmy Dickens. supervising the session via a Jackson's "Happy. Jo Stafford Christmas treat for teen -agers. This Dove," Wanda is re- Jazz sets feature telephone line into the control - Membership drive being tho, rock and roll is hotter Happy Brithday," and Frank Sin backed by e band of top flight booth. Line was held open year, Dealers, stricted to Diners' Club credit card -Hen- .' than ever on the charts, and the atra's "OI' Mac Donald." the other jazzmen, a new Lambert for three hours. Paige's plat- up to 25 holders, unlike some of an albuiu with theater hopes the kids will he rock- thus, will be protected which have been dricks -Ross set, and ter: "Yes, I'm Lonesome To- the tune copies of each of these disks they DRC campaigns Johnson combo. night.' ing in the aisles again to waged outside the club's domain. the J. J. of big box -office returns. stock. D[CIMIIIR S, 1160 TH I IILL BOAR D MUSIC

For every ten of These show albums that you purchase wt, Capitol Records (S1 WA0.1601 tH[ UaIHIRAOLI MOLD 11110111 Distributing Corp., are going to give you absolutely free one show album out of t3) WAD149C TINOIILOIN

this self-same group. ISI WAO -59I OKLAHOMA

Do not, positively do not miss out on this show biz opportunity to stock these (Si W OOl CAROUSES. great packages that your Christmas customers are gonna buy and buy really 191 W140 THE KiN1 ANO 1 and buy. W750 Wed SOCIETY And this offer - which began November 28 and lasts through December 24 - W.112 PAL JOEY tncludcs not ODE but two brand -new Original Broadway Cast hits, rua UNSINIC CS) THE MUSIC MAO MALI MOLLY CROWN and TENDERLOIN. WA0.990 There is no album, absolutely no album, like a show album. So step right up 191 W1301 CAN CAN to your Capitol representative today and get complete details on this scusational IS1WA0I321 FIOAELI0 One-for-ten show album program. (SI W.1430 TELLS ARE RINSING e00Ir04,10000s, NO.



- , . _ GONNA D0. to, Y' ,Y,í-.,,, ü gpYSttzKAL THE 6 INTERNATIONAL MUSIC BILLBOARD DECEMBER 5, 1960 Best- Selling Pop Records In HOLLAND Newsnotes Week ending December 7, 1960 BRITISH (Courtesy PuooPlatrau, Amerefunrl) GERMAN Newsrsotes LIU this Week Week WEDGE control in Britain is Frank Chalm- By DON 1 1 RAMONA-71m Blue Diamond. the international Northern Germany Southern Germany News Editor, New Musical Express ers. He is now in (Decca) division Hayes headquar- 1 1 O SOLE Ml0 (IT'S NOW OR a surprise by at EMI's By BRIGITTE.KEEB By JIMMY BBC -TV sprang ters working with Harry Walters NEVER) -Elvis Presley (RCA) JUNGERMANN work directly with 1 1 deciding to on the acquisition and disposal NEVER ON SUNDAY - Music Editor, Automates.Markt Producer, Bayerischer Rundfunk, three disk firms in choosing Its en- Metina Mercouri (Landon) of the popular repertoire overseas. 4 Braunschweig, Germany Munich trant for the 1961 Eurovision Song 4 EVERYBODY'S SOMEBODY'S VISIT -IN: The Andrews Sisters FOOL -Connie Francis (M -G -M) Contest. EMI, Decca and Philips At a press electing in Berlin, Doris Day is at the top of Radio (30) for a stint J 1 WIR WOLLEN NIEMALS will each supply three songs of arrived Wednesday AUS arranged two days before the Stuttgart's Top Seven with ber disk at the Talk -of- the -Town. They are EINANDER OP-H'N- broadcast of the television music "Here British origin and previously un- HeWdI Brutal (Ph11)pa) We Go Again." , , Art possible. major also to record for Johnnie Granz at show "Wir Machen Musikf' (We Blakey and his Jazz Messengers published. Where American head, 13 6 TELEPHONE BABY- will the tunes on a Philips.... ATV's Johnny Otis (Capitol) Make Music), starring ork of Ed- tour Germans'. They started in artists present Nidorf, was visiting Lon- mundo Michael 9 7 Evenly Ros, Caterina Valente, Hamburg.... The theme for the special TV show February 15. Na- A I.UCILLE- Brothers will choose don.... Also David Miller.... (Warner Bros.) Viol 7'orriani, Vivi Bach, and other German version of the Perry Como tional panel of viewers by June Christy disk stars, the British entrant for the Euro- package headed in 1 ONLY THE LONELY - Caterina Valente was show is Ray Conniff s "It Had to Four Freshmen begins a Roy Orbison (London) given vision final. This will be staged and the a traditional Japanese doll Be You." To face the demand, London February 17 0 81113I -Canny by at Cannes. March 25, and tele- two -week tour in MIDINETTE Teldec Director Herbert Grenze- Philips issued a single out of the I Bikel is due in (1I.11,V.) bach vised simultaneously in 13 coun- I. , . , 'Theodore as award to symbolize her Conniff LP. Britain at the end of the month for 1 10 MY GIRL JOSEPHINE - excellent record sales in Japan. The Pierre tries. Fars Domino (Imperial) Monteux (85) celebrates BBC- TV.... An effort is being doll was sent by King Records, the 50 years in concert he Previously the BBC's entrant to 11 11 music; has made to set up a February tour APACHE -The Shadow. Tokyo contest has been Telefunken affiliate, who conducted 7,000 concerts.. , , Ger- the Eurovision Hurricanes (Columbia) for Johnny and the - 6 sold more than 100,000 records many is a good market for jazz picked from nomination panels set .12 HE'LL HAVE TO GO- Publishers' Asso- tho the musician- exchange problem Jim Reeves (RCA) of her French version of "Passion books. The newest in the shops are up by the Music overcome. ciation. Next year, the MPA will has to be successfully 12 13 IrsY BITSY TEENIE WEENIE Flower" entitled "Tous L'Amour." the German issue of Eddie Lon- YELLOW DOT with a new com- VISIT -OUT: EMI a. &r. mana- POLKA BIKINI She was given another award for don's "Jazz -We Called It Music," throw in its lot -Brian Hyland (London) petition being organized by the ger. Norman Newell, plans a New her current hit, "Ein Schiff Wird issued by the Nymphenburgcr Pub- Warners' 16 14 I'M SORRY -Brenda Leg Komgten" (Never on Sunday). lishing House, and a cartoon book, companies forming the rival ITV York visit in January.... (Brunswick) network for screening during the Bobby Weiss is due to fly to New Paul Siegel, owner of Paul Sie- "I Like Jazz," by Hans De Haem 14 IS MARIJKE- Peter's Rockets gel Publishing sane week in February. York Thursday (8) for a week be- (Decd) Company in New and Hans Herder, issued by Baer - to Hollywood. York and Berlin, and German part - meier and Nikel. Explaining the decision to work fore continuing on IS 16 PLEASE HELP ME, I'M disk firms, the BBC said: HOME FRONT: Soon after fin- FALLING -Hank Locklin (RCA) ncr of Pincus Music, has been ap- German- Austrain opera singer with the pointed "These organizations are particu- ishing filming "The Right Ap- - 17 WEIT 1ST DER WEG- U. S. representative for the Anneliese Rothenberger left Eu- Freddy East German firm appearance larly qualified by experience to se- proach" for 20th Century -Fox in (Pulydor) record Amiga. rope to start a guest at lect, and subsequently exploit. the Hollywood, Frankie Vaughan - 18 BLEU, BLANC, BLOND - Starting January 1, Siegel, in co- the Met for six weeks.... Billy Marcel Amant (CNR) operation with Director Schott and versions type of British song most likely to plays his first British concert series Sanders sings German of 19 19 PAPIEREN RO2EN- Producer Koehne Amiga, will ex- U. S. hits "Nobody Understands have an international appeal." for more than a year. . Man - Cula van Renew (CNR) change music from East Germany, Me" 1st Der Weg Nach SALES: Latest Board of Trade tovani makes a rare British tour -"Weit 20 20 CHARMING BILLY- .pt statistics for the disk industry show for two weeks from February 12. Johnny Preston (Mercury) tC or:tinned on puer 28) )"tee -.') that manufacturers' sales in Sep- . BBC -TV has booked "Juke Box tember were 53,585,000 - about - Jury" thru until March as a weekly vil" a future issue. . . . Warner 2 per cent less than in the sane Decca raised the prices feature.... Bros., happy with the success ntoltth the previous year. The drop of some classical LP's slightly - of its initial months the British mar- was caused by a slack in export from $5.33 to $5.57, including tax. in ITALIAN Newsnotes is issuing ket, has recognized the help of its trade sales at $2,650,000 , . , Topic, a folk label, -home own Radio Luxembourg program rose by 3 per cent. Unit produc- an LP of songs about the Irish and booked the Tuesday night tion was 6,713.000 disks of all Republican Army. sung by Dom- By MARIO DeLUIGI There was a celebration for half hour thru to the end of No- types. inic Behan, Brendan's brother.... Musica e Dischi, Milano Caterina Valente, November 3, at Victor Silvester's with the Oberline vember, 1961. Decca has booked the first AWARDS: Following a deal The house of the Hotel Duonlo, narking dance ork, for the past 25 years Esquire's Starlite la- time for two of its Wednesday noted publishing anniversary of her debut in Italy. Corporation, Curci celebrated its 100th anni- with EMI, has sold some 30 mil- its first children's EP. series thru to the same time.... So During the reception, Vittorio Gass- bel is issuing versary in Milan, November 19.... lion disks. To mark the event, that deejays and producers will man presented her with a golden NEW The readily distinguish his disks, indie The Ilth San Remo Festival has EMI is presenting him with, for the of the old record, a gift from Italian Decca, Knightsbridge Strings, is attaching just been launched by the ATA. time in a platinum producer Bunny Lewis The record represented the 250, - first Britain, Top Rank organization, have a suc- a The Festival lakes place the end of disk. The firm is also presenting Cambridge a sticker -picturing rabbit -to 000th copy of "Peronalita' distrib- cessor - Decca's the records he sends out. First to January. The winners of the three its first silver disk to Silvester for by former Rank uted in Italy. Strings. Produced is Azie Mortimer evenings will not be chosen during the sale of 250,000 LP's. Rowe, now get the treatment La Scala opens its season De- recording chief Dick (Big Top), whose first side, "Lips," the festival, however, as was done EX -RANK: First member of the staff, they have cember 8, presenting as its first back on the Decca was released on London last week. before. Instead, a "popular refer- Top Rank staff to join EMI since the same musical director -Mal- whereby opera, "Poliuto' by Donizetti, with DOUBLED: Philips Records has endum" will be organized the label moved under the latter's colm Lockyer. First release Friday will be voted Maria Callas and Franco Corelll chosen as Johnny Mathis the preferred songs (2) was "Love Theme' (from "Su- December in the leading roles. promotion month. Its Fontana la- on. Best Selling Pop Records zie Wong ").... This was one of According to the major record- Sergio Bruni, after success with last weekend. bel is basing a campaign on a and Rome, is several cover issues "Rhythms and ing companies, the following rec- his show in Naples in BRITAIN was also released on double -LP package. all the principal The tune on sale for ords are the biggest clicks: "Il now touring Week ending December 2. lean EMI -Columbia (from Roulette) by Ballads of Broadway," Un Rock" cities of Southern Italy. cost of a top -price al- Tuo Bacio E Come (Courtesy New 51uslral Express. Landon) Joe Reisman.... Columbia also $5.59 -the a Rock) Celen- bum. None of the numbers has (Your Kiss Is Like Last ml, had the U. S. Wye label's "Night tano; "II Nostro Concerto" (Our Week Week been issued here at all before. It Pop Records Theme" by the Mark II, but it Concert) Bindi; " Tintarella di Best -Selling 1 1 ITS NOW OR NEVER -Elvis by Rhet Stoller JConrinued on page 39) - in ITALY Presley (RCA) has been covered Luna" IMoonburn) Mina; "Person I. 1966 1 1 SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR (Decca) and Bob Miller (Fontana). alita" b -w "Till" (Valente): "Oh, Week ending December ME- Drifters (London) Attention swings back to Top (Dami- (Count,' Sic,),, a DI.chl. SIII.w1 Pop Records Carol" (Scdaka); "Forever" 3 3 GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME- Rank with the issue of U. S. hit Best -Selling Sole" (Scandal Lass Tea Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren ano); " Scandalo Al "Slay," by Maurice Williams (from in FLEMISH BELGIUM "Marina" (Gra- Week Week 16 4 STRAWBERRY FAIR- Anthony in the Sun) Faith; SrANZA- the I 1 IL CIELO IN UNA Newley ( Decca) Herald). Fontana issued Okey week December I. 1960 nata); "Petit Fleur" ( Bechet); "De ending Min.t Malt/ow) I 5 ROCKING GOOSE -Johnny and cover version by Little Joe. . . ICeurtesy Juke Ros .Maseelne. Riddle); "Roman- (London) Guello" (Nelson DU PIREB- the Hurricanes included: On Mechelen, .100.) 3 2 LES ENFANTS ) a Mar- 6 6 MY HEART HAS A MIND OF Other releases tics" Dallara); " Serenata Dalida (Barclays TVs ITS OWN- Counle Franas Decca's London label the Chip- lad goblins" (Serenade to Margellina) NEVER -met. Week Week 2 3 IT'S NOW OR IMG -M) munks' "Rudolph" and the Fats (Flo Sandon); "Love in Portofino" Presley (RCA) 7 MAN OF MYSTERY -Shadow. -Elvis Presley t S. hit coupling "My 1 I O SOLE 9610- record hits (Columbia) Domino U. (Dalida). Each .of these 4 4 NOTTE DI LUNA CALANTE- and "Natural Born (RCA) mark in Domenico Modugno (Poelt) I I LOVE YOU -Cliff Richard Girl Josephine" Blue Diamonds has passed the 100,000 - EMI group 1 RAMONA -Th. Bold (Columbia) Lover "; from the - sales. 3 1 SE CI SEI -Umberto (Deem) 4 9 AS LONG AS HE NEEDS ME- Jerry Butler's "He Will Break Your and 1960 (Rigour») Shirley Hassey (London) 1 1 I'M SORRY -Brand. Lee Record sales for 1959 Vice Jay, on Top 7 6 NESSUNO Al. MONDO -, 7 10 DREAMIN'- Johnny Burnett. Heart" (front (Brunswick) have still not surpassed the top by the Play- Peppin° DI Capri (Cariacb) (London) Rank), "Wait for Me," 2 4 1 ES ENFANTS DU PIREE- in 1958. About sales mark reached g 7 11ILORD -Edith Rat (Columbia), 10 I1 LlTTLE DONKEY -N)nu and mates (Columbia from Roulette), Makadopoulo, (Palette) are desig- Frederik (Columbia) 75 per cent of all sales Dalida (Barclay) and Faron Young's "A World So 4 1 ITSY BITSY TEENIE WEENIE TO R 11 01. MacDONALD -Frank Sinatra nated as pop recordings. 6 5 YOU MEAN EVERYTHING Full of Love" (Capitol). YELLOW POLKA DOT BIKINI ME -Neil Sedala (RCA) (Capitol) (I.oadon) CANZOl ISSIMA: After four 11 12 -Brian Hyland THE STRANGER -Shadow. PACKAGING: Increasing use is 9 9 IL NOSTRO CONCERTO - f LONELY broadcasts, the top hits of "Canson- (Columbia) being made of special album packs 6 ONLY THE - Umberto Bindi )Ricordi) 16 14 LIVELY- Lonnie Donegan (Pyr) Roy Orbison (Dacca) issima" were classified as following: with bringing several 18 in WHAT A SKY -Nlco Fads.w 13 GURNEY SLADE -MU Harrt. Christmas 7 SUCU SUCU- Alberto Corte. ( -s Songs of yesterday: "Addio Sogni (Fontana) British Decca. A batch (RCA) extras from 6 t APACHE -The Shadow. di Gloria" (Goodbye Dreams of Bauer 12 16 ONLY THE LONELY -Roy EP's has been 10 It LIEBELEI -Rolf of 16 steady-selling (Columbia) Le Rose" (as the (Voce del Patrone) Orbison (London) de- Glory'); "Conte g 17 reissued with special jackets 9 SAG WARUM- Camillo BLUES MILORD -Johnny Mathis (Fontana) 7 Roses); "Violino Tzigano" (Gypsy 13 IT MULE-SKINNER - 13 19 POETRY Johnny and greetings Rant) IN MOTION- signed for seasonal letterola) Violin); " Portami Tante Rose" Fendormen (7úp Tillotson (London) trade. They include titles by Pat 13 10 BARCELONA- Wilmarl'a ( -) Calvert 12 (Bring Me Many Roses); "Torna" 15 13 GABBIE -Eddie 20 BLUE ANGEL -Roy Orbison DAT DAK AF- (Columbia) (London) Boone, Bing Crosby, Elvis Presley, 3 It KOM VAN (Come Back). Songs of today: and his Rockets tImpertals) I LOVE Han - 34 21 KOMMOTION -Duane Eddy Perry Como and Mantovani.. , . Pees a Margel- 19 14 TELL LAURA " Romantica," " Serenata Rlay Valance )Columbia), Jahn (London) Palette has always issued with a to 12 ROCKING GOOSE - to Margellina); die Hunicaata ( lina' (Serenade Layton )Top Rank) 14 21 LONELY PUP -Adam Faith variant on the standard disk pack Johooy and -) Vein )Parlophonc) ( "Love in Portofina"; "Quanda A'- s ll JENNY -Udo Lumens -1 12 13 TILL (PERSONALI? 13 23 LET'S THINK ABOUT LIVIN'- since the label was launched in Evening Falls) eateries Valente Mecca) SUMMER'S GONE -Paul Aoki' la Sera" (When Bob Litman (Warner Bros.) this country at the end of the sum- 10 14 Adriano Celeetaeo (ABC- Paramoun0 Libero. II 16 PITAGORA - 20 24 MR. CUSTER- Cbustk Draka mer. A single, "Like Christmas DE SOLDATENTUD- the International (lolly) (Parlophone) 14 15 VIVAN An exhibition at Gtannl Meech. 21 IS JUST AS MUCH AS EVER- Party," has a presentation sleeve Bobbei,an Schocpnn ( -) has been It 17 IL BARATTOLO- Hall of Music, Rome, Camden) Nat Cole (Capitol) allowing space for a greetings Everty Brother* (RCA 15 16 SO SAD-The announced for November 26 thru 27 26 PERFIDIA -Ventures (London) message to be written. tWarov Bros.) It IT 25 77 EVEN PARTY POPS January 8. The hall will have a POLKA DOTBIKINI MORE - To help de- BE WANTED YELLOW Russ (Columbia) EXPLOITATION: 17 1 WANT TO - a historical Hyland dandomi. Conway - (Hansa ick) commercial section, -Brian 19 28 MncDONALD'S CAVE - velop Brook Benton into a major Brenda Lee section. Buddy Hader) Crop Rea) Piltdown (Capitol) Cuenie, ( -1 section and an information Men British attraction, Mercury has sent - io KILT WATCH -The LOOK FOR A STAR -Oarey 17 19 MILORD- Frankie Vaughan All the best and most interesting - 19 its licensee, EMI. TV film clips of - 19 CHARMING BILLY - Mills fior Rank) (Philip,) (Barclay) items is the fields of records and him singing "Fools Rush In,' his Johnny Pinion 20 APACHE- 51t80e,,. (Columbia) 30 NEVER ON SUNDAY -Manuel will be presented.' - (Columbia) new release here, and "Bolt Wee- - 20 FNDI ICI( -Ira Robic ( -) publishing DECEMBER 5, 1960 THE BILLBOARD MUSIC 7 COMMAN 1101111111111116111110111000111011100 01110011111101111111111111110111111400111 41000110111110111111141111111101110041 004110011100011111411111 0000000 STEREO ¡: I r i [01aan01. Cone .n rn. mera. cMCs te, a.s MO note mow.. ir.r.e Msw n MN I.o w. nu.", Klb.. Vole "ft. rn.t..M e.r want. N on ...0 nl M .) M Mwrti..N sW Omte Ibl,r. Ld , n[.te.b,w wl ...NM n.n.tWnn :Iv", MnWr.Yrru,hV. HITS NOW's dynamic, exciting full pages the big, big mass -class books...tell- ing the Command Stereo story... selling the new Command releases...selling America's .2, *3 best a record audience of 9,672,900...with rec- ord money in their pockets. You're going to have new customers... LI FE more customers...coming in and de- manding Command Stereo records. Get your orders in fast. Right this minute isn't a minute too soonl


ESQU Stock up on the #1, #2, #3 Stereo Sellers: r+

Pr'cussIva Par aslva Bongos rrCUSSIOr, Volume 1 Per ,UIO, Volume I Bongos w»w. PLAYBOY Get set with the new Command releases:

WITH r[naunvv[ aen. FULL PAGE aoio cowlAAno sT[a[o 111 KoCussqV vOl. Ano saASa mr.rns c[cRoj15,' "+o 1117..... Sti 750 LIa WI,.. not IUD ¿.nerlter..f:'. the greatest advance in sound since EXPOSURE! hi -fi was Invented . C:.).s I.tANn NATIONAL LIST rRICE MONAURAL S. STEPEO ne 5599 4-TRACK 'TAPE $7.95 IN CANADA... SPARTON OF CANADA LTD THE BILLBOARD 8 MUSIC NEWS DECEMBER 5, 1960 SCHORY RECORDING IDEA HOT 100 ADDS 13 CRD Names NEW YORK - The "Hot 100" chart added 13 new sides to , Victor Studio Audience to this week. They are: Simmons 69. Sad Mood (Kags. BIM) -Sam Cooke, RCA Victor. 79. Groovy, 'Tonight (Lome, ASCAP) -Hubby Ryden, Head Singles Get Percussion Treatment Cameo. 84. Hoochie Coochie Coo (Stebrita, BMI) -Hank Ballard HOLLYWOOD - Gene Sim- B) NICK BIRO ISO tli t;ereni pocus.ison OnIril- mons, ments. 1 by & the Midnighters, King. California Record Distribu- CHICAGO- Something new in prnerant is being 87. Magnificent Seven (United Artists, ASCAP) -Al tors' promotion manager. last week live concerts -duplicating recording based ón tmo of tichory''s latest United Artists. was named albums, "\Vdd Percussion Caiola, manager of the firm's techniques for a studio audience- and Ramblers. Addis. singles Horns A- Pleats," and 1fß. Ramblin' (Raven, BMI)- operations. Move is indi- is about to he launched by Dick "Running 89. Wunderkind by Night (Roosevelt, BMI) -Anita Bryant, cation of a resurging singles mar- Schory, RCA Victor percussion Wild," the latter to be released in Carlton. ket. CRD for the past decade has specialist, February. An earlier Schory album, 90. Dance by the Light of the ..\loon (Aries, BMl)- functioned as an album house ex- "Bung, Baa -Ream and Harp, Schory. who has pioneered sever- Olympics, Arvee. clusively. Earlier this year. the dis - which features the same type of al percussion and brass albums, will 91. You Are My Sunshine (Peer, BMI)- Johnny & the trib entered the singles market. sound spectaeulanzation, has been be using his own band -arranged' Hurricanes. Big Top. building such disks here as the on the charts some tinte. onstage similarly to an actual for Miss Blue (Lola, B111) -Dion, Laurie. Olympics "Baby Nulty Gully," Basic make 96. Little recording session -and specially -up of the band 97. Age for Love (Sunflower, 13N10- Jintmy Charles, "Big Boy Pete." and "Shimmy Like sounds like something out of a com- wired studios. Speakers will be I Promo. Kate ": Jimmy Charles' "A Million bination of Spike Jones, strategically placed thruout the au- Norman 98. You Better Know What You're Doing (Lloyd- Logan, to One." Etta Jones' "Don't Go to ! ¡Grant and Tchaikovsky -she last ditorium and controlled by a Price. ABC- Paramount. Strangers." and Slose Allison's, named leading his 1812 Overture BMI) -Lloyd central engineer. 99. Wabash Blues 1Feist, ASCAP) -Viscounts. Madison. "Seventh Son." using atomic cannons instead of Instruments and groups of play -' 100. Rockin' Rollin' Ocean (Snow, BMI) -Hank Snom, The forttier LP -only distribs's ef- kettle drunn -altho Schory is quick ers will be beamed to the audience, RCA Victor. forts in the singles field proved so to point out that his skein. is much as soloists and groups are rewarding it has now established strictly serious. "brought in" by recording engineers a separate singles department un- Included in the group will be a during a session. der Simmons' supervision. Sonny piano, string hass, 2 guitars, harp, As Schory points out. "a regular' Bono and Margie Williams will rhythm drummer, 4 lrumpete, 2 concert audience does not hear the BUYERS: handle C'RD's promotion under trombones. 3 French horns and 4 TALENT same thing that is reproduced on an Simlitonc' direction. percussionists -the Last named play- album. ing, among other thitigs, 3 vibes, "At a concert, the hand is 1001 Ideas to help you 3 marimbas, 3 xylophones, 16 grouped together and seldom does e timpanis and an even wider range select the right talent for soloist or solo group get the em -' of drums. phasis or definition that can be' Your important location New Distrib In addition to these, there mill he achieved on a record by controlled a few less usual items such microphones and engineering as sirens, auto brake drums. wind ma- Belote )ou buy talent you look for data on an In blending techniques." Schory said Detroit chines and thunder sheets. artist ... background ... .,aging atVle his concerts will attempt to do just in He plans to use a minimum 10 the type of work the whit het done the DETROIT - Mery Jacobson. that. of films) .. current microphones -each mike having its past !night clubs, TV. fairs, sales manager of Arc Record Schory peeled last week with and previous hits Personal manager own contr,SI pot -and as least three ... Distributors here for the past four Columbia Artist and Management, booking office .. Informelion that will help sets of speakers per channel. Ibis years. is opening his own distribu- one of the country 's largest concert you spot talent on the rise .. information means a minimum of six Sets of r,Rht In torship in this city. Must¢ Mer- bookers. play a spring tour the? will belt, you place the talent He'll speakers. depending on the size of the right location. chants, Incorporated. First lines for in and nest 'sometime April, another the auditorium. the new distrib will he Argo and tall. October 9 thru November 18. Riverside. He'll have his own band, Dick Be sure to Read ... and Ufa ... and Hold Onto Jacobson. in addition to his Sales Schory Percussion and Brass En- Billboard's Big New Year -End esce post with Arc, is a vet record semble. and will play primarily col- Your key to man. and large city auditoriums. Programming and Talent Buying Guide and music He handled pro- leges motion for Cadet Distributors and Several television dates are also in SALES RES( L special slick -stock section of the December it issue. -a did work with both the Fantasy the, talking stage. the cave esiairt/ eofrnewa e/ and Dee Gee label,. before joining The actual show will run some THE BILLBOARD! Arc. two hours and will feature some

tkecaCktt hot as a JIMMY CLANTON with another #7 Pop Hit!

Jimmy's Biggest Since



Jiiiiiiiy Malhis sings


A WOMAN 441866 (also available on single 33)

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The musical with the biggest

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COLUMBIA © RECORDS 4N1S tit THE BILLBOARD TO MUSIC NEWS DECEMBER 5. 1960 YOU CAN SWAP COCA -COLA HOSTS JAZZ TO ASAP MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY TOOTHACHE STARS FROM GERMANY in the American Society of FOR EARACHE Applicants for membership NEW YORK - Jazz and Coca - programming for West German Cola -two of America's Authors d Publishers who meet the following DETROIT -Popular music, most popu- Radio- Cologne; official representa- Composers, lar exports shroad and jazz in particular, might -have joined tives of the German Press, and forces requirements will be accepted as members, drive some people oil of their here and in-Germany. Eight German and American Coca -Cola German minds, but one dentist believes amateur jazz musicians, execs, All of the above mentioned winners of a that it will drive the pain right nation -wide competi- will tour the U. S. with the win- tion in Germany, out of their brains, according arrive here Mon- ners. day a (5) for two -week tour of the Official S. WRITERS: Any composer or author of e copyrighted to an AP dispatch. U. guides for the U. S. under the auspices of the boys include Gary Kramer, Allan. The dentist, Dr. Wallace J. musical composition who shall have had at least one Coca -Cola Bottlers of Germany, tic Records' advertising -publicity Gardner of Cambridge, Mass., and the Coca -Cola work of his composition or writing regularly published. Export Corpo- chief, New York; Richard Allen, demonstrated his process, here. ration curator of the jazz archives, Talant) called audio analgesia, before winners The will be feted here University, New Orleans, and John the Detroit District Dental and in Chicago, New Orleans, and Steiner, movie studio rep, Chicago. Society recently. Atlanta, by leading U. S. jazz stars PUBLISHERS: Any person, firm, corporation or partnership actively The machine invented by and civic officials. A party will be held for them here at Birdland engaged in the music publishing business whose musical pub- Dr. Gardner, is called Audiac, Kahl Lands and works on the principle Tuesday (6) and in Chicago, De- lications have been used or distributed on e commercial scale that noxious stimuli (pains) are cember 12 et the Birdhouse, a for at least one year, and who assumes the financial risk In- conducted to the brain by the local niters'. The German musicians Score Rights will also be interviewed on Coca - volved In the normal publication of musical works. tame nerve cells that carry sound. Audiac keeps "the Cola's local radio disk "Hi Fi Club" channels to busy (that) the shows in Chicago and New Or- To 'Shepherd jSin out leans, and arrangements will be STANLEY ADAMS, is crowded -like NEW YORK -Music publisher amming radio signals," says made for jazz deejays in each city President Phil Kahl has obtained the rights the doctor. to interview the visitors. `Rte Voice of America will be to the score of Jimmie Rodgers' SOCIETY Of COMPOSERS, AUTHORS d PUBLISHERS AMERICAN Climbing into the dentist's on hand to tape the event when forthcoming 20th Century -Fox film Its Madison Avna New York 22, New York chair, a patient puts on ear- New York City's Mayor Robert "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom phones and t h e machine Wagner and the German Consu- Come." pumps pre -recorded music and late meet the winners here Mon- Penned by By Dunham and sound of his brain. Two sig- day (5). The winners -Klaus Dol - Henry Vars, theacore includes the nals are transmitted, one is the dinger, Jurgen Buchholtz, Man- title tune, "When Love is Young." music. the other a series of low fred Lahnstein, Claudio Szenkar, and a special version of the p.d. pitched sounds. The music Alfons Zschockett, Heino Ribbert, "Dixie." The songs will he pub- detracts and lulls the patient Kurt Bong and Gunther Lennartz lished by Kahl's ASCAP firm The Season's Novelty Smash! while the low pitched single will be accompanied by Karl H. Planetary. Rodgers has recorder drowns out the pain. The unit Lyrntann and Burkhard Gottschalk, "When Love Is Young" on the Is not meant to replace local founders and organizers of the Ger- Roulette label, and Harry Simeon anesthetics but to supplement man Amateur Jazz Festival (an an- is waxing one of the movie's tunes them. nual event since 1955) and mem- for the 20th Century Records. JERRY MAHONEY Since "peppy music" teems bers of the German Jazz Federa- Meanwhile, Kahl, who also own to be the best kind for extrac- tion; Franz Schwarz, head of jazz Patricia and Kahl Music firms, left tions, jazz would seem a for England and the Continent last natural for inclusion In the week to meet with Fred Jackson, dentist's pain killing reper- manager of Planetary, Kahl, Ltd., toire. Dr. Gardner also noted Metro Back in London and British indie a. &r. that dentists using the new producer Bunny Lewis. Kahl's is also mak- machine reported It worked lawyer, Halsey Cowan. COME TO As Mercury attempt to find "WHEN with 80 to 97 per cent of the ing the- t i in an oat. on which It was tried. with Buffalo Outlet the red tape and legal problems involved in handling material of THE END 0 OLLIPOP" CHICAGO -Metro Distributing both U. S. and European song Hotel Carillon Company, headed by Carl Glaser, writers. Kahl, who is currently on has returned to the Mercury fold England's best -selling lists with (Assisted by Paul Win',- II) as its Buffalo distributor. "Walk, Don't Run," will also look Sets Concerts Metro and Mercury originally for new material. # 5 -9428 parted company some nine months SPECIAL 4-4 MIAMI BEACH, Fla. -This ago. At that time Mercury sent a resort mecca, long known for the E P I C factory sales representative into the FABIAN WANTS 11141fb PP ER MUSIC PUBLISHING CORP. most lavish kind of showmanship. RELEASE territory and handled warehousing ' will witness a new kind of night from both Cleveland and New STUDIO club entertainment during the PRIVATE c/w ROLY -POLY SNOWMAN York. Fa- forthcoming season, when the Ho- PHILADELPHIA - H. Steinberg, executive bian Forte asked Orphans tel Carillon will present a series Irvin vice -president of the label, said the Court if he may build a of concerts by a 50 -piece symphony move was prompted by a $7,000 sound -proof studio in orchestra. Musicians will repre- current change in Metro's organization, basement of his parents' sent the cream of the local AFM the than any basic change in - level borne in Haddon- and guest conductors as rather split unit such His guardian's Alfredo D'Artega and Mercury's thinking. field, N. J. ITALY Antonini, asks permission appear. He said Metro had added sales- petition also Howard Barlow will an addi- men and expanded its physical facil- to spend 52,000 for with brain child of recrea- Important Italian company The idea is the ities and that he felt Metro could tion to the basement Carillon entertainment director, now devote the type of sales effort tion room. seeks also be netted own factory and distribution Jacques Donner, who will to Mercury as the label desired. Fabian, who $136; conductor. Don- 1959 at 16, lives the permanent Simultaneously with the Metro 926 during manufacture of one or who a flock of nt 1018 licenses for net, has produced announcement. Mercury made sev- with his parents local shores, plans the Greenhaven successful eral appointments in its own pro- Tampa Road, two American pop repertoires with presentations along the lines that Gardens, Haddonfield. The motional set -up. Mort Grosswold made the Boston Pops famous, parents, Domenic and Jose - becomes sales promotional manager strong singles line. Concerts will be presented on a Forte, purchased the for the Charlotte, N.C., area; Frank phine glass stage in the hotel's in 1958 with an ad- rainbow assumes the same title for house Replies in confidence to Box #316 Plans are also Hague vance Fabian's estate. elegant supper club. Atlanta. front in the works to produce live re- They formerly lived in South BROADWAY, NEW YORK 36, NEW YORK will work under Bob THE BILLBOARD, 1564 cordings of the concerts. Both men Philadelphia. West, regional sales manager. In The petition states that be- sales St. Louis, Phil Bryan will be cause of the limited facilities promotion manager under Dick of the house, most of the 17- Bruce, regional sales manager. year -old singer's sessions with 4 Most Promising in Our 10 -Year History! songwriters, voice teachers, dance instructors, agents and in hotels The Epic Skeds others must be held Original and outside studios. Fabian's "GUNSLINGER" guardian is John J. Palmieri, 7 Dec. LP's an employee of the City Rec- "HEARTBREAK "SPOONFULL" b/w Epic Records reation Department. NEW YORK - old rocker Issuing seven albums in Decem- Eighteen - year - is asked court BLUES" ber, ranging from classical to pop- Bobby Rydell ETTA HARVEY r1SIGNIFYIN' to purchase a HOTEL" b ular and jazz. Classical issues in- permission Gerard Souzay, the $4,534 1961 Pontiac. Rydell, Chess 1773 clude sets by Robert Chess 1771 BO DIDDLEY "Pops" Orchestra, Adam whose real name Is Cleveland estate 965 Harasiewicz, and Artur Grumiaux Louis Ridarelli, has an Chess received BILL SMITH COMBO and the Concertgebouw Orchestra In excess of $12,000, of Amsterdam. Pop sets spotlight since October of last year. pianist Charlie Young, and an in- A car is necessary for keep- "I NEED A CHANGE" -THE MIRACLES struction record called "Joe Wil- ing his engagements, be says. Chen 1768 man Shows You How to Bowl Your His guardian Is Mrs. Judith features attorney. 2120 S0. MICHIGAN AVE CHICAGO 16, ILL. Best." The new jazz set Jamison, an the Herman Foster Trio. DECEMBER 5, 1960 THI BILLBOARD MUSIC 11

Smash Follow-up to The Drifters' No. 1 Nit- "SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME" COUNT E TEARS



IFIERS with the same string sound that swung the nation!



THE MILLS TREE OF Diners' Club Gallagher Helms Network -Owned HITS Continued from page 4 Disk Firms Continued from page 4 The Blossoms . . Plan is being unveiled in the of sales administration also report- interests in programming materials, menu From Diners' Club December magazine. ing to Fishman. to officers and others en- Theme music recording. publishing, and gaged in "supervising the I i. also being pitched via a direct On the a. &r. level, Bill Levy, program related gimmicks, the mail piece using the Diners' mull- formerly with Columbia In various like Dick department, or engaged in pro- THE APARTMENT Clark record case promoted by the gramming ing list. Joiners are given -a choice posts. is the new director of a.&r. activities, as well As Ferrante L Teicher American Broadcasting Company. the number and of albums from 84 listed in a two - and merchandising. Levy will also salaries of regular United Artists One effect of the additional item- full time and on page spread following the full - report directly to Gallagher. Un- part -time employees izing would he to further pinpoint directly concerned. page ad announcing the offer. der Levy will be a. &r. staffers Jim any payola take on networks or Added Regoirementc Leroy Anderson's Those getting the direct mail Folgelsong and Mike Bernicker in individual stations. The detailed In addition to pitch can choose front an accom- pop: Jane Friedman in classical, the customary breakdowns on income and spend- broadcast revenues and SERENATA panying catalog listing some 150 and C. Snyder in international expenses, ing. the reporting of the number the usual incidental take Sarah Vaughan on Roulette LP's. Selections encompass virtu- a. &r. Levy will also be responsible from the and salaries of all personnel sale of talent udder contract ally all labels. majors and indics. for the co- ordination of Epic mer- to The Buds . . having to do with programming the broadcaster Free phono pitch follows closely chandising with creative services or net. and com- Leroy Anderson's (whether in regular employ, or missions, fees and profits on the heels of Diners' dime -per- and manufacturing. made non -staff consultants), would offer from obtaining or placing talent, disk offer made in the December Fishman's appointment to the BLUE TANGO less chance to lump i.ny payola in will be required on the new form. L Cosh Box Pirk Esquire in a full -page ad (see The post of sales chief for Epic indi- A Billboard with a general revenue category. Also accounted for would he Billboard. November 28). Other cates the importance of the label's any Lester Lenin on Epic Under the new anti- payola law, money from the sale of the broad- pitches running concurrently, offer classical line, much of which con- Bill Black & Combo on Hi the licensee is repsonsible to a fair casters' own programs. and addi- members a choice of all disks they sists of material recorded in Eu- degree, for keeping track of money tional charges made by licensee want at S2 and $2.50 per disk for rope by Philips. Altho talks are which has changed hands at any or network fqr studio or produc- monaural and stereo in their initial now taking place between Colum- CORRINA(ORRINA stage in providing his program- tion facilities, transcriptions, et al. joining order, plus a free LP for bia and Philips over changes in A Brand New Version ming. The broadcaster who is Revenue from the cinderella FM each two they purchase at list their international agreements, it faced with such detailed financial service will, for the first time hase Ray Peterson on Dunes price. This offer is being made will be years before any changes reporting would double -check be- a separate breakout from AM rev- side by side with the free phono could take place as far as releases The Roots . . . fore submitting a record to the enue, even when both are tinder a pitch in the current Diners' maga- are concerned, so that Epic's push FCC that can be dissected by Hill single ownership. Also, F4 take zine.) Another lure is choice of five on classical records will be a sus- LITTLE DRUMMER BOY committees, or cross -checked by will be broken down to show free LP's if member agrees to buy tained one. Gallagher also expects and Leroy Anderson's other agencies. amount made front broadcasting as in a year's period. Club appar- the label to build a strong pop six The new financial fora: explic- against the functional music serv- is working on the premise single and album roster to add to SLEIGH RIDE ently itly lists, among other program ex- ices. if one pitch fails to attract a Lester Lenin, Merril Staton and both Widely Recorded that penses to be broken out: talent The newer form would also re- another will. and that it's Roy Hamilton, etc. prospect, expenses; music license fees of quire a quick survey of the broad- MILLS INC. chances of receiving maximum re- Altho Epic's single line has not MUSIC, ASCAP, BMI, et al.; payment for caster's financial health by a "con- N. Y. are increased in ratio of the been too potent lately, the firm's 1619 Broadway, New York 19, sults performance or program rights; densed balance sheet," and an its classical. has number of different deals offer- album line, especially transcriptions and recordings; pro- itemizing of "notes payable," the in 1960. ing. been enjoying good sales duction expenses, and latter including any unpaid music that Epic others. Also, Gallagher emphasized in connection with programming license fees accrued. NAB singles wanted up as strong a to build expense, it wants breakout on pay- out these broad categories, plus 3 MILLION 45's FOR SALE possible with its Elvis Presley relationship as the profit and loss reporting on and would make HIGHEST BID ( 4 indie distribs, non -broadcast revenue, and listing rn .rr !'tie' of Columbia's available the services Music Society of all payments to owners and cf- one own field sales force wherever b wel- ficers, as needing close attention w'rileu ,i- delo are not only authorized but C ,'í'ír1 uc l ill,I,i page 3 Ox ter, Tfie hi a their services could help Epic's in- and comment by w. aanaelon cnluae t, m. come. broadcasters. The die distribs. shorter financial data form in use All the activity on "Lonesome the latter was voiced by Music Op- since 1953, had only three sched- has Bourne's natty general profes- erators of New York proxy, Al r- ules of reporting. as against eight Lester Sims walk- ported that Elvis' manager, Colonel Denver, this week at an MONY ads . . . sional manager when answering the required by the proposed nest ing on clouds. And this is also Parker, is rather ecstatic over meeting, when he said that new his be- form. SAY YOU SAW IT IN true of the other half -publisher of situation. Sort of confirms measures on the copyright amend- the tune, Howie Richmond of lief that Elvis remains the No. 1 ment front could be expected in singing act in the business, the 87th Congress front Con- THE BILLBOARD 1 Cromwell Music. It is also re- both THANKS FOR gressman Celler a n d Senator ELVIS O'Mahonev. (See separate story in coin machine section.) "ARE YOU Barney Young will head up both the performing rights organization LONESOME TONIGHT!" Another Reader -Advertiser Benefit of the as well as the disk and publishing ventures. He told The Billboard ... and now for all the answers: this week that he is already explor- ing possibilities for writers and new "YES, I'M material. "We'll use p.d. songs but LONESOME TONIGHT" NEW 8/[[BOARD we'll also have plenty that aryl cur- rent. There arc a lot of writers who DODIE STEVENS -Dot and are fed up with both ASCAP THELMA CARPENTER -Coral BMt right nosy and we expect to Exclusively for the Music -Coin Industry draw on their services. too." LINDA LEE -Shasta Henry Onorati. of 20th Fox, said RICKIE PAGE -Rendezvous firm will and dis- that his produce and tribute the disks. which will hear a "20th Fox Music Operators Rec- ords" label. One side of each of the "OH HOW I will a tune pub- new disks have YOU lished by the Music Operator pub- MISS TONIGHT" Later News, Reviews, lishing firm. "We intend to start JEANNE BLACK -Capitol issuing a minimum of one record

a month, early in January," Onorati BOURNE, INC. (yó1 MUSTS CORD I Price Lists noted. "That's a start. but we'll Charts and New York, N. Y. probably step tip that rate later on. 136 West 52nd St. We believe the operators are very Improved deadlines resulting from the serious about this matter now and we can to we intend to do everything change will enable Billboard Music Week to provide them with solid, com- interval between news mercial songs, records and artists. $ 1,000,000 sharply reduce the It's possible that some present 20th in exchange for the tight appear on these In talent. and distribution, thus resulting in Fox artists may opportunity. Bright, tight, happy closing be con- records but we will also sounding pro has Number one as more up -to- the -minute news coverage . . . stantly looking for new talent Pulse and Hooper Rating fer his weir 3 -hour air show. Al off -the -air more reviews of "just released" singles salesman, top billing in highly com- data petitive 7- station eastern market. and LP's ... more and loser statistical Fox Foresees 31. married, only one child but two degrees, B.A. and L.L.B. Back- to bring greater speed and accuracy to ground: Promotion and public re- direc- coin lations, record hops, program record charts ... and speedier used crate with each other. These com- tor and assistant to manager, TV, panies are in England, France, M.C. and bandstand show. That's machine equipment prices. Italy, Germany, Belgium, Scandi- my story( Ready to more now. full par- navia, etc. The German operation, Please state salary and reply. Box 317. The Fox noted, is nosy reaching into ticulars first Billboard, 156.1 Breedway, New areas behind the Iron Curtain, Watch for the York 36, N. Y. such as Poland and Czechoslovakia. Publisher income overseas is NEW Billboard BILLBOARD chiefly front ntechanicals and per- Experienced Record Company formance rights, with little accru- ing front sheet music, Fox stated. FIELD MAN WANTED Coming January 9 WEEK more and Coast end est as liaison MUSIC the business te ,raval East In brief, and our dis - more is paralleling the American mon between doolere he Give resume et experience, . . . Music -Phono Merchandising scene. ln the English market, tributors. stated, there are indications that salary, eut. -TV Box 318, The Billboard Billboard's Outdoor show Newt deem , . . Rodio Programming the educational business is becom- N. Y. c 76 ment will combine with ils monthly 1566 Broadway .,Ilion, Fument, end move Into ing more important. . . . Juke Box -Game Operating ese 11Sí w 11 publlrsllon el ils own. COMPONENTS RADIOS TAPE RECORDERS A UD/O NEWS PHONOGRAPHS to 1564 Broadway. N. York 36. N. Y. THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER 5. 1960 Commui,.cation. 13

STORE TESTED PROFIT POINTERS FOR DEALERS COMBINE HI -FI, NEW AUDIO PRODUCTS HOME EXHIBITS HOL1.'i'WOOD -San Dealer Finds That a Sandwich Speaker System Francisco's HI Fi Show nest spring will be held its con- a junction with the Home Show, I i; ill, t. \o.cJi.h. Trade -In Trades Up according to its director, Jim n.c ,I.,lut itc,f ht the Ci,.m.i t ogan. Magnetic Recording Ccirporatton of New York. Industry Association will I lt fans what the makers claim is sponsor the combined event to By KOBFRI \II \II giant for a bank, Metz picks up a effect. Each Inc held March IS thru 19. lot of trade -ins in this seemingly ..landwichcd" Most stereo dealers are inclined surrounding the It will be staged at the Cou' limited field. ft was actually a big, hEer cone to treat trade -im as something of the n -w speaker system is Palace. wide -open field, Metz has found. which' should be kept out of sight and his display made of a According to Logan. a close of phonograph and different fiber. out only when a bar- relationship exists between and brought ground music systems brings in which helps to reduce dis- on new home furnishings and home gain hunter cannot he .scud commerciul prospects who might tortion. equipment. Not so at Audio Spe- unit is compact and music systems and by com- not have been attracted in any 'The cialists, Phoenix. Arit., where in hand- rubbed cubi- bining the two events into a other way. comes owner Hack Metz has built the sides and single affair. greater benefits Very few trade -in items, or clear - net finished on four eye- catching "Bargain Rack.- comes in either walnut or will he reaped by all con- anees from any department in the Rack" faces the teak. The Nordic f sells for cerned. Logan predicted that The "Bargain store stay on the shelves for more ts9,s0 shows in other areas will com- front door, and is one of the first than a few days, and none of them bine hi-ti with honte exhibits, things w'ttích any entering custo- are allowed to go more than a after he has proved his point mer secs. On it, Metz offers trade - month. Tape Erase Heads in San Francisco. Logan' is a in tape recorders, phonographs. yet show promoter, staged decks. tuners, antptificrs, turnta- A new Imo of tape cruse both hi -ti and home shows in bles. speakers. and other compo- heads has been announced Dealer Finds San Francisco for ,t number of nents of built -in systems. ht' the Nortonics Company years. Completely' covering the sound of Minneapolis. The heads Los Angelus' Hi Fi Show is reproduction field, with the city's are meant Art Can Sell for use on either scheduled for April under the biggest record department and a two -track -track units or four sponsorship of the Institute of custom installation department there are and three basic High Fidelity Manufacturers. which has frequently sold jobs Audio & Wax mounting styles which allow It will he conducted exclu- up into the 54,(100 bracket Metz DENVER "Giving the cis- for installation in all - types sively for the showing of hi -ti is not only willing to accept trade - loftier a special reason to visit the tape recorders. of Prices and will not be ins, but likewise. ties up what store" is a theory which sells a lot further equipment and specifications a r e any other Ws- would otherwise be "loose ends" of extra records. phonographs. tape asaittble combined with front John Worrell, /lib it. by merchandising then( energetic- recorders, and stereo equipment, at salts mummer at the firm's ally. Ben Bezoffs Record Rack, here. headquarters. Trade -1ns Trade Up At least once per month, the The `Bargain Rack" and its com- Record Rack stages a complete art showing, 4 Home Recording Tapes AUDIO plete assemblage of trade -ins is usually honoring a well - responsible for at least a dozen cus- known local artist, or an up and Home recording bugs now have a choice of four new tomers per day. and frequently coming artist whom Ben Bezoff, magnetic sound tapes added to the RCA Vibrant line. All NEWS BRIEFS Wee that number, the Arizona owner, feels will make a stark in four of the new tapes are Mylar -based and include: Type dealer indicated. Not infrequently, the art world. 707Cí. Fstra -Play, 900 feet on five -inch reel: 708CI, Extra - Used for the exhibits, which may Motorola Controller Alec Arnold the scone customer. sincerely in- Play, 1.800 feet on a seven -inch reel; 709Cí. Double -Play. terested in high stereo. display anywhere front 20 to 100 has been a vice- presi- fidelity or feet on a five -inch reel; and 71(x-1. Double -Play. 2.400 elected to paintings, is a huge rear room, be- dency of that corporation. His Ju- will make five or six stops at the tort on a seven -inch reel. The suggested list prices for the tapes in a single hind the record shop, stereo and lies within the firm's framework Audio Specialists' store run as follows: 70701, 52.85: 70SC'I. 54.95: 709C I, $4.50; month. Eventually, he may be high fidelity showrooms, which is 711K will remain the same.... The Ze- I, $7.95. sold on buying a new item instead of almost museum -like proportions, nith Corporation has acquired a of waiting for a used one to be Here. a banquet table, with the 28 -acre site on Chicago's West usual snowy white tablecloth. 2 Sets Get Sound Conditioning Side the Road traded in. This has happened from Milwaukee serves tea. cookies, and pastries, (RR). First construction on the time and time again. Metz indi- Iwu units of the -Bell line are being outfitted with cated, particularly where the cus- while guests, invited by mail or Packard new plot will he a structure to he retorb -1)pe sound conditioning. The two sets arc combination tomer is hoping for some less -com- telephone calls. circulate thru the used for warehousing, shipping, of- art exhibit. Axl4:7j radio and stereo four -speed phono consoles. The two fice space and manufacturing. mon component. One customer, for units wlech arc being fitted with lhfteverba -Sound equipment example. wanted to incorporate This program was originally de- Bryce S. Durant has been named are the Model RPC -SR console which has AM -FM radio, a tape recorder into his honte high - veloped by Milton Shrednick, long to the post manager of product stereo phono and crones in Scanditi modern walnut and Colonial of fidelity system, but balked at the a top musical figure in Denver. planning and developing for RCA maple knishes, and the RPC -9R which has many of the same over $300 price for Iwo -track or and carried on by Bezoff, likewise Sales Corporation. He replaces C'. features. Suggested list price of the first unit i; y4 ?9.95, the four -track stereo model. He kept a musical leader, following Mr. Richard Johnson, who left the com- recoud, 5535. waiting for several months, com- Shrednick's sudden death front a Lloyd V. Berkner is the pany'.... ing al least 25 times during that heart attack. new president of the institute of space. When Metz found what his Far anal rutty the greatest virtue Engineers. Berkner is pres- Dual -Band Portable Radio Radio interests were, he began demon- of the art exhibit is the fact that ident of Associated Universities... strating a Iusi-cr- priced German im- "the same people who enjoy fine "1 he (widen Shield line of radios by StIwanta has added Olympic Radio and TV has ap- port tape recorder, a stereo model art are likely to enjoy fine music." a new transistor set called the Windjammer. The set has AM Supply of pointed Home Makers of more than usual quality, at ev- according to Bezoff. Moreover, and marine hand reception, uses eight transistors and is equipped distribute new Portlatiil. Ore.. to its ery opportunity. Following six or since the art exhibits are run on a with u telescoping antenna. Set comes in ebony and gray home line in the entertainment seven such demonstrations, the cus- thoroly serious plane, they attract plastic case and measure 61Á1 inches by 3ti by Isá inches. Oregon territory. tomer capitulated, paid the price discriminating better -income pa- The price is 564.95 with carrying case. There is a one -year for a new one, and was able to trons. who can and still pay cash guarantee on parts and labor. an at as music. the Hi- Fidelity Room's finish up his home set with a mini- -fur expensive stereo console selling system goes into effect. The mum amount of trouble. a whin(. prospect is seated on a comfort. At one time or another, the Naturally. as part of the art c.c- DEPARTMENTALIZATION hle lounge, at the opposite side "Bargain Rick" has sold merchan- hibit. Bezol( demonstrates the fin- of the room, where a low coffee dise from every department in the est in stereo phonographs, tape re- table provides cigarettes, mints, big Audio Specialists' store. even corders, and music, inviting his PAYS OFF FOR DEALER matches.. for more comfort. Then large quantities of slow -moving customers to relax in a small ante- the salesman simply steps over to records. Metz doesn't hesitate to room off to the right where com- ST. a new he is ushered into IOUIS - "You've got to into honte. the tattle display of tape recorders, slash prices od trade -ins to effect fortable armchairs, and four or five on the h: dramatic to give the customer the "components room" which include five leading domes- the sort of lurnoser he wants. Nor- top stereo models are being shown. where rite tun react of tape recorder north side of the building. tic varieties, plus several imports. mally, the store shoots for about This has resulted in an amazing nu:sie." t the is hat's merchandising nothing else shown. and puts each recorder thru its a 220 per number of on -the -spot sales of u.Hehttord cent mark -up on its trade - which is used by the This form of thinking has worked paws, using the entire variety of ins but failing in that, will mark stereo phonographs priced up to if. 1 deft. Room, record, stereo out particularly well with tape re- speakers. The differences in each them down to 15 per cent, or even $500 and more. h gt1.I,1elity dealership here. corders which are shown exclu- type of speaker. each tape re- to per cent, to get the item moving. Bezoff invites around 2.000 peo- to to the art exhibit, all hand - 1. M Marshall, ex -naval officer sively in a large. separate room corder, are all brought out. as the ple Unique Appeal who, of course. %Ito has built the Hi- Fidelity Room the right rear of the main show- demonstration progresses. with the picked Irdrons, The "Bargain Rack" has a. largest specialty room. Here a dozen varieties of emphasis carefully kept off of price. hate plenty of time during the inito one of the unique special appeal, in Iliac Metz city, tupe recorder, are shown in two and concentrated. Instead, on qual- week -long exhibit to attend. Us- Rouges in the Missouri offers frequently offers commercial -level e,erpthing which banks along a handsomely draped ity of sound reproduction. ually. however, the hulk of the bit customer, equipment which can be used display table. Do the rear wall. Its a highly enjoyable process traffic is on weekends, including they can ask for in the way of by restaurants, theaters, cocktail with heavy drapes behind. is a which has the advantage of selling Sundays, when large groups keep music reproduction. Included is a lounges, hotels for background huge paragon speaker. one of the up the average recorder prospect the store and its attached "art gal- 10.0tlfl.rccord department, It Com- music. Having installed every piolet department largest and most expensive stereo to buying a better -priced, better - type lery" Moroi), busy. for of background tipis recorder music, began. phi 1,,gr.1,li.. i.ipe orders, coin speaker' ever shown in St. Louis. quality tape recorder, as well as When the program - all the scat' front a single- speaker, it was nec- I,,..,_cnt., aril :1:stotil in,t. ill :uion. and a combination of smaller better stereo speakers. than if he around three years ago, them op. single -recorder let up to a 24.hour essary to solicit artists to display ssh. t the prospect's in- speaker esampten. all of simply looks at an inanimate row the (crests may he, he gets the oppor- crating from any of the tape re- of recorders on display. The fact their handiwork. Because of and tunity to study the line which the corders on the display table. that all of them are hooked up. independently to ewers' type of cus- quick success of the program. it sold many times Hi-Fidelity Room has to offer Drawers provide pre -recorded tape ready to go at any time is a highly tomer, as an extra hit of sound the fact that paintings which had without the distractions inherent in Oven music classification, to important feature, as is the "sell- reproduction equipment V. Inch the number of artists clamor for n ' when sescral types of equipment girt the prospect "what he wants ing the end -product first in the brings a different type of ,pleasure. been expected. Rack showing ". and the are shown in the same area. Thus, to hear." form of fine music" For ekample, a tape deck is an -Record gallery is booked solid for many i' the prospect is interested entirely When the tape recorder pros- The St. Louis dealership be- ideal addition for the customer )4) months to come. custom stereo job pect's chief interest is established lieves in selling a tape recorder (C'i,ntinrred on two THI BILLBOARD 14 AUDIO PRODUCTS _. DECEMBER I, 1960 Pa. Retailers Philco to Import wn !rnr!: ¡:age Foreign Disk Markets

elation has set up an associate British -Made Line membership to make it more imit- Show Promising Future ing for retailers to join. While the Continued from roce I PHILADELPHIA - Thru an stable In that they Incorporate dif- associate members will not have with the J. M. Otter ferent features. great place they agreement voting privilege, they will enjoy all for what call tra- different, with LP's playing a Philco Corporation's will be muck Company. the The new sets retailed the other rights of the new mem- ditional jazz. larger role than singles. The International Division has started selected outlets that at. thru "class" bers, including attendance at meet- "In France, we have the only rival of TV In Holland just thla a of its own -made - importing line are located in areas where foreign ings and affairs, and receiving all market in Europe that's currently year, however, has made the mar- and radio - radios, phonographs, speaking populations are concen- the material that is sent to active in a depressed state. They still sell ket more pop conscious. phono combinations stade in Eng- trated. A spokesman for Otter in members. Membership for the as- 10 -inch LP's, a lot of EP's and "Scandinavia is an important mars land. The line is to be test- marketed New York noted that dealers who ociates has been placed at SI a almost no singles. Pathe Marconi ket for American jazz, but other- in the New York, New Jersey and do not now handle Philco domestic year, in comparison to $10 dues has a big share of the market and wise the four countries there have Philadelphia areas, where the Ot- instruments are not necessarily for active membership. Moreover, they should do even better with varying characteristics. Sweden, ter firm is Philco's regular distribu ruled out as retailers of the new record retailers in nearby New the new record club they have for instance, Is much like Franca tor. English line. Jersey communities are also being just started. The French are great in that there are few singles sales The British -made Philco line Ten pieces of equipment are in- invited to join the association. for extreme modern jazz and basic but lot of EP's sold. An American ranges from a small table radio cluded in the new line, seven of A membership brochure, outlin- blues. In fact, they want any type artist can hit there but you have thru a console radio -phono com- which are radios. Lowest priced ing the accomplishments. objec- of Negro -based music. They like to work hard to do it. Norway, on bination. The new imported units unit is the Essex, a two -band table tives and program of the associa- the spiritual and ethnic music and the other hand, is very American - complement the regular Philco model with five -inch speaker, that tion. has been prepared by Mark they go in a much smaller way for minded and a good singles market, sells for $39.50 retail. Other table Rubinstein, vice- president of the white music. and unlike Sweden, Radio Luxem- the sets range in price front association, and Nat Fisher, a "As far as I've been able to bourg reaches Norway. Denmark Thames at $89.50 to the Knights- member of the board. determine." Marshall asserted, has some of the traits of Germany bridge, with two speakers that goes and some of Norway and Sweden. BEST SELLING! Jaffe also disclosed plans to re- "Italy, which just a few years ago for a list price of $19.50. "At the end of the world, suggested vive the association's annual ban- was strictly for Italian records, is other Besides sets, there is the Japan has become a most impor- these quets. It has been over five years today very U. S.- oriented. Their LOWEST PRICES a -transistor por- tant market disk Transporta, seven since the last banquet was held sales have tripled in the last four for American ma- with bands, six terial. So have and New table three -and- and he said plans are being pre- years. They like some jazz and Australia one for $89.50. Zealand, where the markets are HIGHEST QUALITY -half -inch speaker pared to hold a gala affair early they are very fond of the operatic consoles and one more like American than even Two radio in 1961. In earlier years, the an- kind of classical music. They also stereo consolette round out the new brought are great fans of U. S. pop mate- Canada. nuals of the record dealers "An example of the increasing BIGGER PROFITS line. The Westminster and the industry for a festive rial and at the same time have out the entire world market is the fact that rec- Guildhall both have AM -FM ra- evening, including an array of re- become quite a source of U. S. hi: ords are becoming more in demand dio, Garrard four -speed changers cording talent. As before, the an- songs. and two eight -inch speakers. The even in areas like West Africa. nual will include a full -course din- Germany there is another a consolette that "In Over there they go for a kind of Westminster is ner, combined with a show and a situation. The sells for while the Guild- monopoly market music known as 'high life' which $249.50. dance. disk club there has a that sells for Bertelsman is something akin to calypso. That's hall is full console successful and $459.50. In addition to these two been tremendously just one part of the globe that's now even Deutsche Grammophon now opening up for records. Be- machines the Savoy is a stereo Forces with Armed has its records available thru this lieve me, there are whole new phono consolette removable members. side four -speed Garrard Cr,r::irr:r.,i ii,.ni prrÇ. club. It has 400.000 worlds to be conquered by enter- speaker, Victor according to our men." changer that sells for $199.50. RCA has, prising American record L- sales are up for the three services, sources, also started a club with not only domestically, but in the Teldec. it's a better market for GENUINE Bows world -wide market. American publishers than record Miller to Deb New ABC -Para In the singles field, Talmadge Wren, because of the fact that DIAMOND Continued i,. ,, r t says the study shows sales have American lyrics are usually trans- Sapphire Needles been steadily diminishing, with PX lated there and put to the original Ill. entity (a la AM -Par's best- selling LIBERTYVILLE, - The buyers showing greater selectivity melody. Instrumental American Com- NEEDLES Command and Grand Award la- M. A. Miller Manufacturing their orders only when hits, however, can do very well associated in a -placing pany, thru its wholly owned sub - TRANSCRIBER CO., INC. bels), rather than singles begin to move on the best- there. Inc., will jazz fan's mind with ABC -Para- sid, Mimeo Precision, WRITE DEPT. c, ATTLEBORO, MASS., selling charts. Orders are placed of synthetic mount's pop artist roster -Paul "Belgians is a country where the produce a new line FOR ORDERING INFORMATION in conservative quantities, and con- juke box reigns supreme. There's sapphire needles. The new line Anka. etc. are fre- sequently, re- orders more great competition there to get a will be produced from Miller's Ray Charles - who has four quent than a year ago. boxes first. plant facilities here, which have sides on the "Hot 100' this week record on the juke In line with this, Talmadge notes They take every American hit rec- been expanded. to for ABC - -will continue record that orders are placed on practic- it fast, partly at The new sapphires will be made pop artist, but will ord and get on Paramount as a ally all new album releases, but most of the Belgians from a process covered by patents record jazz jackages for Impulse, least because in carefully maintained allocations, are familiar with English. In Hol- belonging to Union Carbide's Linde !ITU both as a vocalist and instru- thus enabling service stores to it's considerably Company. land, however, is mentalist. His first Impulse LP maintain a complete but tight in- tagged "Genius Plus Soul Equals ventory. Armed Forces' orders on Jazz.' new releases are received concur- The rest of the Impulse release rently with those placed by local CLASSICAL LP'S TAKE includes "The Great Kai and J. J.," distributors, says Talmadge, and "The Incredible Kai Winding Trom- each of the three branches are anx- BIG JUMP IN $ VOL. bones," and "Out of the Cool" by ious for labels to give them infor- the Gil Evans ark. Evans, who mation on new LP releases as soon C,v:r;r::,,,t , : rr,, arranged most of Miles Davis' as possible. Jazz has gained con- was, would you and 1.7 per cent carried front 80 asked (a) "How with 2.7 recent albums, is making his de- siderably in popularity among MY- classify your stock of long-play to 100 per cent classical, but as a solo performer on this LP. icemen, and sound track packages (b) Please Indi- per cent not replying. It is no- classical albums? speaking, With the exception of Johnson, are also popular. cate the percentage of your classi- ticeable that, generally who is on loan from Columbia, the survey find- to your total LP the variety stores and book stores, On the basis of cal LP inventory than FOR all of the above mentioned artists up a special in- Of the music- record etc., carried less classical disks ings, UA has set inventory." except for are under exclusive contract to its new Ultra Audio responding. 33 per cent indi- the music -record shops, troduction of stores in Impulse. album series via special cated that their classical inventory non -music shops specializing Sound exclusively. Impulse will be handled by Am- stereo and monaural pressings of in relation to their total LP inven- classical disks almost DEILERS Par's regular distributors, but sep- the first five LP's for distribution tory amounted to 10 per cent or In studying the locations of the arate promotional and advertising to the Armed Forces buyers. less; 26.2 per cent indicated that stores responding to The Billboard programs will be conducted na- their classical stock amounted to classical survey. it shows that al- How to them? Every get tionally and locally on the label. 10 to 20 per cent; 15.3 per cent of most half (49.5 per cent) of the dealer wants to know. The line will kick off in January, Departmentalize stores said that their classical stock music- record stores with 10 to 50 to 30 per cent; of their stock in classical via an extensive consumer maga- C,::i.i ,::ti f,.'si purc 13 amounted to 20 per cent zine campaign with a page ad in 9.8 per cent said their stock of clas- disks are located in the large met- Mr. Dealer:. Have you 40 And more than Playboy, Esquire, Downbeat. and who is a custom-engi- sical totaled between 30 and ropolitan markets. buying all non - pulled a smart promo- other publications with large jazz system for the home. per cent. The rest of the answers half (59.1 per cent) of neered sound 10 to 50 per reader coverage. Where the customer wants to make were: 6.7 per cent carried 40 -50 music stores with tion, worked an original 3.3 per cent car- cent of their LP stock in classical A special drive will be aimed use of a portable tape recorder for per cent classical; classical; 2.7 are located in metropolitan merchandising Idea, at the lucrative college jazz mar- parties, for dictation, and similar ried 50 -60 per cent records per cent carried 60 -70 per cent; markets. Of music stores who carry tie -in pay ket, with campus representatives purposes, it can he arranged to records made a clever sound system 1.3 per cent carried 70-80 per cent, 50 to 100 per cent of their appointed to work with distribu- hook him to the home to 52.5 per cent off? Why not share your simply with the use of jacks and and 1.3 per cent carried from 80 in classical stock, tors in each territory. 0.4 not markets. patch cords. A stereo phonograph 100 per cent classical, with are in large metropolitan your a long -held indus- brainstorm with owner can be sold on the con- replying. This bears out The same questions were asked try assumption that most classical fellow -dealers across the D. J. Promotions venience of collecting his entire in large on a single roll of other outlets in the department sates are concentrated music inventory store country through the col- of tape, to simplify listening with- store, variety store, appliance cities. book store category primarily, Classical sales via dealers this umns of the Great Western Exposition and out constantly changing records. and record a of records. A to be the highest instead of "There is always at least one as- carrying full line year are expected Livestock show, but cent of these stores of the disk business. dealer's trade paper, horses their carts were pulled by pect of the tape recorder useful - total of 39.9 per in the history carried up to 10 per cent classical The tremendous growth of origi- The Billboard. ostriches named Gina, Bridgette nes- which appeals to everyone," tracks. was pointed out. "No matter records in relation to total (lop in- nal -cast LP's, movie sound and Zsa Zsa. Spinner B. Mitchel it 10- albums, what the customer came in to buy, ventory; 22.3 per cent carried comedy disks and sound to Lee Reed had to use a broom to keep 17.4 per cent share of market Just send details he usually will be escorted in to 20 per cent classical; has made the total skittish Zsa Zsa in line. 6.7 per cent drop on s per- Zhlto, The Billboard, spend some time in the tape re- carried 20 -30 per cent; of classical LP's carried 30.40 per cent; 2.2 per cent centage basis, but on the basis of ads . . . corder room." With these methods, 1520 North Gower St., when answering carried 40 -50 per cent; 2.7 per units moved so far this year as the Hi- Fidelity Room sells one of per cent; 2.2 IN cent carried 50.60 against last. 1960 is a potent one Hollywood 28, Calif. SAY YOU SAW IT the Missouri city's biggest tape re- per cent carried 60-70 per cent; cent: for classical recordings. Well do the rest. THE BILLBOARD! corder volumes. 2.2 per cent carried 70-80 per DECEMBER S. 1960 THd BILLBOARD MUSIC 13

The sound and the spirit linger on!

