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Issue 275 June 2021 Dates for your Diary

2 The Rectory, High Street, , BA11 4LZ Tel: 01373 837337 From the Rectory

As the weather slowly tries to bring us into summer, the wedding season is also hotting up. Along with couples who booked weddings this year, couples who postponed their ceremonies last year because of the pandemic will find one or two changes in the ceremony. Since 1837, clergy of the Church of have issued the marriage certificate to newly-weds immediately following their wedding. New legislation introduced on 4th May 2021 is moving away from the current paper register: the traditional Register and Certificate books that were signed by the couple and their witnesses. The new electronic register will allow for the names of multiple parents of the couple to be included in the marriage entry and on marriage certificates, instead of just the fathers’ names as was previously the case. (This is the same system that is already in place for registering Civil Partnerships.) There are two differences that couples will notice at their ceremonies. Firstly, they will not sign register books. Couples and their witnesses will sign a single sheet of paper called a Marriage Schedule which is unique to the couple. Secondly, couples will no longer receive a certificate of marriage on the day of the ceremony. Instead, these will be posted to couples ‘within 5 working days’ of receipt of the Marriage Schedule by the Registry office. (You are of course, legally married from the moment you have said your vows and the minister pronounces that you are married!) Something to be aware of is that these new changes may present a problem for couples wishing to go away straight after their wedding. Some honeymoon offers require proof of marriage to validate a special offer, or the couple may be travelling to a country where couples must be legally wed to share a room. As the certificate will not be available for up to 5 days, couples would be well advised to check in advance what other proof businesses or travel destinations will accept. In the long run, it is hoped that standardising the legal aspect of weddings ‘across the board’ will simplify the service that couples of whatever denomination or creed can expect on their big day! With every blessing, Fr Anthony

Please Note: Monday is now my day off. Please leave a message or email and I’ll respond as soon as possible.

3 Letter from Bishop Ruth A time to learn ‘I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught,’ wrote Winston Churchill. I think many of us would echo that thought! Ahuge ‘thank you’to our teachers and all who support our schools! There has been a tremendous effort across our diocese to ensure our children have been able to continue their education during lockdowns and the need to restrict normal practice. Not only have the children been learning but teaching staff have also been going ‘back to school’ in order to find new means of communication. Governors, church communities and individual volunteers have gone the extra mile too, to encourage our teachers through gifts and cards and prayer. The whole school team deserves our gratitude. Learning online is a challenge. Those of us who are spending many hours in Zoom rooms online these days can vouch for that. It’s tiring!And it is not just our children who have found it so.At the end of this month we shall be celebrating the ordinations of our new priests. Last year they were ordained as deacons in September following three months as lay curates as a result of the pandemic restrictions. What a year to be a deacon! They’ve had a very different learning experience than would normally be expected. Not so much opportunity of the ‘hands-on’ experience yet perhaps an even more profound learning possibility. I’m looking forward to hearing their stories! We shall be repeating the new pattern of ordinations with our incoming deacons being licensed as lay curates initially this June. For them, colleges and courses have taken place principally online and they’ve had experience of digital worship on top of regular lectures and seminars. How might that prepare them for our ‘new normal’ of blended worship, with live-streaming of services in person? As the Church emerges into this ‘new normal’ we have the opportunity together to learn and discover new things, new gifts, new ways of being the people of God. It is the same good God, the same story of His love to share with others, but there’s a new landscape. How might you and your community respond to that? What have you learnt in this time? And how might that learning change you and the way you do things? Do share your stories with us! “One learns from books and example only that certain things can be done. Actual learning requires that you do those things.” (Frank Herbert) Every blessing Bishop Ruth

4 From the Registers Weddings Barnaby Charles and Cordelia Francis Marston 29th May Funerals Clive Vine service and burial 28th May

