
11.3 The Hyperbola

OBJECTIVES: • Recognize the of a hyperbola. • Graph hyperbolas by using . • Identify conic sections by their .

Written by: Cindy Alder The Hyperbola

• A hyperbola is formed when a cuts the at an angle closer to the axis than the side of the cone.

• The definition of a hyperbola is the of all points in a plane, the difference of whose distances from two fixed points, called the foci, remains constant. Hyperbola in Physical Situations

A hyperbola revolving around its axis forms a surface called a . The cooling tower of a steam power plant has the shape of a hyperboloid, as does the architecture of the James S. McDonnell Planetarium of the St. Louis Science Center. Hyperbolas in Physical Situations

• A sonic boom shock wave has the shape of a cone, and it intersects the ground in part of a hyperbola. It hits every point on this curve at the same time, so that people in different places along the curve on the ground hear it at the same time. Because the airplane is moving forward, the hyperbolic curve moves forward and eventually the boom can be heard by everyone in its path. Equation of a Hyperbola Centered at the Origin

Equation Graph Description Identification

The 푥-intercepts are 푥2 has a xy22 (푎, 0) and (−푎. 0). positive 1 The asymptotes are coefficient. ab22 found from (푎, 푏), 푦2 has a 푎, −푏 , (−푎, −푏), negative and (−푎, 푏). coefficient.

The 푦-intercepts are 푦2 has a yx22 0, 푏 and (0, −푏). positive 1 The asymptotes are coefficient. ba22 found from 푎, 푏 , 푥2 has a 푎, −푏 , (−푎, −푏), negative and (−푎, 푏). coefficient. Graphing Hyperbolas yx2 2 1 To graph a hyperbola: 16 9 • Find the values of 푎 and 푏. • Find and sketch the 푥 or 푦-intercepts. (푥-intercepts if 푥2 has a positive coefficient, 푦- y -intercpets: 0,4 and 0, 4 intercepts if 푦2 has a positive coefficient)     • Find and sketch the fundamental vertices:3,4,   3,4,   3,4  and  3,4   rectangle. The vertices are located at 푎, 푏 , −푎, 푏 , −푎, −푏 , and (푎, −푏). • Sketch the asymptotes. (the extended diagonals of the rectangle with the following 푏 equations: 푦 = ± 푥) 푎 • Draw the graph. Graphing Hyperbolas xy22 • Graph: 1 81 64

Graphing Hyperbolas

22 • Graph: 35yx 4 140

Graphing Hyperbolas xy3222  • Graph: 1 16 25

Equation Graph Description Identification

Parabola opens up if a > 0, It has an x2 y a x  h2  k down if a < 0. The vertex is term and y is ( h, k ). The axis is x = h. not squared.

Parabola opens to the right It has a y2 2 if a > 0, to the left if a < 0. x a y  k  h term and x is The vertex is ( h, k ). The not squared. axis is y = k. x2 and y2 terms The center is ( h, k ) have the same 222 x h  y  k  r and the radius is r. positive coefficients. The x-intercepts are x2 and y2 terms xy22 ( a, 0 ) and ( -a, 0 ). The have different 1 ab22 y-intercepts are ( 0, b ) positive and ( 0, -b ). coefficients. The x-intercepts are ( a, 0 ) and x2 has a positive xy22 ( -a, 0 ). The asymptotes are coefficient. 2 221 found from ( a, b ), ( a, -b ), y has a negative ab ( -a, -b ), and ( -a, b ). coefficient. The y-intercepts are ( 0, b ) and y2 has a positive yx22 1 ( 0, -b ). The asymptotes are coefficient. ba22 found from ( a, b ), ( a, -b ), x2 has a negative ( -a, -b ), and ( -a, b ). coefficient. Identifying Conic Sections from Their Equations

• Identify the graph of each equation.

• 9푥2 = 108 + 12푦2 • 3푥2 = 27 − 4푦2

• 푥2 = 푦 − 3 • 6푥2 = 100 + 2푦2

• 푥2 = 9 − 푦2 • 3푥2 = 27 − 4푦 References

• Britton, Jill. Occurrence of the Conics. September 25, 2003. June 3O, 2004 http://britton.disted.camosun.bc.ca/jbconics.htm • Wolfram Mathworld. Conic Sections http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Hyperbola.html • Courtney Seligman, Professor of Astronomy / Author, and Other Conic Sections . http://cseligman.com/text/history/ellipses.htm • Steward Calculus. Review of Conic Sections http://www.stewartcalculus.com/data/ESSENTIAL%20CALCULUS%2 0Early%20Transcendentals/upfiles/ess-reviewofconics.pdf • Lial, Hornsby, & McGinnis. Beginning and Intermediate Algebra. 2008