New Opportunities In SIGHT and SOUND Sales- EXPAND YOUR MARKET.., INCREASE SALES... from with the ne mM V -M SLIDE PROJECTOR SVNCHRONIZERI New V -M Model 722 'Tape- o- matic'e' Stereo Record Tape Recorder. This unique 4-Track Tape Recorder lets you record and play -back Big new markets await you -now -with V -M's new Tope Recorder Remote tapes in full- dimensional stereo! Preserve the original sound and qual- Control Slide Projector Synchronizer! Your tape recorder and big -ticket pro ity of expensive stereo records by recording them stereophonically! jector sales will increase when you offer this easy -to -use V -M Synchronizer! V -M's "Add -A- Track" feature makes this top -selling stereo- recorder Now you can easily add inaudible slide- change cues to tape recorded com- perfect for business, industry, education ... or pure family entertain- mentary. On play -back, these cues actuate the projector. automatically ad- ment! The whole family is your customer when you sell this thrilling vancing slides at the times selected! Your customers will benefit with new instrument! Here is an exceptional tape recorder that will bring years uses for V -M Tape Recorders and you'll benefit with greater sales volume! of enjoyment to your customers ... and steady profits to pour Never Before Has A Tape Recorder Incorporated HERE'S YOUR BIG NEW SELLING AREA! Features... So Many Sales -Producing HOME ENTERTAINMENT- Oromotls vocations and fomily fan with racordod coo. 4 -TRACK STEREO RECORDING produces trice the program material on oM reel nentory and wren background music' to and Men we fewer reels to !lore! 'A00 -A- TRACK" CONTROL permito you SCHOOL AUDIO - VISUAL DEPARTMENTS-Make looming laic gad more Inte:elfingl record on one hock, rewind, record again on another hack able listening 10 the first trade, BUSINESS USES- Ernemety effective for every troln'mg ara and for soles prosentotions' On pbybeck you hear both hado .imuborxoodyl DUAL VOLUME CONTROL lets sae odes recording or ploybod to desired valor. le.e1 on either channel! DUAL CHURCH ANO SUNDAY SCHOOL USES -Ideal for Weal and other doetdool pro., MICROPHONES for recording in Raafea streol DUAL TUNING EYE assures you of totionsl retarding at Mhe proper voter level! NIGH- FIDELITY SPEAKER SYSTEM often ao- therak High-fidelity rprodocsion characteristics naf obtainobte from one spwker recordent V-M 51,de Projector Synchreniser- PRECISION TAPE INDEX TIMER locob. any rcardd pouoge on the magnetic fop Model 1412 549.95 List .1.1.4 and Illy! INPUT RECEPTACLES allow recording from radio, TV eI or any obonegropht OUTPUT RECEPTACLES permit you Io plug ín any oo'Iliaryoeplülea spo1S.e such as matching V -M Medal 1.1 for o complete portable ./ergo system} HERE IS YOUR CHANCE FOR NEW SALES AND PROFITS/ PUSH- BUTTON CONTROLS for simpliáty of opaosoel UNIGUE V -M STYLING In T..v Toe Brown. call your V -M dhs?rib r- TODAY I

A Professionol - Performer To Top Your Selling Line? V-M, ropeo-matic t' 4 -Trod Stereo Tape Peewdor -Model 722 $239.95 Uu theo ice of Music" VM/'Iopt -o -mock* 4-Trock Stereo Pio Tope Receder -Model 750 $223.00 tisi. seakry tcgar ww 5.I4 COcOBATION BENTON 110,íB0, b'CsH AN THE BILLBOARD 16 MUSIC FEATURES DECEMBER 5, 1960 ARTISTS' BIOGRAPHIES FOR JOCKEY PROGRAMMING VOX 10X Bert Kaempfert Has Top MUSIC AS WRITTEN By JUNE BUNDY Disk on 'Wonderland' Bert noted composer, Lazare's "Milkman's Mati- Kaempfert, New York "MILKMAN'S" BIRTHDAY: Jack conductor and arranger was born New its 25th anniversary Friday nee," WNEW, York. celebrated in Hamburg, Germany. Paul AnIta program a (lock of big -name record- recently completed 20 new songs, many of vatic), (2) with a special featuring An outstanding instrumentalist. are already set for with various and the best disks and tuoes of the past 25 years, recordings labels. Anka himself ing artists he plays the clarinet, saxophone, will open at Miami's Eden Roc December including all the Academy Award- winning songs. The program, 17 for a nine -day piano and accordion with equal stand.... Brook Benton will appear on the midnight seven days a week, is Perry Como Show De- which runs from to 5:30 a.m., skill. Kaempfert made his debut cember 14.... Vet music man Aubrey described by WNE \V as "the first and longest running all -night L. Mayhew has signed the with Hans Buch's orchestra on the Kane Sisters to a record production radio show." deal.... Gabe Dean, young radie in Danzig. Then came the vocalist front Marksville, La., has signed a record contract with Stan Shaw was the first "milkman," when Bernice the war. Goldband label of Lake Charles, La.... Conway Twiny has Judis -then WNEW's general manager, launched the all - the scar Kaempfert started the leg his After formed first of cross- country night club tour. . night format in 1935. Shaw left the scene in 1942. Art his own hand and made many per- George Rock, who had a big hit with "All I Want for Christmas Ford, now with WNBC, New York. took the show In 1950 he Is hey sonal appearances. set- Two Front Teeth," a few years back, has waxed a new over near the end of the war, and Lazare moved into the tled in Hamburg where he records Christmas novelty, "I Should Have Left the Light nn for Santa spot in 1955. General Manager Jack Sullivan estimates for the Polydor label. Ci )its Last Night." for the Dyna label.... Actor David Wayne billed its "Matinee" has an estimated $2,500,000 during Kaempfert likes fishing and go- will cut the title song from his new Broadway comedy "Send Me 25 -year run, with its current annual billings running to ing for long walks with his spaniel, No Flowers" by George Weiss and Will Lorin. $ 150,000. Axel. Milt label According to WNE \V, the "Matinee's" ratings are a full 20 His haunting version of "Won- Lance, Sims promotion, k on the road push- ing the label's per cent above its nearest competitor. Current pop music generally derland by Night," released in the waxing of "Freeway" by the Fugitives.... Edition Coda in the first hour and a half of the show, with original U. S. on the Decca label, is riding Zurich, the Cedric Dumont firm, is now dominates handling show music, blues, jazz the "plush" sound and the "world of high on the "Hot 100." the publishing in Switzerland of well -known Amer- the next four hours. ican standards, including `Stardust,' "St. Louis Blues," music" added in greater measure during "Ain't in "Music to the Baby With" for weary fllisbeliavia'," "Royal Garden Blues," "Yes Sir, That's Lazare drops Walk Innocents Score Again My and on Saturday night he features a lengthy Baby," "Basin' Street Blues," "Tiger Rag," and many parents on request, others. segment tagged "Music for Romance." Via 'Gee Whiz' on Indio Dumont just returned from n quick trip to Munich to bell member of jury judging wrote hands and did some the Innocents consist of three the an amateur song contest Lazare arranged and for sponsored by the Bavarian, Austrian and Swiss radio free -lance radio and TV acting before he joined WNEW in voting men from Sun Valley, Calif. net- works Flack Jay Weston flew to the coast last week for 1952. Between 1947 1952 he held staff jobs at WNYC, lint West, lead singer, Wa4 born and conferences with Paul Anka.... Meredith Seaton and his WQ IVOR and WINS New York outlets -and at January 7, 1941. in Las Cruces, \R, -all choir base nosed the tune "Sidewalk Santa," composed by the same time was Southeast Asia Section Director of the N. M.: At Candalcria, bass, was Bill Simon and published by Carl Fischer. Tune is being programs in 15 languages. born March 7, 1941, in Trinidad. Voice of America, supervising used by the Volunteers of America to help spur Christmas Tine music Colo., and Barron, tenor and gui- Among his birthday guests were Billboard's rift, for the The Maynard Eddy Arnold, Andy tar player, was born July 5, 1942, needy.... Ferguson ork ,sill he editor, Paul Ackerman; ..Mitch Miller, at New York's Birdland until December 8. Williams, Tony Bennett, Perry Como, Kay Starr, and many in Hollywood. others. Ackerman predicted that the "best song of 1960" The group first got together Kaye Ballard is the featured performer at the Ad Women of would be Percy Faith's "Theme From 'A Summer Place'." about two years ago at a party New York's annual luncheon on Tuesday, December 6, at the Hotel where they informally began to PROGRAMMING TIPS: WBIG. Philadelphia, re- Astor here. All receipts are being turned over to the New York Station vocalize. After singing a few songs University Medical Bobby Lord has joined WSM's members home town disk stars via a "Music Hall of Fame" show, Center.... they formed their trio. "Grand Pitney is on the road plugging his which features disk artists who were born in Philly -Four Aces, Ole Opry.'... Gene One day last June, the boys cut recording of "I Wanna Love My Life Away" on Jack Bobby Rydell, FraBkie Avalon, Eddie Fisher, Bill Haley. Kitty Musicor.... a demo for Indigo Records, who Douglas opens at the Tidelands Club in Houston January Kallen, Mario Lanza, , Gogi Grant, Ted Weems, Fa- 30.... liked the results well enough to Diahann Carroll's first Atlantic album will be released this week. bian, An abbreviated radio version of Larry Vernon 'a etc.... sign them to a contract. Cleffer Alice Simms has three of her calypso specialties in a "Mister Livingston" disk, which runs two minutes. 57 seconds, sa The innocents' initial release for new Eloise Lewis LP on Decca.... Kai Winding and his group compared to the original platter's three minutes, 57 seconds, will the label, "Honest I Do," was a open at the London House in Chicago December 13 Andy be made available to deejays. chart climber and their follow -up, Williams' new Cadence waning of "You Don't Want My Love," has Declass at WIL, St. Louis, featured a repeal broadcast "Gee Whiz," is currently climbing been subtitled "In the Summertime."... Gloria Lyrae opens at the of "Pick of the Pops Spectacular" last week -a 120 -hour the "Hot 100." Roundtable in New York on December S Ross Ricardo of show featuring only top hit songs of 1955 thru 1960. 'the Bridgeport, Conn., is now handling the New Haven, Conn., vocal show ran from Tuesday (29) thru Saturday (3). Participat- YESTERYEAR'S TOPS - group, the Braes.... Fabian joins Tommy Sands in the new flick, ing jocks included Dan Ingram, Dick Clayton, Dick Kent, "Love in a Goldfish Bowl." Ron Robin and Bob Osborne.... Bill Watson, rha nation's top tunas on records Lundy, Scott as raponad in rho eillbonrd president of Records, has is a four -boor "Saturday Goddard I.ieberson, Columbia KOA, Sacramento, now emseeing Yale col- Spectacular," million sellers and "Pick Hits." DECEMBER 10, 1955 been named Honorary Curator of the University featuring of the American musical theater. Watson uses "survey songs" on his weekly shows only, I. Sixteen Tons lection of the literature 2. Autumn Leaves Tony Sacca, once vocalist with the Red Nichols and THIS AND THAT: W. Ross Adkins, national program direc- Many- Splendored the Enrie Madriguera orks, has cut a Christmas disking for writes: hollers 'Where's the 3. Love Is a tor for the Walton Stations, "Everyone Thing the Weber label of Hollywood. Tune Is "ihe Jolly. Fat records. We need disks.' But just to switch the tables, we would 4. Moments to Remember Man." Sacca, in addition to being a vocalist, Is also the like to make public our many thanks for the fine co- operation 5. Shifting, Whispering Sands writer of "The Breeze." ... Sammy Cahn has been named record companies and distributors and the like have shown us by Lose 6. Only You to write the lyrics to the title song of the flick "By supplying all latest available cuts to our stations." Walton stations 7. He Possessed." which will have music by Elmer Bernstein.... include WNOO, Chattanooga; KJET, Beaumont. Tex., and KOPY, Gala Records of Vidalia, Ca., is com- 8. 1 Hear You Knockin' Bohhv Sandlin of Alice, Tex.. . The Greater Portland Disk Jockey Association thru Flor- 9. Suddenly There's a Valley pleting a three -week personal appearance trek recently held a record hop to raise funds to help defray medi- 10. love and Marriage ida. The Gala label has just signed a flock of new talent. cal expenses for dcejay Frank Fixaris, WJAB, Westbrook, Me., Including Ted Kirby, the Starfires, Billy Adkinson and The hop was attended DECEMBER 9, 1950 who was badly burned recently in a fire. Lights Ernest and Edward Howell. Bob Rolont, by more than 1,400 teen -agers who donated more than $600. 1. Harbor 2. Nevertheless Chairman of the fund -raising hop was Larry Weslcott, WPOR, Chicago Portland. Me. 3. All My Love 4. The Thing Hawthorne, presy of the hooking mix -up of the season occurred at the Cloister CHANGE OF THEME: Jim 5. Bushel and a Peck Biggest Hollywood, The Modern Jam Quartet was scheduled to open Disk Jockey Association, joins KFWB, January 6. Tennessee Waltz last week. 2, as program director Sunbird's new recording artist. N'ednesday hen had to cancel when John Lewis of the group came 7. Thinking of You Hendricks and Ross, who were Sandyl Cordell, was a deejay on Station JOAK in Japan at Irene down with pneumonia. Lambert, 8. Goodnight, for a few days. but had to one time. She also had her own singing show on Armed Sky then playing the boite, were held over 9. Orange -Colored Baltimore appearance. Omette Coleman Forces Radio.... Ken Stewart, ex -KTNT, Tacoma, Wash., Rudolph the Red -Nosed Rein- leave by Saturday for a 10. to fill the breach, but before Coleman jock, has joined KTNT -T V, same city, as an announcer -film deer and his quartet were lined tip editor. could start, he disbanded his group. Thc Philly Joe Jones Quintet New program manager of \VBZ, Boston. is Al Heacock, for- on tape for the Saturday (3) opening. Clarence (Big) Miller, the. merly national program director of the Bartell chain. He replaces Two KDKA -TV stomping blues singer, shared the bill. that post.... Recent deejay Melvin M. Bailey, who has resigned to Mike Kerr, manager of radio and marriages include Stan Richards, WiNS, New York, to Roxanne Bow Condolences Staffers television relations for Mercury In Hollywood, on the recent Delman, December 4, and Dick Clayton, WIL, St. Louis, to Horace Silver -KBMW, Wah- death of his father, Charles Kurzeja... Susan Ball, December 3. . . . Earl Richards, ex Disk Firm in what Own opens at the Birdhouse December 7. He's the first peton. N. D., has taken over the morning spot- 6-8 -at KDLiII, PITTSBURGH Peter Thorn- body" policy of the soft drink, Detroit Lakes, - is now a "two-weeks-for-every Mich. ton, publicity director of KDKA- vending machine and progressive jazz nightery. Art Sheri- Reed Farrell, veteran deejay formerly with Wit., St. TV, and Ed Beachler, also of the dan, Birdhouse maestro, has turned to the new policy Louis, and more recently head of his own advertising Channel 2 staff, have formed because of the big shortage in the Windy City of top jazz agency, has joined WAMM, Flint, Mich as program direc- an independent record company. During the Christmas holidays, December 21- album, talent. of tor. Farrell was hired to revamp WAMM's programming Thorn -Beach. Their first January 1, Birdhouse will feature the 18 -piece batid - Victor completely- switching from a "good music" policy to a top now being pressed by RCA Quincy Jones. selling disk formal. Johnny Dark, formerly with WBBM, in Chicago, "The Impossible Pirates ... jazz bistro owner, guested slob Chicago, is taking over Joe O'Brien's 4 -7 p.m. time slot at -Sixty incredible Years of Base - Lou Futterman, Counterpoint December 5 Wednesday. Subject-jazzSubject -jazz (what else'.'). . . . WMCA, New York; while O'Brien moves to a 6 -10 a.m. bal:," will be released Sig Sakotsicr last on the Hudson, vee- holiday trade. Draper came into Chicago (4) to appear time period, Monday thin Saturday. Harvey in time for the Rusty Milwaukee December Richmond, Va., entseed LP delves back into the Eddie Arnold television show. He leaves for pee- general manager of WLEE, The to Florida .Brook Benton the "Junior Miss" pageant November 25 at Roanoke, Va. days of Honus Wagner, and fea- II for a Pepsi -Cola teen -party then on at Show Club, December 2-1 I, Neb.. will send us her by Rosey Rows - canceled his opening here Roberts ... if Joy K. Nixon, of Dakota City, tures anecdotes show. Rehearsal starts we will an item about his deejay late Buc announcer in a for a December 14 date on the Perry Como son's name, be happy to run well, the Eden Roc, December 17. activities at KMNS, Sioux City, la.... Alma John and with Bing Crosby. the 5th.... June Valli opens at Miami's skit starring with Paul Anka. "Doc" Wheeler, WWRL, New York, emseed a benefit for Also featured are Joe E. Brown, She'll play for a week, co- Friday manager, the Negro Actors' Guild at the (2). father of Pirate general Sales Corporation, Detroit, has resamped an interview with Allied Music Jerry Wilder has joined KMAC, San Antonio.... New staffer Joe L. Brown, in since starting back In the record distributing Kiner, owner Frank Its sales staff The firm at KQUE -FM, Houston, is Bill Bennett, former program director Ralph former with the Warner Bros, line last spring. McKinney and former general man - business One linea, of KHUL -FM, Houston.... New general manager of all broad- also handles the Washington and Music Minus casting properties of the A. H. Belo Corporation (WFAA and ager Branch Rickey; Commissioner goods business. Joe Borison has nosy "the plus a substantial white manager of \VF.AA -TV Ford Frick; Bob Prince, a post formerly handled by WFAA -TV, Dallas) is Mike Shapiro, Danny taken oser as sales manager, since 1958. George Utley, manager of \VFAA since 195B, will voice of the Pirates" and (Courinued err page 18) continue in that post. Murtaugh, current manager. MUSIC 1? S[CiMiER S. 1960 THI BILLBOARD

a GOTTA GO" new ('Cause I Love You) feather in B/W LOP -SIDED OVER -LOADED our (and it wiggled when we rode it) Kapp K -363 recorded by (BIKINI BOY) BRIA N HYLAND exclusively on KAPP RECORDS THE BILLBOARD IS MUSIC FEATURES DECEMBER 5 1960

A weekly column MUSIC AS WRITTEN of lively chatter material on the r hottest and most Popular recording artists -those Barney Ales, who has left the firm. Niel Bernhardt has "Spotlighted" by joined the sales force and Rick Llpin to the new promotion man, , , Billboard's review Bill Becker, WMAQ station manager here, was stall. as well as named general manager of KNBC, San Francisco.. , . Don those featured by NOv, NBC librarian, married Joanne Campbell, ABC staff IIOUISE the record secretary -a real merger If we ever saw one. In companies Nick Biro FROM THE BILLBOARD S I ES DEPARTMENT their major Billboard ad promotions. Pittsburgh PAUL ANKA'e Christmas greeting to DON GIBSON, Out of Acuff -Rose The sale of Mort Said albums was practically negligible in the is expressed On u new Publishing In Nashville and on the hie many fans Pittsburgh -Tri -State area before Sahl made a personal appearance album, 1t's Christmas RCA label comes two more fine new ABC -Paramount here last month. Since then. Sahl LP's have soared into the a collection of great recordings by Don Gibson, Sweet Top Everywhere, Twenty in sales in this area. Bob standards and pop selections of the Dreams, fine ballad with good Newbart will make his Pittsburgh «osons. Out of the album, released arrangement, b -w The Same Street. debut in February.... Cathy Carr, fulfilling a date at Club 176, as a cingle, Is Rudolph The ReJ -Nosed winning weeper. r...... 11 Warren, Pa., spent a day in Pittsburgh plugging her latest Roulette Every - Reindeer b-w It's Christmas single, "Golden Locket." ... Steve Gaynor, who waxed.p few plat- where -a Billboard Spotlight Winner. Te help you spot Iho ones you and night club ters for M.G.M. took over the New Arena nightclub for a series of A recording, television BERT KAEMPFF.RT. German com- need, when you need them, all suceuse. Paul embarked on a new "Over 28" adult dances, opening the club time poser, arranger and producer, le the 'dish Items are tattled In strict for the first since phase his -concert perform. of career artist behind .one of the Industry's it folded a few months ago. onces -with his one -man concert at alphabetical sequence. fastest rising singles hits, wonderland Hunter College Concert Hall in N.Y.C. By Night, much to the delight of Nick Lomakin, who operates shops week. The annual award of "Out- i11N111NKMNKN1111 several record last Decca Records, The tune shows up on standing Singers Of The Year" pre- downtown, and his combo were the opening attraction at Billboard's Hot ISO this week as a fast- sented by the Association of Record the Open Hearth, a new club in suburban Altho climber. Tapes of a forthcoming Kaem- product of Etna.... Deakn of New York and New Jersey- Ncw Jersey, Johnny is pfert album. carrying the same title N.Y.C. the movie " Spartacus" doesn't open at the Nixon 'Theater went to Paul Anka and Connie Fran- tit. Bronn, se the single. were Rown to Decca until December as a cis. The holiday entertainment aeasmt 22, roadshow, the Alex North sound recently immediately after the record- at Miami Beath will he sparked by track on Decca Is rising fast in sales.... Pittsburgh's Cee ing session in Europe. Release is at the Eden Roc Hotel his engagement expected shortly. : According to The Cee Joy. recently patted by Columbia, was called to New 17 thru 25. beginning Dot. Billboard, Dinah Shore's new record, I York for a recording date with maestro Frank DeVot, Ain't Down Yet, "is the best record Miss Shore has made in years." It's a The BOB LUMAN, wooing on th,.Watner the cancellation of the Nat King Cole musical, "I'm With HANK BALLARD A THE MID. bright march effort from mutual Bros. label, has a strong follow -up to Brown. Flip u You," scheduled for the Nixon the week of December 5. killed off NIGHTERS base captured the rockin' Ti,, Unsinkable Molly his Let's Think About Living with the I Love in new entry, The Hooch' Gotta You. an intensive promotion campaign planned by Nick Albarone, local spirit their release of his newest, why, Why, Bye, Coochi Co, a driving rendition of a Capitol branch manager..... Bob Vogel, Dot branch manager. re- Bye. a solid rhythm tune penned by danceable rhythm -novelly tune and a Me top songwriters out of Nashville, ports a brisk sale for Lawrence Welk's "Last Date" LP and Billy fast -climbing Star Performer on Bill- NINA SIMONE, who scored with n Mr. and Mrs. Bryant. Flip fa Oh. Vaughn's "Sundowners. "... In addition to their first LP due this board's Hot 100 this week. Detroit - Loves Your Porgy. is with us via Lonesome Me. a hit for Don Gibson has signed Faee and Hal born, this is a strong follow -up to his new album, and month, Lenny Martin Elroy Smith some time back. Both tunes rate a Nina At Newport. Let's Let's Go and Bill- Isis Robbee hits Let's Go. Go. board Spotlight. l.umon hails single out of the album, Trouble In of the Pittsburgh Pirates to record several singles for Time. Banatd, you re- from Finger Poppies' Nacogdoches. Teeas -them s tows Mind. Aided by a combo and her fine, label. The duo are also being paged by Nashville for a "Grand call, wrote the dance ,:raze tune, The driving sock treat- Mat should be immortalized in song. piano. Nina gives Ole Opry" session. Twist. ment of a traditional tune. Flip is an blues featuring interesting Instrumental The reviews Roberta Peters received from the down guitar and honking horn, Lov.- rave JERRY MURAD HIS Pittsburgh music critics her in the Pitts- who answered Jim HARMON7- boat. for performance JEANNIE BLACK. CATS are on the scene with their first To Go with We'll burgh Opera's "Lehengrin" over the Thanksgiving holidays, Reeves' He'll Have for Columbia Records, Cherry Pink is answering again. Connie Have To Stay, And Apple Blossom white. 'ma ii have hyped the sale of her RCA Victor records.... Oh, How I Miss You This one is titled &winos harmonica instrumental ver- ULTRA AUDIO: In last week'. Bill- Francis has been booked into the Holiday House for a 10- Tonight and it isn't difficult to figure Records an- sion of the hit tune of years back board, United Artists day stint nest Ronnie Savoy spent sclera) out who bas the question song. Flip nounced the five new alburm available February.... given a beat and bright styling. The Lonely, the title tune days here plugging his latest M-G -M platter, "And the Is A Little Bit mouth -Organ technicians came into rec- on their new, big sound label Ultra of Jeanne'. recent debut album. Capi- Blaz- a son, ord prominence in 1947 with their Audio. Artists and titles include Heavens Cried "... The Nick Albaranos cradkd recorded the tune Nov. 25 and Perito and his tol thicemdtion seller Peg O' My Heart. ing Latin Brass -Nick their second child, at the Mercy Hospital. rushed week. Orchestra: Mister Percussion - Terry Leonard Mendlowitz. Snyder; Guitars, Woodwinds A Bona. -Al Caiola; Echoing Voices and Trom- RICKY 'NELSON, Impetial Records bones -Don Costa, and Dynamic Twin Cincinnati BIRTHDAYS OF THE WEEK: singing sensation, offers a solid copy Pianos -Ferrante And Teich... You Are The Only One. a beautiful Dec. 5, Walt Disney. Dec. 6. Dave Tw'o members of the Cartwright family, of NBC -TV's network love affair tune with cha oho beat, Brubeck this album Time Out Is show, "Bonanza," are due here late Wednesday (7) for two days of getting chan action on Billboard's h-w Milk Cow Blues, on which Ile A WEEKS: Victor dealers, Coming Top LP's), Ira Gershwin, Dec. 7, display. his moat hard driving enthu- PROMOTION DAYS promotion work for WLW -T and area RCA in Arkan- Louis Prima This Wonderland By siasm and delivery. Dec. 6 to Memorial Day in for the special deal are Lome Greene, who plays Ben Cartwright sas. Dec, 7, National Civil Defense Night is a fast chan -climber). Dec. Landon, who does Little Joe Day and Delaware Day In Dela- in the television series, and Michael 10, Morton Gould, Dec. 11, the State's adop- in town thru Saturday noon and will make Brenda Lee. ware--celebrates on the show. They'll be IOH.NNY RESTIVO: RCA's LA, top- tion of the Constitution. Dec. 11 an appearance on the Ruth Lyons "50-50 Club" and other WI-W -T per. Steve Shot,,. produced along with is Universal Bible Sunday. shows. They'll also make stop-offs at the Crosley Broadcastinie Mont' Gold Johnny's newest Give A Xavier Little whistle (And I'll Be There), re- outlets in Dayton and Columbus, O., and Indianapolis.... THE BROWNS, Jim Edward, Maaino corded Oct. 28th and creased recently. Club sponsors a contest at the Xavier Armory See you next werk. University's Jazz and Bonnie, give the familiar Christ- Tune it from the forthcoming musical, Saturday evening (I I) to determine Cincinnati's top jazz group. Christmas, a mighty Wildcat. Altho currently residing in Tom Rollo mas tune, Blue Nine groups are slated to participate. King Records and Mother e, pretty rendition that rates a Billboard and runner -up. Pick. According to RCA', able a.Ar. local jau hangout, will offer trophies to the winner the man in Nashville, Chet Atkins: "If I The battle of jazz has been held at the University of Cincinnati waiting to be done ever heard a song last three years. by The Browns it's Blue Christmas." THIS WOWS MENi radio and Flip Is Greenwlllow Christmas. The Contract of Local 1, AFM, covering 30 WL11' 5man backing combo features Floyd TV employees, expired at midnight Wednesday (30). with I I.ast Dole, Cramer on piano. Records Eugene Frey, union president, granting members permission Money the station's to continue working until the union can learn to Its new proposal before making any strike plans. ROSEMARY CI.00NF.Y: Almost reaction an alphabetical I1lting el the records manufacturer, Da pay raise plus a 4 per cent everything good that could happen has The union asks a 10 per cent happened to Rosemary Clooney since, backing with special feature treatment In big span Billboard ads. cost -of- living increase. Pay now ranges front $82.50 to $125 In 1952. she and a joned -up harpsi- has offered A week for an average I5 -hour week. The station -wide news with a chord made nation SINGLES says, and has proposed to limit security recording of William Saroyon's Arme- no pay increase, Frey *Atlantic the Ruth nian -type Come- On -A -My home. BUMBLE BOF. -1. a Vern Raker arrangement to only the 14 musicians who work song, nine Always in demand In every entertain- CALCUTTA- Lawrence Welk Dot Lyons and Paul Dixon shows, Contract also covers ment and proud mother Columbia - medium, HOW TO HANDLE. A WOMAN- Johnny Mathis c. &w. artists appearing on the station's "rytidweslern flay (via ttusand. Jose Ferrer, who is not to Atlantic and 1 COUNT THE TEARS -The Drifters who work as music arrangers be left out of the record scene ... just ride" and seven employees I GOTTA GO (BECAUSE 1 LOVE TOO-Brian Hyland ....Kapp a unique Christmas recorded for RCA WIGGLED WE librarians. offering In his narration of Yes, Vir- 1.0P-SIDED. OVERf.OADF.D (AND IT WHEN RODE ITT-Brian H fend Kann N etv York, ginia. There Ls A Santa Claus), Rose- who joined Elektra Records, Kapp Stanley Cumberpatch, mary's latest good news Is her new SOMEBODY -Jane Morgan was in town Thursday (I) to Dot October 1, as general sales manager, RCA wax. What Takes My Fancy, TOO POLING -Dodie Stevens and visit with local retailers. rendition of the tune from NIGHT -Louis Prima Dot call on Decca Distributing Corporation Personable WONDERLAND BY distrihs after complet- Lucille Balls forthcoming Broadway YEA, I'M LONESOME TONIGHT- Dodie Stevens Dot Cumberpatch is making a swing of Midwest musical. Wild Cat. Flip is Hey, Look Montreal to Georgia. ing a similar trek along the East Coast from Me Over, a bouncy tune from the ALBUMS Friday (2) and returns to New York same show. He left Cincy for Pittsburgh weeks a month AN EVENING WITH tI.AY A NICHOLS- early this week. Cumberpatch plans to spend two New Sound Elaine May and Mike Nichols Mercury on the mad. Prior to joining Elektra, he was with Record San Francisco indie covering BOBBY DARIN hai something extra Distributors, Bill thern to sing about! The 24- year -old show a California. biz star sot married list Friday to According to statistics maintained over IA- year-old trim actress Sandra Dee. Hollywood The entire music world extend their period covering thousands of releases .. . wishes for a full and happy life to- sales. New releases. Bobby is issuing four singles aimed at Christmas gether and many hit Capitol Peggy Lee, the met Sandra in Rome recently, where 7 out of 10 will reach Billboard's are by Tennessee Ernie Ford, Kingston Trio. ones here for a they were filming "Come September." RCA Victor Veepee Jim Davis to open ut the Latin i.ouvin Brothers-. Bobby is duo ahead! cut a Betty Johnson album Casino, N. Y., Dec. 7 "HOT 100" in the weeks two-week series of huddles.... Dot Merchontsvillc, Grove. . weeks. -week run at the Cocoanut for two "live" during her two Irving Cor- Kapp Records' Dave Kapp commissioned tuncsmith album for Jane Morgan. Gordon penned don to create a folksong Songstress is the title tune for her "Ballads of Lady Jane. ". the Cocoanut Grove. currently winding up a three -week run at disk jockeys all over the nation help spark up their record shows Every week ... 2016 Century - Fabian signed a seven -year nonexclusive of two pictures per lively material furnished exclusively by The Billboard. Watch for it next week. Fos movie contract. Pact calls for option with this fresh, (CcrMM:red tin fir: a 39) DECEMBER 5, 1960 THE BILLBOARD MUSIC 19

a new feather' in our Kapp

LADY JANE ORGAN the greatest JANE of them all with her greatest hit of them all

K358 performed on Show Sunda; Dec. 4,1960

exclusively on Billboard's Music Popularity Charta . . . 20 The PACKAGED RECORDS DECEMBER 3, 1960

FOR WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 4 Billboard TOP LP'S on the MONO ACTION ALBUMS - -- charts 39 weeks or less ESSENTIAL INVENTORY (MONO ALBUMSI TM. leer Weeks This Lest Wee. Weh Werk Week T1114. Artist, Jebel end Number sn Cheri Till., Artist. lebe) end Ramker en Chart on the charts 40 weeks or more This Wesbr O2. G. I. BLUES 6 24. TWIST Werk Werk Tale, Arlitl end 5 .0 No.. en Cheri Elvis Pickles. RCA V0tor 1. PSI 1156 Chubby 0 Checker P 7011 2. INSIDE SHELLEY BERMAN, Verve MUY 15003 1, BUTTONDOWN MIND BOB NEWHART....30 .. 15 OF 11 27. MEMORIES SING ALONG WITH MITCH 4 1779 Warnar Bros. W Mitch St,llcr Columbia 1542 0 CL 1, THE SOUND O OF MUSI(, Original Cast, Columbia KOL,545D... 31 3. NICE AND EASY 16 Y3 16. SOLD OUT 33 4. S1KTY YEARS OF Frank S,n:ura C.,ninl w' 1417 MUSI( AMERICA LOVES BE51. VOL I, O Kingston Ilio Crnnr,l T 1152 Assorted Artists. O RCA Victor IM 6014. 54 O5. BUTTONDOWN MIND STRIKES BACK 4 21. BALLADS AND RHYTHMS OF BROADWAY. 8 8. SOUTH PACIFIC, Original Cast, Bob ,'essh.ot \\ Amer Oros. W ,107 Columbia 01 4180. 539 Johnny \I+thi, Columbia 021.17 ® 3. JOHNNY'S GREATEST HITS, Johnny Mathis. O4. STRING ALONG 17 6-¡1 37. SOLID AND RAUNCHY Columbia CL 1133 136 Ringo. Trio ...capitol T, 1407 Bill Black Combo Ih Record, FIT. 12007 5. SING ALONG WITH MITCH, Milch Miller, Columbia (1 1160 125 6. JOHNNY'S (MOODS O 39. WEST SIDE STORY r<_.. 15 Y6 5 6. FROM THE HUNGRY © Original mall ohn:.b.., l,l. 1211: O 1, Kingston Trio, Capifol T 1107...... 95 8. SIXTY YEARS OF O MUSIC AMERICA THE ALAMO 1 7. ITALIAN FAVORITES, - Connie Francis, MGM E 3791 .... 44 Soilnd Tra

WOODY W00DBURY LOOKS AT LOVE AND LIFE . . 11 18. GENIUS 21 HITS THE ROAD 9 - PROVOCATIVE PERCUSSION, VOL. I. .. 13 o Stereoddilies MW 1 40 Rar Charles ABC -Paramount ABC Command All Sooo Command RS 806 17. KING AND I, Sound Track, Capitol W 740...... -205 20. KICK THY OWN SELF 15 ;B WALK, DON'T RUN ..... - 1 ,- I _ ' B.,...,,, D.., (;.irdner RCA V:, PS! \'(murr, . 0 Dolton BI P 2011 19. FAITHFULLY. Johnny Malhis, Columbia CL 1422 47 19. PAUL ANKA SINGS HIS BIG 15 23 39 23. BENHUR 33 0 22. PColumbiaARTY 0166 AL1331ONG WITH MITCH, Milch Miller, AflC- t'.,r.nsour.t I.Y 1.1 Romr tie mrho;, 24 CL 50

22. KNOCKERS UP DATE WITH THE EVERY BROTHERS I 24.OoPlEuN ECL TW12O GUITARS, Johnny Minim. 0 5 66 Rn.l, \\ trio, Jubilee 11 P 21120 O m bii1R 1

STEREO ACTION ALBUMS - -- on the charts 29 weeks or less ESSENTIAL INVENTORY (STEREO ALBUMSI This loll Weeks TM. Lest Wehe Week Week on 30 weeks or more Title. Artist, lake) and Number en Chart W. Wtek Tore, Artist, label and Numker an Chart the charts ihn teat Weeks Week W. T114, Artist, label tad Number w Chart I 1. NICE AND EASY 15 22. DARIN AT THE COPA ...... Frank Sinatra Capitol SW Bohby Darin S 1417 0 .- Alcn 112 OI. PERSUASIVE PERCUSSION, VOL. I, Terry Snyder end the All Stars. Command RS 800 SD ..44 3. STRING ALONG 16 O30. JEALOUSY 2 2. SOUND OF MUSIC, Original Cast, Columbia KOS 1020 A8 2 Kinçrrn7 Trio Capitol ST 1407 17 Perri Faith Cnlllmhia CO 8202

3 2. BONGOS 15 4. SOUTH PACIFIC, Sound kack, RCA Viclor (SO 1032 81 17. BALLADS AND RHYTHMS OF BROADWAY ...10 .,1 \dmiradore! Command S 809 SD 18 Johnny Mathis Columbia 0'25.801 O 3. PROVOCATIVE PERCUSSION, VOL. 1, Enoch Light 46 O6. WILD IS LOVE and the Ughl Brigade, Command RS 806 SD 7 19 18. WHITE SATIN 12 Nat King Cole .. Capitol SWAK 1792 5. BELAFONTE AT CARNEGIE HALL. Harry Belafonte, C.,. Shcarm,: Capitol ST 1714 S...... !.." RCA Victor LSO 6006. 55 O1, PERSUASIVE PERCUSSION, VOL, II 16 69 16. WEST SIDE STORY 3 t { 1 6. FILM ENCORES, VOL I, Manlovani, Lando. PS 121 Ten. Snyder and the All Slat/ O10 orllmand RS 808 SD Grlginal Cue Columbia OS 2001 8. MY FAIR LADY, Original Cast, Columbia OS 2015 81 20. STEREO CONCERT 12 5. PROVOCATIVE PERCUSSION, VOL. II..., ....12 O21 Kingston Capitol ST 1183 74 O Enoch Light and the Light Brigade 10. 0161, Sound Track. M G M SE 3641 S1 Command RS 810 SD 21. ELVIS IS BACK 13 21 9. SOLD 001, Kingston Trio, Capifol T 1352 ...... 5I 8. LOOK FOR A STAR 15 BNB Presley RCA Victor LSP 2231 O Billy t'auehn Orch. Dot DI .P 25122 - 1069...17 10 1. COME DANCE WITH ME, Frank Sinatra, Capitol SW 29. BYE BYE BIRDIE 2 O15. O13 CAN CAN 10 Original C olunlbu KOS 2025 SWAO 990 61 Bound leach Capitol SW 1721 I I, MUSIC MAN, Original Carl. Capllol 14 24. SENTIMENTAL SING ALONG WITH MITCH ...20 9. SAY IT WITH MUSIC 5 Columbia OS 2009 17 ...... 1.11101 Sl,lrcr Columbi.i CS 8251 15. FLOWER DRUM SONO. Original Carl, 0 R:i! Cnnnl /f .. Columbia 17. I, Track, 5W 740 00 LAST MONTH OF THE YEAR 1 p KINO AND Sound Capitol 1O 4. JOHNNY'S MOODS 14 - Kingston Trio Capitol ST 1446 Johnny Murhie ._ ..Culumbi, 0 - PETE FOUNTAIN'S NEW ORLEANS, Coral CRL 7 -57282 10 ®27. WITH THESE O 11. BEN-HUR 29 HANDS 18 11 Roger Willlkmr Hopp KS 1070 MITCH, Milch Millar, Columbia CS 0004..10 Rnm7 sot-nohow. Oielt 'Sal Ina ,,.. MGM LEI O - SING A1.O116 WITH Vaughn, MACKITHE KNIFE -ELLA IN BERLIN 18. THEME FROM A SUMMER PLACE, Billy 12. BONGOS, FLUTES AND GUITARS 1 0 11 - ald 6167 3 Dot DIP 25276 .e1,s sssJ 104 Admiradores Command 9 811 Vet. \lccs ® 14. MORE SING ALONG WITH MITCH, Mitch Miller. O1) 10. G. I. BLUES 3 FOLK SONGS SING ALONG WITH MITCH 2 Columbia CS 8043 .L1AaAaar 13 - Fled Presley RCA Vfclnl I.SP 2256 Mitch Miller ., Columbia CS 8110 rs 0 0 n 16. HEAVENLY, Johnny Mathis, Columbia (S 8152 13. EXODUSn1..... GRAND CANYON SUITE 21 29 - Trlo, Capllol ST 1158 86 1.ondun CS 224 Kingship ® Morton Gould ...RCA Victor I. SC 2117 O 20. HERE WE 60 AGAIN, Mathis, 14. MEMORIES rSING ®13, TILL 29 OMORE JOHNNY'S GREATEST HITS, Johnny 15 ALONG WITH pMITCH 6 IN 5541 Roger Williams Kapp KX 101 Columbia CS 8150 DECEMBER 5. 1960 The Rillboarvl's Manic Popularity Charts . .. PACKAGED RECORDS 21


1. SIXTY YEARS OF SONG HITS. VOL. 2 Assorted Artists, RCA Vidor LM 6088 1. TCHAIKOVSKY: PIANO CONCERTO NO. 1 Van Cliburn. Orchestra directed by Kiril Kondrashin, RCA Victor ESC 2252 2. TCHAIKOVSKY: PIANO CONCERTO NO. I

VICTORY AT VOL. 1 Van (liburn. Orchestra direded by Kiril Kondrashin, RCA Vidor EM 2252 2. RODGERS: SEA, RCA Vidor Symphony Orchestra (Bennett), RCA Victor LSC 2335

)3. RODGERS: VICTORY AT SEA, VOL. 1 Morton Gould. RCA RCA Vidor Symphony Orchestra (Bennett), RCA Vidor LM 1119 3, GROPE: GRAND CANYON SUITE Vidor ESC 2433

4. TCHAIKOVSKY: 1811 OVERTURE; CAPRICCIO ITALIEN 4. RODGERS: VICTORY AT SEA, VOL. 2 RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra (Bennett). RCA Victor ESC 2226 Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra ( Dorati), Mercury MG 50051

5. LANZA SINGS CARUSO -Caruso Favorites 5. LANZA SINGS CARUSO -Caruso Favorites Mario lanzaEnrico Caruso, RCA Victor ESC 2393 Mario Lanza Enrico Caruso, RCA Vidor lM 1393 6. TURANDOT 6. THE LORD'S PRAYER Tebaldi, Nilsson, Bjoerling, Torri, Rome Opera House Ork, (leinsdorf), The Mormon Tabernacle Choir (Condie), Columbia Ml 5386 RCA Victor LSC 6149


Van Cliburn, Symphony of the Air (Kondrashin), RCA Victor LM 2355 Morion Gould Orchestra, RCA Victor LSC 2345 8. THE LORD'S PRAYER 8. GROPE: GRAND CANYON SUITE Morton Gould, RCA Victor LM 2433 The Mormon Tabernacle Choir (fondle), Columbia MS 6068

9. RAVEL: BOLERO..Boston Symphony Orchestra (Munch), RCA Victor LM 1984 9. TCHAIKOVSKY: 1812 OVERTURE; CAPRICCIO ITALIEN

Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra ( Dorati), Mercury SR 90054 10. TCHAIKOVSKY: 1812 OVERTURE; RAVEL: BOLERO Morton Gould Orchestra, RCA Victor LM 2345 10. SCHUMANN: CONCERTO IN A MINOR....Van Cliburn, RCA Victor ESC 2455

BEST SELLING LOW PRICE LP'S I Lilt price $2.95 or lent Reviews of THIS WEEK'S LP'S

(Monophonic) PERSUA.NVE PERCUSSION. VOL. 3 The pick of the new releases: )11.1494 Command All -Stars. Command RS 817 - This album, I. Soul el Spain, Vol. 1 Volume I l in the best -selling "Persuasive Percussion" series, 101 Strings .... .Somerset P 6600 SPOTLIGHT WINNERS looks like another winner. Once again Enoch Light has turned out a bright. breezy, tasteful and musical percus- 2. Ebb fide %me OF THE WEEK sion set, featuring The Command All Stars, which shows Frank Chacksfietd Richmond M 20078 off clean, and well -nigh perfect recording. The tunes include "Moments 3. Good Housekeeping Reducing Ott for My Baby" and "Kashmiri Song." The arrangements this week. Ihe Record Harmony Hl 7143 Strongest sales potential of all albums reviewed are both spectacular and at the same time delightfully subtle. Fine was. 4. Soul ol Spain, Vol. 2 101 Strings Somerset P 9900 In order to speed reviews of LP's, The Billboard 01F A LA LEE. 101 Strings Play the Blues requests that All albums be sent to The Billboard Rec- S. Peggy Capitol St 1475 (Stereo & Monaural)-Peggy Somerset P 5800 ord Review Department, P. O. Box 292, Times Square Lee is back in her Latin habitat and it's a delightful one. Station, New York 36, N. Y. However, singles should be She brightly swings, in the I.atin manner, a group of 6. You Do Something Io Me sent to The Billboard Record Review Deportment, 1564 standards, singing them in her sexy and beguiling way Mario Lanza ... RCA Camden CAI 450 Broadway, New York 36. over backing by the Joe Harncll ork. The ark arrangements spotlight smart percussion work. Tunes include "Come T. Silver Screen Dance With Me," "By Myself," "Just Squeeze Me," "Love 101 Strings Somerset P 7000 and Marriage" and "Non Dimenticar." Cover is most strik- Pop ing and the set could earn mucho dinero for Senorita Lee. McCormick Sings Irish Songs B. lohn HIS HAND IN MINE RCA Camden CAL 407 Elvis Presley. RCA Victor LPM 2328 (Stereo & Monaural) ILE WILL BREAK YOUR HEART Presley finds himself in a new milieu for him in ,. Hawaii In HI fl -Elvis Jerry Butler. VeeJay LP 1029 -Chart topper Jerry Butler this altogether fascinating set of performances. 'The gospel leo Addeo Orchestra bows in with his first album which, naturally enough, message has never been put forth with any more greater RCA Carden CAL 510 carries the title of his current hit. Set is made up of I I effect and impact than here. Presley has a warm, reverent, other gond performances by the boy who sings them all deep down tone and he's ably assisted by his familiar 10. 101 Years of Familiar Songs in fine style. Accompaniment varies from zinging strings vocal sidekicks, the Jordanaires. Material ranges from the 101 Strings- ..... Somerset Z RS to rhythm combo with vocal group. Any number of the slow. deeply reverent "His Hand in Mine." to the rhythmic tracks here might make strong singles with "That's to hand -clapper "I'm Gonna Walk Them Golden Stairs." The You" a fine hallad; "Sweet Was the Wine," a real jumper, (Stereephonk) cover. too, showing Presley at the piano. is a real and "I Found a Love" showpiece. among the standouts. 1. Soul ol Spain, Vol. I 121 IYI Strings Stereo Fidelity SF 6600 COME TO THE FAIR 2. 101 Strings Play the Blues Tennessee Ernie Ford. Capitol ST 1473 (Stereo & Mon. Stereo Fidelity SF 5800 aurali -The great Tennessean proves himself a delightful showman in this colorful "live" performance, recorded 3. Seal et Spain. Vol. 2 at the Indiana State Fair last summer. The package is a ALBUM COVERS OF THE WEEK SF 9900 101 Strings..Stereo Fidelity pleasant mixture of songs and the artist's familiar, ingra- tiating. homespun patter. He opens. of course. with "Back 4. 101 Soars of FAIBRIN Soap Home in Indiana, and ranges from 'Bill Bailey," to a loi Strings.... Sterno hdelily 2 RS bath of fine country songs to a group of religious and inspirational items. This is all sides of Tennessee Ernie S. Ebb lids Ford in one package and a fine hunk of entertainment frank Chackslleld.Richmond S 30018 It is. -

6. (merle Under the Stan 101 Strings.. Stereo fidelity Sf 6700 WORLD OF SUZIE WONG Sound Track. RCA Victor LOC 1059 -Big band jazz and 7. East el Ses: sensuous touches of Oriental melody dominate this excit- 101 Strlags.itereo Fidelity SF 11200 ing LP from the original sound track of the Paramount release of 'The World of Susie Wong." Except for the t1b Sink Mye title song by Cahn and Van Heusen, George Duning is Various Artists lion A10091 responsible for much of the composing on the track. "Susie Wong Blues," and a number of other tracks are 1. Slim Santi of his talent as is the arranging of stand- representative nume-Elvis PrWer. fidelity SF 7000 OLE A LA LEE: -Pegs, Lee, Crp.iol Alf HARD IN 101 Strings..Slerea ards pike "Out of Nowhere') that are an integral part of Lrst.:3 :n. A rcrertat pa.* Sr 1477. Osier cosan with lovely P.- RCA Vktor the flick's score. Besides the tide tune and "Aberdeen In ton color of Me mint. Pnme d4 tot of the atuutne Penar tee. Calo. « cindor.. 10. Sympboy 1st Lawn Caper." any number of other tracks might make good p,edaninnntty Is black, told una chugs. play Ilan tar tonate. our 101 Sirings..Stores Fidelity SF 4500 selling singles. ea an termed on tan bock «, Music , , 22 The Billboard's Popularity Charts , PACXAGED RECORDS DECEMBER 3, 1960 The pick of the new releases'


Strongest sales potential of all albums reviewed this week. POPULAR * * ** ** 6T7'LE WITH un, CRICKETS BOBBY'S BIGGEST HITS Curet CRL 707316. tetesee Maassren VOL. I -The laie Buddy Halb'. former coueaguce Bobby Rydell. Cameo C 1009 -Young Rydell has cut get together here toi a Heston of In:r,esting rock metenal, quite a swath in pop single circles and this album which features the Threw Lou. collec- as ,ocalisla, fomctbine Ual ras tion of Rydell hits Is also to generate .I done likely healthy sales during the career of Holly. lefty Allison, interest. In addition to the highly salable repertoire, the Joe Mauldin and Sonny Canis cnmprW MM packaging itself is designed for quick sales, with a double group and they perform against rhythm and piano provided by themselves. Such fold liner. a pull out photo of the famil- artist suitable for iar item as "Great of framing which Balls rire,' and appears thru the die -cut front cover and " Rotkin' Pneumonia," plus original. by On two other color photos. Despite the elaborate packaging, three, comprise the diet hue. the net is geared to the teen market with a $3.98 tag. JAll **** MITCH'S **** REX STEWART. AND THB GREATEST HITS ELLINGTONIANS Mitch Miller. Columbia CL 1544 -Like all the other Riverside RLP 144 - 71. ,ho.,lu ti Mitch Miller packages, this reprise of a dozen of the solid collector's item. Som of the sides were cut by Stewart with leis Me Seven memorable Miller hits of recent years figures to get a big in 1940, others wets sliced in 1946. Amon. play at counters, particularly. in view of the presence of the sidemen were Slinky Mann, Bemey the gift giving season. Cover features a colorful photo Bigard and Cozy Cole. Selection( Include of the noted maestro and inside there are such "Flie Flame," "Solid Rock," "Cherry'. and things as "Digs Digs Don." "Yellow Rose of Texas." "Colonel Bogey March," "Chil- dren's Marching Song." etc. This can grab a lot of interest. **** BIG CITY SOUNDS The larrreL Argo LP 672 - The Benny Golsnn -An Farmer ferret has received high REDD'S THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY r praise In Eastern - bs. It ia-omuted BREF well on this nest'. 'wish Farmer, LATEST & HOTTEST Andre Kostelanetf ., iYd WOrk. Colimsb5l (. OW-- Gnlcnn, Tom Mal trombone, Cedar Meredith Willson's sock neat show score is wrapped up in Walton on piano. Williams on bass and first -rate instrumental treatments by Al Heath on swinging away RELEASE!!! taut? Kosteianctz' ork. The happily on a group original And standard fer nef ¡ varied line -up ranges from the spirited "I Ain't Down Yet" lance. Farmer on mimpel. sou Ciniwn nn to the poignant "l'II Never Say No" and "Dolce Far tenor. tun out some, m11Att, altlaf',.r solos, Niente." Standout deejay wax. especially on "Five Spot After Dark." Oise/ fine hacks are Game', "Tbe Cool 'HAVE ONE ON ME' "Hi One, Fly." "My . Funny Vakatlne" and "Bean Bag." DT1298, EP299, EP200 AN EVENING WITH MIKE NICHOLS & ELAINE MAY Other Big Sellers . . . THE MOST Mercury OCM 2200 latest Mike Nichols- Elaine - VOLUME. It -The May Veebo, Afht,. Rooklh R 51033 -A tot Laff Of The Party -214 release should be one of the strongest 'entries in some for the money is contained in the 'room The Best Laff time to the heavy -selling comedy record group. Their of this package. tth one of the label' Bird. -01 land .wins, hided. current Broadway show, from which this album derived and perfmmancr, by Redd Foxx Funn -290 such important anisa a, Count Breit, its title, also'supplies the material for the four hilarious Sarah Vaughan, Joe Williams, Billy F.ckatine, Racy Tales -275 sketches on the disk. Their razor -sharp satire is of a type Maynard Ferguson, Bal Ruud, Con lea that has nearly universal appeal. from highbrow to low, Day and Harry "Sneerer Edroun. The Sly Sex -295 side, have a fine jan backing. This can In and is also apt to wear better than a monologist. An mid. DEALERS ... Make money on all Redd Foxx hit albums. earlier Mercury disk still is moving over store counters, Ask your distributor for the new complete Dooto catalog. but the new Nichols -May entry should do even better ** PACIFIC STANDARD based on subsequent national publicity and radio-TV ISWINGIN'i 7151E exposure. The Beady On Franco-Tommy Gamine Quarter. Deep DL 740.31. tslean A Ston- aural' - Clarinetist De Franco and a.cnt- dlonnt Gumina cone up with fine instru- mental album, thal'a relaxed and tari 10 WONDERLAND BY NIGHT take. The two baye caused rame attic. Bert Keempfert. Decca DL 4101- Kaempfert's single of enthusiasm for their exciting rn.pen°. P' "Wonderland by Night" is one of the label's fastest moving Pranancn on the N'est Coast w,rh'bic reine group. Makeup of .the LP falls mostly In disks since "Volare," and this initial. package contains the the standard category with "the Song le hit single plus a flock of other highly listaable and You" getting a fine retustng treatment and spinnahle efforts. The ork is handsomely recotded and Erroll Garnnr'e "JIM?, getttne Ille sensitive touch, Charley Tabor's trumpet solos really sing. Thik is schmaltzy LITTLE stuff and it can sell. Watch this set. FOLK * * ** BOOKER Religious * * ** RICHARD DVERSENNLT e Dyer-Mulct DVS 5000 Tbr k the Peacock - ninth in a eerie' of album by Ihn noted 1697 THE LIFE OF CHRIST folk singer. Dyer.Bennet here accompaoke THE PASSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST himself on the clame Spaatsh rultar In sacs Charlton Heston. Vanguard VRS 9080; 'IRS 9081 - repertoire of "Tbe Laird O' Caakpeo, per- "The Two Sbten of Binnorie." "Ln loll Actor Heston contributes two meaningful narrative Tambour," "The Buffalo Skinners:. Na formances in this pair of albums, each featuring readings There ara informative note, be the arlbt oil front the Bible. Initial package deals, as the title sug- Ihn source, of the soap. DyerBennet'I album up to hie gests, with the birth and the life of the Saviour, while admircn will find 01, usual high .landed. r the second, which might well be given a special promotion during the Easter season, deals with the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. The sets are both dramatic and edu- CHRISTMAS ** ** cational and highly suited for church and Sunday school * * ** 101 DALMATIANS work. In both cases, the Robert DeCormier Chorale coo - Dhaeyland ST Ifs. -HereS dcllahllul tributes moving musical passages behind the readings. glory with music for llleocal - minded adults, as well a, children. The nurralor -- charming aimtun -teas the story of hie educator., A "mgic wipe.,'tl.board" oe HYMNS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Choir of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, ABC -Para- mount 349 -The boys' and men's choir of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, Australia, perform some of the tra- ditional hymns of the Catholic Church in this LP. Under DUKE -PEACOCK RECORDS, INC. the direction of Reverend Dr. Percy Jones, the choir A BIG ONE FOX 2809 ERtSTUS ST. HOUSTON 26, TEXAS offers "Holy God We Praise Thy Name," "Jesus My Lord. ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACKS! Of God" and 'To Jesus Heart All Burning," as well as SOUNDTRACK ORCHESTRA My LONDON, HOLLYWOOD, FARM 11 other Catholic hymns. AND ROU. TWELVE GREAT TOMES MUSIC Now Serving the West Coast OF THr `_uAFtit Ki 'SOs BOY 6131 S. FIGUEROA Phone: LOS ANGELES 3, CALIF. I PL 1 -4165 +PECIAL MERIT Dealers: Buy 45 rpm hit singles on guarantee! Buy all LP's at SPOTLIGHTS dist. prices. F far out- The following olbuma hay. bean picked In. Title strips for Opal standing merit In Ihir various categories because, /OUR OTHER CONVENIENT MUSIC BOX ONE -STOPS In she opinion of Tb. Billboard Mole Staff, they deserve exposure. 1043 Broadway 1321 (tampion SI. 1305 Spring SI., N. W. 1301 W. 79th this issue) Denver 3, tolo. Dallar 7, Tes. Allanla 9, Ga. Chicago 20, III, (Reviews appear elsewhere in Ph.: MA 34197 Ph.: RI 86701 Ph,: CR 50354 Ph.: AB 4.3600 Joui * ** CONTEMPORARY JAZZ CLASSICS OF THE PAUL MOER 20TH VOX E041 GIVE TO DAMON RUNYON CANCER FUND TRIO -Del Fl DFLP 1212 DECEMBER 5. 1960 THE BILLBOARD MUSIC 23


ONE FREE LP with every TEN LP'S purchased



DLP NO. 3352 STEREO NO. 25352 DEzYo(BEt TßbC



gig§OtreRECORDS presents


b/w "MY GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK" 26 The Billboard's Music Popularity Charta ... PACKAGED RECORDS DECEMBER 5, 1960 guson band moon thro s set of 12 ahle deem. tracks with verve. Thera ate .pon beta and there Reviews and of solo, mwllY by the loader on Ratings of trumpet, and the band se whole grits 00d . sound, All of Om roan are Of CAPITOL'S HOT standard the HITS Ópu; 'Teach Me Tonight," "My Foolish New Albums Heart" and "lt'e Only Paper Moon," are lust few. TAKEN FROM THE BESTSELLING CHARTS OF BILLBOARD, * ** COLLEGE CONFIDENTIAL Sound Track, Chancellor CRLB 10t0. CASH BOX, VARIETY, MUSIC REPORTER, MUSIC VENDOR AND LP back cover enabler kids to use erasable (Irmo ra with polka beat. Serre of these Include mammal, - Dean Elliott his crayons and color pictures of character. 011110n TOP RADIO STATIONS AROUND THE COUNTRY. "Sant. Clave Is Coming to Town," "Jingle and arranged some extremely Io- In the story. Solid gift package. teratine Belle," "Auld Lint Syne" and "Rudolph, big bond lace music for the film the Red -Nosed "College Confidential," Reindeer." U I Wally b and this LP of- fers the sound 4466 -01' MacDONALD Frank Sinatra SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON well -known potée pnclloneer, of course, meek, a played by such **** musicians as Shelly Billboard "Hot 100" Kenn Conoraa. Disoeyland ST 19a7- and this disk can grab ailes In the next few Mann., Bud Shenk, Milt #25 Bernhan, Bob Cooper, The familiar classic. soon to be released In week. and In future seasons In polka- buying Don Faserquk4 Cash Box "Top 100" #45 Milt Holland, Jimmy film forr by Walt Disney, le narrated here Row*. and others. Music Vendor "Top 100" #28 Hot, wild, blue by young Corcoran and an able supporting and small* Its imp, than originals may strike enough cult. The adaptation is a good one and flmsoera' fan- cies to bring sales 4406 -WINGS OF A DOVE Ferlin Husky should appal to youngsters covcrina wide for the disk. Display SPOKEN in college towns and near theaters Billboard "Hot 100" #79 range of ages. WORD * * ** shoran. the film should aid Billboard C &W Sides" dealers. "Hot #1 * * ** HOSPITALITY BLUES Cash Box "Top 50 C&W" #1 Doug Harrell. AEC- Panwoeot ABC *** THE CONTEMPORARY JAZZ Music Vendor l'op SO C PaKA S4 -Doug Harrell, real &W" #2 **** M. D., had a CLASSICS OF THE PAUL h1OER TRIO fainalred single hit a few years back with Dt1-111 DELP ISIS * * DANCE AROUND TRI - Paul Mom ú a p4 4412 -EXCUSE 111E Buck Owen ** "Hospitality Blues" about hospital pa- anht of unusual ability. He has an Imegina- CHRISTMAS TREE rion Billboard dent. The aide is Included here, Mona as well as musicianship and be "Hot C &W Sides" 2 LI.1 Wally. Jay Jay Ind A novelty handles - with soma amusing monologs about doctor, group of standards and orlalnale Cash Box "Top 50 C &W" 2 among polka records, Ihte may be the only hen hospitals, nurses, etc. Funny stuff for those is strikiva fashion. His piano work Music Vendor "Top 50 C&W" one featuring traditional yule music played who here #5 like this kind of material. demonstrates not only his colorful piano work, but a thoughtful approach to ouch 4463 -WORLD SO FULL OF LOVE Faroe Young tsrne, sometime happy, sometlmn humor-, Cash Box "Top 50 C &W" #13 on, and at times soulful. Tune. Include Music Vendor "Top 50 C&W' #10 "Azure Blue," "I Love Perk. "Our Waltz" * and Moer's own * or * "Moen Less." 4386 --SHE'S JUST A WHOLE LOT LiKE YOU GOOD SALES POTENTIAL Hank Thompson INTERNATIONAL Cash Box "Top 50 C &W" ...... #31 .:3 * ** Music Vendor "Top 50 C&W"' #43 IRISH SONGS OP .;i creator of "Nature Boy," Wen abbe., Is *** FREEDOM POPULAR Willie Brady. 33-ÁV- 127 * ** heard here ln collection of exotic words Avon -Ballu' 4469 -HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wanda Jackson deer Brady sings longs of the Irish and musk extolling the glories of mythi- "trou- 1lusic Vendor "Top 100" RONNIE bles." Set down to wax are 17 #94 *** HAWKINS SINGS TRI cal éland for which many people have different SONGS OF seng. that have as their subject HANK WILUAMS somrttmea wished. The disk highlighted matter Roulette R 25t37 k N. frisio Revolution against Ne 4463 -FORGET THE PAST Farms Young - Thk package k made by the distinctive rounds of the ahbea British In up of soup written recorded the the early pan of the 20th Century. Brady Cash Box "Top 50 C&W" end by wood Bute, empha,lzed by and #30 late great percussion aloe them with the proper fire or Hank Williams, and associated occasional spoken lyrics rendered poetteally melan- choly. Set should sail well In Irish with him. They include "Jambalaya," yet mysteriously by abbe., gnu, 4423- LONELY LITTi.E WORLD Jean Shepard and backed by "Cold, Cold Heart. and "There'll Be No an ethereal-aoundioa chums, Cash Box "Top 50 C &W" Teardrops Tonight.. Hawkins does them #32 * ** THE MUSIC OF GREECE well, lending a touch of individuellry. What Peter Kara and Hie Orchestra Coral 4454 la the album'. WRITTEN IN THE STARS ITHE -ITS GOT TO BE A HABIT (lank Thompson most interesting element Is *** CRL 75734a, (Stereo A Moaural)-Authen- the backing by Joe Reisman. whose ar- ZODIAC SUITE) Cash Box "Top 50 C&W" #33 tic material, well- recorded. Unusual Instru- rangements are Rod M,Kuen; Conducted by Dkk Jacobs, fresh and creative - bring- ments, such s. the bouaoukee, the toambea, ing something new Coral CRL 7$1339. ISlereo A Monaureb- to the repertoire. Greek clarinet, etc., aro used to 4454 -WILL WE START OVER AGAIN .... Hank Thompson There are 12 melodies on this set, each of achieve cor- rect effects. Dealers with clients in Music Vendor "Tap 50 C &W" whkh describes the mood of a sign of the Greek #47 neighborhoods should stock it. * ** SIDE BY SIDE Zodiac. The material falls Into the theme or The Barry 4412 -I'VE GOT A RIGHT TO KNOW Buck Owe= Sheen. Roulette R 251M - pop instrumental category and some of the on The gals who .cored quite triumph In melodies, which are relatively (Continued page 38) Music Vendor "Top 50 C &W" simple, could #33 the Soviet Union last summer. thanks to asily M Stye. pop-style lyrics. (Two, TV's Ed Sullivan, devote this albino% to him "Scorpio" and "Leo" already have.) Piano 4410 - THERE'S NOT ANY LIKE YOU LEFT .. Faron Young as they offer varied program of familiar soloist is Gloria Rummy. who doe* nice. Music Vendor "Top 50 C &W" #39 tuna, done in their unique vocal harmony wistful reading of the rapeclive theme*. style. One Nally offbeat band has a Chinese Voices and strings make an effective back- AUDIO version of "Whoa Sorry Now." Fans of the drop. act will find the duo at their boa bare with fine arrangements by Dick Was and FIDELITY Stan Applebaum. CHRISTMAS * ** POLISH CHRISTMAS CAROLS RECORDS PLAYING THE FIELD * ** * ** LIT Wally. Jay Jay LP 1023 -Pleasant Mark Murphy. Capitol ST 1135. Maud Program of choral singing. la Polish, of Monaural) Here's a sock deeiay pro- - hymns and carola associated wills DOCTORED FOR gramming package. Murphy *No with the coun- The St. ACTUAL SELECTIONS BY THE INDUSTRY'S LEADING TRADES taste and perceptive phrasing on comp of try. Stanislaw Choir from Mkhi- aan City, Ind., la featured wish organ standard* and ourles. On one side be Is accompaniment, behind the backed by an intimate -styled trio. while the solo offerings SUPER of the well -known polka maestro, LI'I WaD)'. 4477- BELLY UP TO THE BAR BOYS flip Natures swinging big Said backing. Guy Lombardo Wally's fans will undoubtedly be interested Cash Box "Pick of the Week " -"The Lombardo ono bounces In Selections include "Honeysuckle Ruse," familiar In this set, steno In the general Christmas STEREO fashion through one of the stanchion and "Wishing" and "Swinging on a Star" 'Molly Brown' market* there L much Included us 'pest' ocallsla are such hip maestros as Sian Kenton. competition. Nelson Riddle and Billy Mar." HARMONICA PERFORMANCES * ** TN OF ALL -113SE FAVORITES * ** CHRISTMAS IRELAND 4479 -ARE. YOU SURE Its Williams St. Canotrlae's Cash Denny Weltoe. Coral CRL 757347. Dominions Chetr. Avoca Bos "Best nth " - "'1 he splrlluaJ-II c dill from 'Molly 33- AV-125 Timely package. The choir le tSlereo A is an - Brown. given a spnehtly, handclap . Monaural) Danny Welton sound. lively pp- - consisla of two groups, 90 children aged country fan." excellent harmonica player who le strongly nine to 12, and 35 girls, 12 to lt. The assisted here by a chorus and orchestra voices are fresh and there directed by Henry Jerome playing Dick welltrafned, and 4480-KEEP-A-HOPPIN' Jack Aarshalt are two soloists. Maureen le the con- Jacobs' arran.cmrunu. These vary widely in Dillon Cash Boa "Bess Bel " -"The Marshall ork.eberus a hrlgbi elves with ductor. A good Christmas album. account of the 'Moly Brown' entry. , .. Cheerful programming." style, a triplet beat behind such (K- eene tones n "Peg o' My Heart," 'Tammy 4481 i and "Ruby." and some bright and Inleral- -iF KNEW . .. Nat Cole king ina approacMa to other old favorites well SOUND *** Musk Sender "Hit Pkk "- "..friser or bosh (aides) auula add fo the Cole Ils of hIO." as -'To Each His Own," "Fromm" and "Autumn Leaves." The popularity of the * ** BALDWIN ORGAN AND BONGOS repertoire and kiss Intenable arranaemanis Audio Mello DES WM. (5leaeo A Mot 4483 -DOLCE FAR NIENTE ..... Gordon MacRae swab This new album Eddie Morie should attract business. - fatum Vendor "rlre HK " -"Fku recitation k given to use Osborn on organ. Bob Rosenauden on Haltom titled time from the Broadway New 'Molly Brown.' and drum. George EDEN'S bongos Devons on per- * ** ISLAND mission and Frank Canna on basa. It shop eden alabo. D.1-FI DPt.P tilt - Th off Interesting percussion affect, on organ and bongos, especially in stereo. But as whole it dos not come up to the musical CADENCE RECORDS level of many of the other percussion sets on the market today, either in musical la- lereat or excitement. Tunes Include arand- RELEASES arda such a "Buttons and Bows," "Tea- nos. Waltz,. and "Muskrat Ramble.'