Leigh on Mendip with APCM Leigh-on-Mendip with Downhead Annual Parochial Church Meeting was held on 26 April 2021. Alastair Weston stood down as churchwarden and thanks were expressed for his years as warden and all the work he has done for and on behalf of the church and the PCC. A presentation of a suitable gift of a container for glasses (see below) was made at a recent service. The rest of the PCC members are Rev Anthony Dickson (Chairman), Stephen Britten (Churchwarden), Margaret Loten (Treasurer), Anthea Brooks (Secretary), David Mattick, Susan Rodford, Paula Freeland and Chris Ingrem . Various reports including the 2020 Annual Report, Financial Statements and Churchwardens Reports’ were discussed. If you have any interest in church matters or wish to volunteer to help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact either Rev Dickson or a member of the PCC. Contact numbers are provided elsewhere in the magazine.

5 Being the Church Warden After 8 years of faithful service as Church Warden in Stoke, Malcolm has decided it is time to step back and retire. As a community Iʼm sure you would join me to say a huge thank you to him (and to Glenna) for his hard work and service to the church! Jane continues the work as Church Warden, and during the recent Annual Church Meeting I was appointed to work alongside Jane. I am reasonably new to Stoke, so I thought Iʼd take a moment to introduce myself for anyone who I donʼt yet know! I am married to Chris and we have lived in Stoke for 2 ½ years in Fosse Road, having lived in prior to that, where Chris was the vicar for 15 years (he now works for the Church of England, based in London). We have 2 daughters in their 20ʼs. I am an Occupational Therapist, and work 4 days per week in the Mental Health team, based in Wells. I have been a Christian for most of my life, and believe that God has important things to teach us in our modern world about the way we live, our relationships with each other, and with Him. I also have a great interest in healing and pastoral care- God loves us so much and desires for us to be whole- I am interested in how we as a church community can be involved in Godʼs work here. But what is the role of a Church Warden? This is a good question, and one I am rapidly finding out! I know I have a lot to learn! I have been reading up on the Bath and Wells Diocese website and thought Iʼd share what they say about the role with you… • Be the guardian of the church and the churchyard • Have responsibility for furniture and ornaments, maintaining a proper inventory • Lead the PCC in promoting the Churchʼs mission • Look after the welfare of the incumbent and his/her family • Be an officer of the Bishop – to answer such questions as may be put to them and to report what has been done • Be a person who is able to link the local with the wider vision of the church And Jane and Malcolm made it look so easy! I have some large shoes to fill!! Please bear with me as I get to grips with my new role, and please pray for me that I will serve humbly and wisely! I look forward to working with you and getting to know you in my new role! God Bless. Justine North

6 Sidesmen and Flowers

Leigh on Mendip Sidesmen Flowers 6June CarolineHarris SueRodford 13June Noservice - 20 June Noservice WendyJeanes 27 June TomandSueRodford - 4 July Brian and Margaret Loten Sue Mattick Church/Brass Cleaning June – Vanessa Barnes and Sarah Middle July – Margaret Loten and Jackie Longley

Stoke St Michael Sidesmen Flowers 6JunePeter Vicary Lin Strong 13June JustineNorth - 20 June Malcolm Martin Hazel Tucker 27June Noservice - 4 July Janet Gilham Peter Vicary Church Cleaning June – Cicely Middle July – Jane Evans

From the Editor It’s been a Steep Learning Curve getting to grips with the desktop publishing package I have used this month to create the magazine, the PC I had been using is suffering from old age. I’m winning but there is still a long way to go and a new vocabulary to learn I used to insert now I impose or place. Leading, I should have known that as when I worked in the cost office of Butler & Tanner, the printers, I had to visit the type setting department and that is where the term comes from it is the space between lines of print created by the type setters with strips of lead. You may have noticed some changes and, I hope, like them there may be more if I master it. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the photographsIhaveusedwillreproduce,theprintrunwillanswerthat. Jane

