Crimes of the Community HONOUR-BASED VIOLENCE IN THE UK by James Brandon and Salam Hafez 2008 CENTRE FOR SO C I A L C O H E S ION Crimes of the Community: Honour-based violence in the UK by James Brandon and Salam Hafez Centre for Social Cohesion A Civitas Project Centre for Social Cohesion Clutha House 10 Storey’s Gate London SW1P 3AY Tel: +44 (0)20 7222 8909 Fax: +44 (0)5 601527476 Email:
[email protected] Director: Douglas Murray The Centre for Social Cohesion is a Civitas project CIVITAS is a registered charity: No. 1085494. Limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales: No. 04023541 © Centre for Social Cohesion, January 2008 All the Institute’s publications seek to further its objective of promoting the advancement of learning. The views expressed are those of the authors, not of the Institute. Crimes of the community: Honour-based violence in the UK All rights reserved ISBN 978-1-903386-64-4 Printed in Great Britain by The Cromwell Press Trowbridge, Wiltshire Contents Introduction 1 Ch A P T E R 1 Origins of honour 3 Introduction 3 Sexual honour 3 n Origins of an idea 3 n Honour today 4 Advantages of honour 5 Common ways in which honour can be damaged 6 Consequences of losing one’s honour 8 Ch A P T E R 2 Forced marriage 9 Introduction 9 Motives for forced marriage 12 Abuses related to forced marriage 15 n Physical violence 16 n Psychological and emotional violence 17 n Isolation, imprisonment and withdrawal from school 18 n Kidnapping and being forced to travel abroad 19 Abuses after a forced