OUT THIS WEEK AND ON THEIR WAY TO YOU NOW * ** GONGOS Don Ralke. Warner Bros. W 1398 - A handsome exposition of the percussion 4487 -1 WANT TO LiVE AGAIN Row Maddox art, with Jaw bones, boo barns, congas, KISSING MY PILLOW bongos, mariaches, tambourina and others heard In with ork Roses "down-home" mole combined with memorable lyric. could splendid recording, the oil this one on both CAW and Pop art.. of Don bulks. Each hand k of the Afro The World's type and features something different to 4488 -OVER AND DONE WITH challenge the Iklenar'e hi -fi system. These First Th. Royal Galaxies challenges ere all explained In the liner. TROUBLE ON A DOUBLE DATE A good idea, well carried off, but dime 4 A *bong follow-ep to their flirt record Ils. Biel should Stereo -Scored be Trisse]s much competition lo this field already. bla In the teen market. Orchestra 4489 -PEPE Lea Baxter DOLCE FAR NIENTE JAll * ** A beautiful, musical tatroductlne ro !a maton picture smash * * * * * * * * * * * of the year. * ** NO COVER, NO MINIMUM BUN Eulalhw. Roulette R 02052 - One is FOLKWAYS RECORDS it of the label's Birdland Series, this presents 4490 -OLYMPIA LEADER IN Tha Little Angola Mr. B. In night club milieu. with crowd WORLD'S SAYS YOU sounds, etc. The material la standard, fn. senmllon AUTHENTIC FOLK MUSIC lb* of flua network TV show., nook rod record le "Misty." "Thal'* for Me." "It more thing to .weep the eounlry, chiding NEW NION FIDELITY atLIAtta Mlaht as Well Be Spring" and the Fred !V!Y MONÁM Rose oldie, 'Teed I Do." Ecksline plays * Write foi Complete koto`` oí Albums m some trumpet here, too. He affil ha Lonspiny A THE BILLBOARD MUSIC 1f DECEMBER S 1160





OCM 2200 -Monaural SELLING SEASON OCS 6200 -Stereo

Get Yours-ORDERYours -ORDER NOW! 28 The Billboard's Musk Popularity Charts . . e POP SONGS DECEMBER S, 1960 THE NATION'S TOP TUNES HOflOR ROLL H1TS GERMAN Newsnotes of Continued from page 6 Northern Germany Southern FOR WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 11 Germany Czechoslovakia, -:Poland and other Rio," and "That's Love" on the Eastern countries with American Electrolal label, The Honor Roll of Hits comprises the notion's top tunes according firms whose production in return Fritz (C r a z y Ott o) Schulz - to record sales and disk jockey performances as determined by will he released by Amiga. Retche) got an invitation Arthur to lour The Billboard's weekly nationwide surveys. Brauner, chief of CCC- Persia. , "Teenager's Lullaby" Filnl Production, is preparing a is the title of an EP played by disk jockey show for Paul Siegel Peter Cramer and 11'reke RECORDING AVAILABLE his hand for the This last un entitled "Schlager- Barometer" (Pop Polydor label. The Heliodor label as rrk NI. erk To. Composer. Publisher Chart (Bert Selling Record in listed Bold Fora) Music Barometer). Siegel's radio issued a Chancellor waxing of program in SFB Radio, "The Great Frankle Avalon singing "Together- 1 LAST DATE 6 O [Million Sellers,' on which he in- ness" b -w "Don't Let love Pass By Floyd Comer-Pohl, lied by Ac,etl Rose IRMO 1. LAST DATE-118)d Cram., V4 troduces American recordings with Me By." 7775. a million or more sales, draws big 2 ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT 3 attendance. . . . Philips has now by CCOmwell (ASCAP) 2. ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT Are Young" and "All the Young B. Roy Turk -Lou Handmau- Published Bourne- started the distribution O -Al /Own, Dec 27043; Jaye P. of Broad- Men," which was shown here for Moran, M -G :M I)))); Ehls Pres- way Records here. The first rec- the first time November 1. 4 POETRY IN MOTION ley, Vie 7810. ords offered are "in My Little Cor- Kaufman A Anthony -Published by Meridian ,BMI) Elvis Presley's Rew recording By ner of the (Maureen O 3. POETRY IN MOTION -Johnny World" Evans). from "G.1. Blues" (to he shown and 5 Tillotson, Cadence 1384. "Yogi Man's Bikini"-"The Yen here for the first time December 5 A THOUSAND STARS Yet By pea,soo-Published by Ryden t13M11 Song" (Billbershek -Gary Cane). 23) has started competition be- O 4. A THOUSAND STARS - Kathy Also Metronome has launched tween Teldec, who distributes Young and Ibe Innocenta, Indigo a new label called "Adana' star- 8 108. Presley's RCA recordings here. and 3 STAY ring Ralf Roberts. who formerly Polydor Without any advance By Maurice Williams- Published by W,ndson8 (BM)) an- O 5. STAY- Litrlc loe and Thrillers, sang on Polydor: Mao Kutta, who nouncement, Polydor last week sur- Okch 7136; Maurice Williams and also recorded for Polvdor. and prised the trade with the sudden 5 Zodhies, Herald 552; /e1 7 NEW ORLEANS Marsha Wm- Teddy Fischer. More slays will be release By Guida- Royster- Published by Pert í8N1) tete, Stephany IFI)5. of "Wooden Heart." The signed for this label, which will tune is based upon the popular 6. produce pop NEW ORIE.ANS - 1', B. Mends, music only. German folk song "Muss I Denn ALASKA 6 6 NORTH TO Legraad 819, Rolf Budde of Budde Publish- Z11171 Stadtele Hinaus" and was ar- By Phillip! -Published by Robbins I ASCAP) ing House, Berlin, ranged with composer Bert Kamp - O 7. NORTH TO ALASKA- Johnny currently is in Horton, Columbia 41782. the States for negotiations with his fert who works for Polydor as com- O27 WONDERLAND BY NIGHT 2 American affiliates.... Ariola will poser, arranger and ork leader. It 8 By Kaempfcrt- Published by Roosevelt )8ßI1, I. WONDERLAND BV NIGHT -Bert soon issue an LP with a German IS sung by ex -G.I. Gus Backus, who Kaemptert Dee 31141; Louis Prima, version of the Rodgers - Hammer - became popular here with only two 4 Dot 16131. ® 14 HE WILL BREAK YOUR HEART tein musical "Oklahoma!" pro- recordings. Some days later Teldec and Carley shed by Conrad (Btl) 81 Boiler, Slashed -P.. 9. HE WILL BREAK YOUR HEART duced by Horst Fuchs in Berlin. issued the Presley original record- -Jerry Butler. Vee Jay 354. Fuchs will produce for Teldec from ing a week before the intended THE LAST DANCE FOR ME 12 beginning of next Fritz release date. The firm reports that 8 SAVE 10. year.... 10 (115.11) SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR 81 Pomos- -Published by Rumbalrrn- Proyressise Schulz- Reichel, 130,000 advance orders were re- Schuman ME-- DrBten nad Bert L. Biagi one of our top Arlantle 2071. pianists, will play in Teheran (Per- cieved within the first three days. 12 SAILOR (YOUR HOME IS IN THE SEA) 3 sia) in the spring. He will also The new recording is so far the 1) By Schaticnhcrucr- Bosch- Pub)esbed b) BIEM 11. BAILOR 4VOUR HOME. IS IN record Vica Torriani's current hit, outstanding attraction. THE SEA} -Loam, Kapp 349. "Kalkutla Liegt Am Ganges" (Cal- The German Song Festival, 9 which this year took place Septem- 10 GEORGIA ON MY MIND 12. GEORGIA ON 54V MIND -Ray cutta) for American Decca. .

S)cwart be 12 tinaay Carmichacl and Gorrcll- Charles, ABC -Paramount 10135. Conny's hits. "Kleine Lucienne" ber 24 in Wiesbaden, will held 84 PubBshed by Prcr lbletnational I8klt) and "Wer Wird Der Erste Sein" there again next year from Septem- 13. LET'S GO, LET'S CO. LET'S CO ber 18 to 22. As this year, the Hank Be lard and tae Mldsleblere, (Who Will the First One Be) to 7 festival will be arranged by Radio 13 LET'S GO, LETS G0, LET'S GO King 5400. be released on Capitol in the 13 Ry )Link Ballard- Published by Leis (ßM1) States. Luxembourg and the City of Wies- 44. ALONE AT LAST -Jackie Alison, baden. The last competition was Brunswick 55170. Yugolavia n Iso Robic, who be- came one of our top stars with not shown on television, but the 14 9 ALONE AT LAST 6 IS. 1 WANT TO BE next one will be. by Pearl (HMI) WANTED- Breada only one record, "Morgen," has re- By Lehman -Published Lee, Dec 31149. corded "Save the Last Dance for Christa Williams, whose great- est hit was the German version of 11 16. MY GIRI. JOSEPHINE - Fab Me" with a German lyric entitled 11 I WANT TO BE WANTED 5704. Connie Francis' "My Happiness." 15 Domino. Imperial 17 Fangt Das "Mir Leben Erst B, GannonSroal, Tesla -Luol, she.) by Leeds (ASCAP) with Richtig An" (Life Just Starts at 17) has annulled her contract 17. LONELY TEENAGER - Dios,' Telefunken and signed with Ariola. Laurie 3070. for Electrola. Tune was released 1 Her first recordings on this label 16 - MY GIRL JOSEPHINE in the original version with the -Published by Trasla (BM)) M. MANY TEARS By Domino -Bartholomew AGO - Cowrie Drifters on Atlantic some weeks are being produced by Helmut Franck, M.G -M 11964. ago.... Teldec, German distributor Jantsch. 1 19. reports good results on LONELY TEENAGER EXODUS Ferrante and Tekber, of RCA: announced that orders for Ariola O11 - by (ASCAP) United Artists 274; xtantovaol, - of the Record" held - By Tepper- Del).0,- Faracl- Published Schwartz Len Ellis Presley's "Wooden Heart" the first "Week dun 1953 Talent Festival. have gone up to 200,000 after 10 during their.Young 3 "Week of the Record" aimed 20 MANY TEARS AGO 10. YOU TALK TOO SIUCH- Frankie days.... Lys Assis goes for the top This Roomsch IBMI) the consumer's contact 18 By Scott- Published by Ford, Imperial 5685; Ja Jnaes; in the French hit parade with to make Roulette 4304. records closer and to win new "Madelein" b -w "Fais Toi Belle" with for the recording field gen- 1 21. SWAY-Bobby Ryden, Cameo 183. on Fontana. In Germany, she is friends EXODUS erally. The firm received 108,000 19 - By Gold -Published by Chappell fASCAP) currently singing one of the 18 ver- D. YOU'RE SIXTEEN- roknsy Bnr- letters, and 500 dealers partici- netee, Liberty 55185. sions of "Never on Sunday" on 9 pated in the window -decorating YOU TALK T00 MUCH Philips. 15 23. 1 COTTA KNOW -Etch rermley, competition. A total of 3,600 rec- Hall -Published by Kahl .Music (BM)) most played 2O By Joseph late$ and Reffte %lc 7810. These were the tunes ord shop employees joined in the Network by the American Forces sellers' competition. Supported by 3 24. PERFIDIA -Four Ace, /A1 in Germany: 18 SWAY Dec 27987: Ahmed Jame!, Okeh Ariola. retail shops arranged about 21 By Gimbel -Ruta- Published by Peer 6889; Metropolitan Jau Quett, 1. "Save the Last Dance for Me" 640 record sessions, request pa- M -G -M 51111; Glen M$)r, thk/ (Drifters) rades and children's fairy tale Modernaires, Vic 0035; Rese. 2 AntlY 2. "North to Alaska" (Johnny For the 29 YOU'RE SIXTEEN Coral 62142; Rene Towel. Gene afternoons with records. (BM)) 22 By Sherman- Sherman- PnbdsMd by Blue Grat Norman Presents 152; Veolures, Horton) students there was arranged a com- Dolan 21. 1. "I Want to Be Wanted" (Brenda petition in school music (classics, Let) in sound, choir songs. op- I GOTTA KNOW 25. TO EACH HIS OWN-Bell Note <, stories 4, "Send Me the Pillow schools and 23 - By P.m-Williams-Published by Alamo (ASCAP) Madison 116; C.rn)e Betinet5. Shad (That' eras). More than 600 5008: Eddy Howard, Met 30015: You Dream On)" (Browns) colleges have participated. The Ink Spots, Des 23615; Tony SM.ln. 5. "Chain Gang" (Sam Cooke) winners of these competitions will 3 Mer 30022; lane Y4 24 PERFIDIA Morgan. KAPO 264; 6. "Blue Angel" (Roy Orbison) receive holiday trips and valuable By DnmenQnez -M. Leed!- Pubbshcd by Peer IBM)) Plotters, Mee 71697; Maude Ray- burn, L)Mrly 55159: Duns Welton, 7. "Togetherness" (Frankie Ava -I prizes such as IN sets, [radios and Cord 62221. tun) record players. Encouraged by the TO EACH HIS OWN 8. "Don't Be Cruel" (Bill Black's' success and attendance, Ariola 25 - Dy Livingston and Evans -Published by Paramount Music (ASCAP) 26. HUCELE.BUCK- Cbnbhy Checker. Pathway 833; Craftsmen, Warwick Combo) plans to arrange a "Record Week" 372; Georgia Gibbs, Roulette 4126; 9. "Charming Billy" (Johnny Pres- ever) year in the future. The firm 4 22 HUCKLEBUCK Lou Monte, Roulette 4294; Kate ton) is also intensifying its rack jobber 21) by United ¿BMI) Smith, Kapp 237; Paul, Williams By Gibson and Alfred- Puh)i'hed .4 10. "Lucille" (Evenly Brothers) system in book retail shops. liucklcbuckcry, Savoy IS57. of the Colpi, Records will now be dis- Late Andersen's recording 8 on Sun- 23 SLEEP 27. BLEEP - Little Willie John, King tributed by the Danish firm of German version of "Never 27 By E. Leiben by Stiller IASCAPI 5394) Eddie Peabody, Dot 15100. Schiff Wird -Published Sonet - Storyville in Germany, day," entitled "Ein Switzerland. This firm Kommen," has reached the 300,000 211, I'LL THE (.AST DANCE Austria and SAVE and tops all other 17 ILL SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR YOU 1 FOR BOL'- Domlta Jo, S1. 71690. has handled the Colpix label for sales mark 28 - 18x11) available here. Most Ry Pool u, -S. human- Published by R utnh;:leto- P,',y'':.I' time in Scandinavia. The recordings 9 LIKE 6TRANCERS- Eycrly 1008' some is rep- successful besides Lale Andersen an, Cadence 1388. Danish firm Sonet- Storyville the German market by is Caterina Valente and Melina 29 25 LIKE STRANGERS 2 resented on O 30. FOOLS RUSH IN -Brook Benham. Mercduri, the Greek actress from by Arnll-Rose eBS)Il Metronome Records, Hamburg, By U r an)-PuhlishcJ Mar 717221 Remo Capra. Col 41697; the top who took over the distribution from the film. The tune is at Malcolm Dodds, End 1054; Nnrmao hit parade now. Joe record importing firm Plotz k of the German FOOLS RUSH IN Mepp, lard 77021; Salvo'sr, the radio, TV. 30 - Seeco 6006. recently. Met- Next year's German ( Company, Bremen, By Mercer- Blrx,m- Published by Regroup, Vecco and Conn ASCAP) exhibition will take ronome has now issued Colpix sin- anti phono place in Berlin from August 25 to liuine nl gles, EP's and LP's with Jimmy WARNING -Tlie title "HONOR ROLL OF HITS" is a rcginlered trade -mark and the 3. This year's exhihitun the hits has been eopyrtaltted by The Billboayd. Use el Taber may not be siede without The Darren singing title melodies from September publislIera at in Frankfort. Billboard's COMM. 11,551s), for such consent should he submitted in writing tu the the "Gidget" pie, "Because They was held The Billboard M The Billboard, 1564 Broadway, New York 26, N. Y. MUSIC 29 DECEMBER S, 1960 THI BILLBOARD


LàVern Baker's

rom , Arm


------f, Breaking in all territories! )

ATLANTIC RECORDS .liH8JC . 30 The Billboard's Popularity Charts . . I'OP RE,(:URI1S DECEMBER 5, 1960


PERFORMERS rhawrd qrrsrrlt *S1AR Ihr *STAR PERFORMERS rhowed Fhs preelesl *S1AR upwrrd proqrru pn {lol 100 Ihls werk, up,vrrd pro9rrrt PERFORMFRS shaw4d Ihr greekH en HoI 100 Ihis week, § upwHd 3 5 prpyess on Hel I00 Ihn .rrk, Indi[alla Thal IS f.p.m. HsiEO Nngk Indncatet IhH 15 rP,m. sinqir version is Itrw Indnatta Ihal arellabls. rerion is available. .a 45 r.p.m, IIHre sin0lo 3c vrni0n IF avrilapla. ác ®IndnNet that r.p.m. 3 3 0]Ih Ileso sinpk Indlcates Ilnrt ]11h r.P,m. Ihrtro sinqle 3 ®Ind:ufn Ihat rersfon it ava.tablr. o .0 rerri0n is aradable, ]S`h tp,m, ttetto sinple F F vrrtion is avaikbk. TITLE Artht, Company Rrcord No. TITLE Arlie!, Cempsny 3 ó Retord N,. TITLE Aron% Company Retord Na.

42 38 43 MY DEAREST DARLING 2 35 ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT E 4 34 12 76 83 99 SEND ME THE PILLOW Foos Jamrt, Ario 5.14A n F1,1, Pre,le , RC'A IMoor 7810 (THAT YOU DREAM ON) ..... 4

30 33 38 RUBY DUBY DU 6 2 4 8 LAST DATE 35 Cl 9 7 nhln Nauhews. ONO 7012 SAD MOOD ',nod Crane, RCA \'Klar 7775 - - - ...... _...... 1 O Sam c Cooke. RCA \blur 7816 27 17 10 BLUE ANGEL 4 3 2 POETRY IN MOTION 9 12 No, Irrfilm., .Monument 425 O lolrnn, 1111oNon. Codenar 1.184 74 84 91 THE BELES Jare Rpm n, Aine 5123 33 41 53 AM I LOSING YOU 7 O 3 1 6 STAY 10 31 llnn Reeser, RCA \ Lehr 71100 84 96 Maur, Nllllama and thr iodlera. Herald 557 - CORINNA, CORINNA 3 Ray Peary°, Hune. 1007 50 58 57 NATURAL BORN LOVER 6 5 7 9 A THOUSAND STARS 7 Fats Domino, 5701 Kathy oun8 and floc Irmnceni,. Indl.n 108 ImPtrlal 5 l 7Y 86 - - DOLL HOUSE 2 Doonle Bnerkr, Fry .1018 70 94 LAST DATE © 7 12 12 NORTH TO ALASKA 12 - 3 lol.nn. Dniepr, Welk, Dut 16145 Horton. Columbia 41781 69 82 76 ALABAM 11 C'uobuy Copas, Slardar 501 48 53 55 BALLAD OF THE ALAMO 8 11 15 23 HE WILL BREAK YOUR HEART 6 \tar, Rabldua, 41809 1 err. Bunrr. \'re Ju, 354 Columbia O 72 76 85 DON'T GO TO STRANGERS 5 rola Jon, Prr.tl0e IRS 75 BLUE TANGO 11 NEW ORLEANS 8 tr 6 8 - - RIN Black's Cumbo, HI 2017 U. 5. Band, Leerend 819 0 77 86 94 LAST OF THE BIG TIME SPENDERS.... 4 Condor. and Rl,rults, \sacke 1101 44 36 36 33 TOGETHERNESS 12 24 34 SAILOR (YOUR HOME IS IN THE SEA) . Frankly Arabs , Cbanceßnr onto, Kapp 119 1056 0 71 79 87 CRY, CRY, CRY 5 49 60 77 GOH10 Hobby Bturi Rland, Duke 327 10 9 6 7 LET'S G0, LET'S G0, LET'S GO 12 43 lamer Runker, Precool 1697 Flunk Mallard and Ihr Mldnlahlera. Mom 5400 85 71 64 BALLAD OF THE ALAMO 8 39 37 44 WAIT FOR ME Burl and Trails, 1aptly 55281 14 19 49 MANY TEARS AGO 5 44 il ...matt, Roulette 4176 Cnook I rancia, Sto. %I 12964 58 45 25 THEME FROM THE APARTMENT 20 Fro's. and 61 64 - RUBY fetcher. United ArthIs 131 t2 8 13 15 ALONE AT LAST 9 Rar Charier, ARCParampunt 10164 Juckle WIlaon, Brnn,okk 55170 GROOVY TONIGHT - - - 1 Bobby Radrlt. Cameo 46 44 46 52 DEAR JOHN E 7 182 20 26 50 WONDERLAND BY NIGHT L`7 4 Pat Ronne, Hut 16151 1 Ilerl Kaempterl. becca 31141 87 - - RAMONA 2 Moe Diamunds. London 1954 47 54 59 75 ALABAN 7 O ihr 24 27 37 MY GIRL JOSEPHINE Pat panne, DM 16152 Fata 11nminn, Imperial 8704 81 89 93 95 GEE 4 48 26 23 17 DEVIL OR ANGEL 19 Jan and Dran, Hart 576 Hobby \'re. I.Iberlt 55270 10 5 1 GEORGIA ON MY MIND O 9 15 93 95 BUMBLE BEE 4 Rat Churlos, ARCPammnnl 10135 96 La Nero Boarr. Allanke 0 53 68 89 I MISSED ME 4 1077 21111 Retort, RCA Victor 71160 O 16 20 40 SWAY 5 COME RAIN OR COME SHINE 2 Robb, Hrdell, Cameo 182 83 95 - - Ray Chart, %Pao. 2041 50 41 65 92 RUBY DUBY DU L; 6 Charier Wok.. \1C-M 11911 17 21 32 41 YOU'RE SIXTEEN 6 O HOOCH! (00(HI (00 1 lobnot BurnaItt. Liberty 55285 ttr - - - Alpe 5530 itt 78 88 88 WONDERLAND BY NIGHT G 4 Hank Ballard und the \tldniabrro, tool, Prima. Dut 16151 t6 13 10 5 SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME 14 61 85 91 92 - SERENATA Winer,, AIIanlie 2071 Sarah \aoeban, Ronde.. 4285 35 16 14 DON'T BE CRUEL 13 ßIII Rlurk'. Combo. 811 2026 18 21 31 PERFIDIA 6 94100 GLORIA'S THEME 3 0 8G - \ colorrs, Dallan 28 \dam Wade. Cord 541 67 - - RUBBER BALL 2 Bobby \en I. Ibert, 55287 15 14 18 HUCKIEBUCK 9 MAGNIFICENT SEVEN 20 Chubb, Checker, Parknay 813 Al Caen!, Culled Arttal 261 0 62 71 - EXODUS rTI 3 Manlnaanl, London 1933 RAMBLIN' tar 32 34 36 LONELY TEENAGER 8 3 Ramldera, Addli 1157 Dion: 1 unnr1t 3070 66 73 - HARD HEARTED HANNAH * R u. (Nark, ABC- Parammrnt 10164 - WONDERLAND BY NIGHT . .. 1 2Y 29 30 28 I'LL SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR YOU. . 7 59 67 GEE WHIT 111 Ardt., Bnaul, lurßws 537 ' Ilnmlla \frrrurr - Jn. J16o0 56 innnrtnly, Indian 111 3

- DANCE BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON.. Y3 22 50 66 LIKE STRANGERS 51 35 27 PETER GUNN 9 ()Non , Anet 5020 tatrlr Brother. Cadence 1388 Duane F.dda. Jamie 1168

YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE 1 Y4 31 40 FOOLS RUSH IN 4 - - 54 3 73 87 - (WILL YOU LOVE ME) TOMORROW... Johnny and the Hurrkunes. Me lop 3056 Hrnnk ßrtrinn, 31trcury 71722 Moire. , SEWN' 1211

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LONELY. . Y5 17 11 4 I WANT TO BE WANTED 13 6 100- - 59 64 72 83 ONCE IN A WHILE 92 Irrr,a Breuer, Curai 612.16 Ric ode iron, Decca 31149 C'himea, 'fer

4 34 56 65 I GOTTA KNOW 1 t 97 73 PSYCHO @ ® 4 51 39 24 SUMMER'S GONE E 94 - trai. 0 10147 Robb, Fkndrkk, Soot 711 Presley. RC% Victor 7810 Paul .Auks. .ARC'Peramonnt

PEARLS 16 Y8 19 9 3 YOU TALK TOO MUCH 12 79 WINGS OF A DOVE 2 95 57 55 46 DIAMONDS AND - - \11iearmnr 1001 Jue Jnnt,, Rnnlctte 4304 merlin Hoodoo, Capitol 4.406 Parudn.,

29 23 18 13 SLEEP 14 43 29 16 LET'S THINK ABOUT LIVIN' 14 LITTLE MISS BLUE 63 96 - - - non. Laurie 7070 I.illlr 181111e Jnl.n. khnS 5394 Hob Lumen, Warner Bros. 5172

40 51 71 EXODUS g+ 47 44 30 LOVE WALKED IN 10 AGE FOR LOVE 1ii: 4 91 Hum, Charles. P.m 1001 trrrantr nd 7'rlchtr, United Anlsl. 274 Dinah WaHllneton, Mt.?" 71006

YOU BETTER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE 25 43 51 OL' Mac DONALD OF SUMMER...... 6 9B 31 5 65 65 78 82 GREEN LEAVES Frank Shaine, CoIPn01 4466 Brothers Four, Columbia 111011 DOING 11ord Prim ARCPnramount 10161

34 37 49 42 AM I THE MAN 7 68 81 59 THEME FROM THE SUNDOWNERS 10 BB 3 WABASH BLUES larklr 811.11, Hnmanlck 53170 BIIIy Vaughn, Dot 16133 99 - - coin \la Hrn 1í0

38 31 21 ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS 11 81 WALK SLOW 2 - ROCKIN' ROLLIN' OCEAN ..... 33 - - \ 7701 0 Snow, RCA Wm, Robby DurM, Alen 6170 1.1111r MLille Jahn, Kin. 5429 Hank DECEMBER 5, 1960 Tltr Billboard's 111raair Popularity Charts . .. POI' RECORDS 31 & TOMORROW'S TOPS BUBBLING BEST BUYS UNDER THE HOT 100

The. while they hove not yet dlop>d records, of ell rho... the Het 100, hove begun u enough um WINGS OF A DOVE Husky Perlin 41st1lh thrvovt the cunt.," lot Inclusion on any notienel Show NATIONAL soles b,k,vr eaten thll week let the Ant chart anywhere, °Woody hove stimulated .n. ;dernble llc: 1 rf,. IL\II t .1i 1101, time. They 1. dealer., juke operator ere ttemmnded bee astien. Rank paeil ;n indi..s rlohve p,'.,, Tel a urn on std dish f.,hey in having O. ..gall' potential . go all early looting on the Hot 100 SAD P4000 Sam Cooke Iho every. Previous a ;lm.,rd spotlight p marked I.1. I. HAPPY DAYS .Mery Johnson, United Artists 213 Ilse:. R\III R(. \ICtor 1. MR. LIVINGSTON Larry Verne, Era 3034 POP 3. GEE WHIZ .... Bobby Day, Rendezvous 136 4. SIXTY MINUTF MAN Untouchables, Madison 139 CSI W 5. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE James Brown, federal 12258 6. GOOD NEWS . Eugene Church, Rendezvous 'RUBY Ray (hark; 132 7. LET'S DO THE HOLLY GULLY POLKA ON A BANJO Lcsler FIaH 6 Earl Scruggs U:I';r ... Bill Doggett, Warner Bros. 5181 !(\III 8. OH, LONESOME ME ..Bob lumen, Warner Bros. 5184 9. CINDERELLA Classics, Dart 1015 'HARDHEARTED HANNAH 10. BABY, 0' BABY Shells, Johnson 104 I1. JINGL68ELL ROCK. .. Bobby Helms, Decca 30513 1 hilt nl;.,l. ASI \I'1 Ott I' vi tin oil ll 1011,1 R8tB 12. ZING WENS THE STRINGS OF MY HEART Kalln Twins, Dacca 31189 13. YOU DON'T WANT MY LOVE '(Wilt YOU LOVE ME) TOMORROW Shirelles I'LL SAVE THE LAST DAN(E FOR YOU Damila Jo Andy Williams, Cadence 1389 14. CALCUTTA Lawrence Welk, Dol 16161 rt \11. . ;,r' , l'I 15. ROUND ROBIN Donnie Brooks, Era 3028

REVIEWS OF Nor 100: A TO i A Theutan° Stan THIS wi:b:n: WEEK'S SINGLES ,Geaat Aren t L,1 Am 1 Le.ln. Yu .., 7I Am 1 In Men Ar Yv Ln.o reniehs 1 Anrr{eial IIwn ... ]] . alle. r Ih. the JEANNF. BLACK Iue á r..v,., pick of the new releases: I.e 1 In AInl ,Re.bfn, OH HOW I 11155 YOU TONIGII E Mudd-Bourne, e11. ITh, ...... IUa AnPi ... _...... PIN ASCAP 12:Silt- Here's a fine old tune, wrapped up in um T n1 an appealing reading thrush. Altho is bl .N .... SPOTLIGHT by the the song an WINNERS oldie, Cme RIncrrin e/ tm. lhln _... it is presented as an answer to Elvis Presley', c>r.,,,, OF THE WEEK carrent smash. "Are You Lonesome Tonight:'" and features an effective narration by the canary on the bridge. D ont by Ih. L,en1 t ras. Moen 00 of Dear Jahn 11 Watch it. Flip is "A Little Bit Lonely" (Central Song.. Dari! o An^1 01 D.mnÁ, a /sert ... .. 17 HMI). Capitol 4492 Dell ov t] Strongest week. Don't ":1"r1/41 sales potential of oll records reviewed this Don, O to Srranen . n, ana T,lher, 70 RAY ORBISON E Mn for n, u. I'M IIC;RTIN' (Acuff P.14 aysn In In order to speed reviews of single records, The -Ruse, 8111) 12:4.31 -I C'AN'T STOP a.. u LOVING YOU (Acuff -Rose, B:II) 12:431 -"l'm Hurtin" O. WI IS Billboard requests be sent to The Bill- Ooreì on My Mi. that AR singles -a smart rocker -is sold with sock personality and style Olor. Thorne Censa board Record Review Department, 1564 Broadway, New by Orhison. The flip. a great country tune penned by Don Oreen e/ e] Lummr Gibson, is accorded a solid interpretation Groay. Lre.nonl 70 York 36, N. Y. be P. by the singer. However, should albums sent 0. Both Narre Nrla Hann. SS aides ore strong. Monument 433 Nv Yu ayer Seen Lo,iI' s7 Box 292, Times Square Station, New York 36, N. Y. N Will .M Your Nrrt . 7 Neethl even, Cu N Nun .. clever lyrics. Flip is a tender hallad with a warmly aa,nnl,,. ... expressive vocal by the canary. Mercury 71744 Rn D 1N ID SEVILLE AND THE CIIIPIICNKS Y1 Relhn' Ot.n aubbr b11 RUDOLPH. THE RED -NOSED REINDEER (St. Nicho- RunY NI II. SEDAKA las. ASCAP) (1:37) fvYr Dv., Du .MIIhw., ASCAP) (2:32) -SPAIN (Monarch. - aub, over Du 'we1.n, ('AI.ENDAR GIRL (Aldon, R \ell (2:32) -THE SAME lieree another winning effort by the Chipmunks fall of Meoa FOOL (Aldon, HMO 12:561-- Sedako registers i OLD with their usual charm and strong kddic appeal. "Rudolph" has {,11or veur . e Non,. It ,n rn s. . solid impact on "Calendar Girl," a swinging teen -appeal never been done in quite this way before and the clever M a M rh r,rle« ,Th1 YY ón ditty. The warbler switches to a wistful vocal style, via a novelty it the holiday disk of the n .. .:. ....:: ii treatment can make .... multi -track reading of the flip, an attractive country- has o( humor and {r...... T year. Flip, a non -seasonal item, plenty stayIF; m.r oan flavored item. Both sides have good sales potential. sound and could also so. Liberty 55289 i: RCA Victor 7829 .w1 DPI ems (Continued can page 321 Rrem The ru T7.4. n .,M., O.w. T ..... a w.brn ewe...... MUSIC PUBLISHER INFORMATION: \Ve,l tor u. . Data naming the publishers of recorded tunes is provided o record's life: (1) All \Y,IY Sle« r by The Billboard in four different stages of ill Yu t)sE Lre hle, Tomorrow .. new single record reviews each week show the names of the publishers of each tune. (21 When o record is listed on the Not 100 weMefrStbM W'NJSiN IryeMl for the first time, publisher Information le Included In the In the news section each week. (31 The rJ,n.rtan. W NieM KNm/1erJl 17 special box which appears Wend..lad h. N,ehr ,r,m ]t week's Best Buy., naming the hottest breaking records on The Hot 100 in the box which appears at the top of this page, also .0 Ar, Mv svn,n,n, ll Kow V:n, ,ev r provides publisher data, (4) The top 30 tunes each week are listed in The Honor Roll of Hits, which also gives full publisher GvMrrr, tl information, Yev T:Ih Toe Muth ,lrn._ 7E Te'ra 1.4144n aI DECEMBER 32 The Billboard's Music Popularity Charts ... POP RECORDS 5, 1960 Reviews of THIS WEEK'S SINGLES ., 111 HAWLEY the pick of the new releases: DEAN Interesting down home rhythm hen. Bide bling by Covington on fervid up -Irmpe * * ** Rainbow - DORE 577 - This hew a chance. Tune is by Fete Domino and theme with church' flavor. Merits exeunt.. was a hit for the British chanter and salter Dave Bartholomew, and wok his for Roy (Famous, ASCAP) (2:17) of the tune, Russ Hamilton, several seasons Brown In 1957. (Commodore, ESE) (2:00) back, and now Hawley coma thin with Winning performance, with chick backing * ** Row Wm We Ever Be Toaethes-- AQUATONEB SPOTLIGHT WINNER plus the infectious guitar sound. Two fine A good New Orleans heat lune and It's ** ** There's Loos, Long Trail (2:06) given a 'harp reading by Rice. The utist efforts. (Robbins, ASCAP) FARGO 1015 -Here's a novel version fine too. r5andra, of has sound here, the standard, which features pleasant mid- yOF THE WEEK Hey There The Adler Ross BMI) 12:10) * * ** - Ins of the verse, followed by the chorus tune from "Pajama Game" Is done rxatly by a high -bleed thick with vocal rippers Hawley with smartly turned by guitar from the emu ?. Thus group hat berm on 8MPOn. The chanter 4 la good form with the charts before and this could win them show with 7OR09NY O'KEEFE Strongest soles potential of all records reviewed this week. this effort and he could again more spins. (w'itmark, ASCAP) (I:51) the side. Watch 1t. (Frank, ASCAP) (2:08) **** Don't Yoo Kam, Pretty Baby chanted with -LIBERTY 53262-Blues, lorry Time The rocker side, tbi Continued from pote 31 Wang touch of church style, with chick ** - seal. time with Iced by one of the can la the TO ANN CAMPBELL chums behind the mete Horru take group. He offers It in shouted 5eukabiliy over midway and maintain Interest. (Robin SKEETER DAVIS **** Bah Maybe Thy Year - ABC - style. Flip has mote interest (Instant. MY LAST DATE WITH YOU (Acuff -Rose, BMI) (2:30) PARAMOUNT 10172 - Vivacious chirping Hood -Jot, BMI) (1:11) BMI) (2:01) song, "I Can't by Rat ens catchy ditty. Meat, exposure. -The thrush scored recently with the answer * ** Take My Rand - A bouncy rhythm she has another (Iris- Trojan, HMI) (2:25) uilee Help You I'm Falling Too," and here side, with sharp percussion end a touaunv effect to the arrangement, contributed to by ARI.IN frr fine effort. it's a vocal version of the current Floyd Cramer * * ** Cram Dabs -Canary sings pertly BOB the raucous vocal, chorus and horns. (Cam- Earl L. A. OLYMPIA 500 instrumental hit, and Miss Davis gives it much heart. It on bouncy r.Ar. rhythm -novelty. (Marl - **** - - elle -Pub, BMI) (2:15) arillo-Jet, BMI) 0:221 A blocs, with well -known suitor figure can go. Flip is "Someone I'd Like to Forget" (Moss and a lyric of considerably novelty value. Rose, BMI) (2:31). RCA Victor 7825 A chorus end horns contribute to some un- passages. (Kahl -Vert Doe, BMI) IVAN WARD A THE SWINGSTERS RUGHEY inhibited BUDDY (2:30) **** 66 Rock -SAVOY 1591 -A wild ** ** Wonder.. - UNITED ARTISTS DODIE STEVENS driving Instrumental effort. with Latin and 264 -Attractive vocal stint on country-fig ** Pearl of My Heart - Tint hacks tre- (Bourne- Cromwell, blues touch Is handed e solid go and YES I'M LONESOME TONIGHT e it oared ditty with effective backing. Singer of flip. Has same of the same shouting tako off Strong was. pan ASCAP) (3:23) -Here is one of the fine "answers" to the could if exposed. Mom oil warm style here and side has a style and blues' quotlty; (Kahl -Vas Doe, (Twin Oaks -Savoy, BMI) (Hill (2:00) Elvis Presley hit. It's the same song sung and recited chance. A Ranee, HMI) BMD 12:25) with warmth by the lass. A winning performance. Flip is * ** Congo Glide -Most attractive end * ** It', All Over But Um Crying- Plain instrumental hem by Ward and Is with feeling another standard, "Too Young" (Jefferson, ASCAP) (2:02). swinging slue rocknballad sung and MELt.OKINGS hi, combo hero. The side has an unusual (Nash -Beau, BMI) (2:43) THE Dot 16167 e)ecerity. AI HERALD 502 sound and It moves. (Twin Oaks-Savoy, ** ** Tonight-7001 - BMI) -The stoup had a healthy tilt with this rockaballad In 1957 and the r,ISSUe la now THE DIAMONDS GLEN COVINGTON gen.. activity in various markets. Bide THE CRUMBLE (Figure, BMI) (2:36) -The boys could RICKY PAGE * * ** if I Loved Vow - WARWICK should be watched. (Angel. BMI) (2:30) * Yes. I'm Lonesome Tonight- 587 -Strong rcnditon of the poignant Rod- hit the charts again with this bright, driving dance side, * ** Do Baby Do A bouncy. rhythmic RENDEZVOUS 139 -Ricky Page, sweet - ger, and Hammerstein standard. Solid dee- ** - wax. Flip is turned fashion. which features a twist -type rhythm. Solid voiced youna lass. comes thru with yet ley side. (Williamson. ASCAP) (2:34) ditty L out b sprightly shouts it out but flip la the side to Be Mine" (Tulip, ASCAP) (2:39). - another reading of the "answer" tune to the Lead "You'd watch. (Angel. BMI) 12:30) Mercury 71734 current Elvis Presley hit. She wines and * ** The Story of My LB* - Rich war- recites it with sincerity. Could get Action. (Bourne -Cromwell, ASCAP) (3:07) BOYD BENNETT * Standing on Mountain Top-On JUNIOR (Benjon, BMi) (2:34) -Boyd Bennett shows ** * * * BIG this side the S,esiscu sells an attractive off his fine talking-singing style on this catchy swinging reckaballad neatly over pronounced triplet disking. it could land the chanter back on the hit lists. backing. Flip Is Wronger. (Figure, BMI) GOOD SALES POTENTIAL (2:29) Flip is "Hershey Bar" (Martÿ s, BMI) (2:34). Mercury 71724 WERNER MULLF.R ORK muha is neatly brindled by Duncan. Nice ammr. (Acuff. **** Calcutta - DECCA 31189 - Thb POPULAR * ** insistent rhythm backing by RITCHIE swinging disk, issued two years ago, ha! Rose, BMI) (2:44) ASCAP) (2:00 been reissued due to the actin on the tune. MARTY GOLD k HIS ORK BEAT PARTY (PARTS 1 AND 2) (Ricki, RCA VICTOR * Relis Mae' Loa - Gendbt, Henn - It in e bright interumental and chorus vet- Cry Like the Wind ** instrumental that * ** - bouncy rhythm lilac with the upbeat and 2:03) -Here's a real rockin' swinger (s an instrumental version of one A elan of the song that could get share of 7822 -This by bacio. guitar rhythm. all working on the coin. (Pincos-Symphony House, ASCAP) of the tunes from the new musical "Do Re sound highlighted Duncan sein turns in e good vocal, with The record build, on both sides, with Side 2 Mí" and it's handled very tastefully here a driving riff. a thons. Bath tides hove u strong country *** Love Is Like Valk - Lovely, by the Many Gold crew. Side has chance (ad a solo. This could easily catch on. flavor. (January, ASCAP) 12:08) featuring frantic drum fomttsr ditty is handed n warm instrumen- for spins wed spins, Islratford, ASCAP) A 106 tal performance. Side should grab spins. (2:14) (Chappell, ASCAP) * ** The Breen and I - The oldie is EARL BOSTTC AND BILL DOGGETT DANTE Moe up in grand fashion here by the Marty * ** Earl's Dog - KING 5427 - Sock (2:17) -A solid crew, which adds a modern much to solo work on twinging Io- IF YOU DON'T KNOW (Darrow, BMI) LINDA LEE Gold organ and sax the old Jimmy Dorsey hit. Two strong theme. Fine like and locket' debut for the chanter. Dante gives a fine, exuberant * * ** Are You Lonesome Tonight - Wrumcntal aides. (Masks, BMI) (2:48) was. (Armo, HMI) 12:501 performance on a bright, swinging rocker, with an assist SHASTA 146 - Jimmy Wukely's daughter Side mores all the way sings with sweet poignancy on the pretty from a top -notch arrangement. oldie, another version of the answer Ping * ** Specie Delivery Stomp - Boette Flip is us solo and it could spring the lad if exposed. "Leave to the Elvis Presley hit, 15,,, S strong com- contributes his usual exciting 12:32). on tune, but this nc ex- THE RJLO'B work on another solid rhythm instrumental. Your Tears Behind You (Darrow, SMi) petition merits IBawort4 Decca 31178 posure. (Boume, ASCAP) (3:05) Th Trolley Sons - COLUMBIA Same comment on potential, *** version of the (2:061 41867 - A ¡lick end hip TWO * ** There He Goes - Appealing deliv- standard flour the Rick "Meet Me In St. a with it in ery by thrush on plaintive ballad. Louis" of years ago. The boys sins country flavor. Good talent. iRlvenude, elyle and the side could SHELBY FLINT Meir usual solid Somebody VALIANT 6001 ASC. -P) 12:46) Milton/ of spina. (Feist, ASCAP) (2:07) *** - - nt The thrush has fresh, charming voice. She Is seeing a pretty toss hete and merits Flee Fool Two, Eyes of Bien MERIT *** - exposure. (Sherman- DcVortut, HMt) 12:17) I'Ì'ECIAL the oldie in their usual SARAH VAUGHAN The Hi -Loi handle and corny back- * It You. Are But Drcam bright fashion over snappy S1*Oar * ** wax that de- Asp! a My Shoulder - MERCURY 71742 Sarah comes hum with ing. An outstanding hunk of * ** SPOTLIGHTS - - to the flip. A good void of considerable (Feist L}} a spins and Juke playa, velvety on the lovely lot of performance stand- serves (reshnen. (Sherman- DeVnrron, 131111) (2:17) tad here, aided by simple ark and chorus wirnck. ASCAP) 12:19) The following records have bean picked for outstond- arrangement. One of her better recent sides. leg merit in uhir various ...series bemuse in the (Barton, ASCAP) 12:471 AND LARRY opinion of The Billboard Music Staff they deserve JOHNSTON ROB Mary Contrary This tune. aim BOBBY The Strut KING 5426 - Bouncy, * ** - MERCURY 71710 *** - w6h in the Cake Omen - demeablc rhythm Item as sung Infec- pie and aisy, tivo ditty folk tradi- * ** rhythm that tion. receives fine performance from the -A colorful lyric and tious vitality. Good TV hop hem. (Lob, in this issue) marks this one, which (Review's appear elsewhere e of Jock marches right along BMI) (2:10) thrush and It should grab lot chick in New spin. (Meadowbrook, ASCAP) (2:38) tells of a beautiful Cajun Orleans. Flute or pennywhisile is effective. &ve° Tae Lore Is Bud to Pop Talent tM,tbn, HMl) *** "Be Vocal is in the shouting style, Fled - Plaintive duo vocloirma by boys gads are in the LiNDA LEE (2:27) On ettnc0ve rtekaballed. (Bourne, ASCAP) (3:05) SIR CHAUNCEY Ev,rly tradition. (Lois, BMI) CJ:53) * * ** ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT * * ** MMJ.Mtdlnetle- WARNER BROS. *** Batei Molay Erma - A march 5183-A quaint, Parisian- styled Instru- song, with drums and fife contributing typi- Lawrence Lyric is romantic 146 mental effect, not unlike Welk'a cal marching spirit. THERE HE GOES (Riverside, ASCAI') (2:46) Shasta "Calcutta" In its treatment. A bright aide Wut ,tory. (Mello. 13M T) 12 :20) THP. GALAZIES * ** Civil 9.127 Group that plenty of play. (Wit - Gel Beet EPIC - could gather * ** - blues here mark. ASCAP) (2:34) takes off on medium rerrfpa with tenor tex out front for e solo end pare WIGGINS by guitar. (Carbauch, ASCAP) ñ * ** Beyond Our love - Another pleas- WALLY setting * Sweet MERCURY * (2:20) * Than ant instrumental, fhb time In dower tempo * ** Beeper - with Wiggins eon - and set m e tippling concerto-type plan, 71713 - Rockeballud, vocal. A wets -mad, Your Horse A new dance POTENTIAL rhythm figure. Strings predominate here in trlbutine a well. phrased *** Ride - VERY STRONG SALES mad sound. called. "the side. ASCAP) record, as to arrangement sup a explained on chia aide mother procrammahie (Alit, the Rep- (2:12) (Sully. Ball) (2:251 hone." A vocal group called lan chants behind and there's some btocaS Cute rocker hit of which feature * * ** Found Woman - * ** Slytbellkne - Chuck Berrsi by the matting combo POPULAR lece)ves a solid go by Jack Scott aided by e a rousing reading. teem sax. (Carbauch, ASCAP) (EM) * * ** some yeah go acts Irkl:y arrangement and vocal group who SHORTY BIILLUPS chots and driving horns are behind the Watch both. A THE CRICKETS add much excitement. ''m * * ** Bend Latta-UNITED ARTISTS vocal. (Arc, BMI) 12:111 Startled ( Wollpuck, by the Mager on * *** Peggy Sue Got - CORAL SESAC) (2:16) -An auspicious debut SleLIN COMBO Holly tune recaptures the label with a strong performance of CLAUDE 62238 -'this Buddy Swinging Duo Plpm - ALLEGRO tot of the flavor of the Holly hits. It fea- tune that Is somewhat Liu the order of * ** treatment of 1460 Sock leuflavored ark tures the Crkkeu In a strong performance "Kiddio." It has a good sound and Billups RED PRYSOCTC - was tot minelna instrumental theme. Fine a chance, (Peer Intl, BMI) (t:42) could get Moma action with It. (Kryder, More Raedetappin' MERCURY íir** - hip foeke (Ailr:gro) 12451 PATTI PAGE EMI) (3:04) Instrumental rocker. Initial et Don't Cha Know Mother with 71735 - ark * * ** - * Don't Read the Letter xtER tack by the harm Is taken over by the Mum- the old Crickets sound. They sell This with * ** - Over" - Shorty Bitiups (Eden, Happy Hop Bright. bouncy CURT 71745 -Patti Page la tack in her old * ** The Search is in the pace never flags. Watch h. *** - ar- Gusto and both sides could catch coins. of :aneppy Mental theme le wrapped up to Ihdy country groove hero as she singe this weeper elves a tasteful performance BMI) (2:25) (Cricket, HMI) (2:05) backing suppoit :tl Spinnoble. (Allegro) 52:45) a her boy farad. it's a rhythm effort with the rangement. about quarrel with olds. strong Item that could be big. (Aidon, him with solid beat. Atiuttivs * ** Twt.tin N Bmdln' - Instrumental. BM]) (2:30) (Kryder, BMI) (2:21) with tine horn pataaes. and world of JACK SCOTT thyhm. Very danceable. (Eden, )3MI) (2:131 SANDY CORDEII. * * ** Is There Somctbt,g on Your Mind My Reebts' Hom. en the Rvae - -TOP RANK 2093 -leek Scott comes tutu That's All 1 Need to Know - *** piping by * * ** 10(12 Showmmly Patll Pogo sells this bright and .man nova RH.L RICE SUNBIRD - wtd' a suck reading of warm and tender r .Ar. session of the oldie. by Sc. Ark In but Let the Poet Whew lbw - thrash on bouncy country- oriented weeper. It 1a one of his shy over tint -rate backing ** ** JOHNNY DUNCAN 12:07) It's bright waxing FERNWOOD 124-An Impassive chanter (Lambert, ASCAP) beet aides in a long time and ha tette It usu1 professional style. Faddy aid Bb Go-Cart- LEADER 35) Is a Ire out this persuasive *** on page be big. ( Wattpack, with a chance. Watch It. (Max, BMD Rice pounds by John Ltmdcr- (Continued IÉCfuay. Could organ backing. 811 -A cute tune, written SAC) (2:40) (2:20) rhythm Rem, with good DECEMBER i, 1140 TNI /ILLIlOARD MUSIC 33


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1311 WEST ZSTH STREEr NEW YORK t. NEW YORK 34 The Billboard's Music Popularity Charts , . . POP RECORDS DECEMBER 5, 1960

JTHE JORDAN 1 FOLK TALENT AND TUNES BROTHERS By BILL SACHS Billboard A Chartbreaking Smash! With. the Jockeys Uncle Bob Hardy, P. D. and deejay at WITE, Brazil, Ind., Ir "THINGS I Dave Martin, who whirls the Invites c.6.-w. artists to send country platters on both WESO, him king material on them- DIDN'T SAY" Southbridge, Mass., and WORC, selves for use on his morning Jamie 411169 Worcester, Mass., takes his pen in show wherein he salutes a voice hand to mild dissatisfaction different artist each day. . . C SIDES with the policies of some of the "Since writing you Iasi, com- GUYDEN major labels and their distributors. plaining of poor record service "1 have the only c. &w. program in from RCA Victor, I received a Central Massachusetts," Dave starts bundle of records from Marty s RECORDS EOR WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 11 out, "with excellent listener re- Hirsch, RCA man in Chi- sponse. Mail runs approximately cago," writes Bill Blough. of BILLBOARD SPOTLIGHT 100 pieces a week for a total of WKKD, Auroa, 111. "As a mat- Bill, 11114 Company, Breaking Fast! two hours of air time; very good I ter of fact," continues g Artist, Record No. think. Columbia's service is su- "the record service I'm getting perior, but it ends there. Decca. now is the best. Country mu- GUTE NACHT, CO 1 1 ON THE WINGS OF A DOVE, Festin Husky. Capitol 4406 Capitol and RCA Victor never vol- sic i9 catching on better all 14 the time here, and the mail BOY untarily send disks. I have to make JOHNNY 2 2 3 MUSE ME, Buck Owens. Capitol 4412 nearly a 90 -mile round trip to Bos- has been very good consider- '2 !Goodnight, Johnny Boy) O ton to beg for disks. and the story ing that we've only been on 3 2 ROAM, Cowboy Copas. Starday 501 by MARLENE STOLZ is often, Our agent who issues the air since September 20. O3 '3 deejay copies is not here Some of the new records A New Tofont From right showing up well here are Carl 7 9 20 ROM 10 ALASKA, Johnny Horton, Columbia 41782 4 p(S1190 Germany WM Har now.' As a result, nothing is ob- Smith's new one on Columbia, 0..-,© Fire, U. S. Reloose. tained and a trip is wasted. I am 6 7 6 1 WISH I COULD FALL IN LOVE TODAY, Ray not a paid employee of either Roger Miller's 'You Don't Price, Columbia 41767 to Palette #/5069 O WESO or WORC. I do the c. &m. Want My Love,' and bath sides the Brothers' new 4 4 5 BEFORE IRIS DAY ENDS, George Hamilton IV, ABC.Paramount 10125.... 9 1733 Broadway, H. Y. 19, N. Y. shows for sheer enjoyment and to of Willis please a very responsive audience. one on Starday." 5 6 16 I MISSED ME, RCA Victor Further, I do not intend to pur- O lins Reeves. 1800 6 chase records front private funds, RICHARD MALTBY O9 17 17 YOU CAN'S PICK A ROSE IN DECEMBER, Ernest Ashworth. Decca 31156.. 7 as 1 have plenty of good numbers Ray Baker, of KCUL, Fort on Columbia, Starday, M -G -M and Worth, reports continued success 13 18 24 I THINK I KNOW, Marlon Worth, Colu,,ble 41199 4 Dot which will get my votes and for "Big D Jamboree," Dallas, fea- O I listings. promise air time plus turing all -country music and aired 8 5 7 1 DON'T BELIEVE t'LL FALL IN LOVE TOUT, ID `Rat Race' label credit on every worthwhile each Saturday night over KRLD, Warren Smith. Liberty 55248 .. 14 number received." Martin's ad- Dallas. Following their perform- 11 16 15 15 FALLEN ANGEL, Webb Pince. Decca 31165 1 R-4270 dress is 23 Walnut Street, Oxford, ance on "Big D," the headliners Mass. make personals at the Covered Wa- 12 14 14 25 WINDOW UP ABOVE, George Janes, Mercury 71700 5 Another Hit frone gon Ballroom, Fort Worth, Baker says. Baker reports that KCUL has Shelly O'Connell. manager 13 11 11 22 WANTING YOU, Jimmy Newman, 140-14 12945 5 I just a pact with ROLLETTE RECORDS of C F Y K. Yellowknife, signed recording Manco Records, with "Losing You 1631 Broadway, N.Y .C. N,W.T., Canada, Invites taped 14 10 to 8 BALLAD OF WILD RIVER, Gene Woods. Hap 1004 9 Intros and comments by West- Would Hurt Mc More" pegged as the side they're hoping for. flip ern artists for a tri- station IS 15 21 12 LAST DATE. Floyd Cramer. RCA Victor 7775 5 is "Can It Be . . . Barry E,4 country -disk day- timer. "We Real?" sw ti -tr.c4v4tcE(-l4 -E4 Nesbitt, program manager of are three stations in the Far 19 17 16 17 INE MOON IS CRYING, Allan Riddle, Plaid 1001 5 CKFH, Toronto, reports that the Canadian North gold- mining station's power has been boosted HOLY NIGHT" and prospecting country where Il 24 30 AM I LOSING YOU, lim Reeves. RCA Valor 7800 3 "0 from 5,000 to 10,000 watts. Barry - c, &w. music Is much enjoyed," by helms a new 5 -6 a.m. country mu- writes O'Connell. Each of 19 12 8 4 11 CAN'T HELP YOU) I'M FALLING TOO, Skeeter Davis, RCA Stiri 1767..15 sic show on the station. JERRY these stations will be carrying a dally, hour -long block of 19 - - - ROM ON A GANAQ, Lester & Eat kruggs, Columbia 41786 1 he will break your heart" folk music tinder the title Decca 7 'Wagon WheeLs: Our aggre- Bob Wills and Tommy Dun- TO 22 22 13 HERE 1 AM DRUNK AGAIN, Clyde beaver. 31173 Butler gate audience is a sizable one can are out with a new release 19 RCA Victor 7805 1 and any help will be appreci- on the Liberty label, "The Im- 21 - - SWEET DREAMS, Don Gibson, 371 ated." , , . K'FEW, Texas City, age of Me" b.w. "Little Liza Victor Tex-, the only clear- channel Jane," and Shirley Collie cut 22 21 28 - 10U DON'T WANT MT LOVE, Roger Miller, RCA 7176 3 station on the Texas Gulf four new sides for Liberty on 41785 5 Coast, which has been operat- the West Coast recently. O 20 16 18 LITTLE GUT NAMED JOE, Stonewall Jackson, Columbia ing clin. in the mornings and Deejays not receiving service Lumen, Warner Bros. 5172 9 M -G -M's BIG pop in the afternoons, snitched on Liberty couutry releases 24 H 19 9 LEI'S THINK ABOUT LIVIA', Bob to a full -tiare country music should write to Slick Norris at Hickory 1130 2 CHRISTMAS HIT format October 17. The con- Highlands, Tex, Incidentally, 25 25 - - LOVING YOU, Bob Galileo, tinued success of 'Tater Pete It's Slick who asks, "I wonder AUGIE RIOS 13 10 HEART TO HEART )ALK, Bob Wills 8 Tommy Duncan, liberty 55260....16 Hunter's daily Iwo -hour stint what would happen if 'Cold, ® 23 on the station the last five Cold Heart' were pulled from 6 "FELIZ years was one of the reasons the new George Jones LP and 27 26 I5 26 IRIS OLD HEART, Skeen McDonald, Columbia 41773 for the switch, according to released ae single?" Top 2069 17 Bob Greer, KTLW general Cil-)1 18 t2 11 CRUEL LOVE, Lou Smith, Rank NAVIDADES" manager and himself a former FULL Ray Sanders, Liberty 55267 3 c, &w. deejay. 29 - - SKID SO OF LOVE, K 12966 Pamper Music, 119 Two -Mile it hoot Cooper, Hickory 1126 13 Pike, Goodlettaville, Tenn.. has ® 30 20 23 THIS OLD HOUSE, Wilma lee Charles W. Keller, program di- available copies of Ernest Tubb's rector at KENS, San Antonio "A Guy Named Joe," Ray Price's 50,000 -waiter, repens that the sta- "I Can't Run Away Front Myself," ON MY tion has made the big switch to Ray Sanders'"A Little, Bitty Tear," Louvin Brothers LITTLE GRILL exclusive country and western mu- Tom Tall's "Was It Easy?" Freddie KNEES b/w Owen os My 0.111,2 sic and that the results have been Hart's "Do My Heart a Favor." and "IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME" short of fantastic. "Dur- Story," FRANKIE FARR nothing Hawkshaw Hawkins' "My ` bw INOSS .1001 ing the first -week of operation Billy Walker's "Gotta Find a Way," STAY -NESS under the new format," says Kell- Jean Shepard's "Lonely Little I RECORDS (harde Rd "SANTA (LAUS PARADE" Dlelribufea N.HOn.IN by poured in from all ONSOLIOATED RECORD CORP. er, "phone calls World," Buck Owens' "Sweetheart- sa N.w torr, H. Y over Texas and we were swamped in Heaven" b.w. "Hot Dog," Bobby L is Phillips Capitol 4473 of congratula- Do" and Gokiie with an avalanche Sykes' "And They International tory mail." On KENS' deejay Hill's "Baby Blue." Shoot 'em a ,.a ,á3s69 brigade are Charlie Walker, Co- line on your station's letterhead. artist; Bill Mack, formerly Kern, former Cristiani ' " "'',` 639 M.díwn lumbia Ernie . ». summ Olvd., Hollywood 7. cHo of KDAV, Lubbock, Tex.; Joe Bros.' Circus clown and now spin- 1CRuosa& Memphis, Two GIVE Simpson, veteran KENS staffer; ning the country wax on WOCH, Neal Merritt, an old fave in the North Vernon, Ind., is passing out San Antonio area, and Bill Sham - cheroots on the birth of a con, Hilt SPOTIJOHT WINNER. cite, South Texas c. &w. person- Ernie Ill. Papa Ernie recently con- Showing Strong Action, to ality. The lads invite service from ducted a contest on his show Bobby Vee the various record companies, as determine what listener could write WHEELS conquer card the well as promo tapes and Ids front the name Ernie on n post by cante up c. &w. performers.... "Oklahoma most times. The winner "RUBBER, BALL" ií , Round -Up," country record show with a total Of 1,840 readable THE STRING- ALONGS -Place winner emceed by Johnny Danme on Ernie,. The second wARWICt( M60Á bi- KWCO, Chickashaw, Okla., 8 -70 bad 1,591... Deejay copies of "EVERYDAY" Dhn,but.d by as recent guest Hadley's "Honky -Tonle Girl," CANCER p.m. nightly, bad Jim 055287 Suzanne Pregna. newly crowned "Midnight Train" end "My Broken Queen of the Oklahoma College Heart" and Billy Mitchell new re- qArhtkatie¡Itt1'Ret1rAS,,9hC. for Women, and her royal body- lease, "Unsatisfied" b.w. "I'll Be Unlfed Telntilm. Ltd. by Monty Craft, ',widen, guard, Sue Smlth. Miss Pregun, a Where You Are," are available AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 701 telenth Ave. Nrrr York 36 17,J :13Eüü ü ü Hungarian refugee, was sponsored writing to Buddy Records, 500 La Judson 6.1050 /!!// / /l1II;1IIIII111l %t?t \\ by the Rotary Club, oust Street, Marshall, Tex. DECEMBER 5, 1960 The Billboard's Musk Popularity Charts ... POP RECORDS 35 ** Ayer. - Another eeletdbra Wttsr mental aide chow. off smooth {miras work *1 I Lew Vos, Salty - Bouter worths l rhythm Oda. dual crack Mie oe Nb medians The Original Hit Record) Reviews of New Pop Records M Invnarm sad he combo. (Huet., Flip has more of a eon.. (Sate A Sound. ASCAP) OÁ01 SP.SAC) (2:121 Conttnuad from pans 32