7 Stoke St Michael Primary School and Little Roots Pre-School For Earth Day, all three classes were able to watch a livestream video performance of The Lorax by The Old Vic Theatre. Owl class took the theme of the environment further by looking at the work of Dr Sylvia Earle and her role in conservation. Acorns class have recently been exploring the topic of the oceans, discovering all about under water creatures and even dressing up as pirates for the day to help fire up their imaginations with their creative writing. Oaks class are now exploring the Ancient Greeks and have designed some wonderful Greek vases using different media. The whole school also joined in with the World Book Trust’s Pyjamarama day, where everyone (including staff!) turned up at school in their pyjamas to enjoy reading and sharing stories in comfort. Three new recruits to the school in the form of rescue hens form the British Hen Welfare Trust have been welcomed to the school grounds. They are settling in well and Owl class has taken on the responsibility of feeding and caring for them. A new fundraising event for the federation of Stoke St. Michael and Primary schools will be taking place on the 25th September. Forty For the Federation is a sponsored walk of 42km/26 miles taking in some of our beautiful local scenery. All participants will receive a medal and all money raised will go towards enriching the outdoor play areas at both schools. For more information or to enter please email or to make a donation please visit the JustGiving page 40forthefederation. Leigh on Mendip First School The Governors and Senior Leadership team are excited to inform you the planning has been obtained for the Building of a final classroom which will enable the school to provide a fully functional Primary School. This has been the culmination of many years work to achieve with the help of Partnership Schools and will ensure a sustainable and progressive village school enjoyed already by many children, with more to transit through to their future senior education. Building work is scheduled to start on the 24th May 2021 for an estimated 18 weeks. As a result there may be some disruption of traffic and parking however the contractors have assured us that they will keep this to a minimum. Should anyone in the Parish want to seek further information or discuss this please contact either of the school Governors listed below. PhilipWatts–07544558037 TySchlechter–07807266406 [email protected] [email protected] 8 INFORMATION PAGE

Vicar: The Reverend Anthony Dickson The Rectory, High Street, Nunney Frome BA11 4LZ Tel: 01373 837337 Parish Office, The Rectory email: nunney.rectory Parish Administrators : Anthea Brooks, Louisa Skinner Leigh on Mendip and Downhead Parochial Church Council Contact email : [email protected] or [email protected] Telephone: 07815 911084 or 01761 418737 Churchwardens Steve Britten Goldsborough Farm 01749 840291 Stoke St Michael BA3 5LD Treasurer Margaret Loten 6 The Old Sawmills 01373812922 LeighonMendipBA35QU Secretary Anthea Brooks Ashville, Monger Lane 01761418737 RadstockBA32BP Stoke St Michael Parochial Church Council Contact email : [email protected] See also : Churchwardens JaneEvans Withybrook 01749840660 StokeStMichaelBA35JQ Justine North West Phippens Farmhouse 01749840412 StokeStMichaelBA35JH Treasurer Tim Pearce 18 The Mead 01749841493 StokeStMichaelBA35JD Secretary Janet Gilham Hillside, Withybrook 01749840671 StokeStMichaelBA35JQ Safeguarding Officer for Leigh on Mendip, Downhead & Stoke St Michael Sue Rodford Knapp Hill Cottage 01373812766 LeighonMendipBA35QY

