The Study on Cartography, Inventory and Management of Classified Forest in Northern Area in Benin

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The Study on Cartography, Inventory and Management of Classified Forest in Northern Area in Benin No. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) National Center for Remote Sensing And Forest Cover Monitoring Department of Forest and Natural Resources Ministry of Rural Development The Republic of Benin THE STUDY ON CARTOGRAPHY, INVENTORY AND MANAGEMENT OF CLASSIFIED FOREST IN NORTHERN AREA IN BENIN FINAL REPORT « Main Text » December 2000 Japan Forest Technical Association (JAFTA) Sanyu Consultants INC. Aero Asahi Corporation AFF JR 00-53 Explan ation of and discussions on Inception Workshop with representatives of the local Report inhabitants (Beroubouay) Works hop with villagers (Mani-Boké) Technology Transfer Seminar (Parakou) A noticeboard installed under this Study displays A Classified Forest boundary marker installed information on the Classified Forest under this Study Tree Savanna (Sa) in the Rainy Season Tree Savanna (Sa) in the Dry Season Tree height measurement during forest survey Natural regeneration of Isoberlinia sp. after forest fire Description of a soil profile A representative soil profile of Ferralsols Fire caused by the local inhabitants spreads to Grazing conducted by Fulbe tribe in forest forest Cultivation of Yam after felling of natural forest Cotton cultivation in Classified Forest in Classified Forest A Fulbe settlement in Classified Forest A plantation of Tectona grandis Contents Prefeace Letter of Submittal Photos Acronyms (French) Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………i 1. Outline of the Study........................................................................................................1 1.1 Background of the Study ..........................................................................................1 1.2 Objectives of the Study ............................................................................................1 1.3 Study Area..............................................................................................................1 1.4 Implementation of the Study.....................................................................................1 2. Survey in the Study Area .................................................................................................5 2.1 General Conditions ..................................................................................................5 2.1.1 Natural Conditions .................................................................................................5 2.1.2 Socio-economic Conditions.....................................................................................7 2.1.3 Agriculture and Livestock Raising ...........................................................................9 2.1.4 Forest and Forestry ..............................................................................................15 2.2 Aerial Photography................................................................................................19 2.2.1 Photography Area and Specifications .....................................................................19 2.2.2 Photography Courses and Volume of Photographs ....................................................19 2.2.3 Photography Results.............................................................................................19 2.3 Land Use and Vegetation Survey .............................................................................19 2.3.1 Photo Interpretation Categories of Land Use and Vegetation......................................19 2.3.2 Current Condition of Land Use and Vegetation ........................................................20 2.3.3 Preparation of Land Use and Vegetation Maps .........................................................20 2.4 Survey to Ascertain the Actual State of the Local Inhabitants (First Part)......................22 2.4.1 Survey Implementation.........................................................................................22 2.4.2 Actual Condition of the Villages ............................................................................23 2.4.3 Living Condition of the Local Inhabitant.................................................................25 2.5 Initial Environmental Survey...................................................................................32 2.5.1 Natural and Social Environments of the Study Area .................................................33 2.5.2 Contents of the Plan .............................................................................................34 2.5.3 Evaluation of Environmental Items ........................................................................35 2.5.4 Environmental Elements to be Considered for Plan Preparation .................................35 3. Survey of the Intensive Study Area .................................................................................37 3.1 Preparation of Topographical Maps ..........................................................................37 3.2 Forest Survey........................................................................................................38 3.2.1 Preliminary Forest Survey.....................................................................................38 3.2.2 Interpretation of Aerial Photographs.......................................................................39 3.2.3 Creation of Forest Type Maps................................................................................40 3.2.4 Sampling Survey .................................................................................................41 3.2.5 Creation of Forest Inventory Books ........................................................................44 3.3 Soil Survey...........................................................................................................46 3.3.1 Soil Classification ................................................................................................46 3.3.2 Soil Distribution ..................................................................................................46 3.3.3 Soil Conditions and Land Use ...............................................................................47 3.4 Farming and Stock Raising Survey..............................................................................48 3.4.1 Farming in the Intensive Study Area.......................................................................48 3.4.2 Farming in Five Settlements..................................................................................52 3.4.3 Livestock Raising ................................................................................................54 3.5 Forest and Forestry................................................................................................56 3.6 Community Forest.................................................................................................57 3.7 Survey to Ascertain the Actual State of the Local Inhabitants (Second Part)..................59 3.7.1 Survey Implementation.........................................................................................59 3.7.2 Survey Results.....................................................................................................60 3.8 Workshop With Villagers (First Part)........................................................................65 3.8.1 The Implementation of the Workshop With Villagers (First Part)................................65 3.8.2 Presentation of the Basic Concept..........................................................................66 3.8.3 Discussions with the Local Inhabitants regarding the Basic Concept...........................67 3.8.4 Response to the Opinions of the Local Inhabitants....................................................68 3.9 Workshop With Villagers (Second Part)....................................................................70 3.9.1 Data Related to the Survey of the Target Settlements................................................70 3.9.2 Points Requiring Consideration with regard to the Formulation of Plans .....................72 3.9.3 Causes of Social Restrictions on the Implementation of the Forest Improvement Plan...75 3.10 Establishing the Boundaries of the Classified Forest...................................................76 4. Forest Management Plan ...............................................................................................79 4.1 The Concept of the Forest Management Plan.............................................................79 4.2 Forest Management Units and Improvement Units.....................................................81 4.3 Classified Forest Plans ...........................................................................................84 4.3.1 Improvement Goals..............................................................................................84 4.3.2 Zoning................................................................................................................85 4.3.3 Improvement Standards ........................................................................................93 4.3.4 Improvement Plans ..............................................................................................95 4.4 Buffer Zone Management Plan ............................................................................ 133 4.5 Living Environment Improvement Plan .................................................................. 136 4.6 Plans for Management, Administration and Maintenance.......................................... 137 4.7 Plans for the Implementation of Operations............................................................
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