1 Deed Draulk local Wu obró ttott Mana awl Ma Ub gimme "ONCE : *** - B ILLY IWRLYNN I141 SBVt1.l.18 by r.wary on the neadard .IN r Oda se the lead sap4b11 M car a tool *woe Wt lt: * ** I Ws* s CN COLUMBIA Sr** Carlow - IC 114 - Medium ebl. A olds with mods pebN41 bode - MIN beetles. 0611b, AtCAPI (2:17) bb 41673 - The chanter handles the bryM rock*. blon- oriented tune *wings atone M and r *b. (SraMW Bali) 0:21) Imp d Nry whb gull oser Irtsuable welds by etaddy and the boys shim? the prelate of ate .mba 5N the diem chiral. Is now Ihm eht. Cooking tenor tae sob adds to IN A Lec' Han Coed Tbe. -On OOb *** sad them , the anon. backsrottnd. (Robin Hood, Ball) A17TRY MUM sicd (Dye. ASCAP) ß:O9) ART- side the bon rock at they ab.( e 1::22) *** Mars All *WI - UNITED pod, *cause// time .iw their girl Glenda 11T7 37s - Feöwt wsrblly by hums ne I Jer Dw7 K lortynn alt Two 12:71Ida goodod chamas. (41.141.. ** so-l0. Levity Vas 14 My Db'.) The e.Mloepcked casetry bt1aQ lol& sidr thy rbttOm effort Ibt.anbla fashion over *-* - (Breee.r, BMO BM11 1 l boys sings this ballad with a touch of heart. WHILE" bate .41-ansrin ptwl bryhl support by combo and chorus. (ICor ache. lead dun .oche job and the bop 0,16) el. ASCAP) 11:34) bop-0cap -ins of the boys in the background n effective (Lech. BA(I) (2.701 by *** FaAa ro Co Tb. 1're tsw - IVIF BARRY ' Md.bB.ebdht4y Or Humus on wbtful coue Tea VuanN -RCA VICTOR 7521 *** DARBY Iry waeler. tly Hopper, BMTI (2:27) -The lad bemoans the fact that be docent NOBLES C. Goody., FEL- Ong in 'Teen Oua11d- and thus cant * ** Chubss Brea - STED 5610 His baby b karine and she she a gin to fall In low with htm. Cute - THE Ws al's never coral' back. That's Me ma- Christmas AMINES Nol ha 1han.1. (MBAs, AMP or (2:211 eau to thb endandwly bluesDiad cane. *** Bebe s - GALA 116 - Imtro IArby's talk1455 vocal erns lot of sound mental, ooh pod gultar soak. Material b *** All Yoe Ne. I. Gutter - Jaft effect aupp.l l the form of wild 1415hter. * * * * blues-oriented, sed moses right alone. I. Bury coma thru with vibrant peRam- (tend*, BMI) (1:03) CHIMES **duct. M pia. pan tab. huereat. aede of rhythm tune from O. new Broad fis MEARIL.I. STATON CHOIR (/dry, NMI) Get) 9429 way musical. "Do Rs MI. red h roe4. ** I.el M. Tall Yuw 'told Lev. - 81.1 * * ** Tie C.arhIoe -EPIC -A lyric TAC =444 Could per some action due to the ercitement was by Darby and the chick rail 54.119. has been ddod te the petty tune owed *** Hes Red Katy - A rocker. with baht the do., Subject malter of Ne tune Moderate potential. tae., BM» (2:021 tau var, and the Merrill Seaton Choir sines dot pumping piano effect: chanting Is well could tad to good huts exposure. (Stret- Ir ?madly here aver attract. backlog. Cooi *me. and b backed by raking rhythm. ford, ASCAP) (2:23) wan wall chance. : Charts Don't Lie (Perry. BM?) (2'23) DON COVAT' * * ** Sidewalk Seta - Bright, cheery * l'e Coe.. Dewm With ebe Blues piece recela. e timbale - BEN SIHERWIN ** - of material per Breaking Big B1GTOP 3051 -A good, slow blues per- formsna by the over rhylhmk back- * Joleq Goofed- LIBERTY atone GLENN OSNER ** 11211- formance by Corey, with chorus. The ing here. Could a lot of (Fischer. A wingM% upbeat grab Mi.. ** t.. r. Them. COLUMBIA novelty rewrite of Ms artist sines with much style and should M ASCAP) 0:121 "ALL * - nIJM, "FraWtk and Johnnie." 41171 - Allradir tune b performed in Sherwin han- watched. Good talent. (Roosevelt, 81111 IN dle, It In a ilex-oriented style, with touch I bender fashion by tits tbs. chorus and (2:101 of the Bobby Darin approach. Interntl5 orchestra here, and the tuns h. the kind wee. (Central, BM!) (2:33) Hey There Hem's the woe from of catchy melody that could help It get ** - EV'DIV. CORNE "P *lance Cams" and let an okay read - MY spina. (L.eede, ASCAP) (2:33) siren * * ** I Lore to Deeur DWI Never os : MIND" *** Hare s Coed Tb.. - A pkasaet la by Corny "salmi an undntinsuWred Sunday-) -UNITED ARTISTS :53-Here's ballad effort by Sherwin. arrangement. F119 ha more ltc rot. et the Hare he hu vocal version of the hit tuna. "Never on * ** So. Mad - TM Glenn something the croon MAXINE BROWNE of style and (I (Frank. ASCAP) (2:30) turns in warm performance nab Sunday." The pal handles It In sprlebtl,, Orar che tern nicety. (Acuff-Rona, HMI) (2:171 el an Interesting hunk of material Mrs venaful fashion and 11's definitely spin - IBM could get ma exposure. (D.b.a. nable side. Pleasant backing, too', (Esteem NOMAR #103 A Sldmore, 8h11) (3:10) NMI) 12 41. SIN OASTS FLOYD SMITH Simko, RENDEZVOUS 131 * ** - - Let Ms Be U. Vb. to Mob Yon * ** 311. le Mlwclo- PORTUNB 140 Good echoey guitar instrumental was. It's **** Merry Cbrblm.5 -The gal offer. homey, -A sine ballad. with persistent triplet plow, delibante temlw and the artist has MUSE PRODUCTS l sentimental Christmas belled, by ALBERT VAN DAM AND HUI pls. setting the rhythm pattern. Smith dbtlnetive pound. Good material. roticffed ORK juke hulby Start Lawrence. Plauot listen n, 630 10th Ave., N. Y. C. contrlbulea fcclingttrl vocal. Ethernet (Pontte, 84111 (1:20) * ** ssl,cN.5tel Cootie.wW - DECCA for the holiday period. voices Bat los ehs backing. (Maxims, ASCAP) 311.1 Attnet hr. instrumental Is (Trlsrwe, Circle 6 -3330 -3331 - effo0 EMI) (2:31) played In "Imrnlcky fashion hua by Ne Van ** Damuow, - The guitarist sounds good Dam oft. Side on this aide. too, with on the (lip (Cnr:rintred on nnt,'e 36) b unusual enough to get *** Grandpa'. Gully Rock - A pod material pine. ASCAP) qualifying lust a notch Maher. Good talent. (V.11.0. (2:22) rock)' blues on the "Let's Go.' Idea. Smith e.e1 (Maverick -Blue Indigo. HMG (2:29) Intro In a plated performance. Dowd * ** Brasilia - Tuna about the new cap- rhythm old.. (Irlrwn, BM!) ital city of Brasil nasty.. bright. bouncy THE BELLS OF ST. MARY reading from the Van Dam crew on thb DONNA BOWSER caw had rumen till side. (Almo. ASCAP) By ß:I9) T ELMA CARPENTER * ** Stolle Hearn - ERA 3020 - Bowser * ** Ye , I'm Lonesome Toy1 - ad hd eo beta TERRY Outs aouanetolxd AND THE MELLOS CORAL 62241 - *lass Carpenter, no hr rwaelehe e uhnrd . The weeper la done to AMY 111I Coral delta, lends it full -voiced and piano triplets. Inter- AMY sent mit/5 performance. RECORDS. 1650 8redway. T711 BIIUNGA -LONGS D. reading to this answer to Elsie Presley'. (Nash. 8111) (2:16) big hit. Whetb WARWICK 607 Ths Gal 11.15 It solid go with * ** - - peraeu.51.. narration. String -Longs turn In a ?sappy performance (ABC Cromwell, -A ASCAP) (1:12) on We pollubh Item That Is played l seal inerumcnl.I styl br N. combo. Tuns bu Dd. any -to-ta flavor, (Dundee. ** Claw/ Little Abs Will Yee HO) BM» -The cal glen Oh rockabaliad denim. of to oldie pleasant go but the flip would Another Reader- Advertiser Benefit be the one to watch. -Cromwell. of the Teu the solid In- (ABC * ** World - Another ASCAP) (3:121 strumental side by the gang, this time of a slow and burr-ruing tune that has a blues Rayne. Two warm sides. (Dundee, Bali) BUZZ CLIFFORD * ** Driftwood - COLUMBIA 41175 - NEW BILLBOARD Lad IPSO, Ibis attractive hunk of material DADDY COOL .th 11.l(ng aided by mod arrangement Dodd? Cool. Duddy Cool DEE Icatur 15 the orb rend chorus. 1840), spina. * ** - (Roosevelt. 10I - Daddy Cool rocks hers as ha tells ILMI) (2:1111 Exclusively for the Music -Coin group of chicks that ha 's eons make IMm Industry Baby dance as bee the king of rock end roll. *et SLUM' Boogie (banter .1)ia this - tide Ica strong rhythm even oho tha fish, rhythm effort nealh, Ided by sounsb r. weak. (Diuo, tell ß:09l wads by the baby at the hou» arbore he le baby fining. It's cute fide that could get * ** Nobody Else BM Yoe - Daddy some e5posute. Mee, WO) 12:04) Crol turns In a list ash. performance on rockaballad with catchy melody. helped by ale and 404,4.. (Dino, BAUD 0:23) PONIES *** Slepld roar - ()FEB 7139 - 041. tar opera tirs unusual instrumental by Faster JOB DAMIANO Combo that frais,,,. tenor along with IM Hato My Lou CHANCELLOR lit -boa. Tune Is medium tempo bIo, * ** - (Florentine. 1064 - Damiano croons a pretty I. bat- 81111 12:231 ted. with soft oft support. LWsble was Distribution TTe ed a good performaaos. (Rambedlurssa- ** rem - The bois aga Oh olds nut. Bä111 Chet about "the own- with saw. Veca1 group and combo from the Bhp arbt. (Acdr.I, (1:101 Big -city readers will continue to enjoy *** My slinky Hawrf - Damian* ba BM» .omelhlns of Ma Mathis sound or Ole bel - 4d .ide. Chick (boon ruts in . oneroo Monday morning delivery of Billboard. But sua SUM beck ground- Pratt, _ (Pam., CARL MADI'R1 8H11 GAY) * ** A MlemcM - WARWICK 604 - now this valuable early- buying benefit TM pore sinaa nwely on this slow rock- . ballad. Lyric has to do with the miracle will be extended Nat would happen if she loved him. Combo to hundreds of important 7712 K5151V 140,)? FOUR *** My Karam -- (OLUMBI.A 41575 - 15atnrls tenor Ann female rosce accompany. The wonderful oldie made famous by Al (Selma, HMI) (2:31) grass -roots morkets- cities that add up /oboe b heeded a sock and .waging 044 - lg bit the Kuby Stone group. It should ** TM Joker - Madurt tells of the In. to important sales volume but which ore Taal. lags and lots of deetay opIm lote Mat is on ltlh on this ale rorbla ballad. (.Antd A Selbo HMO (2:211 Motuna, ASCAPI 021301 . visited only infrequently by manufacturer * ** Sec Dab N the M.-Th. I4m Ow wu loot a hit a number of years .go or distributor salesmen. .seta Infaht and vac4(M patterns/at. MILES AND ANDREW Porn the hors and it has chance for .is. * ** TM the End of Dam - PLAY 1001 Tea solid etdes- (Rowesell. HMO MIT/ -This I. not the bade but new cocks- ballad which the bar, hens l pleaauw fashion. even adding Wklag bit. Side Watch for the eat some (Bee SMI) ROT ORSl7ON ooutd Kiln. ifw, *** md Easy I. sew -RUN 424 0:301 NEW Billboard -Hsre'. *mealy coualsyost s d olds Mb -Up sell Nib* 11.husbta bbisp4LCbed m- ** CM nobs. -.Hors Orb..... deb rbythmk aide .4, *snob over 4141149 od chords. Good effort takes boas %V. BILLBOARD L.11 backing. Flap n monger. (Ben 11654 nubs. (Knot, B Dl (2:101 SMI) 413) Coming January 9 *** Dol Doll-An olderc Orbit. ell . MUSIC WEEK It'. ballad handled ,1l, hotus =ppeet Pulp bu a btru sound. (Knot. BMD ß1b) JORGE* INGMANN AND HUI CUITAR . . . Music -Phono Merchandising *** Ktbo BoagM - AICO 6)64 - ler 5lBkests eard.s, News terallee boogie dde by lbs European 'al- Aso 5,m- . . Radio -TV Programming .or cale cemklr tered this .it& Ils meataly 77[1 Ill TONES On smtrumsetal db4óaF Bndd NMkslfa 'Sane., fete BCBI ell Mw *** roe. reo. V..L-KIND 1414 -m, enough to go soma. (81E1L ß:u) agars 5(4 I I sbhlaatls H Its ewe. . . . Juke Box -Game Operating 36 The Rilllutard'. 'Omar Popularity Chattel . . . WIE' RF:I:IIRE)4 DECEMBER 3, 1960

"TALK TO I Reviews of New Pop Records

ME BABY" r ..u,.; -, nl tram pace iT w 1.I1NI./ NINA 1/AI1. Baby" I "1 love You Mould Ilo 1 dl NO I.W1 O. _ 1.30 dm w/. (Lam - 1/1hA 1.1 - inne. * * * WIOM M. .10 "All I Wont NN (11...a, 1. Mr 11.,,. 1.,1 Ten rrn.l TM.h: shop mut In.w0. /l1 MO. . I, .1n 1lnn.,., 'AI1',", "AMMETTE SINGS ANKH" un cu. mrvhy. 1i41,11, NMI) II 1 11,111 n pNdn114 111y. rf I m. .v -1,03 bIttl fn Mk. et71. ebb .N011 Moe, uhf God I..N lw 1 %l. - roI.d Nria. lnn 111w Appro.. Inpm1U.l 1.41111 NUn. Plu- ,. hot . I r.. n ,,a end. h. Plal .,., 1\'.N. .MI) ,:tyl I.L'D,

/ I.e \ * * * ; ptrli n !MI hot hg ln e,. rn111hful 1. '1 a 3 %N 3 1'aS 1, Own I. . SWIM Clem 3 FOR WEEK ENDING NI 'A DE(EMBER 11 If 1 Anwe ..N,h' InN' \'ll ,1;. Irn r1 rldln. 1 n 11Jnnaal nrr n141 eah of IN. Somme 0. Danl.. ,..,,I,h,l ,h.m.l .00 nn IdM S ON /Al1 ., n1 Mili. In t (*.try'. b t 1.,. .. t . .. SM _ AP, 0-1!1 ..tllwki..,.., .,...... ,1 .,U , F 11111 Adtst (LLMLI. OLIM/ M, nw obis kINa eN, ,ln. .y elf.. .. 1. AIfrk PONYTIME N...N1ee M.e /!J .1. .e1 .1mre .w.1 wN,. 2 - I 2 LITS lerrt,.. .1111 i0. HIS N. 60. 11.11 uta Rn, 1nMen,l 1n MM 'I ( 1 ) Ill's b/w Lovcboat 1nnr m.,h ire l ...Ia. A4 lr tM MrOnllllhrt 109 .

1 6 5 WI stAO1s1 18111116. (r. J1nn, Arp 3160 -. 11 / U I/AG Tlee a0i At TON hw L1.M D. It 1I trl - RIO 12 23 1N111 1 31116 1Nt HUES, Altlse LAURIE 3067 I ,1 1:H. -- 1. .,Y Ilw1t 4U9i ptw . wit _- 1111 nr 1..111. . -. M.. t4 to -.. ANI tot MAN, .,.. ..r ... M el.,n W, N bseekl 55170 .. . .M1, .: :1 15 RECORD ILL SATE tit LAST "" STORES "`; 5s*f NITON D. ,t, 111 Hew, 11090 Increase 12 t) 70 - A 1MOI1lM SIAN C11Ar I11 141151 105 Selling Efficiency ; .'.a/I _ 11 Th. M 11r0 meLle1/rr..eery .1.111111 eH 13 11 -- IO(tItI1N1 (a.Ipf Pecru, Mhery Noel Wales MINNA 61 113 .. In eN MM ilawL.r Noma Ne NIIt IOW 14 IflNO\' A1m/N1a O19 M1h ogee 1ee 1e.11m 17. 1 30 IONI 60 TO tLe en1 . R 1NMy M.11r - ITSAI16HS, titi !cent Mesfhe ISO 14 baeN/ ewe I.M Ml. ".. ' MN.ti`.r ':°.e IM [I r ,.,N..e'e: 11rÿ 11 11 1 I SAO 10 H w.d.!1_..Iw __. . .4 M11H. tM. 0cu 11149 Agsll .r I .ltw M 1e. . ,..n I..r .-, Y.. 1nh Mum 20 11 THE R..I ni JI 7.110111 [10N0, Stwellet Scoter 1201 Twee wnlw O . «^r-- ,., IAe1 came R AO..., Me 22 EIOIS r. . ,. . it -- IIÖN I Seek hnk4, SMt(erl 11721 RECORDAID, INC. ; 22 00110. e -a- - ).es Isobar. hunch 1601 te; .. - .a t11M1 N11 N 30 - 22 NT 0E10. NwrsaL ROW 27) 1 1 , .1 1 , . /... l 1 .. e . h le., rI, t . . < 11 13 - anti to AtASU. mow, tbylee. tOteeelre ¿7102 1h. ORIOINAL ..,slew e1 I/,m.\, I1t11.. 1 ,I,. 11 I Cx) HUE AI L131. J/cte Trdw 4 - - linesee5 $0770.. THE BELLS OF i 2) -- 11 11 MIR NIA beer 1.1 No by 357

ST. MARY'S . .r \...e GM - Il. (J - - 24 1ETq OO A1NE4. WS, Yoe. I.11Mt 55110 - J the rN1L w . Ye ,r 1U... Ir .d.a Np.. .., 22 21 19 SIEH. sat* 1tll.e so,. Fag 5394. THE BAYSIDERS ...- n..1 rtl fw1 Nnr awe . . N,I1L : WOOS f Country & Western 21) 23 16 21 LOPE MAIM 114 p..9 W7)110. NMCCrr 71696 I. TNI t¿LUNO .,.4 l ^ 1e3 * * * * - aoleoe Ae11I1or .Ilal/\01111 Going9 Strong!tron 9 EVEREST RECORDS PIrTe1.1.m.-IV117: _ApD1..ra A SMASH' .... a.a. Nw 11w - I la 340 7 r Nov. Tort, N. 11 - f..RUn. Ila'e a.NN ., 1 r..rrinl .r.p. .:111 .M ;4:1' BABY LOOK WHAT l. NM. N.n. ,1 / Ernie Freeman h' .: ; pd'm11!y:'° N,<,.. ..(...,. .lMP1, NW, ,. WI 40 YOU'RE DOIN' TO ME / ..b1 t.. WWI l'»b uae ,,. THE SMASH VOCAL r A Wm. e.,.. IUd..m hot< "HAWAIIAN EYE" t , wmeraM. 1 r / . 1 .11 . nr .nnNlrinl. 11r hmulu,. ..ldpt. Of THE THE I+i .l` IS IT T00 LATE SONG OF YEAR I.. .. .rd C..Ibr.c, MII ,71.) / / 5716 . . w m OW, n, r.,.. , , r NJ/..., a411 1, .. I 041 BABE

ANITA BRYANT'S - /aN 1./I 1DOOt/R / ROSCOE SHELTON / IMPERIAL RECORDS Me.. (M l-.,.., . 1.11 7102 j . , , , , ( . N , ' ' . \ rK.n. pIM1. 6425 Hollywood Blvd. 11..,. N 0# #0308070 RECORDS. Nashville, Tenn "II O \ I)I,RLA \U .IM 1...1, - '1111 11. / 28, A 1n4/1 nna Mot, Hollywood Calif. 1.., ni Ir, :n ,^. .,..1 `-.1. nn ,n . al 10 11 ` a .eeN. feteela Men. Moo. Mod B Ir .-. ,.Drue tu11. laws Ina I1..,l1na. 111141411.19411 . I nano fo/ .paw nd ..'.. .. . 1111t1 LITTLE DANNY :I ll Olt .11 rm. WweR.em--An .pbru Wa. \IGITT needled .nh I NiNW.a by 1M .. Your Precious Love" Atm.*. /.IIW b4r - A pn,. U1rh.1d IaM ul era( 19a 11144nen, 1 111t.TOS 6:17 'Mind on Loving" "101 BEEN Sloop 4112 -. 1.. NNW ,ì 14, %HARP MOODS M. .f ward IOW e.urel, I.e. TORTII1I1G ME" 1111. \'AIi1TriNJ N.eIA, N *** ttr7 W-ICI\I: - h a fool Record :1076 11r1 111 K RECORD PROCESSING I I IN oM.- WI u0 ber be-Ame Ibn NAPPY BROWN M.o. Nr.drM 10gs - HUM IelewRe .Wgs LW is wad 147M, woe Tb. FM hang Hen AND PRESSING 11 l.i'4 -- I ,nl, .rn1n11 Il.oted c...111 MO" .nef le/ quirt.. Nike [ybu "The Hole I'm In" N and -11' e ..1 u web a lemurs et b.,Nae. w .. M 11.7" N run. .mubunoe br tlIlm .ntl w te,11. (NoNM /...y 117M2 b w,Na. 11..94 1111 .,.. r 1,...1 n.,1t1 eld lleanel, 110I1 N 941) 72:e5) 1,Ár. 1.94 N -- IINm. - : I:, "Nobody Can Say" Swot Peer 1e.e Ie /M r1 Ire 11t1. Wee 1 /nF-IONM V.I. ». r....N R.11e W Pool G.w - 1 INIy rags fmr In. il.p, a1N11in 1 SONGIIAFI N.:. .n .n:e:`n b1 n. 111 locbaWlle hda a PI.: IINNs. 1t - m. , U.m i., . MII 0104 DECEMBER 3. 1960 Thy Billboard's Nueir Popularity ('harts . . , l'llt' RECORDS 37

la Um a.,.p. Plenty of date nr r ) , blest BAllh t2 251 LIMITED SALES POTENTIAL "Best Selling Sheet Music in U. S. *** By i. Help of Sara "- *neta chant Is Intoned hete 1,.. - tuner are rs4td I order A th.0 cutlrn' ..:r,l ataM with me rotted din IAe reviewed by Hletb Heel Stott Br.., ...p. Mlltty np011a(w ar ;be LMt inlott f,t, e prrr+le tn piano fdlowbt toeh . e - WILK 605 R .eN rh. h 74. .kn10m1.i(d : ., Ibr BlbraN \Iwtk Saf wd l er ewlt ;lh.r S/cMh. r4 ItmI1rJ miss 1bw Nre\ 1art rwlMerN In M IENNFLL HANKINS ReeA DbewHed I. -- _ Iwnrnllal. - Ca. D1 NAMII_ 11ùa I. 711F:N FROM IHF AP1RI'NFNI 11,:k) 2 211 .irrt,,.lN RABE BOB 1'1.E r Every*** Veal Ned - NASH Oly to I.oa. -nn Jeea. DIAI. 2710 4 hr,kei sal moderale rhythm .de wnh 2. LAST U "E IAculfRoul . . -A JOANN AI BORN 551) 111F RAIS me Nye wountlee blew., Popular their h. BuBt Dreeshnat - suhsarl.e Ala. 1 3I11101ed sod spuitd mint.... in L.,e 111 3. OE SUMMER iFclvn hl. DI NnAi DIAL 2215 (:RE:F:N LF l'KS ertm0. iltactllurec, BM') to (2'141 I noel. Girl - 1'11 tem. It l'o Soo. DIYIF. 9pr 11.MA11' MARE NOW (IR F,1 FR (6141.1 4 l' * Sloan. A 4. IFS soulful, Jew 1 t ** - w1.1SE RMbthl Inaelhrr - NrMter M rrrritr, which features en umMevutr ha r till COOPER AND RI DV fay, 2 6 'Iwo Intenable side,. oFue 11.. 1 Iwte lw, 1 Need loo - I've Rfterr- F. EXODUS' l hl(ppcl\ ItM.,:'Sa) hr.. Ton- luann.o Insror

L. I WANT TO BE WANTED (Teed,: 7 2 i H SPIES *ASTERN ANIehN lettele - AI the left Rand Be1L Christmas THE NORFOLK SINGERS 0r)L 7. IN 11íY LITTLE CORNER OF 711E WORLD 769 *** Sn1Aler of 19 Cents - STANlo\ LITI I.: T00 1ST E ISbdpito-Bernuein) 5 "fhu lino anteing Bro. plied. wnh D KR,' PALI. Comb' Down the (1,1nn.r. r1arlt I A II, lln)1 11 faithful to follow the w.y of Me I.orJ %tra Out - Oh Bor. lull'DAY FIDELITY 3014 R. SAVE TIIE LAST DANCE FOR NIE Scruple hat,. forms enc.:live hackies 1,. :1;e )s.PirAnonal message. ISlanlon, Ru iule GARDNaIt ERR WILLIS SISI.RS Progressive) 1 of Y SLUE K,nlhalero- 3 (2 33) Drr 1 Do - Glory Lute. dl's Cbrb0BM Ande - Mann.. Il.rb, RENOWN 126 9. PIll IRS IN MOTION (Meridian) 9 ** m..4r le IM Heaves - W' of the final cumn.e Is the subirci n Ronal' S1AYO STEVE. REO 1M Heed hlrhe of this religious lrlsderel Muse Is 99here TN Cron SIde of Mane Awre1 1 14 Item. The arotup - - In. 11 HI I F: CHRISTMAS (Berlin) n good un this slower side. ISlanlon. fl tdl Ir. ROC! ETTE 4315 B aby Fare, T5515 101 t3 35) BOB P111'ER TONY 11. ARE YOU LONESOME 1ON1( ;111 SACCO No (.11 Dolores the R. -."O.). PI A1' Jolly PN Sian Dark the 111.ald, .., 12 - - (Bourne- Crannvd!) 2 1001 WEBER 172 PAUL WINCHEI I. 12. RUDOLPH. THE RFD -NOSFD REINDEER ARTIF I.PN1S Rob POI, Snowman 11 hen ton 1-.rnse Doe% They - Polka Aleve, All Alont - Slip In the End of e Lollipop. 1 PIr w :y I SI, Nicholas) Belies. 1`s. KENCO 5110 THE LITTLE ANGF19 * * * GENE. BOA 13. 1)O RE MI (Williamson) - 42 Sata CIos Pr.dr-i111 Be 1 I.ly1e I of You 111111e. S AR1t ICI: EDDIE RI.ATNICK Drem - A.eel. RIYFRD.ALE 19r) R(an0's Jolly Polk. -MAY JAY SOT 14. THF:ME FROM THE DARK AT THE. TOP OF THE * ** Hop 227-Sprightly instrumental treatment of (Continued oil puert 39) STAIRS I1Vit)nark) Might polka Item. (Dfsne. BMI) SIARIF. ANN

15. B NITAD OF THE AI.AMO (Fei3O 1 ** "FO Sue -Ok.y trading on sentimen '.l ditty. tHorben) (2051 GOING ALL THE WAY! Reviews of New Pop Records Sacred "1 IDOLIZE YOU" SANN )(Orc group ten 1401.4l1l lints; pod'.' * -* * -A Iwingiri (PO) by lA SMnehl' -KIN,: 5431 (126) FRF.DDY POWERS with solid band - t Instrumental * ** Heanacbt-t of Fool - LONG- It 1.. rhllhm Daure. Horns dominate the * Ney. AloBe- Stovh,g piping by toe ** HORN 1119 - Freddie Powers conies Roo DaaceO .111 Ilke this. (Jaltee. BM1) fem lead on or okay spiritual. 1 PD) (1:71 loathing and TINA TURNER with a meaningful rendering of IKE 111011 weeper which le philosophic in tone. He sings It tenderly and the side 11.11 s chance Sue =735 ** Bl.. add Bealla,BBlal -The familiar for coins in country marts. (Partners. Bally nld,r u dore acidly with roo and vibes. RELIT.' BROTHERS 12:03) libad teund and nl.* stow drove mum - Ii rill M'alII, Ill laus- l'EDERAL 12192 1Ne25 * ** N. Y. - WA INmmrnl. IBreimen, Vuvc1 i Conn, Re Gave L'/ Heed Powers ban w YorerInide, 68800 warhllne by the lead and Broup ** - SUE RECORDS AM AP, 12:20) -Felvenl AID the weeper IB pleasant fashion over On an Inlectiuus anpel hem. HMI) MTh, okay (1:55) (2:311 suppod. (Panne., HMI)

I %RR1' BRIGHT * ** Jesus Knows the Reatnn Why - *6* 1I .' 1 Moo %lea - TIDE 1(012 Serene te.lding by Itod narhl

** *No PH Yes - Rumba back - Ipbund played by Ihe combo and sun. by Mfg altos. acntmp.leR Hriht as he telle she cbkk .hat 1's Ilke to be oh her. a1 Religious BILLBOARD te-spite, NEW nNlr U * * * * CHARLETON HESION Exclusively for the Music -Coin Industry Spiritual * *** %fr) Mew Mad Ose ran - VANGUARII 31011 - The elmy of the Nathlly o Io Id here by Heaton on splendid * * * * valse_ The latte Robert De (ilrrttiet cher, ale Whiz to adding a chu,thIlle moms - WAN F (H ISIFT Phere, (PD) * * ** Je.. Made H 1. - NASHBORO art -- I1,r totpe) bluer, chanted to great Inspua- .Ille bt a aho,nin' bed Midi the .R0Rp. * ** The Baplbns tel Chrtlt - A lut rd lire and *hit Mee and It's done lfone) reading by Nett. on this d,.+ dealt to solid gallo accompaniment. MUD. with the baptirine or (ì0.0 h , So John. More New lure. PAW 12:.12) Large vocal group behind the read, 11111 "Wade In the Water." (PO/ t2 141 * ** Chad.. Per OR - AO upbeel th, ;hone b;, the fwup. Good per rotmanr.s hero, too, dit nod to the rio Editorial Services in setnm of .hear .Aeltemeat. (Eccellatec, FOUI STAR SACRED BSIIr 12:as COWBOY COPAS ** ** The Hem of IW Garment - Nine -count 'em -nine big editorial features * * * STARDAY 514 - t:,.wb1l t :opal rra, stage thfe lined rifo.l wnh 111111111 . r sand. are already well past the planning 111E IR NG SIN Rd a-dunln supponi M the tomb, Cri Oh Saunter. Dont/ Henry About MR pre and on their way to your new Billboard. * ** tain to appel s +rmn I. n. I.t -Mt. II%II 11)7- 1 Ottnt soin sine by day, BAIN Sorry we can't be more specific at this the bed t.n1 Billboard's Music Popularity The Charts ... POP RECORDS DECEMBER S. 1960 ONE STOP a gasser ... Reviews and Ratings of Dot Record Gross a sales SERVICE smasher I

I Day Service free Title Strips FOR New Albums distributors. Distributorships are located in Houston. Dallas, Mem- ADULT , :Á phis, Nashville, Oklahoma City, RECORDS Pittsburgh and Buffalo. I REMEMBER DELINQUENTS * ** AUSTRIA on the mtening of war today. He dis- Dot Recoras started in 1950, ALL LABELS Various Artists. Plaste FLP 1191 -An cusses the tragic genetic changes oceoloned riotous inulgnIng program of being incorporated in now mualo'of the Tyrol, by ormolu weapons. The presentstion is Gallatin, highlighting such Inslnrments u the accor- lucid enough to be understood by a layman. Tenn., in April. Wood stated that LP laff sensation dion, bells, oom;,pah I'eme, etc. Among the A commendable album. Should be given as the label's annual gross sales have WHOLESALE vocalists are several good yodeler". The broad distribution es possible, porbcvlorly increased by an average of more music is well-recorded and most flavor- by dealers to college towns or deekrs with some. The than 80 f cover. too, picturing a Bock clientele interested In woken word dbka. per cent. In its first year, of dancing couples, is most ...saline. the label's sales totaled $97,859.30, QIE!+ 1e 45's... and during 1951. the second year, * ** AS I LOOK INTO YOUR FACE * *1,- 1 REMEMBER THE RHINE the gross reached Pal Bulkem. Dore LP 102 -Pat Buttrnm S264,950.02. ßr1 60c Various Alibis. Fksta FLP 1292 Art XS LP's - is a moderately funny hillbilly- styled comic In 1956. just before Good German singing of a group of German Paramount Write Calor Records with one of those familiar Andy waltzes, and other tunes by Griffith purchased Dot, gross sales totaled polkas Willy typo dialects. In five different bands, Box 177 95c $2.47 Schneider, Albert Vasaen. Berbuer and he 0)111100. Karl perform the toastmaster routine at dinners nearly 56 other.. Selections Include "Der Frohlicbe Pompano Beach, Florida honoring such personalities as Stove Allen, Wood, Wanderer," "Auf tt'iedenehen," end "Rhein- in an interview last week, $3.09 $3.71 Casey Stengel and Alan The land- Weinland Waiter." Striking cover and Mowbray. stated that the disk For Distribution in Your Area crowd at these affair" industry -from strong vocals should help Interest the In- cracked up and home listeners will too et some of the spots. the standpoint of dollar volume ternational fan. Cover - Ides here It not In the best of lute. was still in its infancy. "The po- tential is great and will be fully * ** TOUR DF. CHANT realized when we Mkbel Loarain. Coral hit upon the RIEOf.ä o CRT. 757362. i' W North Ave RELIGIOUS right merchandising ONCE A PROMISE (Stereo d Monaural) - Michel Louvain, * ** and exposure Baltimore 17, Md. 23. Is one of French he Canada's most popular * ** HYMNS OP THE CATHOLIC facets," added. "lt will require MAdlson 3-1517 slogan. In this collection. sung In French, CHURCH these elements, plus the proper he shows a nice way with How ballads such Cholr of SI. Patrick's CIbedrat. Mel- artists, songs and a. &r. techniques," as "Priers." "it Might as Well Be Spring," bourne. ABC -Paramount ABC 349-Thq UNITED ARTISTS and Certain Snide." he concluded. "A He also scores boy'saod men's slob of St. Patrick'. Ca- neatly on faster and novelty Items. U Lou. thedral, Melbourne, Australia, sing, some Dot in its early vain gets years achieved A additional exposure the disk could traditional hymns of the. Catholic Church important TETRA] Fussin' Up Storm .. move. In this rank primarily thru its attractive LP. Under the direction success in % of Rev, Dr. Percy 101 ,, the choir sing. the singles field. In the "Holy God We Peaks later years it has rounded out its I REMEMBER BAVARIA. VOL. 3 The Nome." "Jesus * ** My Lord, Bavarian Brass Winds. Finn FLP 1266 My God," and "To Jesus operation, in line with the growing Heart All Bumfng," as 11 l "HURRICANE" -Another of Fiesta's authentic International well its other importance of the package record disks, this II the second Catholic hymns, from Bovcolo. business. Key artists with the la- It feature.. some old.fuhloned Garman brass NOW FULFILLED Dave 'Baby' Cortez band tootling, as well as some more modern bel include Pat Boone, Billy playing. Music comfits of polkas with Vaughn, Louis Prima, Keely Smith, COUNTRY 1031 couple of mazurkas for good measure. & WESTERN * ** Debbie Reynolds, Gala Storm, Clock Could mean business In German neighbor- hood,. * ** CARL BELEW Lawrence Welk, Johnny Maddox, Deets DL 74074. (Stereo it %lonaurall- Tony Martin, Lennon Sisters, Dann WVell- recorded DAILY AIR PLAY (HECK CLOCK RECORDS, INC. country_ .padage includes Kaye, Dodie Stevens, "Am I Thot Easy "Too Helen Trau- toolgdt.Y Much of Your Records and Tunes on POLKA * ** lo Lme" and several tunes on which Below bel, the Fontane Sisters, Marlene 1619 BROADWAY, N. Y. C. collaborated, "Lonely Street, "Il Hap- Dietrich, Mills Brothers, the Hill - TV Channels 2, 4, 5 and 7 aid I STOPPED FOR pened," etc. * ** A BEER AND Essentlolly In the traditional toppers, Tab Hunter and Louis OTHER POLKA AND WALTZ FAVOR- vela, the material b of the ballad and WNBC, WOR, WABC, WCBS Radle ITES weeper type for the most Pan. Armstrong. Eddie Blatolti. lay ley (Ill -Eddie (N. 1.) Complete- Inexpenslve Bletnlck and his oak come thru with For Details. Call or Write group of sparkling Wk.' on this bright LATIN new .Chum. Tunes rang. from the title gong AMERICAN * ** N. Weinstrorer to "Go Joe Go Polka." "Alphabet Polka." ACCURATE REPORTING SERVICE "SING" and "Polka They LEARN TO DANCE THE ME- Continued ./ rulli page 2 flop." are played Death' * ** (Monitors for the Industry by the ark and should Interest polka fans RENGUE WITH TONY AND LUCILLE fiesta FLP Since 19301 from Pittsburgh to Minneapolis. 1363 -The distaff boll of the friends his as dance school front days sales exec duo patiently explains the at Coral and Top Rank. Distribu- INS Plaebush Av., Brooklyn 26, N. Y. AL KASII11 rather simple merengue steps thruout al- BUckminsler 4 -7190 *** MALY WIADZIU SPIEWA PO most all of Side I, with .'sbtanoe from tion outside of the U. S. will be STARO KR.AJSKU the Rene Tonset cha ch. band. Side 2 handled by Paul Marshall's Rank LI7 Wally. lay ley 1025 -L11 Wally's 55200 features the band all the way In a number co- approach to the yolk usually le chew- of merengue rhythm melodies. Footwork international operative. Waled by good humor and a toe -tapping patterns are clearly Illustrated. Meanwhile, Norman Ireokln8 for a Smash beat. His latest mime k very much In this Distributing category. Biggest will operations in competition is from him - start January of sell and other frequently recorded artists a Dealer's Record Club under a on this label. CLASSICAL * ** franchise arrangement with Her- THEME FROM * ** HAYDN' MASS IN TIME OF WAR man Enterprises of Indianapolis. Solokht Vkoea Slate Open Chorus A Norman Distributing is discontin- Breaking Out 1 SPOKEN WORD "THE YOUNG ONES" * ** Orchestra (Weidike), Vogrmrd VRS 1061. uing handling many single lines in (Stereo A Moeurap ml, is handsome - order to concentrate on selected * ** LINOS PAUI.ING ON FALLOUT package. with uncommon art on the cover ee glad AND NUCLEAR WARFARE and (ln performance In the grooves. lines already handled by Norman Vera. MGV YOUR OTHER 15020 - Professor Pauline, Woldlke bean out his reputation as fore- and giving the firm an established noted scientist and a leading spoke.. most Interpreter of music of this period. volume of business. Weinstroer man for outlawing war In this age of nuc- In addition to credits listed at the left, lear weapons, gives a very effective talk the cast includes stars of the Vienna Opera. claims that November was the $1E(M® LOVE firm's biggest month since its in- f ception about six months ago. 1405 locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Flamingos LIMITED SALES POTENTIAL End #1081 Big Disk Rush lb. following alhess wees reviewed by CREIGn PEER GYNT SUITE.! I k 2 END RECORDS The Billboard Mode Staff and er. Hamburg Totematlooal Phaharaonk Or- ; theatre Lodent. Tops 6010. (Stereo 1650 ennsaered to be of limbed wla (Von THE PUPPET SONG Broadway New York, N. Y. alt Monaural) Montenegro orchestra, and the la- DeleMlat. bel claims orders of over 40.000 in the three weeks it has been on by the market. Bobby Shad waxed Bustin' Wide Open! INTERNATIONAL CHRISTMAS the album while the show was still FRANKIE AVALON CHRISTMAS WITH THE CHILDREN ARMENIA AND HER GYPSIES VOL, 1 in Toronto last October, and Zara Doiukhonooa, Mrtru Soprano; Ar- The Combined Yoke' of Seventy Fire School eke rushed it to the market as soon THE HOOCHI menian FOIL Song and Dann Ensemhles of Children From Public and C -1065 Yerevan. Bruno BR 30117. Parochial Schools of Fete, Pa. RODEA as the publishers allowed. RLP 103 COOCHI (00 CLASSICAL LATIN AMERICAN Chancellor HANK BALLARD TCHAIKOVSKY: SWAN e. Ao rae 0.,.4 rra LAKE BALLETS THE HOTTEST MARIACHI IN MEXICO h,ar.a ENESCOr ROUMANIAN RHAPSODY ` and The Mldnlghfen Vorhin AHbb, REQUEST RLP 8941 The New Address for NO. 1; VON SUPPE: POET AND PEAS- King 3430 ANT OVERTURE. Hamburg International Philharmonie Ot. eheslrn (Von Indent. AMERICAN NOH VELTY'L Addii Recording Corp. HOME LIBRARY 9. (Stereo R Monaural) Moving! SING ALONG WITH DRAC Sheldon Allman. UEL -FI DPI P 1217 "The House of Hits" ADAM WADE LATEST RELEASE Is Singing THEME" 165 WEST 46th STREET "GLORIA'S b/w Dreamy LAST NEW YORK 36, N. Y. Coed 0541 COED RECORDS / Record Processing l Pressing lely Broadway New Soda N. Y DATE et 1a d W. Dracr'> wusn"tlar / THE NASHVILLE SOUND / rrem your rev. or meats.anI I"gat MrieP In. Te when ade . . THE NATION'S SENSATION W.n.l cb.'wlrh answering SIDNEY J. WAKEFIELD IT IN 0 17032 N. Black Canyon Him, Phoenix, arlt. SAY YOU SAW FLOYD CRAMER'S fast Serelte 01.1 Póosnis, WI 2.95571 0 far THE BILLBOARD I t RCA Vider 47 /ms 39 DECEMBER 1, 1960 The Billboard's Nulle Popularity Chart, , , , POP RECORDS

CONCERT REVIEW Reviews of New MUSIC AS WRITTEN Small Crowd, Big Hall Hampers Anka Pop Records To the few hundred people who turned up. An Esening With Contlnued fron) Continued 37 page 18 Paul Anka," at Manhattan's Hunter College Auditorium Sunday fron page was a ruc_eas -the ABC -Paramount recording stars offerings 427) flame number he made this year, "North to Alaska^ certainly enthusiastically received. But from an attendance year were and "High Life"). Sixteen- year -old entertainer carted 5140,- standpoint the occasion was a failure. Country 8 Western surprise not only 000 during 1959, a figure he stands to top appreciably this The poor showing must have been a distinct D aMAaCO aROrtll as who engineer year. Earlier this month, he concluded a 36 -city, 42 -show to Anka and his manager, but also to Art D'Lugof(, S moke. Smoke. srsok - !Be, st:r,"r. at the Copacabana A-B-S Inl tour with his shoss grossing $492,250. the d.. k. 1 yet-jelly aftea Anka's smash showing To some extent. the meager turnout was at- this past summer. HORTON aR /tS, Ella Fitzgerald mused from a six -week run at San Francisco', to an advance publicity and advertising campaign tributable lb. Old and Me New - 1 Ntrd th. Fairmont to an eight-slay tour of Australia, playing Melbourne, was at bat. Js)l4'A 1077 which spotty Leal.. Sydney, Adelaide, and Tasmania. . . . A hundred -piece sym- well enough. but he was Daring the performance. Anka sang phony orchestra started recording under Raw Garcia's baton for n,l. ally frustrated from projecting as well as he might have by JO /. rocs'EY Dreamed rhg s.,,,, Metro's "Atlantis. the Los( ('ontinent." produced and directed MNi.ness the emptiness the 2.200 seat auditorium. I About sa. eh,,. - Ibe and of ale. ALALEA 1!6 by George Pal. I he Ii.Ilt is a mammoth. drab mausoleum that defies almost any performer to create warmth within its barren shell. The am- THE JOHNSON 5055 a THE JAS' DPI's Approximately 530,000 in audio equipment was plification, too, played hob with Anka's singing. Many of his one a Varias - ut,,lk M.dona.. moved Into the Shrine Auditorium here fora three -channel l INCO non after phrases became blurred or were overwhelmed by the large stereo concert by Ray Conniff, Friday (2)..., Dotty Walters aver- amplified ork. V_ERN /t.RLEN cut set of singles for Columbia Records last week.... Anka, altho displaying no overt pique at the situation. did aearttfal Yen - It Harts /maltet to t r.. RCA Victor's Ann Fulehino in San Francisco on a drum- rush that the two halves of his program. Tune followed upon BIG HOw'DY 7!e beating visit on behalf of the label's artists.... Columbia no commentay. and a brief word from Paul Macero arrived from New tune, with little or DIARIES rRYANT pop artist -repertoire producer Teo away with the costomary inter- Victor to his conductor, Sid Feller, did Dam'( Take St) Rooms Away - A,hlnr York to record Chico Hamilton.... Coast a, &r, chief mission. Hean, HY.b. PEACH ant Dick Pierce back from his New York huddles with label The show itself followed the general pattern of his sock Copa brass. engagement. The young singer opened with a clever parody of JERRY DEE Vses Montand 20th Century -Fos film, "Sanctuary." Lee Zhito (That'. How lone) 1,1 Ise,. l'or - Open 'Sing, Sing, Sing." which led into a string of standard tunes. Lose. PEACH 745 Barton used to be with the studio some with special lyrics. The second section was made tip Harpist Mary Jane (she has joined the Roger Williams largely of Anka- written. Anka -sung record hits. A special piece of wELDON a W ANDA ROGER% orchestras at Universal and Metro) L)/ne Llp. and Chesilnp Bean - Ir 1 Its tour of the South when it starts January S. Others material, "l'm a Do -It- Yourself Song Man." led into this seyment group for Had One Day to LI .. PFACtI 7. Morgando, guitarist Sam Caverns. which besides presenting "Diana," and other hits. also gave a spot aboard include drummer John and Hintz, and bass -man Roger Nichols.... Robbins, Feist to "Pities De Paris Jolie," one of Anka's least known but better B UDDY STEPHENS Gil efforts. Jack Maher. ta tae Dart of tae Nlrbt - Ne One Nul and Miller will publish Alex North's score for the Lee- Remick- ow. MANCO 1007

* * * JERRY' RAI.I.ARD Toronto RI. track P4ea M.. SKIPPS - was elected NIGHT CLUB REVIEW 120 John R. Tilton, of John R. Tilton. Ltd., Toronto, president of the Dominion High Fidelity Association at its annual GEORGE RICHARDSON meeting. Other members of the executive staff for the coming year Copacetic Is Word for Connie CToa. to Soo - I Can't 5.11,,,. SA51)5 and E. H. Kinnear, of Toronto. 1053 are Ian J. Main, of Kitchener. Ont., T. Rochford was reappointed executive secretary and show her place with the John M -G -M Records' Connie Francis has taken manager. The next high -fidelity exposition will be in Toronto in front line of the nation's club stars. That's the distinct impression Polka October 1961.. . When Johnny Williams left CKFH, Toronto, left by the gal as she took New York's venerable Copacabana by THE HENRS' RROSCH ORK he left behind a bunch of singing blurbs all about himself. The storm in her opening stint there this week. Red and WhIle Polka - Jo -Jo PotL.. intros were made in the United States at high cost and CKFH never From the opening gun, when the poised Miss Francis offered 1021 SAH) had a chance to use them. Jay Jackson replaced Williams. . . a material bit about being happy to he at the Copa, breezy special Hallmark Studios, Ltd., has leased a building in the city to convert eating out of her hand. Then she really she had the ringsiders to two recording studios, one with 7,600 square feet of space and warmed with All Depends on You," delivered in an them up "It Rhythm (g Blues the other with 1,000 square feet. Ceiling of the large studio will all- stops -out Smartly, the gal changed the -pace with a manner. he 28 feet high. Cost of the transformation. according to Doug neat grouping her Italian and Jewish favorites, culled from MARSHA RENAY of Cba Lrpso ul Lm. Ir. NW.. HI Sanderson, treasurer of Hallmark, is estimated at 550,000. Large her- -G -M albums, all which were greeted with - best-selling M of S017 studio will have equipment for three- channel stereo recording.... cheers. Harry Belafonte, who was guest of honor at a party held here by were played down, and were limited to her cur- Singles hits RCA Victor of Canada, commented favorably on the RCA record- rent Ago," and the "Momma." The gal, "Many Tears familiar International ing studios where party was held. He suggested the possibility he in the great tradition of Garland and Jolson. thruout, seemed might record here. The highlight of her presentation, in fact, came with a nostalgic BRSN BRIGHT Hm whorl Fy Nhadm eland of st, Jolson hits, complete with white gloves and tie. at go -thru of great Fachen) - Can Mio_ KAI' BIS Jimmy Nantaru'9 newest Columbia album, "Namara The thrush achieved her triumph, incidentally, not with the Westburs," has been receiving a lot of local air play in prom -sprinkled crowds as greeted Paul Anka and Bobby Darin auppurt of the local musician. Liner notes are by Elwood at the Cope, but with a completely adult audience, which Keylynn Label Debuts Glove, deejay for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. .. . pounded tables and whistled in vain for a third encore, after a Big Julie's, newest nitery', to open at the first of the year, Is Music. a great get-off with "Saints," and "Bill Bailey." DETROIT - Keylynn looking for a combination female singer and pianist for Its The Copa band, as usual, was on the loud aide. but the gal new independent label, is making upstairs Intimate lounge.... Whitey Haines of Capital went release by was. in most cases, equal to this challenge. Criticism would be its debut with the first down to London, Ont.. to look after the p.a. at a store and Horace Turner "When I First limited to her rather distracting efforts to put her hands in her - on a TV station of artist Leonard Peanario.... Columbia's skirt pockets without finding the pockets (a wardrobe problem) Me You, Baby," backed by "I've Frank Jones huddled with CHUM's program director, Allan each Got to Have The new label, and a tendency to say "thank you" a little too often after You." Slight, to come up with a Johnny Mathis day on the station number. The gal, however, still adds up to great night club which has headquarters in subur- during Mathis' one -week appearance here at the O'Keefe ban River will specialize in entertainment, as disk buyers will find when M -G -M puts out Rouge, ('enter for the Performing Arts.. , . Doug Lycett's "You pops. Its promised "Connie at the Copa" album. Ren Grevait. r.Ab. tunes as well as Don't Want to Go," cut in Nashville, is being released In Active principals are Arthur Canada by Quality. Lycett made a p.a. in Montreal and Brooks and Roger Hurd, recording Ottawa to give the record a big boost in sales. artists formerly with the Abner and Parrott labels respectively, to- Allan Small, who for the past year has been all -night deejay and on CFRB, has switched to the daylight bouts.... The first U. S. BRITISH Newsnotes gether with Charles Deshazen with Willie F. Middlebrooks. recording of Svlaloslav Richter is being released coincident the pianist's appearance at Massey Hall here. Harry Allen Ir. Continued page e from at 23, while C (London) entered No. follows a similar double Ray Con - cal Rights Society has elected a the Ventures return to the charts on SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS with Circula,. -Free niff LP set issued earlier in the songwriter to ils board for the first their new label, London, Dance- ce3:UM B 3-c lo rn mottoes lo orner month. Conniff has averaged more time - Paddy Roberts.... Decca "Perfidia" (No. 27). There is action epee)al Alex Murray left the on BM Black Combo's "Don't Be //sor1 than 15,000 copies an issue, but a.&r. man j le mV odunier the double pack drew 35,000 label to resume his career as an Cruel" (Capitol).... The Drifters' orders in itt first week. actor.... One of Pye's young stars. "Save the Last Dance for Me" DESIGNERS RENTERS 2 tfr VISIT Pictures' Emile Ford, started recording new (London) moved up to No. and R. Y. -IN: Paramount fJ1 State St., lane I I corn. n.dr, - President Harney Balaban arrived artists himself and has sold three may possibly equal its U. S. chart - for film discussions and the British tingles to the label. topping success.... First Christ- launching of the Paramount toll -TV NEW SERVICE: After 10 years mas hit of the year is Nina and system. He denied that his trip had with the Rank Organization. Pat Frederick's revival of "Little Don- has left following the trans- key" (Columbia), now at No. 10. anything to do with Paramount's Skinner JUKE BOX OPERATORS: dealings with Philips over Dot.... fer of the Top Rank label to EMI. NEW RELEASESt Unable to Howard Keel, filming in Germany, He was in charge of publicity for release "Make Someone Happy" returned to head ATV's "Sunday its launching and later became here for copyright reasons, RCA The best of the Night at the London Palladium,' marketing manager. He has opened issued "Gone 13 My Love" b-w hottest November 27.... TV actor Ty his own consultancy office, in- "Home for the Holidays" as Perry records Conto's first single since "Dela- Hardie is booked for two January, tends making specialized records -In stereo and monaural ATV dates following Leslie Grade's for the U. S. market and will work ware." ... Other Decca group re- 's U. S. What recent U. S. trip; Grade previously with American labels here both for leases included Pat Boone What lep artists he..e tecc'Led achat songs In STEREO? brought over two other Western marketing and in the general busi- chart- coupling, "Dear John" b-w latest hits of the top artists? What all -time favorites McGuire are the stars, Hugh O'Brian and Robert ness sense. "Alabant" (London), the have they recorded? What million sellers? To get all the Horton, for singing telecasts. CHARTS: No doubting the pull Sisters 'To Be Loved" (Coral) and answer .. . KMhryo Grayson stars in BBC -TV's of Frank Sinatra's "01' Mac Don- all EP of music from the Maigres Om* "Shewiime," December 18. ald" (Capitol), it entered the bit TV series (Warners). , .. Bob MB- sa sure to Read ... and Use ... and Hold V1SIC -OUIt Decca group chair- list in its fiat week at No. 9. There ter% Milkmen covered Floyd Year-End man E. R. Lewis left on a two- was quick action, too, on Anthony Cramer's (RCA) "Last Date" for Billboard's Big Mew onth world tour.... Leeds Mu- Newle's "Strawberry Fair" (Dec- Fontana.... Pye issued the sound- Programming and Takal Buying 6vIde Simons ca), in at 16, as was Lonnie track album of the "Three Worlds the Decto,tor 19 Ivt W. sic's British chic( Cyril No. -e rCetal slit L. yltt4 secl.en of visited New York. Dotterels'. "Lively" (lye); Johnny of Gulliver" movie on it. Golden HOME FRONT: The Mechani- Tillotson's "Poetry in Motion" Guinea low- priced LP line. amusement auditoriurns merchandise arnvéiíilg: parks 4tiòwg