9 Leigh Recreation Field Bonus Club The winners in April were Rod & Sue Camborne and Julie Davidson. They should have their £30 by now (rollover). AGM Thank you to everyone who came along to our slightly cold and windy AGM. We had more people than ever before, and even recruited new committee members – thanks Bren, Vicki and Martin. Village Day The Fair Committee have booked the rec for Saturday 21 August. Not a fair, just a day to meet together for the first time in a long time, and welcome the newcomers who have moved into the village during lockdown. More details on the village website. Keep safe and enjoy the rec. David Pattison 812570 Leigh on Mendip WI Well. So much for taking advantage of lockdown easing! With the unseasonal wet, cool and windy weather, we’ve all been driven back indoors! However, we’ve made the best of the few brighter days and managed, (with the easing) some outdoor meet- ups, in gardens and the pub marquee. Along with plenty of walks together, between the rain showers! We’ve continued to support each other with regular phone calls and our WhatsApp group chat. Lots of thoughts, shared moments, empathy and laughs! We’re still meeting for our twice-monthly zoom meetings. For occasional coffee morning meet-ups or our themed, evening sessions. An opportunity to share stories and ideas. Good fun! Our speaker, this past month, was Marion Dale, a horticulture expert and garden designer. She has a vast knowledge of plant origins, their contextual history and place within societies. She gave a fascinating talk on “Plants which Changed the World – or Tried to!” She showed pictures and gave details of plants from all around the World and demonstrated how, over the years, we have adopted and used them. From the humble, domestic potato to more exotic and broader use plants which have formed the basis for some brilliant, life changing inventions and industries. Rubber, Hemp, Ferns/Coal, Silk, Perfume, Quinine, Agave – to name but a few! Our next speaker’s theme will be on “Beautiful Somerset”. A chance to uncover some of the hidden delights of our glorious County! Our next zoom social/coffee morning is coming up. Our topic is May Celebrations. Any memories, photos, thoughts and stories are welcome, or just come along and enjoy. We are planning a group picnic lunch at the Recreation Field, date TBC but some time in June. We are also looking to restart our monthly pub lunches, 6 indoors with more allowed outdoor in the garden or marquee, again TBC (and weather dependent!) We’ll continue to monitor how members feel about getting together indoors. Tai Chi is starting again in the Hall. Numbers are obviously restricted indoors so booking in advance is key. From County News, there is an upcoming visit to Hauser and Wirth in and Food/Craft show in Taunton. We still have access to some great speakers via

10 Somerset WI and a broad range of talks/courses through ‘Denman at Home’. These are open to all at just £5 per session. For latest list see: https:// If there are any ladies in the village who’d like to join in and get to know others, you are very welcome to our zoom talks. No commitment! Contact Mary on 01373 812415 See more on our blog at:https:/

For more information, please ring Graham 01761 232753 or e-mail: [email protected] LOMCA – June 2021 We are hoping to hold an Active Living Centre meeting indoors in the Memorial Hall at the usual time of 10.00am on 28 June. However, this depends on the numbers allowed indoors being increased from the current maximum of six people. We hope to know the situation on 14 June. If indoors is unlikely, or not possible, then we will aim to hold the 28 June meeting outside on the Recreation Field from 10.30am, weather permitting. Regular ALC members only, as numbers are likely to be restricted, with booking required by 20 June at the latest. We hope that we will also be able to meet inside in the Memorial Hall on 29 June at 2pm for Kurling & Cake meeting. Booking for the Kurling meeting is required by Tuesday 22 June - numbers attending may be restricted. Leigh on Mendip Memorial Hall At the start of May, like everyone, the Hall committee are gradually getting back to “normal” whatever that turn out to be. We now have a few bookings in our monthly diary sheet and hope for more from the 17th of the month and of course even more once restrictions lift further. For the time being though there is still very little happening and our monthly zoom committee meetings have been pretty short as not a lot to discuss. We did have an issue with a leak from the gent’s toilet but that was quickly repaired. Whether the same is true for the leak in the roof remains to be seen, although there have been no reports of water getting through from our admittedly sparse number of hirers. At the time of writing details had not been finalised for the proposed Village Day in August but the Hall committee had agreed to cover any losses up to £500. This was very much in line with our function in normal times of providing facilities for villagers which of course we have been unable to do while closed. Thanks to various government grants our finances are in a good state and we felt it appropriate to use a small part of these to help ensure the Village Day went ahead. The next meeting will be on Monday 7th June at 8pm in the HALL! 11 Church Services in the Benefices of Stoke St Michael, Leigh on Mendip and the United Parish of Postlebury

