The Asteroids Report for Joe Doe 8 June 1978 4:56 AM Beaumont, Texas Mahala Gayle AmorStyle Healing & Yoga llc Redmond, Washington 98053
[email protected] Introduction to the Asteroids Report Asteroids orbit around the Sun just as planets do, but they are generally smaller than planets, and some of their physical characteristics and orbital characteristics are different from those of planets. Some objects are classified as being dwarf planets, and these objects are more similar to planets than most asteroids but do not fully have the characteristics that are typical of a planet. Pluto was once regarded officially as a planet but has been reclassified as a dward planet, and the asteroid Ceres is now widely regarded as a dwarf planet. Of the hundreds of thousands of asteroids that orbit around our Sun, over 1,000 of them have been given names that are related to myths, legends, literary or historical figures of interest, or places. Some astrologers believe that asteroids have a significance and relevance to human life just as the planets do, and that the astrological significance of the asteroid is often related in some way to the name of the asteroid. In this report 1,425 asteroids are analyzed to see if they are conjunct in zodiac longitude the Sun, Moon, or planets in the birth chart within a 1 degree orb. If the conjunction occurs, information about the asteroid is provided. Those astrologers who include hundreds of asteroids in their interpretations believe that the asteroids often related to very specific events in your life.