arenas carnivals circuses fairs talent stadiums

Communications to 40 THE BILLBOARD 188 W. Randolph St., Chicago 1, 111. DECEMBER S, 1960 Park Association Completes NAAPPB PLANS SIDELIGHTS PACIFIC TRIP Glen Boyd Busy Convention Schedule IN LATE 1961 CHICAGO - NAAPPB's 1961 summer meeting will be CHICAGO -Busy conventioning the insurance committee this year "nothing but profits" in the future, a month -long tour thru the Misses Chi park executives concentrated their had okayed a 5 per cent reduction but that the competition will be business and convention sessions in rates. with the added provision between Orient. That was decided by various businesses more the directors into two days and one evening, that individual parks could nego- than between individuals within and announced at the convention then took a noon session of the tiate rates on the bash of their loss those here last fields. The question, he said, week. Convention third day to cap it all with a sum- ratios. is whether amusement parks will The group will go, mary and time for honoring many Harry Batt, chairman of the get their share of the profits. probab- CHICAGO -Glen Boyd, veteran ly in September, from of those who had taken part. government relations committee, Ed Schott, Coney Island, Cin- Seattle manager of the Ozark Empire Fair, and return to Los Angeles. That was the story of the Na- told of negotiations with the Sen- cinnati, told of the committee work Springfield, Mo., was among the tional They will see Century 21 Association of Amusement ate Committee headed by Sen. in selecting a firm for a public re- missing at the Chicago doings, the abudding, then fly to Tokyo, Parks. Pools and Beaches conven- John Kennedy, He warned mem- lations program to be undertaken first time in many years. Glen has Hong Kong, Singapore, tion here last week (28 -30), which bers to expect a new bill to in- Bang- been ailing by NAAPPB. He termed the pro- kok. and the doe advised included these highlights: crease minimum wages. Honolulu, and other against his gram a "challenge and major step ". attending. . . Mrs. points. In each location they Launching of a campaign to fi- Membership chairman Marvin which the committee felt Ruth Hartkopf, manager "must be will inspect local amusement of the nance a $50,000 public relations Staton reported the association has recommended to the members." Eastern Idaho State Fair, parks and similar facilities. Black- campaign. about 80 new members. Fred A featured speaker Monday foot, was still favoring her left for In 1958 the group toured arm Seeing a film report of Rivet-view Pearce Jr. reported that the Rem- was Iry Wermont, who talked of which was broken some weeks ago Europe on a similar park Park's $500,000 theme addition at ington firm has agreed to produce "Fun, Our Secret Weapon," and just out of the cast. inspection trip. Agawam, Mass. shooting gallery ammunition with (Continued on von, Nt James H. (Georgia Buy) Drew, Hearing inspirational t a l k s, plated cases in lots of 150 cases owner of the carnival hearing his topped by that of Dr. Herbert or more. name, 'was justifiably proud about True. Monday Afternoon the accomplishment of his son, Inaugurating evening sessions. Plarr's presidential a d d r e s s Fair Federation Okays Jimmy Jr. The youngsters had And finishing off with the touched on the status and future been awarded one of the highest Wednesday awards luncheon. of the field and honors in the Boy Scouts when ha Executive Session the association's activities. Ray- Old Meeting Format became the only member of his President Robert L. Plarr called mond Ellis, of the National Safety Augusta, Ga., troop to achieve the the Monday morning session to Council, discussed "Management rank of Eagle Scout. or- CHICAGO Federation der. Secretary John Bowman re- in the Sixties- Voluntary or Regu- The of president, in the chair. Assisting Frank Kingman, secretary of the State and Provincial Association ported on the year's activities, in- lated." of her were Vice -President Christie fair association, was sweating out Fairs requested the to the W. Summers cluding the fair "crisis," minimum Highlight of the afternoon n'as return and Secretary- Treas- two grandchildren during the old method of with wage bill battles, the safety pro- Ed Carroll's film and talk about meeting other urer Joseph C. Bartlett. meetings. His daughter, Mrs. Holly organizations in gram, visitations to parks, attend- his $500,000 project for installing a a resolution passed N. S. Hand, of the Mississipp Widener, presented her husband here ance at thence section to his park and in- at its convention in the Hotel Association of Fairs and also man with a daughter on Wednesday (30) Michigan State's school for Morrison association executives and delays augurating a part-time one -price last week. ager of the Mississippi State Fair, and his daughter -in -law, Mrs. Bar- with the Manual and Guide. policy. Additional speakers on the The resolution read: "Resolved gave one of the key addresses of the ry Kingman, was in the hospital Also appearing were program same panel about meeting compe- that the International Association meeting. (See Fair -Exhibition awaiting an addition. of Fairs chairman Laurence Canfield, reso- tition included Harry J. Batt Jr.; and Expositions resume Management column, this issue.) Hadji Delgarian. veteran ride lutions chairman Paul Huedepohl, William Campbell, of Arrow De- holding its annual meeting in con- Lamar Allen, president of the operator, took time out front Show- location and exhibits chairman velopment; Jim Hervey, of Audio junction with other associations Florida Federation of Fairs, mod- men's League activities to attend Jack Macdonald, music royalty Electronics, and Larry Sloan, of and organizations in the outdoor erated discussions on topics perti- wedding of his daughter, Ann, to chairman John Coleman. program Pacific Ocean Park, who described amusement business." nent to State associations. Mrs. Henry Piazza, an engineer. Tha of work chairman Ed Schott, treas- his park's major success with the The organization, part of the In- Melinda Granberry, Tennessee As- event was held November 26 in St. urer A. L. Filograsso and finance one -price policy. ternational Association of Fairs and sociation of Fairs, described the Gregory's Armenian Church in chairman Bill Schmidt. Tom Davidson, speaking as a Expositions, held a full afternoon awards and workshops conducted Chicago, ... Ken Garman was re- Jack Macdonald reported that Fusspot researcher, said he sees session with Miss Goldie Scheible, by that group. leased from a Danville hospital just a couple of days before the meet- ings got started hut was on hand 92 EXHIBITORS to host his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Atwood, Name Winners she's Maude the secretary of the Chattanooga Fair, missed the con- vention for the first time in years. Ride, Equipment Firms Pile Both were on a trip to California Of 8 Awards to visit their daughter and son in Los Angeles. CHICAGO -Here is a rundown One of the gold -star (new mem- on winners of the four annual ex- Up Sales at Chicago Show ber) attendees at the park meetings hibit awards and the four annual was John Leahy, owner of the service awards presented by the Na- By IRWIN KIRBY actions, the following unit sales are M. and P. Diesel Company had Great Danbury (Conn.) Fair. tional a response to its line of Leahy's New Village Association of Amusement CHICAGO - The tradition of reported: good Amsterdam Parks, Mercedes Benz motore and gener- is a attraction on the Pools and Beaches: titillions of dollars being spent for Jumping Jupiter Improved permanent The new Don Dazey Award for ators exhibited for the first time. grounds. which makes him a park amusement devices at the Chicago Herschell's exhibit of ride bodies best promotion presentation to Ed O. C. Buck Shows ordered four man now.... Rossotto Oreste and trade show was upheld convincingly included a new Jumping Jupiter Carroll. 95 -kw. motors and Robert L. C. Rosa of Naples. had last week Registrations were down model which accomplishes its leap Luna Park, A. S. McSwigan Award for out- Smith, of Freedomland, ordered 20 Ronnie Kehoe as their only lan- somewhat, but this was more than without the need for a launching standing units. King Amusements signed a Chicago until service to the association, offset by favorable reports by ramp. Also new was the Skyway guage contact in Harry distributorship which will see it some others with to Batt for his operation of manufacturers of riding devices Monorail, Paddleboat, happily meeting the kiddie offering diesel power for its rides. fluency in Their sessions governmental relations commit- and subsidiary equipment for the aluminum Dark Ride cars, Bell Air Italian. Freedomland also contracted for family and Egle tee. N. S. Alexander Award to outdoor fun industry. Car, stereo music unit and re- with the Zacchini the Italian ride, Space Combat, were complete with typ- Dr. Herbert True, and the A. R. With 92 individual exhibitors oc- designed Roller Coaster. The last Sedlmayr Hodge Award for pool and beach shown by Export Sales Corpora- ical Neapolitan gestures. cupying 197 booths on the Hotel mentioned is a two -semi ride, one presentation, tion. The grass grows under nobody's to R. L. Brown, of Sherman 's mezzanine floor, there mounting the loading platform and the American Red Cross. Jack Partlows kiddie circus feet at Whalom Park, Fitchburg, was no shortage of equipment -or the other for a permanent incline Fred train, u trackless unit, was sold to (Continued on pone 50 Pearce Sr. Award for the new units shown. Ride manufac- and drive unit, height 121 feet. best several buyers. Among them were exhibit, first place to Allan turers were enthusiastic Other - uniformly firms with large dollar Jimmy Sullivan; Lee Amusements; Herschel) Company, Inc.; honor - about the reception this year. volume results included King orable Jungle Land Park, of Cleveland; mentions to Hot Rods, Inc., Biggest single achievement was Amusements and B. A. Schiff As- Kash Resigns C. S. Peck and Paul Robertson. and National Amusement Device the contracting of additional Sky sociates. There was interest in new list Fun - Company. Wheels by the Allan Herschel) rides, one of which will he com- Kings order included Shows and H. Charles S. Wilson Award for best Company, whose display occupied pleted for the Tampa Fair. Frank houses to Reithoffer At Waterloo exhibit McGinley, of Zanesville, O.; two Ia. Norbert of equipment and supplies, the most space in the show. Second Hrubetz's Meteor is an 18-car ride WATERLOO. - kid rides to Amusements of as manager of first place to Concession Supply of the towering units to be pro- in the works for three years. It Kash has resigned America; light plant and popcorn Cattle Congress Company; honorable mentions to duced will go to Glen Wade and utilizes the Round -Up elevation ac- the National Dairy George Lytle, of Findlay, 15, Animated Display Creators and associates for mid -February de- tion with three large turntables. trailer to here effective January light plant and Frolic ride to has with the organi- Display Arts, Inc. livery. Crafts Shows will have one First -year production will be six O.; Kash been Jerry's Rides of Baltimore; train lo for six Years, four us assist- D. S. Humphries Award for the in time for the National Orange units. zation Mickey Stark (who also acquired ant to the late Ed Estel and the past best new device exhibit, first place Show in San Bernardino, Calif., Aeroaffiliates will not have its a Herschel! G -12 train and San of the annual to Arrow Development Company; next March. B. D. McCrary re- Bartlett Dronte in operation two as manager Floato- Helicopter); Speed- be named honorable mentions to Oarco, Inc., in time for but will be Antonio -model event. His successor will ceived the first ride this fall. Tampa, Grove, Cincin- and Richard B. McFadden. In addition to rides ordered off testing it during 1961. Its Flying boats to Striker's in the near future. nati; Spinaroo to Al Kunz, of Heth Kash has been awarded the Henry Guenther Sr. Award for the floor, there is the customary Coaster production, one n week, is Fighter and Frolic to for of Taylor best exhibit of games equipment, winter period during which direc- comfortably spoken for. The firm Shows; Jet franchise distribution W. E. (Shotgun) Page, and Frolics soft -serve ire cream in 100 counties first place Mike Munves; honorable tors will be voting on purchases showed a dual safety valve piston Peck. Drago Amusements. Iowa. and mentions to Chicago Dynamics and and other pending sales will be and hydraulic cylinder for both to C. S. in Wisconsin Capitol Projector. confirmed. To skim over the trans- new and existing Flying Coasters. ,,.inns ed ern page 49) Minnesota. THE BILLBOARD SHOW NEWS 41 DECEMBER 5, 1960 FAIR ASSN. PARK MEN ELECT Panels Highlight UPS DUES t HICAGO -A new ducs J. R. schedule for the International SINGHISER IAFE Chi Meeting Association of Fairs and Ex- Succeeds Plarr; Vice -Presidents positions was adopted here last week. Are Gurtler, Staton, Conklin Advertising, Concessions Discussed Annual dues for county fairs is $40 as compared with CHICAGO -J. R. (Jack) Sing - Antonio; C. K. (Jack) MacDonald, Fair Association Meets Alone Ligonier, As 530; State associations, $55 hiser, of Fontaine Ferry Park, Idlewild Park, Pa.; time in years the Louisville, was elected president of George K. Whitney Jr., Century 21, By CHARLIE BYRNES For the tint against S40; Canadian fain, execs met in a different hotel compared with the National Association of Amuse- Seattle; Carl A. Sinclair, Meyers discus- fair 5105 $75; CHICAGO -Open panel from the Showmen's League of service members 5100, no ment Parks, Pools and Beaches here Lake Park, Canton, O., and Elmer topics high- sions on important America, amusement park associa- change; United States State last week. He succeeds Robert annual meeting of lighted the 70th tion and allied groups, holding its fairs, S210 against 5150. Plarr, of Domey Park, Allentown, Association of the International sessions in the Morrison Hotel after Based on the present mem- Pa. here last Fain and Expositions the close of the other activities at bership, the increase is ex- Singhiser was vice- president and week. the Hotel Sherman. The Sts pected to hike IAFE income social chairman last year. He also banquet and ball on Wednesday close to $5,000. has fitted other positions with evening (30) usually wound up the NAAPPB and in 1958 was chair- entire outdoor meetings but the man of the NAAPPB European IMCA Re- Elects IAFE began its sessions on Thurs. tour group. day (I) and was due to wind them Midwest Fairs Newly elected vice -presidents up at a Saturday (3) luncheon. are Jack Gunter, of Elitch Gar- The over -all program this year dens, Denver, Marvin Staton, Virgil Miller covered the Federation of State Springtake Park, Oklahoma City, and Provincial Association of Fairs. Meet Feb. 13 -14 and J. W. (Patty) Conklin, Conklin CHICAGO - The International including meetings on county fairs, & Garrett, Ltd.. Brantford, Ont. Motor Contest Association re- had the usual social events such as CHICAGO -The Midwest Fair NAAPPB members elected the to the elected its officers and named one the Past President's Club Luncheon Association will hold its winter following new directors new director at its annual meeting on Thursday and for the first time February 23-24 in Kansas board: meeting Olympic here last week. in many years, a banquet on Fri- City. it was announced here last Robert A. Guenther, N., J.; James J. C. Huskisson. Tampa. was the day evening, titled the "Internation- week. The meeting was tentatively Park, Maplewood, Park. San new addition to the board, replac- al Fairs Roundup.' scheduled for the President Hotel. E. Johnson, Ptayland ing R. H. McIntosh. Birmingham. The forums got under way on Virgil Miller. Hutchinson. was re- Friday morning with Dick Freder- named president and John Libby, ick, Michigan State Fair, heading PLARR ACCEPTS BID St. Paul, secretary. one on advertising. G. W. (Bill) Also on the board are C. G. Wynne, Mid South Fair, moderated City; (Pete) Baker, Oklahoma one on concessions; Bryan P. St. Paul; Lloyd Doug Baldwin, Sandfes, Clark County Fair, on Makes I. R. SINCHISER Joe Trade Show Cunningham, Des Moines; youth; Mrs. Moxie Mulrooney, Shreveport. La., and Ed Monour, Saginaw Fair, on women's activi- E. Freeland, Conneaut Lake Park, Schultz, Neb. Lincoln. ties. That afternoon G. C. (Pete) Conneaut Lake, Pa., all for three - up rulings on A motion to set Baker. Oklahoma State Fair, filled Italians year terms, plus Jimmie Thompson, until Hit With midget auto racing was tabled in for Lem Iones on commercial Park Kiddieland, Alexandria, the of Al- served as interpreter. The Italians' City the IMCA board meets during space. Grandstand shows had CHICAGO -Bob Piare, to vacancy. in the impression of the NAAPPB trade La., fill a one -year Midwest Fair Circuit conclave Donald L. Swanson, Michigan lentown, Pa., president of 23 -24. he is ac- show was marked, their most com- John L. Bowman was re- elected K.inws City, Mo., February State Fair, as chairman assisted by NAAPPB, said last week observation being an amazed, secretary, and A. L Filograsso, William A. (Tiny) Uthmeier, Cen- cepting the invitation extended on mon showmen's "Did Khrushchev sec this?" treasurer. tral Wisconsin State Fair. behalf of the European thru two of its leaders. Ros- The invitation to the European Abbeville, S. C., Election of officers and directors group with Oreste, of Luna Park, Naples, convention was coupled one and an address sotto International invited the Americans to the sev- to participate in the Gets Fair Site Baldwin, Minnesota State Fair, on in Italy. Orestes enth congress of the association, Exhibition Turin, ABBEVILLE, S. C. George the future of the IAFE were set for address to the parkmcn event as fol- - February 1 -4 in Paris. Orange Show W. Settles Jr., president of the the Saturday morning session, along company of C. Rosa, of lows: Junior Chamber of Commerce here, with addresses by L. Doc Cassidy, In the "In occasion of the International Park, and Bill and Ronnie says the latter has acquired deed Kentucky State Fair; C. M. Cutler, Ltina Exposition which will he held in John L. Kchoc, Oreste toured the exhibi- to a six -acre tract of property on General Electric, and Turin from May to October to here in search of Ameri- Picks Theme the Old Greenwood Highway for Campbell. insurance. Art Linkletter tion hall celebrate the Centennial of the speaker at can devices to use in Europe. Mrs. a permanent Abbeville County was scheduled to be the Unity of Italy: we are sent by our SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. - on Saturday. Kchoe is fluent in Italian and Fairground. the luncheon Association (ANESV), located in "Citrus Wonderland" will be the A spokesman said the Jaycees to visit your exposition and Rome. theme for the 1961 National will erect a building at the site to for the purpose of setting up a Shosv here April 20 -30, A. nerve as n meeting and recreational HOLD OWN SESSION modern amusement park. Orange site for the organization. Plans call "The Turin celebration wants to B. Drake, exposition president, an- for work to begin in the near future show the accomplishments attained nounced after the judges examined in in order to have the property by labor in a century' of great ac- more than 3,000 entries. readiness for the 1961 fair. Fair Meet tivity. In occasion of these festivi- County According to J. W. Snyder, chair- ties, which will occur over a period the theme committee, the six months. conventions and man of of was made on the basis Rodeo meetings will draw to the elegant selection Taber Elects the "Citrus Wonderland" theme Scope city of Turin millions of visitors. that Covers Wide will be a "workable one for all seg- TABER. Alta.-Andy Andrews "It is our deep desire that your the 46th showing, includ- was elected president of the Tuber be with some ments of CHICAGO -Leaders of county "backbone of the fair business." country represented community feature exhibits, Rodeo Association, succeeding of your attractions; this would open ing fairs in the United States and Can- Clyde E. Byrd, Little Rock, was show, entertainment and Mike Bartram, who was named up a new phase in our activities. flower ada got in their innings as an inte- chairman of the meeting. features and special Seneral manager and the organ - "For this purpose the associations commercial the International As- importance of successful thruout the grounds." rretion's first honorary president. gral part of The of France, Germany. Switzerland, displays of Fairs and Expositions was discussed by Other officers are: Pete Lindquist, sociation grandstand shows Italy. Belgium, Austria, Holland, Record for the entry from the here Friday morning (2). McAleavv, secretary of the a woman vice-president; Juck Hamshaw, sec- meeting C. J. Portugal and Denmark. who are al- most distant point went to was devoted to Wisconsin Valley Fair, Wausau. An- who said retary; Don Porter, treasure. An entire session ready united in the VFE Union in Brierfield, England, the small- Badger, Ralph W. Davis, while tour- A carnival will be signed for the problems confronting other F.C. Forains Europecnnc, will cele- she heard of the contest the of Northern Wiscbn- the May 20 -22 rodeo. er fairs, which were termed manager the brate their seventh European Corr ing America. sin District Fair, Chippewa Falls, press in a meeting to be held in discussion on exhibits and at- led a Paris on February I, 2, 3 and 4, tractions. 1961. This meeting will be con- N. Y. PARKMEN Ohio was heard from in the per- ducted by the president, Augusto Park- Beach -Pool Group son of Bryan P. Sandres, Clark Picardi of Rome. IN NEW GROUP County Fair, Springfield, who de- "We are extending you the invita- scribed a successful program of tion to participate to this convention CHICAGO - New lark Divisional Status community co-operation. Henry and we arc sure that your represen- State members of the National Gets Kennedy, National Peanut Festival, tation will honor these festivities. Association of Amusement CHICAGO- Acting on a pledge Carnahan, Eyerly Associates, Chi - Dothan, Ala., spoke on advertising, We appreciate this first encounter Parks, Pools and Beaches last to bolster its pool and beaah sec- cago, heads I2 -man trade show publicity and promotion. A system with you and it is hoped that many week formed their own organi- lion, the NAAPPB authorized the committee whose main job will be to control tickets was described by others will follow-this will be ad- zation within the NAAPPB. creation of the National Associa- to secure pool and beach exhibitors Richard C. Murray, Dutchcss vantageous to the body we are rep- It is the New York State Asso- lion of Pools and Beaches as an for next years NAAPPB Show. County Fair, Rhinebeck, N. Y. resenting which has always looked ciation of Amusement Parks. autonomous division of the parent A year-long membership drive with great admiration and astonish- President is Harry Altman, body at a Tuesday (29) convention will be the first order of business, ment on your accomplishments. of Glen Park, Williamsville. meeting. according to Platt, who urged each Brown, American Red Cross, and "Thank you for having given us N. Y. James Miller, of Rose- is The board also authorized of the operators attending the pool Vernon Platt. an occasion to present the aims of land Park, Canandagua, is J. K. budget el $400 to $600, election of and beach sessions to concentrate A panel presentation included our visit. We also want to thank secretary. Treasurer the poufs own officers and the on pools and saint clubs in their Milton Metsky, Brookside Swim your president, Robert Parr, as well Donlan, Donlan Enterprises. are services of Executive Secretary area. Vauxhall, N. J.; Eddie Cole, as your secretary, John Bowman, Sylvan Beach. Directors Club, York; John Bowman and the national of- highlights the conven- Eddie Cole Water Circus, Evans- for the kind invitation and cordial Nathan Faber, New Other of Olympic Park, f:ce in Chicago. lion pool and beach sessions, pre - ton, Ill.; Arthur I. Yellen, Wil- reception. Joseph Schuler, Martin F. Walsh, Vernon (Bud) Platt. Somerton sided over by John Philipps, in- liamsville Pool Club, Inc., Buffalo, "Our thanks and appreciation are Rochester, Park. Maple Springs; 'Springs Swim Club. Feasterville, eluded talks by Ralph Kuhli, clime- N. Y.; James H. Dickson Jr., Cas- also directed to Mr. and Mrs. Kchr,e Midway to render and Albert Weisenfluth, Eld- Pa.. was elected president, and John tor of water safety, National Safety cade Plunge, Birmingham, Ala., for everything they did country a ridge Park, Elmira. Philipps, Philipps Aquatic Club, Council; R. J. McCarthy, Govern- and Chuck Foster, Aquamarine our stay in this great Dayton, O., vice- president. Jantes ment Services, Inc.; Richard L Swim Club, Inc., Avon Lake, O. very pleasant one." SHOW NEWS THE BILLBOARD 42 DECEMBER 5, 1960

A Colorful, Informative WeeklyIT! EXCLUSIVELY for a Colorful, Exciting Lidustry

Every Week ...NEWS as it happens! In a Bright Modern Format Designed You have a front row seat for all that happens in every segment of the industry now covered by the Show News department of for Fast Reading The Billboard and Funspot. NEW SIZE Amusement Business will be standard news magazine size -the same as the cover on the opposite page. Every Week ... SPEccì C REPORTS Timely reports in depth of new industry developments researched NEW FORMAT You will read Amusement Week from by experts, profusely illustrated and edited for fast reading. cover to cover as news stories, photographs and articles carry you from one interesting page to another. Every Week ...SERVICE FEATURES NEW TYPE Designed for easy. fast reading with stories Complete lists of ROUTES, COMING EVENTS, FAIR MEETINGS, edited to give you the important details at a glance. LETTER LIST. FAIR DATES. NEW MAKEUP Following closely the style of national news Every Week ...PERSONALS weeklies like Time. Newsweek with liberal use of photographs. News of people in the amusement industry including profiles and No more newsprint Amusement Business obituaries. N EW PAPER - will be printed on slick, white offset enamel by the most modern FASTER SEIf I 'ICL*, of web offset presses.

Subscriber copies will now be mailed from Cincinnati Saturday to be in your mailbox to begin your week on Monday morning. And a one year subscription will cost only $8.

Newsstand copies will be dispatched from Cincinnati by fastest planes and trains to be at your corner newsstand Monday morning. News- stand price will be 50e.

Show Agent Copies will get same fast delivery service as newsstand copies. Wherever you are. your show will have copies available on Monday. ABC Audited - Advertisers will have all details of Amusement Business paid circulation thru audits of the Audit Bureau of Circulation.

ONE BIG $2.8 BILLION MARKET GREATER EXPANDED STAFF This is the team of experienced experts who will publish Amusement Now thru one authoritative weekly advertisers can reach all segments Business: of the fait growing amusement market . . . whether they ore Publisher- Maynard L. Reuter permanently established funspots or travel to a new location every week. Editor -James W. McHugh Publishing Policy Committee: Maynard L. Reuter, James W. McHugh, Robert E. Husted, Frank Joerling, B. A. Bruns Wherever people go; they create needs -and Amusement Business News Editor -Charles Byrnes nation's amusements reaches the owners, managers and operators of the Feature Editor -Tom Parkinson that more thon three billion people will patronize this year. Eastern News Editor -Irwin Kirby Assistant to the Publishr- Marilyn Torson The Amusement Market is unique in that its basis commodity is selling Assistant to the Editor- Stephen J. Troimon "fun to the public for a profit." Families everywhere are Its customers. Editorial Assistant -Ellyn Bogus, Alice Lotvin For the past three years its gross sales has been rising at the rate of Manager, Southwestern -Frank B. Joerling 6 per cent each year. Its needs range from light plants to light bulbs, Manager, Western -Sam Abbott Hall, Delores Newcomb Poe from o concession stand to o complete cafeteria, from o clown to a Washington Bureau -Mildred Director- Thomas L. Davidson complete production to fill the nation's biggest stadia. Market Research Art Directors -George Lundy, Erwin Lebowitz Figures compiled by Professor Thomas Lea Davidson, School of Business, Advertising Manager- Robert B. Hutted Jr. University of Connecticut, and Amusement Business' Research Director, Advertising Soles- Robert Kendall, Cliff Strom, William Hood (Chicago) Riedinger, Dermott O'Connell (New York) establish the annual gross sales volume at a conservative $2.8 billion. Robert Ery Kattus (Cincinnati) Sources for these figures are three annual surveys he hos conducted for Advertising Staff -Ray Pils:ak, Allen Callaway Funspot Magazine plus figures recently released by the U. S. Deportment Director -B. A. Bruns of Commerce. Circulation

é Communications Center of the Industry cksiCagq 1!finois DECEMBER S. 1960 THE BILLBOARD SHOW NEWS 43 First Issue January 9,1961 /hmusement ACTUAL SIZE

agazine of The Billboard Publishing Company Publishers of Billboard Music Week, Bíllboord Overseas Edition, Vend, High Fidelity; Arena, Auditorium & Stadium Guide; Cavalcade of Fairs THE 44 SHOW NEWS BILLBOARD DECEMBER 5, 1960

The Anrtrsernent Industry's Foremost Booking Guide CHUCK WAGON QUOTES EXPERTS DRIVERS TO Talent -Mart WEAR HELMETS Bill Wynne Looks WHO Listing of Acta and Attractions , Alta. -Crash The WHO'S helmets for driven are one of * Bill Oreen'a three safety measures for At future of Fairs / chuck wagon racing approved 11 BIG by the Cowboys' Protective e PERFORMING ANI6IALS / CHICAGO G. W. (Bill) tion to masses Association at its annual meet- - draw the of pegplo y and hr W.t.r aklln, fl Wynne, manager of the Mid -South into the fairgrounds. vvEIIreDth / ing here. The policy TALENT BUYING Glamai,ZGberb DECEMBER 5, 1960 THE BILLBOARD SHOW NEWS 43 CAN RUN SHOWS AMUSEMENT PARK OPERATION AREA Nonexistent; 11 Trampolines Can Be Safe, To Reincorporate al1N -- CHICAGO- Members of Ariter= shows for the public, charging ad- Healthful, Says AMA Journal icon Recreational Equipment Asso- mission to rides. History of this elation learned at their annual con- clause was unknown to present THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN Medical Association vention meeting here Saturday (26) members and they decided against last week urged universal adoption of a set of rules for operation of that it has been out of existence keeping it in the formal charter. The in use in many jump centers trampoline centers. rules, already since 1952 -nonexistent at least as The charter also calls for nine The and included in numerous city ordinances governing centers. call for a corporation. directors; six have been used re- Instructor to he present at all times. They also call for maintenance' an John Allen, of Philadelphia Tots- cently. of equipment. specific distances between trampolines, minimum biggest Ihi boggan Company and president of Allen was re. elected president. of people on a trampoline at one time, proper lighting, number AREA, told members that the State Also re- elected were Lee Sullivan, enforced rest periods. compulsory wearing of certain clothing including of New York had dissolved the vice -president. ; shim and socks, and prohibition of eating on the trampoline. The itS corporation eight years ago when Ben Roodhouse, secretary, Eli prof Journal also called for a tole that patrons must register and must give its search unit could not locate the Bridge; Fred L. Markey, treasurer, the name of whom to contact in event of injury plus word on their organization. It had been incorpo- Dodgem Corporation. and Lyndon previous gymnastic experience. It also called for a training rated as a nonprofit corporation in 1Vilwn, Mlen Hervehell Company, come program to instruct patrons in trampoline use. The Journal said 1935. and Art Sellner of Setlner Manu- that trampoline accidents can cause serious injury. But it added that facturing Company. members of As a cif these suggested regulations were carried out.... trlmpolinea could result, the group of amuse- the executive committee. ment riding device manufacturers Vol become an esecllent and sale means of enticing the normally indolent Markey, long -time member and voted Saturday at the Bismarck American into healthful rsrrci.c " treasurer of the association, is ill Hotel session to reincorporate, this and missed a meeting for the first time in Delaware. time. Also ill is another veteran the Space AaP Pork Suggested Two significant provisions of the member. Conrad Turbenbach, of old charter were discussed and a Perey Turnstiles, an ex- president. provision that AREA may operate AREA'S noon business session best At Philadelßhiri Pall Park conventions, sell booth space and also included movies of the Okto- carry on trade shows was voted by berfest by Norman Bartlett, RICHARD GRAVES. THE PHI\. aDELPHIA man who picccá members. This was in the old Later the sume slay AREA Was together the proposal for a new S8,OfO,000 Phillics ball park on a charter and the vote authorizes it in host to an elaborate cocktail party 175 -acre tract of city -owned land in Torresdale, now wants to build a rides the new charter. at the Bismarck. Guests were Space Age Park the same tract. executive vice- president of on Graves, Members, however, decided to members of NAAPPB, SLA and the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation. said that he has drop the old provision that would others who are friends of customers requested the Force a group of active, Air Association, national have permitted AREA to put on of AREA members. reserve and retired Air Force officers, to serve as a co- sponsor of the FINANCE park without making a financial contribution. The park, to occupy PLAN 40 share same some acres adjacent to the ball park and the 10.000 -car AVAILABLE parking lot. would he owned by the same nonprofit corporation that Park Board Okays Big it is proposed will own the ball park. Graves has asked Matthew McCloskey. Philadelphia contractor who has agreed to finance the ball park along with Phillies owner Bob Carpenter. to be the principal backer and developer of the antu.sentent park. He said that the city's Public Relations Plan contribution would be the same as that requested for the hall park -a CHICAGO -A major public re- Schott, chairman of the program of 50 -year lease on the land at a token rent, with the city to be excluded lations campaign is to be under- work committee, was in charge of from any financial obligation involved in the financing and. at the same Marry- GoRountls R1in;ature Tralnf . taken by the National Association the drive. At the closing session of Boils R.Co Kiddie Auto Portable time. to become owner of the park after it is paid for. of Amusement Parks, Pools and the convention it was reported that Roller Coaster lolly Caterpillar SaY James H. Straubel, executive director of the Air Force Association, Fighter Helicopter Mad Mauss Mite Beaches, The board of directors members had pledged about Mouse IB65" Locomotive &owner said that the association is interested and he is convinced the proposed voted the at their Saturday Tractor Roadway Ride Rodeo Twister for plan $20,000 so far. Tent park could further its goals. (26) session. Ride Buggy Rida 18 Car Cet Communications Councilors, Record Player Merry-Go -Round Records A campaign to raise the budgeted Inc., Tape, Ride Timers Canvas a subsidiary of the S50.000 was begun at once. Ed McCann -Erikson Knott's Berry Farm Gross advertising agency, has been select- ALLAN HERSCHELL ed to undertake the job. Two CO., INC. Inn. te so other public relations agencies also Rouleau Fair Elects 1165 Clinton St. Buffalo 6, N. Y. 10 Profit were considered. Chester Berger, Up %; Shares 500G Phone: TA 5 -5300 of CCI. appeared at a convention ROULEAU, Sask. - Gordon "THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER KNOTT'S BERRY FARM grossed 513,000.000 in 1960 and session when the decisions Rogers has been elected president were OF AMUSEMENT RIDES dìsisled 5567,637.18 among its employees as part of its profit -sharing of the Rouleau Agricultural Society. anounced. plans, Russell H. Knott, son of the founder and general manager, said at John Harndorf is vice -president. Buena Vista, Calif., Wednesday (23). The gross was up 10 per cent over 1959 and 17 per cent over 1958. The split in the company profits to the NEW MODERN AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT employees was the largest amount ever divided in any single year and KIDDIE RIDES was allocated to the company's two sharing plans. The cash profit - profit- ADULT RIDES sharing plan was distributed to all 1,185 employees and amounted to WANTED r MINIATURE TRAINS 5263.559.28. The profit -sharing retirement plan was shared by 440 ROLLER COASTERS employees who have three years or more continuous service and FERRIS WHEELS amounted to 5304,077.90. In the 13 years since its inception. the cash MERRY -CO- ROUNDS profit- sharing plan has distributed 51,599,260.36, and the retirement SHOOTING GALLERIES plan. S998,379.37 as it goes into the fifth year. FUN HOUSES CONCESSION TRAILERS

v C. P. HUNTINGTON.E write today for eomplcto catalog. Atlantic City Group Named HANDLE WITH CARE ... KNOWN TO 8E A SCENE STEALER AND TRAIN KING AMUSEMENT CO., INC. IT'S ROBBIN' CROWD PLEASER. P. o, BOX 448 PHONE: NO 3-1561 MT. CLEMENS, MICHIGAN To Upgrade Boardwalk Area GASOLINE POWERED CienrURREWA larT. PROGRESS IN BUILDING the new Cherokee Land at the 4219 bring, Wichita, Nan. Cherokee Indian Reservation in North Carolina was reported in a e' CHANCE MANUFACTURING CO. THE STANDARD OF TILE AMUSEMENT RIDE BUSINESS feature carried (20) by The Asheville (N. C.) Citizen -Times. The full - America's Most Dependable page spread showed a map of the park and several features already constructed. Hubert R. Mitchell is the builder of the park. ... Site for a TILT- A-WH(RL Family -Type Ride proposed Kiddielnnd at Milwaukee was sold in a foreclosure sale recent- l r. SIMPle Opar.11on N:C..sovllX. C., SAYS: Consistent Mone,Maker . William (Don) Bohl had planned to build a park there, using a ttpatnled aah' No. Nover Goes Out of Style la Claus . . Duncan Sales has been incorporated at theme. Kart Rh..iod.rm°r MON Value for Your Money Hayward. Calif.... Tramp -A -t ene Center is being built at New Iberia. Wm Il sali Ioil.t for who Wm mew. nase Jere Aar AmX yï tAlperatora La.... Work has started on a children's zoo and park in New York City, MI, And w dErtl }ern' Proud I the funds for which were donated by former Governor and Mrs. Her- xte enorcetor t ' All orders tilled on nrat.come, bert H. Lehman on their 50th wedding anniversary in April. . dota/ *Indoors nor low. floe people. - nil Pawed Paola. For THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER 46 SHOW NEWS S. 1960 FAIR MEETINGS Idaho Fair FAIR -EXHIBITION

Northwest Colorado Fair Asso- Association, Bradford Hotel, Bos- Assn. Renames MANAGEMENT ciation, Akron. December 8. Ed- ton, January 16 -17. Paul Corson, win Amend, Extension Service, Of- Topsfield, secretary. fice Court House, Akron. Pennsylvania State Association N. S. Hand Points Up Washington State Fairs Associa- of County Faits, Abraham Lincoln All Officers Hotel. Bellingham, Hotel, Reading, January 18 - 19. tion, Leopold IDAHO FALLS, Idaho -The 8 -9. Wendell W. Prater, William Arthur Morris, Box 912, State Assn. Objectives December Idaho Fair and Rodeo Association 1, Box 72, Ellensburg, secre- Reading, secretary. CHICAGO Route re- elected all officers at Its recent -N. S. Hand, manager of the Mississippi Slats Fair, of Jackson. tary. Kentucky Association Fairs annual meeting here in the Bonne- represented the Mississippi Association of Fairs at the meet- ing of the Fair Managers Association of and Horse Shows, Kentucky Hotel, ville Hotel. Federation of State and Provincial Association of Fain Doc here during the Iowa, Hotel Fort Des Moines, Dcs Louisville, January 19 -20. L. were W. Cleve- IAFE convention. Renamed George in an address Moines, December 12 -14. Eugene Cassidy, Kentucky State Fair, this city, president; Tom before that group. Hand made the following remarks: land, An association of Moore, Tipton, secretary. Louisville, secretary. R. Terry, Poca- fairs is usually thought of as an organization Parks, Filer; Elmer ccnlposed of like units with Indiana Association of County New York Association of Agri- tello, and Walter Yarbrough. objectives for improvement of each - individual unit of the organization. But in a assoéiation and District Fairs, Hotel Scverin, cultural Fair Societies. Sheraton Grandview, vice- presidents, and Slate of Ten Eyck Hotel. Albany, January fairs, we think of an association of smaller units, usually county Indianapolis, January 1 -3. Robert Erling J. Johannesen, Emmett, sec. fairs. organized Star, Muncie, 22-24. James A. Carey, Depart- into the State association. L. Barnet, Muncie retary- treasurer. "For example, in Mississippi, our association of fairs and Ind., secretary. ment of Agriculture & Markets, The Twin Falls County Fair livestock shows is composed of district fairs, district livestock shows, State Office Building, Albany 1, Falls, will host Minnesota Federation of County and Rodeo, Twin county fairs and county livestock shows with objectives common for secretary. the 1961 convention. Fairs and Minnesota State Agricul- Association of Fair all Radisson Hotel, Min- Nebraska The value of local participation tural Society, Managers, Cornhusker Hotel, Lin- "Article ii of our constitution and by -laws reads as follows: The 5 -7. Hubert Ran- in rodeos, such as queen contests neapolis, January coln, January 23 -24. H. C. Mc- object and purpose of the association shall be to aid in the maintenance St. James, secretary of the and riding groups, to stimulate in- som, Clellan, Arlington, secretary. of and to encourage and advance the agricultural, livestock, industrial in a Federation. terest, was pointed out panel and social interests of the State as represented thru its fairs and Rocky Mountain Association of discussion. West Virginia Association of Fairs, Northern Hotel, Billings, livestock shows; to acquire and disseminate information advantageous to these purposes, Fairs, Waldo Hotel, Clarksburg, Mont., January 22 -24. D. and to generally co- operate in the futherance of Clifford the mutual interests January 7 -8. Mrs. Paul D. Kiepfel, Coover, Shelby. Mont., secretary. of its members.' Of course you will understand that all Route 4, Box 77, Crafton, secre- Illinois Association of Agricul- States do not have the same common interests. N. Y., "in order that you may have a picture the background of tary. tural Fairs, St. Nicholas Hotel, Palmyra, of our fairs. and for our fairs. I remind you that Mississippi has been Kansas Fairs Association, Jay - Springfield, January 22 -24.- C. C. principally an agricultural State with a population- according to our hawk Hotel, Topeka, January 9 -11, Hunter, 707 W. Vine, Taylorville, last census -of 2,165,000. Some years ago our State launched into Everett E. Erhart, Stafford, secre- secretary. Fair to End a 'Balance Agriculture With Industry' program, and we feel that tary. Tennessee Association of Fairs, much progress has been made. About 75 per cent of our manufactur- Wisconsin Association of Fairs, Noel Hotel, Nashville, January 26- ing plants use farm products, and use 50 per cent of the total Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee, January 2_7. Mrs. Malinda Granberry. Mid - manufacturing labor force. (Farmers own their own fertilizer plants 10 -12. Win Eldridge, 3151/2 East South Fair. Box 3808, Memphis On a Friday manufacturing a part of their fertilizer needs.) 68 per cent of our Mill, Plymouth, secretary. 14. secretary- treasurer. total land area is in farms, and slightly less than 50 per cent of the Ohio Fair Managers Association. Texas Association of Fairs & Ex- PALMYRA, N. Y.- Palalyra State's population live on farms. Our fairs were organized around Deshler -Hilton Hotel, Columbus, positions, Baker Hotel, Dallas, Feb- Fair will run next season during agriculture, and, for the most part, the county fairs are still primarily the week of August 29- September January 10 -12, ()oldie V. Scheible, ruary 2 -4. Bob Murdoch, 102 East agricultural. Our larger fairs are now emphasizing both agriculture 1. have decided. The 1043 Dayton 9, exec- Locust. Tyler, secretary. the directors and industry. South Main, dates from tra- utive secretary. Arkansas Fair Managers Asso- are a departure "There was a definite need for an association of fairs in our ditional ones, giving this evtnt a South Carolina Association of ciation, L.aFayette Hotel. Little State, and was organized in 1927, under the leadership of J. M. Dean - four -day run ending on a Friday. Fairs, Jefferson Hotel, Columbia, Rock, February 6 -7. Clyde E. Byrd. its first secretary. Our fairs and livestock shows had been held Box 907, Little Rock, Ark., secre- Vernon L. Calor, president of independently, without regards to neighboring fairs and shows. There January 1 I. Toni Moore Craig, the sponsoring association cited achieving Piedmont Interstate Fair, Spartan- tary. was no coordination, and no concerted effort toward the Oklahoma Association of Fairs, several advantages for the switch. of the main objectives of fairs. We feel that fairs are. or should burg, secretary. He said the schedule will enable Association of Huckins Hotel, Oklahoma City, be, primarily educational. and the association can help materially North Carolina fair superintendents to display big- and more attractive. Since our Agricultural Fairs, Jack Tar Hotel. February 13 -14.. Harry F. Jantes, in making them all more educational ger and better agricultural exhibits State association was organized, we now have 64 members banded Durham. January 12 -13. Corbin Room 612, County Building, Okla- as most fruits and vegetables will in one P. Box 776, Hickory, homa City, secretary. together common cause. Green, O. be at their best -and that' cattlemen is helpful to Florida Federation of Fairs and "The objective of our association to be. mutually secretary. will be enabled to leave the grounds benefit thru an exchange of ideas and Missouri Association of Fairs & Livestock Shows, Thomas Hotel, all members: The members early Saturday morning in order programs at our association meetings, and thru visiting the fairs Exhibitions, Governor Hotel, Jef- Gainesville, May 14-16. T. L. Bar - to take their stock to the State and shows in the different areas. Dates and schedules are coordinated ferson City. 12 -13. Victor rineau, State Department of Edu- January Fair in Syracuse, or to other fairs. to all conflicts in time that fairs and shows are held, 630. cation, Tallahassee. secretary. avoid possible M. Gray, Box Jefferson City, Most livestock exhibitors, Cater thru the association in securing reputable carnivals Maine Association of Agricul- and assistance comes secretary. said, prefer not to travel late Sat- for its members. The field of opportunities for tural Fairs, Eastland Hotel, Port- and other entertainment Virginia Association of Fairs, urday night or on Sunday. Palmyra of fairs is wide open. We must strive to keep abreast land, January 20 -21. Roy E. an association Hotel John Marshall, Richmond, will run four full days and nights. of the times, and balance our fairs to meet the needs and Interests Williant E. Finch, Symons, Skowhegan, executive sec- January 14 -15. of all our people. This will not be the sante in every State, but retary. of Danville, secretary. it 'showcase of agriculture, of industry, and Ontario Association of Agricul- wherever is-our Michigan Association of Fairs MERRY -GO- ROUNDS everything that pertains to fairs, can best be 'decorated' thru a strong and and Exhibitions, Pick -Fort Shelby tural Societies, King Edward - Carousels, Kid- active association of fairs. - Toronto, February 1960 Jumping ten years, Hotel, Detroit, Janury 15 17 Sheraton Hotel, "I will close with a statement that during the past Room 4508, die slsa, 20 ft.; teen -ego, 30 im- Harry B. Kelley, Hillsdale, secre- 22 -23. F. A. Lashley. much progress has been made at the Mississippi State Fair by ft.; adult, 32 G 36 ft. sine.. More tary- treasurer. East Block, Parliament Buildings, provements on the grounds, and construction of new buildings. Kiddie Rides, The Ferris Wheel, and a Massachusetts Agricultural Fairs Toronto, secretary. a million dollars has been spent on new buildings. than than four Auto, Airplane, Pony Cart. Boat is now under construction, at a cost of more coliseum helped Rides, Music Boxes, Ticket million dollars. Our State association has been active and Booths. We also custom build. much in achieving this objective for the State of Mississippi. PARA?ROOPZR "I'm sure that all associations need help -t know we do-and CO. Fairs, and the 300 Paaswgera per Hour THEEL DIFG. this Federation of State and Provincial Association of be of im- New version of successful apitllre. Ph. MU 2 -4351 international Associations of Fairs and Expositions can Unique seating arrangement Truck in their objectives, mounted units or standard units Lawrence L Spruce Sri. measurable assistance to its members accomplishing for ground installation. 28loot meat Leavenworth, K and in meeting the challenge of their opportunities. will carry arwand unit. SIMPLE OPERATION CONSISTENT HONEY MAZER Magazine Lauds FRANK HRUBETZ 6 CO., INC. TENTS Kiwanis 14,S 16th St. S.E. Bohan. Orgoe SHOW Phone EHp4e /6947 Manufacturers of Concession Montgomery Operations Fair here is the Tents, MONTGOMERY, Ala.-The South Alabama in the November. INDOOR- OUTDOOR a feature story, written by Bergen Norse Round, subject of GOLF Merry-Go- 1960 issue of The Kiwanis Magazine. * ACTION MINIATURE * Fair South of Birmingham" and Cookhouse Tops The piece is entitled "The BUY ANIMATED ARCHERY RANGES * NOW of the Kiwanis- sponsored event. * traces the start and progress needed TEE OFF GOLF DRIVING RANGES * LARGE TENTS for RENT or SALE It tells how in 1954 the Kiwauis Club of Montgomery * into the fair business. MODERN Designed L Fully Equipped Package Deal. For any purent. project and decided to look Your a fund -raising the CUSTOM Built er Quickly Installed on Location, all the fairs they could reach and formed STEEL Construction for TroubleFroe Operation. Teams of members visited the Most. ACE CANVAS CORP. With information gathered by QUALI TY for Profit -We Build trio Best. Not the South Alabama Fair Association, planned KREE Consultation- Lay -Our Service G Delivery. 103 Green. Street Arm tat, members and $500 borrowed from the club, the association NIAGARA SPORTCENTER, INC. Dóone: DE 2.6898 to be held at the huge State Coliseum. TA 7344 its fair were high. 1e01 Niagara Falls Blvd., Tonawanda. New York Phone: UN 9725 or Rental for the building was $2,000 a day and expenses Richard McFadden. Sales Represeniative successful financially. But attendance was good and the first run was the event to the poitìt where THIS YEAR FROM The article charts the growth of annually. II father states that it now draws well over 100,000 people youth High Quality HALIFAX, N. S to FARGO, N. D. seven fairs, earmarked primarily for the club's profits from have been ANOTHER HALF MILLION PEOPLE work, has totaled about 5100,000. Additional thousands GOLF ON A operate concessions KIDDIE RIDES WILL PLAY earned by church, fraternal and civic groups that WHIP -KIDDIE WHIP -SPEED BOATS -PONY (ARTS GOLF COURSE stands. ROTO - MINIATURE in the story. Nearby Maxwell 1960 of the fair was indicated GALLOPING HORSE EARROUSEt -FIRE ENGINES BUILT 8 DESIGNED BY ARLAND IN Popularity officers from Base, is constantly host to scores of student Illussented Circulars Air Force "What has impressed s Europe and Asia. A graduating class was asked: ARLAND among the responses W. F. MANGELS CO., Coney Island, Brooklyn 24. N. Y. you most about the United States?" Prominent L. L, N. Y. ESTABLISHED 11188 1 TOBT LANE, JERICHO, was the South Alabama Fair. DECEMBER 5. 1960 THE BILLBOARD SHOW NEWS 47

Coming Events AUDITORIUM 1d Best Detroit ARENA, AUDITORIUM POSITION OPEN Alabama ilnalw. . -$ nrast Las, u. tW. NEWSLETTER lsstpl Audi, Js. 70.16. AT VANCOUVER Run Reported California VANCOUVER, B. C. -The /faena- Traen seas vaaaitse Inv city of Vancouver has s- Jaen. 15-10. Sob K:a.m, t iM r Wit. nounced it is seeking a new t.. Asuras-- O.nerat Moron Ma m .a manager for the Queen Eliza- For 'Ice Follies' Pro Bowling League Plans Maw Pasme Audi, J. M.Fob. s. La A r1La-outhrn Catlf cwt aeew beth Theater here. Miles E. 005 trnlntL dn4rt, Jan. Hacking, of the city personnel DETROIT - The Silver Anni- Jack Lockwood. versary edition of the Shipstada and 12 Specialized Coliseums Oaksaeb-.Da au Lrtca two cAudltormml. office, said that the former Tab. 1.4 Patrick J. manager, John Panrucker, Johnson "Ice Follies" drew the sec- TWELVE COMPLETELY new type coliseums in as many cities San eetaao -Pan Marine Dugs Part(, hD. "had been dismissed" by the ond largest gross business of the be at a lost of in the )boa. bra Dugs will completed $22,000,000 time for National Marta Asan, city. Acting manager is five years they have played Olym- Bowling League, believed the world's first professional bowling circuit, Ian Joaneral Motors Lames. pia, according to Nick Londes, di- IctF Audi, Jas. Charles Gregory. A new man- to start play next fall. This is now definite. says Dick Charles, com- sap Te Bao Francisco NaWaa. ager is sought on a permanent rector of promotions at the Detroit missioner, at his headquarters in Dallas. Professional bowling league Sports s Boat arrow .Cow TJaal, sea. building. Totals were a little un- 3-13. Rooney. basis. be discussed at a meeting called Thom. play will by NBL President Leonard sn Jose-Sant. Ciara v iraní der the all -time record established be Show Home), of Los Angeles, to held December 5 and 6 in Chicago, said a Sprts del, s 1a in 1959, probably an a result of the Bob Harttams r N. Pacific Ave.. Commissioner Charles. "Four of these new coliseums arc under con- election and general unsettled S anta Cruce Tex., eco- struction now and all others will start by the end of this year." Charles Connecticut Greenville, nomic conditions. The ice show states. "All new coliseums are to be erected in all 12 franchise cities Hartford - National Autorama (State closed an 11-day run Sunday night for professional bowling designed for the spectators Armory), Pro 3.1.211 Joe Kle4, Autoranw Discusses Fair -the cash custom- Corp., 7 Meadow Park Cale., Mntord. (20), after playing 15 performances. en-rather than designed for the bowlen,' the commissioner explains. Florida Olympia will have a return to ice is scheduled in Revival in 1961 Theater type seating all 12 coliseums, somewhat like Klrlmmee - Kissimmee Valley Larlcrk March 2 when the John Harris "Ice dramatic theaters, be explains. Average will be 2,000 seats per howling Show. Pet. 77.24. acmes B. SWIM, P. O. Revival Follies" comes in for a run. Other Boa 103. GREENVILLE, Tex. - coliseum. Minneapolis, largest, will scat 3,500, and New York City, 1Mdlam -North Fla Livestock now is of the Hunt County Fair by next major show engagements set for the smallest, win scat 650, with construction started last week in the air Sale, res. 27 -21. O. R. Hamrick Jr. by per- big stadium include the Harlem -Intl. Foreign R Spot Show fall was discussed several space of Grand Central Station. IMm1 Car (Dinner Key Audi, Feb. 5-a., sons attending the annual gale here Globetrotters on December 3 and International Boat Stow (Dinner MI6. Saturday (12) of the Upper Sabine "Grand Ole Opry" o11 December 18. Los Angela, Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit, New York City, Key Audi, Ive. 19.21. Peggy Leeson. Quarter Horse Association. Meanwhile the hall is being booked Miami, Birmingham, San Antonio, Dallas, Fort Worth, Kansas City Georgia almost nightly for a series of sports and Omaha are the 12 cities with NBL franchise owners who will Atla0nnta- Southeast Suet, Sports a Yam- Incorporating a horse show, along (M Pral Lud), Pt, 34- with a carnival midway with beef events, including hockey, basket- attend the meeting in Chicago. "We think bowling will he the first MuehMarch i. 5aax(tn P. Kelly. general ball, wrestling and boxing. major professional sports organization where every franchise owner Illinois and dairy cattle exhibits, from this trade area, will have title to his own building and have full possession of all his a(foago- Chicago Auto (Chi RIDO 0.5W,). crop exhibits concessions and other revenue -producing possibilities," Commissioner Feb. 1a-nt. and a women's department were CTlago -Hobby Industry Trade now Mo- The was discon- Charles points out. The necessity for building new coliseums because tel Morrison). 1Fb. 13 -I4. William L. discussed. fair no existing bowling layouts accommodate enough spectators to make Maeltlnaad tinued when facilities it used at a C nattai Sports, Bata Ve- discontinued Force base seven it pay profitably has forced the building program. Television and ndors Show (Nary Pier), Jan. 14 -1x Air other side revenues are anticipated by franchise the /Yank Rogan. miles from Greenville were leased owners. Costs of Indiana 12 new coliseums for completion by fall 1961 vary downward front the to industry three year. ago. Nevi- Fort Wayne -Rod de Custom Sua-suns IAt- out grounds in town were built up $3,000.000 being spent for the smallest in New York City. Plans in ten On Memorial Coliseum), Dec. 17 -18. Nord Kreuskopr, in houses. each case are being fitted to the localities. J. Curtis Sanford, realtor Hill Lipkey and Indianapolis - Pbod -A -Roma Exposition, and Palace operator, plans $2,500,000 to build s 2,100 - March 26 -April 2, 1061. Pb11 A. Irwin Jr., seater at Dallas. Charles Weisenburg, theaters and bowling operator 470 W. )7th at. Kansas WWI /stet at Fort Worth, plans a 3,000 -seat coliseum which he hopes to complete Port Lavaca, Tex., Boat Se Travel Wichita -Kane.. nor.. -Conditioning for 51,500,000. League franchise holders plan promotional work some- Show trorum Bldg.), Pet. 7 -17. R. O. Air what along theatrical lines, and foresee a sale of at least half of all Lngenwalter. Sets Fair Board Kentucky iv coliseum seam on a seasonal basis. In some cases, it is believed that PORT LAVACA, Tex. -The Louisville -Kentucky Sport, Boa) a Vacs- 400 Modern Rooms very few 'eats will be available at the box offices on day -to-day basis. Hon Show fay, Fair a Ergo. Canter), Calhoun County Fair has re-elected w111Lm H. all with private bath Formation of a professional bowling league steals from a meeting held Feb. 15.26 Klno. four men to the 21 member board in Chicago in February. Louisiana of directors. Sansiblo Rotas from $8.50 -Louisiana Fur s Wildlife Feen- mil, Jan. 17 -14. Jerry Wise, Bos 128. Re- elected to three -year terms Home of "The Cart" - Pariah a Live- Freralln -H, Mary Pair were C. L. Cook, Wes Newlin, rosst stock Show, Feb. 18. F. A. Swann Jr., famed for prime Not P. O. Bos 3W. W. W. Zwerschke and Jantes Mc- South Bend Seeks to Hike Write for Lake Charles -Southwest Dist. Ilreetock Spaddn. Elected for first terms - Show S Rodeo. Feb. 23.77, John K FREE WALKING TOURS Jackson. Box 1411. were Dr. E. V. Huffstutler, super- Use of Morris Auditorium Massachusetts intendent of the county school 85 EAST HARRISON ST. Hoaton -New England Boat Slow (Com- district; Paul Deming, of the Union 1 Black from Michigan Bird. PLANS ARE BEING FORMULATED for increased use of monwealth Armory,. Feb. 17.16. Frank Carbide's Seadrift plant's public Thann. Congress St. Espressw Morris Civic Auditorium. Now the property of the city, the building relations department, and Curtis F. and is Ilfichigan managed by a board of commissioners, a body created by a city Bay City-Bay city Poultry show. Jon. Islelson. vice -president of the First ordinance. The auditorium formerly was a first -run motion picture 11 -14. Ben w Mau. 7005 Second Bt. National Bank. theater and was presented Bay Olty -Bay City Pigeon Show, Jan. 50- to the city as the gift of Mrs. E. M. Moms, 12- Robert Riegel, 901 n Arbor. who is a member of the board. "The members feel that the audito- Detroit- Dettoli Boat Show (Artillery should be kept in constant Armory). lab. 11 -10. rium use." Mrs. Morris said after a meeting brat I.a si{s. M1Nlgan Saine Breeden Pet. 10. FAIRS of the board last week. "We hope that it will become self- supporting, Stow (non. MAW University, WINTER Drive Right In ' DRIVE IN K C. M1tIM, 302 Ag Bull, Mat, financed thru income rather than thru tax money." Persuading clubs Grand Rapide -west Mich LeeaWck Shoo, - Direct PARR IN and civic organzations to undertake the sponsorship of entertainment Dee. 10.21. Wm. Rupp. 925 Puller, N.K. Entrance From II JJ l t MIM. Sports s Bost Florida events Orand Replete -West to lobby riff will be an immediate objective of the board. now ¡Civic Audi, Pet, 20-23. Jack Bartow -Polk Co. Youth Scow, Mrett 7.4. thine Locks W P. Hayman, Box 911. Minnesota C1ewl.ton -Hendry Co. ralr a Lleeatoek Mlnnapolls -UDpar Mldwat Auto Show Maw. Peb 24-Maros 4. Mn. Dorothy 416. Mu Wlat THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER S, 1960 48 SHOW NEWS TAKES 'iCLYDE CIRCUS TROUPING I Clyde Claims Stand GRAND FORKS, HIBBIN6,DULUTH By TOM PARKINSON CI, de x,....Bros. Jet in Mexico City ST. roui,PAUL - Clyde lrlONG 'I HE NUMEROUS CIRCUS people at the Sheraton Hotel Circus has contracted to play for last week's outdoor show business conventions were Walter stand o is lIFXWCO (Ii Y - Clyde Bros. developed. the i\lonterre} three Shrine dates in this terri- Kerman, Floyd King, Jack Mills, Art Miller, Henry Kyes, Walt a couple of days. They are Hibbing. Minn.. Circus. together with additional extended tory. Hohenadel, Paul Delaney. AI Dobritch, Dukie Anderson, Larry' Benner. the Clyde show and the Duluth, Minn., Mcsican talent, was scheduled to Earlier, April 21 -23; Harold Burrows. Jack Sweetinan, Tommy Hart, Jimmy Ray, Dub stand Satur- !Tons Packs show had both sched- April 25 -30. and Grand Forks, open. 11 MexiCO City Duggan, E. K. Fernandez. Whitey Lehner. Dave Freidman. Phil Hall. uled stands in Mexico City and N. D., May 5-7. These stands day 1'3). The show will appear at Ed Widaman, the Rink Wrighls, George Fianneford Sr., Bill Kay'. were denied permits. The been played by the El Torreon bull ring. both earlier have Murray Fein, Barbette, Tom and Joyce Parker. Ilse Freddie Jonescs. show substituted a proposed Davenport Circus. This was announced by Clyde Clyde the Orrin Dick Carpenter, Karl Marx, Frankie Little, Charlie Cheer, Chuckles elsewhere in Mexico and also owner Howard Sucsz, who has route Facer. \l'lmpey. Preston Lambert, Trudy Lovas. and George W. L illy. to play two other supplied his show to Mexican entre- is scheduled in Central America. Cole route hook has hero preneurs. The show entered Mexi- countries Clyde ReallN & Brut. Circus said he expected the show Fred Jr. a 64 -page item with a number co some days ago and played four Sucsz Winters Opens published by Pressing It's to spend three weeks in Mexico photos, of personnel. rundown of equipment, da( -by -day slam. at Torreon to "nice huiness". of list upon the lc,. el al features. The book also carries Then it moved to Monterrey for sis City. depending diary of the season and other Beatty and Floyd King. . dos s. As the Mexico City stand business. biographical articles about Clyde Carson -Barnes Also published is the route folder or the Famous Cole Cirrus for this season. Ted LaVelda has pill out the printed route, Gross program and list of personnel. Tom Packs Builds Advance Work From Ringling-Barnum. Chuck Burnes writes than when the show arrived at its new home, Venice, Flu., there was a crowd to greet it. HUGO, Okla. Carson & Included were Mr, and Sirs, Horst Bishoff. Merle Evans, Fred Weir. - and New Orleans Shrine Barnes Circus has opened its pro- Hattie Shipley, Phylis Gibson and a large group of Venice residents For dog act, 1961 dates, and . Stephenson. of the Stephenson at Municipal Auditorium No- motions for earls' school children. Patrick ORLEANS -Tool Packs lions its NEW agent James Allen Winters, along will rejoin his wife and daughter in Ireland.. . Visitors Birmingham playing here under Shrine vember 26. Two more turnaways Circus. Sun- with two contracting agents, has included Gladys Gillen, the Rev. William Freeman and Merle and Nina got to a slow start, were scored on the nest slay, auspices, off started hooking engagements for The Ibarra Brothers will make the Arena de Mesico date of the tension day (271. Evans.... apparently because season. This will mark the The Verdu rolling globe troupe moves to Polack of 1.eontini the new for Cisco Atayde.... in the city about integration Show executive Jack first behind' phone Chuck Burnes has photos and mention in two was approach- show's season for next season.. But it picked up momen- said that the business , . , schools. promos ions. movie magazines. Screenland and Movie Mirror. for January. Runaway propor- last year's record level. Re- tum and reached ing there will be a new Sarasota office was moved to Tampa and circus members are have in- Winters said AGVA's and box-seat sales heralds, it moved back Sarasota's Santa Caus parade totals line of press material. petitioning to have ,reased, thus holding money , . , lithographs and other material. included Jack Joyce's camels and Tes Jim Mitchell's animals. 1959 high pace. WALT STEBBINS io the Roland Buller is aiding, he said, Most Ringling people are lis ing in Sarasota rather than 'Venice. New Orleans columnist Howard' show will have a press agent Leonti- 'I he * * JOINS POLACK Jacobs wrote a piece about and 24 -hour man this season, he * nfs recollections of the late Mack added. Bill Kay advises that he is the Elephant Hotel. It is sponsored Sennett. pioneer movie maker. is building AS PUBLICIST Manager Jack Moore several circus dates titra by the American Circus Memorial he for Sennett handling I eontini said worked a lighting system for the big Leonard V. Far - new his William Kay Productions, of Association, Inc. C HICAGO Walter Steb- and us an errand boy. telescoping - In films top and it will utilize He will start off with ley, of the Hertzberg Collection, bins has signed to go with was to a song of the Sarasota. Sennett linked light tossers. . will discuss old circuses. H. Halsted Circus as publi- Madison, Wis., February 18 -19.. Polack Bros. era. "Get Out and Get Under." By; Winters said the Carson & Park Jr.. son of the late Madeleine it was learned here Beatty press agent Frank Braden is city man, coincidence, the radio was playing Barnes fan club is growing hod the Park, will narrate some modern week. He succeeds Herb back at the Paramount Hotel. New last the stone tune recently when Leon - expects it to be filled by Ilse The program marks show . circus films. the position former- York, for the winter. , William Pickard in tini picked up the newspaper that time the 1961 Season opens. The the 125th anniversary of the founds the late Justus Ed- Fields, Ringling press chief, is con- ly held by .,baled news of Sennett's death. fan club provides th41 for a fee ing of the Zoological Institute at been with ferring with Ringling managing wards. Stebbins has show may bus' a hotel. friends of the director Art Concello at the show's the same the Cristiani Circus for the grandstand. It is chair in the new Venice, Fla., quarters these days. got off to past three seasons. Earlier. he with their name and Sella & Gray Circus then inscribed ahead 1 was with other shows and for- . Clarence Bell, frequently good start at De Land, Fla., it is theirs to use at any show they the legit merly was with Madison Mills Orders of circuses. is ahead of Thanksgiving Day and enjoyed might he able to attend. Ring- Square Garden, New fork. show, "l. B." ... Joe Shea, some good days after that. Sub- ling press agent, is hack in New sequent cold weather slowed things season. who has York for the off a bit. , .. Larry Sunbrock, New Canvas Cristiani Plays been battling ais income tax charge WANT Munoz, win -walker who Luis for several months, currently is its a cannonball for the CHICAGO-Mills Bros. Cir also worked as embroiled with the city of Orlando CONTRACTING AGENT Ft. Myers Date Zacchinis, has purchased a cannon has ordered an all -new spread ,It about licenses fir his Orlando DWI Im the ,e;er,l 4;:to a7. . the Great Wilno and will be a rodeo is Cristiani Iron Speedway. Sunbrock had G,anela +.yn,.t Pmul F. Fe-r:+.. canvas for the coming season. It SANFORD, Fla. - in the business. He'll be with the was re- one ,n.,r a successful in the place and being in a nos, that the Bros. Circus played Ilse second Season Clyde Beatty Circus nest summer. to buy 150 dai le nse. lonidCt weekend stand (26 -27) at the Le- qu ired 5ly .tr Pic- the show has bought a front -to- back' . , t,iniversal- International was because High Acres housing project at Fort The cite said this tures has paid St50.000 for screen his speedway had TOMMY SCOTT SHOW spread. The new big top, like other \ts ers, Fla. 'I here were three license for Winner Quarters, Tort.. Ca. to Robert Lewis Taylor's recent Stills tops, will he a I2í1 shows on Saturday and two on Sun- rights espired. Phone, Tucker 6 -1331 or Tucker 6 -5265 dis- New Yorker magazine articles on with three middles and two rows of day. Kid tickets had been Juanides, the Rebel-Set, a Alfredo Codona and Lillian t eilzel, Johnnie tributed by the LeHigh firm thru Pens', Chits :lnast, quarter poles. story is to he adapted by Frank 151 hitevl five -county area. Screen Nellie Vaughan William Ludwig. Viola Mcleod, and PHONEME \ U. S. Tent & Awning Company, 'The circus used in tent. seats and at the conven- nd were among those 10,- n t br in o make the tents, equipment from quarters been operator d P= rm Sarasota, Fla., will other Morris Thacker bas tions.. , , Bob Hampton, 1.1.ft Phones. Cati ni olla lors Sanford. Acts included the Swede and \lest USA" stage- walnnf In Dr... Ohio dutra ' +sbies ridge from the big top to vacationing in. New York of the new "Wild Johnson wild animal act, I,aTusca Among those at the that his first date. J1111 S'OE1.1K1. Side Show canvas and concession Bridgeport...'. show. reports and others. plus the family. Frank off well and - P. O. aox 3101 Columbus 71, Omo funeral of Paul Jerome were Barringlon. III.. vent personnel and at Ma (NU 1-3013, no Collects. Some Cristiani Greene, Mike I.arkin, Dan Orr. more ss'ill follow He was will he going to equipment also Services were at Arlington National outdoor cons entions. for the E. K. Fernandez, PHONEME\ Honolulu Cemetery, Washington.... Russell with the 4-PI10 \ E3I1'.\-4 date. The family is to do its riding; has had Pete hallos has signed c A. r. aeal aoluf in (:rleler. IN A HURRYI Harrison, circus bandsman, slrel,f Ie.01fe fu lapa. other toms.; for its winter (:plu., at lN. Ume. C. A. P<:rodD He,d Repent lest In C'hey'enne. act and leaps, us well ps is in the Annex Circus Hall of Fume l'aaper, wlo., "3 ^? dans- aune. a slight stroke and Vuarlen dlal LartlnB In Phone. In vaia Creai F.IN is planning to it svgs announced by Bill' Uec. n. só,qife In uoe. r,te trol- n,. Police and Bclmunte Cristiani Building 115, at the show. n.11 ulae Deal lo roco..'. Hospital. the season will ineclon. ?S é pald' .l-Ine a truck to the West Coast Naramore. He said rnlleeled. Plent/' or ood nrpnn.on Io drive Veterans Administration Center, . Orth, follnw in Montana. Room tnr only nnd. n. H. MARION show's poles and big top. December 21. Joe JOHN Phone CD, or Night: {34-11)11 with the 1.os Angeles, He would enjoy trail. start lerl,. ;1r,n+[ ,'lllr. m.n to Hawaii for; with Polack Bros, is on a E. a0O1N ,1 Oreelry. Phone,. ELe.n Chevenne, WYeminf 'I hey will be shipped an recently be< 1, r.rl Bill Dorman is opening 1a2 31 or f Lan 7+tI. Arrer hunting trip in Canada, CheYenna f7ala. the date. animal and.snake show at Pace, Fla. has the conces- writes from Tom Kennedy S. G. Sylvester sions with the Byron Gosh All - that he and Peggy and WOMEN Hugo, Okla., SALESMEN 4-PHONEMEN-4 MEN . Fred C.I City PHONE PHONE American Circus: Sylvester worked the Kansas Book, esonera and Ticket.. Year-Round Work. 6onk, Rrn en' eoua. Landrus visited King Bros. Circus' show at Kansas City, Mo. mouel hyre. Ilnlys- K oI C. Y. cedv.,lu=, irorlIn.. Shrine t,le : ; Ihr:, and ChHe l.,nnr ur:l.,r in S. C., and visited with of the late Bill olner lobs dlul 'oda < Ilfnllnw. Aiken, The daughter Sunderland's Associates r:.fiir. , alll nr 'n edv,nf!r. nd cnn THE BILLBOARD SHOW NEWS 49 DECEMBER 5, 1960 Penn. Fairs 92 Exhibitors at Trade Show THE FINAL CURTAIN Continued from page 40 It. McGinley. Fred Notati, H. Mc- order list for Eli Bridge Scram- J. I llaIJ. r. 'It t.itIST -- Joseph T. Patterson. >(N- DUC- MUltou Kenna and Al Brown Shows. blers Bas extended by five more anJ 01,11.., 5s,, retired circus aerialist, at Will Meet so. ride owner San Antonio Roller Works gold names at the show. Production will -State Sho,. 'he Shreveport, 44., Of a heart attack sire with Tri several of its rides off the floor. he 30 units in 1961, compared with reasons. Nottnlhrl sustained while waiting for a cab peat three including a Helicopter to Jack 26 each of the last two years. Memor,.l S 1 os- after finishing work at a grocery m Rockford (III.) Alamo Exposition Shows. Arrow Development showed a by his widow, store. He came to Shreveport January 18 -19 Ruhack's ppital. Survived Ray C. Dixev Enterprises and model of its Space Whirl, an daughter, Cynthia; a from Gainesville. Tex., this fall Phyllis; a Pa. Pennsylvania Venditto Bros.' Shows, and a Flying adaptation of the Teacup ride it stepdaughters. and worked as a stagehand et READING, - ton, Steven; four State Association County Fairs Saucers to Russ Kissel, of Midway made for Disneyland. The Calypso - Sharon and the auditorium and State fair of Martens, Priscilla, will ils 49th annual conven- Rides. type unit will be seen first at Sea- Tucker. Rockford; two coliseum. A native of Canton, stage Connie lion January 18 and 19 at the 808. shown as side Park in Santa Cruz, Calif. Mrs. Beatrice Tur ol. O., he was the son of a member The big OARCO Listen, Abraham Lincoln Hotel with a wel- in the 1959 trade show, Hot Rods, Inc., reported another River. Mich., and Mrs. Pearl of the famous Siegrist- Silbon a model Iton coming address by Mayor John C. got its baptism last season under busy convention, its imported Park Ridge. Ill., and a Troupe of aerialists. The Siegrisl Lippert. Kubacki of Reading. conditions at Shreve - tracked -Ford ride being sold to Wis. Eugene. Chicago. Serv- name is one of the oldest to operating brother. Annual meeting of the Central Wore Park and Indian cousin Dells, Heights, 10 and burial in American show business. He had port's (La.) Seaside ices November Harness Racing Circuit will Lima. O. Interest in the N. J.; Hunts Pier. 1Vildwood, Cemetery. Rockford his own flying act and high Fuir Lake Park, Greenwood on the first night of was it was re- N. J.; Palisades Amusement Park acts. Survivors include his widow, elect officers unit encouraging, the County Fair Association con - ported. and the Conklin Shows. Conklin Ethel, of Shreveport; a daughter. at 8 p.m.. the Har- Shows get 20 Hot Rod cars Joanne Day Pilla, also an aerial- tab. Gathering Chance Manufacturing Com- will Iii 10ri110 Circuit will also as- and a Cortina Bob, plus two To- ist: stepmother, Mrs. Edith Sieg- ness Racing pany, formerly Otlaway Amuse- memory of sign 1961 race dates and submit boggan Slides, and Coney island, rist. and twonhrothcn, Charles ments, drew attention with its new a report of the auditing committee. Cincinnati, ordered a large German Patterson Sicgrist. and William 1863 model train. Two of them RALPH H. BARR After addresses by Edward A. - Carrousel. Miller Brothers. of Sicgrisr. A former wife, Bcbec are going to Wichita, one for Joy paread swat Dec. 10. 1954 Clark. president, and Mayor Ku- Frontier Fairlyland Park. Lyons, Ill.. ordered Castello Seigrisi. lives in Gaines- land and the other for FRANCIS 'PARR HOLTZMAN backi, the second convention day Big 30 Auto Scooter cars. The Vivona , Ille. nt Shreveport. City. Vance Kimbte's Springs Burial dis - will launch into open forum Park in 'Texas will receive a B -14 family's Amusements of America 'wsions on: "How to Operate streamliner and handcar ride. Sev- ordered a portable Calypso ride BONEL- lames, Fairs and Fair Associations at a eral other orders are pending. for its Eastern route of fairs. :, The progress of the Penn - t e 82, father of 1bon, Mcycl tut.' BIRTHS Profit." Old -line companies r e p o r d McFadden Amusements arranged of William Meyers, photo gal- ,vlvania Pari -Mutuel Harness Rac- satisfactory experiences. The long several transactions as sales agents, lery operator last season on the ing Bill and its benefit to fair including its own River Queen kid- Happyland Shows, November 21 KFDRA WING associations will also be discussed. die paddleboat. - of the afternoon svision In a Springfield; III., hospital A daughter. Pauline. November Forums (Note: Additional sales were be- around advertising and pro- alter a long illness. 18 in St. Sliehaels Hospital. center ing made as this issue of The Bill- will discuss Stevens Point, Wis., to Arthur motion Members West Coast board went to press. These will he best results and Phyllis Kedrawing, who last methods of ;attaining charted in the next issue of The ad- year operated a Mechanical from newspaper, radio and TV Billboard.) In loving Memory as what fain can Farm and pony ride on Carroll's vertising, as well Rides MARJORIE BLOCH Greater Shows. do to encourage greater participa- Buys 5 tion front FFA, 4 -H and Oranges. Who ,.a. ewer Dacmbtr Y, fila. NEW YORK CITY WELCH- - Association members will select the lar i,)uporta,.t bu: Bill A daughter. Mary Elizabeth, 1961 meting place in the after- Edythe and amid leis.vely pie November 25 in Naples, Fla.. to noon business session. Al Chicago John and Peggy Welch. Father The annual banquet in the Abra- CHICAGO Five new rides TIMES SQUARE is electrician on Byers Bros.' ham Lincoln Hotel ballroom fol- - were bought by West Coast Shows, for round-the-clock BURSON- Arthur, Shows. lowed by a show. with attractions at the NAAPPB and 77, former high wire and trapeze furnished by leading booking agen- San Francisco. entertainment trade show here. The two units will city -Raide convenience performer. November 1 at his cies. will wind up the convention. home in Stephenville, Tex. Dur- have 38 office -owned devices on ing his career he had toured Coming Events the road next spring. HOTEL WOODSTOCK with the M. L. Clark, Mighty Bobby Cohn, show's general for topflight accommo- are dations & service- Cocktail Haag, Christy and Al G. Barnes Continued from puce 47 Alberta Stampede agent, said that the new rides shows, and put in the last 20 -Jet. Lounge & Restaurant years as a clown with the Ring - Names Chapman Mad Mouse. and Pretzel. ST. ling -Barnum show. Burial in Ohio Cohn said that the rides will he 129 WEST 43 $6 -8 - Memorial Park, Dublin. Tee. Carr /lord- Rild- .Am.rtca Bost Show Wob- As New President assigned to one or the other of the SINGLES: 71.79. IrsIna Ora, ble )tall. Jim. Alta. -Jack Chap- units as They operate -13 Opiumboa - Columbus Dlopolth -Rar Rost STETTLER. needed. DOUBLES: $10 DALTON -Jack, Memorial 11169 I, Feb. was elected pres- thru California 8how IVMrans, man. of Stettler, separately-43.1e for full color brochure 131. father of Mrs. Marie Toter, as -37. Thom. P. Shutt. Alberta in the North- Toledo -Toledo !Ionic & Toot' Show (Civic ident of the Central and the other Pacific also known as Marie Palmer. 443 the Ault. Feb. 4 -17. Milt H. Tatfair, Stampede Association ut its annual west- except for two dates at JUDSON 2.5000 outdoor showwontan, November aalalt Bldg. and meeting. He succeeds Ernie Dories, Kern County Fair. Bakersfield. for immediate confirmation of -12 in Long Beach. Calif. Also Oklahoma Jose, of Bruce. Santa Clara County Fair, San your Woodstock reservation surviving is a son, Jack. Services 5110weat Rost, Sport A o51a1.m554 'Ci +5- is vice - both Feb. 5 -12, Al Shantz, of Ponóka, in California. November 15 and burial in For- Tnve Wtow P.,nrnundal. hick$Tr44bÇ41r9 N. W. 4115 8t, president. and Jim Horne, Stettler. est Lawn Mettlpríal Park, Cy- 19 HOLE press, Calif. Oregon is secretary. Top money winners on the cir- Portlend- FO THE BILLBOARD SO SHOW NEWS DECEMBER S, 1960 ROLLER RUMBLINGS Carnival Routes Parkmen Have Busy Meet By AL SCHNEIDER Fitzsimmon, Roy: Roswell, N. M. 5 -Jan. 3. A major success this year was the year around. A feature of the was made recently at Detroit headquarters Merchants Festival Rides: Nash- the Monday night session at which ticket sales ANNOUNCEMENT ville, Tenn, is that sponsoring or- secretary of the Roller Skating Rink a series of panels discussed spe- ganizations retain all of the price by C. E. Cahill, Operators' Paul Arias., Biclo; of addition of 22 operators, representing Peter *Peter cialized subjects. Attendance was tickets that are sold but not Association, of the 12 rinks, Sanford, Fla. used, RSROA membership roster. An additional three operators, several times that anticipated by plus part of the price of tickets to the Santa Fe Expo., 'Bess Harris; Fal- most persons. representing two rinks, have been added. These represent reactivations that are used. at new locations, and an additional furries, Tex. Larry Stone; Paragon Dr. Herbert True, a former pro- of memberships seven names Turner, Rides: (Hillside Park, added to existing memberships. The announcement listed Scott's, & headed the maintenance session. fessor, wound up the Tuesday ses- have been Colonial) Orlando, Fla., 5- Pinellas Roller Rink, Pinellas Park, Fla., E. He said the ideas advanced in- sion on a high note with his pres- M. G. Janes, a reactivation; Jan. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lane, Trio Roller Rink, Milan, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. 1. cluded that for having one's ride entation, "Ideas That Make Men Richard Poe, Marion (Ill.) Skate Sugar State: Jeanerette, La. foreman inspect new rides before Great." He combined comic nov- Mrs. Russell Knapp the park buys them so he will elty items and slide projeétions Inn; Mr. and Hillsdale, Mich.; and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. know in advance what the main- with his speech. True declared that Terrace Roller Rink, Des Moines; Robert S. Carpenter, Long Lake Circus Routes tenance problems might be. "greatness begins with being dif- Charles Cranfill, Roller Rink, Kalamazoo, Mich.; John ferent," that there is a major strug- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williams, Coleman said 18 people Roller Rink; Wayne Elms Roller Williston, Fla., 5; were in the food and gle now between freedom and se- Worton (Md.) Rink, Eaton, Mr. Mrs. Sells & Gray: drink conces- Peters, Cub Lake Roller Rink, O.; and Inverness 6; Brookville 7; sions session. They reported from curity, and that one is old when he John L. Zitel, Rotlerdolste, Euclid, is "no the Zephyrhills 8; Claremont 10: 25 to 60 per cent of a park's in- longer on search" for O., a reactivation; O. G. Haugen, improvement. He gtfoted Satchel 'AnAI MORE MORE.. DRAW BIGGER CROWDS Haines City 12; Apopka 13; come was from concessions, with Rol -O -Way Rink, Redmond, Ore.; Paige's "if you didn't know how W ITN 8EAVTY- 6LAMOr/A- SNOWMANSINP Eustice 14. 40 per cent the average. Partici- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Noyes, Han - old you are, how old would you -ó: pants urged that quality never ¡,Éw "REVOtV/M6" Mar Gardens, Allentown, Pa.; should be reduced. be ?" George, Peter and Nicholas Me- Annual Banquet HULLYwOOD\,= Carl Hughes reported that : kosh, (Pa.) Skating Ice Shows about Warrington 50 A full house attended the annual SPOTS LITE . ;É Club; Kenneth R. Shabino, Sport- people heard the publicity panel ß , discuss press parties, publicity banquet and ball Tuesday evening, f arena, Rapid City, S. D.; Anthony Holiday on Ice of 1961: (Municipal Entertainers included , EIETTER'N A ` Wipperfurth, Skateland, Waunakee, Aud.) Canton, O., 6.11; (War communications, agency versus BALL master of ceremonies; Professor CRYSTAL Bay, free -lance agent and honesty in pub- NO hWSOAS 10 saAe e Wis.; Mrs. Ethel Leger, added to Memorial Arena) Green Backwards, who filled in with e '4'111 licity. ASHOa POL ISM 'd the membership of Norris Leger Wis., 13 -18. comedy routine when an airline auw0wa sTI mrA A suen aL000S sno+. Ferd Clemen said 63 kiddie - aws,m. LrC147 - micra AMD LWOfKASat rr'e and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fontenot, Ice Capades, 20th Edition: (PNE failed to deliver his blackboard; OeTOa.r a sTt"M7o aq7 susrMss Ane rsn landers heard of /OR aea/ Aeueoosn 3eArdG eUti CIeY Pelican Skateland, Lake Charles, Forum) Vancouver, B. C., 5 -10; descriptions birth- Ann Marston, bow and arrow WM WA ANVOmIT tARSi noTqi Wen. La.; J. Norman Malone, to the (Arena) Victoria 12 -17; (Coli- day parties, special events, how to beauty, and Noreen Parker, vocal- we. f. Comer R.. D,ui expand HOLLYWOOD SPOTS-LITE CO. membership of Ray and Recce seum) Spokane, Wash., 25 -Jan. 2. a Kiddieland and opera- ist. Wimpey, the clown, worked the Nat a SW? No. 16.1. 5,. 0:..46 la N.6.:L, Hubert, Hubert's Roller Rink, Pas- Ice Capades, 21st Edition: (War tional systems for party promo- come -in and Lou Breese orchestra adena, Tex.; Adolph P. Chris- Memorial) Rochester, N. Y., 6- tions. played. MCA supplied the show, topher, replacing Mrs. Eunice 11; (Coliseum) Charlotte, N. C., Bill Muar reported that the which included a Leanore Sutton's Black as operator of Bellview Rol - 13 -18. meeting on games operation dis- line. SKATING RINK TENTS lerdrome, Fairmount, W. Va.; Wil- Shipstads & Johnson's Ice Follies cussed current tax problems that Wednesday Lucheon exist in one section of the 42 1 102 IN STOCK liam Nelson, to the membership of of 1961: (Arena) New Haven, country. Principal speaker at the Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Alley, Boulder 5 (Arena) Philadel- Henry Bowen reported on the shop day noon session was J. W. (Patty) 52 n 122 AT All TIMES Conn., -11; (Colo.) Skateland; James Wells and phia, Pa., 25 -Jan. 8. talk about labor relations and Conklin, who showed a TV film of NEW SHOW TENTS Shirley Bromley, to the membership wages. his CNE midway. Also shown was of Donald Bromley, Tuesday Session a film of Santa's Villages. Herb MADE TO ORDER The Continen- tal, Tulsa, Okla., and Mr, and Mrs, Miscellaneous Outside speakers opened and Shriner made a surprise appearance CAMPBEII TENT d AWNING CO. Thomas Lane, to the membership closed the Tuesday session. First at the meeting and presented a .00 Cntrel Av. Alton, III of Mrs. Mildred Wilkins, Vallejo was Preston E. Peden, of the Chi- recognition award to the outgoing Phoni NO Siaef and Klowns: Evanston, (Calif.) Roller Rink. Kriel's Kats cago Association of Commerce and president, Plarr. Ed Schott was Ill., 5 -24. Industry, who predicted cost of given a citation from the U. S. De- State and local government will partment of Commerce for his doubla in 10 years and that no fed- park's participation via film in the Legitimate Shows eral tax cut is forthcoming. He World Agricultural Fair at New OFFICE SPACE said that importance of cultivating Delhi, India, last summer. Conklin Music Man: (Forum) Wichita, precinct captains, committeemen was given a plaque by the associa- In PARAMOUNT HOTEL show 5 -10; (Convention Hall) and ward workers could not be tion as a leader in Canadian 235 46 New Tulsa, Okla., 12 -17. underestimated. Issues, he said, business. West St., York a make tittle difference in the organ- H. Glenn Holland was given ization efforts to amass votes. plaque for showing his movie. John William Fishman. of the Auto- Logan Campbell was presented SPACE GARBRICK RIDES with an award marking the silver 1,54o N' EXEC(J77vEnrnraf+ed matic Merchandising Company, sq. °roR. of the NAAPPB's in- OFFICD có B 12 N. hurls Wheel said that trade associations are anniversary k 1(°nth rpóiOF F1C 36 Ft. Fonts Wheel eS probably the most important service surance plan. oottOmz10 the presenta- a company can hire, more impor- Feed Clemen made 20w Reuter, rmnte0 tant than its attorney or account- lion of a plaque to Maynard Chair Swing 1/ The Billboard and Funspot. , i` ant. It is not a question of support- of a similar Reasonable Rentals 16 H. ' ing an industry, he said, but rather Then Clemen was given Bowman for his Chatt Woe /+ I a question of supporting yourself. award by John S. Phone: Mr, Dragner, 6 -5500 Kiddieland ses- Circle ; Thomas J. Daly, Jewel Paint & operation of the FLYING SAUCER the annual ex- `ti''/lli004, Varnish wrote a paper sions. In addition Merry Mixet Company, awards, detailed -/NI11.I, which was presented at the con- hibit and service \ issue, were pre- vention by an associate. elsewhere in this Past presidents of NAAPPB sented at this time. Trailer Mounted Kiddie Net ANCHOR TENTS who took part in an open forum GARBRICK MFG., INC. discussion of trampolines, go-kart Sidelights The Showman's Choice Lwls N. e, Lwls A. Orbrlck tracks and theme parks included