4 June (Friday) 10.00Nunney Holy Communion BCP tbc 6 June – 1st Sunday after Trinity 09.30Wanstrow Holy CommunionRev D Gatliffe 11.00 Leigh-on-Mendip All Age Service Henry Pomeroy 18.00 Stoke St Michael EvensongJane Evans 11 June (Friday) 10.00Nunney Holy Communion BCPRev A Dickson 13 June – Trinity 2 09.30 Stoke St Michael Holy CommunionRev A Dickson 11.00Witham Family CommunionRev A Dickson 18 June (Friday) 10.00Nunney Holy Communion BCPRev A Dickson 20 June – Trinity 3 09.30Nunney Holy CommunionRev A Dickson 11.00 Stoke St Michael Family CommunionRev A Dickson 18.00Downhead EvensongRev A Dickson

12 June 2021

25 June (Friday) 10.00Nunney Holy Communion BCPRev A Dickson 27 June – Trinity 4 09.30 Leigh-on-Mendip Holy CommunionRev A Dickson 11.00Cloford Holy CommunionRev A Dickson 11.00MarstonMatins Jonathan Cheal ……………………………………………………………………….

2 July (Friday) 10.00Nunney Holy Communion BCPRev A Dickson 4 July – Trinity 5 09.30Wanstrow Holy CommunionRev A Dickson 11.00 Leigh-on-Mendip All Age Service Rev A Dickson 18.00 Stoke St Michael EvensongJane Evans 9 July (Friday) 10.00Nunney Holy Communion BCPRev A Dickson

13 June Village Agent News The world is finally opening back up again! We are really looking forward to being able to get back out in the community to see our clients! Why not look up your local community centre, hobby or Carers group and see when they are active again? If you are not sure what is available in your local area give us a call on 01823 331 222 and we can connect you! The re-opening of services will bring great relief to the many thousands of unpaid Carers in Somerset who have not had access to respite facilities for a consider- able length of time. Organisations such as Heads Up Somerset who provide day care for those with brain injuries, learning difficulties and dementia in the Wells area have reopened from April 1st - you can call them on 01749 670667 or visithttp://www.headsupso- There is also The Filo Project for Somerset residents The Filo Project offers high quality day care for small groups of older people that have memory loss or moder- ate dementia. You can call them on0333 939 8225 or visithttps://www.thefilopro- We Hear You provides free therapeutic support to children, families and individu- als in Somerset affected by cancer and other life-threatening conditions. Their face-to-face services are reopening and you can contact them on 01373 455 255 or visit If you are an unpaid Carer, please do get in touch – you may not feel you need any help and support right now, but we can just check in with you, so you know what’s available if and when you feel you would benefit from further advice. Right now, we can help you with anything from finding a sitting service if you have a hospital appointment, a package of care if you or a family member are returning from hospital, or provide you with a little rest from cooking with our ‘Carer Packs’ - delicious pre-made meals for you and the person you care for. We can help make your everyday life a little easier, check you are receiving the correct benefits and look at the whole family support need, especially as we work closely with your doctor’s surgery and adult social care. We have a freephone Carers Advice line you can call 0800 31 68 600 or text ‘CARER’ to 78070 and the Carers Advice line will call you back.

14 Whether or not you care for someone you may need a little extra help at home. From personal care, Carers respite to household jobs a micro-provider could be just what you’re looking for! Micro-providers are providers of very small, community based care and support ser- vices. A micro-provider has eight or fewer paid or unpaid workers and totally independent of a larger organisation. Examples of micro-services could include:

• Support to keep a person well, social and remain independent • Support to people living in their own homes • Short breaks and holidays • Support to access employment, education and leisure • Day support and help around the home.

As Village Agents, we can help connect you with the right micro-provider for your needs - and it may be that you have more than one undertaking different tasks for you, as many have different areas of expertise. It’s also a great career opportunity to become a micro-provider. It’s very rewarding and worth considering if you want to start a new career or fresh challenge! You would be well supported starting up with the Somerset Micro-enterprise Project - ject/ - you can become an accredited provider, decide your hours and what areas of work you want to do – call Rhys on 07788350806 for more information. Hopefully next month we will have news of our Talking Cafes returning to venues across Somerset – but for now don’t forget you can catch us live on weekdays at and we look forward to meeting you or seeing you again soon out in the community! As always, if you need support, information or advice, please get in touch by phone or e-mail.r Nic 07946461468, [email protected]

Leigh on Mendip Allotment Association The Leigh on Mendip allotments are in the field to the west side of the Recreation Playing Field. If you live in the parish of Leigh on Mendip and want to register, or simply discuss having an allotment, please contact :- Tim Spurgeon, 18, Park Hayes, tel 07813 505830 or e mail [email protected]

15 June in the Garden The longest day will soon be here, hardly believable as I write, and we hope warmer temperatures and extra sunlight. Check plants daily and water if the soil is dry, especially newly planted trees and shrubs. Harden off any remaining bedding plants ready to plant out. Ensure your plants donʼt have to compete for light, nutrients and water by keeping on top of the weeding. Thin out drifts of hardy annual plants if they are over crowded. Lift and divide overcrowded clump of bulbs and tubers especially snowdrops and bluebells once the leaves start to yellow. To encourage a bushy habit and more flowers pinch out the tips of fuchsias. Pick sweet peas as soon as they flower to encourage more blooms do not let them set seed. Dead-head your roses if they are repeat flowering types. Dead-head oriental poppies, once they have finished flowering cut back close to ground level to stimulates new growth. Use soft ties to train climbing plants to their supports. Towards the end of the month cut back hardy geraniums if they have finished flowering to encourage new growth and flowers. Harvest flower heads from lavender plants to use in baking, as a garnish to your meals or dry for lavender bags and other crafts. For flowers that bridge the gap between spring and summer try growing forget-me-nots, foxgloves,(Dianthus plants (Sweet Williams) and wallflowers in seed trays now, for colour next year Continue to hearth up potato plants. If growing in pots keep the compost moist but not wet, as this compacts the soil, squeezing out oxygen and prevents the tubers form swelling. Pinch out any side shoots of cordon tomato plants. Pot these up to create new plants. Start to feed once the first truss is setting fruit. Harvest salad leaves and resow every two weeks for a constant supply of tasty leaves. Use brassica collars when planting out cabbages to prevent cabbage root fly attack. Harvest first early potatoes, nomally ready around ten weeks after planting. If the leaves of onions and garlic starts to yellow and die back they are ready to harvest. 16 Use horticultural fleece to cover crops and protect from carrot fly. Give plants fruiting in containers a high potash liquid feed to keep them healthy and productive. Although fruit trees will naturally shed some fruit, called the ʻJune dropʼ, thin out congested branches for bigger and better fruits. Peg down strawberry runners to create more plants, if not required completely remove them. Always use rainwater to water blueberry plants, lime reduces the acidity of the soil. Top-dress patio dwarf fruit trees with fresh compost and a slow -release Fertiliser. If there hasnʼt been much rain, raise the lawn mower blades to reduce stress on your grass. Warm weather encourages rapid weed growth apply specific lawn weed killer to tackle them and feed with lawn fertiliser to encourage healthy green growth. Use water butts as much as possible and water containers and baskets well in hot weather. Start to feed them with a balanced liquid fertiliser every 2 - 4 weeks. Still time to grow runner and french beans, beetroot and carrot sow direct in the ground. Charlotte and Maris Per potatoes can be planted from mid June to late July. These are best planted into 40 litre patio bags, 5 tubers per bag. No chitting is necessary as the warmth of the compost ad the summer temperatures will quickly entice growth. Check your lilies for scarlet lily beetles and remove and crash any seen. Also check for the sticky brown larvae on the underside of leaves. Clip evergreen hedges such as privet, box and yew while they are in active growth. Sow winter-flowering pansies in seed trays to be ready for winter containers. Scatter nigella seeds in your borders now for some striking blue late - summer flowers. Thereʼs still time to grow runner-beans and french beans - sow them directly in the ground now. Sow spring onion seeds in drills outdoor for a quick crop to add to salads and stir fries. Start winter cabbage seeds off in a greenhouse or coldframe now as they require a long growing season For something more unusual try sowing kohl rabi “Kolibri F1 Hybrid where you want it to grow - itʼll be ready in aslittle s 8 weeks after sowing. It may seem early but think about colour for next year, sow indoors perennial seeds such as aquilegia, bells, Canterbury bells, delphiniums, lupins and scabiosa. Taken from Thompson & Morganʼs “What to do in the Garden this month Jane Evans East Mendip Gardening Club 17 Stoke St Michael Village Hall