r- f:nll: ? J i; (;fir :JO Finest mete rl els - LO Yn: ent»rlnq. Centro Hon, Penne. Harry Ji Batt, Henry O. Bowen, ,,.: -,;Ili 1.1.07 }e.' Mao.: We're John Coleman, George Ra BIU-nYIÌ+ow -OrNn Ylhl Ed Carroll. Bowen reports. _"""` Hamid, Paul Huedepohl, Bill Mass., Henry Aluminum Tent Framst -llpht Wotan' ballroom season Muar, Bill Schmidt and Ed Schott. When the summer Hinged Legs -Slip Joints Rustproof Frank Parker IT PAYS TO OWN Trade -paper editors also took part. ended, operator Conceeu,,. -Show Tent -Ride Tops -'Ines the empty floor and brought I Tope. panel studied 11 thane: °H. °ri,o°, °a "e;er A publicity and promotion for the off -sea- 111111111111111111111111 with Ed Ettinger, of Dis- in 18 trampolines INSURANCE opened pricing their use at 50 cents Plq neyland, stressing the importance son, EVANSVIIIE, INDIANA per half hour.... One of the sales ANCHOR SUPPLY CO., INC. of word -of -mouth advertising and itCOMPARE SERVICE, KNOW transactions worked by agent Dick pointing oeit that the public rela- COMPANIES RAIES was one for a Niagara HOW, d than its McFadden tions image can't be better miniature golf course BE SAIE -801 SORRY of San- Sportcenter subject. H. Glenn Holland. Schuler of Olympic Bowl, Village parks, said merchandise to Joe ta's Rochester, N. Y. Notable is' the must sell the park as well as vice and d ASSOCIATES, fact that Schuler, who has built CASH WITH ORDER PRICES - 10Mite.00 - ADDITIONAL 10M's SAME ORDER, $3.00 (HARLES A. Jail an actual profit but il INC. versa. Sell for 12 of his own courses Above prices for any words{ Eec then'. at wordme end color Rao 56 00. For value, run about s Men" seek a post -sale promotional one eheeg. of color any, sad {2.00. Mutt be even muleelo. of 10.000 tickets of a hind end aule,. "The Showmañ Insurance over the years, never bought 1992 Fourth Street, North too, he urged. And he said that li- was selling Fla now. McFadden T1c10L11711 P. O. Bo. 703S, St. Petersburg 39. items is a until STOCK WELDON, WILLIAMS & LICK 7 -5919 censing of merchandise Water Scamp E ROLL ...... Phones 34121- his River Queen and S1.7e FORT IMITO. ARKANSAS rich territory not yet really tapped manu- GCR RMl l" as well as representing other GROG AT 90o MR ROLL by theme parks. ring facturers. Mrs. Dale King, of King's Park, INSURANCE Norfolk, Neb., described her pro- TENT campaign to reverse the CHICAGO J. C. Huskisson. UNITED STATES For the Amusement Industry motional - AND AWNING CO ESTABLISHED 1870. trend of an unsuccessful dance veteran manager of the Florida Over 88 Years of Specialised Experience. received the SAM SOLOMON class program. She selected several State Fair, Tampa, MAIN OFFICE 0 FACTORY. SARASOTA, FLORIDA. running for the 1230 N. EAST AVENUE PHONE: RINCLINO 6.6316 "A Showman for Over 30 Years" dancers as demonstrators who sub- nod last week in the 111. to some Circus- Carnlvel-- Conce.,lee -Any Slse --Any Type- Banners-R Ids Cenvee 6017 gays shows, retained a annual trophy presented Phon,rLanabe.dhCl osa *. sequently American S. T. JESSOP CaO. W. JOHNSON first -class instructor and took other fair or fairman by the steps to build the program Into a Livestock Journal. vice- presi- winner. After 18 months she now Huskisson, who is also PORTABLE SKATE RINK FLOOR has 1,000 dance students, numerous dent of the International Associa- Shooting Galleries Expositions, re- SO 170 slump TV appearance requests and other tion of Fairs and 50 If 100 h., Ilk now, maple, with 36 new shoe skates, used shoe, from Sam WIII pan. And supplias for Eastern end Western to point to. ceived the trophy skates and palls. $1,000.00 cash. sell all or benefits reads: "Ho Type Gelled.. Write for new catalog. Garry told of the Guard. The inscription Harold H. the Florida State Fair the B. C. PAUL H. W. TERPENINO promotion of Bob -Lo Park near made CAN. e Fair." 314 RIrsid Ave. Ja SHOW NEWS 51 DECEMBER 5, 1960 THE BILLBOARD Midwest Club 1,000 Honor Officers I CARNIVAL CONFAB Ferns Nominate AROUND THE COUNTRY: Mail from W. E. Reid Shoss" winter At SLA Banquet -Ball base in Warner Robins, Ga., relates that the show closed a good season at the Macon. Ga.. Negro Fair. and Owner -Manager Elmer Reid Work got underway immediately on repairing Presidents at Speakers' Table; brought it into quarters. 17 Post- Evelyn Spence and repainting. and Reid is already busy getting his route set for Paul Olson Presented With Gold Cord next season. He and Mrs. Reid plan to leave soon for their home town MINNEAPOLIS- Evelyn Spence of Greeneville. Tenn., for the holidays and then hack to quarters to Ballroom of Hotel Sherman. of the CHICAGO - Over 1,000 show the the has been slated for the 1961 get ready for an early- spring opening. Joe Moran is in charge the of the buxi- 'This year. due to combining . . . E. Treveno letters that he'll people from all walks presidency of the Ladies' Auxiliary Warner Robins workshop. W. tribute to of the two events, 17 past- presi- a Peaa relaxed and paid of the Midwest Showmen's As- be working for Frankie's Amusement Company on new 48th Banquet dents a.s well as the current officers past -presidents at the sociation. in '61. President's Party were seated at the speakers' table. and Bell and Also named are ngie Conroy, by the Showmen's Introduced by Toastmaster Sam J. ! Edna Burt pasts on the following news about the Ladle.' Combined held first vice- president; Belle Signor, The event Levy Sr., also a past -president. were Auxiliary of the Michigan Showmen' Association: The fems I cague of America. second vice -president; Gladys Erick- night (30) in Ernie Young. J. W. Many) Conklin, held successful social on Nmcniber 28 sponsored by Simian was held Wednesday son, treasurer; Margaret Maupin, Frank Duffield, Frank Conklin, Fodal and Margie Hansell. Awards were pawed out to Violet secretary. O'Neil. board 1. Sedlmayr, Floyd Gooding. and Louise fry pan; Josephine Ouinn, electric clock: Carl will McDonald, electric Fred H. Kressmann, Robert I. of directors. Election be held Peggy Cohen, $25 bond; Grace NlcCauley, $SO bond. Upcoming Parker. Morris Lipsky. J. P. (Jim- at the December 22 meeting. on the social calendar are the pre -holiday dance on December 3 Kansas City my) Sullivan, C. 1. Sedlmayr Jr., The Christmas party will be on and the New Year's Eve dance to iw held on December 31. Ned Torti, Al Sweeney, Maurice the evening of December 17 in the Election of officers for 1961 is scheduled for January 9. The Ohren and William Carsky. clubrooms. Joint nodal and scramble has been postponed until after the Introductions were handled by The annual meeting will be held holidays, Club Elects Levy and Paul Olson, 1960 presi- on January 7 at 11 a.m. in the dent. Patty Conklin and Hal Eifort Radisson Hotel, during the meeting From Belleville, Mich., quarters of Motor State Shows comen the handled the award of the two Cadil- of the Minnesota Federation of info that all three units are now back home. The No. I unit was in tacs, assisted by Willard (Bill) Mas- Fairs. Installation luncheon will Michigan. Ohio. Indiana. Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Mis- R. L Beamer terson. president of the Internation- be held the sane day at 2 p.m. sissippi and all fairs have been re- contracted for '61, B. T. Bell report'. al Association of Fairs and Exposi- A new is on order in addition to a Rolloplane and six KANSAS CITY. Mo.- Russell from supplier. tions. Olson was presented a life- new tractor -trailer units. Owner J. J. Frederick purchased rides J . Beamer, local carnival time gold membership card as the parks in Michigan, Ohio and Maryland including two Merry -Go- was elected 1961 president of the outgoing president and he intro- Ruback Ends Rounds, a Tilt -a- Whirl. several kid rides and four Ferris Wheels. of America Showmen's Club. Heart duced the president -elect. Ed Sope- Frederick now owns a total of seven Eli Wheels. A new 40 by 150 - He succeeds Jess Wrigley in the nar. Okay Season foot addition Is being constructed at winter quarters, and the Fredericks top spot. Also on the rostrum were l.ou are enjoying their new ranch home there. They warmed the house Also named were Joseph A. Dufour, second vice -president; FIa1 SAN Ruback, with a party attended by some 50 people. Frederick is also keeping first vice -president, 1. C. ANTONIO -Jack Clayton, Eifort, third vice -president; C. C. owner of the Exposition tansy selling the rides and equipment from Flint (Mich.) Park. which second vice -president: Alonso McBride, (Specks) Groscurth. third vice - Shows, returned to winter quarters is being razed to make way for a new development. Charlie Byrnes Harold Anderson, third vice -pres- president elect; Bernie Mendelson, here, reporting a good season. The Al C. Wilson. secretary- * * * ident; treasurer: Hank Shelby. secretary; final spot of the season, the Cuero treasurer; Tommy Cook. warden, George Flint. chaplain, and Pat (Tex.) Turkey Trot, was successful Front -end news produced In his second season with the Foley and 011ie Sheley. conductor. Named the Marco, president of Ontario despite had weather. Chicago include the arrangement & Burk Shows, returned to his to the hoard were George Gal- Chapter of the SLA. En rotate to teinter quarters the for Ralph Decker to go out next home in Petersburg, Va.. where he lagher. Sam Layon and Harry other Speeches and activities tractor and trailer which contained season with H. P. (Punk) Hill on and his wife, Marjorie, operate the by Toast- Richards. were held to a minimum the diesel light plants was forced Hill's Greater Shows. And Dave Lockett's Travel Service. Mrs. banquet and ball will Annual master Levy. off the highway. No one was hurt. E. Fineman will handle the front Lockett just returned to Petersburg he held New Years Eve in the in the floorshow in- Talent but extensive damage was clone to end for Johnny Denton's tour in from a trip to Europe. Ralph Lock- Georgian Room of the Hotel Con- Max and cluded Freedom Singers, the vehicles and equipment. Eastern Canada.... Bob Edwards ett left for Chicago for the out-- will he provided tinental. Music Cherri, Vic Perry, Dolores Gay, of Catlin & Wilson bought a door conventions.... James Heron, Finley's ork for the show Vic Damone. by Milo Frank Marlow and Merry -Go- Round.... Late hours'tl owner of the Educational Wild fife and dancing. Lou Breese served as emcee and his do this to you: Paul A. Miller and Animal Oddities Exhibit, has orchestra provided the music for Elsie Miller Winds couldn't sleep because a closet light been off the road for the past sev- the show and the dancing that Up 18 -Year Career hit his eves, one of the automatic eral years due to illness and is lo- Show followed. ones that switch off when the door cated at his home in Jacksonville. Orange Arrangements for the event were Exec closes. He groped around and By a strange coincidence, the first in charge Ohren and As SLA Fem of Maurice a chair issue of The Billboard was pub- with tickets CHICAGO -Mrs. Robert (Elsie) finally. disgustedly. hauled Sets Toppers Sam J. Levy Jr.. into the closet, stepped up and un- lished the day that Heron was born. Julius. Sans Miller, this year bowed out ae handled by Harry screwed the bulb. on January 16, 1894, and he hat SAN BERNARDINO. Calif. - (Insurance) Solomon was in charge an officer of the Ladies' Auxiliary been.reading it ever since, W. C. (Brad) Shay. head of the San of the reception committee. of the Showmen's League of As revenue for the 1111amI club Merriman, Bernardino office of the State America after serving in an of- piled up, an additional $560 was Jake and Carolyn are Board of Equalization, has been ficial capacity for the past 18 produced at it jamboree on John- owners of the Marvel Shows. appointed chairman of the midway years. ny's United Shows, directed by Phil back at their winter base in Middle- committee for the 1961 National Lindle Buys Mrs. Miller is a past -president Cook and with Frenchy and Johnny ton, III., after a vacation trip to Logs- Orange Show to be held here April of the women's group and served Portemont and Ted Woodward all Mexico City. Ed and Ruby 20-30, A. B. Drake, exposition pres- as secretary for 17 years. Altho participating. Cook also turned in don accompanied them on the trip. Winrod Show have ident, Laid. not holding an office, she will con- 5200 from Page Combined Shows. . Chuck and Betty Lcmaster CHICAGO Lindle, owner and Co- chairman will be Donald S. -lack tinue active in the organization. Dub Dugan had a truck mis- opened a truck stop restaurant also this city. Also of the show bearing his name, has service station in Middleton. Ill. Gillespie, of appropriated in Florida. . Par the committee purchased a major part of E. L. .. of the named to serve on Reithoffer finally made a Chicago Paul Gosset is in charge the Winrod's M o n a r c h Exposition Jack Dalton Jr., of 7735 Atlantic Shown 10 handle details pertaining to convention because, he said, it did paint shop of the Marvel was announced here Boulevard, Bell, Calif., would like Operation of the carnival, which Shows, it not Pennsylvania where all trucks of the ahow will to contact his sister, known as conflict with the will be Crass Shows continuing its during the meetings. be painted a combination of red Palmer or Mrs. Marie deer -hunting season. three -tear contract. will be Ken- According to present plans. Marie and white.... Mr, and Mrs. Dick the death of neth M. Hunter, Gail R. Stockton Winrod will retain several rides Luter. concerning Big AI Howard bas ordered a Dillon, Mechanical City operators, She is believed to be and Ferri, Wilkinson, all of this which he will book wills Lindle for their father. Turnpike Ride. Paratrooper and arrived in St. Louis with their at- show. city. the 1961 season. with a Texas -based Helicopter in the name of Howard traction which is booked at the Amusements. Mr. and Mrs. Crestwood Shopping Center for the, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Albert Derr of Boonville, Ind., month of December. Dillon left * * * * * * * * * * * have celebrated their 50th wedding Saturday (26) for Chicago to at- anniversary. Their granddaughter tend the convention. Beth is secretary of Al Dorson's Allen Callaway amusements on various shows. Al- Floyd and Agnes Green, of MIAMI SHOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION bert Derr is a former president of the Indiana State Paul Green Amusement Rides. arc back Fair.... after Olson and others were on a plane at their Portland. Ore., base 17th ANNUAL BANQUET & BALL which left Chicago for the Toronto closing the season November 13 fair meeting, got to Canada. then with the Bob Hammond Shows. with two addi- 9, 1961 was forced to turn around and They left Houston * JANUARY return to Chicago. tional rides. a trailer- mounted Heli- Irwin Kirby copter bought from the Don Frank- * FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL THE FAMOUS pur- lin Shows and a Scrambler MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA Mrs. Walter B. Fox suffered a chased from George Rauch. . LA RONDE ROOM * hemorrhage of the right eye two Betty Loveless is at home In Jon. 2 dota that apptoted In ihn taus l Nay. 21 weeks ago which caused her to Riviera Beach, Fla.. a f t e r rr or Inounird. 4ou nota turrod dota *hors. in * loose Ilse sight of the eye. She is closing with the Olson Shows sudden closing under the care of a specialist... . Birmingham. Her * ALL -STAR SHOW, DINNER & DANCE Ralph Lockett, who recently closed (Continued on page 53) Please make reservations early * * FLASHBACKS: IS Years Ago -Frank Bergen annnunccd he had purchased the interests of Mrs. Fanny Linderman In the World of BANQUET COMMITTEE * Mirth Shows. Bucky Allen was named tile nets concession manager.... Pete Korte, sold his North American Exposition Show tu Isly ('tells and Jack Wilson. Included In the deal was all equipment and the SHARP, Chairman; NATE FARBER, Co- Chairman; 1,000 * MAX train, enabling Celina A Wilson to go on rait. . . . Over attended the annual banquet of the National Showmen's 'emaciation AssocLtion Poni SY DANIELS, LEW LANGE, JACK WEISS New . The Joey Moss Showmen's * * In York. Earl 442 of the American Legion was organized In Detroit and Major y y Bender was named the first commander. 1e * 1 * * * ** * ** * * * * * ** * * ** 7{ * * ** NEWS THE BILLBOARD 52 SHOW DECEMBER 5, 1960 Ed Sopenar Named Continental SLA MEMORIAL HONORS ALL DECEASED MEMBERS CHICAGO President Purchases -The Showmen's League of America took 39th SLA time from out the busy round of convention activities Tuesday Veteran Concessionaire Succeeds (29) to remember its deceased members. The annual Memorial Head Services were held'in the Bat Tabarin Paul Olson as Organization Paratrooper of the Hotel Sherman with preparations under Harry (Mackie, C herniak assisted by John Sherlock. CHICAGO Ed Sopenar was Also installed were Lou Dufour, LOWELL, - Mass. - Continental Cantor Murray J. Lind, of the Lind Brothers elected the 39th president of the first vice -president; Hal Eifort, sec- Shows plan a new Paratrooper ride group. conducted singing the program. Psalms were sung by Joshua Showmen's League of America in ond vice -president, and C. C. among other added features for lind, N. Brodzkv and J. Freudenthal. George B. Flint, SLA an uncontested election that saw (Specks) Groscurth, third vice - late April 1961 opening, reports chaplain, read the memoriam and Rudolph Beck provided the entire regular ticket take of- president. Bernie Mendelson and General Manager Fred Fritz. Slow the organ accompaniment. for Sopenar, who oper- Hank Shelby were elected to suc- fice 1961. at the start, Continental's 1960 sea- All deceased members of the League were ates concessions in Canada and a ceed themselves as treasurer and son wrapped honored but up for the winter aft- special memtion was made to the following who liquor business here in Chicago, secretary respectively. er the Center members Sandwich (N. H.) passed on during the past year: Dr. Max Thorek. William was installed in the top position at Fair with its best season gross in (Bill) Green. Virgil Lee. Fred Potenza. meet- T. Dwight Pepple, John Thursday night's (I) annual many a year. A. Sharharo, Jack Roemer, Eddie Brown, H. ing of the League. Several Vernon Smith, refurbished trucks and Bennie Hirsch. Shan Wilcox, Roy Marietta, E. L. Phillips, rides will be run out of winter Noel Von Tilburg, Albert J. Horan, Ozy quarters for Brcger, Vernon use in Maine Christmas Korhn, Carl A. Mann, Elmer Broten. Robert V. Tuttle, John parties this month, well before of- A. Francis, A. R. Cohn, William M. Martin, ficial Richard Nash. San Francisco spring opening. Agent Payl Buried in Showmen's Rest are Pepple, Roemer, Marietta. La Cross reports Continental will Mann, Tuttle and Martin. open this Apri' with a strong route of still dates and celebrations slated until the fair season gets MIDWEST NOTES Club Slates under way. Cold weather dampened 1960 business until late June, but fair Leona Stevens skies opened the fair season and Al Kunz Space Wheels continued thru to carry a winning SAN FRANCISCO - Leona year. High grosses during the sum- Stevens has been nominated presi- mer made up for slow early spring To Join Royal American dent of Show Folks of America dates, Mrs. Doris Fritz will remain as CHICAGO here for 1961. Nominations closed - Major carnival will be the sanie as 1960 with about Monday (21). secretary - treasurer for 1961 on news so far as Midwestern Continental's fairs 14 fairs, 111 of them in Wisconsin. Also on the slate are Al Rodin, office staff- were concerned was light at the W. A. Schafer, Ed president tho owner of Scha- first vice -president; William Meyer, Sopenar, 39th of Chicago meetings as most of the fer's 20th Century Showmen's League of America. Show,, reported second vice- president; Harry Mar- major events had already lined up signing two fairs new to the route. tin, third vice- president; Charlotte CLUB ACTIVITIES their fun zone or were in the They are at Tyler. Toy., and Mar- Porter. treasurer; Oscar Mattley, Ned Torti, a past president of process of doing so. shalltown, la. He'll also he back financial secretary; Lola Cox, cor- the League, was elected a trustee Probably the biggest news was at the Cedar Rapids, ta., Fair plan responding secretary. and Bonnie for a five -year term. Pacific Coast made by Al Kunz, owner -manager other repeat dates. of Heth Shows, who also owns the Townsend, recording secretary. Elected to the board of governors Showmen's Association John Gallagan, owner of Im- Miss Porter, Mattley, Miss Cox and were Doug Baldwin, Louis Berger. double -double Space Wheels. He perial Shows, reported he'll play announced that Miss Townsend stand to be re- Mickey Blue...John Bowman, Elmer LOS ANGELES -Plans for the he had signed to no still dates this year. Will play elected. Byrnes, William T. Collins, Jantes December 11 Memorial Services operate the wheels at three major a total of 15 fairs. Celebrations set F. Conklin, Hadji Delgarian, James and the banquet and ball on De- fairs to he played by Royal Ameri- are three in Illinois, Alton, Ma- Nominated for the board of di- can Shows after negotiations with comb and were H. Drew, George B. Flint, Dave cember 13 are moving along, Sam Morris. rectors Al (Moxie) Miller, Dolman and Carl Sedlmavr, RAS owner. The Louis Leos, Orville Crafts, Art An- Friedman, John Gallagan, Benedict Hunter Farmer, re- Garmisa, Ken Garman, Morris spective chairmen, told the club at wheels will play the Florida State dersen, Barbara Hellwig, Hazel Haft. Paul Huedepohl. Harry the regular Fair. Tampa, in February and also Christensen. Flossie Fitzgerald, Isa- meeting here Monday William Kaplan, Al Kauf- (14). the Wisconsin State Fair, Milwau- Caravans Install belle Myers, Bar- Julius, John Provenzale, man, Al Kunz, Jack Kwiet, Lou The meeting was kee, and the Minnesota State Fair. ney Stevens, Ray conducted by Josephine Dick Scearce, Leonard, Eddie Levinson, Sam President Steve Vaughn, with St. Paul. -I-he hlilwaukee fair is Haywood Cox, Harry Ernest Harry Baker, Santanni, Levy Jr. Phillips, treasurer: Dolman, second new this year for Royal, the other Ewell Harrison, Dave Long, E. C. two have route As 1961 President R. H. McIntosh, Gerry Mackey, vice- president, and H. D. (Bob) been on the for Mullins Jr., Mary Richards, Sam Dave Malcolm, Pat Marco, Arthur Matthews, many years. Stettin, Lola secretary, on the ros- CHICAGO - Josephine Hay- Krekos, Jesse Gomez, Morse, Buddy Paddock, Petey trum. Ben Morrison, past -president Kunz announced that following wood, Barnesville. Sam Lasky. Jim Redder, the St. Paul fair the wheels will Ga., concession- George Pivor, Louis (Stretch) Rice. Harry. of the Michigan Showmen's As- aire, was installed Simmonds, Sol Coop- join Heth Shows for some of the as president of Grant, Harry Ross, Jack Ruback, Dave Rus- sociation, was invited to the plat- Caravans, Inc., er, fairs Monday (28) in the Gene Cardoza, Bonnie Owen, sell, Norman Schlossberg, William form. major on that organization's Hotel Sherman. Marjorie Latiker and Rose Fisher. Harm Shore, John Sher- In the business section. Dolman route. Kunz also disclosed that two Schmidt, route Also taking office with her were Jack Christensen was chairman lock, Bernard Thomas. Solfie Was- sail that the Ladies' Auxiliary will fairs had been added to the for '61. the Gibson County Fair, Theresa Dundee, Frieda Rosen and of the nominating committee with serman, Ben Weiss, O. J. (Whitey) co- operate in the Memorial Serv- Lillian Panno, first. second and Bobby Cohn, Babe Miller, Marie Frank Winkley. Ralph ices. Ed Harris and LaMotte (Dod) Princeton, lad., and the Keokuk, Weiss, la., Jaycee Street Fair. Show pur- third vice -presidents, respectively; Baker, Ralph Clinton, Mickey Woody, Charles Zemater Sr., Max Dodson are on the committee with chased a new Frolic and Spinaroo Wanda Derpa, secretary, and Lil- Hogan. Joe Richards and E. S. Brantman, Noble Case and John Dolman, Farmer said that early lian Lawrence, treasurer. Fitzgerald. Campi. reservations are urged for the ban- front King Amusements. Ernie Farrow. owner of Farrow Caravans held open house in the quet and ball to be held at the Am- hotel's Byfield Room with Mrs. bassador Hotel. Amusements, reported he'll again The membership at the Memphis Dundee and committee in charge of the open his season, toted upon application of Riley the Nego lot, refreshments. Lillian Panno super- Lincoln, Cotton Carnival on then go back into winter quarters vised the bazaar: Agnes Barnes the Zack Hargis was reported ill but i for a late regular opening. Route giveaways and Helen Hoffmcyer FOR SALE - - - FOR SALE recuperating. Bob Matthews was had her greeting card selection on ROUND UP, 30- passenger unit, perfect condition. back as secretary following his ill- hand. Irene Coffey handled the two $. ness. Virgil in 1 Trailer, ticket box, railings and extra ports. 0 Latiker is a patient afghans donated by Pearl McGlynn the hospital in Madera. where West Show Folks of America and Margaret Davis, and two 2 years old. g Coast Shows is in winter quarters. SAN FRANCISCO - The sweaters donated by Joan Sullivan, Frieda Brown and Edna Dauer are homecoming party Veronica Potenza served as in- also hospital Monday (141 or patients. was attended close to 130. Jim stalling officer. and Margaret l.e- O Can place Ride on percentage for 50 ft. by 50 ft. welcomed by President Vaughn Redder, chairman, Was assisted by vine as fenisee. Jimmy Lara pro- O location, BEST in Coney Island. 20 -WEEK SEASON, 0 Lucky Lang, Dave Talbert, Frank vided Ernest Santanni and a steak dinner the entertainment. Flying Coaster, or what have you? Ride must be in 0 Nay, Frank (Overland) Murphy, was served. 0 Benny Stone, Jimmy Fry. Ross Bax- 0 top condition. I have NO partners. Also lending a hand were Dave WANTED o ter, Ben Morrison and Bobby Clark. Long, Mary Richards, Hazel Fer !sal Da1M fleck SMw FaD. ISJNOr SUPERINTENDENT Barefield and John Beavers. secretary; Charlotte Porter, treas- Ideal lofrlcr.t Itnnv1 ñuirlrn Lot lay u,, know rdea, knowledge of building end ropair. Other u:nfut fe:ka related On the sick list were Paul Juhlin, rcO:' In 0,^. ^ration of Mow. Dependable, atflclenl, congenial, Cen handle env sI_a show. urer; Bonnie Townsend, recording manwkc gle.neo ,5yi o ` , in Veterans' Hospital; George Bill Byers, ell. All tlf1 of TV, r, Yl h10rk.. secretary, fvlike Krekos, SAILOR KATIY Smith, convalescing at home after Charles Albright and Bonnie Raul. s, Rae aL T.nle., rl.. surgery; Mrs. Fred Clark at home Owen. after a long illness in a St. Paul hos- RIG SAVINGS pital, Now Wells Car[0. Ye110rstona, Artnn FOR SALE -DISMANTLING PARK Chuck and Martha Moss at- Co. C. 2d B. G., 1st Infantry, Ft. C.n. Hoad q.,nhler r.'ranaan, ar.oÑtrma EOr alnwuwl .::;g 1 Dark arde, lrlrka, ele Bu(, eL borato care; olaas House; 16 Dodgem tended the annual banquet of the Benning, Ga. unthny bullaln¡ soa^d, It ontrd{ Bla SHOW NEWS B3 DECEMBER 5. 1960 BILLBOARD DENTON BOOKS 7a;NQF;Ás LETTER LIST trues and pacasan add to Newts le can et Tne a111beard *tit be aeeerilred to thla IDS two WPM oat/ It en are harm mí11 tedrene0 to ?vI b CHANGE Carr look rot lent name RACrl WRLK Mall L lttle eta le the cl rrr DATE Ynr To Tne alnoe.rd eMta 11 bend. Cincinnati Noe Tort, Chicago et St Look To be IN QUEBEC stl.AND A late change reach Aar York. Chkaeo or Bi t.olae hr FAIRS - tee In faiianiee elet'a tame. mall mull moves the Miami Showmen's tednedar marring or Cincinnati dike by Thur.., ..mina Association banquet date from Using Royal Crown Title; Reid its customary first Monday in Isle january. Previously an- TO ALL WHO USE THE LETTER LIST Signs Valleyfield, Presque nounced and advertised as January it re- Beginning with this issue the Mail Forwarding Services of Hotel Reid also signed several other 2, has been CH11 AGO- Action ut the scheduled for the following Ihe Billboard will be consolidated in the Cincinnati oltice, produces' no dates in Quebec. among them the Sherman this year Monday (9), the banquet All mail sent to the Letter List for forwarding to showmen news for the St. Hiacinthe Fair and the K. of C. significant booking committee states. Location is should henceforth be addressed: having been Fair in Chambly, Fast. most routes Unchanged, the Hotel Foun- Mall Forwarding Service annual convers- Denton's Royal Crown Shows c 'o firmed prior to the tainhleau at Miami Beach, The Billboard Publishing Co. major dates are Denton's Gold Medal Shows will taon. Only kw and the entertainment features 2160 Patterson Street them Allentown. carry the Royal Crown Shows' pending. among comic Mort Sahl. Cincinnati 22 Ohio Pa.; Greensboro, N. C.. and the title in Canada und have Dave E. at the New York. Chicago or Maryland State For in Timonium. Fineman along as associate man- Mail no longer will be held ager. it will play the seven -week St. Louis offices. Mail addressed to Letter List in care of these were Biggest developments ones Eastern Township Fairs circuit con- offices will be forwarded to Cincinnati for handling. to the convention- _ achieved prior sisting of Richmond, Rome. Ayl- Mrs. Lawrence For prompt forwarding of all mail, showmen should bate as awarding of fairs in ' -such the mer. Ayers Cliff. Shawvdte, Cook - their current address on file with the Mail Forwarding Service Ille. Me.. and Valleyfield. Prcque ahire and Bedford, all in Quebec. in Cincinnati. King Reid Shows. and Que., to the Interest in the news censers no address of Johnny Denton's As in the past. mail addressed to those for whom confirmation chiefly on Denton's routing inten- New Head of for two issues only. If for I 96 I. is on file will he published in this column lour in Eastern Canada tions. He will open in April in West he non claimed one week after second publication date, mail will Fair was ac- Virginia and still -date his way Valles'(ield Rotary returned to sender. quired by Maurice Miner for the north. There will be a tremendous It is expected that the concentration of this service in Cin- Reid Shows, It has been played by 1.2110 -mile jump to Decatur, Ala.. SLA Auxiliary will speed canlluunications between transient showmen various shows over the year, chiefly after the final Canadian fair, and cinnati Ernest those trying to reach them by mail. World of Mirth and most recently he stated it will be done in one CHICAGO -Mrs. and was installed president by Bernard and Barry, but never move, with no date being booked Lawrence as of the 11111 k viola Pantlen. M.n Reid. Signing for the fair for that week. Ten Southern fairs of the Ladies' Auxiliary MAIL Hawkins, by King here CHRISTMAS Harold Dando, secretay. are in prospect. closing in Novent Showmen's League of America greeting ÑáYtéi Rob. eylon. Mark. waa In mailing Christmas stker. Roy Prank R. <.'i Sunday (27). Also taking office Die: Pnully. i)ate will be Jul, her at Panama City. cards tira The Billboard's Mall Milburn. Pialiex. :.;_117 l with her were Mrs. George Mc- Hockeoberrr, Poor KetmaN Forwarding Department, please re- wmfeá Porcrea, Robert T, Beath, Mrs. Agenes Smith and Mrs. n m Power. Mn. Nclln ntemher to use 4 -cent postage to s,,.4 K.v. PrlCe. Allea Anne Monica Baress, first, second and P.Ire. o!a ROD.n assure forwarding. Postal regula ttréiááre+i: a4ñn Mr9 third vice -presidents, respectively. sil nnieor x prow. xenru fions do not permit the forwarded g w. United Mrs. Carl Sedlmayr Jr. stood in Pe ,1vey. James Rn.011 Bl,nrhe R, Johnny's postage of mail carrying 3 -cent Roy flmm for Mrs. Duress Who was unable JóÑiwú., Romie11.11 Reeó, Ju.nte without the puy nient of another to he present. ilea Lokr fee. xemin lrion I.e.ler Mrs. Jeannette Martindale was postage RlehMi F+rantlln Kervlr. Joaonnhh Ú0Y I.r installed secretary and Evelyn Kinard. Kolhleen N near Ends Top Season as KIetA Jerrr Rile >. Art to the post treasurer. Mrs. tot Bllnr Hock of MAIL ON HAND AT 1(obatker. Robett Altro, Nest year's route dales and celebrations. At tintes femsee and Rlüer. ('HICACiO - M. Richard Horan was all, tl ROberte, 'J. OFFICE is shaping up quickly for the Portements, John Senior and CINCINNATI Kuhn. EÉdieCAh.rlene ROChmatt. AIbH't of fairs Mrs. William Carsky was installing RYRCn, loin Shows. which en- Junior, had as many as three units 2160 Patterson St. La Rue, Leo Johnny's United officer. Mrs. Anne Fillippini, chap- Bert Roney.. linelh out. at simultaneous dates. Cincinnati 22. 0. Clnlr. its best season this time lain. read the invocation. Mrs. 1. A Makeup of the show ranged up- Lee. Was Wjoyedeather was very good, with less Martindale, outgoing president. (OtaV+tI ¿1 nights being lost wards from IS rides and eight and COYPer. RIshara tti7l.rb B. than half-dozen presented gifts to her officers AbLn Bal 1-`.ev`1ttT Ñlaurlre Caib wilh hooked -on units ex- Aek.rlr JImAv CoOPer Que.v Lewedrutl. Jobn M! rsao rain, shows, chairmen. AOam., ('. J. tGnaYl Ok, Amber Jlmma seen the addi- SPeck+ Craaadan, i.m Mn. LeweY. Theme M. Recent years have Those also present included Mrs. Allen. Harold Lineenbielen ivlkrInr Cia.. and Anniston ipetk+ (4. 1, tion 01 a Dodgem and Helicopter Ind.: Marietta. Agnes Smith. Wanda Derpa. Mrs. Allen. frtatlinlaórne' ALLllar',r Clnue Isopet. Pite Slri, tractors. and Decatur, Ala.. all panned out McBeath. All/,Ion.nn. T ex J. ImOWJ. antfreplacement of various Lillian Lawrence, Harriet Acli Sol J,M n well along the tour. which ex- Anderen. D.,tte. LdlOUCIer, Dlekoa Three new Chevvies were added fair Evelyn Hock. Phoebe Carsky. ida Anaer,on. 1-eNle Davenpot, DanielTM I,un. Ruaeell group will tended thru Tennessee. Alabama, Miller, ¿;óm"' Lunde. RUseell S41 lot season and another Chase, Louise Rollo, Elsie ,1 Ji óh:el Davenport, Jack McAlister. Tate tor 1951 as more units Georgia, Kentuckç. South Caro- Margaret Filograsso, Mae G. Tay-1 Douklae McDerinott. come on AY.un. Smear x111 Drvaf. (4ula. F.Arar AlcDermolt. Ilan BéTÌa -- lina, Indiana. Illinois and Florida. Burrows. Decker. RoaneY 9. b[c DermO[t. W'llllam G+rorp hire retired. lar, Lucille Hirsch. Edna`r: á Ile,ere,u. Mew. Karhardt hack in o Nnlana McFadden. Ben The show closed November 26 Equipment k Gantt, Frieda Rosep. kfelvina Wilson, Baker, A t:r0pory is Brlawlu, An P iPhlnkn .. at the Fort Walton, Flu. (Walton Ala., where the show has a 160- Mitzi Schlossberg, Theresia Robert Dlekenon. Andn.r Jaek, Jr. tan.r a loin building. In addition to the Lillian {4, County). Jaycees Fair after tour Geschrey. Johanna Moeller. earkrrtno0rdlnn DonMioo. Thomu S Mr of still Portemonts the self included -fed Polk. =++ell. Denta. rrhe Fr.nklln MaWMr of 23 fairs and nine weeks Kerwer. Bessie Clark. Rose N'elamoio lnhn ;;:m Woodward. general representative. Caroline Schultz. Virginia Carpen- SW*.Dovl. Ed T COla 1:11`,',V1',11,41,171 1Jeya Dunlmr ReY lack Vincent. Joe Spaulding and ter, Annelle Layoff. Evelyn oleo Fklelnzlon C Tnon .among the reg- 8eck, Ilob EIII.. Jami. Fred Cantrell were Sepanek. Anna Corrigan, Lillian ß11r4. I:awln N enall.l,.P.nn a. ulars hooking Luth the show. Vin- Bernice Berk wish perao ççyy A. & J. SHOWS White, I.eota Morey. Ralph Paar Ctlarie. fqu cent had the bingo. Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer. Martha Conrad, Winifred Alleno.Writing. Paul Farrinatnn, HeN,ert Meyer, Clos Out AO Winter, Heading South Char- Brllowe. Alan non-al Mll.neec. JosepSi Max Kirby had the food and Burke, Mary Spellman, Evelyn coning. albert M. Fa, doe Mlncr, acn C. 5 from Nasal Aern.1r,,177., Max Frre I. iherron rnv da,. blocks ley I and Joe S.,lladino Pash. Mary Mnler. BObh)' E. Brae ''Vil buy or lease 60 l0 90 Kw dmpkin Geraldine Muscarello, PIMtMr. Lennie Miller. Paul A. POmler Frncn MIIIlr, rom light Plant. Wanted CorKemiona and were major conccvnionaire. Lou Callbeck, Virginia Kline, Jane Beolhe. nanu ,fie, Want Cookhouse Mlt lin'bl. R.k net confiKUna Tubis. Grace Lynn. Viola Parker, trordr., Iwt. ,ó PÑdñ. hrtm`f1ÌOn4 AlonnhnP, VlntgOt t deehmv MOD Grind Sint, CON and e0n (:Iln. f:awrtr a ht,n ,arse a 11 Show. Matonie Tamal Nina Singleton. Sharon Horan. Bess Brrft' John OPN .tloon, lereer Jark Ivtìle lerfon Neighs. BMtnr. iOMlr nMluppo. Jack broom Ga,1., Stx Leah Marilyn Pone- arnwn. R. w vgg '. A11 rlCl,r, Hamid. Rosen, Celaee, Ro.n wl0ran. BnD Cnnnt -.- 1 C da< -10. MIDWAY CONFAB Ratet Kennels E. Luehrs, Mrs, J O lber Jem JERY LIPKO. A. L 1. SHOWS mont, Winnifred sonnt. nllver H. l, CWT.' ."4.71 Ivclah. f.eo Clara Campbell, Barbara McGin- BuMCr. n. C f0mon. Innd+ W.etbrook Harry Aullnek. .fuu, lta ,,tliket Ñür.'. cñirTi.. Aw BuNae continued from page 51 ley. Edith Thorman. Nancy Mc- anllnek. Nnberl aratu,OnC. Mrz. .\. P. Atarlhor, Phi w'ealman. Hamel A. Lucy Mete. RulMrk. WYall 8. nr.'OR GIPn Nacer. Jamen L. Wllbum. 8. Beath. Julia McKenzie. Dumprdnr.' w'1lllnm arrrn, /lohert R. eltOn J1m Wlkoz. w'Mn was the result of scalp injuries. Verna A BIIIY cwromcr, Lcwle E. Cmar11. FOR SALE OR TRADE Kate Potenza. Betty Carroll. Corolla. 77oPY rulln-ny, lVllllr R. N khol., Lre tV11A Honst apparently received in a slugging Hintre we1n Winkles, Flo Nachicas, Sophia Canwln. Troy A. aren. J 0 Nichol.. Aln. R. L. Wlide, which it c.ruNe seer. arloanpn '7? Connie Nlton. Ju.A WIIde. required hospitalization. Carlos, Gladys Dots'sw'ell. Antinette 1Y1zoA, kcal. hou CI.Maa L fora. L' Decker or Lelaal wan also reported that her car was core. T. a. atr No. tul dd Rohr, Alda L. McCue. Shirlet Hickett, Edward J. 07ran, fills A Mickey Han, neon. Harvey 4ifted of about ä600 worth of H. C,' cmrewt. Othkn, :irse Petty Murphy, Mrs. James Drew. i5 RÓinrd Ham1a. AI rNln,kl. A. &Sin. Yount. Doily clothing and jewelry. She would Malinda F. E. Farrow. rlamta. Mr. wla,idlne Toone Racer ROD LINK Drew. Mrs a,mrtrk Hnw.ra 1Theatïleal Oat., to like to hear from friends. Mrs. N. C. Taylor, Mrs. E. E. rn min Jr., w,rren PO,wrl Sohn e1,NnNMn, eertura 7911 1 W. lelh S,. Mìaml St, rit rra: Hiel;nar,trr. m, Pater. .SLthaal t. "Leto, y7ac[ Woodward CID/coed A. Personnel of Jim Steinmetes Groscurth, Winona c; ió;;,rk Lenor Peet. RlrhaM Znlll. Mrs. f. V. Hulule. Strange People Show which a P- peared on Powelson, Buck. Good WANTED trig and Blue Grass midways this April and closed at Vicksburg ,ear. included Ed Carmel, giant: Miss., in Equipment way RIDES AND CONCESSIONS October. Nehron. Menh Darr. Ave. 1.-Jr, nnlll Reagan. ossified girl; Elise returned to Ohio where Steinmet lan..r i.brllon in Wisconsin. H: r key, lion -faced girl; Andy Bris - Wright, Gabel and Conley stored CUSTOM TRACTOR Wr.1e or Pew. key, fire and ostrich; Frank Le- in A W. tYaNLOW it. with Gobel and Conley' stay v.. 1, Mire, Hindu torture; Sammy Wolf, on for ,sinter quarters work. pin cushion: Mary Parker. electric Al Schneide' thank Iron chair and blade box: John Bryant. CONCESSION TRAILER PAtI.INE: SKEIIHE('K snakes: Bonnie Cline and Jennie ..ner Sherd.. Amuumenrh Rose, batty; Blacky McCarne, teatM vlwN front; Ronnie Gobel and Hobart modern Nand.n nw u nhN. BASE -LINE MACHINE WORKS, INC Conley. "'few Money With Johnny tickets. and Paul Boliko careers BASE ARK. JOHNNY CANOLI and Toni Martin. canvas. Stan 8301 -LINE ROAD LITTLE ROCK, PhonaI wA[ saw, t wi e4te44341/ Wright joined forces with Stein- n.en e. /.. metz in mid -season to form a Strange Couple Show and reptile sao. a+miea exhibit. Wright also had the Lob- mua ver $10a0_00 REWARD ster Boy single -o -show featuring FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES ! 1au .Ye .n so pr,nnl Ober. Grady Stiles Jr. took Steinmetz lr MASS. time out to fly to New York NEW 910FORD, DICK COOPER WANTS - . - - WANTS - - WANTS to be with his wife, Barbara, for WEEK truie, t/pralval ártcleÑOM TepRoad Camtval For Its 41h ANNUAL CHARITY CIRCUS VUl.nCbplr the September 7 birth of a son. One of Now England's bore efin dater. A peoren money maser. Eagles lee IMnnled In 11 IWNe of indoor e d oYldeer eMractlenr. Write NAni111en 1 Richard Augustus. The erganira- Maea. 37109. NYMInefM, . V. JOSEPH aVRC[Sf 1R., 711 Inlntton H.. New aedlerd, Phone: WYman lion opened In Columbus, O., in BEST MERCHANDISE BUYS 54 THE BILLBOARD Communication, to 188 W. Randolph St., Chicago 1, III, DECEMBER 5, 1960

SUPER DEALI SPECIAL new merchandise for tomorrow's . . , CLOSEOUT I

Rubberr Inflates Er'. parade ©I Dr. hits S iambi ORDER 1 DOZEN .... 2.25 MESH PHOTO (DENTS 19" Deer ,. 4.80 Closlnp Ou, r ai.ranf.rd.Cnron, Plated. M.n.IMesh. FOR LISTING Jumbo 12.00 tO16C; Lad;.,: 2015C. $4.50 Dar. SEND NEWS RELEASE, GLOSSY PHOTO OR DRAWING TO

GET 1 DOZEN Parade of Hits, The Billboord, 188 West Randolph, Chromeplatd Expansion Chrom Plated Chicago 1. !DENT RINGS ADONIS LIGHTER 1111 SPICE SET MOLDER SET o. (',E FREE! I A molder 2161% $4 set that molds soldiers, cowboys, airplanes, rockets front and for FREE CATALOG and Information plastic. Operates on regular on SPECIAL SPINDLE DEAL house current. Has nine molds, five constructions, four charac- 'Pasco Pete Eclfeltptises, 9,1c. ters. Retails for 516.95. -Metal 2048 W. NORTH Ware Corporation, Two Rivers, AVE. CHICAGO 47, ILLINOIS EVERGLADE 4 -0244 Consisting of six miniature milk Wis. cans. this spice set is lhemcd to the dairy farm. Each can is of MOON GARDEN Nationally FREE GENUINE DIAMOND aluminum and nearly four inches with Your circle to Th. Rough NECKLACE tall. Wall bracket included. Re- Advertised Nand so l-24 karatVold. plled ehln. for 6 waICh03 tails 1 for $2.98. - Aluminum ELGIN Housewares Company, 811 Am- MEN'S and WOMEN'S bassador Building, St. Louis 1.