Open Day Saturday July 24th. 10.30am – 4.00pm Hot Dogs, Soup & Bun, Cream Teas

It would be nice to see you and our hall is looking great

Bookings are now being taken for social events. Please pop in more info. Free hall hire for village residents.

To help support our newly refurbished hall we are looking for an admin /booking enquiry clerk. If you would like to be involved, please get in touch. email: [email protected]. 07960295425

We have booked our AGM for June 6th , as detailed on the web site. If you want to be there but can’t we are happy to use technology to keep in touch.


◊ Ear wax removal by irrigation ◊ Ear check prior to Audiology ◊ Fully trained and experienced ______Sister Teresa Munro RGN 07962 106 045 [email protected] ______

Horizon Suite, Frome Medical Centre Enos Way, Frome BA11 2FH

Mole Catcher Dunns Logs

01373836350 Quality Seasoned Hardwood Logs Delivery and stacking at no extra 07512681111 cost Nets of Logs and Kindling also No Mole available Contact Richard on No Fee 07703062048 Facebook Page Dunns Logs

19 Oilmaster Oil heating specialist -Aga,Rayburn , Stanley, Alpha Boilers all types Breakdownsand servicing 24 hour call outs Small plumbing jobs PLANNING A PARTY? Bleed throughs WE WOULD LOVE TO HELP. Call 07428663825 or WE CATER FOR ANY FUNCTION. 01747 826094 PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT…

W.J.Trotman Funeral Directors (Incorporating Oswald Clarke Funeral Directors of Bruton)

Ashdene, Cranmore, , Somerset BA4 4QQ. Tel (01749) 880271

A family run business for over four generations Private Chapel of Rest

Pre-paid funeral plans available

20 Owl Babies Preschool @ Leigh on Mendip First School

Open daily from 8.45am – 3pm Term time only Hourly rate £4.40 Day rate £26.40 Funding available for qualifying 2, 3 and 4 years old (15 or 30 hours/week)

For more information on our pre-school visit or contact us on 01373 812592 [email protected]

LEIGH ON MENDIP PARENT, TODDLER & BABY GROUP New members are always welcome Leigh on Mendip Memorial Hall, Tuesdays 9 .30 am – 11.30 am. (term time only)

£1.50 for first child and 50p for siblings (including refreshments and resources) If you need any more information contact Laura Martin on 07769292304

21 Do you need a reliable local Al Stewart Chimney Sweep? Transition4u Personal Training - Individual Training Programmes Hello, Iʼm Matt Clark. A member of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps - Injury Rehabilitation :offering: - Sports massage • Chimney sweeping - Free initial consultation • A clean and thorough job Phone 07889 093179 • Certificates for your insurers • Bird guard fitting • Bird nest removal Member of REPS; NRPT; FHT Independent Herbalife Member Chimney Sweeps Somerset Tel: 07891 105529 [email protected]

Bridal Hair & Basic Make up Computers Experienced hairdresser and make up artist Broadbandchallenges with home based beauty room Are you struggling? Val Hurle provides a Software/hardware issues friendly, calming and Inspiration required relaxing service for all the Contact Ian Tucker bridal party in the comfort of your own home or venue 01373 813353 or 07889 767886 Tel01761 436764 or visitwww.-valhurle/ [email protected]

22 Stoke St. Michael Baby and Toddler Group Come and join our friendly group! When? Wednesdays, during term time Where? Stoke War Memorial Hall What time? 9.30am to 11.30am. How much? £1 per family. First visit free!