NEW STYLE r. -1 BULOVA WATCHES - TINT KITS Special Choice Lot w WITTNAUER "r,, Kits contain preshaped sections, tacks, set of non -toxic paints, Articles called moon rocks WALTHAM brush, full -color illustrated in- oT$3030 oT $49 rl which grow into outer space Ì structions. Six different kits of- 2.6% den. with all orden. Now garden of fantastic shapes and Csasl New Facesl All Standard l fered. Priced at 89 cents each. GRVEN anndsl Rebuilt to run like nwl =OW= '\\ brilliant color. Solution makes CHARLES SHEAR, Inc. CemPI1 ,th xPanalvn bantls. -Arrow Handicraft, 2256 West IS?. ca,h wilh oroer-bal,nc C.O.D, them grow under plastic dome 150 Pork Row New York 7, N. Y. Walnut, Chicago. BENRUS r- housing rocket and interplane- tan' Man. Retails at S_. -Has- Watches BOUNCER senfeld Bros.. 1033 Broad, Cen- M iftphi5, reinó tral Falls, R. I. _Gents' Wingard Walch . GOLD PLATE CASE SEND TODAY FOR YOUR FREE COPY SWEEP SECOND PENCIL SHARPENER HAND OF OUR GENERAL CATALOG GOLD PLATE The Donald Duck pencil sharp- BUYERS' IT IS i Otl' 4 EXPANSION BAND '.iII..1ILE ener. Pencil is inserted in Don- GUIDE llu,rrFIng rho arnal line of ImpOrNo end DOm11c PRECISION TIMED Novel.. end Nhonfilly Advertised Nm Stand Me, ald's mouth and his eyes blink WRITTEN GUAR Inc'udln0 Meuswars. EIt

ttlllt1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItS SPECIAL WATCH SALE *ow% MATCH PAKS - HOROSCOPE PARTY FAVORS r_ TICKETS ALUMINUM WATCH Z. Assfd Watches! p PHONE OR WRITE FOR FOR A1.l. OCCASIONS wtoh ear [ly ln,, Einova, / r ii. ari.n, EMPIRE PRESS, Inc. PRICE LIST AND CIRCULARS E. XMAS TREE HALLOWEEN-NEW YEAR'S 644 ORLEANS ST. CHICAGO 10. ILL. Ph. MOHAWK 4.4118 ST, PATRICK'S $39.45 j 1171 Ilka FREE AV.ÓÉCORÁTIDNCAT Rrbulll n / $4.90Each SENSATIONAL OFFER 100% PROFIT -MEN'S SHOES SEND FOR Oon b A n tl Intlnevd. 6!'2 foot 03001 -18 c. Xmas dimes. decor Gift boxe 507 r,ddltlnn BLACK RIPPLED SOLED pA r kIL SIgn a, Senta Faem. Ree YS7i rttb "'Mar bra complete with stand Bella, 7lasue Sant+ ele.Txe, i ntl black d brown cleat decor. CL.O,D. Sdlw moneYe/ve Sol, (deal for Slur/ end Home a "'rant; - VInVI Dpen = 46 Femplr -36.70 oer kls. SAM g7_f!. $1,35 a t seise Pr. [a/ WATCHES TRIPLE LOCK L -lE Pr L075 -JS t7 eh k1t. F I 007.. sin 1. uJ. +.elf n rlPVl soba- Pr coa CIJ. warnneu I / ¡ E FRINGE BRANCHES Sór'r Dnp., eel. C.O.D.. F.O.A. 73'J. 511.171 71J. Sl].fs. / each Pr. 61/2 to 11 L 7 le 12, Sips 25% Pop CAI, t Wella r:r ([w eJ/al:l- CATALOG , Bal. C.O.D., F.O.B. RODIN NOVELTY CO. LADIES' PLASTIC SLIPPERS PREMIUMS 1102 W. Whinlon &Md. OUR GREATEST LINE 1 d N COOK, Inc, cíLli i1. ú3` MIDWEST CO, 57.50 whit.- LIck -Llu -Red. éb Chita. r, M. Phone: CH 11060 WATCH Operated G Managed byy 2" PeMr u50ca Fo OF SENSATIONAL Ile V 5 5 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO 3. Ill. pr duc. "'I 00 L. NI Cook. Our unis Ioction. - PROFIT MAKERS PROMOTIONS n' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr LADIES' EMBROIDERED FELT HOUSE i 1 SLIPPERS NOVELTIES no MO Ales lard[ 450 WRITE TODAY dó'. Sips 5 10 10-25 dot. wr care GIGANTIC PROFITS ! and kg Kau 1 i 1 e w tarnl/h Prao? CLOSEOUTS Len RED BLINKING EMERGENCY FLASHES h wonder Netall Write by 4 /E C:uaranteod Sot to a / e w. syclwn $ wan banane$ \t / [arnnhl Full o[ L1( PICK -UP AT FACTORY! nItl 40 IGr. lots only> e20 JEWELRY- ! 5 Inc.COSTUME TO BONE! IALIMTIYE dos ti LMAX, ,11'10t-'1"49,7611! PRICES CUT COMPANY or--or tOhllel E. 51e Lh'l. 562 SOUTH MAIN 21" POI. S/nf 410. SO ds. en l ,FhnR S9.50 PLAID RUBBERIIED titi e, $1,20 en Ram._ 1.00 at. NM. Sane I/, Ingl MEMPHIS. TENN 5 sane. Claus 9 SHOPPING BAGS DIrmond Or. Le Sie Comic Tieer 10110dí. 40 Pct. Par case Nin. order I Gros, 25" Plush Combo alien. 15.00 dt. -Ilk Plush OaSS 5.00ás. BRACELETS WITH TEN COMMANDMENTS WE ARE MANUFACTURERS ALL AI :.m. $9,00 StIf CATALOG ADULT GAMES rCfR to 1 CL FREE! Each e 7nyetl on round IS KINDS PULL TICKET CARDS 60 sole Pipd m.r.l tor. Or. SPECIAL DEALS FOR BIG USERS! TICKETS tlOr. In dross JAR TIP BOOKS 1aonoNh Drool blrUr - PREE CATA LOO -1,000 Nw TeY- MATGN -PAKE TIP ROOKS Plush, Mach. SDe' Pri THE BILLBOARD CLASSIFIED -MERCHANDISE 55 DECEMBER 5. 1960 THE MARKET PLACE FOR BUYERS and SELLERS REGULAR CLASSIFIED ADS Wanted to Buy Arts, Songs, Cage display Fen line M 3 pt. sops balance m regular 3 pt upper and lows. OLI7-T7Ml: COIN ROLLWtl eOUVBNIR Sol In uruol wont -ad rtylo, on paragraph, no s., MtcNno r Mw. Mon M trl core. RAZE, 20c o word. minimum 14 CASH WITH COPY. rdtr Srná detenptlon ena n.hi,a Deldln[ 11, Port Nwark, N ri"-5, iMI .t.l- address. When using a IMPORTANT. In cost, be sure to count your nome and 1 U OTJ NG RMlrcA OLta.L ,..,,.. I determining U6U1 1-rf,.. include additional 25c r e, x naAnJK . Box Number, c/o The Billboard, allow six words for address and Goat Cart, nta.tiroo Pth4[ ar.,t 701r mewal Adventure Village. PlvesatlllÌid RHNn to cover cots of handling replies. J worth ri,. , , 1..EY. 1,1µIt a. . . L I,s ill i'.e ti tsew 7or. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS M.eM PEOPESSIONAL r ln sw Mr Attract more attention and podu,e quirks. and grater re.uR. Ikry th. uw of long.' type and white .pun.. yRorluart ltHYLrO, l mlab border on ode of one Inch or eNr L valRl Type u t 14 pt. r.nitled. No illustration., vet,t, or ether decorative matter. One et. rule Parts, Supplies Rrm, N. Y. 'IL;!r more. CAPSULE, JEWELRY - ASSORTED tA16 M[gte M tgt.oo: Nee1t Perdna. tî.]o ttprl RATET $1 per °pate llne. $14 Inch. CASH WITH COPY unless cr.dlt ho. been steb8lhd. Sn11[plré illnp, N.TS tro Cuft Lntsr, Agents, Distributors 1t.e0 a»r. ]0^r depoYl wllh nrdtr. Ne4 Items 8+Ir1eaA, 1NV ómpin SI., Prmidne, AICOMANIA TRANSFERS NOW OF- Est- ulck deUmmi FORMS CLOSE WEDNESDAY FOR FOLLOWING WEEK'S ISSUE Sale ten. M .mall suanulfts,m Routes For so attragUm mum plate med.. 22, O. Ur Peet SdvtHlrmnt. Skis Ì1n Yln- Correspondence to 2160 PATTERSON ST., CINCINNATI C Y p.heR) trtH1 our Send all Orders and l wan air orle e s and SI /`n . Mw es. AYrraOblle InttteL Lean. "nit-clam n. sp.,. sirs. "Rlco,` X4 Hwmn If, equipment Em ch tep tRerT : , o Rllluur Meurhewt4. CMctnnpU Z2, Ohl°. The FOR SALE- ROLLER COASTS. LOW MOD wIW trwrk. FOR SALE I Iewrf RoA nouer Cw.r, Louis E. CamDMra em Rareewead fL FAMOUS MFR. CLOSEOUTS Factory of nanufacluring Shoaling Gal Lout f0, Mo. [EYtrrntn ]- 7]07.1 OM Printing Used Equipment levies and supplier. Fully stocked, equipped FOR SALE: GOOD USED B DY S1.71 63.001n B11SIN&45 CARDS. CALENDAR BACK,ppt3.13 Amt rarrtrtn and ntobli.hd, .,ut..,fulty operated busI. éOR PALE- 11N'PINLS)fm uXif COOK f ourtsoee: uGoany t 'P)aThtrwas DHaaurboPINr CLoLI14Ar t1.73 D. R S on soso blue rtnv., ente° e d Pierced 4nMn, Art. ELM Ell by owner rrtb, CMrn[o nri. sine* 1117. Priced to ap-en +Winn, wI n . s.7yreY °St11 PMV Cal7]', e 0 each; 7ti111 Ch... MS; Rob Charm Bno.tte, Art. .SIM A $7.30 Da. heme, panela bolmm, trola, árMk ODno4. drlfl Pool, Aockat SwD. Pour Syr, ar2V.RDrins Da. who wishes to rotate. round T. A Cufflink. NM 63.73 $5.00 tent. o sods, f33o. Lee Lnan. Ho: ern Oalden BeIY. í13o, 81 6 AA N.M 0100 D. Ile. »elr.rulr, w ». Ttt'O.TONE PENS IMPRIXTED 10, d ire )rank wrH e. Isii We' ArL Mr H. W. TERPENING 7th fear res, twenty lets= per Ilne, I., [.cwlalawn Pa. VDOeD nlarc on 1bt Pork, Calif. 63la per 100: //uuuantTe. Hunrr gend for drMpar. Rt 137.13e Morino St. Ocean KW. lernln rslM, oa rtw!rY er tll duTl G -u TRAEN 7 YEARS otA ít.100 lo Prinitnf. 417 Owned, loin[. Trz TOR SALL-USED CIGARETTE MACHINES, en.. u,, aaodl wllb .rwr. D.. c.o.ñ. Ito A.C. 6enentor rM lkoa, íf00 H J YcR'hoHr, liaron, S. aIMk. 200 IlkXll LE-ITIRMEADL, MO aril a //ee3tlttÌVn lioe kÌéel reoHb liccuimi SAMUEL SILVERMAN L CO., INC. LAND SITE lopt bole for DS.tl6 nlscl r peu buCrenler, t136: T4cwumn Nowe, Ilk. new KIDDIE Fl uh. I PLAYS tnt. MaÌfo Prs., N6LB CIovM Ara., 1111; Is o Nn d onehalf d 1130 Wenminslrr N. revidenet, R. I. RURDY GLOM, MADE TN SPAIN: tn. Mlcblun. Nt{ k rSOe, 8d Ut AVAILABLE tut tunst; 9h lnr r Ul. WAtruotrolftd town, Ps. de D n L ee . AAA losa.1,n nn s hates hl MarnMg ey, Roekllrti l'oun.r, N. A edvlIn ct USED UPRIGHT WAGON aonIOV -LOI' PRICES: LADIES. CHI, Percera{o TOR SALE: SmoY, don. Men. Ment. S t ret ch. nllu orlfio GeNan Real. Tack. Rigging and Props WMeI. $123; BI[ lions, tl W: Gun and - or flat rrrtlal. 11100: feat. SIW: Sknl fhoot. ,1762 ] Pr 1 R AND CI'l'1' BIr be. don. mp MFICNANICAL elIOW: CIRCI!S BIC Double anA S 1pockedneMWIr n.urr. Aznur, 173; Super f175: CARLEO'S TRACK RABBIT r..mea en ]I-row arminnm UNICYCLES FOR SALE, 70 AND MINCH Dominoe.,173: SrwrWnan. 17áe. , Shot, f to YLTn1n731 ppaa led fnnt. onmhpltntr MWM modeh. An w AI Morten, 1 Wetorl Frans a a.7í dtpoist b Ge* dell sw. Tno. lie -Ket Tnek traÌler. 17./100. NCo Tohmv Rd, Covmtn, Cann. o.0 -h des 119M Slaver Ave., Fontan a', Calif. deS ILL W 41h SL, Leuictown, P. RC BE Won NyaM, M. Y. men,. D1d This Ad FOR SALE: WURLITZER 1100, W, CO. BUYERS rrted m 46 RPM. Uaed ('I{rtY Ma- ATTRACT YOUR ATTENTION? Mor115 MORE Salesmen Wanted 0160. Will Duv uwa Lous ml,hRllúnext101bl1s that towok rórr Ulnu 636 wYt uh end Will Stop and Rood Ftan. tvnet cuerrinl, su USE DISPLAY CLASSIFIED u bwid br mete. m H-O nun IF YOU'RE IN TER ESTER IN MAKING St., Gwtswp, Pa. d0 V IrctodN re Western Fnrt. LTreu.. In see hun°nda Or A war to mon attention meter tenter Tbl YOUR AD tellln.. lhr sure limai DO Model Rallwtr and hOreY pponunlllea In Salesmen i HAVE GOT TO CLEAN WAREHOUSE - end w un greater rm.. touren a tan moved nrwMn it you sit a 1+onaine. Sere name for 49't, Dt men In Othon Dualteer. It la öpUonalDDOrtunit sour Sllver Kings, $3.96' Mad. to tl. with rhandlw, M; new tiep B tie:n: St, M.60. Iau1M b 1h. Pocono Mountains In Mno- tale. Sunman Vea. RATE. $14 PER INCH lo 14 DISPLAY FricollrNUwutpwrtunliytiuNe N. péa¡po,re Oyer S00 me for rlyanl. Muet b swn ralln ]I, CIIItarO l0, ilf ap 17o,c., P. O. Box 10395, 8t. PelenbprE. Rule border permitted when untel ppnn4nual. Pnn H.S00. Wctl John Hudak. CLASSIFIED AD ose tree or mare. f77 Madlrn Ave., Srrrlon, Pa. RATE ONLY $14 per inch TOY MFR. SEVERAL USED PIN GAMES AND ?E6 LITERATURE, STUFFED Hock -Ote 1e21, Wurlllaer 101á T"" MIMICO IMPORTS SALES Want. Man wile elms/ rollow7n/ OurE 100. tebn tt. IErmp tDyyr TRAINS - ALL SIZES, GAUGES. TYPES; All Milan. Denny Erdel. Grand), DJISy \V. JO AY'r., custom bwlL Photo., deWb, CARNIES- PARKS -FAIRS V l+[1nL. OsYaY IIL Cob.., Porto -8í1t rad. Wn WMthroa, Rehoboth, Mms TMs del] tV make alas line Plush Toys and VICTOR It GUM AND CHARM MACHINES, ROLLFR RINKS %r and liberal ITEMS III YOUR HOME, Raf MIL. !00 co-uwnuos fer. leis f0 or on. $3.93; IM or mon, WILL YOU TEST CemI.t Tent Rlnk ä!'1wr. only for Wan. N. Mrz. LDtEonne eunn WILLIAMS TRAIN. SIDE WALL AND nmml 31.1q. CMr1eY \VINOn, Ctrtiror. 131 Plymouth N. Y. lair' home. siOY . e o T. Rharkeforo, OIX1C ÁINK SALIIS Steel Rho`` for Athltut Show.... Iradt MILLER, St., Brooklyn. KrL1. 101. Akron. Ohio. O. Be1tP 116 Rmrrn, ca. Box 177, R.R. 1. Mea as97e u2163 át.rawt WÌco°nafa7Y111er. .12 VOUR FREE CO /'V OF WORLD'S BIGGEST Wanted to Buy 2-2-3-01-0 wlyéusix1.f - enlTS, its.% Sale 11mmine lc.. you bow and where Ov.reota, góí Mackmawe Jk: flow., wn.n MOUSE, 60X90. t16AO0; ROAD\VAY mn n BIGI.FST PRICES PAID FOR YOUR ELM. kit: Ladltt Coat.. ]ór: bnrt ür. WALL INVESTMENT. SKATING RANK IN Rlde. 37AW: Sb t1//h4r, .300. All In tW .ea 1 td Tb :Hatt 1Ihaa 7 ptoA4. CarleF free. [sod dltPlpm xnllenl contrition. Playlowa P.», Mor- 1e770 Alltmn Pea 'oC ] 9Iá R'orlh' FtaTt::: rte.«, ]IOLAE Roorv.l Ruade n +ni d d tiocktO ónb ton. P. KI 3.7061. Tez ds u re[o t, tels temp Phone ÌeM. 1lolealeRid r 11 ñi 111tebIO. Tattooing Supplies Animale, Birds, Snakes Magical Supplies SPACESHIP FOR SALE WHEREVER MEN WALE Tun EARTH OR 11LPAGE G sail Mr was von will rind them Wonderful Mvertning medium. Will Out NEW 2e1., 71LÁ NOTICE! your Yte In °MIL Mad. of polished luml- YI alStTmRalA, rtn. 2rÌ. tattoo doll r. r. Latin[ for Mdi In Tebruan. EMI M Ken- um. power. by e7ogbß n on lite trip. W'lll bend -°Irk ] sir same Wanted to Book Miscellaneous Vus end ran Y It anJ tell oe sri w Cs. or write secrets BROKERS Miscellaneous CLEAN CARNIVAL. APpROXi 100 COMBINATION PHONOGRAPH REC +gyyorme l o. from huI..ali KNAPTON BUSINESS WANT m- Mlnqrtii tea. 16 Comma.). 7 Rides. Dledwe orde of your son(. {19.96. Melody r/nlltln d.rin wrttamJ. 7'111 act wIH ]117 H. iMn, "'' "1' 1: FT. or additional c.w.o. PSI} twk In WDmingtun aP roilmtrly p 6, r$ CIRCUS WAGp N CRAFTPRINTS, ": I Ceuny Pals. S L 7.9. 1961. C111 wAt powd without JAtkwn":-T Suyyyylln, lYvek Wheee for wa[en. Frank Swa %fo T1keWle, Trnn. 1TOn BurLl[ht ltltrrnrt.r, :f1» IWI. Addrtla sB g_r WtItom.Ñ ION Mrtr, ES!. n.Nne soar LOO. Rente L Nx 7t< vallatle. 9l` sects EleDbn4 91.30: GlrIf, ara itnfculan.drewood, ], 11.20: LOW, pair Vi2 TTT1Iir patt $1.90: This I. o Tamer, IOC: Mepanrtr Krewr. 63Y: Loo Lterntpre BPi.n: ,O. pLa y Anna Ilr aenuortn 17.96. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED AD \tollen Hobby Ibep Ile p , 107 R1 MIM MjL; Etq tari Lj T .4.711 nD 1. nitr Ia1 Frech. UVw 4, N. Y. AYAILABILITIES ,err eVn» M. ;ern'.N. Y. NTIWma 11160. dtl Your Advrlirement Display TUHNSTILIM FOR PARRS, SWIMMING LizALENT !777ì0N IN CAP. this sise will tort pooh, rIllet ant eoncrWon. tpdunrtw, MIT. RLTICULATFII M a .pm lea Metal r, L1]f Wrardolls uvly a . en MOO. em mar. Good feeder. t Cllr e. Mo. Oellor Kstq Roo to 3. Mot Mt, Tampa, Fns. only AL. roan,.. I'aonsl 4]M11. VENTRILOQUIAL COURSE. SECOND. $3. RATE: 10c a word, minimum $2. CASH WITH COPY. $14 per insertion MCrataRoutiine Business Judy: o IÌsitfree. Wit.' Set in usual want -ad style, one paragraph, no dis- Opportunities Wat MAJOR AND KIDDIE RIDES, wulog. Me. Fir., 624 W'nt 3rd. Waterloo, or cabri par mu/ Put M to wren...{. Iowa. play. First line in 5 pt. cops, balance in regular 5 pt. YONY.V MAKING TUN SPOT, LAND, .t an t N». own Mt awn brlldlrlg. inbul fuarMn: ewe man. act does reConlsN . H nSt. coodluan. oe Hu usfrman al the mPo ms upper and lower case. CCAASS Mss This t íWwH.iu tbmcd IUda Amumment Park, 11670 S. Gen vAazs .rVp. lctuOrcsU, m a a SLwnUnNc. 37í Oil °. dei9 Ron, Web. MA 4 -5313. bu. 6LLnWetwlb ,. Minn. Rd., LI P., IMPORTANT, In determining cost, be sure to count dY SEARCHLIGHTS ANTI PASTS. ..USED CM WARD ll T OLY fTMrry md C, F LCn and Gtneramn : eu e aEr NE.saaht s t r your name and address. When using a Box Number, nlr. Oct. 7. mark male whit.ppo0I .sen, right JEWELRY CLOSEOUTS ailtr. °i:'e..ewtirr:ieb enre. for and =l:: Name Snu[fl'. Ciar, Cott. do The Billboard, allows six words address Trim CronP 1t4f4 Wanin.ó l ú: 115 1]m D1., Souptweal. Blrmin[haID. N,. Ñpfenl4°°°ñé`dÁwec a117e 14097. include additional 25c to cover cost of handling ¡ FREE CATALOG Rate or Veroon Food and Drink replies. 416-Aut. 66b' Sloe 111091, k. S 4.75 Musical Instruments E102-Assi. 6.00 Concession Supplies E/tai ir, EARLY 1/711 CBYTURY CE.IA: PASTA 201-P1astk Wallets. POPPERS GARA rabet Saes. r bu d. eat; 1at, 6r 10.80 AHOIIT ALI. MAKI/+ OP YaStinro{ etear , hNl Muhlnee. re- lak .. nnyws Corn Itmenl, Floc Ceno 6.. Los Anaelu CWf. Acte and B-Reas E/rp, stc, ant k 12.00 ° I for tI PoD ra Rnrpr Miscellaneous Outdoor gLnmr0ern. tao { n.elee, rñlnte. ÌíL sels El-Tolland E/rp, asst. k 18,00 Personal Attractions E2-Slges i hail E/ryt est4, k 21.00 For Secondhand rF.MALL IMPERSONATOR ATT AVAIL ma" DltE EXTRAORDINARY - Rfb IDFR Sale- ADDRESS PRI aw Ior elub I>d Three end wMt. E130-RMnntem 0Eá. 30.00 SECRET MAIL ASAURM l.nt Dootln wlnntnS abet award tropnlr E/rgs, k. tag. x.rDor4r know'. L11n nnulia rouunt !n rnumbe ed t>roNe. Ltmnr not M U. S. A., tt him tee;tren fraurrA ;7, Show Property b roa pr°mpla In sVOnf. trenn alN 'our seem Foz Moreton Ind sil r 01-Odd Loi Brace d Necks, Et. 15.00 how You Nrolt11 tames. CTncleead 2f. Ohb. with 63 month. C, rout M Perron' Dre In n mol All AN KL C Nola.. N'alkts'tl, 8ok lrA. Psrrf mgt eRt in ttrblf Mana. Swept. Regular Price AULT Ira '1 r onwIR ,R' A t Mw-a, R'wl Ylrslnla. taM .raso Chal Patrolu {o 1 pnity T6í 25% D st Calate.. C.O.D. Eddt Wneel CID ad Recess lanc r evsnnrán MAN, s., smia D anrd for Su r Ma»at. UrtsIn p s Obi Aruttmse.. T. O. nt e3, Mu /PECIAL N0T1CL: lA URGENT THAT AY wr.nanMt ma.ta[tHi dluIfun Kllh saw ten, Parka, Falte, Celnhrllun. and 634 rwntaK at ann. Dpllw rafting ndrri'on. . dieWm, o. asf sal. parr Isurtnl holle. prole, rMH toa. PrffM does m°a7- ír0 NEW ENGLAND JEWELRY BUYERS rmp. R.0. sal, PoetssevllL, Pa Laaraenc). woo wFwunaM. Plorwa Cautajo SwNa1 o ptYTÚuo . {w e'"'s troWe -too 124 ,,ant.. Vlds.t. Haz Fa5'7. to 7bí 110- Empire St., Dept. 8 Nor.. R. I. TEAS= TRAILERS - DESIGNED AND boa. °. chrinn.0 n. owe. EX p1e7o. bWH r } as. aweUwUOaa. Ordrr Y ! wtAownbpr for artn[ diueerr.,dd YeuBrreulntrrrhte In MyKm (tL"lHnD.r, for frw lyda. JsUt ea.. Hex J, comma. eu: 17s. M. mrmbir.a. BUTTONS 6 FLASHERS el INDEPENDENT 111aAfe nrta, Renan. SLUM PLUSH KENNEDY Apt Fort START YOUR OWN WDIWII . FOR SALE-6:u TRAIN. COMPLETE WM. 1300 V1 :nn dYl 7íY Dtu On . 1M sn l a.ek Alw N ..1n Rmr. Photo Supplies and IrM 7í%y FInMn n M., Do L f nenre tC,ms 71 NIL14AN go!" 11 MEMPHIS TOBACCO CO. !00 NnnM Vol tartan. swe:oaYTmrbewd. a», ehr r env Nn es. u. elate. Sample. ettbe 4.10 Developing wk autlna sat. eaenmuame .mr,orrew Pier. r,r°w. INC. Any*". I1Ì1 In In woe Mt end ITN GOOD aOINT) 310 MONROE AVE., MEMPHIS, 15NM. Centet. f /NNI[ ETON[ Galalog nor. l"' rrisl 7. CII7. OEM /RAL PRODVCTt NOYEITES- 1O1S- 6AMES- SUMDRIES PMn1 st sHn 1 BULK VENDING Communications to I 8 8 Randolph THE BILLBOARD W. St.. Chicago I . Iu. - DECEMBER 5. 1960 'OPERATING AGAIN Nelson Wins Cadillac

DOGS. . . twelve beautifully designed pure- CHICAGO -Jack Nelson, pro41- dent bow -wows In this assortment for of the Logan Distributing bred Company, major bulk vending out- AN About Our Advertising Pay? let here, is Only $2,25 per M sporting a 1961 young collectors. MIS Cadillac, Nelson won the vehicle at the plated in 5M lots. Finance Plan vacuum recently concluded convention of Rake the National Association of Amuse- SURE LOCK, the perfect capsule. Patent No. 2762411. Has Answer ment Parks, Pools and Beaches at Outstanding items. Send $2.30 and receive 100 the bars, how dots alannv feel about Hotel Sherman here, when quality filled capsules. Contains our complal Ilse. someone prevailed operating again? "I like it a lot,' upon him to he Sind. participate in a drawing. FRE Illuatnhtl On Road v.aiure eñ:r,>'il The Circle firm has four men AUTOMATIC R ne ana Bulk Charms. The on the road in four Volkeswagens- \fanny has them fixed no the ma- chines can he fitted COIN COUNTER 1 n PENNY KING right on the inside of the vehicle. Company Counts and Wraps ¡coif. "We're still growing." he report - Á, \'1 2338 Mission Steel, PItt,bureh 3. Penn. ed. "I've got about nine store All Coins Fast d'ri q as Pep fVOrld'7 Largest SCieetlon or A /lnlotura Charma chains locations." Pennies -Nickels- Dimes- Otarlers One fill that IAanny is featuring ATLAS MASTER . . . Tho proved 1c -S. Vend* is imported cand0- "We are bring- ing in five different kinds from Holland." he said. "They are shaped like carrots, peas and other .vegetables and have jelly inside. They are moving pretty good." Time payments available on Oak machines Some Old Rake is some utilizing old equip- AUTOMATIC COIN All Oak machines are available with RAKE COUNTER through all distributors. MANNY ment. He has about 4110 U -Chew counts and And Wonder lc, 5c, Ilk and 25c coin mocha- wraps oertars, venders on location and says they dims, nisms or a combination Rickets, 'maim he. of Wonders look like new. easy, automatically and la 5c coin mecha- PHILADELPHIA -Manny Rake "We used theni up NEVER MAKES A MIS- pretty good," he said. "They N nism, and optional is a man who believes in advertis- only TAKE. End fuse, tam. SELLS slip clutch ing. Back in the operating business vend the five- eighth size ball guns." Wine and possible errors of slaw, aid lshlened FOR ONLY handle, once more after many years as a Manny is working on service station locations manual way of counting distributor, Manny has "a good at present. He re- sad wrapping ceias -ab. $1,00 ports collections from these places %Cute 100^'. ssure.. many" locutions in four States. IN IVE E AT URR so knows who are pretty good. The theory is that WITH A COIN COUNTER And just everyone plus Ric someone stopping in for gas while . y, ou co Plan operates the machines. Rake has his Pao Flat wneeppen er analog ced trade name on them. He puts it on on a long drive will want some- nwlar wuppen. by silk screen. Since the name of thing to chew. until they get to a his firm is Circle Vending Compa- restaurant. J. SCHOENBACH ny, he puts it on in the shape of a Manny's son -in -law is working with him in his newendeavor. Factory Distributor of calk and Bsll Gum circle. He ,Vendors, Merchandise. Part, Globes, Stang "It really dresses up the ma- is Harris Weinberg, who was in the Vendors, Folders, Cigarette and Candy Ma- coin machine business before join- chines. Santa,. Vanden and Sanitary chines," he said. After being a part- Mechandua. EVERYTHING THE OPERATOR ner with his brother Nat in the Rake ing up with his father -in -law, REQUIRES.

Machine Exchange for many Back Again - Coin 715 Lincoln Place, BROOKLYN 16, N. Y. So Manny Rake is hack operat- PRetldont 2.2900 ing once more. He started a good many years -ago while still in high Eppy Unveils school. He said the business is dif- Nkkilic8COSIMI8f410.81gaWtRacstrgmal ferent, now, rho. "It's all big busi- ness nowadays." But he did find Mustaches & one thing is still the same. "The Penny;' ?skinny Rake said, "is still Gold Birds king." Below are listed factory NEW YORK new charm authorized dealers. -Two items -a series of trophy birds and a plastic costume mustache -were bowed by Samuel Eppy and Com- pany last week. AMERICAN NUT LOGAN DISTRIBUTINOSCD. RAKE COIN MACHINE EXCH. 1061 Tremont Street Osso West DIvisen Street 6609 Sppring liudan Slce.r The trophy birds are of gold 0hlled.lphla, Pennsylvania Beaton 20, Mansachusettl Chicago 22,111001s plate and mounted on a black plas- BIRMINGHAM VENDING. SAMUEL 1. PHILLIPS CO. JACK SCNOENBACH tic pedestal. Eight different kinds 540 2nd Avenue, North 4372 Lindell Boulevard 715 Lincoln Place Itere Cornee the 8irmingh,m 4, Alabama St. Louis 8, Missouri Brooklyn, Naw York Of birds, or varieties to satisfy the BUYMORE SALES OAK SALES COMPANY SIEOFI OISTR. CO. LTD. most discriminating ornothologist, a6 Bayvlew Avenw 2033 Filth Avenue 753 Chatham St. are featured in the series. Prices Lantana, L. I., New York Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Montreal, Quebec, Canada are $10 to $13, depending on DALE DISTR. (B.C.) LTD. OAK SALES OF FLORIDA SOUTHERN ACORN SALES ordered. 1168 Seymour Street 1121 - 71st Street 526.30 Brune Avenue quantity BRIDE'S Vent ouver 2, B.C., Canada Miami Beach, Florida Charlotte 1, N..4 The tiny black mustaches ara de- GRAFF VENDING SUPPLY OPERATORS VENDING STANDARD SPECIALTY CO. signed to he worn by the tots and 2817 West Davis 1023 South Grand Avenue 1028 44th Avenue to all sorts of in- Dallas, Texas Los Angeles IS, Colirorma Oakland, Californie are hollow permit teresting manipulations. Price is 1 N. HUTCHINSON CO. QUEBEC VENDING CO. STAR VENDING SUPPLY CO BIBLE B. 1784 N. Decatur Road, N.E. 109 Commissioner St. cost 6327 Calhoun Road $6.50 to 58.75. Atlanta 1, Georgia Montreal, Quebec, Canada Houston 21, Talas Both charm items also have ac- All Dressed in IMPRONTO VENDING companying cótorful stickers which North 300 Gay Sleet OAK MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. to the globes Baltimore 2, Aeryland oak can be affixed 11411 Knightsbridge Ava., Culver City, Califon'. WHITE & GOLD BBB Warns South A 'Traasurad" Keepsake s12.50 per 1.000 EARL GROUT, who head. the 8,000-9,000 15.50 per 1,000 Against Blue Sky Vandell Company, Minneapolis, 1,0004,000 Vend , , . the Magazine of Automatic Merchandising the P.O.A. /.male,, New York. Managers of recently announced addition MOBILE, Ala. - Dellrary. In Immediel FEATURES Better Business Bureaus in several of a new route by the firm HUNDREDS OF MONTHLY warning persons the Midway district of the Twin MONEY- MAKING Southern cities are EPPY 6 CO., INC. eandv, aun, A SAMUEL that they should make a thoto in- Cities. Increased business was Huh N. Y. VENDING IDEAS severa... vestigation before entering the given as the reason for the¡ 91 -11 144 Piece. Jamaica Af, Tobacco vending machine business. expansion. sxix3i_ uigX.t>eR !100 New Products Cost you a fraction of a cent a the New Orleans Tanda J. W. Barr, of pleco whorl you ubscrlbo to Vond -rh Industry News Better Business Bureau, said that SAYS: magasin of automatic merchandising' Merkel Place altho the vending machine business H. B. "HUTCH" HUTCHINSON Editorials "the un- Fill In -leer out -moll todayl is itself entirely legitimate, Article. scrupulous minority in this field r about their inrnd- VEND Mao /Wm, Pallemos Clncinnll 22, Ohio conceal two basic facts Cyyntecr me far complale , 2160 Sr., ! and operations." Ndrh71 o tea Sixte Yea elan me UP sor Varad far Northwestern machines, sands Barr said: "The first fact is that and parts. Those machines are lcing en O 1 year U 0 3 vean 3l1 sell equip- the greatest for ease soh their true purpose is to It today?" IForeien rah, one year 1101 profit Why not do ment and merchandise to the per- 733 sons who answer their advertise- ments. The second fact is, that the handle complete an. of maelanne. Nema W charts, caDmle and ball aura stacked heavily against Dar.. Mande. sup Plier, Adtlreas cards are the success of the inexperienced B. JR.T, Cay Zone.... aleta H. HUTCHINSON, as person who purchases vending 1714 N Decatur Road, N.V. Occupation equipment and merchandise for the Phone) °Rake 7.4300 .'rnaa,.d of: INta,e of i BULK VENDING 57 DECEMBER 5, 1960 THE BILLBOARD

The Cot's. Meow For All YOUR MACHINES- BONGOS! NEW! NEW I NEW ! , 11u! CAT'S Kids. Teens. Aduo.. Obey ell want BONGOS! if EYE 2 -velar pleat. t to 1m $3.75 oat them. ICINGS ins nd up 7.75 per Mau vacuum plated with whin head., 'TraT STARE RLGt1T THROUGH I to tm $t2.50 per thee. YOU" 5m and up 11.00 per thou. Watch your machine% empty iftof your diatNbufor faster than ever with thew heautica in -cm. All Lida will wet to prat Eher Allracuve uggenheim inRa. argltantly wetuvm .toted 33 UNION SQUARE faceted er toweled 'pm Y. C. 3, AL. 5 -8393 Labels available N. N. Y. $9.50 per M Iloceled pant $17.00 per M llowebd y.,) Order hem your diNn3utes r: MANDELL GUARANTEED USED MACHINES

N.W. Med.l 1f. 1r or Sr /1% 50 74100e State ,, 551 roasts! St n Y. 11. fl C^,usndt OFFICERS AND MEMBERS of the board of governors of the newly formed Maryland N.W. Ir er St [emb. t7 00 N.W. 16COI. 1r Teb Oum Mathln.. 1/.00 Council of Automatic Merchandising, an affiliate of the National Automatic Merchandising N.W Matlel e)l, It Pert. Cen arted a.f0 Association, are: (standing) Herbert M. Beitel, NAMA legislative counsel, Chicago; Joseph g11W1 Kln la e.0. Or ON. ABT Ouna Harmon, Baltimore; Gordon Eldridge, Baltimore; Lawrence McNeil, Baltimore; Teddy Collier, MIII. 1r Tee Oum NEW COMBINATION! A

recording secretary, Baltimore, and Robert Piker, vice -president, Cottage City. Golden NonPanit Almond., S -Ie. c. Peth linf. Per le. a) Pl.fachlo Nu, lomeo Outtn Pad ) ACORN PtfaChlo Nul., JVmaO GVtIn, Whltt sa Plale.hb Nuh, lert Tulle ]0 Phh COIN MACHINES Communication. 58 THE BILLBOARD to 188 W. Randolph Si., Chicago 1, 1n, DECEMBER 5, 1960 15 Coin Companies Exhibit at Park Show By NICK BIRO gan, skee ball; Keller Manufacturing Company, basketball oonneottons whatsoever, and is unusual game; and Standard In that it offer* CHICAGO- Several brand -new games and Arcade Harvard Metal -Typer, disk- punching moving target, (that move unit. when they're hit), scoring pieces highlighted what turned out to be a surprisingly changes, and rating changes (rating the shooter a sharp- coin machine the Chicago Dynamics strong exhibit of equipment at National shooter, vigilante, etc., depending upon the score). and The new Chicago Dynamics ray gun operalea on an Association of Parks, Pools Beaches convention at the Servicing of the game is aturkly simple. The entire electric eye principle with no amplifiers or tubes. It is Sherman Hotel here last week. set gun housing can be !lipped out from the at 10 -cent play and the gun's firing speed can front of the No less than 15 firms exhibited coin machine lines. be adjusted machine and the entire target mechanism to fast, medium or slow speeds. Moving targets include is easily re- And attendance. while consisting mainly of park, Arcade movable from the rear. These are the only moving part,. four animals on a star wheel plus a bull's -eye. The gun also The and carnival people, did include several large coin machine unit has a wooden frame, steel front, and plastic distributors, manufacturers' representatives and has a recoil action that adds a touch of realism. top or head. It sells even a Servicing for $225. Frantz also showed its handful of operators. has been simplified with a pull -out drawer Rifle Sport shooting gallery. housing the entire target mechanism. The unit itself is The Mike Munves exhibit included New Items relatively light and the gun several new items target can either be set on a including a Bimbo Box, animated music New equipment included a ray gun by Chicago stand. as it was at the box from West show, or mounted on a wail. Germany; Reacto. a drop. nickel reaction Dynamics; a mechanical gun by J. F. Frantz; a new pool Chicago Dynamics -testing game; and also showed its Duchess and Duke Twirlybird, a kiddie ride. table by Irving Kaye; a cruiser -pilot drive -it by piece long -howlers, including a new coupon -dispensing device on The Bitnbe, three new Box is modeled after a traditional Capital Projectors; Arcade pieces by Mike the Duke. The device can be set up so that a player auto- American juke box and houses an eight -man, Munves; a voice- recorder by Williams; a miniature bingo - matically collects coupons for high score. The tirni or more also accurately, eight -monkey band that hops around and plays type gaine by Redd; and a card vender by Exhibit Supply. had its Commando gun, Pony Express gun, and a proto- instruments while music is played from a tape. The Other firms showing their lines included Auto- Photo, type of a coin -operated tape cashier or ticket dispenser. plays about eight different tunes without photo and recording machines; Tusko, three kiddie rides; Frantz repeating -all Gun carnival -flavored. The unit is about five International Muloscope, photo machine; E. A. feet high. two feet Hanna J. F. Frantz'.s new mechanical gun game is called wide and two feet deep. vender; and sells for $495. Corporation, plastic photocase Philadelphia Tobog- "New Frontier." It operates at a nickel, has no electrical LOCATION OWNERSHIP THEORY ATTACKED 2 W URLI TZER CO. Stout Hits Location EXECUTIVES ARE LOST OVER LAKE Phono Ownership CHICAGO -Two top Wur- lilzer Company executives are PIERRE, S. feared to have perished in D.- Gordon Stout, prominent local Lake Michigan. They are operator and long- time board James E. Rolfing, executive member of the Music . Operators of vice -president, and Robert America, took sharp imue with Bruner, controller. The pair. a recent Billboard story (November 21) in which the views along with Ray Greenwell, a C. of a prominent, but unnamed in- pilot, took off in a company - owned airplane from Meigs ' dustry spokesman were voiced. Crux of these Field here Tuesday (30) en views was that the operator's routa to company's De function should be pri- the marily that of while Kalb. Ill., plant. At press tinte service, the location should its no trace trio or the own equipment. of the The body of plane had found. Stout's comments been Shortly follows: after take -off, Greenwell had "I'm shocked at the story and radioed Meigs that he was re- sorry you saw fit to publish it. turning because of rough We operators are already being weather. That was the last subjected to out -of- State, fly -by- radio contact with the plane. night. self -styled distributors in- Federal Aviation Agency offi- vading our locations and trying cials said the plane, a ttvin- to sell them reconditioned machines engined Piper Aztec, made a Gordon Stout at fabulous prices, often getting pass at the did not field, but the job done. touch the ground. That was solution. His theory was tried and "To these, this story in The found wanting in the early days the last seen of the plane. of Billboard is a much better plug The craft then flew over the the industry; that want still exists than their own newspaper adver- today. want absolute need lake in an apparent move to That and tising that but a few of our local gain altitude for another land- CHICAGO is prompt and dependable service, DYNAMIC'S new ray gun operates on an electric eye newspapers will even accept. arts ing attempt. Rolfing and Bru- with knowledge of the practical principle, featuring o four- anlmal moving target plus o bull's -eye. and skills of the op- ner, both headquartered in De I agree that the story quite business -the The unit was first unveiled at the Notional Association of erating business please. Kalb. had been in Chicago for factually describes the plight of if you Amusement Parks, Pools and Beaches show held in Chicago's and manufacturer. "From 20 years of practical a company meeting. the operator the Sherman Hotel last week. (See separate story.) However, I do not agree with his (C.,rilir;;

By DELORES POE Congress may introduce similar course, in the hands of Congress. legislatiòn. Once the proposals Legislation of this type has been Operator Status Shifts the WASHINGTON - When have been introduced in bill form, proposed in each of last two Con- members of the 87th Congress NEW YORK "I don't agree tract, you may have to pay for an they are referred to the Commerce gresses, but failed to see action. - arrive in the National Capitol next with Mrs. X's formula for the coin installation and then wait for your Committees for study and com- Under law, if u bill is not passed by month, one of the first [natters be- trade," Mrs. Amelia Miller Mc- money out of collections. In coun- ment. both houses at the end of a two - fore them will a said here week. Mrs. try areas where income would be be Justice Depart- It is impossible to determine how year session, it dies and has to be Carthy this ment elected presi- low and service would he high be- proposal to tighten the John- far -reaching the proposal might he reintroduced during the next ses- McCarthy, recently son anti -slot Coin cause of mileage, we would soon machine act and to until it has been formally intro- sion. dent of the New York State be replaced by every- handyman ban the shipment of gaming pin- duced to De- During the 86th Congress, simi- Machine Association, was referring Congress. The Justice 'Mt. Fix -It.' balls in interstate or foreign com- partment were Sena- to an article in last week's Bill- and would say only that it will lar bills introduced by Bowery Level merce. tighten the registration require- tors Magnuson. Frank Church ID.. board. detailing a possible future A the "You speak of a city firm that spokesman for Justice Depart- ments of the Johnson :ici, make it a Idaho), and by Representative Har- structure of coin industry. ment told the was the sug- services games for operators at St The Billboard Thursday criminal offense to ship gaming de- ris. They differed somewhat in Crux of article (1) that the proposed the prime per week, where he gets all that legislation vices in foreign as well as domestic phrasing, but all would lion the gestion that operator's has already become one of servicing location's business on one deal. been drafted and sent commerce, and make the shipment shipment on panting pinballs in in- function for a Picture soliciting and competing to the Vice- President's office. of gaming pinballs illegal. Other terstate or foreign commerce. The and programming on specific the basis location, with each location singly? That would Under procedure followed by are also Church bill carried a provision ex- weekly fee per areas "under study," the bring the operator down to that Congress, the measure will be re- -type pinballs equipment ownership solely in the spokesman said. empting amusement 'bowery' level." - - circled by the presiding officers of Apparently, the Justice Depart- from federal fire. Magnuson's bill hands of location owners. "It the two Legislation -wise, according to houses when the law- ment will really push for approval was introduced at the request of the would still require a close associa- makers set Mrs. McCarthy, things would ho convene next month. Later, of the foreign commerce angle. Justice Department, and aimed at tion of operators who could It will be introduced as worse than ever. "What business in bill forni, Last month, some of the Depart- tightening up the record -keeping re- and enforce rates and standards most likely do you know of that is more by Sen. Warren Mag- ment's agents seized about 400 slot quirements and registration of deal- in other businesses," Mrs. Mc- nuson (D.. bogged down with red tape and re- Wash.) and Rep. Oren machines for London ers and as required under Carthy asserted. "The basic rea- Harris (D., headed on machines than the bar business," Ark.), chairmen of the grounds that the shipper did not the Johnson act. The Harris bill son for our plight Is the failure to strictions she asked. Commerce Committees of the two register them was basically sane as Magnu- achieve this goal. for overseas delis-cry. the industry has failed to come houses. son's, but would have allowed "Ways to abuso this formula "This Final Action with the proper leadership. The Other Bills Final decision whether "States," or "sections States" that would soon be found." she con- up on or not of (Continued on page 70) However, other members of the proposal becomes law is, of /Con tie+ <,i , nqe 70) tinued. "To gain that service con- THE BILLBOARD COIN MACHINES 59 DECEMBER B, 1960 Miami Distrib Hosts SEE Seeburg Showing MIAMI -The Miami Skyways 4 Motel here was the scene of Simon Wolle Distributing Company's re- NEW cent showing of the Seeburg Model 160. Buck Ward and Dick Gibbons hosted the affair in place of Simon VOICE Wolfe, who was at a Seeburg show- ing in New Orleans. -o. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Gleason Stanbough, Mr. and Mrs. "Snooty" Stanbough, Florida Mu- sic Co West Palm Beach; Gordon GRAPH Williams. Steve Sawchuck, Reliable Music Co., Fort Lauderdale; Mr. %a!î/4 and Mrs. Joe Best, Bill Stackhouse, construction Is moving Into the final phase, as the exterior GOTTLIEB MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Flamingto Music Co , West Palm should be finished by April 1. The nonsectarian of the building hos been completed. The prolate Beach; and Duke Luker, veteran ELECTRONIC Mfg. Corp. community hospital, In a West Chicago suburb, was Initated four years ago by David Gottlieb, operator. for 4242 W. Fillmor St.. Chicago P. IN. prominent game manufacturer, whose family foundation contributed more than $750,000 Also, Mr. and Mrs. Edward was when Mr. and Mrs. the 120 -bed Institution. First scheduled event In the new building Wednesday (201 Carbon, Detroit; Doris Shapiro, Mr. and 200 businessmen and staff physicians heard progress reports. Willie Blatt, Mn. George King; Mr. and Mrs. SHAFFER Johnny Rizzo. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Blatt, Willie Blatt Music Co., Mi- PECIALS ami; Mr. and Mrs. Al Underwood, SEEBURG Canadian High Court Defines Al's Music Co., Fort Myers; Mr. 222 -5H (Stereo) ....$825.00 and Mrs. Lucky Skolnick, Lucky 220 -S (Steno) .... 775.00 Amusement Co., Miami; and Mr. VL -200 399.50 and Mrs. Bobby Schwartz, B & B 34100 -C 345.00 Coin Bowlers as Legal Games Vending, Miami Beach. M100-I3 .. 265.00 Also, Mr. r. "d Mrs. Dave Fried - AMI

an, Dick Daddis, American Oper- 1 -200 $675.00 OTTAWA The acquittal of by a player inserting 10 cents in a to two by the Supreme Court. Call- - ing for dismissal were Mr. Justice ating Co.; Harry Zimand, Eddie 1-120 ...... 650.00 John Topechka, of Edmonton, on slot. 295.00 by the Alberta Robert Taschereau, Mr. Justice Dee, Acme Music Co., Miami G -200 a charge of operating a common He was acquitted F 275.00 Mr. Justice Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hermetet -120 gaming house was upheld today by courts. The attorney general ap- Ronald Martland and were Mr. Frenchy Amusement Co., Miami; WALL BOXES the Supreme Court of Canada. pealed to the Supreme Court of R. A. Ritchie. Dissenting Mrs. Arnold Rogan, Ar- Seeburg D3Wa 12001 $79.50 The main question in the case Canada, arguing that Topechka was Justice Wilfred Judson and Mrs. Mr. and G. Fauteux. nold Music Co., Miami; Paul Pin- Seeburg 3W1 11001 .. 47.50 was whether a miniature bowling guilty of keeping a common gaming Justice 64.50 Mr. Justice Taschereau said the cus. Whitey's Amusement Co., Mi- AMI W -200 machine operated by Topechka was house because the machine was not AMI W -120 39.50 bowling machine "pro- ami Beach; and Mr. and Mrs. " a slot machine as defined in the used for vending merchandise or miniature James Manning, Manning Music Criminal Code. and therefore il- services. cures an innocent amusement to is not within Co., West Palm Beach. legal. Skin Necessary the operator, and this SHAFFER han act." added: And, Berlin Saunders, Broward Topechka was charged after po- Mr. Topechka contended that the the of the He "What. the law forbids is a ma- Music Cb., North Miami; Mr. MUSIC CO. lice found he had placed e 'Ten machine cannot he classified as an devices or ant; Mrs. Eddie Leopold, Mello Writ for III d Strike" howling machine in his bil- illegal slot machine because skill is chine that by electronic Phan Cateo other means defeats the ability of Music Co., Miami Beach; Mr. and liard hall. The machine duplicates necessary in its operation. 849 N. High SI., Columbus 8, Ohio the player to obtain favorable re- Mrs. Harry Baron, Mark Balken, the game of ten -pins and is operated The appeal was dismissed three Phone: AX 4 -4614 To be within law, the Miami; X. Y. Zeverly, Radio Cen- sults. the Offices In Cincinnati and Cleveland player, must control the game, and ter Music Co., Miami; Walter Kar- not be at the mercy of a machine dys, S M Music Co.; Mr. and Mrs. whets answering ads . . where skill is not the only element, Murray Gross, Murray Gross Mu- SAY YOU SAW IT IN REPORT FROM BRITAIN as it is in the present case." sic Co., and Mr. and Mrs. Al (Cw,tinl:l'(I on page 67,) Casola, Al's Music Co., Miami. THE BILLBOARD! Shift Bal -AMI Outlets "r LONDON -A reshuffle of Bal -Ami distributorships is now taking Another Reader -Advertiser Benefit of the place. Part of the reason for it is the fact that at least one main distributor has decided to go all- American. and handle only American juke boxes and fruits. He is Bert Permit. who held Bal -Ami dis- tributorships in South Wales. Monmouthshire and the West Country. His territory has been taken over by the fast -growing firm. Sales Agencies Ltd.. Gardiff, the managing director of which is Maurice NEW BILLBOARD Collings. In view of the possibilities in Bal -Amis all British Silver Queen fruit machine and New Yorker rane of juke boxes, the firm has also decided to appoint two more main London distributors. The first Exclusively for the Music -Coin Industry of these is World Wide Amusements Ltd.. (managing director Warner Fos) with extensive premises in the heart of Mayfair. The second is expected to be announcd next week. Service Depot Opened CHERTSEY -The Ridgeway Engineering Co., a rapidly expand- Greater Economy for ing manufacturing and distributing company which has its main factory al 32, London Road. Chertsey. Surrey. has opened an extensive service depot for juke boxes, fruits and amusement machines at West "Spectacular" Advertising Isar End Yard, Park Road South, Havant, in the heart of the South Coast who has 32 amusement area. Manager at Havant is Jimmy Scragg, Insert in years experience in the coin business. advertising Billboard -o growing trend among the most aggressive companies Las Vegas Opens Parts Co. in the business -will earn worth -while ems LONDON -Gabe Forman, who heads Las Vegas Coin. in Lon- don's Soho, the firm which bas sole U. K. importing rights for Mills production economies in the new Billboard. Bell -O -Matie slots, has established new subsidiary company under the title of Las Vegas Parts and Service Ltd.. at 21, Poland Street. A shorter run -because Billboard Music London. He has also had the benefit of an instructional visit from the well known Mills factory mechanic from Reno. Edward Kemp. Week will be restricted to music-coin Business at Las Vegas is excellent. readers -will save as much as 25% in Conversion Firm Founded printing and production costs for insert BIRMINGHAM- Bonner and Machin are well-known nanses in advertisers. the coin ni. chine business in the Midlands of England where they see main agents for Rock -Ole, Rotamiat, and Mills Bell.O- Matics. They have just been joined on the board of a new company. B & M. Watch for the Conversions ltd., by George Davies (ex Chantal factory engineer) and Frank S. Wallin. The new firm will provide convenions and service to other firms in the Midlands. NEW Billboard BILLBOARD Birmingham Firm Expands Coming January 9 MUSIC WEEK r BIRMINGHAM- Autopur Ltd., is also expanding. It is due to _open large. new workshops and showrooms at 9, Coleshilt Street, . . . Music -Phono Merchandising - Birmingham 4. The company will make a special (canoe of American bowling alleys, ranging from 16 -foot coin-operated ones to full 60 -foot M1MN'r alF, sh Ilat tFA. . . . Radio -TV Programming vending a4 MO Irh IM1 aMethly fruits, games. and a full range of l alleys Tba firm also haudles parkalW tey,Pompe, W woo ile Juke Box -Game Operating equipment, including the Eurovcnd milk vender. IaaaMt a! II pNkark M its e.. . . . MACHINES THE BILLBOARD 60 COIN DECEMBER 5, 1960 The Billboard's Coin Machine Price Index

Listings represent used machines in average condition intro- Quotes are received and averaged monthly. Listings should be duced from 1954 thru mid -1959. Price quoted on each machine used only as a general guide, since machines of identical type represents the average of quotes to operators by franchised dis- and condition may have considerably different values in differ - tributors in three geographical areas -East, West and Midwest. ent areas. i

1500 1104). 1952 0 90 UNITED GOTTLIEB Reno 10 57 S 75 Deuces Wild (Kaye) St. Christopher (Mute) MUSIC 1500A (104). 1953 125 High Advance 6/59 .... 5 625 Ac. 2/57 ....5 80 Rocket 11/59 185 10/58 100 12/56 195 1600A (48). 1954 265 Atlas Shuffle Alley Add A -Line 7/55 ... 70 Satellite 6/58 125 AMI Dodge City (Fran) Satellite Tracker 1700 (104), 1954 255 8/58 405 Annabelle 8/59 ... 230 See Wolf 7/59 175 12/58 .... 100 03-L) 12/58 395 D-40 140). 1951 S 95 1800 1104). 1955 320 Bonus Bowling Alley 2 Around the World 2 Shamrock 1/57 100 Drivemob)le (Mute) D-80 (80). 1951 130 3/58 510 7/59 Scramball (Keen) 1900 (104!. 1956 395 300 Smoke Signal 9!55 .. 75 6/54 8/58 33 E40 (40). 1953 130 2000 1200). 1956 405 Bowling Alley 11/58 225 2 Atlas 5/59 290 Soccer Kick-011 Sib Inning (Un) 8 /SS 135 8utld -Up 5 /58 200 Shooting Gallery E-80 (801. 1953 170 2100 (2001. 1957 . 465 Auto Race 9/58 70 3/58 125 Golf Champ (Bally) (Exhlb) 5/54 70 a- E-120 (120). 1953 185 2150 (2001. 1957 460 Capitol Shuffle Allay 2 Brite Star 4/58 205 Spot Peel 6/59 185 ... 8/58 175 6 /S5 195 Shorlslop (Wme) F-40 (40). 1954 200 2250 12001, 1958 575 Classy Bowler 7:'56. 80 Starftre 3/57 100 Grandma Fortune 4/58 Clipper 4/55 150 4 215 F-80 (80). 1954 270 2204 (1041. 1958 . Contest 10 /58 315 Steeple Chase 11/S7 110 . 610 .... 5/56 140 Cyclone 10/58 400 Sidewalk F-120 (120). 1954 305 2200 (200). 1958 645 2 Continental Cave Super Score 9/56 95 Engineer Gun (Gene) Deluxe Bowling Alley 7/57 155 Ciub (Wms) 4/55 70 G-40 (40), 1955 250 2300 -S (200). 1959 875 4 Surf Rider 7/56.... 90 245 1/58 300 7/57 Criss Crees 155 Sky Raider (Un) G-80 (80). 1955 330 2300 (2001. 1959 805 3/58 .. 3 -D 11/58 ... 130 Deluxe Flash 6/59 SIS Derby Gunemoko )Bally) 10/58 275 G-120 1955 365 2304 Day 5 /S6 . - 65 Three Deuces 8/55 ,. 75 (1201, (104). 1959 745 4/59 ..... 220 Deluxe Shooting Star 2 Double Sky G-1201 1958 365 2304-S (104). Adler 1/59 245 Tic Tac-Toe 1/59 160 Rocket (Gene) (120). 1959 810 6/58 130 ... 2 Duetto Heavy Hitler (Bally) 5/55 65 G-200 (200). 1956 350 2310 (100), 1959 790 3/55 80 Tim- Buc -Tu 1/56.... 90 Dual Shuffle I /59 445 3/59 265 Easy Space (Gene) 1956 350 Aces 12/55 60 Top Hat 2/58 135 Age G-200-1 (200). Duplex 11/58 .. 600 2 Fair Hercule (Wms) 3/58 198 G-200-2 (200). 1958 350 Lady 11!56 .. 110 Turf Champ 8/58 170 BOWLERS & SHUFFLES Eagle Shullle Alley 3/59 335 4 Falstaff 11/57 245 Space Gunner (Bally) G-200-3 (200), 1956 350 5/58 385 ... Wonderland 5 /55 SO Hi -Fly IGenc) 4/58 35 S /S8 2 Flag -Ship 1/57 145 ISO G-200-4 (200). 1958 350 BALLY Flash 8/59 450 Horoscope Fortune Special Deluxe ABC Bawler 7 /S5 S 210 Frontiersman 11/55.. 65 G-2005 (200). 1956 . 350 4 -Way 11/59 555 Teller (Cenci 9/57 150 Baseball (Wins) ABC Bowling Lanes 2 Gladiator 1 /58 105 14200 (200). 1958 535 Handicap 9/56 250 ARCADE & NOVELTIES 1/54 12/56 225 50 2 Gondolier 8/58 210 Hydro Duck (85W) H-120 (1201. 1956 475 Handicap 11/59 745 ABC Champion 10/54 130 Spook Gun (Bally) 440 Gypsy Queen 2/S5 65 11-100 1100!. 1956 9/57 410 Hi -Score 13/57 220 -Star Baseball 9/58 170 Harbor Lites 3/56 '60 All Fighter (Wms) 445 ABC Super -Deluxe let 11-200M (100). 1957 'limbo Bowling Alley 1Wms) 4/54 S 60 Shooting Bowler 9/57 290 Ht Diver 4/59 1,950 10/54 125 portland I.2001200). 1957 650 8/57 435 Aqua Duck (Cone) Gallery (Exblb) ABC Tournament 4 labile. 5 /SS 150 let Pilot (CC) 5/59 220 1-200 (200). 1958 630 Jupiter Shuffle Alley 2/S5 155 11/54 85 6/57 .. 315 Lightning Ball 12/59 255 575 9/58 185 Aria Photo Model 9 995 joker Ball (Mid/ 1-120(120). 1957 All -Star Bowler Squolts Water Polo . -- 725 2 Mademoiselle 10/59 1-100 1957 520 12/57 115 League Alley 8/59 Auto Photo Model 11 1.845 (Agua) 5/57 960 (100). ... 11 /59 1-200M 1958 535 All-Star Deluxe 2/58. 125 Lightning 2/55 145 Auto Test (with sound) lolly Taker (Wms) Sportsman (200). 4 Maieetic 4/57 250 (Keos) Bally Shuffle 1/50 45 (Cap) 8/56 .... 295 10 /5S J-200 (200). 1958 750 Midget Bowling Alley 11/54 85 Bally Speed Bowler 2 Marathon 110 3/58 150 Auto Test (without Jumbo Teo Pins 1-120 (120). 1958 700 11/58 Star Slugger (Uni 390 Niagara 11/58 385 2 Plank 6/58 220 eowed) (Cap) 9/58 245 (Wme.) 3/58 (100), 1958 590 Blue Ribbon 4/$5 150 4/58 125 I-100M Queen of Diamonds Auto Test Turnpike Challenger Pixie Bowler 7/58 175 lumber Ten Strike J-200M (200). 1959 620 9/59 805 8/59 225 Tournament (Cap, Slate Fair (Gene) Club Bawler 2/59 475 Playtime 6/58 630 IWms) (3/58 !00 1959 69S 2 9/58 1.295 7/56 180 1-120 (120), Congress Bowler Race Time 3/59 250 Regulation 11/55 240 Jungle Gun (Uni 7/54 000 1-100 (100). 1959 580 7/55 220 Rainbow 12/56 85 Bally Target. (Bally) Steam Shovel (CC) Royal Bowling Alley 10/59 325 5/56 J-200 (200). 1959 760 Deluxe Bowler 4 Jungle Hunt (Exhlb) 93 Club 12/57 415 Regtstor 10/56 100 3/59 520 Ballooeomat (Cap) 7/54 175 Rocket Ship 5 /58 155 aper Blg Top Gold Medal Select Play 6/56 165 . 12/54 85 4/55 135 Or. Auto Teel 'Cap) (Genc) 12/55 173 ROCK -OLA Shooting Star 4/S8 125 Rota Pool 7/58 160 Jumbo Bowler 8/55 245 Bang- ORama (Mute) 12/56 155 120 Super Home Run (CC) King -Pin Bowler 9 /S5 235 Shuffle Playmate Royal Flush S /S7 4/57 75 1438 1120). 1953 S 85 Kayo Hockey (Kaye) 3/54 50 Lucky Alley 8/58 535 2/59 60 2 Sea Belle. 9/58 110 1438 (120). 1954 220 Bel-A -Scor. (Evan.) 58 120 Lucky Shuffle 9/S8 380 525 Silver 10/57 155 2/54 75 Super Pennant Base 225 Simplex 4/59 1442 (SO). 1955 Monarch 11/59 490 King of Swat ball (Wass) 1/54 50 Six -Star 11/57 315 Sillln' Pretty 11/58 190 Batter Up ICC) 4/58 150 (Wms) 1448 (120). 1955 260 Pan American 6/59 635 5 /SS 110 70 Super Slugger (tin) Speed Bowler 11 /S8 335 Super Bonus 9/55 190 Slugglri Champ 4/S5 Bolting Practice 1448 (120). 1958 370 7/55 SS Star Shuffle 9/58 345 Team Bowling Alley Southern Belle 6 /SS 60 (Bally) 8/59 300 Kiss -O -Meter (Exhlb) 1450 1120). 1957 330 12/56 .... 11S Suike- Bowler 11/57 250 4/57 245 Straight Flush 12/57 155 Big Inning (Bally) Super Star Baseball 1956 275 1452 (S0). Supor Bowler I /58 120 5/58 210 (Wms) 1/54 , 50 Team -Mate 12/59 720 Slrafghl Shooter League Leader (Keen) 1454 (120), 1957 415 Trophy 4/58 445 4/58 3-Way 8/59 500 2/59 200 Big League (Wms) 95 Swam) (Mato) 4/55 350 14550 (200). 1957 460 6/54 35 Maler League CHICAGO COIN Top Notch 11/55 205 Sueehine 9/58 185 (Wms) arger Roll (Bally) 14550 (200). 1957 450 Big League Baseball 4/54 4 Score -Board 75 1/58 145 All Star Team Venus 4/55 125 4/56 35 1458 (120). 1958 540 (CC) 5 /SS Bowler 11/55 100 Zenith 5/59 455 2 Super Circus 9/57 200 Model 500 Shooting 10 Commandments 0 Big Top (Cone) 11/54 155 1462 (50). 1958 375 Gallery (Exhlb) 195 Blinkar 8 /55 180 4 Sweet Sioux 9/59 (Mulo) 12/57 Bike Rare (Many) i 1465 (200), 1958 570 Bonus Score 5 /5S .... 150 PINBALLS 2 Toreador 8 /58 Ito 5/58 495 Ten Pins (Wms.) 1468 (120). 1959 670 Bowl Master 7/59 465 MoonRalder (Bally) 2 Tournament 8 /S5 105 12/57 110 Bowling Team 10/55 140 Bing-O -Reno (Sri) 1468 Sterno 1120), BALLY 7/S9 3 -- Bulls Twin Bill 1/55 55 3 /SS 325 Ten Strike (Wass.) 1959 730 -Eye Bowler 7/55 185 Ballerina 6/59 ... I 560 Universe 10/59 235 Bull's -Eye (Bell y Meterrama (Gent) 12/57 110 1475 (200), 1959 755 170 Championship 11 250 ISO 10/57 /56 Balls -A- Peppin 2 Whirlwind 2/58 200 3/55 Test Pilot (Cap) 1475 Stereo (200), Bowling League 7/57 215 10/56 B0 Wishing Well 9'55 60 Burp Gun (Dale) 5/57 245 1957 Baseball (Wins) 12/57 310 1959 830 Criss Cross Target 225 Bally U.S.A. 7/58 120 4/57 World Champ 8/57 105 Carnival Gun (tin) (Wms) B /59 .. 395 1 /55 60 Titan 135 800 Double Feature Beach Beauty 10/54 Pan- Oliama WILLIAMS 200 Kiddie Theater SEEBURG 11 /S5 S5 Baseball (Cap) 12/58 12/58 395 Champion 3.D 125 Arrow Head 7/57 S BS (Gene) 7/5S 75 220 Hollywood 4/5$ 155 Beach Time 9/58 285 Peep Barrels (Etch.) M10021 (1001. 1950 5 Casino 035 3-D Pis (Cap) 2/54.. 123 King Bowler 8/58 Circus Rifle Gallery 12/56 ...... , 75 M100C (100). 1952 265 Blo She 9/56 70 3/59 695 2 Circus Wagon (Gone) 3/57 260 Broadway SO 3-D Theater MI.) 100W 1100). 1953. .. 330 12/55 75 Peppy the Clown Lucky Strike 1/58. 330 10/S5 Coon Huai (Seeb) 135 3/S4 145 Carnival 10/S7 100 1Wms) 12/56 11F100G (100). 1953 360 Miami Shullle 10/56 40 Club 085 2/54 120 House 10/59 Treasure Cove Monte Carlo 1159 75 Carnleel -Queer 11/58 340 Photemaile (Moto) 11FI0013 (100), 1954 440 Crossword 5 /S9 180 Crane (Wms) 3/58 85 130 Playor'e Choice Circus 8/57 80 2/54 11200 1200), 1955 330 Cue Ball 60 Criss 9/58 545 4/$7 Cross Hockey Hockey (CC) County Fair 11/59 650 210 Pinch Hitter (Wms) Twin 1001 (100). 1955 510 2 Fiesta 12/59 295 (CC) 9/58 175 Rebound Shuffle 3/59 sio 5/56 Crossword. 1 /58 120 195 K200 (200). 1957 ,, 495 11/58 60 4 Slav 7/58 110 Crossfire (Waal) 3/57 Two-Plcryar Basketball Red Pin 435 Cypress Gardens Pirate Gun (Uni L100 (100). 1957 540 3/59 4 Fun House 15/58 50 Davy Crockett 133 Racket Ball 2/59 185 5/58 220 (Genc) 10/56) 155 10 /5e 201 (200). 1958 805 4 Gay Pare. 6/57 95 Untied Deluxe Base. Rocket Shuffle Double Header 8/56 100 Deco Grandma Playland Rille Gallery 161 (160). 1958 760 Golden Bells 9/59 200 ball (Un) 2/59 .... 301 2 58 100 Fun -Way 9/59 425 (Deco) 8/54 175 (CCI 8/59 445 101 ll0 (100). 1958 690 Recke, Shuffle Two - Gusher 9/58 Gay Time 6/55 40 Deluxe Crusader (Un) 4/S5 180 Vacuumatic Card Player 4/58 135 Polar Hunt 220 (100). 1958 825 Hi -Hand 6/57 100 (Wms) 5/59 360 Vendor (Exhib) Score Aline 9/5S 145 Gayety 4/55 35 Quarterback (Gene) 110 200S (100). 1959 875 Hot DIggity 8 56 100 Deluxe 4-Bagger 5/54 Shuffle Explorer Rey Wool 12,55 70 9/55 5 200521 (100), 1959 920 01g Saw 12/57 85 ms! 58 150 Voice-O.Graph 6/58 155 Lana 9/59 385 Fun Ranger (Keen) 3 /5S. 100 (plura) 695 222 (160), 1958 885 Skee Roll 1/57 95 Kings 8/57 75 DeluxIWe Rang5/er 2/$7 Miami Beach 9 /S5 45 3/55 170 175 222DH 1160). 1959 . 900 Star Rocket 5/59 29S 2 Naples 8/57 160 (Kees) Rad Ball (Mid) 3/59. Veire-O Gieph Tournament Skl Bowl Ml.. America 1/58 130 240 1122081R (180), 1959 950 Perky 11/56 75 Deluxe Skill Parado (Gene) (Male) 11/51 60 R)11e Gallery 12/58 130 Night Club 3/58 ... 1 /59 90 fs Peter Pan 4/55 75 (Bally) 9 /55 85 Wild West (Gomel Triple Strike 1 /SS 125 Parade 6/58 60 Deluxe Vanguard 163 WURLIT2ER 2 Is 2/55 TV Bowling League Piccadilly 5/58 285 Rock 'e Roll (Meta) Sea Island 2/59 485 (Wms) 10/58 50 11/57 290 4 Race the -Clock 5 /S6 Yankee Baseball(Unl 80 (Un) 1250 (48). 1950 S 55 Twin Bowler ShowTlme 4/57 4/55 50 Derby Roll 125 Safari (Wm) 1/55 , 120 2/59 1400 (48). 1951 80 10/58 400 Sun Valley 7/57 15 Regatta 10.'55 50 5 /SS THE BILLBOARD COIN MACHINES 61 DECEMBER S. 1960

An Exciting New Advancement in Sound by Calla for Wall to Wall Music Realism. Now Every Location Can Have Concert Hall New Sound Reverberation Technique Gives Vibrant, Living Realism Never Before Heard in Recorded Music for greater listening pleasure. or Whether it's stereo or monaural music, in a large small location, your customers will hear their favorite music come alive with a new depth and presence never before attained in recorded music. The Rock -Ola (((REVERBA- SOUND))) produces the reverberating overtones which make every note, every sound come vibrantly alive in any type of location. No more flatness or uneven levels. (((REVERBA- SOUND))) envelops the entire location with a new tonal depth for true, living presence sound to increase the play and your profits in 1961.