We provide a large range of toys for babies and toddlers, as well as fun, weekly activities. Children can enjoy a healthy snack whilst parents can relax with a cup of tea, all included! Monthly visits from the Children’s Centre and toy library. Who? Sarah ([email protected])07398043054or Charlotte ([email protected] 01749840255) Stoke St Michael Toddler Group

Little Roots @S toke Moonshill Road,StokeS t Michael BA3 5LG

Openterm time only: Monday–Thursday 9am – 3pm

Forest Schools essions areavailable. Weprovide childcarefor2years old + We offer 15 and 30 hours funded places for eligible2year olds all 3 and4yearolds.

For morei nformation, or to arrangeavisit call us 07565 931718 or email:[email protected]


We pride ourselves in being able to offer a One Stop Shop for both hair and beauty

Nail treatments, waxing and tinting All available 9am - 6pm Tuesday to Friday If you would like to make an appointment, please call us on 01761 233681 07876 301615 [email protected]

Based in Leigh on Mendip and operating across the wider locality




D HURLE Andy Christie Man & van PLASTERING SERVICE Licensed Waste Carrier Reg. No. CBDU 138947 COMPETITIVE RATES Removals Reliable and Trustworthy Clearances undertaken Tip runs No job too small Please ring or text 07743592094 Telephone 0789 717702 or email [email protected]

25 Leigh-on-Mendip Parish Council Chairman Clerk David Mattiick Anthea Brooks Tel.01373812734 Tel01761418737 Email [email protected]

Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month in the Memorial Hall unless otherwise advised - see Parish Noticeboards for details of Agenda, Minutes etc. or visit

All parishioners welcome to attend


(Registered CharityNo. 304574)

Standard Hiring Rates

Mondayto Friday (until 6.00pm)…………………………………………………….£5.00 per hour

Mondayto Friday (6.00p.m. onwards)……………………………………………£7.00 per hour

Saturday and Sunday……………………………………..…………………………………£7.00 per hour

Business Users - At all times £10.00 er hour Business Users -At all times………………………………………………………….£10.00 per hour

Sale or serving of Alcohol………………………………………………………………£10.00 per event

Acoin meter is providedfor theelectric wall heaters (£1 and £2coins)

Hireo f the hallincludesthe use of crockery, cutlery andglasses. These items may be hired for outside use.Alist of the items, and prices is available

Booking clerks Ann&Rog Orpwood 01373 812459 [email protected]

26 Do you require assistance?

Level 3 support worker 20+ years experience DBS Manual handling plus more certificates I can assist childrenand adults with personal care, medical appointments, trips out, shopping and much more. References on request. Contact Katy Tel: 07477649028

27 Articles for the next issue to be submitted by the 16th of each month E-mail - [email protected] Post - Janet Gilham, Hillside, Withybrook, Stoke St Michael, BA3 5JQ Your Village contacts are:- Leigh Jan Pattison Yew Tree Cottage, Tadhill 01373 812460 Stoke JanetGilham Hillside,Withybrook 01749840671 Downhead SteveBritten GoldsboroughFarm 01749840291 Advertising Rates Commercial ¼ page £2 per month or £25 per year ½ page £4 per month or £45 per year Whole page £8 per month or £85 per year Non Commercial ¼ page 50p per month or £5 per year ½ page £1 per month or £10 per year Whole page £2 per month or £20 per year Payment for adverts to:- Janet Gilham, Hillside,Withybrook, Stoke St Michael, BA3 5JQ Cheques made payable to Stoke and Leigh Magazine Note from the Editor When emailing articles or adverts please use black text and grayscale for all logos and pictures A5 portrait format with 1cm margins 1.5cm bottom margin. Or A4 landscape same margins two columns with central gutter of 2cm. Stoke St Michael Village Website:- Leigh on Mendip Village Website:- Community Support Officers Russell Ford for Leigh on Mendip and Sheila Thompson for Stoke St Michael Tel: 101 for non-emergencies 999 for emergencies only