See your Rock -Ole Distributor Today fora Regis Demonstration and toil story on These Other Great Rock -Ole Features AOCNO6A "TRI- FONIC" FLEXIBILITY RF`.G']9 "3 phonographs in 1" at the Clip -ofa switch 33%45 RPM INTERMIX CHANGER plays any record in any sequence for true Iler,bility lu...Mny Other Outstanding Features Sacked by the Rock -Ora Tradition of Quality and Dependability. ROCK -OLA Manufacturing Corporation Illinois 115 &63J4rP6ismik eoo N. M,.dv e Avenue, Chicago 51, 62 COIN MACHINES THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER S, 1960 100 European Coinm enen Meet European News Briefs At Seeburg's Swiss Conclave ZURICH Sonie - l00 distribu- market, which is due to open up the tors, sub -distributors Albert, Franz Derigs, Heinz Monkey Business and dealers first of the year as import restric- Derigs, French from Belgium, Denmark, Mr. and Mrs. Dieckhaus, England. tions are eased." Simon Schapfl, PARIS -The French juke box manufacturer Marchant Finland, France, Germany, The Wader Bechhofer, Hol- Belgian contingent included: Elsa Bechhofer, Heinz is finding a growing market for a juke box accessory featuring land, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway. Maurice Neustadt Baix, Walter Boots, and Mr. and Mrs. Kuepper. an animated monkey band. The auxiliary stand Sweden and Switzerland Jacques containing gathered Brouwer, Jose Charlier, Austrians at the monkey band is simply plugged into any juke box, and the at the Hotel Schweizerhof the meeting were here No- Arnold Blanquaert, Jules De Clerq, Anissim Christoff, simian entertainers then perform in vember 14 and 15 for the Delores Christ- synchronization with the 1961 Maurice De Simpelaere, Lutgarde off, Herbert juke box. it is relatively easy fit Seeburg International Sykora, Englehert to any box with the necessary Sales Con- Simpelaere, Henri Herbosch, Leon Tuefelhart, adapter. The accessory is designed primarily for vention. Hermann Pohorylea juke boxes at Holtzmacker, Edgard Peelers, Si- and Friedrich Kintisch. locations with "multi- level" clientele -tots, children and The conclave heralded Seeburg's mone Peeters, Henri Thomas, From Sweden were Curt adults. Department stores and snack bars are two prime examples. attempt to make a major push for Maria Willents, Svens- Emmanuel De- son, Freins Danneman, Charles Research shows that the gadget can boost patronage at a European music machine and vend- Geest, Hellmut Hochne, Mr. and Danneman and Mssrs. prime child -adult location by as much ás 50 per The ing business. It also marked Mrs. Atterbom cent. the Bosquin and Mssrs. Gailjaard and Bessebcrg. average is around 20 first per cent. Sonie parents park their children American -type company sales and Vanhaenakcr. French at the simian-animated coinmen included Yves juke boes with a fistful of coins while convention ever held in Europe by From Holland were: .1. Boerlage, Delbars, Jean- Jacques Gaillard and they do their shopping. a juke box manufacturer. J. Bouterse, J. A. Breugelhans, Mr. Serge Lievoux. Front the Host for the meetings was United Goudswaard, Meyr Storni, Gera - Kingdom were Edward George Gilbert, Seeburg Interna- Sinclair,' Germans Test Phono Rentals dus Storm, H. Vale, J. Vale, Jo- Norman Lever, Michael Town tional vice -president. The opening hanna and Schaap and Rudolph Hom - High Winton. From Italy were FRANKFURT- German juke box operators arc experi- business session, under Gilbert's tnerson. William Silver, Alberto Croci, En- menting with the hiring out juke boxes to private parties chairmanship, was devoted to the German coinmen were: FI. Nie - rique Masoni, Angelo this holiday season. The German boom has the Germans giving firm's vending Ferrari and line, while Stewart maier, Mr. and Mrs. Gerhart Victor Francechini. more and more lavish private parties than ever before. It is Auer, background music vice- presi- Schulze, Mssrs. Gerdes, Gruen - Others included Gustav not uncommon for a tycoon to take over an entire castle dent, later explained in wald, Rostad, detail the Jost, Karthal, Kaestncr, Mos- Norway; Alberto and Brido (some tycoons even own their own castles) and to throw company's background music Peter."' unit. ?tiger, Mueller, Nack, Rieble, son, Denmark, and parties for hundreds of guests. At such a super -shindig it is Mr. Einixe, Background Music Schmitz, Professor and Mrs. Julius Finland. possible to place half a dozen juke boxes. The parry -thrower A how pays a flat fee for the hoc, depending on the length of rental, demonstration on music for the library and the guests then play it for free. Certain canny hosts, background is pro- vided was as however, throw "Dutch" parties at which the guests provide furnished Cedric Du- mont brought one of his nine their own coins to play the box. Most boxes are rented on -piece special combos from Basle to a single -shot basis. Some hosts rent boxes for the entire dem- onstrate the recording season, however. Party box rentals are controversial with the technique. Jack trade. Most operators approve on the grounds that private Gordon, phonograph sales vice- president, parties arc non -competitive with the location trade and encourage spoke of the 33 juke -box dancing. single market and of the company's "Artist of the Week" program. Charles Danneman, Stockholm, Hit Amateur Tape Clubs was winner of the 1961 model pho- nograph at HAMBURG -GEMA, the German counterpart of ASCAP, that session. Del Coleman, Seeburg president, is conducting a campaign to stamp out amateur tape recording welcomed of pop music, wvhich is rapidly becoming West the operators with a Germany's short talk. hottest hobby. It is estimated that there arc 250 tape recording clubs, large and small, in West Germany. The tape recorder European Sales boom has dropped the price of a high -quality recorder to as Gordon, who returned from n low as $75. Clubs buy a recorder and then meet regularly 17 -day European trip last week, to exchange the latest pop platters via tape recording. Members said that Seeburg will be stepping GEORGE GILBERT, left, vice -president of Seeburg International, (Continued on twee ;O up its European sales program, makes a point with the interpreter who is fluent in English, with a particular eye to the French German, French, Italian and Flemish.

PAYING STRICT ATTENTION are, left to right, Stewart Auer, Seeburg background musk vice - president; Morris Rosengart, Swiss distributor, and Del Coleman, Seeburg president. 's - SERGE LIEVOUX, standing, French Seeburg distributor, and Gerhart Schulze, German Seeburg distributor, talk trade at the Zurich meeting.


sales vie -predenttals

f hWeek" brought promotion, Looking on Is Henri Herbosch, Antwerp, A RECORDING SESSION was a feoture of the meetings. Cedric Dumont, above, Lowen- Automaten, nine -piece combo from Basle. THE BILLBOARD COIN MACHINES 63 DECEMBER 5, 1960


' Slar S Bally Beauty Queens 2 United Slugger S 90 BEST (new) ...... $200 1 Genio Oualterback 90 10 (hl (oin Rebound Shuffle 60 7 Williams 4'Bagger 130 BUYS 3 (hl Coin Rocket Sh.1Player 80 1 Williams King of Swat 90 4 Bally AB( 14 II. Bowler.. 175

SHUFFLE ALLEYS 19 Bally Batting Practice 225 3 Bally AB( lanes, 14 Ii... 110 ADVANCE Big Innings 195 3 Bally AB( lanes, 11 li... 90 BOWLER B 75.00 2 Bally FWS SCORE Iss_oö '. DEPOSIT, WRITS OR CALL ZROSS ... 95.00 d'IV 95.00 CLIPPER ..... 125.00 STAR SUPPLY CO. ABC 7855 Stony Island Ave., Chicago 49, III. BOBOWxLER 245.00 Telephone: BAyport 1 -1616 bIAMOND 95.00 J1 .E 395.00 'GAME 345.00 :R % ICE FIRE BALL 95.00 -YOU GET THE BEST -PLUS COURTEOUS SE - 95.00 LEAGUE MUSIC BOWIBtS MUSI( ROYAL 95.0_0 [ Iwun' on/lnuoua ro .allY LucYY fal0 AMI 17 200 1493 [.. 9roTaPIRON 7ally TroPhy ]9S AMI J 700 M eso SUPER FRAME 75.00 Rallr eh.melon ]SO M11]0J .30 áóuND sóx. New R.IIY Slrlk ]]! AMI 1.700 ass SCORE 50_00 a01a IoI PromPl dellvry. C.C. Twln ISowltr 47S AMI 1.170 795 TRIPLE a73 . eewl.r AMI O 200 .. ]SO TRIPLE STRIPE 145.00 ALLEYS sections and assorted C.C. Playyr Cno, 64 COIN MACHINES THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER 5, 1960



SHOP WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT Mdse. Tops in Quality SEE8URG 222 SH $845.00 WURI. 1700 $225.00 SEEBURG 161 DH 175.00 WURI. 1800 215.00 0EE8006 201 DO 775.00 WURI. 2204 495.00 SERUM HfR 395.00 AMI 4200 M ...... 495.00 SEEBURG 0200 275.00 AMI 1 200 M ...... 595.00 1/4 DN BAL. SDBL LIEBERMAN MUSIC CO. 257 PLYMOUTH AVE. N., MINNEAPOLIS 11. MINN. FEderal 9 -0031

TAKING A PROUD LOOK at Redd Distributing Company's new headquarters in Brighton, Moss., are Hugh Sears, parts manager, and Louis Theodos, assistant. Redd recently became New Joe Ash says . . . England distributor for Seeburg and moved Into a spacious building some three times the size of its previous home. A new and CONTACT enlarged parts department was opened along with Dick's Records, Inc., a one -stop housed under the same roof. ACTIVE PINBALLS THE LARGEST DISTRIBUTOR OF ADVERSE PUBLICITY HURTS PINBALL GAMES IN THE WORLD! Eclusvr GefflisD Divt ribufer Ier Eallern PenncYlvan{a, feulD JOnvY entl Delawary British Juke Box Sales Decline, as A ins a AMUSEMENT MACH /NES CO. 666 N. Broad 51. , Phdo. 30, Po, ALWAYS Buying You ran depend POplar 9.4495 Fruit Ties Up Ready Cash on ACHY( All WAYS w.,. e, w,rr lu, P,. -. By BINGO BEAUFORT Ncw models with coin rejectors, recent months have been installa- interior lights and front opening tions of fruit and other "fast ma- LONDON -There has been a doors (all already featured in the chines in cafes and other marked decline in the sale non- of juke British Silver Queen) are expected membership premises." boxes in the United Kingdom in to be shown at the Amusement in many parts of the country the November. This is partly seasonal, GIVES have been taking action but is rather worse this year than Retail prices for the fruits range against such sites. Fruits, bingos, in the '50's generally, and it is FIRST MOST from $910 for the Silver Queen to uprights and German wall payouts thought that the decline will worsen $1.190 for Mills and Jennings. have been seized, with subsequent over the next few months -prob- Fruit machines will only be legal prosecution. fines and destruction ably until the stimulus of the Eihibil SIX SHOOTER { 1J in clubs (two per club) from Janu- of equipment. This has led to the , Genco CIRCUS OVN Sea Amusement Trades Exhibition in _ +. Gance STATE FAIR 913 ary, with a maximum stake of six- belief that there will be a sudden 160 February. Un. CARNIVAL GVN pence, and "no private gain." It has swing back to conventional equip- Goon. SPORTSMAN 123 Reasons the somewhat bleak Larsen RIFLE GALLERY 13S for been estimated that, of all cate- ment for such sites. with a dra- E %h. SHOOTING GALLERY . 100 fall season in phonographs are not Ex, JET GUN ... PS gories, there are over 80,000 suita- matic upsurge again in sales of difficult to find. in recent months ISWOY eL. GRIPPER ble clubs. no a steady, and indeed juke boxes. flipper pin tables. shuf- TELEOU a succession of juke box kings - hungry, market for new machines fles and bowlers. The shrewdest Gen. OY GRANDMA .... 1e3 mainly self -styled -have been get- C.C,G O ,LISY E is being forecast for sonie years to mien in the business are predicting KneSYNC. lAOU! LE AOE R.. lea ting extensive and notorious news- revival will C. V ER N. R. GASE l7 IMPORTERS! come. that this important begin aALI paper publicity. There have been Among silly abuses of the law in in the early spring. Genco FI Send for Your liquidations, bankruptcies, fraud IOVEL squad investigations and the like. R eowLeas OT FREE And. attho these delinquents have IN. 56 -Page Illustrated represented only a very tiny per- NOIR EER 03 centage trade, Detroit Tightens Up on AT 125 1960 -'61 CATALOG of the the effect of the adverse publicity has resulted in a general close -down on credit and See Us FIRST for the hire purchase facilities. Phono Tax Collections al- Most Complete Selection of all NEW GAMES Finance generally has become DETROIT -Legislation to assure remains unchanged at 37.50 as it most impossible for all but the larg- collection of an estimated S47,000 has been for a number of years. est and longest -established firms. Eaton noted that the legal pro- most of the busi- annual delinquency in personal (Jbls: "f1RST(0111"- (hlcsge The result is that cedure would be for the treasurer ness being done is for cash. and property taxes on juke boxes was to refer the 45 delinquent accounts tsse cash customers are not numerous. Ipassed this week by the Detroit to the Corporation Counsel to start COIN MACHINE Fruit Machines Common Council. The move is not lawsuits -but the question of locat- ing the machines involved consti- EXCHANGE Added to the cash restrictions is a fresh imposition of taxes, Assist- a great deal of the tuted a formidable problem. It is Joe khne 6 Wally F,nke the fact that ant Corporation Counsel Lawrence IFFIFIGT money available in the trade is be- being met accordingly by the new a means for 175O W: NORTH AYE. CHICAGO 22, ILLINOIS Oltken. 2 -0500 Eaton said, but rather requirement. ing used to purchase fruit machines. tax which collecting the normal New regulations will also require Front January 1 a vast legal market has been simply ignored by a sub- iden- for fruits will be opened up to dis- all machines to he adequately stantial number of operators. 1 tributors and operators, and stock- tified -by a card. with a size maxi- According to City Treasurer and one -half by four piling is going on on a large scale. mum of three Charles N. Williams, Detroit has inches giving the oper- Find our vry This is mainly cash business, and and one-half 129 listed accounts with juke box name, address and current weeL IR is tying up a high proportion of the ators 45 them are un- have MONEY- SAVING money available. At the moment operators, but of license number. Instructions dollar figures are even Depart- virtually no hire purchase or credit paid. The been given to the Police more S24,000 paid to impound can be had on fruits, but it is an- startling -only ment, Eaton disclosed, SUBS(RIPION 571,000 assessed an- without ihis ticipated that things will improve up out of the any machine found Billlilöard ordinance, in- and a current Order in this respect from January. nually. The pertinent proper identification cidentally, covers "picture devices" license, number, noting that "We Altho a considerable proportion Order at Rals{. such Mutoscopes or Panoranu, lot of temible with NOW LOW Subscription of the fruits currently on the mar- as have had a are rare here. so that the (operators) not identifying Fill In and Mall Coupon Todoyl ket are used and converted models but these them for all practical purposes (some of them several decades old). figures themselves." mean juke boxes. The present amendment is the Th. /lslboar4, 140 PIInon I.. Clnclnnll 92. Ohle the signs are that the future demand Enryr my JubKnpflen /s Tha esllbeartl Ier lull Year the new amendment, op- culmination of a problem that has l32 IIIUNI el Iha rale {If rnstleryble eeYln will be mainly for new machines. Under el I In lo- been present for many years, and is over anale copy rates. Pamirs ram 030. it is expected that from January erators (termed "distributors" 733 regulatory in effect contending firms will cal legislation) will have to pay up intended to be the four main objective, faced Name each be producing something their personal property taxes on only. Tim cityl with serious budget problems, is Company around 50 machines a week for the machines and secure a clearance impose any new tax, but to ACYr U.K. market. This is unlikely to statement front the city treasurer not to all taxes due under existing satisfy demand and will probably before the annual juke box license collect City Lene.... ordinances. with special emphasis be stepped up still further as 1961 for each machine will be renewed Typo of au/lnle TIIM personal property taxes. progresses. by tits Police Department, The fee upon THE BILLBOARD COIN MACHINES 65 DECEMBER 5, 1960

%Ell Fil f BO IRD WAX , HEFTY . ,TrornN RACK UP r i., ,. . .. pee ANTIQUES ...... r r.,, In ...... 6 POCKET POOLS..$ 150.00 GROSS FOR DENVER ARCADE ,.Ikt_,, (.C. 14 Ff. Bowlers $165.00 Nwe r N/ While blend new developments in coin in..- . N rn e.. DENVFR- American Bank Shot (12 Ft.) 195.00 chines of course have a certain appeal. They cant hold a candle to Ironice antiques to bring steady traffic. according to William Fluorescent Shuffle Board Lites. Pair 22.50 Arcade in downtown Denver. let* modal Collo. and ReyORpld.owner of The Penny SMasortt N. - 4a21-24 N AVE. Cold Drink Vanden acrd nly Ochre Mg Continuously for more than 70 years in thk hack a la. months tapossessad wink fbwneowS Denver area. The Penny Arcade has literally a.euiptnane l antiques. inasmuch as some of the machines CHICAGO. ILLINOIS -cup ca- created' its 0án Modal S1FB -S10 1500 ever Fresh were bought brand new and have been in continuous service paeiryl Coth. Vendor line since. Along with a complete up of hrand -new amusement JUNIPER B -ta14 B row games. -sport types. tar- Medal 4CD -105 '4 drink selec- machines including pinball competitive tion, Cold Drink V.ndon. gets. movie machines. athletic types. etc., The Penny Arcade SALE have been Ica - "---- P RICED FOR QUICK - shows some new antique machines. all of which ---''--.....- WRITE lured In Denser newspapers al one time or another. DISTRIBUTORS, INC. W. B. Antique Line -Up 1012 Market Sr. New LUCKY St. Louis I. Missouri For es.rrnple insl inside the lobby the line -up of antiques includes a 1911 Mutoscope fortune teller complete with gypsy figure. a 1901 quarloscopr. an 1897 model of the same machine. i (I) *AKIID a 1930 "cupid's wheel ". a row of four Kalediscnpe movie ma- chines, coin -operated player piano, antique International volt- 5c, 10c or 25c PLAY age tester, and half dozen Mutoscope early card -type movie machines. Buck in the rear, movies are featured in a 1925 COIN REJECTOR in each chute Capitol proieedor corporation "still machine' NATIONAL ,.,1u1 MJaUS(Vli The Denver arcade, incidentally, with no Ichs th.rn 25 mosis NOW has TWO coin returns and other display, has become a favorite rendezvous spin PODI machines on features. SebassaeNUbs cowboys, rodeo performers. etc.. who till up the new for stockmen. a fs t8'..6..ó. iL PARLES by during the summer months. All Denver area the thousands TO LOAD Shipping wet : QUALITY involved. EASY FedckTANDARD OF together. there are more than 200 machines TO Lb+. GAM( HOLDS IMPERIAL "6" i DESUSE 6.1981113 While around half of the machines on display are property e1INbNr..NbbN i ROMPER BILLIARDS of the veteran Denver arcade operator. the remaining 50 per APPROX. 7,000 NUMBERED OR STAR TICKETS alli AI ron isrnlbvrer r 11 wIkI an unusual source. These belong to a dozen MlIwaukee cent come from 7369 Ave FISCHER Sales d Mfg. Co. route operators. phonograph distributors, etc.. who have discov- MID -STATE (0. Chlcego 41. Illinois IIIIno1 Miar Ra, rio, 121 MrMnrr e. ered the antique machines out in country locations and, with Phone. Dickens T3444 the limited space of their own shops, cheerfully turn the -ma- chines over to rental. for display. While most of them operate, few are kept connected with electrical power, simply because IINI'fED'S BARGAINS "Their earning power is in their curiosity appeal, rather than actual amusement." as Reynolds put it FOR THE WEEK One of the prizes which has always exercised a profitable WELCOME peep show type I AMI 1100M. Stereo 5700.00 play, however. is See -A- Freak. a six-foot tall 750.00 world's freaks of nature 2 AMI 1T00E. Sleree machine which offers, "The greatest EVERYWHERE I AMI 1100M 595.00 for I cent." ea. 65.00 5 Seeburp 100A Reynolds recently doubled his space when he moved four I AMI DRO ea. 65.00 over an antique 150.00 doors away from the original location, taking 7 AMI E110 ea GREATEST COIN -OPERATED venerable which has one of the Colorado capital's THE 1 ¿Ml sao u. 75.00 building 550.00 tile floors. Space is provided for a battery of 12 PRODUCED 1 united UPA. 1005 first ceramic BOWLING GAME EVER some amusement ma- S Shuffle Reheuesh, pinball machines in a row, 15 general Ilk. New i. 50.00 chines, and the -'movie section" at the rear. SEISES AND SALLY SMALL Sill SOWIERS JAI hl... 135.00 SPECTACULAR E. C. 1 Plepr RODE! 140,00 5. E. DROP ILLS lit Id 175.00 EARNINGS ROLLA TALI ... 89.50 I MIDWAY RED RAU 195.00 All Above Medina. to Is. All Pent Ietut All esuiamnt sub'. lo prior rolo. See DOWL.ARAMA Now at..,., raRMS: l s oerout wnh orear MOMr ore. .. CSigh r' \.loar C.O.O. .I Sight Drtl on Your an Y. MUSIC, INC.

P. 0. Box 1234 532 4th, Fairbanks, Alaska Phone: 5678

miser R iNV1owe.Lc.

1315 Olive Street, St. Louis 3. Mo. Phone MAI), 13511, (Wei "Cendlsl" The PROFESSIONAL APPROACH to r umrrrrre .rr Profitable Operating r e a FOR SALE PHONOS MR. AND MRS. LEO REISNER, Excel Music Company, Cleveland, SEEBURGS pause before the new Seeburg personalized phonograph on their ( -100 $250.00 tour around the phonograph display set up for the showing by Shaffer Music Company. R -100 425.00 BUMPER 212 195.00 POOL T'

Seeburg 100 Play Genuine /intend Wall Boxes . $60.00 Cushlent Completely Shopped Famlu Lon Pre& BELMONT Top tails MUSIC CO. POOL TABLES Double Full/eel Av. , 116.118 N.E. Glendale . . Real "Pros" in Quality Construction TrlP Peoria, III. -Durability -Appeal- Earning Power! Ph.t 676-4424, 674 -5868 Also DELUXE and "7450" 6- POCKETS b. . asa Model Write Direct See Your Distributor or ADVERTISING IN DEEP IN DISCUSSION over the 1961 leeburg Ilne are Charles SALES COMPANY BUBINESSPAPERB Cornelia, Cadillac Music, Cleveland, and Edward Shaffer, Shaffer tiBP Afliliote, Valley Mtg. Co. MEANS BUSINESS Music Company president. Shaffer was delighted over the attrac- Soles TWinbrook 5.8581 tive arrangements for the showing. 333 MORTON STREET, BAY CITY, MICHIGAN

1 66 COIN MACHINES THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER S. 1960 e.. T OUT OF THIS WORLD BINGOS i Laguna Beach Twin Big Tents, 04 ....$595.00 SPECIAL! g County Fair 550.00 5c and 25c play .$495.00 $ 0 Ballerina 465.00 Sun Valley 125.00 0 Need Space IF Sea Island 360.00 Deluxe Big Tent, We 4 Carnival Queen 255.00 5c play 245.00 have A Beach Time 225.00 Big Dipper 595.00 14' BOWLERS Miss America 115.00 Big Three 575.00 g BINGOS THE LEADING EXPORTERS OF THE SOUTH l 0, ,;;r, ued J, orrr pay r, PINS COIN Heilicher is a student at the MART, INC. University of Minnesota, as is her fiancee. SHUFFLES 1055 Baronne St. Tel.: la 2 -7137 5 A summer wedding is planned. New Orleans, La. ARCADE Many operators in the Twin Cities are concerned about the direct sale EQUIPMENT of cigarette and candy machines to locations. A new near firm Minneapolis is offering to sell and service the machines. Juke EXTRA SPECIAL! boxes also are being sold directly to in Value! location.. . Jack Karter ATLAS -Greatest of Midwest Novelty Company. St. Paul, is putting up a new shop in UPRIGHTS (sack of his building at 777 University MUSIC Avenue. including a spray MUSIC SUPER BUYS! booth and modern testing equipment. The shop for hisservice MUSIC A.M.I 6100 8295 department will be completely air conditioned. at lowest prices SEEBURG 222 SH s $895 A.M.I C.110 165 Teddy Salverson Contort us for price. SEEBURG 161 SH 795 A.M.I. WAIIOMATIC W0.120 AS of Salverson Distributing Company, Huron, S. D., was in buying equipment SEEBURG L-100 545 SEEBURG 3W-1 WAILOMAIIC SS and records. Other operators in the Twin Cities were ROCH 0U 1436 125 Lyle Kesting, Benson, Minn.; John and Harry SCOTT CROSSE CO. SEEBURG 8.200 495 Galep, Menominee, WURI. W.O.M 05251 (SOcd 95 Wis.: Lawrence Sieg, Eau Claire, Wis.: Don 1641 N. Broad SEEBURG 1006 395 Bolier, Baldwin, Wis.; street WURIIT2ER 1500 95 Bob Bregel, Willmar, Minn.; Elgin McDaniel, Phllodlphla, 5118886 V.200 375 Wadena, Minn.; Jim Melkhar, Pa. In Working Order Black River, Wis., and Al Smart, CEnter A.M.I. 1200 725 Bemidji, Minn. 6 -4444 A.M.I. 6.120 365 Matt Hipped, operator at A.M.I. F.120 325 Red Wing, Minn.. is back from a USED CIGARETTE two -week vacation in A.M.I. 8.80 Hawaii.... Lou Wolfe, operator, who also has 150 VENDORS been the salesman for Continental Vending Machine Company in the America's Largest and Rconditioned 11Co1. NATIONAL IML, sl Sa area, has resigned from the Oldest IIC OI. NATIONAL firm to devote all his time to his route in (Mod. 111 flenrl taS Minneapolis. If -COI. NAT1e N4L 20f STERN IIS ONE -STOP MASTER LOCKS AVAILABLE FOR DETRIOT ALL STERN 7f DOINGS PHONOGRAPHS AND CIG. 0.e GRENZER Wan, 7f BEE a00E.1 230 RECORD SERVICE! fl Dep.. Bo!. C.O.D. or Sight The Ray Vending Draft Reconditioned C'onlpany is being incorporated as a F.O.B. Michigan Chicago corporation to operate a route of cigarette and candy machines, with Jesse B. Eggleston Jr., attorney. as agent. The active Contact Us for PARTS for ALL owners are three well -known Detroit operators, Randolph Wallace, BERT MILLS COFFEE VENDORS Henry E. Anderson, and Benjamin F. Davis. who have a long - RPM g aswe':::::::=s-.. 5 60e //i/ ' B-=°,. established music route as the Ray Music Company. They recently purchased a new commerical building at 12810 Linwood Avenue, thru a third company, the Ray Vend A Quarter Century Investment Company, and are centralizing of Service all coin machine operations in the new All LP's Dis- headquarters. -Regular 2.121 N. WESTERN AVE.. CHICAGO 47, ILL. U. S ARmitaae 6-5005 Sharon R. and Eugene A. Klamerus are forming a new partner- tributor, Wholesale - ship as the Kay Amusement Company. to operate a route of amuse- C., rT ? ?alenPePee.1ardrdiFidi7ed ment a.r.1aEL'UfgJ?EfûfesPrP,+_fesPcl'rPcJcPeq games, specializing in rifles and howler games. Klamerus, a newcomer Nothing Over. to the business, is operating the route as a sideline HOROSCOPE ALL FLAVORS only at the present time.

PELLETS Frank R. Fabiana, head of Fabiano Sales and Service. is back SAME DAY SERVICE NEW honte from a week's conventioneering at Miami. ... Paul Folino, LUCKY 1 HOROSCOPE formerly sales and operational manager for Fabiano. is reported joining NEW the Michigan Midget Movies, diversified operating firm TH E headed by Joseph Anton... Don McElmurrv, collector for Fabiano w,Ie roc Inlormehon on Ina, Sales and Service, MUSICAL went north hunting . SALES CO. iy Dr.nanew aval -deer -to Rogers City. Linden Bush, ser:ice manager for Fabiano, went to Harrison to get The Musical Sales Bldg his deer.... Adolph Merbeska, 57. collector for Fabiano Sales and All DEALS AVAILABLE Service, and active in the coin machine business for 22 years, died Baltimore 1. Maryland IN 101 OR 25c PLAY suddenly November 13 from a cerebral hemorrhage. He was for- merly with the old Marquette Music Company, Michigan Mutual Distributing, iN.040§i STAR HOROSCOPE and Bush Music Company. . . Erwin B. Moss, F NUMBER HOROSCOPE secretary- treasurer of the Music Operators, Inc., reports all quiet in the local trade. The MOI found matters so A HI -HAN HOROSCOPE quiet that the formal THE BEST `: meeting for November was not held. and members only met informal- BLACK JACK HOROSCOPE ly for coffee and a little social and LUCKY BUCK HOROSCOPE discussion.... Gerry Martin FOR LESS Frank Snyder are displaying the new Seeburg models in Dearborn. BARS Cr BELLS HOROSCOPE Used Wurt. Phono. BIC BEN BELLS HOROSCOPE All Model. BASEBALL HOROSCOPE South WALL BOX SPECIALS for our nw ee few choit frrloo lelsc .1111 See. 200 Sol. W. B. $67.50 , lob=e on en e.clo:v d=r. .IrlDUtonhlp bll) ARKANSAS AR'T'ICLES 120 Sel. Rock -Ois W. B. 22.50 CLUB EQUIPMENT CORP. Around Little Rock: Pete Gurley, Ace Amusement Company. 50 Sel. Rock -Ola W. B. 10.50 1101 W. Irulne Park Rd. and his wife were in Memphis recently for the Seeburg showing 17, PHONOS Chic0o Illinois at Sammons -Pennington Company. . . Harold Dunaway, Twin D= 11.3900 City Amusement Company, and Robert Franklin, Southern Music Seo. -G $325.00 See. -C .. 225.00 ilii.9.0aJa.JPJaPrJ?IPSa1JR,19JaJ?(?`aJ?.1u. I01pP tsu Company, flew to Oklahoma recently in Franklin's private plane. tilc'fdEfeJu.faJ-di.?1u1a. See. C I Hide-a-way, 235.00 where they have oil interests. They brought in another producing AMI G -I00 285.00 well. . . . C. W. Holmes, Western Sales Company, went deer Q -160 Seeburg Q 895.00 hunting as soon as deer season opened in late November. UPRIGHTS MONEY J. P. Willis, partner in Ace Amusement Company. Was getting Touchdown 5345.00 some old coins front machines on the route. So his wife kept 5 -BALL MACHINES Slugging Champ 75.00 SAVING them, recently opened a rare coin shop on Markham Street to S Royal Flush 95.00 downtown Little Rock. That's an interesting off -beat sideline to Roto -Pool 155.00 the coin machine business. . . . J. D. Ashley, Globe Amusement SUBSCRIPTION Gusher 100.00 Company, big property owner, is building a bowling alley. Not World Champ 85.00 long ago he put up the land and multimillionaire Winthrop Rocke- Order feller the money for two big, swank shopping centers. ARCADES C.C. Rocket Shuffle $ 65.00 Robert Music Conti Tels4uia 65.00 The Kirspel, president of Kirspel- Hollenberg Billboard, 2160 Patterson St., Cincinnati 22, Ohio pony, is diversifying a good bit. going into the vending field. He Genera Motorome .. 195.00 Ente, my Undersea Raider 95.00 subscription to Eh. Billboard for o full year 152 weeks) al the rate of recently put out some coffee venders. (On the side he's an elected 515 ta considerable Speedway Bomb Sight 95.00 saving over single copy rates). Foreign rate, $30. city official councilman.). . Andrew Cesslnelll, Little Rock -a Bally Magie Shuffle S 85.00 '114 and manager, Elves Singleton, Nome Amusement Company. his route Williams 1957 were seen at the Pennington in Memphis recently Sammons- Baseball . 235.00 Company Company showing.... George Thomas, Thomas Amusement Com- Williams Pinch Hitter. 335.00 pany. is his two race horses in shape for the races at Williams Shortstop 245.00 Addrel.. getting Oaklawn in Hot Springs in February. CRII, Write or Cable City zan _ Stole Hot Springs items: Van Eddinger, Van Eddinger Music Com- Cseler LIMO in lye. of eutInts Title pany, was at the Sammons -Pennington Company showing Dfemphis recently. The Billboard correspondent met hint and had OISIrtOut=Ef Cu is `en J a pleasant chat. . J. Earl GIB, Gill Amusement Company, Exclusive Wurlileet Distributor increasing his vending route. He also owns a record shop, is readying when answering ads . Ave. 1635 Central Play it for the Christmas season, reports It Christmas he had the 1301 N. Capital Ind. Odin biggest sales he'd ever had, expects bigger one this year.... W. E. Indianapatil, Cincinnati, Say You Saw It in The Billboard pa,,e b'rt Tet.: MEl,ue 51593 Tel.: MAIn 18751 THE BILLBOARD COIN MACHINES 67 DECEMBER S. 1960

OPERATE WANTED Hoosier Operators Snowed Under Experienced Bingo Mechanic. [; NITED'S Must be honest and reliable. With State, Local Tax Avalanche Steady work. Write BOWL -A -RAMA BOX 115, The Billboard 188 W. Randolph Street By JOSEPH KLEIN Come the first Monday in May the Indiana Alcoholic Beverages Commission, the tax is imposed on Chicago, Ill. Welcome Everywhere Indiana and November, the operator must INDIANAPOLIS - pay his property tax- another the sale or use of cigarettes and themselves to operators must alert crushing impost. His equipment is cigarette materials. WRn1 FOR OFTA/tt 20 sombre days each year if It least supposedly assessed at 334 per When the Operator feels that he UNITED they hope to remain in business. \\ \\\ \\ \ \\ with \ \ which cent of cash value. And the has brain- fagging tax problems, he \ These are the days upon MANUTACtUa1NO COMPANY property tax rate hovering around finds -a measure of consolation in N. Cl,letaSe Are. the State's numerous taxes and Ii- RECONDITIONED / 1401 S 10 per 5100 of assessed valuation considering the labrynth thru which IL III. cease fees are due. And to add to cues. in many places, the tax is expected cigarette distributor these are the countless and un- the Indiana to bear heavily on many over- must ass traceable city and town ordinances GUARANTEED burdened shoulders. which also extract a charge from Tax Rates 0,1 Hits Moreover, there is some bad SEEBURG Acacia Has Big the worn pockets of Hoosier coin the statute providing for the u. emanating from official quar- For LOW FACTORY PRICES machine owners. news tax, fixes the rates as follows -if it ters. Pursuant to recommendations 222S S895.00 These woeful dais are all but is possible to follow them: on ciga- P contained in a manual issued by 201DH 175.00 Tab Style Tickets far Lucky behind the operators as far as 1960 reties weighing not more than three p the Indiana State Tax Board, the H pa Machine is concerned. pounds per 1.000. mills per HF100R 425.00 Scan e Numbcnl evaluation and the consequent taxes I! .ndon But, sadly endußta, here cornea cigarette; on cigarettes weighing Lucky Horoscope on coin machines will move further HF100G 365.00 10t or 2SSIHt 1961 and with it another tax over three pounds per 1,000, 3 0 g guessed upward. marathon. -you it- mills per cigarette (those over 100W 325.00 BOOKS S ALESaoAaDS TIP the operator has stocks or / Gross Income If 61 inches long are taxed at 11 I M í 00C 295.00 Joss TICKETS MATCH PARS bonds or other types of securities, PELLET REFILLS January is gross income tax mill rate, counting each 23/4 inches / p4 he must reckon with a June 30 M100B 225.00 Fre Calaba- WhIule Only, month if the operator pays annual- or fraction thereof as a- separate the payment of an Wallbtx 47.50 Al ly. not, he may wait until April deadline for cigarette); on each 50 papers, 1/2 / 3W1 ... Corp. If the rate Acacia Printing and then pay again in July and "intangible tax " -paid at cent and 50 tubes, l cent. / 14, 111, on each / 2453 N. Heloled SI.. CkIa ao of 5 cents on each 520 or fraction Phony: WEllinpon 5 -2344 October. dis- actual current value. To make matters worse, the This is the tax which takes 11 of covering AMI brought tributor must tile reports, pl per cent of his gross income and by If his activities have been inter -State sales. by the 10th of Continental 200 gross. For within the purview of a corporation gross income he means each month and another report by / the is to file an New Write he is expected to pay the excise on operator required the 15th to encompass "drop nay - everything, including the commis- annual report to which he must ments"- shipments billed to any 1200 S495.00 sion he hands over to the location attach a 52 filing fee. g person other than the one receiving H -200 399.00 i owner. Local Taxes the shipment. E.120 139.00 A State law empowers the cities You'd think that for all this and X-GB1lol and towns to "license, tax, regulate, for assembling the revenue gravy to restrain or prohibit all tables, alleys, boot the State would pay the dis- j WURLITZER of Conn. Counsel machines, devices of any kind for tributor -but it doesn't. the styling sports or games-" On the contrary, the distributor 4° 2200 5415.00 Some don't. pays the Slate -5500 each year - ¡2100 345.00 But many do. for the "privilege" of pouring tomorrow 345.00 Discusses Ban The statute provides for no limit $15,000,000 in annual cigarette 2150 on the fees that a city may impose taxes into the State treasury. for more play today the with or time or frequency ROCK-OLA which it may be imposed. there is no rest for the On Free Plays Thus Stand. Financial to 1475 Slereo . , , S515.00 weary operator. 0 1455 369.00 J. Store License Buy Back Issue 0 COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED/ HARTFORD. Conn. -Joseph Burns, counsel for the Music Oper- He may be required to obtain a Terme: !¡ deporti required, ators of Connecticut. explained the store license-if the premises on NEW YORK -The $195 special- BA1tY BEAUTY CONTEST.. meaning and effect of the State Su- which his equipment' is installed nancial Corporation, a firm WORLD EXPORT paper, will Ally hob Ousts (now) 5295 $ preme Court decision -outlawing has none. izing in coin machine the 4 free plays on games of chance -to But in weighing the grief of other redeem 5250,000 of company's I5 -year, 51/2 per cent first subordi- Pa members at a dinner meeting held classes of taxpayers, the operator Dauis ,11 Ì I nated convertible debentures on De- UPRIGHTS 1 here recently. He said that efforts concludes that his burden could were being made by Business Man- be even more back -breaking. cember 30. Banat INC. dun kooks $1/5 0 I ager Abraham Fish, Hartford. and Take the problems involved in Some 52,250,000 of the original 73a East Erie Blvd. la. Sheol Shoot III / lanai / himself to clarify the status of oper- the distribution of cigarettes, for 54,000,000 issue is outstanding. Re- Syracuse 3, N. Y., U. S. A. I 161 0 chest Inc. Double Shot I ators. Fish spoke to the group instance. demption price is 105.5 per cent, Phone: GRanil 5.1631 6ae.i Inc. Wild CO .. 291 about the general condition of mu- With its administration vested in plus accrued interest. / n / tams, (ern (tots Dialmsad 295 / ic operators since the Supreme tt"\t\0 / lolly Skill Scots floe) 195 I Court decision. Ally Spots... 325 d Guest of honor at the dinner was / Rep. Emilio Q. Daddario (D., / Li, MI Duby (.11 et rill. I Conn.) and a counsel for the Con- lallt lambs.' ...... (all or Will. / Keeney Upright necticut Music Operators. He urged "a /$ Auto All Onus Play All . 135 / members to cooperate in strength- 0 All (Iron Wagon MINI.. 115 / ening the association. le. Atoll Msrmald ...... 195 / President Jerome La n1 b e r t, Pd camp.) 145 every location" late All 9orocsp't Ill. e Stamford, and Fish conducted the for if meeting. Guests included Fred Iver- son, Myer Ferlamo. FIVE BALL Parkoff, Max i n Jerry Montage, Irving Kempner, Arrow single player Bktlhb Ault tics S 65 I Nat Runyon and Kim Cisti. Red /5 ktllleb (lint Ariu 65 / (2 It if Ally (Irco N.) Canadian Court Deluxe Red Arrow multiple Continued from page 59 i MUSIC d Skill may produce uncertain re- 2- player t00la 1432 (IS not ... S 15 Red Arrow sults in baseball, football. trap or Twin 6MI I5 P4 / (10 (15 rpm) skeet shooting, golf or hockey, but / SHbwg Y200 (tiny. Is St will the uncertainty comes from the single n,d.q. entry wood road onigrnn boldo) 29S player and not from any machine Sweet Shawnee / mechanism which nullifies the abil- 5 ity of the player. ARCADES 3 -way upright "I would hate to think that the Black Dragon the ultimate 0 Alit Otfi(lal !orbs Skulllt, law intends to brand as a criminal Ills. $545 0 t',' umpl.i g a Canadian citizen who, for a dime. / Ally lucky lily, le 395 / procures an innocent amusement to Keeney Uprights perform perfectly because 0 AIIy Trophy kolas, 11' 365 the public where there is no ele- / 401 Stab. Ionia, 1f .. 745 e ment of gambling or hazard." there's only one original Keeney Panascope. were writ- / salty Tat Shuttle Beeler. l'S' 75 The dissenting reasons ten by Mr. He said: Why operate hastily contrived imitations? / Wm. Sept World Soin 65 Justice Judson. element Lily Twin Peet Iller tamale) 445 "While there Is some of / skill involved in the operation of Ala SNlllowd, 10-. OywhMd / the machine, in that one player may Write or phone for complete details! Sete Unit, tole loll 6 lig6tl. In P4 obtain a better result than another, it is still an offense if the result of Noah r!Mdt tot one of any number of operations of the machine is a matter of J. H. & Co., INC. chance or uncertainly to the opera- KEENEY 2600 West 50th Street . Chicago 32, III. "Chance or uncertainty to the op- erator must be present unless he Telephone: HEmlock 4 -5500 can, without any possibility of fail- ure. achieve env result that he wishes or unless the result is auto- 's'110\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/ . nut' c: COIN MACHINES THI BILLBOARD 4$ DECEMBER S. 1960 W. German Musicians Press for Texas Court Rules WANTED On Coin Pictures Experienced Royalty Payments on Juke Boxes AUSTIN, Tex. -The Court of Criminal Appeals has ruled that motion pictures are not motion By O,\MF.R ANDERSON box operators; they are probing for inucotabic law of economics and Mechanics pictures when they're shown in soft spots in a trade which com- hap little to do with juke boxes a FRANKFURT - West Ger- coin -operated Arcade machine, thus to relocate plains it is Men who are willing many's musicians and recording already taxed to the per se. Smaller bistros and dine - York -New reversing a Harris County court to the New jersey technicians are increasing pressure verge of bankruptcy. and -dance spots no longer can af- area fora secure future with ruling. on juke box operators for payment There are around 50,000 juke ford musicians, regardless of juke a top service company. Must be boxes in West Germany, of which boxes. The Appeals Court unanimously to repair juke boxes, shuf- of recorded music royalties. able 45,000 are controlled by reversed and remanded tho con- fles. wall This demand is in addition to the operators. Tha Association of pin balls, boxes, step- The German' viction of Frank Joseph Pasquale pers, etc. This is an excellent standard per -box payment to remaining 5,000 are operated Tasern Proprietors is particularly for unlawful exhibition of lewd mn. opportunity for the right man version by location owners. incensed by the demands GEMA, the German of of the mu- lion pictures. Pasquale who wants to advance himself The operators. obviously, offer sieians had been ASCAP. The Association of Artists and their recording techni- sentenced 30 in a operated the most to days in jail and a corn- business. and Entertainers contends that the promising field for the cian allies. The innkeepers are State marital $500 fine. age, status, per- extraction of additional royalty threatening to get rid references, artists and technicians who actually of all juke sonal resume, salary payments. The musicians are bas- According to court- records. a record the music are entitled to roy- boxes on their premises, if they are expected and enclose small. ing their Houston police officer had testified on the same basis as the demands on two points: forced to pay the photo for identification purposes alties com- musicians royal- that he their cltito that they. as much as ties. got change from Pasquale if available. posers, represented by GEMA. in the composer, are entitled to royal- the change booth of a coin ma- The musicians and recording The innkeepers claim CiEMA ties. and they chains musicians are chine Arcade and put sis quarters technicians have started a series of royalties and the various German in All Correspondence Kept being displaced in bars and restau- a machine to see a I5- minute court tests. They already have won taxes have burdened juke box op- In rants by juke boxes. film entitled "Bobby Sox." Strict Confidence recognition by the Federal Supreme eration already to the point where The musicians, in fact, have as- The court's opinion reversing the Court of Karlsruhe for their legal it is a marginal business. sembled statistics on the increasing conviction was written by Judge Box »D162 principle that a recorded musical replacement The innkeepers, moreover, do Ernest a non The Billboard work owes its success not only to of piano players, vio- Belcher- -voting com- linists and combos by music boxes. not accept the musicians' thesis that missioner of the court. Cincinnati 22, Ohio the composer and the singer, hut in they share in the creative process equal measure thè musicians His opinion noted that the law to and Musicians Divided of cutting a disk. The innkeepers' "makes it an offense to itr`'1 technicians. The are engage musicians apparently di- association irritated the musicians the . . . Seek Soft Spots showing and exhibition of lewd wile. aexuerirsg ads vided on this latter point. For by comparing, their royalty de- Armed with this legal decision, and lascivious motion pictures and SAY YOU SAW IT IN while the musicians union is press- mands to a shoemaker who expects the artist unions now are gingerly it also makes it an offense to show ing the demand for royalty pay- a customer to make payment every THE BILLBOARD I presenting demands the juke such pictures in Arcade machines." on ments, the musicians simultaneously lunte he wears a pair of shoes. "The proof of the use of Arcade arc attacking juke boxes as "dis- they The musicians retorted that machines." he wrote, "does not sus- turbers of the peace." the technicians -lind -contribute tain the allegations of the tue of ALUMINUM DE- GREASED DISCS I he musicians claim that a piano equally to the success of a disk with motion piclures....theretore, player or violinist is soothing but there FOR STANDARD AND HARVARD the composer and vocalist. The in a fatal variance between a juke box merely raucous. This the alle- METAL TYPERS musicians assert that they have been gations of the information and the attack has raised the hackles of the taken for granted too long in the proof which renders the evidence (all our PARTS & SERVICE Dept, juke box operator, who considers it for all your Typer needs recording field, and it is tinte they insufficient to support the a classic case biting of the, hand received the credit -and money - conviction." you expect to feed you. TANDARD ARVARD 1318 N. WESTERN AVE due them. The operators take the position CHICAGO 22, Ill. EV 4 -3120 METAL TYPER. inc that the displacement of musicians by juke boxes is in response to the MUSIC SEEBURG 222 DHR 1Stereo' 5850.00 Pinballs Axed AMI J -200 ,Stereos 745.00 AMI D -80 175.00 AMI E -120 195.00 Wurlitscr 2150 425.00 In Kentucky Wurlitscr 2100 395.00 Wurlitscr 1700 275,00 HAZARD. Ky.-The Perry Cir- cuit Court here recently declared GAMES BALLY BEAUTY CONTEST 5195.00 pinball machines gambling devices. BALLY TROPIC QUEENS 275.00 [CiG4L1[y'2 As proof that it meant business, II C.C. DROP BALL 195.00 i/G B A were lined BALLY STRIKE BOWLER 250.00 pinballs along Main UNITED LEAGUE A. 625.00 Street and made targets for the axes C.C. CLASSIC 8/A 350.00 UNITED 1ÚM80 8/A ,. 350.00 and hammers of policemen. UNITED NIAGARA S/A ... 375.00 "''hie climaxed anti - BALLY TOURNAMENT .... I50.00 action an BALLY CHAMPION 350,00 pinball drive started last February UNITED ATLAS S/A 375.00 by Perry Circuit Judge Courtney C. C.C. TV BOWLER 8 A 295.00 DELUXE 57 BASEBALL 245.00 Wells. At that time jury BALLY HEAVY HITTER 285.00 indicted 15 persons in the County BALLY BIG INNING 135.00 UNITED DELUXE BASEBALL 285.00 on gambling charges for having GENCO GUN CLUB 325.00 coin -operated pinball machines on GENCO WILD WEST . 225.00 GENCO CIRCUS GUN 275.00 their premises. The 15 were found C.C. PONY EXPRESS 495.00 guilty. fined $250 apiece, and their NOW DEL IVERIMO confiscated machines were ordered C.C. Pony Expre.s C.C. 6 Gloms destroyed. C.C. Duchess Bowler C.C. Dula The decision was placed before Irving Kay Pool Table. Volley 6- Pocket Pool Table. the Court of Appeals. but was later disntjssed. MONROE BBB Warns South COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE, INC. Payne Are., Cleveland le, Ohio Crrririnlied ¡roui rage 5ó 2023 Phone: SOparlsr 1.1600 purpose of 'setting up a routs as a. part -hive or toll -time business en- terprise. Instead of tact., unwary in- vestor, get rosy promises. They PHONOS often are given to understand that they will get exclusive territory; SEEBURG that earnings will average so much $445.00 per week; that help will be given in KD setting up a route; that service will 100R 395.00 be immediately available; that the 1000 345.00 company will back machines if the 245.00 decides not to continue 100C purchaser 200.00 100% to business.- Enchanted by the 100B prospect of getting in on a 'aura Gas thing, the investor pays several A.M.I. thousand dollars for machines and G200 $265.00 eppo supplies." Skiff E120 140.00 Barr warned prospective inces- tora to check up on the promoter ROCK -OLA and his promises before signing a contract. 1448 $325.00 1438 200.00 Wurfliter -All Models Ike Bean Conn. Operators Meet Make Best Otter funk a fuiggP2 HARTFORD, Conn. The Ma- Mover with a horlron:al si,; Operators of Connecticut board titube motion to protide met here Thursday (I) to discuss ANGOTT a challenging larget the free game ruling. Members DISTRIBUTING (O. gave their views on the effects of recent ruling by' the State Su- 2616 Puritan Ave. ¡A Svt+viL the preme Court which outlawed free Detroit 38, Mich, Pacifie Ave. Franklin Park, Ill. of eh tagal MIDWAY MANUFACTURING CO. 10136 plays an games at chance. THE BILLBOARD COIN MACHINES 69 DECEMBER 3, 1960 COINMEN Denver Calls for Operator Unity; Warns of Copyright Legislation

By REN GREVAIT agreed that operators would sup- coin industry undertaking. Bodkin, Jo hit, news performing rights port the fourth stressing the importance of the NEW YORK - "The year 1961 society and would support any rec- Cardinal's support of coin doings will be a decisive one for the juke ord labels identified with it. This here, showed a photograph of him- box operators. It will determine led to an urgent plea for the sup- 66 us with self, Meyer Parkoff and Barney Continuase( from lata whether many of will stay port of MOA on the part of all fall by with In the nearby the juke hoc buines_s or operators. "MOA." Denver said, Sugarman taken Msgr. John dLewis Novelty Company, went deer bunting the wayside." These were the "fights your battles while you are P. Kelly and the Cardinal. Bodkin im recently. words of Al Denver, veteran prexy We all must support it." Company, is expanding asleep. noted that the Cardinal had urged Mob, Phil Marks Amusement of the Muir Operators of New - fu machines.... Duane Another speaker was Joe God the use of his picture for the bet- into vending, is putting out candy and cigarette York, as he accepted his 17th an- who bachelor, was vacation. man. attorney for the MONY, terment of the coin field. with Amusement Company, a happy nual term in that at a gen- Fatsu, Fault office summarized the highlights of the the statement, -Don't put my pic- when The Billboard scout called recently. He flew membership meeting held at Ins In Florida eral local legal picture with regard to the ture in the attic, put it in the plane down. R. G. Jennings, Jennings Coin Machine the Hotel Park Sheraton, Tuesday his own good juke box fraternity. Godman noted paper!" took care of Fault's route m his absence, reports evening (29). Company, that last October 13, Justice Streit the subject of public rela- on both routes, which kept him pretty busy. it noting the decisive nature of On business of the New York Supreme Court tions, Irving Holzman of Black Charles Wilcox, Wilcox Amusement Company, the year ahead for the average op- In Pine Bluff: ruled against an appeal lodged on Sales suggested that every opera- now, Tim Manlnslll, who was a route man. Both erator. Denver sounded a call for mu- has a partner behalf of certain individual tor turn in 100 used records. are on bowling team.... Coy Jonee, former unanimity in operator ranks. Re- New are good bowlers. is operators, regarding the "We'll turn them into cash and give Amusement Company, is now affiliated marking on operators who have partner in Pine Bluff York City juke box tax of S25 per the money to public relations," at Warren. Ark. . E. IC. Eby, Pine "somehow forgotten about the as- with the Southern Hotel machine. Attorney Sam Mezansky asserted. back to his old home, Kansas sociation." Denver recommended Holzman Bluff Amusement Company, went already filed a notice of appeal that dues per machine per opera- has Also on the subject of public re- City, recently for a visit with relatives and friends. of this decision with the Appellate equip - tor be lowered in order to encour- lations, Al Denver noted certain Vernon Ward. 19 Music Company, bought some new Division. the Christmas age new membership. The motion remarks uncomplimentary to the recently, is getting his route in top shape for noted that amend - mciu was passed by the members. 6odman also coin industry which appeared in a season, has the fine help of his co- worker sun. Jimmy.... certificate of holiday Measure Seen jments to the MONY column by Hearst newspaper col- Company, took off for a deer hunting New of 11111 Foster. Foster Music also incorporation to permit inclusion Kilgallen . . At another point, Denver umnist Dorothy recently. nearby deer country as soon as the season opened recently.. in the membership Hip in warned that the juke box industry game operators Tho Denver said that the associa- & H Music Company. and his partner. Earl be cleared by State Mantel Cares, M can expect introduction of new are expected to tion had taken no action on this good increase in business lately. Jlnitzlander, report in the up- authorities shortly. juniped up to state here. is legislation in Congress matter, Parkoff jottings: Henry Hitebock, former operator the columnist Jonesboro owned coming year designed to effect Support Asked that he had written route man for Paragould Music Company. Paragould, ap- now a Company. changes in the copyright act to per- Mrs. Amelia (Millie) McCarthy, a letter the same day the story Robert Eblin.... Elmer Womack, Womack Music urged others to by Mn. Wheeler!, mit collection of juke box perform- recently elected prexy of the New peared. Parkoff Memphis recently Christmas shopping.... Nathan was in equipment ance royalties. These can be ex- York State Coin Machine Associa- do the same. Amusement Company. is still praising the radio Service Wheelers, pected under the sponsorship of tion, delivered an eloquent appeal Contest Explained in his service vehicles.... Billy Joe Adams, partner with Congressman Celler in the House for support of the State Associa- The final speaker of the meeting recently moved into his new 525.000 home. O'Mahoney in the partners and Senator tion by New York City operators. was Harry Berger of West Side At Forrest City: Wayne Cartiller and Lloyd Barber, the Senate. Citing the part played by State Distributing t ere. Berger, for sev- Company, were both at the recent Sammons - the Music ín B & C Music for Denver explained that association and herself on the Al- eral months, has been attempting Pennington Company showing in Memphis, did some shopping America (MOA) has the last Poland Operators of bany legislative front in to promote his plan for a city -wide Tennessee city. . . . Bin Poland, equipment while in the already set in motion programs two years, Mrs. McCarthy appealed coin bowling tournament among bought ionic new games in Memphis re- Amusement Company. against this contingency, via new for funds for the support of the varous operators. He appeared at in shape now for the holidays... . cently, reports his route in good arrangements with the well -known association. Forms distributed dur- MONY meeting at the invita- Adana Amusement Company, who has the Ditto for Pete Adams, Barney Young and 20th Fox Rec- ing and after the meeting by Mrs. tion of Denver to explain the set- trade at his locations. big Christmas season ords. Under Young's aegis, a new McCarthy and Mrs. Ruth Michael- up. Berger's presentation was re- Day, former operators At Blytheville, Mason Day and Wayne performing rights society to be son, another operator. resulted in ceived with little comment or en- and gone into other of Day Amusement Company. have sold out known as Music Operators Music, a number of pledges for the thusiasm and the matter was and operator of Day - business fields. .. . Joe Mkhie, owner would be formed to supply royalty NYSCMA. placed in the hands of Irving was in Memphis recently to see tome for juke box use. Also Amusement Company now, free music Relations Drive Holzman who promised to form a addition of new machines be a rec- Public new equipment, is working out some to be established would committee "within 72 hours" to Amusement Company, Al (Senator) Bodkin, chairman . B b; T as Opera- to the route. . . Sam Torjusen, ord label known Music the matter and "render a the local coin industry public study is sporting a new 1961 Cadillac. tors Records, to be distributed thru of relations committee, summed up full report." Company, Paragould, took special arrangements with 20th Denver, other Mew. R. L, Ebel:, Paragould Music accomplishments of his committee In addition to to Memphis recently to see a plastic surgeon. Fo, Records. officers named for the her son Joe, 12. Ops' Battles during the past year. The current MONY conning along nicely.... J. W. Single- Fights year were George Joe recently had surgery, is with this. Denver re- project for the committee is ob- forthcoming Tree, Ark., coin man. is now route manager In line vice -president; Gil Sonia, t.., furnier Marked at the recent taining Christmas funds for the Holzman, . Robert ported on events secre- for Kirspel- Hollenberg Music Company at Little Rock.. Spellman Servicemen's treasurer; and Bill Kohler, Inc., Marked Tree, MOA board meeting in Miami Cardinal Brenner and John Brunner Jr., John & Frank New York, an annual local tary. Elron Whi.unlunr Beach, at which, he said. it was Club in are building a new motel at Marked Tree. Ohio Distrib Hosts Show CLEVELAND - Shaffer Music Company hosted the showing here BLAZE THE WAY WITH of the 1961 Seeburg phono line Sunday (13). firm members who welcomed the guests were: Ed Shaffer, presi- ALL STARS WILD dent; Larry Hornbeck, branch manager; Mel Shone, assistant New branch manager, Joe Stone, sales Compact Cabinet ' representative, and Al Gange. Sce- burg district talcs manager.

Minn. Solon Seeks WIVLD WI LD WI LD To Ban Cig Units NEW PLAYER APPEAL ST. PAUL. George Murk. who recently was re -elected to his eighth term in the Minnesota Legislature, has made it known that he is going M hear down at the coming legisla- tive session in his one -man cam- paign against cigarette vending ma- chines. Murk, who lives in Minne. MAGIC VIEWER apolis, said the automatic machines make it simple for youngsters to - ::,. t-/« Depth Perception cigarettes. *110-roI/.IYV!w' uric. who introduced his first ir. @2ß - 0.21ñ4.100 outlawing the machines in the K 1959 session of the Legislature TERRIFIC EARNING i. jiv HEIGHT 53" e, said the bill drew opposition m industry representatives. The WIDTH 24" -DEPTH 16" POWER bill died in committee after con- SHIPPING WEIGHT 146 LBS. servatives voiced objection to the let/W.tfon. , MANU, ACtUSt. LOCATION Origi°°'orr °f CINCINNATI -Charlie Kanter, s TESTED GAMES, INC. Former praideat of the Cincinnati Electric Upright Operators' Association and current- also Noerm CAwriEll AVENUE ) ly head of the Ace Sales operation, CHICAGO ca ILLINOIS Free Ploy Games is out of the hospital and back at Phone COrneL 741100 1 work. 70 COIN MACHINES THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER It, 1960 Vending Machine 15 Coin Firms Salesmen Wanted at Park Show European News All coin- operated machines. Sell Briefs directly to locations. 125 mile Reacto is a small counter game. ing -not for free. Proceeds, said radius of N. Y. Cary. The player drops a nickel, presses Goldsmith, were to be given to the Colonial Vending Corp. a green button to get it into posi- Greater Chicago Safety Council to not only record 126 Austin Blyd, tion. When a bell rings, the nickel help promote outright, but also "compose" their own safe driving. music by Island Park. N. Y. drops and the player presses anoth- dypbing together bits and parts of disks Also shown by the firm was a on tapa. Tel. CEneral l -6398 er button to stop it. la The sooner the trailer housing 12 units, suitable for GEMA pressing a series of law suite against nickel stops, taps recorder German the higher the score. carnival or park operation. manufacturers aimed at requiring the recorder Unit sells for $95. It has flashing producer, to desist from Redd showed a small promoting sales on the basis of lights which, together with the bell, counter - niuste taping possibilities. OPERATORS in model bingo -type game that shoots GEMA complains that certain manu- are operated by flashlight batteries. miniature facturers all but urge the public to buy s tape recorder N. ILLINOIS, N. INDIANA pinballs on a board stud- instead of The Twirlyhird is a buying platter's; that recorders are being miniature ded with playing cards. The best plugged as do-it -yourself ride diskeries. There is variegated and IOWA helicopter kiddie that simulates poker hand in five balls wins. There motivation for the alleged tape pop - a helicopter in flight, piracy: economy -tapes can be erased when rotating and is no meter or scoring device on the the pop disk topples swaying front side to front its top tune throne; virtuosity N LTION;UL side. A sound game. Redd also showed a small. -an evening's pop listening system also and dancing program can be "produced" plays realistic "pilot to hot packaged -drink vender and Its in advance of a party, HAS YOURS control tower" as sparing confusion and time; a better READY TO SHIP! conversations the Hollywood candid camera, where a blending of music can be copter moves. achieved, with greater variety, than the patron deposits a nickel and views straight playing of singles; GOTTLIEB'S convenience easier to The rider can control speed by revolving mirror reflections -it's carry a package of tape than a stack of him- of disks. PHENOMENAL NEW turning controls. The chopper has self. fiberglass construction, a meter The Williams Voice-O Be all this as it may, the fact is GEMA -and built -Graph German into the coin box to record gives a one -minute 45- disk juke box operators -are up In arms at what they number regard as FLIPPER of rides, and three mecha- for 35 cents or 50 cents. the encouragement of music piracy and (in the case There is of the nical caster wheels juke Most Important development In for easy also an envelope -dispensing mecha- operators) unfair competition with their GEMA -taxed movability. It a boxes. occupies space of nism at 5 cents or a dime. The modern Amusement Pinball', roughly two and one -half feet by booth is a telephone type enclosure six feel, featuring: and sells for $1,095. with Formica covering. Unlike Exhibit 4 ADD -A -BALL . . Supply showed its new some other recorders, the . a revolutionary Williams Stout Hits type of Extended Playl Player receives card vender (The Billboard, No- unit records directly on the record. Mrs. McCarthy <_ additional balls thru Playing Card vember 28) and a pilot model of an The firm plana to be in production c 33 Sequence, High Scora, Joker Rollovers, animated fortune -teller machine soon on the machine and is shoot- Center Target. operating experience, an active that the firm plans to get into pro- ing for a January 1 delivery date. hiring of Ed Ratajack is the member of my State operator as- first duction. A compact counter model, Price has not been announced ray of sunshine the 941W- oxcinng futuristic cabinet de- on sociation, also an active board on horizon. It Has the unit gives a fortune ticket while the unit. we could only sign' tapered "spectacular" life member of MOA, I must say with match that move by box with write -In penal for a miniature pig merrily flips a bringing in the proper competitive some knowledge of the facts that people on high score posting. frying pan back and forth turning the local not more than half of any and State levels, we could an egg over and opera- get this NEW -"Herd -Cote" ployboard finish over a battery- Johnson Act tors music machines industry on a plane with powered make any provides longest playboard life known) "fire." The unit will sell C,,rui,cied money. General Motors." for under $100. pool p, 8' "So I say, if we wish to sound ACCEPTED EVERYWHERE! Capitol Projectors unveiled a have enacted a law providing for the death knell of the present new machine, and it might Cruiser Pilot drive -it game, their exemption to go on as usual. juke box industry and all those ever be ORDER TODAY f patterned replaced. atter the firm's familiar This would mean that Nevada it now employs, just let the direct auto -test, only utilizing a power- and four Maryland counties would sales peddlers take over. "Nor am I defending a selfish NATIONAL boat principle. interest when be exempt from the ban. Average Turnover i make these pre- COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE Capitol's Sam Goldsmith said the diction,. I am past retirement age The Magnuson and Church bills "My average In 1911.13 Dirney Chicago 19, Ill. firm worked in co-operation with turnover new with no one but my employees were referred to the Senate Com- music machines is BUckingham 1.8211 the U. S. Coast Guard in shooting about every half to leave my business to. My family, merca Committee for study while year on half my film footage for the game. Cruiser locations; every that is not otherwise self- employed, the Harris bill went to the House Pilot will be marketed three years for three -fourths of is all well taken care CIVE TO DAMON next spring. Commerce Committee. of, so it is RUNYON Neither them, and four years on the rest. to the welfare of the industry Capitol also had a full battery of group took any action, the it- CANCER FUND and bills Five to tea years would be the oell I are thinking its auto -test units set up and operat- died. and bere-io average life of a location -owned expressing my thoughts."


A Revolutionary Type of Extended Play

TESTED! PROVEN! ACCEPTED EVERYWHERE! Field Tests Achieve Phenomenal Acceptance -Here's the game that'll give your locations real zest) New ADD -A -BALL feature coupled with bold futur- istic styling and "Hard- Cote" wear -resistant piayboard finish scored an Instant success In comprehensive field tests, Tomorrow's Design Today) -The ageless beauty and durability of Stainless Steel moldings provide an appealing new and clean appearance permanently. Sparkling appearance of plated legs and front door panel adds beauty beyond description. Hard chrome finish corner casting furnishes a comfortable, clean grip for players. Skillful player operation adds an unlimited number of bells to each ears. Playing Card Sequence and High Score makes additional ball available to player. Making either top Joker rollover when lit gives additional ball. Center Target scores additional ball when lighted arrow points to selected card. High Score Panel promotes competitive player appeal. Tapered Light Box ... the ultimate In "design where It counts," Two super. powered skill flippers. Plus a host of other fine features.


Now more than ever.,, It's Alwayj Profitable to Operate Gottlieb Gamest COIN MACHINES 71 THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER S. 1960

$corehigger profits with -r;

Sensational new ,s bingo

NEW MAGIC NUMBERS give player push -button power to shift position of 24 numbers

POPULAR SPOT 16 FEATURE time -tested and profit -proved

NEW STAR NUMBERS attract top action per game

PICK-A-pLAy BUTTONS appeal to all types of players

See, play TOUCHDOWN peaa ...feel the fascination Of Magic Numbers EXTRA ...greatest money-magic ever built into a Bally TIME FEATURES see and bingo. You'll why TOUCHDOWN scores a new high for EXTRA player appeal and BALLS earning power.

18, ILLINOIS See your distributor...or write BALLY MANUFACTURING COMPANY 2640 BELMONT AVENUE, CHICAGO k=';'» 4 >' r .` á C



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>, ° ziri24441 a, =-rr,,r:-.-7: tp-:,F.--_1 '.140


Now the fabulous sound of Seeburg's KOSS STEREOPHONES is generat- ing new and additional revenue. And with no free rides for loc°' on cus- tomers. This money -making accessory puts out stereo sound that is a thrilling revelation to the location customer- intimate binaural hi -fi truly out of this world. But not out of your pocket! Assembled to Seeburgs new Wall- O -Matic 100, these KOSS STEREOPHONES are moneymakers in their own right. No coin -no- sound! Combine them with Artist of the Week -the Seeburg plan that gives the top location a great new stat show every week in 331,1i stereo -and you're selling music instead of merely offering it. EEB FIG